LIVE! Wednesday May 12th 2021
From The OCW Arena
Who’Re: Stop them!
~Opening straight into some backstage action! A horde of homeless bums scatter throughout the bowels of the OCW Arena in search of Zybala, Uber, Tony, and Greg. Our screen features more cuts than a super depressed teenager. We cut here. We cut there. Bums everywhere. But no sign of outsiders. Who’Re, in a split screen, paces around Welsh’s office. Welsh, by the way, remains down for the count...with a blood alcohol level holding tight at an impressive 69%, he’s gonna be entrenched in dream land for quite some time~
Who’Re: Shit. One match away from reaching our goal. One match from establishing our main event at Infection and everything is suddenly up in the air. I never understood it for all those years...but now I get it. I hate Zybala.
~A few bums get sidetracked, heading for a vending machine that, up to this point, had gone totally unnoticed. They attack it...kicking, shoving, begins to pour out. JACKPOT! They dive for the free food. While they do, Zybala, Greg, Uber, and Tony sneak behind them...making their first appearance of the evening and slipping deeper into the arena. Who’Re’s expression goes from nervous to downright apoplectic~
Who’Re: Look behind you!
~They either can’t hear her or have chosen to ignore her. Either way, her commands go unrecognized.~
Who’Re: Stupid bums!
~More camera cuts on the left side of a split screen. Attempting to follow and relocate Zybala and his outsiders. But nothing. They seem to have vanished – again. A group of misguided homeless bums beat on a door. They kick it in, thinking Zybala might be in there. It’s a huge mistake. Behind the door is none other than Sara Syren! They’ve walked in on Syren taking some of her serum. She lets out an Earth shaking roar, charging at the bums. Already inside the locker room, they try to flee...but get stuck in the door. Syren begins demolishing them. Outside, we, once again, see Zybala and his troupe sneaking by...advancing even further. Who’Re feels the hopelessness in the situation~
Who’Re: He’s like a cockroach. You can’t stop this guy. So...we beat him to the punch.
~What punch, exactly? Time for some exposition!~
Who’Re: He had some silly show a few weeks back and now he’s trying to shoehorn this insane Outsiders idea into a tournament we’ve been running for weeks. I’m not gonna let it happen. I’m not going to let him INFECT the end result of this tournament. He may reach the arena...but that’s okay. We’re gonna get this match in before he can do anything to stop it.
~Whew. The whore has spoken. She gets on her phone and makes some calls. Meanwhile, Sara Syren has demolished all the homeless bums who were, at first, predators until very quickly becoming prey. She storms into the hallway, furious. Looking around...she’s ready to kill. Scruff walks up...Syren pivots, staring him down. He stumbles back~
Who’Re: Yes. Get the match underway back there, now!
~Predator appears behind Scruff, using the longtime OCW referee as a shield. He relays the info. Syren gets the gist of it pretty quickly, tearing away in pursuit of Chef Chaos~
Who’Re: Okay. Good. Now just need to make sure they can’t get in here.
~Who’Re steps over a drooling Marcus, ensuring the door into the office is locked. It is. But...there’s the matter of this giant hole where a window once resided. Not much can be done about that. She stands at the hole, looking down on the temporarily empty arena...waiting~
Sara Syren: CHEF CHAOS!!!
~Sara Syren bursts through a door, looking for Chef Chaos. It leads to a medical room where The Knife Man is taking a nap. She leaves him in peace. Her pursuit continues...down a long hallway...a left...a right...another feeds to a heavy door. She leans into won’t open. We doubt, very much, Chef Chaos is down there...but nobody is going to stop Sara Syren. She charges into the door, blowing it off its hinges. It leads into a deep, dark abyss. She takes the first step forward...THWACK~
Chef Chaos: Haha! Take that!
~Out of nowhere, Chef Chaos drills Sara Syren in the back of the head with a frying pan. She spins selling the blow. Chef Chaos goes from super confident to full of fright. He drops the pan and backs up~
Chef Chaos: No. Listen. I can cook for you. I’ll only charge you 60% of my usual...ECK
~Syren grips his throat. She lifts him up and PLANTS him into the unforgiving concrete floor with a chokeslam. He’s finished. She maintains a firm grip around his vanishing neck. Scruff slides in~
Predator: Here is your winner...and the person who will meet THE JUDGE in the finals of this 8 person tournament for stained, defunct OCW gold….SARA SYREN!!!!!
~Syren grabs Chaos by the head, using both hands. But, she pauses. Noises emerge from the dark hole behind the thick door...we cut from the shot. Zybala is shown leading his band of Outsiders through the Gorilla position. A few homeless bums get in their way...but they are quickly dispensed of via some well placed SUPERKICKS. He pops through the curtain, standing atop the OCW ramp with Uber, Tony, and Greg flanking him~
Who’Re: You’re too late, Zybala!
~Zybala turns, seeing Who’Re shouting down at him. He looks confused, at first, mouthing the word, “Whore?” But he shakes it off.~
Zybala: Where is Welsh?
Who’Re: He’s busy. I’m in charge.
~Greg breaks away, saying very mean things under his breath about this ‘power hungry vixen.’~
Zybala: So, about this Infection PPV.
Who’Re: No.
Zybala: You don’t have a roster. I do. We need each other.
Who’Re: Absolutely not.
Zybala: Get Welsh.
Who’Re: He’s unavailable. But I know he’d agree. He hates you.
Zybala: Well, hate seems a bit strong. I mean.
Who’Re: It may not be strong enough...given the things I’ve heard him say about you.
~Uber and Tony raise their if they are about to smack a whore around for saying such things about their beloved Zybala. He calms them down~
Zybala: I refuse to believe that. But, still...if you’re gonna put on a Pay Per View you need more than two wrestlers. I’ve got at least...well, it seems like at least a dozen. Hard to keep track, though.
Who’Re: Yea, well...ah!
~The door to the office is kicked in by a furious GREG. He dives for Welsh. Who’Re backs up against the shattered window, surprised by Greg’s aggression. He slaps Marcus on the cheeks, trying to wake up him. Welsh smiles and mumbles. Greg turns his focus on Who’Re~
Greg: Get out of here!
~Realizing she’s kinda surrounded, Who’Re sneaks around the edge of the room before darting through the door. Greg gets Welsh up and manages to place him in a chair. He scurries for the broken window~
Greg: I found him!
Zybala: Oh great! Is he willing to negotiate?
Gerg: Marky. Are you willing to negotiate a lineup for Infection?
~Welsh is totally out of it. A never-ending smile is plastered across his dumbstruck face. He nods his head~
Marcus Welsh: Of coursh!
~Greg waves Zybala up to the office. He gives instruction to Uber and Tony. Tony laughs and pulls out a flip phone, sending a message. Backstage a sullen, disappointed Who’Re is walking, head lowered. She feels as though she failed. As though she had a chance to take control of something great...only to allow her fear and anxiety to take over. Immediate regret seeps in~
Sara Syren: WHORE?
~She looks up, spotting Sara Syren and some unnatural light surrounding her. Back on the ramp...Uber and Tony have called in the rest of their crew. Peter Vaughn, JAM G, Guy Cashe, and Titan Fore have joined them on the ramp. Tony laughs and struts toward the ring...they follow. Zybala pokes his head out from the shattered window of the GM’s office~
Zybala: Guys! I think we may need more Outsiders! We’re doing some great things up here...but we might be a little short on…
~Sara Syren abruptly bursts through the curtain. A gust of wind blows from behind her. Accompanying it are several old, but familiar faces~
Sara Syren: Not so fast, OUTSIDERS. I have opened the door which imprisoned some of the most infamous names of OCW’s past.
~Liljungleman, Scoot Time, Richard, Da Boom, Y2James, Clubbin Man, Gavin Reed, and El Presidente appear next to Syren. A staggering, half awake, totally blitzed Welsh stumbles and saddles up next to Zybala, in the opened window~
Marcus Welsh: Well hot damn.
Zybala: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Marcus Welsh: You really missed Greg’s sweet caresses, too?
Zybala: Uh, no. I’m talking about an Outsiders versus Online clash at Infection. Your most memorable characters versus mine.
Marcus Welsh: SURE. WHY NOT
~Zybala does a fist pump~
Zybala: Guys! It’s on!
~The Online jobbers rush the ring. Uber and the rest of the Outsider crew stand their ground. The jobbers hit the ring...but have trouble getting inside...classic jobbers. Once they finally get in...a brawl breaks out. Zybala pulls Welsh from the window~
Zybala: Okay. The show will be headlined by THE JUDGE and Sara Syren for your title. You leave the rest to me, okay?
~Welsh throws a sloppy arm around Zybala~
Marcus Welsh: Ya know what? You’re not such a bad guy, Mike.
~Tears form in Zybala’s eyes~
Zybala: You called me Mike. Marcus...this is going to be the best OCW Pay Per View in history. I promise!
~And with that, we fade to black~
LIVE! Someday on PPV
From the OCW Arena
Main Event: For a Defunct, Stained OCW Title
Rest of the show to be announced
THE JUDGE vs. Sara Syren