~The screen turns black and then the OCW theme begins playing as we get a recap of Thursday Night War. We see Seventeen defeating The New Breed in an awesome tag team match up, we then see the return of Triple P as he totally destroyed Draiman. Shots of the main event are shown, where Kannon took TGO to the limit, so far that TGO took End Game from Kannon, only to barely get a shoulder up. We then see TGO stopping a huricanrana attempt from Kannon and dropping him with the Tombstone Powerbomb. And last, we see Triple M helping TGO to the back, where a truck runs right through TGO, leaving him on the ground and out cold. The camera then fades to a jam packed arena, full of screaming OCW fans. Pyros go off at the entrance way as the camera pans through the crowd catching signs. Some read “Take that TGO!” or “Triple M is a sellout!!” “Kannon is MY World champ” or “Welcome back Triple P!!” we then get a shot of the announcers table where Smith and Hood are seated. Smith speaks~
Smith: Hello again everyone and welcome to Monday Night Massacre!!! I’m your host Smith and alongside me as always is the infamous Hood!!! And with the War we had last week, what do you think we can expect from Massacre tonight?
Hood: No telling Smith, we know that The Great One isn’t here tonight, but we expect Triple M, Josh Allen, Everlast, Triple P and Kannon all to be here tonight!!!
Smith: Yes, not to mention Tommy Crimson and possibly the One and Only FReaK of pro wrestling?
Hood: Oh, that would be Just F*ckin’ Cool Smith!
Smith: Wouldn’t it though? Not to mention three title defenses!! Fenix defends against The Big Bifford, Homeboy defends against Brian “Hardcore” Hulin and Cash Money Slade defends against Silver Cyanide!
Hood: Damn, what a night!
Smith: But some altercations got started earlier on today with the New Breed and the New Wave, let’s take a look!!
The camera’s cut backstage at Monday Night Mayhem, to a scene of Chris Cutlass, Joey Corona with Melanie, collectively known as The New Wave, sitting in what looks like a small cafeteria room. Apart from the guy behind the counter, directly in font of the camera’s view, The New Wave are the only people in the room. They sit at a medium length table, Corona and Cutlass at one side of the table, and sitting opposite is they’re valet Melanie. Cutlass, Corona and Melanie seem to be discussing various OCW Superstars across the table. There appears to be 3 other tables, like the one The New Wave are sitting at in the room, all un-occupied. Each table has 4 seats around it, two at either side. On the empty seat beside where Melanie is sitting, there is a black carrier bag, with unknown contents inside. The camera starts to home in on the conversation, until eventually stopping to a distance from where The New Wave can be clearly heard speaking~
Melanie: You know they should really learn how to wrestle, it could help them a lot in this organization.
Chris Cutlass: You said it, but what about this stable feud going on at the moment, Extreme Tendencies and Corporal Punishment?
Joey Corona: Hey man, we don’t need to concentrate on those no brain stables, because quite frankly¦..
~Melanie buts in~
Melanie: Uhhh, guys, ahem!
~Melanie motions to behind where Corona and Cutlass are sitting, both men look round, the camera pans to the left revealing none other than Craig McDade & Andy Murray, The New Breed standing behind them! Corona and Cutlass start to laugh and get to their feet~
Joey Corona: Well, well, well, if it isn’t The New Breed. Didn’t you guys get beat by a couple of high school punks?
Chris Cutlass: Ouch, that must have hurt! You idiots put on any skill lately?
Joey Corona: Hey man that’s what I was going to say!
Chris Cutlass: Well actually…..
Andy Murray: SHUT UP!
~The New Wave are startled by Murray’s deep booming shout, Melanie continues to look on from her side of the table~
Craig McDade: Now, we’ve been hearing that you chump stains got a problem with The New Breed, that right?
Joey Corona: Yeah damn right we got a problem with you, you worthless pieces of trash, quite frankly, you guys just plain suck!
~Murray turns to look at Craig~
Andy Murray: Did you just hear that?
Craig McDade: Sure did!
~Murray and McDade quickly turn round and start laying into The New Wave! Murray starts brawling with Corona at one side of the table, Craig pushes Cutlass over the top of the table crashing down onto the floor. Murray and Corona continue battling, exchanging right and left hits, until eventually Murray gets the better of Corona and knocks him down with a hard clothesline, then picks him up, kicks him in the gut and sends him all the way on a Highland Hangover! Murray then picks Corona up again and throws him over the top of the service counter with a smash! Over at the other side of the room, McDade appears to have the upper hand on Cutlass to, but when he goes for a Superkick but Cutlass ducks~
Melanie: CATCH!
~Melanie throws Chris Cutlass a small black object, McDade lunges at Cutlass but Cutlass spays some mist in Craig’ eyes from the object, Cutlass then turns round and screams YEAH but BAM! Murray runs at Cutlass and hits a HUGE spear causing the New Wave member to hold his gut on the floor in deep agony. Murray helps McDade get on two feet again, then puts a deep stare in on Melanie~
Andy Murray: Who’s the pair of idiots now huh? C’mon Craig let’s leave this place!
~Murray and McDade walk out of the camera’s view, Melanie looks disgusted, then starts attending to her fallen partners. The screen then cuts back to the announcers~
Smith: The New Breed sure did take care of The New Wave right there!
Hood: Yea, too bad for the New Wave!
Smith: Sure is, but no we had some dark matches earlier today and lets get to those right now!
~The camera cuts to some taped footage from earlier in the night. It fades into the first of the dark matches~
~The match got started off quickly as Hektik really went after Crimson. Crimson showed a lot of ring rust, as Hektik was capitalizing on Crimson’s mistakes. Hektik nails a huge clothesline to the neck of Crimson and goes for the pin, but Crimson is able to get his shoulder up. Hektik then begins to beat the hell out of Crimson, until Crimson fights back. Hektik has Crimson in a corner and goes for a splash, but Crimson moves out of the way and Hektik hits his head on the steel ring post. Crimson then climbs to the top rope and leaps off nailing Hektik with a spinning wheel kick. Crimson then pulls Hektik to his feet and drops him with the Bloody Tears DDT. Hektik is out cold. Crimson then goes to the top rope leaps off and nails the Adrenaline Rush! Crimson goes for the pin, gets the three count and the win. After the match, ScaR gets in the ring and attacks Crimson as he and Hektik both get in a Midwest Headslicer and leave the ring with Crimson laid out~
Tommy Crimson
Jedit Omen (0-0) vs. Kevin Smith (0-0)
~The match started with Smith trying to over power the Water Elemental. But Omen fought back and had Smith reeling. Omen gets in some vicious chops in the corner and has Smith dazed. Omen then nails him with a stiff kick to the face that makes the crowd cringe. Omen then hooks Smith for a DDT and comes flying out of the corner with a Tornado DDT. Omen in total control at this point, climbs to the top rope and waits for Smith to get up. Smith gets up and Omen leaps off nailing him with Riptide!! Omen then hooks Smith with a triangle submission hold(Tidal Pull) and Smith doesn’t last very long as he begins tapping like crazy. The ref calls for the bell and awards the match to Jedit Omen~
Jedit Omen “The Water Elemental”
Shannon Shag-Nasty (0-0) vs. Khan Phusion (0-0)
~Shag and Phusion stare each other down at the beginning, with Shag talking all kinds of shit to Phusion. Phusion then goes to knock the shit outta Shag, but Shag blocks it and begins to beat the living shit out of Phusion. Once Shag has Phusion totally beat down, he begins to kick on Phusion as he is on the ground in serious pain. Shag then pulls Phusion to his feet and nails him with the Nasty Snap(Reverse Stunner). Phusion is ready to be pinned, but Shag feels he hasn’t inflicted enough punishment. Shag then pulls Phusion to his feet hooks him for a DDT but drops him in a stunner landing(Shagon’s Tail). Shag then nonchalantly pins Phusion and the ref makes the three count and calls for the bell~
Shannon Shag-Nasty
Mason Knight (0-0) vs. Hardkore (0-0)
~This match was yet another lopsided match as Mason Knight beat the living shit out of Hardkore. It started out slow as both men tried to out do the other with submission holds, which is kinda weird for a guy named Hardkore. But after awhile, Knight had enough and nailed Hardkore with a huge piledriver and went for the pin, but only got a two count, as Hardkore somehow managed to get a shoulder up. Knight then dropped Hardkore with a very impressive Implant DDT that left Hardkore laid out in the middle of the ring. Knight then lifts Hardkore up and drops him with Dead Bang. Hardkore is then out cold and Mason Knight goes for the pin and gets the win~
Mason Knight
Tim “DeGen” Kanzikston (2-0) vs. The Biscuit Tin Bomber (1-0)
~The fans were chanting TB2 at the beginning of this match, but the chant was short lived as DeGen started beating the hell out of TB2. TB2 tried fighting back earlier, but was silenced after DeGen nailed him with Incinerator. TB2 is then out in the middle of the ring. DeGen then goes for a pin but TB2 kicks out and the TB2 chants start up again. DeGen then again silences those chants as nails TB2 with a clothesline from Hell! DeGen then lifts TB2 up and drops him with Final Flight(The Last Ride). DeGen then goes for the pin and gets the win~
Tim “DeGen” Kanzikston
Malice “The Executioner” (2-1) vs. Da Boom (1-1)
~This match was a very close one, right from the opening bell. Boom and Malice went at it tooth and nail, leaving nothing behind. Boom started to get Malice beat down and out of it, when Malice fought back and evened up the score with Boom. Boom then nails Malice with a Last Ride powerbomb and goes for a pin, but Malice kicks out after two and Boom looks pissed. Boom then goes for Da Boom Buster, but Malice blocks it. Then nails Boom with a Chokeslam to Hell. Malice then takes Boom to the top rope and delivers a top rope powerbomb(Highway To Hell). Malice pins Boom and gets the three count~
Malice “The Executioner”
Rick Rage (1-2) vs. Pete “Pornstar” Parker (1-1)
~Parker, after winning his previous match, came out with the same intensity that he had last week. He pounded Rage from the opening bell. Rage tried fighting back, but it was no use, there was no way he was gonna get advantage and over take the momentum Parker had built. Rage though was able to stun Parker with a kick into the gut and then he rushed into the ropes. He bounced off, but Parker caught him and dropped him with a spinning spinebuster. Parker went for a pin but Rage was able to kick out. Parker then pulled Rage up and nailed him with a huge DDT. Parker then lifted Rage to his feet, hooked him and nailed him with The Climax. Parker then did his pose as he put one foot on the chest of Rage and the ref made the three count~
Pete “Pornstar” Parker
Josh Allen (6-0) vs. E-Dogg (0-1)
~Dogg came in and took it too Allen early. Allen was reeling and Dogg hit him with a tornado DDT out of the corner. Dogg then went to the top rope and went for a frog splash, but Allen rolled out of the way and Dogg hit the mat hard. Allen then got to his feet and pulled Dogg to his. Allen lifted him up for a body slam, but then turned it into a reverse DDT which laid Dogg out on the mat. Allen then ran to the corner and climbed it very quickly. He got to the top and looked down at Dogg, who was still not moving. Allen leaped off and hit a guillotine leg drop on Dogg. Allen then got to his feet again and climbed on the ropes. He was standing on the top rope and jumped off, nailing a Swanton Bomb(Airborn). Allen then pinned Dogg and got the win~
Josh Allen
Sex and Violence (1-0) vs. Extremely Dangerous (0-0)
~Parker and Kelley made their entrance first, with Canon and Vorex coming in after them. Vorex started it off against Kelley and Kelley dominated Vorex early on. Kelley then tagged Parker in and they did some nice double teaming on Vorex, to weaken him. Parker came in and laid a beating on Vorex, but Vorex was able to lure Parker into his corner, where Canon helped double team him. Canon then was tagged in and hit Parker with some awesome aerial moves. Parker though fought back and was able to tag Kelley in and Kelley dominated Canon. Vorex then rushed in and was taken out by Kelley. Kelley then tagged Parker in. Kelley, after tagging Parker, took Canon to the top rope and delivered a superplex. Parker then leaped off simultaneously, nailing a frog splash. Parker then pinned Canon and got the three count~
Sex and Violence
~The camera then fades from the taped matches and we go back to the live coverage as the crowd is still going nuts, anticipating their first sign of action. The camera goes back to the announcing crew of Smith and Hood, Smith speaks~
Smith: Well, some great action that took place earlier tonight!! Any thoughts on those matches Hood?
Hood: Well, that Shag guy is f’n awesome! Mason Knight and Jedit Omen both looked badass in their debuts as well. Tim Kanzikston keeps on winning and Sex and Violence are now in the lead of the Tag Division!
Smith: Not to mention Crimson put HeKTiK away, only to be attacked at the end and Malice bounced back nicely with a win over a very motivated Da Boom!
Hood: Oh, and Josh Allen, man he is looking better ever week!
Smith: Looking good huh? Who’s the gay one now Hood?
Hood: Oh, will you grow up you immature son of a bitch!
Smith: Well, uh you call me gay…
Hood: Yea and when I do it is funny, when you do, it is just retarded!
Smith: Oh, okay…..oh! How about that Pornstar!!!
Hood: How about that Pornstar?? Are you crazy! I never thought I’d say this, but Where is Jones?!
Smith: Okay! Okay! I’ll tone it down! Anyways…..
~Suddenly “Vodoo Child” by Jimi Hendrix begins to play and the fans stand and give a huge ovation as Prez Dean makes his way to the ring, followed by Cheasy M. Dean gets in the ring, grabs a mic and speaks~
Prez Dean: What in the hell is going on around here? Last week, I’m sitting in my office watching one of the greatest matches ever aired on a War broadcast and then being entertained by Silverfreak and his minion of midgets. I mean, how could War be any better? Well, it couldn’t, it could only get worse, but I didn’t know how bad it would get. Just as I thought War was coming to an end, I witness, just as all of you did, one of the most heinous acts in OCW history. The World Champ, fresh off a hellacious title defense and an attack from midgets, gets hit by a truck! I mean, come on, if you wanted a title shot that badly, you should’ve come to me!! Now, what am I gonna do for No Limits 2! I don’t even know if I’m gonna have a World Champion or not! Well, whoever did this, if you come out right now then I promise there will be no legal action, so come on, who did this?
~Everyone looks towards the ramp way, waiting for someone to emerge, but nobody does. After Dean and Cheasy wait for a few minutes, Dean continues to speak~
Prez Dean: Fine, you wanna hide, that’s cool with us. But when we find out who you are, and we will find you, there will be some serious hell to pay!
Cheasy M: Yea and we can only hope that The Great One is ready to go for No Limits and if he is, assassin, your ass is gonna be toast!
Prez Dean: Damn straight sucka!
~ “Vodoo Child” by Jimi Hendrix starts up again and Cheasy and Dean head back to the locker room area, to get ready to start the investigation of who hit TGO with the truck. We then go back to Smith and Hood at ringside~
Smith: Well, finally! Prez Dean is gonna do something about this situation, it is a travesty that someone would run over our World Champ!
Hood: Yea, well he had it coming, that big goofy bastard!
Smith: Well, Whatever!! Ladies and Gentlemen, before we get to the US Title match, I think we should pay tribute to our fallen brother. Zed, he died earlier today on his way to making a comeback to OCW. Cash Money Slade asked we do this and here is what happened to Zed, along with a tribute of his OCW career!
~ “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” by Pearl Jam plays as we see a picture of Zed with a big smile, missing a few of his teeth. The picture of Zed fades out and we see Zed hopping into his beat up, brown, yellow, white and red 1976 Ford truck. He has Tennessee mountain music playing as he speeds down the highway coming back to OCW. After watching him drive for awhile, we then see the highlights of Zed’s career. We see The New Wave deliver their final move to him, knocking him out and pinning him. We then see The New Wave totally annihilate Zed by beating him nearly to death with various weapons. The music keeps playing as we see Zed hauled off in a stretcher and into an ambulance as Dean slaps a pink slip on his chest. The camera then goes back to the tragic death of Zed as he is driving down the highway and runs over something, causing something to explode in the back of his truck. The back of his truck catches on fire. We see Zed happily singing to his mountain music, driving down the highway as his truck is engulfed in flames. We see people rolling down their window’s, trying to warn Zed, but he thinks they are trying to get an autograph from him and he tries reaching out of his window to hand them one. As he tries reaching, he falls out of the window but luckily, one of the straps from his overalls catches on the rear view mirror and he is left hanging. The truck then goes out of control and rams into the side of a bridge and it sends Zed flying off of the bridge, into the valley below. People look down to see the dead body of Zed, as his truck is barely hanging on. Zed though, somehow yells that he is okay, that is until his truck explodes and goes crashing down below, right on top of him. R.I.P. Zed, you weren’t great, you weren’t even that good, hell you sucked, but you were good for a lot of laughs….the scene fades back to the toothless picture of Zed and the date of birth to the date of death, and then back to Smith and Hood~
Hood: What a poor, poor man, he truly was great…
Smith: Yea, who was he?
Hood: You heartless mother fucker!!! That was Zed you son of a bitch!!
Smith: Was he ever on tv!
Hood: I’m gonna kick your ass now biatch!
Smith: Uhh, lets get down to ringside!
~ “Points of Authority” by Linkin Park begins to play and the arena goes crazy as they see Silver Cyanide make his way to the ring~
Warrick: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is for the OCW United States Title!!! Introducing first, the challenger, from Boston, Massachusetts, standing 6’2” and weighing in at 230 lbs…..SILVER CYANIDE!!!!!
~ “Down For The Count” by Reflection Eternal begins to play as we see the US Champ come out from the locker room wearing a R.I.P. Zed shirt. He stops on the walk way and points at the shirt and the fans start chanting “Zed! Zed! Zed!” CMS nods, then rips the shirt off, spits on it and wipes his boots on the rags and makes his way to the ring. We hear the crowd boo~
Warrick: And his opponent, from Sacramento, California, standing 6’2” and weighing in at 250 lbs, he is the OCW United States Champion……CASH MONEY SLADE!!!!!
~The bell rings as CMS hands the ref his US Title. CMS then does a little dance in the ring and Cyanide looks at him and says “Fag!” and then runs him over with a running lariat~
Smith: Ouch! Cash Money Slade, a little too excited there, just got nailed hard by Silver Cyanide!
Hood: Yea, can’t take your eyes off Cyanide, he is a hell of a wrestler!
~Cyanide now pulls CMS to his feet and whips him into the corner, CMS hits hard. Cyanide then rushes in there and nails CMS with a huge splash. CMS comes stumbling out of the corner and Cyanide drops him with a wicked Spinning Heel Kick. CMS goes down hard~
Smith: Man, Silver Cyanide is taking it to Cash Money Slade early on!
Hood: Yea, poor Slade should never have started that dance!
~Cyanide then goes to the top rope and waits for CMS to get up, CMS does and Cyanide leaps off, but CMS catches him in mid air. CMS then slams Cyanide down with a huge spinebuster that gives Cyanide major whiplash~
Smith: Wow! What a move by Slade!!
Hood: Yea, did you see Cyanide’s head snap back, man that was wicked!
~CMS gets to his feet and grabs the head of Cyanide and starts to pummel away at his skull, Cyanide tries to get away by grabbing the ropes, but CMS pulls him away from the ropes, into the center of the ring and continues pummeling away at him. CMS finally stops and Cyanide looks dazed and out of it. CMS then pulls Cyanide to his feet, whips him into the ropes. Cyanide bounces off and CMS nails him with an awesome dropkick and the momentum sends Cyanide through the ropes and to the floor~
Smith: Slade is in total control of this match right now!
Hood: Yea, man that dropkick sent Cyanide flying!
~CMS now climbs to the top rope as Cyanide makes it to his feet, wobbling around. CMS then leaps off the top turnbuckle, but Cyanide ducks and CMS goes crashing to the concrete floor. Cyanide then walks over to CMS, who is holding his leg in pain and Cyanide begins to stomp away on the leg and body of CMS~
Smith: Slade just missed with that high risk move and now Cyanide is stomping a mud hole in him!
Hood: Yea, what the hell was he thinking?
~Cyanide now pulls CMS to his feet and picks him up, he then rams CMS shoulder first into the steel ring post and CMS falls to the ground holding his shoulder in pain. Cyanide then pulls CMS to his feet and tosses him back into the ring~
Smith: Finally, get that action back into the ring, this isn’t a Hardcore match!
Hood: Damn, I wish it were!
~Cyanide now goes to the top rope as CMS is in the ring, on his feet, but stumbling around a little bit. Cyanide then leaps off nailing CMS with a missile drop kick. Cyanide the goes for the pin and the ref makes the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Oh!! Slade barely kicked out there!!
Hood: Yea, the US Title almost slipped away from him!
~Cyanide looks at the ref and shakes his head, he then pulls CMS to his feet and gives him a couple of kicks to the gut. He then hooks him, lifts him up and suplex’s him into the middle of the ring. Cyanide then goes to the top rope and comes flying off with a guillotine leg drop onto CMS. Cyanide then goes for another pin and the ref makes the count again~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Slade kicked out again, man he’s gotta get some offense going!
Hood: Yea, he is getting his ass kicked by Cyanide right now!
~Cyanide is getting frustrated and he pulls CMS to his feet. He then sets CMS up and goes for a superkick, but CMS grabs Cyanide’s leg. Cyanide then tries for an Enziguri, but CMS ducks and Cyanide ends up on his back. CMS then hooks both his legs, leans back and catapults Cyanide into the corner where Cyanide hits hard~
Smith: Geez, what a move by Slade, he is getting back into this one!
Hood: Yea, he sent Cyanide flying into that corner and Cyanide hit hard!
~CMS pulls himself to his feet by using the ropes and Cyanide gets up, wobbling around though. He then sees CMS and walks towards him, but CMS kicks him in the gut, hooks him and drops him with a Fisherman’s DDT!! CMS then goes for the pin~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Cyanide kicked out of Slade’s Fisherman’s DDT!!! Unbelievable!!
Hood: Damn, how much will it take to keep this man down?
~CMS gets up and begins cursing at the ref, but the ref holds up two fingers. CMS then pulls Cyanide to his feet and whips him into the corner. CMS runs in there and nails him with a huge splash. CMS then lifts Cyanide on his shoulders and nails him with a DVD~
Smith: Death Valley Driver from Slade, this one is close to being over!!
Hood: Yea, Cyanide isn’t even moving!!
~CMS now lifts Cyanide up and takes him to the top rope. CMS climbs up there with him and motions that he is gonna give him an X-Factor from the top rope. He grabs the hair of Cyanide, but Cyanide nails him in the gut and grabs the hair of CMS. Then they both leap off at the same time and both slam each other’s heads into the mat and are both flat on their backs in the middle of the ring~
Smith: Oh No!!!! They both came crashing down on their heads, they both must be out of it!!
Hood: I think we may see a Double Count Out!
~The ref stands over there and begins to administer the count~
Smith: Wait!! Cyanide is beginning to move!
Hood: Hold on there Smithy, CMS is starting to pull himself up using the ropes!
Smith: Slade is at his feet and Cyanide is only on one knee!
~Slade walks towards Cyanide, who is at one knee, but Cyanide surprises him and nails him with a punch to the gut. Cyanide then stands up, turns Slade around, hooks him and drops him with his patented reverse DDT!!! Cyanide barely covers Slade and the ref makes the count~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Slade kicked out!!! I can’t believe it!!!
Hood: Damn man, that is some crazy shit…I don’t know who is gonna win now!
~Cyanide gets to his feet and is pissed as hell, he walks around looking very frustrated, meanwhile CMS is getting to his feet. CMS gets to his feet and Cyanide turns around to go after him, but is met at the center of the ring with a SPEAR!!~
Smith: Slade just speared the hell out of Cyanide!!!!
Hood: Oh man, that is the setup for Flat Broke!!
~Cyanide gets up though and is staggering and Slade steps back and gets set to spear him again. Cyanide staggers around and finally turns around and Slade comes charging at him, but Cyanide responds with a kick to the head of Slade, knocking him down and out and Cyanide falls on top of Slade and the ref makes the count~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Ahhh!!!! What in the hell!!!
Hood: Oh man, this is fuckin awesome!!
~Both men are now flat on their backs, exhausted. The ref starts to make his ten count again and at around six they both get to their feet and are standing at opposite corners of the ring. Cyanide has his back to Slade and Slade sees this. Slade then charges in for another spear, but Cyanide turns around and sees him, lifts him up and drops him with a pancake(Silver Lining!). He then rolls Slade over and goes for the pin, the ref makes the count~
~The bell rings and the ref hands the belt to Silver Cyanide~
Smith: Wow, what a match!!!
Hood: Yea, we knew both men wanted that title, just didn’t know they wanted it that badly!!
~After the match Triple P comes down and starts to beat on Silver Cyanide with a Kendo stick. CMS gets up and starts to help Triple P beat on Cyanide. Then Triple M runs down to the ring and comes up from behind and hits "Strategery" (Grandmaster Sexxy's finisher) on Triple P. Triple M then turns around and hits Simply Marvelous on CMS and CMS and Triple P both roll out of the ring. Triple M helps Silver Cyanide up and they hug as Triple M hands him the US title, grabs a mic and speaks~
Triple M: When the OCW closed down I was the US champion.... and in my opinion the belt was never handed back out because the US title devision doesn't desirve a loser like Cash Money Slade representing it. Now we have a man who is worthy of being called the US Champ and is also worthy of being called "My Newest Buddy". Ladies and Gentlemen I bring to you your NEW UNITED STATES CHAMPION... SILVER CYANIDE!!!!
~Girls Girls Girls by Motley Crue hits and Silver Cyanide and Triple M walks out with the US title around Silver's waist. The camera then cuts to the back where Johnny Elite is walking around in the back by himself. He is carrying a box and looking for someone... just then he walks up to a door that says "Chaos". Johnny knocks on the door and Chaos answers~
Chaos: What the hell do you want?
Johnny: Well uh I know we are fighting at Rookies Night Out but I just wanted to make sure things were cool with you so I got you this present.
Chaos: I don't want your damn present. It's probably a pie or something stupid.
Johnny: No, its a real present. I really don't want you to feel bad when a 17 year old beats you at Rookies Night Out so I wanted you to have this.
Chaos: Chaos doesn't lose to no damn 17 year olds
Johnny: That's what the New Breed said too... now they are enjoying a nice 0-1 tag team record. But here have this.
*Johnny hands Chaos the box. Chaos opens it and pulls out police Riot gear*
Johnny: I thought maybe you could use it to stop the "Chaos" so you can be focused for RNO. Oh wait.... is that... why yes it is... Hey Chaos! I FOUND THE EIFFEL TOWER!
*Johnny runs away from Chaos leaving him holding this police riot gear as Johnny runs down the hall. The camera then cuts back to the announce table*
Smith: What is with that Eiffel Tower stuff?
Hood: It’s Johnny Elite man, it doesn’t matter!!
Smith: Whatever! But enough about the Eiffel tower, it’s time for Triple M in his first match since Sinful Nature II, to take on Wayne “The Man” West!
Hood: Ah, cool!
~ “What If” by Creed begins playing and Wayne “The Man” West makes his way down to the ring area as the fans stand and watch~
Warrick: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall!! Introducing first, from Wisconsin, Dells, standing 6’7” and weighing in at 228 lbs……WAYNE “THE MAN” WEST!!!!!
~ “Girls, Girls, Girls” by Motley Crue hits and the fans explode as Triple M makes his way to the ring~
Warrick: And his opponent, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, standing 6’1” and weighing in at 271 lbs……MARVELOUS MARIO MAURAKO!!!!!
~The ref calls for the bell and the match is under way. West stares down Maurako, as Maurako just sorta sarcastically smiles at him. West then charges at Maurako and they lock up. West forces Maurako into the ropes and the ref asks for a break. They break cleanly, but when the ref isn’t looking, West gets a knee into the gut of Maurako~
Smith: Oh come on ref!! That wasn’t fair!
Hood: Oh shut the fuck up Smith, since when does fair matter in wrestling?
~West then grabs Maurako and whips him across the ring, Maurako bounces off the ropes and West nails him with a spinning heel kick. Maurako stays on his feet though, obviously stunned. West then charges at him and knocks him down with a running lariot~
Smith: Wayne West is definitely looking like The Man here early on!
Hood: Yea, maybe he can actually beat a man this time around?
Smith: Hehe, maybe
~West now pulls Maurako to his feet and whips him into a nearby corner, Maurako hits hard. West then charges in there, but Maurako gets his elbow up and it nails West right in the face. West then turns around with his back to Maurako. Maurako then climbs to the second rope, leaps off and grabs the head of West, delivering a devastating bulldog to West~
Smith: Great bulldog there by the Marvelous one!!
Hood: Oh geez, no more The One’s, I can’t take them!!!
~Maurako then pulls West to his feet and hooks him for a suplex, he lifts West up high in the air and holds him up for four or five seconds before dropping him with a brainbuster. Maurako then goes for a pin on West and the ref makes the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Great kick out there by Wayne West, he is hanging in there against Triple M!!
Hood: Sure is, but he’s gotta get some kind of offense going!
Smith: Indeed!
~Maurako gets up and pulls West up. Maurako then takes West into a nearby corner and lifts West up to the top rope. Maurako climbs up there with him and hooks him for a superplex. But West counters with some punches to the gut of Maurako. West then shoves Maurako off the top and Maurako goes flying to the mat. West the stands up and leaps off, nailing a top rope elbow onto the chest of Maurako. West then goes for a pin~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Oh man!!! Wayne West almost pulled of a monumental upset!!!
Hood: Yea, that would’ve been unbelievable, but Maurako was able to kick out!!
~West yells at the ref about the count, but doesn’t take his focus off Maurako too long. He pulls Maurako to his feet and whips him into the ropes, Maurako bounces off and West locks in a sleeper. And Maurako goes down to one knee~
Smith: Oh man, Wayne West could turn the lights out on Triple M right here!
Hood: Get up Triple M!!!!
~Maurako starts to fight his way back to his feet and is eventually at his feet, with West still holding on. Maurako then lifts West up on his back and rams West into the corner and West releases the hold. Maurako then stumbles out to the middle of the ring and West charges at him. Maurako catches him with a boot to the gut and hooks him and delivers a belly to belly suplex. Maurako then climbs to the top rope. He pulls out his protective mask, puts it on and leaps off with a diving headbutt(Nose Dive). Maurako then removes the mask, tosses it out of the ring and goes for the pin~
Kick Out!!!!
Smith: Wayne West just kicked out of the Nose Dive!!!
Hood: Damn, maybe he is The Man…nah, I doubt it!
~Maurako gets up and looks very pissed. He then pulls West to his feet and hooks him for Simply Marvelous. But West gets some elbows to the side of the head of Maurako. He then kicks Maurako in the gut and Maurako is bending over when West runs into the ropes, bounces off and goes for an axe kick. But Maurako catches his leg, punches it, causing West to put it down and grab it in pain. Maurako then hooks him again and this time delivers Simply Marvelous to West. Maurako then goes for the pin and the ref makes the count~
~The bell rings and the ref raises the hand of Triple M~
Warrick: Here is your winner……MARVELOUS MARIO MAURAKO!!!!!
Smith: Triple M, with his first win since the reopening of OCW!!!
Hood: About damn time, finally something positive for him going into No Limits 2!!
Smith: Yea, but will he even be at No Limits, I mean nothing is scheduled for him yet….
*As Triple M is about to leave the ring, the arena lights are suddenly cut off. “Scar” by Fuel begins to blare over the speakers, making four blue spotlights emerge from the corners of the building and zoom to meet in the center of the ring, right over Triple M, setting off an explosion of pyro from the turnbuckles. The lights suddenly come back on with the explosion, and Triple P slides into the ring from the crowd! He cracks Triple M from behind with his kendo stick, then starts stomping away at him. Paras picks Maurako up and whips him against the ropes. Paul goes for a huge jumping kick, but Triple M ducks under it! Paul turns around and is met with a flurry of rights from the Marvelous One as the fans go wild. Maurako whips Paras against the far side ropes and on the return, back body drops him right over the top rope and to the floor! Paras staggers back to the ramp as Mario grabs a mic from Warrick.*
Maurako: Paul, I’ve had enough of your crap!! Since you came back to the OCW, you’ve been nothing but a pain in the @$$, stabbing me in the back, doublecrossing Seventeen, attacking Steve Stryker, the list goes on! Someone’s gotta put and end to your little games, Paul, and I think all these fans know just who that is!
*The fans cheer as Paras looks around, obviously angered. Before long, his arrogant smirk comes across his face and he takes a mic from a ring crew member.*
Paras: Well I’d like to see him out here challenging me like a man, Mario, because it’s obviously not some washed-up LOSER like yourself!
*Paul laughs snidely to himself as the fans boo.*
Paras: But if your heart is set on getting your ignorant @$$ beat down once again by The People’s Choice... *the crowd boos*, then as they say back in the old school- you wish you may, you wish you might, your wish is GRANTED for next Sunday night!! At No Limits II, Triple M! Me and you, one on one!!
*The crowd erupts into cheers as one of their dream matches is being set up before their eyes. Triple M, pacing around the ring calmly, looks like he isn‘t done yet though.*
Maurako: Well that sounds great, except aren’t you forgetting a little something about No Limits? Oh yes, that’s right, there are no “normal” matches at No Limits, because every match has a little special twist to it! And in this case, Paul, I think the twist I’m going to add is a match that is so dangerous, it’s only been done ONCE before, and never in the OCW. A match that The Marvelous One has been involved in before and The Perfect One has not! A match where we take a ring, similar to the one I’m standing in right now. Then we add in a Lion’s Den cage right smack-dab in the center of this ring! Around that, we construct what I like to call...a steel cage! And then on the outside of this double-layer of metal, we add in the main ingredient- a CELL, for a little thing known as HELL in the CELL! The only way to win is to escape all three cages, and touch both feet on the floor on the outside! There will be no doors; just metal upon metal upon damn layer of metal! Yes, that’s right, Paul, at OCW No Limits II, it’s going to be Triple M vs. Triple P in an ULTIMATE IRON MATCH!!
*The fans explode into cheers as Paras’ look of arrogance turns to one of uncertainty. He stares at Maurako as if he’s crazy for a moment, then slowly raises the mic back up to his mouth.*
Paras: All right, Triple M, you know what? The Perfect One accepts your little “Ultimate Iron Match,” BUT only if there’s a little something on the line as well! Now considering The Perfect One hasn’t gotten any shots at OCW gold since returning, and being the chronic moronic you are, you haven’t been able to win a belt to save your life, we can’t put a gold belt on the line. But what we CAN do is this- #1 Contendership to the World Heavyweight Title; the biggest prize in the game. The winner is the guaranteed #1 contender and the loser gets nada, zip, zero, no title shot! So at No Limits II, after the Perfect One busts your carcass all over that ring, through three cages, and I touch down to become without a shadow of a doubt, THE #1 contender, and show the world that I was, am, and always will be the better member of Perfectly Marvelous, all your millions of fans out there will get to look back at you and say “Wow, he just got Perfectly Pulverized by the Perfect One.”
Maurako: So it’s #1 contendership you want on the line too? Fine with me! But the only thing that’s going to be different is it’s gonna be YOUR @$$ that gets Marvelously Manhandled at No Limits! And to that, all I have to say, Paul, is I will see you next Sunday Night; prepare to have your Perfection put to an end at the hands of the Marvelous One! LEARN IT, LIVE IT, LOVE IT!!
*”Girls Girls Girls” by Motley Crue blares through the arena as Triple M stares down Triple P from the ring. Paras tosses the mic down and swings his kendo stick around before resting it over his shoulder like a soldier would hold a gun. He walks to the back as Maurako slowly gets out of the ring, watching his every move. We go back to the announce table.*
Smith: This is history in the making, Hood! Triple M vs. Triple P; the match fans have wanted to see even since before in the “original” OCW has just been signed for No Limits II in just two weeks!
Hood: I can’t believe it! Plus it’s an Ultimate Iron Match! There’s only been one of those ever before, and it was one of the greatest matches I’ve ever seen! Now you put two of the greatest wrestlers I’ve ever seen, who were members of PM, the greatest tag team I’ve ever seen, into the match, and you know what it becomes, Smith?
Smith: The greatest thing you’ve ever seen?
Hood: Hey, you DO know something, Smith!
Smith: Well, it should be one hell of a fight, and it’s going down in just two short weeks!
Hood: Hell yea, Triple P vs. Triple M, that is Main Event material right there!!!
Smith: Man, that is gonna be one heck of a match!! But speaking of great matches, we got one coming up next and the winner gets a TV Title shot sometime down the road!
Hood: Well, when will they get their title shot?
Smith: Probably after No Limits, the War after…it should be a great match!
Hood: Yea, but what if they get the TV Title shot at No Limits?
Smith: Hmm…
Hood: Haha, I finally got you stumped, you ugly bastard!
Smith: Shut up! Wait, I’m being told that something is taking place backstage! Let’s have a look!
~The screen opens up in the backstage area of the arena. Here we see Justin Sane sitting with his legs kicked up watching Monday Night Massacre on a monitor. Suddenly a door swings open, and in comes Silverfreak wearing his usual cut-off Jnco jeans and 'got freak?' t-shirt. Silverfreak looks around... and then notices Justin Sane.~
Silverfreak: Excuse me, do you work here?
Justin Sane: Yeah...
Silverfreak: Alright, I know you janitors don't really get around much, but have you seen Dean-o around?
~Justin Sane quickly looks around at Silverfreak and gets up off his seat. Justin Sane looks really pissed off.~
Justin Sane: Janitor?! I'm one of the greatest wrestlers in the hardcore division! I'm Justin Sane!
Silverfreak: Ohh really? Well I would guess someone with your physical build, bald fat and ugly would do better work as a janitor rather than a wrestler. You see I'm the former not one.. but TWO time Hardcore Champion of the OCW!
Justin Sane: Ya don't look so hardcore to me...
~The psychopathic grin that usually covers Silverfreak's face disapears. Silverfreak takes off this signature silver sunglasses and tosses them to the ground. As he balls up his fist, he begins to speak, almost in a whisper.~
Silverfreak: Lets dance, Ass Goblin.
~Justin Sane tosses the monitor at Silverfreak, but Silverfreak ducks it and then spears Sane into a Silver Cola machine. As Silver Colas come spewing out, Silverfreak nails Sane with each one.~
Hood: One cola..two..three..four..five..six..seven..EIGHT! EIGHT Silver Cola shots to Justin Sane! Good god, thats got to be somekinda record!
~Silverfreak then irish whips Sane into a brick wall, as he comes bouncing back, Silverfreak hits him with the "Sideshow Strangala" reversed neckbreaker. Justin Sane is out cold as Silverfreak picks his sunglasses back up, and puts them on.~
Silverfreak: Now that's not "Justin Sane" that just pathetic... If you want anymore, come see me on Thursday Night War.
~Silverfreak picks up one of the spewing Silver Cola cans and takes a drink, as the camera cuts back to the commentator's table.~
Smith: Freak just laid out Justin Sane with the Silver Cola’s!!
Hood: Oh man that was cool!!
Smith: Sure was…………
~Suddenly Turn Me On Mr. Deadman by The Union Underground begins playing on the PA System and the fans in the arena go absolutely nuts for The New Breed! Murray and McDade walk down, McDade still clutching his eyes on and off after the earlier incident between The New Wave and The New Breed. Both men enter the ring, Murray over the top, McDade under the bottom, then both men climb a horizontally opposite turnbuckle, raise both arms in the air then drop them down with a BANG! The music eventually begins to die down and Murray takes the mic from the hands of Warrick. He raises the mic to his mouth, then starts to talk~
Andy Murray: What you just saw, was the single most destructive tag team in OCW history in full effect. Joey Corona, Chris Cutlass, that is what you so called wrestlers get for downing The New Breed. You guys think you can just come out here and mouth off about The New Breed without us firing back? No no no, you see it just doesn’t work that way. Craig.
~Murray hands the mic to his partner Craig McDade who appears to have shaken off his hurting eyes~
Craig McDade: You know you two snot nosed punks just got what’s been coming to you in a long time. After that disgusting, sick, vicious beating you gave Dangerous Minds last Thursday costing them their OCW Careers, You just got a taste of your own medicine! I’m sure Zed and Nightstalker are sitting right there at home with a big fat smile over their faces, because the sickness has been spread, in a big way!
~Craig hands the mic over to Andy Murray who again, starts speaking~
Andy Murray: You know Chris, Joey, Melanie. If you ever, and I mean EVER down the New Breed again, myself and Craig here will be more than happy to give you a repeat of our actions right there. New Wave, before our match on War against Seventeen, you practically said that you were going to end the careers of whoever impressed you least in that match. Well, myself and Craig have been hoping ever since Thursday that the team you are least impressed with is us, because New Wave, we will take pleasure in facing you in the ring any time, any place. Take this as a challenge dirt holes, come and experience the sickness one more time in the ring, whenever you want!
~The crowd starts cheering with the challenge laid down! The fans obviously want to see The New Wave vs The New Breed real soon! Murray once again hands the mic to his partner Craig~
Craig McDade: So if you wanna see The New Breed kick The New Wave’s asses all over OCW, let me hear ya!
~Craig raises the mic to the air, and the fans cheer their heads off! Turn Me On Mr. Deadman begins to play again as the lights turn blue and The New Breed climb out of the ring, and make their way up the ramp, still with Warricks mic. Craig throws the mic into the crowd as the continue walking up the ramp. Murray and McDade stop at the top of the stage, turn round and two big pyros go ff, when the smoke settles, The New Breed have vanished. The camera then cuts back to Smith and Hood~
Smith: Whoa!! The New Breed making a statement tonight!!
Hood: Yea, they want The New Wave in a bad way!
Smith: Sure do, but lets get down to ringside for the next match!
~ “Down With The Sickness” by Disturbed begins playing and Andy Murray makes his way down to the ring area a few cheers from the crowd~
Warrick: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is for number one contendership to the Television Title!! Introducing first, from Aberdeen, Scotland, standing 6’7” and weighing in at 270 lbs…..ANDY MURRAY!!!!!
~ “Gold Shine” by Project Pat begins playing and the fans stand and watch as they see Goldie make his way to the ring area~
Warrick: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, standing 6’5” and weighing in at 251 lbs……GOLDIE!!!!!
~The match gets started quickly. Goldie charges at Murray and Murray takes him down with an arm drag. Goldie then gets back to his feet and locks up with Murray. He sends Murray into the ropes, Goldie goes for a clothesline, but Murray ducks. Goldie then turns to face him and gets a jab to the jaw. Murray then begins to punch Goldie with lefts and rights and has Goldie leaning against the ropes. Murray then clotheslines him over the top rope and to the outside~
Smith: Wow!! Great intensity shown here by Andy Murray!!
Hood: Yea, he’s wanted another shot at that title ever since Sinful Nature II! And he may get it tonight!
~Murray then climbs through the ropes and stands on the apron. He looks down at Goldie who is just now getting to his feet, Murray then leaps off, nailing Goldie with a double axe handle. Murray then pulls Goldie to his feet and rams him head first into the ring apron. Goldie falls back on the concrete floor, holding his head in pain~
Smith: Andy Murray is really taking it to Goldie right now!
Hood: Sure is, Goldie may not last very long at this rate!!
~Murray now pulls Goldie back to his feet and tosses him back into the ring. Murray then begins to climb to the top rope, he leaps off and drops an elbow on Goldie, Murray then goes for the pin, the ref makes the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Oh, so close!! Andy Murray was less than a second away from having his TV Title shot!!
Hood: Yea, ah well, sucks to be him!
~Murray gets back to his feet and pulls Goldie to his. Murray then hooks Goldie for a suplex, but Goldie blocks the attempt. Goldie then knees Murray in the gut, lifts him up and drops him with a short suplex~
Smith: Uh oh Hood, Goldie is making a comeback!!
Hood: Sure is, but can he sustain it, I mean he has taken a beating thus far!
Smith: Indeed!
~Goldie then gets to his feet and so does Murray, Murray runs at him with a clothesline attempt, but Goldie ducks out of the way. Murray then turns around and is met with a vicious superkick to the face. This sends Murray into a nearby corner. Goldie walks over there and begins to stomp the hell out of Murray as he slouches down in the corner~
Smith: Man, Goldie is really going after Andy Murray right now!!
Hood: Yea, he is kicking the shit out of him!!!
Smith: Sure is!
~Goldie then backs out and walks all the way across the ring as Murray stands up, Goldie then charges at Murray, but Murray takes him down with a drop toe hold and Goldie falls face first into the bottom turnbuckle~
Smith: Ouch!!! Damn that had to hurt!!
Hood: Yea, sure did and Damnit, don’t say damn you fuckin moron!
Smith: Okay…
~Murray then lifts Goldie to his feet, hooks his head under his legs and drops him with a devastating sitout piledriver. Murray then goes for the pin on Goldie~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Damn, Goldie just won’t stay down tonight against Andy Murray!!
Hood: Nope, they both want that TV Title shot very badly!
Smith: Indeed!!
~Murray gets up arguing with the referee. As he does, Goldie makes it to his feet. Murray then turns around and is scooped up by Goldie into a fireman’s carry. Goldie then drops him with a Michonoku Driver and goes for the pin~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Another kickout!!!
Hood: Damn, that move was sweet!
~Both men get up at the same time and they lock up and Murray whips Goldie into the ropes, Goldie bounces off and Murray puts his head down. But Murray stops, hooks his arms and drops him with the Goldstrike!!!! Goldie then goes for the pin and the ref makes the count~
~The Bell rings and the ref raises the hand of Goldie as the winner~
Warrick: Here is your winner and the #1 Contender to the Television Title……GOLDIE!!!!!
Smith: What a win for Goldie, and now he will be the number one contender for the TV Title after No Limits 2!!
Hood: Yea, too bad for Andy Murray, he was so close to winning that match!
Smith: Yup….
*Suddenly the lights in the arena turn red and orange, flashing back and forth. The Oblivion Anthem begins to play, and fans who recognize it from other federations begin to BOO. Shannon Shag-Nasty steps out, dressed in his usual Black on Black Armani. He ignores the boos and makes his way to the ring, politely asking for a microphone. Its tossed in.*
Shag-Nasty: Ladies and gents, I know that not too many of you OCW fans know who the hell I am, but I assure you, that is all about to change. Let me introduce myself. I am The Real Regime, The Dirtiest Player in the Game, The Shagon, Shannon Shag-Nasty. In no way am I a rookie to the wrestling world, in fact I’ve single handedly controlled three federations in my day, but of course, I am a rookie herein the OCW. With that in mind, allow me to get to the point of this little spiel: Rookie’s Night Out.
The way I see it, and you will all soon learn that the way I see it is the way it is, this little spectacle shouldn’t be called Rookie’s Night Out, but rather, The Shag-Nasty Slaughter. With competition as pathetic as Khan and West, there really isn’t going to be much of a show. Hell, I doubt I even get
bruised. Sure, there’s some talent coming next Sunday, like Hectick and the F’n Show, but they won’t be enough. This is the Shag-Nation now, full of my Shagalites, and anyone who sees it a different way, well, they won’t matter too much. I’ll stomp into gravel without hardly trying.
So, love me or hate me, I am here now, and I am an ultimate force to reckon with. The OCW is BOO country, something you will all come to learn and either support, or you’ll fall to the wayside without even a second glance from me. Remember, this year and every year is the Year of the Shagon, and if you have problems dealing with that, you can take it just like the rest of the OCW will, a Shag in your ass, Nasty-style!!!
~Shag drops the mic and exits the ring area as the fans boo loudly and start to throw trash at him, but he seems to not notice any of it. He then walks through the curtain, to the back. We then go back to Smith and Hood at ringside~
Hood: Now lets get ready for some real action! Whoo hoo, my favorite part of the show is next!
Smith: Why is it when we have two great athletes doing some great technical wrestling you show no emotion... but two guys beat the hell out of each other with baseball bats and your all for it! Your just not right.
Hood: Right, wrong, who cares?! As Long as somebody bleeds, everything will work out for the best... I promise you!
Smith: Well, while you thurst for blood, lets go to Warrick for the ring introductions!
OCW Hardcore Title Match
Homeboy (2-0) vs Brian "Hardcore" Hulin (1-1)
Warrick: Our next match will be for the OCW WORLD HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!
~The PA System being to play, the camera cuts to the parking lot where Homeboy and Hulin have already started fighting.~
Smith: Wow, looks like these two guys couldn't wait to get it on, one on one!
Hood: Thats right, this is the most important title in the hardcore game, the OCW Hardcore Championship! Homeboy will do anything to defend it, and Hulin will do anything to win it!
~Homeboy tosses Hulin over his back and onto the hood of a car. Homeboy climbs up on top of the car with him, and slams him down with a reversed neckbreaker right through the windshield! Homeboy pulls Hulin's head out of the windshield, as the shattered glass has cut up Hulin's face greatly. The Hardcore champ then tosses Hulin's limp and lifeless body downn to the asfault as a ref runs out from inside the arena.~
Hood: Yes its blood folks! Hulin is already wearing a crimson mask of his own blood.. you gotta wounder if he's got what it takes, or is about ready to pass out!
~Homeboy drags Hulin by his bloody head, and smashes his nugget up against every single car in the parking lot. After the 10th or 11th car, he stops and irish whips Hulin into a Volvo, and as Hulin comes stumbling back he hits him with the Cutter, one of Homeboy's Trademark manuvers.~
Hood: The Cutter! Looks like this match is almost over!
~Suddenly Silverfreak apears out of no where, and pulls Homeboy off of Hulin to break the count!~
Smith: What the hell is Silverfreak doing here?
Hood: I dunno, but I'm thinking things could start to get intresting around here!
Smith: But he's not in this match!
~Silverfreak begins to headbutt the surprised Homeboy..1..2..3..4..5..all the way to 10, as Homeboy goes crashing down to the ground. Silverfreak then climbs up on top of the Volvo, points to the sky and executes a picture perfect moonsault onto Homeboy.~
Smith: Holy Shit!
Hood: Well I guess Silverfreak hasn't gotten any ring rust.. or at least parking lot rust.. he's as hardcore as ever!
Smith: Yeah, but now whats he gonna do to Hulin?
~Silverfreak walks up to the bloody Hulin and helps him up. Hulin, who looks confused looks at Silverfreak who is now holding out his hand, ready for a handshake.~
Smith: What is this? Why is Silverfreak trying to shake Hulin's hand?
Hood: I dunno, Hulin is a hardcore bastard, maybe Silver is trying to make friends?
~Hulin shakes hands with Silverfreak, but as Hulin turns his back, Silverfreak hits him with the Sideshow Strangala! OCW Security runs onto the parking lot, and chases Silverfreak away from the scene of the crime.~
Smith: Looks like Silverfreak has made his mark here tonight more than once! The Freaky One has leveled the playing field as both men are now out cold!
Hood: Yeah.. like I always say.. never trust a guy who hangs out with midgets!
~Homeboy makes his way up to his feet and continues the beat-down on Hulin with devistating left and right blows to the face. Homeboy picks Hulin up by the hair once again, but this time Hulin gives Homeboy an elbow to the gut, and takes him down with a stunner! Hulin, blood, sweat and tears pulls Homeboy by his legs out into the street! Zooming cars are trying to divert the action left and right!~
Smith: That crazy bastard Hulin is trying to get Homeboy ran over!
Hood: Well, I guess now we know why his middle name IS HARDCORE!
~Homeboy regains his sences, as the two men fight left and right all the way across the street to Pizza Hut! Homeboy grabs Hulin by the back of his tights, and tosses him through the glass window and into the dinning area of Pizza Hut as the people run for cover.~
Smith: Prez Dean can't be happy about this, think of all the money he owes to those people now! We will be sued by the end of the night!
Hood: Action, mayhem, carnage.. I love it!
~Homeboy swing, but Hulin ducks and gives Homeboy a face full of hot pepperoni pizza to the face off of the buffet! Homeboy runs, while trying to get the cheese out of his eyes, but Hulin ducks and sends Homeboy into the cooking area. The workers scramble as Homeboy gives Hulin a kick in the gut and the "Twist of the Street". Homeboy goes for the cover..~
~Homeboy gets back up and starts to pelt Hulin with breadsticks. Hulin knocks the sticks of death to the side and spears Homeboy into the iron ovens. Hulin opens one of the oven doors, pulls the pizza out with his bare hands, and then jams Homeboy's head inside, slamming the door over and over and over again across Homeboy's head.~
Smith: You know what?
Hood: Hu?
Smith: I just got the sudden urge for italian food!
Hood: Well after seeing how dirty Pizza Hut's kitchian is, I'm never eating there again!
Smith: Indeed..
~Hulin pulls Homeboy's head out of the oven, and starts to grade his burn face with a cheese gratter. Homeboy's blood and loose skin begins to mix in with the metal shards until he pushes Hulin off of him. As both men come to their feet once more, Hulin hits Homeboy with the Brian Buster!~
~Hulin picks Homeboy back up and dropkicks him into the sink. As Homeboy crashes down, he hits his head on the metal pipes underneath. Hulin signals to the scared pizza loving people and then hits Homeboy with the Driller!~
~Warrick runs into the Pizza Hut with an OCW crew, and the OCW Hardcore Title in his hand and anounces the winner.~
~Warrick hands the title over to Hulin, who holds it over his head high. The people in the Pizza Hut begin to cheer as the camera cuts back to the commentator's table.~
Smith: Wow!! What a match and a great win for Hulin!!!
Hood: Sure was, I love hardcore!!!
Smith: Me too…
~"Shoot to Thrill" begins blasting over the sound system, the crowd rise to their
feet, giving a mixed reaction as Kannon appears in the entrance way, dressed in a black suit and gold tie. He reaches back through the curtain and pulls Jones out by his shirt. He then forces Jones down to the ring. Kannon carrying a felt bag in his hand, steps through the ropes, into the ring. He walks over and demands a mic from the ring announcer~
Hood: It’s Kannon!!!
Smith: What is he doing out here?
~Kannon begins pacing back and forth in the ring, roughly handing the mic over to Jones~
Jones: "Why did you drag me out here?"
Kannon: "You know damn well why I brought you out here... It's all about the document I showed you last week. Don't give me that stupid look Jones..."
~Kannon reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a legal document. He unfolds it, holding it up with a devious grin on his face~
Kannon: "This document right here... The document signed by Dean himself... It states that if one James Rande... That's me for you morons watching at home... If one James Rande is wronged in his match for the OCW World Championship. James Rande AKA "The Real F*ckin Show" Kannon would automatically be recognized as OCW Champion!!!"
Hood: What in the hell is he talking about??
Smith: Did Dean really sign that?
~Kannon reaches down to the mat, picks up the felt bag, and pulls out a championship belt. Kannon holds the belt high above his head, climbing the turnbuckles and raising for all to see~
Jones: "Wait... Wait... You weren't wronged in that match at all... TGO beat you fair and square."
~Kannon turns to Jones with an angered look~
Kannon: "That's bullshit!!! This entire promotion has been against me since day one. You all know just how dangerous I am to this company and you are making my life miserable as a result of it. As for my match with TGO, I want you to take a look at this footage and you tell me I wasn't screwed over!"
~The OCWtron shows footage from last Thursday's War, of the match between Kannon
and The Great One. Kannon hits the End Game, slowly crawls over to make the cover. The ref counts 1.. 2.. TGO's shoulder pops up, but the ref still hit's 3. He then waives it off as TGO's shoulder wasn't down~
Kannon: "There you see?!? The official counted 3 and then waived it off, proving there is a conspiracy against me here in the OCW!!!"
Jones: "Conspiracy? TGO's shoulder was up."
Kannon: "Did he count three or not?"
Jones: "Yes, but.."
Kannon: "Then I officially won the match, only to have it taken away from me by a corrupt official. I am the OCW Champion and there isn't a damn thing you or anyone esle can do about it. Oh.. and one more thing... At Rookie's Night Out.. All my matches will be non-title."
~"Shoot to Thrill" begins blasting over the sound system as the self-proclaimed
OCW Champion exits the ring and makes his way to the back. Jones is left standing in the ring with a perplexed look on his face, shakes his head and leaves the ring~
Hood: That guy is nuts!! No was he is the World Champ, that isn’t even the World Title he has!
Smith: Yea, I don’t know where he got that belt and I don’t think Dean signed that paper either…he is just crazy!
Hood: Sure is, that looney son of a bitch
Smith: Yea, well it is time for the Intercontinental Title match, let’s get down to ringside!
~ “Break Stuff” by Limp Bizkit begins playing and the fans stand and watch as the Intercontinental champ makes his way to the ring~
Warrick: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is for the OCW Intercontinental Championship!!! Introducing first, from San Diego, California, standing 6’5” and weighing in at 263 lbs, he is the OCW Intercontinental Champion……FENIX!!!!!
~Suddenly “Real American” begins playing as Big Bifford comes walking out dressed in yellow spandex. He marches to the ring as we see Martha Stewart at ringside cheering for him. Bifford gets in the ring, and starts to do muscle flex poses and the crowd laughs at him. Bifford then walks out and Martha hands him a candy apple and he gets in the ring and starts to munch on it~
Warrick: And his opponent, from Rural Alabama, standing 6’4” and weighing in at 475 lbs, he is the challenger…..THE BIG BIFFORD!!!!!
~The bell rings and Fenix hands his title over to the ref. Bifford looks at Fenix, with cadied apple stuff around his lips. They then lock up in the center of the ring. Fenix starts nailing Bifford with forearms to the back of the head and Bifford raps his arms around the waist of Fenix. Fenix continues beating Bifford in the back of the head. Instead of going down, Bifford lifts Fenix up and drops him with a Belly to belly suplex~
Smith: Ouch!! He may have broke every bone in Fenix’s body right there!!
Hood: Yea, man that looked painful, poor Fenix!
~Bifford gets up and lifts Fenix to his feet, he whips Fenix into the ropes, Fenix bounces off and Bifford drops him with a huge clothesline. Bifford then drops a massive leg across the body of Fenix~
Smith: Oh man, Bifford is really taking it to Fenix right now!!
Hood: Sure is, man this is brutal!
~Bifford now pulls Fenix back to his feet and whips him into a nearby corner, Fenix hits very hard. Bifford then charges in for a splash, but Fenix darts out of the way and Bifford runs right into the corner very hard. He then comes stumbling out and Fenix, from behind him, grabs his head and delivers a vicious neck breaker~
Smith: Wow!! Great move by the IC Champ!! He is starting to assert himself in this match!!
Hood: Sure is, Go Fenix!!
~Fenix now gets to his feet, but so does Bifford. Fenix then begins to attack him with lefts and rights that send the big man staggering back. Fenix then nails him with a few running lariats, but nothing takes him off his feet. Fenix then jumps up and nails him with a dropkick and this sends Bifford falling into the ropes and he gets tied up in the ropes~
Smith: Bifford is tied up in the ropes!!! Get him out Ref!
Hood: Nah, leave him in there, I wanna see if the fat man can get out!
~Fenix now begins to kick and punch the big man as he is tied up in the ropes. The ref tries to get him out, but can’t. Fenix then begins slapping Bifford around and this starts to piss the big man off. But Fenix the kicks him in the face a few times~
Smith: Get him out of the ropes, this isn’t fair!!
Hood: Damn, this is so cool!
~Finally, they get Bifford lose, but he is hurting from the punishment Fenix has done to him. Fenix pulls Bifford to his feet and knees him in the gut and Bifford bends over in pain. Fenix then charges at him and nails him with the Fatality!! Bifford falls flat on his face. Fenix rolls him over and goes for the pin~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Bifford kicked out!! Unbelievable!!
Hood: Yea, that’s gotta piss Fenix off!
Smith: Indeed!
~Fenix gets up and starts kicking on Bifford, who is still on the ground. Fenix then pulls Bifford to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Bifford bounces off and Fenix puts his head down, Bifford stops, hooks him and delivers a Double Arm DDT~
Smith: Double Arm DDT!!! Oh man, Bifford could be the next Intercontinental Champion!!
Hood: Yea, damn, Fenix is losing it!
~Bifford now kicks Fenix in the stomach and goes for The Biff End, but Fenix nails Bifford in the kidney a couple of times and Bifford lets him go. Fenix then nails Bifford with a couple of forearms to the head and Bifford stumbles back. Fenix then rushes to the ropes, bounces off and goes for a flying forearm, but Bifford catches him and slams him to the ground, hard~
Smith: Ouch!!!
Hood: Man there goes his chest, ribs, lungs…damn that was brutal!
~Bifford looks down at Fenix, who is laying flat on his back and then Bifford looks up at the top rope and the crowd starts to cheer. Bifford then begins climbing to the top rope. He gets to the top rope and looks down at Fenix~
Smith: Oh No!! He is gonna crush the IC Champ!!!
Hood: Damn, this guy is suicidal and he is a mean bastard!
~Bifford gets set to jump off, but Fenix begins to kick the ropes and they start shaking, causing Bifford to lose his balance. He then falls off the top and lands on top of Fenix, but hits his head on the mat. Both men are now laying in the middle of the ring, out of it~
Smith: Man, all 475 lbs just landed right on Fenix!!
Hood: Yea, but Bifford also hit his head pretty good!
~The ref looks down at both men and then begins to administer the ten count~
Smith: Damn Hood, neither man is moving!
Hood: Get up! Somebody! The IC Title is on the line!!!
Hood: Ah Shit!!
~The ref calls for the bell and it rings, he then talks to the ring announcer to tell him the decision of the match~
Warrick: Ladies and Gentlemen, due to a double count out, the referee has declared this match a DRAW!! Therefore, Still OCW Intercontinental Champion….Fenix!!!
Smith: A Draw?! Man, this stinks!!
Hood: Yea, now we’ll never know who the real champ is!!
~Fenix gets to his feet and so does Bifford and they stare at each other, Fenix then gets the mic and speaks~
Fenix: Bifford man, you took me to the limit tonight and I gotta say, it was one tough match! So, how about No Limits, we do this shit again?
~Bifford is about to answer when “Crawling” by Limp Bizkit begins playing and out walks former US Champ, Tommy Crimson. He makes his way to the ring, gets in it with a mic, looks at both men and speaks~
Tommy Crimson: Intercontinental Title Shot at No Limits 2? This fat slob?! Hell no, Give the fans what they really want! Fenix vs. Crimson!!! Come on you coward!!!
Fenix: Listen here man, where do you come off demanding an Intercontinental Title match?
Tommy Crimson: How about undefeated, former United States Champion? I don’t have a spot at Rookie’s Night Out, I just got done beating the shit out of HeKTiK, there is no way in hell I am not going somewhere this month!
Fenix: Fine, your in, so it’s a three way…
~Suddenly a theme we have not heard in a long time plays and out comes the former US Champ, Jessie “The Fish” Fitzgerald!!! He stands on the ramp way and speaks, as the crowd goes crazy~
Jessie Fitzgerald: That’s right, the Fish is back!!!! And I am looking for another title to get my hands on, and I say if Crimson gets a shot because he is a former US Champ, then I should get one too!! Besides, Crimson and I have some unfinished business!
Fenix: Damnit!! No, no way, no way I am taking all three of you on, forget about it!
Tommy Crimson: What, are you scared or something…..Champ?
Fenix: Hell no I ain’t scared!! I will prove I’m the greatest IC Champ in OCW history!! No Limits 2, it will be a four way, Tommy Crimson versus The Big Bifford versus Fenix versus Jessie Fitzgerald!! You happy now?
~All three men look satisfied, as Fenix looks a little upset over the whole thing. Fenix’s music plays as they all leave the ring area with the crowd going crazy over the announcement. The camera then goes back to Smith and Hood~
Smith: Whoa!!! What an announcement!!
Hood: Damn, that match is gonna be awesome!
Smith: Sure is…
~ “Vodoo Child” by Jimi Hendrix begins playing as Dean makes his way out to the ring along with Cheasy M. Dean gets in the ring and begins speaking~
Dean: Well, Cheasy and I have been investigating this crap all night long and we still have not been able to figure out who hit The Great One. However, Cheasy did call the champ up on the phone, and what did the champ have to say Cheasy?
Cheasy M: Well Dean-o, the champ said he is recovering very well and that he will be back one week from today! He also said that whoever that son of a bitch is that ran him down, he wants his ass in the ring at No Limits 2, with the World Title on the line!!
Dean: So, you damn assassin, come on out and show yourself!
~For awhile, the stage is still with no action occurring as the crowd grows restless with anticipation. Suddenly, "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit starts to play. The fans stand and erupt as the LightWeight Champion Josh Allen makes his way under the jumbo-screen. He holds his belt into the air as his trademark pyros go off behind him. Dean's face shows confusement as Josh Allen walks down and slides into the ring. He grabs the mic from Dean's hand and raises it to his lips.~
Josh Allen: Listen up Dean! Nobody back there has the guts to confront The Great One, let along hit him with a car, this whole thing has to be a setup by The Great One himself!
Dean: You idiot! TGO is the guy who got HIT on Thursday! It's totally Impossible!
Josh Allen: Oh really? Well seeing as nobody wants to stand up to the bastard, he may have done this as a way of finally getting an opponent for No Limits 2!!
Dean: No way sucka, who would have driven the car? Why would anyone go to such extremes to get an opponent. It wasn’t The Great One, so why don’t you just go ahead and tell us who it was!!
Josh Allen: Oh, that's right. Well guess what Dean, I know who it was! Need a hint?
~The jumbo screen flips on from a scene from the twelth of July . . .{-Josh smiles at the camera, shoves it away and walks off, towards his blue Dodge Ram up in the parking lot~
Josh Allen: Need another hint? Take a look!
~The jumbo screen comes back on from the next day { - Josh walks through the crowd towards his truck, but is stopped from some unknown guy. The guy hands him an envelope and walks off without saying anything. Josh opens it - the top words are all that are readable . . . "From The Desk of Kent Industries . . . " Josh wads the paper up and throws it into a garbage can. He looks back at the camera. - }~
Josh Allen: Get it Dean? I hit TGO! I hit that big sone of a bitch!! It was me!! Why you ask? Why did I do this? The answer is really quite simple Dean! TGO crossed the line, and I snapped. I SNAPPED! I smacked TGO the way his momma should have smacked him years ago! Then, I thought about it, I needed to take out him out for real. I needed to put the hurt to the big man, and that is exactly what I have accomplished! My mind went insane, and BAM, next thing you know, I probably, and hopefully, broke a leg or two!
Dean: What the hell!? Well, I hope you are satisfied, because after No Limits 2, your career is as good as done in OCW!
Josh Allen: Well then so be it! The division lines are drawing wider, and TGO hit me at the wrong time with his steel pipe a couple of weeks ago. TGO, I simply say this to you . . . either back your MOUTH up, or back your ASS out!
~He drops the mic as "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit blasts over the PA system. We then see Dean shaking his head at Allen as he exits the arena. The credits for Massacre begin to roll and the show finally comes to an end~