OCW Presents: Monday Night Massacre
Live! June 9th, 2014
From the Alford Arena of the University of Maine in Orono, Maine
~Massacre opens up to taped footage. A video airs, with an Earlier Today caption on the bottom of the screen. Eliminator, Paul Rosenberg, and the two unnamed bodyguards/muscleheads are at the loading docks backstage, and Eliminator and Paul Rosenberg are talking while the muscleheads are unloading things from a giant truck.~
Eliminator: Thankfully for me I got free two-day shipping, and they let me have the stuff delivered at the arena.
~One of the bodyguards carries a giant box clearly labeled “Fireworks” past the screen.~
Eliminator: Hell yeah, those fireworks are going to be amazing! I'm definitely going to steal the show! And this is just the teaser, I've got things in store that I haven't shown you yet. I just need you to get everything in place for me, while I focus and warm up backstage for my big return match...oh, who am I kidding? I'm just gonna take a nap.
Paul Rosenberg: Yeah, I'll have things taken care of for you.
~Eliminator heads towards the inside of the arena as Paul Rosenberg directs the two lackeys to unload more stuff into the arena. The video ends and we focus on the announce team of Smith and Hood~
Smith: Hello again everyone and welcome to Monday Night Massacre! We are just three short weeks away from Sinful Nature and…man, things are already looking intense as Eliminator is back!
Hood: No shit, we found that out last week
Smith: Well, he’s back in action, tonight!
Hood: Now that is true
Smith: Huge matches tonight, folks as we hope to find out more in regards to Sinful Nature and what we can expect for the biggest night of the year in OCW.
Hood: The Main Event should help with that
Smith: Indeed…either PerZag or Richard will emerge victorious tonight and go on to face Lurrr for the OCW Northeastern Title.
Hood: Richard all the way
Smith: Of course you’d cheer for him…plus, we’ve got our Central Champion in action, Mark Storm tries to remain unbeaten…Vargas and Grenier teaming up…Crazy Chris with his first singles match since the Great Depression…what a night!
Hood: Fucking right, doggie
Smith: Whatever that means…folks, let’s not waste any time…tag team action is set to start us off….down to ringside we go!

~The Hollywood Brothers are already in the ring~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, The Hollywood Brothers!
~"Needle and the Spoon" by Lynyrd Skynyrd controls the sound waves as "The Confederate Icon" Chad Vargas emerges from the back. Dressed to lay a beat down, donning his confederate flag wrestling trunks and no shirt. His muscles glisten under the lights. Once standing atop the entrance ramp pyros blast off behind him as he begins his slow methodical strut to the ring, mouthing obscenities to the fans his entire way there. Once he reaches the ring, he takes his time, climbing the steel steps and under the second rope. Mean mugging his opponent as he climbs the farthest turnbuckle, climbs up and raises his arms in the air, still mouthing obscenities. He then hops down, looks his opponent up and down and shit talks him as he awaits the bell.~
Belvedere: And their opponents, first, from Everclear County, Tennessee…standing 6’4 and weighing in at 240lbs…Chad Vargas!!
~”Smart Went Crazy” by Atmosphere begins to play as the fans give a mixed reaction with Bob Grenier emerging from behind the curtain and making his way down to the ring~
Belvedere: And his tag team partner, from Timmins, Ontario, Canada…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 222lbs…Bob Grenier!
~With all four men in the ring, the bell sounds as Belvedere exits. Skyes starts out for his team as Grenier starts out for his team~
Smith: Any chance the Hollywood Brothers can spring the upset tonight?
Hood: If this were a movie…maybe…but even then, probably not
Smith: Kind of like the Mighty Ducks and their flying V?
Hood: Gordon Bombay or however the fuck you say it (spell it) was one shifty mother fucker.
Smith: True, he did sleep with the mother of his players…kinda sleazy
~Skyes throws a kick at Grenier, Grenier catches his leg and sweeps the one leg Skyes is standing on, taking him to the ground. Grenier picks up his other leg and stomps Skyes in the gut!! Grenier then picks Skyes up by the hair and whips him into a nearby corner, Skyes hits hard and comes staggering out. Grenier kicks him in the gut and lifts him up and drops him with a Musclebuster in the middle of the ring!! Grenier then tags Vargas~
Smith: Bob Grenier just hit Hollinger Park Hangman…I don’t know what he’s doing by not going for the pin.
Hood: Revenge
Smith: For what?
Hood: Being born
Smith: Okay, Doc Holiday
~Vargas hops off the apron and heads to the announce table. Grenier follows, they both pick up a mic and begin speaking~
Vargas: Look at that piece of trash in the ring…maybe I should go pin him.
Grenier: Maybe you should, after all, it was my finisher which laid him out
Vargas: Solid but definitely not Stroke worthy
Grenier: Oh yea?
Vargas: Don’t get all testy, I got us Nascar tickets for next week
Vargas: Yes, you know that sport with cars
Smith: How do you not know this, Hood? Vargas is heavily invested in NASCAR
Hood: I’m just wondering if it confuses Grenier since he’s from Canada…like, you know how the toilet flushes opposite ways…maybe that’s how driving works.
Grenier: I’m going to punch you
Hood: I’d rather you didn’t
Vargas: Yea, punch Smith instead
Smith: WHAT?
Vargas: If you punch him hard enough, maybe some of his blood will splatter on Hood’s face
Hood: I think I’d be okay with that
Hood: I like you guys
Smith: Oh, hey, how about you guys try and win the match…Skyes just tagged Ryan Hollywood in and the ref is about to count you out.
Vargas: Ugh, oh alright…
~Vargas leaves the announce table and slides into the ring. Hollywood throws a punch at Vargas, Vargas ducks, grabs the back of his head and drills him into the ring with the Stroke!! He flips him over for the pin~
~The bell rings as Vargas and Grenier are announced as the winners~
Belvedere: Here are your winners…CHAD VARGAS & BOB GRENIER!!!!!
Smith: Impressive win
Grenier: Most impressive win of all time, ever
Smith: Might be a stretch
Grenier: The Hollywood Brothers really came to fight tonight…they fought their guts out with an unbelievable performance yet, somehow, someway the amazing nature of Bob Grenier and Chad Vargas was too much.
Smith: Don’t ever be an announcer
Grenier: I know, I wouldn’t want to put you out of a job either. Alright, I’m gonna go celebrate, see you choads later.
Smith: CHOAD?
Hood: Haha, it’s pronounced ‘Chad’ you dick
Smith: Ugh, what? I…ya know, whatever…well impressive win by Grenier and Vargas…let’s head backstage
~The camera cuts to one of the locker room areas backstage, where Eliminator, Paul Rosenberg, and his entourage are sitting and chatting. Suddenly, an overweight, severely neckbearded guy walks in. This is Eliminator's biggest fan, Tommy. He has a giant box in his hands.~
Paul Rosenberg: What's he doing here? Shouldn't security have kicked his ass?
Eliminator: It's okay, I had to let him in. He would have called the cops on me if I hadn't, you know what I did, and I'm not going into it in further detail here.
Tommy: Thanks for letting me hang out backstage with you guys! I overheard you talking earlier about joining on such short notice that you didn't have any ring attire. Luckily, I've solved your problem!
~Tommy digs out one of Eliminator's old ring attires, singlet, kneepads, elbow pads, boots and all, out of the box, carrying his old green and black color scheme.~
Tommy: I found one of your old ring attires on eBay for $20 years ago, and it's been in my personal collection for years, but you need it back, so I'm giving it to you.
~Eliminator picks up the singlet and looks at it with a look of disgust on his face.~
Eliminator: I don't think I should be wearing a 10 year old wrestling outfit to the ring, but it looks like I don't have a choice...
~Eliminator goes to start changing into his attire, but realizes everyone is still in the room with him.~
Eliminator: Okay, I pretend to love you guys and all, but I can't have you staring at my ass and nads in here, you're gonna have to leave. Vamos! Scram!
~Everyone except Eliminator leaves the locker room as he starts changing from his street clothes into the wrestling attire.~

~We cut from commercial as Eliminator is standing in his wrestling attire, having changed, although it's only a neck-up shot.~
Eliminator: Okay, you can come back in now!
~Paul Rosenberg, Tommy the Superfan, and the unnamed bodyguards re-enter the room. The camera zooms out to show Eliminator's entire body. They all laugh at how badly the singlet fits on Eliminator, his gut bulges in the front, his ass is hanging out, you can almost see his testicles in the front, and it's all scrunched up. The singlet straps are ill-positioned and show off Eliminator's slight moobs, and worse, his nipples. The fans in attendance are having a laugh too, seeing it on the OCWTron.~
Eliminator: Fuck it, I'm wrestling in my slacks. All of you, out, I need to change back!
~Once again, everyone leaves, and the camera changes to ringside.~
Smith: Eliminator apparently was no stranger to the pastry aisle at grocery stores during his absence.
Hood: Yea, he may have some flub to work off…but he’s no Kreller…Krellar? Masters.
Smith: Thank the gods for that
Hood: gods? Zeus and Hades are back?
Smith: NO!
Hood: Oh, well…
Smith: Just shut up…it’s time for our next match, try calling that, okay?
Hood: Wait, first you tell me to shut up…then you tell me to call a match?
Smith: Ugh, nevermind…let’s go down to ringside

~TLS is patiently awaiting the arrival of his opponent having come to the ring during the last commercial~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall…introducing first, standing in the ring…The Lost Soul!!
~The lights in the arena engulf into darkness, as the eyes of the audience are now glued on the entrance ramp as they wait patiently for the arrival of Mark Storm. Playing through the PA System "Fly Away" by Lenny Kravitz, as pyrotechnics shoot up around the stage as the audience get up on their feet and cheer as emerging from the tunnel is Mark Storm who stands on the top of the entrance ramp. With a smirk on his face, the future of wrestling raises his arms up high in the air, embracing the love of the audience before making his way down to the entrance ramp.~
I wish that I could fly
I'd fly above the trees
Oh I want to get away
~At this point, Storm has reached the bottom of the entrance ramp, after connecting with high fives with a few of the audience members by the ramp. He jumps onto the apron before entering the ring, immediately he hoists himself up onto the nearest turnbuckle, with his hands crossed together in an x position he raised his arms up in the air, glaring at the thousands in attendance holding their OCW merchandise and chanting his name. Storm jumps down from the top rope, licking his dry lips as he goes over to his corner clasping his hands together as he is prepared for action!~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York…standing 6’3 and weighing in at 246lbs…Mark Storm!!!
~Belvedere exits the ring and sounds the bell~
Smith: Here we go, Hood…the undefeated Mark Storm taking on the wrestling veteran, The Lost Soul
Hood: I bet Mark Storm has his sights set on that Internet Title…don’t you?
Smith: It would make sense…he’s one of the top young guns we’ve got
Hood: Him and Itsumade
Smith: Indeed
~The referee checks both participants for any foreign objects and then signals for the bell to get this match started. Mark and TLS circle one another around the ring a few times and then tie-up where Mark immediately takes advantage of that putting TLS in a side headlock. TLS struggles with the hold as every second it seems to be getting tighter and tighter in an effort to cut off all oxygen to the brain~
Smith: Tremendous pressure being applied by Mark Storm with this side headlock
Hood: TLS doesn’t look very good, he’s pale as a ghost
Smith: He’s got white face paint!
Hood: Oh, that’s right
~TLS begins to falter and soon he is down on one knee. Soon this match may be over as quick as it began, but TLS begins to battle back against the incredible odds of the side headlock until he is BACK ON BOTH FEET! He fires away with several elbows to Mark’s midsection and even manages to send him flying off into the ropes. TLS hits the canvas so Mark has to skip over him. TLS stumbles as he tries to get back up to his feet allowing Mark Storm to catch him of guard and deliver a little of New York’s finest Hustling (superman punch)! TLS goes down and Mark follows but to make the pin~
Mark Storm lifts TLS Up!
Smith: Near fall by Mark Storm as he, I guess, didn’t want to win just yet
Hood: Ohh, sadistic…I like it
Smith: I never understood why you just don’t pin the man…especially TLS
Hood: Because TLS couldn’t beat Ana Archia…let alone Mark Storm
~Mark Storm picks TLS up and looks out at the crowd to add a little fan participation to this match and the jury is in and there will be no quick escape for The Lost Soul. Mark slowly pulls TLS to his feet, who attempts to counter with a kneeling jawbreaker, but Mark shoves him away and instead puts TLS down once again, but this time he goes right at TLS, hooks him up, and takes him over with a beautifully executed Northern Lights Suplex, but doesn’t hold for a cover and the fans cheer for that~
Smith: Perfectly executed by Mark Storm…he’s in complete control
Hood: I think TLS needs to retire
Smith: Maybe he wants to and Dean is just keeping him on the roster for marketing
Hood: Fucking Dean
~Mark Storm rolls up to his feet and props himself up so he is sitting on one of the four top turnbuckles for TLS to pull himself together and feed on around into some good stuff. Once TLS is finally on his feet and working his way out of a dizzy stupor Mark Storm stands on that very turnbuckle rather than just sitting and looks for some high-risk, but hops down and just knees him in the midsection after pulling him in with a double grip on his head. Mark jumps up and takes down TLS with an enzugiri~
Smith: Crushing blow by Mark Storm
Hood: If the paint chips off from a kick…does that mean he just broke the guy’s face?
Smith: No
Hood: Okay, just asking
~Mark walks over to TLS and places the tip of his right pinky on TLS’s chest and just as the referee is getting into position to make the cover Mark pulls back and wags his INDEX FINGER in the referee’s face signaling he is not done. As Mark leans over to pull TLS up he is wrapped up in a small package, but cannot get a solid grip and fails to get even a one count against Mark. TLS rolls up to his feet and charges in at Mark, but gets caught with a drop toe hold and has an ankle lock applied tightly on him for good measure, but just before he can even think about tapping Mark throws down the leg and leaps up and comes down with an elbow drop to the back! Finally Mark feels it is time to end this match and signals it is time to put TLS out of his misery because he is bored and life goes on… well not for TLS, but FIRST… Mark Storm puts TLS in a waistlock and delivers a little TRIPLE TROUBLE for good measure (multiple German suplexes; three would probably be a great guess)~
Smith: What a move…this is nearly over
Hood: Just end it already, I want a hot dog
Smith: They don’t sell Hot Dogs here
Hood: WHAT? Fucking Maine
~Storm then lines up TLS and when he gets tired of waiting to put the clown without a soul out of his misery he rips him up and executes “The Storm” followed by “The Horizon” just to get it all out there and really stick it to TLS! He goes for the pin as Scruff makes the count~
~The bell rings as Storm has his hand raised in victory~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…MARK STORM!!!!!
Smith: What a win for Mark Storm who continues to remain undefeated here in OCW
Hood: Fucking impressive…now I’m ready to see this guy step up
Smith: Indeed, it’s time…let’s go backstage
~We see Itsumade and Kimiko Onee-Sama standing alongside the catering tables backstage. Kimiko smiles as she looks over the numerous meats and fruits and treats laid out before her for the taking though frowning momentarily at seeing a large tray of brownies taped off and marked as "Do Not Touch: Bifford's pre-match snack". She glances about quickly for and sign of the giant and with the speed of a bolt of lightning, breaks off a section of the brownie and pops it into her mouth~
Itsumade: Watashi wa anata ga shachō dīn ga anata no taijū ni tsuite itta nochi ni daietto o to omotte ita. (I thought you were on a diet after what President Dean said about your weight.)
~Kimiko crinkles her brow and frowns at her brother as she chews the sweet savory chocolate fudge morsel. She forcefully jabs Itsumade in the chest with a finger.~
Kimiko: Chinmoku! (Silence!) After the hell we went through on our trip to Rhode Island I deserve it. We survived being snowed in, a car explosion, a truck explosion, a bicycle explosion, a boat implosion...
~They are suddenly interrupted as a mammoth shadow creeps over the siblings and a mountain of a man stands over Itsumade. Itsumade stares up to the giant with his bear paw of a hand raised and a sickeningly smug grin on his face beaming down at the nearly foot shorter fire demon. Itsumade steps forward, an arm outstretching to protect his sister from the large beast of a man before them. Kimiko leans up to her brother's ear slowly. ~
Kimiko: (whispering) This is the tired one from the old tapes, Eliminator.
Itsumade: Ringu ni aruite nemuru otoko? (The one who sleeps after walking to the ring?)
Eliminator: Hey, new kid, don't look so worried, if I was here to kick your ass, you'd already be lying on the floor in a bloody heap. I just want to have a little talk with you. That sounds surprising, that a legend like me would search out someone like you, but I have a proposition. I'm a legend, and legends need gold. I've never won the OCW Tag Team Titles before, and while I consider myself a lone wolf, I may as well knock this one out first so I only have to worry about singles titles later. So, yeah, I'm looking for someone who I could help win the titles. I'm good enough to win them by myself, but OCW rules and regulations state that I need a tag team partner. You're 4-0 in OCW, I started off my OCW career 10-0, that means you're at least 40% as good as I am, so you pass the bare minimum requirements to serve as my tag team partner. So...what do you say?
~Eliminator extends his hand out to Itsumade, but Itsumade slaps it away.~
Itsumade: Naze watashi wa fuda no chīmu senshuken no chisei ni sono yōna jibun jishin no yōna hito o sapōto shiyou to suru yōna mudaashi ni watashinojikan to enerugī o rōhi suru koto ni naru. Watashi wa kono ringu no jukuren shita masutāda, watashi wa junbi to kikai, kono sekai ni watashi no sukiru to sainō o motte kuru chansu no tame ni tatakatte watashinojinsei no subete no shunkan o sugosu shite iru. Anata wa? Anata ga aishi, nai doryoku... Anata wa ima made mo, anata wa anata no tame ni shigoto o suru tame ni heiki no shiyō ni uttaeru tame ni hitsuyōnate ita yuiitsu no hontō no eiyo no tame ni sekai o tsuikyū shinai bijinesu ni kōhō ni o shiri o rakka. (Why would I waste my time and energy on a fool's errand like trying to support a man such as yourself to a tag team championship reign. I am a skilled master of this ring, I have spend every moment of my life preparing and fighting for the opportunity and chance to bring my skill and talent to this world. You? You fall ass backwards into a business you do not love and seek the world for no effort... the only real accolade you ever even had required you to resort to the use of weapons to do the work for you. )
Eliminator: Now, I admit I have no idea what you said there, but it didn't sound too friendly, so let me solidify my pitch. Between my famed power, my being a shrewd ring general and renowned student of the game, my fantastic reputation for never saying die, and your ability to not get your shoulders pinned to the mat, and complete inability to verbally submit, we would be unstoppable. Kimiko, you can translate right? He getting all this? What'd he say before?
Kimiko: Uhh.... he said, no.
Eliminator: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't forget, though, you have that “Oh Shit!” contract, that you can cash in on any champion. I'm pretty sure that includes the tag team champions. Of course, I'm good enough to earn a title shot through old fashioned hard work and impressive showings, but it is a useful weapon to have in our back pocket. I bet you don't even know that you're sitting on the motherlode, people are envious of you, and I bet you have no idea what to do with it...thankfully for you, I do...anyway, I already went to the office and said that we're a tag team now, so as much as I don't like you, every legend needs an apprentice, and I'm going to mold you into a wrestler I can be proud of, a future Hall of Famer, and possibly OCW World Champion, although it's going to be tough when that belt is welded around my waist...
Itsumade: Anata ga futatabi watashi no chikaku ni kurunara, watashi wa anata no hizagashira o rippingu shi,-shu bōru to shite shiyō shimasu. (If you come near me again I will rip out your kneecaps and use them as sake bowls.)
~Eliminator can't understand a single word Itsumade is saying, but knows by the tone of voice that those weren't words of endearment.~
Eliminator: Aww, it's adorable when you little wrestlers try to act tough like that. I've already sent in a request to have us in a match for next week, so it's no use taking your frustrations out on me.
~Eliminator pats Itsumade on the shoulder roughly and turns his back on the siblings. Itsumade sighs heavily and looks to his sister who is now placing another morsel of brownie in her mouth. ~
Itsumade: Ittai nani ga okotta dake de? (What the hell just happened?)
Kimiko: I think we were just... what do they call it.... played?
~We cut back to ringside.~
Smith: Eliminator might have a budding rivalry with Itsumade going
Hood: Well, Itsumade is undefeated and the holder of the Oh Shit contract…he might have his sights set on bigger things.
Smith: Bigger than a former Hardcore Champ? Eliminator is a huge name in OCW
Hood: Well, okay, if he can lay off the pastries, maybe
Smith: Deal…I will pass that along…in the meantime…MJ and Crazy Chris are up next
Hood: Wahoo
Into the sky
So very high
Just like a dragonfly
Over the seas in all degrees
To anywhere I please
I want to fly away
Yeah yeah yeah

~MJ Bell is already in the ring~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, already in the ring, MJ Bell.
~”Demons” by Imagine Dragons starts to play as the crowd goes wild for Crazy Chris. He sprints down to ringside, slides in and poses on the top rope~
Belvedere: And her opponent, from Smithville, Tennessee…standing 6’0 tall and weighing in at 228lbs…Crazy Chris!!!
~Chris is ready to go as Belvedere exits and the bell sounds~
Smith: It’s been awhile since we’ve see Crazy Chris in singles action
Hood: Yea, I think it was maybe back when the Jackson 5 were touring the US
Smith: Not that long ago
Hood: Or when the Beatles invaded our great nation…fuckin hippies
Smith: You’re being ridiculous, George Harrison was the man
Hood: Of course, George fucking Harrison is the one you’d instantly recall
~MJ sprints at Chris…Chris punches her in the face! MJ falls to the mat. He then climbs to the top, MJ gets to her feet…he leaps off and drills her with Crazy Man’s Suicide!! He goes for the pin~
~Chris leaps to his feet with his arm raised in victory~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…CRAZY CHRIS!!!!!
Smith: Wow! What a win by Crazy Chris!
Hood: Dangerous who? This guy should be the one Dean focuses on in singles competition.
Smith: Hard to argue that with the way he just dismantled MJ Bell
Hood: Bye bye MJ
Smith: What do you mean?
Hood: Oh, I just sense these things
~The match between MJ Bell and Crazy Chris has just ended, when the lights in the arena begin to flicker. The sound of children laughing fills the arena. Bell and Chris look at each other, and around, confused. The lights go completely dark. The crowd erupts as they do. A mans voice comes over the P.A. system~
Man: Dangerous Dan.... I have a message for you... You have something that belongs to me.... I've returned to retrieve what is rightfully mine.... Listen carefully, boy, because after this, nothing you hold sacred is safe.... Return my property.... Until you do, I will destroy everything you care about.... I will kill everything that you love... I will haunt your dreams.... Your dark days starts.... NOW!
~The lights flicker back on. M.J. has exited the ring, leaving Chris to fend for himself. The lights begin to flicker again, before going black for a few seconds. When the lights come back, a man is standing behind Chris. His arms are heavily tattooed and dirty. His face is obscured by long, ratty graying brown hair, and a graying beard. He grabs Chris, locking him into a Dragon Sleeper. Still standing, he cinches it in tight, looking around at the arena. He drops backwards, driving the back of Chris' skull into the mat. The man moves to Chris' head, sitting crossed legged, holding Chris' head in his lap. He reaches into his boot, pulling out a pocket knife. As he flicks it open, the blade is rusty and stained. He grabs one of the strings dangling from Chris' mask, pulling it tight. Taking the knife, he begins to saw it off of his mask, fraying the ends. He wraps the fragment around his neck, pushing Chris off of his lap. He slowly crawls towards a camera, grabbing it by the lens. He pulls it close to his face, revealing his identity, Arryk Rage. With his free hand, he brushes his matted dirty hair from his face~
Arryk: Dan.... The boogie man is real.... And you're looking at him....
~Arryk grins, sadistically, as the children begin to laugh through the arena. The lights begin to flicker again, then go out. We cut to a video promo~
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Oh my gosh…who do you think THAT could be?
Hood: A former OCW wrestler?
Smith: Well, duh…but who, specifically
Hood: Apparently a savior…although, I don’t know why he wants to save us from all those cool people that video listed.
Smith: Pssh…we need a beacon of light and I hope this person can provide it
Hood: Yea yea…pretty wicked video, though
Smith: Indeed…well, it’s time for our next match!

~”Thunderstruck” by AC/DC hits as the fans turn and watch the elderly Typhoon Tiger make his way to the ring. He enters~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Benalla, standing 200cm tall and weighing in at 97kg…Typhoon Tiger!!
~A red carpet has been rolled from the top of the entranceway all the way down to the ring. Belvedere audibly clears his throat, then reads off a prepared note card.~
Belvedere: Now, this is the moment you have all been waiting for. Finally making his return to official competition in OCW after many years, I would like to introduce to you a former OCW Internet Champion, a former OCW Hardcore Champion, and soon to be a future OCW champion, coming in at 6'7” tall and weighing in at 335 lbs, hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada, a true legend of this sport, and OCW's Prodigal Son...Eliminator!
~Commentators say something like "Hey, didn't Eliminator use to be from Nashville, Tennessee?"~
~The arena goes dark, and there is total silence as the anticipation builds to the big entrance. Suddenly, spotlights are focused at the top of the entranceway as green lasers dance and weave throughout the arena, The lasers stop as “Legendary” by Royce da 5'9” plays over the arena speakers, and the lead guitar line fills the arena. After the first drum roll kicks in, Eliminator, in just a pair of slacks and loafers, and flanked by Paul Rosenberg and his two unnamed muscular lackeys, makes his way from behind the curtain. Several massive charges of pyro go off on the entrance stage, and the lights come back on. While Rosenberg and the lackeys walk silently down the red carpet, Eliminator has his arms raised in the air, and makes rude gestures to the fans. As Eliminator slowly makes his way down the carpet, small pyrotechnics go off on both sides of the ramp. The two lackeys head to the back as Rosenberg stays out at ringside, letting Eliminator bask in the moment. Once in the ring, Eliminator raises his arms as a row of pyro sweeps from side to side and back behind him. A metal rig saying “ELIMINATOR” drops down from the rafters and becomes covered in sparks that drop to the canvas below. The music stops as Eliminator goes to his corner and starts stretching.~
~Belvedere exits as the bell sounds~
Smith: Highly intriguing match here as Typhoon Tiger makes his pro wrestling debut against the returning OCW star, Eliminator.
Hood: Size matters, Eliminator beats the old man
Smith: You doubted Ehud
Hood: Yea and what has he done to prove me wrong aside from beat people who suck?
Smith: Ehud is one of the most dangerous wrestlers we have
Hood: We’re fucked
~Eliminator looks ready to tie-up, but Typhoon ducks around behind him instead knowing that would not be his smartest play. Typhoon goes for a waistlock on the big man, but gets an elbow to the head for his troubles. Eliminator turns slowly and slowly raises his right hand with a menacing smile. Typhoon looks up towards that hand knowing that once again Eliminator is looking to showcase his powerhouse nature, but then Eliminator smashes into him the side of his leg after it lifted off the canvas~
Smith: Eliminator already showing why he was one of the most feared wrestlers back in his day.
Hood: Dude, he’s fighting AN OLD MAN who looks oddly similar to a former Pope
Smith: He is no pope, however
Hood: No, he is not the pope
~Eliminator drops thunderous forearms across the back of Typhoon Tiger sending him tap dancing around the ring flexing out his chest. Eliminator lays his hands on TT and pushes him into one of the four corners, taking his hand with his own. After a smashing down in the corner Eliminator launches TT across the ring with an Irish whip! TT slams the opposing turnbuckle so hard he flips right over. His arm hooked over at first in an attempt to lessen the impact, but he still flipped right over. Eliminator plays to the crowd that toss boos and insults at him wishing they were soda/pop cups full of ice. Eliminator throws his hands towards them and climbs over the top rope and down to the outside to continue the barbarism on TT~
Smith: Eliminator hasn’t lost an ounce of charisma
Hood: I didn’t know Rhode Island hated him so much
Smith: I think it’s just the general consensus
Hood: So everyone loves this old fuck?
Smith: No…I…don’t ask me to explain our fans, please…Lopaka was the end of me trying to understand what they want.
Hood: Okay, okay, sheesh
~Eliminator grabs TT; being the gentlemen and helping him to his feet obviously. Eliminator turns to the referee and points up the ramp saying “JESUS IS HERE” and for whatever reason the referee looks allowing Eliminator to lift his foot into TT’s groin region very blatantly. TT falls to the ground outside the ring as the referee turns back around to see the fall but not the shot to the groin. The crowd really delivers the negative response for that one as Eliminator goads them on by celebrating his “brilliance”~
Smith: Despite his disdain for Typhoon Tiger and the crowd, Eliminator has been impressive thus far.
Hood: I can’t argue that…he’s big, not too flabby and mean
Smith: Indeed!
~He lifts TT to his feet by the head and delivers a head butt that puts him right back down. Eliminator turns to the referee and tells him Hood is being racist while trying to hand him a foreign object to use once again causing him to turn to see Hood actually standing up and trying to hide the ring bell’s hammer behind his back. Eliminator fetches a sledgehammer from under the ring and goes to finish this match and possibly TT’s career, but gets a drop toe hold into the steel steps instead!~
Smith: Nice reversal by Tiger! He’s in this!
Hood: Well, what do ya know…the old man is semi-spry
Smith: Or just headsie
Hood: SPRY
~TT walks up the steel steps as Eliminator staggers around trying to shake the cobwebs off. Eliminator feeds around into a leaping forearm shot from TT that sends him back several steps. TT launches himself into Eliminator with another forearm to the head not wanting to slow down his gain of momentum or give this huge powerhouse the chance to continue his brand of carnage. TT slides into the ring and plays to the crowd to get them hyped up. Eliminator seems fed up with all of this and throws his hands towards the ring and walks around the ring to head to the back~
Smith: What is he doing??
Hood: Mind games, Smith…mind games
Smith: Seriously, against Typhoon Tiger
Hood: Oh shit you’re right, he’s like 90…he’ll forget this incident in 3 minutes.
~Typhoon Tiger does not accept the quitting attitude from Eliminator and hits the ropes on one side and flies over the ropes on the other to put down the big man and put up the fans on their feet with raving cheers at the self-sacrifice. TT takes a little time pulling himself together but does and helps himself back into the ring after guiding Eliminator that way. Eliminator slides in under the bottom rope and props up on the nearest bottom turnbuckle. TT runs, slides, turns to the side, and runs the side of his leg into Eliminator’s head/body. TT grabs the top rope with both hands and jumps up and comes crashing down with both feet making their mark on Eliminator! TT plays to the crowd and then drags Eliminator towards the middle of the ring for a cover~
Eliminator grabs the rope!
Smith: Eliminator’s reach came in handy there!
Hood: No shit, that arm is HUGE
Smith: Typhoon Tiger has to be optimistic, though…given that he almost won
Hood: If he can remember
~Eliminator shows TT did not drag him far enough as he reaches out his massive arm and clutches the bottom rope stopping the referee’s count. TT sits up on his knees and stares at the referee baffled; feeling almost stupid at the “mistake”. TT pulls Eliminator’s arm away from the ropes and hooks it with his then attempts the pin once more~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Eliminator kicks out again, showing that he is not going down easy tonight.
Hood: It’s his return…you really think he wants it spoiled by THAT GUY?
Smith: Probably not
~Eliminator kicks out with authority putting TT right on his feet! Eliminator sits up but is put down with a kick to the spine by Typhoon Tiger! TT flips over Eliminator and delivers a kiss the canvas neck snap. TT rolls up and signals for the end of this match is coming and proceeds to stalk around Eliminator, edging in slowly for the kill shot, but instead introduces his face to the bottom of Eliminator’s boot~
Smith: He’s back in this! What a huge kick!
Hood: Fuck yes…I’m pulling for Eliminator, in case you haven’t noticed.
Smith: You always make it clear who you’re pulling for despite the fact there is no journalistic integrity in that whatsoever.
Hood: Thanks man
~Eliminator falls against the ropes, a little winded after the onslaught by Typhoon Tiger, but quickly rebounds and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles from his tights; which are promptly taken by the referee, but while he is getting rid of those Eliminator pulls out a second pair of brass knuckles and lines up Typhoon Tiger and floors him the minute he turns around! Eliminator makes the pin but the referee is still heading to the announcer’s table to leave the brass knuckles in the box labeled “foreign objects”; which also has a ring bell hammer in it thanks to Hood. Eliminator smashes his hands on the canvas then walks over to the ropes, leaning down with all of his weight on the top one as he yells at the referee to get back into the ring~
Smith: Cheating, really?
Hood: It’s only brass knuckles, those don’t really hurt
Smith: Says who?
Hood: The Tin Man?
Smith: WHAT?
~Eliminator turns around as Scruff slides back into the ring. Tiger goes to punch Eliminator in the gut, but Eliminator just lifts a knee into his face…he then hooks Tiger between his legs, lifts him up and drills him into the mat with Process of Elimination (Powerbomb)! Tiger is laid out as Eliminator goes for the pin, Scruff makes the count~
~The bell rings as Eliminator has his hand raised in victory~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…ELIMINATOR!!!!!
Smith: Impressive return for Eliminator despite the fact Typhoon Tiger was very competitive.
Hood: More like a scary debut
Smith: He looked that good?
Hood: No, just saying a loss would have been tragic…glad he avoided it.
Smith: Ah, I see
Hood: Ehud and Typhoon should team up as like the Senior Citizen Discount Squad or something
Smith: Right, I’m sure they’ll get right on that…well, folks, let’s head backstage
~All three members of Victory Denied are seen conversing in a corridor, huddling, keeping themselves to themselves. A figure walks round the corner to face them, standing still and folding her arms. The three continue their conversation, until Sean Fuller looks to his side. He elbows Ian in the side, nodding towards the figure, all three turn to face her~
Ian: Well, well, you managed to get out of hospital then? Guess we didn’t finish the job.
~A clear shot now comes in of the cross armed woman, it was Amber Ryan, a smile across her face~
Amber: Please, you’ll have to do more than that to keep me down.
~Fuller steps forward, a menacing look in his eye.~
Sean: You know, we might just do that. Bit stupid of you to come alone chic.
Amber: Oh sorry, did I say keep ME down? I meant us.
~Bishop and Fuller immediately swivel on their heels, just in time to get a great view of Ripper charging towards them, levelling Bishop with a spear, causing his head to bounce off a metal production crate and making him fall limp on the floor. Fuller goes in, but is tripped by Ripper, cracking his own skull on the corner of the same crate, and falling lifelessly on top of his own partner. MJ stares, her head on a swivel as she stares between the tag team champions~
Ripper: Hi MJ, my name is Danny, good to finally meet you.
~The champions advance on Bell, she swings first trying to take down Amber and break a break for it, Amber ducks, placing her boot in the stomach of Bell. Ripper comes up behind her, pulling her arms behind her back allowing Amber to pull a pair of handcuffs from her pocket and slap them across the wrist of MJ. Ripper pushes the queen bitch off to the floor, grabbing her legs and strapping them together with cable ties. MJ screams for help, looking over at her unconscious teammates, but this action only causes Ripper to tear off the sleeve of his shirt and stuff it in her mouth, holding it in place with a duct tape off the roll Amber throws him~
Danny: Ever consider becoming an actress chic?
Amber: I thought I played your friend pretty well for the past few months.
Danny: Not hard to play something you truly feel. Now what do we do with her?
~He nods down at MJ~
Danny: I’m thinking she might like the trunk of my car, whadda you think?
Amber: Not a bad plan you crazy bastard.
~Danny smiles, picks up MJ, sling her over his shoulders, and fireman carries her away from the scene, where Bishop is just starting to stir~
Smith: MJ Bell has already lost tonight and, now, has been abducted!
Hood: Dude, Amber and Danny are just helping Dean rid this place of trash.
Smith: While I can’t back the actions of MJ lately, I wouldn’t call her a piece of trash
Hood: Okay, maybe a half eaten, stale cookie?
Smith: No…let’s go down to ringside for our next match

~”Black Dog” by Led Zeppelin starts to play as the fans watch Sergeant Brenner make his way to the ring~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Benalla, standing 180cm and weighing in at 170lbs…Sergeant Brenner!!
~As "Lights Out" By Hollywood Undead begin to blast through the P.A. system, white smoke fills the entrance a figure steps in and can be seen in the smoke and Jason X stands at the top of the entrance with his arms up in an X form. He continues to walk down the ramp and enters the ring; he then climbs the turnbuckles and again puts his arms in an X form.~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada…standing 5’10 and weighing in at 216lbs…Jason Xavier!!
~Belvedere exits as the bell sounds~
Smith: Sergeant Brenner obviously wants to get his career started with a win…meanwhile, Jason Xavier needs a rebound performance.
Hood: It’s a tough one…he took Benalla’s Icon and Sex Machine, PerZag, to the limit last month at Clash.
Smith: Indeed…aside from all that other stuff
Hood: He is Sex Machine
Smith: Whatever
~JX and SB circle one another around the ring and then tie-up. SB takes JX into a wristlock, but has it reversed! JX applies more and more pressure and eventually takes SB into a hammer lock. JX goes to run SB into the corner, give him a taste of the turnbuckle, but SB falls to his knees and JX slams face first and takes the tasting away from SB. JX staggers back checking his mouth for blood. SB hops up and sits on the top turnbuckle. He points down to JX then jumps off with a missile dropkick to put him down and attempts the pin after~
Shoulder Up!!
Smith: Almost a win for Brenner!
Hood: Xavier barely got that shoulder up…this would be a tough one for him to lose.
Smith: Agreed
~JX manages to get the shoulder up before the count of three. SB sits up, catches his breath, and then jerks JX up applying a sleeper hold soon after. JX starts to fade, but then battles back and showcases his resiliency for the viewing and live audiences to see. JX gets up to his feet and hammers his elbow into SB’s stomach then leaps up out of nowhere and drops SB with a wheel kick! JX IMMEDIATELY goes for the cover~
Shoulder Up!
Smith: And now Brenner with the escape!
Hood: What kind of Sergeant nearly loses to that? What is he the Sergeant of? Army men?
Smith: I don’t know, maybe RISK?
Hood: That fucking game
~SB now manages to get his shoulder up just before the count after what appeared to be a knockout blow from Jason Xavier! The crowd are on their feet, that move was executed perfectly, but it just wasn’t enough this early in the match to put Sergeant Brenner down for the count! JX rolls SB to his feet, but takes a standing dropkick from SB that levels the playing field. Both men are down and barely moving but know whoever gets up first will have the advantage so the snail race back to their feet begins! They get to their feet around the same time and meet in the middle of the ring. SB delivers a right hand that sends JX staggering around, but he comes right back delivering a right hand of his own that causes SB to do the exact same stagger around the ring. This goes on and each man delivers several punches, but then JX starts to get the advantage and ends it with a clothesline putting the debutant down hard!~
Smith: Nice lariat by Xavier…and atypical display of strength on his end
Hood: Maybe he’s juicing
Smith: I don’t think so
Hood: I’m just saying, it works for guys around here…
Smith: Like Syren?
Hood: I will never name names!
~JX steps over SB rolling his shoulders forward and looking out at the crowd. JX hits the ropes and SB rolls over on his stomach trying to trip him up. JX jumps over SB, who springs up to his feet after and goes for a hip toss, but JX lands on his feet and goes for an arm drag, but SB lands on his feet also. The two men spring back into an offensive stance waiting for their opening. They tie-up in the middle of the ring and battle tirelessly to gain the advantage. Jason puts Brenner down to a knee, who fights back up and puts Jason down to HIS knee and again Jason battles up and the two battle each other from pillar to pillar trying to gain the upper hand. SB pushes Jason towards the ropes, who climbs them like steps on a ladder. SB pushes forward causing Jason to fall and barely catch himself on the side of the ring. Sergeant Brenner grabs Jason’s hair and falls to the canvas, choking JX up on the top rope~
Smith: I really hope we don’t have a count out
Hood: Hey, you can’t count either of these men out…GET IT?
Smith: Sadly, I do
~JX is barely stirring on the outside, but something had to be done to break that tie-up neither man wanted to give an inch; they each NEEDED that win because that would have led to winning the match or at least one step closer~
Smith: Come on, somebody earn this!
Hood: Yea, double count out would suck ass…like nasty ass
Smith: Ew!
Hood: Sorry, had a rough night with a REALLY cheap whore last night
~Jason has gotten to his knees and leans against the side of the ring, his arms draped over~
Smith: Eeek!
Hood: Oh well, if it’s a double count out, it’s a double count out
Smith: Hmm
Hood: Well, that’s one way to end a ten count
~SB grabs JX and shoves him back inside the ring then hops up on the side and looks to take flight, but JX meets him with a shoulder to the gut over the middle rope. SB flies off the side of the ring and face plants the canvas on the way down, but JX doesn’t wait for the referee to start his ten count, once he catches his breath he rolls out and gets SB back inside the ring~
Smith: And we’re back in the ring, ready to resume this match
Hood: Finally
Smith: I think Brenner has the advantage
Hood: I have no fucking clue who has the advantage
~SB gets to his feet and tosses a punch at Xavier…Xavier ducks and kicks SB in the gut, hooking him for a powerbomb. Instead, he flips over and DRILLS SB into the mat with the X-Driver (Canadian Destroyer)!! Xavier goes for the pin as Scruff makes the count~
~The bell rings as Xavier receives the victory~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…JASON XAVIER!!!!!
Smith: Tremendous comeback win for Jason Xavier although, you feel like both competitors left something on the table.
Hood: Yea, well, it’s not one of our opening matches for nothing
Smith: Indeed…maybe this will kick start Jason Xavier back up the OCW ladder of success
Hood: Eh, maybe…maybe not, who knows
Smith: Excellent journalism as always, Hood
Hood: You know it
Smith: Taped footage we go, folks!
~Ripper carries MJ out into the open air, Amber following behind, a bemused look on her face as she watches Bell struggle in Ripper’s arms. He reaches an old Chevrolet Impala, and dumps her down on the hood. She kicks out and tries to roll away, but to no avail~
Danny: What’s the matter sweetpea? I thought you liked this kind of thing, the last guy to hold you hostage tried to rape you in the middle of the ring and the next fucking week your shoving your tits in his face like the God he thinks he is. Does that mean if I beg you’ll play nicely?
~She flails as much as she can, Amber now decides to come over and stick an elbow in MJ’s stomach~
Amber: She was pissing me off.
Danny: Yeah, don’t blame you. Listen MJ, your boys pulled a fast one on us last week, and I don’t like it, so it’s time for them to get a taste of their own medicine, you gotta know, while you hang with them, this shit will happen to you. I’m a nice guy…sometimes, this is for your benefit, they won’t come for you, they won’t run to your aid like I did for Amber, because to them you are nothing more than a pawn, a distraction technique. Now, shall we go for a little spin? Hold her there will you babe?
Amber: If you call me babe again I will rip your balls off.
Danny: Oh stop it you kinky little thing.
~Ripper pops the trunk, as he does so, Amber pushes MJ off the hood, causing her to fall into a heap on the floor. She takes great delight in kicking Bell in the ribs, causing her to roll ever closer to Ripper, who in due time, picks her up by her hair and stuffs her in the trunk, slamming it shut on her~
Danny: Can you believe Fuller had the balls to call you a faux ginger? Seriously, for one that bitch is no better, two you’re Red, you’ll always be Red, she can be orange, but that aint you.
Amber: You are sick you know?
Danny: I know, it’s rather…exhilarating. Now camera boy, point it…there we go. Bishop, Fuller, I know you will have seen this by now, we’re taking her for a drive. Sit tight, have a cold one, we’ll check in later.
~Danny and Amber climb in, and a second later the engine comes to life, the wheels spin and the car is out of the university car park~
Smith: Where are they taking her?
Hood: Home?
Smith: What a way to go out…abducted by Danny B and Amber Ryan
Hood: Well, the badasses always go over in the end…I guess we now know who was legit.
Smith: Indeed…
~Victory Denied make their way through the curtain, no music, no theatrics, just straight to the ring with mics in hand~
Ian: Ripper, where the fuck are you, show yourself you fucking cunt!
~Nothing, the tron they stare at stays blank~
Sean: Ripper, don’t make this any worse, bring her back now!
~The tron flickers, and opens to a scene outside of the building. Danny B now sits upon the hood of the Chevy, smoking a cigarette~
Danny: There you are. You know, we went for a little drive, turns out the old Stillwater river is like fifteen minutes away from the campus. Who knew eh?
~The camera shot pans out to show the car resting on an embankment, the calm waters of the river a few feet beneath them. Knocks, clangs and muffled noises can still be heard coming from the trunk~
Danny: So, Bish, Fuller. The both of you think that attacking a poor recovering girl in hospital is a big move right? Ambushing me because I actually give two shits about me partner is cool? All this after you attack Amber after the match at the Clash, why? Because you lost. That’s the thing with you two isn’t it? If you win, you’re awesome, if you lose, you have to beat people up, because that’s what you do right? You push the boat, you’re the tough guys, well I am fucking sick of it.
Luckily, Mia Stone is going to kick your arse five ways from Sunday at Sinful Nature Bish, so right now, you and your shock tactics are not my problem. That retard you call a partner and this scumbag in here are. To be honest, I don’t know what the fuck you did to her, or in fact when the drugs are going to wear off, but I don’t care. This is message, you leave us the fuck alone, or we will do bad things. You think you’re a big old toughy that can beat up women and that makes you cool, well, both of you, think again. I don’t scrap, I fight, and bitch, this is just another blow.
~Ripper jumps from the hood and reaches inside the open car window. The distinctive crank of a handbrake being released is heard as Danny reappears from the car window. He moves to the front, leans in and gives it a shove. The seventies car starts to roll, picking up a bit of momentum before sliding smoothly off the bank and into the water~
~Back in the ring, Bishop and Fuller rush, running at full speed, charging up the aisle and vanishing through the curtain. Back on the tron, Danny watches as the car begins to sink, humming happily to himself. With the windows open the vehicle fills fast, and is soon under the water~
~Ripper turns on his heels and walks along the embankment, not too far away stands Amber Ryan, sitting on some kind of wooden container~
Amber: Are we done, can we go home now?
Danny: One last thing, up you pop Red.
~She does, standing away from the box, which, now is now revealed to be a crude wooden coffin~
Danny: History lesson children, this is a coffin, six sides and made of wood. Caskets are rectangular, the more you know.
~Danny pulls up the lid, peering in. Inside MJ Bell is still bound and gagged, looking terrified and furious~
Danny: Don’t worry sweet, they will have you out soon, I promise.
~Ripper slams the lid shut, reaches down to the side, and pulls up a box of nails and a mallet~
Amber: Wow, that’s cold even for you.
Danny: Nah, she still has her clothes on, dignity and all that.
~He proceeds to bang in the nails, six off them, one on each corner. Muffled as they were, the screams coming from inside the coffin were unmistakable. Danny hammered in the last nail and stood back, admiring his handy work~
Amber: You sure they will find her?
Danny: Course, but because they have little sense of their own, I rigged up this thing just to be safe.
~He reaches behind the coffin, and pulls a cord. On the wooden structure behind the pine box a huge neon sign lights up: ‘Free autograph for anyone that can break the lady out of the box’, and just to make it even clearer, a large arrow pointing downwards~
Amber: So there happens to be a river, a coffin, a wooden structure, neon tubes and electricity out here for you to use?
Danny: Hey, no one ever said everything in this game had to make sense, hell a few months ago I got beaten up in my locker room less than ten seconds after getting beaten up in the ring. Shit like that happens, I mean fuck me, look at all the shit Syren gets away with.
Amber: What is it with you and Syren?
Danny: I don’t know, just become a bit of a hobby now. Anyway, the real car is round here. We should probably go, might spoil the illusion if we’re still here in a minute, I can hear them coming.
~Danny and Amber vanish around the corner of the convenient wooden structure, and sure enough a moment later Bishop and Fuller arrive on the scene, see the sign and rush to the box. Using the again ever so convenient crow bar left atop the coffin, a few minutes later they have pried open the box, and between them carried MJ away~
Smith: What a convenient crow bar
Hood: I love convenient crow bars, they make freeing shit a lot easier
Smith: Like a red headed wench?
Hood: Wench?
Smith: Sorry, let my temper get the best of me…but…the question I have is how Ian is going to remain focused for his next match.
Hood: Dude, it’s ARCHIA
Smith: Still, she’s a great athlete growing more experienced with each match
Hood: Blah blah blah
Smith: Well, Ian is having a traumatic night…but, he’s got to put it all behind him because his match is next.

~Ian Bishop is already in the ring~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, already in the ring…he is the OCW Central Champion…Ian Bishop!
~Daughters of Darkness" picks up and the fans burst into chanting "ANA! ANA! ANA!" over and over again. Ana gets lost in the black curtain and eventually fires herself out and jumps forward shouting "CANNONBALL" while tucking her legs. She comes down to the entrance ramp and lands on her feet throwing out her arms then throwing up her arms one after the other in her way of psyching up the crowd and herself. She rolls under the bottom rope and does a little shuffle dance. She walks over to the side of the ring and kicks up to the top rope and sits there looking out at the fans and back towards whoever is in the ring. Her friend Serena Ransolver follows along behind her making sure to leave plenty of room so not to wind up as collateral damage.~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from The Bookstore…standing 5’2 and weighing in at 103lbs…Ana Archia!!
~Belvedere exits the ring as the bell sounds~
Smith: Ian has had a rough night
Hood: Yea, well that’s what happens when you act like a fucking racist
Smith: Act?
Hood: Okay, are
Smith: Indeed
~Ian goes to grapple but Archia lifts a knee into his face and then drops him with a Codebreaker!! Ian is out cold as Ana asks for something from Serena…she hands Ana a bowl of ravioli!! Ana dumps the ravioli all over Ian who screams and writhes on the ring from the scaling hot Italian food~
Smith: Ana and her ravioli.
Hood: Well, at least she finally got the opportunity to pour it on someone
Smith: Indeed.
~Ian gets to his feet, holding his face in pain. Ana leaps up and dropkicks Ian into the lower midsection! He falls to the mat as she covers him for the pin~
~The bell rings as the crowd goes wild for the upset~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…ANA ARCHIA!!!!!
Smith: Unbelievable…what a weird night
Hood: The sign of the end times?
Smith: I hope not…
~Archia snatches a few leftover Ravioli’s before rushing backstage, eating them. Ian reaches his feet and kicks the bottom rope out of anger~
Voice: Ian…
~Ian looks around as a spotlight flashes above the OCW Tron revealing Danny B! The crowd cheers loudly~
Smith: I thought he had left?
Hood: Well, he certainly wanted us to think that…but, unless that’s a hologram, Danny B is still here
Smith: I think this is about to get interesting
Hood: Fuck yea, let’s get weird
~We focus back on Danny B~
Ripper: so Ian my boy, after everything today you still felt you could win, and you lost to that pale fuck tard.
That makes me feel like something is about to happen, remember that opportunity I have, well I'm cashing it in, right fucking now. Fear the fucking reaper!
~Ian looks over at Scruff, who just shrugs. Danny B suddenly descends from the top of the OCW Tron down to ringside. He slides into the ring as the bell sounds~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, Danny B is cashing in his title shot opportunity for the Central Title…this match starts…NOW!
Smith: Whoa!
Hood: Oh Shi….
Smith: No, no, this isn’t that
Hood: Oh Snap!
Smith: There ya go
~Ian grabs Scruff, yelling at him. Scruff points towards Danny B…Ian turns around and Danny B goes for a spear! But Ian dodges him! Danny hits the middle corner and staggers out…Ian kicks him in the gut, and lifts him up for the Incredible Drop, but Danny elbows Ian in the face!! Ian drops Danny who lands on his feet…he rushes back into a corner. Ian turns around…Danny sprints towards him and DRILLS him with a Spear!!! Danny goes for the cover as Scruff makes the count with the crowd counting along~
~The bell rings as the crowd erupts with cheers~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….AND THE NEW OCW CENTRAL CHAMPION… “THE RIPPER” DANNY B!!!!!
Smith: He did it!! Danny B is a champion!
Hood: Well, he’s BEEN a champion
Smith: A singles, champion, Hood…what a great moment for one of our hardest working, most talented performers.
Hood: Yea, he may wear face paint…but the guy deserves this.
Smith: Indeed!
~Ian staggers around the ring, slurring at Danny. Danny smirks, drops the title onto the mat, hooks Ian and drills him into the title with RKS!! Danny yanks the title out from under Ian’s face and hoists it over his shoulder to a loud ovation and chants of ‘Ripper!’…he makes his way to the back as we get one final shot of Ian, busted open~
Smith: Ouch
Hood: Yea, that’s not gonna buff out
Smith: Undeed…well, folks…let’s head backstage to see if we can top this epic, historic OCW moment
Hood: True, it was a colossal moment
Smith: I’m being told we’ve got some late breaking news happening right now…backstage we go!
~Danny B is backstage with his newly won Central Title…Dean shows up and slaps the title which is draped over his shoulder~
Dean: Excellent choice, sucka…you’re going to make a great Central Champion. I…
~Dean stops as he sees something which catches his attention~
Dean: I’ll be right back but, just so you know, I’m going to need to borrow that title after the main event, just for a few moments. I’ve already got the Western, Southern and Northeastern titles in my office.
~Danny nods as Dean heads for the curtain and approaches Ian, who is being helped by Fuller, after his nasty altercation with Danny~
Dean: Ian, I know you can’t talk right now and are a little out of it…so I’m just gonna inform you that your services in OCW are no longer required. You and MJ can take your act elsewhere, sucka
~Ian slowly looks up as Dean pats him on the back. Fuller has a ‘wtf’ look on his face as he lets go of Ian, who crashes to the floor. Dean walks back up to The Ripper who hands in the Central Title~
Dean: Thanks, sucka…big announcement coming soon, be sure to stay tuned after our Main Event.
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Oh my gosh! MJ Bell and Ian are GONE?
Hood: Heh, well, so long, farewell
Smith: How is this going to impact OCW?
Hood: I’m going to say…not at all
Smith: Well, we’ll see…its main event time, meaning it’s time to move on…let’s head down to ringside!

Winner faces Lurrr at Sinful Nature
PerZag (10-3) vs. Richard (2-Eternity)
~Richard is already in the ring, boxing the air like he’s Rocky or something~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for our Main Event of the evening! The winner of this match will face Lurrr at Sinful Nature for the OCW Northeastern Championship! Introducing first, RICHARD!
~The crowd gives Richard a nice ovation as he waves to them very much like a queen would, for some odd reason. The lights of the arena go out. All that is seen is a small glow of light from the entrance ramp. ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ by Survivor starts to play over the PA system. A hooded figure walks on to the entrance ramp. The lights come back on as the hooded figure stands still on the stage. The hooded figure walks down to the ring slowly. He gets into the ring and stands in the centre of it. He slowly removes the hood and shows his hideous scars throughout the arena. 'Eye Of The Tiger' by Survivor stops playing as PerZag walks over to a corner in the ring and crouches down near it~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Benalla…standing 6’5 and weighing in at 216lbs…PerZag!!!
~Belvedere exits as the bell sounds~
Smith: Here we go, Hood…can Richard spring the monumental upset?
Hood: No
Smith: Are you sure?
Hood: Yes
Smith: So, Richard won’t not be staying home for Sinful Nature
Hood: The fuck?
~Richard and PerZag lock up…Zag lifts a knee into Richard’s gut before whipping him into the ropes. Richard bounces off and PerZag drills him with a perfectly executed dropkick! PerZag pops back to his feet and stands over Richard, kicking him in the head~
Smith: PerZag is just toying with Richard
Hood: Well, Richard is a tool
Smith: I said toying
Hood: Dude, I played with hammers all the time as a kid
Smith: So dangerous…suspect parenting
Hood: I grew up with wolves or whatever the fuck, like Mowgli
Smith: Sorry, I don’t believe that
~Zag yanks Richard to his feet and instantly drops him with a DDT!! Richard’s lifeless body is on the mat as Zag looks out to the crowd…they boo him because, for some reason, Richard is insanely over. Zag motions that this is just about done when, suddenly the crowd rises~
Smith: What’s going on?
Hood: It’s Lurrr and Mathis!
Smith: What? Where???
~Zag turns around and sees Mathis standing on the apron. He rushes at Mathis to knock him off, but Mathis hops down. Lurrr SLIDES into the ring behind Zag…Zag turns around and is DRILLED in the face with the Wake Up Call!!! Zag falls down, flat on his back as Lurrr exits. He gathers with Mathis and they rush back through the crowd, leaving ringside. Richard slowly crawls towards Zag~
Smith: Oh no! Please, don’t tell me!
Hood: Hahaha, fucking Richard is going to Sinful Nature
Smith: This is insane…as if signing that ridiculous contract right before losing his job wasn’t bad enough…now he’s got to SCREW PerZag over?
Hood: Hey man…get to the top, however you can
~Richard reaches Zag and he tosses his arm over Zag’s chest! Scruff makes the count~
Smith: Oh my…
Hood: Yesssss
Smith: This is…wait…wait a minute…Scruff is saying Zag kicked out!
Hood: What?
Smith: Yes! He did, he kicked out!
Hood: Talk about a fucking delay…geesh
~PerZag did, indeed, kick out. Richard gets to his feet and he lifts Zag up. He whips Zag into the corner, Zag hits hard. Richard rushes in and goes for a splash but Zag moves!! Richard lands hard and staggers out. Zag kicks Richard in the gut, hooks him and delivers the PerZag Perfection!! He is locked on for the pin as Scruff makes the count~
~The bell rings as the crowd winds up showing their support for PerZag~
Belvedere: Here is your winner and the #1 Contender for the OCW Northeastern Title…PERZAG!!!!!
Smith: He did it!! PerZag is going to Sinful Nature to face Lurrr despite Lurrr’s obvious attempt at screwing him over.
Hood: Fucking Benalla man…those guys are robotic
Smith: Bionic?
Hood: Chronic
Smith: Well, whatever the case may be…PerZag has a golden opportunity in just three weeks…wow, what a night for the pro wrestling natural.
~PerZag starts celebrating his victory over Richard by throwing up his arms in the air and saying ‘I am the Worthiest Of All’.~
Smith: PerZag is going to be headlining Sinful Nature against Lurrr.
Hood: That is just going to be an easy challenge for Lurrr.
Smith: It may not be. PerZag may be able to surprise us.
Hood: No way. Lurrr is going to win it easily.
~PerZag calls for a microphone and Belvedere hands him one. PerZag starts to speak into the microphone.~
PerZag: Now, I am headlining Sinful Nature. I am going to be challenging Lurrr for the North Eastern Championship, and I could not be more proud of myself. The Worthiest of All goes up against the President for one month. He was not even Worthy enough to be President. I am not speaking to you to brag about my Main Event match at Sinful Nature. I am going to speak to you for something else.
Smith: What does he want to talk about?
Hood: Don’t ask me. I do not know how to read people’s minds.
Smith: I wasn’t asking you. It was a generic question.
Hood: Generic question or not. We do not want you asking them.
~PerZag starts to speak again.~
PerZag: I am speaking to you right now to honour some the legends of the wrestling industry that have fallen. If you would like to look up at the screen, and have a moment of silence so that we can honour some of the legends that have passed.
~The screen starts playing. It firstly shows Ultimate Warrior, showing footage of his defeat over Hulk Hogan. It shows Mr. Perfect and his promos of perfection. It shows Andre The Giant and his footage of the Wrestlemania Match against Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 3. Big John Studd, which it shows footage of him winning the 1989 Royal Rumble. Randy Savage, which shows his WWE Championship win over Ted Dibiase Snr. Lastly it shows The Bounty Hunter and his win over PerZag for the Internet Title the week before.~
Smith: Strange footage
Hood: No shit, I was expecting Slim Shady or Cocco Ricci
Smith: Gavin Reed, perhaps?
Hood: Legends, Smith…LEGENDS
~The footage on the screen stops playing. PerZag begins to speak again.~
PerZag: Those were some of the greats of the wrestling industry. Others included Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Brian Pillman, Test, Lance Cade and there are so many more. But, today I am here to honour the most recent death. I am here to honour The Bounty Hunter.
~Dexter’s Theme starts to play over the PA system. The lights go off, and the big screen turns to life, with a picture of The Bounty Hunter. RIP & -2014 is written on it.~
Smith: They have no idea when he was born.
Hood: Does not seem to be known. No one must know.
Smith: Then how did The Bounty Hunter get a job here without Dean knowing his age.
Hood: Well, he has an 80 year old fighting on the roster, so I do not think he cares.
Smith: That’s true.
~A coffin starts coming out down the ramp. Kevin McGregor, who is bandaged up from last week, Mike, who has a neck brace on, and is bandaged up, and Jason Polak are beside the coffin, pushing it down the ramp way. The coffin slowly comes down to the ring as PerZag speaks.~
PerZag: The Bounty Hunter was a friend of mine. Even though he turned in me, I still consider him as my friend. He was murdered last week. If anyone that is watching this knows anything about the murder, please contact myself, or the police. The Bounty Hunter did not deserve this, he did not deserve to be murdered. He deserved a life. A better life than what he had. That is why I brought him into this industry. I brought him in to give him a better life. He deserved better than this.
~PerZag stops speaking, as the coffin stops at the side of the ring next to the apron. Kevin McGregor, Jason Polak and PerZag’s agent Mike come into the ring. PerZag hands the microphone over to Mike.~
Mike: I did not know The Bounty Hunter for long, but he was a good guy. Even though he injured me, he did deserve better than this.
~Mike hands the microphone over to Kevin McGregor.~
Kevin McGregor: Last week he attacked both Mike and I. He injured us both, and put us in the hospital. He definitely did not deserve this. He did not deserve to be killed by someone else. He deserved to be killed by me.
~PerZag looks over at Kevin McGregor. He walks up and snatches the microphone away from McGregor. Jason Polak puts his arm out for the microphone. PerZag goes to give him the mic, but shakes his head and starts speaking in it.~
PerZag: Kevin McGregor is an idiot. The Bounty Hunter did not deserve to die at all. We do want one more person to come down to this ring and say a few words about The Bounty Hunter.
~PerZag and the rest of the people in the ring look over at the entrance way.~
PerZag: We want the man who officially ended his career to come down to this ring. Scruff we want you to come down here and say a few words.
~The four men look away from the ramp and look over at Scruff who is standing outside next to Belvedere.~
Smith: They want Scruff to say a few words. Why would they want Scruff to say a few words?
Hood: It’s a funeral, Smith. Don’t ask questions. Be respectful.
Smith: Be respectful. Be respectful. You never show respect. Never. Don’t tell me to be respectful.
Hood: I am showing respect right now by telling you to be respectful.
Smith: Shut up.
~Scruff looks at Belvedere who is standing next to him and looks back at the ring. He walks to the ring and enters it. He walks up to PerZag, and PerZag hands him the microphone. Scruff moves the mic up to his lips to speak. PerZag kicks Scruff in the gut, making Scruff drop the mic, and gives Scruff a PerZag Perfection.~
Smith: What the hell just happened?
Hood: Well, PerZag just gave Scruff a PerZag Perfection.
Smith: I can see that.
Hood: You just asked what happened. So, I was telling you what happened.
Smith: What I meant was why did that just happen.
Hood: I cannot answer that one.
~PerZag picks the mic off of the ground.~
PerZag: We do not care about your words. You were the one who ended The Bounty Hunter’s career. You are the reason that he is dead, Scruff. You could have just left us unconscious, and declared the match a draw. Then, we both would still be in this industry. You did the wrong thing.
~Kevin McGregor and Jason Polak slide outside the ring. They grab the coffin and open it up. Nothing is inside the coffin. PerZag rolls Scruff over to the side of the ring. PerZag and Mike slides outside, and he and Mike life Scruff up and put him in the coffin. They shut the lid, and starts moving the coffin back up the ramp. They disappear backstage, as the footage moves to Smith and Hood.~
Smith: They have just kidnapped Scruff.
Hood: They didn’t kidnap him. They just took him home. Scruff just passed out from being able to talk for once.
Smith: No, they kidnapped him. They hurt him, and then put him in the coffin.
Hood: Its a new mode of transport.
Smith: Being in a coffin is a new mode of transport.
Hood: Yes. That is why when you get buried. You get buried in a coffin, and the coffin travels you to the land beyond.
Smith: I should never listen to you.
Hood: Why?
Smith: Because you never make sense. Anyhow, it seems that President Dean is going to need to find a new referee.
Hood: Maybe PerZag is just borrowing Scruff.
Smith: What would he be borrowing Scruff for?
Hood: Maybe to referee a drunken bar fight.
Smith: Why would you need a referee for a drunken bar fight?
Hood: Well, the referee declares the winner by checking someones pulse. If they do not have a pulse, then the other person wins.
Smith: Have you ever been in one of those matches.
Hood: Yes
Smith: So, you won.
Hood: No
Smith: Then why are you still here.
Hood: I ran away before the man could strike me.
Smith: Well, then you were never in a fight.
Hood: Yes I was. I hit him, and then I ran off.
Smith: And you call me a pussy.
Hood: I never said such a thing.
Smith: I am 99.9% sure you did.
Hood: You are 99.9% wrong then, and 0.1% right.
~We are instantly cut off to a shot of President Dean in his office. The Southern, Western, Central and Northeastern Titles are laid out in front of him. Dean looks up into the camera and speaks~
President Dean: First of all, I’d like to congratulate PerZag on his win despite the douche bag behavior of our Hall of Famer, Lurrr. Good luck to you at Sinful Nature, PerZag.
~He sets up the Western, Southern, Northeastern and Central Titles where they are more clearly visible~
President Dean: Since our return it’s been a long climb back to prominence…and, I’m here to tell you guys, we are almost there. Sinful Nature is around the corner and, with that, comes the biggest PPV of the calendar year in OCW. Sinful Nature is the event all OCW wrestlers strive to be a part of…it is where legends are made and iconic moments are created. Every OCW Hall of Famer has had ‘their moment’ at Sinful Nature. This year will be no different…
~Dean parts the four titles and unveils the Brand New OCW Title. It’s everything you’d imagine it to be, gold, shiny, impressive, big…but not gaudy…just amazing. It also has, engraved, the names of every past OCW champion starting with Lurrr and ending in Scott Syren~
Presidential Dean: All four regional titles will be up for grabs Sunday, June 29th…the winners of those four matches will then go on to the main event where one man…ONE WRESTLER…will emerge victorious as the NEW OCW CHAMPION…the First OCW Champion crowned in nearly ten years.
~Dean is just about to end it…when he remembers one thing~
President Dean: Oh yea and that match…that match will be competed in the most violent, notorious, dangerous and memorable match in OCW History…a Psychopathic Hell in a Cell!
~Dean smiles as we our camera moves away from his desk and out of his office…right around in the shadows lurks Andy Murray who rubs his chin and thinks about what was just said~
Smith: What an announcement!
Hood: Dude, Sinful Nature is going to be the biggest event ever and Andy Murray is lurking!
Smith: What do you think he thinks about that announcement? Perhaps the biggest announcement in OCW history?
Hood: No doubt he’s putting some serious thought into it…how about Andy Murray as the new World Champion?
Smith: How would that even happen…
Hood: Oh, you know, he flies out of the shadows and pins Lurrr or Syren…oh man…do you realize we could have a Lurrr and Syren face off in the main event…the first and last World Champions?
Smith: There has never been a better time to be a part of OCW
Hood: No fucking shit
~We fade to black~
OOC: Alright, there it is…obviously a couple of shockers…head to the OOC for the review thread…I’m going to discuss a few OOC items there as well. Hope you guys enjoyed the show!
Hank/Sean Fuller: Tiger/Eliminator, Brenner/Xavier and TLS/Storm
Some Guy: Awesome Hype Video