OCW Presents: Monday Night Massacre
Live! May 19th, 2014
From the Walter Pyramid of Long Beach State University in Long Beach, California
[The feed for Monday Night Massacre begins as We go to the back to the Operation Zero locker room. Things seem a little tenser in there than usual. PerZag and the Bounty Hunter have moved to the side, talking over the events of the past few days. Pryde is doing diagonal push-ups against the wall. Mia Stone is sitting away from the others, looking at the wall. It’s hard to read the mixture of anger and sorrow in her expression. The purple bruise on the back of her neck is visible. It’s gone down some, but not enough. Curt Canon stands nearby, watching her with concern. Suddenly the door to the room opens and Scott Syren comes in, followed by Scoot Time and James Vorex, who are lugging a series of boxes]
Scott Syren: Just put it anywhere boys! Thanks.
[The lackeys put down the boxes and leave on some new mission, or maybe to get tacos, who knows.]
Scott Syren: Everyone gather around!
[Everyone looks over, but no one moves, since it’s a fairly small locker room. Syren nods, apparently satisfied that they’ve ‘gathered around’]
Scott Syren: We all saw what happened with Ian Bishop last week.
[Canon looks over at Mia, who scowls at the memory of what happened]
Scott Syren: He sent us fried chicken and watermelon, just to insult Mia’s culture with stereotypes! I mean the chicken tasted great and I loved the purple drink, but it was still an asshole move!
Smith: Wait, does Scott not know about the brutal whipping Ian gave Mia later that night?
Hood: Maybe Mia hasn’t told him. It would explain why all of Operation Zero isn’t hunting the guy down right now.
Smith: Don’t they watch the program?
Hood: Do you watch it?
Smith: I live it!
Hood: Exactly.
Scott Syren: So it’s time to show Bishop that Operation Zero is united. We need to show our solidarity with the colored community! And I have the answer to that right here!
[Mia winces visibly, either at Syren's words or at the memory of last week's Massacre, we can't be sure]
Canon: The “colored community”?
Syren: Yeah, you know, like red skins, and yellow people, but most espeically the blacks. Check it out.
[Syren reaches down and opens up one of the boxes. Inside is a mass of curly black hair and make-up containers. He lifts one of each out and hands them over to PerZag]
PerZag: An afro wig? And black-face paint?
Scott Syren: Exactly! We paint ourselves up and show Bishop that we’re supporting the coloreds! Racism needs to be stopped!
PerZag: I don’t think this is a very good idea.
Scott Syren: Why not? Don’t we want to show the world what Operation Zero is all about?
[Syren hands another wig and a make-up container over to Canon, who looks at it with a raised eyebrow. Mia has her head in her hands, shaking it in absolute disbelief.]
PerZag: I’m not sure we will get the reaction you’re looking for, Scott.
Scott Syren: Oh, come on! I mean, Pryde and the Bounty Hunter already have black on their faces!
[The camera turns to Pryde and the Bounty Hunter, who are indeed both wearing black masks. Neither looks comfortable with the insinuation, however]
Scott Syren: And Mia’s already got it covered, so that’s half our group! Why shouldn’t the rest of us join in and be a fully-integrated unit?
[Mia stands up, taking a deep breath before speaking. Her words are surprisingly measured and cool]
Mia Stone: I… appreciate what you are trying to do, Scott. But there are other ways of getting revenge on Ian and Sean. Just leave it up to me.
[Syren shrugs and stuffs the wigs and makeup back into the box.]
Scott Syren: You're the boss, applesauce. But what do I do with all this?
Pryde: You could donate them.
Scott Syren: To who? Oh, you mean like send them overseas to Africa so the little kids with the flies and the ribcages and stuff can play dress-up with black faces and afros? Right, I can do that!
[Scott turns to make a phone call, as we go back to ringside]
Smith: Hello again everyone I’m Smith alongside Hood and we are only one week away from Clash at the Coast!
Hood: Hawaii here I come!
Smith: Indeed and tonight we find out who is going to headline alongside Scott Syren for the Western Title
Hood: Plus other matches, right?
Smith: Yes…Lurrr has evidently been busy gambling and ignoring everyone…but, hopefully tonight he at least fills out the rest of the card.
Hood: We could only have one match…dude, that would be so innovative
Smith: Negative…it would be boring. We also have a tremendous six person tag match along with four opening matches featuring some of OCW’s best and brightest wrestlers.
Hood: Fuck…well, let’s get started.
Smith: Indeed!

[Altera Moon is already in the ring]
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first…Altera Moon.
[As "Lights Out" By Hollywood Undead begin to blast through the P.A. system, white smoke fills the entrance a figure steps in and can be seen in the smoke and Jason X stands at the top of the entrance with his arms up in an X form. He continues to walk down the ramp and enters the ring; he then climbs the turnbuckles and again puts his arms in an X form.]
Belvedere: And her opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada…standing 5’10 and weighing in at 216lbs…Jason Xavier!
[Belvedere exits as the bell sounds]
Smith: Jason Xavier needs this win, Hood
Hood: Yea, guy has had it rough ever since joining the Family
Smith: Indeed and while Altera Moon looked like a force in her debut…last week, well, she was very Gabriel Goodmanesque
Hood: Don’t you mean Kevin Bournesque?
Smith: Several guysesque
[Moon sprints towards Xavier as Xavier whips around and drills her in the face with a roundhouse kick!! Moon collapses to the mat as Xavier stands over her, looking down with a confident smirk on his face]
Smith: Man…here we go, another squash
Hood: Squash is very healthy for you…or so some hot chick on the food network said once
Smith: I do like a good helping of squash
Hood: Are they like mashed potatoes?
Smith: Not even close
[Xavier yanks Moon to her feet and kicks her in the gut. He then hooks her and drops her to the mat with a Canadian Destroyer!!! Moon is out as Xavier goes for the pin…the ref makes the count]
[The bell rings as Xavier gets his hand raised in victory]
Belvedere: Here is your winner…JASON XAVIER!!!!!
Smith: Wow…now that’s how you get back on track!
Hood: Jason Xavier looks ready for Clash!
Smith: Indeed!
[Xavier exits the ring, still buzzing with excitement after his easy win…perhaps the easiest of his career. He disappears through the curtain at the top of the ramp. Meanwhile, Altera Moon lays in the ring dejected from her loss. All of a sudden the lights dim and a spotlight shines down upon her. She looks towards the ramp and Bob Grenier emerges from the back while the Marriage Waltz plays throughout the arena. He is holding a bouquet of flowers and has a look of love in his eyes. He helps Altera Moon off of the mat and hands her the flowers. He get's down on one knee and produces a ring]
Bob: Altera baby, Won't you be my bitch? Let's get hitched girl!
[She looks appalled and rejects his advances with a hefty slap across the face. She throws the flowers on the ground and steps on them. Bob looks angry as he takes her glasses and stomps them into a thousand pieces. She can no longer see as Bob grabs her by the hair and throws her outside the ring. He jumps out of the ring himself and grabs her again. Bob throws her onto the announce table and hit's a Muscle Buster, almost breaking her neck. Her 120 frame screams in pain as Bob picks her up and carries her to the back. She try's to get away but he is much too strong. She gives up and goes totally limp as Bob whispers to her.. "It's ok Altera, I'm taking you home". They disappear behind the curtain as we focus back on the announce table]
Smith: Where is he taking her?
Hood: Somewhere far away from here, thank goodness…and I’m glad he destroyed her glasses. She’s stupid to wrestle in them anyway
Smith: What if she can’t see?
Hood: Does it really fucking matter? We have far more important things to discuss…right?
Smith: I guess…wouldn’t be the first time the welfare of a woman was completely neglected by this company.
Hood: Because we fucking rock
[The lights in the arena turn off. ‘The Walking Dead Theme’ starts to play. The big screen turns on as The Bounty Hunter and PerZag appear on screen. PerZag is holding a box of chocolates, probably from last week. The Bounty Hunter is busy eating all the chocolates that PerZag is holding]
PerZag: “Hello, all. It is The Listakers here. A team that is undefeated. We proved that a couple weeks back. We are talking to you guys now about two things. The first thing is Victory Denied. They got the Tag Team Title shots by defeating The Hollywood Brothers. I mean two men who just came into this business. They defeated them to become Number One Contender’s for the Tag Team Titles. Victory Denied. You do not deserve the title shot. Us...The Listakers...deserve that shot. We want in on that title match. We want to prove how Unworthy you all are. Tonight we will add more to the list. Ana Archia, Ehud of Moab and Ryan Hollywood are all going to be added to that list. We will win the match tonight, but we want a Tag Team Title shot soon. We either want it at Clash At The Coast or soon afterwards. Our second order of business tonight, is to whoever gave me these chocolates. I know it was someone. I read your card. You can try your best, if you like, but I will be ready. There is no way that I am going to go down without a fight. You know what. This is what I think of your chocolates.
[PerZag throws the chocolates onto the floor, and crushes them with his foot. The Bounty Hunter stops eating the chocolates, and looks at PerZag.]
The Bounty Hunter: “Hey, I was loving those chocolates.”
PerZag: “Shut up. I am trying to make a point.”
The Bounty Hunter: “But I liked those chocolates.”
PerZag: “Well then eat them off of the floor, if you want them that much.”
The Bounty Hunter: “But, I only do that at home.”
PerZag: “Well, then. Make yourself at home.”
[The Bounty Hunter smirks and starts to take off his pants]
PerZag: “No...No...wait. Do not make yourself at home.”
[The Bounty Hunter pulls his pants back up and looks over at PerZag]
The Bounty Hunter: “But, I want to have the chocolates.”
PerZag: “OK. I will buy you some chocolates afterwards. You happy now.”
The Bounty Hunter: “Yes. Thank you. I am very happy now.”
[The Bounty Hunter starts to skip off like a little child, singing. PerZag watches him as he skips away, shaking his head]
PerZag: “Idiot. Now lets get back to business. Whoever sent me these chocolates. You better watch out. If you are trying to take me out, then you better be careful. I am ready for you....”
[PerZag stops talking as the lights in the room on screen start to flash on and off. A voice starts to speak]
Voice: “You are not ready. You have no clue what is coming. You are the one that should be careful...”
[The voice stops speaking. The lights turn off completely. Some noises are heard in the room. Glass shattering, objects breaking. You can hear something tumble over, and hit the floor with a thud. The lights come back on. You see PerZag down on the ground, groaning, with a baseball bat laying beside him all bloodied. The voice starts to speak again]
Voice: “I told you that you were not ready. You should be more careful. I know your life, I know how it goes. You should just watch out. Otherwise, you are going to get beaten down even worse. No one can help you. Not The Bounty Hunter, not Operation Zero, no one. Your career will end soon.”
[The voice stops speaking once again. A door can be heard opening in the background, as The Bounty Hunter runs back into the room. He runs up to PerZag, and helps him up. PerZag is bruised, but is not seriously hurt]
The Bounty Hunter: “You alright, PerZag. What happened?”
PerZag: “Some bastard jumped me.”
The Bounty Hunter: “You going to be able to fight later.”
PerZag: “Yeah. I should be fine. We will get out there and kick some fuckin ass.”
[‘The Walking Dead Theme’ starts to play again as the screen blacks out. The lights in the arena comes back on as ‘The Walking Dead Theme’ slowly finishes. We focus back in on the announce team]
Smith: What was that??
Hood: Weren’t you listening? Some bastard jumped PerZag!
Smith: Well, yea, I heard that but still…
Hood: Do you know something we don’t? Are you friends with ‘Voice’?
Smith: You know I’m not…moving on…folks, for the past few weeks…since Total Demolition…we’ve been shown some weird footage of a prison…I assume to be in Mexico. Well…we have another clip to show…let’s cut to it
[We cut to a video clip returning us to the Mexican prison we’ve grown familiar with over these past few weeks. Paulo is sprinting down the staircase towards the cells. He leaps over the last couple of steps with his feet slamming into the dirt, kicking up some dust. As quickly as he’s able, Paulo reaches the cell containing our mysterious prisoner. Looking around, anxiously, he slips the prisoner a folded up piece of paper. The bandaged hand reaches out and obtains the letter]
Prisoner: So it’s all settled then?
Paulo: Si…I was able to get in touch with them, they will be ready.
Prisoner: Great, now, all I need from you is to be here Sunday morning to open the cell door. After that, your part in this is complete.
[Paulo lowers his head and swallows hard]
Paulo: Can I come with you?
Prisoner: What?
Paulo: It won’t be safe for me here anymore after you’re gone…they will know I did it and even without proof, well, it’s Mexico. I won’t last long. Take me with you…I’m a hard worker and extremely loyal.
Prisoner: You have proven yourself loyal, Paulo. Absolutely you can come with me.
[A smile creases Paulo’s face. Excitement fills his heart as he can sense impending freedom from the hellish life he leads]
Prisoner: See you Sunday…
Paulo: Yessir, boss…I can’t wait.
[Paulo hurries off, not wanting to chance being caught. Not now when they are so close. The Prisoner’s hand leaves the cell bars and disappears into the darkness. We look towards the ground as a giant Scorpion crawls out of the cell. The feed ends]
Smith: Thoughts?
Hood: I don’t know…looks like whoever that prisoner is…looks like he’s planning on attending Clash at the Coast
Smith: Indeed and…if it is who we all think it is…he’s going to have plenty of enemies to choose from
Hood: Yea, he had some great bouts with Syren, Lurrr, Bifford…maybe? Did he ever face Biff?
Smith: I’m not sure…anyway…we are well underway here tonight and Clash is even cloudier than it was before we started. I can’t ever remember being this close to a Pay Per View with so little knowledge as to what was going to go down
Hood: I love it
Smith: Of course you do…well, it’s time for our second match…let’s go down to ringside

[“Pain” by Three Days Grace hits and the fans watch Kevin Bourne make his way to the ring. He enters into the ring and stands ready for his match]
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Kansas City, Missouri…standing 6’4 and weighing in at 230lbs…Kevin Bourne!!
[“You’re Not Here” by Akira Yamaoka begins to play as the fans respond favorably towards the newcomer Itsumade. He isn’t exactly a fan favorite, but they are intrigued to witness his second match as his debut was highly impressive. He enters the ring along, without Kimiko]
Belvedere: And his opponent, from The Forests of Nara Perfection, Japan…standing 5’7 and weighing in at 235lbs…Itsumade!!
[The bell rings as Belvedere exits the ring]
Smith: Huge match for both men, Hood. Kevin Bourne desperately needs to get on the winning side of things whereas Itsumade can take a substantial climb up the ladder.
Hood: Where’s his sister?
Smith: Why?
Hood: I dunno, eye candy?
Smith: Well, find someone in the crowd to stare at. Obviously Itsumade is out here to do it all on his own like any solid wrestler would.
Hood: I don’t know what good a hot sister is if you don’t bring her out for all the other guys to ogle.
[Bourne rushes up to Itsumade and quickly locks up with him in the center of the ring. Bourne grabs Itsumade’s arm, looking for am armbar…Itsumade quickly reverses it and spins around, drilling Bourne in the head with a Roaring Elbow!! Bourne falls back on the mat with his eyes glazed over]
Smith: That came out of nowhere! Itsumade just drilled Kevin Bourne with Hino Dangan!
Hood: He no what?
Smith: Hino!
Hood: Yes, I get it…but he no what? He no like food? He no like women? He no like Kevin Bourne? Be specific!
Smith: Ugh, nevermind
[Itsumade quickly scales the nearest corner with Bourne on the mat, out of it. He leaps off and nails Bourne with his Corkscrew 450 splash!!! Itsumade remains on top of Bourne for the pin as the ref slides in and makes the count]
[Itsumade returns to his feet with his arm raised in victory]
Belvedere: Here is your winner…ITSUMADE!!!!!
Smith: Wow…two matches and two lightning quick victories for Itsumade
Hood: Okay…I’ll say it…guy looks impressive.
Smith: I’d say he’s ready for a step up in competition
Hood: Fuck yes
[Mia Stone is backstage walking along a corridor as she is dragging behind her a metal dog chain and collar. Each door she passes has a different wrestlers name on, with the first being ‘Dangerous Dan’, the next being her opponent for later ‘Ryan Hollywood’. She stops outside the third door marked with Ian Bishop’s name on. The crowd boos just at the sight of his name as she gently knocks on his door. There is a muffled shout from Ian Bishop through the door]
Ian Bishop: I told everyone besides Fuller to not disturb me tonight. Fuck off.
Mia Stone: Little pig, little pig let me come in.
[The door flies open and Ian looks slightly surprised to see Mia standing there. He smirks at her but cautiously looks around making sure she is on her own]
Ian Bishop: What's up Mia, my BFF? Have you come to show me how obedient you can be or have you come back for round two?
[Mia just laughs]
Mia Stone: Yeah, round two, something like that.
Ian Bishop: I am a bit surprised that you haven't brought back up… considering everything that happened last week
[Once again Ian looks down the corridor expecting Operation Zero to come charging at him any second]
Mia Stone: I don't need help.
Ian Bishop: And I don’t need to prove I can kick your ass again. I’ve had enough of this. Go take yourself for a walk.
[He goes to shut the door in her face but she stops it with her foot. She smiles as she pushes Ian into the room, follows him in and slams the door behind her. The camera stays focused on the door for a few moments as there are some loud crashes and shouting. Mia reappears from the room a few moments later minus the dog lead and hums a little tune as she heads back to her locker room. The door is left slightly ajar and a now bloody Ian Bishop is in a heap on the floor in his boxer shorts with the dog collar round his neck and the lead tied around some exposed piping. We cut to the announce table]
Smith: Finally! She got some revenge on that jerk Ian!
Hood: Ugh…come on, Ian…we’re only a week away from Clash…get your shit together
Smith: You can only push someone so far before they finally push back
Hood: Yea, whatever that means
Smith: Anyway, folks, it’s time for our next match…let’s head down to ringside!

[Eman Biney is already in the ring]
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall…introducing first, from Accra, Ghana…standing 4’10 and weighing in at 92lbs…Eman Biney!!
[‘nWo Theme’ Starts up as Hollywood Skyes makes his way to the ring with a small reaction. A few fans seem impressed with his debut from last week in the Planet Hollywood Mall…however, aside from that, basically nothing. He slides in under the bottom rope and prepares ready for the match]
Belvedere: And the opponent…from Los Angeles, California…standing 6’1 and weighing in at 169lbs…Hollywood Skyes!!
[Belvedere exits the ring as the bell sounds and the match is underway]
Smith: Not much is known about Eman Biney
Hood: I don’t know a fucking thing
Smith: That about sums up the knowledge on my end as well
Hood: It sure is tiny…like a frog
Smith: Indeed
[Biney screams and runs at Skyes with a spinning wheel kick! Skyes catches Biney, lifts it up and drops it down onto the mat with a powerbomb!! Biney rolls around the ring, holding the back of its head in pain]
Smith: Well, you have to admire the gumption of Biney…really flew in there
Hood: Yea, too bad it’s the size of a gnat…or maybe a house fly
Smith: Indeed
[Skyes yanks Biney to its feet and delivers a bionic elbow to the top of Biney’s head. Biney wobbles around on its feet for a moment before Skyes drops Biney to the ground with a vicious clothesline!! Biney hits hard, grasping it’s throat in pain from the impact]
Smith: And Hollywood Skyes calls that ‘Cut’
Hood: He’s a big movie buff
Smith: How could tell?
Hood: These things…they just come to me
[Skyes stands back and waits for Biney to get to its feet…Biney slowly does and Skyes runs it over with a Big Boot!! Biney lands hard on the mat as Skyes signals that the match is about to end…he waits for Biney to get to its feet and is standing in perfect position…Skyes sprints in, jumps in the air and drops Biney with a flying neckbreaker!!! Biney is laid out as Skyes goes for the pin, the ref makes the count]
[The bell rings as the ref holds Skyes arm up in victory]
Belvedere: Here is your winner…HOLLYWOOD SKYES!!!!!
Smith: Wow, impressive win in debut competition for Hollywood Skyes with his finisher, Going to the Theatres!
Hood: Yea, he lost last week against Bishop and Fuller…which would have happened to almost anyone…and came back this week, kicking fucking ass
Smith: Is Biney a man or a woman
Hood: Oh shit, we have another one of those??
Smith: Let’s go backstage!
[We cut backstage to a shot of Lurrr who is seated in his office. There is no bathroom door, per his instructions a few weeks ago. Lurrr has a sheet of paper in front of him with a glass of Crown Royal, on the rocks, next to his left hand]
Lurrr: Hello, OCW…this is your President, Lurrr. I’m here to make a few announcements in regards to Clash at the Coast. First of all, concerning this prisoner person…no convicts whatsoever will be allowed entry into the event. The only big names making appearances at Clash are those I have signed. I HAVE signed one big name set to return…a great name, if you will. Outside of him…nobody else…you can be sure of that.
[Lurrr takes a sip of whiskey before making another announcement]
Lurrr: Onto the Southern Title. Victory Denied or whatever they call themselves haven’t exactly been my favorite wrestlers this past month. In fact, they annoy me a great deal. What do I like to do to people who annoy me? I enjoy embarrassing them. So, Pryde, the Southern Champion, will be given the opportunity to defend his title and embarrass Sean Fuller at Clash at the Coast.
[There is a loud cheer for the intriguing match Lurrr just announced]
Lurrr: And, finally…gimmicks…you guys all like gimmicks, don’t ya? Well, it doesn’t really matter because I’m going to do what I want anyway. The Southern Title match will take place inside of a Steel Cage. The Central Title match will be a Ladder Match…and…the main event, Western Title Match will be a Steel Caged Ladder Match. In order to win a Steel Caged Ladder match you must escape the cage with the title.
[Lurrr pounds back what remains of his beverage]
Lurrr: That’s it for now…back to the show
[We cut back to ringside]
Smith: Wow! What an announcement…or, well, announcements!
Hood: No convicts allowed at the Pay Per View? That kind of bums me out
Smith: I for one feel a lot safer having heard that…but, Hood…a cage match…then a ladder match…all leading to a Steel Caged Ladder Match! What a build!
Hood: Oh yea, that’ll be cool and stuff
Smith: Indeed…so now with those three matches and the Tag title match…Clash is finally starting to come together
Hood: What about the Internet and LightWeight Titles?
Smith: I’m sure PerZag will face one of these impressive newcomers, at least. As far as the LightWeight Title goes…Curt Canon is still involved in the Western Title chase so, ya know…only time will tell.
Hood: Nothing like throwing shit together at the last second!
Smith: Indeed! Well, Hood…it’s time for our next match!

[Goodman is already in the ring]
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from St Louis, Missouri…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 225lbs…Gabriel Goodman!!
[The lights in the arena engulf into darkness, as the eyes of the audience are now glued on the entrance ramp as they wait patiently for the arrival of Mark Storm. Playing through the PA System "Fly Away" by Lenny Kravitz, as pyrotechnics shoot up around the stage as the audience get up on their feet and cheer as emerging from the tunnel is Mark Storm who stands on the top of the entrance ramp. With a smirk on his face, the future of wrestling raises his arms up high in the air, embracing the love of the audience before making his way down to the entrance ramp]
I wish that I could fly
I'd fly above the trees
Oh I want to get away
[At this point, Storm has reached the bottom of the entrance ramp, after connecting with high fives with a few of the audience members by the ramp. He jumps onto the apron before entering the ring, immediately he hoists himself up onto the nearest turnbuckle, with his hands crossed together in an x position he raised his arms up in the air, glaring at the thousands in attendance holding their OCW merchandise and chanting his name. Storm jumps down from the top rope, licking his dry lips as he goes over to his corner clasping his hands together as he is prepared for action]
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York…standing 6’3 and weighing in at 225lbs…Mark Storm!!
[Belvedere exits the ring as the bell sounds]
Smith: Big match up here…Goodman needs a win to get his OCW career started whereas Mark Storm can take a huge step forward with an impressive win here tonight.
Hood: This Goodman guy was supposed to be halfway decent, right?
Smith: Indeed
Hood: So far he’s been a bitch though, right?
Smith: Indeed
Hood: Okay, just making sure
[Goodman and Storm quickly lock up with Storm lifting a knee into Goodman’s abdomen to take an early advantage. Goodman doubles over as Storm swiftly drops him to the mat with a DDT. Storm gets to his feet and starts to stomp on Goodman who is lying on the mat]
Smith: Fast start here by Mark Storm
Hood: There’s a Storm coming, Smith!
Smith: Please, stop
[Storm yanks Goodman to his feet and he whips him into the nearest corner…Goodman slams hard!! Storm heads into the corner where he yanks Goodman up and places him on the top turnbuckle…Storm climbs to the second rope and he secures Goodman’s head under his arm. Storm drops Goodman with another DDT…this time from the top rope!! Goodman’s body flatlines as Storm gets to his feet with the crowd securely behind him]
Smith: Wow…that was vicious
Hood: Yea, you don’t see a top rope DDT too often
Smith: It looks as though Gabriel Goodman’s OCW career is just about over
Hood: I would be sad…then again, I don’t cry over inconsequential shit
[Storm pulls Goodman to his feet where he leg hooks him and promptly lifts him up and slams him head first into the mat with The Storm!! Goodman is out as Storm goes for the pin with the ref making the count]
[The bell rings with Storm’s arm raised in victory]
Belvedere: Here is your winner…MARK STORM!!!!!
Smith: Wow! Impressive win by Mark Storm
Hood: Man…first Itsumade…now Mark Storm…give these guys some fucking competition
Smith: With Clash around the corner…I’m sure that is about to happen
Hood: Finally
[We cut to Scott Syren back in the Operation Zero locker room. He has turned a coffee table into a workbench. Screws, nuts, wires, and what appears to be a handful of vicodin are strewn across the table. An open box on the floor is labeled “Rainbow Projector”... the product appears to be some kind of night light for children that projects a rainbow across a dark room. He has the bottom of the toy open, and is fiddling with some wires. He grabs a magnifying glass to get a closer look at the innards of the Rainbow Projecter. As he studies the device, he grabs a few of the vicodin for a snack and rubs his chin thoughtfully as he chews them up. Curt Canon is hanging out in the locker room, reading an old copy of Cracked Magazine. The song “Cry Thunder” by Dragonforce begins to play. Scott Syren grumbles some f-words, puts down the Rainbow Projecter, and grabs his cellular phone. He checks the caller ID, takes a deep breath and grumbles some more swears before answering.]
Syren: Hello?... Yeah, well I'm a little busy solving problems and keeping this stable together right now. I wouldn't expect you to understand... don't even... no... no... no seriously don't even... Bifford isn't my problem. Bifford is classic OCW. As far as I'm concerned, he's on the right end of the spectrum... no... well, that's just, like, your opinion, man... I understand that, but that's your hang-up. I'm not going to allow you to pop up and fabricate some situation between Bifford and Operation Zero... no, that's bullshit... no... no... no... fuck that, you don't think I know what you've really been up to?... no... no... yes... just kidding, no... I'm supposed to believe that? It's pretty obvious you have another horse in this race, and quite frankly it's offensive to me and everyone else who wears the Zero with pride... no, I don't care... No, shut up, he's worthless... The fact that you'd align yourself with him behind our backs just to perpetuate some imagined feud with Bifford is ridiculous and I won't be a part of it. And I won't allow you to drag Operation Zero down because of it... what do you think I mean by that, genius?
[We can hear whoever is on the other end of the conversation continue to speak heatedly, though we can't make out what they are saying. Scott Syren gets bored and hangs up the phone. He goes back to work on... whatever it is that he's doing with the Rainbow Projector nightlight.]
Curt Canon: Who was that?
Syren: It was... nobody. Absolutely nobody.
Curt Canon: Oh. I thought maybe you were ordering pizza.
Syren: You realize they called me...
Curt Canon: Oh yeah.
[Syren works on the Rainbow Projector for a few more seconds, then puts it down again and grabs his phone.]
Syren: We really should order pizza though.
Curt Canon: That's a good idea.
[We cut back to ringside]
Smith: He isn’t going to make that, is he?
Hood: You seriously fucking doubt their dedication to creating something needlessly silly?
Smith: You make a good point
Hood: I’m the voice of reason
Smith: I wouldn’t go that far…well, folks, I have word that we are going to hear from our Southern Champion…let’s go backstage
[Pryde is seen walking the halls of the Long Beach State University with the Southern Title around his waist and a towel around his neck, he is heading for a partition to cut a promo. The camera pans back showing Sean leaned up against the wall eating an apple with one foot raised off the floor and flat against the wall. When Pryde closes in on the corner and is a step away Sean turns and sprays chewed up apple in Pryde's face and then delivers a punch right to the Southern Champion's throat. Pryde staggers back and Sean goes to meet him and continue the vicious assault. Pryde gets his head together and the two men proceed to brawl in the hallway. Pryde manages to get away from Sean and pull himself together after catching a right hand to Sean's head. Sean gets to a knee and is about to get dropped by Pryde. As Pryde closes in Sean seems to have slipped something into his hand or h ad something slipped into his hand and knocks Pryde out cold then pulls a knee over his throat ]
Sean Fuller: I should rip that stupid mask off and show the world what you apparently don't want them to see, but I will settle for seeing you at Clash at the Coast and doing what I was hired to do and that's hurt people. You're people, right? Or maybe that's what you're trying to hide from the world. Your belt might be on the line, boy, but you'll learn a match with me is far greater than any title. You'll be lucky if you're even close to the same boy you once were.
[Sean smacks Pryde in the head and takes off down the hallway as Operation Zero finally is seen rushing to their teammate's aide. We cut back to ringside]
Smith: A vicious attack by Sean Fuller!
Hood: I wonder what Pryde was going to say…
Smith: It looks like we may never know…one thing is for sure, however…Sean Fuller isn’t wasting any time in doing what he feels is necessary to gain an advantage for this Sunday
Hood: He’s got a lot of Pride on the line
Smith: That’s enough…let’s head down to ringside for our six man tag match!
Into the sky
So very high
Just like a dragonfly
Over the seas in all degrees
To anywhere I please
I want to fly away
Yeah yeah yeah

Mia Stone, PerZag © & The Bounty Hunter vs. Ana Archia, Ehud of Moab & Ryan Hollywood
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a Six Man Tag Match and it is scheduled for one fall!
["Daughters of Darkness" picks up and the fans burst into chanting "ANA! ANA! ANA!" over and over again. Ana gets lost in the black curtain and eventually fires herself out and jumps forward shouting "CANNONBALL" while tucking her legs. She comes down to the entrance ramp and lands on her feet throwing out her arms then throwing up her arms one after the other in her way of psyching up the crowd and herself. She rolls under the bottom rope and does a little shuffle dance. She walks over to the side of the ring and kicks up to the top rope and sits there looking out at the fans and back towards whoever is in the ring]
Belvedere: Introducing first, from the Bookstore…standing 5’2 and weighing in at 103lbs…Ana Archia!!
[‘nWo Theme’ starts up as Ryan Hollywood makes his way to the ring. He quickly enters and stands next to Archia, ready for the match]
Belvedere: Introducing next, from Los Angeles, California, standing 6’1 and weighing in at 235lbs…Ryan Hollywood!!
[“Fuck Was I” by Jenny Owen Young hits as Ehud of Moab saunters his salty self down to the ring, ready for action]
Belvedere: And their partner, from Moab, Utah…standing 5’5.75 and weighing in at 140lbs…Ehud of Moab!!!
[“Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor begins to play as PerZag and The Bounty Hunter make their way down to the ring. They enter and stare across the ring at their opponents]
Belvedere: And their opponents, first, at a total combined weight of 432lbs…The Listakers!!
[“Royals” by Lorde begins to play as the fans boo slightly as they see Mia Stone, the number one contender for the Central Title, make her way to the ring. She climbs in and joins her fellow Operation Zero stable mates]
Belvedere: And their partner, from London, England…standing 5’7 and weighing in at 146lbs…Mia Stone!!
[Belvedere exits as the bell sounds]
Smith: Big time six person tag match here, Hood…basically it’s half of Operation Zero against three people who have nothing in common.
Hood: Well Ehud and Ana are both certifiable…I don’t really know what Ryan Hollywood did to be put in this situation…was he caught signing a ‘bring Dean back’ petition?
Smith: Those exist?
Hood: Lurrr JUDAS!
Smith: I didn’t say I would sign it!
[Archia demands to start the match. Ehud seems put off that females are competing with males. He steps through the ropes, though, and hangs out on the apron. Hollywood Ryan does the same. Starting the match for Operation Zero is Bounty Hunter. Ana sprints at Hunter as he’s conversing with PerZag…she dropkicks him at the knee!! Hunter staggers into his team’s corner. Ana quickly grabs his arm and whips him out of the corner…he sprints across the ring and slams into the corner for Ana’s team. Both Ehud and Ryan hold their arms up with innocence. Ana rushes in and drills Hunter in the face with a huge knee!! His head jerks back from impact]
Smith: Fast start by the feisty Ana Archia!
Hood: I guess…maybe she should start wearing librarian glasses to enhance her in ring abilities
Smith: Where would you get that from?
Hood: She’s from the library, so
Smith: It’s the BOOKSTORE
Hood: Fucking blow me…they both have books, same difference
[Ana jumps up and wraps her legs around Hunter’s head…she then sends him flying across the ring with a Huricanrana!! Hunter slides near his corner where he reaches up and tags in PerZag. Ana has her back to PerZag as she turns around, expecting to continue attacking Hunter. As she turns around, PerZag runs her over with a huge lariat!! Ana is turned inside out as she lies on the mat, holding her chest in pain]
Smith: Wow! Vicious clothesline from PerZag whose obviously smarting from that tough loss last week to Dangerous Dan
Hood: Ana is so not worthy
Smith: Well, hold on, this match isn’t over yet
[Zag grabs Archia by the hair and drags her into his team’s corner. He quickly tags Mia Stone in. Stone sets Archia up in the corner and unleashes a flurry of rights and lefts to Archia’s head! Archia slumps down in the corner, feeling the negative effects of the blows. Mia drills a stiff left boot into the midsection of Archia as she falls to the mat, seated up against the bottom turnbuckle. Mia tags Hunter in. Hunter grabs both top ropes with his hands, leaps into the air and pendulums down with a double drop kick into Archia’s face!! He then drags her lifeless body into the middle of the ring and goes for a pin]
Kick Out!!
Smith: Vicious move by The Bounty Hunter which nearly resulted in a quick win for Operation Zero
Hood: Stay down Archia! Stay down, lose and go back to the Bookstore!
Smith: Why was she in a Book store anyway? She seems to have a serious case of ADD
Hood: Is that some kind of sexual disease?
Smith: No, it’s…HOOD! Pay attention, I’m talking to you
Hood: Sorry, there was a fly
[Hunter yanks Archia back to her feet and he whips her into the ropes, Archia bounces off and Hunter clutches Archia, holding her in the air with a Bear Hug! Archia winces as her tiny frame can barely endure the pressure Hunter is applying. Out of desperation, Archia does the only thing she can think of and starts to bite on Hunter’s forehead…on a spot that isn’t covered by a mask. Hunter reacts painfully, reaching for Archia and, thus, releasing the hold. Archia lands on her feet, she runs into the ropes, bounces off and leaps through the air drilling Hunter in the bite spot with a flying forearm!! Hunter staggers back and falls through the ropes, landing roughly on the outside. Archia wastes no time in sprinting towards the ropes and leaping over the top with a suicide dive! She lands right on Hunter, taking him out as the fans start to get behind the unorthodox female]
Smith: Wow, Ana Archia just went off
Hood: Maybe she found out the Bookstore was no longer giving away free donuts
Smith: They serve bagels
Hood: Ugh, bagels are fucking gross…why would you eat a bagel when you could have a delicious donut?
Smith: Because they are healthier
Hood: Healthy food is just media propaganda. I eat McDonalds and Pizza Hut every day and look at me, I’m a beast.
Smith: Sounds like we should have EMTs seated next to our announce table at all times, if you ask me
Hood: Yea, in case I suddenly beat your ass in violent fashion
[Ana rolls back into the ring and hurries to her corner where she tags in Ryan Hollywood. Hollywood enters into the ropes and sees Hunter on the apron. Hollywood sprints in and shoulder blocks Hunter off the apron and into the guardrail near ringside! Hunter’s ribs crash into the guardrail as Hollywood climbs through the ropes. He stands on the apron and leaps off with a Double Axe Handle onto the head of Hunter with the fans cheering him on]
Smith: This rag tag group of three is taking it to Operation Zero!
Hood: Well it is the Bounty Hunter…the guy who walks into people’s homes and takes his pants off.
Smith: Yea, that was…
Hood: Fucking strange, man...at least wear boxers or something…but I think he was wearing whitey tighties
Smith: That fact can neither be confirmed nor denied
[Ryan knees Hunter in the midsection a couple of times as generic ref administers a count from inside the ring. Ryan hurls Hunter back into the ring as he hops up onto the apron…he flips over the top rope and drops a leg across Hunter’s neck!! Hunter grabs his throat in pain, kicking his legs. Ryan heads over to his corner where he tags in Ehud! The crowd erupts with thunderous cheers for the sheriff of Moab]
Smith: Uh oh, here comes ole Ehud!
Hood: He looks pissed
Smith: Well, yea, he suffered his first loss last week
Hood: Shit, man, he’s like 90…you think he remembers what happened seven days ago?
Smith: Good point
Hood: He’s probably just mad at all baggy pants being sported here in Long Beach.
[Ehud stands upright and falls to the ground, dropping a fist to Hunter’s head!! Hunter grabs his head in pain as Ehud rolls over and gingerly gets to his feet. He stands back in a corner, waiting for Hunter to get to his feet. Hunter slowly does as Ehud runs in as fast as he can and punches Hunter right in the face with a right hook! Hunter collapses to the ground as Ehud goes for the pin]
Kick Out!!
Smith: Ehud with a right hand instead of his left
Hood: Would that be considered the Mormonical Right Hook?
Smith: Pretty sure that’s not a word
Hood: Hey, if you can say it…it’s a word, fucksnapjerk
Smith: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Hood: Fine, I’ve got plenty of sticks and a few stones
[Ehud rolls over and gets to his feet. He heads for the nearest corner and ascends to the second rope, waiting for Hunter to get to his feet. Hunter does and Ehud leaps off with a second rope Biblical Left Hook!! Hunter ducks it, though and hooks Ehud, lifting him up and drilling him into the mat with a Rock bottom!! Ehud lands hard and rolls over towards his corner, holding the back of his head in pain as Hunter looks up at the extended arms of both PerZag and Mia Stone. The fans chant for Ehud to make the tag before Hunter]
Smith: Great counter by The Bounty Hunter, just as Ehud had established some semblance of momentum.
Hood: Doesn’t Ehud know he’s too old to fly?
Smith: I don’t think there are any airline restrictions for men of Ehud’s age
Hood: Well, there should be…they use the bathroom too often and take too long when they are using it. Real pain in the ass…not like you can just piss out of the plane window you know.
Smith: Perhaps you shouldn’t drink so much when you fly, then
Hood: What a stupid suggestion
[Ehud makes the tag to Hollywood who quickly enters into the ring…as he does, Hunter tags Mia Stone in!! Hollywood attempts a clothesline on Mia but Mia ducks. Hollywood turns around and is met with a kick to the gut by Mia! Hollywood doubles over as Mia hooks his head and neck and drops him to the mat with a Snap Suplex!!]
Smith: Mia Stone is looking sharp just one week before the biggest match of her OCW career
Hood: Chill down bro, it’s Ryan Hollywood…not Ian Bishop
Smith: Ryan Hollywood gave Bishop and Fuller a legitimate run for their money.
Hood: Sure
[Hollywood gets to his feet with his back to Mia. Mia quickly rushes up behind him, grabs his arms and lifts him up with an Elevated Double Chickenwing Facebuster!! Hollywood’s body flatlines as Mia flips him over and goes for the pin]
[The bell rings as PerZag and Bounty Hunter enter the ring. Together, all three members of Operation Zero raise their hands in victory]
Belvedere: Here are your winners…PerZag, The Bounty Hunter and Mia Stone…OPERATION ZERO!!!
Smith: Wow, impressive win for Operation Zero and…more importantly, impressive performance by Mia Stone.
Hood: Chick’s been on fire ever since Total Demolition…she’s going to be tough as fuck to beat for that Central Title
Smith: Seriously? Tough as eff?
Hood: That’s not what I said…you tarnished my adlib
Smith: Whatever…let’s go backstage
[Sean is walking the corridors like some sort of sentry, wiping his hands with a handkerchief. He gets to the locker room labelled “VD” in some fancy lettering and goes on in confronted immediately by Ian Bishop, who is dressed awkwardly to say the least.]
Sean Fuller: Hot date with Madeline?
Ian Bishop: Yeah, yeah, she should be here any minute... NOW GET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING COLLAR!!!
[Sean begins digging around his pocket while giving his tag team partner a smile]
Sean Fuller: First things first, my friend.
Ian Bishop: First things first? What?! What could be more fucking important then keeping me here like a goddamn animal?
[Sean pulls out his fancy new smart phone and takes several photographs]
Sean Fuller: Oh yeah, these are keepers. Something for the scrapbook... and maybe blackmail someday.
Ian Bishop: SEAN! Care to fill me in on what's going on... AFTER YOU UNCHAIN ME?!
[Sean clicks a few more buttons then tucks his phone away]
Sean Fuller: Just capturing the moment... you didn't catch anything right? I would hate to get too close and catch it too.
[Ian is fuming as he stares a hole into Sean. Sean throws his handkerchief at Ian's face trying not to do more than just show his amusement with a smile. He frees his friend, who is quick to snatch Sean's phone and throws it into a wall]
Sean Fuller: WHOA! What the heck?
[Ian puts on his clothes again so he isn't half naked and picks up Sean's phone, which is in pieces, and places it into Sean's hands]
Ian Bishop: That's for not helping me the first time... don't worry, I'll buy you a new one. Onto bigger questions, where the fuck were you earlier when I got horribly taken advantage of?
Sean Fuller: I don't like masks, let's leave it at that. Oh and don't worry about the phone, I emailed those pictures to myself.
Ian Bishop: I heard about the announcement... great stuff. When we walk out of Clash with the Tag Titles, you the Southern Championship and me the Central Championship, no one will want to fuck with Victory Denied... speaking of tag teams... maybe we should pay the champs a visit.
Sean Fuller: Can Loretta come?
Ian Bishop: Um... she's here?
[Sean walks over to his bag and lets Ian take a look]
Ian Bishop: Absolutely... now let's go.
[Ian and Sean walk out of their locker room as the camera cuts to ringside]
Smith: Victory Denied is preparing for a HUGE night this Sunday
Hood: Of course…they have more to gain than anybody with nothing to lose
Smith: How do you figure that?
Hood: They have no championships…but they can leave Sunday with three titles…they can’t lose
Smith: I don’t necessarily agree with that…it’s a long climb back to the top once you’ve fallen…that’s a pretty steep loss, if you ask me
Hood: Pssshhh…nah, this is OCW, they’ll get title shots again next month
Smith: I disagree…anyway..it’s time for our next match and the first Western Title Tournament Final where the winner will earn a spot in the main event at clash! Let’s go down to ringside

Dangerous Dan (5-5) vs. “The Confederate Icon” Chad Vargas (4-2)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a Western Title Tournament Match! The winner will go on to compete in the main event at Clash at the Coast for the OCW Western Championship!!
[“Don’t Stop” by Foster the People hits as the fans go wild when they see OCW favorite Dangerous Dan rush down to ringside! He slides into the ring, scales the nearest corner and poses for all his fans as they chant his name]
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Smithville, Tennessee…standing 5’11 and weighing in at 225lbs…Dangerous Dan!!
[“Needle and the Spoon” by Lynyrd Skynyrd begins to play as the fans cheers turn quickly into boos as they see Chad Vargas make his way into the ring. He enters and looks at Dan, shaking his head with arrogance at his opponent]
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Everclear County, Tennessee…standing 6’4 and weighing in at 240lbs… “The Confederate Icon” Chad Vargas!!!
[The bell rings as Belvedere exits]
Smith: This is going to be a good one…a class good guy versus bad guy encounter.
Hood: Vargas all the way
Smith: Chad Vargas had, by far, his biggest win to date by defeating the undefeated Ehud of Moab last week. This week…he takes on a wrestler some consider to be a legend.
Hood: Let’s not get carried away with this ‘legend’ talk…Dan is only five hundred in OCW
Smith: That can all change tonight…before the night is over, Dan may be headed to the main event of Clash at the Coast.
[Vargas and Dan instantly lock up in the center of the ring with both men trying to gain a physical advantage. Vargas is superior in size and height which he utilizes to bully Dan into the nearest corner. Once in the corner, Vargas offers a clean break with Dan leaning into the turnbuckles. Vargas then goes for a violent chop….Dan ducks! Vargas chops the top turnbuckle and he grabs his hand in pain! Dan whips Vargas around and shoves him into the corner. He begins to kick Vargas in the gut over and over until he has Vargas slumping in the corner. Dan then leaps into the air and drills Vargas in the head with an enziguri! Vargas falls face first onto the mat out of the corner as Dan leaps to his feet with the crowd 100% behind him]
Smith: Fast start by Dangerous Dan!
Hood: No shit, I thought Vargas was going to establish control and then Dan went ballistic
Smith: Indeed!
[Dan yanks Vargas to his feet and he whips him into the ropes, Vargas bounces off and Dan goes for a roundhouse kick…Vargas ducks and hits the ropes, he bounces off but is met with a spear by Dan! Dan begins to pummel Vargas in the head as the fans go crazy]
Smith: Right now Dangerous Dan is just a step too quick for The Confederate Icon
Hood: That’s okay, one giant punch to the face should remedy that
Smith: If he’s able to land it
Hood: Oh, he will
[Dan hops to his feet and quickly rushes to the nearest corner, scaling it to the top. Vargas gets to his feet and turns around as Dan leaps off with a crossbody! Vargas catches Dan in mid air, lifts him up high and drills him into the mat with a huge spinebuster!! Dan lands hard and grabs the back of his head as it whiplashed against the mat with tremendous impact! The fans boo as Vargas gets to his feet and throws his arms in the air]
Smith: Well, there ya go…Vargas finally caught Dan
Hood: Twas only a matter of time
Smith: To some…but that doesn’t mean it’s over yet…Dan has come back from far worse
Hood: You mean like teaming with RM Strong?
Smith: Sure
[Vargas grabs Dan’s legs as Dan is lying on his back. He lifts his legs up and stomps Dan in the abdomen! Dan clutches his abdomen in pain and rolls over onto his stomach. Vargas quickly grabs Dan’s legs again and applies a Boston Crab!! Dan yells out in pain as Vargas leans back, applying tremendous pressure]
Smith: We are seeing the technical side of Chad Vargas
Hood: Yea, well Dan did just sort of roll over and beg Vargas to take him
Smith: Excuse me?
Hood: You heard me
[Dan starts to crawl towards the ropes, looking to force a break. He clutches the bottom rope as the ref asks for a break, Vargas doesn’t respond and continues to apply pressure. Dan reaches up and grabs the second rope, creating some space between his body and the mat. He then dives head first at the mat and is able to go between Vargas legs as Vargas’s grip reverses…he now has Dan hooks for a catapult. Dan tries to turn his hips to toss Vargas aside, instead, Vargas falls back and he catapults Dan over the top rope all the way to the floor!! Dan lands hard as the fans continue to boo]
Smith: Great attempted reversal by Dan turned into an even better reversal by Vargas.
Hood: While Chad Vargas may be relatively new to OCW…the guy is no rookie.
Smith: Indeed
[Vargas steps through the ropes and he stands on the apron. Dan is on his feet with his back to Vargas. Dan leans against the guard rail as Vargas leaps off with a double axe handle. Dan moves and Vargas slams his chest into the guard rail!! He falls to his knees, holding his chest in pain as Dan jumps up and drop kicks Vargas in the face, knocking him onto his back]
Smith: Chad Vargas does not want to make this an aerial encounter…not with arguably the best high flyer in OCW.
Hood: Dude, he just jumped from the apron
Smith: Still, he jumped
Hood: More like hopped and let gravity do the rest
Smith: Isn’t that what all jumping is?
Hood: Not if you’re in space…speaking of, we should have a show take place on the Moon
Smith: I really hope we never witness that
[Dan pulls Vargas to his feet..Vargas thumbs Dan in the eye and whips him into the steps but Dan leaps over the steps and lands on the other side. Vargas charges in, stepping on the steps and propelling off with a flying clothesline, but Dan ducks! Vargas lands roughly on the floor. Dan slides into the ring and quickly scales the nearest corner. He looks down at Vargas who has made it to his feet…Dan leaps off and nails Vargas with a cross body!! Both men’s bodies tumble to the floor as the fans go wild cheering for Dan’s offensive maneuver]
Smith: Dangerous Dan living up to his name!
Hood: Yea, well I don’t know how he expects to win the match out there…not very smart if you ask me
Smith: He just simply needs to roll Vargas back into the ring
Hood: Yea, but by that time Vargas will be fully rejuvenated…I’ve called too many of these matches to be that naïve, Smith
Smith: Indeed
[Dan gets to his feet and he rolls back into the ring as the ref is in the middle of his ten count. He has reached five as Dan gets to his feet in the ring and starts catching his breath, apparently settling on a count out. Vargas is on all fours as he looks up and sees the ref holding seven fingers. Vargas knows that if the count reaches ten, his quest for the Western Title is over. Slowly, he crawls towards the apron, clutching the cloth and using it as an aid to get to his feet. The ref hits nine…Vargas musters every ounce of energy he has to roll in just before the ten count. Dan sprints over and starts to stomp away on Vargas once the count has been broken]
Smith: A different side of Dan than what we’ve seen lately…he apparently was willing to win via count out.
Hood: A win is a win…that’s what happens when a guy gets sick of losing.
Smith: I guess…now he’s viciously attacking Vargas
Hood: It’s fucking smart, man…you don’t let a guy roll in there and get to his feet…stay on top of him, beat his ass down.
[Dan yanks Vargas to his feet and whips him into the nearest corner. Vargas slams hard! Dan charges in and leaps into the air with a huge Stinger splash! Dan backs away as Vargas comes stumbling out…Dan hooks his arms around Vargas’ waist and drops him to the mat with a belly to belly suplex!! Dan goes for the pin as the ref counts]
Kick Out!
Smith: Kickout by Chad Vargas
Hood: Who knew Dan could suplex?
Smith: Certainly a surprise…he’s apparently pulling out all the stops
[Dan gets to his feet again and again he whips Vargas towards the corner…this time, Vargas reverses as Dan sprints into the corner. Dan quickly climbs the turnbuckles, though and leaps off with a Whisper in the Wind! He connects, taking Vargas down and going for another pin…the ref counts]
Shoulder Up!!
Smith: Another near fall by Dangerous Dan!
Hood: Shit! Come on, Vargas…get your act together!
Smith: Dan is apparently took quick for The Confederate Icon
[Dan gets to his feet as he stalks and waits for Vargas to rise to his. Dan has his leg ready for a superkick. Vargas gets to his feet and slowly turns around…Dan throws his superkick at Vargas but Vargas ducks!! Vargas grabs Dan immediately after ducking and he drops him to the mat with the Stroke!! Vargas goes for the pin as the crowd is stunned]
[The bell rings as Vargas rushes to his feet in euphoria, tossing his arms in the air as the crowd showers him with boos]
Belvedere: Here is your winner and the final participant in the main event at Clash at the Coast for the OCW Western Title…”THE CONFEDERATE ICON” CHAD VARGAS!!!!!
Smith: What an upset!
Hood: Fuck yes! Vargas AND Syren…the third will either be Canon OR Grenier!
Smith: This is just terrible…ugh…let’s cut backstage
[Syren is still sitting at his coffee table workbench from earlier, which is covered in paper, a car battery sits on the side and he is playing with the Rainbow Projector toy. As Mia enters the room he looks over at her through a telescope]
Syren: “Where have you been, I need your help!”
Mia Stone: “Taking care of a little errand.”
Syren: “Well come on then, don't just stand there, pass me the glue.”
[Mia hands over a stick of Elmer's pre-school glue looking slightly confused at how exactly he plans to stick together a car battery and a telescope with glue that struggles to hold paper]
Mia Stone: “Ok you got me, what the fuck are you building?”
Syren: “Isn't it obvious?”
Mia Stone: “No, not at all”
Syren: “You Brits have no imagination.”
[Perzag and The Bounty Hunter look up to see what all the commotion is about]
Syren: “Lady and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce the very first and ultimate Operation Zero Rainbow Weapon.”
Perzag: “That is ridiculous and I love it.”
The Bounty Hunter: “What does it do?”
Syren: “It projects a rainbow that can single handedly blind a man. Its our greatest weapon yet! Now come on lets get to ringside and show our support for Curt.”
[He picks up the Rainbow Weapon and throws on his sunglasses]
Hood: “I think Operation Zero have finally lost the plot.”
Smith: “I am not convinced Syren ever had the plot to start with.”
Hood: Wait…why are we saying plot?
Smith: To add oxford flair…you know, British speaking…”Lose one’s ability to understand or cope with what is happening”
Hood: And people say OCW isn’t educational
Smith: Internationally educational
Hood: Fuckin right
Smith: Let’s go backstage to out esteemed Owner…Lurrr
Hood: Lurrrera!
[Lurrr sits behind his desk shuffling paperwork when a knock comes at the door, he opens his mouth to invite them in, but finds he doesn’t need to as Amber Ryan bursts through the door anyway, carrying a lead pipe in her right hand, two tag team championships hanging from the left. The big ol’ bodyguard of Lurrr’s stands in anticipation, but the president waves him off]
Lurrr: Miss Ryan is it not? What can I do for you?
Amber: Good, you’re in a playing mood. I want Anubis in that ring, tonight!
[Lurrr thinks it over for a moment]
Lurrr: Alright, I guess I can do that, bit bored of you two playing games all over the show anyway.
Amber: And I want it no DQ.
Lurrr: Done, now get out of my office.
[A sweet smile crosses the face of Amber, she does as she’s told, and heads straight out the door]
Lurrr: Hopefully they’ll just kill each other.
[We cut back to ringside]
Smith: WHOA! Did you hear that? Did you see that??
Hood: Of course I saw it, it just fucking happened
Smith: What a blockbuster announcement! When do you suppose this match is going to take place?
Hood: Tonight
Smith: Of course tonight…but when tonight?
Hood: Before we go off the air
Smith: You know, you are absolutely worthless when…
[“Extreme” by Valora plays as the lights in the arena dim, the vocals hit, and Ryan reveals herself on stage, her look more determined than ever as the lights pass over her pale face. She heads down towards ringside, still carrying both tag team championships belts in her left hand and twirling the lead pipe in her right. As usual she heads around the ring, circling it once before sliding in underneath the bottom, and perching herself on the turnbuckle.]

Amber “Distorted Angel” Ryan (6-2) vs. Anubis (1-1)
Smith: Heeeere we go!
Hood: Shit, not wasting any time
Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, this no disqualification match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Dallas, Texas, she is one half of the OCW Tag Team Champions, The Distorted Angel, AMBER RYAN!
Smith: Amber looks ready here tonight, this fight between her and Anubis is finally going to come to a head.
Hood: Something she could probably do without even needing to bend over.
Smith: One thing may end tonight, but some things never will.
Belvedere: And her opponent, from the Land of the Pharaohs, standing seven feet, one inch tall, weighing three hundred and twenty one pounds, ANUBIS!
Smith: How can you prepare for a man like Anubis?
Hood: Hundred meter sprint?
Smith: For once I agree with you, in my opinion that pipe in Amber’s hands doesn’t even level out the playing field here.
Hood: Maybe not, but I wouldn’t bet against Amber, if there is one thing I know, it’s that there is nothing more damaging on this planet than a woman with a vendetta.
Smith: That could be the driving force she needs, of course, conspicuous by his absence here is Danny B, you would have thought he would want to see this.
Hood: If he’s got any sense he will stay out of it, but if that man last week really was Ripper, he may not have any sense left.
[The bell finally rings, but neither competitor moves an inch. They continue to eye one another up, a minute later Anubis stands up to his full height and steps into the middle of the ring.]
Hood: Well, the big guy is making the challenge here isn’t he?
[Amber shrugs, dropping the tag belts over the ropes and stepping into the middle of the ring, where she comes nose to…chest with Anubis. She strikes first, swinging out with the lead pipe. Anubis catches her hand as it comes towards her, he uses this to Irish whip Amber, she comes back off the ropes, ducking a clothesline from the giant, and continuing onto the opposite side, bouncing back and coming towards the big man with the pipe, which he moves out of the way of. The two back into their corners again, studying the other. ]
Smith: This doesn’t look like it’s going to go anywhere fast.
Hood: Even if she does hit him, is it really going to make a difference?
[She runs back towards Anubis, this time sliding between his legs and striking at the back of the knees. They buckle only slightly and before Amber can strike again, he kicks backwards, but she avoids the strike, rolling out of the ring and onto the floor. She leans in, trying to swipe the legs, which he steps out of. He backs away, allowing Amber to slide back into the ring, a smile now creeping across the face of the demon of death. ]
Smith: He has her scouted here, and there seems to be very little Amber Ryan can do about it.
Hood: Maybe, but that big bastard will have a weakness somewhere.
Smith: If he has, then she’ll be the first one to find it.
Hood: She already did, between his legs a few weeks back.
[Amber wastes no time in going after him again, this time he strikes out, smashing her directly in her face. She falls backwards, flat on her back. He leans forward, grabbing her by her shirt and picking her up, he lifts her up, leaving her feet dangling, she kicks out trying to release the grasp Anubis has on her. He lets go of her shirt, letting her fall to the floor a little awkwardly, dropping her pipe, which Anubis kicks out of the ring. She scuffles backwards, staying out of his grasp. She stalks her pushing her into a corner. She looks around, trying to find some way to push him off, Amber pulls herself up in the corner, still trying to find a way out. She suddenly sweeps out at his legs, taking him by surprise. Anubis falls forwards, smashing his face on the top turnbuckle. As he recovers, she scrambles out of the way, and comes back at Anubis, driving him in the back with a dropkick, causing Anubis to fully crash into the corner]
[She drops back, and takes another run up at Anubis and striking out again with another dropkick, Anubis falls forward into the corner, dropping to his knees. Amber doesn’t let up, striking out with fists, kicks, elbows and knees, trying any way possible to put down Anubis. She goes for an elbow on the head, driving the point into the back of the giant’s cranium. Eventually, after six elbows, he finally falls forward, lying face down on the mat. Amber comes up, her excitement building into a primal scream which she lets out for all to hear.]
Smith: Well, she has found a way, sheer undying relentlessness.
Hood: Bitch got bite eh?
Smith: Yes, that method was effective, but getting the guy down isn’t the same as pinning him.
[The same thought seems to have crossed Amber’s mind. She goes back to the big guy, trying to pull him over onto his back, after a couple of huge pulls, he rolls over. She goes in for the cover, but before the rent-a-ref can even get in for the count, Anubis powers out, sending Ryan over the top rope and falling awkwardly to the floor below. She scrambles to her feet, sliding back into the ring and starting up the kicks to the chest again before Anubis can recover. He catches on stomp, and pushes out, causing Amber to topple backwards, she rolls through, coming back at Anubis with all the tenacity she could manage. As she does, he sits up, and as Amber comes in raging, Anubis strikes out with the arm, catching Amber by the throat as she comes in. With his hand wrapped tight, Anubis gets to his feet, lifting Amber with one hand into the air, and throwing her backwards, she travelled half way across the ring, landing on the back of her head as she hit the canvas.]
Smith: And just as you think he’s down, he comes back with something like that.
Hood: The guy isn’t fucking human, he can’t be, he just had smoking hot chick like Ryan on him and pushed her off!
Smith: Because he would of lost the match if he hadn’t.
Hood: Well, he could have at least enjoyed it til the two count!
[The demon giant keeps on Amber, lifting her up from the floor. He grabs her under the armpits, and with two steps to build momentum, flings her over the top rope with such force that she clears the ringside area and lands in the crowd, taking five audience members to the ground with her. A ‘Holy Shit’ chant breaks out amongst the crowd still standing as Anubis steps over the top rope and jumps to the floor. Amber starts to stir as Anubis steps over the barricade, pushing two more audience members aside to reach his target. She is up to a knee as Anubis grabs her by her fiery locks, and drags her back to the barricade, and unceremoniously dumps her back over. As soon as he steps foot back in the ringside area, he picks up again, dragging her over towards the announce table, he wraps his hand around the throat again.]
Smith: Holy fudge, get out of the way!
Hood: Seriously, fudge?
[He lifts her up, but she wriggles free, landing on the table, and leaping immediately from it wrapping her arm around his neck and bringing the giant man crashing to the ground with a tornado DDT. Both competitors lay still for a moment, both trying to catch their breath. Amber is the first to her feet, and while shaking the cobwebs, reaches under the apron to pull out a steel chair. With almighty force, she brings the chair down over the head of Anubis, causing his entire body to shudder, she wraps the steel around his face again, and with all the force she could muster, does it a third time, breaking the steel over Anubis’ face. A trickle of blood escapes his evidently broken nose.]
Hood: D’ya get the feeling she doesn’t like him much?
Smith: You could say that, but frankly it doesn’t matter right now, she can beat him all she wants, but she can’t pin him on the outside.
[Amber reaches back under the apron, pulling out another chair, which she throws into the ring, she repeats the process, pulling out another and flinging it into the ring, again and again, until ten or so chairs lay inside the ropes. Amber herself now slides in, waiting patiently in the middle of the ring. Anubis gets up, slowly, and rolls into the ring himself, but before he can get to his feet inside the ring, Amber pounces, taking one of the chairs to the head of Anubis. She strikes down with unadulterated force, laying the big man flat out on his face. She leans in, pulling his head up by his mane of silver hair and placing the steel under his head, dropping his face into it afterwards. She turns back to the middle of the ring, picking up a second chair, and brings this one done over the back of the giant’s head in a sickening con-chair-to, steel cracks off bone in a sickening crunch. Amber drops the second chair and rolls the big man over for the cover]
[Somehow he pushes the shoulder up, but makes few movements after that, Amber kneels besides him, shaking her head.]
Smith: Even such a violent strike at that one wasn’t enough to put Anubis down for the three count.
Hood: The man just isn’t human! There is no way she is going to pin him!
Smith: She was close that time though, if she can keep it up there is nothing stopping her from going all the way here!
Hood: Seriously, do I even have to point that one out to you?
[Back in the ring, Anubis has grabbed the bottom rope in some vein attempt to pull himself up, Amber swivels, without leaving her knees, to collect another chair, she waits patiently as Anubis starts to get to his feet, and swings out as he almost gets there, striking Anubis in the stomach with the steel. He slumps slightly, and she swings again, striking on the head, and causing him to fall his own knees. Before she has s chance to strike again, he swings a right, knocking her around the side of the head, making her drop the chair in her hands. She shakes it off, and quickly come back with a right hand of her own, which connects with Anubis’ head. Amber brings her hand back, shaking it in pain, having left no visible dent in the armour of the giant. He strikes again, with so much force that Amber just plain falls backwards after taking the hit. The giant uses this time to get to his feet, towering over the fallen frame of the distorted Angel]
[He kicks a couple of the chairs together into a makeshift pile in the middle of the ring, before leaning down and picking up Amber by the head. He scoops her up, and slams her down on the steel mesh with a body slam. Amber writhes in pain, rolling off the steel before he can use it against her again. He stalks her, driving his boot into her midsection. He goes to stomp down on her face, but she gets her arms up in time to block the full force, in anger he kicks out, landing his huge boot in her ribs, the force alone causes her to roll out of the ring and onto the floor. He watches her clumsily get to her feet and runs towards the opposite ropes, avoiding all the chairs as he gains momentum he comes running back and leaps, clearing the top rope and flying out to the floor, Amber moves, causing the big man to crash into the ground. Amber sees her chance, and not wasting any time, hops up onto the apron, springing off the middle rope and driving an elbow into the black heart of her opponent.]
Smith: Looks here like Amber Ryan is finally going to get the advantage over her massive opponent.
Hood: Bitch might actually have a chance in this one.
Smith: You might not like her, but you have to admit, Ryan’s got style.
Hood: Sometimes I just wish I could hurt you.
[Amber rolls off, stepping back a few paces. As Anubis gets to his knee, Amber comes in and drives him backwards with a Yakuza Kick, Anubis crumbles backwards. Ryan, now knowing that she has a chance at winning this thing, starts to drag the gargantuan frame of Anubis towards the apron, propping him up against the turnbuckle. She tries lifting him up to place him in the ring, but finds that three hundred pounds of dead weight is too much for her. She steps backwards, trying to figure out what exactly she could do to get him in. She steps back, waiting for Anubis to rise on his own, and after a minute, he does just that, getting steadily to his feet. She charges in, trying to push him into the ring, but is pushed backwards by the giant as he attempts to get his bearings, she charges again, but is caught by Anubis, he lifts her up into a guerrilla press, and after turning around throws her over the tope rope and back into the ring]
[Amber falls hard, clutching her chest. Anubis steps up onto the apron, but Amber springs up, and catching his arm as he went to step over, wraps her body in a scissors DDT position, pulling backwards and forcing him over the ropes, dropping him on his head inside the ring. Feeling pumped, she screams out, calling for the original sin. As she waits for Anubis to get back to his feet, “The whale” by Modest Mouse blasts through the arena. Ian Bishop stands atop the stage a moment later, microphone in hand. ]
Ian: Sorry Amber, Victory Denied!
[Sean Fuller rushes into the ring behind Amber, taking her down with a clubbing blow to the back of the neck. He picks up one of the steel chairs and crashes it down over the face of Anubis as Ian makes his way to the ring. Fuller then turns the chair on Amber, striking down on her back.]
Hood: This match just got incredible!
Smith: And ruined, Amber Ryan was about to close on the biggest match of her life, and these two come sticking their noses in.
Hood: Hey they’re just protecting their territory.
[Bishop climbs the stairs and enters the ring, as he does so, Fuller pulls Ryan up, locking her arms behind her back. Ian looks at her with a smile, before punching her straight in her face. Blood gushes from the nose of Ryan, the bottom half of her face matching her hair, he strikes again, and this time the quick eyed would see a chip of white fly from her mouth. Fuller drops her arms, and Amber falls to her knees. The two men circle her, and as Fuller stood in front of her, he pulls her head in, reaching under and lifting the much smaller Ryan up for the powerbomb. Ian jumps and the two deliver ‘Your Victory Denied.’]
Smith: They are just destroying a helpless Amber Ryan here.
Hood: It’s called sending a message.
Smith: It’s called sheer cowardice.
[The two of them survey their damage, before raising their arms in the air in victory, looking rather pleased with themselves. The sound of a raven call is heard, causing the lights to black out. A woman’s voice carries around the arena.]
“Come to me, Ravenheart. Messenger, of evil…”
[As the operatic metal rings of “Ravenheart” by Xandria screech round the arena, the lights come back on. Stood atop the stage is the mystery man draped in black, he removes his trench coat, and pushes his hair from his face. The black and white face stares down at the two in the ring, as they square up, ready for a fight, he rushes the ring, sliding under and before Victory Denied can do anything, he drills Sean Fuller with a spear. He bounces up, screaming aloud, Bishop goes in to attack the assailant, but finds himself plummeting to the ground courtesy of an RKS.]
Smith: It really is Danny B!
Hood: How can it be? Danny B’s blonde.
Smith: How many other people use those moves? Everything is starting to make sense, the weird doctor, those reports from Miami, and now he attacks the two men scheduled to face Ryan and Ripper next week!
Hood: Shut up with your logic.
[Victory Denied slide from the ring, regrouping on the stage. The man said to be Ripper takes a microphone, and leans back on the ropes as he talks.]
Ripper: Oopsie Daisy, did you boyos not see me coming? Aint that a pity witty shame? See you Sunday fucknuts!
[He drops the mic as the two shout up at Ripper, he charges the ropes, bouncing off them and back into the ring, they flinch, and decide it’s time to leave. Behind Ripper, Amber and Anubis have both gotten to their feet. He turns, facing each one individually, and takes his place alongside Anubis. ]
Smith: After all that he’s still going to side with Anubis?
Hood: He’s big man, why would you go against that?
[Amber looks at the two of them, both shocked and disappointed. She tries to find an escape route, but figures nothing would save her in time, she readies herself for battle, watching closely as Ripper bows to her. Anubis steps forwards, but is met with a drop kick in the back from Danny B! He turns, a fire raging in his eyes, but Amber does the same, causing Anubis to stumble forwards, and is met with an almighty spear himself. Ripper wastes no time, climbing the turnbuckle and leaping through the air with a shooting star press, crushing the big man beneath him. Amber stands, surveying the situation, her face giving away shock and caution. Suddenly, Ripper grabs her, throwing her on the fallen master. Rent-a-ref shows his face again, sliding next to her and counting]
Smith: I forgot the match was still on, it never ended!
Hood: I didn’t, I was wondering if we would see the end.
Smith: Of course, you knew all along.
Hood: Yup, and you can’t disprove it either!
[“Coming down” by Five Finger Death Punch screams around the arena, as Danny B slides out of the ring, collects the tag team championships and comes back in. He hand Amber’s to her, raising her arm. Danny takes a bow himself and goes over to the ropes, sitting on them to allow Amber through. The two walk up the aisle, Danny stopping to walk the barricade as he does, and vanish through the curtain together. As they go, the music stops and the cameras focus back on Anubis in the ring. A gong sounds, blacking out the arena, a second lighting it up again. Eight figures, all draped in purple robes, all wearing a jackals mask, now hold the lifeless body of Anubis on their shoulders. They creep forward, carrying the master out the arena. We focus back on the announce team]
Smith: Things do not look good for Anubis
Hood: Or Victory Denied…Danny B and Amber seem to be on the same page or, well, at least moreso than usual
Smith: Indeed, they are going to be a tough out at Clash at the Coast…that’s a match which is shaping up to be one of the greatest tag team matches in OCW history
Hood: I can’t disagree with you there…Danny B, Amber Ryan, Ian Bishop and Sean Fuller…all four are Main Event level players…fuck, I’m stoked
Smith: Me too! Well, folks, Clash at the Coast is only 6 days away…let’s show you a graphic for the show
Hood: Yes, because we have to kill time

Smith: Taking place from an exotic beach locale in Hawaii…Jimmy Buffet’s money is really expanding things for us here, in OCW
Hood: I have to say…ever since Dean left, things have been on the up and up
Smith: Yea, I’m not going to agree with that
Hood: Blinded by hate!
Smith: Folks, it’s time for our main event…the final piece of the Clash main event will be decided in mere moments…let’s go down to ringside

OCW Western Title Tournament Match
Bob Grenier (4-1) vs. Curt Canon © (3-0)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a Western Title Tournament Match! The winner will go on to compete in the main event at Clash at the Coast for the OCW Western Championship!!
[“Understanding the New Violence” by Uncut begins to play as the fans give a solid amount of boos to Bob Grenier. He is completely unfazed, making his way into the ring]
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Timmins, Ontario, Canada…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 222lbs…Bob Grenier!!
[“Figure 8” by Trust Company hits as a mixed reaction befalls the OCW LightWeight Champion, Curt Canon. He rushes down to the ring, leaps onto the apron and climbs in through the ropes. He raises his title high before handing it over to the ref]
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Tafton, Pennsylvania…standing 5’4 and weighing in at 165lbs…he is the OCW LightWeight Champion…CURT CANON!!!
[The bell rings as Belvedere exits the ring]
Smith: Can Bob Grenier hang with and possibly defeat the former World Champion and current Light Weight Champion, Curt Canon?
Hood: I’d like to think so…Grenier is a beast.
Smith: One of these men will have their ticket punched to the main event at Clash. If it’s Canon, well, you have to say that Hall of Fame resume is starting to look pretty good.
Hood: Dude’s already a shoe in, if you ask me
Smith: If I asked you, you’d put Scoot Time, Richard and Goldie in there.
Hood: Hey, what the fuck is wrong with Goldie?
Smith: Exactly
[Grenier and Canon go to lock up, but Canon ducks Grenier’s grasp…Grenier turns around and Canon nails him with a quick jab! Grenier grabs his chin, annoyed. He goes for another grasp…again, Canon uses his superior quickness to duck it and jab Grenier in the chin once again. Canon starts to laugh at Grenier. Grenier chases after Canon, angry. Canon slides under the ropes…Grenier goes after him…Canon hops over the steps as Grenier goes around…Canon slides into the ring and rushes for the ropes as Grenier climbs in through the ropes. Canon bounces off as Grenier leaps to his feet and drills Canon with double axe handle!! Canon lands on the mat, holding the back of his head in pain]
Smith: Fast start to this one…Canon had the advantage in the quickness department…that, however, has been nullified due to his arrogance.
Hood: When you’re a hall of famer, you can afford to be arrogant.
Smith: Curt Canon is not a Hall of Famer
Hood: It’s a mere formality at this point
[Grenier yanks Canon to his feet and whips him into the nearest corner, Canon hits hard!! Grenier charges in and drills Canon with a clothesline, sandwiching him into the corner. Grenier then hiptosses Canon out of the corner…Canon’s body goes really high in the air before slamming HARD into the mat. Grenier walks up to Canon and, methodically, drops a big knee into Canon’s face. The fans seem to be turning on Grenier]
Smith: So the fans are booing Grenier?
Hood: Yea man, Operation Zero is like the voice of the people
Smith: Which people are these?
Hood: You know, the people
Smith: Yes, but who are THE people
Hood: The people, man
Smith: Ugh, nevermind
[Grenier yanks Canon to his feet and lifts him up, over his head in a Gorilla Press Position…he heads over to the nearest corner and drops Canon face first onto the top turnbuckle with Snake Eyes! Canon’s head and neck snap back as Grenier quickly hooks him in a Full Nelson and tosses him over his head with a Release Full Nelson suplex!! Canon lands hard]
Smith: It is all Bob Grenier as he’s dismantling our LightWeight Champion
Hood: This is one of the rare occasions when Grenier can be a powerhouse…fucking embrace it
Smith: Wait…are you turning on Operation Zero?
Hood: Never...I’m simply building Grenier up so Canon’s eventual win is that much more impressive.
Smith: Right
[Grenier walks over to Canon who is on all four. He lifts Canon up…Canon throws a punch but Grenier blocks it! Grenier lifts Canon up over his shoulder and slams him to the mat with a powerslam! Grenier goes for a pin on the weakened Canon…Generic Ref makes the count]
Kick Out!!
Smith: Kickout by Curt Canon…but you have to ask yourself, how much more of this can our LightWeight Champion take?
Hood: Much more, Smith…MUCH more
Smith: That remains to be seen
[Grenier gets to his feet and he pulls Canon up by his hair. Grenier tosses Canon into the ropes, Canon shoots off as Grenier goes for big boot…Canon ducks and hits the opposite ropes, Grenier turns around and is met with a flying forearm!! Grenier staggers against the ropes as Canon sprints in and clotheslines Grenier over the top rope…his momentum carries him over the top rope as well with both men crashing hard on the outside]
Smith: And there we go, Curt Canon getting some offense started
Hood: Only a matter of time, he’s Curt fucking Canon
Smith: Just because he’s accomplished more in OCW than Grenier doesn’t make him better.
Hood: Yes it does
[Grenier and Canon get to their feet at the same time. Canon staggers back against the ring post…Grenier charges in but Canon ducks and Grenier’s arm slams into the ring post!! He clutches his left shoulder in pain. Canon hops up onto the top step and leaps off with a sunset flip…he yanks Grenier down viciously as the back of Grenier’s head slams against the floor on the outside!! Canon gets to his feet quickly again and he hops onto the apron…he stands with his back to Grenier before leaping off and nailing a moonsault on Grenier!! Canon holds his midsection in pain as the ref has administered a ten count]
Smith: OCW’s LightWeight Champion is showing the courage and slightly insane mindset which has led him to his path of OCW success.
Hood: Slightly insane? We’re all fucking insane…you have to be if you stick around as long as Canon has
Smith: This place can warp the mind
Hood: And it’s thanks to people like Canon…the heart, soul and balls of OCW
Smith: Something like that, sure
[Canon gets back to his feet…he yanks Grenier up and rolls him into the ring. Canon hops onto the apron and then lifts himself onto the top rope. He balances himself before leaping off with a Shooting Star Press and connecting! He quickly pins Grenier as the ref makes the count]
Kick Out!!
Smith: Now Curt Canon experiences a near fall…his aerial attack is proving to be quite effective.
Hood: Well, if you’re going to be really little…you’d better fly or carry a gun into matches
Smith: He would be disqualified for using a gun and probably arrested for murder.
Hood: Open your eyes, nobody gets arrested for that kind of shit around here…we’re like a bizarro universe where bad is rewarded while good is reviled.
Smith: Indeed
[Canon hops back to his feet and waits for Grenier to get to his. Canon rushes in with Grenier on all fours and he goes for a punt to the head. Grenier moves and Canon’s leg gets hung up in the ropes. Grenier gets to his feet as Canon gets untangled…Canon turns around and ducks a lariat from Grenier. Canon sprints into the ropes, leaps onto the second rope and jumps off with a huricanrana! Grenier catches him and powerbombs him to the mat!! Grenier holds on for the pin]
Kick Out!!
Smith: Wow, great reversal by Grenier that almost netted him the win
Hood: Shit, he slammed Canon into the mat like he wants to win this match
Smith: Well, uhh, yea…I’d hope he’d want to win this match
Hood: You just never know these days, Smith. This is the Richard Era, after all
[Grenier gets to his feet and he lifts Canon up. He hoists Canon, looking for a musclebuster, but Canon knees Grenier in the head! Grenier drops Canon…Canon, standing behind Grenier, jumps into the air and drops Grenier with a backstabber. Canon lifts Grenier back to his feet…kicks him into the gut and drops him with the Canonator!! Canon goes for the pin]
Shoulder Up!
Smith: Grenier kicked out of the Canonator!
Hood: Incorrect…he shoulder outed of the Canonator
Smith: Really?
Hood: Hey, if you’re gonna do something, you’re gonna do it right
Smith: What about all the mistakes you make?
Hood: I said…if YOU are going to do something…YOU do it right. I didn’t say anything about me or I or Hood or whatever term you want to throw in there I could have used to reference myself.
[Canon picks Grenier up and he knees him in the back. He hooks him for the Cross Rhodes…Grenier, though, blocks it. Grenier suddenly displays tremendous strength in lifting Canon up, onto his shoulders and positioning him for the Musclebuster! Suddenly, Pryde rushes down to ringside and slides onto the apron…he gets to his feet and points at Grenier from the apron. This distracts Grenier, who has Canon still in position]
Smith: What?? Get him out of here!
Hood: Insurance policy, Smith…they’d much rather have Canon in that main event than Grenier
Smith: It’s ruining a great match…this is disgraceful!
[Grenier heads towards Pryde with Canon still hoisted up. Pryde finally hops off the apron and behind him, standing on the floor, is Scott Syren! Syren flips Grenier off and PROJECTS A SUPER-FUCKING-BRIGHT RAINBOW THROUGH THE CAR-BATTERY-POWERED RAINBOW PROJECTER, AND CONCENTRATED THROUGH THE BACKWARDS TELESCOPE, INTO GRENIER'S EYES, TEMPORARILY BLINDING HIM]
Smith: Cheaters!!
Hood: Look at the ref, he’s too enamored with the rainbow to do anything
Smith: Why can’t we ever get a decent ref?
[Canon uses the advantage given to him by Syren and Pryde by kneeing Grenier in the head! Grenier drops Canon…Canon grabs Grenier’s head and he drills him into the mat with a Reverse DDT!! Canon quickly goes for the pin as the ref makes the count]
Kick Out!
Smith: Yes! I’m no Grenier fan but I can’t stand for cheating!
Hood: It was a rainbow…rainbows are for little fairy men…by the way, do you think Syren can conjure up pots of gold at the end of the rainbows?
Smith: Seeing as there are no pots of gold within site, I have to side with negative
Hood: Well, I mean, if he could, it’s not like he’d do it right here…can you imagine the mob that would create? Gold is selling pretty high these days
Smith: Whatever
[The crowd suddenly reacts as Chad Vargas rushes down to the ringside area. He rips the rainbow machine away from Syren, who didn’t see him coming and he runs Syren over with it by slamming it into Syren’s head!! Syren falls to the ground, holding his head in pain. Vargas then spins around and he hits Pryde with it, knocking him down as well. Canon hops to his feet and he climbs onto the middle rope, yelling down at Vargas. Meanwhile, Grenier has reached his feet]
Smith: This is so weird…I’m actually pulling for Vargas and Grenier
Hood: No, that’s not weird…as always, you’re going against what needs to happen
Smith: I disagree
[Grenier walks up behind Canon and he drills him in the back with a forearm! Canon leans on the ropes, reeling…Grenier hoists him up onto his shoulders before dropping him to the mat with the Musclebuster!! Grenier goes for the pin as the ref makes the count]
[The bell rings as the fans boo with Bob Grenier’s arm raised in victory]
Belvedere: Here is your winner and the man who will go on to compete in the Main Event at Clash at the Coast for the OCW Western Title…BOB GRENIER!!!!!
Smith: Wow! What an upset! Bob Grenier just defeated our LightWeight Champion
Hood: Damn, Grenier is a hall of famer!
Smith: What?
Hood: Well, I mean to defeat the undefeated hall of fame Curt Canon…that has to get him in, right?
Smith: The guy’s been here like a month…you can’t be serious
Hood: When it comes to Bob Grenier…I’m always serious.
Smith: Whatever that means
[Outside the ring, Vargas holds the rainbow maker over Pryde and tosses it on him, smashing it over Pryde’s body, keeping him down. Vargas then pulls Syren to his feet and he tosses him into the ring. Inside the ring, Grenier gets to his feet and he tosses Canon over the top rope. Vargas slides into the ring as the two men start to stomp away on Syren]
Smith: Chad Vargas and Bob Grenier are working TOGETHER
Hood: Well, yea…it’s a triple threat match with one participant being a hall of famer. That participant is not named Grenier or Vargas…what would you do?
Smith: Win it fair and square!
Hood: Sooo…you’re now AGAINST Grenier and Vargas
Smith: I can’t tell anymore
[Vargas pulls Syren to his feet and he instantly drops him to the mat with The Stroke!! He then pulls Syren back to his feet and shoves him to Grenier. Grenier lifts Syren up and he dumps Syren on his head with the Musclebuster!! Syren is laid out as Grenier and Vargas are left standing in the middle of the ring. Both men glare at one another, obviously disliking each other a great deal but having found some common ground tonight, before Clash]
Smith: A rare moment of teamwork between two vile human beings
Hood: All a means to an end Smith…all a means to an end…
Smith: Chad Vargas…Bob Grenier and Scott Syren in a Steel Caged Ladder Match…can you imagine the shenanigans we are going to witness?
Hood: Oh yea, there will be blood, guts and possibly a dick flash or twelve
Smith: My word!
[Grenier and Vargas have left the ring. Bounty Hunter and PerZag are at ringside helping Pryde, Canon and Syren to their feet. Syren grabs what remains of his rainbow maker before the five exit ringside as well]
Smith: Well, folks…that’s apparently all we have for tonight…we will see you guys on Sunday…
[The war sirens of "Indestructible" by Disturbed blast on the PA and after a few seconds the distorted guitar begins as "The Incredible" Ian Bishop walks out to a loud chorus of boos and jeers from Long Beach. Bishop’s normal demeanor of flipping off children and being a loud mouth is not present as he makes his way to the ring in a silent fashion. Bishop rolls into the and motions for Belvedere to hand him a microphone. He waits for a moment as the crowd gives him a ton of hatred and a few chants erupt but it suddenly quiets down as Bishop goes to talk.]
Ian Bishop: You know… I learned a lot this week after my actions from this past Massacre. I was ordered to take part in sensitivity training in order to be able to wrestle at Clash at the Coast in Hawaii… of course I didn’t want anything to do with it, but as I did it, it opened my eyes to a greater world. A breath of fresh air, a new beginning, if you will. Some of you may of saw earlier the actions Mia Stone did towards me and quite honestly I don’t blame her one bit for doing it. I provoked her to a point where she had to react. I didn’t treat her like a human being… I treated her like an animal. Before I go any further I want to personally apologize to Mia for the harmful, racist words and actions I used against her last week and in hopes one day you will forgive me.
Smith: Wow, very honest and apologetic words coming from Ian. Do we see a changed man?
Hood: This fucking sucks.
Ian Bishop: The next thing I need to talk about is MJ Bell…
[The crowd cuts Bishop off with a very loud MJ chant and cheers following the mention of her name. Bishop nods his head in approval and claps with the crowd]
Ian Bishop: You are all right. Madeline is an amazing person, she is vibrant and brings positivity wherever she goes and that is why I love her so much. Her beautiful smile, her glowing personality, all of it. So… why do I stoop to such low levels of human behavior? On top of the sensitivity training, which opened my eyes, I decided to go see a psychologist as well to talk about my anger issues and he believes I may have a mental illness of some kind and should be tested immediately. I told the doc that was fine but I first needed to mend some loose ends with a certain individual and that is you, MJ. So please come down to the ring. This isn’t a trap, Fuller isn’t around, I am in my street clothes, not my wrestling ones. Please. Come down to the ring.
[It isn’t long for "Soul Wars" by Awolnation to hit the PA and the cheers only grow louder from the crowd. MJ emerges from the back with a very intense expression on her face. She is quick about making her way down to the ring and accepts a microphone from Belvedere. MJ Bell climbs into the ring but doesn’t speak. Her hand waves out towards Ian so he can continue then folds her arms over her chest. He appears to be nervous as he thinks for a moment about what words to use before continuing]
Ian Bishop: First off MJ, I want to apologize about my choice of words last week. Specifically when I called you a… umm… piece of shit cunt motherfucker. I’m also sorry I tricked you into thinking I was congratulating you when in reality I was going for the title. Did I want the title? Yes I did. Did I go about it the wrong way? Absolutely. Going to a counsellor last week really opened my eyes and the guy gave me some great techniques on how to solve problems with using actions and using my words. I have done some pretty awful things to you MJ, and I truly am sorry. I mean it, honestly.
[Ian takes the microphone away from his lips as he mouths the words “sorry… please forgive me” to MJ. She shakes her head but starts to laugh.]
MJ Bell: You mean it? Can I just start off by saying that… I am having some serious deja vu right now. I have heard this speech before, maybe not the same words or events but this whole ‘I’ve changed’ bull shit from you, Ian. I mean, I’m sure there are a few people in the crowd gushing right now because “OH! Ian has changed and he is changing because he LOVES MJ.” Honestly, a few weeks ago, I would have believed you. I would have accepted your apology but not anymore. We both know that this whole ‘I’ve changed’ thing will stop the moment you get pissed off-- and don’t give me, ‘I’ve learned to control it’ because it takes longer for a person to learn to manage their anger. Especially a person like you. A saying is coming to mind… Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me twice shame on me. You’ve fooled me twice now and I just can’t do this anymore. I told you to PROVE that you changed and you proved time and time again that you just can’t.
[The crowd is buzzing after MJ’s speech and Ian looks to the ground in defeat. He shakes his head and wipes his beard back as he responds]
Ian Bishop: Madeline… what can I say? You’ve proven to yourself, myself and everyone here that I am probably the worst person on the planet and I won’t try and tell you I’m not. I have done horrible things and I know no matter what I say will change them or take it back. You’re right on the fact that I haven’t proven to you that I have changed… which is why a few moments before I walked out here I made a decision. MJ… to prove to you that I mean business and want to fix this… I am dropping out of the Central Championship match.
Smith: WHAT?!
Hood: Now this really fucking sucks.
Smith: This is huge!
Hood: Yeah… a huge buzzkill!
[The crowd is speechless. MJ looks confused for a moment however her head shakes again. Clearly she still doesn’t buy what Ian says]
MJ Bell: Ian, you tried to destroy Brianna over that title and you want me to buy that you are just going to walk away from it? I know you better than that. You are a horrible person and your stunt last week only stands to prove that point even more. People don’t change as soon as you want me to believe so you know what? You can go fuck yourself.
[All the while this is going on, quietly Sean Fuller rolls out from under the ring and crawls into the ring with a steel chair in hand. The crowd is reacting to this new event but MJ is so angry with Ian she doesn’t see the crowd going. Ian is trying to hold his anger in but it escapes for a moment trying to explain to MJ how he is feeling]
Ian Bishop: What do you want me to do, Madeline? I tried to have Lurrr come down here and tell you yourself but that fucker doesn’t give two shits about anyone in the roster. I tried to tell Mia Stone how I was feeling and she just threw me into a room and smacked me around. This isn’t about Brianna or the Central Championship anymore. This is about my feelings for you… even with all the fucking shit I’ve done and the shit you and I have been through, one thing has stayed true and that is the fact I have feelings for you. I know I have lied to you countless times…
[Ian cuts himself off as he gets down on his knees and brings himself closer to MJ]
Ian Bishop: I am out of the fucking match Madeline. I don’t want the damn championship. I want you! That is all I care about. What more do you want from me? Do you want me to kiss your feet?
[Ian goes to kiss MJ’s feet but she steps back a bit as if Ian has gone insane. Ian gets back up and lets all his emotions pour out]
Ian Bishop: For god sakes Madeline, do I have to spell it out for you? I love you…
[Ian lowers the microphone as he is breathing heavily. The crowd is still reacting to Fuller standing behind MJ but again, MJ isn’t paying attention to the crowd]
MJ Bell: Bullshit. You are so full of shit… I am done with this conversation Ian because if I actually accepted this then in a few weeks or days you’ll make me regret it. You always do and I’m done giving out fucking free passes.
[MJ tosses the microphone away from her finally taking her leave but Ian quickly grabs her attention and she turns around screaming ‘What’ angrily]
Ian Bishop: Hold on… about saying I’m so full of shit and I’d make you regret this in a few weeks or days… how about regretting it now?
[Without warning Sean Fuller finally makes his presence felt as he hammers MJ in the back of the head with the chair as she falls to the ground hard. She holds her head as the crowd boos and Victory Denied shake hands and embrace in the ring. Ian is breathing heavily and looks psychotic almost]
Ian Bishop: You may not have believed me MJ… but you were still so fucking stupid to come out to this ring with me… and no, I’m still in the fucking match. I won’t fucking stop until that goddamn belt is around my fucking waist. Now for some fun…
[Sean picks MJ and puts her in a full nelson as Ian smirks at MJ who is visibly upset over the actions of these two men. Ian slowly walks over to MJ with that disgusting smirk and reaches his hand out and undoes one of her buttons on her shirt. She looks at him confused as Ian cocks an eyebrow before punching her in the face and then ripping her shirt off her to reveal a green polka-dotted bra. Sean lets go of MJ as Ian rips the rest of the shirt off her as some men are whistling in the crowd but the majority is booing furiously. MJ goes to smack Ian but Ian grabs her arm and brings her in for a sleeper hold and is whispering in her ear. Ian then puts her in a full nelson and lifts her up as Sean goes for her pants]
Smith: Can we get some security out here? This is unbelievable that this has gone this far!
Hood: Shut up man, you’re ruining the moment.
Smith: What moment? This horrendous incident that NEEDS TO STOP.
Hood: Obviously it’s a special moment where two people love each other and they are going to do things… didn’t anyone teach you about the birds and the bees?
Smith: Yes and it wasn’t quite like this!
[MJ is kicking Sean making it difficult for him to take her pants off but the action is cut off by “Royals” by Lorde blaring out of the PA. The crowd does half a cheer and half jeer as Mia runs out to the ring. Sean lets go of MJ as Ian throws her to the ground and tries to do it himself. Sean goes for a high knee on Mia but she ducks quickly and responds with a Hammerlock Suplex that sends Fuller flying outside the ring onto the floor. Mia goes over and grabs Ian by his long hair and punches him a few times in the head but Ian knees Mia in the gut and smashes his forearms in her back. Ian lifts Mia up to go for the Incredible Drop but is low blowed by MJ! Ian drops Mia as he holds onto his package as Mia hits Ian with “Precipice”, her elevated double chickenwing facebuster. Ian stumbles on the ground as he tries to get to his sense. He gets up to one knee and this proves costly as MJ sees an opportunity and cracks Ian on the side of his skull with a Shining Wizard! The crowd explodes as Ian collapses in the middle of the ring and a MJ chant roars. MJ picks her shirt up and stares over at Mia who is panting from the action. Mia fixes her gaze to MJ as they both walk up to each other, staring at one another as they stand over Ian’s motionless body in the middle of the ring. The show comes to an end]
OOC: Alright, there’s the go home show to Clash. The FULL Clash card will be on the Review thread as well as the rp count/lineup thread on the Clash board. Rping for Clash officially started today and will end on Saturday.
Credit: Danny B for the Anubis/Amber match and everyone for all their great segments…also Hank/Fuller for the Clash banner.