January 10, 2001
~The camera fades to a nucular explosion, as the word 'PILEDRIVER' crashes down onto the screen. "Back in Black" by AC/DC begins to play, as the camera cuts to a shot of Cheasy M sitting at the Piledriver Newdesk. A huge red and black 'OCW' banner is behind him, as he is wearing a mustard suit and slacks, with an OCW t-shirt. On his head he's wearing a black baseball cap turned backwards, and a goofy grin streaches across his face. As the music fades, Cheasy M stops playing the air guitar, straightens his hat, and begins to speak.~
Cheasy M: "Well we saw a great Massacre last night as in the opening match we saw Drummer beat Steve Kudos. Next we saw Max Steele take home a win against Myzer, Everlast over Brian Hanes, and The Frost over Fenix. In another great battle we saw Triple M take a win against James Vorex. Then in our main event Lurrr and Nightcrawler fought to a draw! Belive me, it was on hell of a night! The OCW's new talent is rising fast! Guys like The Frost, Shadow Stalker, Everlast and others are really making a name for themselves here in the OCW! .. hold on, I have word that someone has spotted Silverfreek in the building! Lets cut to the backstage area."
~The camera fades into the halls of the Piledriver studio. Silverfreek can be seen wearing a JFC t-shirt, Jnco jeans, and the OCW Hardcore belt around his waist. Silverfreek starts looking through a closet in the hallway.~
Silverfreek: "Damn.. where is that thing?!"
~Suddenly we see Hood begin to walk down the hall. Silverfreek looks over, and slams the closet door shut quick as Hood walks by. Hood stops and looks at Silverfreek oddly.~
Hood: "Umm..what are you up to Silver?"
~Silverfreak looks around with a parinoid look on his face. The Hardcore Champion then grins slowly.~
Silverfreek: "Ohh nothing, just looking through the ol' closet ya know... I'm not doing anything... nothing at all!"
Hood: "Silver, this isn't gonna turn out like on Massacre when you told Max you weren't gonna attack Kemp2K, but you did it anyways?"
Silverfreek: "Of..course not! Uhh.. weren't you going somewhere?"
Hood: "Yeah.. hey don't do anything stupid now, ya hear me?"
~Hood continues walking down the hall, as Silverfreek starts to dig around in the closet some more. Finally Silverfreek pulls out a large Mexican sombreo. Silverfreak puts it on, shuts the closet door, and walks down the hall as the camera fades back to the Piledriver studio.~
Cheasy M: "What the hell is Silverfreek up to? Guess we'll have to watch him tonight!"
~Cheasy M takes a sip of cola from his "World's Greatest Commish" mug.~
Cheasy M: "This week I have a new treat for all of you. Thanks to the OCW getting a little bigger budget, I've got my first official reporter for Piledriver! She's smart, sexy, and is here with a special interview from Everlast."
~A small television pops up from the Piledriver Newsdesk. The
scene opens to a dark room just barely lit with a man and a woman sitting in chairs comfortably. The camera gets a better shot of the two as it reveals that it is Piledriver's newest Interviewer Cindi Masters and Everlast.~
Cindi: "Hello I am here tonight interviewing the rising superstar Everlast, hello."
Everlast: "Yo, what's up, how's it goin'?"
Cindi: "Pretty good, lets go ahead and get to the first question Everlast first off congratulations so far in your career your 2 and 0 how does that effect you so far."
Everlast: "Well to be honest with you I really haven't thought much of the matches because both men really didn’t have much to say to me. I think they saw my mad skill and said awe f*ck it."
Cindi: "Try watching your language this show is live and is a family show."
Everlast: "Sorry about that man."
Cindi: "I have to say the promo against Beefcake Bryan Hanes wasn’t bad although you did seem to piss off and talk crap about the other competitors in the fed."
Everlast: "Yea I sorta got done with Beefcake and said well I don’t wanna leave this early with the fans still going wild and everything so I sorta put something a little subliminal out the putting down Drummer, Slim Shady, Kemp2K, and the stable JFC."
Cindi: "Yea but you called JFC a 'he' as in one person."
Everlast: "Yea well that's because no matter how many people they have in that stable the whole stable will never be as talented as me, so I just said he because if you look at all their so called talent then it equals to one person and either way it’ll never match up to me."
Cindi: "You also as a rookie seemed to get the wrong guy mad at you, the respected and very well known Scott Syren, he had a couple things to say and even decided to do a little rap for you."
Everlast: "Ya’ as a matter of fact I was able to catch that on T.V. when I was about to leave and he mentioned how he made rapping in promos so great. I never heard if this little boy before so he can’t say I stole the idea from him. He also came up with a rhyme that I think is just a little toddler rap. Something that Dr. Suess would come up with, he can rhyme all he wants but beating me is all a myth, he’s got nothing on my talent, because everyone knows I’m gallant, you wanna offer a challenge to me, boy it’ll cost you just a little fee, I’ll let you go against me for your belt, then you can have my presence felt, I’ll beat you and became a champ, while your laying down with your panties all damp, pissing all over yourself, boy you can’t even beat me at full health."
Cindi: "Well this Monday, on Monday Night Massacre you two will be going one on one!"
Everlast: "I only got one condition. He better put the belt on the line, and I want him in the cage."
Cindi: "In a cage? Are you sure you are ready for such a big match when you’ve only fought in two so far and both of them from what you say haven't even been a challenge."
Everlast: "I know I can take him, he’s just all talk, and I can prove it being able to beat him winning his belt, and in a cage will keep his bed buddies off my ass so I can just give him a nice old fashioned beat down."
Cindi: "And you’ll only fight him for his belt, why?"
Everlast: "Because he needs to put his money where his mouth is, see him put his precious belt up and he can lose it just as easily as he mentioned me in one of his promos."
Cindi: :"But you realize that no rookie has won a belt in this federation? If you won it would be a major upset."
Everlast: "So I’m ready to upset him by taking his belt, while the other rookies are there demanding title shots I’ll be the one that got challenged and ended up winning it."
Cindi: "What rookies demand title shots?"
Everlast: "Their names aren't important enough to mention but Scoot Time and Jay Cee. They think that they can keep up with me by demanding title shots but even if they were lucky enough to get one they wouldn’t win because they lack a lot of skill."
Cindi: "Okay there you have it ladies and gentlemen Everlast has asked for an extra stipulation to the Intercontinental Title Match on this week's Monday Night Massacre, will Syren accept> Well for the first time tonight on Piledriver we are having fans call in with questions for our superstars and the number is 1-800-OCW-2756 and we already have a call for Everlast. Hello?"
Fan 1: "Hello?"
Cindi: "Hey what's your name and do you have a question for Everlast?"
Fan 1: "Yea Jennifer, and first off I want to say Everlast you are so sexy!"
Everlast: "Thanks."
Jennifer: " was wondering how big is your [cencored]..."
Cindi: "Sorry we lost that call."
~Cindi makes a discusted face, while Everlast begin to laugh.~
Cindi: "Lets try this again. Hello?"
Fan 2: "Hello?"
Cindi: "Hey what's your name and question for Everlast?"
Fan 2: "This is Mike, and I was just wondering Everlast how do you feel about Syren’s remarks about starting the whole rap wrestling thing and how you thought of doing it."
Everlast: "Well I have to say I never heard of Syren till I got to the OCW but I just joined a federation a while back and I saw the same thing with every promo I saw which were people describing how he was going to kick his opponent's ass and how he was going to win and how great he was, so I went out there and started rhyming and the fans seemed to love it and fortunately that federation closed because I got a tip from the prez of that federation that this great place was around. So I put in an application and did my promos and I happened to mention Syren’s name and hurt his feelings so he mentioned how he rapped and put a quick Dr. Suess story together with his rap."
Mike: "Why exactly do you call it a Dr. Suess story?"
Everlast: "Because all Dr. Suess stories are fictional and with what he said saying he was going to beat me was very fictional."
Mike: "Okay thanks, bye."
~Everlast and Cindi both say bye at the same time. Cindi looks at her watch, and then speaks.~
Cindi: "Okay we have time for one more call. Hello?"
Fan 3: "Hey I’m David what's up Everlast?"
Everlast: "Just chilling man."
David: "Cool, anyways what I wanted to know is how you felt about Syren's comment about you thinking your black."
Everlast: "Well first off I really don’t see what color has to do with what music you listen to because to be honest I listen to all kinds of music but when I do a promo I like to rap to make my opponent look stupid as hell. I don’t care how many times he mentions that I should be black I’ll just break his back. Then the little racist can’t wrestle anymore."
David: "Cool, and good luck Everlast."
Everlast: "Thanks man."
Cindi: "Well that's all the time we have thanks for stopping by and hanging out with us Everlast and good luck in your career."
~They stand up and shake hands as Everlast leaves.~
Cindi: Well there you have it! Make sure to keep an ear out for Syren’s response to Everlast! Back to you Cheasy!"
~The camera fades back to the Piledriver studio where the small television set is folding back into the Piledriver Newsdesk.~
Cheasy M: "Thanks Cindi, for that interesting interview. You heard it here first people, this Monday on Massacre it will be an Intercontinental Title match with Scott Syren defending against Everlast. Now I have word that we're going to a live remote with Triple M! Seems he is still trying to find a new valet!"
~The camera fades into a debate hall in Alabama for the
Crimson Tide. Triple M walks in with his 2 valets and his wife Amanda.
Triple M walks over and stands behind a podium. The Girls all take a seat
in metal folding chairs.~
Triple M: Ladies and
Gentlemen, tonight in Alabama the finest Ladies in the State will come out
here and they will get turns to out trash talk the best damn trash talker
in the OCW today.... but since we don't have any members from JFC I guess
I'll have to do. So let me introduce to you the 5 ladies that shall compete
tonight. From.. well... Alabama we have Shelly, Christy, Jenna, Sheila, and
the lovely Terri.
~The 5 girls walk out and they
look pretty good if you know what I mean. But something seems different
about Terri... Terri is wearing white face paint like a mime would wear.
Triple M looks at this and he is reminded of his past... but this is not
the time nor the place.~
Triple M: Well, yeah
welcome ladies... and Terri. Today you have the special game of trying to
out trash talk me. We will not be trash talking about each other though...
we must out due the others in the field of making fun of the certain people
that I give you. So let's get this party started.
~The ladies all take a seat at a desk. Triple M walks over and
instructs his ladies to keep track of scores. Triple M then walks back over
behind his podium and they start.~
Triple M:
Ok... Shelly we will start with you. Say you have a match with Tommy
Crimson coming up. What would you say to him?
Shelly: Well Mario.... this is what I would say. Tommy, you've got a
match against the greatest wrestler to come to the OCW since Silverfreak
retired. That means that Triple M is better then you, smarter then you, and
a whole lot more Marvelous than you!
Triple M: Ok thank you Shelly. Now It is my turn to layeth the trash talk
out. Tommy Crimson... congratulations on your United States Title win, I
guess the only bad thing now is that you wanted me in a One on One match. A
match that puts your US title on the line, a match that I have nothing to
lose but everything to win. Tommy Crimson... if that is your name, you will
be Marvelously Manhandled by The Marvelous One much like I did to
that poor excuse for a Tag wrestler in James Vorex.
Triple M: Now we will
have a short commercial break and we will be right back here to hear from
the next girl.
Cheasy M: "Wow, that Jenna girl looked pretty good! Mario sure does have a good choice in women, if I do say so myself. Damn, Enigma is one guy who could really make you sh*t your pants! This guy is super creepy, but is a skilled man inside and outside of the ring. Here lately, he seems to be showing bordum with the Lightheavyweight division though. Could we see Enigma get into the big title hunt? Well theirs no doubt he could do it. He's just got to get in 'the mix'. Alright, i have word from backstage that we've caught up with Silverfreek once again! He's.. well he's here!"
~Silverfreek walks up to the Piledriver Newsdesk and takes a seat next to Cheasy M. Silverfreak is now wearing a mexican poncho, and the sombreo he found earlier. Cheasy M have a dazed look on his face as Silverfreek begins to speak.~
Silverfreek: "Now Cheasy, I know what your gonna say. 'Silver, why do you look like you just walked out of the mexican ghetto?'"
Cheasy M: "Well Silver, why DO you look like you just walked out of the mexican ghetto?"
Silverfreek: "Glad you asked there jerkie. I told the OCW when I became the Hardcore Champion, that like with every belt I've held, I'm taking the Hardcore division to a totally NEW level! Now I'm sure we have all seen the Liver-Tailed Death Match, the Genetal Warts Bathroom Brawl, or even the Shark Infested Mud Wrestling Match.. but I've got a match the OCW.. nor the world of profesional wrestling has EVER seen before!"
Cheasy M: "What?"
Silverfreek: "Tommarow Night on Tremor, I will be defending my Hardcore Championship in a Sombreo on a Pole Match!!! First wrestler to reach the sombreo, obviously ON A POLE, will become the winner! Why am I doing this? Cause it's new! Cause it's origional! And cause I know it will tick Kemp2K off even more! So, Kemp put on your Marty Janety looking tights, swallow that big lump in your throat, and COME GET SOME of the one..and the ONLY freak of pro wrestling!"
~Silverfreak slaps off Cheasy M's hat, and then walks out of the studio. As Cheasy M is reaching down to pick up his black baseball cap, he speaks.~
Cheasy M: "Well once again, Silverfreek has lived up to his name of being the freakiest man in the buisness with this Sombreo on a Pole match! Well that's all for tonight's show! I'll see you all on Thursday Night Tremmor!!!"
~The camera fades to a commercial for Thursday Night Tremmor.~