"Episode 8 - Evac!"
Pearl Islands Friday, July 6th, 2018
~Previously, on OCW Survivor: After The Uber Man's departure, the tribes came together to find that they had been merged into the Casaya tribe. At the auction, several people won special prizes, including one where The Incredible One took several allies to the getaway villa. Chad Vargas, unfortunately, was immediately sent to Exile Island until the challenge. At the first individual immunity challenge, the wrestlers all tried to hang onto their posts, but Detective Jack Puffer was able to outlast everyone to win immunity. He also sent Curt Canon to Exile, removing him from Tribal Council. At the council, four people received votes, but in the end, Annie Alvarez had the most, making her the seventh contestant eliminated.~
Medical Emergency
~We see the tribe members returning in the dark after the vote. Some seem relieved to still be there, while others are trying to find out who wrote their names down. There's a lot of mistrust going on, which makes for a rough night of sleep. The sun slowly rises across the water. Detective Jack Puffer wakes up the morning after Tribal Council. He sees a rainbow shining along the horizon.~
Detective Jack Puffer: Life's greatest adventure. Is there really gold at the end of a rainbow?
~Puffer stands, drops his immunity necklace and leaves behind his belongings. He sprints toward the rainbow, reaching the surf. He sloshes through the soaked sand before reaching waist deep level. He begins to swim.~
Detective Jack Puffer: I will solve this ancient mystery by sunset!
~He swims and swims. The waves fight against his stroke. We fade out. We fade back in, several hours later. Puffer is floating (face up!) in the middle of the ocean. A boat pulls up, Pryde leans over.~
Pryde: Yep, that's him.
~They grab Puffer and pull him into the boat, carrying him away for medical care. We switch to a shot of the Casaya Tribe's camp, as the rest of the tribe members are getting themselves ready for the day. Puffer's absence has not gone unnoticed. TIO is looking out into the ocean, wondering if Puffer is going to return.~
The Incredible One: Why do you think Puffer just swam out into the ocean?
~He walks away from the camp and realizes the players he is with.~
The Incredible One: I understand now, to get away from the butt hurt.
~Zybala is walking along the beach, just enjoying the nice weather. As he walks, he accidentally kicks something. He looks down and sees a necklace. Zybala stops walking and looks around and bends down to pickup the necklace and puts it on. He looks at his reflection in the water and then takes off the necklace.~
Zybala: Not my style. Maybe I can use it as ante for poker. Get some of my money back from that cheating comedian. Aces over kings fullhouse my ass!
~Zybala walks back towards the camp site, where a boat is approaching on the horizon. The tribe members gather around as the boat lands on the beach. Pryde is in there, along with Curt Canon & Checkers, returning from Exile Island. They all get out and head up towards the camp.~
Chad Vargas: Pryde coming to camp? This can't be fucking good.
Pryde: Everyone gather round. First off, welcome back, Curt & Checkers, hope you did okay on Exile.
~Curt shrugs, looking a little tired but having gotten some help from Checkers regarding high-hanging fruits.~
Pryde: I've got a special announcement to make. This morning, we received a report that Detective Jack Puffer had been seen swimming out into the ocean. I took a craft to go get him, but he's in pretty bad shape. We're still not exactly sure what happened, but Puffer is now being medically evac'ed from the island.
~Several people look extremely concerned and disappointed at the news.~
Pryde: So here's the ruling: Detective Jack Puffer cannot medically continue in the game. He has been eliminated. Also, due to his condition, Puffer will not become a member of the Jury. Instead. we're contacting the last person eliminated before Annie, Uber Man, to see if he will return to take his spot.
~This news is doubly shocking, especially to the close compatriots of Puffer.~
Pryde: Furthermore, we've made the ruling that any rewards Puffer had on him at the time are non-transferable. This includes what Puffer won at the Survivor auction... and this.
~Pryde reveals a special necklace. It's an immunity idol.~
Pryde: Some of you may have noticed that your searches on Exile Island, although clear, did not reveal an idol. The detective used his skills to find one of the idols on Exile, but never had the ability to use it. Because of his departure, I'm making a ruling that this idol is going back to Exile. There will be a new set of clues to its location given out to the next person to go to Exile.
~Some grumbles come up, but Pryde doesn't bother to acknowledge them.~
Pryde: This is a very unfortunate scenario that I know nobody wanted to see happen. But it's the way of Survivor sometimes that people can be eliminated without being voted out. This is a very dangerous game. I trust all of you will keep this in mind the next time you debate trying something risky... like swimming off the island.
~Pryde turns to the boat, but then looks back around.~
Pryde: One more thing: just because Puffer has been eliminated, we're not changing anything. On Monday night, there WILL be an individual immunity challenge, and there WILL be a Tribal Council, where one of you will also be going home. We will see you then.
~Pryde then departs, heading to parts unknown. We watch as the various tribe members take their own moments to remember the detective, while also joking about the crazy way he went out. Julliet walks to the water and tries to survey the spot where Puffer once was, then she pulls out a rose from her hair and drops it in the water while watching it before she went to gather up some wood and food for her tribe before it got dark. Back at the camp, Zybala spots Juliet bringing some wood for a fire and gets up to help her.~
Zybala: After we're done here Jules, mind taking a walk with me? I would like to discuss some things.
~Julliet drops the wood on the ground and looks at Zybala with her arms crossed.~
Julliet Brooks: Fine. I suppose we can, but let's make it quick. I'm getting pretty hungry.
~Like he did with TIO before, Zybala leads Brookes through the same path in the jungle. After several minutes, the pair come to the same beautiful garden. Zybala picks one rose and gently holds it in his hand.~
Zybala: I would like to discuss the upcoming tribal counsel. We've known each other for a long time, and I know I can count on you, because in the end, it's all about you and I getting the PS4s....
~Zybala hands Brookes the flower and they continue to talk, though, like all talks in the Garden of Betrayal, we can't hear the good stuff. In the meantime, the camera focuses on The Incredible One, who is preparing to give his all at the next challenge.~
Trick Count
~The tribe members make their way into the challenge area. Some of them still appear to be feeling the loss of Detective Jack Puffer. Others look more confident than they've ever been coming into a challenge. Pryde is waiting for them at the front of what looks to be some sort of obstacle course. In front of him, though, are eight tables, each containing a lockbox on top.~
Pryde: Hello, Casaya tribe. Welcome to the challenge. First off, I'm going to need the individual immunity idol necklace back.
~The wrestlers look around at each other, confused, since Puffer had the necklace.~
Pryde: Zybala... I've been told you have the necklace?
~Zybala shakes his head, confused. But then, after some poking and prodding from his tribemates, Zybala finally empties his pockets... revealing the necklace he found on the beach.~
Zybala: I was just waiting on the perfect hand...
Pryde: Well, if you win today, you can have it back. Now let's explain today's challenge. We call this one the Combo Platter. Before you, we have eight lockboxes, with a five-digit combination on them. Up those five ramps behind us, we have four areas set up. Your job will be to run to each of these areas and count the items that are there. Each one counts as one digit in the lockbox. The first person to get their lockbox open and reveal the flag inside wins. Sound like a worthy challenge? We'll be testing both your speed and your mental accuracy. With the pressure on, can you keep the count? Line up, and let's get to it!
~The tribe members all take their place, with some determined looks flashing across their features. Chad Vargas looks like he's channeling his rage, but just barely. Harold Jones isn't cracking any jokes. Matt Meyhu looks ready to take out anyone that gets in his way. The only ones not looking too focused are The Incredible One and Zane Zamota, as they're busy discussing something to the side. Who knows what they're talking about, but Pryde doesn't have time to wait.~
Pryde: Alright, let's go!
~The shot goes off, and everyone begins running over the inclines, each choosing their own strategy of what to head for. Taken off-guard, TIO and Zamota sprint to try and catch up. Jones & Vargas take the first path, pulling off the lid and revealing a stack of seashells. They start counting furiously, not bothering to get out of each other's way. Canon, Meyhu, & Zybala are at the second tier, counting away at a container with large rocks. The misshapen objects appear to be a little tougher to count, although the fact that there are only a few helps. Brooks is at the third incline on her own, a little surprised to find several creeping spiders inside the container. She manages to count away anyway. TIO went up the fourth incline late, working to count what appear to be white rats. And Zamota hits the fifth and final ramp, counting away at a set of coconuts.~
Pryde: Get your numbers in your head and keep running! Time is of the essence in this challenge!
~The scramble continues, with the wrestlers running up and down the inclines in order to get the counts. Some are muttering under their breath, trying to keep track of the numbers in their head. On one pass, as he's coming down, TIO bumps into another contestant and staggers for a second, slipping and falling off the edge, crashing to the ground below. He immediately lets out a yell, as his foot got caught in the structure halfway down.~
The Incredible One: DAMMIT!!!
Pryde: Crap... medic!!
~The medics rush over to The Incredible One and work on his already swelling ankle, as the rest of the contestants continue their running. Soon, all of the sites are visited, and the first guys, Jones and Zybala, are already working on their combinations. Something doesn't seem to be clicking, though, causing some frustration. Canon and Vargas join them, trying to get their combinations working, but nobody's gotten it yet, as Brooks, Meyhu, and Zamota run in. The Incredible One is still down, and it doesn't look that good.~
Pryde: It's anyone's contest at this point. Did anyone get the correct numbers?
~With some extreme annoyance, Brooks and Vargas are back up the ramps, checking on the ones that they feel the least confident about. Zybala is determined that he has the right numbers, trying different combinations, but nothing's popping loose. Meyhu is working diligently, and for a second, thinks he has it. But the lockbox stays stubbornly closed.~
Pryde: So far, nobody's found the right series. Keep looking!
Chad Vargas: This damn thing is impossible!!
~Canon and Zamota rush back up the ramp, shoving at each other in their haste to check the animals again. After all, they're the most likely to be moving around. Zamota is pushing himself hard now, trying to make up the extra time. He's definitely in better condition than TIO, though, as he appears to be out of the challenge. Jones is back down, working on his combination again, and looking extremely disturbed that it's not opening up.~
Pryde: We haven't got all day, keep looking and find what you're missing!
~Hearing this, Canon stops on the ramp and looks back up. He stares at each platform, realizing that something is off. He then starts to count... but not the items. He's counting the burning torches set up on each platform, scattered around the item tables. Meyhu, running past, sees Canon's expression, looks at the platforms... and realizes it as well.~
Pryde: Some of you have figured out the secret! But who will finish first?
~Meyhu is counting rapidly, while Canon appears to be doing his own cool calculations. Zybala is still trying his lockbox, not realizing that something has changed. Others are now realizing that this one had a bit of a trick to it, and are counting accordingly. But only two appear to have a shot, as both Canon and Meyhu dart for their lockboxes at the same time. Both are twirling numbers frantically, looking for the right combination. Finally, one of them hits gold, popping the lid up and revealing the flag, which is thrust into the air, only a short time before the other box is opened.~
Pryde: We have our winner! CURT CANON wins individual immunity!!
~Curt raises his arm triumphantly, waving the flag back and forth in a wide arc. Meyhu throws his flag into the sand, ticked at coming so close. Behind them, Vargas is heaving his lockbox towards the ocean with a colorful vocabulary following it out.~
Pryde: Canon, congratulations on your victory. Here is your necklace, guaranteeing that you're safe for Tribal Council.
~Pryde puts the necklace around Canon's neck. A loud hooting and hollering can be heard from the outskirts of the jungle, where Checkers is no doubt lurking.~
Pryde: As part of your victory, Curt, you get to make the big decision of who's going to Exile Island. Whoever you send will have a chance to find an immunity idol, and will also be unavailable for Tribal Council as a voter or someone to be sent home, so make sure you choose wisely. I expect to have an answer to that before Tribal Council.
~Curt nods, knowing the big decision before him.~
Pryde: With that... yo, doc! How's TIO doing?
Medic: I don't like this ankle, Pryde. We need to take TIO to get further tests.
The Incredible One: Not... a chance... I'm... fine!
~TIO tries to stand up, but only topples over in agony. He looks up to see The Knife Man approaching, apparently to try and reduce the swelling. With a gulp, TIO backs off towards the platform.~
The Incredible One: Never mind... I'll go...
Pryde: Okay, TIO's going to get some medical evaluation. I'll let you know of his condition later on. For now, get some rest, because Tribal Council is just around the corner!
~Pryde heads off with the medics & TIO, as The Knife Man follows, still wanting to do some work. The rest of the tribe moves in, congratulating Canon, some reluctantly, some happy. We fade out.~
Lightning Strikes Twice
~The tribe goes back to the Casaya camp, equal parts worried for TIO and concerned that they'll be going to Exile Island. Some are pleading their case to Canon, who gets some protection from Checkers throwing... well, you probably know what he was throwing. Rocks, of course. What else? The tribe comes back together when Pryde once again shows up at camp, for the second time in the last seven days. He looks extra-stressed now, tugging on his mask repeatedly.~
Pryde: Alright, everyone, gather up. We've got more news to convey.
~The group circles Pryde, who takes a moment to take a deep breath before continuing.~
Pryde: So I'm back from the medic's tent, and the news is not good. Apparently The Incredible One is going to need to be flown out for treatment of his ankle. It's not a career-ender, from what I hear, but it's severe enough that he can't stay out here in the jungle with you guys. So, effective immediately, The Incredible One is eliminated from the game.
~Groans, curses, and one very faint "Yay" is heard.~
Pryde: With The Incredible One unable to be a jury member, we've once again had to go back in time. I've talked to Ed Houston, and he will be coming back to take TIO's place on the jury. So the votes are still there for our end game, no matter what is happening! I know you guys are just as frustrated as I am the way things keep happening. I need the rest of you to work on staying healthy, okay? We need a victor!
Zybala: I can be the victor.
Chad Vargas: Over my dead body.
Pryde: No! No more dead bodies! No more injured bodies! I'm okay with bruised, but that's it!
~Pryde walks off, calming himself, and then comes back.~
Pryde: So, Curt, I need to know your decision. Who am I taking with me to Exile Island?
~Curt looks around at everyone, thinking it over, before pointing towards the man in front of him.~
Chad Vargas: Oh you little son of a...
Pryde: Alright, Chad, get on the boat. You're heading to Exile Island once again, and will not be part of any tribal council tonight. I'll see the rest of you later on.
~Vargas, already cursing up a storm, goes with Pryde onto the boat, departing the area, and leaving everyone else to gossip about what just went down. We see Zybala standing off to the side, in deep thought. He looks at the group of people with a pondering look. His eyes fall upon Meyhu.~
Zybala: Matt, would you take a quick walk with me?
~Meyhu looks around at the other survivors, wondering why his name was called.~
Matt Meyhu: I hope I don't regret this... Let's go.
~Like with Brookes and TIO before him, Meyhu is led thru the jungle until he and Zybala reach the beautiful Garden that we are all familiar with by now. As they walk, Zybala picks a rose and holds it.~
Zybala: Matt, you are a great competitor, one that many others fear. One that I would be foolish not to at least discuss..... options with when it comes to this game. Because in the end, it's all about us both getting X-Box Ones.
~Zybala and Meyhu continue to talk, though as per usual, we can't hear them. The camera moves to the side, focusing on other members of the tribe.~
Harold Jones: My head hurts... is there Tylenol on the island?
~There are a few shocked looks, and a cameraman can be heard talking on his walkie about needing the medic again. But Jones shakes his head and waves them off, having just made an innocent comment. Clearly, nerves are frayed. Other groups begin moving off, discussing the next step, as we prepare for a major tribal council.~
Third Time's The Charm
~One by one, the tribe moves into position, filling up the space quite nicely. Their numbers are severely reduced from the last time the tribe was here. Pryde is sitting in his usual spot, making sure he's still got six at least, with one, Vargas, still on Exile Island.~
Pryde: So, everyone... hell of a week, huh?
~Everyone agrees. This week has truly sucked for Survivor, with so many going out.~
Pryde: With the detective and The Incredible One both out, we've definitely seen the game rapidly change. Some of you were allied with them. Some of you were rivals. But let's face it, none of you wanted things to go this direction. But we've got to move on. Puffer and TIO would want it that way.
~This may or may not be true, but the tribe members go along with it.~
Pryde: With that said... let's bring in your current jury. Ed Houston... The Uber Man... and last officially voted out... Annie Alvarez.
~The three people make their way into the jury block, taking their seats. Houston, replacing TIO on the jury, appears pleased to be here. The Uber Man, replacing Puffer, seems confused why he hasn't been inserted back into the game, wanting to jump the railing and being told to stop. Annie sits back and calculatingly watches the tribesmates. It's unclear how she feels about Puffer & TIO being out.~
Pryde: So let's talk. With two powerhouses gone, I wonder if you guys now believe your odds have increased. How are you feeling, Curt? You excelled during the most recent challenge, winning, I believe, your first individual immunity.
Curt Canon: I'm happy, Pryde, it's a wonderful success, and I couldn't have done it with the support of my best pal. Thanks, Checkers!
Pryde: Do you think this puts a target on your back now, Curt?
Curt Canon: ... what?
Pryde: Well, I mean, winning individual immunity, it sure put a target on Paul Para's back, and I'm sure people were gunning for me as well.
Curt Canon: I... hadn't even thought about that...
~Curt now looks around worriedly at his fellow tribemates, even though he's immune at this particular tribal council.~
Pryde: Matt, this was such an important challenge, especially with everything going on. How do you feel about tonight, not having the necklace?
Matt Mehyu: Curt was the better man at the challenge. Just don't expect it to happen next time.
Pryde: Zybala, from what I hear, you've been paying a lot of visits to a certain Garden of Betrayal, with many different people.
Zybala: Who told you... I mean, what do you mean?
Pryde: ... We've filmed you, Zybala. We're filming all of you, remember?
~Zybala looks around, as if noticing the cameras for the first time.~
Pryde: And with that... let's just get to the votes, shall we? Remember, you can vote for anyone except for Curt Canon and Chad Vargas. Let's start the voting.
~The group starts moving up, each taking their time and thinking before writing down their choices. All get their submissions put into the urn and go and sit back down.~
Pryde: Is that everyone?
Zane Zamota: Excuse me, Pryde. I'd like to turn in something.
~There's a shocked silence as Zamota gets up, pulling an envelope from his pocket. He delivers it to Pryde, showing him the laminated card inside. Pryde nods as Zamota stands back.~
Pryde: Zamota is using his auction win here tonight... the option of having an extra vote at a Tribal Council!
~There are some major gasps at that announcement, as Zamota moves back to the voting area. He grabs a card and scrawls a name across it, presumably the same name as before. He doesn't show it to the audience, though, instead sticking it quickly into the urn. He then returns and sits down, nodding to himself. Pryde waits for the tribe to settle down slightly, then turns back to them.~
Pryde: Okay, is that every vote then? Good. I'll go tally the votes!
~Pryde walks over and gets the urn, sorting through it before bringing it back. He sets the urn in the center and prepares to go through it.~
Pryde: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Whoever is eliminated will be brought forward to have their torch extinguished. As always, if one of you has the immunity idol, now would be the time to play it.
~The wrestlers look around at each other, waiting. Suddenly, Matt Meyhu stands up.~
Matt Meyhu: Hey, Pryde, hold up...
~It's almost like time stops, as everyone's attention flips to Meyhu. Pryde, surprised, waves to him to come forward.~
Matt Meyhu: Just kidding...
~Meyhu sits back down, smirking, as everyone else shakes their heads or laughs. Pryde is actually rubbing at his chest where his heart is.~
Pryde: Yeah... this one needs to be over. Time for the votes!
~Pryde begins reaching into the urn, pulling out the individual votes.~
Second Vote - Harold Jones
~Harold hangs his head, as if expecting this.~
Fourth Vote - Zane Zamota
~Zamota doesn't appear too surprised, either, although he is exchanging glances with his allies.~
Pryde: That's two votes for Harold, two votes for Zane. Three votes left.
Sixth Vote - Zane Zamota
~The tension in the air is so thick you could chop at it with a machete. Harold and Zane exchange a look, knowing that it's come down to this.~
Pryde: That's three votes for Harold, three votes for Zane. One vote left.
~Pryde reaches in and takes out the final vote, looking at it. He appears to be taking his time, the son of a bitch. But he finally turns the vote to show it to the tribe.~
~Zane lets out a huge sigh and looks upward at the stars for a second, before standing up. The gambit of the auction prize made it close, but it didn't quite pay off. Zamota shakes hands with a few of the tribe members, nodding to those who are still in the game, before walking up to Pryde with torch in hand.~
Pryde: Zane... the tribe has spoken.
~The torch is extinguished, sending a cloud of smoke around the edges. Zane turns back and points to the one he wants to win, before departing. He'll be back the next time to watch what's going on.~
Pryde: It's been a traumatic few days, guys, and I know you all want to get some rest. But I've got nothing like that for you. You're still in the game, and one of the final six is going to be crowned the champion of Survivor. Get some sleep. It only gets harder from here.
~The tribe moves off into the darkness, with Annie, Uber, and Ed watching them go. They all look like maybe they learned something tonight. The shot fades to black.~
- It's been an earthquake week in Survivor country, with so many favorites now out. Who will capitalize to make the move to the front of the pack in the next week?
- Will Chad Vargas return from Exile Island with a prize in hand? Or will his fate still be in the air when it comes to the next challenge?
-With an individual immunity challenge scheduled for Thursday, just two days away, the pressure gets even more intense. For some, it truly might be win or go home. Who's going to pull out the victory and find themselves safe from the vote? And who's going to come up short and become the next member of the jury?