Wednesday, January 5th, 2022
Live from the OCW Studio
They never outlawed the Tombstone. Just sayin.
It’s been a week, folks. 7 days, so, yes, it’s technically been a week.
Lots going on!
We are exactly 25 days away from Access Denied.
Promos will begin dropping in a few days.
2022 is here.
OCW has never looked more promising. The Red and Black that reps the Proud and Strong is coiled and prepared to strike!
So, let’s get to it. Time for Cheasy to shuck and jive with all the camera’re favorite part of the program, I know.
It’s Piledriver time!
~We cut to the OCW Piledriver studio. Cheasy is bobbing his head to the in-studio theme. He stacks some papers against his desktop and gives us his full and complete attention~
Cheasy M: Hello OCW fans and welcome to another episode of Wednesday Night Piledriver! And boy oh boy do we have another show FULL of OCW action to toss your way. We’re just a few days into the new year and the intensity is already off the charts!
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: And, speaking of action, let’s get tonight started off with some in-ring action that took place a few days ago. One week ago we met OCW’s newest addition – Gideon Cross. Well, Mr. Cross threw down a challenge last week and it was answered. So, let’s cut to the footage featuring Mr. Cross and his in-ring debut!
~And we return to LIVE in-ring action right here on OCW TV! Belvedere stands in the ring, mic in hand~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL!
Fans: ONE FALL!!!!
Belvedere: Introducing first…
~Zeus emerges from behind the curtain. He looks as confident as ever! It’s a new year...and new opportunities abound for the king of the gods! Zeus hurries to the ring and commands Belvedere to speak~
Belvedere: From Mount Olympus...he is...ZEUS
~Zeus nods as if to say “I’m in charge”. But, Belvedere’s just doing his job~
Belvedere: And his opponent….
~The Lights throughout the entire Online Championship Wrestling arena dim simultaneously on-out throughout the entire arena as it plunges into darkness as "Guys Don't Like Me" - By It Boys! begins to blare on out of the sound system across the arena. At this moment, all spotlights in the building shine down onto the entrance while the crowd begins to stir with distaste. The tron comes to life as the words "GIDEON" and "CROSS" flash across the screen which can be seen being written out in gold Old English cursive against a black wall drop, as they are seen flashing across the OCW tron the entrance aisle comes to life again as it does a Golden lighting covers the arena in a Golden/Grey hue, as if on cue, out of nowhere yours truly GIDEON CROSS appears in the entrance aisle, his girlfriend by his side, her arm wrapped around his as his personal bodyguards stand behind him.~
~As Gideon stands in front of the black curtains he can be seen with his head held high, well higher than most with his nose in the clouds, one would say-his confidence in his own perfection and abilities, never absent from the young man, a smirk of disdain can be seen as he looks out into the darkness of the mass imperfection that laid in his presence, the crowd grows with distaste towards Gideon and his girlfriend slowly make their way down to the square circle, his personal bodyguards follow closely behind the two lovebirds who can be seen ignore the boos, jeers and catcalls of the fans, shooing them away like the trash that they are as the light continues to shine down on Gideon and his girlfriend Axelle Rose..~
Caledon Young: "Ladies and gentlemen being accompanied to the ring by his personal bodyguards and that of his girlfriend Axelle Rose he hails from Anaheim, California, he weighs in tonight at an astounding Two-hundred chiseled pounds of pure muscle and stands approximately Five foot Eleven inches in an astounding height... he is the one the only… GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDEON CROSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!"
~With a look of apathy and a twist of Cross' nose as his name is heard broadcasted over the PA system by that of his personal manservant Caledon Young, as he makes his down the entrance aisle with his girlfriend Axelle Rose by his arm, his head still held high while he continues to study the incredibly ungrateful fans, as he makes his way towards the squared circle, nothing but a chorus of boos can be heard as they echo throughout that of the arena, the closer he and his girlfriend get to the squared circle, the louder the chants of disdain can be heard, still with his head held high as he and his girlfriend Axelle Rose walk around towards the steel steps, he gives her a kiss before leaving her behind at ringside, once at the steel steps, Cross steps up on them, wiping the bottoms of his feet before he steps through the middle rope, once inside the squared circle, he throws his arms out ((Vivi Alberto Del Rio)), basking in his glory while the fans of OCW continue to boo him before walking over to the nearest ring post and leaning up against it as he awaits for his opponent to come on out to do battle with him...~
Smith: Gideon Cross set to make his in-ring debut!
Hood: He carries himself like a star.
Smith: That he does!
~Belvedere is like ‘whatever’. Having his announcing duties ripped from him. So, he exits the ring leaving Cross and Zeus inside. Rose looks on from the outside, supremely confident in a positive outcome. Scruff motions for the bell. It rings~
Smith: And here we go!
Hood: Gideon Cross challenged some guy named Dane Princeton, right?
Smith: Yes, a match that should take place at Access Denied.
Hood: I’ve heard a lot about that Dane Princeton guy.
Smith: The more people hear about him the less they want to know, Hood.
~Zeus goes right after Cross...Zeus has never lacked in confidence. He BELIEVES he’s a god. They lock up...Gideon quickly sweeps Zeus’ leg. Zeus hits the mat hard...but he scrambles to his feet. Gideon grabs him by the arm and whips him into the ropes, Zeus bounces off and Cross leaps HIGH into the air with a very impressive, very athletic dropkick!!! Zeus hits the mat, hard. This time, he doesn’t rush back to his feet. The fans clap, impressed with Gideon’s athleticism and quickness~
Smith: He’s a top tier athlete, Hood.
Hood: Well, he talks a lot of shit so he’d better be good inside the ring.
Smith: Gideon is brash and unapologetic...two qualities that most OCW legends possess.
~Zeus uses the ropes to pull himself up. Cross is poised. Zeus goes after Gideon...but Gideon jumps up and nearly decapitates Zeus with The Inheritance (Jumping corkscrew roundhouse kick)!!!! Zeus is down...probably for the three count. BUT, Gideon isn’t done~
Smith: Cross could...and probably should finish the job.
Hood: Why? This is a showcase and he’s got one more move to show off.
Smith: I just feel sorry for Zeus.
Hood: He’s a grown man who is still under the illusion he’s a greek god. Fuck him.
~Rose claps from the outside, urging Gideon on. He yanks Zeus off the mat and double underhooks both his arms. Then, with ease, Gideon lifts Zeus up and drops him with The Iron Cross (Spinning sitout lifting double underhook facebuster)!!!!! He flips Zeus over and makes a very nonchalant cover. Scruff slides in with the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner...GIDEON CROSS!!!!!
Smith: Gideon Cross making short work of Zeus.
Hood: Guy looks like a star, Smith. Looking forward to seeing more out of Gideon...and that hot piece of ass he has around his arm.
Smith: HOOD
Hood: He can’t hear me!
~Cross refuses to let Scruff raise his arm. Instead, Rose enters the ring and does the job. The fans are impressed...but they aren’t exactly warm toward Gideon. His arrogance is off putting...the longer he’s out there the more clear it becomes...Gideon Cross is not a man of the people~
Smith: We’ll see more of Gideon Cross as the march toward Access Denied continues.
Hood: I look forward to it. Is 2022 the year of Gideon Cross?
Smith: It very well could be. Alright fans, stick around to OCW 24/7 as you never know when more action will drop!
~We cut back to the OCW Studio~
Cheasy M: He looks like a star, doesn’t he? The man has talent and he’s gonna need it.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: Why’s that you ask, well, simple…
Cheasy M: That’s correct. OCW legend Bob Grenier emerged from obscurity last week to announce his return. Let’s take a look at his hard hitting, emotional promo.
(From a living room in Iroquois Falls, Ontario, Canada sits OCW Hall of Famer and former OCW Champion Bob Grenier. He looks haggard, Beyond his 37 years. Years of abuse to oneself will do that. In the living room of the modest home he resides in he sits with his long time friend Hood and an OCW camera crew. He has specifically requested Hood for the occasion)
Hood: Off camera, We had a nice discussion about life, Our careers and you asked me to come here and pull no punches while speaking with you.
Bob: I'm a solitary man, I don't have "friends" per se.. What a lot of people don't know is that you and I are very good friends outside the confines of Online Championship Wrestling so that's why I specifically asked for you to come here. I respect your journalistic integrity your opinions. I respect the way you conduct yourself professionally.
Hood: It's pretty cold here in Northern Canada, Couldn't we have done this somewhere else?
(They share a laugh. Bob takes a sip of the coffee on the table in front of him)
Bob: From the bottom of my heart I appreciate the response this company has always given me when I make a request like this, When I'm going through personal matters, When I walk down the aisle and step into the ring, This company has shown me nothing but respect.
Hood: For the record, Tell the casual viewer who you are.
Bob: I'm Bob Grenier, OCW Hall of famer and former OCW Champion.. For the better part of the last 3 years, I've been on a downward spiral.. You've all seen it. I don't think I've won a match of any significance in an incredibly long time. I just wanted to talk, Unburden myself to the people who matter, My employer, My fans, My family. One thing I've learned over the years is this.. If you have the rock, If you gain possession of the ball and your are the best on the team.. You better make the shot, You better go hard in the paint and take it to the hole because there is always someone who is chomping at the bit, Someone who wants those reps and will knock you down the depth chart as soon as the opportunity presents itself. I've been throwing up bricks. I've let down the people I care about the most, I've let down the people who have given me chance after chance to live the type of life I want to live and do what I love to do. It took a long time to come to terms with who I am and open up, A long time to expose myself to the people who look up to me and employ me.
Hood: How has your life been for the past three years? I was pretty stunned at some of the revelations you made to me before we turned on the cameras.
Bob: I.. am a drug addict, I have been for quite some time.. 22 years. If I you smoke it, I lit it up and inhaled.. Sniff it.. I'm looking for the straw, Drink it, I'm cracking that bottle. Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth, Fentanyl, Any kind of pain killer you can name.. It's entered my body.
(Hood doesn't say a word. He looks Bob directly in the eyes and nods slowly.)
Hood: I can see in your eyes that you are a changed man, You don't seem to be in as dark a place as the last time we saw you.
Bob: I appreciate that and I'm glad you notice. I'm in a better place now. The road to recovery is a rocky one. It's been quite a trek.
Hood: So what is next for Bob? We'd love to see you compete again.
Bob: I have a reputation around here for taking on the very best. Even in my weakened state, I've never half assed things. I've wrestled more matches than anyone in the history of Online Championship Wrestling. Check my resume, Check my Win/Loss record..That's a goddamn fact. I'm not ready to throw in the towel and walk away into the sunset. I'm going to keep doing what I've always done and that is face the top tier of competition in this company.. Marcus Welsh.. I want him to find me an opponent. I don't care if it's Scott Syren, Lurrr, Matt Meyhu, TIO.. I am going to rip the head off of somebody's shoulders, I'm going to wrestle at Access Denied.
Hood: Can we trust you? Can the fan who buys a ticket because they see your name on the marquee trust you to show up?
Bob: I can't answer that. I'm not going to sit here and make that promise because I don't know what tomorrow holds, I don't know what will happen next week but what I do know is I need this. I need to prove to myself and my fans that I'm not some addict piece of shit. I'm out to prove that I can still go in the ring. Professional wrestling has been my lifeline. This is therapy for me. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. If I'm going down, I'm going down in a blaze of fucking glory in that ring. I can't afford another prison stint, I can't afford another relapse. This is my last kick at the can. If I go down again like I have I really don't think I have another recovery in me.
~We return to the OCW Studio and Cheasy M~
Cheasy M: Impact filled words from Mr. Grenier. Bob is a former OCW Champion. He’s done just about all there is to do in OCW...but, as he said, his accolades have been few and far between in recent years. Now, with a clean and straightened mindset, Bob looks to return to form and reclaim his spot at the top of the OCW roster.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: What does this all mean, you ask? Well, Bob issued a challenge. And, well, the young upstart Gideon Cross was quick to accept. Take a look!
The young upstart that be yours truly "The Brat Prince" Gideon Cross can be seen backstage sitting alongside that of his gorgeous girlfriend Axelle Rose on a gorgeous white leather couch in that of his personal dressing room. His personal butler/manservant Caledon Young can be seen cooking up the two love birds something to eat in Cross' private kitchen area. Sitting across from Cross, Cross' girlfriend can be seen Cross' personal bodyguard Desmond Toombs whom otherwise is the very man who Gideon refers to as "Tombstone", Gideon bust out laughing at what he had just heard from the OCW Hall of Famer Bob Grenier say..
GIDEON CROSS: "Is this guy serious babe?"
AXELLE ROSE: "I believe he is babe.."
GIDEON CROSS: "He can't be..."
Gideon says with a smirk.
AXELLE ROSE: "Umm.. I think he is babe.."
GIDEON CROSS: "Babe, yell at Caledon and let him know I want Bobby Grenier at Access Denied instead of whoever else they had planned for me to take on."
AXELLE ROSE: "You serious?"
GIDEON CROSS: "Yes, why wouldn't I, it'd be perfect this dude is waaaaaaaaaaaaay past his prime and waaaaaaaaaaaaay over his head babe!"
AXELLE ROSE: "You think so?"
GIDEON CROSS: "Yes, yes I'm positive babe, let Caledon know to reach out to Welsh and let him know, I want that old geezer first before anyone else has a chance to take him on, I want to be the one to put him back in that retirement home he came out of.."
~Cross says with a chuckle as he turns on his PS5 and begins to play a game of Madden 22, as he does the scene slowly fades out to darkness. We cut back to Cheasy inside the OCW Studio~
Cheasy M: The kid has guts, you have to give him that. He’s stepped up to the plate and I’m told this match is official.
Cheasy M: Bob Grenier and Gideon Cross will square off at Access Denied! A returning legend against a talented rookie. Who will win? We’ll find out on January 30th!
~Cheasy smiles, stacking his papers~
Cheasy M: Alright fans, let’s take a quick break. And, when we return, more Piledriver coming right your way!
~We return to the OCW Studio to find Cheasy behind his desk, as always~
Cheasy M: And now, fans, we at OCW would like to do something we RARELY do. We’d like to throw our support toward a wrestler outside of these Proud and Strong walls. A wrestler we have tremendous respect for who has hit hard times.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: I’m of course talking about former OCW Tag Champion, Bobby Bourbon! Mr. Bourbon’s career has been put on ice recently due to some controversial issues that I’m told we won’t get into on air. I got your back, Welsh.
~Cheasy winks, letting the man in charge know on air he won’t go rogue~
Cheasy M: instead, we at OCW would like Bobby Bourbon to know that he has our full and complete support. In fact…
~”California Girls” by The Beach Boys begins to play and out walks THE LOBSTER MOBSTER~
~The Lobster Mobster is grooving to the tunes. He shakes his hips. He spins around for dramatic effect. He whips his tommy gun around and points it at the few reporters in studio. They shriek~
Cheasy M: LOBSTER MOSTER! Cool your jets!!
~He lowers his gun and apologizes before taking a puff off his massive cigar~
Cheasy M: Lobster Mobster, did you bring the gift?
~The Lobster Mobster nods and begins to moonwalk~
Cheasy M: Great. Bobby, we at OCW would like to offer you a lifetime supply aka AN ENTIRE MONTH’S SUPPLY of Lobster Mac N Cheese!
~The Lobster Mobster removes his gangster hat to reveal a box of the DELICIOUS product~
Cheasy M: I believe it’s even got bacon in there, Bobby. Yes, Lobster Mac N Cheese...the food of champions! This ain’t no imitation crab meat, that’s for sure!
~The Lobster Mobster does a cartwheel~
Cheasy M: Okay, Lobster Mobster. You can go now.
~The Lobster Mobster starts to tap dance~
Cheasy M: Alright. That’s it. Get him out of here.
~OCW security rushes in, dragging the attention seeking Lobster Mobster off screen. The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: Folks, if there’s one thing we can all be certain about its that Mike Zybala will make headlines. When most people zig, Zybala does the Charleston. He simply operates on a different level than most of us.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: A few weeks ago, Mike Zybala brought up the idea of OCW introducing an OOC Championship. Well it appear as though that idea has come to fruition. Here, take a look
: A sudden knock on the door surprises everyone. A nondescript person walks in holding a duffle bag. They turn and look at Zybala.:
Person: Mr. Zybala. Your package has arrived.
: Zybala jumps off of the couch and runs over to the person. He looks in the bag and a big smile spreads across his face. Zybala then turns to look at The A-List. :
Zybala: Lissie, please excuse me. This is something I've been waiting for for a few weeks now. I have to go to the ring and make a big announcement. I'll be back in like 15 minutes at the very most.
: Without waiting for a reply Zybala runs out of the locker room and down the hall. People look at him as he runs by but he pays them no attention, except for CAP SLOCKl who he salutes. The captain Returns the salute then continues on his way as Zybala continues to run. He passes Scruff and yells at the ref to follow him. Scruff shugs and chases after zabala. They get to the gorilla position and Zybala yells at a nearby Tech to start his music. Dream Weaver blasts over the sound system as Zybala and Scruff make their way down the ramp to the cheer of the fans. :
Hood: Oh great. Santa totally ignored my letter.
Smith: what did you ask Santa for?
Hood: I asked for this idiot to be dropped into a volcano.
Smith: I don't think Santa does murders.
: The music stops when zabala and Scruff get in the ring. Zybala calls for mic and gets one. He then addresses the OCW faithful.:
Zybala: Hello, OCW!
:The fans cheer!:
Zybala: I hope you all had a great Holiday season. I have a late Christmas present for everyone in the crowd and in the back. I know that the 24/7 format has been a great time for everyone and Im going to make it better!
: The crowd leans forward in anticipation. What is Zybala up to now? :
Zybala: As you may know, I am the forever owner of Outsiders Championship Wrestler and soon to have my Online ownership back. So I've decided to create a new title that can not only be defended in both OCWs, but also any time, any where! As long as you have a OCW ref like Scruff here, and are under contract with either OCW, you can win the Omnipresent Ongoing Clock Championship or...
: Zybala bends over and opens the duffle bag. He pulls out a beautiful championship belt with three big letters on the center plate. :
Zybala: The brand new O.O.C. championship!!
: The fans cheer loudly at the revelation of the new title. The cheers lessen as Marcus Welsh makes his way from behind the curtain and down the ramp. Zybala claps for the General Manager and the fans clap for him as well. Welsh grabs another microphone and enters the ring. :
Welsh: That is a beautiful belt and a great idea, Mike. Though I'm sorry to say that I have to veto it. Hear me out! Do you think, with all these unexplained backstage assaults going on, that a title like this is a good idea??
: Zybala's shoulders slump as he nods.
Zybala: I guess you're right. I didn't think of that.
Welsh: Maybe when this mystery is solved, we can make this happen. Come on, let's get a drink in the back.
: Welsh puts his arm around Zybala's shoulders and leads him to the ropes. As soon as Zybala back is turned, Welsh quickly brings Zybala to the mat with a surprise roll up! Welsh grabs the tights as he yells at Scruff to make the count! Scruff quickly counts to three and Welsh jumps up and celebrates! He quickly grabs the O.O.C. title and leaves the ring. Welsh runs up the ramp and disappears behind the curtain. Zybala jumps up to his feet laughing. He calls Welsh a cheeky bastard before running after him. We cut back to Cheasy~
Cheasy M: Yep, the OOC Title is a thing, fans and Marcus Welsh is, apparently, the inaugural champion. Where will this lead? I have no idea. But, what I do know, is this…
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: Mike Zybala and BRIM will do battle at Access Denied with pride, power, and prestige on the line! Zybala fights for OCW ownership. BRIM battles for his Savage Championship. And, we received news yesterday that these two will compete in a Zybala’s Inferno Match! Three stages...three phases. A wrestler must earn 2/3 pinfalls. The three stages all conjured up within the mind of Mike Zybala...The Garden of Betraya, Outsiders, and Exile Island. It’s a match like no other AND it will be at Access Denied!
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: But, the mind games don’t start there. Nope. Late last week Zybala sent BRIM a message.
: We cut backstage to see Mike Zybala walking around holding something. He walks up to the door of BRIM and drops the object. It's the Savage Championship! Did Zybala break into Poblano's office and steal it? Is it a fancy replica from the sales kiosk? Knowing Zybala, it's probably the former. He probably destroywd some things in the office too. He leaves the title against the door. He puts a sticky note on the belt before walking away. The camera pans in on the note. :
" A REAL owner would have given this back to you as soon as The Purgeoning happened. Unlike Pablino who is treating you like its the 1800's.
Your friendly, neighborhood Zybala Claus"
~We cut back to Cheasy~
Cheasy M: Zybala is attempting to turn BRIM against Gregory Poblano. If you’ll remember, Poblano hired BRIM to defeat Zybala. Can Zybala plant seeds of doubt within BRIM’s mind, turning him against Poblano before the match takes place? It’s certainly something to keep an eye on.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: And, as if that weren’t enough...another major announcement from Mike Zybala.
Cheasy M: Outsider’s Championship Wrestling. Mike Zybala’s beloved Backyard Promotion. A promotion that has seen zeroes turn into heroes. And now, he’s looking for more untapped talent. At Access Denied, opening the show, Mike Zybala will host a battle royal for all those unknown names looking for a spot at the table. The winner of the Battle Royal will receive a match on the main card at OCW’s next PPV event.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: Pro wrestling stars need not apply. This match is for unknown wrestlers only. And, of course, Tony the Spider. Now, let’s check out a promo video for the battle royal!
Cheasy M: Should be exciting! Seems like Access Denied is going to be a 20 match card or something…like OCW’s limited roster, it keeps growing and growing!
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: And now let’s turn our attention toward the ominous message that has plagued the OCW roster over the past week...most notably, the Dravers.
Cheasy M: OCW has been flooded with messages asking what this means. Theories as to who this message belongs. The mystery is on everyone’s mind...well, guess no longer. An incident took place earlier today that you all need to see. ROLL THE FOOTAGE
~We cut to an autograph signing. The Dravers sit behind two tables, signing autographs for their very excited, eager fans. The OCW Tag Titles are set up on the tables in front of them. Everything is going great until two hooded figures approach. One in front of Nathan. The other in front of Jonathan. They put down a piece of paper to sign~
Nathan: And who do I…
Jonathan: Nathan?
~Nathan and Jonathan find themselves staring down at the ‘Endd is Near’ warning sign. They both look up. The two hooded men snatch the OCW Titles and BLAST the Dravers in the head with them. Fans scream and run. The tables are flipped over. Nathan and Jonathan are on the ground, wincing in pain. The two hooded men drop to their knees and they begin to pummel the Dravers in the head~
~After a brutal pummeling, the two hooded men stand, holding the OCW Tag Titles in their grasp. They remove their hoodies to reveal...~
~The fans brave enough to still be in attendance gasp. Dan and Chris pull the Dravers up...they are wobbly, barely able to stand. They run them over with belt shots to the face! The Dravers hit the floor HARD. Dan and Chris drop the belts and exit before security can arrive. We return to Cheasy inside the OCW studio~
Cheasy M: That’s right...The Danger Boiz are BACK and they want those OCW Tag Team Titles.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: And word from above is that they’ll have an opportunity to get them. Yessir, at Access Denied The Dravers will face The Danger Boiz for the OCW Tag Team Titles!
~Cheasy slaps his desk with excitement~
Cheasy M: When people talk about legendary tag team match ups, this one has to be at the top of the list. The Dravers, when they first debuted in 2017, were labeled as the ‘New Danger Boiz’...since then, they’ve become 2 time OCW Tag Champions whereas Dan and Chris are still looking to win those elusive OCW Tag Team Titles. It’s brothers against brothers. Legends against legends. It’s for the OCW Tag Titles and it is confirmed to take place at Access Denied!
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: And now, some more commercial action! But stick around because Piledriver returns right after this break!
~We return to the OCW Studio~
Cheasy M: Welcome back, fans! We are a little over THREE weeks away from Access Denied and, already, so much has gone down! One of the marquee matchups on January 30th is The Lost Stranger taking on Erin Gordon.
Cheasy M: These two will do battle for a shot at the TransAtlantic Championship OR Craze Title. Earlier this week, The Lost Stranger threw some more mindgames Erin Gordon’s way...let’s take a look!
~Two OCW fan boys are hanging out are the mall decked out in OCW gear. One of them, a man in his 40s is wearing an "I Heart Greg" t-shirt. The other guy, a slightly overweight guy in his 30 is wearing a bright Lime green t-shirt. The shirt may be 1 size too small as his belly chub is showing. They are in mid discussion when one of them notices a familiar face, or mask.~
Lime- look over there is that TLS?
Greg- by jobe I think it is.
The person wearing the TLS mask, also has on a janitor jumpsuit. He uses a broom to sweep up trash onto a silver dustpan, them dumps the trash into a big bucket.
Lime- should we go get his autograph?
Greg- No let's not bother him. It looks like he's training for his match with Erin Gordon.
~We cut back to the OCW Studio~
Cheasy M: Did you know TLS worked out? I didn’t. But, apparently he does and he’s working out, focused on defeating Erin Gordon at Access Denied!
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: And that wasn’t ALL TLS was up to last week...but, we’ll get to that later.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: For now, I’d like to talk about the main event! The biggest match of 2022!
~Cheasy smiles~
Cheasy M: I’m talking about the OCW Title match...a match which will now be a Barbed Wire Cage Match! This, of course, references the CLASH between Wrestler of the Year and OCW Champion Outcast as he takes on OCW Icon and Hall of Famer, Mario Maurako! And, as if that weren’t enough...the original ICON and initial OCW Champion, Lurrr will be in Maurako’s corner! Last week, Lurrr had some choice words for Outcast. How did the OCW Champion respond? Well, let’s take a look!
*The scene opens to Lurrr walking through the back of the OCW arena. Lurrr appears to have just arrived as he is carrying a bag with him and doesn't have a beer in hand. Suddenly, Lurrr stops and gives a dirty look.
The camera pans back to reveal Outcast. Outcast has a Newport hanging from his lips and a six pack of PBR in his hand. Outcast takes a slow drag and then removes the cigarette from his mouth as he exhales through his nose.
Outcast and Lurrr stare at each other in silence, and the tension grows by the second. Finally, Outcast pulls a bottle of PBR from the case and holds it out to Lurrr. *
Outcast: Ya know Lurrr, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Honestly, we're more alike than you or I would like to admit. So, how about we have a few drinks and pass around the peace pipe?
*Lurrr looks at the PBR with a look of disgust and shakes his head from side to side. *
Lurrr: I wouldn't drink that trash sh*t beer if I was dying of thirst, and your peace pipe is probably a crack pipe. Mario is gonna kick your rotten f**king teeth in, and I can't wait to watch it happen.
Outcast: All you do is talk. How about your try kicking these f**king teeth in.
*Before Lurrr can respond or act Outcast flips his Newport into Lurrr's face. The ember of the cigarette hits Lurrr in the eye, and Lurrr grabs his eye blinded. Lurrr begins to stagger and Outcast continues his assault as he smashes the beer bottle he had just offered to Lurrr across the back of Lurrr's head.
Lurrr falls flat on his face, out cold from the shot. Outcast picks up a broken shard of glass and mounts Lurrr's back. Outcast grabs a hand full of Lurrr's hair with his free hand and pulls Lurrr's lifeless head up.
Outcast places the glass to Lurrr's forehead, but pauses. *
Outcast: I was ready to carve you up, but I'm going to save that for Mario Lopez and Access Denied. You Lurrr, you deserve to wear the make of a full, to walk around humiliated. You haven't proven yourself a warrior in my eyes, only a fool.
*Outcast moves the broken glass up from Lurrr's forehead and then slices, cutting a section of Lurrr's hair out. Outcast continues to pull of Lurrr's hair, ripping it and cutting it with the broken glasses.
Finally, Outcast drops the broken glass and stands up, shaking the hair from his hand. Outcast grabs a nearby unopened and unbroken bottle of PBR and twists the cap off. *
Outcast: Mario Muckbang, what I just did to Lurrr isn't sh*t compared to what I'm going to do to you. It won't be your hair I cut up, but your flesh. It won't be your hair style that I alter, but your physical appearance, as I leave you a bloody and scarred mess.
~Outcast takes a swig of the PBR as the scene fades. We return to Cheasy inside the OCW Studio~
Cheasy M: And, like that, Outcast has just assaulted OCW royalty! Things are certainly heating up as Outcast will not flinch despite being stared down by two of OCW’s most legendary figures.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: How will Lurrr and Maurako respond? Well, these two didn’t become legends by skulking away when facing conflict. No doubt they’ve got a receipt waiting for the OCW Champion. You don’t want to miss this match,’s got all the makings of being one of the greatest OCW Title matches in company history!
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: Alright, let’s get some more money in here via paid advertising and, when we come back, Piledriver rolls on!
~We return to Piledriver...Cheasy remains fired up and ready to go~
Cheasy M: Welcome back, OCW fans! Before we get into our final portion of tonight’s broadcast, I’d like to make note of a certain figure within OCW who has issued challenge after challenge, only for it to fall upon deaf ears.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: Yep, I’m talking about Lord Allton. Sir Lord Allton of Pennylord has made it known publicly SEVERAL times that he’d like a match against Sugar Valentine. Unfortunately for Sir Lord Allton of Pennylord, Marcus Welsh has failed to grant his request.
~Cheasy shrugs~
Cheasy M: Why? What is the reasoning behind this? Is Marcus Welsh protecting Sugar? If not, will we see Lord Allton get his match before next week’s show? Here’s hoping he does because if there’s one thing this ole broadcaster can’t get enough’s Sugar Valentine getting his ass kicked!
~Cheasy laughs before the camera cuts and he adjusts~
Cheasy M: Speaking of things Cheasy about an updated look at this week’s HEAT CHECK!
Cheasy M: So hot! SO HOT. Veronica Strader has reached the top of the rankings! Should come as no surprise as the Proud and Strong member...Welsh’s Chosen One has kicked ass since returning. She is the very embodiment of modern day OCW.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: How do you rise the Heat Check rankings? Activity, my friends! Promos, segments, interviews...match challenges! You name it, it’ll help. Give the fans a reason to get behind you or pull against you...generate some HEAT.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: And, speaking of Veronica Strader...she’ll defend her TransAtlantic Championship against Dylan Thomas at Access Denied. This feud has been the hottest of all the feuds thus, let’s take a look at what’s been going on between these two stars.
~We open in catering where Veronica Strader sits with her girls, Roxxie G and Marcy (also known as The Head Mistress) having dinner, with an open bottle of Patron Gold (always be nervous of the woman who drinks tequila out of a rocks glass or wine like it is Gatorade) the women are in a deep conversation.~
Roxxie G: I mean, you totally got this defence at Access Denied, Ronnie.
Marcy: Dylan hasn’t even said anything since Who’re came to talk to you. You are getting in his head.
Roxxie G: She totally isn’t giving him head, Marcy.
~The Head Mistress goes to correct her but Ronnie waves her off and continues sipping on her Tequila.~
Veronica: Speaking of giving head, your girl Ronnie does need to get laid. I was deeply buried in Victoria’s psyche for a decade and as great you two are, that’s not my preferred way to swing.
~She stirs her rocks glass that is low on the golden liquid from Mexico so she grabs the bottle, pulls the cork out, fills her glass back up, and takes some ice from the bucket on the table to drop into her golden liquid. The sound of ice cubes hitting liquid was one of her favourite sounds. After a stir of her pinkie, she feels a tug at her jeans. Chuck hops up on the chair beside her, places his Chef knife down on the table.~
Chuck: Ladies, did I hear someone needs to get laid? I’m your man.
~The women start to laugh, and his little red eyebrow goes up.~
Chuck: What’s so damned funny?
Marcy: Do you even have what she’s looking for?
Chuck: You can order attachments from Japan. Small, Medium and OH MY Damballa!
~Veronica shakes her head, smiles at him, and slicks his hair back with her hand.~
Veronica: That’s sweet of you, Chuck, but that would be also very weird. If I am ever in one of those Tiffany dolls, we can talk about it.
~She kisses his cheek and he blushes. Apparently, he can do that.~
Chuck: I’ll remember that, boss! I got that letter printed for you. Just needs your John Hancock. Or is it Jane Hancock?
~Veronica shrugs.~
Veronica: People watching probably didn’t even understand that but good to hear. I’ll sign it now.
~Chuck pulls a folded piece of paper and smooths it out on the table sliding it over to her along with a pen that looks like a Jalapeno ( stolen from Poblano's Office). She finishes and hands it back to him.~
Veronica: You know what to do?
Chuck: Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t, boss.
~She gives the little guy a kiss on the cheek as he hops down from the chair all smiles, kinda like the ones he has when “Allegedly” killing someone. Veronica looks across the table at her entourage of two.~
Veronica: Well, I am gonna make a challenge. Go make sure Chuck has my left my note for Dylan Thomas, ok?
~Marcy and Roxxie nod, grabbing their drinks and bottle of tequila.~
~Left on Dylan's locker room door.~
Dylan is in the A-List Family locker room when he opens the door to get some snacks.
Dylan: Lissie! Do you want anything?
Lissandra: Maybe a coffee? I'm still working out this union stuff for Mike.
Dylan notices the note on the door.
Dylan: The fuck?
Dylan rips the note from the door.
Dylan: Ah second grade poetry again. This is cute...really cute. But is this a feud or is she coming on to me?
Lissandra: What's that baby?
Dylan: Nothing! I'll be back soon honey.
Dylan shuts the door. He scrunches up the note with a smirk.
Dylan: Two can play at this game, Strader.
We fade
~Veronica was in her custom locker room (apparently the Janitor before didn’t know there was a giant back room behind it) Roxxie and Marcy were nowhere in sight and Chuck is out walking the perimeter or more than likely playing Go Fish with Knifeman. She is still very much annoyed by The Lost Stranger adding Zybala to the fold. Granted she knew it did benefit her reacting in real-time for if they ever fight again in the future but it was TLS she wanted, and while she got a sample she wanted to go one on one with. She is in a pair of purple LuluLemon yoga pants, a black ladies Outcast T-shirt that is tied to her left side bearing her toned six-pack, and a headband to catch the sweet.~
Veronica: You know when said you were gonna play the game I have been playing with your head. I expected so much more than doing nothing at all.
~She obviously noticed the intruding cameraperson as she stands up and rolls up her yoga mat. She goes and sits down at the bar, reaching over to grab a water bottle.~
Veronica: I know you think what I am doing is childish, but not too much adultin’ happens in this industry if you haven’t noticed. But maybe you can answer this question: when are you going to take this match seriously? Don’t respect My belt? Don’t respect me? I sure hope not. Just a little over three weeks until we clash and will you be ready for that?
~She smirks with a scoff.~
Veronica: At the very least, you’ll begin to understand when you going off the roof and the inground pool you are aimed towards is filled with an unknown amount of water, ice, leaves from the previous Autumn season.
~She chuckles to herself.~
Veronica: But you know what? Fairytales are sometimes true, But they also are horror tales .
~fade out.~
The camera cuts to Dylan Thomas staring at the camera. The setting is the A-List limousine as it drives through Hollywood.
Dylan: Veronica Strader, this isn’t a question of respect. I respect you and your talents. I respect the Trans-Atlantic title. I was just wondering how far you were willing to go. True, you’ve thrown someone off a roof to get my attention and that’s a good start but we’re going to Detroit, Strader… I expected more. In our match I’m going to show you just how hardcore Dylan Thomas can get. I brained two kids in just to mess with Duce Jones.
Dylan smiles.
Dylan: I haven’t answered your poetry because I believe if something is worth saying, it’s better in person. Would you not agree…….Chuck?
The camera pans down in the limo onto a gagged and blindfolded Chuck who keeps moving his head, wondering what’s happening.
Dylan: Oh, I'm sorry. Your head of security is a little tied up at the moment. You can have Chuck back during OCW 24/7. But I think we’re due a sit down you and I, Strader.
~We cut back to Cheasy inside the OCW studio~
Cheasy M: Things have certainly escalated between the two competitors. What started off as some poetry...a few back and forth quips has quickly escalated into KIDNAPPING. Or, Dollnapping, whichever you prefer. Regardless, one of Veronica’s trusted entourage members has been taken hostage by Dylan Thomas.
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: How will Veronica respond? Well, if there’s one thing we know about Miss Strader, it’s that she’ll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. There are two things she desires, as far as I is to defeat Dylan Thomas at Access Denied and the other, I’m sure, is to reclaim Chuck.
~Cheasy nods, affirming his beliefs~
Cheasy M: Dylan Thomas is no stranger to danger. He’s faced the very best OCW has to offer since stepping foot inside the promotion nearly a year ago. Can Veronica measure up to the stars he’s faced in the past or will Dylan Thomas dethrone OCW’s Queen? We’ll find out on January 30th at Access Denied!
~The camera cuts. Cheasy adjusts~
Cheasy M: Veronica Strader also made headlines last week when she challenged The Lost Stranger to a match. Not only did TLS accept...but he did so with a twist. The Lost Stranger challenged Zybala to make it a triple threat...something NOBODY anticipated. And, well, Zybala accepted...resulting in an exciting Triple Threat match up to kick off the new year! Let’s cut to the action as TransAtlantic Champion Veronica Strader squared off against former Ascension Champion TLS and former OCW owner, Mike Zybala.
~Zybala steps through the curtain! The crowd goes wild. Strader remains on the ramp, TransAtlantic Title around her waist. TLS is in the ring. Zybala pauses, watching the ten masked individuals beating each other up for...reasons. He shrugs and throws some SUPERKICKS in there, taking them out. Strader joins in, removing her title and blasting the other masked men! The crowd goes wild as the duo eliminate all ten masked men. TLS, meanwhile, just stands in the ring watching~
Smith: I’m not really sure what purpose those ten masked me served.
Hood: So TLS could be a spectator. I’m told he likes to watch.
Smith: Okay, that’s really too much information, Hood.
~With the ten masked figures laid out, Zybala and Strader exchange a look. Strader is prepared for anything. Zybala, though, turns and sprints for the ring...he slides in and pops to his feet. TLS drops the mic and throws a punch...Zybala responds! The two men begin brawling in the center of the ring. Strader hurries down so she isn’t left out~
Smith: And we’re off!
Hood: Yea, I’m not sure WHY TLS wanted to get Zybala involved in this but...he’s got his wish.
Smith: TLS is the master of mind games, Hood. He zigs when most zag.
Hood: There’s no need to bring PerZag into this, Smith.
~Strader hops on the apron and tries to enter, but Scruff cuts her off. He motions toward her belt. She quickly nods and removes it, handing it over. Scruff tosses it outside the ring to Belvedere. Strader steps into the ropes. TLS shoves Zybala into her. The impact sends Strader through the ropes, onto the apron. TLS charges at the off balanced Zybala...but Mike ducks!! TLS shoulders into Strader, almost knocking her off the apron. He turns around...Zybala throws a SUPERKICK at TLS...but TLS moves!! Strader catches Zybala’s SUPERKICK. She tosses his foot to the side, spinning him around. She hops onto the apron...she springboards off and comes down with a Backstabber!!! Zybala flails around, holding his back. Strader returns to her feet only to get run over via a lariat from TLS~
Smith: Fast action! Zybala tried to take TLS out with a Superkick but missed...and now he’s down.
Hood: Gag reflexes by Strader.
Smith: Excuse me?!
Hood: Great! Great reflexes! I MEANT GREAT
~TLS grabs Strader by her hair, pulling her from the mat. He whips her into the nearest corner, she hits hard. He then grabs Zybala, pulling him to his feet. For fun, he reaches in and pokes Mike in the eye! The fans boo! TLS whips Zybala into Strader! He hits hard! They’re stacked in the corner...TLS takes a few steps back, he charges in, leaps high in the air and CRUSHES both with a huge splash. He takes a step back...Zybala and Strader stumble into his grasp...he hooks them both, hoists them up and drills them into the mat with dual Rock Bottoms!!! TLS returns to his knees before standing, feeling very happy about things~
Smith: And The Lost Stranger...the somewhat forgotten man on the OCW roster is showing why it’s a bad idea to ever...EVER forget that he’s capable of just about anything.
Hood: Yep, I once saw him eat 12 of the hottest wings in the world. The paint on his face never ran. This, of course, was when he used to wear face paint.
Smith: Your insight is so valuable, Hood.
Hood: Thanks.
~The crowd pops! TLS turns...and he sees GREGORY appear! OCW’s favorite elephant marches from backstage, down the ramp. Riding him like Jane from Tarzan is Erin Gordon! The happy owner of Gregory...the largest gift in white elephant history. TLS looks on from the ring, staring up at Gordon as she parks Gregory at ringside for an up close look at her opponent come Access Denied~
Smith: Erin Gordon is out here and she’s riding Gregory.
Smith: You know what I mean!
Hood: Imagine if someone just turned this shit on without any context? They’d think we’re some kinda sex club in some sex tower in new york. GROSS
~Zybala and Strader both reach their feet. TLS manages to catch this on the OCW Tron behind Erin and Gregory. He turns and runs at them...they both duck! TLS hits the ropes...he bounces off...Strader kicks him in the gut! Zybala jumps up with a knee lift, smacking him in the face. He tumbles into the ropes...Zybala and Strader charge forward, clotheslining TLS out of the ring and to the outside! The fans go wild! Zybala and Strader take a moment to catch their breath before sizing each other up~
Smith: TLS has been deposited outside the ring! Now, we’ve got Zybala and Strader alone...inside the squared circle.
Hood: Do you think geometry people hate the term ‘squared circle’?
Smith: That’s a question I’ve never asked myself, Hood.
Hood: I wonder about these things. Like, how does our product rate within the geometric community? Is that an untapped demographic?
Smith: Doubtful.
~Strader throws a violent roundhouse kick at Mike...but he ducks!!! He gets Strader onto his shoulders and carries her toward the center of the ring. Strader wiggles free and drops to her feet, Zybala’s head locked...she looks for a DDT. Zybala whacks her in the ribs a few times, weakening her grip. He then lifts her up and takes her over with a Northern Lights Suplex!! Zybala bridges for the pin...Scruff slides in~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Strader kicks out! Our first pin attempt of 2022!
Hood: Is this LIVE? I thought we were on tape delay.
Smith: It’s airing in, it’s our first match of the new year.
Hood: Classic OCW, baby
~Zybala kips up back to his feet. Strader rolls over and is quickly to one knee. Mike turns and he runs forward looking to hit Veronica with a shining wizard...but Strader catches his leg. She sweeps the other leg, taking Zybala down. She rises, hooking his second leg and she falls back with a slingshot! Zybala flies forward and receives SNAKE EYES on the top buckle. He stumbles backward...Veronica rolls him up for the pin. Scruff slides in~
Smith: And another near fall...this time the TransAtlantic Champion nearly pinned OCW star Mike Zybala!
Hood: We take shots at Zybala a lot but he’s a huge star in OCW. If Veronica would have pinned his ass right there...YUGE win.
Smith: Please, don’t say yuge.
Hood: Why the yell not?
Smith: STAHP
~Both wrestlers hurry to their feet. They get there at the same time...before they can continue fighting, they turn around and get taken down by a springboard crossbody from TLS!!! The ring shakes from impact!!! Zybala rolls out of the ring. Strader remains in the ring. TLS pops back to his feet...he stops and he turns his head, staring at Erin Gordon. She looks back, refusing to give away any sort of reaction...studying her opponent at Access Denied. Meanwhile, Gregory raises his trunk as if he’s giving TLS the finger~
Smith: Gregory!
Hood: Saucy elephant. How dare he mock TLS.
Smith: He continues a long standing tradition of the animals in OCW having as much personality as the wrestlers themselves.
Hood: Don’t you dare compare him to’s too soon, Smith.
~TLS ignores Gregory and focuses back on Strader...she’s fighting to her feet, so he pulls her up and jams and elbow into the back of her neck, dropping her face first onto the mat. TLS delivers a few well placed stomps onto Veronica, keeping her down. The fans start to boo...Veronica is clearly over with the Proud and Strong faithful of OCW. TLS pulls Strader up and knees her in the gut...but he gets distracted...Zybala is on the apron. TLS shoves Strader back and he goes after Mike. He grabs Mike by his very thick hair...but Mike drops to the floor, raking TLS’ throat across the top rope. TLS stumbles back. Zybala runs forward, sliding in through the legs of TLS. He pops up and takes off...but, as he does, he’s drill with a roundhouse kick from Vee!! Zybala hits the mat hard. Strader fires up...the crowd solidly behind her. TLS turns around, he wobbles...she runs forward...but TLS is playing possum!!! He rolls her up in a schoolboy!!! The crowd gasps...Scruff slides in with the count~
3!! NO!
~Scruff stops and points...TLS’ momentum took his legs under the bottom rope. Scruff has to cease the count. TLS gets up, pissed~
Smith: He was too close to the ropes, Scruff had to break the count!
Hood: TLS had this won!
Smith: Well, I mean, maybe...we’ll never know.
Hood: It just goes to show...OCW is anti-masked wrestlers. And, ya know what? I’m okay with that.
~TLS tries to stomp on Strader, but she rolls out of the ring. He kicks at the bottom rope, pissed. He turns around and is suddenly BLASTED by a SUPERKICK from Zybala!!! The crowd goes wild!!! His body stiffens up and he falls to the mat!! Zybala dives on top of TLS. Scruff makes the count~
~Strader dives in, breaking up the count~
Smith: Not only does TLS lose if Scruff counts to three...but so does Strader!
Hood: I know that, Smith. I’ve only been calling this shit for twenty years.
Smith: Hey, we don’t have matches as often as we used to. I’m just making sure.
Hood: Quit holding our hands. It’s creepy.
~Strader hurries to her’s a race at this point. Zybala beats her. He throws a SUPERKICK! But Strader ducks!! Zybala turns around and gets a taste of his own medicine as Strader smacks him with A Like Supreme (SUPERKICK)!!!! Zybala falters back into a corner. Strader runs forward and drills Mike with a knee!! She yanks the former #1 contender out of the corner and lifts a knee into his gut, doubling him over. She grabs his arms and hooks them back for a Pedigree (The Wild One)! But, TLS sneaks up behind and fish hooks her mouth...he spins around, hands still in her mouth and he drops to the mat with some kind of fish hook neckbreaker!!! Strader yells out, reaching for her mouth in pain as TLS sits up...probably smiling. Hard to tell with that mask over his head. But, his celebration is cut short as Zybala flies into view with a rolling snapmare!!! TLS’ body snaps back, as he holds his neck in pain. Mike pops back to his feet...the OCW Arena is on fire chanting “ZYBALA! ZYBALA!”~
Smith: And Zybala is standing tall!
Hood: Well, I mean as tall as he can stand.
Smith: Rude
~Strader and TLS both struggle to their feet. Zybala has a decision to make...who does he SUPERKICK? Erin leans forward, interested to see what happens. He hesitates for just a second before choosing Veronica!! He throws a SUPERKICK her way. But she moves!! TLS grabs Zybala from behind and hooks him in a Full Nelson! Veronica sees Zybala prone for an attack and decides to take advantage...she steps into a corner...she jumps out and throws A Like Supreme (Superkick!!) But Zybala slides out from TLS’ grip and Straders Superkick hits TLS in the face!!! TLS stumbles back~
Smith: They tried to double team Zybala but he managed to escape!
Hood: This guy has more lives than a lonely lady’s cat riddled apartment.
Smith: That’s a lot of lives.
~Zybala hoists the off-balanced Strader onto his shoulder and he tosses her over the top rope!! She tumbles over, her ass landing on the apron, sending her careening face down onto the floor with a big SPLAT!!! The fans go “OOOHH”. Erin winces. Even Gregory covers his eyes with his trunk. Zybala turns around to TLS who’s still reeling from Strader’s Superkick~
Smith: Strader with a terrible tumble!
Hood: Finally she can get some plastic surgery and remove whatever facial traits she inherited from her parents.
Smith: Raven?
Hood: You saying she looks like a GOAT?
Smith: Not that Raven...the OTHER Raven!
Hood: Wait, her mother is the chick from that Disney series?
Smith: do you know about that show?
Hood: Don’t get me started.
~Zybala throws his lethal SUPERKICK at TLS...but TLS ducks!!! TLS turns around...Zybala turns around. TLS reaches for Zybala’s eyes...Zybala fights him off and throws a headbutt into the chin of TLS!! TLS is staggered...Zybala lunges forward with a SUPERKICK!!! TLS hits the mat!!! Zybala dives on top of TLS!!! Strader sits up...she sees what’s going on. Scruff slides in...Strader struggles to her feet~
~Strader dives at the ring~
~She doesn’t get there in time!!! The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner...MIKE ZYBALA!!!!!
~The crowd goes wild!!! Strader slaps the mat with both hands, frustrated...she then rubs her face and mouth, which took some aggressive damage during the fight. Zybala pulls himself up using the ropes and throws his arms in the air...victorious~
Smith: Zybala wins! He’s victorious!
Hood: Zybala winning matches...I dunno, this new format might suck.
Smith: He earned it, Hood! Nobody puts more work into OCW than Mike Zybala!
~Zybala hops out of the ring and looks at Strader...she’s got frustration in her eyes...but also respect. Respect for the of OCW’s pillars. Zybala heads to the back...he pats Gregory on the ear...Gregory responds by rubbing Zybala’s head with his trunk. Strader heads around the ring, receiving her TransAtlantic Championship from Belvedere...she pauses at the bottom of the ramp. The fans give her a huge ovation~
Smith: She fought hard, Hood. And, really, didn’t lose...was just a victim of the stipulation.
Hood: Yea, a split second quicker and she’d have broken up that pinfall.
Smith: Indeed...but now, our TransAtlantic Champion will return her focus toward Access Denied where she will defend against Dylan Thomas.
~Strader walks past Gregory and nods. Gregory raises his trunk not unlike a person would raise a fist as a show of power. Strader exits through the curtain. This leaves Erin and Gregory staring into the ring as TLS struggles to his feet. The Lost Stranger stands, holding his head...he looks out at Erin, who is leaning forward~
Smith: These two will face at Access Denied, Hood. The winner will receive a shot at The Craze OR TransAtlantic Championship.
Hood: I’m not sure who got more out of this, to be honest. Erin got to scout TLS...but TLS actually got some in-ring work. Win or lose, that’s going to sharpen his skills as we head toward January 30th.
Smith: Indeed...nothing can beat in-ring preparation.
~Erin shakes her head, staring at TLS. She then maneuvers Gregory around and they head up the ramp, leaving TLS behind. TLS stands in the ring, hands on his hips. He’s frustrated. His head hurts. It hasn’t been his night~
Smith: TLS is another one of the core members of OCW. A rough night tonight...but don’t underestimate that man. He’s as good as they get.