LIVE! August 11th, 2014
From The Save Mart Center in Fresno, California
We cut to a shot of the parking lot at the Save Mart Centre, where the calmness of the night is being shattered by the roar of an engine. A BMW M4 convertible, black of course, rolls into the lot, top down, housing four people. The new look Ripper was sat behind the wheel, his signature locks gone, now sporting a short blonde do, and his now green once again. Besides him sat his tag team partner, Amber Ryan, and riding along in the back looking cool as all fuck are the Danger Boiz. Danny rolls the car into the backstage area and steps out, revealing himself to be in a crisp black suit. He signals for his comrades to follow him, and they do, walking out of shot and into the arena.
Smith: Well, looks like Danny B has gone back to his roots, pretty boy with a ton of cash.
Hood: Whatever happened to that cocksucker, I want to know why they are here, last week at Tectonic Tuesday these three shocked the world by turning down on OCW, and putting our incredible General Manager on the shelf.
Smith: Whatever it is, I’m sure we’ll find out tonight.
Hood: Before we get to the action, we've got Jimmy Jenkins standing by backstage, take it away Jimmy.
The camera cuts backstage, where Jimmy stands along side Johnny Ruff.
Jimmy Jenkins: Jimmy The OCW Superfan here, with Johnny Ruff.
Johnny Ruff: OCW, Sorry for not showing up. My job slinging Pizza’s in New Jersey is a little more important.. I just suck as a professional wrestler.. I’m a pathetic lump..
All of a sudden Bob Grenier enters the frame, looking very intimidating. He spins his hammer around in his hands. Johnny Ruff looks frightened at the sight of the bloody hammer. All of a sudden Richard also appears behind Johnny Ruff. Richard zaps Johnny Ruff with the taser and Ruff crumples to the ground. All of a sudden PerZag walks into the frame as well.. with Ruff laying on the ground.
PerZag: Hey! You guy’s didn’t tell me about this...
PerZag smacks Johnny Ruff on the back of the head hard, multiple times. He laughs and taunts him. PerZag kicks him in the ribs and picks him up, dropping him onto the concrete floor head first. PerZag laughs as Richard tasers him again. PerZag continues to kick Johnny Ruff while he is down. Jimmy The Super fan watches all this in horror.
Richard tasers Johnny again and Bob Grenier get’s down on one knee. He lifts Johnny Ruffs head off the ground and delivers one fatal blow with the hammer, crushing every bone is his face. Johnny Ruff screams in pain as a puddle of blood forms around his head. Bob Grenier turns him over and delivers one more blow to the back of his head, knocking him out cold.
Bob Looks into the camera just laughs. You can see the fresh blood on his hammer as Power & Worth drag Johnny Ruff away.
On all fours, Johnny Ruff appears on the stage looking half dead. His eyes are swelled shut and he is bleeding profusely. He gasps for breath as he crawls down the ramp and towards the ring. It looks as though he is trying to escape someone.
Power & Worth appear behind him. They slowly inch towards him, laughing the whole time. Johnny stops in the middle of the aisle and collapses. Richard tasers him just for the hell of it. PerZag picks up the bloody mess named Johnny Ruff and rolls him into the ring. PerZag punches Johnny Ruff in his already broken face a number of times while Bob Grenier grabs a microphone.
Bob Grenier: We are not playing. CWF... Chad Vargas... This is what happens. He was once a happy go lucky pizza delivery boy, excited about achieving all his hopes and dreams.
Bob kneels down beside Johnny Ruff while PerZag holds him in place.
Bob Grenier: Now, Johnny Ruff is nothing but a victim. A victim of the Power that we possess.
Bob Grenier picks Johnny Ruff up and locks him in the front Chancery chokehold. Grenier lifts Johnny Ruff high in the air and yells ‘Greatest Man Alive’ before dropping him with the Hangman.
All of a sudden Uniformed Police Officers storm the ring. Power & Worth scampers off. Richard is cornered by the police, read his rights and placed in handcuffs. He is then walked out to a chorus of boo’s.
Smith abruptly pulls off his headset and enters the ring grabbing a microphone from Belvedere
Smith: We’ve just been informed that earlier this evening, Richard Dweck was arrested for Possession of Cocaine with intent to distribute, and then immediately suspended for conduct detrimental to OCW. He will not participate in Last Man Standing.
Smith drops the microphone and heads back over to the announce booth to join Hood.
Hood: You had to get up and get into the ring to announce that?
Smith: Just doing my job.
Hood: I just bought an 8 ball off of Richard an hour ago.... I'd better stash it...

Smith: Here’s the debut of two solid competitors to the OCW ranks, one hand selected by President Cassidy to make waves here, and the others, well…
Hood: The Lockwood Party baby! Ain’t no party like a Lockwood party you know that!
Smith: Well, no, no I didn’t. But, the Lockwoods have been hanging around the OCW for quite some time now, and tonight, they make their debut!
Hood: Yeah, we know that… Take it away Belvedere!
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds, he is… MACK O’CONNOR!!!
“Vagabond” by the Greenskeepers blasts over the P.A. system as Mack O’Connor makes his way to the ring with quite a bit of fanfare, as the free agent from EMF finally makes his way to OCW under Treat Cassidy’s leadership. O’Connor climbs into the ring and raises his arms into the air as the crowd pops for him again, he leans against the ropes as he awaits his opponent.
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Berkley, California weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds, he is… JACK LOCKWOOD!!!
"This is my family..." Flashes on the screen followed by "Ain't no party like a Lockwood party.." Family by The Interrupters begins to blast through the arena and its gets people on their feet dancing. All of a sudden Jack Lockwood appears in the crowd with his brother and sister behind him. They receive a warm welcome from the crowd as they chug beers and pass them out to the crowd from a cooler.
Jack dives into the audience and they proceed to crowd surf him all the way to ringside, where Tim and Aimee await. Once at ringside they continue to drink beer and have a good time with the fans
Jack screams out “Ain't No Party Like A Lockwood Party” and He and his siblings begin to skank around the ring, exciting people. They continue to hand out beers and move with the music as Jack slides under the bottom rope with a beer in hand. He offers the beer to Mack who answers with a stiff punch to the mouth knocking Lockwood back a few steps into the ropes, Aimee and Tim jump up onto the apron as O’Connor talks shit to all three. Scruff the ref gets in between the two and motions Aimee and Tim to get down.
Smith: No nonsense from Mack O’Connor, he just leveled Jack Lockwood!
Hood: He could’ve taken the fuckin’ beer first! Nobody I hang with will turn down a free brewski!
Scruff signals for the bell as the match is under way! O’Connor and Lockwood waste no time as they lock up in the center of the ring. O’Connor whips Lockwood into the ropes, Lockwood comes off the ropes with great momentum. O’Connor poses a clothesline but Lockwood ducks out, hoisting O’Connor up and drives him to the mat with a vicious powerbomb. Lockwood than runs toward the ropes jumps and connects a springboard moonsault onto O’Connor. Lockwood hooks the leg as Scruff makes the count.
Kick out!
Lockwood gets up as Tim Lockwood chucks him in a beer from the outside. Jack cracks the beer and chugs it down and yells ‘There Ain’t No Party Like A…’ before he can finish he’s hit in the back of the head with a missile drop kick from Mack O’Connor, knocking the beer from his hand and the taste from his mouth.
Smith: Wow! What a drop kick from O’Connor. Lockwood had no idea that was coming.
Hood: Me neither! Mack O’Connor is the real deal!
O’Connor picks up the beer can from the mat and smashes it into Lockwood’s face. O’Connor grabs Lockwood by the neck and pulls him to his feet. Both men are now back to their feet, and they tie up. Lockwood somehow goes behind O’Connor, but O’Connor counters with a back elbow to the nose of Lockwood, opening him up. Blood spews from the nose of Lockwood, as O’Connor drops him to the mat and locks him in a figure four. Lockwood struggles to the ropes and the hold is broken.
Smith: Shades of the Nature Boy! Did you see that fucking figure four!?!
Hood: ….Did you just say fuck!?
Smith: Sorry…
Hood: Fuckin’ right! Mack almost put Lockwood away but Lockwood is too smart.
The tiring competitors stand back up, Lockwood blasts O’Connor with a powerful uppercut-like thrust punch, followed by another, then a body shot and a kneelift. O’Connor stumbles back into the turnbuckle, where Lockwood lays into him with a series of knifehand chops.
The Lockwoods outside the ring get excited as their brother lays a whooping to a wrestler of Mack O’Connor’s caliber. They begin chanting with each chop, as the crowd chimes in.
After the 5th chop, Lockwood tries for the 6th but O’Connor has had enough grabs Lockwoods hand pulls him toward him and smashes him in the face with a headbutt. Lockwood falls back into Scruff, who folds under the power, lying motionless in the ring. O’Connor uses this to his advantage, as he climbs outside the ring. The Lockwood’s approaches O’Connor but he has no time nor tolerance for Tim Lockwood, as he picks him up and drops him with a double arm rock bottom (Claymore) onto the concrete floor. O’Connor looks at Aimee who comes to the aide of her brother “Stay the fuck out of my way, bitch” O’Connor yells to Aimee as O’Connor goes under the ring and grabs a table. He sets it up kitty cornered in the ring. He goes back over to Lockwood who appears fucked up after that head butt from hell. He then lifts Lockwood onto the top turnbuckle, climbing up with him. He then places his head between his legs looks at the crowd who are just anticipating the violence and he Claymore’s him off the top through the table and both men are down.
Smith: Unbelievable! What agility by Mack O’Connor off the top rope!
Hood: C’mon Scruff get your ass up! This isn’t fair at all!
Smith: Since when do you care about fairness?
Hood: Since I’ve got 20 dollars riding on Lockwood to win this match!
Scruff stands back to his feet shaking off his daze, he doesn’t appear to even see nor care about the table pieces in the ring. Lockwood somehow gets up first and pulls O’Connor to his feet. He hooks him up and takes him over with a vertical suplex, then pounds him with a series of punches. Lockwood gets up and executes a jumping elbow drop, then goes for the win.
Kickout by O’Connor!
Lockwood then picks O’Connor up and grabs him for a fallaway slam, but O’Connor counters with a small package!
Kick out by Lockwood!
Smith: Near fall for Mack O’Connor. Both men want a piece of this World championship pie!
Hood: Pie???
Both men rise up from the mat and they lock up again, this time with O’Connor sending Lockwood into the turnbuckle hard, then catching him with a bulldog on the rebound. O’Connor quickly climbs to the top rope, and as Lockwood gets up, nails him with a flying dropkick. O’Connor hooks Lockwood’s leg.
Smith: Another near fall by Mack O’Connor
Hood: Something tells me I should’ve had 20 on Mack instead.
The two great athletes stagger to an upright position, and O’Connor swings a fist of fury at Lockwood. Lockwood catches him though, and looks as though he is looking for a uranage slam. O’Connor quickly counters with two elbow strikes and a DDT. O’Connor makes the cover…
O’Connor puts his fists into the mat in frustration “What the fuck!?!” he says aloud as he eyes Scruff with anger. The fighters get up, and O’Connor grabs Lockwood into a fireman’s carry position, trying to position him into a suplex but Lockwood elbows him in the face allowing him to get out of O’Connor’s grip. Lockwood falls like a cat onto his feet and drills O’Connor with a jumping power bomb. They get up again at the same time, and O’Connor charges Lockwood, who uses a tilt-a-whirl to position O’Connor, then spikes him with his variation of the Flapjack more infamously known as Goodnight, from East Bay! Lockwood hooks O’Connor’s leg as Scruff makes the count.
Jack Lockwood can hardly believe his victory over the tough competitor that is Mack O’Connor. Tim and Aimee jump into the ring as Scruff raises Jack’s arm in victory.
Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and moving onto Last Man Standing, JACK LOCKWOOD!!!
Smith: Amazing match put on by both of the debuting superstars! Jack Lockwood moves on to chase a dream at Last Man Standing!
Hood: For a guy who doesn’t know a wrist lock from a wrist watch – motherfucker just won me 20 big ones!
As Smith and Hood recap the match, “Sharp Dressed Man” by ZZ Top hits the P.A. system as Vice President Shane Anderson makes his way down the ramp, seeing The Lockwoods party like it’s 1990 in the ring, and Mack O’Connor strolling up the ramp holding his ribs. Anderson stops O’Connor and begins to speak into his microphone.
Shane Anderson: Congradulations Jack. You’ve moved onto the World championship title race. As you heard earlier, the skinny little prick known as Richard has been caught peddling cocaine, and has been removed from Last Man Standing contention. O’Connor, you put up one hell of a fight and I am here right now to tell you, and the world, that you are filling Richard’s spot at Last Man Standing to compete for the World championship vacancy.
A smile comes across Mack O’Connor’s face as VP Anderson raises his hand. O’Connor and Jack Lockwood stare each other down as the scene fades back to ringside.
Smith: Well there you have it. Mack O’Connor is also moving onto Last Man Standing for a potential rematch against Jack Lockwood and a shot at the vacant World championship!
Hood: Who the fuck is this Anderson guy, anyway?
Smith: He’s the VP!
Hood: He sure as fuck ain’t no Lurrr… or Jack Kenny…

Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is scheduled for one fall, and is a qualifying match for Last Man Standing!
Epic Scores “Creator of Worlds” begins to play as two mythical creatures steps out from the curtain and begin to roll out the carpet. Robert’s palanquin appears up through the stage, the red headed monster laying atop it. The eight robed figures appear to carry Robert down to the ring.
As usual, one of the trips, sending the whole cascade forwards, and creating a very angry Robert. A few attacks later, and eighty or so figures have rushed from the back, all to find themselves laid out by the fury of the big man.
Pissed off, he climbs into the ring as the lights turn red. Fire pyros makes their way down the ramp, and surround the ring. Robert stands, firsts balled, screaming for the fire to stop. As it dies down, he removes the Mnoosville creature from his pants, gets down on one knee and rests it against his forehead for a moment before placing it in the corner.
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Mnoosville, weighing in at FOUR hundred and seventy five pounds, ROBERT!
“Don’t Stop” by Foster the people begins to play as Dangerous Dan makes his way through the curtain. The crowd begin to cheer, until they see what Dan is wearing. He points out the ‘CWF’ logo on his t-shirt, eliciting a huge boo from the people. Dan stands with his arms crossed, watching Robert as Crazy Chris and Danny B come out from the curtain, standing either side of Dan. The three make their way to the ring slowly, taking in the reaction from the crowd. Dan slides in under the bottom rope and waits for the announcement.
Belvedere: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Crazy Chris and OCW Hall of Famer, “The Ripper” Danny B, from Smithville, Tennessee, weighing in at two hundred at twenty five pounds, DANGEROUS DAN!
Dan waves to the crowd, a smirk on his face, causing the boos to rise again.
Smith: Never thought I would see the day that Dangerous Dan would be a bad guy!
Hood: I know, he’s actually cool for once!
Smith: Hang on Ladies and Gentlemen, seems we are to be joined by former OCW star, Danny B.
Danny sits down at the table, shaking hands with Smith and Hood as the match begins. Robert doesn’t move, wanting Dan to come in first, which he does, running up and throwing a drop kick in the chest of Robert. Dan bounces straight off, landing on the floor and springing back up with ease. The two men stare one another down, both daring the other to make the first move.
Danny: See this is what makes Dangerous Dan a damn good competitor, never gives up, always looking for any way to win a match.
Smith: Is this why you’ve recruited him? Taking him away from his beloved OCW fans?
Danny: I didn’t take him away from anything! You think the fans here really give a shot about Dan? Or anyone else for that matter? No, they don’t give a crap, sometimes you have to find your success a little closer to home.
Hood: He’s right there Smith, these people are idiots.
Danny: So are you Hood, not like I’m doing any better sat down here. There’s a few people here in OCW that with proper guidance could be huge, yet they get lost in here.
Smith: Is that what you’re doing, helping people?
Danny: Yup. Now, Smith, trying to watch a match here, shut the fuck up.
Back in the ring, Dan has come in charging at Robert, striking him with punches and kicks, hitting him wherever there is an opening. Robert manages to no-sell most, but is taken off guard when Dan drops a jawbreaker on him. The big guys staggers back into the corner, and finds himself the victim of another running drop kick from Dan.
The Dangerous one now hops over the ropes, climbing the top turnbuckle, and jumping forwards he wraps his legs around the neck, rotating through the air and slamming Robert to the mat with a hurricarana. Dan pops up, estatic with himself, and goes for a quick cover as Chris cheers him on from ringside.
Smith: Robert kicking out with authority there, sending Dan half the way across the ring.
Hood: Yeah, but the fat bastard was taken down in the first place, this new relentless attitude from Dan may actually work in his favour.
Danny: No shit Sherlock.
Dan takes advantage of Robert still being on the floor, leaping through the air and dropping a leg across the chest of the big guy. With haste, Dan climbs the top rope, and comes flying through the air with the ENDD, rotating at the last second and landing squarely on Robert. He scrambles for another quick cover.
Smith: Man that was close.
Danny: Only a matter of time before Dan puts this one away. Bout time people saw what Dan can really do.
Hood: You mean that so far he hasn’t really been trying?
Danny: And he still won the lightweight championship, goes to show really doesn’t it?
Dan goes in for another cover, but this time Robert is waiting, striking upwards and catching Dan under the chin. The Dangerous one falls backwards, giving the big guy enough time to get to his feet, and boy does he need it. Dan gets up and comes in with another flurry of strikes, Robert is able to defend, and catches an opportunity, grabbing Dan by the head and throwing a head-butt. The former Lightweight champion staggers backwards, allowing Robert to come in with a series of knife edge chops. The usually hated man from Mnoosville gets the crowd behind him as he takes it to the turncoat, chop after chop after chop.
Dan is backed into the corner, Robert takes a step back, and comes in with a splash, squashing Dan into the corner. He slumps, and Robert turns, setting up for the Bottom-to-Face ratio. Dan feels the full force of Robert’s ass in the corner, and the red haired weirdo comes away smiling, the crowd really getting behind him.
Dan starts trying to remove himself from the ring by trying to pull himself under the bottom rope. Robert grabs Dan by the foot, trying to pull him back in. Dan grabs the bottom rope, forcing the referee to tell Robert to break. The Big guy doesn’t shift, but the distraction allows Dan to kick out, falling to the floor in the process.
The referee pulls Robert backwards, well tries. He steps back on his own, allowing the referee to start the count.
Robert climbs out of the ring, going after Dan, making the referee start again with the count.
Dan scrambles to his feet, avoiding an onslaught from Robert, taking a dive back into the ring to avoid being attacked further. Robert climbs up onto the apron, but finds himself on the receiving end of a spear through the ropes by Dan, sending him crashing to the floor in an ugly fashion.
Danny: That’s what you have to do, just wait for an opportunity, that fat lug never stood a chance there!
Danny: That’s true, for example I may take advantage of Hood’s constantly open mouth and shive my fist in it.
Hood: Couldn’t just stay retired could you?
Danny: Not with an opportunity to torment you every week no.
Dan distracts the referee in the ring, allowing Chris time to run round and kick Robert square in the face. Chris backs off as Robert holds his jaw in pain. Dan climbs to the top, and soars through the air, landing an elbow right in the chest of his fallen opponent. The Dangerous One once again slides into the ring, allowing for the count to start again.
Robert haphazardly makes his way to his feet and manages to get under the bottom rope. Dan strikes in, going low and hitting ‘The ENDD is near’. Robert falls backwards after the superkick, and Dan wastes no time in heading up and dropping ‘The ENDD’ on the big guy, he falls into the cover.
Ref: 1…
Dan leaps into the air, ecstatic over his win, Chris joins him and the two summon Ripper, who drops his commentary headset and joins the duo in the ring, showing off their prowess as the reformed CWF.
Smith: Well, doesn’t matter what anyone says, that was impressive, and the CWF guys are looking good headed into Last Man Standing, there is every chance they could win the thing.
Hood: With Dangerous Dan as their representative? He’s gotten better but he still doesn’t stand a chance in hell.
Smith: Never, EVER count out Dan, he could surprise us all.
Smith: Indeed, well, folks...last Tuesday was a wild one for OCW...a night we will never case you missed it, here's a look at what went down
The words ‘TECTONIC TUESDAY’ flash onto our screen before dissolving away with the image of Rick Eastman and a good portion of the OCW roster celebrating in the middle of the ring after his huge win over Will Gardner.
Some kind of ultra cheery, happy music is playing as smiles are plastered over everyone’s faces…good times, indeed. Until the footage slows down as Amber Ryan drills Ana Archia with the TransAtlantic Title. This footage is followed up by Danny B and the Danger Boiz laying waste to the OCW wrestlers in the ring.
PerZag ushers Rick Eastman away moments before Danny B permanently puts Ian Bishop on the shelf with Ravenheart through a table. The fans look on in horror and shock as Dan, Chris, Ripper, and Amber stand at the top of each corner holding their arms in the air wearing shirts with the letters ‘CWF’ on them; CWF, the acronym which stands for Danny B’s beloved Championship Wrestling Federation.
One final shot is shown of the four turncoats as the angry crowd chants “OCW! OCW! OCW!” before we fade out of the recap from Tectonic Tuesday and into a live shot of tonight’s broadcast. A modest car is pulling up, behind the arena. Finding a nearby parking slot, the car shuts off as the driver’s side door opens. Former OCW President Dean emerges from the car with a defeated look on his face. Boos emanate from the arena as the loyal OCW fans are still hurting from their former owner’s recent behavior. Slamming his door shut, Dean heads inside the arena with a thickly packed manila folder under his left arm.
We cut inside the arena where Smith and Hood are manning the OCW broadcast table with plenty to talk about. The fans in the arena are now cheering, anxious for the in ring action to get underway and, more importantly, to have some light shed on what took place last Tuesday.
Smith: Wow, what a crazy night...CWF invasion aside, at least we saw Treat remain president of OCW.
Hood: I just wonder what the fuck Dean is doing here...his business is done, finished…if he’s here signing shit over, might as well do it electronically.
Smith: Indeed…I guess Treat wants the satisfaction of watching the once proud owner physically sign over his last remaining interest in the company he started all those years ago.
Hood: Fucking brutal and I love it.
Smith: Moving on…CWF.
Hood: Cunt With Fags…as I like to call it
Smith: Scuse me?
Hood: Danny, Chris and Dan are total fags for doing what they did to the roster…fags as in, douche bags, of course. Meanwhile, Amber Ryan proved to be the cunt people have always accused her of being…so, Cunt with Fags.
Smith: OR…maybe it stands for Championship Wrestling Federation
Hood: Ugh, I guess it might
Smith: For those in the dark, Danny B cut his teeth in CWF several years ago…rising from a relative newcomer to an icon in that great federation. CWF was created around the time OCW was founded…nearly fifteen years ago by a man of J. Rish.
Hood: He wrestled here, didn’t he?
Smith: Indeed he did…Rish had a solid career in OCW. CWF has been home to several iconic talents like Big Sexay, Angelica, and Blue Scorpion. Make no mistake about it, CWF is an extremely storied and historic promotion.
Hood: But what the fuck does that have to do with OCW?
Smith: Well, after Rish walked away from CWF, he handed his promotion over to Danny B. Danny B had a terrific run as owner before backing away for personal reasons. So, as with any fed owner…ever…apparently the itch to bring CWF back has emerged.
Hood: Okay…but, again, what the fuck does this have to do with OCW?
Smith: For starters, I’d assume Danny still isn’t over his loss against MJ Bell at Genesis. Secondly, if you’re going to bring something back after years of dormancy…it would only make sense to try and do so at the expense of an established entity. Gives you instant exposure…
Hood: Fucking leeches
Smith: Of course, I’m only taking a stab in the dark here…we’ll certainly find more out tonight, one would think…or hope.
Hood: I came packing just in case these weird CWF people try and do to me what they did to Bishop.
Smith: Did you really?
Hood: Second amendment, beyotch
Smith: Wow…well, since you mentioned Bishop, we will update everyone on his status later tonight via a news release which hit the wire late last week. Sadly, the news is far from good
Hood: It’s rare when even I feel squeamish watching a wrestler get demolished but…what Danny did to Ian really turned my stomach…and it had nothing to do with the Indian food I ate from that taco stand.
Smith: Indeed…well, folks…we’ve got quite a bit left in front of us…so let’s get down to ringside for our first match of the evening!
Hood: Here, hold my gun
Belvedere: This next triple threat match is scheduled for one fall and is a qualifying match for Last Man Standing!
“On March the Saints” by Down hits over the PA, and white lights begin to flash in the arena. Josh Stevens, adorned in his usual red & white trunks appears from behind the curtain. He readjusts the red jacket he wears, and makes sure his ponytail is tied up tight before making his way down to the ring.
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Calgary, Alberta Canada, weighing in at two hundred and fifty five pounds, JOSH STEVENS!
Hollywood Undead’s “Lights out” hits as smoke fills the entrance way. Jason X appears in the smoke as it begins to dissipate, standing strong holding up his signature X pose. He walks down the ramp and slide in under the bottom rope, before climbing the turnbuckle again and posing for the crowd.
Belvedere: Next, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing at two hundred and sixteen pounds, JASON XAVIER!
As "Dreadnaught" starts to play strobe lights start up on the entrance platform and the entrance ramp, Ashe walks out slowly as the screens above the platform display his name, small videos of him and random pictures of tattoo shops. He stops in front of the ramp, puts his bare fists together so people can see the STAY DOWN words tattooed to the knuckles of both hands. He slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, looking around at the crowd, as he walks over to the ring steps he lazily walks up each step and looking still at more people in the crowd. He glides in between the ropes with his arms outstretched, then as he enters the ring he puts his fists together again and raises them so everyone can see the words tattooed on his knuckles. He walks towards the ring ropes and as he stares at the hard camera with one eyebrow raised he grabs the top ring rope with both hands, so you can see the tattooed knuckles one more time and he also stretches out on the ropes. Then he lets go of the ring ropes and walks around the ring waiting for the bell to ring.
And finally, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at two hundred and eight pounds, ASHE DAWSON!
Smith: What a match we have here tonight ladies and gentlemen, two debuts mixed in with a shot at the last man standing tournament!
Hood: Let’s just hope Xavier puts down these two clowns before they even get going.
As the bell rings, Xavier is the first person to make a move, going straight after Josh Stevens, who, having had his eye on Dawson was taken by surprise and landed heavily on the floor following a clothesline, X turns his attention to his other opponent, and the two lock up in a collar and elbow. Unable to outmatch the other, they continue to push until Stevens comes up from behind, placing his boot in the spine of Xavier and causing him to topple forwards, Dawson quick as a hiccup catches him and throws him through the air with a huge belly to belly suplex. Xavier lands awkwardly, but before Dawson can check the damage he’d caused, he was set upon by Stevens, who uses another boot to put Ashe down. The Canadian wastes no time in mounting Dawson, raining down with fists, at least five connect before the referee pulls him off. Stevens takes a moment to argue with the ref, before turning into a cross body block from Xavier, who holds on for a quick pin.
Ref: 1…NO!
Dawson brakes up the pin and all three get to their feet, staring each other down.
Smith: What an explosive start to this match, these three seem to on a pretty level playing field, and all are using their own strengths to their advantages.
Hood: Basically, what you’re saying is we could be running around in circles all night with these three?
Smith: There is every chance, with such contrasting styles it is going to come down to who can find an opening first.
Hood: Well, if that’s the case, I am going to need a fucking beer down here, where the hell is Jimmy when you need him?
Dawson takes the first step into the action again, going in for a single leg take down on Xavier, who hops over it, he drops an elbow on the back of Ashe’s head, sending him face first into the mat. Stevens comes in with a right fist, but is blocked by the more experienced Xavier, who returns his own fist as payback. Josh takes a step backwards, staggered only slightly, but enough for Xavier to leap into the air and drill him with a DDT. Dawson comes back into the offence, but is pre-empted by Xavier, who catches the attempted arm drag, twists it and pulls Dawson in and under, he flips through the air and drills Ashe with the X-Driver. Jason is about to go for the cover when he spots Stevens recovering, and instead turns his attention to him, driving him into the corner with a flurry of rights and lefts.
Smith: Well your prediction is coming true thus far, Xavier has taken control of these two rookies and seems to have everything well in hand.
Hood: Of course, how often do I get a prediction wrong?
Smith: Only about half the time, same as everyone else!
Xavier climbs up onto the ropes, and begins to lay the first of ten fists to the top of Steven’s head. Before the crowd can even catch on, Stevens grabs X behind the legs, slamming him into the mat with a huge powerbomb! Josh falls to a knee, catching his breath after being overrun into the corner. Seeing Ashe get back to his feet, Stevens comes up and goes after the newcomer, trying to pre-empt an attack. Dawson got there first though, ducking in low and managing to lock his arms round the waist, swinging round to the back and lifting Stevens up and over with a German Suplex, he stands, excitement building, waiting in the wings as Stevens makes his way groggily to his feet and pounces, locking the arms up and pulling Josh through the air and slamming him down neck first with a dragon suplex. He bridges it, holding down for a cover.
Ref: 1…2…3..NO!
Xavier had broken it up right on the count of three, he goes in for a low kick on Dawson, who blocks, tripping the spare leg of Xavier. With Stevens still down, Ashe locks in the ‘13th step’ and yanks on the inverted figure four. Jason resists, pulling himself towards the bottom rope, but in the end, all he can do is tap out.
Belvedere: Here is your winner by submission, ASHE DAWSON!
Ashe Dawson celebrates in the ring after his first OCW victory, the lights go dim only to turn back on a few seconds later, Tim Findlay stands in the ring before Dawson, steel chair in hand. Dawson charges at Findlay but is quickly leveled with two hard steel chair shots to the head. Findlay tosses the chair to the mat leans in closely to the fallen Dawson and talks shit into his ear as the scene cuts to ring side.
Smith: Epic debut there, a deserved win for Ashe Dawson.
Hood: Yeah, but Stevens looks to make waves and Xavier keeps looking like he could break free at any moment, and I wish he would, costing me my grandmother’s leg at the bookies, sheesh.
Smith: Looks like Tim Findlay doesn't agree with our thoughts on Ashe Dawson though huh? But, What a great grandson you are...on that note, let's head backstage
Treat Cassidy sits in his office leaning back in his chair, feet on his desk, exhaling a breath of relief as he relaxes continuing his ownership of OCW. Despite losing World champion MJ Bell, Sean Fuller, and a couple others, President Cassidy is happy how things play out. Newly appointed VP Shane Anderson sits in the corner playing poker on his phone.
Treat Cassidy: Shane, gambling is such a bad habit my friend. I think we should talk some business.
Shane Anderson: I’m still a little pissed off about awarding the Oh Shit contract to Sean Fuller and then he leaves. Leaves without even saying a word.
Treat Cassidy: Yeah, well, he’ll get his you better believe it. The same for MJ Bell. I went out of my freaken way to keep that woman happy. I’m the one who gave her the opportunity and the championship. And then she leaves at the blink of an eye. It is what it is.
Anderson leans back in his chair and has the look of the devil across his face.
Shane Anderson: You want me to call Hollywood? Do her in?
Cassidy laughs and sits up in his chair.
Treat Cassidy: Unnecessary, she’ll be back. Besides, the TransAtlantic championship will need a number one contender.
Anderson and Cassidy share a laugh together as the door opens, and in walks former President Dean, manila folder tucked under his arm. Cassidy puts his feet down from the desk and rolls his chair out.
Dean: … Relax, sucka – Can, can I sit down?
Cassidy looks over to Anderson, who stands up and allows Dean his chair, as Anderson stands close by Dean with his arms crossed, chin up. Ready for trouble to start.
Treat Cassidy: And just what can I do for you this fine evening, Deano?
Dean: The papers are signed, OCW is completely yours. I…it’s just, these last few days, thinking about moving forward with OCW completely removed from my life…it’s a hard thing to grasp. I noticed what CWF did last Tuesday…hell, everyone did. I’ve been through invasions before and survived…barely, at times…but I’ve survived. I think I can help you in this situation and, more importantly, I think you need my help to get through what’s coming. But, it’s your show now…so, I humbly request that you bring me on in some capacity. Allow me to lend a hand in OCW moving forward, I won’t let you down.
Treat Cassidy looks up at his VP, who still stands stone walled arms crossed.
Treat Cassidy: You know what, Dean? I really admire your humble demeanor. I have just the opportunity for you. Since Ian Bishop is no longer able to serve as General Manager, and I’m basically captaining this ship solo, I am willing to grant you a job as Commissioner of OCW. You will work directly under Mr. Anderson over there and you will do exactly what he wants of you.
Dean extends his hand, shaking Cassidy’s.
Dean: Yea, I can do that, Treat. Thanks.
We cut back to ringside
Smith: So Dean is back as a Commissioner?
Hood: Yea, weren’t you fucking paying attention? What’s with the uncertainty?
Smith: It just seems so…so, odd.
Hood: Ah, well, shit happens…Dean’s back and I’m sure he’ll be saying things like ‘sucka’ and ‘dig it’ and whatever
Smith: I guess…well, you have to like the fact a man who’s been through invasions before is no on board to lend a helping hand
Hood: Those were invasions led by Arryk Rage…this is totally fucking different…it’s like saying “I’ve battled illness…I once survived a papercut.” This isn’t a papercut, Smith…this is Anal AIDS.
Smith: Right, well, enough of these weird metaphors you’re laying down…let’s get to our next match
Ana Archia is already standing in the ring.
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is a Qualifying match for the Last Man Standing Tournament and it is scheduled for one fall!! Introducing first, Ana Archia.
Smart Went Crazy begins echoes throughout the arena and Bob Grenier makes his way out to a nice ovation. He slaps the hands of his fans while he mouths the words of the song to himself, about half way down the aisle he stops and looks up and throws both hands in the air in tribute to his deceased relatives. He looks directly into the OCW camera and then playfully turns it towards the audience before he slides under the bottom rope. The fans continue to cheer as he sit's on the top turnbuckle silently awaiting his opponent.
Belvedere: And her opponent, from Timmins, Ontario, Canada…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 222lbs…he is the OCW Internet Champion…Bob Grenier!!!
Grenier hands his Internet Title over to Belvedere who exits the ring with it. The bell sounds as Ana screams and runs at Grenier. She leaps into the air, hooking her legs around Grenier’s head and neck, going for a huricanrana. Grenier holds on, lifts her back up and drills Archia into the mat with a Jacknife Powerbomb!
Smith: Attempted early offense there by Ana Archia…backfired
Hood: Why does she fucking scream like that…geez, is there anything about this broad that isn’t annoying as fuck?
Smith: Evidently not
Grenier lifts Archia up into a slam position…he then falls back, hurling her over his head with a Fallaway slam!! She lands hard on the mat, arching her back in pain as the crowd cheers his assault on Archia.
Smith: Nice trademark move there by our Internet Champion
Hood: Guy has to stay sharp, Legion is looming
Smith: Indeed, Legion edged out Brandon Gateman at Genesis for a shot at the Internet Title
Hood: And he’s look pretty much unbeatable since.
Grenier pulls Archia back to her feet and hooks her for a simple suplex…lifting her up high in the air, he holds her up for a few seconds before falling back, slamming her into the mat with a Suplex. Grenier pops back to his feet, yanks her up again, twirls her around and tosses her across the ring with a Release German Suplex!! Archia is left folded up, on top of her head, lying near the middle of the ring with the fans giving a thunderous ovation.
Smith: This crowd is firmly behind Bob Grenier
Hood: It doesn’t help that he’s humiliating Ana Archia
Smith: Quite possibly the worst character in OCW history
Hood: I think you can go ahead and remove ‘quite’ and ‘possibly’ from that previous statement
Smith: Oh, alright
Standing over Archia, Grenier does the ‘throat slashing’ gesture…signifying that this one is over. He pulls Archia to her feet and clutches her throat. Lifting her up, he turns a chokehold into a Muscle Buster! He drills her into the mat with the Muscle Buster as her body goes limp. Grenier places one foot on her chest as Scruff slides in, making the count. The crowd chants along.
The Bell rings to a thunderous ovation.
Belvedere: Here is your winner…the OCW Internet Champion….BOB GRENIER!!!!!
Grenier snags his Internet Title and exits the ring as a cleanup crew rushes down and stuff Ana into a trash bag. They then tote her out of the ring.
Smith: Tremendous win for Bob Grenier…he will be one of eight competitors with a shot to be 2014’s Last Man Standing.
Hood: Probably the most dominating performance of his career…Last Man Standing could be the night the man formerly known as “Lopaka” turns the proverbial corner in his OCW career.
Smith: Indeed…I can’t wait for the brackets to be released…this tournament is going to be something special.
Hood: Fuck yea…and now with the announcement we heard earlier…the winner gets to face PerZag for the vacant OCW World Title.
Smith: The stakes have never been higher
Hood: Fuckin right, man
We focus on Belvedere who is standing in the middle of the ring, holding a note card. The fans quiet down, affording the straight laced ring announcer an opportunity to speak.
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, as you’re all aware, it is August in OCW which can only mean one thing…Last…Man…Standing…
The crowd chants “LMS! LMS! LMS!”
Belvedere: A one night tournament where the winner traditionally receives a World Title shot at the September PPV extravaganza. However, this year, OCW President Treat Cassidy has decided to switch things up a bit.
At first, the crowd grows with anticipation…their anticipation begins to subside when they realize LMS might be tampered with, something they don’t want to see happen.
Belvedere: Now, before you all get worked up into a frenzy…let me state that the winner of Last Man Standing will still receive a World Title shot. However, instead of waiting an entire month for that shot…the winner of Last Man Standing will face PerZag for the OCW World Title in the Main Event of Last Man Standing!!
The crowd erupts in cheers, digging this latest development.
Belvedere: So, OCW fans, be sure to tune into Last Man Standing Sunday, August 31st to find out who will be crowned the NEW OCW World Champion!!
The crowd continues to chant “LMS! LMS!” as we focus back on the ringside team.
Smith: Huge news, Hood!
Hood: Especially if you’re PerZag…he’s going to face someone who has already been through 3 grueling matches…
Smith: Well, I guess that’s what happens after you’ve already earned your shot…
Hood: Either way, Last Man Standing is going to be OFF DA CHAIN…I can’t wait
Smith: Indeed!
Metalhead is already in the ring, jamming to some kind of hardcore rock music or whatever.
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is a Hardcore Rules match scheduled for one fall. It is also a Last Man Standing Qualification match and…as if that weren’t enough…it is for the OCW Hardcore Championship!! Introducing first…Metalhead!!
”We Own It” by 2 Chainz begins to play as the fans stand and watch OCW Rookie, Tim Findlay, make his way down to the ring. He enters into the ring, ready for the match to begin.
Belvedere: Introducing next, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada…standing 6’6 and weighing in at 255lbs…Tim Findlay!!!
”Reach Out” by Scott Stapp hits the PA as the fans stand and give a fairly negative reaction when they see the NEW OCW Hardcore Champion, Brandon Gateman, making his way to the ring.
Belvedere: And, introducing the third and final competitor…from Toronto, Canada…standing 6’4 and weighing in at 255lbs…he is the OCW Hardcore Champion…Brandon Gateman!!!
Gateman enters into the ring, handing his title over to Belvedere who promptly exits with the bell sounding.
Smith: And we are just about set to get underway here
Hood: Two things
Smith: Oh dear…what
Hood: First, we have way too many fucking wrestlers from Canada…what the shit?
Smith: I’m sorry, but I don’t look at things like that
Hood: So, if a guy was from, say, you’re mom’s vagina, you wouldn’t take notice?
Smith: No comment
Hood: Second, is Metalhead’s head really made of metal?
Smith: Oh please…how about we talk about something useful…like, say, the match
Hood: Oh alright
Findlay and Metalhead quickly go after Gateman, choosing to outnumber the veteran of the match. Gateman staggers into a corner as both men take turns drilling him with punches and kicks. Gateman begins to slump into the corner as Metalhead stands back and yells at Findlay to whip Gateman towards him. Findlay yanks Gateman up, whipping him out of the corner, towards Metalhead. Metalhead goes for a lariat, but Gateman ducks and stops him his tracks. Metalhead turns around and is belted in the head with a straight right hand!! Metalhead falls to the mat.
Smith: Vicious punch there by our Hardcore Champion
Hood: I’ll say, he punched right through a thick, metal skull without breaking his hand!
Smith: Metalhead’s skull is NOT made of metal
Hood: Then why is his fucking name ‘Metalhead’?
Smith: Heavy metal fan?
Hood: You mean, like, a fan of iron? Iron is heavy, isn’t it?
Smith: Well, it’s heavier than aluminum
Gateman takes too much time posing over Metalhead, allowing Findlay the window of opportunity needed to rush in and spear Gateman to the mat!! Gateman grabs his abdomen in pain, rolling out of the ring and underneath the bottom rope. Findlay hops to his feet and stands near the ropes, looking down at Gateman. Gateman has his back to Findlay, on his feet…he turns around as Findlay clutches the top rope and shows tremendous agility propelling himself over the top rope and onto Gateman with a cross body!! Findlay remains on his knees, looking over Gateman and begins to assault him with right hands to the head.
Smith: Tremendous aggressiveness being shown by Tim Findlay…we may be looking at a first in OCW…a wrestler winning the Hardcore title in their debut match.
Hood: He looks good, sure, but he’s not punching through metal like Gateman just did
Smith: Gateman did not punch through metal.
Hood: Try explaining that to METALhead.
Findlay reaches his feet and he yanks Gateman to his. He whips Gateman into the steel ring steps…Gateman’s knees slam into the steps as he somersaults over them, slamming his back into the ground on the other end. Findlay walks up to the steps, standing atop them…he looks down at Gateman before jumping off and stomping Gateman right in the chest with both feet!! Gateman clutches his chest in pain, coughing.
Smith: Innovative offense by Tim Findlay
Hood: No it’s not, you’ve never heard of the Steel Step Double Stomp?
Smith: …no…
Hood: Pssh, fucking amateur
Smith: Whatever
Findlay pulls Gateman to his feet again and smashes Gateman face first into the guard rail!! Gateman grabs his face in pain as Findlay reaches out, obtaining Gateman by the hair…he jerks Gateman’s head back, hooks it under his arm and drops him outside with a Reverse DDT!! Gateman’s body goes flat as the crowd rises to their feet.
Smith: Oh my gosh…Hood! That’s Tim Findlay’s finisher, Hat Trick…we are going to see a new champ.
Hood: Well fuck me in the ass and call me Leroy
Smith: I will do neither of those things
Hood: Liar
Scruff gets into position to make a count, waiting on Findlay to cover Gateman. Findlay finally does as Scruff makes the count on the outside.
Metalhead’s body suddenly comes flying into view as his forehead lands on the back of Findlay’s head. Apparently Metalhead tried a plancha, got his foot caught on the top rope and just sort of nose dived into Findlay. Nevertheless, it worked. Findlay gets to his feet, rubbing the back of his head in annoyance.
Smith: Break up by Metalhead!
Hood: Shit, I don’t know how Tim Findlay is still conscious; he just got nailed in the back of the head with a blunt metal object.
Smith: Hood, Metalhead’s head isn’t literally made of metal.
Hood: Right, let me guess, next you’re going to tell me that wasn’t a plancha attempt.
Smith: Actually it was…just poorly executed. Ugly, yet effective.
Hood: Like playing with yourself
Smith: Gross…but I am pleased you were able to name a wrestling maneuver…lucha move at that.
Hood: Well, I did hit on a Mexican waitress inside a Chinese buffet one time.
Smith: Wait, what?
Findlay, furious over Metalhead’s breakup of his assured three count, goes after the clumsy competitor with several kicks to the side of his head. Metalhead rolls over against the guard rail, looking up at Findlay. Findlay continues to lay some well, angrily placed boots into Metalhead’s midsection. Findlay finally reaches over, pulls Metalhead to his feet and whips him into the ring apron…the middle of Metalhead’s back slams into the edge of the apron as he stands up against it, arching his back in pain. Findlay charges in, clotheslining Metalhead…forcing more pressure into Metalhead’s back against the edge of the apron. Metalhead falls to his knees, wincing in pain. Findlay kicks Metalhead in his face, knocking him over onto his side, writhing in pain.
Smith: Tim Findlay is not happy with Metalhead preventing him from claiming the OCW Hardcore Title and, well, he’s letting Metalhead know about it.
Hood: I think Findlay might have broken his toe
Smith: Why?
Hood: He kicked Metalhead in his metal head.
Smith: Just stop, it isn’t even funny
Hood: You’re not funny
Smith: Unbelievable
Findlay pulls Metalhead to his feet and tosses him back into the ring. Findlay rolls in behind Metalhead and goes for a quick pin as Scruff makes the count.
Kick Out!!
Smith: Well, gotta give Metalhead a shred of credit…he did kick out
Hood: Maybe his whole body is made of metal
Smith: Doubtful
Findlay quickly returns to his feet as he pulls Metalhead up, hooks Metalhead’s, umm, head, underneath his arm before dropping him with Hat Trick!! Findlay goes for the pin as Scruff makes the count.
Broken up!!
At the last second, Gateman slid under the bottom rope and clubbed Findlay in the back of the head with a kneeling double axe handle. Gateman pulls Findlay to his feet and whips him into the nearest corner. Findlay hits hard as Gateman charges in…Findlay lifts his boot, kicking Gateman in the face!! Gateman staggers back as Findlay rushes out with a SPEAR!!
Smith: I think we’re going to see a new champ tonight, Hood
Hood: Fucking feels like it…Tim Findlay is in beast mode
Smith: Indeed
Findlay pulls Gateman to his feet and hooks him for a suplex. Metalhead comes rushing in from behind, kneeing Findlay in the kidney. Findlay turns around, releasing Gateman and he nails Findlay with left and right punches, backing Metalhead into a corner. Findlay lifts Metalhead up, setting him on the top turnbuckle as he climbs up, hooking Metalhead for a superplex.
Smith: High risk maneuver here, Tim Findlay is looking to completely incapacitate Metalhead.
Hood: About time…guy has been a fucking nuisance
Smith: Indeed
With Metalhead hooked, Findlay prepares to lift off…behind he can, Gateman rushes into view, drilling Findlay from behind with an uppercut crotch shot!! Findlay releases Metalhead, bending over in pain. Gateman shoves Findlay off the top and all the way to the outside floor where he lands roughly. Gateman climbs to the middle rope, he grabs Metalhead’s head…jumps off and he drops Metalhead into the mat with the BKO!!! Metalhead flips over onto his back as Gateman goes for the pin.
The bell sounds as Gateman has his hand raised in victory.
Smith: Tremendous win by Brandon Gateman despite a staunch effort from Tim Findlay.
Hood: Had this been a straight up one on one match, Findlay might have had him.
Smith: One could argue as Findlay seemed to have Gateman beat on at least one occasion.
Hood: Yep, but now we know how devastating the BKO is…it can destroy metal.
Smith: I am so glad this match is over and sincerely hope Metalhead is fired tomorrow.
Hood: Heartless bastard
Smith: Whatever…let’s head backstage.
“Everybody Wants You” By Billy Squier hits as OCW President Treat Cassidy makes his way down to the ring, looking at little more sombre than usual. He steps up into the ring after taking a microphone from Belvedere.
Treat: Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you’ve had a great night here tonight! Despite everything we have been through, we have continued to put on the best show that we can, and that is thanks to each and every one of you!
The thing is, we have been through a lot recently, and I have been happy to put that all behind us, but we have a threat at the moment, a threat that may stop this beautiful ride right in its tracks. Turns out, financial managing really isn’t one of my strong points. That is part of the reason I have rehired the former president. But I feel I have to be honest with you, this whole thing may be coming to an end if we can’t find some financial assistance.
Ozzy Osborne’s “Crazy Train” hits over the PA, at first nothing more happens, until a moment later when the crowd explode. Dangerous Dan, Crazy Chris and Amber Ryan are all individually making their way through the crowd. They hop the barriers and circle the ring, looking in as Treat looks to get out the way, fearing he was to end up like Ian Bishop. However, there was no escape.
The former President Dean comes dashing down the ramp, sliding in between the trio and standing beside Treat, daring the three to try something. “Dragon Rider” by TSFM hits now instead, and Danny B casually strolls out from the back, twirling a microphone in his right hand, holding a brown envelope in his left, he signals for the music to be cut.
Danny: Hello boys, what’s the matter, worried about a little brutality are we? I wouldn’t be, there is only a small chance we will break you in two. Nah, I’m here as help boys, you do need help don’t you?
Danny walks up the steps, and hops over the top rope to join Treat and Dean in the ring.
Danny: So OCW fans, it seems as if Treat doesn’t quite know how to be honest with you, yeah he’s telling you he’s spent a little too much money, but he’s not telling you just how bad it is. I mean really Treat, tell them the truth. Fact of the matter is, if you don’t find help now, you probably won’t even make it to Last Man Standing now will you?
Treat stares down Danny, but opts not to comment.
Danny: And there you have it people, this good man has fucked up beyond all belief. Let’s break it down for you, flying ALL of the talent out to Jerusalem for the Genesis Pay Per View, that cost more than he had. Overlooking a serious severance clause in the contracts written up for Stewart Twilight and Bilith, that was a fuck up beyond all belief, that TransAtlantic title belt cost a fair bit too didn’t it? Now, with the loss of both myself and MJ Bell from the roster, you’ve lost your biggest draws, I mean look at this crowd tonight, half of what it used to be. Hell, I might as well start calling you Dixie soon.
Dean: What the fuck do you want Ripper?
Danny: I mean fuck bro, you had to rehire this dickweed just to help you try and figure it out, OCW’s rock bottom has officially been hit.
No matter though, I have a solution for you, I lost count of the amount of times I turned to Dean here and said that I could help, but he never listened, not once, I mean hell, did I get a thank you when I brought all these shiny HD cameras for you? Did I fuck! But here I am, giving you your salvation once again, take a look at these would you?
Danny hands the envelope to Treat, who takes it cautiously and pulls out the contents, which seem to be a contract. Treat reads it carefully as Dean looks over his shoulder, expressions altering from curiosity, to relief, to anger.
Dean: You really think we are going to take this from you, get the fuck out of here now and take this with you!
Treat grabs Dean by the arm, pulling him and whispering something into his ear. The two break apart, and Treat decides to speak to Danny hismelf.
Treat: So what this says is that this network company is willing to give us this lucrative TV deal if we agree to the conditions laid out. This deal that would magically put us in enough of a financial position to carry on as we have been>
Danny: Everything mentioned in there.
Treat: OK, so we take this deal, and you piss off and leave us alone?
Danny: Yup, if you give us what we want, if you agree to the terms in that contract.
Treat: So let me get all this straight, as part of this deal, we get a television spot, but instead of going out every week like we normally do, we have to go out every other week instead?
Danny nods, waiting for Treat to continue.
Treat: And every week we aren't on, you get your show instead, as part of this deal you get to revive CWF alongside us, every week we alternate shows, and we share PPV's?
Again, Danny nods, smiling, glad that Treat was understanding this.
Treat: So basically we have double the money coming in and half going out, well, you know something Danny, I don't like it, but financially it makes perfect sense, you have a deal.
Treat sticks out his hand, and with a smirk on his face Danny takes it, before handing Treat a pen, and watching him sign the documents.
Danny: There you have it you bunch of OCW miscreants, you will have next weeks Massacre, and then Last Man Standing will take place, but after that, rather than your usual Monday Night Massacre, you'll be watching my show, Tuesday Night Asylum! CWF is back, and boy is it better than ever, this won't be me running J.Rish's excuse for a federation, this will be mine, and I hope each and every one of you tunes into what will be a superior wrestling show!
While Danny was talking some square in a suit had come down to the ring, after explaining that he was a network executive to Treat and telling him that the documents needed to be counter signed, the executive, who now was a part of the company that managed both Television shows told Treat he would see him tomorrow for something, something that caused Treat to explode in anger.
Treat: What do you mean a freaken draft?
Danny's smirk crossed his entire face.
Danny: Oh I am sorry, did you not read the small print? Well, let me explain this to you, as part of this deal we get to do a draft of the current roster, as of next week some of the guys back there won't be OCW stars any longer. Don't worry, out of the goodness of my heart I will let you run up until the PPV as intended, but after that, they come with me.
Dean actually had to hold back Treat, he had be conned. Dan, Chris and Amber slid into the ring, warning off Treat from doing something stupid.
Danny: Well, now that is in order, I invite you to join me on Rippercast tomorrow night for the live draft results. Fear The Reaper motherfuckers, and welcome to the CWF era!
The Danger Boiz suddenly lunged forwards, levelling both Treat and Dean with clotheslines. Before they could do anything else, the OCW locker room spilled into down the ramp, chasing the CWF'ers out of the ring. Yet as they all filled the space, they began to look at each other, knowing that this would be the last time they would all be OCW superstars. Out of nowhere, Gateman charges at the three Power & Worth guys, and instigates an all out brawl.
Smith: My Lord it has been an explosive night, and what a bombshell here, CWF is back, we all work for a corporation now!
Hood: As long as they draft you we should be fine.
Smith: Oh whatever Hood, I cannot wait to see what happens here now! Tune in tomorrow night for the official draft results, and we will see you all next week, how much will the landscape have changed? You'll only know by joining us next week for Monday Night Massacre!
Bob Grenier (11-3) vs. Ana Archia (2-11)
Brandon Gateman [c] (3-2) vs. Metalhead (0-0) vs. Tim Findlay (0-0)