"Episode 11 - Last Chance"
Pearl Islands Friday, July 20th, 2018
~Previously, on OCW Survivor: After the elimination of Curt Canon, everyone was more on guard and wanting to win. In the Down Memory Lane challenge, Chad Vargas managed to come out on top by winning a tie-breaker, ensuring himself entry into the Final Four. He then sent Julliet Brooks to Exile Island to try and find the hidden immunity idol. This led to one of the most explosive Tribal Councils in OCW Survivor history, as Brooks played an immunity idol for herself, while Zybala gave Matt Meyhu his hidden immunity idol. So while Meyhu got the most votes, he was safe, sending Harold Jones out of the competition.~
After Tribal Council
~The Casaya tribe members left, all four of them, walk into their campsite, which is looking a lot larger now that so many have left. Some of the wrestlers look shell-shocked, while others look extremely pleased. Zybala is looking worse for wear, ragged, worn down, and tired.~
Zybala: This is over soon. Then I can relax. I will vote Pryde out!
~Julliet goes into the hut and eats her food and drinks water in silence. No one was certain what was going through her head at this point, but after she was done she would lay down and collect her thoughts for the next challenge.~
Matt Meyhu: Final four! Can you believe it? Good job everyone...
~Matt walks over and offers a handshake to Zybala.~
Matt Meyhu: Thanks for the help tonight. As a sign of my gratitude, I'm voting for Pryde next Tribal.
~Zybala looks up at Meyhu then his extended, then back at Meyhu.~ Zybala: For realsies? ~The two shake hands, much to the disgust of Chad Vargas, and then go into a discussion about what the winner gets out of OCW Survivor. We fade out.~
Survivor Pentathlon
~It's another bright, sunny day here in the Pearl Islands, although storm clouds do appear to be on the horizon. The four wrestlers walk out of the jungle, looking like the small group that they've become. Pryde, nodding to them, is waiting just outside of what looks to be another obstacle course of some sort. He waves them over.~
Pryde: Come on in. Chad, I'm going to be needing that individual immunity necklace.
Chad Vargas: How much you want for it? You know I'm good for it...
Pryde: Chad...
~With a couple of swear words (but not looking too surprised), Vargas hands over the necklace, which gets put in its proper place.~
Pryde: For the last time... individual immunity is up for grabs. This is your chance to guarantee a spot in the Finals, and I'm sure none of you want to blow it. Want to find out what we're doing?
~Serious nods from all four competitors, who are clearly prepared to do whatever it takes to win.~
Pryde: This one's called the Survivor Pentathlon. We're finishing things by renewing you all with some familiar obstacles that have plagued you this game. It's a straight-up sprint to the finish, with whoever is the first to solve the final puzzle and set their structure on fire at the end wins the greatest prize in the game. All you've got to do is reach it, which won't be easy. Are you all ready?
Zybala: I was born ready.
Julliet Brooks: I've got this.
Matt Meyhu: Easy pickings.
Pryde: Hush up, Chad. Get on your marks, and we'll get started. Good luck all!
~The wrestlers, after doing some quick stretching (they're athletes, they know what's necessary) get themselves lined up. The pistol fires, and all four begin running to the first structure: an axe-throwing area. This looks very similar to the first challenge the contestants did early on, but this time the axe has to split a rope strung across the target. This will release a flag, which will signal the wrestlers can continue. The axes begin to fly, as each person works to get their aim down. It's not easy, as the time on the island has taken its toll on everyone. But soon, the ropes begin to fray. We watch an axe fly in and chop right through the already-damaged rope, sending it flying and putting the flag in the air.~
Pryde: Julliet Brooks strikes first!
Julliet Brooks: Yes!
~Brooks moves on, hurrying to the next obstacle, completely locked in. The next part appears to be part of the Running The Gauntlet challenge, as a net maze has been set up, followed by balance beams and rope swings. Brooks begins to work her way through. Behind her, Zybala is next, having gotten his rope. Meyhu is throwing to make every shot count, while Vargas appears to be going for quantity over quality, launching several axes at the target. Both strategies appear to be successful, as the ropes eventually break, and all four move on to work on the second part.~
Pryde: Those mazes are tricky, and you've got to get through to survive!
~Brooks, struggling through the net maze, is out first, but Zybala is right behind her, having made up some ground. Brooks starts across the balance beam, but due to her hurrying, she slips and steps off, having to start over. Zybala, meanwhile, does it in one go, and then launches himself across the rope swings with abandon. Both Meyhu and Vargas have caught up as well now, as Brooks manages to get across the second time. All start swinging, showing how competitive tonight is.~
Pryde: Can Zybala extend his lead? Long way to go yet!
Chad Vargas: Get your ass back here, Zybala!
~Zybala makes it first to the third set of obstacles. This one is set up to be a rope maze, similar to what the competitors encountered on the End of the Line challenge. He clips on and starts working the puzzle, with everyone else right behind him. All four wrestlers work hard on the puzzle, with each taking wrong turns. None of them let the frustration build too much, as they all know what it takes to be a winner. Soon, all four are making progress through the ropes, twisting in different directions and following the patterns. One person, though, chose the best, as Meyhu once again proves that he excels at sliding along ropes.~
Pryde: Meyhu onto the fourth obstacle! Vargas, Zybala, and Julliet right behind!
Matt Meyhu: This... isn't... easy... but I... make it... look good...
~The fourth challenge is another throwing challenge, as there are four sets of tiles set up in the Breaking The Tile lineup. Meyhu is immediately tossing, trying to land the perfect shot to break the tiles. Vargas is right there behind him, followed by the others. Again, it's a very close race, as no one has fallen very far behind yet. All three manage to get two of the three tiles broken, but the furthest one calls for the more complicated angle. Meyhu has a shot land almost perfectly, but the tile doesn't shatter, just showing a crack. Meanwhile, another shot lands perfectly, and we see Chad Vargas heading for the final set-up.~
Pryde: Can Chad snatch victory away twice in a row to make the Finals?
Chad Vargas: Fuck... yeah!
~The fifth challenge looks to be a complex puzzle, requiring the wrestlers to run to different points through a maze to get the puzzle pieces. It's very similar to a challenge from last year, which proved to be one of the most harrowing to complete. Vargas races through, searching for the puzzle bags. Meyhu managed to shatter his tile with a second shot, and is now on his way as well. Zybala lets fly and crashes through his final one as well, leaving Brooks to try and score her final shot. Zybala gives her a nod of support before racing ahead, trying to gain ground. Determined, Brooks weighs her shot, then lets loose... and hits! All four are now into the final maze, searching for puzzle pieces.~
Pryde: Holy crap! It's STILL a four-way race!! Who's going to win?
~Each person takes a different path through the maze, trying to figure out the structure. Each finds a puzzle bag area, choosing the bags with their names on it. Vargas considers tossing Meyhu's bag over the wall, but decides against it, not wanting to be disqualified. He hurries for his next bag. Zybala finds his second bag before anyone else, and is running, trying to figure out where he's been. It's extremely tight coming around the turns, with Zybala almost colliding with a sprinting Brooks.~
Zybala: Geez!
Pryde: Careful! You need all your bags, and all your bones, in one piece...
~Everyone now has two bags, with one more to go. The first one to find them all is Meyhu, sending him racing back towards the exit, but he takes a wrong turn and gets lost. Vargas has his three bags now, as does Zybala, with Brooks scrambling to get her last one as well. She dodges Vargas and hurries back, finding the last stand for her. Everyone is trying to find their way out now, with Zybala being the first to slip out the side and run to the final station, where the puzzle needs to be completed to set the structures on fire. Meyhu slides in next, followed by Vargas and Brooks. Everyone is working on their puzzles.~
Pryde: As shocking as this is, everyone still has a chance! Who can muster up the mental ability to put the puzzle together first?
~The intensity could not be greater. Brooks is working on separating out all three bags of puzzle pieces. Zybala appears to have started with only one, and is connecting what he can before starting on another. Meyhu has all the pieces out and is working on the edges. Vargas actually has dumped the pieces on the ground to give himself more room, and is transferring pieces to the table as he goes. Four different strategies, but which will pay off?~
Pryde: I honestly have no clue who's going to win here. The efforts are so close!
~The puzzles are coming together. The words are becoming more clear, inside the picture. They seem to have some sort of message about saving yourself for the final 3. Once the letters get more pronounced, all of the wrestlers begin to move faster and faster. But, as in all races, someone has to finish ahead of the others. The puzzle gets set, the wrestler gets the nod from Pryde, and the lever is pulled, moving the torch and setting the structure in front on fire. We have a winner of the final challenge.~
Pryde: Here is your winner, and holding individual immunity: MATT MEYHU!!
~Meyhu drops to his knees, raising his arms above his head. Nearby, Zybala gets his structure burning, but too late. Vargas is right with him, with Brooks just reaching up and pulling her own handle to make the inferno complete. Vargas walks away, swearing up a storm, while Zybala shakes off the close loss and walks over to Meyhu, congratulating him. Brooks takes a seat, feeling the after-effects already of all the exertion of the challenge. Everyone looks shaky. Pryde brings the necklace over and gives it to Meyhu.~
Pryde: Matt, you are now safe at tomorrow's Tribal Council. For the rest of you, there's no Exile Island this trip, no hidden immunity idols. At Tribal Council, one of you three will have lasted all this time, and still be going home. I'll see you all later.
~Pryde departs, leaving the area, as helpers move in with water and supplies to try and help the wrestlers recover. We fade out.~
Final Negotiations
~Meyhu is full of energy when the Casaya Tribe arrives back at camp, wanting to discuss with the others how he managed to pull off the win. None of the others seems too interested, although Zybala's trying to nod along with him. We see Chad Vargas make his way to the beach and start grabbing stones, sending them skipping across the water.~
Chad Vargas: So damn close... if I can get through just ONE more night...
~Julliet once again takes her food and water and goes into the shade, conserving her energy and keeping her decision-process secret. She knows she has a one-in-three chance of getting eliminated tonight. Zybala, meanwhile, appears to be deep in thought.~
Matt Meyhu: You okay?
Zybala: ... is any of this possible? Will we finish it tonight?
Matt Meyhu: You know we will, Zybala, you have my word.
Zybala: Pryde goes home... tonight...
Matt Meyhu: Er... yeah...
~Meyhu nods, knowing that they can't really throw away their votes, because that would put Zybala in a lot of jeopardy. But he's got to convince him otherwise. We fade to a quick commercial break.~
Casaya Tribe
~The weather has started to turn bad again, as the rain is starting to come down on the island. The weather is always unpredictable. But so is Tribal Council. We see the four wrestlers making their way to the Council area, their torches sputtering in the ring but still managing to keep burning. The group comes in and sits down, looking ready to get things over with. Pryde is waiting for them.~
Pryde: Let's bring in the current members of our jury. Ed Houston, The Uber Man, Annie Alvarez, Zane Zamota, Curt Canon, and, last eliminated, Harold Jones.
~The jury makes their way into their seats, which are thankfully covered over for them. Being a jury member has its privileges. Jones still looks like he hasn't gotten over what happened at the last council, looking annoyed at the members still there.~
Pryde: This is it. Tonight, we choose our finalists. Matt's already in thanks to his individual immunity, unless, Matt, you want to give it to someone else.
Matt: No, afraid not, Pryde. This one is staying with me.
Pryde: So be it. So let's answer some questions. So Matt, this was by far your biggest win in OCW Survivor history, as you're the one person here who's not worrying about tonight. You do, however, still need to vote for the last person eliminated. Is your strategy tonight to pick the most deserving to come with you? Or is it to get rid of someone who you feel is the biggest threat to score more votes from the jury?
Matt Meyhu: Honestly, Pryde, I'm here to win. I assume that's true about everyone here. Taking the "most deserving" is a losing strategy in this game. Having said that, I'm sitting here with three people who have fans over there on the jury. That makes this a tough decision. My job right now is to determine who has the most potential votes sitting in that jury and hope the other two see the same thing I do.
Pryde: Zybala, you pulled off one of the biggest shockers in OCW Survivor history by giving Matt Meyhu your immunity idol last Tribal Council, which ended up saving him and sending Harold Jones to the jury. Yesterday, at the challenge, Meyhu took the final immunity, while you came in a close second. That means, theoretically, you would be safe right now if you'd let Matt go home a few days before. Do you feel any regrets in having saved Matt, or is everything still on track for both of you to be the finals?
Zybala: To be honest, I owed Matt one. He was the one who gave me a clue about the idol. If it wasn't for him, the idol would never have been found. I had a debt and I repaid it, simple as that. I wouldn't call Meyhu a friend, given our history, but we've always been able to work together when the time calls for it. Besides nothing would be sweeter than winning the whole thing knowing that he was a finalist. That's some big bragging rights.
Pryde: Oh, definitely. Trust me, I brag about my win last year all the time. And... I probably shouldn't have said that...
~After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Pryde moves things along.~
Pryde: Julliet, you've been part of some of the biggest moves and surprises in this game. Throughout, you've continued to make the decisions that moved you further into the competition. Do you think you have one final move here tonight to make it to the finals?
Julliet Brooks: I do. This has been the biggest, and most intense Survivor I've ever been part of and I gotta do what I feel is necessary...
Pryde: Chad, you've spent more time than almost anyone in OCW Survivor, so you've about seen it all. Tonight, what's it going to take to get yourself into the finals alongside Meyhu and one other? Do you think you can convince two people to vote with you tonight and send someone else to the jury?
Chad Vargas: Pryde, I know my time is upon us. I seem to always be shrouded in controversy. Why should tonight be any different? If you don't mind id like to say a few things?
~Pryde shrugs.~
Chad Vargas: I have very much enjoyed all my time in Survivor. In total what am I are? 73 some odd days? Its been a wild ride. Yesterday at immunity, I did all I could and I came up short. It was immunity or bust for me. These three have had a season long deal. Julliet Brooks wouldn't even throw me a pity vote. Its all good though. At least Zybala has been honest with me all season long. I respect that. Meyhu...
~Vargas looks over at Meyhu.~
Chad Vargas: Its kinda funny, Pryde... He's over there looking all smug but he isn't going to have the votes at the end. I have been telling him all week long, keep me in man its your best shot! Some say I've played too hard out of the gate all game long. Some others say I've played really dirty. Its like he's set on taking me out he isn't really understanding. For the vote alone you would think he would cut one of them where he knows its a vote in his pocket.
~Vargas points to the remainder of his tribemates.~
Chad Vargas: its not smart to put someone on the jury that would rather see that rock laying over there win then you. You know what I mean? Its so depressing to think two people that has been sleeping at the wheel win this whole thing. But. He thinks he's won in this moment. In a couple days, it'll be me saying checkmate. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest guys. F4 is nothing to hang my head at. I've enjoyed myself. Its a fitting way to leave OCW. Pryde, thank you for having me.
~Vargas nods, almost feeling relieved to be out of the game, not dealing with these shady people any more. Sometimes the best player doesn't win overall....~
Pryde: A strong speech, Chad. Would anyone else like to state their case? Okay, then, let's get to the voting. Remember, only Matt Meyhu's name cannot be written down. Everyone else is eligible for a vote. Get to it.
~Julliet Brooks goes up first, filling out her card with a minimum of thought. She clearly had made up her mind. Chad Vargas goes next, and he, too, knows exactly who he's voting for. Third is Meyhu, who looks towards the camera while writing out his vote.~
Matt Meyhu: It's nothing personal. You've played a hell of a game... But I have to give myself the best chance possible.
~Meyhu puts away the vote without showing it to the camera. Finally, Zybala comes out, and takes his time before signing his card and putting it into the urn. He turns and seems to give a wink and a nod to someone before coming back. He then trips slightly and teases a fall into the fire, scaring everyone, before regaining his balance and dusting himself off.~
Zybala: Wow, that was close, right? You all saw that, right? That step back there is dangerous, Pryde, you should have it secured.
Pryde: That's not a step, Zybala. It's an incline.
Zybala: Well then, it should be a step. You could get sued for that, you know. Okay, I'm good.
~After making a big display, Zybala suddenly sits down, ready to continue. Pryde, thrown a little off-balance, pulls himself back together, while mumbling to himself for a moment.~
Pryde: Just a few more days... a few more days... *ahem* I'll go tally the votes...
~Pryde starts for the back voting area, but a producer is already coming towards him, urn in hand. Surprised, Pryde takes the urn from her and turns back, putting it down on the table.~
Pryde: Huh. Okay then. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Whoever is eliminated will be brought forward to have their torch extinguished.
~Pryde opens the first vote, with everyone on the edge of their seats. He turns it towards the group.~
~Pryde puts his head in his hands for a few moments, saying nothing, before finally turning towards Zybala.~
Pryde: Dammit, Zybala... you WANT to throw away your vote?
Zybala: Don't look at me, that's not my handwriting.
Pryde: Who else would've... oh, hell, let's just continue...
~Pryde opens the second card... and shows the name "Pryde" again.~
Pryde: ... Matt? You've voting against me, too?
~Matt turns away, looking in the other direction. Pryde gets out the other two votes... and finds "Pryde" written on them as well.~
Pryde: .... Chad? Julliet? ... Everyone wants me gone?
~A touch of sadness comes into Pryde's voice, as he looks over the wrestlers. But Vargas is vehemently shaking his head, and Julliet, after shrugging, denies it as well. Meyhu is still facing away, while having his hand up to cover his mouth. Zybala is doing his best innocent look. Pryde, seeing this, checks the urn again... and then throws it aside.~
Pryde: This ISN'T THE REAL URN!!! Hey, Jill, get your ass over here!!
~The producer comes back over, with she and Pryde having a loud discussion. Pryde can be heard saying "HOW much did he pay you?" before glaring over at the still-innocent-looking Zybala.~
Pryde: Dammit! We'll discuss this later, Jill... and you can try to convince me not to fire you. For now, get me the REAL urn, please? This is supposed to be a serious moment!
~The real urn is brought in, with the real votes inside. Pryde takes it, still upset, and walks away for a little while, calming himself down. He probably thinks all of this will be edited out, but Marcus has always been notoriously cheap when it comes to editors. Pryde finally comes back and decides to start again.~
Pryde: ONCE... the votes... are read, the decision is final. Whoever is eliminated will be brought forward to have their torch extinguished.
~Pryde begins opening the votes, showing them to the four wrestlers.~
~Vargas, for once, is expressionless.~
~Julliet glances over at Chad, before looking back at Pryde.~
Pryde: That's one vote Julliet Brooks, one vote Chad Vargas. Two votes left.
Fourth Vote - And Seventh Member of the Jury - Chad Vargas
Pryde: That's three votes for Chad. I'm going to need that torch.
~Chad gives a respectful nod again to Zybala before getting up, ignoring Julliet and Matt. He walks proudly forward and jams the torch down in front of Pryde.~
Pryde: Chad... your tribe has spoken.
~The torch is put out with finality. Chad doesn't look back, walking straight off out of the council area. A beer sounds pretty good right about now. Pryde turns to the remaining three.~
Pryde: Julliet, Matt, Zybala... welcome to the Final Three. When next we see you all here, you'll be wanting the votes, and you'll also have to face the jury. We'll see you then. Good night!
~The three Survivors turn to each other, doing a mild celebration, although the fatigue is still obvious. Plus, it's hard to celebrate too much in the rain. They head off for their beach for a final time. We fade out.~
- Out of sixteen, only three remain. No more backstabbing, no more blindsides, but still a ways to go. When the three take the Rites of Passage and remember those who have fallen before them, what will they say in their honor (or dishonor)?
-The jury is complete. Old grudges will be renewed. Some will ask questions to make their decision. Some will have their minds made up. And some will surely take the opportunity to let the finalists have it. What will happen in the explosive final Tribal Council?
- When it's all said and done... who will be named the sole Survivor?