OCW Survivor: Season 1
Episode 6 - "Bullseye"
The Amazon Jungle Friday, May 12th 2017
~We see the six remaining members of The Savage Tribe discussing their recent tribal council. Morbidus is gone and they are down to six. They seem to realize there is no room left for error~
~A toucan sits on Chaotic’s shoulder, informing him of the vampire’s ouster. The Paradigm tribe shares a good over the Savage Tribe’s struggles. They then turn their attention toward Chaotic’s wife and whether or not she remains among the living~
~The following day we see a resurgence of energy among the Savage Tribe. Despite their struggles they appear to realize the game isn’t over. They re-focus their energies toward the challenges that remain ahead~
~Josie and Paras are shown growing close during the game. Josie, being pushed to her limits by Chaotic and, to an extent, The Lost Soul seems to have found comfort in the stoic, steadfast leadership that exudes from Perfect Paul Paras~
~Both tribes unite for the challenge. The Paradigm Tribe appears confident and ready to further diminish the meager hopes of their Savage counter parts. The Savage Tribe, on the other hand, approaches the challenge with a brash, nothing to lose attitude. In the end, The Savage Tribe emerges victorious~
~Infighting takes place on camp Paradigm. Members blame each other for the loss…suspicion runs rampant~
~At tribal council we see friction between Vargas and Carrington. Carrington makes a plea to be kept. Unfortunately for The Professor, it’s not enough. Bradley Carrington is voted off, thus ending his OCW Survivor experience~
~We get a shot of the Paradigm Tribe exiting Tribal Council. It slowly fades and the OCW Survivor intro begins to play~
~The tribe returns to camp. They try to act upbeat but their body language tells a different story. They are defensive, angry and, most worrisome…confused. All but Chaotic. Chaotic seems to be genuinely happy. He jumps into the air and grabs a branch…he uses it much like a gymnast would use one of the uneven bars…he gains momentum and flips through the air. While in the air he yells~
Chaotic: Wooooooooooooooooo! No more smart-alek Teachers! Like I said would happen. Thanks all the loyal members of Paradigm for that.
Mario Maurako: Shut up, Chaotic
~Chaotic crashes through the roof of TLS’s hut mansion. We zoom in to find that he made a perfect landing, of sorts. He’s seated comfortably within the confines of TLS’ hot tub. Chaotic sits back and chills. His mask stares through the hole in the roof. The rest of the tribe congregates near the hub of camp…the fire. Vargas, not one for keeping quiet, speaks his mind~
Chad Vargas: I don't understand why the fuck we can't vote unified? Didn't we go over this? Who pissed in the wind this week and voted against the marvelous one?
Josie Barnes: Wasn't me. I kept my word again for the second time.
~Paras walks up and places an arm around a defensive Josie. His action produces a sense of warmth and security inside the relative newcomer to OCW. Vargas eyes everyone down, trying to find a hint – a tell that will give the wayward voter away. Maurako senses the unease~
Mario Maurako: I didn't perform last week, I understand. No need for a witch hunt. We need to focus on winning our next challenge so we don't have to lose another tribe mate.
Josie Barnes: Exactly. We need to make sure we can get back on the winning track. We all need to work together.
~TLS heads toward his hut. He looks at the hole in the roof and shakes his painted face. The rest of the tribe continues to act as though the voting doesn’t bother them as the night runs dark and deep~
~It’s a peaceful morning around camp Savage. The previous night offered no stress and an early slumber. They awake well rested and somewhat harmonious…as harmonious as a person can be on OCW Survivor. CJ’s mind is clearly on the game, as always. He’s looking into the fire with Pryde nearby~
CJ O’Donnell: That tribe on the other side of the island is just odd. I don't understand who is running the circus over there but they need an new ring leader. It should be interesting who goes home as they didn't seem to happy with Chaotic performance again.
~In the background we see a tiny plane fly by. It drops what looks to be a TV from its midsection. The TV falls far away from camp, evidently missing its mark. It disappears amongst the tall trees…a minor explosion is heard with smoke filtering through the trees shortly thereafter. Nobody on the Savage Tribe notices. Pryde dusts off his favorite seat, a piece of ancient tree that's fossilized over, and sits down~
Pryde: That guy is going to die someday. He gives us masked wrestlers a bad name. It's so annoying, why can't he be like Rebel and get sent out via an injury?
~Pryde shakes his head. The mask is a very important symbol to him. It really bugs him that someone out there is making a mockery of it.~
Pryde: Either way, though, it doesn't matter who's gone from Paragliders, because we're just going to add one more this week, and one more, and one more, until the merge finally grants them 'mercy'.
~Pryde looks around, wondering what the next thing is that needs to be done. The camp won't tend for itself, after all. TIO wakes up from his slumber. It was nice to sleep in for a change instead of having to go back to tribal council. He gets out of the makeshift bed, where the rest of them sleep, to see CJ and Pryde speaking~
TIO: If they're smart, they'll vote someone off who doesn't do shit around there. But, they aren't smart, so they'll probably did the fucking opposite. Chaotic is a fool and I wouldn't be surprised to see him gone. If not now, soon. We're going to keep winning and eventually you have to think he's low enough in the ranks that they'll vote him out.
~TIO sighs, heading over to the fire, but realises there isn't any wood~
TIO: Shit, we need more firewood. Anyone up to help?
I'll help brother.
~CJ stands up and stretches a bit.~
CJ O’Donnell: All we have to do is keep winning. I would love to get my hands around the neck of ..
~CJ pauses and stares off into the forest~
CJ O’Donnell: We have gotten rid of the weak so let's start a winning streak like those Boston Red Sox.
~Overhearing the conversation between TIO and CJ, Curt and Checkers stare at each other confusingly~
Curt Canon: Well I like winning too, but how am I supposed to know what wearing red socks in Boston have to do with streaks?
~CJ looks at Canon ...~
CJ O’Donnell: Really you don't know of the famous pitcher from the Boston Red Sox Curt Schilling incident at Fenway Park.
~CJ reaches into his pocket for his phone but realizes it is gone~
CJ O’Donnell: Son of a bitch Jock took my phone. Well when you get home google it then Curt.
Curt Canon: Pssshhh aint no one got time for that goolge crap, In my household we use Bing...... Bitch!
~In the corner of the TV screen we see a man with a BING shirt on appear giving a thumbs up. He vanishes just as quickly~
Matt Meyhu: You're one of a kind, Curt.
Curt Canon: Awww Matt, thats the nicest thing anyone has said to me on this island.... Bring it in.
~Curt opens his arms and takes a step towards Matt. He waits for Matt to accept his embrace. Pryde returns from the forest to see Curt looking for an embrace from Matt. He shakes his head.~
Pryde: You see something new every day around here...
~He adds what he's collected to the stack of firewood~
CJ O’Donnell: That you do Pryde. I feel like Paradigm tribe is about to kill someone if you say the wrong thing. Only two more days until the next challenge. Everyone ready?
~People nod…it’s two days away so no need in getting THAT excited. Meyhu spots Canon standing there like a geek with his arms extended~
Matt Meyhu: Aww, come here!
~Matt accepts Curt's hug! The crowd goes wild…and by crowd, we mean all the monkeys in the jungle~
Curt Canon: Hell yeah! After that marvel of a hug, I am more then ready to kick Paradargims ass. Checkers, hurry to the Fortress of Aptitude!
CJ O’Donnell: Interesting name you have for our cannon curt
~CJ pauses for a moment, realizing he misspoke~
~Maurako has a mischievous grin on his face. Josie is seated near him as Paras has gone to fetch some food for their next meal. Mario catches Josie looking at him with a puzzled expression~
Mario Maurako: I wonder if my present was delivered to the Savage tribe?
Josie Barnes: Why would you give them any presents for? More so that jackass CJ?
Mario Maurako: Oh don’t worry. It’s nothing that could be all that useful. More so a practical joke.
~Vargas approaches. He’s had all night to reflect on Tribal Council. He can’t let it go. He’s still fuming over who went against the Carrington vote~
Chad Vargas: If you don't mind, i'd like to continue the witch hunt. As I told Chaotic when he voted for Lurrr the first week and when the Artist formally Known As Bradley Carrington voted for me the week after, I don't appreciate people not going with the plan. It shows dissension within the ranks and we all need to remain unified going into the merge. And, pissing in the wind never works. You always end up pissed on.
~We spot TLS taking a piss toward the river. A gust of wind picks up….he quickly turns the other way. He nods and says to himself~
TLS: Much easier.
~Chaotic jumps into screen with some kind of retarded looking karate kick. It doesn’t hit anything…it’s all for show. He composes and takes a seat. He points at Chad~
Chaotic: Sorry about the first week, didn't know there was a plan. Yeah, I want to win this next challenge. Helps the chances of us getting to the merge and winning the whole show.
Josie Barnes: Which reminds me... Chaotic we'll win if you stop with your goofing around in the challenges.
~Chaotic stares into the trees…perhaps contemplating a new height record on a future Shooting Star Press. Josie shakes her head and turns her focus to Chad~
Josie Barnes: Alright since Vargas wants to know, why don't someone just come out and say it. People not voting with the rest of us when it was agreed on, is just making us look disorganized, and not all on the same page.
Chaotic: I can prove I voted off Carrington, proof is me and Chad are chill while I despised Bradley.
~Chaotic hops up and jumps across the fire. He sits next to Chad and puts his arm around Vargas. Vargas elbows Chaotic roughly in the ribs. Chaotic removes his arm and falls off the log, groaning in pain. Josie chuckles, finding humor in Chaotic’s pain~
Josie Barnes: Chaotic I think everyone knows you vote for Carrington given your little he's going home talk.
Chaotic: Yeaaa….
~Chaotic continues to groan feeling a sharp form of discomfort in his side~
~Camp life is moving along as usual. Canon is discussing astrophysics with Checkers when suddenly an idea based upon a misspoken phrase pops into his head~
Curt Canon: We have a CANNON!!!!
~Curt sprints toward CJ who is toying with what looks like a sheet of paper~
Curt: CJ! CJ! You said yesterday we have a cannon…where is it?!
CJ O’Donnell: Shhhhh ... It is our secret weapon just in case shit gets crazy. Do you want to know where it is hidden?
Curt Canon: If a bear shits in the woods and nobody is around to hear it does a bear really shit?...KnowhatImSayin?!!!"
CJ O’Donnell: Can you keep a secret?
Curt Canon: Come one, come on... Tell me tell me tell me.... I promise I probably will not tell anybody. I cannot speak for Checkers though
CJ O’Donnell: I don't know man. This is some top secret stuff right here.
~CJ pulls out a paper from his back pocket and hands it to Curt~
CJ O’Donnell: X marks the spot buddy.
~Curt looks over the map CJ gave him and a look of disappointment comes across his face~
Curt Canon: Awww man, I don't know how to read Amazonian. This map is worthless.
~Curt crumbles the map up into a ball and tosses it over his shoulder. He walks over to the fire and sits on a log. He angrily folds his arms across his chest~
CJ O’Donnell: Dude..
~CJ goes to grab the crumbled up paper but the river takes it~
CJ O’Donnell: Son of a bitch that was the map to the hidden immunity idol I stole it off Jock last challenge.
~Curt dives into the river after the map. Meyhu is fishing nearby. He hooks something big. He reels Curt back to shore. Luckily the hook only snared his shoe. Meyhu nods~
Matt Meyhu: Biggest catch yet
~A tired, woozy Lurrr emerges from the jungle. He stretches and looks around, almost bewildered~
Lurrr: What day are we on??? Starting to see things... could of swore it was St. Patrick's Day and I was at my nearby Irish Pub O'Malley's working on my 10th pint sealing the deal with some Blake Lively lookalike....god I just want a beer that's all I want....oh yeah and let's try to win this week....Chaotic can still Fuck off for voting me in the first week....we need fish or wood or water anything? I need to walk off these fucking visions I am having.
~Chaotic flies into view. The guy is everywhere~
Chaotic: Sorry about that Lurrr. All is made up? See I'll get food.
~Chaotic sprints off, looking for food. Josie thinks for a moment. She realizes she’s lost track of the time as well~
Josie Barnes: Sorry Lurrr, not sure what day it is anymore. Lost track of days. We could use some firewood I am sure.
~Chaotic’s voice yells from the distance as we hear a lot of stumbling~
Chaotic: I’ll get some wood too!!
~TLS is situated on the roof of his hut, patching the hole. He breaks for a moment to contribute to the conversation~
TLS: Im too busy re-building the roof of my hut to pay attention to this nonsense. Are the 3 women in our tribe still bickering?
Josie Barnes: I'm not bickering with anyone. If I feel like I'm going to argue, I'll just go to some of Paras' yoga.
~The Hennepin County Headliner, Paul Paras, sits uncomfortably on a log at camp, a piercing stare directed at the makeshift drum set formerly created by one Professor Bradley Carrington. His head darts up at the mention of Triple P Yoga (available in novice, intermediate, and 2-time Hall of Famer difficulty levels!). He smirks at Barnes~
Paul Paras: That's what the Perfect One has been talking about! The spirit you must have to achieve a perfect life... the spirit to survive is in every one of you. But we can't merely survive, as the Professor's plight has taught us. No...we must also adapt and innovate.
~Paras stands up and places a calm, welcoming, perfect hand on Josie's shoulder...lingering for a moment before lightly pushing past her to walk to TLS' glorious hut. He knocks on the door and glances in~
Paul Paras: Mr. Soul, the Perfect One has some ideas for new construction projects that will better daily tribe life, should you be interested.
~Josie blushes a bit as she feels his hand linger on her shoulder, as she nods her head. She watches as he walks away towards TLS' hut, as she couldn't help but to keep her eyes on him. Maybe even for a bit too long, as she bites her bottom lip. She soon snaps out of it, as she looks around to see who is watching. TLS looks down at Paras through the hole in his hut…there’s a direct line of sight from the hole to the door~
TLS: Mi casa es su casa!
~TLS turns and notices Josie’s hungry eyes~
TLS: Your boner is showing Josie.. compose yourself.
Josie Barnes: Dude will you seriously stop that.... go work on whatever ideas Paras has for your hut and think about Chaotic's dead wife.
~Paras ignores the offhand remark and looks around the hut. He takes a step out and views the hut’s exterior~
Paul Paras: Tremendous. I'll draw up some blueprints, and we'll get to work after tomorrow's challenge.
~Paras grabs the machete and begins scraping lines in the sand with the utmost precision. He glances back up to TLS and then over toward Josie~
Paul Paras: And, if you would, try not to kill one another, friends. It gets blood all over the buffs, and then Brooks has to wash them again. Speaking of which, has anyone seen her?
~As if on cue Julliet comes back into the picture exhausted and breathing heavily for air~
Julliet Brooks: I've been running and exploring other parts of the Amazon. The only thing I saw was a young couple touring around. I think I scared them off as I was jumping down from the tree to grab a banana.
TLS: Speaking of bananas!
~TLS bites his bottom lip and throws his head in the direction of Josie. In a huff, Josie storms off and yells~
Josie Barnes: I don’t know who is more immature you or Choatic!
~Julliet doesn’t really get what’s going on. She unpeels her banana and eats it. TLS goes back to working on his roof. Chaotic emerges from the woods without food or wood~
~Meyhu tosses five fish down. Everyone looks up~
TIO: I think we might be eating a little TOO much fish.
Matt Meyhu: Impossible!
Curt Canon: That’s okay, Checkers just takes the leftovers to his family. What’s left of them anyway…
~Pryde looks to get the tribe focused~
Pryde: Time to get fired up again, Savage. Another challenge, another opportunity for us to send a loser home from the Parasol tribe...
CJ O’Donnell: Damn skippy Pryde. Let's continue this winning streak we have.
~Nobody can argue that…they all stand and head to the challenge. We zoom in on Annie’s booty shorts because what would be a season of Survivor if we didn’t get some gratuitous close up of a girl’s ass or crotch~
~Paras emerges from the river after a successful yoga session. The rest of the Paradigm Tribe stands around camp. It’s challenge day…so they are working on their game faces. Chaotic’s mask even appears a bit more ‘gamey’ than usual. Josie sees Paras and speaks out, feeling an urge to motivate in his presence~
Josie Barnes: Alright guys let's go get them tonight. We need to work together and win. Chaotic no stupid bullshit that can cause us to lose.
I'll try but I'm........to be honest, I'm distracted. My Dojo Trainer called and he had a question regarding the health and wellbeing of my wife. I'm trying to not have it affect me but it is hard to put it out of my mind.
~Lurrr, Vargas, and Maurako could care less. Julliet seems mildly interested perhaps one less Julliet in the world seems like a good idea. Paras shows a bit of concern as Josie, surprisingly, is the only one to inquire further about the health and wellbeing of Chaotic’s wife~
Josie Barnes: I thought she was dead…
Chaotic: She might be, which is why I am scared. My head is spinning and my heart is racing. The New/Old Jock took back my phone. Hopefully when the time comes I get to see her but for now, we need to win..........I guess......I hope
Josie Barnes: I’m…I’m sorry.
~Chaotic’s head lowers. Paras steps up and pats him on the back. Chaotic lifts his head up and nods. It’s no time to get down. Lurrr speaks out~
Lurrr: Well enough of this meaningless shit. Let’s go kick the other tribe’s ass!
~Everyone agrees, even Chaotic~
~The two tribes show up. CJ hands the idol over to Jock. Jock is looking very reasonable. He takes the idol back and points over at a couple of giant bullseye stands. The tribe oohs and aahs. Chaotic tries to run, but his tribe holds him back~
Jock Reasoning: What are you doing?
Chaotic: I’m going to jump through that bullseye!
Jock Reasoning: Uh, no, that’s not how this works. You guys hold onto him while I explain this.
~Maurako and Vargas keep Chaotic restrained. He tries to break through…he really wants to jump through that bullseye. Jock does his best to ignore the masked individual~
Jock Reasoning: Okay, as you can see, there are two giant bullseyes. You will be given three devices. A blow gun, a slingshot, and a spear will be offered. You will be two team members to fire each object. A member from each tribe will fire their weapon. The person who gets the closest to a bullseye scores a point for their tribe. The tribe with the most points after all six members have gone, wins. Paradigm Tribe, since you have eight you’ll be sitting two people out.
Lurrr: Sounds good to me!
Mario Maurako: Yea, this challenge sucks
Jock Reasoning: This challenge does NOT suck.
~Lurrr and Maurako shrug and take a seat~
Jock Reasoning: Sort out who’s using what and take your positions.
~The tribes begin to talk. Chaotic calms down upon discovering that he’s going to get to throw something at the bullseye. We fast forward several moments later…both tribes are ready~
Jock Reasoning: Okay, first up we’ve got Annie Alvarez and Julliet Brooks operating the blow guns. Ladies, whenever you’re ready.
~Both Brooks and Annie blow into the gun. A dart shoots out. Annie’s falls short. Brooks dart hits a direct bullseye! The Paradigm Tribe cheers~
Jock Reasoning: Direct hit for Julliet Brooks! The Paradigm Tribe leads 1-0!
~Josie Barnes and Curt Canon step up. Canon does this elongated stretch routine. Barnes doesn’t seem impressed~
Jock Reasoning: WHENEVER you’re ready, Curt.
~Curt stops stretching and grabs his gun. He blows…the dart shoots OVER the target. Barnes blows into hers…it hits near the bullseye!! The Paradigm Tribe again cheers~
Jock Reasoning: Wow! Another great shot…the Paradigm Tribe leads 2-0!!
TLS: Interesting that all the girls used the device you blow
~Everyone but the women enjoys a hearty chuckle. TLS picks up a slingshot. TIO snags one for his tribe~
Jock Reasoning: Alright, alright, enough with the locker room talk, guys! I’m sure it was merely a coincidence. Besides, Annie had the worst shot of anyone
Annie Alvarez: And what does THAT mean, exactly?
Jock Reasoning: Nothing! I am sure whatever fine partner you have is completely satisfied with your…umm…you know what, let’s get back to this challenge. Gentlemen, whenever you’re ready!
~TIO and TLS both release. TIO hits near the target. TLS misses wildly but does take out a bird~
Jock Reasoning: That’s a point for the Savage Tribe! Paradigm Tribe leads 2-1!
TLS: Can we take that bird back with us?
Jock Reasoning: Uhh, sure.
TLS: Great. Woman, I’d like to have my dinner ready before sundown.
~TLS barked this order in the direction of Barnes. She returns with a glare. Pryde and Vargas step up. Vargas shoots first~
Jock Reasoning: Wow, nice shot Chad.
~Pryde fires and hits the second bullseye of the competition. The Savage Tribe cheers~
Jock Reasoning: Great shot, Pryde! We are all tied up at two apiece. Time for the final portion…the spear throw!
~CJ and Paras step up. They exchange competitive glares. It’s pretty obvious Paras doesn’t think much of CJ whereas CJ feels an overwhelming desire to defeat the Perfect One. CJ throws his spear. It’s a bullseye! The Savage tribe goes wild. CJ looks at Paras~
CJ O’Donnell: Follow that!
~Calmly, Paras creates a stance…he shifts his balance. He positions the spear and he throws the damn thing as though he’s been doing it all his life. It has perfect trajectory and even better aim. It’s a bullseye! The Paradigm Tribe goes wild. CJ glares at Paras who doesn’t bother to look his way. Instead, he heads back to his tribe. Frustrated, CJ looks at Jock~
CJ O’Donnell: So?
Jock Reasoning: We’ll call that a tie! It’s going to come down to the final throw!
CJ O’Donnell: That’s fucking bullshit!
~An angry CJ heads back to his tribe. Meyhu emerges. He grabs a spear. Chaotic stands with his tribe…they talk to him, they try to calm him down and get him to focus~
Jock Reasoning: Guys! Enough with the pep talk, Chaotic needs to be out here or he will be disqualified!
~They release the wild, masked man. They are probably wondering how and why he was selected to be the final thrower. None of that matters…what’s done is done. Meyhu looks at his spear and gets into position~
Curt Canon: Look! It’s just like how he fishes!
~Meyhu ‘casts’ the spear into the air. It isn’t quite a bullseye, but pretty damn close. His tribe goes wild! Paras stands out and shouts to Chaotic~
Paul Paras: It’s okay, Chaotic. You can get inside of his shot. Just stay calm. You can do this.
~Chaotic nods. There is a sense that he is going to actually pull this off. He faces the target and reaches back with his spear~
Paul Paras: Come on, Chaotic…I know you have it in you.
Chad Vargas: C’mon you masked fucker
TLS: That’s a fat looking bird…a ton of meat
Julliet Brooks: He can do this. I know he can.
Josie Barnes: I know he’s wild, but he wants to win. He looks serious. I think he’s going to make up for all his screw ups in the past.
~Tension is in the air. It all hinges on this unpredictable force of nature~
Chaotic: Ahhhh!!!!
~Chaotic lets out a loud scream as he charges with the spear. He continues running off the platform, past the line. He runs across the sand, toward the bullseye. Chaotic leaps through the air with the spear in hand and he dives head first through the bullseye!! It’s a direct hit. A tribe goes WILD…the Savage tribe. The Paradigm Tribe groans and lowers their heads~
Jock Reasoning: Well, that’s one way to get a bullseye, I suppose. Too bad it’s completely illegal…Savage Tribe wins immunity!!
~We cut to a shot of the tribes standing on their mats. CJ steps forward and collects the idol~
Jock Reasoning: Savage Tribe, congratulations on your win…you guys are safe from tribal council. Paradigm Tribe, unfortunately, that’s your second loss in a row which means another visit with me a tribal council tonight where you will send someone home. I’ll see you all later this evening…you guys can head back to camp.
~Music plays as we watch both tribes disperse~
~A jovial Savage tribe returns to camp. Everyone is happy…even CJ is rumored to have smiled one and a half times. Meyhu observes the upbeat vibe~
Matt Meyhu: Man, we're like one big happy family now! We're going to win out!
~Matt grabs a spear and heads for the water~
Matt Meyhu: We need to eat like winners!
~Meyhu, so caught up in the winning spirit forgets there are five semi fresh fish already sitting by the fire~
CJ O’Donnell: Very impressive gentlemen and lady. Chaotic was talking so much shit I hope they send his sorry ass home. I was actually hoping I'd connect with some Irish Knowledge when he tries one of his insane Shooting Star Press from wherever.
Curt Canon: Irish Knowledge, well if that isnt the biggest oxymoron of them all I don't know what is....
CJ O’Donnell: Just like you being a member of B.U.F.F. you dont even workout
Curt Canon: What are you talking about, I am constantly doing Triple P Yoga. It's a workout for the mind, the body, and the soul.
~With that we do a transitional fade to a shot of the Paradigm Tribe~
~Paras is shown getting an abbreviated yoga session in during sundown. It’s apparent that he’s clearing his mind before the big vote. Back at camp, Maurako seems displeased with the performance~
Mario Maurako: Well that was terrible
Josie Barnes: Yeah it was... Seriously guys we need get our acts together
Chad Vargas: It’s shameful we dropped two straight. This vote is simply a business decision. I am looking forward to heading into the merge with my brothers.
~The Man With More Nicknames than Many People Actually Named Nick, Paul Paras, returns from his abbreviated yoga session. A perfect amount of sweat gleams off his fit, muscular frame in the sun as his eyes catch those of Josie Barnes, who is stretched out by the fire nearby, cussing out CJ O'Donnell like a boss. He approvingly flashes his signature smirk and turns to Vargas, offering him a swig of water (and who knows what else, with Lurrr on the tribe) from the tribal canteen.
Paul Paras: Shame is temporary and fleeting, my Confederate friend. But passion will always catch up and win the race. We may have dropped two in a row, but try as they may, the Savages cannot beat us in a game of who wants it more. CJ only wants himself. Meyhu and TIO only want CJ. And it remains to be seen if the rest know what they want, like so many teenagers wandering the mall of this game for fellow jailbait, but it will be too late if they don't know soon.
~Paras shields his eyes from the sun with his hand and looks over the camp with a surgical eye, as he often does. He sees most of the tribe discussing next week's challenge already (apart from TLS, who is still building, and Chaotic, who appears to be sitting in a tree, talking to a bird... To each their own). The Perfect One nods slightly and turns back to Vargas and Barnes~
Paul Paras: I want to win. That's the only reason I'm here. I know you want the same. So, after tribal tonight, in the spirit of the great Amazonian conquerors of the past... let us stop wandering... and let us start taking what we want.
~The tribe members all nod in agreeance~
~It’s late in the evening. The Paradigm Tribe emerges from a walkway carved through the unpredictable Amazonian jungle. He assume their positions, discovering that they have become far too familiar with Tribal Council and its ambiance. Jock is seated in his usual spot, looking very inquisitive~
Jock Reasoning: Alright…another loss, another tribal council. Lurrr…do you feel somewhat responsible for these losses? I mean you have chosen to sit out the last two or three.
Lurrr: No.
Jock Reasoning: Okay…Vargas, there’s no secret as to how you feel about the Savage Tribe. What has losing done to you, personally?
Chad Vargas: I hate losing. I can only take so much of it. I especially hate losing to those fuckers on the Savage tribe.
Jock Reasoning: Mario…rumors of an electronic device being mysteriously dumped into the Amazonian jungle have spread amongst the locals. Do you have any idea as to what they are referencing?
Mario Maurako: Not a clue, Jock. But if someone did have a television…
Jock Reasoning: Television?
Mario Maurako: OR a radio, computer, Playstation 4…whatever, I’m just spit balling…but if someone did have one of those delivered, I’m sure it was for a very good reason. No doubt a message was delivered.
Jock Reasoning: Apparently not. Word I received was this device was dropped into a desolate portion of the jungle where it exploded upon impact.
Mario Maurako: Son of a bitch
Jock Reasoning: You seem angry
Mario Maurako: I just hate to see a good piece of electronic equipment go to waste.
Jock Reasoning: Right. Chaotic…some might say you cost your team this week’s challenge by your impetuous behavior.
Chaotic: I made a bullseye.
Jock Reasoning: Yes but you were supposed to throw a spear…not your entire body.
Chaotic: I made. A bullseye.
Jock Reasoning: Okay, fine. Josie, I see you rolling your eyes…does Chaotic’s antics get on your nerves?
Josie Barnes: They do. It’s nothing personal, Jock. He’s got a lot of energy and passion for this game…I just wish he’d learn to harness it. That way he could channel all that energy in the proper direction. He’s got the ability to be a great player. I guess that’s why I get so frustrated.
~Paras nods and gives Josie a slight back rub of approval~
Jock Reasoning: Paras…you seem quite content for a man who’s used to being successful at, well, everything. Why aren’t these losses affecting you?
Paul Paras: Nobody said they weren’t affecting me, Jock. A person can choose to look at struggles one of two ways. They can take the conflict personally and get angry or they can view the adversity as an opportunity to ascend. That’s what we’re doing. We are going to rise above these struggles and emerge a stronger, better tribe.
Jock Reasoning: Julliet, you’ve been awfully quiet tonight…what’s your opinion on the tribe’s struggles?
Julliet Brooks: Well the Savage Tribe looked like they were beaten and once they eliminated a few members they became this challenge monster, apparently. There’s no reason we can’t do the same…if we vote off the right people.
Jock Reasoning: TLS…there have been rumors that your hut is about to grow beyond Amazonian building restrictions. What do you have to say about that?
TLS: Nobody is going to put my hut in a corner.
Jock Reasoning: And, on that note, it’s time to vote.
~One by one the Paradigm Members head to the voting area and cast their votes. It starts with Chaotic and ends with Barnes. We don’t get any voting reveals this time as the entire procedure is kept confidential. Jock returns with the votes~
Jock Reasoning: If anybody would like to play a hidden immunity idol now would be the time to do so…
~Suspenseful music plays. It doesn’t appear as though anyone is going to…wait a minute! Chaotic reaches into his pants and pulls something out. The entire tribe holds their breath~
Chaotic: Does this count?
~Jock looks down at what he’s handed. It’s a pretty unimpressive looking wooden item~
Jock Reasoning: This? It’s a fucking stick, Chaotic! Sit your ass back down! This is NOT a hidden immunity idol.
~Chaotic shrugs and takes a seat. The rest of the tribe breathes a sigh of relief~
Jock Reasoning: With that out of the way let’s get to the actual votes. The person with the most votes will be voted out and be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I’ll read the votes…
First vote….Julliet Brooks
That’s two votes Brooks, one vote Lurrr, and one vote Chaotic.
Chaotic: Are you SURE that wasn’t an idol
Josie Barnes: Oh my gosh, shut up and let him finish!
~The rest of the tribe agrees as they are on the edge of their stumps~
Jock Reasoning: I’ll continue if that’s okay with Chaotic
~Chaotic doesn’t pick up on Jock’s sarcasm~
Chaotic: That’s just fine with me, Jock
Jock Reasoning: Right…where were we? Fifth vote…okay, here we go…
Fifth vote…Brooks
That’s enough, Julliet. Please bring me your torch.
~With a grace, Julliet doesn’t take her departure personal. She stands...Barnes gives her a hug as the rest of the tribe smiles and nods. It appears Brooks was well liked. She acquires her torch and heads Jock’s way~
Jock Reasoning: Julliet…the tribe has spoken. It’s time for you to go.
~Jock extinguishes her torch. Julliet turns around and wishes her tribe luck. She then vacates the premises~
Jock Reasoning: Another strong competitor sent home. It will be interesting to see how this impacts the tribe moving forward. That’s all I’ve got for you tonight…you can head back to camp.
~The Paradigm Tribe stands and grabs their torches, leaving the tribal council area~
NEXT TIME ON OCW SURVIVOR: Josie Barnes takes a chance with Paul Paras. The Lost Soul discovers he has TERMITES in the foundation of his hut. Chaotic views Pryde as his personal hero. Lurrr’s legs develop atrophy due to their lack of usage in the challenges. Chad Vargas loses his flask. Mario Maurako contacts Best Buy about a refund. TIO has an incredible encounter. CJ and Curt Canon continue to develop a strange friendship. Annie Alvarez speaks! Pryde develops a hatred for Chaotic. The fishing population in the Amazon takes a massive hit…the prime suspect – Matt Meyhu.
~We cut to a shot of Brooks moments after being voted off~
Julliet Brooks: Yes, it’s disappointing. I really hate that we lost both those challenges in a row. I did my best. I wanted to last longer but I’m glad I played. This was fun!
~The always upbeat Brooks smiles at the camera as we fade out~
Second vote….Julliet Brooks
Third vote…Lurrr
Fourth vote…Chaotic
Sixth vote and the seventh person voted out of OCW Survivor….JULLIET BROOKS