“We are coming to you LIVE from Nepal. The site of what’s being dubbed ‘The Great Illuminatus’ but, in reality, we find ourselves faced with an ancient pyramid in desperate shape. A wrestling entity known as TRIAD arrived a few days ago to begin setting up for a massive event scheduled for this evening and, ever since, dangerous storms have threatened. The ground has been uneasy. Calamity feels certain. So much so that every local within hundreds of miles has vacated the area. Fans have been banned from traveling to the event. TRIAD leaders have been urged by officials to suspend and even cancel the show.”
The old, ancient pyramid looms behind an ambitious reporter. The camera shooting this unnerving backdrop shakes. The reporter braces.
“As you can see, conditions are not improving. But, TRIAD seems destined to push forward. The local government has backed off. Rumors of money and the promise of power changing hands as the reason this entire endeavor has been granted permission to materialize seem to be the prevailing theory. Regardless of it all, tonight’s finale is going to take place under tenuous and uncertain circumstances. It is the hope by all involved that nobody gets hurt during this evening’s event.”
The reporter hears a loud crackling of thunder, forcing them to jump and brace before returning to their task.
“It is a promise neither of the three leaders of TRIAD can guarantee.”
TRIAD employees march past the reporter. A handful of drones hover over them.
“What’s going on?”
“We gotta go. Only on-air talent is allowed from this point forward.”
Before the reporter can continue, she’s snagged by one of the TRIAD employees and ushered away from The Great Illuminatus. Our view shifts to one of the drones hovering over the exiting employees. It takes a sharp turn and zooms back toward The Great Illuminatus. The ground is a mixture of dirt and snow. The pyramid remains in rough shape. Seated in front is TRIAD leader TLS. He’s relaxing back in a bean bag chair, sipping on a drink. He’s totally nude, aside from a Team TLS loin cloth covering his waist. A pair of TRIANGLE shaped shaded lenses cover his face. All in all, the man looks quite at ease and enjoying himself.
A shadow approaches, covering him up.
“Man...have some respect. I’m trying to get some sun,” TLS remarks, taking a sip of his drink.
“Is this what Survivor is going to be like?” PIC’s voice asks.
TLS just nods, finishing his sip.
“Terrific,” PIC replies, sarcastically. A quiet moment between friends is allowed to pass. Both taking in the sight that resembles a year’s worth of hard work. “Feeling good about your chances?” PIC breaks the silence.
TLS reaches over and pats a small, gray box. It looks to be some old computer. PIC nods. He starts to say something else but is interrupted by the sky. It churns. Winds start to howl. He and TLS look up as lightning begins striking from all directions, connecting with the top of the pyramid.
Kieran King, the Wit Trials Champion, approaches. Like some sort of god, he rides the electric current toward the apex of the pyramid. Nearing it’s stone exterior, King is able to manipulate the electricity into opening a passage. He glides into the pyramid, the entrance closing behind him.
“Have to say I’m feeling pretty good about mine,” PIC smiles.
Snow begins running down the mountain. An avalanche appears imminent. TLS and PIC both turn to find a replica of the HMS Atalanta gliding down a wave of snow. The snow moves like water. It reaches the Illuminatus and they watch as Vhodka Black, the winner of the Bravery Trials, disembarks. The ship vanishes into a teal colored power source, hiding itself into her piece of the TRIAD. She enters the pyramid.
“Still feeling good?” TLS fires back.
PIC is about to respond when a loud roar pierces the sky above. Both men look up in awe as a dragon descends down, landing on the side of the pyramid. Atop the dragon is Strength Trials winner, Catalina Cortes. The dragon burns a hole inside the pyramid. She hops off and enters...she pats the dragon near its chest where a hideous scar resides. The dragon turns into a ball of fire, storing itself away in Catalina’s piece of the TRIAD. She enters the pyramid. Her entry point vanishes once its use has been fulfilled.
“Speaking of...where’s Welsh?” PIC asks.
TLS shrugs.
“Someone said they saw him enter the pyramid, haha!” the jovial voice of Tony the Spider informs as he struts past PIC and TLS toward the Illuminatus. No fear in that man.
PIC looks down at TLS, “Son of a...he’s gonna screw this all up.”
“What did you expect?”
“I thought maybe the literal fear of some godlike entity crushing us for poisoning the well of this expedition would be enough to keep him honest.”
TLS has no reply. There’s nothing Welsh does that surprises him anymore.
“Well I’m not gonna stand out here and let him ruin this. I’m going in to find him and throw him out.” PIC takes a step forward, “You coming?”
TLS continues enjoying his drink, “Nah, I’m good.”
PIC stares at his longtime friend, enemy, colleague. He sighs, “Alright then. See you later, I guess.” PIC marches for the Illuminatus and enters.
“Is that how you treat a friend?” the hall of fame voice of Matt Meyhu emerges from behind TLS. He’s soon joined by CYPH3R, Paul Freedom, and Shawn Warstein. TLS reaches over and knocks on his computer. A drawer opens and he locates four keys. One lime, one red, one cyan, and the other in the shape of a ‘3’. He throws them into the air. His team members catch the one belonging to them.
“Thanks, dad,” Warstein can’t hold back a sardonic remark.
“At least you guys have one.”
Team TLS turns toward the voice of Matt Knox. He stands with Parker, SEB, Alexander Raven, and Sahara. Stratford and Sarah Wolf keep their distance. The members of Team Welsh. Each carrying their own key. Knox can’t help but look over at Wolf and show off his key. She snarls back at him.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” a voice booms from within The Great Illuminatus. All key holders turn, facing the intimidating structure. “The key you hold will grant you entrance into The Great Illuminatus. It will work inside one key hole and one key hole alone as The Great Illuminatus will choose your opponents throughout the entirety of this match. Enter now and find out if you are worthy of uniting The TRIAD.”
Everyone looks around wondering who that voice belongs to.
The ground shakes. A horrific howl emanates from within The Great Illuminatus. The sky churns above as more terrible weather threatens. Our view zooms toward The Great Illuminatus...up the side and into the sky as the clouds part revealing The TRIAD logo.
Three brothers of virtue lived on a quiet farm around the year 300 AD. One was said to be brave. Another to be strong. The third wielding an unmatched wit.
These brothers had a bond unlike most. Unbreakable. They lived for each other. No greater love in their lives than the relationship the three of them shared.
Frequently they took in strangers in need of help.
One such stranger appeared on their farm during an unexpected storm. Despite more pressing matters, the brothers tended to the stranger. They offered her food, warmth, and shelter.
On the third night of her stay, a storm so powerful it threatened the integrity of their farm blew in. To pass the time, the stranger told the three brothers a story so unbelievable they might’ve laughed her off. Might have...if she hadn’t revealed a piece of treasure so magnificent to them it breathed an undeniable truth into her words.
It was the TRIAD.
She explained the horrors this unimaginable power had wrought upon their world. The brothers were made to understand that as society advanced the horrors would only increase if the artifact did not find its natural resting place until an entity truly worthy of its power came of age.
It was then that the woman entrusted the three brothers with delivering the artifact to its resting place.
The brothers did not refuse. In her final act, the woman handed the TRIAD over to them before vanishing from existence.
The storm ceased and the brothers set out immediately.
At first their journey was an easy one. They traveled in anonymity from town to town.
But, as their destination neared, the danger increased.
Word seemed to spread via malevolent forces who they were and what they were carrying.
An army of power hungry individuals gave chase. The brothers didn’t have the man power nor the distance to stop or outrun them.
So, the brave one set out early one morning by himself in an opposite direction. In doing so, he threw the army off their track.
The other two brothers understood and, despite their melancholy, returned to their path.
Once the brave one was dealt with the army turned around and resumed their chase.
The two remaining brothers knew time was of the essence.
They reached the entrance of The Great Illuminatus. And so did the evil army.
The strong one urged his brother to enter without him. His brother begged to stay but the strong one would hear none of it. They shared a quick embrace. One brother entered. The strong brother remained outside to hold off the evil army for as long as his strength would allow.
The witty brother was able to maneuver his way within The Great Illuminatus. He eventually found the TRIAD’s resting place. Exhausted beyond measure, he fell to his knees, clutching the mythical object.
The evil army entered the pyramid.
Hearing their approach, the witty brother bowed his head. Tears of a broken heart leaking from his face, staining the TRIAD. The Great Illuminatus roared with fury. A power shot forth from the object, eviscerating the evil army and everything surrounding the pyramid.
Snow tumbled from the mountain. The pyramid was soon covered up as the brother collapsed, dropping the TRIAD to the ground where it shattered into three pieces.
MoMo: Hello everyone and welcome to the final night of TRIAD. The Great Illuminatus is here!
Hood: And so are we, unfortunately.
MoMo: I can’t remember a time in my life when I’ve been surrounded by this much uncertainty. To all my friends and family back at home, I hope to return to you in one piece.
Hood: Same goes to all my hookers and sports bookers.
MoMo: We have our reasons for being here, though. Obligation and duty.
Hood: And a big fat pay day.
MoMo: All of our competitors have entered the great structure. Nobody knows who will be facing who in the first Tier. Only the keys will unlock that mystery.
Hood: I’ve called two of these things. Both were unlike anything I’ve ever seen before and, yet, somehow this one feels more...I don’t know what the word is. Treacherous, maybe.
MoMo: For an entire year we’ve been dealing with a force we don’t fully understand. Tonight the bill comes due.
Hood: Hold on. Okay, cool, the TRIAD deposit into my bank account came through. I’ll go ahead and stick this out with you.
MoMo: Fans, due to safety concerns we have employed the bare minimum. Tony is our referee. I don’t know how only having one ref will work but I guess we’re going to find out. Belvedere is not here with us. There are no fans. The rest? Competitors and our three leaders.
Hood: And us.
MoMo: Yes, and us.
Hood: I hate being essential.
MoMo: Drones will provide the footage from inside The Great Illuminatus. I’m told the wrestlers are inside and entering their chambers. Let’s head on in.
~Inside our first chamber. It’s dark and comprised of stone. There’s a wrestling mat in the middle with ropes and four turnbuckle corners. The mat is flush with the stone floor of the chamber that surrounds it. It’s lit by fire burning inside wall torches just out of reach from the competitors. A door slides open, stone against stone, and CYPH3R steps in. He looks around, taking it all in~
MoMo: CYPH3R was scheduled to compete in the very first Great Illuminatus but was unable to fulfill that obligation. Tonight he seeks to not only make up for that absence but to also unite the TRIAD.
Hood: Shame he missed out on the first one. Those experience points would come in handy tonight.
~We zoom over into the next chamber. It’s like the previous one. A door slides open and Paul Freedom stumbles into the apparatus. He looks around...the aura, atmosphere, all of it is nearly too much for the still ‘wet behind the ears’ pro wrestler. He staggers into the ropes and grasps the top rope, shaking it to feel out the support~
MoMo: Paul Freedom was the last person picked in the Wit Trials but his performance throughout those trials would lead you to believe otherwise. Tonight he looks to go from underdog to the winner of pro wrestling’s greatest challenge.
Hood: It’d be wild. Bu one thing you can’t do inside The Great Illuminatus is underestimate your opponent. All these people are here for a reason.
~We enter the third chamber. And, so does Sarah Wolf. Unlike Freedom, she seems right at home amid the macabre aura. She casually strolls around the ring and looks up at the torches that provide ample, albeit dark, lighting~
MoMo: It’s been awhile since we had the pleasure of watching Sarah Wolf perform.
MoMo: She was apart of the winning team from the Bravery Trials...Team Welsh. She then managed to manipulate Welsh into giving her, Vhodka, and Stratford their own team during the Strength Trials.
Hood: A pivotal moment in TRIAD history.
MoMo: Tonight she looks to return to form and unite the TRIAD.
~We zoom over into the fourth chamber. The door slides open and The White Widow, Sahara enters! She looks around, unimpressed as she usually is~
MoMo: If Welsh is inside that pyramid no doubt he’ll try to aid his favorite...the champ, as he calls her.
Hood: Sahara has been oddly quiet since the Strength Trials.
MoMo: Her personal life took a dramatic turn while we were in Angkor Wat and I’m not sure she’s been as focused since.
~And the fifth and final chamber in Tier one reveals itself. A door slides open and out walks...Stephen Stratford! Slowly his eyes move from left to right. He takes the structure and this tiny chamber in measuring every inch of it’s nature~
MoMo: And there he is. The first pick in TRIAD history.
Hood: He helped lead Team Welsh to victory in the Bravery Trials.
MoMo: If there’s anybody who can work their way to the top of The Great Illuminatus it’s Stephen Stratford. He was built for a match like this.
~Stratford heads for a wall. The flickering light reveals carvings into the stone. Ancient battles being fought across a vast land. A legion of soldiers decimating all those who opposed them. Above them shines the TRIAD. A door slides open behind him. His hand runs across the image of the TRIAD as he hears a voice call out, “Fuck yes.” Strat slowly smiles~
MoMo: Uh oh.
Hood: The TRIAD gods or whatever you wanna call them have a sense of humor, apparently.
MoMo: The Dragon will dance with the Raven one final time.
~Strat turns around and sees Matt Knox standing across from him. We cut over to the previous chamber where Sahara leans over the top rope, looking bored. A door starts to slide open and she yawns, slowly turning toward the entrant. Her eyes widen~
MoMo: Well that got her attention.
Hood: Wonder what ole Thad will think about this
~SEB enters the chamber. He looks across the ring at Sahara. A moment of hesitation lingers between the two as we float over into Chamber 3. Wolf continues to make herself at home until the sound of stone sliding against stone catches her attention. She turns and sees her opponent~
MoMo: And here we go! You know he’s got revenge on the mind!
Hood: She damn near killed him in Angkor Wat!
MoMo: He’s come a long way since then!
~Sean Parker steps into the chamber and points at Wolf. She smiles, flashing her jagged teeth. We float over into Chamber 2 where Paul Freedom continues to work the top rope back and forth, trying to contain his nervous energy. The stone door slides open and he looks up, frozen with a rush of unexpected anxiety~
MoMo: He’s back! The TRUE underdog story of TRIAD.
Hood: What is it about these Ravens, man? They just never quit, do they?
~Alexander Raven steps in and looks across the ring at Paul Freedom. Or, the man we know as Alexander Raven. Instead he’s wearing the Vita Mors mask and just seems to be...moving differently. We head on into Chamber 1. CYPH3R seems a bit uneasy within these ancient surroundings...a man far more comfortable immersed in modern tech. A door slides open and he spins around. His opponent emerges~
MoMo: We’re about to witness some Team TLS on Team TLS violence!
Hood: Wonder what the computer has to say about this!
~It’s Shawn Warstein! CYPH3R smiles and steps through the ropes. Warstein does the same...the two men circle each other. A few words are exchanged before fists are bumped. A show of respect...each man elevating the other into this position throughout the Wit Trials. The two then lock up! We’re underway~
MoMo: Here we go! Warstein taking on CYPH3R!
Hood: A world title match in any promotion.
MoMo: And it’s taking place in our very first Tier!
~CYPH3R takes Warstein over with a side headlock. He lets it go and pops back to his feet. Warstein scrambles to his only to get tossed down with a deep arm drag!! Warstein hits the mat!! He struggles to his feet and charges at CYPH3R once again...only to get taken over with an arm drag for a second time!! CYPH3R pops back to his feet, feeling good. Warstein staggers to his and stumbles toward CYPH3R. CYPH3R attempts his third arm drag but Warstein dodges and hits the ropes. CYPH3R turns around and gets run over with a huge clothesline!!! CYPH3R hits the mat hard as Warstein staggers and doubles over, catching his breath~
MoMo: CYPH3R’s quick but he can also get a little too confident.
Hood: Warstein made a few mental errors early on in the Wit Trials...something I doubt we’ll see here tonight.
MoMo: He’s as sharp as I can remember seeing him.
Hood: Needle sharp?
MoMo: No comment.
~We float over into Chamber 2. Alexander Raven slowly enters the ring. Paul Freedom looks on...he’d planned for Raven but what he’s looking at isn’t exactly familiar. Raven stands in the ring staring at Paul through that Vita Mors mask. Paul isn’t sure how to react. Fight or Flight hits and he jumps up and springboards off the top rope! But Raven catches him by the throat!!! Paul looks up into the perplexing gaze staring back at him...Raven hoists Paul up and slams him down hard with a chokeslam! The impact seems to shake the very foundation of The Great Illuminatus. We hover over to Chamber 3 where Parker turns, staring toward Chamber 2 after hearing the huge impact. This gives Wolf an opening~
MoMo: Stay focused, Sean!
Hood: He’s worried, like we all are, that someone got murdered inside that second chamber.
~Wolf spears through Parker and takes him down to the mat! She mounts him and grabs his head. She begins slamming the back of his head into the mat over and over. Parker tries to fight it off...memories of Angkor Wat hit him harder than the mat and he raises up, smashing his forehead into Wolf’s nose! Wolf rises to her feet, stumbling back. Parker kips up and stares at Wolf...blood runs from her nose, across her lips, and off her chin. She smiles, flashing her jagged, blood stained teeth. We float over into Chamber 4 where SEB and Sahara measure one another up~
MoMo: Team Welsh members in Angkor Wat. Now they’ll have to fight until one sees their dreams of uniting the TRIAD dashed.
Hood: SEB is the XWF Universal Champion. He’s proven to be one of the best this sport has to offer. Sahara has been fighting against the stereotype this world seems so eager to place upon her.
MoMo: If she can eliminate SEB that would certainly raise some eyebrows.
Hood: And, who knows, maybe it might earn her an XWF Universal Title shot...JUST SAYING
~They go to lock up but Sahara stops and sidesteps SEB, who stumbles forward. Sahara’s eyes narrow as something catches her vision. Something hidden in the corner of the chamber. SEB turns around and sees Sahara’s back facing him. He snags her by the arm, spinning Sahara around. She nails him in the head with a forearm shot! SEB staggers back. Sahara throws another but SEB ducks, grabs Sahara and drops her with an Atomic Drop!!! Sahara stumbles into a corner. She winces, looking up and again spots something in the corner of the chamber. Holding her wounded tailbone she starts to step through the ropes, exiting the ring to further investigate~
MoMo: Sahara is extremely distracted.
Hood: That’d be dangerous against a normal competitor...but against the XWF Universal Champion? It’s a death sentence.
MoMo: She needs to regain her focus...FAST
~Sahara exits the ring and takes a step toward the corner of the chamber, still trying to make out what her eyes are having trouble turning away from. We float on over into Chamber 5. Strat enters into the ring. Knox steps over the top rope. Strat mocks Knox for his attempt to look like a badass. Knox rushes forward with a right hand...Strat blocks it and nails Knox with a right hand of his own!! Knox retaliates! Strat fires back! The two in-ring legends brawl it out inside the ring of Chamber 5~
MoMo: It all goes back to Night 1. Strat laid waste to Knox’s child, Helena, leading to Knox pinning Helena for two points. Something that has weighed heavily on Knox ever since.
Hood: The feud between Knox and Strat has failed to die down. It’s very personal and you know Triumvirate did NOT want to see him in The Great Illuminatus.
MoMo: And yet, somehow, he found a way in.
~Knox’s power starts to take command in the brawl. So, Strat uses his mind to even the odds, snaring Knox’s arm and pinning it behind his back. Knox throws a back elbow but Strat ducks. Knox spins around. Strat reaches up and grabs Knox’s head...but Knox shoves him away. Strat ALMOST had him. Knox’s eyes tell the story. That close to being pinned by Strat in what is likely their final encounter. Knox lifts his leg up for a big boot but Strat ducks. Knox spins around with a spinning heel kick...Strat ducks, grabs onto Knox and throws him over with a Capture Suplex!! Knox lands hard and winces...a wince that indicates he’s in trouble~
MoMo: Can Knox beat Stratford? Is he already feeling some doubt?
Hood: Knox is primal. There’s a reason he has like a million kids. The guy feels and reacts. Strat is the opposite. He’s always got a plan. He takes his time.
MoMo: His method might be the kryptonite to Knox’s manhood.
~With Knox looking slightly concerned and Strat on all fours behind him, staring, watching, waiting...we hover over back into Chamber 4. Sahara remains distracted. Taking a step toward the dark corner...but SEB reaches over the top rope and grabs her arm. She spins around and decks him with a right hand!! SEB stumbles, holding onto her arm. He snaps it over the top rope!! Sahara reaches for her shoulder, in pain. SEB grabs her head and hooks it under his arm over the top rope...he hoists her up for a suplex...she knees him in the head. He loses his grip. She flips over, landing behind him. She runs, hits the ropes and throws both feet into SEB with a dropkick!! She stumbles into a corner, hitting hard. Sahara pops back to her feet and pauses...her eyes back to that corner. A figure begins to emerge~
MoMo: There’s someone else in there, Hood!
Hood: Is it Welsh??
MoMo: Could it be? Is he in there to help her win?
~It isn’t Welsh. Instead it appears to be Sahara’s recently deceased brother. She pauses, recoils, and stumbles back toward the center of the ring. Her face wrecked with emotion. SEB shakes off the drop kick and charges forward, taking Sahara down with a huge lariat! Sahara turns inside out, landing on the mat. SEB staggers into the ropes. Sahara struggles to her feet...she looks over and sees this ghostly image of her brother. She’s frozen...SEB leans into the ropes, he bounces off and he drills Sahara with The Empire Kick!!!! Sahara hits the mat hard! She’s unconscious. SEB makes the cover. The image of Sahara’s brother morphs into a faceless person of indeterminable origin. They glide through the ropes and drop to the mat for the count~
MoMo: Sahara is eliminated!
Hood: Ouch. She didn’t last long.
MoMo: The ghosts of her past. The magic within The Great Illuminatus got in her head and cost her.
Hood: Props to SEB for taking advantage.
~SEB gets to his knees. He’s as surprised as we are. He sees the strange looking person who made the count. The person looking at him is somehow both beautiful and horrifying. They grab Sahara by the arms. SEB tries to stop them, but he can’t. Effortlessly they remove Sahara from Chamber 4 leaving SEB all alone. He stands in the center of the ring looking up, down, all around...feeling the presence of unnatural life all around him. We float away from his state of discomfort and over into Chamber 3. Parker and Wolf lunge at each other for a lock up. Parker ducks and hooks Wolf from behind around the waist. He tries to lift her up but she solidifies her base, making things difficult on Parker. Parker struggles and starts to lift her up...so, she leans in and bites his arm! Parker yells and lets her go, stumbling back, looking at the broken skin. Fuckin razor blades in that mouth~
MoMo: I’d imagine being locked inside a room with Sarah Wolf might be one of the most excruciating experiences of one’s life.
Hood: You think about being locked up with her a lot?
MoMo: Uh, no!
~Parker throws a forearm at the back of Wolf’s head. But, she ducks!! Parker stumbles forward and turns around...Wolf blasts him in the face with red mist!! Blood from her nose and his arm. It hits him in the eyes and he staggers around...Wolf snatches him and takes him over with a small package!~
~Parker kicks out strong. Wolf gets to her knees and looks over at the being that made the count. It’s the same one from SEB’s chamber. She immediately stumbles back and into a corner, shocked at the unique and unnatural aesthetics of this thing. Parker is back on his feet and he keeps his focus on Wolf. He charges in and hits her with a Meterora!!!! The corner shakes with impact as he hops to his feet and turns, spotting the being in the chamber with them. He stumbles back and falls through the ropes onto the apron~
MoMo: And there it is again...our ref, I guess you could call it.
Hood: It’s like a human but just enough off to make the thing look really weird.
MoMo: I wouldn’t want to be in the chamber with it, that’s for sure.
~We float on over into Chamber 2. Raven stands over Freedom, staring down at him through the mask. Freedom continues to sell the chokeslam. Raven grabs him by the hair and yanks him off the mat. He palms Freedom’s forehead and throws him into a corner. Freedom lands hard. Raven rushes in with some massive right hands, pummeling Freedom in the face. Freedom’s head bounces around, nearly leaving his shoulders. Raven then grabs Freedom and throws him out of the corner, over halfway across the ring, and to the mat with a hip toss! Freedom lands hard, arching his back in pain before coming to rest face down. We float on over into Chamber 1 as both CYPH3R and Warstein look over, continuing to be rattled by the loud sounds of violence pummeling their way from Chamber 2~
MoMo: Freedom is taking a beating at the hands of Alexander Raven. He’s got to figure something out.
Hood: Might be a short night for the face of Nero’s Pizza.
MoMo: Almost as short as Sahara’s.
Hood: WHOA. Too soon, brah
~Warstein refocuses first and fish hooks CYPH3R from behind. He tries to rip CYPH3R’s mouth open...but CYPH3R jumps up and kicks off the ropes, flipping over Warstein and landing on his feet behind the pro wrestling legend. Warstein spins around and gets hit in the head with an Enziguri!!! Warstein stumbles into the ropes. CYPH3R charges forward and he clotheslines Warstein over the top rope and to the outside!! Warstein lands hard on the apron before rolling onto the stone surface. The flames flicker as CYPH3R heads for the nearest corner, ascending the buckles~
MoMo: Teammates for months…now enemies. Neither man will hold anything back.
Hood: And they shouldn’t. The prize they are fighting for transcends all of pro wrestling.
~CYPH3R reaches the top and he leaps off with a double foot stomp...but Warstein moves!!! CYPH3R plants both feet onto the stone surface before taking off and running up the wall. He performs a back flip and smacks Warstein in the head with a Pele Kick!!! Warstein staggers backward and through the ropes, into the ring. CYPH3R pops back to his feet charges for the ropes. He jumps up, balances on the top rope, and springboards off with a curbstomp onto Warstein!!! But, again, Shawn moves, avoiding a near match ending blow!! CYPH3R hits the mat and takes off, much like he did moments before...he runs into the ropes, hops on them and flips backward toward Shawn. Shawn is back on his feet and he catches CYPH3R on his shoulder...he then delivers Snake Eyes to CYPH3R in the nearest corner!! BAM! CYPH3R’s face smashes into the top buckle. Warstein hooks his waist from behind and throws him over his head with a Release German Suplex!! CYPH3R lands hard on his head and shoulders...he’s folded up on the mat as Shawn sits up, catching his breath. We float back over into Chamber 2~
MoMo: CYPH3R is using his quickness and agility to try and knock Warstein out of The Great Illuminatus!
Hood: Yea but Warstein caught him. Last thing we’re gonna see tonight is Shawn get fooled by some sort of trickery.
MoMo: He’s got his wits about him, no doubt. But CYPH3R is one of the most cerebral wrestlers we’ve ever seen.
~Before Freedom can get to his feet, Raven is already on him. He grabs Freedom by the back of the neck, yanking him off the mat and slinging him into a corner. Freedom hits hard. Raven rushes in with a clothesline, rocking Paul against the buckles. Raven lifts his knee. He does it again and again and again. Freedom doubles over, gasping for air. Raven snags Freedom’s arm and throws him across the ring with all the strength he can muster. Freedom sprints across the canvas and SLAMS into the opposing buckle front first, nearly moving the entire chamber. He falls backward, clutching his chest, his face ruined with pain~
MoMo: Alexander Raven has a new attitude...a new look. Maybe even a new personality.
Hood: He’s like the Australian Penelope!
MoMo: Not gonna lie. I’m sad Penelope isn’t in this.
Hood: She fought her heart out.
~Raven looks down at the wrecked visage of Paul Freedom. He slams his boot into Raven’s throat and applies pressure. Freedom chokes and kicks his legs. He tries to remove the boot but finds the removal process more than his strength can bear. Freedom’s movements begin to slow. A figure emerges from the darkness. It’s that unsettling creature. It enters the ring. Raven looks on showing far less recoil than the rest. It drops down to one knee to check on Freedom. It grabs Freedom’s arm and raises it...the arm hits the mat. Raven grabs onto the top rope and puts all his pressure on Freedom’s throat. The figure grabs Paul’s arm and releases it. It hits the mat a second time. It snares the arm once more. Raven’s arms are flexed. His body tense. Everything he’s got is being applied onto Freedom’s throat. The figure drops Freedom’s arm. We cut over into Chamber 3~
MoMo: Wait...why are we cutting away?
Hood: To avoid showing literal murder on TV.
MoMo: That’d be a first for the people who run this enterprise.
~Wolf watches as the being vanishes into the dark corner of the chamber. She then looks at Parker who is equally baffled. Wolf pulls herself up. Parker hops to his feet and leaps onto the top rope. He springboards toward Wolf. Wolf jumps up and greets him with a Codebreaker!!! Parker’s body snaps back, violently, into the ropes. He falls through the top and middle rope, landing on the apron. Wolf crawls his way. She snags him by the hair and lifts him up...she drapes him over the middle rope and swiftly plants him with a draping DDT!! Parker’s face smashes into the mat. He rolls around in pain. Wolf crawls over and watches Parker, waiting for the moment to pounce~
MoMo: Wolf looks to be on her game tonight.
Hood: Parker came into that chamber seeking justice but Wolf might just be content on serving him a conviction.
~Parker rolls onto all fours, continuing to nurse his wounds. Wolf lunges forward, taking his back! She wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his head and throat. Parker starts to choke. Wolf bears down, vice gripping Sean’s body. He knows he’s in trouble. He fights to his feet and stumble around, wearing Wolf like a violent backpack. He then charges for the corner and jumps forward with a somersault! He flips over and slams into the buckles, smashing Wolf’s body in the process!!! The ring shakes as both Parker and Wolf falls to the mat, awkwardly. Wolf releases Sean as she curls up, pain shooting through her body. Parker is face down, gasping for air. We float over into Chamber 2 where SEB continues to survey his surroundings, still leery of what might loom. We continue floating on into Chamber 1. Knox pulls himself to his feet using the ropes. Strat is right on him, hooking him around the waist...but Knox throws his leg back, hitting Strat in the groin!! Strat doubles over, stumbling back. Knox turns around, leans into the ropes and fires off with a lariat that turns Stratford inside out! Strat lands hard on the mat~
MoMo: Knox taking advantage of the situation there.
Hood: Hey, if you aren’t sure whether or not you can beat someone fairly, bend the rules.
MoMo: Technically, it’s legal.
Hood: Sure. And I have no doubt Triumvirate would’ve done the same. He is the Triumvirate Hunter, after all.
~Knox bends down to pull Strat up, but Strat punches him in the throat! Knox staggers back, stunned. Strat pops back to his feet and kicks Knox in the gut. Knox doubles over and Strat hooks him for a DDT. But Strat pauses as he sees someone emerge from the darkness. It’s Knox’s daughter, Helena Handbasket~
MoMo: How did she get in there?
Hood: Well there’s like two of them, right? Maybe they did the ole switch-a-roo!
MoMo: What does that mean, exactly?
Hood: It’s when you switch and roo and...ugh, I don’t know.
~Knox feels Strat’s grip loosen and he hoists him up and drops him across the top rope with a Stun Gun!!! Strat staggers back, past Knox. Knox leans into the ropes, fires off, and nearly takes Strat’s head off with a Big Boot!!! Strat flips over, landing front first on the mat. Knox goes to pick him up but pauses as he feels a presence beside him. He sees Helena. Like the hair on his neck, he stands upright. She looks at him and she’s holding a chair. They both look down at Strat who is struggling to get up~
MoMo: This takes us all the way back to Night 1!
Hood: When TRIAD was young and fresh and we didn’t all hate each other.
MoMo: The good ole days
~Knox takes the chair from Helena and prepares to hit Strat with it. But something doesn’t feel right. He looks over at Helena and sees a giant welt on her forehead to go along with a hint of sadness in her eyes. He hands her the chair. She takes it. Strat stumbles to his feet and BAM!! Helena hits him over the head with the chair!! Strat crumbles to the mat. Knox looks to Helena. She nods. He drops down and covers Strat. Helena makes the count~
MoMo: Stephen Stratford has been eliminated!
Hood: Geezus. That’s shocking.
~Knox pounds the fist with his mat! He did it! He gets to his knees to look toward his daughter but she’s gone...in her place is one of those unnatural looking beings. Knox recoils, rising to his feet and stumbling back into a corner. The chair is gone, too. The being looks down at Strat...this was someone with the ability to unite the TRIAD. Vanquished in the first tier. It grabs Strat and removes him from the chamber. Knox looks on, his eyes telling the story. The forces at play in this one are greater than he imagined~
MoMo: I don’t know what that was all about...whether it was Knox atoning for stealing Helena’s spotlight on Night 1 or Strat atoning for bringing so much pain and anguish to Helena and the Knox family. Either way, it feels as though some form of atonement has been found.
Hood: Stephen Stratford was the first person picked to unite The TRIAD. He came into this as the leader of Triumvirate, in many people’s eyes, as one of the favorites. He is the second person eliminated.
MoMo: A shocking turn of events but...given the field of this match, predictability is a non-factor.
Hood: Well Knox is off to a great start. The Triumvirate Hunter just cut the head off the snake, theoretically. He moves on to Tier 2.
~We pan back over into Chamber 2. SEB is leaning in a corner, beginning to find ease within his nerves. Settling into his surroundings. We continue floating back into Chamber 3 where Wolf and Parker are down. Sean sits up...his throat red from Wolf’s efforts. He coughs and takes in some oxygen. Wolf suddenly wraps her arms around his throat from behind!!! Parker’s eyes widen as he gets to all fours, Wolf on his back. She’s looking to lock this thing in a second time and put him down for good. Sean gets to one knee...then to his feet...he then sits out and hammers Wolf with a jawbreaker!!! Wolf stumbles back into a corner. Parker, despite feeling the continued effects, kips up and spins around on his heel...he charges in and throws his entire body into Wolf with a crossbody in the corner!! He uses his momentum to propel himself up onto the top rope as Wolf staggers forward. Parker leaps off with a Missile Dropkick to the back of Wolf’s head!! Her body snaps forward on all fours as Parker fires back up to his feet...he hits the ropes, bounces off and smashes his feet into Wolf’s ribcage with a sitout dropkick!!! Wolf rolls over, holding her ribs in pain as Parker pops back to one knee, slamming his fist into the mat, looking over his brow at Wolf as he continues to catch his breath~
MoMo: I’m impressed every time I see this young man compete. He’s the total package.
Hood: He’s superman’s nemesis Lex Luthor?
MoMo: Of course not. Sean’s a good guy!
Hood: Some people might argue Lex is a good guy...trying to kill this all powerful being.
~Parker stays on Wolf, snagging her by the head and yanking her to her feet. He hooks her for a vertical suplex and hoists her up...so high her feet nearly hit the roof of the chamber. She rakes Parker across the face as the apex of the move!! He loses his grip and she drops down behind him...she maintains a grip on his head and drops him to the mat with a neckbreaker!!! Sean immediately rolls out of the ring, holding his neck. Wolf gives chase, crawling after him. He rolls out under the bottom rope and onto the stone. Wolf crawls through the ropes. As she does, Parker plants his hands onto the stone and spins his legs around, smacking Wolf in the head!!! She goes limp, draped across the middle rope...half in the ring and half out. Parker pops to his feet and grabs her by the head...he looks to return the favor, dragging her forward for a Draping DDT...on this one will be face first onto the stone. Wolf, though, sinks her teeth into Parker’s side. He yells and staggers back. She crawls out of the ring, hooks onto his waist and drives forward, slamming him back first into the wall of the chamber. The back of his head, smacking into the stone. He slides to the ground as Wolf rises up and something catches her eye...markings on the wall. It shows the Triumvirate Logo. Beneath it a Wolf, a Hyena, and a Dragon. The Dragon suddenly vanishes as a third of the logo goes with it. Wolf leans forward, glaring at the mysterious revelation...her hands gripping the stone, nails trying to dig into it as Parker remains at her feet~
MoMo: Uh oh. The Great Illuminatus is speaking to Wolf and it’s telling her that they just lost 1/3 of their team.
Hood: Stratford has been eliminated and Wolf has just been made aware of that fact.
MoMo: Parker is about to pay the price, methinks.
Hood: I hate the word methinks.
~We float on over into Chamber 2. Freedom’s arm is about to hit the mat...but it stops just short!!! He’s got some strength left in him!! He fires up and places both hands onto Raven’s foot and shoves it off his throat!!! Raven tumbles through the ropes, onto the apron!! Freedom powers up to one knee...he shakes his fists, mustering up the energy he has left in his reserves. He coughs, a few droplets of blood staining the mat...but it isn’t enough to deter his motivation~
MoMo: Paul Freedom is Neroing up!
Hood: Here we go, kid!! Fight! Fight like you’ve never fought before!
MoMo: Raven hasn’t had much success in TRIAD. If Freedom can get some momentum you have to think all those failing memories might create some uncertainty in Alexander.
~Raven gets to his feet on the outside. He reaches through the ropes, snaring Freedom by the hair and dragging him in close. But Freedom responds by driving his shoulder into Raven’s midsection! He does this again and again and again. Raven is stunned. Freedom throws his head up, slamming the back of his skull into Raven’s jaw!! Raven is rocked!! Freedom runs across the ring...he hits the ropes, bounces off and leaps over Raven with a sunset flip!! He takes him over and slams him into the concrete floor on the outside!!! Raven hits hard and, for the first time, Alexander stays down!!! Paul sits up and throws Raven’s legs aside as he leans against the bottom rope to finally catch his breath. We float on over into Chamber 1~
MoMo: Paul Freedom building some momentum! It’ll be interesting to see how Alexander Raven responds.
Hood: Two guys picked last in their respective Trials. One is going to advance to the second Tier of the Great Illuminatus.
MoMo: Both are playing with house money at this point.
~Warstein snatches CYPH3R by the hair. CYPH3R throws a back elbow into Warstein’s midsection, doubling him over. CYPH3R pops to his feet and hits the ropes...he jumps off and spins around with a Shining Wizard! But Warstein catches CYPH3R’s leg against his head. CYPH3R brings his other leg up and spins his body around with a hurricanrana!!! Warstein stumbles into the nearest corner, coming to rest against the middle buckle. CYPH3R charges in and drives both legs into Warstein’s back!! He holds onto the ropes and places both legs around Shawn’s head and throws him back!! Warstein rises up and staggers toward the center of the ring. CYPH3R hops onto the top rope and he leaps off with a moonsault!!! But Warstein throws a SUPERKICK!! SMACK!! Right into CYPH3R’s head!!! CYPH3R flattens out on the mat as Warstein drops to one knee~
MoMo: Neither of these men can find the upper hand. CYPH3R throws every aerial move he can muster at Warstein only for Warstein to hit a big counter.
Hood: These two were the heart and soul of Team TLS...the most dominant team in TRIAD history. It’s going to take a valiant effort for one to defeat the other.
MoMo: Agreed.
~Warstein sees CYPH3R struggling to get up. He crawls over and immediately applies a sleeper, probably hoping to slow things down a bit. CYPH3R, though, powers to one knee. The drills Warstein in the midsection with a few elbows. Warstein stumbles and nearly loses his grip. CYPH3R starts to break free but Warstein reaffirms his hold. CYPH3R staggers toward a corner and runs up the buckles, kicking off the top and trying to flip over Warstein. But Warstein catches him on his his shoulder and brings him down with a Shoulder Breaker!!! CYPH3R hits the mat, hard. Warstein applies a chinlock and throws his weight on CYPH3R making sure he stays down this time. We float back over into Chamber 2~
MoMo: Shawn definitely wants to slow things down. The less CYPH3R is bouncing around the slimmer the chance he nails some sort of knockout kick.
Hood: Yep. CYPH3R’s game against Warstein is through the air. Keep him grounded and he loses a huge chunk of his arsenal.
MoMo: Not to mention the extra mass Warstein is carrying around. His stamina will likely run out before CYPH3R’s.
Hood: I’m gonna tell Shawn you just called him fat.
~Freedom, leaning against the ropes, receives a shock as he sees Raven start to sit up. Freedom reaches over his head, snaring the top rope and pulling himself up. He charges forward and drills Raven in the face with a knee, sending him back down atop the stone floor. He braces himself against the wall and spins around, looking down at Alexander. Much to his dismay, Alexander starts to sit up again...Freedom’s eyes widen as he shakes his head. He stomps on Raven and stomps...but Raven fights to all fours...then to one knee~
MoMo: Something has changed with Raven and I just know it has to do with that Vita Mors mask!
Hood: Tremendous catch there Captain Obvious.
MoMo: It just pains me to think he may have sold more than his values heading into this match.
Hood: The TRIAD will make people do crazy things in pursuit of its glory and power. Alexander Raven was mocked during the Bravery Trials. Tonight is his chance to shove that mockery down the throats of all his competitors.
~Freedom jumps on Raven’s back...but Raven rises to his feet and has Freedom on his shoulders in the electric chair position. Freedom punches Raven in the head over and over. Raven stumbles, his back to the ropes...Freedom throws his body back and he tosses Raven into the ring with a poisonrana!!! Raven flips over and lands on his head! It spikes...he pops back to his feet. Freedom is back on his feet...he hits the ropes, bounces off and wraps his legs around Raven’s head, taking him forward with a hurricanrana!!! He holds onto Raven’s legs for the pin!!! The being reappears and drops to the mat making the count~
MoMo: Freedom using all his agility and quickness to keep Raven off balance...it nearly got him the win!
Hood: He’s got to stay focused because it’s pretty clear Raven is not gonna stop coming after him.
MoMo: Yep. Might take something quick and unexpected for Paul to get this new version of Raven down for the three count.
~Freedom is on his knees, shaking his head. He looks over and spots the being. He jolts back for a second. Enough time for Raven, on all fours, to wrap his hand around Freedom’s throat. Freedom chokes as we float back over into Chamber 3. Wolf’s nails almost begin to bleed as they dig into the stone, full of anger. Parker reaches for her legs, still dazed from the blow his head took against the stone. Wolf turns her focus down toward him and takes her blood stained fingers, raking them across his face! Parker rolls away, his face marked with her blood. He crawls for the ropes, reaching out...his hands find the middle rope and he starts to crawl back into the ring...but Wolf rushes forward and kicks him in the head!! Sean tumbles through the ropes and rolls into the ring. Wolf steps through the ropes and wraps her hand around Sean’s throat, choking him...the look in her eyes says she won’t stop choking until he stops moving~
MoMo: Sarah Wolf has been gripped by motivation. Triumvirate is in trouble and she can sense it.
Hood: Parker’s felt this wrath before...back in Angkor Wat. We’ll see if he can overcome it.
MoMo: It’s going to be tough.
~Parker quickly wraps his legs around Wolf’s head, looking for a Triangle Choke. But Wolf powers up! She yells out and pulls Parker off the mat...she SLAMS him down onto the canvas with a powerbomb!! Parker loses his grip and goes flat. Wolf jumps up and drops her thick posterior onto Parker’s chest!! He rolls over, holding his chest and ribs in pain. Wolf looks up and sees the being staring down at her. She flashes her teeth and goes after it. It moves just in time to avoid her grasp. She yells out and charges at it again...and again it avoids her reach, able to dart out of the way in a manner that is indescribable just in time. Wolf squats and yells with her fists clinched, blood leaking through her knuckles. But the being just stares at her. We float back over into Chamber 2~
MoMo: Wolf is furious. She’s gonna have to curtail that anger or it might cost her.
Hood: Uniting the TRIAD is about more than one strong emotion. It’s about balancing things...being a five tool hitter, if you will. The most well rounded wrestler is the most likely to succeed.
MoMo: You can’t reach the top fueled by one energy source. It’ll burn out before you get there.
Hood: Or it’ll eat you up.
~Raven has Freedom on his feet and bullies him into a corner with his hand wrapped around Paul’s throat. But Paul fights...he can feel the energy within the Illuminatus. He feeds off it and kicks Raven in the knee! Raven stumbles back. Paul jumps up and smacks Raven in the face with a knee lift!!! Raven staggers back. Paul rushes forward and he hits a V-Trigger!!! Raven stumbles against the ropes. Paul jumps up and hits a Spinning Wheel Kick!!! Raven flips over the top rope and to the outside...Paul fires up!!! If there were any fans they’d be going wild right now. The being just watches from a dark corner~
MoMo: Paul Freedom has the spirit!! I believe he’d be a great choice to unite the TRIAD.
Hood: The Great Illuminatus seems to agree. But, does he have the strength yet to do it?
MoMo: That’s an excellent question. The heart is there...but will it be enough?
~Raven rises, stumbling around. Paul shakes his fist and hits the ropes. He bounces off and performs a cartwheel~
MoMo: The Svoboda Special!! A go-to move for Freedom during the Wit Trials!
Hood: Let’s see what you got, Freedom!
~Paul cartwheels toward the ropes and rounds it off with a moonsault over the top rope onto Raven!!! But Raven ducks and catches Paul across his back!!! Paul is hanging upside down, his back against Raven’s. Raven steps forward and hops onto the top rope...he springboards off and drives Paul head first into the mat with RAVEN’S SPINE (Running Start Vertebreaker)!!! Paul’s body is wrecked! He goes limp as Raven makes the cover. The being counts~
MoMo: Paul Freedom has been eliminated!
Hood: Geezus. Raven held nothing back on that.
MoMo: The strength and agility...beyond impressive.
Hood: Paul Freedom fought valiantly but he just didn’t have enough to move beyond the first tier here in The Great Illuminatus.
~Freedom is out. The being looks over at Raven. Raven rises and backs away. The being eyes Raven, carefully...as though something is ‘off’ with Alexander. The being then grabs hold of Paul and removes him from the chamber. We float back over into Chamber 1 as Warstein hears the impact from Raven’s Spine in the neighboring chamber. He almost shudders, understanding the impact must’ve been violent. He then grabs hold of CYPH3R’s arm and twists, working the shoulder~
MoMo: These wrestlers have no idea what’s taking place near and around them. The noises they hear could mean anything...for all Warstein knows he could’ve just heard the demise of Kieran King or Matt Meyhu.
Hood: Or LCP falling from the roof after somehow sneaking into this thing.
MoMo: Or that, yes.
~Warstein twists on that arm but CYPH3R fights to his feet. He jumps up and knees Warstein in the face! Shawn’s grip weakens but doesn’t release. CYPH3R then hoists Shawn onto his shoulders! A rare power move for The Superior Design...he tosses him up for a Go To Sleep...but Shawn catches CYPH3R’s leg on the way down and spins to the mat with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip!!! CYPH3R reaches for his knee, grimacing in pain as Warstein looks over, smiling...he crawls forward, snaring the wounded leg of CYPH3R~
MoMo: Uh oh. Shawn’s tweaked CYPH3R’s knee.
Hood: The first real sign of trouble for either competitor.
MoMo: If CYPH3R can’t use that knee then he’s going to have a very, very tough time putting Warstein away.
~Warstein has CYPH3R’s leg. He tries to kick Shawn off...but Shawn gets to his feet and promptly drops an elbow across CYPH3R’s knee! CYPH3R yells out, reaching for his leg...but Warstein remains on the mat, knee in his grasp, twisting and twerking the joint. CYPH3R grabs at Warstein’s head...his ears, trying to get some grip that’ll enable him to free his leg. But Warstein just twists and turns on CYPH3R’s knee...each time forcing CYPH3R to cease his retaliation. Warstein gets back on his feet and he kicks at the back of the knee while holding the leg up. He punches at the knee a few times before dropping another elbow across the knee...he wrenches the leg, punishing The Superior Design. As he does, we float on over into Chamber 2~
MoMo: Warstein is not going to let up on that knee. There is no room for error inside The Great Illuminatus. If you find an advantage you exploit it until you advance.
Hood: Yep. This isn’t some random match in some pitiful fed where you can fuck up and still win or live to fight another day. This is war. This is THE war. If you lose it’s all over.
MoMo: Therefore how apropos we’re witnessing a man named Warstein wage it.
~Inside Chamber 2 Alexander Raven stands, stoically. His body is present but his mind could be elsewhere. He listens in as the sounds of anger from Chamber 3 infiltrate his senses. We float over as Wolf remains frustrated she can’t get her hands on the being. So much so that she’s blinded by the face Parker is behind her! He rolls her up with a school boy!!! But she rolls through and immediately locks her legs around Parker’s head...it’s her turn to try a Triangle Choke!!! Parker knows she’s got it locked in pretty good...close to being deep. He hoists her up much like she did to him earlier...but she does not wait for the incoming powerbomb…instead she leans forward, grabs him by the head, swivels her hips and drops him with a Tornado DDT!!! Parker’s head spikes on the mat as he flips over on his feet...he stumbles into the ropes...staggers forward and Wolf takes him over with another Small Package!! The being appears to make the count~
MoMo: Parker kicks out! Barely!
Hood: He’s come a long way. But I have my doubts he has what it takes to defeat a member of Triumvirate.
MoMo: It’s no small feat taking one of them down. Especially when they are as fired up as Wolf is at the moment.
~Parker kicks out and sits up...but Wolf is right back on him, wrapping her arms and legs around him from behind. Parker throws his head back, slamming it into Wolf’s already battered face. He throws a back elbow, rocking her equilibrium. She lets him go and he staggers to his feet. She gets to all fours. He turns her way and charges forward...she pops to her feet and catches him for a slam...but winds up hanging him in the corner in a Tree of Woe!! She leans in to do some damage but he thrusts his hand into her throat, sending her stumbling back. He sits up and gets his legs free. He pushes up, comes down and does a split legged moonsault, flipping back and landing on Wolf, taking her down!! They hit the ring hard and he gets to his knees, hammering her in the head with right hands. As he does, we float back over through Chamber 2. Raven is leaning near the wall, listening in on what’s taking place in Chamber 3. We continue floating over and back into Chamber 1~
MoMo: Parker is fighting back!
Hood: I mean, he’s got to. Wolf will eat him alive if he doesn’t.
MoMo: Absolutely...and, well, the though of Sarah Wolf as the TRIAD holder is kinda frightening.
Hood: I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like.
~Warstein rises, holding onto CYPH3R’s leg. CYPH3R’s face is riddled with pain. Warstein kicks at the back of his knee some more. CYPH3R fights to his feet, hopping on one leg as Warstein retains his grip. CYPH3R throws an enziguri at Warstein’s head! But Warstein ducks, holding onto CYPH3R’s leg. He then picks CYPH3R up and brings him down, dropping CYPH3R’s knee across his own!!! CYPH3R collapses to the mat, clutching his knee, writing around in pain. Warstein stomps on CYPH3R’s wounded leg repeatedly until CYPH3R drags himself into a corner, seeking shelter~
MoMo: So much damage done in a short amount of time. CYPH3R’s TRIAD hopes are on life support.
Hood: True but Cat was able to fight through a bad knee and win the Strength Trials.
MoMo: You’re not wrong. It isn’t impossible...it just makes things a lot more difficult.
~Warstein reaches for CYPH3R’s leg. CYPH3R pulls his legs in tight, closing the gap between he and Warstein. Warstein grabs onto CYPH3R’s leg...but as he does so, CYPH3R knees Warstein in the groin with his good leg!! Warstein stumbles back, doubling over. CYPH3R pulls himself up using the top rope and he stumbles forward, taking Warstein down with a lunging clothesline!! Warstein hits the mat hard! CYPH3R stumbles back to his feet, unable to put any weight on his right leg. Warstein is already fighting back to his feet...so CYPH3R hooks him with a front face lock, preventing Shawn from reaching his bad leg. Shawn, locked in CYPH3R’s grip, lunges for his leg...so CYPH3R uses his momentum to fall back with an Evenflow DDT!!! Warstein’s head SLAMS into the mat and he’s face down!! CYPH3R struggles but manages to roll Warstein over. He hooks both legs and one of the beings appears to make the count~
MoMo: CYPH3R hoped against common sense that that pinfall might work.
Hood: Yea, I don’t think anybody expected CYPH3R to pin Warstein there but it just shows the desperation he’s feeling with that injured leg.
MoMo: Yep.
~CYPH3R gets to his knees, frustrated. He spots the being and is like ‘whoa, get the fuck away from me.’ The being removes itself. CYPH3R fights back to his feet, still unable to do much with his right leg. Warstein is on his knees...CYPH3R kicks him in the chest with his good leg...he does this again and again. Warstein finally catches his leg...so, out of instinct, CYPH3R connects with an enziguri!! But it’s his right leg so he immediately yells out, grabbing his leg as Warstein falls to the mat. We float over into Chamber 2 as Alexander Raven hears CYPH3R’s pain filled yell and moves toward the wall nearest Chamber 1. We continue floating back over into Chamber 3~
MoMo: That leg is in bad shape.
Hood: Yea, no kidding. Warstein has effectively eliminated most of CYPH3R’s legit offense. He’s gonna have to mickey mouse some shit if he wants to get the win.
MoMo: Interesting way of putting it.
Hood: Go full macgyver. Kinda like hacking into the IRS using a Windows 95 OS.
~Parker continues hammering Wolf in the head. She’s having trouble covering up. It looks like he’s determined to knock her out, or worse. So, Wolf spits THE BLACK SHIT into his face!!! Parker stands up, shaking his head, trying to get the black shit out of his eyes...but it’s sticky and it’s thick...it’s like tar. He can’t see, staggering around. Wolf sits up...Parker can feel her movements from the mat. He charges forward and throws “Masamune Decapitation” (Hidden Blade to the face) at Wolf!! But he completely misses and winds up ramming his face into the middle buckle!! He stumbles back and rolls him up for the pin!!! The strange being makes the count~
MoMo: So close! Wolf nearly pinned Parker with her third quick pin attempt!
Hood: She’s been a step ahead of him most of the match. Her aggression and opportunistic instincts pushing her closer to victory.
MoMo: But she’s not there yet.
~Parker struggles to his feet, he still can’t see. Wolf pops back to her feet. Parker can feel her near him and he throws a wild punch. But she ducks it and jams her hand into his mouth with Devilock!!!! Parker stumbles as Wolf grips down on his bottom jaw, working her fingers into his throat. He coughs, some of the black shit leaking down his chin. Wolf glares at him, forcing him down to one knee. She forces him down again, this time to both knees. She grips and twist and forces him down onto his back using her other hand to aid in the process!! Sean’s in deep trouble!! Wolf eyes the being that is now leaning over them, surveying Sean’s position. She removes her second hand and reaches for it, trying to apply the Devilock onto the strange being. But, as usual, the being effortlessly avoids it. The being sees Parker’s shoulders down and makes the count~
~Parker kips up!!! Wolf is pulled to her feet. Her hand still in his throat. Parker’s eyes open, two white eyes surrounded by black shit. They glare deep into Sarah Wolf’s angry gaze. He slaps her hand away, breaking the Devilock. Sarah looks at him, surprised as the strength within this man. Parker hits the ropes. Wolf throws a palm strike at him...but he ducks it and kicks her in the leg, dropping her to one knee. He hits the ropes again and nails her from behind with “Masamune Decapitation”!!!! Wolf falls to the mat, unconscious!! Parker flips her over and the being makes the count~
MoMo: Sarah Wolf is eliminated!