"Episode 7 - Merge!"
Pearl Islands Friday, July 6th, 2018
~Previously, on OCW Survivor: After Vivienda voted off Ed Houston, they came in determined not to lose again. Bueno Vista was forced to sit one out of the Tribal Immunity Challenge, and Chad Vargas unwillingly was chosen. In one of the most epic challenges that has taken place in OCW Survivor, Bueno Vista won at the very last second, staying undefeated. They chose to send Annie Alvarez to Exile Island, sparing her from Tribal Council. Vivienda, for the third time, went to Tribal Council, with The Uber Man being the sixth contestant eliminated.~
After Tribal Council
~The cameras come up on the three members of Vivienda tribe as they make their way into camp. Annie is still at Exile Island for the moment. None of the wrestlers look too talkative at the moment after another loss.~
The Incredible One: So it's come down to us. Didn't think it would go this way so quickly.
Detective Jack Puffer: Can we get a different result next time? I'm tired of repeating the same things over and over.
Zane Zamota: Definitely. We need to win next time, or else we'll stand no chance once the merge comes.
The Incredible One: Hope Annie's doing okay.
Detective Jack Puffer: I'm really tired of repeating the same things over and over.
The Incredible One: Heard you the first time, Puff.
Detective Jack Puffer: Okay. But I REALLY AM tired of...
Zane Zamota: Go to sleep, Jack.
~The remaining tribe members get some shuteye, to try and prepare for another day ahead.~
Auctioning The Game
~The Bueno Vista and Vivienda tribes make their way into the challenge area, where things have been changed up. There's a sitting area on one side, with Pryde standing on the other, with a table in front of him. Behind Pryde is a series of sheets, covering up... something. The tribes file in, staring over at each other.~
Pryde: Bueno Vista getting their first look at the new Vivienda tribe. The Uber Man voted out at the last Tribal Council.
~There are some knowing nods, while others are still looking around, still expecting Uber to leap into action.~
Pryde: So how are we all feeling? Bueno Vista, you've been on a major roll, winning all three challenges since you were formed. Vivienda, obviously it's going a lot worse for you. Of the original tribes, we've still got four from the Blue Dragons, four from Cantadora, and only two from Verde VIP's. We're down to ten competitors now, with over a third of the original group sent home. So I figure now is a good time for us to have another change.
~Everyone's waiting, with many by now understanding what's going on.~
Pryde: Tonight... you have all made it to the merge.
~That brings some cheers, as it's one step closer to the final run. The two tribes have been unified under one banner.~
Chad Vargas: So who the hell are we now?
Pryde: Turn in your buffs. You are now the Casaya Tribe.
~New buffs are handed out, marking everyone as this new tribe.~
Pryde: With that, I've got another announcement. As some of you may have noticed, this challlenge wasn't labeled a "Tribal Immunity Challenge". That's because, since we're having the merge, nobody is going to Tribal Council tomorrow.
~More cheers, although a few look like they wish it was different.~
Pryde: Instead, we've got a little event here that should be pretty familiar to Survivor fans. Tonight, as part of the merge celebration... we're having a good old-fashioned auction.
~The blankets behind Pryde are pulled away, revealing several covered dishes. It's impossible to tell what each one is.~
Pryde: So here's how this is going to work. All of you are now being handed $50 each. This is your money for the auction. We'll be bringing these items up one by one. Some of them are extremely good for you. Some may not be so good. The auction can end at any time with no warning, so be prepared that any item might be the last one. Shall we get to it?
~The tribe members get their money, and we're about ready to begin. Puffer looks around proudly.~
Detective Jack Puffer: I sensed something afoot. Nice to know my detection skills are clicking on all cylinders!
~Puffer doesn't really explain when or what he supposedly detected...he remains silent, basking in the glow of triumph.~
Pryde: First item up for bid...
~A dish is brought forward. The lid is removed, revealing a stack of hamburgers and cheeseburgers! There is also an envelope attached to the front.~
Pryde: These can be eaten by the entire tribe, or just the winning bid. Up to them. Who will give me $5?
Detective Jack Puffer: I'll bid $5.
Chad Vargas: Psh. No thanks! Someone else can buy burgers, and let me have one!
Detective Jack Puffer: I will give you the buns!
Pryde: $5 currently to the Detective. Who wants to go higher?
~Surprisingly, the bidders all fall silent. Julliet Brooks starts to bid, but decides not to go to $10, and her $7 bid was not accepted.~
Pryde: Wow. Alright, Detective, you get the first item for the cheap price of $5. Be sure to read the envelope privately.
Detective Jack Puffer: I detect these burgers will be tasty and delicious. I also detect that Vargas will get NONE OF THEM. But, My Dear Julliet...here, you can have this cheeseburger.
Julliet Brooks: Thanks....
~Vargas laughs at Julliet and her 7 dollar chump change of an offer.~
Chad Vargas: WEAK ASS BID!
Pryde: Next item up for bid...
~The next dish comes forward and sits on the table. It is not uncovered.~
Pryde: This one's a mystery. Who's willing to take a gamble?
~With a mouthful of MEAT, Puffer is able to utter...~
Detective Jack Puffer: Five dollarsh
Chad Vargas: 5 bucks Pryde, right here. It better be an idol under there!
~Pryde accepts Puffer's $5 bid, since it came first.~
Chad Vargas: Fuck. Nevermind. I'll keep my 5!
Detective Jack Puffer: Damn right you'll keep your five, Vargas!
Pryde: $5 to Detective Jack Puffer. Do I hear $10? It's not like this is your own money, y'know!
Chad Vargas: I'll stay away from this mystery. Saving my money for those BUD HEAVYS! And Pryde, if it's in my pocket, it's mine!
Julliet Brooks: I'll take 10 I guess...
Pryde: $10 to Julliet. Anyone for $15?
Detective Jack Puffer: BLASPHEMY...do I go $15?
Pryde: ... I don't know. Do you?
Detective Jack Puffer: I'll hold steady...$15 is only $5 less than the reward for the biggest case I ever solved. So I'm gonna wait and see what happens.
Matt Meyhu: Sure glad you found the lemonade stand bandits...
Detective Jack Puffer: I was the only one who suspected an inside job. Glad the mom got what she deserved.
Chad Vargas: Save your money for that Vietnamese hooker he's gonna wheel out in a few....
Detective Jack Puffer: Korean is more my type.
Pryde: OKAY, before the censors shut us down, let's move on. Julliet wins the second dish...
~The dish is revealed, showing it to be a basket of soaps, deodorants, and other cleaning materials.~
Pryde: This also comes with a portable shower... and another envelope which you can read privately, Julliet.
~There's some jealousy at Julliet getting a shower, although a few of the boys look happy at the prospects.~
Pryde: Next item up for bid...
~The next dish is brought in. This time the lid is taken off, showing a cell phone sitting there. It's one of the newer models, obviously a sponsor of the show. There's another envelope sitting with the phone.~
Pryde: Winner of this item can either get a 15-minute phone call with their loved ones... or allow their tribemates to get 5-minutes each. The envelope is strictly for the winner.
Chad Vargas: I got an ex wife why do I need a phone!?
Detective Jack Puffer: Five dollars, my good man!
Matt Meyhu: $10!
Chad Vargas: $15.
Pryde: Vargas bids $15. Anyone else? No? Looks like Chad Vargas wins the phone call and the envelope. Unfortunately, Chad, this is an envelope to be read aloud: "By winning this item, you are hereby going to Exile Island immediately. You are no longer part of this auction." You can take the phone with you, or you can leave it for the tribe. You will be back before the next immunity challenge. Sorry, Chad, but I did say some items wouldn't be as good.
Chad Vargas: You motherfucker!!!!
~Puffer nearly spits some of his meal out upon hearing the contents contained within the envelope.~
Detective Jack Puffer: I detect that Vargas will be pissed...
Chad Vargas: Take the phone and cram it up your ass!
~Vargas tosses the phone to the ground.~
Chad Vargas: Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! You're cool!
~As he looks at Checkers, the only one worth a god damn.~
Chad Vargas: Give me the map and let me be on my way.
~A furious Vargas heads off with the crew to go to Exile Island. You can see a few of the other competitors now look nervous at what's to come in the auction.~
Pryde: Next item up for bid...
~Another dish is brought forward. This one is uncovered to show what looks like swampy water in a pitcher and a batch of cooked snails. As with most items, this one has an envelope.~
Pryde: Call this one a delicacy. You can eat it yourself, or you can give it to someone else to eat. Of course, the person will also get the envelope, which may or may not be a good thing. Care to take a risk?
Detective Jack Puffer: $5.
Matt Meyhu: ...$10...
Julliet Brooks: $15.
Pryde: $15 to Julliet. Anyone for $20 or more? No? Alright, I'm calling it for Julliet. Julliet, do you want the food & envelope, or do you want to give them to someone else?
Julliet Brooks: I'll take it.
Pryde: Okay then, Julliet. Bon appetite! And you can read the envelope in private.
Detective Jack Puffer: Congrats Brooks! I have a feeling you got a good one.
~We bring forward another dish. This one remains covered.~
Pryde: Another mystery auction item. What will you give me for it?
Detective Jack Puffer: Why break tradition? FIVE DOLLARS!
Matt Meyhu: Let's go to $10.
Detective Jack Puffer: $15.
Matt Meyhu: $20.
Pryde: $20 to Matt Meyhu. Do I hear $25?
~Puffer looks at the money in his hand. It's rare that he finds himself in possession of a green image of Old Hickory.~
Detective Jack Puffer: I shall puff no more and pass.
Pryde: Alright then, I'm calling it for Mr. Meyhu for $20.
~The dish cover is removed, revealing... a steak and fries. There's also, of course, an envelope.~
Matt Meyhu: JACKPOT!
Pryde: Matt, read the envelope in private. Next item up for bid...
~As usual, another dish is brought up. The one is uncovered to reveal a sixpack of beer, a plate of nachos covered in cheese, and a basket of chicken wings. There's also another envelope.~
Pryde: Meal of the gods right here. Who's hungry?
Detective Jack Puffer: FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS!
Matt Meyhu: $10.
Detective Jack Puffer: $15.
Julliet Brooks: Tempting but I'll pass...
Detective Jack Puffer: Passing on the BEER? I'm flabbergasted!
Pryde: Alright, Detective, you're the winner at $15. You can open your envelope now in front of us.
~Puffer opens the envelope, and two tickets fall out. They're offering free entry into Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club in Las Vegas, Nevada.~
Pryde: You can use those after Survivor. Congrats, and enjoy the food!
Detective Jack Puffer: What a debaucherous item! How dare you assume I would frequent such a lecherous establishment. I'm offended, I tell you...OFFENDED
~After making a scene, Puffer quietly places the tickets down the front of his pants for safe keeping.~
Pryde: Next item up for bid...
~The dish is brought out and revealed to be a picture of the getaway villa that Bueno Vista stayed at earlier in the game. There is, also, an envelope.~
Pryde: Winner of this one gets to take three tribesmates to the villa for the next few days, coming back for the immunity challenge. It's your chance to work on your allies now that we're merged. Who will give me $5?
The Incredible One: All my money Pryde.
~Everyone looks over at TIO in shock, as he'd been quiet the whole auction until now.~
Pryde: The Incredible One makes a $50 bid!
~Puffer stares at the money, mouth agape.~
Detective Jack Puffer: That's a lot of moolah...
Pryde: Alright, I'm calling it for The Incredible One with that huge $50 bid. TIO, choose your three allies to go with you to the villa. You can read the envelope in private.
The Incredible One: I’m bringing Puffer, Annie and Zane.
~The three competitors chosen nod happily to TIO, ready to enjoy the luxury of the getaway villa.~
Pryde: Next item up for bid...
~Another mystery dish is brought up.~
Pryde: Put up your money, take your chances...
Detective Jack Puffer: $5!
Matt Meyhu: $10.
Zane Zamota: $15.
Detective Jack Puffer: $20.
Matt Meyhu: $30.
Pryde: Meyhu bets his remaining money. We're at $30. Anyone willing to go higher?
Zybala: $35 and a roll of toilet paper!
Pryde: Zybala gets in a bid of $35... and toilet paper. Well, we'll set that to the side for now. Anyone for $40?
Matt Meyhu: Stolen toilet paper! Arrest him, detective!
Detective Jack Puffer: I'm on the case!
Zybala: Hey! I gave you a few rolls from the resort. you accepted stolen goods!
Zane Zamota: $50!!
Pryde: Zamata goes all in!
Zybala: Damn... $50, TWO rolls of toilet paper, AND a shot at Meyhu's OCW title!
Pryde: Good try, Zybala, but I don't wrestle anymore, and I have my own personal supply of toilet paper.
Zybala: Shit.
Pryde: That's what the toilet paper is for, yes...
~No one combines their money together, so Pryde nods to Zamota.~
Pryde: Alright, calling it for Zamota.
~The dish cover lifts up, revealing... a plate of chocolate chip cookies. An attendant walks over and puts a container of ice cream next to it. There is, once more, an envelope.~
Pryde: Enjoy, Zane, and you can share it with whoever you want. The envelope is yours to read privately.
The Incredible One: Yo Zane, can I have a cookie dipped in ice cream? I did give you the Villa...
Zane Zamota: Yes of course.
Pryde: And with that... the auction is over. Hope all of you who held onto your money use it wisely here in the jungle. Consider it a pay advance from Marcus. We will see you all later, on Thursday, for the first individual immunity challenge!
~Puffer approaches Pryde.~
Detective Jack Puffer: hey, umm, pryde...nice mask, man. Listen...I was wondering if, perhaps you could break this thirty dollars down into singles for me. Oh and in a totally unrelated matter...could my return flight be scheduled to land in Vegas? Thanks, sir.
~Pryde shakes his head.~
Pryde: Jimmy, get this man some ones. And see what we can do about that flight... that Marcus is a cheapskate, but you never know...
~Zybala pulls out a deck of cards and waves his $50.~
Zybala: No limit poker anyone?
~The tribe moves off, with the various winners cradling their envelopes like they're worth a million dollars. The Incredible One, Detective Jack Puffer, Annie Alvarez, and Zane Zamota head off for the getaway villa, taking Zamota's plate of cookies & ice cream with them. The rest of the tribe heads for their new campgrounds, with a lot of concern over who's going to be the next one to go after Thursday's match.~
Newcomers Welcome
~The invited members of The Incredible One arrive at the getaway villa.~

The Incredible One: I was so upset that we didn't get this before. I felt it was my fault we couldn't go before. I hope you all enjoy it. Cheers everyone!
~TIO looks for the comfiest bed and jumps into it, almost immediately falling asleep.~
Detective Jack Puffer: Thanks for the invite, TIO!
~Puffer looks down the front of his pants, staring at the scantily clad women adorning the free passes to the Hustler club in Vegas.~
Detective Jack Puffer: *sighs*
~TIO wakes up and looks over.~
The Incredible One: PUFFER! Detective Jack Puffer: Huh? What?!
~Puffer releases the elastic waistband, snapping it back into 'secure' position. He turns toward TIO.~ The Incredible One: Everything okay over there? Detective Jack Puffer: Top notch, my good man! Just momentary thoughts of whimsical potential! But, enough about that...is there any food around here? I could go for one of those delicious cookies from Milan. The Incredible One: You mean a Milano cookie? Detective Jack Puffer: That's the ticket! ~Puffer searches for a Milano cookie because, I mean, they are really freakin good.~ Zane Zamota: Cheers, TIO, for the invite! This place is sick. Cookies and ice cream for all! ~Some time passes, as each of the members enjoy the comforts of home (an expensive home to boot). Each celebrates being away from the tribe in their own way.~ The Incredible One: I wonder how Vargas is doing on Exile, and I wonder how the rest of the tribe is doing. ~TIO wonders this as he gets out of a warm shower, and clean. He gets into CLEAN clothes, his size, and comes out seeing Zane, Puff and Annie relaxing by the pool.~ The Incredible One: Is there any alcohol here? ~Puffer holds up a Mike's Hard Lemonade. He takes a sip and winces.~ Detective Jack Puffer: Enjoying some of this hard liquor. It's pretty strong but it was all I could find... ~TIO looks to his right and sees a giant ice chest which must be filled with alternative beverages. Puffer, however, continues to force the 'hard liquor' down as best he can.~
Weak Ass Search
~Chad Vargas checks out the scene of exile island. He has fashioned a straw hat out of twigs to keep the sun from his head.~
Chad Vargas: Fuck I wish I would have held onto that cell phone, I could have ordered Dominos.
~Vargas bolts for the tree line to begin his search for a hidden immunity idol.~
New Surroundings
~The Casaya Tribe members not at Exile or at the getaway villa make their way to their new campgrounds. All of the winnings from the previous match-ups have been moved here, along with a few of the built structures. The fishing boat sits up on shore, with the fishing equipment inside. Everyone begins wandering around, taking in their new camp. Harold seems unusually pleased with the cash he never spent at the auction.~
Harold Jones: Hey at least I have this $50.... that’s more than I typically get for a gig back up north. They just don’t understand comedy.
~Zybala looks at Harold and waves his 50 bucks and a deck of cards.~
Zybala: You interested?
Harold Jones: Fuck yeah I am!
~Julliet raises an eyebrow and overhears them.~
Julliet Brooks: What are you guys going to play?
~The wrestlers settle in to play some cards, with Checkers coming over to check out the action. Nearby, other members move off, probably to discuss what's happened with the merge. They have to be prepared, because the next challenge is just around the corner.~
Get A Grip
~They come from all directions. The Incredible One, Annie Alvarez, Detective Jack Puffer, and Zane Zamota get dropped off from the ship that gathered them from the getaway villa. Another, smaller boat comes over the horizon and brings a weakened Chad Vargas. From the jungle, we see Julliet Brooks, Curt Canon, Harold Jones, Matt Meyhu, and Zybala making their way onto the field of battle. In the middle, standing near some very tall posts, stands Pryde. He beckons everyone to come over.~
Pryde: Gather up here, guys and gals. So I see we've got three levels of conditioning here. Chad, you look like you're a little drained after some time on Exile.
Chad Vargas: Fuck you, Pryde, and your WEAK ASS AUCTION!!
Pryde: Okay, still hot about that, I see. TIO, in comparison, you guys look positively glowing.
The Incredible One: It's amazing how good a hot shower can make you feel.
Detective Jack Puffer: And those cookies!!!
The Incredible One: Yep, and the cookies.
Pryde: Meanwhile, the crew in-between, how are you enjoying the new camp?
Zybala: Stupid Harold cheats at cards.
Harold Jones: I do not!
~Behind Harold, near Curt, Checkers can be seen covering his mouth to hide his grin. Maybe Harold wasn't the one cheating.~
Pryde: Okay, okay, calm down, everyone. You're going to want to keep that energy, though. Today, we've got a little challenge I'm sure you have all seen before. We call it "Get A Grip". All of you are going to climb up on these posts to the very top. As you can see, there's not much to hang onto. But the person who stays up the longest without touching the ground is the winner. Shall we have at it? Get your shoes off if you so choose and get up those posts!
~The tribe splits off, each choosing their own post. They all start on their way up, with some keeping their shoes on, while others risking the extra pain for a little better grip strength.~
Pryde: Okay then. The challenge starts... now!

~Everyone is hanging on as tight as they can. But already, there are some that are struggling.~
Pryde: Everyone keep hanging tough. I'll be over here... drinking a beer and watching you suffer...
~A few groans and curses come from this, as Pryde watches the group. Suddenly, just a couple of minutes in, Annie Alvarez slips as she's readjusting, sliding several feet down the pole. She tries to regroup, but it's too late, as a foot hits the sand. Zybala, next to her, lets out a loud laugh at her fall... which causes him to lose his grip and fall off, slamming into the sand.~
Pryde: Annie Alvarez and Zybala both out of the competition!!
~A few more minutes pass, as each wrestler is working on their own way of staying focused. Zamota is staring up at the sky, thinking of who knows what. The Incredible One has his eyes closed, channeling his energy. Detective Jack Puffer apparently has a picture in his hand that he can stare at.~
Detective Jack Puffer: ... I love this challenge...
~As more time passes, the struggles get more real. Several contestants start moving down from the top level, trying to stretch out some kinks while risking getting closer to the ground. We watch as they're all starting to feel the burn. Finally, Julliet can't hang on anymore, sliding to the ground.~
Pryde: Julliet Brooks eliminated! Seven left!
~As the sun rises higher in the sky, giving us a real scorcher for this challenge, all of the competitors are sweating profusely, which makes it harder to hang on. Not surprisingly, the competitors from the getaway villa (except for Annie) are doing the best, while Chad Vargas seems to be suffering the worst. His exhaustion is overtaking him, yet Vargas refuses to let go.~
Chad Vargas: Fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck...
Pryde: You doing alright there, Chad?
Chad Vargas: Fuck... you... fuck... you... fuck... you...
Pryde: That's what I thought.
~After a little more time, all of Vargas' energy is used up, and he finally loses his grip and falls backwards to the ground.~
Pryde: Chad Vargas eliminated!
~Chad lays on the ground, utterly spent. Pryde, suddenly concerned, comes over to check on him.~
Pryde: Chad? Medics, could you come over?
~The medics step in, as the other members of the tribe take a moment to look down (or sideways) in various levels of concern. The first medic leans in and asks Chad a few questions, then looks back at Pryde.~
Medic: He wants a beer.
Pryde: ... Of course he does.
~A helper runs over with a beer from Pryde's six pack, and Chad sits up weakly, drinking it in one chug. Feeling better, Chad throws the bottle over his shoulder and stands up, heading over to the other contestants.~
Chad Vargas: Thanks, jackass.
Pryde: Anytime, dickhead.
~With Chad Vargas apparently better, the competition continues. The sun moves further in the sky, as wrestlers get lower and lower on the posts. Finally, one can't take anymore: Zane Zamota slips off the post to land on the sand.~
Pryde: Zane Zamota has been eliminated! Five remain with a chance at immunity!
~As Pryde finishes saying that, Harold suddenly slips, scrambling to regain his grip. But hanging by his fingertips only lasts a minute or so, as Harold finally gives up.~
Pryde: And now Harold Jones is out! Four left!
~The Incredible One, Curt Canon, Matt Meyhu, and Detective Jack Puffer all stare over at each other, each further down the post than when they started. The final four are determined to last as long as possible, knowing everything that's on the line. More time passes, as Pryde brings over a large cooler of goods.~
Pryde: Hey all. Just to let you know, first off the post in in the next five minutes gets this cooler of sandwich meats, cheeses, and some bread to go with it.
~Surprisingly, none of the final four take Pryde up on the offer. All are working their best to ignore temptation, refusing to give in. Checkers looks proud of Curt, although he also looks bummed when the cooler is taken back away. The contest continues, as all four men have to be in unbearable pain at this point. But they're wrestlers. They hang on.~
Pryde: Gotta say, I'm impressed with all of you. But we'll be here all evening and all night, if that's what it takes.
Chad Vargas: Someone fucking fall, dammit! Hey, Pryde, got any more of those beers?
Pryde: You drank the rest I brought!
Chad Vargas: Are you in charge or not??
Pryde: ... Get some more beer, guys.
~More beer arrives, to the cheers of the survivors who have already been eliminated. Meanwhile, the struggles are getting worse and worse for one competitor. His blind focus just isn't cutting it anymore. Looking around at his fellow wrestlers, he finally relents and drops to the ground.~
Matt Meyhu: I'll take one of those beers...
Pryde: Matt Meyhu has been eliminated!
~The beer looks tempting to the others as well, but nobody else drops for the next few minutes. All are now down to the last ledge, which is unsurprisingly the hardest to hang onto. Finally, one person's foot slips and hits the ground, ending their night. The Incredible One, disappointed, shakes out his hands and looks back up at Puffer, nodding to him.~
Pryde: The Incredible One has been eliminated! Two left!
~It's down to Curt Canon and Detective Jack Puffer, the last out of 10 to hang on. It's clear that different members of the tribes are cheering for each man to hang in there. Canon is working on shutting out the agony in his toes and fingers, in deep meditation. Puffer is meditating too... by staring again at that picture. More time passes, with neither wanting to give up. It really is coming down to the wire, as either man could give way at any time. And finally... someone does...~
Pryde: That does it! We have our winner!! DETECTIVE JACK PUFFER!!!
~Tribemates move in, some to help the crushed Canon, while others cheering with a very exhausted detective.~
Pryde: Congratulations, Detective! You become the first wrestler this season to get individual immunity!
Detective Jack Puffer: Thank you... Annie...
~Annie, confused, stares at Puffer, who realizes his slip.~
Detective Jack Puffer: And... the cookies...
~Puffer almost falls, but is helped back up.~
Pryde: Now, Detective, before you can head out, as the winner, you have one more decision in front of you... you can choose one person to go to Exile Island. This person won't be returning to Tribal Council, so he or she will be safe from the vote. But they also won't be voting. You can choose any of the nine, or you can choose no one, and everyone will be vulnerable. Make your choice.
~Puffer gulps and looks around at the group. He looks for a while at Chad Vargas, who defiantly glares back at him. But Puffer then turns and faces the man who almost took the win today.~
Detective Jack Puffer: I choose Curt Canon.
~Curt looks at Puffer with a look of disbelief. Checkers angrily growls at Puffer, who nervously takes a step away.~
Pryde: So be it. Curt, you're heading to Exile Island. Puffer, you get to go to Tribal Council with no fears. The rest of you, after weeks in this paradise of hell, one of you will be going home. Get your stuff and head out!
~The crew heads out, with several of them looking far more worn out than they were going in.~
The Waiting Game
~The wrestlers make their way back into camp, some still shaky from the ordeal they just went through. Endurance tests are tough on the body, for sure. A few are working through what just happened, with Curt Canon being chosen for Exile Island. Detective Puffer looks around at the confused faces.~
Detective Jack Puffer: What? About this Canon business?
~They nod.~ Detective Jack Puffer: Well, I'm not one to tell tales out of school...but that monkey creeps me out. I caught it staring at me one morning while I was asleep. The less time I'm around it the better! The Incredible One: What's wrong with the monkey? ~A few of the wrestlers who have spent a considerable amount of time with Checkers look offended. Others are wondering how Puffer saw Checkers staring at him while he was asleep. This doesn't bother Puffer, though, as he walks off to study his immunity idol some more.~ The Incredible One: Everyone ready for tonight? Zybala: You bet I am! ~Zybala starts walking away from the group and into the forest. He stops for a moment and turns around slightly.~ Zybala: TIO! A word please? ~TIO cocks his eyebrow, wondering what Zybala wants.
The Incredible One: Do you need help to go to the bathroom? ~TIO indulges Zybala, before his eyes widen.
The Incredible One: No, I'm not signing an Outsiders contract! ~Zybala laughs loudly.~ Zybala: No, nothing of the sorts. If anything, I would ask you to do a special exhibition match. But that's neither here nor there. I simply wish to have a word. The Incredible One: Alright... ~Zybala leads TIO through a path in the jungle and after several minutes, the pair come across a beautiful garden. We see wild flowers and roses of every kind. Zybala picks one rose and gently holds it in his hand.~ Zybala: I would like to discuss the upcoming tribal counsel. You seem like a man I can trust. Besides, in the end, it's all about us getting X-Box Ones.. ~Zybala and TIO continue to talk, but for some reason, we can't hear. After a while, they make their way back to the tribe. Everyone else goes about their day, preparing for the first merge Tribal Council later tonight.~
Casaya Tribe
~The Casaya Tribe comes together again to make their way to Tribal Council. Canon and Checkers are the only ones not there, as they're spending the night on Exile Island. The tribe members all take their seats, where Pryde is once again waiting with a fire pit burning in front of him.~
Pryde: Welcome everyone to your first merged Tribal Council. When we first started this game a month ago, there were 16 of you. Now that number is down to 10. You guys are the lucky ones to make it to a merge, so congratulations. But tonight, 10 becomes 9. I'm sure there are a lot of nervous competitors here tonight.
~Nobody says much, but it's pretty clear that Pryde is correct. At the first merge Tribal Council, almost anything can happen.~
Pryde: Matt, talk to me about how things have been around camp with the merged tribe. I'm sure there have been lots of discussions going on between wrestlers before tonight.
Matt Meyhu: You know, things have been pretty quiet at camp... But that doesn't mean people aren't talking. In fact, it's because people are talking. Two by two everybody is sneaking into whatever corner they can find. Right now, you're probably looking at a group of people who have each made a deal with every other person in the group. Today was all about weighing out those options. Who you can trust, and who is lying to you. You could really feel a sense of insecurity around camp the last few hours. I don't think any of us walked in here certain of what's about to happen.
Pryde: Harold, I think as a "Headliner", you probably have a better feel for the attitude in the merged Casaya tribe. Do you think anyone, or any group, feels confident about tonight other than the detective?
Harold Jones: Building confidence can sometimes seem like such a serious and overwhelming task. I think it's important to keep your sense of humor and to just relax and enjoy the moment. But with that being said Canon is probably confident that he's not going home tonight. Puffer too as you mentioned. Other than that I think everyone else has varying degrees of anxiety. Especially myself being new to everything OCW and not knowing many people out here.
Pryde: Well, we'll see if the connections you've made here on the island the last four weeks will be enough to keep you safe.
~Pryde turns to the next person.~
Pryde: TIO, in this game, strategy is everything when we come to the merge. I know a guy like you has had a path lined up to go as far as possible in Survivor, but there have been a lot of twists and turns in this one. Has your path to victory changed at this point?
The Incredible One: You're right Pryde, I have had my path lined up since Day 1. The tribal swap did put a minor obstacle in front of me, but I kept my cool and kept my faith in the people I'm surrounded with, and so far everything has gone according to plan. Cool heads prevail, so as long as everyone keeps their cool - it's going to work out.
Pryde: And with that said, I think we've heard enough. It's time for the vote. Remember, you can vote for anyone except for Detective Jack Puffer and Curt Canon. Let's get this going.
~The members slowly get up and make their way to the voting area, writing down the name of their choosing. We watch each make their picks, although their votes are not being revealed. Finally, Detective Puffer approaches the voting area last. He searches around for the pen. It takes him several moments. We see the remaining tribemates, in the background, begin to fidget. Pryde yells out.~
Pryde: Everything alright over there?!
Detective Jack Puffer: Uh, yea, I'm fine...A-Ha!
~Puffer finds the pen located a few inches to the right. He struggles finding a way to get the top off. Vargas is heard grumbling. Annie rolls her eyes. Pryde, again, calls out.~
Pryde: You almost finished? You sure you don't need some help?
Detective Jack Puffer: I got this!
~Puffer yanks as hard as he can and RIPS the wrong end off, causing ink to spill onto the parchment. He fumbles with the pen, trying to jam the broken end back on...he does his best, keeping all the ink from spilling out. He looks down and thinks...~
Pryde: That's it, I'm coming over there if you don't finish within the next minute!
~Puffer spells a name out in the ink, using his finger. He holds the parchment up, we're unable to read.~
Detective Jack Puffer: Thought we'd go to the end. Turns out I can't trust you any more than I can trust that pen. Later.
~Puffer stuffs the parchment into the vote container and heads back, shaking the ink off his hands. The general consensus among the remaining players is 'ABOUT TIME'. He takes a seat and looks totally at ease and mildly confident.~
Pryde: I'll go tally the votes.
~Pryde gets the urn and comes back with it, positioning it in front of the tribe.~
Pryde: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Whoever is eliminated will be brought forward to have their torch extinguished. As always, if one of you has the immunity idol, now would be the time to play it.
~The anticipation's in the air, but nobody makes a move towards Pryde. The host nods and begins to read the votes.~
~Vargas is stone-faced, half-expecting his name to come up.~
~Annie looks around, but also doesn't look too surprised.~
~Zane sits forward, as it's never a good thing to hear your name called.~
~Julliet's eyes widen at the sight of her name scrawled on the paper.~
Pryde: We've got one vote Annie, one vote Chad, one vote Julliet, and one vote Zane.
~Everyone looks a little more tense now, as this is the most spread out the votes have been this season.~
Sixth Vote - Zane Zamota
Pryde: That's two votes Annie, two votes Zane, one vote Chad, and one vote Julliet. Three votes left.
~Both Annie and Zane look very unsure of what's going to happen next. It doesn't look like Julliet or Chad have relaxed, either.~
Pryde: That's enough votes, Annie. Please bring me your torch.
~A few of the wrestlers try to reassure Annie, but she pushes them away. Instead, she gets up and walks straight to Pryde, holding up her torch.~
Pryde: Annie... the tribe has spoken.
~The torch is dramatically put out. Annie nods, hiding her feelings. She starts to leave, but Pryde puts out his arm, stopping her.~
Pryde: One second, Annie. There's one other announcement you should know about.
~Pryde turns back to the wrestlers, who all are surprised at the change.~
Pryde: Starting tonight... things take another twist. Annie, you are now the first person on the jury. You will be watching each Tribal Council from now on, and you will have the ability to cast your vote on the eventual winner of OCW Survivor. We will see you back here next time.
~An audible gasp comes from the wrestlers, and Annie looks towards them, smirking slightly, before turning and leaving without saying a word.~
Pryde: It's been a pretty crazy couple of days, hasn't it? You guys head on back to your camp. Curt will be joining you there tomorrow. Get some sleep, if you can, because it only gets tougher from here.
~The tribe files out, another twist having rocked the group. We fade out.~
- The Casaya tribe almost immediately has to deal with the fact that three people received votes other than Annie Alvarez. Will the votees find out who voted for them, and what will be the repercussions?
- With Curt Canon returning from Exile with Checkers, will there be any anger towards Detective Puffer? Or did Canon's adventure prove to be a game changer?
- Another challenge is right around the corner on Monday. Will a different wrestler hold individual immunity afterwards, as another wrestler prepares to join the jury? And will the fact that the jury's in play make any changes in strategy? We'll see what happens very soon...