"Episode 9 - End of the Line"
Pearl Islands Friday, July 13th, 2018
~Previously, on OCW Survivor: In one of the most turbulent periods of the game, several Survivors departed the Pearl Islands. First, Detective Jack Puffer, fresh off his individual immunity idol win, decided to swim out into the ocean and had to be subsequently rescued and evacuated for medical reasons. Next, The Incredible One was injured during the next individual immunity challenge and also left the game. Curt Canon ended up winning immunity, and sent Chad Vargas to Exile Island. The final elimination of the week came with Zane Zamota being voted off at Tribal Council, making him the fourth member of the jury.~
After Tribal Council
~The tribe members, down to five in camp now that so many have been eliminated (and Vargas is still on Exile), settle in to prepare themselves for another night.~
Matt Meyhu: Back to the Bueno Vista tribe!
~Harold wanders off by himself and starts talking to a rock. Zybala watches Harold for a moment before calling over.~
Zybala: Zybala: Is the rock talking back???
Harold Jones: Huh? Yeah! He was telling me how he was someone’s pet in the 60’s and they forgot him here. Tragic story. A real tear jerker.
Zybala: Son of a bitch!!!
~Zybala rushes over to Harold, pushes him out of the way, grabs the rock, runs to the water and hurls the demonspawn into the ocean. Zybala then turns to glare at a confused Harold.~
Zybala: You fool!! Don't you know the dangers of Mimics?!? The blue dragon lady cursed this show, remember?! You gotta be more careful!
~Curt and Checkers watch as Zybala picks up and throws the rock away, they overhear what he says to Harold and their jaws drop. They look at each other with wide eyes.~
Curt Canon: What if we are all Mimics??!?
~Zybala overhears Curt and quickly snaps his head to face him. Zybala has suspicion in his eyes as they narrow.~
Zybala: Curt, would you mind taking a quick walk with me into the forest away from the rest of the witnesses, I mean group?
~Curt thinks about it for a moment then nods his approval. He stands up, brushes himself off and heads towards Zybala. He stops a few feet away from him.~
Curt Canon: Wait, wait, wait....hold on just a minute there sir. I have a question for you.
Zybala: I assure you that I am not a mimic.
Harold Jones: Oh God!!! I mimic people all the time!!!!
Curt Canon: Curt: A mimic, what....who cares about that. I was just wondering if Checkers can come on the walk?
Harold Jones: Hey! Mimics are people too!
Zybala: Checkers can join.
~Curt, Checkers, and Zybala move off, while Harold stays where he is, having somewhat of an identity crisis.~
End of the Line
~Slowly, the tribe members come out of the jungle, marching their way towards the challenge area. It's become a familiar place for them after so many weeks, although it always looks a little different. This time, Pryde is standing in front of six gates, which are currently closed off. The six tribe members take their spots in front of him.~
Pryde: First things first. Curt, I'm going to need that individual immunity necklace.
Curt Canon: I was supposed to bring it?
~Curt looks around innocently, shrugging his shoulders. Pryde looks flabbergasted.~
Pryde: OF COURSE you're supposed to bring it! It's needed for the challenge!
Curt Canon: Sorry, it just looked so good on him...
~Pryde looks to where Curt is pointing. In the jungle, peeking his head out to watch the fun, is Checkers. He's wearing the necklace, fingering at it.~
Pryde: Checkers! Hey, Checkers! Come on over here!
~Checkers stares at Pryde, gives him a raspberry salute, then turns and flees into the jungle.~
Pryde: Dangit, Curt... okay, guys, go get the spare necklace...
~Producers bring over another necklace, prepared for just this kind of circumstance. Well, not exactly this circumstance, but when you're around wrestlers, it pays to be prepared. The new necklace prepared, Pryde turns back to the tribe to start again.~
Pryde: So... immunity is once again up for grabs. Let's show you what your challenge is today.
~The gates all open up on cue for Pryde (thanks to the guys standing behind them), and we see yards and yards of different ropes going off into the distance. Every so often, they come together and wrap around a post, and then go in all different directions again. Next to the entryway, there are carabiners waiting for each wrestler.~
Pryde: We call this one "End of the Line". It's a pretty simple challenge for you guys. Just keep yourselves hooked onto the ropes and make your way towards the finish. But be forewarned: at each checkpoint, you'll have to use your second carabiner to transfer yourself to the rope of your choice. Some paths will lead you to the next checkpoint, and some, well, you'll have to do a little backtracking. First person to reach the end and pull the lever to raise the flag wins individual immunity. Sound good? Then let's get into position. Each of you has been randomly assigned a starting position.
~The tribe members get into order as they're told, and soon we're all lined up and ready to depart.~
Pryde: Ready... and GO!
~Immediately, everyone is running forward on their specific ropes, trying to reduce the friction and move as quickly as possible. Curt and Zybala take the early lead, with Matt, Chad, and Harold right behind. Julliet appears to be moving slower, having trouble getting her carabiner to slide. The group reaches the first checkpoint, and soon all six are going off in different directions, hoping they've made the correct decision. We see Curt hurrying to the side and around a tree, only to realize that he's headed right back to the first checkpoint. That's better than Zybala, who appears to have reached a dead end and is returning.~
Pryde: This is NOT an easy challenge. Keep at it!
~Chad proved to be the most fortunate, as his rope appears to be getting to the next checkpoint. Matt's coming up right behind, followed by Harold. They start working on the second checkpoint, trying to figure out ahead of time which rope they should take by tracing the different patterns that they can see. It's not a simple task, as the ropes intersect quite a bit. Meanwhile, Julliet is still at the first checkpoint, fighting with her carabiner.~
Julliet Brooks: The damn thing's stuck!
Pryde: Just unhook it, Julliet!
Julliet Brooks: It's jammed, Pryde!
~Pryde, showing a little favoritism, steps in and looks at the carabiner, trying to figure out the problem, as the rest continue to race. Chad and Matt now appear to have a strong lead, running the same path, while Harold unfortunately made a bad decision to try a different route. A large knot has caught him off-guard, and he's working to free himself. Curt has tried to catch us, passing Harold, as Zybala struggle behind. Meanwhile, Pryde readjusts the carabiner and gets it free, much to Julliet's shock.~
Julliet Brooks: That was rigged.
Pryde: Nope, I'm just that good.
Julliet Brooks: Keep telling yourself that... maybe someday it will even be true.
~As Pryde reels from the painful zinger, Julliet begins again, but she's very far behind now. Chad motors through to the third checkpoint, immediately thinking about his next objective. There's only one checkpoint after this. Matt comes up behind him and tries to bypass him, with the two fighting over positioning next to the checkpoint. The scramble nearly causes a real fight to break out.~
Pryde: HEY!! No fighting or you risk disqualification!
~Vargas looks back and throws Pryde a middle finger salute, but Matt just uses the chance to slip past him and unhook, choosing his next line and hurrying off. Chad decides on a different line, and they fly off, as Curt comes up to the third checkpoint. He immediately decides on strategy, following Meyhu.~
Pryde: Everyone still has time, keep moving! Anything can happen!
~Vargas flies around his loop, bypassing a series of downed trees to work his way through. On the other side, Matt and Curt are squirming through their own series of netting. Both paths seem to work, as all three are fighting to get in front approaching the last checkpoint. Behind them, Harold is steadfastly working, not giving up, but Zybala has caught up to him, with the two reaching the third checkpoint at the same time. Julliet is only up to the second checkpoint now, and she looks frustrated, not bothering to continue. We watch as the rush reaches the last checkpoint... with Matt and Curt getting their first, with Chad right behind.~
Pryde: Your final choices will make or break you. This decision could conceivably be for the game!
~Matt takes a second to focus, studying the lines and where they go. Vargas, though, flies in and immediately hooks up to another line, taking off. Curt, seeing this, decides to go his own way as well. Finally, Matt makes his choice, hooking up a third direction and flying off where it's rapidly twirling around a large pole. Canon's line appears to take him into the jungle, where Checkers has reappeared, trying to gnaw on the rope to 'help'. However, it's only made it more tangled. Canon works on it but can't get free. Meanwhile, Chad triumphantly leaps over a barricade... and realizes that he's twisting around and returning to the checkpoint.~
Chad Vargas: SHIT!!
Pryde: It's not over, Chad!
~Pryde points, and Chad looks to see Matt on his way back as well, having hit a dead end himself. Both men unhook, with Matt choosing a second line quickly and heading off. Chad stares his direction, realizing that Matt's seen something. He locks onto Matt's line and follows, running hard. In the meantime, Curt has fallen, with Checkers having gotten the rope wrapped around the wrestler. It's a two-man race, as no one else is close. The final sprint takes place, with Meyhu trying to stay ahead of Vargas. They chug into the final run, with Chad grabbing at Matt to try and slow him down. But Matt pushes off and jumps forward, unhooking first and leaping up onto the platform. With Chad, frustrated, jumping after him, Matt is the first to reach the lever, throwing the flag into the air.~
Pryde: We have a winner!! MATT MEYHU WINS IMMUNITY!!
~Meyhu, exhausted, collapses to a sitting position, as a pissed Vargas kicks repeatedly at the nearby ropes. Everyone else starts unhooking, with a few going to help Curt get untangled. Eventually, everyone comes together at the end of the course.~
Pryde: C'mon over, Matt.
~Matt walks over to Pryde, a little weakly, obviously feeling some aches and pains (and maybe some rope burn) from the challenge. But he happily takes the individual immunity necklace given to him.~
Pryde: As you know, Matt, as the winner, you get to send someone to Exile Island. However, this time, the person you send to Exile will have the ability to search for the immunity idol, but will NOT miss Tribal Council. So make your choice and let me know.
~Matt nods, looking around at the crowd.~
Pryde: With that said...
Julliet Brooks: Hold on a minute, Pryde.
~Julliet steps forward, towards the ex-wrestler/host.~
Pryde: I told you, Julliet, your carabiner wasn't broken....
Julliet Brooks: Not that. I want to cash this in.
~Julliet hands over one of the auction envelopes to Pryde, who takes it and opens it up.~
Pryde: Alright, everyone, we have a cash-in. And I quote: "You have been granted the ability to send one person to Exile Island after a challenge, keeping them from Tribal Council." Yes, this is valid.
~Everyone looks on in a bit of shock, wondering who Julliet is going to send.~
Julliet Brooks: I would like to send Harold there.
~Harold, absentmindedly rubbing his hurting hands, suddenly looks up as everyone is looking at him.~
Harold Jones: What?
Pryde: Alright, Harold. Julliet's cashing in her auction letter, so you're going to Exile Island, and you will NOT be at Exile Island! Head to the boat.
~Harold, nodding, starts to walk away, then starts jogging. Pryde turns back to the group.~
Pryde: One more of you will be joining Harold at Exile, but only for a short time, before returning for the vote. And one of you will be going home. See you later, boyos.
~After another bombshell has landed, the group moves off, a little bit stunned at what just went down. We fade out.~
~The tribe arrives back in camp, still discussing the results of the challenge. But as they arrive, a boat pulls up, with Pryde getting out.~
Pryde: Okay, we've dropped Harold off at Exile. Matt, have you made your decision?
~The group turns to Matt, who nods.~
Matt Meyhu: I want to send Zybala to Exile Island.
~Zybala points to himself, then seems to consider running away, having spent enough time at Exile.~
Pryde: Hold on, Zybala. You'll only be there a short time, and then you'll be back for Tribal Council. Plus you won't be alone, Harold's over there. And the weather actually looks... well, hot, but at least no storms, right? Come on, let's head out.
~Zybala walks reluctantly over to the boat, and they take off. Everyone else moves into their own groups, deliberating what's to come. Chad Vargas sits alone by the campfire reflecting on his time on survivor. Both seasons making it to final 6. The writing is on the wall for The Confederate Icon. Trusting the wrong people perhaps. Playing too hard too early? Maybe. Its a tough game, not for the weak at heart. Disappointed he came so close to immunity and solidifying himself a spot in f5.~
Chad Vargas: ....
~Once he returns to the states he will definitely pay a visit to the good detective, incredible guy, may be even Zane Zamora, the guy who claimed to know no body yet every one knew him BUT very few. Blindsided by his pal Annie Alvarez being voted off. There is a core four alliance, it's blatantly obvious. Curt Canon and Chad Vargas are on the outside looking in.~
Chad Vargas: Its been real, fellas.
~Chad says this to no one in particular, just saying it to the open air. Nobody will tell him for sure it'll be him packing his bags this evening. Avoiding the ominous question. To come this far and get cut this close to the end is a painful pill to swallow. But, all good things must come to an end. Chad Vargas has an OCW championship to win. The bitter feeling of defeat is the worst. Perhaps not as bad as the clap, but equally shitty.~
Chad Vargas: Just beyond the garden of betrayal, to the left of the waterfall of lies, i saw a clearing with a pasture of the greenest of green marijuana growing. Perhaps that'll help ease my nerves!
~Chad gets up and walks out, leaving the campsite. We fade out.~
Two Searches
~Zybala looks around, none too pleased.~
Zybala: This fucking place again. Oh well, better make the best of it. Maybe I can find my monkey friends and make them help me find an idle. And if Harold has found one before me, maybe the orangutans can convince him to give it to me....
~Zybala goes off on his search. On another side of the island, we see Harold already in the midst of his search, pushing aside some of the logs in the fire pit.~
Harold Jones: If I was a Mimic, I'd know I'm a Mimic, unless I'm Mimicking not knowing I'm a Mimic, in which case I'd be a Mimicking Mimic...
~Harold moves off, still working out the details. Time passes, as we see the usual shot of the sun moving across the sky. Pryde is shown returning, with Harold waving them down. But Pryde shakes his head.~
Pryde: Hang on, Harold. I'm here for Zybala. You have to stay on the island for a little while longer.
~Harold looks a little saddened at the news, but Zybala comes flying out of the jungle, running hard towards the boat as if something is chasing him. He leaps onto the boat, and they pull away, heading back to the island.~
Casaya Tribe
~The mood seems very somber this evening as the five tribe members not on Exile Island make their way in. The fire is burning brightly, as always, making you wonder if Pryde is an amazing firestarter, or if they're just using fuel. Probably the latter. Pryde is seated at the front, waiting patiently.~
Pryde: Welcome, guys and lady. Tonight we reach the Final Five, or at least most of us do. First, let's bring in our jury. Ed Houston, The Uber Man, Annie Alvarez, and, most recently, Zane Zamota.
~The four jury members come into view. They all look a lot healthier than they did in Survivor, showing that the catering at Ponderosa must be top-notch. Having working plumbing helps as well.~
Pryde: So let's talk. First off, Matt. Winning that individual immunity idol must have felt like an epic win, and you clearly wanted it badly. Do you think you needed to win to survive tonight?
Matt Meyhu: There is no doubt in my mind that I would be going home tonight without this necklace, Pryde. I'm a marked man, that was made obvious at the last vote. I don't get it, but it motivated me.
Pryde: We're getting down to the felt, to use a poker term. You're the only one here at Tribal who is guaranteed to be in the Final Five. There are only a few more votes to go. Do you think you have everything you need to make it to the finals?
Matt Meyhu: I don't think my standing with a lot of these people will change much after tonight, I can only hope it does. I get the impression they have their minds made up though. If I don't keep winning, I'm out. So no, I don't think so. I'm a long ways from feeling that way.
Pryde: So, let's move on. Chad, you came pretty close to winning that individual immunity idol, and I think that loss has greatly affected you coming in here tonight. I assume you're feeling vulnerable tonight?
Chad Vargas: All I'll say is, this game isn't about making friends, but it should be about loyalty and keeping your word. To some degree, at least.
Pryde: Loyalty is a virtue, but it can definitely be temporary when it comes to Survivor. With that said, let's find out where your loyalties lie. Remember, you can vote for anyone except for Matt and Harold. Let's get started.
~Everyone starts to get up and write down their votes. Zybala is first, having thought everything out. He scrawls out a name and shows it to the camera. It's a surprising name.~
Zybala: Pryde, you need to go. How else am I going to take over your spot and run this show the way it should be run? Goodbye!
~Zybala goes to put the vote in the urn, but a producer can be seen, stopping him. Pryde comes over to see what's going on. Zybala tries to hide the vote, but Pryde snatches it away from him and reads it.~
Pryde: For the love of... Zybala, you can't vote me out! Vote for someone in your tribe!
Zybala: You did say "anyone except for Matt & Harold." And I'd be perfect as host of OCW Survivor!
Pryde: Just... just do it the right way... Jesus...
~Sighing, Zybala gets a fresh card and writes down another name, keeping it hidden. He puts it into the urn and leaves. Curt, Julliet, and Matt follow, saying nothing to the camera as they turn in their votes. Finally, Vargas scribbles a name on a piece of the parchment. He looks defeated. A strong mix of depression and anxiety fills his face. He holds the parchment up, without seeing the name written, he begins to speak.~
Chad Vargas: I thought I could trust you, clearly I cannot. Apparently, nobody can. Good luck!
~Vargas jams the vote in and walks back, sitting down hard on the Survivor bench. The jury watches with interest as Pryde gets back up.~
Pryde: I'll go tally the votes.
~Pryde gets the urn and sorts through it, most likely making sure there are no votes for himself, Marcus, or anyone else not currently in the game. Satisfied, he comes back up in front of the tribe.~
Pryde: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Whoever is eliminated will be brought forward to have their torch extinguished. As always, if one of you has the immunity idol, now would be the time to play it.
~Everyone looks around quickly, waiting, but nobody gets up. Curt then raises his hand.~
Curt Canon: Can I use this?
~There are some gasps as Curt walks forward with a necklace. He hands it to Pryde, who looks it over.~
Pryde: I appreciate you giving this back to me, Curt. But this is the individual immunity idol that we couldn't get back from Checkers. It won't work here tonight.
Curt Canon: Okay, just thought I'd check...
~Curt sits back down, with Chad giving him a smirk, the first one we've seen from Chad tonight.~
Pryde: So... anyone else?
~Nobody else makes a move, so Pryde moves on to read the votes.~
~Brooks shakes her head, not liking the sight of her name on that piece of paper.~
~Curt gives a few worried looks to his tribemates.~
Pryde: One vote Curt, one vote Julliet. Three votes left.
Fourth Vote - Curt Canon
~All of the tribe members, and all of the jury, are sitting on the edge of their seats now.~
Pryde: That's two votes Curt, two votes Julliet, one vote left.
Pryde: That's three votes, Curt, which is enough. Please bring me your torch.
~A sad Curt stands up and turns, giving his ally a nod, before walking towards the host. The torch is brought up.~
Pryde: Curt, your tribe has spoken.
~A cloud of smoke rises as the torch is put out. Curt starts to walk away, when suddenly Checkers comes flying out of the jungle. He jumps onto Curt's shoulders and screams at the tribe, at the jury, and at Pryde. If my translations are correct, it's a seriously foul commentary about the wrestlers, their mothers, and stuff dealing with what they should do to themselves. Curt calms Checkers down, and the two leave together. Pryde, glad that nobody was injured, turns back to the jury.~
Pryde: For the record, Checkers is NOT on the jury, although I wouldn't be surprised if he has some input for Curt. For the rest of you, you've made another decision and added another layer to the jury. Enjoy your next night here on the Pearl Islands. Head on out.
~The tribe walks for the exit, with the jury members still seated looking on, some with interest, others with a touch of frustration. We fade out.~
- With Canon gone, another strong competitor has left the field of battle. Can guys like Meyhu and Vargas find a way to survive another night, when both feel like they're on the chopping block? Or will it be a complete surprise at the next Tribal Council?
- Multiple people have been to Exile Island now, but have any found the elusive Immunity Idol? Next week will be the last chance to see the idol in action, since we've reached the Final Five. If the idol(s) have been found, they will most likely make an appearance soon.
- With five left, the individual immunity challenge couldn't be more important. Who will write their own ticket into the Final Four, to give them a one-in-four shot of winning OCW Survivor?