Manifest Destiny 2
It's Like Last Time Only This Time People Get Paid
First Round: Monday, May 4th 2020
~Much like last week...we feature a COLD open to Jock Reasoning. He’s standing by in the backstage area with a very serious look on his face. He receives mostly cheers~
Jock Reasoning: Hello OCW fans and welcome to the second night of Manifest Destiny 2! I, Jock Reasoning, am once again your host for this evening. Now, before we get started I’d like to address a nasty rumor from last week.
~We cut to footage from the Zybala/Jones match. We see the lights go out every time Zybala is in a position to hit his patented SUPERKICK. The package ends with several replays of Duce pinning Zybala. We finally cut back to Jock, who is smiling. The fans are now booing~
Jock Reasoning: As you can see, misfortune struck last week as we experienced electrical issues during one of our high profile matches. I, like all of you, suspected something might be afoot. So, I did some researching and found out the culprit.
~We cut to an image of THE KNIFE MAN walking through the parking lot to his car, carrying his bag~
Jock Reasoning: Turns out The Knife Man, OCW’s medic SLASH mechanic was messing with the electrical system while we were on air which manifested into the very disappointing coincidence that disrupted one of our matches one week ago. We’ve dealt with the situation and terminated The Knife Man immediately.
~More boos from the crowd~
Jock Reasoning: As for the supposed aggrieved, Mike Zybala. He is barred from the OCW Arena for the remainder of this tournament. It’s nothing personal. We just feel his presence will be a distraction moving forward.
~More boos~
Jock Reasoning: Whew. Glad we got that out of the way. Now let’s get back to the action as the first round concludes tonight!
~We cut to that amazing manifest destiny 2 video package~
~That weird white substance shoots onto the crowd after a satisfying sigh. More people dodge it this time...but a few still drink it up. We pan the crowd...the signs are in FULL FORCE. “VARGAS ISN’T RACIST THE WORLD IS RACIST” “I’M PART OF THE GRENIER FAMILY TREE” “ROACHES ARE COOL, ROACH ISN’T!” “CHEY WOULD BE HOT IF SHE’D DROP THE WHOLE BUG THING” “WHO IS ANDREW LOGAN, AGAIN?” “TREAT FUCKED TWILIGHT...NOT LITERALLY!” “CHELSEA IS ABOUT TO GET CANCELLED AGAIN” “I’M HERE FOR SKYE HILL!” We finally settle on Smith and Hood~
Smith: Hello again everyone and welcome to Manifest Destiny 2! I’m your host Smith and alongside me, as always, is Hood. Tonight we conclude round 1!
Hood: Already two weeks in? Man, time doth fly.
Smith: It most certainly doth! We have four amazing matches for you tonight...the one I’m most looking forward to is Andrew Logan and Roach.
Hood: Sounds about right...only one match without any tits and ass and that’s the one you get hard for.
Smith: HEY
Hood: Personally, I’m happy to see Chad Fucking Vargas back in action.
Smith: We’ve got a busy night ahead for you fans so let’s not waste any time...let’s head down to ringside for our opening match!
Chelsea LeClair vs. Skye Hill
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen...welcome to night two of Manifest Destiny!! Tonight we will conclude the opening round by bringing you four tremendous matches! And now...without further hype and hullabaloo let’s get into the in-ring action with our opening match this evening! The winner of this contest will face Duce Jones next Monday night in the second round of Manifest Destiny 2! Introducing first...
~"Chelsea" by STEFY hits and the fans cheer as Chelsea LeClair walks through the curtains, poised, confident and determined to make things happen in this match as she begins to walk down the aisle. She soaks in some cheers a bit as she gets to ringside and at this point, she's all business as she slides into the ring. Soaking things in a bit more, she climbs up the corner to the second rope with a smile, a fist raised in the air and a quick point to the crowd before she hops back down to the corner, leans against it and waits for the match to begin~
Belvedere: From Ocean City, New Jersey...standing 5’6 and weighing in at 128lbs...please welcome back Chelsea LeClair!
Smith: Chelsea of the big ‘what ifs’ from 2019.
Hood: She was close, man. Close to doing more than her ‘rival’ Andrea Hernandez.
Smith: Andrea has since gone on to achieve great things...leaving Chelsea in a cloud of dust. But, it’s nice to see Chelsea staying focused and attempting to rise to the challenge. Here’s hoping she puts on a great performance tonight.
Hood: Yea, sure.
Belvedere: And, her opponent…
~“I Stand Alone” by Godsmack hits. The fans rise to their feet. There aren’t many in the crowd who remember her...but these people are standing in respect for the first female star of Online Championship Wrestling. Skye Hill steps out from behind the curtain with the OCW Women’s Title over her shoulder. A “SKYE!” chant breaks out. Hill looks into the crowd, nodding her head. Her eyes start to fill up. It’s been a long...LONG time~
Smith: It’s the first time we’ve seen Skye Hill since No Limits back in the summer of 2000!
Hood: Yea and unlike most OCW legends...when she left...she LEFT.
Smith: Indeed. Fell off the professional wrestling radar to start what most call a ‘normal’ life.
Hood: She looks good though, Smith. In shape and...hey! She’s still got the gold!
Smith: That belt looks as great as it did twenty years ago. It’s obvious Skye has kept it in pristine condition.
~Skye wipes a few tears from her cheeks. She swallows the emotion...the look of a competitor takes control of her face. She marches down the ring, staring Chelsea down. Chelsea looks around the crowd...she listens to the fans chanting for the returning legend. She smiles, enjoying the moment to come. Skye hustles up the ring steps...she slips through the ropes and climbs the nearest corner, holding the OCW Women’s Title high in the air~
Belvedere: From Jacksonville, Florida...standing 5’7 and weighing in at 137lbs...she is the OCW Women’s Champion...please welcome back the first female star in OCW history...the first and only women’s champion...ladies and gentlemen...SKYE HILL!!!
Smith: A returning legend facing a motivated Chelsea LeClair.
Hood: Both women are seeking the same thing - redemption. LeClair wants people to forget who she was and see who she is. Skye wants people to realize she isn’t some old, used-to-be star...that she can still go with today’s talent.
Smith: Wrestling has come a long way since Skye traversed the OCW backstage hallways. LeClair is easily going to be the biggest female challenge she’s ever faced.
Hood: I mean, you’re not wrong.
~The bell rings. Skye walks up and hands the belt to Belvedere. He takes it and exits the ring. Hill turns her focus to LeClair. Chelsea isn’t sure what to expect - nobody is. The footage that exists of Skye is so rare. Skye walks up to Chelsea. LeClair is ready for anything. Skye extends a hand. Chelsea looks down...she reaches out and shakes Skye’s hand! The crowd applauds the show of sportsmanship~
Smith: And you love to see that!
Hood: this how tonight is going to go? Fuckin hell. Can we get VARGAS out here already?
Smith: It’s nice to see Chelsea returning Skye’s show of respect. Maybe the rumors are true...maybe Chelsea HAS turned a corner.
Hood: Yea or maybe Chelsea is about to MACE Skye right in the FACE.
~The two women circle one another. The crowd is 100% behind Skye. Skye definitely seems calmer. Chelsea seems as though she’s holding everything back...super eager to shoot out of the gate like a juiced-up sprinter. She can’t hold back any longer...she lunges forward, tying Skye up. Skye, anticipating this act, grabs Chelsea’s arm and twists it behind her back. She bullies Chelsea forward, into a corner. LeClair buries her head into the top turnbuckle, the sides of her face twisting with pain. Skye continues to turn and manipulate the arm behind LeClair’s back. LeClair suddenly drops to her knees. In doing so, Skye’s leverage sends her crashing forward, slamming her head into the top buckle. She stumbles back, stunned. LeClair scurries to her feet. She spins around and charges recklessly at Skye. Skye takes her down with a deep arm drag!! LeClair pops back to her feet...she yells, charging back at Skye. Once again Skye takes her down with a deep arm drag...this time she holds onto the arm~
Smith: Chelsea is super fired up. Maybe TOO fired up.
Hood: Difference between someone who is a champion and someone who wants to be a champion.
Smith: Yep. Skye has that championship pedigree...that presence...that composure. Chelsea, while improved, still seems to be lacking in the equanimity department.
Hood: Uh, sure.
~LeClair slaps the mat, frustrated. She fights to her feet. Skye maintains her hold...but it’s obvious she’s struggling. Chelsea bullies Skye into the ropes and whips her off. Skye charges across the mat. She hits the ropes. LeClair leaps into the air for a dropkick...but Skye holds into the ropes, drops to the mat and slides out of the ring. LeClair kicks air and lands on the mat, hard. She grabs her face in pain. Skye slides back into the ring. Hill takes Chelsea’s back and jams her knee into LeClair’s spine. She locks her hands underneath Chelsea’s chin and yanks back, working over her back. LeClair winces in pain...she reaches out with both hands, but finds the ropes too far. Scruff asks her if she wants to give it up...Chelsea shakes her head ‘no’.~
Smith: You’re definitely seeing Skye’s veteran tendencies in that ring...her experience and wisdom.
Hood: the fact she knows Chelsea is younger, stronger, and probably more athletic. Keep Chelsea down and she might have a shot.
Smith: I think you’re selling Skye short, Hood. Sure, its’ been awhile...but that potential which made you a legend never truly goes away.
Hood: Hey. We can’t all be Scott Syrens, okay?
~Again, Chelsea shows her strength to be superior to Skye’s. She fights to her knees...Skye has to take her back. LeClair reaches her feet with Skye’s legs wrapped around her waist. Chelsea leans forward...she then flips backward, looking to crush Skye. But Skye unlocks her legs, holds onto Chelsea’s head and drops her with an Inverted X-Factor! The back of LeClair’s head hits HARD. Her legs fly up...Skye reaches forward, grabbing them for a pin. Scruff slides in~
Smith: There’s a LOT of fight left in LeClair.
Hood: Yea man but Skye is greeting her around every corner. She’s going to have to try to out-think Skye...that or wear her down.
Smith: Indeed.
~Skye reaches her feet. Chelsea tries scrambling to hers...she walks right into a Front Face Lock. Skye is applying tremendous amounts of pressure. LeClair drops to one knee. Skye cranks and cranks...her face is red, she’s beginning to sweat. The fans continue chanting her name. LeClair rises and lifts Skye up. She tries to carry her into the corner behind Skye...but she drops back to on knee about halfway there. Skye continues to apply pressure as LeClair’s sides expand and obvious sign that she’s struggling to attain oxygen~
Smith: Both women are getting tired...although I think you have to give the advantage in stamina to LeClair.
Hood: Is Skye choking her out?
Smith: Absolutely not.
Hood: I dunno man...I think she might have that arm under Chelsea’s chin. You know champions, man...they do whatever they must to win.
~Chelsea seems to have gone still. Scruff grabs her arm. LeClair yanks it away. She produces a guttural yell and rises, lifting Skye off the mat. She carries her into the corner, dropping her into the buckles. The impact is minimal. Skye looks around, feeling as though she’s in a bad spot. She’s correct. Chelsea DRIVES a shoulder into Skye’s abdomen. Skye gasps for air. LeClair does this again...and again...and again. Each blow weakens Skye further. LeClair is finally able to break free...her face is bright red. Skye is leaning forward, gasping for air. Chelsea hooks Skye’s head. She motions toward the crowd and spins around...she kicks up on the ropes...she’s going for a Tornado DDT. Skye, however, shoves Chelsea off! LeClair tumbles over the top rope...she slams into the apron on the way down before SPLATTING on the outside! Skye falls to her knees, holding her stomach~
Smith: Once again Skye outsmarts Chelsea.
Hood: Yea, LeClair is going to learn that it’s better NOT to yell before executing a move. If you have a legend down...don’t hesitate.
Smith: Indeed.
~LeClair is face down on the outside. She isn’t moving. It was a terrible tumble. Scruff yells out “ONE!” Skye crawls forward, peeking over the bottom rope to the outside. She spots LeClair. Scruff yells “TWO!” Skye backs away, sitting down and allowing Scruff to count Chelsea out - if that’s the outcome. The fans at ringside start to rally behind Chelsea. They slap the barricade, urging her to get up. Scruff yells “THREE!” Chelsea moves her arms...getting her hands into position for a push up. Scruff yells “FOUR!” LeClair pushes up to her knees...the fans pop! It’s the first time the majority of the crowd has cheered for Chelsea. Skye isn’t bothered by this. She turns and spots the OCWTron. She sees Chelsea making a move. Skye transitions into all fours, ready. LeClair gets to her feet...she stumbles around. Scruff yells “FIVE!” Chelsea rolls into the ring...right into Skye’s grasp. Scruff ends the count. Skye latches onto Chelsea, locking in a rear naked choke! Chelsea waves her arms around...she kicks her legs. She reaches up, snaring Skye’s arms...she’s trying desperately to avoid Skye locking that choke in. The fans are cheering for both women at this stage~
Smith: Chelsea using the strength advantage that youth provides to prevent Skye from locking that rear naked choke in!
Hood: For now, Smith. For now.
Smith: Indeed...she’s sustained some pivotal damage due to that earlier tumble.
Hood: Skye is chipping away at her. Chelsea will eventually break. I know she’s changed...but nobody can change THAT much.
~LeClair plants her feet on the mat and kicks back. She rolls backward, over her head and on top of Skye, holding onto Skye’s arms. She’s got Skye locked in a pin. Scruff slides in~
Kick Out!
Smith: And just like that Chelsea nearly ended the fairy tale return for Skye Hill!
Hood: Holy shit. That was close.
Smith: First time all match Skye has been in danger. How will she respond?
~LeClair rises to her feet. Skye rolls over onto her knees. Chelsea reaches for Skye...but Skye grabs Chelsea by the head and takes her over, synching in a side headlock. LeClair slaps the mat...she remains frustrated over her inability to avoid Skye’s offense. LeClair, once more, uses her strength to force Skye to her feet. She lifts Skye up for an Atomic Drop. Skye flips over, landing on her feet. Chelsea spins around with a lariat. Skye ducks. Skye tries to latch a sleeper onto Chelsea...but LeClair throws a mule kick into Skye’s abdomen. Hill drops to one knee, fazed by the blow. LeClair raises Skye back to her feet...she stuns her with a Jawbreaker! Skye stumbles back into a corner, rocked~
Smith: The tide has turned! Chelsea LeClair is in full advantage!
Hood: Is this it for Skye? I mean, is her kitchen sink missing? Shattered at the feet of a still standing LeClair?
Smith: I don’t think so, Hood. It’s not looking great for Skye but I remember the night she defeated Celeste The Sorceress. This woman NEVER gives up.
Hood: How do you remember that shit?
Smith: Because I spent the early 2000s sober as a judge.
Hood: Sucks for you.
~LeClair marches forward. She climbs to the second rope. She punches Skye in the head. The fans count along. LeClair looks around, hearing the chants. She smiles. She punches just slow enough so the fans can keep up. She gets to NINE. She holds her fist high and brings it down. But Skye ducks! LeClair’s fist slams into the top turnbuckle. Skye hooks Chelsea by the legs...she marches out of the corner and drops Chelsea with a sitout powerbomb! She hooks both legs for the pin~
Kick Out!
Smith: And once again Chelsea takes her eye off the prize and nearly pays the ultimate price.
Hood: heart she’s an attention whore. That’s hard to break.
Smith: I wouldn’t call her THAT. But, yes, the old Chelsea certainly loved seeing her name in the headlines. This new Chelsea is, from what we’ve been told, different.
Hood: Improved. But I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say different.
~Skye rolls Chelsea forward. LeClair rolls over, onto her knees. Skye pops to her feet. Skye goes to throw a kick. LeClair covers...but it was a fakeout! Skye reaches forward, snaring Chelsea by the ears, dragging her to her feet. LeClair yells out in pain. She stomps on Skye’s foot. Hill lets Chelsea go. Chelsea blasts Skye in the face with a forearm. Skye, again, is rocked. She stumbles into a corner. LeClair starts to charge in...but stops. Skye throws her boot in the air. LeClair reaches out and grabs it. She tosses Skye into the center of the ring with a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Skye holds her leg in pain. Fans are starting to rally behind LeClair. Chelsea grabs Skye’s legs in the wheel barrow position. She falls back, tossing Skye through the air and into the corner with a reverse slingshot! Skye hits hard! Chelsea returns to her feet. She charges in with a HUGE splash!!! Skye stumbles forward, falling to the mat, center of the ring. LeClair steps through the ropes, onto the apron~
Smith: Oh my gosh! Chelsea is one CANCELLED away from defeating Skye Hill!
Hood: It looks like Chelsea is learning on the fly.
Smith: Yep, no better practice than being in that ring with a legit competitor...let alone a legend.
Hood: You think Skye’s husband is sitting back thinking “Glad I divorced that loser?”
Smith: Absolutely not!
~LeClair climbs the ropes. She reaches the top. She looks down at Skye. She looks out to the crowd. The fans cheer her on. Chelsea leaps off with CANCELLED. But Skye moves!!! Chelsea lands HARD on her front side. Skye reaches for the ropes, using them to regain her footing. LeClair rolls around, kicking her feet...she’s trying to kick the pain away. Skye runs forward, leaps into the air and comes down on Chelsea with a senton. This flattens Chelsea out~
Smith: And once again Skye lures Chelsea in only to regain momentum.
Hood: I mean, did she HAVE to look out into the crowd? Doesn’t this woman understand the meaning of the term “TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE”?
Smith: Old habits are hard to break, Hood.
~Skye yanks Chelsea to her feet. She boots Chelsea in the gut, hooks her, lifts her up and drops her with a Suplex. She sits up and looks at the nearest corner. She looks at Chelsea. Skye, a veteran and a champion, understands the difficulty that goes into securing a match. So, she reaches her feet...she stomps on Chelsea. She pulls Chelsea up and drags her into the corner. She hooks Chelsea for a suplex...she spins around and lifts Chelsea up...LeClair’s feet are on the bottom rope. Skye naps back, tossing Chelsea over with a Suplex!! LeClair hits hard, center of the ring. Skye rolls to the apron and hurries to her feet. She climbs the ropes~
Smith: And therein lies the difference between Skye and Chelsea. Skye could have gone for her Swanton Bomb after the first suplex...but, no, she brought Chelsea and, more importantly, herself closer to the corner before delivering a second, more impactful suplex.
Hood: Yep, planning ahead. Chelsea is still catching up in that department.
Smith: Indeed. But...having said that...Skye STILL has to hit the move.
~Skye reaches the top. The fans are chanting for her. She pays them no mind...her focus is on Chelsea. She leaps off...she gets a ton of height. She looks at graceful and athletic as she did back in 2000. She turns over and comes down with her Swanton Bomb...but Chelsea moves!!! Skye hits HARD! She rolls over, pops to one knee. Her face is twisted with pain and confusion. She reaches for her back. LeClair gets to her knees. Skye reaches her feet...she turns around. LeClair grabs her, brings her down and hooks her in a Small Package! The crowd rises...Scruff slides in~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…CHELSEA LECLAIR!!!!!
Smith: She did it! Chelsea did it!
Hood: Wow!
Smith: At the the very end...she surprised SKYE with a move and secured the three.
Hood: I have to give it to her. I didn’t think LeClair had it in her. But, she hung in there and managed to defeat a woman who...was undefeated?
Smith: Indeed. This is the first loss in Skye Hill’s career.
~Chelsea sits up. She can’t believe it. Skye rolls out of the ring...she’s covering her face, apparently devastated. LeClair is helped to her feet. Scruff raises her arm high in the air. The fans go wild. Skye crawls toward the ring steps, burying her face in her hands~
Smith: As sweet as this is for Chelsea it’s equally sour for Skye.
Hood: Yea man that first loss is the worst...esp when you haven’t lost in twenty years.
Smith: All the hype over her comeback...only to go out in the first round.
~Skye fights to her feet. It’s clear she’s upset. But she looks in the’s as though she’s visualizing a memory. She walks over to Belvedere and asks for her OCW Women’s Title. He hands it over. Skye walks up the steps and pauses on the apron, staring at LeClair. Chelsea finally notices Skye. She pulls her arm away from Scruff, unsure what’s about to happen~
Smith: Uh Skye about to show that nasty side some wrestler’s exhibit after a loss?
Hood: Oh man I hope so. Husband just left her. She just lost her first match...go wild, Skye! Destroy this bitch!
Smith: Her husband didn’t leave her, Hood. She left him!
Hood: Whatever.
~Skye enters into the ring. She approaches Chelsea. It’s clear she’s struggling with her emotions. Skye suddenly drops to one knee and holds up the title...presenting it to LeClair. The fans in the arena are shocked~
Smith: Is she relinquishing the women’s title to LeClair?
Hood: Looks like it. Man, so I guess this was a one-off kinda thing?
Smith: Apparently so.
~LeClair looks around. She looks down at Skye. She asks Skye to get up. Skye urges her to take the belt. The fans chant “TAKE IT!” LeClair hesitates for a second...but ultimately takes the belt. She then helps Skye up. The two women embrace. Once the embrace has ended...Skye holds Chelsea’s arm up, pointing at LeClair and urging the fans to cheer her on. She then exits the ring, leaving Chelsea behind with the OCW Women’s Title~
Smith: Talk about a great...albeit unexpected moment. The legendary Skye Hill falls to Chelsea LeClair tonight and, upon doing so, relinquishes the OCW Women’s Title.
Hood: Sportsmanship at its finest, Smith. That’s what a true champion does. She’s finished. She’s not returning. She has no use for that belt...might as well give it to the person who dethroned her.
Smith: Indeed! Thanks for returning Skye Hill! You will forever remain a legend here in OCW! But the future and the focus turns to and remains on Chelsea LeClair.
Hood: She didn’t realize it. She had no idea this would happen...but she’s leaving the OCW Arena tonight a champion.
Smith: Indeed! What a start to tonight’s action! And we still have THREE matches to go!
Smith: … hang on, I’m hearing that we have something going on outside in the parking lot. A very large gathering of people ...let’s get a camera crew out there, find out what the commotion is!
Hood: What the hell?
~As camera crews make their way outside they find thousands of people pushing and shoving trying to get to the center of something. As the cameras approach closer we can see former OCW Tag Team Champions, Lilith and Sarah Twilight handing out slips of paper to members of the crowd out of the back of their 2019 Jeep Wrangler~
Hood: Oh great, just what we need! What are they even DOING out there?
Smith: It looks like … they’re giving away tickets of some sort.
~Sarah is standing on the tailgate of the jeep as she tosses several of the tickets out into the raucous crowd.She is wearing one of her signature “Shock Value” tee shirts which of course was being sold at OCW merchandise stands throughout the Manifest Destiny 2 Tournament.~
Smith: Can we get hold of one of those? See what is actually happening right now?
Hood: Who cares?! We have a show to get going!
~One of the camera crew does manage to get hold of one of the tickets. They zoom the camera onto it to show everyone what this was all about. The ticket reads~
This ticket grants the bearer FULL access to Vargasland, located at 53**** ******** ******* TN, *****
Chad Vargas is giving BACK to those who made him what he is today by giving YOU, the FANS access to his private home and ALL of the amenities he enjoys on a daily basis!
~The cameras have to blur out the address as each ticket listed Chad Vargas’ private home address.~
Hood: Cut the feed! Cut the feed! Someone has to put a stop to this! She’s giving out his home address to these idiots!
Smith: They don’t call her the Mistress of Mischief for nothing, haha!
~Apparently, putting a stop to it was already under way as a pair of police cruisers hit the cherries as they roll up onto the crowd. Two officers step out and begin pushing through the crowd to get to the center of the disturbance~
~Sarah notices the police and nods to her wife who grabs hold of a huge stack of the tickets. Sarah reaches into the back of her jeep and removes a cordless leaf blower. Lilith tosses the several hundred tickets into the air as Sarah hits the power button, sending the tickets flying in every direction. This of course causes the crowd to go BONKERS trying to get one. Most of the crowd didn’t even know what the tickets were for, just that it was something free~
~The Mistress of Mischief and her wife both rush to the jeep to pull away from the scene as the police were now completely unable to control the situation~
Sarah Twilight: Tell em’ Sarah sent you! Yeahhhhhhh!
~The mischievous redhead cackles as the couple peels away from the crowd who remain ravenous trying to get their freebies~
Hood: This is a travesty! She should be arrested immediately! Don’t even let her compete tonight. Automatic forfeit! Those actions are DISGUSTING!
Smith: Sarah Twilight perhaps getting into the head of Chad Vargas prior to their meeting later on tonight.
Hood: Forfeit! She needs to be disqualified for that!
Smith: I thought it was actually pretty funny. I’m really looking forward to that match. Has Vargas underestimated her? We’ll find out later tonight but right now let’s get our next match under way!
Cheyenne Tabernacke vs. Bob Grenier
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen...the following contest is our second opening round match this evening! Introducing first…
~The above video plays. Then a red headed woman in a figure shrouding tattered black and moss colored floor length Overcoat slowly appears threw the curtain spastic shaking her head back and forth. In her hand she holds a black leather bag that appears to be alive. The lights flicker off and on to the beat giving the appearance that the woman is blinking in and out towards the ring. Upon reaching the squared circle, she puts the bag into her mouth then pulls her self up onto the apron then back bends over the top rope flipping into the ring. The bag still in mouth. she throws her arms back,dropping the coat and revealing underneath a tightly fitted dark green and black top and tight green pants with knee high black boots~
Belvedere: From Chicago, Illinois...standing 5’6 and weighing in at 120lbs...please welcome...making her OCW debut...Cheyenne Tabernacke!!!
~A sizable pop for the fresh faced Cheyenne~
Smith: Always good to see new blood in OCW!
Hood: Speaking of new think she could give some to Bob? I hear he’s got every type of Hepatitis these days.
Smith: Cheyenne, from Chicago…
Smith: It is Meyhu’s hometown. However, I don’t think these two are affiliated.
Hood: Well, you just fucked up my Christmas.
Belvedere: And, her opponent…
~ “Where the hood at” by DMX hits! Hood stands up and dances to the song. Grenier appears on the ramp and looks at Hood. A fat blunt hangs from Grenier’s mouth. He inhales...and releases a giant cloud of smoke that our eyes SWEAR looks green. It works it’s way toward Hood. Hood leans forward, taking in as much as he can manage. He points at Grenier “MY MAN!” Bob looks at Hood and says, “He ain’t no CHOAD!” The fans are on their feet chanting for the OCW legend. Bob, joint hanging from his mouth, marches down the ramp~
Belvedere: And, her opponent...from Timmins, Ontario, Canada...standing 6’2 and weighing in at 222lbs...he is a former OCW Champion...he’s in the OCW Hall of Fame...please, welcome back...Bob Grenier!!
~Grenier reaches ringside. Chey looks ready. Bob starts to turn his back, but stops...he wags his finger at Chey, who appeared ready to leap through the ropes. He points at his head, saying “I’m not making that fuckin mistake.” Grenier heads for the steps...he hustles up. Belvedere exits. Bob holds up an eager hand...Belvedere gives him a high five before wiping his palm against his pants. Grenier enters into the ring and jobs around, arms in the air, joint hanging from his mouth~
Smith: Bob Grenier in rare form tonight.
Hood: You gotta love Bob. Always in there enjoying himself.
Smith: You have to wonder what’s running through Chey’s mind. Seeing a person like Bob in her first OCW match.
hood: Seriously? This woman puts roaches on her opponents. I’m sure she’s fine.
~Chey, holding her black bag, keeps a watch on Grenier. Scruff calls for the bell. Grenier stops his job...he eyes Chey’s back~
Smith: What is in that bag?
Hood: Oh, probably a bunch of Mary Kay shit she’s looking to sell once this match ends.
Smith: I don’t think so, Hood.
~Bob removes the smoldering joint from his mouth. He flicks it at Chey’s bag. Chey swats it away. She drops her bag, angry. She charges at Grenier...Grenier engulfs her with a hug, spins around and slams her into the mat with a spinning belly to belly! The ring shakes from the impact. The fans yell “BOB!” Grenier pops to one knee and stares down at Chey, who is holding her back, wincing in pain~
Smith: And we’re off!
Hood: Bob pissed Chey off! He almost ruined thousands of dollars worth of cosmetic products!
Smith: I think...bugs might be in there.
Hood: Surely you jest!
~Bob spits in Chey’s face. He stands and looks at the bag. He knows what’s in there...I think we ALL know what’s in there. He looks at the bottom of his boot and smiles. He heads toward Chey’s ‘babies’ with devious intent. He reaches the bag and looks down. Behind him, we see Chey rise. Bob lifts his boot~
Smith: Oh my…
Hood: He’s going to crush thousands of bugs!
Smith: I thought you said there were cosmetic products in there!
Hood: Okay, so I lied to be funny. But the idea of gallons of bug guts spilling everywhere is NO laughing matter. I might puke.
~Before Bob can bring the boot down, Chey slashes her nails across his face. Bob yells out. He turns around, blinded. We see deep scratch matches across his already scarred forehead and around his eyes. Chey takes him down with a drop toehold. She snares his right arm, leans back and snaps it with Woman’s Scorn! Bob yells out in pain, holding his right arm. Chey rises to her feet~
Smith: She just broke Bob’s arm!
Hood: Yea, I HEARD
Smith: What a shocking twist this match has taken.
Hood: What is it with crazy bitches and OCW? We just can’t seem to keep them away!
~Chey grabs Bob’s left arm. She yanks it into the same position as the right...she leans back and SNAPS it with Woman’s Scorn!! Bob, again, yells out...but the pain becomes too much. He goes still, face down. Chey is seated on his back...her legs spread on either side. She rubs the back of his head. Scruff leans in...he turns and calls for the bell~
Smith: Is this over?
Hood: Sure as shit SOUNDS like it’s over.
Smith: I think it is...I think Bob passed out from the pain!
Belvedere: Here is your winner as a result of a knock out…CHEYENNE TABERNACKE!!!!!
Smith: I can’t imagine a more impressive victory.
Hood: She just upped the crazy bitch factor by several notches. Lilith and Twilight got some work to do.
Smith: Indeed
~Chey reaches over, remaining seated on Bob’s back...she grabs the bag...drags it over and dumps it out on top of Bob’s upper back and head. Roaches spill everywhere. They crawl all over Bob, the ring, and Chey’s legs. Chey spots a big one. She snatches it up and throws it into her mouth, chewing it up. Fans are visibly appalled. They turn from the ring...a few gag~
Smith: *dry heaves*
Hood: I concur
~With a mouth full of roach guts, Chey looks into the camera. Her legs are covered in roaches. Bob is covered in roaches. The mat is covered with roaches. She looks into the camera and smiles...her typically clean teeth stained with roach guts~
Smith: *more dry heaving*
Hood: For fuck’s sake...cut away! CUT AWAY!
~We cut away~
Roach vs. Andrew Logan
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen...the following contest is our third opening round match up this evening! The winner will go on to face The Incredible One in the second round of Manifest Destiny 2! Introducing first…
~Lights go out then Halloween theme song begins to play then ”Reason to fight” by Disturbed hits the speakers and the light come back in as Roach makes his way out wearing Mike on his head. Roach slowly walks down the ramp. He gets to the bottom and slides into the ring under the lower rope, he stands straight up and goes face to face with his opponent. He backs up and takes Mike off his head and smiling at his opponent, he sets Mike on the turnbuckle and gets ready for the match~
Belvedre: From Windsor, Ontario, Canada...standing 6’5 and weighing in at 265lbs...ROACH!
Smith: Great to see Roach back!
Hood: We just saw ROACHES and now we’re going to see ROACH. What is going on with my beloved OCW?
Smith: Well, we used to have a champion who peed on people. I’d say this isn’t that bad.
Hood: Don’t forget when he jizzed in the…
Smith: Okay, that’s enough.
Belvedere: And, his opponent…
~The old-school fans react as a remixed version of "Stand My Ground" by Within Temptation plays, signalling the entrance of former OCW World Heavyweight Champion, Andrew Logan. The big man walks out of the back, looking pissed off as always as he stomps towards the ring. He steps in, moving towards the corner and stretching against the ropes, set to bring the pain to a whole new generation~
Belvedere: From Detroit, Michigan...standing 6’7 and weighing in at 310lbs...he is a former ICWF Tag Team Champion...he is a former OCW Champion...he is a Tier 1 wrestler...ladies and gentlemen, welcome back after nearly 20 years...Andrew Logan!!!
Smith: Logan is back!
Hood: Geezus, that dude is huge. I thought Roach was big...Logan is HUGE.
Smith: Logan is a relic from the early days of OCW...back when size mattered.
Hood: Oh, so you’re one of those ‘motion of the ocean’ kinda guys, eh?
Smith: No. I get sea sick.
Hood: Geezus
~Logan stares down Roach. Roach stares down Logan. Belvedere, realizing that Godzilla is about to attack King Kong, hurries from the ring. Scruff looks at Logan and says, “Good to see ya, man!” Roach snarls. Scruff spins around with a couple of gun hands saying, “You too, buddy!” He then calls for the bell! The crowd rises to their feet with anticipation~
Smith: Alright! Let’s do this!
Hood: Calm down, man.
Smith: Sorry, but I’m excited to see this match. I just love it when two big men go at it.
~Roach ROARS at Logan. Logan motions for Roach to bring it. Roach charges forward. He shoulders into Logan. Logan doesn’t move. Roach looks Logan up and down...kind of surprised. He backs into the ropes, shoots off and charges forward. He throws a lariat. Logan ducks. Logan spins around. Roach bounces off the ropes and catches a HUGE boot to the face!! Roach turns inside out, landing hard on the mat. The fans go “OOOOHHHHH’ upon the massive impact. Logan doesn’t waste any time, he bends over and snatches Roach by the hair, yanking him to his feet~
Smith: Andrew Logan nearly decapitated Roach!
Hood: No shit...geezus.
Smith: I know he’s older...but this man moves with purpose. That can hide any depreciation in quickness.
~Logan tosses Roach onto his shoulders with ease into a Torture Rack. He stares into the camera. The fans are on their feet...they are fired up due to the pure, raw, visceral nature with which Logan is handling Roach in his return. He swiftly drops Roach with a Reverse DDT!! Roach is OUT. Logan makes a cover without hooking anything. Scruff slides in...the fans count along~
~The bell sounds~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…ANDREW LOGAN!!!!!
Smith: Wow. That’s all I can say.
Hood: That man just wrecked Roach’s shit.
~Logan rises. Scruff reaches for his arm. Logan pulls away and exits the ring as his music plays. The fans are buzzing over the dominating performance. Roach remains on the mat, unconscious~
Smith: Andrew Logan just walked in there and decimated a man many people thought could be a dark horse in this tournament.
Hood: Was Roach doing his best Shootah impression? I mean, what the fuck just happened.
Smith: If this match was any indicator then Andrew Logan is as good as he ever was. He might be the Tuesday morning favorite to win.
Hood: Glad I got my bet down on him early!
Smith: I wouldn’t admit to that on air. You work for the company.
Hood: Blah blah blah...since when did shit like that matter around here?
Smith: I guess you have a point.
~We cut to a LOCAL MEDICAL FACILITY. Our POV dashes through the entrance. We burst through some doors. We fly through the COVID-19 area...which is shockingly empty. We continue maneuvering through hallways until we reach ICU. We take a left turn and spot THE UBER MAN hooked up to a bunch of machines. He’s still unconscious from the beating PerZag gave him. Inside is a rep from OCW standing over the quasi star along with a doctor~
Doctor: Yes, it’s pretty bad.
OCW Rep: Well, I think we want to pull the plug.
~The Doctor is shocked~
Doctor: Excuse me?
OCW Rep: It’s a tough call but from what Mr. Reasoning is telling me...the owner of OCW doesn’t want Lyft Man to suffer any further. So, pull the plug.
Doctor: I think he’s called Uber Man and, while it is bad, it isn’t THAT bad. He should recover in time.
~The OCW Rep stares inquisitively into the Doctor’s soul~
OCW Rep: Define ‘recover’.
Doctor: Get out of bed. Walk. Talk. Probably wrestle...if that’s something he wants to do.
OCW Rep: And what are the odds that he makes this type of recovery? Twenty percent?
Doctor: More like 100%.
OCW Rep: Hmm, I see. So this is your theory? Would you say you’re an overly optimistic man?
Doctor: I’m a doctor and no, this isn’t a theory. It’s a fact.
OCW Rep: Still.
~The Rep overlooks Uber~
OCW Rep: I was given strict orders to pull the plug and terminate his existence. I think we should adhere to those.
Doctor: Uh...I think you should leave.
OCW Rep: Why? I’m here to support one of our wrestlers.
Doctor: You’re threatening my patient’s life.
OCW Rep: Whoa, doc. I’m simply following orders here. I mean, listen…
~The OCW Rep leans in~
OCW Rep: Is anybody really going to miss this guy? C’mon. One less mouth for the world to feed...know what I man?
~He elbows the Doctor. The Doctor backs away~
Doctor: I’m calling the police.
~We cut outside. The OCW Rep is exiting the hospital. He’s on the phone~
OCW Rep: Yea, they wouldn’t do it. They said he’s going to recover...whatever that means.
~OCW Rep pauses. A LYFT driver pulls up~
OCW Rep: Yep, the ride just showed up. Agreed, we’ll move ahead with Plan B.
~He hops into the Lyft. We cut back to the broadcast~
Smith: Oh my…
Hood: It’s so sad when people won’t accept reality...they can’t let go.
Smith: That OCW rep is trying to murder Uber Man!
Hood: He’s trying to do the humane thing, Smith.
Smith: Who in the heck is running this place? First the Zybala chicanery and now THIS...I’m worried about the state of affairs.
Hood: Somebody with a clear vision, Smith. A great vision. A grand vision. A vision without the Zybalas and Ubers of the world. I don’t know who this owner is but I like him!
Smith: Or her.
Hood: Ahahahah
Smith: I just hope the proper authorities keep an eye on Uber. In the meantime, we've got a main event to get to...a match that could arguably be the match of the first round. Let's head down to ringside as the first round is about to be concluded.
Sarah Twilight vs. Chad Vargas
Belvedere: Ladies and is now time for our Main Event of the evening! The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is the final first round match within the Manifest Destiny 2 tournament! Introducing first...
~The lights go out as a spotlight centers on stage. Piano chords begin a haunting melody, accompanied by heavy drum beats. The crowd begins to boo MASSIVELY as the video wall displays the words THE ONLY ONE~
Belvedere: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Los Angeles, California, and weighing in at one hundred forty four pounds, she is a former OCW Tag Team Champion... "The Mistress of Mischief" SARAH TWILIGHT!
~Pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp as our melody finally kicks into guitar. "The Only One" by Evanescence continues to play as Sarah finally walks out onto the stage holding her championship over her shoulder with an arrogant smirk. She is greeted with deafening boos and soaks them all in, as if she enjoyed the crowd's hatred. She arrogantly swaggers towards the ring, taking her time to revel in her own glory among ENRAGED fans before she reaches the ring steps and steps inside. Pyros now shoot off from the ring posts and Sarah takes to each turnbuckle, staring coldly and without emotion into the sea of 'sheep' as she raises her championship skyward to even LOUDER boos. The Mistress of Mischief finally takes her place at the center of the ring to hold her championship skyward once more as a waterfall of purple flare rains down upon her~
Smith: Sarah Twilight back in action!
Hood: Did we REALLY have to put a member of R.O.S.E. on each week? We couldn’t get a break from these two?
Smith: I see nothing wrong with these two women. You heard Cheasy M...they might be the pillars...the anchor of this modern OCW!
Hood: I need to find a way out of my contract.
Belvedere: And, her opponent…
~"Needle and the Spoon" - Lynyrd Skynyrd hits! The voice of CHAD VARGAS sounds throughout the OCW Arena yelling “KING KONG AIN’T GOT SHIT ON ME!” The fans leap to their feet in support of the OCW legend. Vargas appears from behind the curtain. He’s got a handle of SoCo hanging lose from his right hand. He stares down the ramp, into the ring...eyeing Twilight. He calls her a ‘fucking cunt’ before sauntering down the ramp~
Belvedere: And her opponent...from Everclear County, Tennessee...standing 6’4 and weighing in at 240lbs...he is a former OCW Champion...he is in the OCW Hall of Fame...ladies and gentlemen, please...welcome back...The Confederate Icon...Chad Vargas!
~The fans chant “VARGAS!” He reaches the ringside area and pauses, raising the whiskey high to a HUGE ovation. He turns his back to the ring. Belvedere has that ‘oh shit’ look...he escapes the ring. Scruff turns toward the bell. Twilight, angered, charges toward the ropes. Vargas takes a swig of Whiskey...he turns around...Twilight flips over the top rope with a somersault plancha...she lands right on top of Vargas, taking him down!! Scruff calls for the bell, signaling the match has begun~
Smith: And we are underway! Sarah Twilight is wasting NO time.
Hood: She just ruined his whiskey! times like these...these uncertain...CORONA never ruin a man’s whiskey.
Smith: Well, he should have kept it in the back...or shown Sarah some more respect.
Hood: Yea, that’s concerning. He might be too laser locked on TIO. I hate Twilight...but she’s proven to be pretty fucking good at this wrestling shit.
Smith: Indeed.
~Whiskey leaks from the massacred bottle of SoCo. A few fans at ringside take their cups and reach over, trying to snare some spillage. Twilight pops to her feet and crushes what remains of the bottle under her boot. The fans boo. Vargas, wide eyed and dazed, sits up. His eyes tell the story of a man trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Twilight kicks him in the back, hard. The impact cracks throughout the arena. Vargas winces, arching his back. Scruff yells “ONE!”. Twilight snares Vargas by the head and yanks him to his feet...she’s got him locked in a Cravat. She drags him near the ring...Vargas face spells out annoyance...and pain. Twilight cranks and yanks on the Cravat, near the apron. Scruff yells “TWO!” Sarah fings Vargas back, into the edge of the apron...the back of his neck makes a direct impact. He yells ‘FUCK!’ and drops to a knee. Sarah lifts a knee into Vargas’ face, taking the Confederate Icon down. Scruff yells “THREE!” Twilight rolls into the ring~
Smith: And the former Tag Team Champion has taken full control right from the outset!
Hood: You’d think with all those toys she bought Sarah might not be so wound up. I guess they haven’t had a chance to break them in.
Smith: I’d rather not think about that, Hood.
Hood: Hey, don’t look at me. I don’t make this stuff up, I simply watch it.
~Scruff yells “FOUR!” Vargas is on all fours. His left arm feels around under the ring. Scruff yells “FIVE!” Vargas gets to one knee. He struggles to his feet. Twilight is keeping an eye on the situation. Scruff yells “SIX!” Vargas is on his feet, leaning his back against the apron...his face is still twisted with pain. Twilight moves’s obvious she won’t earn a count-out. She reaches through the ropes, trying to get a good grip on Chad’s hair. Vargas pulls his left arm out from behind his back...he’s toting the second bottle of SoCo! It was under the ring. He rips the cap off with his mouth and gives Sarah a face full of whiskey!! Sarah stumbles back, stunned. Scruff yells “SEVEN!” Vargas downs about ten percent of the bottle before tossing it into the crowd. Fans fight over the mixture of booze and confederate saliva. Vargas rolls back into the ring, breaking the count. Twilight’s back is to him. He runs forward and clobbers Sarah in the back of the head with a forearm, dropping the former tag team champion to her knees~
Smith: Cheater!
Hood: Seriously? I thought we were seeing Vargas extend an olive branch to the LGBTQWNWYZ community by offering Sarah some of his favorite whiskey.
Smith: That’s NOT what happened. And it’s LGBTQ, by the way.
Hood: Too many letters, man.
~Vargas stands in front of a kneeling Sarah. He swivels his hips in front of her face, laughing. Some of the fans laugh along. Other fans are less that comfortable with the scene. He grabs Sarah by the back of the head, angrily. Twilight responds with a low blow! Scruff sees it but he also sees Sarah’s whiskey soaked he lets it go. Vargas doubles over...he looks over at Scruff and says “What the fuck, man?” Sarah rises, grabs Vargas by the head and drops him with a swift DDT!! Vargas is left face down on the mat~
Smith: And once again...Chad’s arrogance forfeits control of this match to Sarah.
Hood: I think it’s pretty obvious what you’ve got here. You’ve got a legend in Vargas, looking for a payday. Meanwhile, you’ve got the up and coming star in Twilight eager to knock off the legend.
Smith: Yep, one has reached the top of OCW. The other is desperate to do so. Legends often fall to up and comers via overconfidence.
Hood: Man if Chad Vargas lost to a member of the too-many-letter-community...he might vanish into obscurity for the rest of his life.
~Vargas shows true southern grit in pushing up almost immediately after the DDT. It’s a response that surprises Twilight. She swivels over, facing Vargas and throws her legs at him, locking in a Triangle. Vargas’ eyes widen...his nose wiggles. He says something along the lines of “I smell lesbian pussy.” Twilight scowls and locks the Triangle in deeper. Vargas chokes...he sticks his right arm out to keep from falling to the mat. He tries to break free with his left arm, but Twilight has this thing locked in DEEP. A fan wearing a Dangerous Dan shirt in the front row yells “How’s it feel to lose to someone in the LGBTQ community, CHAD?” Vargas’ eyes pop with rage. He yells “FUCK THIS!” He powers up, lifting Twilight off the mat. Twilight, realizing she’s lost her ground and is about to be dumped on her head, releases the hold and slides down Chad’s back. She tries to bring him over. Chad jumps up, looking to drop his ass on Twilight’s chest. Twilight moves! Chad’s ass slams into the mat. Twilight, back on her feet, hits the ropes. Chad, sitting up, dodges a soccer-style kick by rolling over. Twilight spins around. Vargas pops to his feet. He grabs Twilight after her momentum sends her body into a full rotation. He hooks her for a T-Bone Suplex. But Twilight gives Chad’s ear a sharp elbow. He stumbles back. Twilight leaps into the air and smacks Vargas in that same ear with an Enziguri!!! Vargas tumbles to the mat, holding the side of his head in pain~
Smith: Wow! Tremendous action! Sarah is really on top of her game tonight.
Hood: Vargas is flirting with disaster, Smith.
Smith: Well if he wants to avoid ‘disaster’ then he needs to wake up.
Hood: Dude’s like fifty. It takes him awhile to wake up these days.
~Twilgiht crawls over. She grabs Chad’s head and begins ripping and clawing at his injured ear/side of the head. Vargas yells, “Get off me, bitch!” Twilight leans in, biting the side of Chad’s head! Scruff rears back like “Holy shit!” Fans at ringside grimace. Chad manages to jam a thumb into Sarah’s face. She stops biting...but there’s a sizable gash in the side of Chad’s head, near the temple. Blood starts to run up the side of Chad’s head, into his blonde hair. Twilight begins to deliver some vicious elbow strikes into Chad’s temple. Vargas’ eyes widen with shock...pain and delirium rock his equilibrium. Scruff bends over, asking if Chad wants to give it up. A pain riddled Vargas manages to lift a middle finger in Scruff’s face. Scruff stands and smiles, saying, “Classic Vargas”.~
Smith: Twilight is feral! She’s unhinged! She’s going to do serious damage to Chad Vargas!
Hood: Oh please. Vargas is already fucked in the head six ways from Sunday. What’s a little extra brain damage going to do at this point?
Smith: That’s a terrible way to look at things.
Hood: The truth hurts, Smith.
~Chad, in desperation mode, rolls away, under the bottom rope. His feet hit the floor as he rolls off the apron. Twilight loses her positioning. Vargas stumbles around, holding the side of his’s the left side. The left side of his hair...all the way up to the top is soaked in blood. The right side remains as blonde and clear as the moment he stepped out from behind the curtain. He stares at his blood-soaked hand and turns toward the ring. “You’re gonna fuckin pay for this!” Twilight motions for Vargas to bring it back into the ring. Chad power walks up the steps and enters in through the ropes. Sarah charges in, throwing a knee at his head...Vargas spins around! Sarah’s knee is met with the middle buckle! She turns around, holding her knee in pain. Vargas catches her and tosses her over his shoulder with a T-Bone Suplex!! Sarah hits hard! She arches her back. Chad returns to his feet...the blood from his cut is running down his left cheek and chin...dripping onto his chest. He wipes it around, covering his chest in blood. He keeps his eyes on Sarah. She is slow to her feet. He grabs his dick and throws his hips in her direction...she gets to one knee...Vargas charges forward. Sarah tucks and rolls forward. Vargas misses with a high knee. Sarah, back on her feet, spins around. She runs up behind Vargas. Sarah hooks Chad’s head. He tries to fight her off but she grabs at his gash. He’s momentarily paralyzed with pain...Sarah drops him with an Inverted DDT. She makes the cover~
Kick Out!
Smith: Kick out by Vargas! He’s still in it...but, man, he’s in bad shape.
Hood: I hate to say it but I think tonight is Sarah’s night.
Smith: It could be. People aren’t legends until they are.
Hood: I mean, you’re not wrong.
~Twilight is back to her feet, quickly. She realizes time is of the essence. You can get a legend down but it’s hard to keep them down, let alone for that desired three seconds. Vargas reaches one knee, slowly returning to his feet. He’s popped in the chin with a high knee from Sarah. We see blood fly behind him, splattering the mat. Sarah drags a dazed Vargas to his feet...she grabs his head, spins him around and drops him with a Jumping Neckbreaker!! Chad is down, holding his neck. Sarah rushes back to her feet. She’s not wasting any time. She pulls Chad up, back to his feet. She hooks him for a Russian Legsweep. Chad, however, rubs his head, covering his hand in blood. He smears it in Sarah’s face! She’s dazed. Chad reverses the leverage and is suddenly in position to drop Sarah with THE STROKE! The crowd rises! Vargas dives forward, attempting to end Sarah’s night. BUT...Sarah holds onto the arm and locks in an armbar, taking Vargas to the mat. She lets go of the arm bar and dives in on Vargas’ injured head with both hands. Chad yells out in pain~
Smith: Sarah nearly worked her way into a loss there...but, thankfully for her, she was able to avoid The Stroke.
Hood: Another bad thing about being a legend...everybody knows your finishing move the second you start to go for it.
Smith: Well, that is true.
Hood:, she really does seem to hate Vargas. You think this stems from 2014?
Smith: Oh, absolutely. Treat Cassidy was running OCW back then. He hired Sarah...she was about to break out only for Treat to fire her and Lilith...and some other guy, Eric Price, maybe.
Hood: I kind of remember that. Those were some wild days.
~Vargas realizes he can’t allow this violence to go on much longer. She’s digging into his head for fuck’s sake. He gets onto all fours. Twilight latches onto his back. Vargas gets to his feet. Sarah climbs up his back and sits on his shoulders in the electric chair position. She spins around...again Vargas finds himself with a face full of muff. He’s never been so lucky in one night. Sarah grips his head, bends back and throws Vargas into the nearest corner with a Frankensteiner!! Vargas slams face first into the middle buckle...he turns around and slides onto his ass, seated in the corner. Twilight, back on her feet, runs in and begins to knee Vargas in the face, repeatedly. Vargas is beginning to lose consciousness~
Smith: She’s going to knee Vargas until he passes out!
Hood: That’s what it looks like.
Smith: She calls this Bitch Breaker!
Hood: Oh man, Vargas is not going to like the sound of that.
~The crowd reacts as we see TREAT CASSIDY hustle down the ramp. His prize client is about to have his lights PUT OUT by the very person he fired years ago. Twilight hesitates upon seeing Treat at ringside. Rage fills her. She contemplates going after him but, instead, turns her focus back on Chad. Vargas inhales through his nose...he clears his throat and spits a huge loogie into Twilight’s face!! Sarah stumbles back, trying to rip the mucus from her eyes. A dazed Vargas staggers to his feet...he grabs Sarah from behind and drops her with THE STROKE!!!! Both opponents are face down. Treat slaps the mat, urging Vargas to pin Sarah~
Smith: They are both down! Vargas hit the stroke but I think the damage from those streaks was already done!
Hood: So...where’s Lilith?
Smith: Like Sarah last week...Lilith is banned from ringside this week.
Hood: Oh but TREAT can dome down? Look, I’m no conspiracy theorist but that seems…
Smith: Don’t look at me
~Vargas finally starts to move. He struggles but manages to roll Twilight onto her back. He throws his arm over her chest. Scruff slides into place with the count~
Smith: Sarah got the shoulder up!
Hood: Lesbian or doesn’t matter, that’s one tough bitch.
Smith: I can’t argue that!
~We zoom in on Vargas...his mostly blood soaked face stares up at the mat...his eyes with a far away gaze. Sarah, with pieces of spit and mucus covering her typically pleasing facial features, has her eyes shut, breathing heavily. Behind them is Treat, panicking. He’s pacing back and forth...he must really need this money. He spots the time keeper and heads that way~
Smith: What’s he doing?
Hood: Probably looking to high five Belvedere. Belvedere is very well liked backstage.
Smith: No, Hood...I think he’s going for that ring bell.
Hood: You think he’s always wanted to be the time keeper? Like that’s been some life long ambition of his?
Smith: I don’t think so, Hood.
~Treat snares the ring bell. He marches up the ring steps. Vargas rolls over...he gets to one knee before reaching his feet. He grabs Sarah by her red hair and pulls her up. He spots Treat. Treat places the bell on the mat. Belvedere walks over, trying to get Treat down. Treat kicks the bell toward Chad. Vargas bends down to grab it. As he does, Sarah low blows him! Treat yells “OH NO!” Sarah steals the bell. Vargas stands up...his back to Sarah. Sarah reaches back with the bell, fired up. The crowd is on their feet. Vargas turns around, unaware of what awaits~
Smith: Sarah’s got the ring bell!
Hood: Fuckin Treat!
~Sarah throws the ring bell as hard as she can at Chad. Chad’s eyes widen. He narrowly dodges the bell! He bell flies through the air and DRILLS Treat Cassidy in the face! Treat flies off the ring apron...the impact produces a loud “DING!” Treat slams into the barricade, sliding down to the floor, unconscious. The momentum Sarah garnered to make the throw sends her stumbling forward into Chad’s arms. He spins around, grabs her and drops her with THE STROKE!!!! He flips Sarah over...Scruff slides in~
~Nothing rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner… “THE CONFEDERATE ICON CHAD VARGAS”!!!!!
Smith: Vargas wins!
Hood: Treat’s plan backfired but still...worked?
Smith: I mean, Vargas won.
Hood: Sucks for Twilight. She took like 80% of this match.
Smith: She was more than ready for the challenge. It’s just so tough keeping a legend down...esp when that legend comes ready to fight.
Hood: No doubt.
~Vargas rolls out of the ring, holding his head in pain. He grabs Treat by the back of his collar and drags his agent around the ring, up the ramp and to the back. The camera focuses on Sarah, middle of the ring. She rolls onto her back, staring into the lights. It’s clear she’s realizing what happened...frustration and anger are setting in~
Smith: It’s tough to come so close in such a big match. Sarah Twilight, like PerZag, deserved to go much further in this tournament.
Hood: That’s why they call it luck of the draw, Smith.
Smith: Indeed. Well, that does it for the final night of round one. We want to thank you all for joining in! Tune in next week as round two begins with two amazing bouts as Lilith takes on Jason Chase and blank takes on Duce Jones!
Hood: Only two matches? HELL YEA
Smith: For Hood I’m Smith saying good night everyone!
~We fade out as the first round comes to a close~