"Episode 1 - Narcolepsy"
The Amazon Jungle Friday, April 7th 2017
~Some EPIC music begins playing in the background. A pair of helicopters are cruising over the Amazon. The side doors are open or unattached, we don’t really know…we have no experience in this stuff. It just looks cool. We zoom in on one of the choppers to find TIO sitting nearest the opening, looking down with a pair of shades. Next to him is Rebel who is looking extremely rebellious. On his left is CJ O’Donnell. He looks out with a distinguished presence over the amazon. Behind them, on a bench facing the other direction sits Annie Alvarez. She appears cramped. Next to her is a cramped Bob Grenier…he’s alright though. His eyes are half open as he looks sleepy…or drugged. Morbidus is next, appearing cramped as well. Then, at the end of the bench is MATT MEYHU. He’s sprawled out, taking more than his allotted amount of space. He smiles, eager for the game to being~
Jock Reasoning: Hello everyone and welcome to OCW Survivor: Season 1…as you can see, we have two tribes flying overhead aboard functioning helicopters. It’s pretty cool. The tribe you’ve just seen is the SAVAGE tribe. They will be competing against this tribe…the Paradigm Tribe…
~We find the second chopper as it dangerously swoops in front of the first. TIO flips them the bird in anger. We zoom in to see the painted face of TLS. He is emotionless. He might be a statue…but then he blinks, proving that he is alive. Next to him is Bradley Carrington. Carrington seems eager as he looks around at the scenery. An elbow jabs Carrington in the shoulder. It was delivered by the person on his left, Chaotic. Chaotic starts to lecture Carrington about something. Carrington just ignores him. Josie Bares in on Chaotic’s left and near the other opening. Her thick, brunette hair flies around uncontrollably as she’s given up all hope of keeping it in place. She winces and looks down at the Amazon. Behind her is PerZag! He’s staring menacingly down at the green landscape wondering if it is worthy. Chad Vargas is next to Zag. He pulls out a flask of southern hospitality and takes a pull. He reaches over and pokies Julliet Brooks in the arm, offering her a taste. She politely declines, looking down at the Amazon from her side, eager to begin. We zoom back in on Jock Reasoning~
Jock Reasoning: We have hall of famers, former OCW Champions, current OCW Champions…but out here, none of that matters. Out here we have two tribes with ultimately ONE survivor.
~As the OCW Survivor theme plays we watch the choppers begin to separate. They are taking each tribe to the vicinity of their specific location. We follow the Savage chopper. After a few minutes the man riding shot gun unstraps and begins handing parachutes out. Carrington grabs his first, strapping it on. He gets a quick tutorial on how to use it and leaps out, instantly releasing the chute. It’s got a few holes in it…CLASSIC OCW, BABY…so he kind of sputters and drops lopsided…but safely. Zag grabs his next and leaps out, following a similar trajectory. Chaotic bitches about the quality of the chutes for a few seconds before taking his. TLS is next. Barnes starts to grab hers but Vargas snares it away and leaps out. Brooks apologizes to Barnes allowing her to go next with Julliet bringing up the rear…one by one they float, crookedly toward the ground. Brooks is the last to land as they all unstrap~
Chaotic: Fuck, what took you guys so long?
PerZag: Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?
Chad Vargas: Fuck off, boys. I don’t want to hear any bitching.
Julliet Barnes: Do we have to be so crude to each other?
Chad Vargas: Would you like a taste?
Julliet Brooks: Ugh, I already said no three times on the way over here.
~Vargas downs some more of his flask, wiping spillage away from the side of his mouth~
Bradley Carrington: They gave me this map, we should probably…
~Carrington removes a map from his back pocket. Chaotic rips it away~
Chaotic: Why did they give YOU a map? Ridiculous…let’s see…I think we head this way
Josie Barnes: Wait, aren’t there more of us? I thought there’d be at least eight out here
Chad Vargas: I count eight
PerZag: Only seven, genius
Chad Vargas: Man I will knock the fuck out of you right now, I don’t give a shit
TLS: Relax, Chad
~TLS places a tender hand around Chad’s shoulders. He pulls away. Brooks rolls her eyes~
Julliet Brooks: Can we just follow the map before it gets dark out here?
~Reluctantly they agree and, even more reluctantly, they let Chaotic lead the way~
~The Savage tribe circles around another section of the jungle. They are handed chutes like the Paradigm Tribe. TIO, Meyhu and CJ stand back, making the others go first. Bob almost jumps without his chute. Morbidus sniffs his chute, perhaps checking for blood. He puts it on and leaps out. Their chutes are very much like the Paradigm tribe’s chutes, full of holes. Rebel jumps out recklessly with his chute. That leaves Aptitude and Annie. CJ rips the chute away from the co pilot and hands it to Annie with a hint of charm. Annie rolls her eyes and puts it on. CJ puts his on and makes small talk with Annie. Together they leap out. Annie’s has a GIANT FUCKING HOLE in the middle and she starts to plummet…luckily, CJ’s quick reflexes enable him to grab her chute and hold on so she doesn’t die. TIO takes his chute, puts it on and jumps out. Finally, it’s Matt Meyhu. He reaches for the lone chute but is stopped~
Co-Pilot: No sir! A man of your worth isn’t jumping out of here with one of those crappy chutes. Here, use this!
~Meyhu is handed a jet pack!! He straps it on and leaps out, zooming around, happily and without any sense of danger. The rest of his tribe lands as he continues to zoom over the trees~
TIO: Fucking flimsy ass chutes, I think I cut my knee
CJ O’Donnell: Annie, are you okay?
Annie Alvarez: YES! I’m fine, geez. Fucking OCW…I don’t know why I keep agreeing to do things for them.
~Annie looks rough, her fall was worse than the others. A snore is heard. Bob is sleeping in the dirt. Rebel kicks him gently, Bob sits up and rubs his eyes~
Bob Grenier: Huh?
Rebel: Get up.
~Bob stands realizing they are in the jungle. His eyes are blood shot. Robert Morbidus steps through some bushes with blood all over his face~
TIO: Holy shit...did you fall on your face?
Robert Morbidus: No, I just fed.
~There is an awkward pause. The sound of a jet pack is heard as Meyhu hovers down, just above everyone’s heads. TIO looks up~
TIO: What the fuck!
Matt Meyhu: Don’t ask me…it was offered and I accepted.
~Rebel pulls out a map and shows it to everyone. CJ takes it~
CJ O’Donnell: Follow me everybody
~CJ leads the way as everyone walks along aside from Meyhu who hovers above the ground~
~It’s growing late. Jock Reasoning is seated near the Amazon with a look of frustration. There isn’t much daylight left. The Savage Tribe has assembled. Meyhu is on the ground as his jetpack appears to have run out of fuel. Some OCW employees rush into view and haul it away. The Paradigm Tribe is nowhere to be found~
Jock Reasoning: How long have we been waiting here?
CJ O’Donnell: Nearly four hours
Jock Reasoning: I hope they didn’t die
~It sounds like something is approaching through the wilderness. They all turn and see a masked figure emerge. It’s Chaotic! He’s arguing with every other member of his tribe~
Chaotic: Fuck all of you, okay! That wrong left would have happened to anyone
Chad Vargas: The first or the fifth?
~Chaotic tries to fight Vargas but PerZag and TLS keep them spread apart. Brooks sighs~
Julliet Brooks: Guys, just let it go…at least we’re here.
~Jock stands up, looking relieved. Both tribes are on their mats. They turn their attentions to the host~
Jock Reasoning: Alright…glad you all could make it.
Chaotic: Whoever drew these maps sucks and needs to be fired!
Jock Reasoning: Okay. Now, before we get started…I’m sure you noticed that maybe a few people were missing…and, that’s because they were! Allow me to introduce the rest of your tribes!!
~A loud trumpet plays as a giant boat cruises along the amazon. It’s got HALL OF FAME written on the side. Lurrr stands at the apex looking out with his fists atop his waist. They reach the edge of the river and a staircase is lowered. Lurrr is the first one off. He looks at the buff in his hand and heads for the Paradigm Tribe. Mario Maurako is next, he follows Lurrr. MJ Bell is next, she goes Savage. Curt Canon does a somersault for some reason and leaps to a standing position. He jogs to the Savage tribe. Paul Paras exits next and goes Paradigm. Finally, Pryde steps down and calmly makes his way toward the Savage Tribe. All the tribes clap for the Hall of Fame members…some more sarcastically than others as the full enrollment of members have assembled~
Jock Reasoning: Alright! Welcome everybody to season one of OCW Survivor!
~They all clap. The idea of being on the first season of OCW Survivor finally hits them and a sense of excitement smothers out all frustration. Jock places something electronic in the dirt and points it away from the tribes~
Jock Reasoning: OCW owner Jimmy Buffet would like to say a few quick words.
Rebel: Jimmy Buffet is here?
Chad Vargas: Good, maybe I can get a refill.
Lurrr: Jimmy my man!
~Sadly, there is no REAL Jimmy Buffet. Instead a hologram is projected in front of the tribes. An audible sigh of disappointment fills the air~
Jimmy Buffet: Hello OCW wrestlers! It’s great to see you all. So many familiar faces…so many people I have fond memories of. I’d love to mention a few of you by name but sadly we don’t have time. Let me just say that we went with the best, the brightest, and the most beautiful…
~TLS throws his hair back at the word ‘beautiful~
Jimmy Buffet: to compete! I know you’ll all do a great job and make me, Jimmy Buffet proud. Now, before I depart…I want to leave you with something very special and spiritual…a true source of inspiration to hold onto when those nights turn dark and cold. It’s saved me and it’ll save you…ready?
~They lean in, ready for some wisdom~
Jimmy Buffet: Nibblin on sponge cake…
~Buffet starts to sing his most famous song. Unfortunately, the hologram is cut off before he can go any further. Jock retrieves the projector and speaks~
Jock Reasoning: So there you have it…now I’m going to give you a second map that will lead each tribe to their campsite. You will have two days to set up, get to know one another and, you know, survive. On the third day you are to assemble here for our first challenge. Paradigm Tribe…I’d recommend you guys mark the trail with stakes or something so you can find your way back easier.
Chad Vargas: Yea or let someone who isn’t wearing a mask carry the map
Chaotic: Fuck you, redneck!
~Vargas and Chaotic try to scuffle but, again, are kept apart. Maurako steps up and retrieves his tribe’s new map. O’Donnell steps forward and snares his tribe’s map. The two tribes depart toward their campsite~
~The tribe members reach their campsite far quicker under Maurako’s guidance than Chaotic’s. Chaotic doesn’t seem happy. He starts bitching about everyone, openly~
Lurrr: Maybe you should remove that mask. The added heat might be pissing you off.
Chaotic: No! The mask stays on…fuck you all.
Lurrr: Whatever…so where’s the ice chest? I was promised beer.
~The lack of response leads Lurrr to the realization there will be no beer~
Lurrr: Fucking agent is worthless
~Maurako gives Vargas a pat on the back~
Mario Maurako: Did you see Bishop over there? I can’t wait to vote his ass out.
Chad Vargas: I hear that. Fucking pusses over on the Savage Tribe have no idea what’s coming.
PerZag: He goes by the Incredible Idiot. That’s what I call him anyway.
Chaotic: Shut up!
Mario Maurako: What is wrong with you? Do you even know how this game is played? We’re supposed to GET ALONG
~Chaotic pauses and thinks. He walks away. OCW Hall of Famer and former OCW Champion Paul Paras steps up and drops an armful of branches on the ground~
Paul Paras: Gentlemen…ladies…let’s all focus on making this tribe stronger. I think we need to get a shelter built before it gets dark or begins to rain.
Chad Vargas: How the hell did you gather those so fast?
Paul Paras: You guys were arguing for quite awhile
Bradley Carrington: I’m with Paras. We need to focus. This tribe has everything…brain, brawn and, well, all you guys!
~Everyone rolls their eyes and more arguing ensues with Paras, Brooks and Barnes staying out of it, mostly~
~Epic, hardworking music plays. Pryde is gathering supplies. Morbidus is gathering supplies. CJ is hopping around trees and cutting down bananas. TIO is being Incredible. They are getting SHIT DONE. MJ and Meyhu prepare to fish. Rebel approaches with some firewood. Canon is talking about monkeys. It’s truly harmonious…this is a tribe to be proud of~
Curt Canon: So, that monkey idea? What do you guys think?
Robert Morbidus: I might have…
~Moribus looks down at the monkey he recently captured. He looks at it like it’s a cheeseburger. Canon looks at it like it’s a companion. Morbidus sighs and hands it over~
Robert Morbidus: Here, you can have him…I’ll go catch something else
Curt Canon: Yes!!
~Canon grabs the monkey and gives it a big hug. We’re not entirely sure if the Monkey is okay with this display of affection. With everyone watching the strange scenario play out…TIO takes it upon himself to disappear into the woods. A huge cloud of smoke emerges from some foliage off screen. We turn and see a lethargic Bob Grenier emerge…he smiles and collapses onto the ground, falling asleep. CJ leaps down from a tree and lands in some bushes. He looks at Grenier~
CJ O’Donnell: Is he okay?
MJ Bell: Yea, that’s just Bob.
~CJ looks around, suspiciously~
CJ O’Donnell: Is this…poison ivy?
Robert Morbidus: I’m NO BOTANIST. But I’m gonna say YES.
~Everyone seems okay with taking the botanical advice from someone who openly admitted they are not a botanist. CJ steps out of the bushes, scratching a bit~
CJ O’Donnell: Damnit…where is Annie?
~Nobody knows. MJ and Meyhu finish with their fishing equipment and head toward the Amazon River. Canon is talking to his monkey, trying to teach it English. TIO re-emerges from the bushes looking relieved and, well, more energetic~
TIO: Alright! Let’s build this fucking shelter!
~The sun rises. The Paradigm Tribe is scattered around the dirt and grass, unprotected from nature. Paras is laying near a bunch of wood and vines he gathered the day before. Chaotic is sleeping alone, having alienated his entire tribe. TLS somehow managed to build a shelter fit for two. Unfortunately, Vargas did not join him overnight. Brooks and Barnes, the two females, are near one another for warmth. Vargas is up early, filling his flask up with Amazon river water. PerZag begins to stir with Carrington a few feet away. Maurako emerges from the jungle carrying more wood~
Mario Maurako: PerZag, Vargas…you guys mind helping me gather some wood. I don’t want to endure another night like last night.
~Vargas takes a sip from his flask~
Chad Vargas: Tangy
~He pulls a small fish from his mouth and inspects it. He then eats it. PerZag nods his head toward Vargas with approval while Maurako appears disgusted. Paras sits up, scratching the back of his head~
Paul Paras: Did somebody say work? Let’s get to it!
~Paras, Maurako, PerZag and Vargas head into the woods. Chaotic wakes up and heads to the river for a drink. Brooks and Barnes stir…he looks over his shoulder and through his mask greets them~
Chaotic: Good morning, ladies
TLS: Someone sure sounds thirsty
Chaotic: Well, I was until I drank some of this funky water
Josie Barnes: He’s not quenching his thirst over here
~Brooks agrees with Josie’s statement. The masked Chaotic seems confused~
Chaotic: What are you talking about? The river is right here? Where else would I quench my thirst?
~The Savage Tribe is already up and moving. A string of dead animals is situated in the back of camp…it’s called “Morb’s Corner”. The dead animals are drained of blood. A cheer sounds from the river. Everyone turns and sees MJ Bell with a fish at the end of her spear. Morbidus walks over and reaches out, hungrily~
Robert Morbidus: May I have a moment alone with the catch of the day Miss Bell?
MJ Bell: Uhh no, sorry. I’m going to cook this.
~The burnt, torn apart carcass of what used to be a fully fleshed fish hangs above a crackling fire. The members of the Savage Tribe sit around, licking their dirty fingers. Morbidus is in his corner, with his dead animals. Canon hands one last bite to Checkers, his monkey. Checkers screams out and slaps Canon in the face, hating the taste of fish~
Curt Canon: I guess he’s not much of a fish eater
Pryde: That was delicious, thanks for the offering, MJ.
CJ O’Donnell: Has anybody seen Annie? And what about Bob?
TIO: He’s still passed out. Don’t worry, he’ll be ready for the challenge.
~Rebel stands and kicks some dirt into the fire…a slightly rebellious action. He turns and heads into the woods. MJ begins to clean up the tribe’s breakfast mess. TIO stands and looks around, suspiciously~
TIO: I’m going to head into the woods for some…self-reflection
~He scurries off like an addict in search of substance. CJ pats Meyhu on the back, who remains seated near the fire~
CJ O’Donnell: Great catch, expert fisherman!
~Meyhu ignores the comment~
~Both tribes arrive around the same time. Jock Reasoning gives the Paradigm Tribe a nice ovation~
Jock Reasoning: Alright, you guys are on time!
Mario Maurako: Yea, I’m handling the maps from here on out. Nothing against Chaotic…I think the mask probably got in his way.
Chaotic: IT STAYS ON
Jock Reasoning: Terrific…so, is everybody ready to compete in today’s challenge?
~Both tribes cheer. Bob Grenier collapses to the ground, falling asleep. TIO tries to pick him up~
Jock Reasoning: Alright! As you can see, about one hundred and fifty feet into the water on your left are two rafts. You are going to swim out to those rafts and surround them. Each tribe member must put their hand on the raft and KEEP their hand on that raft…they cannot move ahead or fall behind. In the middle of that raft is a pit of fire. There will be four torches on the raft that you can light. While bringing the raft back to shore you will set a series of posts on fire. Each post must be lit before you can reach the shore…once on shore you will carry your raft to the platform you’re currently standing on…along the way will be another series of posts to light. They must all be lit before you can reach this platform. Once you’ve reached this platform you will light the guitar of this giant Jimmy Buffet statue. The first person to light his guitar WINS immunity. The losers will see me at Tribal Council tonight…sound good?
Chaotic: I do have one question…
Jock Reasoning: Alllright, let’s get started!
~The two tribes are in the water and around their raft. TIO, Meyhu, Rebel, and Morbidus hold the torches for the Savage Trible. Paras, Maurako, PerZag, and Vargas man the torches for the Paradigm Tribe. Canon looks out at Jock from the back of his team’s raft with fear in his eyes. Jock is holding Checkers. CJ and Pryde struggle keeping an unconscious Grenier afloat~
Jock Reasoning: Survivors ready? GO!
~The Paradigm tribe gets off to a fast start. Lurrr and TLS are pushing from behind with Brooks and Barnes at their sides. Chaotic and Carrington push along the side of the raft, keeping it steady. Maurako lights the first post as they glide through the water. The Savage Tribe struggles from the start. CJ and Pryde are leading the raft but struggling with Grenier…he raft keeps bumping into them~
CJ O’Donnell: Damnit…STOP PUSHING
Pryde: We can’t carry him, this isn’t going to work.
CJ O’Donnell: Will he fit on top of the raft?
~They lift Grenier up and mange to wedge him on the edge of the raft. Pryde places his hands on Grenier’s back to ensure he doesn’t fall into the river and drown. CJ nods to TIO and Meyhu in the back…they push forward. MJ and Annie are at their sides pushing along with Morbidus and Rebel controlling the side. Canon is cheering everybody on while keeping an eye on Checkers~
Jock Reasoning: Paradigm with a pretty big lead…but Savage looks to be closing the gap!
~Paradigm Tribe lights all of their water posts and hits the shore. As they do, The Savage Tribe finishes lighting their final post, a few feet behind. Maurako looks over~
Mario Maurako: They’re catching up…c’mon guys, we’ve gotta push it!
~The Paradigm Tribe lifts the raft up…it nearly falls over…they manage to steady it. The Savage Tribe hits the shore and they quickly try to lift their raft…it’s lopsided. They’ve forgotten about Bob! He falls off the edge and lands in the shallow water~
CJ O’Donnell: Fuckin hell!
~CJ pulls Bob out of the water and hoists him over his shoulder. By the time their raft is up, the Paradigm Tribe is down the beach, halfway through their posts~
Pryde: We’re still in this, let’s go!
MJ Bell: Yea guys, c’mon!
~They push ahead, giving it their all. The Paradigm Tribe lights the final post and places their raft on the platform. Vargas hands his torch to Julliet Brooks and motions for her to add the finishing flame. She steps forward and touches Jimmy Buffet’s guitar…it goes up in a tremendous FLAME!! Buffet’s eyes light up…it’s kind of scary looking…but the Paradigm Tribe is euphoric. They jump up and down in celebration~
Jock Reasoning: Paradigm Tribe WINS IMMUNITY!
~Checkers screams and bites Jock. He jumps down and hustles for Canon. Canon picks him up. CJ dumps Bob on the ground…the rest of the Savage tribe tosses their raft into the sand with disgust~
Jock Reasoning: Here is your immunity idol…you all may head back to camp…oh, before I get, here’s a lighter for some fire.
~They all cheer. Chaotic is extremely excited~
Chaotic: Yea, fuck the Savage Tribe! Woo!!
Jock Reasoning: Savage Tribe…
~He addresses a dejected group of OCW survivors~
Jock Reasoning: I’ve got nothing for ya. I will see you tonight at tribal council where one of you will be voted out.
~Chaotic is singing a horrible rendition of WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS. The rest of the tribe is in good spirits, looking at their immunity idol which is a smaller version of the Jimmy Buffet statue they lit on fire earlier. Lurrr pats TLS on the back~
Lurrr: Great job out there, TLS! And look…your face paint is still intact, amazing!
Paul Paras: Great effort by everyone…if we can get a decent shelter built and find some food, we should be unstoppable.
Mario Maurako: Hopefully they vote Bishop out.
Chaotic: I don’t care! We’re the winners…we’re going all the way!
PerZag: To the Paradigm Tribe!
~They continue celebrating. Brooks locates a snake and kills it. She offers it to everyone for dinner. Barnes takes the lighter and starts a fire~
~The dejected tribe mates sulk around their campsite. We assume Pryde is dejected. His mask makes it hard to tell. CJ sits on a log looking like a bottle ready to explode. He stands up and heads toward the forest. Meyhu drops Bob’s unconscious body onto a patch of grass~
MJ Bell: Should he go to the hospital?
TIO: He just has a really good supplier. Strong stuff.
Matt Meyhu: Yea, well CJ is pissed.
TIO: He hates to lose.
~We catch CJ in the forest. He’s alone…his hair is drenched with humidity related sweat. He’s disgusted~
CJ O’Donnell: That was an embarrassment. We are the stronger, smarter tribe and to lose like that…humiliating. We’ve got to fix some things in this tribe or its going to happen again.
~Morbidus is sucking what blood remains out of an animal hanging in his corner. It’s reminiscent of a kid trying to get the last ounce of juice out of a Capri Sun. Canon walks up with Checkers hanging over his shoulder~
Curt Canon: Tough one, huh?
Robert Morbidus: It was what it was. Appears as though we have some fat to trim.
~Canon looks down at his waist. He’s still in good shape for a man his age. He shrugs and moves along. Rebel is discussing things with TIO, Meyhu and MJ~
Rebel: I agree, it’s the move to make.
MJ Bell: What about Annie?
TIO: I haven’t seen her since the challenge…in fact, I didn’t see her much before the challenge.
Rebel: Wonder if her head’s in the game
~Pryde walks up and drops some wood near their small fire. He rotates his tightened shoulders~
Pryde: So, what’s the plan?
~There is a bit of communication through eye contact. Pryde nods~
Pryde: Alright, makes sense to me.
~The Savage Tribe filters in, slowly. They are still reeling from defeat. Morbidus is carrying Bob. He keeps sniffing his neck. Checkers screams every time Morbidus comes too close…at which point Canon smacks him in the arm, preventing him from sucking Bob’s blood. Morbidus drops Bob on the floor, next to a stump. Every other member of the tribe takes a seat. Jock is seated across from them…there is a fire in the middle and a voting area several hundred feet away. Jock starts to speak but is interrupted by CJ~
~CJ stands and begins to pace back and forth and just as Jock Reasoning is about to go through the opening CJ cuts him off~
CJ O'Donnell: “Sorry Jock but I am going to have to cut you off."
~Jock looks at CJ like are you serious but O'Donnell continues to speak~
CJ O'Donnell: “This is some pure fucking bullshit. We lost. Are you fucking kidding me?"
~CJ walks in front of his tribe mates and just shakes his head~
CJ O'Donnell: “We have champions. We have legends on this team. No reason we should have lost that. As I look up and down the tribe I see some that want to be here and I see others who are putting on a good fucking act. I mean Canon was busy playing with his monkey all week but he showed up to the challenge. TIO, Meyhu, Pryde, Bell gave it there all also. Even Annie Alvarez who was busy masturbating in the fucking poison ivy with a banana as a dildo competed. But..."
~CJ points at Rebel and Morbidus who are sitting next to each other~
CJ O'Donnell: “Morbidus and Rebel I expected more from you two. Rebel, you are supposed to be this tough son of a bitch biker but you had you finger up your ass. Morbidus, if you would stop staring at MJ Bell and wondering if you have a chance to get in her fucking panties just maybe the true monster would show up. But what the fuck happened to you?"
~CJ then points to the sleeping Bob Grenier~
CJ O'Donnell: “You are the one who cost us this challenge. You should have stopped fucking puffing on the magic dragon and actually did something, Bob. For a former OCW Champion, you were not only pathetic but I would have preferred the monkey helping us on the challenge. So Jock don't even fucking hand me the piece of the paper. My vote is for Bob Grenier. Now you can smoke all the fucking weed you want. Bob Grenier, I hope you have your bags packed as your ass is going home tonight."
~CJ finally looks for an empty seat and takes it with a pissed off look on his face. Jock sits back and exhales deeply with wide eyes~
Jock Reasoning: Okay then…anybody else with anything to add?
~Everyone looks around...there’s really nothing left to say. So Jock slaps his knees with his hands and makes the declaration we’ve all been waiting for~
Jock Reasoning: Alright then, it’s time to vote…Cheddars and Curt…
~Checkers SCREAMS angrily. Jock remembers the bite and rubs his sore arm~
Jock Reasoning: CHECKERS…sorry, I won’t forget it again. You guys are up…
~Curt stands up with Checkers the monkey walking beside him on a makeshift leash and heads over to the voting booth~
Curt Canon: "Tonight I am voting for Bob Grenier. He is a pretty alright decent stand up guy, but three years ago he beat me in The OCW Western Title Tournament making sure I wouldn’t become one man with two belts.
~Curt sends a perplexed look over to Checkers who is now sitting on his shoulder much like a parrot would a pirate. After a few seconds of staring Curt looks away.~
Curt Canon: " Checkers informs me that Bob beating me is not a valid reason to vote him off, so what I meant to say was that he um......
~Curt tilts his head to the left and looks up to the starlight Amazonian sky deep in thought~
Curt Canon: "Bob didn't help us set up stuff and things this week......so he should go do nothing at home instead of here.
~Canon and Checkers head back to their seat. A montage showing Morbidus, Rebel, Meyhu, Annie, MJ, and Pryde heading to the voting area follows with the final shot of TIO getting up from his seat and walking beside the fire to where you cast the votes. He picks up the black marker and writes the name down he is voting for. He picks up his piece of parchment and speaks into the camera, revealing his vote is against BOB GRENIER.
TIO: You are without a doubt, the worst Canadian ever. Later.
~Everyone waits for Bob to get up. But, he’s begun to snore loudly. Jock tries to wake him up~
CJ O’Donnell: It’s not gonna do any good, trust me.
~Bob scratches under his nose and rolls over…his hand sort of touches the leg of Annie. Jock’s eyes widen~
Jock Reasoning: I gotcha, Bob…I gotcha.
~Jock heads to grab the container of votes. He returns and stands, ready to read the vote tally~
Jock Reasoning: Alright I’m about to read the votes. Once these votes are read the person with the most votes is eliminated and the decision is final. If there is anyone with a HIDDEN IMMUNITY idol and they’d like to play that idol…now would be the time to do so.
~Dramatic music plays as we focus on TIO, Meyhu, CJ, Rebel, Annie, Canon and finally we ZOOM EXTRA CLOSE IN on Checkers!! He looks around, suspiciously. The dramatic music stops~
Jock Reasoning: Alright then, I’ll read the votes…first vote, via verbal declaration from CJ is for Bob Grenier.
2st Vote – Annie Alvarez
That’s two votes Bob, two votes Annie…I’ll continue reading.
5th Vote – Bob Grenier
~OCW Security appears and picks up Bob. They usher him across the bridge from Tribal Council and to a nice, warm bed. Jock addresses the Savage Tribe~
Jock Reasoning: Tough challenge, tough first three days…tough night. Head back to camp and see if you guys can’t get your shit together.
~A few contestants are surprised by Jock’s swearing…but it is STARZ so, hey, no harm, no foul. The OCW Survivor Theme plays as we slowly fade out~
NEXT TIME ON OCW SURVIVOR: Chaotic threatens to take off his mask! Checkers pushes Canon toward an unlikely alliance. Matt Meyhu catches a fish. Lurrr learns how to ferment his own beer. Josie Barnes wonders if she made the right decision coming out to the Amazon. Maurako creates a TIO dart board. Paras recounts to Vargas and PerZag the stories of PM and how they ruled the OCW Tag Division. Julliet Brooks shows her tribe the many different ways snake can be eaten. The Savage Tribe wonders what’s up with TIO’s mood swings every time he heads in and out of the jungle. CJ tightens up the work ethic around camp. And, TLS’ face paint remains intact. Tune in next Friday for another edition of OCW Survivor!
~We cut to Bob’s final words~
Bob Grenier: Zzzzzzzzz
~We fade to black~
3rd Vote – Bob Grenier
4th Vote – Annie Alvarez
6th Vote – Bob Grenier
7th Vote – Bob Grenier
8th Vote – the first person voted out of The Savage Tribe and OCW Survivor….Bob Grenier. That’s enough, no need in reading the rest of the votes. Security can we, umm, help Bob out of here?