LIVE! Monday October 30th 2023
FROM: Strader Estate
Houston, Texas
The wrestling premium mega show which you are about to see is an account of the tragedy which befell a group of wrestlers, in particular Online, Outsiders, and Outcast Championship Wrestling. It is all the more tragic in that they are new and old promotions. For the fans viewing from those who have lived short lives or very, very long lives, they could not have expected but would have wished to see as much of the mad and macabre as they were to see these next two nights. For them an idyllic fall evening became a nightmare for the wrestlers participating. The events of these two nights were to lead to the discovery of one of the most bizarre events in the annals of wrestling history, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
~”House of 1000 Corpses” starts to be played LIVE by Rob Zombie off to the side of the entranceway to the ring as our screens show a skyview of the Strader Estate where our event is taking place. We swirl around the property showing the three homes built on the property as well as a massive training facility built behind the homes. Our screen is filled with the contemporary wrought iron gate with the letter “S” at the top of the gate. The gates open slowly and we move inside the large estate/compound and down along the road. As we veer past Tamika’s home we move to the right to where the event is being held. The ring is surrounded by three bleachers, 15 rows in each, and standing room all around the ring. There is a large structure that is a staging area and Checkers Position (while mostly known as Gorilla Position in other promotions, Online Championship Wrestling refers to it as Checkers Position in honour of the late chimp that was Hall of Famer Curt Canon’s trusted companion). Above the entrance way that leads to the path down to the ring is a 300 Inch Screen that will show the event, as well as 4 large 65 Inch screens behind the bleacher stands for the standing room behind them for even more fans. An announcers booth is empty between the bleachers on the hard cam side waiting for each promotion's commentators. Rob Zombie finishes playing the opening song and we are hit with “Four Little Diamonds” by ELO as the fans erupt for one of their hosts of the evening, and the person responsible for putting the event together. TAMIKA STRADER followed by BILL MOSELEY dressed as CHOPTOP who is hunched over, following behind her, scratching at the metal plate on his head with a coat hanger. They reach the ring, and Tamika is handed a microphone by the one and only BELVEDERE! Her music cuts out, and she sneers the family sneer for the crowd who pop in return.~
Tamika Strader: Welcome everyone not only to my home, but the beginning of our two night event featuring some of the stars of Online, Outsiders and Outcast Championship Wrestling at the first TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE TWO NIGHT EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!
~The fans pop loudly as Chop Top leans towards the microphone.~
Chop Top: NAM FLASHBACK!!!!!!
Tamika Strader: It’s ok, Choppy. We have a stacked card for you starting off with the newest and meanest OCW in Outcast Championship Wrestling! We have the veteran “Casino Kid” Justin York taking on Blake Anderson! Then it’s two singular named wrestlers in Konstantine taking on Johnny!
Chop Top: Then it’s that Hog Bitch Toxicita trying to take that pig fucker Colossus’ Rise World Title!
Tamika Strader: *under her breath* (Going method, cool) *normal voice* Then to cap it off we’ll have Donnie Harris performing double duty tonight as he tries to become World Heavyweight Championship of Outcast when he takes on the monster BRADDOCK! But that’s not all! Then it will be Mike Zybala’s Outsiders to finish off the night with El Ianderson facing off against a Man Calling Himself Major Helmet, followed by an I Quit tag team championship match of The Brotherhood of Bastards’ own El Knuckle and Nickleman taking on the champs Max Rotten and Alice Knight’s wet dream, GILBERT!
Chop Top: That’s right momma! Your bestest buddy Crash Rodriguez takes on Dean! I hope Crash peels that pig and slices him thick!
Tamika Strader: That is a possibility! Donnie Harris will make his second appearance of the night as he tries to take Fanny’s Streaming Championship from her but I’m sure Axis will have something to say about that. Then, we have hell freezing over as “The Mechanic” Peter Vaughn makes his OCW return as he tries to take Lord Allton’s Outsiders World Championship! Now we have taken up enough of your time, let's get this party started!!!!!!!
~The OCW Faithful are on their feet as they make their exit and the Outcast Championship Wrestling announce team take their spots at their announce desk.~
Stone Highmore: Hello everyone and welcome to Texas! We are at the Strader estate, myself and my broadcast partner Roland Blaze!
Roland Baze: The battle for OCW supremacy starts now! Anderson and York are already in the ring!
Justin York vs. Blake Anderson
~The bell rang, and the match began, with both competitors immediately lunging for the Halloween-themed weapons scattered around the ring. York grabbed a candy kendo stick, while Blake armed himself with a pumpkin. The fight was on.~
Stone: This one's gonna be interesting, to say the least.
Blaze: Creative idea, but this feels a bit too gimmicky to me.
Stone: Do you like anything, ever?
Blaze: I like that outfit Belladonna has on.
~York swung his candy kendo stick at Blake, who expertly dodged the blow and countered with a powerful pumpkin smash to York's midsection. Candy shards exploded as the pumpkin splattered on impact, sending York sprawling to the mat. Blake was quick to capitalize on the situation, delivering stomps and kicks to his downed opponent. But York was not one to stay down for long. He found a nearby bucket of candy and launched it at Blake's face, causing the Halloween treats to explode into a sugary haze. Blake staggered backward, temporarily blinded, allowing York to regain his footing. Seizing the opportunity, York picked up a bowl filled with water and apples and smashed it over Blake's head. Blake's drenched hair clung to his face as he stumbled around the ring, searching for a weapon to turn the tide. He found a skeleton decoration and brought it down on York's back, sending a shock of pain through York's spine. The crowd roared with approval as the bone-chilling sound echoed through the arena.~
Stone: Jeez! Who woulda thought plastic would hit so hard!
~York, however, had his own plans for retaliation. He retrieved a witch's broomstick from under the ring and used it to sweep Blake's legs out from under him. Blake fell hard, and York proceeded to pummel him with the broomstick, the bristles of the broom causing welts and bruises on Blake's exposed flesh. With Blake writhing in pain, York spotted a gravestone propped up near the entrance ramp. He heaved the heavy prop over his shoulder and charged toward his opponent. But as he swung the gravestone downward, Blake managed to roll out of the way, narrowly avoiding a potentially devastating blow.~
Blaze: Agility there from the big man!
~The battle raged on, both competitors using the Halloween-themed weapons to their advantage. Candy kendo sticks cracked against flesh, pumpkins exploded in bursts of orange, and skeletons rattled ominously. Tables and chairs came into play as well, adding to the chaos of the match. Blake seized a candy kendo stick and cracked it over York's back, leaving red welts and lacerations. The crowd gasped at the brutality of the contest as the two wrestlers continued to exchange blows. With each swing of a chair or slam through a table, it was clear that neither man was willing to back down. Belladonna, Blake's wife, watched from the sidelines, clearly concerned for her husband. She held a large, ominous-looking pumpkin in her hands, waiting for the perfect moment to intervene. The match was taking a toll on both competitors, their bodies battered and bruised by the onslaught of Halloween-themed weapons.~
Stone: Belladonna has been so instrumental in Blake Anderson matches as of late. Her and Sinclair are a distraction waiting to happen!
Blaze: I don't understand why they aren't banned from ringside. We know what's going to happen!
Stone: Entertainment?
~As the match reached its climax, York managed to gain the upper hand, sending Blake crashing to the mat with a vicious powerbomb. But just when it seemed like York might secure victory, Belladonna made her move. She approached the ring and, with a wicked grin, shoved the pumpkin onto York's head. Blinded and disoriented, York stumbled around the ring, unaware of the treacherous turn the match had taken. Blake, with a sinister smile of his own, prepared for the grand finale. He stood up....wobbly, and got in position.~
~He superkicked the pumpkin head with a devastating impact, the sound of the pumpkin crushing under the force of the blow. The crowd erupted in shock and awe as the pumpkin disintegrated, and York fell to the mat, completely incapacitated. Blake wasted no time, quickly hooking York's leg as the referee counted to three. The bell rang, and Blake was declared the winner of the Trick or Treat Street Fight, the Halloween-themed weapons still scattered around the ring. Blake and Belladonna celebrated their hard-fought victory in the center of the ring as the crowd roared with approval. The Trick or Treat Street Fight had delivered the brutal, Halloween-themed spectacle that the fans had come to see, and Blake Anderson had emerged victorious with the help of a pumpkin-smashing superkick.~
Stone: We knew this one wasn't going to be for weak stomachs. So far, its not.
Blaze: The two most dangerous men on this roster, no rules. Is Britlyn trying to shorten her roster?!
~With determination burning in his eyes, Johnny fought to his feet, despite the relentless assault. He countered Konstantine's stomps with a well-placed kick to the back of Konstantine's knee, causing the hulking wrestler to momentarily lose his balance. Johnny, ever the opportunist, capitalized on the opening. He grabbed a nearby shattered tombstone shard and lunged at Konstantine with it, slashing at his opponent's chest. The crowd gasped as the makeshift weapon drew blood from Konstantine's chest. The crimson fluid trickled down his torso, and he staggered backward, clutching his wounded chest. Johnny, fueled by the sight of his own handiwork, leaped forward and drove the shard into Konstantine's midsection. The vicious move elicited a roar from the audience, torn between shock and awe at Johnny's ruthless tactics. Konstantine, bleeding and battered, was not one to back down easily. He grabbed Johnny by the throat and lifted him high into the air. The smaller wrestler dangled helplessly, gasping for breath, as Konstantine's powerful grip constricted his windpipe.~
Stone: Remember the only way to win this thing is to incapacitate your opponent to the point they cannot answer a ten count.
Blaze: We could be here all night with these two.
~As Johnny's vision blurred and his strength waned, he spotted a grave digger shovel leaning against a nearby tombstone. Desperation fueled his actions as he reached out and grabbed the shovel's handle. With a final surge of energy, he swung the heavy tool into Konstantine's temple. The sound of metal striking bone reverberated through the graveyard as Konstantine released his grip, collapsing to the ground.~
Blaze: I've never seen that before and I pray I never have to again.
~Johnny, still gasping for air, used the shovel to prop himself up. He watched with grim determination as the referee began the 10-count, checking on Konstantine's ability to continue.
One... Konstantine lay sprawled on the ground, blood trickling from the gash on his temple.
Two... Johnny, now standing over his opponent, could taste victory.
Three... The crowd, torn between supporting the underdog Johnny and the fallen Konstantine, erupted in chaos.
Four... Konstantine began to stir, his eyes half-lidded.
Five... Johnny knew that he had to act fast and took another swing at Konstantine's prone form.
Six... Konstantine groaned in pain, but he was not giving up that easily.
Seven... Johnny, his strength nearly depleted, swung the shovel once more, connecting with Konstantine's ribs.
Eight... Konstantine's body convulsed in pain, but he was not ready to surrender.
Nine... With every last ounce of strength, Konstantine pushed through the excruciating pain, raising his shoulder just in time to avoid the final count.~
Stone: How in the hell?!
Blaze: Sometimes I am not sure he's human!
~The crowd's reaction from inside the estate was deafening as Konstantine refused to let Johnny claim victory. It was now Johnny's turn to be shocked and disheartened, having believed that he had secured the win with the brutal shovel strike. Suddenly, the tide took a shocking turn. Out of the thick fog surrounding the graveyard, Jenny Myst emerged. She had been a pawn in Johnny's twisted game, kidnapped and turned crazy in recent weeks. Now, she had been thrust into this unholy battlefield with a chilling agenda.~
Stone: Jenny Myst! Jenny is in the graveyard!
Blaze: This crazy broad.......
Stone: We saw Johnny kidnap Jenny at the end of "And Justice For Brawl" and nobody has seen or heard from her since! Now, she's here, seemingly helping her kidnapper!
Blaze: With her, you never know the motives!
~Jenny held a knife to the throat of Konstantine's valet, Isabella Grey, who was frozen with fear. Her eyes were vacant, a testament to the torment she had endured during her captivity. The audience gasped in horror as they realized that Johnny had brought Jenny into the fray, turning her into a weapon against Konstantine. Konstantine's initial shock was palpable as he struggled to process this nightmarish development. Was it a ghost, a hallucination, or an actual presence? The sight of Jenny, driven to madness by Johnny's manipulations, sent shivers down his spine. It was a gut-wrenching reminder of the depths to which Johnny was willing to sink. Before Konstantine could react, Johnny capitalized on the distraction. He lunged forward and seized the grave digger's shovel, which had been conveniently left nearby. The heavy steel head of the shovel slammed into Konstantine's back with bone-crushing force.~
~The agonized roar that escaped Konstantine's lips echoed through the cemetery. He crumpled to the ground, wracked with pain and disbelief, as Johnny continued his brutal assault. The crowd watched in stunned silence, torn between outrage and fear for Konstantine's well-being. The referee wasted no time, starting the dreaded 10-count, a countdown that would determine the match's outcome. Konstantine lay prone, clutching his aching back, while Johnny reveled in his savage victory, the shovel still in hand.~
One... Konstantine lay motionless, agony etched across his face.
Two... Johnny's manic grin widened as he realized the depths of his victory.
Three... The crowd watched in rapt attention, the eerie silence broken only by Konstantine's labored breathing.
Four... Konstantine's fans couldn't believe their eyes as their beloved wrestler struggled to rise.
Five... The pain was etched across his face, but Konstantine was determined not to let Johnny's twisted plan come to fruition.
Six... Johnny, seething with anticipation, looked on as Konstantine fought through the torment.
Seven... Konstantine's strength wavered, but he inched closer to an upright position.
Eight... The crowd began to rally behind Konstantine, their cheers growing louder with every passing second.
Nine... It was a Herculean effort, but with the audience's support, Konstantine managed to push himself to his feet.
~Just as he reached a standing position, Jenny Myst, her vacant eyes locking onto Konstantine, released Isabella Grey and turned her gaze toward the fallen wrestler. Her actions were bizarre and unpredictable, leaving everyone in the graveyard disoriented. In a final twist of fate, Konstantine, distracted by the strange turn of events, turned his back on Johnny, who was still holding the shovel. With lightning speed, Johnny swung the shovel with all his might. The steel blade connected with a sickening thud, crashing against Konstantine's head.~
Blaze: Can we call it now?
Stone: Someone get out here and by god stop this!
~Konstantine's body crumpled like a sack of bricks, sprawling lifelessly on the cold, unforgiving ground. He had been felled by Johnny's brutal attack, and now the referee initiated the 10-count. The crowd's collective gasp was followed by an eerie hush as they watched the referee begin the count.
Three... Jenny Myst, her role in this disturbing spectacle fulfilled, slowly retreated into the fog, her face still bearing the haunting effects of her ordeal.
Five... Konstantine showed no signs of movement. The devastation of the shovel strike had left him incapacitated.
Six... Johnny stood triumphant, the grave digger's shovel held high, his maniacal grin reflecting the depths of his depravity.
Eight... Isabella Grey, released from Jenny's grip, rushed to Konstantine's side, attempting to rouse him back to consciousness.
Ten... The referee's final count rang out, sealing Johnny's victory in this brutal, unorthodox wrestling match. Johnny had secured his win through ruthless cunning and a shocking act of violence, leaving the audience in horrified disbelief.~
Stone: Thank god that's over!
~Johnny walks away into the fog as the camera's pan away from Kon's seemingly lifeless body, Isabella over him, looking concerned.~
Three Strikes' You're Out
Multiple-fall match where wrestlers must achieve three victories of a specific nature in a specific order before the other.
The three strikes are pinfall, submission and THAT order.
You don’t know how hard it is being a woman, how will I ever live up to your expectations, of pretty?
~Dirty Pretty blasts over the speakers as Toxicita comes out from the back skipping.~
'Mirror Mirror in my hand'
~Toxicita pulls out a mirror from behind her back and fixes her hair in it before tossing it behind her and the sound of glass shattering overpowers the music. She skips down to the ring and jumps onto the apron before sitting on the ropes.~
~She smiles for a moment before frowning and fully entering the ring. She prances around for a bit either taunting fans or whoever she's facing before dropping down in the middle of the ring and hitting the mat a few times. She pops back up and yells either at the fans or who she's facing before smiling and twisting her hair.~
~She goes to the corner of the ring and hops up on the top rope crossing her legs all lady like.~
~The drumline for ANGST hits, and Colossus makes his way out to the ramp. He roars, pounding in his chest like a silverback gorilla as he eyes his next meal. He walks slowly down to the ring like impending room, like the executioner going to the gallows with his prisoner, and walks up the steps and into the ring. If he is out first, he grabs the ropes and shakes them, making the ring shake. If he is out second, he rubs his belly while looking at his next victim.~
~As the ring announcer introduced the competitors, the atmosphere was electric. The crowd's cheers for Toxicita were deafening, contrasting with the mixed reaction Colossus received, reflecting his polarizing persona.~
~The first fall of the match was a pinfall. Toxicita knew that she had to outsmart Colossus, relying on her speed and technical prowess to get the early advantage. The bell rang, and the match was underway. Colossus immediately took center stage, displaying his immense power. He tossed Toxicita around the ring like a ragdoll, but she refused to yield.~
~Toxicita's strategy was clear; she had to wear down Colossus and create an opening for the pinfall. She used every inch of the ring, making agile dodges, leaping off the ropes, and delivering swift kicks and high-impact maneuvers. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as they watched Toxicita's resilience.
~From the moment the bell rang, Colossus asserted his dominance, immediately taking control of the match. He was a massive, overpowering presence in the ring, and he aimed to assert his physical superiority. Toxicita was agile and quick, but she was up against a mountain of a man. Colossus relentlessly pummeled her, tossing her around like a ragdoll.~
~Every move Colossus made seemed to shake the ring to its core. Toxicita found herself caught in a storm of power moves, from devastating body slams to bone-rattling suplexes. The crowd watched in awe as Colossus showcased his raw strength, lifting Toxicita above his head and tossing her to the canvas with authority.~
Blaze: I don't have a good feeling about this one. Toxicita is 5 foot nothing, maybe 100 pounds? Colossus is a refrigerator with legs.
Stone: The bigger they are, the harder they fall, Roland.
Blaze: Nobody has been able to do it yet.
~But if there was one thing Toxicita was known for, it was her unwavering spirit and refusal to quit. Despite the brutal assault she endured, she continued to get up, determination etched across her face. She staggered and struggled, but she wouldn't surrender.~
~Colossus was unrelenting. He applied punishing holds, his massive hands squeezing the life out of Toxcicita's smaller frame. The crowd winced as Toxicita's face contorted in pain, but she refused to submit. Her fingers interlocked, she held on, showcasing incredible resilience in the face of the champion's relentless onslaught.~
~Minutes felt like hours as Toxicita endured the agony, never once giving in to the pain. Colossus's frustration was evident as his attempts to secure a victory were met with unwavering defiance. Toxicita, despite her size disadvantage, displayed a tenacity that captured the hearts of the audience.~
~The first fall had to be a pinfall, and Toxicita knew she was facing an uphill battle. Colossus was an immovable force, and she needed to find a way to outsmart him and secure the fall. With sheer determination, she began to utilize her speed and agility to her advantage, dodging Colossus's attacks and countering with swift strikes.~
Stone: Her only hope here is to rope-a-dope him. Wear him down. Make him tired.
Blaze: Even that may not work.
~The tide of the match began to shift. Toxicita unleashed a barrage of kicks and high-impact maneuvers, targeting Colossus's legs and head. Colossus, for the first time in the match, was on the defensive. The audience's cheers grew louder, their support unwavering for the underdog.~
~A step-up enziguri out of nowhere from Toxicitia!~
~She falls into the pin. ~
~Colossus kicks out!~
Stone: That is the closest anyone has come to beating the big man!
Blaze: Didn't Johnny beat him last week?
Stone: Not our show.......I'll take your word for it!
~He gets back to his feet, using the ropes. She comes off the ropes on the other side for a flying cross body but he catches her. ~
~Colossus, laughing at her plight, comes off the ropes with a massive splash.~
~He covers with a foot on her chest.~
Stone:'s the first fall.
Stone: I don't believe it. I can't believe it.
Blaze: Believe it! Toxicita just had a damn box truck run her over and she still got the shoulder up!
~Colossus takes a handful if her blonde locks and throws her aggressively into the far corner.
~Then, a moment of opportunity presented itself. Colossus charged at Toxicita with a ferocious spear, aiming to drive her into the mat once more. But Toxicita, summoning the last reserves of her strength, sidestepped at the last second. Colossus crashed into the turnbuckle, the ring shaking from the impact.
Seizing the moment, Toxicita executed a lightning-fast roll-up. The referee dropped to the mat. One! Two! Three! The arena erupted in disbelief and jubilation. Toxicita had achieved the first fall – a pinfall – against all odds.~
Stone: OH MY! She did it! She rolled up the champ!
~The crowd erupted in jubilation. The impossible had happened. Toxicita, battered and bruised, had overcome the indomitable Colossus in the first fall. Colossus, despite his initial dominance, was now down by one fall, and his frustration was evident. He couldn't believe that Toxcicita had outsmarted him to secure the pinfall victory. But the match was far from over. The second fall was a submission, and Colossus knew that his brute strength would give him the upper hand in this round. He was determined to make Toxicita submit. The bell rang, and the battle continued. Colossus immediately applied crushing submission holds, stretching Toxicita's limbs and attempting to bend her to his will. The audience winced as they watched Toxicita struggle, her face contorted in pain. Colossus's size and strength were insurmountable, or so it seemed.~
Stone: He's torturing her here. Torturing her and enjoying it.
Blaze: If he wants to win, though, he needs to pin her first, then make her submit. It has to be in a certain order!
~But Toxicita, a symbol of unwavering determination, was not about to surrender. She wriggled, squirmed, and contorted her body to escape Colossus's holds. With every move, she showcased her resilience and spirit, refusing to give in to the agony. The crowd rallied behind her, their cheers reaching a fevered pitch. In a surprising turn of events, Toxicita managed to counter one of Colossus's holds, expertly transitioning into a submission of her own. The arena erupted in shock and admiration as Toxicita locked in the hold, targeting one of Colossus's limbs. Colossus, despite his monumental size, winced in pain.~
Blaze: She's like a koala hugging a tree stump but she's not letting go!
~The minutes dragged on as Toxicita torqued and twisted, never releasing the pressure on the submission hold. Colossus's face turned crimson as he fought against the pain, but he refused to tap out. The audience was torn between loyalty to the dominant champion and their admiration for the unyielding underdog. Time seemed to stand still as Toxicita and Colossus engaged in a battle of wills. The audience could hardly believe their eyes as they witnessed the giant champion struggling against Toxicita's determination. In a last-ditch effort, Colossus managed to break free, but the damage was done. Toxicita had succeeded in securing the second fall, a submission, against all odds. The crowd was in a state of euphoria. Toxicita had dominated the second fall, showcasing her technical prowess and unrelenting spirit. Colossus, though a fierce competitor, was now down by two falls, his frustration reaching its peak. It was a turn of events that no one could have predicted. With the second fall secured, Toxicita was on the cusp of achieving the impossible. She had overcome the colossal champion in two consecutive rounds. But there was one more fall to go, and it was a knockout.~
Stone: Are we witnessing the impossible here?! Its 2-nothing Toxicita!
Blaze: Do you believe in miracles Stone?!
~However, Toxitia took her eye off the prize. She stepped up on the second rope and threw an arm up, celebrating. Colossus, now back to his feet and extremely pissed off, grabs her by the hair. He hoisted her into the air and delivered a bone-crushing body slam that left her gasping for air. Toxcicita was unable to defend herself.~
Stone: What impact! Tox has had an amazing performance but unfortunately for her all she's done is piss the big man off!
Blaze: And I don't think he's finished yet.
~Toxicita, battered and worn, rose to her feet, her spirit unbroken. The second fall, a submission, was where Colossus's dominance truly shone. His immense size and strength allowed him to manipulate Toxcicita's body in ways that seemed unbearable. He twisted and contorted her with agonizing submission holds, each one more painful than the last.~
Stone: He's toying with her now.
Blaze: Cat and mouse.
~Toxicita, though a tenacious fighter, had no answer to the champion's mastery of submission wrestling. She grimaced in pain, her face contorted as Colossus bore down with relentless pressure. The crowd watched in sympathy as she fought desperately to escape, her limbs writhing in agony.~
~Colossus, however, was relentless.~
~He picked up Tox and was going to squeeze the life out of her with ANOTHER bear hug, but with a last-ditch effort she slipped out. She came off the ropes for a flying clothesline but.....
~He sidestepped her attack and caught her arm, wrenching it with a powerful armbar. The crowd gasped as Toxcicita was brought to her knees, grimacing in pain.~
Stone: Uh oh.
~Colossus exerted tremendous pressure, and Toxicita's arm strained against the hold. She fought to maintain her composure, her determination shining through. Gritting her teeth, she managed to get one foot under her and began to push upward. Colossus, though, was a relentless giant. He shifted his weight, adding more torque to the armbar. Toxcicita groaned, her face contorted in pain. She couldn't allow herself to submit this early in the match, and she wriggled, twisted, and tried to break free. The crowd was on their feet, witnessing the battle of wills. Toxicita's muscles bulged as she fought against the submission. With an almost inhuman effort, she managed to get to her feet, the agony etched across her face. She knew she had to escape this hold! Colossus, though, wasn't ready to relinquish the hold. He continued to wrench Toxicita's arm, forcing her to the mat once more. The pain was excruciating, and Toxicita's cries of anguish filled the arena.~
Stone: He's gonna snap her arm clear off!
Blaze: And I don't think he cares.
~She searched for an escape, a way out of the unyielding armbar. Her eyes darted around, and she noticed an opportunity. With a quick burst of strength, Toxicita bridged herself up and brought her free arm down, driving her elbow into Colossus's side. Colossus grunted in pain, and his grip momentarily loosened. Toxicita seized the moment and pulled her arm free. The crowd roared in approval, and she staggered to her feet, nursing her aching limb. Colossus, though momentarily stunned, was not one to stay down for long. He rose to his feet, a glint of determination in his eyes. Toxicita, however, had other plans. She knew she needed to turn the tide in her favor, and fast.~
~As Colossus advanced, Toxicita ducked under his outstretched arm and delivered a swift kick to his midsection. The champion grunted and doubled over, and Toxicita capitalized on the opening.~
~With a surge of energy, she wrapped her arms around Colossus's massive frame and attempted a standing side headlock. The crowd erupted in cheers, sensing a shift in momentum. Toxcicita's face was etched with determination as she squeezed with all her might, her well-toned arms straining. Colossus, however, was not one to be subdued easily. With a burst of power, he lifted Toxcicita off the ground and staggered to the ropes. He drove her back into the turnbuckle, forcing her to break the hold. Toxicita, though momentarily disoriented, had shown that she was a force to be reckoned with. She climbed to the top turnbuckle, poised for a high-risk maneuver. The crowd held its collective breath, knowing that this could be a game-changer.~
~She leaped into the air, aiming to land a high-flying crossbody. But Colossus, with incredible reflexes, caught her in mid-air. He held Toxicita above his head, her body vulnerable and exposed.xWith a powerful slam, Colossus drove Toxicita to the mat. The impact was brutal, and the crowd winced in sympathy. Toxicita writhed in pain, clutching her back. Colossus, seizing the opportunity, transitioned into a ground-based submission hold, aiming to wear down his resilient opponent.
~He twisted Toxicita's limbs into a painful knot, causing her to gasp in agony. The pain shot through her body, but she was not ready to give up. Toxicita's determination was legendary, and she fought through the torment, trying to wriggle free. Colossus maintained the pressure, his immense strength making escape seem impossible. Toxicita's body contorted in response to the hold, and she had to summon every ounce of her willpower to keep from submitting. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, watching the display of resilience and heart. Toxicita twisted her body, trying to find a way out. She inched her way closer to the ropes, her fingertips brushing against the bottom strand.~
~With a final surge of effort, Toxicita managed to grab the ropes, forcing Colossus to release the hold. The crowd erupted in cheers as the referee initiated the rope break.~
Blaze: But the brain of a toddler! She's taking years off her career in there! What good is a title if you can't defend it!
~Toxicita, though battered and in pain, refused to stay down. She staggered to her feet, her body aching. Colossus, however, was relentless, stalking her with a glint of determination in his eyes. He seized Toxicita and, with a quick motion, applied a brutal full nelson. Toxicita's body was bent backward, her neck and shoulders under immense strain. The crowd could see the pain etched across her face as she tried to endure the submission.~
~But the full nelson was a devastating hold, and escape seemed impossible. Toxicita's body sagged, and her willpower began to wane. She knew that she was teetering on the brink of submission. The crowd watched in sympathy, knowing that Toxicita had given her all. With a final wrench of his powerful arms, Colossus forced her to her knees, her back arched in agony.~
Stone: Fight it Tox! Fight it!
Blaze: There is still a fall left! You can't LOSE here. Just tap and try your luck before you're incapacitated!
~Toxicita, tears in her eyes, had no choice but to tap out. The bell rang, signaling her submission, and the crowd applauded her valiant effort.~
Stone: It's 2-2 here!
~The third and final fall, a knockout, was where Colossus's physicality and power were at their peak. He charged at Toxcicita with a relentless fury, unleashing a barrage of devastating strikes. Each punch and kick seemed to have the power of a sledgehammer behind it, and Toxicita was powerless to defend herself. The crowd watched in a mix of admiration for Toxicita's bravery and sympathy for the relentless punishment she endured. Blow after blow landed, and it seemed like Colossus would not be denied. Toxicita, battered and bruised, was a warrior in the truest sense. She continued to fight, though it was clear that she was outmatched. Blow after blow struck her, and it wasn't long before her body could take no more. Finally, after a brutal flurry of strikes, Toxicita collapsed to the mat, unconscious. The referee began the count, each number echoing through the arena. "One! Two! Three! Four! Five!"
~Tox rolled out of the ring. ~
~She grabbed something that was placed behind the turnbuckle pad. Colossus didn't see it. She rolls into the ring and he stomps her twice then charge at Toxicita with a thunderous clothesline. Toxicita, however, utilized her speed to evade the powerful strike by dropping below it. She knew that she needed to maintain her offensive to secure the final fall.~
~Toxicita unleashed a flurry of high-impact strikes, targeting Colossus's head and torso. Her kicks and punches were fast and precise, finding their mark with unerring accuracy. Colossus, despite his size, struggled to keep up with Toxicita's relentless assault. The crowd watched in awe as the underdog showcased her resilience and determination.~
~The pivotal moment came when Toxicita executed a breathtaking moonsault, soaring high into the air before connecting with a precise dropkick to Colossus's head. The giant staggered back, his vision blurred, and his legs wobbled beneath him. Toxicita saw the opportunity, mounting the turnbuckle once again. She comes off the ropes but on the rebound he catches her.~
~He picks her up, hoisting her onto his shoulders for another devastating powerbomb......~
~Colossus drops like a sack of bricks. ~
~He drops her as he falls.~
~The ref counts.~
~Tox is holding her damaged back, wincing. Blood drips from her lip. ~
Stone: He's not moving!
Blaze: He got him right between the eyes!
Her eyes light up.
~The ref rings the bell. Tox puts her face in her hands. ~
Stone: She did it! She slayed the beast!
Blaze: What a performance!
~The ref hands her the belt and she drops to her knees. The crowd roars!~
Stone: The reign of terror is over!!!!!
Blaze: I don't believe it!
Stone: Believe it!
~The crowd pops just before this line from the chorus blasts over the speakers before the song opens with its opening drumline. As soon as the lyrics start, Donnie slowly emerges from behind the curtain wearing a black O.C.W. hoodie, jeans, and black Jordans. He slowly starts walking down the ramp halfway into the first verse.~
Lee Masters: On his way to the ring… standing at 6-foot-3-inches tall, weighing in at 228 pounds…
~Donnie moves from the bottom of the ramp to the steel steps, jumping up a couple steps at a time up onto the ring apron, moving through the ropes slowly.~
Lee Masters: DONNIE… HARRIS!
~Donnie gives a nod if acknowledgement to Brit as he makes his way around the table. He is facing the entrance ramp, cracking his knuckles before cracking his neck.~
Roland: Donnie looks like he is ready for BRADDOCK to get out here so they can sign this thing!
Stone: BRADDOCK has been a one man wrecking crew since joining Outcast Championship Wrestling! He and Donnie has one Hell of a match a few weeks ago.
Roland: And Donnie wants to avenge that loss and take that belt from the Anti-Icon.
~Drums pound in synch with grinding guitars as “Bonehead” assaults the fans while the arena is blanketed in darkness while at six seconds in, a saxophone begins squealing a prolonged note.~
Roland: Here comes our Champion!
~A spotlight suddenly pierces the darkness, casting its beam of light on the entrance curtain while the vocalist begins whooping and screaming. BRADDOCK explodes through the curtain and marches for the ring. He is wearing baggy black Dickies, a black hoodie with a skull on the back, octopus tentacles wrapping around it, and black Doc Martin boots.~
Lee Masters: “Making his way to the ring! He is five feet, ten inches tall and tips the scales at two hundred and fifty-one pounds and hails from Stockton, California. He! Is! BRADDOCK!!!!
~BRADDOCK has ascended the ring steps and is entering the ring halfway down the apron, in between the ring posts by dipping under the top rope. He climbs the nearest turnbuckle and while secure on the second rope, he raises the World Heavyweight Championship over his head. He is holding it by the strap.~
~When he drops off of the turnbuckle, he turns and faces Donnie. Brit quickly tells him to keep his cool which draws a chuckle out of our Champion. BRADDOCK steps up to the table and tells Donnie that he will never take the belt from him. Donnie, for his part, tells the Champ to “Kiss his ass!”~
Stone: These two really don’t like each other.
Brit stands at the head of the table, in between the two. She brings the mic to her lips and addresses the two.
Brit: Look you two; Texas Chainsaw Massacre is right around the corner and I don’t want either of you laying a hand on each other until then! Do you hear me?!
Stone: They might say the agree but I don’t know if I would believe them.
Roland: Donnie wants that belt more than anything and BRADDOCK will die trying to keep it! I can’t wait until Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
Brit: The last iteration of O C W ended after a Buried Alive match and I thought it would be fitting to bring it back for this show! Do what you will to each other but, the only way to win is to bury your opponent alive!
~BRADDOCK slaps the belt where it hangs on his left shoulder. Donnie gives him the finger which brings a laugh out of the Champ.~
Brit: Gentlemen, in front of you is a standard contract outlining the stipulation of the match. Now, I want both of you to sign it. Donnie, since you are the challenger, you will sign first. And I don’t want a cliché brawl to break out where one of you ends up going through this table. Am I clear?! I'll suspended both of you and strip that title so fast it'll make your head spin!
~Donnie nods while BRADDOCK holds his hands up, palms out, shaking his head. Donnie takes a pen from her and leans down to sign the contract. He scribbles his signature and tosses the pen down on the table. He is all business as he stares a hole through the Champ.~
Roland: I’ll be surprised if these two don’t come to blows.
Stone: They know what's at stake! They will wait until TCM but my god what a brutal war that will be!
~BRADDOCK sets the belt down on the table and grabs the pen. He starts to sign the contract but stops suddenly and looks up at Donnie, who shrugs and asks “What’s up?”~
Roland: Did BRADDOCK forget how to sign his name?
Stone: What the- Who's that?!
~A blonde woman has hopped the rail and is darting towards the ring. She is in a pair of jeans and an Outsiders Championship Wrestling tank top.~
Roland: I think that’s Fannie Gilbertson, Donnie's opponent at Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Night Two!
~Donnie turns around just in time to eat a Codebreaker.~
Stone and Roland: OH MY GOD!
Roland: She just hit “The Fan" on Donnie Harris!
~Just as quickly as she hit the ring, Fannie dipped out the opposite side and scrambled off into the crowd. BRADDOCK finishes signing the contract, laughing, while Donnie rolls onto his side, holding his face. Meanwhile, Brit looks furious! While Donnie begins to gather himself, BRADDOCK grabs his belt off of the table and makes for the back.~
~This line from the chorus blasts over the speakers before the song opens with its opening drumline. As soon as the lyrics start, Donnie slowly emerges from behind the curtain wearing a loosely-tied BJJ gi top and a pair of standard boxing shorts. He stands at the top of the ramp in a pair of amateur wrestling shoes that match the shorts. He slowly starts walking down the ramp halfway into the first verse.~
Stone: If Harris can pull this off and his other title match, he could be Donnie-Two-Belts.
Blaze: That be a huge thing for him!
Lee Masters: On his way to the ring... standing at 6-foot-3-inches tall, weighing in at 228 pounds...
~Donnie moves from the bottom of the ramp to the steel steps, jumping up a couple steps at a time up onto the ring apron, moving through the ropes slowly.
Lee Masters: DONNIE... HARRIS!
~Donnie starts to take his gi top and moves to his corner, throwing the shirt up and over the top rope onto the floor for the ring crew to move. He rests against the corner and stretches, breathing deeply and waiting for the bell.~
~Drums pound in synch with grinding guitars as “Bonehead” assaults the fans while the arena is blanketed in darkness while at six seconds in, a saxophone begins squealing a prolonged note. A spotlight suddenly pierces the darkness, casting its beam of light on the entrance curtain while the vocalist begins whooping and screaming. BRADDOCK explodes through the curtain and marches for the ring with the OCW World Championship in his hand.~
Lee Masters: “Making his way to the ring! He is five feet, ten inches tall and tips the scales at two hundred and fifty-one pounds and hails from Stockton, California. He is the OCW World Heavyweight Champion! He! Is! BRADDOCK!!!!
~BRADDOCK has ascended the ring steps and is entering the ring halfway down the apron, in between the ring posts by dipping under the top rope. He climbs the nearest turnbuckle and while secure on the second rope, he raises belt in the air above his head and roars.~
Stone: So here we go! The OCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP on the line between these two juggernauts.
Blaze: The two best we have, Stone, and they are about to put a cap on this rivalry in dramatic fashion!
~The atmosphere in the arena was electric as the crowd roared in anticipation of the main event - the World Championship Buried Alive match between Donnie Harris and the reigning champion, Braddock. The ring had been replaced with a deep, ominous pit, surrounded by steel grates. The only way to win was to incapacitate your opponent and bury them alive in the cold, unforgiving dirt.~
~As the bell rang, both men circled each other, their eyes locked in a fierce, unrelenting gaze. Donnie Harris, the challenger, was a powerhouse, known for his incredible strength and agility. Braddock, the champion, was a crafty and cunning veteran, having held the title for over a year.~
~The match started slowly, with both men feeling each other out, exchanging a few tentative punches and kicks. Donnie Harris attempted a powerful clothesline, but Braddock ducked under it and retaliated with a swift kick to the knee. The crowd's excitement began to mount as they realized this was going to be a technical battle.~
~Donnie Harris and Braddock began to exchange grapple holds and power moves. Harris tried for a series of suplexes, showcasing his raw strength, but Braddock managed to counter with a DDT. The champion seized the opportunity to grab a steel chair from under the ring and swung it with deadly intent. Donnie barely managed to avoid it, but the chair left a dent in the steel grates, drawing gasps from the crowd.~
~Harris fought back with a spinebuster, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. He then ascended the turnbuckle and leaped off for a massive elbow drop. Braddock rolled away just in time, and Donnie hit the cold steel instead. The champion took advantage of the situation, locking in a punishing submission hold. Donnie's face twisted in pain as he struggled to escape. ~
~Donnie is able to power out, and arm drag Braddock onto the unforgiving dirt. ~
Stone: That dirt is unforgiving, to say the least!
Blaze: That thud.....chills, Stone. Chills.
~However, Braddock was not to be outdone. He fought back with a stunning superkick, sending Harris sprawling to the dirt. The champion followed up with a brutal powerbomb, leaving Donnie Harris writhing in agony.~
~Both competitors were showing signs of fatigue, but the crowd's anticipation was at its peak. Braddock retrieved a kendo stick from beneath the ring and began to mercilessly lash it against Harris's back. The challenger screamed in pain, but his determination refused to wane. Donnie fought back, seizing a steel chair and smacking Braddock across the head with it, causing a crimson mask to form.~
~Desperation set in as both men were running on empty. Donnie Harris grabbed a nearby table and set it up in the center of the pit. He hoisted Braddock onto his shoulders, aiming to slam him through the table. But Braddock managed to counter at the last moment, sending Harris crashing through the wooden table instead.~
Stone: The champ has an answer for everything Harris is doing right now!
Blaze: He already wrestled tonight! And won! This match should struck from the record!
~Braddock needs to get him in the pit, though. He picks up Harris by the head. ~
~Donnie Harris counters and tosses Braddock against the steel grates, causing the champion to wince in pain. He then followed up with a devastating body slam onto the cold, hard ground.~
~Harris picks up Braddock, raking at the eyes. The champ fought back, landing a knee to Harris's midsection, and followed it with a DDT, driving the challenger's head into the dirt. The pit was turning into a battlefield, with no room for high-flying acrobatics, only room for brutal, ground-and-pound wrestling.~
~Both men were battered and bruised, but the fight raged on. Donnie Harris managed to slam Braddock into the pit's side, causing a loud thud. Dirt was sent flying, and the champion grimaced in pain. Harris saw an opportunity and began to dig a hole in the pit's earth. He was determined to bury the champion and claim the World Championship.~
~But Braddock wasn't ready to give up his title. He fought back, delivering a powerful suplex that shook the pit. The champion, bleeding from his forehead, reached for a steel chain hidden under a pile of chairs and table debris and wrapped it around his fist. With a swing of the chain-covered fist, he connected with Harris's face, and the challenger staggered backward.~
~As the match neared its conclusion, the pit surrounding the ring was littered with debris and broken weapons. Both competitors were showing the effects of this brutal, grueling battle. Braddock, with a determined gleam in his eye, grabbed a steel chair and used it to bash Donnie Harris repeatedly.~
~The champion was now in control. He hoisted Donnie Harris onto his shoulders and, with an extraordinary display of strength, delivered a bone-crushing powerbomb. The pit seemed to shake as Harris's body crashed against the dirt.~
~With the challenger incapacitated, Braddock dragged him to the edge of the pit, determined to finish the match. He began shoveling dirt onto Donnie Harris, filling the pit. The crowd watched in suspense, their breaths held.~
~Braddock tosses Donnie's newly won Streaming Service Championship into the hole with him. ~
~As the dirt covered Harris's body, the referee signaled for the bell to ring. The match was over. Braddock had retained his World Championship in the Buried Alive match, solidifying his status as the ultimate brawler and champion.~
~The audience erupted in cheers, celebrating the gritty, hard-fought battle they had witnessed. The pit had become a symbol of their relentless determination, and Braddock had successfully defended his title in one of the most brutal encounters in wrestling history.~
Lee Masters: Here is your winner, and STILL Outcast Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion...........BRRRAAADDDDOOOCKKKK!
Stone: He did it! Braddock retains! Donnie Harris's hopes and dreams have been buried alive! What a night one!
Blaze: Our night is over, but stay tuned tomorrow, on Halloween, as Mad Max takes on Tearra Skye, the second generations Beretta Blade versus Jack Sullivan, SYNN takes on Alexandra Calaway amd finally Matt "the Raven" Knox takes on Corey Smith!!
~ The OCWTron lights up and we see Chop Top scratching at his steel plate. ~
Chop Top: Now you pig fuckers will enjoy the mastermind behind Halloween II! Fuck you, Cashe!
Tamika Strader: Zybala, before you head out to the commentary table, I wanted to give you something.
Zybala: Oh? What’s that?
~Tamika hands him a folder that is coloured in her signature green. He opens it up and his eyes go wide.~
Zybala: Wait, is this for real?
Tamika Strader: Yes, not only are you ten percent owner of Online Championship Wrestling, you are now twelve point eight percent owner of the Pioneer Wrestling Association and whatever it may grow into from this point forward.
Zybala: But why?
Tamika Strader: Because of your loyalty and so you can build a future for your family.
~Zybala surprises her with a big hug, and Tamika hugs him back.~
Tamika Strader: Ok, now get out there and make us some money, yeah?
Zybala: Hell yes!
~Tamika looks at the camera, signature family sneer on her face.~
Tamika Strader: Don’t let the Yardies scare ya but it’s time for NIGHT ONE PART DEUX!
Yep, I do.
Dean: What up, Suckas?! And welcome to the real reason you're tuning into Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Night One! Motha fuckin' Outsiders!!
Zybala: Damn straight! The man next to me is the original Outsider Dean. I'm Mike Zybala, and we're here at The Strader Compound! And yes, my Buffalo peeps, I broke into Outcast's house and replaced all his ranch dressing with bleu cheese!
Dean: And that ain't the only way we're messing with shit! We also brought The Yardies! We loaded up 200 of our biggest fans in the bus and drove them ourselves! Mikey Z here has a class B license!
Zybala: Enough about me, Dean. Let's talk about our portion of the card. We got newcomer, El Ianderson taking on a returning Major Helmet. Then Crash Rodriguez calls out Dean for an Inferno Match.
Dean: Then we got TWO big title matches. Fanny will defend her Streaming Service championship against Donnie Harris and Axle in a triple threat. And our main event will feature the match all Outsiders fans have been wanting forever! SuckaLord Allton versus "THE Wrestling Janitor" Peter Vaughn!
Zybala: We knew those two wouldn't listen to any rules, so we only made one. Just don't kill one another.
Dean: That's the run-down, so let's get to it! Belvedere! Show these suckas how it's done!
~ We pan over to the ring where Belvedere is standing and waiting. He gets the signal and, in that classy way only he can manage, does his thang. ~
Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is your first Outsiders match of the evening, and it's scheduled for one fall!
Yardies: ONE FALL!!
Belvedere: Introducing first…. Hailing from the roster of Outcast Championship Wrestling…. Weight and Height unknown….. This is EL IANDERSON!!!
~ Zybala pulls out his phone and Bluetooth connects it to the speakers. He then opens a music app and hits RANDOM. There is the briefest of pauses before a familiar keyboard rift starts playing. El Ianderson walks out onto the bootleg Nitro stage as K.C. and The Sunshine Band's "GIVE IT UP" hits the speakers. El Ianderson looks over at Zybala and shouts about this not being his theme. Zybala shouts back to fill out a roster bio. El Ianderson just makes his way to the ring. Some of the fans are dancing to the disco classic and boo when it stops. Some fans are still shouting "RANDELL RANDELL KEITH!" to the tune of the song. Belvedere continues.. ~
Belvedere: And his opponent….. claiming to hail from Planet Spaceballs... weighing in at 165 pounds…. representing Sports Entertainment Xpress…. This is…. MAJOR HELMET!!!
~ "Space Lord" by Monster Magnet starts playing as a beam of light appears on the stage and out from it walks Major Helmet. The Dark Helmet lookalike makes their way down the ramp towards the ring as The Yardies cheer like nobody's business as the other fans don't know what to make of what they're seeing. Helmet high-fives fans along the way, and after much struggle because of the helmet, gets into the ring. ~
Dean: Listen to those Yardies! The Major is getting a lot of love.
Zybala: We haven't seen him since Double X where he took part of that critically acclaimed four team ladder match. He truly earned everyone's respect that night!
~ The music stops as Belvedere steps out of the ring. Mitch calls for the bell after checking both men. Major Helmet and El Ianderson start with a classic lock up. The two wrestlers struggle against each other trying to push their opponent back, but neither man budges. El Ianderson and Helmet break away from each other and El Ianderson quickly grabs Helmet, whipping him into the ropes. Helmet charges back with a clothesline and Ianderson ducks. Helmet stops as he grabs Ianderson and throws him at the ropes. On the rebound, Helmet bends over but Ianderson leaps over him and keeps running. Helmet stands up and Ianderson bounces off the ropes and hits The Major with a shoulder block! Helmet staggers back a little bit but is still standing. Ianderson challenges Helmet to try the same thing. Helmet runs to the ropes to build momentum and hits Thunder with a shoulder block, who still stands! The two look at each other and run at opposite ropes. They bounce off and collide in the middle of the ring and both fall to the mat. The crowd cheers for the action as Helmet and Ianderson quickly scramble to their feet.
Helmet gets face-to-face with Ianderson and extends a hand to him. Ianderson goes to accept but pulls his hand back and starts hitting Major in the chest!! Helmet stumbles back, but Ianderson keeps attacking with punch after punch, driving Helmet back into the corner. Ianderson climbs up on Helmet, looking towards the audience for a second, raises a fist high, ready to rain fists down onto Helmet, but stops himself because of just that. The Helmet. Ianderson realizes that he'll only hurt himself so he tries to pull off the head piece. The Major grabs his helmet and holds it tightly on his head as Ianderson tries to rip it off as the crowd boos! ~
Dean: Finally, someone is smart enough to try and take that thing off!
Zybala: I'm actually surprised it took this long. I wonder what he looks like??
~ Zybala is gonna have to wonder more, because Helmet shoves Ianderson off of the ropes. The luchadore lands on his feet and tries to go for the helmet once more. Thinking turnabout is fair play, Helmet grabs at Ianderson's mask and tries to pull it off. Both men struggle against each other as they try to rip off the other's head gear! Helmet quickly drives his head forward, staggering Ianderson with a headbutt! Ianderson releases the helmet as he backs away, shaking his head to clear it. Helmet rushes forward, grabbing Ianderson's mask once more, and twists it around! Momentarily blinded, Ianderson struggles to pull his mask back around, but Helmet starts firing lefts and rights, forcing Ianderson to cover up, stopping him from fixing his mask.
Helmet then steps in, lifting Ianderson up and getting a reverse atomic drop, sending Ianderson falling back to the ground! Helmet tries to press his advantage, but Ianderson rolls away under the ropes and out of the ring. He falls to the mats and takes the precious moment alone to fix his mask. His eyes are filled with anger and annoyance. He rolls back into the ring, but Helmet is quickly on him! He grabs a foot of El Ianderson and locks in an ankle lock, which gets a loud pop from the crowd. Chants of "TAP" immediately can be heard, but El Ianderson shows no signs of tapping. Since he just rolled in the ring, the luchadore is close to the ropes. He reaches an arm out and grabs them, and Helmet immediately releases his grip, showing his respect for the rules.
As Ianderson gets back up, Helmet moves in, landing a series of elbow shots to the back of the head, knocking Ianderson back down to his knees with every strike. Ianderson keeps rising up, refusing to stay on the mat. He turns, taking a wild swing at Helmet, but he ducks under it, then grabs Ianderson from behind, trying to do a roll-up. But Helmet's helmet hits the mat first, tripping up everything. Both men fall over, with Helmet doing his best turtle on its back impression. Ianderson quickly gets to his feet and starts kicking away at the sides of Helmet! Helmet goes fetal as he tries to protect himself but this proves to be detrimental as Ianderson goes for the helmet once more. He gets a good hold on it and yanks it off!! There is an audible gasp in the crowd. ~
Zybala: Oh my god!! El Ianderson just ripped off Helmet's helmet!
Dean: Can you see what the sucka looks like? He's covering up too much!
Rockwell: Not if Puffer has anything to say about it!
~ Helmet is indeed trying to cover up his head. El Ianderson tosses the helmet to the side and starts trying to pull Helmet's arms away from his head. The crowd is silent, wanting to see what The Major looks like. Helmet tries to fight free of Ianderson, but gets his arms pulled away! Helmet starts shaking his head back and forth in an effort to hide his identity, but Ianderson gives him a punch to the forehead, dazing him. Stunned, Helmet moves his head less and we see….
That he's wearing a mask of a young Rick Moranis!
Laughter and cheers can be heard throughout the crowd as Ianderson groans. He starts trying to rip this mask off, but Helmet manages to roll to his side to cover up. He is able to get an arm over to the ropes and grabs the bottom one. El Ianderson tries to pull him away, but Mitch intervenes. He drags Ianderson away, telling him to obey the rules, before he lights up a blunt. Ianderson then yells at him about the rules of smoking pot in public. Mitch argues that the Straders said it's OK. Annoyed, Ianderson turns back to Helmet, who is just getting his back on!
Ianderson goes over and drags a newly helmeted Helmet to his feet. Ianderson nails a big boot to Helmet's gut, grabs the sides of the helmet and jumps, landing a facebuster!! Despite the protection, Helmet is rattled and down on the mat! El Ianderson gets up, runs at the ropes and returns, leaping and dropping a leg across the chest of Helmet!! Helmet slowly rolls over, hurting, as Ianderson gets up. He goes to the ropes again, returns... and drops a knee this time, doing more damage! Helmet, holding his chest, starts to get up, wheezing and coughing. El Ianderson takes immediate advantage, getting behind Helmet and jumps on his back for a crucifix pin.Though, due the size of the helmet, this is more a crucifix driver! Helmet is dazed on the mat and Ianderson goes for the cover!! ~
Mitch: One……..
Zybala: El Ianderson nearly ended things there!
Hood: I don't know if the helmet is helping or hurting Helmet at this point.
Zybala: I'm just wondering how this dude is able to see out of two masks…
Dean: A lot of practice, I guess…
~ Ianderson gets up and starts arguing with Mitch once more. This allows Helmet a precious few seconds to try and recover. He struggles back to his feet, then turns, seeing Ianderson a few steps away. He charges, lowering his head and tries to hit a Battering Ram on Ianderson! The luchador easily avoids the attack, though, with a quick barrel roll to the side, and Helmet heads into the corner instead, hitting hard against the pads! He stumbles out, and Ianderson comes to meet him, grabbing Helmet and quickly dropping him to the mat with a sloppy DDT!
Ianderson doesn't let go, getting both wrestlers back up, before attempting a second one. Helmet manages to slip his helmet off at the last second, sending Ianderson falling backwards with the helmet. As Ianderson gets up, Helmet rushes forward, hitting a Shining Wizard on his opponent! He then grabs his helmet, puts it back on and turns back towards Ianderson. He drags him to a standing posture before hitting the ropes. Helmet bounces off the ropes, lowers his head and drives his helmet right into Ianderson's chest!
El Ianderson falls to the mat, barely breathing as Helmet gives him a leg drop as a measure of revenge! Helmet then moves to a nearby corner and starts to climb the ropes. ~
Dean: Major is looking to end it here!
Zybala: If he hits his diving headbutt, this could be over!
~ Helmet gets his balance and leaps off to top turnbuckle! He flies off the turnbuckle and drops a devastating helmet headbutt onto El Ianderson! The Major goes for the cover and Mitch starts to count! ~
Mitch: One……..
~ The fans cheer as Mitch's hand hits the mat for the third time. He gets up and calls for the bell. ~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…… MAJOR HELMET!!!
Zybala: What a return to Outsiders! Helmet pulls out a victory tonight.
Dean: But it looks like we gonna need security. Some sucka just hopped the barricade!
~ Dean isn't lying as someone rushes into the ring as Mitch raises Helmet's arm for victory. The person shoves Mitch aside and stares at Helmet. Helmet stares back. It's BUG GIRL!! (Think Mantis from the MCU. If you haven't watched the movies, just Google it.) The two star crossed lovers stare at each other before hugging in the ring! Cheers get louder at the loving display and "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by The Darkness hits the speakers as we cut to a segment by this sexy so and so… ~
Dean: Yo, it ain't worth it, sucka.
Zybala: But he's desecrating the lives of every chicken that became a delicate bar food!
Dean: Belvedere! Start the next match to get his mind off of things!
Belvedere: The following is an I Quit Match for the Outsiders Tag Team Championship!
Yardies: ONE FALL!
Belvedere: Yes, yes…. Anyways…. Coming to the ring first….. At a combined weight of 521 pounds…… Representing The Brotherhood of Bastards….. They are EL KNUCKLE and THE NICKLEMAN!!!
~The lights around the compound go out, the Bastards epic tron plays, and a green spotlight shines at the top of the ramp, with fog rolling out. A spotlight highlights the ramp, and El Knuckle walks out onto the entrance ramp, hyped and ready to fight, pointing out into the crowd. Behind him, The Nickleman deliberately walks out strumming away at the air guitar. Both men glance at each other and high five before, in unison. point at the ring. Some of the crowd sings along with the song. ~
~ The Bastards walk down the ramp, mostly ignoring the fans. The pair look at the various squashes that are surrounding the ring. Then El Knuckle slides into the ring and gets up onto a knee, beckoning the crowd as Charles climbs the steps and enters the ring behind him. EK stands and appeals to the crowd as Bobby raises his arms at 45-degree angles. Some people cheer the duo while most boo them. They are Bastards after all. The music dies down as Belvedere continues.. ~
Belvedere: And their opponents….. weighing in at 400 pounds….. hailing from where all Rob characters reside….. they are your Outsiders Tag Team Champions….. GILBERT AND MAX ROTTEN!!
~ "Welcome to Hell" by Venom hits the speakers and the fans are a mix of cheers and boos. They like Gilbert, but loathe Rotten. As the drums of the song really kick in, Max and Gilbert step out from behind the curtain, belts wrapped firmly around their waists. Gilbert struggles with a large cooler and Max makes no effort to help as the pair make their way down to the ring. ~
Dean: What the hell does Gilbert got?
Zybala: I'm not sure. Knowing Max, though, it can't be anything good.
~ Belvedere exits the ring as Nickleman and El Knuckle discuss who should start the match. Gilbert asks Max the same question, but Max doesn't really care. E.K. and Nickleman are still debating and this annoys Rotten. Max finishes this meditation by picking up a surprised Gilbert over his head and charges toward the pair. He throws Gilbert at The Bastards, who topple to the mat. Mitch, knowing there won't be any rules, gestures to the outside of the ring. The bell rings and the match is officially underway!
Gilbert gets up first and expresses his displeasure at being used as a weapon all the time. Max just laughs and reminds Gilly that he took down both members of The Brother, pointing at the now rising opponents. Max tells Gilbert to finish the job and forces him to charge at The Bastards. Unfortunately, the pair are just too big, and too strong. They snare Gilbert and wrangles him into a double side headlock. Gilbert tries to break free, but The Bastards' grip is too tight. Max runs to save Gilbert but Nickleman and E.K. rush forward and use Gilbert as a Bushwacker battering ram! They drive his head right into Rotten's stomach, forcing the wind from him! The fans boo the heels! ~
Zybala: Gilbert being used as a weapon much to the detriment of Max.
Dean: Bastards gonna be bastards.
~ Max drops to one knee. The Bastards wrenches the headlock on Gilbert, really working the neck. He fights back swinging his arms as hard as he can, just trying to strike anything. He manages a few lucky hits, but nothing substantial enough to make Nickleman or El Knuckle let go of his head. Max starts to get back up, but Gilbert's head is driven into his stomach once more. Max coughs as Nickleman releases Gilbert and locks on a headlock on Rotten. The Bastards have a firm hold of the tag champs in the stereo headlocks.
Mitch hovers over the men, going back and forth between Gilbert and Max, asking if they quit. The champs refuse to say the two words. El Knuckle wrenches hard and the pressure is tight around Gilbert's head. Gilbert's eyes begin to close, his arms start to go limp. Max sees this and laughs. Nickleman asks what's so funny? Max replies that Gilbert can't quit if he's passed out. Nickleman realizes Rotten is right and tells El Knuckle to let Gilbert go. The "luchadore" whose identity is a complete mystery, drops Gilbert.
Gilbert, finally free, gasps to get his breath back, his face beet red. He rolls from the ring to recover as El Knuckle joins his partner to attack Rotten. Nickleman switches his grip on Rotten into a Full Nelson as El Knuckle starts hitting body blows on Max. El Knuckle throws a kidney shot. Max grunts in pain. Heart punch! Another groan. Punch to the jaw! Mitch asks Rotten if he wants to quit, but gets met with a loud "FUCK YOU!" Annoyed, El Knuckle starts punching Max in the face, while Nickleman keeps the Full Nelson locked in. Between each punch, Knuckle tells Max to quit. Punch! "QUIT" Punch! "QUIT" Punch!
Rotten's knees grow weak. El Knuckle hauls back a fist when a cooler gets dropped on his head! El Knuckle drops to a knee and Nickleman sees Gilbert standing behind Knuckle! The fans cheer as Gilbert quickly grabs El Knuckle and drops him with a sloppy reverse DDT! As Gilbert struggles to get up, as El Knuckle partially landed on him, Nickleman releases Max to go on the attack. Gilbert sees and tries to back away, kicking at Nickleman and actually catches him between the legs to a huge crowd pop! Nickleman collapses to the mat, with his hands cupping himself. ~
Dean: Never thought I'd say this, but Gilbert turned this shit around!
Zybala: Hanging with Rotten may have toughened the little guy up, just a little.
Dean: He's learning how to survive, sucka. He's adapting to The Yard.
Zybala: Gilbert needs to keep learning if he's gonna be a champion.
~ Gilbert gets back to his feet, going over to check on Max. Rotten tries to stand, staggering and stumbling. He yells at Gilbert to ignore him and stay on the attack! Gilbert looks taken aback and turns to his opponents and walks towards a rising El Knuckle, who quickly scoops Gilbert up in his arms. He's looking to smash Gilly with a spinning spinebuster, but Max surges forward and delivers a crushing sledgehammer to El Knuckle's back! E.K. drops to one knee as he releases Gilbert, who landed awkwardly on his feet.
Max snares a handful of El Knuckle's mask, jerks his head back, and delivers a straight right hand across El Knuckle's jaw! Knuckle collapses to the mat while Max yells "how does that feel, bitch?!" He starts laying into El Knuckle with kicks and stomps as Gilbert rushes past Max and grabs the cooler. He opens the lid and emptied the contents all over Nickleman. IT'S CRABS! Several of the pinchy crustaceans fall onto The Nickleman, who starts to panic as he is getting pinched by the claws. He tries backing away and sitting up all at once as a few cling to his clothes and one from his ear! ~
Dean: Gilbert just gave Nickleman crabs!!
Zybala: Seriously??
~ Nickleman backs into a corner, still trying to clear himself of the calamitous crustaceans that clearly is creating discomfort for the colorful character! Now that the C scheme is over, Nickleman manages to get the last crab off of him, just in time to see a running Gilbert with the cooler held high! The tag champ slams the cooler on Nickleman's head! Nickleman is out of it. Max turns to check on Gilbert and gives him a word of encouragement. El Knuckle notices the crabs on the mat, and crawls away a little with worry in his eyes. Max turns to see this and grins. He runs and jumps on Knuckle's back!
El Knuckle tries to get the 300 pounder off of him as Max yells at Gilbert to bring him a crab. Gilly grabs one gingerly, making sure he doesn't get pinched, and brings it to Rotten. El Knuckle starts yelling to get it away! Max laughs about him being a scared bitch. Knuckle shouts that he has a deadly shellfish allergy. Max grins savagely as he tells Gilbert to come closer. Gilbert isn't sure about getting a man sick, but Max yells loudly, which shakes Gilbert. He brings the crab closer as Max tells El Knuckle to quit and the crabs go away. Mitch brings over the microphone…
El Knuckle looks over at Nickleman and sees the cooler still on his head. He tries crawling away, but Max is sitting firm. He sees Gilbert walking closer and panics. Gilbert lowers the crab towards him and El Knuckle's eyes start to water as they get puffy and his lips start to swell a little. His breathing gets raspy and he breaks! El Knuckle starts shouting that he quits over and over! Mitch calls for the bell as Gilbert moves the crab away. A security guard rushes into the ring and jabs El Knuckle with an EPIpen. ~
Belvedere: Here are your winners…. And STILL Outsiders Tag Team Champions…. GILBERT AND MAX ROTTEN!!
~ The champs get handed their belts as they start to celebrate. ~
Zybala: Well that was a little lackluster for an I Quit Match.
Dean: Never seen someone quit because of allergies before, though. That's a first.
Belvedere: The following match is an Inferno Match, where the objective is to set your opponent on fire.
Yardies: ONE FALL! (Fucking stubborn lunatics)
Belvedere: Introducing first…. He hails from Kansas City, Missouri...standing 5’11 and weighing in at 207 lbs...he is ‘The Crooked Man’ CRASH RODRIGUEZ!!!
~"No Love" by Death Grips hits! The fans boo immediately as Crash emerges onto the bootleg Nitro stage with Lou behind him. Crash’s fists are taped. He glares at Dean the entire time he marches down the ramp. Lou talks trash while hyping up his client to any and every person within earshot. Crash hops onto the apron before reaching his feet. He looks across the ring at Mitch and walks over. He asks the ref if he's holding, and Mitch nods. Crash tells Mitch to catch him after the show. The music stops and Belvedere continues.~
Belvedere: And his opponent….
Dean: Hold up, Sucka!
~ Everyone turns towards Dean, who stands up from the announce table. Crash starts yelling nobody wants to hear him talk and to just get in the ring. Dean stares at The Crooked Man. ~
Dean: You thought you was being cute challenging Dean, didn't cha? You thought since you got lucky and managed to beat Mikey Z here, that you would go twofold two on the owners. Well, I got bad news for you, sucka. You never mentioned which Dean you wanted to fight!
~ Crash starts pointing at Dean and saying "YOU!" while Lou is shouting shit about breach of contract. Dean continues. ~
Dean: You ain't fighting me tonight, oooh no! Though you is gonna fight someone from the Outsiders neighborhood! This dude's name is also Dean! He's the man who had your car towed away the last time you came to The Yard. He's always trying to shut us down because "We bring down the property value." He is your opponent, the head of our Home Owners Association….. DEAN STEPHOWICZ!!
~ The Mariachi Band then appears on stage dragging a middle-aged white man with a receding hairline wrapped in a straight jacket out on stage. The man is struggling but our Mariachis are strong from all the yard work they do to make Outsiders Arena look immaculate. Crash starts to argue, but Lou reminds him how much those tow bills and the impounding fees cost. Crash gets angry all over again and yells at the Mariachis to hurry up. ~
Zybala: Looks like Crash is accepting your tribute.
Dean: Nobody likes HOAs, sucks. Nobody!
~ The Band manages to get Dean Not-Dean into the ring by rolling him under the ropes as Belvedere leaves the ring. Mitch calls for the bell and then tries to help Dean S. up and out of the jacket, but Crash runs up past Mitch and starts stomping away at this fish in a barrel. Dean S. rolls out of the ring and to the relative safety to the mats below. Crash follows him and continues to kick away. The fans don't like this and boo The Crooked Man. Except The Yardies. They hate Dean S. with a passion. Every single one of them has been fined by this power hungry asshole. Fuck that guy.
After getting his fill off kicks in, Crash drops to his hands and knees and starts rummaging under the ring. After a while, he finds something he likes and emerges with a cowbell!! Rodriguez smiles at the cowbell in his hands, apparently remembering smashing The Big Bifford with one back in his GCWA days. Rodriguez, looking down on Dean S., raises the bell high over his head, and brings it down over and over, all over Dean's body. ~
Zybala: There's a lawsuit on its way...
Dean: Nope. Homeboy signed a waiver.
Zybala: What? When? How? WHY?!
Dean: I got my ways, sucka.
~ Getting tired of swinging the bell and not wanting to risk pulling an arm muscle, Rodriguez drops the bell next to a battered white Dean. Crash then drops behind him and locks him into a sleeper hold from behind! A barely conscious Dean S. barely fights against it, but Crash works to tighten his grip. Crash yells at him to tap, and Mitch, who is now outside of the ring, reminds him there is no tapping in Inferno matches. Crash replies that he knows, and is just having some fun. Crash holds onto the sleeper just a little bit longer before releasing the HOA man and rolling away.
Rodriguez takes a second to catch his breath back, saying that ass kicking is hard work. The Yardies cheer this while the other fans boo the heelish antics. Crash leans against the corner post and allows Dean S. to recover a bit. What a nice guy. Crash even tells Lou to undo the straight jacket, which the lawyer does. When Dean becomes more aware, he starts trying to crawl away on all four while Crash casually looks under the ring again. Lou gets in the path of Dean, who looks up. Dean gets determination in his eyes. THIS older guy he can fight. This is more equal.
As a beaten and bloody Dean raises his fists, Lou Pohl merely points behind Dean. Confused, Dean turns around, only for Rodriguez to ram the chair into his ribs, bending him over. Rodriguez then drops the chair onto the ground and grabs Dean by the head and places it between his legs. He grabs Dean S. around the waist and lifts him up, before dropping him with a piledriver onto the chair!!!~
Dean: Rodriguez showing that he don't care about another man's well-being.
Zybala: To be fair, neither do we. We basically kidnapped Dean and forced him to fight against his will.
Dean: I prefer aggressively persuaded into become a wrestling star
Zybala: You just didn't wanna fight Crash…
Dean: N-word, I'm retired.
Zybala: Did you just say "N-word"?
Dean: What? I'm black, so I can use it. And I didn't say the actual thing, so we won't get canceled.
~ As Dean S. rolls around in pain, clutching his head, Crash starts looking around for other weapons of violence. He sees one of the security people and steals their fire extinguisher. He waits until Dean rolls onto his back before smashing him in the ribs with the safety utensil! Stephowicz starts wheezing and hacking as he may possibly have a collapsed lung. Crash starts spraying his victim, because calling him an opponent would be an insult, with the fire extinguisher foam, making it even harder for Dean to breathe. Lou, bored at this point, rolls his eyes and taps at his wrist watch to Crash.
Crash starts to argue that he's just starting to have fun, but Pohl taps his watch harder. Crash says fine, tosses the extinguisher to the side and holds out his hand. Lou Pohl reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small bottle of lighter fluid and a book of matches. Crash turns back to Dean S. and kicks away the remnants of the foam before dosing him with the bottle of fluid. Crash strikes a match, sets the rest of the book on fire and throws it on Dean, who immediately catches ablaze! Mitch mercifully calls for the bell as security runs to put out the HOA president ~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….. CRASH RODRIGUEZ!!
~ "No Love" hits the speakers once more as the boos rain down on Crash. Except from The Yardies, because fuck the HOA. Crash and Lou walk back up the ramp when suddenly The Squashness Monster runs out from behind the curtains and lays out Crash with a big boot. You know, because he didn't drop a promo. Lou Pohl is standing there baffled as we smash cut to another commercial. ~
~ The OCWTron lights up and Tamika Strader with Chop Top appear once more. ~
Tamika Strader: And once again Chop Top, a song from our special guest... ROB FRICKIN' ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!
Yardies in the crowd: ONE FALL!
Belvedere: And it is for the Outsiders Streaming Service Championship!
~ The fans cheer with excitement. ~
Belvedere: Coming to the ring first,... standing at 6-foot-3-inches tall, weighing in at 228 pounds….. he is DONNIE HARRIS!!!
"You'll be cryin' like a bitch!"
~This line from the chorus of Godsmack's song blasts over the speakers before the song opens with its opening drumline. As soon as the lyrics start, Donnie slowly emerges from out the stage area wearing a loosely-tied BJJ gi top and a pair of standard boxing shorts. He stands at the top of the ramp in a pair of amateur wrestling shoes that match the shorts. He slowly starts walking down the ramp halfway into the first verse. Fans reach out but Donnie is laser focused on the ring.
Harris walks to the ring and jumps up onto the ring apron, moving through the ropes slowly. He starts to take his gi top and moves to his corner, throwing the shirt up and over the top rope onto the grass for the ring crew to move, not learning his lesson from last time. A fan hops from the second row and tries to steal the shirt but Strader security runs over and removes the fan. Donnie goes to his designated corner and stretches, breathing deeply and waiting for his opponents. ~
Belvedere: And his opponent…. From Dallas, Texas by way of Shreveport, Los Angeles…. weighing in at 240 pounds….. he is AXIS!!!
~ The acoustics of "Zombie" fill every loudspeaker in The Compound! When the metal part kicks in Axis steps out onto the stage, doing his signature "Quadruple Horns" pose. Axis calmly yet menacingly walks towards the ring, but Harris doesn't seem impressed. The fans are once again denied high-fives. Axis gets in the ring, staring daggers as the fans slowly start to turn on these two high-five ignoring so-and-sos. Axis starts talking shit, saying Donnie is here out of a technicality.~
Zybala: Both Donnie and Axis making their returns to Outsiders tonight!
Dean: But only Axis won the right to face Fanny, Sucka. We’ll see if Donnie can rebound from his loss a hour or whatever ago!
Zybala: I told you, I'm sorry! I was distracted when I put up the card. And you’re right, maybe Donnie is the wildcard!
Belvedere: And their opponent… hailing from Rimwood, Florida…. She is the Outsiders Streaming Service Champion…. She is The Princess of The Yard…..this is FANNY!!!
~ "You Can Do Magic" by America hits the speakers as Fanny emerges from behind the curtain and onto the stage with the Streaming Service title in her hand. The Yardies and some regular OCW fans start cheering as a surprisingly sober looking Fanny walks across the grass. Unlike her opponents, the champ high-fives everyone she can reach. The OCW fans back away from the over eager Fanny, but she loves The Yardies and they love her. She eventually gets to the ring and hands Belvedere the title as he leaves the ring. She starts yelling for Mitch to ring the bell, which the startled ref does. She immediately runs at Axis and hits him in the chest with a shotgun dropkick! He staggers back into the corner as Fanny quickly gets to her feet and gives Harris a dropkick into his corner as well! The Yardies cheer the effort as Harris and Axis look more shocked than hurt.
Fanny gets up and starts slugging away at Harris, who is putting up a fight. While the two brawl, Axis steps out of the corner and quickly walks up to Fanny and grabs the back of Fanny's head by the hair! He pulls Fanny away from Harris, but Fanny turns quickly, which causes some of her hair to rip out! Axis has the strands in his fist but Fanny doesn't care. She's into the super kinky shit! Fanny starts swinging at Axis and Axis fights back. Not one to be left out, Harris steps from the corner and joins the fray!
All three start punching the hell out of each other. Fanny is hitting everything that moves, but after a little bit, Harris and Axis stop hitting each other and start to gang up on the champ! They back Fanny into a corner as they continue their assault. Axis and Donnie then back up. Donnie grabs Axis's arm and whips him into the corner, but Fanny sees it coming! She rushes out of the corner and ducks under Donnie’s forearm attempt. Fanny continues forward and ducks under a boot from Axis as well. This makes Axis kick Donnie in the back. Harris clutches his back as he turns to see Axis. The two start arguing and shoving each other. Harris shoves Axis hard into a waiting jumping neckbreaker from Fanny, much to the approval of the fans. ~
Dean: Fanny is doing surprisingly good tonight so far.
Zybala: I think she laid off the booze tonight.
Dean: Will the miracles never cease?
~ Fanny springs up to her feet as Axis rolls to the ropes, holding the back of his neck. Harris immediately gets in Fanny's face and starts hurling fist in her direction. Fanny fights back but being the smaller of the two, her hits have less effect. Harris then kicks Fanny in the gut and scoop slams her to the mat. He starts to kick away at the champ when a recovered Axis grabs Harris and throws him over the top rope!
Axis turns to Fanny and grabs her legs. She tries kicking him away, but Axis stomps a foot into her gut, winding the champ. Axis spins around one leg, grabs the other, and locks in a figure four leglock on Fanny as some fans cry WOOOOOOOOOO!! Fanny cries out in pain as Mitch starts asking if she wants to quit. The Yardies try to rally Fanny with a "TUR-NIP!" chant as Fanny tells Mitch no. Axis pulls back hard, applying as much pressure as possible. He doesn't notice Harris rolling back in the ring. He crawls over and pins Fanny while Axis still has the leg hold locked. Mitch goes for the count! ~
Mitch: 1.......
~ Fanny gets a shoulder up before the three. Harris then tries to grab Fanny's arm, going for an ARMBAR; Chris Jericho would approve. Axis breaks the figure four to stop Donnie’s plans. He grabs Harris by the legs and drags him off of Fanny and over to a corner and with a show of strength, lifts Harris onto the top turnbuckle in a sitting position. Donnie starts fighting back as the two trade lefts and rights. Axis gets in a great European Uppercut that snaps Donnie’s head backward. Donnie teeters forward only to get rocked with another uppercut! Somewhere, The Eastern European is crying tears of joy. ~
Zybala: A lot of fast paced action in the opening moments.
Dean: For sure, Sucka. But I wouldn't wanna be Harris right now.
~ Harris is reeling from the stiff uppercuts of the European variety delivered by Axis. With Harris dazed, Axis climbs the ropes and sets Donnie up for a superplex. Before he can finish the move, Fanny comes running over with a forearm to the back of Axis! The fans cheer as Axis staggers and releases Harris. He jumps down and turns to face Fanny. The two start hitting the other as Harris starts to get his wits about him. He shakes the cobwebs loose and starts to stand on the turnbuckle. He steadies himself before leaping off and flying at his opponents. Harris flattens Fanny and Axis with a crossbody as the fans cheer the high flying move!
After hitting the aerial move, Harris goes to pin Axis but barely gets a one count before getting pushed off. He then goes to pin Fanny, but is met with the same result. Frustrated, he picks Fanny up and boots her in the stomach before launching her into the ropes. When Fanny bounces back, Harris hits her with a vicious spine buster then goes for the pin. Axis breaks up the pin as Mitch gets in position by dragging Harris away by the feet. Axis then pins Fanny, but Harris quickly breaks that pin up. Both men get up to their feet as Fanny rolls away to the safety of the outside of the ring.
Axis puts his hands up, challenging Harris, who is more than willing to go at it. Harris goes rushing in and throwing punches at the Axis! Axis weathers the blows, then grabs Harris by the throat, driving him back into the corner! Donnie fights against the hold, trying to get free, as a recovered Fanny comes jumping on Axis' back and wrapping her arm around his neck. But Axis immediately throws his weight forward, sending Fanny flipping over him into Harris! Both wrestlers are cornered as Axis starts punching both of them, refusing to step away even as Mitch does his count. The ref tries to break it up, but Axis lowers his shoulder, ramming it into both competitors! ~
Dean: Axis looking like a beast!
Zybala: Still early enough in the match for anyone to get the upper hand.
~ Axis brings Fanny out of the corner, trapping her in a bear hug. He starts landing headbutt after headbutt! Fanny is in a heap of trouble, but Harris comes flying in, hitting a double axe handle shot from the middle turnbuckle on Axis! Axis staggers, dropping Adi, but doesn't go down, slowly turning towards Harris, who looks at him with wide eyes. He goes off the ropes and charges Axis, going for a spear, but Axis side steps out of the way. Axis goes to grab Harris from behind and lifts him up. He drives Harris backwards with a bridged German Suplex! He makes the pin and Mitch dives in! ~
Mitch: One…….
~ Before the three, Fanny nails Axis with a kick to the ribs. Axis releases Donnie and falls to the side. Fanny starts stomping on Axis and, when he recovers, is joined by Harris. The two double team Axis for a while before they sit him up. Fanny and Donnie lock eyes, then both run at the ropes. They bounce off and sandwich Axis between them with a pair of running knees!! Axis crumples to the mat and Fanny tries to high five Harris, who grabs her and throws her over the top rope! The fans boo as Fanny hits the mats hard.
Harris applies a headlock, trying to wear down Axis even more. Axis struggles to get free while Mitch goes from asking if he quits and checking if Harris is choking Axis. Fanny rolls back in the ring and locks Axis in an armbar! Mitch isn't sure what to do if Axis taps, but Axis saves him from that head scratcher. Axis slips out of the headlock and throws Harris off of him, sending him rolling to the apron. Axis then stands up while Fanny is still pulling on his arm. In a show of strength, Axis lifts Fanny up and drops her to the canvas with a sitout powerbomb! He covers Fanny! ~
Mitch: One…..
~ Harris comes diving in to break up the pin, pushing Axis away. He walks over to Fanny, dragging her up once again. She tries to fight back, hitting multiple strikes, but Harris shrugs them off, and responds with a boot to the midsection! He then pulls Fanny forward and lifts her up for a suplex. Donnie holds her up for a few moments before dropping her with a Falcon Arrow!! Fanny looks knocked senseless, as Harris starts to go for the cover... but Axis drags Harris away. Donnie gets in the face of Axis and the two start exchanging blows, as the crowd cheers, loving the action! ~
Dean: Big men slapping man meat!
Zybala: Both Axis and Harris want the win here tonight.
Dean: And Fanny has been getting the short end all night, minus a strong start.
Zybala: Don't count her out yet. This is still anybody's match.
~ Fanny rolls out of the ring once more as Harris and Axis are now in the corner, still exchanging fierce blows. Axis turns Harris into the corner, then starts to gut punch him, trying to wear his opponent down. Axis pushes Harris up onto the turnbuckle, and tries to follow, but gets might with an eye rack from Harris for his troubles. Blinded, Axis doesn't see Harris grabbing for his head. Harris pushes off from the corner and nails Axis with a Tornado DDT!! The fans cheer the move as Axis gets spiked on the mat
Harris stands up looking to the cheering ground, raising his fist above his head and enjoying the cheering. While Harris is drinking it in man, Axis rolls out of the ring. For My convenience, he ends up rolling out of the same side Fanny did. Fanny is slowly crawling around and goes under the ring when she sees Axis. Harris steps between the ropes and stands over Axis. He then grabs a part of the mats and rips it away, exposing flattened grass underneath! Harris then drags Axis to his feet and bodyslams him to hard, unforgiving lawn! Axis arches his back in pain as Harris jumps onto the ring apron and puts Axis in his sights! He starts shouting for Axis to get up! He doesn't notice Fanny rolling in the ring from the opposite side.
The cheers get louder as Fanny charges at Harris. Harris, noticing the noise, turns just in time to get hit in the head with a turnip!! The turnip explodes and Harris falls to the grass! The Yardies start another "TUR-NIP!" chant as Fanny pants heavily. ~
Zybala: Fanny is back from under the ring!
Dean: And she has a whole basket of turnips with her! Who the fuck puts those under the ring?
~ Indeed, there is a basket of turnips in the ring. Fanny glares out at her opponents laying on the outside before turning to grab the basket. She goes back to the ropes and starts throwing turnip after turnip at Donnie and Axis, who try covering up to protect themselves. Harris holds his arms over his head while Axis hides under a mat. Fanny eventually runs out of turnips, and then throws the basket at the ground. She then tells Mitch to count her opponents out. Mitch reminds her that there is no count out in triple threats. Fanny groans, but notices Axis getting up. She goes over to the ropes as Axis climbs up on the apron.
As Fanny reaches across the ropes, Axis nails her with a right hand. As Fanny stumbles back, Axis starts to step in after her, but Harris is reaching up, grabbing at Axis' foot! Axis turns and stomps down on the hand, causing Harris to pull his hand painfully back, holding his fingers. Axiss then steps through the ropes as Fanny meets him as he comes in with his head lowered, nailing him with the Fan-DUMB facebuster!!!!
Axis falls, tangled up in the ropes before landing on the mat. Fanny tries to pull him away from the ropes, struggling with the fact the Axis is literally twice her weight. She manages to roll Axis onto his back, then hurriedly makes the cover before Harris can get in the ring to interfere. The fans count along with Mitch! ~
Mitch: One……
~ Mitch stops counting when he spots Axis barely getting his foot on the bottom rope! Fanny lets outs a groan of anger. Fanny turns to plead with Mitch, asking if he was sure it wasn't three. Mitch is adamant that he was right. Fanny sighs, stands up and bends over to grab Axis's head, trying to get him upright. But Axis suddenly responds with a shot to the throat, stunning her. Axis then rolls over to get on his knees, grabs hold of Adi's legs and flips her to the mat! He quickly rolls Fanny over to her stomach before locking in The End Of Suffering rear-naked choke!
Fanny is struggling, trying her best to break free as the fans try to rally her. Axis pulls back hard, trying to apply as much pressure as possible. He doesn't notice Donnie Harris coming back in the ring. Harris drops to the mat and grabs Axis in a rear-naked choke of his own. He tries to wrap his legs around both opponents, but can't quite make it. Regardless, Harris has a deep chokehold cinched in as Mitch is asking everyone who wants to quit first! ~
Dean: So… if Axis and Fanny both tap, how we do?
Zybala: Ummm. Ask Mitch who he thinks tapped first?
Dean: But the sucka is stoned. How can we trust that?
Zybala: Dude, Mitch has been high for like ninety percent of all Outsiders matches. We always trusted him.
Dean: True.
~ Axis is pulling hard on Fanny and she looks close to passing out. Mitch raises her arm once and lets it drop. Donnie starts yelling at her not to do it! Mitch lifts Fanny's arm a second time and, once more, it drops. Axis is looking like he's fading too, but keeps the hold locked in. Donnie starts to panic and lowers the arm wrapped around Axis ever so slightly and then tightens it up as hard as he can around the throat of Axis!! The fans boo at the blatant, normally illegal choke as Axis panics as he starts thrashing around, pushing Fanny away so he can claw at the arm of Harris! Donnie doesn't release the hold as the light begins to dim quickly from Axis's eyes. He wants to fight, but the will to live is more. He taps out with what strength he has left. Mitch calls for the bell as Harris shoves Axis away, who is sputtering and breathing every breath sweet breath of air he can gulp in. ~
Belvedere: Here is your winner… and NEW Streaming Service Champion….. DONNIE HARRIS!
~ Mitch gets the belt from some rando at ringside and presents it to Donnie Harris as the regular fans boo and The Yardies start throwing trash and empty beer cans in the ring. Harris just stands there, basking in his victory as we go to some commercial Dre has set up for us.(Edit from Dre: Actually, it’s a Rob Zombie Performance hah!)~
~Once again the OCWTron lights up and Tamika appears once more.~
Tamika Strader: This Rob Zombie performance is brought to you by AGATHA CRISPIES brand cereal!
Dean: Especially since it's time for the TRUE main event!! Peter Vaughn vs Lord Allton for the Outsiders World Championship! These two suckas have a long history but have never officially had a match.
Zybala: This rivalry has been full of sneak attacks, run-ins, name calling, everything! Going all the way back to when we were pirating GCWA air time! Will THE Janitor not only regain the title he never lost AND keep his streak as longest reigning Outsiders champ alive?
Dean: Our will the man who is everyone's handler, ESPECIALLY Dre's, crush Vaughn's every Outsiders related hope and dream here tonight? Belvedere, take it away!
~ We smash cut to Belvedere and Mitch in the ring, ready and waiting. ~
Belvedere: The following is your Outsiders and Night One Main Event of the night! It is a "Just Don't Kill One Another" Match for the Outsiders World Championship! And it is scheduled for one fall!
Everyone(including you reading*watching Zybala, come on man* at home): ONE FALL!!
Belvedere: Introducing first…. The challenger…. Hailing from Dallas, Texas….. weighing in at 185lbs….. He is the only three time Outsiders World champion and an Outsiders Hall of Famer…. He is THE Wrestling Janitor…… he is... PETEEEEEERRRRR VAAAUUUGGGGGHHHHNNNNNN!!!
~ The lights in the compound go out, causing the usual hysteria from the crowd. This time, though, we see spotlights come on at various places across the yard arena, shining around the audience. The spotlights all begin to head towards the entrance, beginning to join together to form one bright beam of light. It reaches the stage, showing Peter Vaughn standing there, in his big-fight black coverall garb, with his trusty mop in his hands. He raises the weapon/cleaning tool over his head, as he gazes across the compound. He makes his way down the ramp as The Yardies are going nuts for him while the other fans boo. He gets to the ring, and as the music stops, The Yardies start a loud and long "WELCOME BACK!!" chant. When those die down, Belvedere continues. ~
Belvedere: And his opponent…. hailing from The Midlands of England…. Weighing in at 11 stones… he has held almost every Outsiders title and is your current reigning and defending Outsiders Championship Wrestling World Champion… this is LOOOOORD ALLLLTOOON!!!!
~ The Faithful goes wild as The Who's "Real Good Looking Boy" hits the speakers and Lord Allton walks out from behind the curtain, being supported by the special leg braces Zybala had made for him and is holding the world title above his head. Allton walks down the ramp, high-fiving The Faithful, The Yardies, everybody. Our champ is a paragon of fan favoritism. He stops at the end of the ramp and glares at Vaughn. The two stare at each other and the hatred can be felt in the air. ~
Zybala: You can cut the tension with a knife!
Dean: Hell yeah, sucka! This fights been a long time coming!
~ Allton continues walking to the ring as he tosses the title to the side, and rushes the ring. Mitch, recognizing what's about to go down, calls for the bell. As soon as Allton stands, Vaughn is right there and the two start exchanging blows! The punches come one after another, neither man given any ground or quarter. This is three years of anger, resentment and frustration built up. Vaughn catches Allton with a left, who counters with a right! Allton hits Vaughn on the side of the neck, to which Vaughn answers with a shot to the ribs. They are going at it more like boxers than wrestlers, and the fans love it!
Vaughn winds up big, leaving himself wide open. Allton takes advantage of the opening, and lands a hard punch to the stomach. Vaughn grimaces, but stands firm. He swings his arm forward and slugs Allton in the side of the head, staggering him! Vaughn then swings away, landing any hits he can while he works to keep The Lord of Dashing in range. He forces the champ towards the ropes, striking away, trying to knock him out of the ring!
Vaughn takes a step back and charges forward, looking to clothesline Allton out of the ring, but the champ lowers his shoulder and manages to send Vaughn toppling overhead!! But The Janitor catches himself partially on the apron before dropping to the floor, avoiding the worst of the damage. He grabs at Allton's legs, tugging them backwards, causing him to fall to the mat! Vaughn then drags Allton out of the ring and the pair continue to brawl. ~
Dean: Now this is what I'm talking about!
Zybala: I'd be surprised if we see any technical moves at all. This is gonna be a fight, down and dirty.
Dean: I love it, sucka!
~ Allton manages to get the upper hand and bangs Vaughn's head off the apron, staggering the world renowned champ. That's not enough for Allton, as he slams him into it two more times, leaving Vaughn dazed. Allton then starts looking around for a weapon to use against him, reaching under the ring. He starts to pull out chairs to the cheers of the fans. Before he can use one, Vaughn comes up behind him and shoves him hard into the ring apron. Allton drops the chair as he hits the ring and Vaughn quickly rolls him up from behind for a pin! ~
Mitch: One…..
~ Allton quickly kicks out and both men roll to their feet. As they come up, Vaughn lands a hard chop across the chest of Allton. Allton stiffens up, but looks more angry than hurt. Allton fires back with a chop of his own that echoes through the compound. Vaughn winces in pain, but also shows signs of rage and fires back with a chop of his own again. Allton takes the chop but then fires back with another of his own across the chest of Vaughn! The fans are shouting "WOOO!" With each hit! Vaughn takes a step back and grits his teeth and then fires back with another chop of his own. Vaughn screams at Allton to fire back, and as Allton goes to fire a chop back he raises his arm up and chops Vaughn in the throat! The Hall of Famer grabs his throat, staggers back, and turns to lean over the barricade. ~
Zybala: Underhanded move by the champ.
Dean: This ain't a good guy content, sucka. SuckaLord is here to keep his belt and beat Vaughn's record.
Zybala: I know. I was just saying, geez. Both guys are gonna play dirty for this one. I don't know what they care more about, winning or hurting each other.
Dean: Which is why we're the real winners!
~ Vaughn gasps for breath as Allton comes from behind and nails him with a double axehandle shot to the back of the head!! Vaughn drops to the mats, with Allton immediately grabbing his legs, working to apply a Figure Four Leglock!! He gets Vaughn into the hold, despite the leg braces, as Peter starts shouting out in pain! Allton cranks back on his legs, working over Vaughn, as if trying to make Peter aware of Allton's daily pains. Vaughn isn't gonna give up this early though. He starts rocking back and forth, working to gain momentum, as Allton tries to block it. But he can't stop Vaughn from reversing the figure four!!
Allton starts yelling out in agony now as the pressure has switched to his legs. Vaughn hangs onto the bars of the barricade, trying to use them to apply more pressure. Allton has no choice but to release the move. Both men are laying on the mats, breathing heavily from the intensity of the match thus far. The fans are cheering them on to continue. Allton reaches under the ring once more and pulls out a ladder! Cheers get louder as more weapons mean more violence. Vaughn starts digging out under the ring and drags out a table! He looks at Allton and smirks. Allton reaches under and pulls out another chair, this one having thumbtacks taped to it! Vaughn reaches under and finds a gas canister and a grill lighter!
Realizing that their opponent has to be somewhat incapacitated to use these weapons on, the two go on the attack again. Vaughn charges forward, getting there before Allton can mount a defense, tackling the champ to the mats! He punches away at Allton, trying to ground him, knowing that the first goal is to knock Allton senseless. But Dre's (and yours and mine) handler manages a reversal, rolling Vaughn over and punching away at him as well! The brawl continues, as Mitch simply stays out of the way, knowing that all he's there for is to count to three. And make sure no actual murder
Allton has gotten back control now in the brawl, managing to stun Vaughn with a stiff right. He pulls Vaughn up, locking him up and taking him over with a Belly To Belly suplex! Vaughn sprawls out on the mat, hurt, as Allton gets back up. He immediately grabs a table and sets it up. He turns to his opponent, seeing Vaughn starting to get back up. Allton goes behind Vaughn and kicks the leg out of his leg, sending Vaughn back to the ground! ~
Dean: The champ is really working on Pete's legs tonight.
Zybala: I would. Even the playing field and all that.
Dean: You gave SuckaLord special leg braces! I say that makes it even.
Zybala: Hey! Allton was handicapable! I was only trying to help!
>~ Allton bends over and drags Vaughn back up, and hoists him up to his shoulders. He starts walking to the table. The champ gets next to the table, only for Vaughn to slip out of his grip, landing behind the champ. As Allton turns around, Vaughn jumps forward with a Superkick!!! Allton collapses over the table, but it holds the weight. Vaughn shakes the leg Allton kicked, trying to prevent cramping. He quickly lifts the champ up on his shoulders in a fireman's carry. Vaughn quickly slams Allton through the table!! The wood explodes into many pieces as the champ hits the mats hard!
Vaughn looks down at the champ and contemplates pinning him. Allton moves a little and Vaughn smiles. He drags Allton out of the debris, allowing him to continue hurting Vaughn. He pulls the champ up and whips him into the barricade. Fans scatter as Allton hits the metal hard! Vaughn walks over and starts punching Allton, trying to keep him stunned. He then grabs a second table and sets it up. He pulls Allton onto the table, laying him out. Vaughn then turns, and climbs into the ring and hurries up the nearest turnbuckle. He gets to the top, posing for a moment for the cheering fans, before leaping towards Allton with a flying elbow drop!! Allton suddenly slides himself off the table, rolling away as The Janitor goes crashing through it on his own!!! The fans groan and cheer at the miss as Vaughn rolls on the ground, holding his elbow in pain!
Allton gets himself up, and, seeing Vaughn holding his arm, quickly grabs the hurt appendage to snag Vaughn in the Python Lock!! Vaughn is yelling in pain as Allton wrenches in his version of the Anaconda Vice! Mitch quickly comes in to check on if Vaughn wants to quit. Vaughn violently screams no, as he struggles to push Allton off. Allton has the hold locked in tight and the pain is getting almost unbearable. Vaughn balls up a fist with his free hand and punches the champ hard in the head! Allton is stunned but still holds on! Vaughn punches again, but Allton still keeps the hold locked! A third punch is the ticket to Vaughn freeing himself. Allton releases Vaughn, and the camera shows a lump starting to form on the side of Allton' head. ~
Dean: Vaughn keeping himself alive with that one.
Zybala: We knew it wouldn't be pretty. They are looking for blood!
~ Vaughn pushes Allton away from him and scrambles to his feet. He starts making his way over to the chairs that were dragged out earlier. He grabs the one that was covered with thumbtacks and lifts it up. He starts walking back towards Allton, who is now holding a chair of his own, while tossing the gas can aside. Allton then reaches for the grill lighter. He flicks it once, the flame coming through right away. He then puts the flame to the chair and it catches on fire right away causing the nearby fans to back away!
Allton begins to swing the flaming chair at Vaughn who tries to defend himself with his thumbtack chair as best he can. The two are dueling like a couple of redneck Jedis. After a couple of duel-like shots, Allton knocks the thumbtack chair out of Vaughn's hands! Allton goes to swing one more time but Vaughn smartly jumps out of the way up the ramp with Allton narrowly missing! Vaughn backs away quickly and Allton tosses the flaming chair right at him!
Vaughn dodges out of the way and Allton charges at him! The two brawl up the ramp and to the entrance area! Vaughn throws Allton into the metal structure and the champ hits hard! He turns around and we can see some blood dripping down his forehead where it met metal. Vaughn doesn't give him a chance to recover, as he boots Allton in the face! The champ is stunned and Vaughn follows it up by delivering a Falcon Arrow on the stage! Mitch is running up the ramp to catch up as Vaughn pins Allton! ~
Mitch: One…..
~ Allton kicks out and Vaughn locks annoyed. He shoves Allton' shoulders down again and goes for a pin, but Allton immediately kicks out. Annoyed, Vaughn gets up and drags Allton to the edge of the stage. He looks below and sees crates and boxes for the stage to be loaded up into. He drags Allton to his feet and tries to throw Allton onto a nearby crate, but Allton is able to somewhat control his landing on a crate and catches himself on the edge before lowering himself to the ground. He turns to the stage just in time to see Vaughn flying at him!
Allton tries to sidestep, but Vaughn still manages to partially hit him with a crossbody! But Allton manages to move in a way where Vaughn's chin catches the top of the crate as Allton is driven into the crate! Both men crumble to the lawn! A cut opens under the chin of Vaughn and blood starts to well up. Mitch walks down the ramp to hop safely to the lawn and checks on both men as the fans try to rally them. Allton starts to stir first and pushes himself to his hands and knees. He looks around, trying to find something to use. He pulls himself up against the crate and opens the top. He starts ramaging in it when Vaughn attacks him from behind!
Allton manages to spin around after Peter gets in a few shots and the pair is on the move once more. They make their way towards one of the parking lots and a few fans cheer when they recognize their cars. The cheers turn to boos when Allton drives his shoulder into Vaughn's midsection and into a car! The driver side window cracks against the blow and Allton drives Vaughn into the car door again! After one more time, Vaughn slumps to the gravel, sitting against the car. ~
Dean: Uuuuhhh…. We insured for this??
Zybala: I was told that the Straders were handling all the legal stuff tonight.
Dean: So we ain't on the hook?
Zybala: Not that I'm aware of.
~ Allton backs up a few feet before charging in with a knee aimed at Vaughn's head! At the last moment, Peter falls to the side! Allton's knee goes hard right into the car! He starts limping and swearing as Vaughn gets to his feet and goes on the attack! He swings wildly and Allton ducks. He returns with a strike of his own, which Vaughn dodges. The two start grappling in the parking lot, trying to get the upper hand while bouncing off of cars. The pair end up in the middle of a lane when a car horn sounds and they are engulfed in light. A second later, a loud crash is heard as both men get hit by a car! ~
Dean: Holy shit! Please tell me that's covered by Strader!
Zybala: I hope so!
~ Thankfully, the car was only going about 10 miles per hour. They end up on the hood and rolling off to separate sides. The person driving the car gets out to start yelling but is met with a quick punch to the nose from Vaughn! The man staggers and starts swearing and shouting about go time, and squares up with Vaughn. Peter shrugs and is about to fight when Lord Allton comes from behind the man and low blows him! Vaughn then delivers a right hook to the jaw and the guy complains no more.
The champ goes after the challenger and the pair start fighting again. Though, thanks to another low blow, Allton gets the upper hand! Vaughn bends over and Allton sets him up for a powerbomb. He hoists his foe up and powerbombs him on the hood of the car! The impact causes the windshield to shatter! Allton crawls on top of the hood and covers Vaughn. Mitch finds a good position and counts. ~
Mitch: One…..
~ Vaughn half kicks out and half slides down the hood. Allton looks at Mitch and slaps his hands together three times. Mitch shakes his head and holds up to fingers. Allton swears loudly and kicks Vaughn to the ground. Vaughn hits the gravel and rolls away from the car a bit. Allton stands on the hood and delivers a diving leg drop onto Vaughn! It connects! The champ is regretting his choice though because he landed ass first on gravel. Nevertheless, he covers Vaughn one more time! ~
Mitch: One…..
~ Vaughn kicks out at two once more! In frustration, Allton punches a headlight, which shatters into pieces. Allton smiles sadistically as he grabs a shard and starts cutting into Vaughn's forehead! Whatever daze he was in is now over as the pain of his flesh being cut into wakes Vaughn up. Mitch reminds Allton no shanking, to which Allton smiles sweetly at Mitch; well, as sweetly as a man carving another man can. The distraction allows Vaughn the opportunity to roll away. Allton laughs as he hops back on Allton and sits on his chest.
Allton raises the shard again. Vaughn, seeing the sharp object in the champ's hands, tries to push him off, only to get punched in the head multiple times to keep him out of it! Allton lowers the shard slowly, savoring the moment. Vaughn raises his hands, and grabs Allton's wrist. Allton uses his free hand and tries to push down as Vaughn pushes away. The two are locked in a struggle. With Vaughn woozy from the head shots, though, Allton slowly gets the upper hand. Slowly, the shard comes down, blood dripping from it as it cuts Allton's palm and fingers. Lower and lower it goes, but it gets near Vaughn's neck, which Mitch doesn't like. He stops the men and yells at Allton to give him the shard. Allton argues that he wasn't gonna kill Vaughn, but the ref ain't having none of it. Allton hands over the shard and Mitch crushes it under foot. ~
Dean: Yo, I think SuckaLord was planning on killing The Janitor there.
Zybala: I don't think he would. It's literally the only rule of the match.
Dean: But they hate each other.
Zybala: Still. It would be murder on live t.v. No lawyer in the world could defend that.
~ Vaughn takes this momentary distraction to push Allton off of him. The Mechani-tor struggles up, feeling the blood coming out from the top of his head. Allton but he doesn't look happy with the amount of blood just yet. He grabs Vaughn by the head, holding him almost in a noogie position as he grinds away at the wound, trying to open it up larger!! Vaughn shouts out in pain at the damage being done, even as he lifts Allton up and drops him back-first on the hood of the car!!! Allton slides back down onto the gravel, hurting, as Vaughn takes a moment to recover. He angrily grabs Allton by the legs, dragging him a few feet away from the car. Vaughn then delivers his patented diving elbow drop, crashing straight down onto Allton's chest!!
The champ is down, with Vaughn sitting up, blood seemingly dripping down on either side of his head. He struggles up, feeling the rage of having been cut open. He staggers away, seeing a table some early day tailgaters were using. A game of beer pong is still set up. Vaughn flips the table, clearing the pong items. He turns back to where Allton is starting to try and crawl to get up. Vaughn drags the table over to him, kicking the champ in the side for good measure. Vaughn sets up the table, then pulls Allton up, hitting him with a couple of strong forearm shots. He hooks Allton up for a suplex and lifts the champ up. Vaughn lets him hang a few seconds, showing off that time he's been spending in the gym, before dropping him through the table with a jackhammer! Plastic flies everywhere as Vaughn makes the cover! ~
Mitch: One……..
Zybala: How did Allton get his shoulder up?!?! I thought he was done for!
Dean: SuckaLord ain't giving up the title as long as he can help it, sucka!
Zybala: Both these men are champions, and that's what drives them.
Dean: That and strong hate boners for each other!
~ Vaughn can't believe that Allton kicked out! He's frustrated and starts looking around the parking lot. He notices a discarded wheelchair and laughs at the irony. He grabs the chair and brings it back to Allton, then lifts the champ into the chair. Vaughn begins to push Allton, looking for a more desirable area to fight. It doesn't take Vaughn long to find the concession area: which was practically right next to the parking area. Just like The Straders to try to milk as much money as possible out of the fans before they even enter the arena. He pushes Allton towards the stands and starts running when he sees something.
Vaughn speeds Allton towards a large popcorn display! Vaughn stops hard right before the case, stopping the wheelchair as well! Allton is propelled face first through the case as glass shatters everywhere, ruining the popcorn!! Blood pours from Allton's face as he backs out of the case, burned, cut and bloody! Vaughn tosses the wheelchair aside and gets behind Allton before nailing him with The Revenger!!! Both men fall to the ground from the Zig Zag move, and Vaughn, whose pretty bloody himself, lays on top of Allton, barely hooking the leg! ~
Mitch: One……..
~ "NOOOOOOO!!!" The crowd explodes with cheers and applause as at the last possible millisecond, Allton manages to get a shoulder up, albeit barely. Mitch's hand is a hair's width from the ground. Vaughn gets up and right in Mitch's face, yelling he said "Three." Mitch counters that he also said "No" and tha Allton did indeed kick out. Vaughn is livid! He yells at Allton just to give up. He then yells at the popcorn vendor to move as Vaughn reaches over the table and grabs the chair the frightened workers was sitting on. Vaughn then turns towards the champ and starts raining down chair shots to the midsection and legs of Allton!! He yells obscenities the whole time.
Vaughn raises the chair up for another blow when suddenly it gets grabbed away from him from behind. The Hall of Famer turns around and sees the hairless orangutan who picked him up from the airport! Vaughn is stunned as the primate swings the chair down on his head! Vaughn falls to the ground as the orangutan hollers in triumph! ~
Dean: What the actual fuck!!
Zybala: I haven't the slightest clue!
Dean: Aren't they your monkeys?!?
Zybala: Not really. They just don't fuck with me. Though it seems that one wanted revenge on Pete…. I better start watching my back if they're getting that salty…
~ Vaughn groans in pain as the chair has opened the earlier cut from Allton wider. The hairless simian then goes to help Allton up. The champ is dazed and confused, especially by the sight of a hairless orangutan! He then spies Vaughn on the ground and grins as he reaches into his pocket. Allton pulls out a pair of brass knuckles that he slides onto his fist. He starts yelling for Vaughn to get up. Vaughn, stirred by someone yelling, starts to sit up. Allton dashes in and catches Vaughn right on the chin with the brass knuckled Legendary Awesome Gorgeous Punch!!! Vaughn falls back to the dirt and Allton falls on top of him, exhausted. ~
Mitch: One…….
~ Vaughn beats the count this time, as cheers once more erupt from the crowd watching on the big screen! Chants of "THIS IS AWESOME!!" and "FIGHT FOREVER!!" can be heard throughout the entire Strader estate as Allton is shocked that Vaughn was able to kick out. He starts stomping away at his nemesis. After a particularly hard stomp, he leaves his foot on Vaughn's chest and just walks on him to look around the concession area. He spots one of the merch tables and grins maliciously. He walks over, pushing the worker out of the way and grabs a PennyLord mask! It is altered just enough for us to avoid copyright lawsuits.
Allton holds the mask almost lovingly as he whispers "Hello, old friend" before putting it on. The moment he does, the mood in the air shifts. Allton stands a bit straight and the tired sagging of his shoulders is gone. The mask seems to fit snugly to the shape of his face. His exhaustion seems to be gone and he giggles maniacally. He lets out a sing-song "Ooooh Peeeteeer" as he turns around. The sight isn't what Allton expected.
Vaughn is standing, shoulder hunched, and breathing heavily. But he is wearing his old, all black, Pryde mask, eyes looking as soulless as possible. An open cash box is on the ground by his feet and a roll of quarters can be seen bunched up in his fist. PennyLord laughs and strodes forward, undaunted. Vaughn steps forward as well, fist held high. PennyLord swings his knuckled fist as Vaughn swings a right. Both men punch the other in the cheek at the same time, but neither flinch. Neither budge. Neither looks phased in the least. The fans lose their shit! Mitch take a few steps back. ~
Dean: It's a Goddamn monster fight!
Zybala: Both men have just slipped into their darker alter-selves
Dean: They still know not to murk each other, right?
Zybala: No clue, Dean.
~ The two start trading blows like street brawlers! A crunch can be heard as Vaughn punches Allton in the side! Possibly a broken rib. Blood pours from under the Pryde mask as Vaughn catches a punch to the jaw. Possibly a broken tooth. The two just lay into each other with no regard for anything or anyone around them. Vaughn throws a reckless right, PennyLord ducks behind and tries to apply a Full Nelson! Vaughn throws his head back and hits PennyLord in the face! The clown staggers as his eyes get teary from a possible broken nose. But he quickly retaliates with a L.A.G. punch to the back of Vaughn's head!
Vaughn staggers forward and almost drops to a knee, but stands back up. PennyLord quickly gets in front of Vaughn and locks him in a standing Python Grip! Vaughn is trying to fight it off as PennyLord tries to force him to the ground! The two are knocking over tables and booths in their struggle. The pair knocks over a stand for "Outcast's Homemade Ranch Dressing"! Zybala cheers at this. The two possessed like men are destroying everything around them. Vaughn still won't go down, not wanting PennyLord to fully lock in the Grip! They stumble back towards the stage area and Vaughn swings Allton hard into a metal beam! The clown is stunned but doesn't let go. Vaughn swings him one more time and that does the trick! PennyLord is shaken loose and Vaughn makes his way back towards the ringside area. ~
Dean: I think Vaughn is running from the clown, sucka.
Zybala: No way, Dean. That's where all the hardware is. He wants something to hurt Allton with.
Dean: You can't hurt clowns, though. They can only hurt you!
~ PennyLord follows his opponent and gets ringside just in time to see Vaughn picking up a chair and swinging at his head! It connects with a sickening THWACK and PennyLord falls back to the dirt! Vaughn looks like he wants to go for a pin, but PennyLord sits back up Jason Voorhees style before standing!! Vaughn nails him again and down goes Penny! But once again, he sits right back up! As he stands, Vaughn thumps him for a third time!! The champ is out and Vaughn goes for the pin! ~
Mitch: One…..
~ PennyLord pushes Vaughn off of him but doesn't sit up. He lays there holding his head. Vaughn takes this opportunity to go and set up a table near Allton, then goes and grabs a ladder. He sets it up by the table and goes to grab PennyLord, who starts to sit up again. Penny grabs Vaughn by the throat and chokes him by the table. He goes for a chokeslam, but Vaughn kicks Allton in the bullocks! Allton grabs himself after letting Vaughn go, and Vaughn dazes PennyLord with a headbutt. He then rolls the dazed champ on the table as he starts slowly climbing the ladder.
When he gets to the top steps, he is getting ready to prop himself on the top, when he sees PennyLord sitting up and looking at him. Penny tells Vaughn "Don't move. I'll be right there." He rolls off the table and climbs the ladder. He gets to the top and the two masked men start punching each other. The fans are at a fever pitch as the two are staggering precariously at the top. Allton catches Vaughn with a good blow that shakes the challenger! He falls down a step and PennyLord grabs him for a suplex! The fans go nuts as PennyLord lifts Vaughn up and over! Vaughn counters at the last minute as he is lifted over and grabs PennyLord off of the ladder with another Revenger!! Both men crash through the table as the fans scream for them to get up and keep fighting!!
Vaughn slowly pushes a table fragment off of himself before dragging Allton from the debris. He rips the mask off to show Allton's bloody face before making the cover! Mitch gets in position and counts! ~
Mitch: One…….
~ Mitch calls for the bell as the fans boo and cheer. They hate that the match is over but they appreciate the performance. Vaughn rips off his own mask and he is just as bloody and battered. Belvedere hands Mitch the belt who gives it to Vaughn. ~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….. And NEW Outsiders World Champion….. PETEEEEEERRRRR VAAAUUUGGGGGHHHHNNNNNN!!!
~ Vaughn takes the title in a daze. The fans cheer as he holds the belt high. ~
Zybala: The streak continues! Allton almost beat the reign record, but Vaughn pulled it out in the end.
Dean: Pulled it out, nothing. Those two almost killed each other! That shows how important our world title is. We definitely outdid them Outcast suckas!
~As Vaughn celebrates with his newly won Outsiders World Heavyweight Championship, “Four Little Diamonds” hits and out walks Tamika Strader, microphone in hand. Her music quiets down.~
Tamika Strader: Congratulations to all the winners tonight, I’m sure it will be a night that stays with all y’all forever. Now, Night One is over but depending on your tickets you’ll be spending the night in that Woodstock area behind this bleachers! And to close out our night, Rob Zombie is gonna play something from his White Zombie days! See y’all tomorrow night as we crown community champions with the reinstated World and Grizzly Beer Championships and the brand new United States title! Goodnight everyone!