OCW Presents: Monday Night Massacre
Live! March 17th, 2014
From the Andrew College Gymnasium in Cuthbert, Georgia
~Our live stream begins instantly and, instead of the usual panning of the crowd with the OCW theme playing in the background, we are shown Gavin Reed, OCW’s financial face for the month of March, standing in the middle of the ring. There is a ladder next to him and a microphone in his hand. The fans give him a mixed reaction as Gavin has a cheap smile plastered across his face. He begins to speak~
Gavin Reed: I bet you’re all surprised to see me starting the show tonight, right? I bet you’re even more surprised to not see Dean next to me….right?
~A few “Dean” chants are started up in the overcrowded junior college gymnasium, but nothing to really write home about~
Gavin Reed: This promo required a man of vision…a man with an idea that will single handedly propel OCW to bigger and better things. So, naturally, Dean remained in the back while I, Gavin Reed, took it upon myself to come out here and spread the good word.
~Dean is still a well respected figure amongst the OCW crowd. Therefore Gavin’s comments elicit a fair amount of boos from the fans in attendance. Gavin has no reaction to them whatsoever, continuing to smile like a jackass~
Gavin Reed: Ever since my investors and Kent Industries invested their hard earned money into OCW, things have never been better. Lethal Lottery has swept through the South offering up tremendous matches and a fair amount of surprises. This idea, created by myself, will culminate this Sunday at Black Out 2 in Orlando Florida when the winning team of tonight’s Main Event will square off in a Hazardous Ladder Match.
~The fans in attendance cheer the mention of the famous OCW gimmick match. Gavin turns and faces the ladder next to him…he looks it up and down before returning to address the crowd~
Gavin Reed: Can I have a volunteer? Anyone will do? C’mon, this is your opportunity to be a part of OCW history!
~Gavin spots a teenager in the front row wearing an “ICON” Dean shirt from his old wrestling days. He motions for the kid to step into the ring. Excitedly, the kid hops out of his bleacher seat and rushes into the ring. Gavin shakes his hand and looks down at the kid’s shirt~
Gavin Reed: Nice shirt…what are these going for at the flea market these days, ten cents? Or, let me guess, it came as a prize stuffed into a giant bag of cereal?
~Gavin laughs and pats the kid on the back semi aggressively. He stumbles forward a bit before regaining his posture~
Gavin Reed: I’m just kidding, guy…it’s a free country, wear whatever trash you want. I would, however, like to offer you an upgrade.
~Gavin pulls out a brand new Kent Industries produced The Great One shirt. To be fair, it’s made of extremely high quality and looks to be quite expensive. The crowd, however, doesn’t like it and boos it anyway because Trevor’s face is plastered on the left chest, where you’d find a polo or la coste logo~
Gavin Reed: This shirt can be yours…all you have to do is climb that ladder…reach the top and you are the first, official owner of this new line of TGO merchandise.
~Gavin points at the top of the ladder to illustrate his point. The kid smiles and starts to climb the ladder as Gavin stands back with his arms crossed. It becomes apparent this kid isn’t comfortable with heights as he stalls a bit. The crowd begins to urge him on cheering for him to succeed. Gavin starts to clap and motion for him to continue…the kid sucks it up and continues to climb~
Smith: C’mon, buddy! You can do it!
Hood: Fuck this Make a Wish shit
~The kid nearly reaches the top when the ladder begins to wobble and it suddenly gives way!! The kid tumbles to the ground and lands hard on the mat with the ladder having fallen to pieces right out from under him! The crowd boos loudly as Gavin laughs looking down at the kid. He finally pushes his laughter aside enough to become presentable again~
Gavin Reed: Okay, sure, maybe not the coolest move in the world…but, hey, everyone needed a reminder as to what we’re dealing with in the realm of a Hazardous Ladder Match. Three ladders…two faulty, one true…the first competitor to scale the true ladder will be the first ever OCW Southern Champion and, in everyone’s opinion, the TRUE champion of OCW!
~Gavin kicks a couple of loose rungs out of the way and looks down at the kid who is rolling around in severe pain~
Gavin Reed: Somebody clean this up and get that kid out of here. Make sure he has a ticket while you’re at it, I have a strong suspicion he snuck in…anyway
~More boos are showered onto Gavin who could care less…he merely waits for them to subside enough so he can continue speaking~
Gavin Reed: Alright, that’s better…next Sunday, two competitors will compete in the very match which put OCW on the map. Over ten years ago Silver Cyanide and Andy Murray competed in a match so revolutionary, so innovative that it forever changed the landscape of OCW…it was, The Hazardous Ladder Match. It didn’t matter who won or lost that night…both men were propelled to super stardom and multiple world title reigns. OCW, itself, took off after that point and reached heights it has yet to see since…until now.
~There is a slight applause for the kid as he’s being escorted to the back by some OCW personnel. Gavin rolls his eyes until the kid is out of his sight~
Gavin Reed: America sure does love its losers.
~That comment is met with the loudest collection of boos thus far~
Gavin Reed: Yea, yea…you’ll all thank me after Sunday. Black Out 2…it takes place this Sunday…it will be a night that is going to ascend OCW to its rightful place. A night which will ensure OCW’s future…a future which resides here, down South under the banner of Kent Industries…Ladies and Gentlemen, get ready, because in six days time your boos will turn to cheers and each and every one of you will be saying “Gavin, thank you.”
~Gavin drops the mic and exits the ring…he has no theme music, so he exits to the sound of a buzzing crowd…stirring over his words and extreme confidence. Once he exits our line of sight, we turn back to the announce team of Hood and Smith~
Smith: That was totally unnecessary…it was arrogant and, well, I’m ashamed Dean allowed THAT to open our broadcast.
Hood: What do you mean unnecessary? I had totally fucking forgot what a Hazardous Ladder Match was…
Smith: Yea right, you only watch that match at least once EVERY week.
Hood: Pics or it didn’t happen!
Smith: I just hope that young kid isn’t too emotionally scarred after that humiliating experience.
Hood: If that scars him for life…well, he was fucked anyway
Smith: Whatever!
~The gymnasium suddenly goes dark, including the OCWtron. The screen flickers a few times with a solitary white light suddenly making its appearance on the screen as it shines into a dark room. The light that is seen shows seven distinct figure’s shadows, no gender can be made out of the shadows though, leaving no room to imply on who exactly these people that are making the shadows are. A voice is heard coming through the PA system~
Voice: Very soon, a new “family” will come to the OCW. A “family” that is unlike any other that the OCW has ever seen. Legacies will be cemented in the OCW halls forever and the OCW will tremble at the mere mention of their name. The BEST in the OCW is coming, don’t try to stop it…you’ll fail miserably.
~Two of the shadows start to move as two distinct set of footsteps can be heard coming closer as the light starts to fade as the shadows start to overtake the full light. The OCWtron flickers out again, but comes shortly back on with the words “The BEST is yet to come” quickly appear on screen, shooting to take up the full frame as the words stay put for a few seconds and then disappear as quickly as they came on. The lights in the gymnasium come back on and we cut back to ~
Smith: Hood? What do you suppose this means?
Hood: I don’t know, but we’ve already got one fucking family…what is this, a retread, a sequel….a copycat?
Smith: Perhaps, but they say it’s BETTER than the family now
Hood: Yea, sounds more like Dumb and Dumberer to me
Smith: I will remain optimistic…because I HATE the current family
Hood: You hate anything that’s entertaining, that’s why!
Smith: Well, Hood...it’s time for our first match of the evening as two newcomers look to make their mark!
Hood: Neat-o

Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall…
~”Sound of Madness” by Shinedown begins to play as the fans in Cuthbert, Georgia stand and appear for ready for our first match of the evening. Craig Adams makes his way to the ring with little fanfare seeing as it’s his first appearance in front of an OCW crowd. He enters into the ring, ready for battle~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois…standing 6’1 and weighing in at 211 lbs…..Craig Adams!!
~As "Lights Out" By Hollywood Undead begin to blast through the P.A. system, white smoke fills the entrance a figure steps in and can be seen in the smoke and Jason X stands at the top of the entrance with his arms up in an X form. He continues to walk down the ramp and enters the ring; he then climbs the turnbuckles and again puts his arms in an X form~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada…standing 5’11 and weighing in at 209 lbs…Jason Xavier!!!
~Belvedere quickly exits and sounds the ring bell on the outside as our first match of the evening is officially underway~
Smith: Matchup featuring two rookies here, Hood
Hood: Rookies, huh?
Smith: Yes, rookies
Hood: Fascinating, I see one has longer hair than the other.
Smith: That would be correct
Hood: I’ll go with him
Smith: Top notch journalism, yet again
~Adams goes right after Xavier and viciously locks him up, he delivers a knee lift into Xavier’s abdomen and backs Xavier into the nearest corner. He whips Xavier out of the corner and across the ring, Xavier slams into the opposite corner. Adams rushes in and drills Xavier with a clothesline! Xavier comes stumbling out as Adams catches him and slams him quickly to the ground! Adams gets to his feet looking proud of himself~
Smith: Hmm, fast start by Craig Adams
Hood: Damnit, should have gone with the short hair…more aerodynamic
Smith: Right
~Adams pulls Xavier to his feet and he whips Xavier into the ropes, Xavier bounces off and Adams goes for a clothesline, Xavier ducks and this the ropes again…he bounces off as Adams turns around. Xavier leaps into the air and drills Adams in the head with a flying forearm!! Adams falls back onto the mat hard, holding his face in pain as Xavier pops back to his feet~
Smith: And there goes Craig Adams momentum
Hood: Go long haired man, go! Let those locks fly!
Smith: His name is Jason Xavier!
Hood: Mr. X!
~Xavier quickly pulls Adams back to his feet, he hooks Adams head and quickly drops him with a Swinging Lifted Inverted DDT!!! BUT ADAMS BLOCKS it and nails him with a kick to the gut followed by a spinning neckbreaker. He follows up with an uppercut to Jason X followed by a running knee lift.~
Smith: Craig Adams makes his comeback against Xavier ...could he still prove himself the more dominant rookie.
Hood: He just hit a few moves, do not go trumpeting him as the next big thing yet.
~Craig is off the ropes and whips himself behind Jason Xavier with a sleeper hold. Xavier struggles in the hold but seems to be caught in it and eventually falls to his knees in the middle of the ring. The referee lifts Xavier’s arm and it falls. He lifts it again, and yet again it falls~
Smith: Wow, just like THAT, Craig Adams turns things around and now we are about to see Jason Xavier pass out right in front of us.
Hood: I have to give this kid credit ...he has made quite the comeback when it looked like he was out.
~Scruff pulls Xavier’s arm up ...and it stays up. Xavier battles back as Craig has the sleeper still locked in. Jason is about to fight back but instead Craig throws him into the turnbuckle and follows up with an elbow to the back of the head. He pulls him up and delivers a german suplex but keeps it locked on and delivers a second and then a third. He awaits for Xavier to get back up and performs an armbar on him. Xavier finds himself crawling to the ropes as Craig keeps that hold locked in. Xavier reaches the ropes~
Smith: Craig has done an excellent job with slowing down this match and taking Jason Xavier off guard.
Hood: I think I am going to actively root for this kid from now on. He also has one hell of a look. Watch out ladies.
Smith: Did you just call another man handsome?
Hood: NO!
~Craig sends him back down with a spinning backfist before preparing for his finisher ...which is his spear. He goes for the spear BUT XAVIER DODGES IT! Craig spins back around but Xavier nails him with a Swinging Lifted Inverted DDT ...that does not miss this time~
Smith: He calls that move The X-Fate Special!
Hood: Does he have a move called X-Rated?
Smith: No
Hood: What about X-TREME!!!
Smith: Stop it…just call the match!
~Xavier reaches the top rope and he looks down at Craig Adams. Xavier then leaps off and shows tremendous athleticism with the height he achieves in his jump. He winds up pulling off a very impressive 360 Shooting Star Press landing right on top of Adams!! The ring shakes from the impact as Xavier pops right back to his feet as the crowd seems to be enjoying his display of athleticism~
Smith: And that, Hood, is called X-Star Press!
Hood: Okay, so this guy is like way more marketable than short haired guy?
Smith: His name is Craig Adams…and the marketable guy is Jason Xavier. And you were cheering for Adams just seconds ago.
Hood: What can I say? I am fickle.
~Xavier yanks Adams back to his feet…Adams is completely done at this point…a gust of wind would probably knock him over while a pine needle made the pin. Xavier kicks him in the gut, hooks him for a piledriver but, instead, flips over and drops Adams with a Canadian Destroyer!! The crowd reacts in a positive fashion to the explosive move as Xavier pins Adams and Scruff makes the count~
~The bell rings and Belvedere makes the announcement~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…JASON XAVIER!!!!!
Smith: Wow! Impressive win by…
Hood: Long Haired Guy!
Smith: Or, as he’s known by everyone else in the world, Jason Xavier…I see bright things in this kids future.
Hood: Well he is heading up the ramp where a bunch of lights are shining down.
Smith: Yea, whatever, let’s go backstage on that stupid comment
~The cameras catch up to the parking lot as Brianna enters with crowbar in hand. Her usual smile is not on her face. She pays no mind to the cameras that follow her onto the campus and into the gymnasium. They follow her into the lobby of the gym where she is stopped by Leo The High School intern~
Leo: Miss Casablancas, do you have a moment?
~Brianna scowls at him with the crowbar in hand~
Brianna Casablancas: Actually I don’t. But you can deliver a message to Ian Bishop.
Leo: Yes, sure.
Brianna Casablancas: Tell him I would like his presence inside the ring later tonight.
~He stops her from leaving and she stops only out of being polite~
Leo: Is this part of the revenge you are talking about?
Brianna Casablancas: Love, I am sorry if I am a bit short here …but of course it is. Tonight is ALL about revenge.
~She leaves with the crowbar in hand as Leo looks a little surprised by her behavior. He is surprised about how unhinged she is. We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Brianna came prepared tonight!
Hood: Will somebody tell her that Alice’s car requires more than a crowbar to fix?
Smith: She didn’t bring that to fix Alice’s car!
Hood: Oh, she didn’t?
Smith: No, she has it for protection
Hood: What a shitty friend, then!
Smith: YOU could help Alice out with her car, if you’re that concerned.
Hood: Oh, no thanks, I’m allergic to ant…farms
Smith: Whatever…well, folks…we’re less than a week out from Black Out 2…
~We cut to a poster for this Sunday’s Pay Per View event~

~The poster fades out as we…we cut to what appears to be a lounge somewhere inside the Andrew facility. There is a long table and Mario is seated in the middle of the table with a plate of Spaghetti and Meatballs and a glass of red wine. On Mario’s right is Roach, he is double fisting with a brew and a jager bomb, and has a delicious chicken parmesan. Next to Roach is Ian Bishop, with his OCW Central Championship sitting in front of him facing outwards like a name tag on a table. Bishop appears to be enjoying his Rum and Coke and his Fettuccini Alfredo. Finally you have Sean Fuller, who apparently missed the memo and has a Bacon Cheeseburger and Pabst Blue Ribbon. The men appear to have already been gathered for a little while now as they are already in the process of eating and drinking~
Mario Maurako: Alright guys, tonight is a huge night for us as we take yet another step towards pure OCW dominance and the ability to end this debacle once and for all. It starts tonight and it starts with me. Tonight Pryde and myself are going to walk to that ring and we are going to beat Danny B & Amber Ryan, and go on to headline Blackout. Where I will win the OCW Southern Championship, and bring more gold to The Family.
~The rest of the members let out a celebratory cheer, except for Fuller, who just generally seems disinterested in the goings on at the table~
Mario Maurako: Not only am I going to win the Southern Championship, Ian is going to retain his Central Championship against Brianna Casablancas. Ian, we’ve really been embarrassing her as of late. Any thoughts on if and when or how she would retaliate?
~Ian takes a drink of his Coke & Rum and then sets the glass back on the table~
Ian Bishop: Guys, it’s the same story OVER and over again. She’ll try some experiment on me, blah, blah, blah, try to confuse me and think she has me figured out and win. I don’t know about you guys but it is starting to get very repetitive and boring. Short and to the point I am going to do what I did last month and that is walk into Blackout the true warrior I am and walk out still OCW Central Champion. The Family began there with that victory and it will continue to thrive when we shut her up one final time, when I retain my rightful championship.
~Ian finishes his drink and then raises his index finger to indicate to the catering staff that he would like another one. Next to him Roach appears to be enjoying digging into his entrée~
Roach: Fuck this is some good ass chicken parm! Got to love the Italians and how they can cook some grub. I bet that hobo Alice Knight can't cook worth shit, I bet she cooks chicken nuggets on the dash board of her car and cranks the heat on them. Oh wait I forgot that she doesn't have a car or a home.
~Roach laughs to himself, taking a moment to celebrate last weeks achievements~
Roach: Blackout is going to be the dismissal of that lesbo, she thinks she has a shot at beating me at the PPV. Just because she got lucky last week and screwed me out of the Co-Main Event at Blackout. That's not going to happen again, FUCK that! Alice Knight won't be able to walk out of that ring alone after I stomp her face in. I'm going to beat the living shit out of her then top it off by spitting on her motionless body. I don't think The Family will have to worry about her after next this Sunday!
Mario Maurako: Well that would be great. Not only would you eliminate one person from the roster Roach, but I’m sure after that thrashing you’d have to be in line for an Internet Title Shot or something. Then that would mean further domination by the Family.
~Mario picks up his glass of red wine and goes to take a drink but stops when he catches a glimpse of Sean down at the end of the table stabbing his Bacon Cheeseburger with a knife. Mario then puts the glass back down and stares at Fuller~
Mario Maurako: Umm Sean?
~Fuller stops stabbing his burger and looks over at Mario~
Mario Maurako: What are you doing? Actually on second thought don’t answer that. You’ve got a match-up with a pissed of MJ Bell for the PPV-
Sean Fuller: The way I look at it Dean-o is just giving me the opportunity to finish the job and clear things up as to what I am doing hanging around a bunch of guys on high fiber diets. MJ will be just as stupid as anyone else who has faced me one-on-one. She doesn't have to show up, but she will. She will show up and I will break her worse than before.
~Fuller grabs the knife from the burger and ketchup seeps out from where the knife was, almost like blood from a stab victim. Mario shrugs it off and takes a sip of his wine and then continues~
Mario Maurako: One last order of Family business. I do appreciate the sacrifices you gentlemen make on a weekly basis for the greater good. But we need to do this right. We have to be able to trust each other through thick and thin. Next week on Massacre we will all participate in the Family initiation ritual. Oh yeah… there will be blood. So if you’re having second thoughts, you have between now and then to back out. Because after initiation there is no turning back.
Sean Fuller: Sounds like fun!
~Fuller smiles as we fade out and go back to ringside~
Smith: Looks like they forgot to invite you over for dinner?
Hood: I’m sure it got lost in the mail
Smith: Well, why didn’t they invite you face to face tonight?
Hood: I’m a very busy man, Smith…I’m sure they realized that
Smith: Sure…in other news, they are talking about some initiation set to take place…
Hood: Of course, every legit organization has a rite of passage
Smith: It will definitely be interesting to see how that group of misfits and weirdos moves forward
Hood: Dysfunctional, just like the average American family!
Smith: Well, Mario is from Italy…but that’s beside the point…it’s time for our next match as Damian Payne and Drew Stevenson, tag partners last week and next week, face off!

Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, our next match is scheduled for one fall…
~”Devour” by Shinedown hits and the fans stand and give Drew Stevenson a nice ovation, remembering the fight he gave last week in his Lethal Lottery tag match. Drew walks down to the ring with a determined look on his face~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Kansas City, Missouri…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 250lbs….Drew Stevenson!!!
~Drew’s music dies down as “It’s Goin’ Down” by X-Ecutioners starts up and the fans boo loudly when they see resident bad guy, Damian Payne make his way down to the ring~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Denver, Colorado…standing 6’9 and weighing in at 295 lbs… “Sadistic Insanity” Damian Payne!!!
~Payne steps over the top rope and enters into the ring. Belvedere exits and sounds the bell on the outside as Payne’s music ends and this match is ready to begin~
Smith: Interesting match here, Hood…two former teammates going at it!
Hood: Yea, for like a week…you act as if this was some tragic break between brothers or lifelong tag partners.
Smith: A very strong bond can be formed in a week’s time.
Hood: It really showed last week, let me tell ya.
Smith: Outside of that little tidbit, it’s obvious that both of these competitors could really use a win here tonight.
~Drew and Payne quickly lock up in the middle of the ring as Payne uses his size to shove Drew back into a corner. Scruff gets in the middle, forcing a break. Payne then smacks Drew in the chest with a large knife edged chop!! Drew grabs his chest, gasping in pain. Payne straightens him up and chops him again…he does this again and again until red welts begin to form on Drew’s chest. Payne then lifts Drew up and places him on the top turnbuckle in a seated position. He then lunges forward with a HUGE knife edged chop and Drew falls off the top turnbuckles and crashes down hard on the outside. Payne looks down at Drew while raising his arm in the air~
Smith: Wow, Damian Payne off to a quick start.
Hood: He’s not fucking around tonight
Smith: Well, Drew Stevenson did call him out on their loss last week…basically blaming Damian for the defeat.
Hood: Who got pinned?
Smith: Payne
Hood: Fucking right he should be blamed, then
Smith: Pryde pinned him and, seriously, how do you not remember this?
Hood: WHAT? He got pinned by the masked being? That is so not Sadistic…but pretty insane.
~Payne steps over the top rope and hops on out to the gym floor. Drew is on one knee, hanging onto the apron while attempting to recover from his tough spill. Payne helps him to his feet but instantly greets him with a short arm clothesline! Drew falls back down onto the gym floor and grasps the back of his head in pain from the impact of it snapping back onto the hardwood. Payne walks over to Drew and drops an elbow across Drew’s chest…Drew rolls over to the side clutching his chest in pain as the fans boo Sadistic Insanity’s offense~
Smith: Damian Payne has taken complete control of this match.
Hood: So, we’ve got cameras and an OCWTron and all this shit, right?
Smith: Indeed
Hood: You think maybe they could get something a little thicker than a see through black fabric to cover the hardwood floor?
Smith: Aww, Hood…you’re concerned about our wrestler’s well being!
Hood: You didn’t let me FINISH….*ahem*…for Syren and Maurako matches only.
~Payne yanks Drew to his feet and drills him between the eyes with a couple of vicious right hands. Drew wobbles back and forth as Payne grabs him by the back of his bald head. He then hurls Drew face first into the ring post! Drew’s head smacks into the post emitting a loud ‘ping’ as it connects! Drew falls to the ground, clutching his forehead in pain as Sadistic Insanity flips his hair back, smiling over how this match is going~
Hood: You can ring my beeeeeeeeellllleeeeeelllllleeeellll…ringmybell!
Smith: I don’t see anything funny with a young man having his head smacked into cold steel like that.
Hood: So you’d rather see an old man have his head smacked into the ring post?
Smith: Absolutely not!
~Payne yanks Drew to his feet and finally hurls him back into the ring as Scruff has been watching the entire time, being useless as usual. Payne climbs onto the apron and is about to climb into the ring when he notices his hand on top of the top turnbuckle…it triggers an idea. He begins to climb to the top rope with the fans standing at the sight of the big man ascending rarified air. Payne gets to the top and leaps off for a Guillotine Leg Drop…Drew, though, rolls out of the way and Payne’s backside slams into the ring mat!!! He grabs his leg in pain as the fans begin to cheer, feeling like Drew is going to get back in this~
Smith: Temporary moment of insanity for the sadistic one and, well, it backfired.
Hood: I guess he was feeling froggy or something
Smith: Froggy?
Hood: Yea, you know, all hippity hoppity and shit…hopping down the froggy trail
Smith: It’s bunny trail, you dimwit! Peter Cottontail was a rabbit, not a frog!
Hood: Well I KNOW that…but I’m talking about ole Roger Ribbit…the imaginary frog who actually HIDES the eggs on Easter. Peter stupidtail simply delivers them…Roger, though, he does all the hard work and gets no respect…it’s tragic.
Smith: What are you talking about? And I’m sure you just ripped off Roger Rabbit for that name…another famous Hare.
Hood: That reminds me, we need to get Jessica Rabbit on this show sometime.
Smith: Enough!
~Drew and Payne get to their feet at about the same time as Payne shakes his leg, working the pain out of it. He charges at Drew for a big boot to the face…Drew, however, ducks Damian’s kick causing Damian to stumble forward. Drew turns Damian around and begins to unload on him with lefts and rights to the head!! Payne falls back into the nearest corner from the attack…Drew stops, he grabs Payne around the waist and tosses him out of the corner and into the middle of the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex!! Payne lands hard as Drew has turned the tide~
Smith: What strength shown by Drew Stevenson…he tossed Damian Payne like he was a sack of potatoes!
Hood: I buy my potatoes one at a time.
Smith: Why on earth would you do that?
Hood: I don’t buy into the whole sack of potatoes theory…feels like the start of communism to me.
Smith: I don’t even need an explanation…
Hood: You see, Smith…some potatoes work harder than others as they grow…it’s a natural fact. And, so you’re fucking telling me that those giant potatoes who busted their ass to become the best damn potato they could be should be FORCED into a bag with other, smaller, lazier potatoes? Fuck that shit, man…I buy my potatoes one at a time.
Smith: Whatever floats your boat.
~Drew walks over to Payne and aggressively stomps Damian in the head while Damian is still down. Drew makes his way into the nearest corner as Damian tries to get to his feet…Damian is on all fours when Drew rushes out and kicks Damian in the side of the head!! Damian’s body twirls violently to the mat, winding up on his back. Drew quickly covers him, for the pin~
Kick Out!!
Smith: That was a close one as Sadistic Insanity nearly suffered his third loss in a row!
Hood: Oh man, these fucking guys…good thing they don’t have to tag anymore.
Smith: Actually, they are being forced to team up at Black Out 2 in the Tag Team Turmoil match.
Hood: Seriously? A week after they face each other one on one? Does Dean just really fucking hate these guys or what?
Smith: I have no clue
~Drew yanks Payne to his feet and drills him with several forearm uppercuts as Payne staggers back into the nearest corner. Drew climbs to the top rope and begins to punch Payne in the head with lefts and rights. Payne recovers and nails Drew in the gut, causing Drew to stall. Payne clutches Drew by the throat and steps out of the corner…he lifts Drew up high, going for his patented ChokeBomb! Drew, though, thrusts downward with an elbow, nailing Payne on top of the head. Payne drops Drew, Drew kicks Payne in the gut and then DDT’s him to the mat!!~
Smith: Sadistic Insanity was looking to end it right there but Drew Stevenson had other ideas!
Hood: No shit, Drew was all like “Eat this elbow, bandana long haired man!”
Smith: What do you suppose the bandana symbolizes?
Hood: I’d say the bandana is sadistic…the long hair is insanity.
Smith: Indeed!
~Drew motions to the crowd, they begin to cheer for him as he’s becoming a crowd favorite here in OCW. Payne slowly gets back to his feet, a bit groggy from all the head trauma he recently received. Payne thinks Drew isn’t paying attention, so he attempts to sneak up behind him…Drew responds with a superkick to Payne’s face!! Payne’s bandana flies off his head as he falls back on the ground. Drew grabs his legs and goes to apply a Texas Cloverleaf~
Smith: The Missouri Cloverleaf! If he locks this one in, it’s over!
Hood: He kicked his bandana off…Damian is no longer sadistic…only insane!
Smith: My goodness, what a development!
~Drew locks in the Missouri Cloverleaf!! Payne yells out in pain, grabbing at his hair with his hands…his discomfort is obvious as Payne looks for a way to get out of the hold. He uses his upper body strength to drag drew near the bottom rope. Payne is close to grabbing it…however, Drew is aware of what’s going on and he stands up and drags Payne right back into the middle of the ring!! The pain for Damian only intensifies as the hope of reaching the ropes is all but lost…he continues to fight with Scruff asking him…finally, Payne does what a normal wrestler would’ve done several minutes earlier…he taps out…Scruff calls for the bell and Belvedere makes the announcement~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….DREW STEVENSON!!!!!
Smith: Wow, great win tonight for Drew Stevenson! I like the look of this guy!
Hood: Really? You dig the way a near naked man looks?
Smith: I’m talking about his in ring prowess
Hood: Sure, whatever, man
~After the match, Drew offers to help Damian to his feet. Damian shoves Drew away and gets to his feet under his own power. Drew attempts to explain to Damian that he was simply trying to win the match and wants the two of them to move forward and be on the same page for Black Out 2. Payne rolls his eyes and then drills Drew with a lariat!! Drew lands hard on the mat as the fans boo Damian Payne loudly. He exits the ring, fuming with anger~
Smith: Well, that’s not a good sign if you’re a Payne and Drew tag team fan.
Hood: There aren’t many of those, Smith
Smith: Still, it doesn’t bode well going into Sunday in the Tag Turmoil match for the Tag Titles.
Hood: I wouldn’t say that, at least Payne is showing signs of life
~We cut outside where Danny B is seen standing outside Andrew’s college, leaning on the same black 1965 Ford Shelby that he had driven to meet Amber Ryan only 2 weeks ago, his black leather coat shines in the moonlight, his piercing green eyes hidden behind a reflective pair of Aviators~
Danny: “Evening, OCW. I was thinking about heading into the arena, but you know for once it is actually quite a lovely night. So I figured I would stand here and smoke, and think about what’s coming up, and I don’t mean this week. What happens this week is elemental. You know why I think that?
Simple really, as much as Pryde and Maurako like to think that they have some kind of teamwork going on they lacked one major thing. Did anyone see their promos this week? They talk big, but could they stand to be near each other? Like shit could they.
So people seem to think that there is no collusion between Amber and I? It’s a common thought that we have no chance teaming together long enough to do the job in this match.
Well I tell you something, in my time here in OCW I have come to realise something rather important, that the scum bags I believed I had to deal with in CWF and GWR are nothing compared to the douchebags that run around this joint. Most of which includes The Family.
Mario, let me tell you something, you aren’t anything special. You think you are, you think your past speaks for itself, but in your arrogance you have decided the preparing for the arrival of people like Amber and I isn’t worth your time. That is your mistake, a great mistake that will be your downfall, I mean for Christ’s sakes, you think that your status means that you’re better than me? Ask The Great One how that works out. Tonight, I want you to come to terms with the fact that you cannot hold a candle to the new breed of OCW stars, and I lead that helm.
Roach, you managed to live up to your hype didn’t you? A creepy crawling ugly son of a bitch. I’ve stated it before that I cannot understand why someone of your caliber is hanging with these low lives, but I hope you know this, I implore you to watch closely tonight because I will prove how useless your ‘Don’ really is.
Bishop, you are no champion, and Brianna will prove that next week at Blackout. She beat you once, and she will beat you again. And after your match at Blackout, when you’re sitting in your locker room nursing your wounds, I hope you watch me win the Southern Championship, and I can show you how a real champion looks after a match.
Fuller, you, I can’t even find real words for you. You are a sick son of a botch that thinks beating up people when their backs are turned is the way to become great. Sean, I will deal with you when the time comes, I never did get you back for the sneak attack a few weeks back, but the difference is Sean, I will do it in the ring, I don’t need my opponent blindsided to beat them.”
~Danny lights a smoke before he continues~
Danny: “So why would I take the time, easy, because I know for a fact that The Family will make their presence known tonight, Mario has the chance to go into Blackout and win the Southern Championship. Meaning of course that there is a chance, however slim it may be, that The Family could hold both of the major championships in this company, and my God, can you imagine how infuriating they would be if that happens.
What I am saying is boys, pull whatever stunt you wish tonight, because I am ready for you. I will prove tonight that I am the smartest man in this company. Are you ready?”
~Danny stands up straight, heading towards the giant OCW banner above the entrance to the building, in the very place where he was standing, a giant shadow occupies the space, before vanishing once again. We head back to the announce table~
Smith: It appears to me Danny B is waging a full war against the Family!
Hood: Pretty rude to call them out during their dinner…he could have at least waited until dessert
Smith: What do you suppose they had for dessert?
Hood: Probably something red and gooey to appease Sean Fuller
Smith: Indeed…well, I’m being told we’ve got more backstage happenings taking place!
~We cut to the “backstage” area as we see “The Great One” Trevor Kent walking through a door that reads “Gavin Reed” the crowd in attendance boo for both men, torn on who they hate the most. Gavin is on the telephone on a call that is no doubt of great importance, but quickly hangs up as he sees who has walked through the door and starts to back up towards the walk his hands raised up in front of him, palms facing outward.~
Gavin: Now listen Trevor, last week…
TGO: Save your breathe Gavin, I’m not here about last week, I’m here about next week.
Gavin: What about it?
TGO: You mean to tell me that you had nothing to do with putting me in a tag team title match?
Gavin: That was all Dean, I promise…
TGO: I highly doubt that. You know for a fact that I have absolutely no interest in a tag team title, I’m far above that.
Gavin: Well last week says differently.
~Gavin regrets the words as soon as they come out of his mouth as TGO walks closer towards Gavin, as Gavin backs further away, having his back firmly placed against the wall now.~
TGO: Probably not the smartest thing that you’ve ever said Gavin. Seeing as though you have a horse in this race as well.
Gavin: I didn’t mean it that way.
TGO: I’m not stupid Gavin, you meant it exactly the way that you said it. Let me be clear though. You need to tell Noah I don’t settle for failure. Even though I don’t want to be in this tag team mid card bullshit, I’ll fight the fight and win the titles. I may pull a Casablancas and just give the titles away to a less deserving “team” that is in that clusterfuck of a match. I won’t lose again and will not settle for failure. If I, excuse me, if WE lose again, then I’m holding you personally responsible, and I’m sure that you don’t want that to happen.
Gavin: I’ll make sure that I tell Noah.
TGO: Good, now if you’ll excuse me I have an unfortunate defecation incident to take care of from last week.
~Gavin snickers as TGO turns his back and walks out of the room that Gavin was occupying. The camera follows TGO as he walks down a hallway filled with doors to other classrooms. One of the doors opens as Scott Syren walks out of it. TGO smirks as Syren does as well. The two men approach each other, as the intensity in their eyes tell a completely different story than their half smiles do.~
Syren: Tough loss last week, man. I hope you liked the consolation prize I had delivered to your office.
TGO: I wouldn’t have expected anything less from the likes of a ‘roided up piece of garbage like you.
Syren: Oh yeah? You know what, man? That's just, um, like your opinion or whatever. And so what if I am a piece of garbage? I'd rather be a piece of garbage with a World Championship belt than, you know, some dude who DOESN'T have a World Championship belt.
TGO: You know that's not a valid belt around here anymore, right Scotty boy? Or have the drugs and the transsexual sex fried your brain?
~ Syren smiles and gestures at TGO's empty waist. ~
Syren: At least my belt exists. And there are a few hundred retarded hillbillies out in that gymnasium who seem to think its valid enough. That has to count for something.
TGO: Woah! Don't point to that area ever again! It's completely off limits to you and your gang of OCW rejects. Speaking of OCW rejects where's Silverfreak? He was always your best quality and the only reason that you were once relevant around here.
Syren: Ahh, another entry in your ongoing "Fake History of Professional Wrestling" project... have you ever thought about giving up wrestling and going into like alternate-history speculative fiction writing? I mean, you'd probably be fucking horrible at that too, but at least you wouldn't get punched in your stupid face as much. As my "drug fried brain" seems to recall, I laid down and handed Silverfreak two different titles--as gifts--and somehow HE is the one who made ME relevant? Please. I handed Silverfreak the keys to OCW for no other reason than because it amused me. So if we're going to shit-talk based on fictional re-writes of history, then, umm, hey man, fuck you for that time you blew up the moon with a giant laser gun.
~TGO shakes his head, amazed with the pure rubbish that is coming out of Scott Syren's mouth.~
TGO: OOOHHHH!!! So you laid down for Silverfreak and gave him the titles because it amused you. I could have sworn that it was because you were afraid to get in the ring with me. Maybe that's just my re-writes of history, but I do seem to remember that when I came into the OCW you didn't stay around long because you knew that I was going to kick your ass and take your spot, which I did in fact take your spot at the top of the OCW food chain. You know maybe when me and Silverfreak became chummy and he told me why you left OCW he just got it wrong. Face it Syren, your glory days are way behind you and I'm still the face of the OCW. Fuck Ian Bishop. Fuck Brianna Casablancas. Fuck Mario Maurako. Fuck Amber Ryan and her girlfriend Danny B. I'M the face of the OCW still and nothing will ever change that!
~Syren has started playing with his cell phone. He laughs at an amusing cat meme that Scoot Time has texted him. After an awkward pause, he looks up, realizing TGO has finished his rant.~
Syren: Yeah, cool man, you can try to fuck all those people if you want. I kind of doubt Triple M would be down with it, but some of the others might. And you can scream all you want about being the "face of OCW" and it's not going to mean shit to me. Honestly, I'm a bit shocked to hear that something so retarded is the root of your beef with me. "The Face of OCW"??? Fuck's cunt, man. That's not something I've ever given a quarter of a fuck about, and if you don't understand that, then I guess you don't know the first fuckin' thing about ol' Scott Syren. Unfortunately for you, Dean, all of the fans, and historical fact seem to disagree with your claim--as usual. Would it make you feel better if we have a "Face of OCW" match and I lay down for a three-count? Because if that's the only title you're going for, I'll gladly hand it over. I'm trying to find it within myself to find a fuck or two to give about this, because it obviously means a great deal to you, but I am just coming up totally fuckless.
~ Syren shrugs helplessly, as would anyone after being berated for something they have no control over. Unamused by sheer lack of respect Scott Syren has given him, but really, what did he expect. TGO starts in again as Scott notices another rant coming on and starts to text message Scoot Time back with a Sweet Sugar Brown meme.~
TGO: You seem to be missing the point Syren. My beef with you is that you think that you can waltz right back into the OCW and not pay your dues again. I'll make sure that that changes. I'll make sure that Dean gives us the chance to go one on one like every toothless piece of garbage out in the gym wants to see. Then I'll prove that I'm better than you, just like we've always known. Just make sure that you don't go off and injure yourself before we get to have that match. Well shit, I think I would need to make sure that Dean doesn't drink himself off into another coma and forgets about the OCW again....
Smith: TGO is accusing Syren of coming back in and expecting to reach the top by not paying his dues? Syren won a battle royal for a shot to face Kenshin at Black Out 2…what has TGO done to deserve all this airtime, aside from lose half his matches?
Hood: Hey, lay off The Great One!
Smith: I’m just saying…the guy may want to rip Syren for something else…it’s not like there aren’t other things
Hood: Look, he just wants to face Syren one on one…did you hear that?
Smith: Oh, NOW he does, after he’s curtain jerking Black Out…the rumor I heard was Dean pitched an idea for TGO and Syren to go one on one at Black Out. Syren was all for it…The Great One turned it down.
Hood: Whaaaat???
~ Syren unexpectedly snaps his head up from his phone, looking uncharacteristically concerned. ~
Syren: Wait, what? We're supposed to be paying dues? How the fuck am I supposed to manage that when Dean has been paying me in IOUs, motel vouchers, and gas cards? God dammit.
~Syren turns and hurries down the hall back towards the door he came from~
Syren: Clubbin' Man!!! We need to find some fucking money... again. Apparently we're overdue on, well, dues or something?
~TGO looks down at the watch on his wrist and looks back up.~
TGO: Have we boss hogged the show yet and tried to yield more attention that what's actually deserved?
~With that said the camera cuts back to the announce table.~
Smith: Boss hogged the show?
Hood: Yea, I dunno, maybe he just watched Dukes of Hazzard or something
Smith: Indeed! Well, folks…it’s time for our next match! Dinner is apparently finished because Family Member Sean Fuller is set to take on one half of the Power Couple, Tiami Tyler-Santos!

Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall…
~”Get up and Move” by Koda Kumi begins to play as the fans begin to boo when they see the Power Couple step into the gymnasium and make their way down to the ringside area. Jeremy escorts his beautiful wife down to the ring as she walks up the steps and enters into the squared circle for her debut OCW match~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Canton, Ohio, standing 5’5” and weighing in at 119 lbs…Tiami Tyler-Santos!!!
~Tiami’s music comes to a close. "Never Going to Die" by Skillet begins to play first as Kaitlyn steps out to a chorus of boos from the fans along with a few fans thinking it's a smart idea to poke the bear known as Sean by chanting vulgar words. Kaitlyn makes her way down to the ring with elegance and arrogance exuding from her. She walks up the steel ring steps and steps over the middle rope slowly. Kaitlyn requests a microphone and walks to the middle of the ring~
Kaitlyn Fuller: "Ladies and gentlemen if I may have your attention please!"
~The fans negative chants grow louder just as Kaitlyn's disdain for them~
Kaitlyn Fuller: "Making his way to the ring at this time he is not only my husband but the most destructive force known throughout the professional wrestling universe! He is my client, my lover, and the end of all that each of you hold dear so please tremble in your seats for Sean Fuller to come to the ring and decimate whoever has the unfortunate task of facing him tonight!"
~"Circus for a Psycho" by Skillet picks up as Sean Fuller steps out from behind the curtain with his head bowed. The crowd goes silent as the lights are low so to make it rather hard to witness anything he might do as he walks down to the ring. Sean climbs into the ring and over to the corner furthest from him at the time. He rests his arms over the top rope and smirks after turning his head to the right; a smirk so unsettling the fans still dare not boo or make a sound that might cause him to go off. Belvedere quickly exits, knowing how dangerous Sean Fuller can be and sounds the bell quickly. The match is now underway with both Jeremy Santos and Kaitlyn observing from the outside~
Smith: Last week Jeremy Santos nearly tossed Sean Fuller out of the battle royal…this week, his wife gets her shot at defeating the man with multiple personalities.
Hood: Awesome, so you can talk shit about him but I can’t? Why doesn’t he beat your ass for saying that?
Smith: Because I’m not an idiot about it.
Hood: I think it’s a conspiracy…you are obviously connected to those two.
Smith: Think what you want, Hood.
~Fuller goes to lock up with Tiami…Tiami, though, is too smart to try and match strength with Fuller, so she just ducks his grasp and kicks him in the back of the knee. Fuller stumbles forward and into the ropes. He quickly turns around as Tiami charges him and drills him in the midsection with a running knee. She then whips Fuller off the ropes, he rushes across the ring, bounces off the opposite set and is drilled in the gut yet again with another knee!! Fuller falls to the mat, hunched over in pain~
Smith: Wow, nice start by Tiami!
Hood: Maybe she can do what her husband couldn’t…beat Sean Fuller.
Smith: So, you’re talking bad about Fuller now?
Hood: Uhm, no…I said maybe…in fact, scratch that...she’s got no chance…in hell!
Smith: Right
~Fuller starts to get to his feet as Tiami walks up behind him and quickly applies and abdominal strain! Fuller winces in pain as his already weakened abdomen is being stretched out by Tiami. Fuller, though, using his weight and strength advantage, flips Tiami over and onto the mat where she hits hard. Undaunted, she gets back to her feet and charges into the ropes…Fuller stands up right and throws a clothesline, Tiami ducks it and hits the other ropes…she comes off and Fuller drills her in the gut with a side kick!! Tiami falls back and rolls out of the ring through the bottom and middle ropes. She lands near Kaitlyn~
Smith: And Tiami falls right at the feet of Kaitlyn!
Hood: Is that Sean Fuller’s way of asking Kailtyn for a three way?
Smith: Really? Her husband is right out there!
Hood: Oh, so he wants to swing then?
Smith: Doubtful
~Kaitlyn reaches down to pull Tiami to her feet…Jeremy suddenly rounds the corner and makes his way towards Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn stands up right and slowly begins to back away. While Jeremy is pointing and yelling, Sean walks up to the ropes and kicks Jeremy in the head through the ropes! Jeremy stumbles to the side and falls to one knee. Sean hops outside and he starts to beat down on Jeremy on the outside~
Smith: Wrong Santos, Fuller!
Hood: Like that fucking guy cares…he just sees and attacks
Smith: Indeed!
~Tiami looks over and sees Sean all over her husband. Kaitlyn moves to grab her, but Tiami pushes Kaitlyn aside and she jumps on top of Fuller and hooks his head under her arm. She drops to her feet, yanks him backwards and drops him with a Reverse DDT!! Fuller hits hard and grabs the back of his head in pain as it slams into the hardwood gym floor. Tiami checks on Jeremy, he’s a little weary but okay. Tiami yanks Sean to his feet and rolls him back into the ring as she hops on the apron. Jeremy heads back to the other side of the ring, away from Kaitlyn, who is back on her feet and yelling for Sean to get up. Tiami climbs the nearest corner and reaches the top. She looks down at Sean who is on his back…she leaps off for a flying elbow but Sean moves! Tiami’s arm slams into the mat and she quickly grabs it in pain~
Smith: The high risk move back fired!
Hood: Fuck man, her elbow like slammed into that mat hard
Smith: Yea, I think we all saw that
Hood: Just saying, had to be like bumping your funny bone times a thousand
~Fuller gets to his feet and he slowly pulls Tiami to hers…she shoves Fuller off and throws a punch, Fuller ducks and he lifts Tiami up and drops her to the mat with a Sidewalk Slam! While seated next to her, he reaches out and grabs the arm Tiami slammed into the mat, he bends it back at the elbow and then cranks it back as far as he can, applying tremendous pressure to the elbow portion of the arm! Tiami yells out in pain and reaches up, trying to get Fuller to release the hold. Her agony and resistance only encourages him to apply more and more pressure~
Smith: This guy is vicious…I believe he intends on snapping her arm at the elbow.
Hood: Yea, probably, but she shouldn’t have just given him her arm.
Smith: He took it from her!
Hood: Nobody can take from you what you don’t offer, Smith
Smith: That is Bee Ess!
~Tiami gets to her feet and uses her free hand to smack Fuller in the face. She repeats the hit time and time again until Fuller releases his hold and staggers back into a corner. Tiami whips him out of the corner but Fuller reverse and Tiami goes flying into the corner. Fuller follows her in, Tiami stops and grabs the top rope and leaps over Fuller who runs in, smashing front first into the corner! Tiami kicks him in the back of the head as he stumbles back…the kick sends him flying face first into the top turnbuckle! Tiami then rolls him up for a pin and Scruff slides in to make the count~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Whoa, close one there…Tiami’s quickness cannot be underestimated.
Hood: Yea, not bad for a chick with red hair.
Smith: She’s showing me A LOT here in her official OCW debut.
~Fuller’s kick out sends Tiami falling onto her back. He quickly gets on his feet and grabs her legs, he tries to lift her up for a powerbomb but Tiami punches him in the head once she’s in the air, she grabs the back of his head, looking for a facebuster, Fuller, through, punches her back and he shoves her legs away from him and he ends up facebusting Tiami into the mat!! Tiami hits hard as Fuller rolls her over and goes for a pin~
Kick out!!!
Smith: And now Tiami kicks out on that facebuster reversal or whatever you want to call it by Sean Fuller!
Hood: That was fairly cool…I mean, I’m not Sean Fuller fan…but I’ll give the man some credit.
Smith: I see you’re coming around
Hood: No, not at all
~Fuller gets to his feet and he angrily yanks Tiami back up…Fuller shoots Tiami into the corner and she hits hard. Calmly, he walks towards her and drills her in the face with a forearm uppercut!! Tiami nearly goes flying over the top rope, but Fuller keeps her in the ring. He lifts her up and sets her on the top rope. Fuller climbs up there with her and goes to hook her for a superplex, Tiami, though, fights out of it with knees and punches. Fuller falls off the top but lands on his feet. Tiami jumps off onto Sean, but Sean catches her across his shoulders! He then drops her with a Death Valley Driver!!! Tiami goes limp and Sean covers her~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: Wow, I did not see that coming!
Hood: I thought that bitch was toast!
Smith: Could you please be a bit more respectful?
Hood: Fine, I thought that bitch was done!
Smith: Ugh!
~Fuller glares at Scruff, thinking the count was a bit on the slow side. Scruff, being a bit on the slow side himself, simply shrugs and backs off. Fuller yanks Tiami to her feet and he whips her into the ropes…Tiami bounces off and Fuller goes to lock her in a sleeper. He gets his arms around her head and neck, but before he can gain total control, Tiami sits out and slams the top of her head into Fuller’s chin! Fuller staggers back into the ropes, bounces off and Tiami rolls him up with a small package!! Scruff slides in and counts~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Wow, that certainly caught Fuller off guard!
Hood: That’s why you don’t apply sleeper holds…just s-s-super p-punch the chick and get out of here with the win.
Smith: Easier said than done, Hood
Hood: I don’t know, I kind of stumbled on the word super punch
Smith: I wasn’t gonna say anything
~Both competitors race to get to their feet first, Fuller beats Tiami as he’s suffered less damage thus far in the contest. He quickly knees Tiami in the gut, keeping her at one knee. Fuller yanks her up in the air and goes for a powerbomb but Tiami reverses it into a huricanrana!! Fuller is hurled across the ring and slides into a nearby corner…he sits up, with his head resting against the bottom turnbuckle, dazed. Tiami charges in and knees him right in the face!!! Fuller slowly slinks down and winds up lying on the mat, nearly unconscious as Jeremy cheers his wife on from the outside~
Smith: She’s got a chance now, Hood
Hood: Yea, Mr. Bully is getting a taste of his own medicine. By the way, did you know Sean Fuller used to be a member of the anti bullying campaign?
Smith: Seriously?
Hood: Nah man, I’m just fucking with you
~Surprisingly, Tiami yanks Fuller to his feet…he stands in front of her, wobbling…Tiami delivers a ferocious roundhouse kick to the side of Fuller’s head!! Fuller falls over and winds up lying face down on the mat! Tiami reaches down and grabs his leg…she then locks in a Single Leg Boston Crab!! Fuller suddenly wakes up and begins to wince in pain and try to work his way out of the hold. Scruff leans down, asking Fuller if he wants to give it up~
Smith: It’s the Ice Pick, Hood! Tiami’s got it locked in and Fuller is in trouble!
Hood: Yes, yes! OCW’s most ridiculously over the top sadistic fuckhead is about to tap out…I LOVE it!
Smith: That may very well be the case…
~Fuller begins the crawl towards the ropes…he finally reaches the ropes and grabs onto the bottom with both hands! Scruff asks Tiami to release the hold, she refuses…Sean begins to climb the ropes…raising one hand at a time grasping the elevated rope. He reaches the top and is on his feet with Tiami still maintaining a grip of his leg. Tiami repositions herself to gain a better grip and she winds up facing Fuller with him bouncing on one leg. Tiami then takes Fuller down with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip!! Fuller lands hard on the mat holding his leg in pain~
Smith: Nice take down by Tiami…she’s established control of this match!
Hood: It would be so awesome if his knee cap like flew out and hit Kaitlyn in the face.
Smith: Uhhh…no, I don’t think that’d be very awesome…it would ruin a great match we have in store this Sunday…Fuller against MJ Bell.
Hood: Wait…the Pay Per View is THIS Sunday?
Smith: Yes
Hood: Fucking Dean, always switching shit up…whatever happened to the LAST Sunday of the month?
Smith: He’s apparently going on vacation.
Hood: Selfish son of a bitch
~Tiami walks over to Sean and lifts him up, she gives him a quick kick into the gut and goes to hook Fuller for her finisher, Icy Revolution (Packaged Piledriver)…Fuller, though, lifts Tiami up using his strength and goes to flip her over his back…instead, Tiami slides down his back and goes to pull him down for a pin…she nails his weakened knee and he gives way, falling back…he rolls through it, though and kicks Tiami away. Tiami quickly gets to her feet charging at Fuller who greets her with a huge lariat!! Tiami is turned inside out, folded up on the mat as Fuller slowly gets to his feet, Kaitlyn clapping~
Smith: Ah! Sean Fuller just caught Tiami in a big way with that lariat.
Hood: Ah, well, the dream was fun while it lasted.
Smith: This one isn’t over yet, Hood!
~Kaitlyn hops onto the apron and points to the top rope, telling Fuller to scale the corner. Scruff walks over to get Kaitlyn off the apron. Fuller begins to climb with Scruff’s back to him…Jeremy quickly hops up and grabs Fuller’s leg, keeping him from jumping off. Meanwhile, Tiami reaches her feet as Fuller kicks Jeremy off him. Fuller jumps off…however, Tiami leaps up as well and drops Fuller to the mat with a codebreaker!!! Fuller flops over onto his back as Kaitlyn stumbles off the apron in shock. Tiami goes for the pin and Scruff slides in for the count~
Shoulder Up!!!
Smith: Sooooo close!
Hood: When will these people learn that if you’re going to interfere, make it count!
Smith: Indeed!
~Tiami gets to her feet and she bitches at Scruff for the slow count. She turns her attention back to Sean and pulls him to his feet. Sean immediately thrusts upward with his head, slamming the back of it into Tiami’s chin! She staggers back from the huge impact…Sean grabs her, brings her in close and drops her with Down the Alley!!! He makes the cover as Scruff slides in for the count…Jeremy tries to get in to break it up~
~The bell rings as Jeremy gets there a fraction of a second too late. Doesn’t matter to him as he gets on top of Sean and starts to assault him with punches to the back of the head….while this is going on, Belvedere makes the announcement~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….SEAN FULLER!!!!!
Smith: Wow, great win for Sean Fuller…Tiami Tyler-Santos showed why Dean signed her to a contract…this match could have gone either way.
Hood: Yea, yea…nice win for that psycho, but he’s about to pay for it!
~Santos gets to his feet and he yanks Fuller to his…he quickly kicks the weakened Fuller in the gut, hooks him and drops him with Debonair Devil!!! Fuller is laid out with Kaitlyn standing on the apron yelling at Jeremy. Jeremy looks over at her and offers her a spot in the ring. Kaitlyn, not being a moron, stays on the apron…Jeremy shrugs and helps his wife to her feet…they exit the ringside area as Kaitlyn rushes over to check on Fuller~
Smith: The Power Couple may not have won the match, but they exit the ringside area with their heads held high.
Hood: Nice that Fuller finally gets a taste of his own medicine.
Smith: Hey! Look! It appears OCW has finally purchased a medical person.
Hood: About damn time…I have a headache, get her over here so I can get treatment.
Smith: Umm, I think she’ll be checking on Sean Fuller first.
~A slender female with a hat pulled low over her face walks up to the ring with a shirt that says “Medical” on it and a red cross. Kaitlyn backs away as the medical person slides in under the ring and grabs Fuller’s arm to take his pulse. Suddenly, she pulls out a pair of cuffs and locks Fuller’s arm to the bottom rope. Fuller looks over realizing what has happened and he reaches for the physician. She pulls back and quickly gets to her feet~
Smith: That’s a weird form of treatment
Hood: Dude, Fuller is a maniac…I’m sure she just wants to keep him down…kind of like how you have to keep Frankenstein strapped down when you drill into his brain.
Smith: I would think you’d strap anyone down before drilling into their brain
~Kaitlyn walks up to the physician and asks her what she’s doing…the physician responds by kicking Kaitlyn in the knee! Kaitlyn falls to her knees and is then drilled with The Shining Wizard! She falls over onto her side, unconscious as the fans start to get riled up~
Smith: I know that move, Hood!
Hood: Wait a minute…isn’t a certain someone supposed to be in the hospital tonight…
~The physician removes her hat allowing her bright orange hair to come down immediately giving herself away~
Smith: It’s MJ Bell!!
Hood: Oh man, payback is about to be a bitch!!
~MJ Bell grabs Kailtyn’s legs and she quickly applies a Sharpshooter!!! Kaitlyn screams out in pain reaching for Fuller! Fuller reaches out to try and grab her, but he can’t, being cuffed to the ropes. He then turns his attention towards MJ and glares at her…MJ just smiles and then reaches back, cranking the pressure!! Kaitlyn continues to flail about…but it grows less and less violent as she’s beginning to pass out. Meanwhile, Fuller begins to try and rip his hand out of the cuff, but he’s having no luck. Blood starts to trickle from his wrist as the metal tears into his flesh from the pressure~
Smith: This is intense, Hood…I think Fuller would rip his hand off if he could get free.
Hood: He’d probably fucking like it too
Smith: Perhaps…
~Kaitlyn’s body finally goes limp as MJ Bell slowly releases the submission hold. She heads outside and grabs a steel chair. MJ slides back into the ring as Kailtyn is completely knocked out. MJ places the chair down on top of Kaitlyn’s head. She then looks over at Sean Fuller and raises the chair over her head, ready to crush Kaitlyn’s head against the mat…Fuller begins to move furiously, trying to rip his hand out of the cuff~
Smith: No, MJ!! Don’t do it! It’s not worth it!
Hood: Do it! Show that fucker what it’s like…fucking bash her brains out…let him sit back and watch someone get the shit beat out of them for once!
Smith: Don’t listen to my partner, he’s obviously biased!
Hood: Objectively Biased!
Smith: Huh?
~MJ starts to come down with the chair but stops..she then lightly taps the top of the chair on the ring mat before tossing it to the side. She places the keys to the cuffs on top of Kaitlyn before exiting the ring and heading up the ramp, backstage. Scruff grabs the keys and rushes to unlock Fuller~
Smith: She showed restraint! It was a message, Hood…a message that she is BETTER than Sean Fuller…she doesn’t have to stoop to his levels
Hood: Sign of weakness if you ask me…plus, had she finished Kaitlyn off, we wouldn’t have had to worry about her coming out and stealing Belvedere’s gig
Smith: I’m sure Belvedere is okay with getting out of the ring as quickly as possible whenever Fuller is set to wrestle.
Hood: Fucking psycho
~We cut backstage~
Alice: Whoa …HEY! Brianna stop!
~The camera cuts to Alice chasing down the figure of Brianna Casablancas holding the crowbar in her hand. Brianna stops herself and turns around to face Alice …if it were anybody else, she might have not have listened. She turns and Alice give her a brief hug~
Alice Knight: Good! You are alright? I was worried about you. I haven’t talked to you all week. I even tried calling you on that rectangle you speak into sometimes.
~Brianna stops herself and hugs her back tightly …Alice begins to get uncomfortable~
Brianna Casablancas: Thank you for your concern, love. I am sorry I never got back to you or saw you after the show. I was being a bad mate …I at the very least should have helped you get a new ride or place to stay.
Alice Knight: It is okay. I got around. Plus, we both went through some things at the hands of The Family last week. I understand.
~Brianna Casablancas lets go of the hug and Alice seems to be the one who is weirded out this time~
Brianna Casablancas: I heard the good news about you getting your hands on that Roach chap. Put him in his place love.
~Alice looks at her~
Alice Knight: Yeah, you don’t wreck my home without me wrecking um … I will wreck something of his …maybe like an …organ …or something. But I’m not sure if Roach even plays the musical instrument… either way, I’ll get him!
~Alice pauses for a moment before continuing~
Alice Knight: But I hear you plan to confront Ian Bishop in the ring tonight …get your payback. Just remember that I will be out there with you.
~Brianna gives a brief smirk which is a shadow of what it would normally be on a regular show~
Brianna Casablancas: I appreciate the sentiment love …but this needs to be face to face …and at least on my part, one on one.
~Alice looks concerned~
Alice Knight: But you know he isn’t going to be out there alone. He is going to bring Mario, Fuller, that idiot Roach, and whoever else he has recruited into his good time gang. Let me go out there with you. I have a beef with all of them anyways.
Brianna Casablancas: I know and again, I appreciate it …but let me END THIS on my terms. In my own way. But when this is all said and done love, we will fix your transportation issue and living condition and we will get you into that tax bracket that you should be in. But right now, we both have some business to attend to.
~Brianna gives her friend another hug before walking off again with crow bar in hand. Alice looks on~
Alice Knight: NUTS! I was hoping she would give me another twinkie.
~Suddenly, a Twinkie slaps her right in the forehead. She picks it up and shoves it in her mouth~
Alice Knight(Mouth full): Thwanks Bwian-nah
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Nice to see those two continuing to get along so well...I really think they are going to be a force moving forward within OCW
Hood: I don’t think so…if all Alice lives off of are Twinkies, well, that’s not very nutritious
Smith: I’m sure Brianna throws a fruit rollup or hot pocket in there from time to time…folks, I’m being told OCW’s fastest rising star…RICHARD is set for a backstage promo before his match with Kenshin
Hood: He is so fuckin money!
~We cut backstage where Richard is standing next to Skytz, ready for a backstage interview~
Skytz: Richard, my man! Congratulations on the big win last week…now, tonight, you face Kenshin Takamura…sure, not in the kind of match you were hoping for…but a big opportunity, never the less.
Richard: Skytz, why can’t you trust an atom?
Skytz: I…I don’t know, Richard
Richard: Because they make up EVERYTHING. Just like my opponents tonight…I’m not sure what they’ve said about me, I wasn’t really paying attention…but all lies, rest assured.
Skytz: Opponents?
Richard: Yo, Skytz…why didn’t the man buy Velcro shoes?
Skytz: Because they are gay and out of date?
Richard: Because they were a ripoff! You know what else is a ripoff? Richard failing to win tonight’s Battle Royal…and I am not in the business of ripping off my fans.
Skytz: Whoa, hold on a minute…
Richard: Skytz…what happens when a bunch of raspberries play instruments?
Skytz: Damnit, man, slow down…there’s something you need to…
Richard: They have a jam session and that’s exactly what me and my fans are going to partake in tonight after I win the Battle Royal and become the number one contender for the Internet Title.
~Richard walks off determined to win whatever match he thinks he’s in tonight, leaving a completely befuddled Skytz behind, holding the mic. We cut back to ringside~

Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is a Non-Title Match and it is scheduled for one fall!
~The fans get excited as one of OCW’s top wrestlers is about to be in action…and his name is not Richard. “In Too Deep” by Sum 41 begins to play as Richard emerges from the backstage area. He is wearing weights around his ankles…the fans cheer for the nonsensical OCW performer. He looks into the camera “Internet Title! Ain’t no lie, yo…number one contendership here I come, big Richard is gonna get him some!” Richard goes to hop onto the apron…the weights bring him down and he slaps his face into the apron. Richard quickly shrugs it off and rolls in under the bottom rope~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from New Jersey…standing 5’8 and weighing in at 225 lbs…The Man, The Myth, The Legend…Richard!!!
~Richard does some half assed karate move..at least, that’s what we think it is before his music ends. The lights fade in the arena as the beginning chorus of "Guren no Yumiya" begins. The crowd rises to their feet in anticipation for who they know is entering. Red lights under the entrance ramp kick on casting a red glow from the entrance ramp and entrance stage. As the chorus suddenly picks up in a frantic song, spotlights scan everywhere throughout the arena to the speed of the music until finally the lead singer of Linked Horizon begins singing. Those lights focus in on the entrance stage where Kenshin Takamura emerges from behind the curtains to a huge pop from the crowd. He has the Internet Championship hanging over his left shoulder with the support of both of his hands holding it to his chest. Upon reaching the top of the entrance ramp, Kenshin takes the title with one hand and lays it down in front of him on the stage. For a moment, he looks around at the crowd which is buzzing loudly before dropping to his knees and raises his open hands wide and high as his eyes shut gently. White pyrotechnics fire off behind him, meanwhile the red lights under the entrance stage and ramp, light up his muscular form, showing off how good of shape he's in. After a moment, in an impressive display of agility, he leaps from his knees up to his feet then scoops up the OCW Internet Championship before making his way toward the ring. As he does, he puts the Internet Championship on his waist. Upon finishing with that, he approaches the ring steps and jogs up them then across the apron. For a moment, he looks out at the crowd, who cheer him on before he steps through the ropes and takes his corner while clasping his fingers together then rotating his wrists as the lights return to normal...~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan…standing 6’1 and weighing in at 235 lbs…he is the current OCW Internet Champion…Kenshin Takamura!!!
~Belvedere exits the ring and sounds the bell as this match is officially underway~
Smith: As shocking as this may sound…I believe this is the perfect tune up for Kenshin’s title defense against Scott Syren at Black Out 2.
Hood: Really? Did you just fucking compare Scott Syren to Richard?
Smith: In a way, yes…Kenshin is very serious and prideful…Richard is completely unserious and full of shame. He’s facing his total opposite..much like the task he has in front of him against Syren.
Hood: Did you just fucking insinuate that Syren is ashamed of himself?
Smith: Okay, so maybe I didn’t mean that
Hood: Yea, you better retract that statement…otherwise he’ll teleport you again.
Smith: I was never teleported!
~Kenshin and Richard quickly lock up in the middle of the ring…to everyone’s surprise, Richard is able to maneuver Kenshin into the nearest corner. Scruff rushes in, issuing a break with Kenshin in the ropes. Richard complies…he then bends over and grabs Kenshin’s leg. Richard drapes it over the top rope and tries to push Kenshin over the top. Kenshin looks at Scruff with a confused as Scruff isn’t really sure what to do either~
Smith: What is Richard doing??
Hood: Haha, he thinks this is a Battle Royal, Smith! He’s trying to win by eliminating Kenshin!
Smith: The heck is wrong with that young man!
Hood: My guess would be a lot
~Kenshin takes his leg which is draped over the top rope and he knees Richard in the face with it. Richard staggers back as Kenshin explodes out of the corner and drops Richard with a lariat! Richard slams into the mat hard as Kenshin towers over him, looking to take full control of this match~
Smith: Well, is that pretty much it for Richard?
Hood: Probably so, did you see how his feet never left the ground when Kenshin dropped him? How heavy do you think those weights are?
Smith: I don’t know, but seeing as he thinks this is a Battle Royal the leg weights make sense now
Hood: Ha, man, that is SO Richard
~Kenshin yanks Richard to his feet and is about to deliver another maneuver when the crowd reacts to the entrance ramp. Suddenly, Scoot Time leaps out from behind the curtain and begins galloping down to the ring. The crowd yells out “Scooooooooooot” as he makes his way to the ringside area. Kenshin hurls Richard over the top rope and to the floor where Richard lands roughly and gets ready for Scoot. Scoot leaps onto the apron in one motion and through the ropes easily. He lunges at Kenshin, Kenshin responds with a spinning wheel kick to the Scoot’s face!! Scoot falls to the mat in extraordinary pain as the fans give a mixture of cheers and boos~
Smith: Say what you want about Scoot Time, but he’s definitely got some of these fans on his side.
Hood: How can a fucking guy gallop like that but fail to do anything involving coordination inside the ring?
Smith: Nerves, maybe?
Hood: True, he did have a fucking heart attack at Resurrection
Smith: He ‘dies’ a lot
~Kenshin lifts Scoot to his feet, he kicks him in the gut, hooks him and drops him with a Michinoku Driver!!! Scoot’s body goes limp as Kenshin lifts him back to his feet and hurls him over the top rope and to the floor, ridding the ring of his presence. Scruff stands back, just sort of taking it all in…typical Scruff. Kenshin then looks for Richard who is making his way up the ramp with a defeated look on his face. He bends over and begins to remove the leg weights. Suddenly, disco music begins to play and Clubbin Man comes out from the back~
Smith: What? Another one of Syren’s minions??
Hood: Don’t act like you aren’t a HUGE disco fan, Smith
Smith: There is a time and a place for disco dancing…now is neither
Hood: What if a disco ball dropped from the ceiling?
Smith: Getting warmer
~Clubbin Man, proving to be the saner of the two gentlemen on the ramp, explains to Richard that the Battle Royal was last week…this week is merely a one on one match up. Richard does an exaggerated “Ohhhhhh” while removing the second and last leg weight. Clubbin Man pats Richard on the back and rushes into the ring. Kenshin looks annoyed as Scruff continues to let nature take it course. Kenshin prepares as Clubbin Man gets into the ring and sets up, looking for a spear. Clubbin runs at Kenshin and goes for a spear!! Unfortunately, it’s been awhile since Clubbin Man hit the weights and he just bounces off of Kenshin holding his shoulder in pain…it may very well be dislocated or separated~
Smith: Some good news and some bad news…good news is, Richard is finally aware of what the match stipulations for his current encounter with Kenshin are. Bad news, Clubbin Man’s disco days could be over.
Hood: Fuck yea, hard to strike that disco pose with a semi-functional arm
Smith: Indeed
~Kenshin angrily yanks Clubbin Man to his feet using the injured arm. Clubbin Man yells out in pain…he kicks Clubbin Man in the gut, lifts him up and drops him with a Fisherman Driver!! Clubbin goes limp, much like Scoot. Kenshin picks him up off the mat and hurls him over the top rope…Clubbin lands on top of Scoot. Meanwhile, Richard is on the apron, looking to get back in this when, suddenly, a loud voice yells throughout the arena~
Smith: What is THAT?
Smith: Oh, yea, how could I forget
~Liljungleman swings down to the ring on a rope painted green to look like a vine…it hangs from the ceiling. He releases his grip from the rope in mid air and lunges for Kenshin. Sadly, Liljungleman’s aim was never that great and he completely misses Kenshin and lands face first into the top turnbuckle! His head snaps back and he, surprisingly, stays on his feet, staggering backwards. Kenshin twirls him around, picks him up and drops him with another Michinoku Driver!!~
Smith: Swing and a miss
Hood: What is that, two Takamura Drivers?
Smith: Takamura Driver Ones to be exact
Hood: How many of those fuckers does he have?
Smith: More than one, obviously
~Kenshin yanks Liljungleman to his feet and he hurls him over the top rope where lands on top of his friends. Kenshin turns around and is drilled in the face with one of Richard’s leg weights!! Scruff does nothing as he’s in shock, like the rest of us! Kenshin is stunned…Richard lifts Kenshin up and he drops him with a Swinging leg hook fireman’s carry slam!!! Kenshin is laid out as Richard goes for the pin…the arena is in absolute stunned silence as Scruff slowly gets to his knees, surprised as well…he makes the count~
Smith: The Dweckinator! Hood…that is Richard’s finisher!
Hood: Holy fuck man….this thing is over!
Smith: One of the biggest upsets in OCW’s history is about to take place!
~Scruff begins the count~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: He kicked out!! Kenshin kicked out!!
Hood: Well, that’s it for Richard…a weight to the face followed by his finisher and he still couldn’t keep the Internet Champion down.
Smith: Indeed!!
~Richard looks at Scruff in shock as Scruff slowly removes the weight from Richard’s hand and he hurls it out of the ring. Richard gets to his feet and he looks down at Kenshin, trying to figure out what to do next. Kenshin begins to stir…Richard takes a few steps back as an idea finally registers in his brain. Kenshin gets to his feet, his back is to Richard…Kenshin slowly turns around and Richard nails him with the Rick Kick!!! Kenshin falls back down and Richard hurries for a pin, hooking both legs! This time, Scruff quickly slides in for the count~
Shoulder Up!!!
Smith: Soooooo close!!!
Hood: Could you imagine if Kenshin Takamura LOST to Richard before his big match with Scott Syren?
Smith: I would think you’d have to add Richard to that match at Black Out 2
Hood: Damn straight…shit, I’m going to be offended if Richard isn’t on Black Out 2 in some way, shape or form.
~Richard can sense the biggest win in his OCW career is near…he yanks the OCW Internet Champion to his feet and goes for a punch, Kenshin blocks it! Kenshin begins to deliver an array of lower leg kicks which seem to do major damage as Richard’s legs begin to buckle! Kenshin the grabs Richard, hooks and tosses him across the ring with a Northern Lights Suplex!! Richard hits hard as the fans cheer for Kenshin. Kenshin sets up in the middle of the ring wincing a bit…recovering from Richard’s attack~
Smith: And, just like that, Kenshin is back in control
Hood: I wouldn’t go that far, both guys are on the mat…not like Kenshin has Richard in a sleeper hold while slamming a steel chair into his face.
Smith: Only an octopus could perform a move like that!
Hood: Japanese do eat Octopus, don’t they?
Smith: I guess…they are fans of seafood, sure
Hood: There ya go, maybe he’s picked up some of their tricks
Smith: He only has two arms, ya moron!
Hood: That we can see…
Smith: Whatever
~Takamura yanks Richard back to his feet as he looks ready to be done with the aspiring rapper/comedian/wrestler…he kicks Richard in the gut, hooks him for a small package and drops him with a Small Package Driver!! Richard’s body goes completely limp as Kenshin goes for the pin, Scruff slides in and makes the count~
~The bell rings as Kenshin has his hand raised in victory…Belvedere makes the call~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…The OCW Internet Champion…KENSHIN TAKAMURA!!!!!
~As Kenshin cools down from his light in-ring workout, the arena lights go red. An eerie song comprised of tribal drumming with a minor-key bagpipe melody begins to pump through the P.A. System. The crowd roars with anticipation.~
Hood: SYREN!!!
Smith: You don't have to scream every time his music plays. People know who he is.
Hood: Fuck yeah they do!
Smith: Hasn't he made his presence felt enough already? He sent out no fewer than three of his lackeys to make a mockery of Kenshin's match tonight.
Hood: Clubbin' Man, LilJungleMan, and Scoot Time are all free Americans. There's no reason to assume Syren had anything to do with them each independently deciding to interfere in this match. Besides, if we're going to accuse anyone of trying to make a mockery of this match, you can't ignore Richard's involvement on that front...
Smith: That's mean. Richard came out here against a really tough opponent and tried his hardest.
Hood: Did he though? Did he really?
Smith: … probably not.
~Syren enters from the backstage area, holding a microphone. Because his priceless armor was stolen last week by the Fullers, Syren wears a filthy pair of capri-length cutoff jeans and a red-and-white rodeo-style shirt with pearl snap buttons. He walks halfway down the ramp to the ring area, stops, and bows ever so slightly—maybe more of a nod than a bow—in the direction of Kenshin Takamura.~
Scott Syren: First off, Kenji, I'm sorry about my friends messing up your match. Some guy stole a taco from me backstage and I sent them to solve the mystery... apparently somebody framed you, but that's neither here nor there. Though I would like my taco back.
~Syren begins to stare blankly towards the ring. He has forgotten why he came out. After a significant and uncomfortable silence, Syren seems to recall where he is.~
Scott Syren: So anyway, let's not bullshit these worthless hillbilly fans, Kenji. Their lives are already empty and meaningless enough without us lying to them. I know you're a good wrestler. I'm not going to pretend otherwise. But I also know that my muscles and charisma are girthier than yours. I just came out here to let you know that you shouldn't look at what happens at Black Out 2 as a "beating" or as "being totally humiliated". You should look at it like I'm doing you a favor. You see, when I take that stupid, dumb belt away from you, effectively unifying the Internet Title and the One True World Championship, you'll no longer be held back. You'll be free to shoot for something more worthy of your skills, like the Northern Championship or some other slightly-less-fake title. You won't live your life plagued by the giggles that must erput behind your back wherever you walk with that ridiculous belt. And, in a year or two when you're healthy enough to get back in the ring, you'll have ol' Scott Syren to thank for your fresh start. I guess all I'm trying to say, Kenji, is "you're welcome."
~Kenshin steps over Richard's prone body in the ring and walks over to the ropes, reaching over them and receiving a microphone from Belvedere then returning to the center of the ring, focusing on Scott Syren.~
Kenshin Takamura: Syren, tell me something. When was the last time you fought for that World title? Be honest with yourself since you were so courteous as to be honest with me. Do you even have any idea what I had to go through for this Internet Championship? We've both been in this business long enough to know that titles aren't just handed over...
~Kenshin pauses for a minute, re-thinking what he just said.~
Kenshin Takamura: Excuse me. Titles with credibility are not just handed over to someone. Mackenzie and I went through hell and back to decide who would be the new Internet Champion. Not only do you insult me by disparaging this title, but you also insult Noah, and if you think I'm just going to stand by idly while you do that then apparently you've been pumping too many of those steroids into your veins for your brain to think properly.
Scott Syren: Valid points, certainly... aside from your questionable definition of which titles hold any credibility or importance around here. And still I can't help feeling that you're implying something else. And so I have to ask... what exactly is it that you believe has been “handed” to me? What exactly is it about the One True World Title around my waist that you believe lacks credibility? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since you were probably just a young boy the last time anybody was stupid enough to challenge my status as OCW World Champion. Most likely you were too busy sewing soccer balls together at some Kent Industries factory to pay any attention to the exploits of great men in the civilized world.
~The fans turn on Syren loudly. He joins them, gleefully booing himself.~
Scott Syren: Oh, boo! Boo! Yeah, okay, that's enough, it's one thing to boo, but throwing half-empty beer cups? You should be ashamed of yourselves—those could be fucking recycled, you jerks! You only get one planet, people! I come out here to say something nice to a respected opponent before a match, and everyone just treats me like some stupid dick! You want to make this about who's had what “handed” to them? That's cool with me. I'll start by handing you your own arrogant, misinformed ass.
~Syren shakes his head sadly. If you're stupid enough, you could almost believe that he really did only come out here to try to say something nice.~
Scott Syren: All of the Johnny Hunters are dead, and we're left with stupid, rude assholes popping boners over half-rate consolation-prize belts.
~The mention of Johnny Hunter's name gets only the smallest of pops, causing Syren's depression to deepen. He turns to walk away from the ring.~
Kenshin Takamura: Syren, if your brain wasn't so flooded with human growth hormones, you would understand I was talking about the Central Championship. I have no doubt that you were the last rightful World Champion, but that doesn't mean that belt around your waist means anything no matter how much you want everyone to believe it does. When was the last time you defended that belt? The only thing you've defended it from is collecting algae at the bottom of a river.
~An "ohhhhhh" rises from the crowd as Kenshin lowers the microphone and just stares at Scott Syren at the top of the entrance ramp when Richard, who is finally back up, snatches the microphone from Kenshin and raises it to his own mouth.~
Richard: Rabid Richtards, hold onto your hope! Kenshin ain't getting me over that top rope!
~Richard makes the mistake of turning around to try to attack Kenshin only to be met with a swift Buzzsaw Kick to the side of the head, instantly dropping him to the mat like a sack of potatoes. The crowd erupts as Kenshin's music plays once more while Takamura's eyes look up from Richard's unconscious body to lock eyes with his challenger at Black Out 2, Scott Syren~
Smith: Tensions are high in this one, Hood…I cannot wait until Sunday!
Hood: Man, it’s like Shawnshank Redemption meets Animal House…one guy is ultra serious and professional and, well, the other guy is Syren
Smith: A huge clash in styles…it will be interesting to see which style prevails.
Hood: Fucking Syren, man
Smith: Perhaps…well, folks, while Richard is tended to…let’s go backstage!
~We cut backstage into Dean’s office…he is wearing a Hawaiian style shirt with a floral bathing suit and flip flops. A pair shades are nestled low on the bridge of his nose as he leans back in his chair, feet propped on the desk. Dean sips on some kind of mixed drink when Gavin Reed suddenly walks in. He takes stock of Dean’s appearance and has a look of anger and frustration on his face~
Gavin Reed: I have been trying to reach you ALL week…why haven’t you returned my calls?
Dean: Sorry, sucka…been busy, you know, running OCW and shit.
Gavin Reed: And what’s with the outfit…you’re the owner, dress like it for fucks sake!
Dean: Relax, Gavin…everything is going to be okay…in fact, everything is okay…everything is great.
~Gavin stops for a moment and senses something is up. He eyes Dean warily~
Gavin Reed: Look, about our deal…the people I represent have seen enough improvement over the last month to warrant an extension. I can have the papers…
~Dean leans forward, placing his drink on the table~
Dean: Look, Gavin, I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. Black Out 2 is this Sunday and there’s a ton of things that need to get done. We can talk about this in another week or so, alright?
Gavin Reed: But, if you don’t re-sign with my investors, then you’re out of business.
Dean: Yea, I don’t know, maybe we would be…maybe we wouldn’t be…the fact is, a lot of things are in play right now and there’s no need to rush into anything. So, run along, hang out with your boy Noah and TGO and whoever else and focus on what you can control.
~Gavin does not like the way this conversation is going as, for the first time since he stepped into OCW, he feels as if he’s losing control of the situation~
Gavin Reed: The deal is very lucrative…more money, more exposure…you’re going to really like it.
~Dean has turned his attention to an outline of the Black Out 2 format…he starts to edit it with a pen, getting ready for OCW’s next big PPV event. Gavin stands there, expecting a response but, instead, gets nothing~
Gavin Reed: Alright, fine, we’ll talk later then
~Gavin exits Dean’s office without Dean giving him a second glance. You see Gavin leaving Deans office, his hand reaches into his pocket to make a phone call, when from the side he gets bum rushed into the wall held up by his throat with Bobbinette's arm staring at him. She is in a pair of jeans and a pink T shirt. Her hair is pulled back into a pony tail her face has no make up on it as she glares at him angrily. The Woman not scheduled to appear or even be there that evening.~
Gavin: Bobbinette....what a pleasant surprise.
Bobbinette: Save the cheese, you better start confessing and hope I feel generous.
~She growls as her nose is inches away from his face. Her cheeks red with anger.~
Bobbinette: You know Damn well you screwed me over. I was backing this and you went behind my back to make sure that your investor got to it before I could...
Gavin: If you would like to release me we can have a nice, civilized discussion about this.
~She slowly lets him down her hands balled into fists at her side ready to punch him if need be.~
Bobbinette: I can be civil... NOW talk...
~Gavin straightens his suit as he lets out a sign and starts to talk to an obviously pissed off Bobbinette Carey~
Gavin: I told you earlier Bobbinette, it was all just business related. It was nothing against you personally. I think you're a wonderful human being with great intentions. My investors on the other hand are rather serious about the OCW and made it VERY clear that if I didn't get the deal done for the South that I wouldn't live to see another day
Bobbinette: You and I both know that there is a business way of handling things and there is a snake way of handling things. Don't you dare stand there and lie to me, You know you have an ulterior motive! It was all about what you could do for yourself and your "Backer"
~She says poking him in the chest.~
Bobbinette: I'm UBERLY epic at holding a grudge, and because you've crossed me... be aware that you're on my list.... I'm watching you and you do one little thing to cross me and I will end you.
~She says starting to walk away, She pauses and looks over her shoulder.~
Bobbinette: and your backer doesn't realize that they made a huge mistake by trusting you, because I will be coming after them to. Don't mess with an ambitious woman and her power....
Gavin: Here's the thing Bobbinette, the investor is a VERY powerful man and I'm going to do you a huge favor now and warn you. If you think that I'm a snake in the grass that has ulterior motives, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet. Worry about The Lost Soul, it's not like you've been on a winning streak as of late...
~Bobbinette turns back around with her hand on her hip as she looks at Gavin. She nods her head rolling her eyes walking down the hall scoffing. We head back to ringside~
Smith: Bobbinette is still jaded about Gavin swooping in and taking control of OCW’s financing
Hood: Gavin gave her great advice, just let it go, babe
Smith: I wouldn’t be calling her ‘babe’, Hood
Hood: Why? Do you not find her attractive?
Smith: No, it’s just she might take offense to it
Hood: Babe babe babe babe
Smith: Switching gears…Dean seems very relaxed this evening
Hood: Yea, is he beginning his vacation early?
Smith: I don’t know, but something is up…Gavin did not seem happy…almost as though the tables are beginning to turn
Hood: Where it’s at! I got two turn tables and a microphone!
~Acid Rain” by Liquid Tension Experiment plays as the crowd in Cuthbert get to their feet and absolutely jeer the entrance of “The Incredible” Ian Bishop who walks out in a nice suit with a smile on his face while having the OCW Central Championship around his waist and holding his custom OCW Paper Championship. He waltzes down to the ring as he takes a fans sign that says “Paper Champion” and points at it and the custom title over his shoulder and smiles for the fan. He throws the sign back as he rolls into the ring and grabs a microphone from Belvedere and shoos him out of the ring~
Ian Bishop: Hello Cuthbert, Georgia!
~Some of the crowd pops for the mention of the hometown but the rest aren’t sure how to react to Ian’s positive beam about the place~
Ian Bishop: Cuthbert, Georgia… the only time you guys got something right was when you executed that maid Lena Baker!
~Food and drinks begin to enter the ring for the now pardoned maid who was wrongfully accused of murder in her self defence. Ian laughs at their anger~
Smith: Evidently a lot of historians in the crowd tonight
Hood: What?! You don’t remember THE Lena Baker?
Smith: Sorry, but I didn’t major in obscure Georgian History
Hood: Is Georgian the proper way to say that?
Smith: Like I said, I wouldn’t really know
Ian Bishop: ANYWAYS… did you guys stream last week’s show? See, I had an experiment last week where I wanted to push a certain someone over their comfort zone… over the edge… take them to a place where they may have not been before maybe ever before or for a long time. I don’t think I need to explain to you all why I did what I did last week… but if I must…
Smith: Wait, so where is he taking her? A place she’s never been? Or a place she hasn’t been in a long time? I’m confused
Hood: Leave OUR champion alone! Speak the truth, brother Ian, speak it!
Smith: Someone is drinking the kool aid
~The Georgia crowd boos Ian for the very personal attack last week. Ian crosses his arms and lets the crowd rip into him and an “Asshole” chant begins. After about ten seconds it dies down and Ian continues~
Ian Bishop: Brianna crossed a very personal line with me and it begins and ends with The Family. I was done with her and she decided to stick her nose in a business that didn’t belong or concern her. So I stepped things up a notch and made sure she knew I didn’t forget about what she did and I made damn sure she knew I was highly offended by her poor choices. What Brianna needs to realize now is that I didn’t come into OCW to have a jolly good ol’ time and have fun in the ring and call it a day…
Smith: I still don’t see how Brianna made this so personal
Hood: Dude, Ian REALLY loves to party
Smith: Evidently
~Ian pauses again for a moment; his anger reaching a boiling point.~
Ian Bishop: I came into this to kick the living shit out of people. I came into this to make sure people would fear me. I came into this business so that when my fellow wrestlers walk down that aisle and see me standing in the ring they know they are about to be schooled in the art of which is wrestling. What happened at Resurrection was just business love… I came into OCW looking to make my mark on who those called superior and I accomplished the job I put forth for myself and got the OCW Central Championship, and when she couldn’t leave good enough alone and attempted to make a mockery out of The Family… out of me, I MADE IT PERSONAL AND THAT MY LOVE IS JUST FUCKING BUSINESS!
~Ian breathes heavily as the crowd boos once more~
Ian Bishop: But… let’s not have this go any longer then it has to… I came out tonight for one reason only… Brianna, I am ready for you to make your terrible move based on revenge and fuck up… so c’mon you unhinged bitch, get your ass out here and let’s get this started!
~Ian drops the microphone and takes his suit jacket off and throws it over the ropes and folds back his sleeves as he waits for Brianna as the crowd builds with excitement over a possible brawl between the two of them. Brianna Casablancas appears out from behind the curtain as “Good old Fashioned Nightmare” blares over the P.A. She has that crowbar in hand with that scowl she has been wearing all evening. Ian is in the ring ready for a fight ...but instead Brianna stops in front of the curtain, drops her crowbar, and suddenly that smile she has been wearing since her first appears. She is handed a microphone by a stage hand and begins to speak~
Brianna Casablancas: You know I find it humorous that you STILL don't get how this works. That you don't understand how my mind works. You are still as daft as you were when all of this began.
~She then becomes solemn while still being a bit cheery~
Brianna Casablancas: What you did last week angered me greatly love. You could even say I lost my smile. You destroyed Idris. Even though that was a re-tread of what you did the month before, it hurt. Then you destroyed paperwork ...which in the end is JUST paperwork. I don't need a piece of paper or a title to tell me who I am. But then you tortured an old family friend and the person who introduced me into the ballet. Somebody I haven't talked to in about seventeen years ...but don't get me wrong the pain was still great. Your actions were STILL out of line. But that isn't why I am angry.
~She steps closer to the arena as the fans in attendance are on her side ...except for a section of hardcore wrestling fans who are chanting "Fuck her up, IAN!”~
Brianna Casablancas: I am angry that you thought for one moment that I would even stoop down to your level; that you KEEP thinking this about violence and something primal for me. I am not you and thank christ, I will NEVER be you.
~The smile was gone from her face for that last moment and the gymnasium went silent as she finished. But a split second later she bounces up with great enthusiasm~
Brianna Casablancas: But still, you do deserve a measure of revenge before Sunday ...when karma is just going to bite you on the bum. And really, when you think of it. A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?
~Our attention turns towards the OCW tron (for lack of a better word) next to the curtain. The picture that pops up are the final moments of Resurrection. It clearly is a knocked out Ian Bishop with Brianna tossing the title onto his chest as she forfeited the title~
Brianna Casablancas: After seeing that, do I really NEED to get revenge on you? That picture says it all right there. That picture sums you up perfectly. You are a man that needs pity; that needs charity. You need things handed to you. And no "crossing the line" is going to change that. Nothing you do to me will alter that fact. UNTIL this Sunday, you are going to be the guy who was handed a title because the 130 pound soaking wet ballerina didn't need instant gratification to feel important; her confidence didn't depend on if she had a belt or not; she could be patient with the title and didn't need to hold it immediately. You ARE that guy ...until you prove otherwise.
~She paces a bit as she speaks now as if she was hatching a master plan~
Brianna Casablancas: And that takes me back to my planned revenge ...and you know me ...I like to do things differently. My revenge is, again, what you wanted since I gave you the title you also wanted. My revenge on you is that this match between the two of us at Blackout 2 for that title will be our final match. If you win, I will walk away from that title and let you enjoy yourself like you wanted all along.
~Ian seems pleased with this idea as he nods his head. But she holds up her finger as if to stop him~
Brianna Casablancas: But you know what happens when I beat you two title matches in a row, right? You know that this is your last chance to prove your credibility. And there are no more handouts to you. I gave you one opportunity to rise above who you are and you chose not to. This is it! If you cannot beat me this time, its done, it is over. If you lose, I get to finish this little experiment and see how you act when you got your taste but not the real thing.
~She is now right next to the ring as she speaks to her much more experienced opponent~
Brianna Casablancas: And Ian, I KNOW you. You are going to want to make this a reverse ladder inferno in a triple decker cage under Iron Man rules match. Because you always want to do things over the top. Because you think you deserve those kinds of elaborate matches. Also, those matches might allow you and your little social network to stack the deck in your favor ...but I think the past has shown that that doesn't work out so well for you. And lets face it. The end of that House of Mirrors match wasn't exactly finite now was it? So, as the actual winner of that match, I am vetoing whatever mental match idea you may have ...and trading in spectacle for final; trading in shock value for definite. It will be you, Ian Bishop Vs. Myself, Brianna Casablancas in a regular rules match. One ring, one pinfall, one title, one winner. There will be no question after this. All questions will be answered. A REAL Central champion will be crowned but more importantly, somebody will walk out of this rivalry with a philosophical victory; a moral victory. And that title will be a trinket of that victory, the book will be shut ...which is what you wanted, and well ...Bob's your uncle. As for a good revenge, what I do in the ring will say and do MUCH more than anything you have concocted against me ...because it is the MATCH that matters not what happens before it. It is about the present, NOT the past.
~She then makes her way into the ring and stares at him FACE TO FACE. He is ready for her to pull a punch but instead she just continues to smile at him~
Brianna Casablancas: But since, either way, this is the end of our little rivalry that was pretty much born out of your false sense of entitlement, why don't we end it the way it all began: with a handshake.
~She extends her hand out to her opponent~
Brianna Casablancas: I wish you luck against me this Sunday.