Episode 5 - "Resurgence"
The Amazon Jungle Friday, May 5th 2017
~We shown a split Savage Tribe returning from tribal council after having voted MJ Bell off. Pryde voices his concern that the tribe’s priorities are out of whack. CJ combats his accusations~
~Rebel’s injury is shown. We see him avoid tribal council only to be evacuated from the jungle for medical reasons, removing him from the game~
~The Paradigm Tribe on the other hand appears to be fairly content. The only issues that can be found are the constant bickering between Josie Barnes and Chaotic~
~The immunity challenge is shown. It resembles two of the previous three. A good start for the Savage Tribe followed by a lack luster, costly finish. The Paradigm Tribe wins immunity again sending a dejected Savage Tribe to tribal council~
~The Savage Tribe discusses who should receive the most votes. It’s up in the air. Nobody is entirely sure how the vote is going to go down~
~Highlights of the Q & A with Jock are shown followed by Morbidus standing up and having his torch snuffed out~
~We cut to the OCW Survivor Intro~
~A somber Savage Tribe returns. A campsite once full of life and energy has suddenly turned sullen and somber. Ten personalities ran rampant a short while ago – now…now those ten have been reduced to six. Nearly have the original tribe has been eliminated through consistent failure. CJ continues to appear disgusted – the man is a winner and winners hate losing. Meyhu considers slowing down on his progress as a fisherman. TIO appears thoughtful. They take a seat around the campfire each person waiting for the other to speak. TIO takes the lead~
TIO: This fucking sucks. No way around that – however, there’s always a silver lining. The six of us…the last remaining members of the Savage Tribe are a strong six. If we stick together, I think we can get back in this game.
~Pryde nods. He reaches over and grabs some fruit, peeling the dirty, disgusting skin and revealed the desired center~
Pryde: No more Rebel. No more Morbidus. Only the strong survive. About time we got us down to the guys who can dominate. The next challenge can't come soon enough...
~In a show of unity, Pryde tosses the peeled pieces of fruit to his remaining tribe members for nourishment at the end of a trying day. CJ’s Irish pride and fighting spirit bubbles to the surface~
CJ O’Donnell: Damn right it can't. No need to wait to Tuesday. Let's do it tonight. Come on Jock show your face. The Savage Tribe is ready to fight now.
~The night deepens. They enjoy their fruit and prepare for a peaceful evening without a vampire wandering around in the moonlight. Despite their struggles team spirit seems to be on the mend. There is a sense that The Savage Tribe is going to be okay~
~The dominant Paradigm Tribe sits around camp, basking in the gilded glow of victory. Josie is hanging some clothes up on a tree branch, drying them out~
Josie Barnes: Any guesses as to who they sent home?
Chaotic: The Incredible Oinker!
~A small toucan lands on Chaotic’s shoulder. It speaks in toucan language. Chaotic responds. We get a text translation~
Toucan: They voted out Morbidus!
Chaotic: Why thank you Mr. Toucan. Say…you wouldn’t happen to have any fruit loops, would you?
Toucan: Fuck off!
~The toucan flies away~
Chaotic: My toucan friend says they voted off the one who sucks
Vargas: Holy shit they voted CJ off?
Josie Barnes: Oh, Morbidus
Chaotic: If THAT’s what you call it.
Josie Barnes: Well that IS his name. Oh, by the way, I thought we said no more dangerous shooting star presses?
Chaotic: I thought you guys meant to stop doing those out of trees…
~Chaotic waits for ten seconds…he decides eleven seconds is too long~
Chaotic: Oh, I guess it was just for challenges then. Cool, check this out
~Chaotic does a few gross things that we’re not going to air or describe on this show. He winds up in the top of the tree and jumps off with a Shooting Star Press. He lands with a harsh thud near Josie. She rolls her eyes~
Josie Barnes: Would you STOP that? Regardless of how I feel about you personally we do need you in challenges.
~Chaotic is face down. He isn’t moving...his voice groans out from between his mouth and the ground~
Chaotic: Nooo….
Josie Barnes: Just please don’t hurt yourself…
~Chaotic suddenly climbs to his feet. He seems to be okay~
Chaotic: Thanks for looking out for me, sweet cheeks.
Josie Barnes: Ugh, trust me…I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to
~TLS’ hair blows in the wind. The piece of cloth covering his nether regions blows around as well. It’s loosely fashioned and, well, not doing that great of a job. He has apparently overheard Chaotic and Barnes~
TLS: You two should really get a room. Say, that reminds me, I’m leasing out my hut mansion. It’s got functioning toilets...they flush right into the river the Savage Tribe is using for water.
Vargas: Well that would explain their shitty performance...ha ha ha ha
~While Vargas was merely pretending to laugh at his lame pun…Chaotic found the joke so funny that he fell over into the dirt from laughing so hard. Josie is disgusted~
Josie Barnes: I’m not sharing that hut with anyone
~Chaotic stops laughing. He remains on his back. His mask stares into the sky. Words come out from the mouth area~
~Dramatic music plays as we fade out~
~The sun rises on a new morning in the Amazon. You hear a loud yawn. And then see Curt Canon emerge from the Savage Tribes fortress of Aptitude. He looks around and notices the rest of the tribe still sleeping, he assumes everyone is feeling exhausted and mentally defeated from their string of losses. After a brief moment of contemplations he decides he will make the tribe breakfast to help rebuild trust and unity within his tribe something that should have been done weeks ago. He walks over to the lightly burning embers of last night’s fire and throw so more wood on it to get it going again. He then heads to the towering pile of fish that Matt has collected and grabs a handful.(the towering pile consist of 4.5 fish, no one knows how Matt caught half a fish.) He then grabs fruit from the storehouse near Pryde’s part of the Fortress.. He takes these ingredients over to the fire and starts to make the best breakfast this side of the Amazon~
Curt Canon: This is gonna be great, it is going to be the best meal this tribe has had since the start of this strange little adventure. We are gonna finally come together and be friends and win challenges and all of us will get to the merger and then we will all become members of The Aptitude and everyone will live happily ever after.
~As Curt continues to cook hethen starts to rethink his last statement~
Curt Canon: Hmmmm, maybe we won’t all join The Aptitude.... CJ can be a real douche most the time, I have no idea why Matt and TIO hangout with him.... This meal looks great, I should wake the tribe up.
~Curt stands up from the fire steps closer to the Fortress of Aptitude and screams as loud as he can~
Curt Canon: Hey everybody.... BBBBREEEAKKKKFASSSSSTTTTTTT! Is ready.
~Pryde comes out, yawning underneath the mask, which just looks weird as it stretches out. The yelling was impossible to ignore. He sees what Curt has done, and as strange as it is to think about having fish and fruit for breakfast... it actually smells pretty good. He walks over~
Pryde: Good morning. How'd you and Checkers sleep?
Curt Canon: Oh hey buddy and a wonderful morning to you. I slept great for once in this damn jungle. Checkers on the other hand has been acting super weird since those tried to kill CJ with a machete allegations. He barley slept and snuck off in the middle of the night, I’m getting worried, but let’s not dwell on the negative.. Here eat.
~Curt hands some food over to Pryde~
Curt Canon: It is time to reset ourselves and to show we the Paradigm tribe just how Savage we can be
Pryde: Yeah, I know we've had some Savage stress going on in the last few weeks, and I know I've been part of it. But I have to say, I'm feeling pretty good right now about us pulling things together. The Paradicks still have the dead weight that we've shed, so I'm betting we're running circles around them soon enough.
~The food is soon devoured off of Pryde's plate, an amazing sight as the camera can't seem to catch Pryde raising up his mask to take a bite. It's like there's a permanent blur there. CJ walks up after eavesdropping a bit~
CJ O’Donnell: Would you believe me if I said I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and get along with everyone now?
Pryde: I believe that you're a fierce competitor, someone who wants to win at all costs. I can respect that.
~Pryde extends his hand to CJ, putting it out there~
Pryde: From now on, we're watching all of them go home.
~CJ looks down and shakes Pryde's~
CJ O’Donnell: You are a great competitor as well and it is time to dwindle down those Parafools.
~Annie rolls her eyes at CJ and Pryde. Something about their new found friendship just reeks of fake~
Annie Alvarez: When ya'll are done jacking each other off, can you guys give me a hand with this?
~Annie is trying to fix one end of the shelter that was knocked down overnight. She wonders if it was an animal chasing after Checkers through the camp, which worried her because she has no idea what kind of crazy things could be living out here~
Annie Alvarez: And someone get TIO up, he's over here snoring like a hibernating bear!
Matt Meyhu: Here, let me help!
~Matt walks over to Annie with a coconut in his hand. He launches it toward TIO~
Matt Meyhu: Who's been getting rough with the shelter?!
~Annie laughs to herself because she thought Matt was offering to help Pryde and CJ jack off ~
Annie Alvarez: Whoa.. that wasn't what I was expecting. Ha. It's been a long morning. But I think something was running through here last night. Hopefully once we do the merger we can get a better base camp.
~The coconut rolls against TIO’s head. He stops snoring and turns…he spots the round object. He grabs it and sits up. The rest of the tribe watches with curiosity. He splits it open using his bare hands, drinks what’s inside, smacks his lips, yawns and lays back down. The snoring continues. Meyhu shrugs as if to say “Hey, I tried” while Annie rolls her eyes~
~Josie is irked by Chaotic’s statement from the previous afternoon. She can’t shake the idea that the sexiest woman alive might be dead. Vargas has an issue with it as well~
Chad Vargas: Hell, boy, she’s not even the sexiest Julliet alive!
Julliet Brooks: Did I hear my name?
Chad Vargas: Who’s sexier…you or Chaotic’s wife?
TLS: Whoa, whoa…that’s a trick question. If Chaotic’s wife is dead then Julliet Brooks would obviously be the sexiest…unless you’re into dead women.
Chad Vargas: Fuck no I’m not into that shit
Josie Barnes: Why am I the only one bothered about the fact his wife might be dead…did he kill her?
TLS: Chaotic…did you jump on top of your wife with the Shooting Star Press before coming out here?
Chaotic: Of course…that’s how our passionate FUCKING always begins
TLS: Nice
Josie Barnes: That poor woman
TLS: Don’t worry, if she’s dead, she wouldn’t feel a thing
~The 2-time OCW Hall of Famer, Paul Paras, is busily stabbing at a hollow in one of the trees at camp with the machete while conversing with Carrington about existential philosophy. Ever the multitasker, he pauses in the middle of a sentence about Kierkegaardian ethics and looks over his shoulder at Chaotic~
Paul Paras: Masked man, the Perfect One was married to twelve women simultaneously at one point (editor's note: they were all named Ashley), but I still wouldn't have turned down an invitation to a warm night with a lady in need. Then again...that was twelve divorces ago, so I suppose your mileage may vary.
~He turns back to the tree just in time to perfectly skewer a green-winged macaw with the machete as it emerges from its nest (the bird, not the machete)~
Paul Paras: Lunch, anyone? Now then, Professor, on which theorem was I elucidating?
~Something in The Perfect One’s statement snares Josie’s attention~
Josie Barnes: Paul you shouldn't always say somethings, someone may try to see if it's true or not. Besides maybe I don't want a masked man, maybe I rather yeah never mind....
~Julliet’s jaw hits the floor in regards to Josie's comment. She drops the fish in her hand and shakes her head~
Julliet Brooks: Apparently I'm not the only one who has lost their mind.
~Josie looks down, as she shakes her head~
Josie Barnes: I ummm... umm... not meaning anything by it... I....
~She sighs as she starts to walk away to go hide. The incredibly clueless Chaotic adds his nonsensical two cents~
Chaotic: Wow, women fighting over me? Last time that happen I got my wife out of the deal......Hopefully Jules doesn't see this episode.
~Josie stops, as looks at him~
Josie Barnes: Seriously are you that thick in the head? Nobody is fighting over you. Pretty sure Julliet has a guy, and as for me, yeah I can't stand you so... no, just no. In fact, excuse me.
~Josie runs off into the trees to go throw up at the thought. TLS, busy loosening his already loose loin cloth raises his head upon hearing the commotion~
TLS: Why am I hearing the sound of 3 women bickering... oh never mind it is just chaotic, and julliet and josie…I’m going back into my magnificent hut for some hot tub action. And…as always there is an open invitation…
~TLS disappears within his hut. Everyone stands still for a moment…Chaotic suddenly takes off for the hut…he jumps inside~
~ Cowering in the trees above the Fortress of Aptitude aka: Savage Tribes encampment sits Checkers. He wants to go down and join his friends, but after last night he can’t move. He has lived in the Amazon his whole life and thought that CJ was the most dangerous thing in the rainforest. From high above he is watching Curt cook the tribe breakfast, he sees Pryde extend his hand to CJ and CJ grab it in an act of solidarity. He starts to wish he never went after him with a machete, there are more dangerous things out there and he will need all of the tribes help. He swallows hard and starts to slowly make his way down the tree, determined to get back to Canon and the rest of his human family. CJ sees Checkers coming down from the trees~
CJ O’Donnell: I am sorry Checkers I was so hard on you. Alright I think we need water anyone want to help?
~Canon sits up and motions for Checkers. Checkers hops onto his shoulders. The duo share an intimate conversation. Checkers finally nods…Canon looks at CJ~
Curt Canon: Checkers and I would be glad to help!
~CJ, Curt, and Checkers embark on a water gathering mission. Annie watches, shaking her head~
Annie Alvarez: What the hell? This tribe is full of women, I swear
Pryde: Whatever you want to call it…it’s nice to see fences on the mend. We need it for our next challenge.
Annie Alvarez: I guess
Annie Alvarez: UGH! I’m going to gather water with the other three
Matt Meyhu: Hold on! I’ve got some fishing to do!
~Meyhu and Annie head off in pursuit of the river. Pryde is left alone with a snoring TIO. He scratches his mask…he tries to block the noise out. He starts to work on a few tedious tasks…but the noise is too much~
Pryde: Nope…I can’t take it. To the river I go.
~TIO is left to rest in peace as his entire tribe heads for the river~
~Barnes is wandering around the tribe. Everyone seems to be gone. She sees Chaotic crawling out of TLS’ hut for some weird reason. Off in the distance she spots a shirtless Paul Paras explaining certain features of the Amazonian foliage to Lurrr and Maurako. Both have that look on their face like “Wow, we wouldn’t have asked this if we thought the answer would turn into a ten minute lecture.” Josie bites her bottom lip while eying The Perfect One~
Josie Barnes: He is just so…perfect. I’m going to keep my eye on him.
~We cut to a shot of Julliet Brooks. She’s in a meditative state all by herself. It’s clearly a method of preparation for the challenge later that afternoon. Chad Vargas is shown staring into the sky~
Chad Vargas: I’m coming for you CJ. Fuck you.
~We cut to Carrington. He’s stretching out – limbering up for whatever ridiculously convoluted challenge awaits them. And, finally, we spot TLS. He emerges from his hut and steps over the crawling Chaotic~
TLS: Stop acting like such a baby
~We fade out~
~All six Savage Tribe members stand around the fire. Meyhu’s FOUR fish are stacked, neatly. It seems as though a seafood dinner awaits the members when they return. The members appear focused…aside from Pryde because, you know, MASK~
CJ O’Donnell: Okay…this is the big one. This is a must win for us. If any of us want a shot at winning this game we’ve got to start winning now.
TIO: Well, I don’t know about the rest of you but I feel well rested and ready to go.
Annie Alvarez: Yes, we know.
Curt Canon: Checkers said he envisioned us winning in a dream last night.
Matt Meyhu: Sounds good to me!
Pryde: Looking around, I see six motivated, competent and focused individuals. This challenge should be ours.
CJ O’Donnell: Alright, let’s go kick some ass!
~They head off in the direction of the immunity challenge~
~Both tribes have assembled. Jock stands in front as usual…we see a couple of boats along with five buoys floating out in the river. Jock looks at Maurako, who is holding the immunity idol or BABY BUFFET as some people (okay, one person) has coined it~
Jock Reasoning: Welcome to today’s immunity challenge! Paradigm Tribe, I’ll take that from you guys…
~Chaotic rips the immunity idol from an unsuspecting Maurako. He throws it into the air. Jock freaks out and dives to catch it. He manages to snare the idol before it smashes into the ground. He returns to his feet, angrily~
Jock Reasoning: How dare you! This statue embodies survival…it embodies the will to live, it embodies the spirit of the Amazon and, more importantly, it represents JIMMY BUFFET.
~Chaotic shrugs and steps back into line. Jock places the idol on a platform near him…he composes and speask~
Jock Reasoning: Alright…today’s challenge is pretty straight forward. One person will row a boat…there will be five buoy stations. At each station will be a tribe mate. Your task is to rescue all five tribe mates and then head back to shore. The first tribe to complete the task wins immunity. Paradigm Tribe, you…
Lurrr: Already ahead of ya Jock!
~Lurrr, Maurako and Vargas all take a seat on a nearby log. They begin to throw dice. Jock wonders where they found the dice. CJ clears his throat. Jock’s attention turns back to the participating players~
Jock Reasoning: Well, alright then…you guys figure out who’s starting where and we will get started.
~We see CJ O’Donnell starting things off for the Savage Tribe. Paras has taken the lead for the Paradigm Tribe…both men are standing on a platform. Six oars reside on each platform~
Jock Reasoning: Survivors ready….GO!
~Paras hugs all six oars and charges for his boat. CJ struggles a bit with his. He manages to grab four. He gets to his boat quicker than Paras, depositing four. He has to run back for the remaining two. Paras, the larger of the two, reaches his boat and deposits all six. He hops into the boat and grabs an oar…he pushes off and begins to paddle~
Jock Reasoning: Paradigm Tribe with a bit of a lead…
~CJ reaches his boat with the final two oars. He leaps in and kicks the front of the boat, his packs enough force to break the boat free from shore, saving CJ some time. He grabs an oar and begins to paddle. Paras reaches his first buoy station. Josie is floating. He reaches in and helps her out of the water. Josie blushes and giggles…Paras smiles and possibly winks. Josie picks up and oar and gets behind Paras. She helps him row~
Jock Reasoning: Alright…Josie is in the boat, Paradigm maintaining their slight lead
~CJ reaches Annie. Annie and CJ struggle getting in the boat. She curses him a bit…CJ curses back. She finally gets into the boat and grabs an oar…the row on. Paras and Josie reach their second buoy…TLS is casually floating in the water. He calmly swims to the boat. Josie reaches in to help but discovers his loin cloth must have floated away. She hesitates…TLS struggles a bit but finally gets in. He sits behind Josie…she scoots up further into Paul’s back. TLS starts to move up…Josie yells back~
Josie Barnes: That is CLOSE enough
~They continue rowing…meanwhile, we see TIO climbing into the Savage boat. He does so with relative ease…they’ve made up some ground, moving ahead to their third buoy. The Paradigm Tribe gets there first…Carrington is floating…he crawls in, with a sense of urgency…it’s a fluid, easy motion. On the other side Canon tumbles into his team’s boat. Both teams move on to their fourth buoy~
Jock Reasoning: It’s a dead heat! Two members left to pick up and then a race to the finish!
~Brooks is helped into the boat by the core strength of Carrington. Pryde has no trouble getting in either. The teams are still tied heading into their final buoy. Meyhu reaches his arm out of the water~
Matt Meyhu: Look what I got!
~Somehow, Meyhu caught three fish while floating in the water. It’s amazing. He tosses them into the boat and tumbles in, manning the rear. The Paradigm Tribe can’t find their final tribemate~
Julliet Brooks: Umm..
Josie Barnes: Where is he? This is SO frustrating
TLS: Maybe he’s in the trees
~Concerned about an unexpected fall from the sky, the Paradigm members look to the trees. A giant SPLASH sounds as there’s a break in the water. Chaotic’s mask emerges…with his head inside~
Chaotic: WOOO!!
Paul Paras: Where were you?
Chaotic: New record! Held my breath for three minutes! Isn’t that GREAT?
Entire Paradigm Tribe: GET IN THE DAMN BOAT!
~Calmly, Chaotic swims to the boat and climbs in. They make the turn. The Savage Tribe is halfway back to shore~
Jock Reasoning: Savage Tribe with a sizable lead…it’s going to take quite the rally for The Paradigm Tribe to catch them at this point!
~The Paradigm Members row as hard as they can. Chaotic is splashing his oar around like an untrained maniac. Sadly, it’s to no avail. The Savage Tribe hits shore…they empty out of the boat and return to their platform~
Jock Reasoning: Savage Tribe WINS IMMUNITY!!
~The six remaining members go wild with celebration. Meyhu holds his fish in the air. Checkers moonwalks into view before climbing up the side of Canon’s body and resting on his shoulder. TIO gives all his tribemates a pat on the back. The Paradigm Tribe reaches shore and trudges toward their mat. Maurako laughs as he wins the game of dice, taking Chad’s flask for payment. Lurrr asks for an IOU when they get back to camp. They see that the challenge is over and join their tribemates on the platform~
Jock Reasoning: Savage Tribe, great effort out there today. Here you go…treat it with RESPECT
~Jock glares at Chaotic as he says this. He hands the idol to CJ. CJ nods~
CJ O’Donnell: Absolutely
Jock Reasoning: Savage Tribe, you may head back and enjoy the rest of your evening. Paradigm Tribe…I’ve got nothing for you. I’ll see you all tonight at tribal council.
~Some sad Jimmy Buffet song (I’m sure they exist) begins to play as The Paradigm Tribe sulks back to camp. An uplifting Buffet song (I KNOW those exist) starts to play as we see The Savage Tribe celebrating~
~With half the tribe seemingly imploding, Paul Paras sits by the fire and quietly observes his tribemates battling each other, showing more passion than they did in the challenge by far. The 2-time Hall of Famer sighs a perfectly deep sigh and stands up, grabbing one of the fish off the fire and trudging over to where Carrington and Chaotic are arguing. ~
Chaotic: You’ve lost us one too many challenges, Bradley! I bet you can’t even Shooting Star Press!
Bradley Carrington: YOU lost us our first challenge, need I remind you? You’re reckless and dense as a brick!
Chaotic: Dense? Who are you calling…
~Chaotic’s mask nearly does a full rotation around his head as he is smacked upside his face with a partially-cooked Amazonian bass in the hands of Paul Paras. Chaotic stumbles around, unable to see for a moment and dazed from the head-on-fish collision. The Professor looks on, stunned and mildly amused. Paras remains silent, coolly walking back to the fire and putting the tribe’s dinner back on its coals. Chaotic finally regains his bearings and adjusts his mask so he can see again. He turns toward the Perfect One.~
Chaotic: HEY! What was…
~Chaotic quiets down when he sees Paras raise a hand for the whole tribe to see.~
Paul Paras: Everyone. Riverbank. Now.
Chaotic: You’re not the boss of me! Why should we...
Paul Paras (interrupting): It’s time for an intervention.
~Ten minutes later, on the banks of the Amazon River, nine figures stand at attention, arms raised toward the waning afternoon sun. At the front of the group stands ‘Perfect’ Paul Paras, demonstrating perfect yoga technique with one foot back and his balance placed on his front leg.~
Paul Paras: All right, tribe. Now, exhale slowly and bring your arms down, creating your own resistance. Next, we inhale and reach out in front. Imagine you are trying to strangle CJ O’Donnell with both hands. Create resistance as you feel his throat closing in your grip, unable to spew his insipid nonsense every five minutes. Take a deep breath.
~To either side of Paras, the other eight Paradigm tribe members seem to be having varying degrees of difficulty with Triple P Yoga (available at your local Whole Foods this summer!). Vargas, in particular, seems to be enjoying choking out the invisible aura of CJ, while Lurrr appears to be inebriated and losing his balance.~
Paul Paras: Now, bring back one fist and extend the other while staying in warrior position. We’re going to do six quick punches with resistance to raise your heart rate. Picture each member of the Savage Tribe with every punch. Broken jaws. Bleeding lips. Busted eyes. So very soothing, just like the Zen masters of Triple P Yoga once taught. READY?
Chad Vargas: Damn ready!
Bradley Carrington: Fascinating idea. Ready!
Josie Barnes: Sure, I guess…
Mario Maurako: Yep. Born ready.
Julliet Brooks: Fine.
Chaotic: WOO! Kill ‘em all!!!
Paul Paras: That’s the spirit! Go!
~The tribe counts down the punches as Paras observes their form, nodding his head in approval. Even for just a moment, the tribe was unified, even if it couldn’t last the entire evening with Tribal Council looming. Paras steps back into his place.~
Paul Paras: All right, arms back to the sky, and now it’s time for one of the Perfect One’s favorite moves of the day. I call this the North Star Nightcap. Now, close your eyes, keep your position, and I want everyone to imagine the most beautiful woman in the world. Picture her sultry curves… her flawless skin… her lips that whisper how she wants you and you alone. Ladies, you too. Go on.
~Barnes appears somewhat uncomfortable at Paul’s proposition and looks for support from Julliet, while Brooks’s attention seems to have strayed to a small lizard weaving its way through the river grass. She darts after it, leaving the yoga session abruptly. Maurako clears his throat loudly, nudging Paras in the ribs and motioning to his right.~
Paul Paras: Ahem… Mr. Soul, dare I ask… where are your pants?
TLS: Are pants required in yoga?
Paul Paras: They are if you’re imagining the most beautiful woman in the world.
~TLS, wearing only his flawless facepaint, looks down below his waist and back up.~
TLS: Point taken. I’ll be in my hut, still thinking about Chaotic’s wife.
~The naked TLS walks back toward camp. Chaotic, seemingly in a trance from the yoga, suddenly startles awake.~
Chaotic: Hey, me too. Wait, WHAT DID HE SAY?!!!
~The masked daredevil charges after TLS. Maurako bursts out laughing. Lurrr finally falls over completely, landing with a thud in a flowering bush and promptly falling asleep in his stupor. A perturbed Paras shakes his head and crosses his arms.~
Paul Paras: All right, forget it. Yoga is done for the day. This tribe is as together as it is getting. Let’s go vote someone off.
Chad Vargas: Shoot. But what about the rest of the North Star Nightcap?
Bradley Carrington: And why were we imagining a beautiful woman?
~Paras shrugs.~
Paul Paras: It’s just a few lunges. Nobody likes lunges. Lunges suck. But everyone likes a beautiful woman.
Josie Barnes: I don’t really like…
Paul Paras: EVERYONE likes a beautiful woman.
~Nobody can argue that…well, aside from blind people, maybe. We fade out as the Paradigm Tribe is set for Tribal Council~
~Dramatic music plays. The Paradigm Tribe enters Tribal Council. They each take a seat. Jock obviously scrambled to add a few more seats to the collection. Six normal sized stumps along with three ice chests. Chaotic, TLS and Lurrr sit on the ice chests. Lurrr opens each one, making Chaotic and TLS stand for a moment. His eyes widen when he opens the third and final chest~
Lurrr: Oh yes!
~His joy eviscerates. He holds up a bottle of O’Douls~
Jock Reasoning: Ah, a refreshing O’Douls! I’ll take that if you don’t mind
~Lurrr hurls the bottle into the jungle. It SMASHES…something SCREAMS. Was it Checkers? Is he SPYING on Tribal Council?~
Jock Reasoning: Hey, what did you do that for?
Lurrr: Nobody will EVER drink an O’Douls in front of me
Jock Reasoning: What’s wrong with O’Douls? It’s got the great taste of beer without any alcohol
Lurrr: Yea? So why fucking drink it? You LIKE the taste of cheap beer? Fuck man, the only reason I drink that shit is for a buzz. In short, O’Douls are fucking worthless and an embarrassment. At least NEW JOCK knew how to party
~Nobody on the Paradigm Tribe can argue that statement. Some might say New Jock knew how to party a little TOO well. Old Jock shakes his head and sits down, he clears his throat before speaking~
Jock Reasoning: Sorry, but my throat is a little dry. It would be NICE if I had some liquid refreshment.
Lurrr: Oh for fuck’s sake!
~Lurrr stands and shoves Chaotic off the ice chest containing O’Douls. Jock smiles. Lurrr HURLS the chest into the jungle. Jock frowns. Chaotic is forced to sit on the ground as Lurrr reclaims his seat. There is an awkward moment of silence.~
Jock Reasoning: Well…that was unnecessary.
Lurrr: Blow me
~Chaotic snickers. Jock rolls his eyes…he clears his throat again and focuses on the task at hand~
Jock Reasoning: Sorry about that…let’s get down to business. Tough loss at the challenge earlier today…after winning three of the first four challenges it appeared as though you guys were going to run away with this…but now, the momentum has shifted. Vargas…do you think it’s fair to say that this win has given new life to the Savage Tribe?
Chad Vargas: Fuck no. Those pussies got lucky. We’ll kick their ass next week…besides, this gives us the opportunity to strengthen things…you know, the old addition by subtraction thing
~Chaotic crawls forward, where he can be seen. He has a statement~
Chaotic: See you later Carrington, good knowing you...............not
~Carrington scoffs and responds~
Bradley Carrington: Bold words from someone who has cost us a challenge in the past, I on the other hand have done nothing of the sort.
Chaotic: Bradley, we here care about loyalty. You’re are a threat. Threats will be flossed out, when it comes time for the council.........I trust my fellow Paradigm teammates can see this.
~Bradley Carrington can hold his tongue no longer. He stands and delivers a strong statement~
Bradley Carrington: Alright, I finally have something to say! I keep hearing my name getting mentioned. I've been accused of being disloyal by the masked moron over there. But I've got a question for you all, if I'm not loyal to the Paradigm tribe, as Chaotic suggests, why have I pulled my weight and had your backs since day one? How many challenges have I cost us? That would be zero. But I'm the one on thin ice, because I'm quiet or some damn thing? Paul, Mario, you two have more or less carried us since this competition started, you must be tired from carrying dead weight. Why not get rid of someone like Vargas, who hurt us in this challenge, instead of someone like me who is contributing something. The point is, I'm voting for Vargas, and anyone who wants to survive should do the same. Unless you're ok with the idea of the Savage tribe picking you off one by one, because without the contributors that's what will happen, then by all means get rid of the productive members of this tribe.
~Chad’s face becomes flushed. He turns and glares at the side of Carrington’s face, who returned to his seat. Carrington turns his head. He stares right back at Chad. Chaotic continues to speak~
Chaotic: Both you and Josie can't be trusted. You have ties to Savage. I know how helpful you are but how DAMAGING you could be if a little birdie from the other tribe was whispering in your ear this whole time. I have no beef with you Carrington, just I am not going to sit still and not let you and Josie know that I don't trust you. You can either hate me or respect me for my decision. To your point, Vargas did not check in. Despite this we all know that Chad Vargas isn't the kind of guy to be manipulative or hang with the enemy. Chad and I are cool, I have no beef with anyone. I just see conflicts of interest. One named Josie Barnes and the other has guilt on his face named Bradley Carrington.
~Josie becomes angry. He looks down at the masked man on all fours and fights back~
Josie Barnes: Funny nobody is whispering in my ear Chaotic. Let me put it this way, I want to make it to the merge, I want to make it with everyone here that can. Once merge, I want to vote off CJ. Maybe instead of assuming things, actually ask yourself something, if I really had him whispering in my ear, would I of really voted for Carrington the first time?
Chaotic: I wasn’t aware. You know what happens, when you vote against Carrington. When you try to eliminate Carrington from Season 1 of Survivor on Starz? YOU JUST UNMADE MY LIST!
~Chaotic draws an imaginary line through an imaginary name on an imaginary list in the air. Josie sighs and quits paying attention to the masked man. Vargas and Carrington, meanwhile, continue to glare at one another~
Chad Vargas: Go ahead and put my name down Professor. Aint ever said one word to me but your over there running your mouth. Thanks for the laugh though, teach
~Carrington responds that he’ll do just that. Vargas keeps telling him to go ahead. They are boiling over…it’s about to escalate into a brawl. Paras steps in~
Paul Paras: Gentlemen! It’s just a game, no need for this type of anger. Relax…remember the yoga teachings.
Mario Maurako: OR…better yet, how about we re-arrange the seating.
~We cut to a new arrangement. Vargas and Carrington are now on opposite ends. Jock smiles, looking far more at ease~
Jock Reasoning: Wow…glad that’s settled down. This tribe seems far more dysfunctional than I imagined. Anyway, it’s time to vote…let’s see how this turns out. Vargas, you’re first…
~Vargas grabs the parchment and angrily writes a long name down. He stuffs the parchment into the jug and heads back to his seat. Lurrr votes, Chaotic votes, Brooks votes, Barnes votes…we follow Paras. He writes his vote and raises a perfectly-written "Professor Carrington" to the camera~
Paul Paras: Apologies, dear friend. I've truly appreciated our talks and hope to see you at the Plato symposium in September. Fare thee well.
~Maurako is next, followed by Carrington and, finally TLS casts his vote. They have all returned. Jock stands and heads over, grabbing the jug of votes. He sets it down and clears his throat again. Lurrr rolls his eyes. Jock removes the lid~
Jock Reasoning: If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it…now would be the time to do so.
~Nobody budges~
Jock Reasoning: Alright then…once the votes are read the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council are immediately. I’ll read the votes.
Jock Reasoning: First vote…Carrington
That’s two votes Carrington, one vote Vargas and one vote Maurako. I’ll continue reading the votes.
Fifth vote…Carrington
Mr. Carrington, that’s enough. Please bring me your torch.
~Carrington appears over the entire process. He stands, grabs his torch and heads to Jock~
Jock Reasoning: Bradley Carrington…the tribe has spoken.
~Jock snuffs out Bradley’s torch~
Jock Reasoning: It’s time for you to go
~Carrington shakes his head. He doesn’t bother looking back at any of the members. He marches on, vacating the area~
Jock Reasoning: Well, I guess things aren’t as happy as they appeared. A strong, reliable member was just sent home…we’ll see how that works out. You all can head back to camp, I’ll see you in a few days.
~The remaining members of the Paradigm Tribe stand and exit~
NEXT TIME ON OCW SURVIVOR: CJ O’Donnell continues to find strength within the game. TIO considers sleep therapy upon returning home due to his intense snoring. Annie’s booty shorts go missing but nobody notices. Curt Canon reads Bram Stoker’s Dracula to Checkers…he develops a new found respect for Robert Morbidus. Pryde explains that he was born with a blurry face. Lurrr conjures a campaign against non-alcoholic beer for when he returns home. TLS adds another floor to his hut mansion. Josie and Paras continue to get to know one another. Brooks becomes the most feared beast within the Amazon…at least when it comes to the jungle critters. Maurako is determined to find out who wrote his name down. Chaotic reveals that his wife is, in fact, not dead…or is she? Chad Vargas throws Carrington’s ‘drum set’ into the river. And…Matt Meyhu catches FIVE fish…all next week on OCW Survivor!!
~We cut to a shot of a dejected, annoyed Carrington~
Bradley Carrington: Stupid vote. I helped around camp. I contributed in challenges. What more could I have done? It doesn’t make any sense. I did all I could do….they just didn’t want me around for whatever reason they conjured up in their minds. Oh well, their loss. They can suffer while I enjoy those five star accommodations Jock was telling us about.
~Carrington, still frustrated over his departure, looks into the camera and half shrugs. He’ll live. We fade out~
Second vote…Carrington
Third vote…Vargas
Fourth vote…Maurako
Sixth vote…Carrington
Seventh vote and the sixth person eliminated from OCW Survivor….BRADLEY CARRINGTON