OCW Presents: Massacre
LIVE! Monday, May 6th 2019
From The OCW Arena in Key West, Florida
~Another Monday night in the life of this anonymous individual. We think he’s a man… we know he’s a man. Not that that matters or anything…just think the word ‘he’ has been thrown around in previous introductions. Regardless, this man is visibly exhausted…weekend excursions filled alcohol, gambling, very little sleep and who knows what else extract a far greater toll than they used to. Getting old isn’t for pussies. But, he’s alive and being somewhat productive…not as productive as he’d like but productive enough. Monday is just about at its end, so he’s beginning to relax. The Rockets game is on but it’s the NBA…who gives a shit. So he flips it over to HOTv and the weekly edition of Monday Night Massacre! Sinking into the chair the man enjoys the opportunity to shut his brain down and watch some television. The Massacre logo airs before fading into the sold out OCW Arena as we are BACK in Key West. The fans are going wild! We cut to Smith and Hood who appear well rested~
Smith: Hello again everyone and welcome to Monday Night Massacre! I’m your host Smith and alongside me, as always is Hood! And tonight we experience our first Post-Block Party event.
Hood: There’s a new champ, Smith. And his name…is Mike Best!
Smith: Yes, for those of you who missed it…Mike Best emerged victorious at Block Party claiming OCW’s most prestigious prize.
Hood: And, as if that isn’t wild enough…his challenger at NSFW is James Raven…a dude that doesn’t even work here!
Smith: James Raven went all the way, winning the Block Party tournament. He defeated Max Ironside, The Big Bifford, and Lurrr all in one evening to ean a shot at OCW Champion, Mike Best. Yes folks…for months we’ve watched Meyhu, Paras, Langston, Mack and others carry this promotion…but now…now we turn toward two very unfamiliar names. Mike Best and James Raven will headline Not Safe For Work.
Hood: I’m fucking stoked!
Smith: Tonight we will begin the march toward Not Safe For Work. We’ll see several young, up and coming talents in action as well as receiving word from many of the stars from last week’s show.
Hood: They’re all hurting, Smith…hence the absence of almost everyone who competed one week ago.
Smith: All except for Duce who answered an open challenge from Trav Morgan. Those two will do battle in tonight’s Main Event.
Hood: Duce has basically one leg which means he’s fucking crazy. Morgan’s gonna fuck him up.
Smith: We’ll see about that…Larson Ridley, Chastity Temple, Erin Gordon, Robert Morbidus, Myst, and Ed Houston are also all in action…so sit back and get ready…the road toward Not Safe For Work begins NOW!
~"Everybody Loves Me" by OneRepublic begins a slow beat over the sound system, erupting into its acoustic jam as a very hostile crowd heralds the arrival of eMpire co-founder Mike Best. Since the crowd has no taste, style, or appreciation for true greatness, there is of course an outpouring of boos as the newly crowned OCW Champion makes his way out from behind the curtain.~
~As he saunters toward the ring, Mike makes a big show of making sure the camera gets a good zoomed in shot of the OCW Championship as he flips the bird, displaying his Hall of Fame ring prominently.~
~Smirking out into the crowd, Michael quickly hops up the ring steps and ducks into the ring. With his new, shiny championship-- a belt the fans aren’t used to seeing on Massacre much these days-- reflecting off the arena lights, it’s a wonder that the belt isn’t blinding the mindless neckbeards in the front row as Michael borrows the microphone from Belvedere. He slings the belt over his shoulder and stares out at a booing crowd before he finally speaks.~
Mike Best: You know, if I were you, I’d boo too.
~This is enough to quiet the crowd, as they at least want to hear him out long enough to boo even louder. Knowing the eMpire and Mike Best’s flair for the annoyingly dramatic, they won’t have to wait long-- he raises the microphone to his lips again.~
Mike Best: I would boo too, if I bought a ticket to Block Party. I would boo too, if I watched it live on HOTv. I would boo too, if I had given out my hard earned money to watch three of the greatest warriors in the history of OCW fight to keep the OCW Championship out of the hands of the eMpire… and I’d seen them brutalized and embarrassed before my very eyes.
~As if on cue, the live crowd in Key West showers the ring with disapproval. While it seems he’d take this opportunity to be a snide asshole, Michael doesn’t smirk, nor do his eyes show that he’s taking this lightly.~
Mike Best: That’s right, boo. Boo for Paul Paras, who after ten years of pining for my head, failed to take me out with a three on one advantage. Boo for Matt Meyhu, who pissed and moaned for six weeks that we jumped the line on him, only to find out he wasn’t even tall enough to ride. Boo for Vincent Langston, who was also there. So boo to you, Team OCW, both from myself and on behalf of these people here tonight.
~At least half the crowd boos even louder now, but the other half seem confused. If they boo, will it be construed as booing for their heroes? If they cheer, will it be mistaken for support of the vile words of the OCW Champion? Like a flock of retards attempting to do the wave, the arena is awash in troubled logic, and so Michael simply continues. He has achieved what he set out to achieve and silenced the crowd.~
Mike Best: You know, six weeks ago today, I stood in this ring and introduced you all to the eMpire, and you booed. And now, here I stand, the NEW OCW CHAMPION… and you boo. And I can’t fathom… why?
~The crowd mostly stays quiet, except for one asshole in the front row who doesn’t know what a rhetorical question is. Full of aggression, he leans over the barrier and yells “CAUSE YER A FUCKIN’ ASSHOLE!”, and a small contingent of the crowd cheers in agreement.~
~Michael ignores them, because they are beneath him.~
Mike Best: It can’t be because I’m a liar, because I’ve made good on every promise and every threat I’ve made since the day I signed my contract. It can’t be because I rely on my friends to do my dirty work-- I beat Bifford, ALONE. I beat Ian, ALONE. And when it came down to the triple threat, and despite a three on one advantage for your “hometown boys”, I won the OCW Championship… ALONE. So what else can it be?
~He scratches his head, feigning as though he has no idea what they answer might be. The crowd is still relatively quiet-- it’s hard to argue with his points, even if he’s unfairly weighted the way he’s made them.~
Mike Best: Could it be because I’ll do whatever it takes? Because I… “cheat”? Well, no, it definitely can’t be because I cheat. That would be silly, right? Because at Block Party, I watched Vincent Langston smack Max Kael upside the head with a giant metal chain, and you CHEERED. I watched him cheat to pin Max, in a match with RULES… with DISQUALIFICATIONS… and you CHEERED for him. So what does that leave? What vast insecurity do I unlock in all of you out there, and all of the boys in the back who hate my fucking guts? What makes me so… ridiculed in the community…? I’ll tell you why you hate me. I’ll tell you why you boo.
~He hoists the belt further up his shoulder, admiring his championship as he begins stepping toward the ropes.~
Mike Best: It’s because standing in this ring right now, you see a winner. You see the man who has conquered all that stepped up to the plate to defend this hallowed ground. You see a man with the greatest single undisputed record in OCW. You see me standing in this ring, and you see the unified force that is the eMpire. The eMpire are WINNERS-- we walked into Block Party and we said that no matter the cost, ONE of us would walk out with the OCW Championship, and we did JUST. FUCKING. THAT. And you can’t help but be angry. You can’t help but show your discontent.
~Finally, he cracks the slightest hint of a smirk.~
Mike Best: I fought three men at Block Party, and I emerged victorious over all of them. I successfully won this OCW Championship by pinning not one, but TWO Hall of Famers in one night. I was the first person to beat Paul Paras in OCW, can Matt Meyhu say that? I became the OCW World Champion… can Vincent Langston say that? And now that I have this belt on my shoulder, I’m going to be here every week, repping OCW. I’m going to be a fighting fucking champion-- can Paul Paras say that?
~The booing amplifies, though in the minds of the champion, it’s only reinforcing his point. Michael chooses to ignore it this time, going on with his speech and simply talking a little bit louder into the microphone.~
Mike Best: I will not be stopped. I CAN NOT be stopped. This “fight once a month” Paul Paras bullshit is OVER. This “wait around for a new number one contender” bullshit is OVER. I’m fighting all comers, and the ONLY reason I’m not defending this belt right here tonight is because I’m told that first honors go to James Raven at Not Safe For Work.
~ The crowd is electric again, with a chant breaking out for the man who defied the odds and won three matches at Block Party to earn the right to challenge for the OCW Championship. Michael rolls his eyes, letting them get it out of their system.~
Mike Best: Yeah, go ahead and cheer for James Raven. Cheer all you want, cause he’s not here tonight. Cheer it up for the man who wants to take the OCW Championship and run back to some fucking company with an “X” in the name. Cheer it up for a literal fucking invader who couldn’t be bothered to be here tonight, for all his “adoring fans”. And boo me, the undisputed hardest working man in OCW today-- the man who is signed to wrestle here, and here only. The man who retired from HOW to represent OCW, the man who shows up every fucking week and takes matches to entertain you.
~He shakes his head, looking almost as though he feels sympathy for the people he’s addressing.~
Mike Best: Go ahead and cheer for your heroes, because I’m not backing down from a single fucking one of them, much less James Raven, the K-Mart Mike Best. I have OCW in my blood now, and I’m not going fucking ANYWHERE. I’ll be here all night. And the week after. And the week after that. So keep booing me. Keep cheering that fucking fraud, who doesn’t give a FUCK about you and who doesn’t give a FUCK about OCW. See how much he cares about the happy sounds you make with your mouths. See how many times he wrestles between now and Not Safe For Work. Cause while you’re booing me, I’ll be here next week, and I’ll be fucking wrestling.
~Now, the good natured smile leaves Michael’s face.~
Mike Best: Because I am the OCW Champion. And you can’t boo that away.
~Content with his speech, Michael tosses the microphone to the canvas, where it feedbacks before the technicians shut it off. “Everybody Loves Me” begins to play once more over the speakers, ushering out the OCW Champion as he exits the ring and head back up the ramp.~
Smith: These fans may dislike Mike's attitude...something I can certainly understand. But you cannot argue with the basis of his argument. He came in...he fought the toughest OCW had to offer. He didn't run off. He showed up at Block Party and he earned the OCW Title. He may be a jerk...but he's, apparently, a man of his word.
Hood: He's basically Abraham Lincoln minus all that vampire crap.
Smith: You might need to brush up on your history.
Hood: Nah, fuck the past
Smith: Mike Best will be here week in and week out, folks. I'm told he's already put in a request to compete next week. However, his main target...his next OCW Title defense will be on June 17th at Not Safe For Work against James Raven.
Hood: If these fans had any brains they'd BOO Raven and cheer Mike. RAVEN DOESN'T EVEN WORK HERE
Smith: If Raven were to win that would create quite a bit of chaos. We'll have to see how it all unfolds as we move forward toward Not Safe For Work!
OCW Presents: Not Safe For Work
Tag Team Championship
Paradigm Championship
Savage Championship
OCW Championship
LIVE! Monday, June 17th 2019
From Schlitterbahn Waterpark in New Braunfels, TX
Craze Championship
Andrea Hernandez (c) vs. TBA
Team ATARI (c) vs. TBA
Kitty Petrova (c) vs. TBA
Vincent Langston (c) vs. TBA
Mike Best (c) vs. James Raven
Smith: A tremendous show on the horizon with every OCW Title on the line. What also excites is the possibility of some new blood getting on that show.
Hood: Can we FINALLY get Evin Empire a showcased, one on one ppv match?
Smith: I'd say the odds of that happening are high. But my thoughts linger next to a newcomer by the name of Erin Gordon. She's full of talent and has a shot to be really good here. Her debut is next!
Opening Match
Erin Gordon (0-0) vs. John E Depth (1-3)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…The following match is your opening match of the evening, and it is scheduled for one fall!
Fans: ONE FALL!!
Belvedere: Coming to the ring first…
~”Bad Touch” by Bloodhound Gang hits. The crowd boos when they see Depth appear from backstage, thought there is a smattering of cheers. He’s all oiled up and ready for action! He’s wearing a new shirt that says “King of Dong Style” He rushes down the ramp and rolls into the ring. He pops to his feet and mimes like he’s ‘filming’ something with his hands~
Belvedere: From Hollywood, California…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 230lbs…John E Depth!
~The fans boo, but Depth focuses on the ones cheering him . He is very slowly starting to win some people over. He makes lewd gestures towards some of the ladies in the crowd, which causes the smart fans go boo louder.~
Smith: Now he has a new T-shirt? Why is Depth getting pushed?
Hood: Because he is the elite of the shit pile! He is the One-win jobber! And each match, he keeps trying to make it two!
Belvedere: And his opponent.....
~The overhead lights slowly go dark as the first strummed chords of 'Hurricane' fill the air, the crowd's cheers rising in response to the woman that is about to emerge. Gray lights flare into being around the curtain when the song starts proper, illuminating the outline of the Oncoming Storm as she stands with her shoulders square and her hands curled into fists at her sides. The wind machine is on behind her, blowing her hair around as her gaze moves over the assembled crowd and the surroundings alike... before it settles upon the ring. As 'Hurricane' cuts to the chorus, she makes her way down the aisle, not shying away from the hands that reach out for her.~
Belvedere: Hailing from Blooming Valley, Pennsylvania.Standing at Five feet, Seven inches. She is "The Oncoming Storm" Erin Gordon!!
~Erin's focus never wavers, even as she grabs onto the ropes and hauls herself up onto the apron. Wiping her feet, she climbs into the ring between the top and middle ropes before she heads to her corner, turning to rest her back against the turnbuckles. Only then does she play a little to the crowd, a single fist thrusting itself skyward to earn more cheers as her music fades.~
Smith: Ms. Gordon makes her OCW debut tonight and hopes to start her career off with a win.
Hood: Not sure how I feel about that nickname.
Smith: How do you mean?
Hood: Well, her last name is Gordon, right?
Hood: Her nickname should be "Flash".....
Smith: Don't you dare.......
Hood: (high pitched) AAAAAAAAHHHH!
~Puff has just got done checking Erin. He looks at Depth standing in the opposite corner and reaches into his pocket. Puff pulls out a pair of surgical rubber gloves and proceeds to put them on. He then goes to Depth, checks him, and then calls for the bell.~
Smith: Puff not taking any chances of catching something from Depth.
Hood: Probably a smart choice.
~Depth takes off his T-shirt and leans in between the ropes to hand it to a ringside crew member. He tells the worker not to lose his shirt because it's new, and gets back from in between the rope. John doesn't see Erin charging towards him until it's too late. As Depth turns, he sees Erin flying through the air (not literally) as she delivers a devastating splash to Depth. Depth is crushed into the corner as Gordon backs away. Depth stumbles out from the corner as Gordon gets behind him. Shle leaps up onto Depths shoulders and nails a beautiful Reverse-rana and goes for the pin.~
Smith: Gordon was living up to her nickname as she charged at Depth with that splash like an on coming storm.
Hood: Or you could say she was on him in a "flash"?
~Depth manages to kick out, but Gordon doesn't seem to be worried. She stands up and drags Depth to his feet. Gordon runs towards the ropes, bouncing off them, and runs towards Depth. She does a 360 spin and smashes Depth in the side of the head with a elbow! Depth staggers but doesn't fall.~
Smith: What a vicious Stiff Breeze!
Hood: Not stiff enough. Depth is still standing.
~Gordon runs at the ropes again and this time goes for a clothesline, but Depth ducks, and gets behind her. The porn director grabs Gordon around the waist, and tries to lift her up, but Gordon blocks it by wrapping her leg around his. Depth tries again, and again it's block. A big smile spreads across his face and he raises his hands to Gordon's chest!~
~Gordon is livid! She swings her elbows back in a manic fit of rage. One of the swings catches Depth square in the jaw, but Depth doesn't releases the mammaries. He lifts Gordon up and drops her with a German Suplex! Gordon hits the back of her neck and shoulders hard on the mat!~
Smith: Are you kidding me?! Fire that man!
Hood: Give that man a freaking medal!
~The fans are outraged by such a display of disrespect, though some deviants cheer the sleazy move. Depth quickly dives in Gordon for the cover, by she kicks out before Puff can even get in position to make a count. Depth is quick to his feet and watches Gordon get to hers, albeit a little slowly. She shakes her head to get rid of the cobwebs. Depth is poised and waiting. He has his right arm back like he is ready to roll a bowling ball. As soon as Gordon turns to face him, he smiles and shouts.~
Depth: CLAM SLAM!!
~Depth rushes towards Gordon, swinging his arm forward towards her private area! Before his hand connects with its intended target, Gordon catches Depth by the wrist. She is PISSED!! Who wouldn't be? Especially when she knows her son is watching her fight this deplorable man. She yanks the arm up and uses it to whip Depth to the ropes. She runs to the opposite side and bounces off the ropes. As the two are about to collide in the middle, Gordon does an inverted 360 spin, raises her fist, and bashes Depth right in the jaw! Depth drops and Gordon goes for the cover. Puff gets in position!~
~The bells rings and Gordon gets to her feet. Puff raises her hand in victory as she gives Depth one last kick whiles he's down.~
Belvedere: Here is your winner, ERIN GORDON!!!!!
Smith: Impressive win for Erin Gordon!
Hood: Poor Depth…he just wants to be near these women…maybe convince them to be in his films and they all wind up whipping his ass.
Smith: Well if he weren’t such a perv perhaps he’d have better luck.
Hood: Yea…but then he’d be out of a job.
Smith: A ridiculous catch 22. Anyway, Erin Gordon runs right through Depth and moves ahead to more serious competition in the coming weeks.
~We cut backstage to see Commissioner Zybala storming down the hall. People are moving out of his way as he makes his way to the door of the custom made office of General Manager Welsh. He stops right before the door, takes a deep breath, opens the door and walks in. Welsh is sitting at his desk, messing with his phone. He looks up when he hears the door, the look on his face shows he's ready to chew out whoever entered without knocking. Welsh's glare morphs into a shit-eating grin when he sees Zybala. Zybala walks up to the desk and slams his palms on the desk.~
Welsh: Mike! What can I do for my commissioner?
Zybala: You smug son of a bitch! First, you fuck me over against Meyhu, costing me the OCW title. Then you mess with me during my match against Hayley, fucking me over in the tournament. Last but not least, you screwed me over in the match against Mario!
Welsh: Sounds to me like you're just mad that I keep outsmarting you at every turn.
Zybala: You call it what you want, but that is the last straw! You fucked with me one too many times!
Welsh: And what exactly are you going to do about it? I may not be able to fire you because of your contract with Buffet, but if you lay a hand on me, I will sue you for everything you're worth!
~Zybala glares at Welsh for a bit, trying to compose himself. He let's out a sigh, and pushes himself up from the desk.~
Zybala: I'm going on vacation.
Welsh: Excuse me?
Zybala: You heard me. I going on vacation. I have vacation days, I'm gonna use them.
Welsh: So, your revenge on me is to go away on vacation and leaving my control uncontested?
Zybala: You could look at it that way. The way I see it, I'm leaving you to deal with the blowback from Block Party by yourself.
Welsh: What do you mean?
Zybala: Well, you now have TWO number one contenders with Meyhu and Raven, plus a new OCW champ in Best; two of whom aren't really OCW guys. The eMpire are really HOW guys and who knows what the deal is with James. I figure that this place is a powder keg ready to blow, and I don't need to be here as your scapegoat when shit hits the fan. Besides, according to you, you're the best G.M. ever. You got this.
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Zybala's taking a much earned vacation...I just wish it were under better circumstances.
Hood: Guy's all mad because Welsh is good at his job. What a crybaby!
Smith: He's got plenty reason to be mad, Hood. Welsh has screwed him over every chance he's had.
Hood: Blah...I won't listen to you try and change the facts. Welsh is the GM and things are about to go through the roof, comrade!
Smith: Ugh...let's head backstage before we get to our next match
~In an open area backstage various crew members are gathered around to watch Chastity Temple, who for some reason is on her back with her ankles behind her head. OCW interviewer Who're walks by, so distracted by trying to figure out what's up with the crew that she almost trips over the supine superstar. Seeing a chance to do some hard-hitting investigative reporting, Who're squats down with her microphone in hand.~
Who're: Chastity Temple... what are you doing here?
Chastity: I'm doing a hamstring stretch my old cheerleading coach Ms. Klitlichter taught me. I wouldn't wanna get an injury. Ms. Klitlichter always said that the hamstrings were the second most important muscles after the glutes. She was always checking my glutes, making sure they were firm. Y'know, because they're so important for the legs and hips.
Who're: Oh. Sure.
Chastity: I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself! Chastity Temple, Technical Virgin.
~She holds out a hand while maintaining her unusual position. Who're gives it a shake.~
Who're: Hi, I'm OCW interviewer Who're.
Chastity: Like "Yippee, hooray?"
Who're: More like W-H-O-apostrophe-R-E.
Chastity: Oh. Oh! Well, Jesus hung around prostitutes so I guess it's OK if I talk to you.
Who're: Gee, thanks. Anyway, I see you're getting ready to make your Monday Night Massacre debut against Jasmine Martini. Any thoughts about your opponent?
Chastity: Not really. All I know is that she looks like some redhead that's mean on Twitter.
Who're: you know, now that I think about you look a lot like somebody I used to work with?
Chastity: I look like a journalist?
Who're: No, my old job.
Chastity: What was that?
Who're: Well...
~Just then a sweaty sleazy looking man comes running up, looking quite excited. Luckily the camera doesn't show exactly how excited John E. Depth is. He’s got a pack of ice on his chin after the blow he received earlier against Erin Gordon. He quickly hides it upon reaching Chastity~
Depth: Chastity! Chastity! Oh hey, Who're. Anytime you wanna get back in the biz...
Who're: No, John E.
Depth: Whatever. Hey, Chastity! What did you think of my match?
Chastity: I don't want to yell so squat down.
~John E. Depth squats down next to Who're, much to her chagrin. He gives Chastity a sweet and sincere smile... then gets slapped across the face.~
Depth: Yow!
Chastity: That's for the stuff you pulled at Block Party!
Depth: Look, I'm sorry about that. The way I acted, that was before you gave me that Slice of Heaven and I saw up close the power of purity.
Who're: Wow, I didn't think there was a holiest of holies on Earth that could tame you, let alone on sight. Is it really that good?
~John E. Depth leans over and whispers in Who're's ear. Her eyes grow wide in amazement~
Who're: It actually... glows?
Depth: Yep. Like the sun peeking through the clouds. And it smells like the dew on a spring morning.
Chastity: Look, I have no idea what either of you are talking about. But I do know that you need Jesus, John. And there's something else I know.
Depth: What's that, Chastity?
Chastity: I'm stuck.
Who're: Like that? Yikes.
Chastity: Right. So if you can help me get to the trainer so he can untie me then I'll forgive you for everything, John.
Depth: Really? Thanks, Chas!
~John E. Depth hops up and lifts Chastity up by under her arms, her ankles still locked behind her head. Who're watches and listens as they head toward the trainer's office.~
Chastity: So how was your match anyway?
Depth: Well, I am a jobber so...
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Well, you have to admire Depth's honesty...at the end there.
Hood: Honesty is the basis for a strong relationship...from what I hear, anyway.
Smith: Chastity, meanwhile, continues to make an impression. Her positive vibes and clean message should be an inspiration to all the kids watching at home!
Hood: You're such an idiot.
Smith: Slander? Not tonight, my friend! I will not let your slander get me down! Next up, we will see Chastity in action as she attempts to run her record to 2-0!
Chastity Temple (1-0) vs. Jasmine Martini (1-2)
~Belvedere stands in the ring with a mic in his glorious hand. He clears his throat to a tremendous ovation from these Key West fans who are so happy to have OCW BACK in Florida~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring…Jasmine Martini!
~Jasmine stands in the ring looking like a non-alcoholic beverage. She eyes the entrance ramp, anticipating the arrival of her opponent~
Belvedere: And, her opponent…
~The poppy beat of Britney Spears' "Oops!... I Did it Again" fills the arena as the Technical Virgin known as Chastity Temple makes her way out. She makes the sign of the cross before sashaying toward the ring, hips swinging underneath her short plaid skirt. She pauses to berate any male fans gawking at her as well as any female ones she thinks look slutty, oblivious to the fact she herself is dressed in a skimpy schoolgirl uniform. Chastity slides into the ring and climbs to the second turnbuckle, making the sign of the cross again before sneering at all the sinners in the crowd~
Belvedere: From Topeka, Kansas…standing 5’4 and weighing in at 108lbs. Chastity Temple!!!
Smith: And we are getting our first look at Miss Temple here LIVE on Monday Night Massacre.
Hood: I don’t know what to make of this woman, Smith. But, I think she might be crazy.
Smith: That’s not a nice thing to say, Hood. She’s got zeal, vigor, and passion!
Hood: Don’t forget a pure pussy.
Smith: Vajayjay, Hood. Let’s keep it clean for the folks out in Topeka.
~The bell rings. Belvedere exits. Martini shakes her head, looking at Temple. Temple seems surprised by the slight affront. Martini begins talking trash~
Smith: Jasmine Martini won her debut match here in OCW. She was then placed in a #1 Contenders match for the Craze Title. Sadly for Martini, she fell short in that match and hasn’t really done much since.
Hood: Yea man Chastity didn’t even know Jasmine was on the roster.
Smith: An extremely quiet member of an otherwise vibrant community.
~Martini goes over the line, calling Chastity a ‘little slut’. Chastity is appalled. We even hear the fans gasp. Chastity pushes Jasmine, acting out in frustration. Jasmine lunges forward with a lariat. Chastity avoids the lariat via the Matrix Evasion and promptly follows her evasive maneuvering with a bridging overhead kick (Arch Angel)!! Jasmine is knocked loopy, staggering around the ring~
Smith: What flexibility! My goodness, this girl can bend!
Hood: Easy, Smith.
Smith: I’m just commenting on her athletic ability, Hood. Don’t twist my words with your dirty mind.
~Jasmine’s stumbling takes her into a corner. Chastity charges forward and crushes her with a Stinger Splash (Celibate Splash)! She promptly follows that up with a Jumping Roundhouse Kick (Savior Sole)!!! Martini falls forward, winding up on her back. Temple heads for the corner~
Smith: She’s going for Slice of Heaven!
Hood: You mean the pussy drop?
~Perched atop the corner, Chastity looks down at the very prone Jasmine Martini. She performs the sign of the cross a second time before leaping off and nailing SLICE OF HEAVEN!!!! She makes the cover, Scruff slides in~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…CHASTITY TEMPLE!!!!!
Smith: The purest, best pleasure is watching Chastity go out there and spread her message!
Hood: Purest, best pleasure…the fuck?
Smith: I’m just enamored with this girl’s strength and passion. She moves to 2-0 in her OCW career which looks like it could evolve into something very, very special.
Hood: I’m getting those Alice Knight vibes from this woman and, let me tell you…IT’S PISSING ME OFF
~Backstage Who’re walks up to a door that reads Team ATARI and posted outside of the locker room, flanking the door is two bodyguards in suits and shades on, looking very much like the Secret Service. Before Who’re can even knock on the door, they hold out their hands.~
[SS Guard #1]: Excuse. Ma’am. I’m going to ask you to stop right there. This is a restricted area. You’ll need to leave.
[SS Guard #2]: If you could just come this way, I’ll help you out of here.
[Who’re]: But I have an appointment to visit Team ATARI. I mean, I have no problem leaving, trust me.
[SS Guard #1]: Hold on ma’am.
[SS Guard #2]: This will just take a second.
~The guard holds his finger up to his ear.~
[Who’re]: No seriously, I can leave…
~The guard #1 looks at guard #2 and gives him the nod. Guard #2 then knocks on the door and right on cue the door opens up and standing in the doorway is Flashback 2.~
[FB2]: I’ll be watching you! You Yamauchi whore!
[Who’re]: You know, I’m busy, I’m sorry but I’ll just be….
~Flashback 2 reaches out and takes Who’re by the arm and drags her inside the locker room and closes the door behind her. Inside the room, 2600 and 7800 are standing flanking what looks like a display case with a OCW flag over it and in front of that, is a small table with 4 small covered dishes on it.~
[2600]: Who’re! We’re so happy you could be on time. I like people who are prompt.
[Who’re]: It’s not like I had a choice.
[FB2]: No sudden moves, bitch!
~2600 smiles.~
[2600]: She is okay Flashback. We checked her file and she seems to be clean.
[Who’re]: What file?
[7800]: Dilly dilly.
[Who’re]: What?
[2600]: My partner said nothing. Who’re, we invited you here for two things. Firstly, we want to say we’re sorry about a event that might have taken place a couple of weeks back that may or may not resulted in a mysterious fire breaking out on the loading docks of the OCW Arena.
[Who’re]: May or may not have happened? Oh no! There was most definitely a fire!
[2600]: Our reports say otherwise. Either way Who’re, something did take place and while we continue to look into it to learn the real story, we would like to say sorry and we want to include you in our celebration here tonight.
[Who’re]: Celebration?
[7800]: Dilly dilly!
[2600]: Please, she is our guest. Yes Who’re. As you know, at the battle of Block Party, we reigned supreme and captured 2 sections of the Energon Devices, and those devices were in fact Dynotherms.
[Who’re]: What?
[2600]: Dynotherms, carriers of the Dilithium Crystals. As a result of this, we had to extract those crystals from, what I believe you refer to as championship belts, which just sounds silly if you ask me.
[Who’re]: Hold on! You did what to our tag team belts?
[2600]: Extracted the Dilithium Crystals.
[Who’re]: How?
[2600]: By cutting them open and then melting them down. Standard procedure really.
[Who’re]: YOU DID WHAT!
[2600]: Relax. We took the materials left over and casted new Dilithium Crystal Free championship belts or whatever you call them.
[Who’re]: Does Marcus know about this!
[FB2]: Keep your mouth shut and he’ll never know.
[2600]: He will be informed in due time, when we feel he should know. The jury is still out if he is one of the Yamauchi, until he clears a simple background check, he will remain in the dark. Here. Let me show you.
~2600 and 7800 then pull the sheet back to reveal new tag team belts, that look just like the old ones, just shinier.~
[2600]: See! Brand new, certified DCF trophies, belts, whatever you people call them. They even come with paperwork certifying that they are DC free! You should be excited, the OCW no longer has Energon Devices, The OCW is no longer harboring the Dilithium Crystals and these are no longer Dynotherms. The OCW now has plain Jane meaningless belts. Aren’t you happy?
[7800]: Dilly dilly!
~7800 smiles. Who’re is speechless.~
[FB2]: But! You can’t speak a word of this outside of this room. Ever. Or we’ll find you and trust me, it won’t be pretty!
[2600]: Now, Who’re. We understand that your company recognizes us as the….champions? This is foreign to us, this concept. We also understand that coming on up the 17th of June we are to defend these, championships? Now, we’re guessing this is nearly for sport? For the fun of it?
[7800]: Dilly dilly!
[2600]: We’ve never done this before, went into battle for the fun of it. It’s always been life or death in search of the Energon Device, but you should be pleased, we welcome training sessions anytime and we will gladly defend these, championships? Is that the correct term Who’re?
~Who’re looks at the 3 of them, she is starting to get a headache and she turns and exits the room, slamming the door behind her. 2600 looks at 7800 and FB2.~
[2600]: I don’t understand what just happened. She didn’t even have a MSH07C!
[FB2]: Such an ungrateful bitch!
[2600]: Why didn’t she want a MSH07C? It’s part of the celebration.
~2600 takes a cover off of one of the covered dishes to reveal a golden Hershey Kiss, also known as a MSH07C.~
[2600]: Do you think we offended her?
[7800]: Dilly dilly?
[2600]: hmmmm
~The camera cuts backstage to a view of Who'Re standing in front of a Monday Night Massacre backdrop. She has a microphone in hand and is ready to go when she receives her cue.~
Who'Re: Ladies and gentlemen.. Please welcome my guest at this time, he is one of the newest acquisitions of OCW and will be competing in our main event tonight.. The ‘Son of Krayzie’! Duce Jones!
~Duce appears from the right, still dressed in his street gear, which consist of gray sweat pants, black Nikes and an ‘ExTrEmE MeSsIaH’ Goldie, vintage t-shirt. His platinum plated teeth shining off of the lights as he smiles at Who'Re..~
Duce Jones: I still haven't gotten used to bein’ called dat.. But.. Sup wit ya shawty?
Who’Re: Umm…?
Duce Jones: Dat mean how ya doin’..
Who’Re: Right.. I guess I'm doing fine.. But my question for you is how does it feel to be one of the newest members to the OCW roster?
Duce Jones: It's cool.. I get tha opportunity ta right a lot of wrongs from my father's past.
Who’Re: Is that your sole motivation? To do things that your father wasn't able to accomplish?
Duce Jones: Don't get me wrong.. Pops did aight while he was here, but there was shit still left on tha table.. Somebody gotta make right on dat shit.
Who'Re: Well tonight your OCW career kicks off as you face Trav Morgan in our main event. One that was actually made because of a challenge laid out by Morgan himself.
~Duce laughs a bit, taking a moment to try and choose his words carefully.~
Duce Jones: Tha thang about dat is simple.. Tha guy wanted a fight.. so he got one from Tha Kid that Never Dies. Tonight he, along wit tha entire rosta’ will put on notice. I want them all ta get a close look at what I'm capable of.. Greiner… Bifford.. They both gotta a small dose'a tha juice..
~Duce smiles once more, looking directly into Who’Re's eyes.~
Duce Jones: Now though.. Tha whole company bout ta be introDuced. Startin’ wit T-Mo’ an’ when I'm done with him… ain't no tellin’ who else might get a knock on they door..
~A sly smile still on his face, Jones turns and walks off.~
Who’Re: Confident words from Duce Jones, but will he be able to hold true to that statement? We'll find out later on tonight..
~Who’Re stands there with a smile on her face, the scene soon fading out.~
Smith: Duce is confident and why shouldn't he be? He might be 1-2 but those three matches were against OCW Legends.
Hood: Yep, twice against Biff and once against Bob. Duce was thrown straight into the fire...he liked how it felt and decided to stick around. Good on him...Krayzie would be proud.
Smith: Indeed and tonight he gets a chance to even up his record in the main event. I think we're all pulling for Duce. In the meantime we've got Larson Ridley on deck. He won his debut a few weeks back in impressive fashion. Tonight he looks to defeat the behemoth known as Osidius Rex.
Singles Match
Larson Ridley (1-0) vs. Osidius Rex (1-2)
~Fans in the OCW Arena are feeling good. Tonight’s one of those ‘laid back’ OCW evenings filled with a showcase of up and coming talent. Belvedere stands in the ring, clearing his throat. Behind him we see the mountain of a man known as Osidius Rex~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Currently in the ring…Osidius Rex!
~The crowd has a minimal reaction. Osidius remains in his corner~
Belvedere: And, his opponent…
~The arena goes dark except for the rapid flashing of strobe lights from above the ring and entrance way as the opening chords of "Decay" by Sevendust blast through the P.A. system. The fans give a mixed reaction and a thick layer of fog rolls across the stage set as Larson Ridley flips open the black curtain and steps out into the spotlight, a confident smirk on his face. He takes a moment to take in the heat from the crowd before slowly making his way down the ramp toward the ring, trading verbal jabs with the more outspoken fans in attendance. Hopping up onto the apron, Ridley turns towards the hard camera and leans back, putting his arms out over the top rope with a cocky expression on his face to a majority of boos. Unshaken, Ridley steps through the ropes into the ring and begins harassing the ring announcer~
Belvedere: From Bethel Park, Pennsylvania…standing 6’5 and weighing in at 240lbs…Larson Ridley!
~Belvedere gets the hell out of the ring before Ridley can fuck with him any further. The bell sounds~
Smith: Ridley is another in a long line of very talented newcomers.
Hood: What about Osidius?
Smith: Well, he threw Petia Horamos off the roof of Twitter HQ.
Hood: And for that I will remain eternally grateful.
~Ridley walks over to Scruff. Rex keeps a watchful eye. Ridley points out into the crowd…Scruff looks in that direction. Ridley asks him to look harder. Scruff heads for the ropes, leaning forward, peering into the audience. Ridley turns and heads toward Rex. Rex is ready! Rex lifts his arms to lock up…but Ridley kicks him right in the groin!!! The crowd cheers and laughs when they see Ridley shrug. Scruff turns around...he also shrugs. Ridley pats him on the chest as if to say “That’s okay.”~
Smith: Scruff disappointed that he could not see what Ridley ‘saw’.
Hood: You think we have a time traveler in the crowd?
Smith: No. I think Ridley played a prank on Scruff so he could low blow Osidius.
Hood: There you go, bashing Larson Ridley! Is it because he’s not wearing a plaid skirt?
Smith: My fondness for Chastity has nothing to do with Larson.
~Ridley grabs Rex, who is still doubled over, and drops him to the mat with a Double Underhook DDT. He pops back to his feet and looks around, considering his options~
Smith: Rex seems finished.
Hood: Yea, dude could continue to maul him or just call it a night.
Smith: I wonder if he can get him up on his shoulders for Grand Larsony?
Hood: Hmm…perhaps we should ask that time traveler.
~Larson yanks Osidius to his feet and hoists him up onto his shoulders!! He’s showing tremendous core strength. His mouth tightens, his vision focuses…it’s the most serious he’s looked all night as he foucses his energy on keeping the big man up. He breathes in and out before spinning Rex around and dropping him with a Stunner (Grand Larsony)!!!! Rex is finished. Ridley sits up, wiping some sweat from his brow in exaggerated fashion before covering Osidius. Scruff slides in with the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…LARSON RIDLEY!!!!!
Smith: Dominating win for Larson Ridley! Another extremely talented newcomers with, well, something of a rebellious attitude.
Hood: Keep downplaying Ridley, Smith. But this is a man who has seen things.
Smith: What, exactly, has he seen?
Hood: Well, a time traveler, for instance.
~The camera cuts away to the back, where Who'Re is once again standing by.~
Who'Re: And I tell you, if that bastard tries to put his hands on me again..
Man: Who'Re, you're on!
Who'Re: What? Oh. Who'Re here once again, asking the questions you can't. I'm here with Vincent Langston, who is still the OCW Savage Champion after coming up just short at Block Party in winning the OCW Championship.
~Vincent Langston steps into view. He looks more relaxed than one would expect after what happened at the big show.~
Who'Re: Vincent, how are you feeling after coming so close once again to your goal?
Vincent Langston: Who're.. take a walk.
Who'Re: What?
Vincent Langston: I've gotten enough shit for people asking me reporter style questions. I'll handle this.
Who'Re: But I..
~Langston steps in front of Who'Re, turning to the camera. The frustrated interviewer tries to peek around Langston, but he takes up a lot of space.~
Vincent Langston: At Block Party, Matt Meyhu couldn't follow the plan. He couldn't wait to attack Paras before the eMpire was fully defeated. And now the blame all falls on him. But I understand. I've had impulse control issues myself. In the end, I didn't get the prize I desired. But I fulfilled my own vow. I told everyone in that match that if they could pin me, they could have the OCW Savage Championship. None of them had the ability to do so. Not Meyhu. Not Paras. Not even the winner, Best.
~Langston hoists the Savage Title up onto his shoulder, shining it up. Behind him, Who'Re is still trying to find a way to peek through.~
Vincent Langston: I know I've got a ridiculous challenger lined up in the name of Ehud. But after I'm done with that fool, I'll defend the Savage Title again and again, continuing the domination of the division. We will see if anyone out there has the power to give me the battle that I crave, and give me the chance to prove to the world once again that I am worthy of being a Legend.
~After a second, Langston reaches down and picks up a briefcase from the floor. It's the "Oh Shit" briefcase that hasn't been seen in a while.~
Vincent Langston: And maybe, I'll be getting myself some new gold to add to my collection..
~Langston smiles and turns, walking off. Who're, finally able to be fully seen by the camera, readjusts her hair and steps back forward.~
Who'Re: And there you have it, Vincent Langston putting out a challenge to everyone, and maybe a threat to the other champions of OCW!
~Who're tries to put on her best smile, but she lets it drop when she looks over towards where Langston departed, obviously still annoyed at getting cut out of the interview.~
Smith: People forget Langston still has that briefcase.
Hood: Fuckin guy is dangerous, man. I mean...yea, he didn't walk out OCW Champion. But he didn't get pinned, either. Only two men in that match emerged without being 'defeated'...they were the OCW Champion, Mike Best and the Savage Champion, Vincent Langston.
Smith: And now Langston turns toward Ehud which should be...something.
Hood: I have no idea how that match is even possible...WEAK ASS BOOKING
Smith: It will be...interesting, for sure
~Scene Opens. Trav Morgan was backstage with interviewer Who're.~
{Who're}: "Trav Morgan, tonight you are in the main event to face off against Duce Jones. We have witnessed you issuing an open challenge to anybody in the backstage locker room and tonight, you finally got your opponent who accepted that challenge. What are your thoughts?"
[Trav]: "Heh, it looks like Duce Jones got himself a big pair of balls, even though they are going to be broken tonight. You see, I have no problem exposing the fact that I am a true rookie on this roster. Even though I have competed in Mexico and Japan, OCW is my official big break. I made the choice to issue an open challenge because I am here to show all the fans that Trav Morgan ain't scared of nobody. I know the skills that I possess in the ring and the reason why I made the challenge is because i'm tired of sitting around. Trav Morgan is the truth, he doesn't have to beg, he simply put himself out there to see if these so called top match carders got enough balls to take on a rookie such as myself. A lot of these guys are all talk and no action. You can preach all you want, but until you get in the ring with me? You have nothing to say to me. Right now, I am on Trav's time and Trav's time starts tonight. Anybody can hide behind social media, but it took a man like Duce to help me make this match happen. Don't worry Duce, this pain that I plan to inflict on you tonight is simply my way of sending a message to a few people backstage in the locker room. Get used to this face, these pecs and this body, because Trav Morgan is about to officially make an impact."
Smith: Trav Morgan does not lack confidence.
Hood: Dude's a stud, Smith. It's about time a member of his crew hit the main event.
Smith: Duce has a tough match ahead of him. He's got an injured leg and a big, strong, scary man to deal with.
Hood: Duce probably needs better management.
Smith: That remains to be seen...anyway, it's time for our next match as Robert Morbidus looks to get another win...this time against Blake Anderson! Let's head down to ringside
Singles Match
Robert Morbidus (6-7) vs. Blake Anderson (1-1)
~Blake Anderson stands in the ring, attempting to show some moxie. Fans aren’t paying much attention…they know how these ‘NO ENTRANCE’ performers fare. Belvedere clears his throat~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring…Blake Anderson!
~Blake nods at the sound of his name~
Belvedere: And, his opponent…
~'The Animal' by Disturbed begins to play as the arena lights go blood red with smoke filling the ringside area - almost like fog and through the curtain steps Morbidus' manager and legal counsel, Mr. Judas. He stands there for a few seconds with an evil smile before motioning backward. A few seconds go by and then Robert Morbidus steps through the curtain with a deadly serious look on his face. He barges past Judas and storms down to the ring. Morbidus then goes to a corner and eyes the ramp with eyes like a hawk. Judas then goes to Morbidus' corner on the outside providing last minute advice and encouragement~
Belvedere: From The Other Sid of Darkness…standing 6’6 and weighing in at 275lbs…“The True Living Vampire” Robert Morbidus!!!
~Belvedere exits. The bell sounds~
Smith: Morbidus looking scary as usual.
Hood: Yea man fuckin guy is tough…he’s just never really sustained momentum, so far.
Smith: Nope, his career has been plagued by tough losses in matches that could have propelled him to the next level. However, I feel as though he’s better now than he’s ever been.
Hood: Well I hope so! You’re not gonna ever hear me talk shit about someone who ‘feeds’ on their opponent.
~Anderson yells out, charging at Morbidus. Morbidus lifts up a boot, kicking Anderson in the face!! Anderson hits the mat, hard. The look in his eyes seem to state that he probably should have taken more caution in approaching Morbidus~
Smith: HUGE boot from Morbidus right into Anderson’s face.
Hood: Yea fucked him up
Smith: The future for Blake Anderson is looking bleak.
Hood: Anagram!
~Morbidus yanks Blake off the mat and hoists him onto his shoulders. He starts to spin around, multiple times…he’s performing an Airplane Spin before tossing Anderson into the air and dropping him with an F-5 (Eternal Suffering)!!! Blake is finished. Morbidus makes the cover~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…ROBERT MORBIDUS!!!!!
Smith: Dominating win for Morbidus.
Hood: It’s been nothing but domination all night!
Smith: Indeed…after a highly competitive event one week ago this week finds itself on the other side of the in-ring spectrum.
Hood: Yea…but, hey, people showcasing their shit.
Smith: Indeed
~Massacre cuts backstage to a corridor, but this isn’t just any corridor… wait no, this is just a regular corridor, sorry for getting your hopes up fans of interesting corridors. So, sure the corridor itself isn’t interesting but who is standing in it may be relevant to your interest and hobbies. Roaming OCW reporter thing Who’Re who is a lady with her own identity and values is standing by with the eMpire’s Cecilworth M! Farthington. Farthington is doing his best to pretend she isn’t standing next to him by admiring his beautiful new “OCW Megastar” scarf. He is also adorned with a beautiful new Heir BNB t-shirt (BUY YOURS NOW) for reference to those “I like to know what people is and isn’t wearing” types. ~
Who’Re: CMF, can I have a moment of your time?
~The Farthington Fancy Lad looks up from his scarf in faux surprise.~
Farthington: Ah, my good friend Ha’Ree, what adventures have you been up to you delightful scamp? Have you been pretending to be attracted to Jason Kortare again as a hilarious prank?
~Who’Re ignores the entire premise of the question presented and carries on regardless.~
Who’Re: Can I ask about the t-shirt?
Farthington: What this old thing? I think you will find that I am both the heir to the Farthington family fortune and OCW’s Best New Boy. So I came up with this totally original copy written name that I now own.
~Farthington leans deeper into the camera, almost blocking the entire frame with his t-shirt. He yells “BUY YOURS NOW” at the top of his voice. Who’Re presses on like a robot who was only programmed to set humans up for wrestling based responses. ~
Who’Re: Block Party was a very successful night for the eMpire. Mike Best is the new OCW Champion, Mario Maurako placed Marcus Welsh back in prime position…
Farthington: He is the best Welsh after all. The only good Welsh. Don’t you dare use your devil tongue to imply there are other fine Welsh.
~CMF hangs his head low and mutters “sheep shagging bastards” like a naughty boy who doesn’t want his parents to hear to swear he just made.~
Who’Re: But it wasn’t quite the same sort of night for you, was it? Many already view you as the runt of the eMpire litter, wouldn’t your performance in the Process of Elimination match prove them correct?
Farthington: First of all, that’s too many words to get to a question, you’re lucky I have my laser light focus tonight!
~Cecilworth trails off and does not complete the thought.~
Who’Re: Your performance was lacking though, was it not?
~The eMpire’s Money breaks into a gleeful smile and condescending hand motion.~
Farthington: Now Harry, I know many have said that at Block Party the only thing that happened to ole CMF was getting hit with everyone else’s cool moves, like one of those fighting vidya games you see on the Twitch dot tv. To that I say… wasn’t that the plan all along? It was me, Ha’Ree, I was the energy drain all along! Even my own immediate family bought it! Which was unfortunate because then I had to call home to the Great Lord Farthington and explain I was not, in his words “a prissy little bitch”.
Who’Re: Are you saying you intentionally got destroyed by Paul Paras, Matt Meyhu and Vincent Langston to clear the pathway for Mike Best?
~Farthington nods up and down like an excited child who is really proud of the joke they came up with.~
Farthington: Uh huh! Did The eMpire leave with the belt? Yes. Did ‘Team OCW’ look like a bunch of damn fools using up all their beautiful energy resources on the fancy lad? Also yes. Thank you, there will be no more question.
~We cut away as Cecilworth literally skips out of the scene with a joyful bounce.~
Smith: The man is delusional!
Hood: Nah bro, he's a star. He got some shit treatment at Block Party and I'm hoping...praying...banking on the fact that he's going to rebound in a big fucking way.
Smith: I...just don't like him.
Hood: Why? You like Alice Knight and she's a fucking whack job.
Smith: I WILL NOT HAVE YOU SOIL HER GOOD NAME. Let's cut to something else!
~Silence reigns, a welcome respite after the wall of noise from the hyped-up crowd. A voice speaks, breaking the silence with a tone that's oozing disdain even though the view seems fastened on a blank, white wall~
Kitty Petrova: To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. I'm sure you can guess why, can't you?
~The camera pans to the right slowly, zooming in on the Paradigm Championship draped over a shoulder. Long, dark hair brushes against the pristine metal, drawing attention to that shiny face-plate – there isn't a single smudge on it. Slowly the view pans out to reveal the rest of the current holder as she leans against the wall, staring off camera. With a sigh, she turns to stare directly into the lens, shaking her head slowly~
Kitty Petrova: Hayley Robinson was promised a match tonight, the opportunity she earned. She couldn't wait. She came out to the ring, making the most absurd demands… she didn't ask nicely. There wasn't an ounce of respect in her words, despite the fact that I've proven time and time again that I am not to be taken lightly. She wanted to speed up the clock, to manipulate as though she could ever wield the clout necessary to make demands on that level?
~A sardonic twist of the lips accompanies a little laugh as Kitty shakes her head again~
Kitty Petrova: She didn't want to wait and now we're left with this travesty of a main event. We're left watching a newcomer destroy a walking punchline rather than seeing me defend the championship that I've been ready, willing and ABLE to defend since Social Justice. It's not my fault that my challenger, rather than preparing herself for the challenge that I present… was wasting time, reaching for a brass ring she could never hope to grasp by taking part in that tournament.
~She rolls her eyes~
Kitty Petrova: She wanted to make a memory at Block Party. She wanted to make a name for herself at my expense. Well, she got another name to add to her collection. I'm not sure it's the one she was after – CASUALTY just doesn't have the nicest ring to it, after all. It's not as promising as, say... CONTENDER?
~The crowd boos and the champion shakes her head, feigning disappointment~
Kitty Petrova: Don't shoot the messenger – you can't blame me for doing what I promised to do the moment I set foot in this building. I'm not the villain here, not by any stretch. I kept my word. Hayley wanted to skew the odds in her favour, to catch me unaware. Sorry, sweetie, you have to get up earlier to get the jump on someone as good as me. Quite frankly, you'll never be on my level and the fact that your comeuppance at Little Big Horn caused our match to be postponed another week, does nothing for your cause. It proves that you're weak. Unworthy.
~She adjusts the belt over her shoulder, glancing down at it.~
Kitty Petrova: You have a thousand and one excuses and I have this belt. I have no respect, despite the fact that I've backed up every word I've ever said with actions. No. I have this whiny little bitch who wants to take me down a peg to prove she's good, to prove that taking out Ariel Shadows wasn't a fluke and that her best days aren't actually behind her. This pathetic little child who came out and ranted and raved, demanding to face me early. She thought she could change her destiny – the gold right here says otherwise, but we don't really want to talk about how I caught you with your pants down, do we, Hayley? Of course not, 'cause that just makes you look dumber than you do every time you open your mouth. I'm here, sweetie. I was ready to face you here, tonight as promised and it's a pity that you're just so fragile, so humiliated and damaged that you needed another week to delay the inevitable. That's fine. You agreed to put your career on the line next week. I say we keep that stipulation. When you lose to me, you accept the loss and your walking papers. Go away and never come back.
~She pauses, that sadistic grin spreading over her lips as she runs her fingers over the face of the belt, so gently that she doesn't leave a mark on that gleaming metal~
Kitty Petrova: One more week, Hayley. Seven more days until everything you ever loved comes crashing down around you. One more week until I successfully defend my championship and make Rocket Man choke on his words. I'm nothing like him. I'm even less like you, little scavenger. You're nothing like me, could never be even after a thousand years of practice. You don't understand a damned thing about how this goes. You see, I am my own worst enemy and in the same breath, I'm my own best friend. I will be your downfall – the end of the road AND your pathetic career in one fell swoop. And that makes me happier than anything else in this world ever could.
We focus back on Smith and Hood~
Smith: Hayley's got the biggest match of her career next week...which might also be her last.
Hood: Man to be permanently retired at her age...that's got to be both nice and depressing.
Smith: I'd lean more toward the latter.
Hood: Yea but man if you're retired at 18 or 19...think of all the partying you could do...YOU COULD DRINK ON A MONDAY
Smith: I think young people do that anyway, Hood.
Hood: Yea, you're probably right. I'm so old now it's hard for me to remember.
Smith: Regardless of this conversational departure...The Paradigm Championship will be on the line next week. Kitty puts her championship on the line against Hayley Robinson, who will be fighting not just for gold, but to keep her career in OCW active.
Hood: The stakes are high.
Smith: Indeed they are...now we return our focus to the squared circle as Myst looks to continue his impressive start. He faces Tison Kalei, next!
Singles Match
Myst (4-2) vs. Tison Kalei (1-2)
~Kalei, like so many other fallen comrades, stands in the ring sans entrance. Belvedere, mic in hand, clears his throat. The fans cheer~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Currently in the ring…Tison Kalei!!
~Tison turns and winks into the camera for – some reason~
Belvedere: And, his opponent…
~The sound of hissing steam pipes through the speakers as a slow rolling wave of smoke begins to creep out from the ramp like the tide rolling in from the ocean. The arena feigns darkness with a dim blue glow emitting from the lights. Out walks a small hunched over man in white robes carrying a small dirty silver lantern in which a similar blue light is shining. He paves a way through the thickening fog and stops atop the entrance ramp and turns back with the lantern ahead of him. Out to the ramp walks a giant 6'11" being with long silver hair flowing around a white mask lined with 3 diagonal black stripes that wraps around the contours of his face. His long white wrestling singlet has a single black strap that cuts across his bulking upper body. As soon as the monster appears, the small monk turns back towards the ring and slowly leads Myst towards the ring. As they get closer, smoke begins to pour out from under the ring and engulf the apron and stairs. The monk stops ringside and sweeps the lantern in a motion across his body from Myst towards the ring. Myst, who has stopped a few feet from ringside walks near and begins his slow ascent up the stairs towards the turnbuckle. He easily steps over the top rope and enters the ring that is slowly attracting a shallow covering of smoke. He looks over to the monk who extinguishes the dim blue light from the lantern as the lights raise back to normal~
Belvedere: From The Congo…standing 6’11 and weighing in at 345lbs…Myst!!
~Belvedere exits. The bell sounds~
Smith: Myst looking to add another victory to his resume.
Hood: Dude’s big and scary.
Smith: He’s very underrated, if you ask me. He almost defeated Evin Empire a few weeks back.
Hood: He damn sure didn’t get pinned in that match.
Smith: Nope, that honor went to Jasmine Martini
~Myst walks right for Kalei. Kalei raises his fist in the air and pounds the mat. He charges forward and leaps toward Myst with a Superman Punch!!! Myst catches Tison by the throat, hoists him up, spins around and drives him into the mat with a Chokeslam!!! The entire ring shakes from impact~
Smith: Wow!
Hood: Holy shit Myst is a scary strong mother fucker
~Myst pulls Kalei off the mat…the big man isn’t fucking around. He clubs Tison in the back, doubling him over. He hooks him around the waist, lifts him up and DRILLS him into the mat with The Cleanse!!! The entire ring shakes once more. Myst makes the cover. Scruff slides in~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…MYST!!!!!
Smith: Yikes
Hood: Myst fucked him up!
Smith: Kalei had a strong showing against Meyhu in the opening round of the Block Party tournament…this…this was not that.
Hood: Nope, Myst made him look like a bitch.
Smith: Big things may be in store for Myst as his career in OCW moves ahead.
~We cut backstage to the eMpire’s private locker room where Maximillian Kael can be seen seated. A dark purple bruise covers the left side of his face where he had been struck repeatedly by a chain during last weeks Block Party PPV. His worn, thin face wears his trademark uncomfortable stretched smile as yellowed, sickly teeth are bared. ~
Max Kael: Hello ZeroCW, it is I, Maximillian Kael, the Lord of Kaelsalvania, the Warrant Officer of WORTHY and Prime Minister of Maxopotamia. Now.. last week the eMpire walked into Block Party with one goal, to strip the ZeroCW Championship from Paul Paras and that goal was accomplished. There were costs just as there are in any war but in the end it’s not the casualties people talk about.. It’s the rewards..
~The smile diminishes slightly from Max’s face as thin fingers reach up and trace themselves over the bruised portion of his face. He blinks slowly as he lowers his hand, his smile further diminishing.~
Max Kael: And Michael, my dear brother, got the reward; he saw the mission through and for that we all applaud him. He fought hard and survived three of ZeroCW’s finest. He deserves the accolades and all the admiration that come with them. In fact if you’re not impressed by his performance you’re not paying attention though “Not Paying Attention” is what the cretins here in ZeroCW do. So, from the bottom of my heart, I just want to take this moment to say; Congratulations Michael Lee Best on your glorious victory at Block Party.
~Max starts a slow clap which is not reciprocated anywhere else in the arena. His smile tugs at the corners of his mouth but otherwise doesn’t make much of a showing. As his clap finishes Max once again brushes the side of his face where the bruise remains wincing slightly as he does so. A low hiss escapes his lips as he glares at the camera with his one good eye. ~
Max Kael: There was a man who as at Block Party that wasn’t my brother who also got a win. He managed to slip out of the match more or less intact and with his Savage Championship. A man who managed to pin me in the ring after attacking me with a foreign object while the fans cheered him on.. OF course you all know who of whom I speak.
~His lip curls as his sour teeth appear once again, his expression darkened with hatred and cruelty. ~
Max Kael: Vincent Langston.
~The name drips with venom as Max snarls it, spittle dripping from his lips as his fingers curl into white knuckled fists. ~
Max Kael: You must be very proud having been the first man to pin me to the mat and end my undefeated streak thus far. You must feel very strong having to use a chain to put me down just long enough to see me eliminated from the match. You must think yourself very capable to have walked away from that match without taking a pinfall and without losing your own title. I can only imagine how good it must feel.. Because I feel.. Terrible.
~Max reaches into his back pocket an retrieves what looks to be a pair of pliers which he holds up for the camera. The sneer on his face melts away and is once again stretches into a wide, painful smile, his infected gums and rotten teeth fully visible to the camera~
Max Kael: I want my win back but just at the moment I don’t have all the tools I need, Langston. I want you to feel as terrible as I do. I NEED you to know so long as you walk around with that Savage Championship slung over your shoulder wearing that smug, stupid look on your face, I can’t sleep. When I look in the mirror I am reminded of you and I can’t get you out of my mind. So I have to destroy you and it starts here, in this room.. Right now.
~His blue eye turns toward the pliers once again as his upper lips twitch with excitement. There is a cruel, sadistic glee that flashes in his unusually bright blue eye as he grasps the pliers in both hand.~
Max Kael: ..I see that you like to call one of your finishers No Peace.. I find that to be poetic because between you and I there can be no peace. Not until one of us is destroyed, broken and left behind. Since this is ZeroCW I fully expect you to ignore me, to brush this off and move on with you life.. That would be a mistake. War is coming to your doorstep Vincent Langston and when it arrives the things I will do, I know not yet but they will be the terrors of the Earth.. You can expect from me no mercy nor kindness. One might even say you should prepare to fight..
~Opening his mouth Max jams the pylers in clamping down hard on his one of his front teeth. Through guttural noises and blood choked giggling Max twists and yanks the teeth from his sickly gums with a wet popping noise, a gouge of blood dribbling over his lips as it mixes with his silva. A sickly smile washes over Max’s face as his wild blue eye looks back toward the camera as he holds up the pliers with the tooth still held in them.~
Max Kael: .. Tooth and Nail…
~He drops the tooth on the ground and opens his mouth once again, the pliers diving back in as we cut to black over the sounds of Max ripping another tooth out.~
Smith: Oh my gosh!!
Smith: He's ripping his teeth out!
Hood: Yes, I saw! And now I can't unsee!
Smith: I'd heard that he took the loss very personal...but I had no idea.
Hood: Max is a beast. He's a legend. Like, he earned 'legend' status by wrestling...not by running around in another country firing a gun. Langston, to him, is a pleb. A pleb that managed to pin him. So, yes, he's fucking furious.
Smith: At some point the honeymoon in OCW ends for everyone. Kael's undefeated streak was unceremoniously snapped at Block Party. I know people will point to the chain usage...but Langston did what he's always done. He found a way to advance.
Hood: Yea but he may have helped Kael evolve into a more dangerous version of an already lethal beast. This...is not good for the rest of the roster.
Smith: I'm afraid you might be correct.
~Scene Opens. Backstage inside the Men's locker room, we see Jason Kortare soaking wet as he comes from out of the shower area. He was wearing nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist. He notices the camera watching him from inside the locker room as he approaches the camera with a bit of a smirk. Backstage interviewer AKB enters the men's locker room as he approaches Jason with a microphone in his hand. Jason stood behind the lockers as AKB walks over to him for an interview.~
[AKB]: "Jason, within the past month, we have seen you go through your fair share of ups and downs. You have gone through some levels of controversy, now that you are much better, you will be making your official return to in-ring action next week on May 13th. Are you all set and prepared to get back in the ring?"
[Jason]: "I have been anxiously waiting for this moment. It feels good to put all that bad stuff behind me and move forward. The wrestling ring is where I belong. I know that a lot of people in OCW have seen the worst sides of who I am. I have been arrested and gotten myself in a little bit of controversy. Now that the drama is over, I have been training, I am focused and I could not wait for this day to finally get here. I came to OCW to finish my legacy and that is exactly what I plan to do."
[AKB]: "What is going through your mind right now?"
[Jason]: "The OCW championship, but honestly? My current focus is getting my name up the rankings. Look AKB, I made a lot of mistakes, I came to OCW feeling somewhat lost, somewhat insecure, not really sure if I was heading in the right direction. I had to get myself together and refocus on myself. I don't know what OCW title belt my future status in OCW is going to take me, but right now i'm all about showing OCW that they did not make a mistake in putting a lot of effort behind me and backing me up. I have the heart, determination and compassion to reach all of my goals here. We've all seen me be reckless, arrogant and destructive, i'm not saying that I don't enjoy those aspects of who I am, but pretty soon the world is going to see that I am clearly a man from New York city who simply wanted to make the name Kortare worth something. I am finally getting back in the ring and I have never been so ready."
[AKB]: "Anybody in particular you would like to get in the ring with?"
[Jason]: "Plenty, you see AKB, I see and hear everything around me. I don't forget anything and I keep track of everything. Don't worry, everybody in OCW will get the chance to step into the ring with me if they dare, but make no mistake about it, as of tonight? Jason Kortare is ready to show OCW that the future is me and the future.....looks good."
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Kortare is back and apparently better than ever.
Hood: He's throwing the term "OCW Championship" around like a big scary main eventer named Mike Best isn't listening. Be careful what you wish for, Jason.
Smith: Hey...he may want that challenge. Not everybody shies away from competition, Hood.
Hood: Yea, I mean Kreller Masters did beat Lurrr. Hunter McKay beat Scott Syren. Special K beat D Double D...people can make a name for themselves by upsetting the OCW Champion.
Smith: Indeed they can...but, speaking of names in OCW...Ed Houston is a name we've all come to appreciate over the past year. He is, without a doubt, one of the most exciting wrestlers in company history. He claimed THREE championships in less than a twelve month span proving that he has what it takes to reach the zenith of this company. A loss to Lurrr cost him a shot at Block Party...however, he remains eager and ready to go...he makes his in-ring return next!
Singles Match
Ed Houston (21-12) vs. Tony the Spider (7-7)
~For the first time this evening we cut to the ring WITHOUT a wrestler standing around looking like a goober. Belvedere, mic in hand, clears his throat and begins to speak~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first…
~“Jump” by Van Halen hits!! Tony, rocking the mullet, struts out from the back with shades and yellow fanny pack. He’s also wearing a shirt that says “Ubertaker 4 life”. Tony heads down the ramp and enters into the ring~
Belvedere: From Emilio’s Backyard…Tony the Spider!!
Smith: Tony the Spider has been affiliated with the Ubertaker’s newfound entourage. He seems to be indulging in some of his former personality traits this evening.
Hood: I’m just gonna go ahead and say it…Weak Ass Booking.
Smith: Hey, we’re only one week removed from Block Party. I’m sure the people behind this production are still in recovery mode.
Belvedere: And, his opponent…
~The screen turns black and then slowly starts to count down from 10. Once it hits 1 the sound of a rocket taking off echoes throughout the arena. Rocket Man starts to blare as Ed Houston slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp. He stops by fans in the crowd and high fives them. Once he gets about half way down the ramp, he sprints and slides under the rope. He quickly jumps to his feet and makes his way up to the turnbuckle where he waves to the crowd~
Belvedere: From Miami, Florida…standing 5’9 and weighing in at 175lbs…he is a former OCW Craze Champion and a former OCW Paradigm Champion…he is…Ed Houston!!
Smith: The Rocketman back in action!
Hood: Poor guy missed Block Party…but it’s good to see his spirits remain undeterred.
Smith: He’s got a great attitude!
~Belvedere exits and the bell rings~
Smith: This is obviously a chance for Ed to return to his winning ways.
Hood: Hey, Tony’s won a few matches
Smith: Yes, he has…but, I mean…you know.
Hood: Always bashing Tony
~Ed approaches Tony, extending a hand of friendship. Tony unzips his fanny pack and removes a tiny bottle of JAGER. Ed backs away. Tony lunges forward, looking to smash the tiny bottle into Ed’s head. Ed blocks the punch and drills Tony with a few right hands, sending Tony and his gelatinous gut wiggling and jiggling into the nearest corner. Ed kicks the tiny bottle out of the ring. He rips off Tony’s fanny pack and smacks the shades off Tony’s face~
Smith: Ed Houston not playing around with Tony the Spider.
Hood: Yea I’ve always heard Ed is a Fireball man. So the sight of Jager must have really set him off.
Smith: Fireball? I didn’t know you were a Game of Thrones fan.
Hood: Game of what? Nah man I just understand popular drink options. Jager was the shit…now it’s Fireball…at least to the best of my recollection.
~Ed takes a step back and then lunges forward with a huge superkick!!! Tony’s head snaps back before his body tumbles forward, finding the center of the ring. Ed hops onto the top buckle, in great position. He looks down at Tony, leaps through the air and hits BLASTOFF!!! He covers Tony for the pin as the fans all count along~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…ED HOUSTON!!!!!
Smith: Quick win for one of our best wrestlers.
Hood: Ed Houston looking strong…I’d wager he gets back where he belongs for NSFW.
Smith: Oh, for sure. Fans, don't forget to catch Refueled II on HOTv! A new episode airs tonight and, if not caught live, can be found on demand via HOTv!
~The Great Gate of Kiev by Mussorgsky hits and Matteo, Martino, Mosé, Romano, Vincenzo and Maddalena of the Maurako Family make their way to the ring. But they aren’t coming alone, they are followed by Jack “The Terrier” Russell, Rev. Jeffrey James, Johnny Elite, The Super Hero Blue Thunder, Cowboy Brian Smith, Austin Flynn, Alpha, Omega, Big D, and Damian. The group reaches the ring, where there is a throne sitting in the middle along with a cape & crown. They all enter the ring, not leaving a whole lot of standing room remaining. The music cuts~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, about to come down the aisle, from Maurako Island. He is the man that defeated Zybala at Block Party and returned GM powers to Marcus Welsh. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you…. MARIO MAURAKO!!!!!
~Ego by Element Eighty starts and Mario makes his way out from the back wearing a pair of purple wrestling shorts with gold trim, replacing the red, white, and green that Mario has been sporting for the last several years. Mario enters the ring, with a proud smile on his face as the music dies down.~
Belvedere: Without further adieu I now turn the festivities over to Mario’s father, Matteo Maurako.
~Belvedere hands the microphone over to Matteo. Jack takes out a pair of reading glasses and puts them on Matteo’s face. Mario is bestowed with his long purple cape by Romano & Vincenzo, and then he sits down on his throne. Matteo then clears his throat.~
Matteo Maurako: Hear ye, hear ye. You are about to witness the most important coronation of your lifetime. In the past we have seen royal weddings, and inaugurations, but this coronation surpasses them all! We have all been brought here to bear witness to a coronation of a king who possesses unmatched courage, prowess and ability. There will never again be a king more elegant, brilliant, or capable of reigning over the Islands of Maurako.
~Matteo stops and puts down the scroll and then turns and grabs the purple and gold crown and then slowly places it upon the head of Mario.~
Matteo Maurako: Ladies and Gentlemen I implore you to stand up and all hail your new King. ALL….. HAIL….. KING…. MARIO!!!!
~Mario slowly rises from his throne and takes the microphone from Matteo.~
Mario Maurako: Friends, fans, loyal subjects, today I stand before you and accept this crown and promise to rule The Maurako Islands and take them to never before seen heights. But now for my first decree.
~Martino pulls a trash can from behind the throne and places it in front of Mario. Maddalena hands Mario a black t-shirt. Mario grabs it and unveils it to show that it is the first T-shirt ever created in OCW for Perfectly Marvelous.~
Mario Maurako: From this day forward, Perfectly Marvelous shall cease to exist!
~Uncle Jack hands Mario a gas can and a book of matches. Mario wads the shirt up and throws it in the garbage can and then dumps the gas into the can. He then takes a match off of the book and strikes it, lighting a flame. Mario tosses the match into the can and a red flash lights up the can.~
Matteo Maurako: LONG… LIVE…. KING… MARIO!!!!
~Mario and his friends and family celebrate in the ring. Mario goes around and hugs Matteo, Jack, Martino and makes his way around. Mario hugs Blue Thunder, the masked Super Hero and former OCW Oceanic Champion. But Thunder doesn’t let go of the hug. Mario laughs and gives Blue Thunder an extra pat on the back. Suddenly Blue Thunder drives Mario’s face straight to the ground with a reverse russian leg sweep. The family looks on stunned as Blue Thunder quickly rolls out of the ring. Everyone in the ring is staring at Blue Thunder who slowly removes his mask and reveals himself to be PAUL PARAS!~
Hood: Don’t just stand there! GET HIM!
~Almost as if they hear Hood screaming, members of the Maurako Family jump from the ring, but Paras hops the railing and escapes out into the crowd. Martino and Vincenzo try to give chase, but the fans won’t even let them over the rails. Paras turns back towards The Maurako Family and raises his arms and celebrates with the OCW fans.~
Smith: I think we all knew Paras wasn't going to just sit back and be okay with what transpired at Block Party
Hood: But did he really have to impersonate Blue Thunder? I mean, that's low man.
Smith: I disagree...he had to get in there somehow. Paras, the most intelligent wrestler in OCW history - some would say, just outsmarted the entire Maurako clan!
Hood: Mario's whipped him before...he'll whip him again. Remember No Limits 2? Yea, that's right.
Smith: Some interesting backstage politics behind that one, Hood.
Hood: I have no idea what you mean.
Smith: I'm sure The Perfect One would love nothing more than an opportunity to even the score.
~Double J Joe Jones is sitting on a steel chair somewhere in the back with his phone in his hand, and a hand rubbing the back of his neck.~
[Joe Jones]: You know, for the last 4 plus years, it has something to do with one Bester Freund. Either training him when Nanook discovered him. Teaming up with him here and there, or watching him slowly become a star while I sat at home due to this contract Nanook stuck me with. A contract that saw my only source of income dry up and barred me from doing what I love to do, what I was born to do and that is be a top star in pro wrestling.
~Joe stops rubbing his neck.~
[Joe Jones]: I got my revenge on Nanook and I used poor old Bester to do it. It started way back in Mexico and saw it to its completion right here in OCW. It was a glorious time. I got everything back, I got my career back and everything was right in the world. Yeah, sure, maybe the team I put together for Death March wasn’t the greatest. Hollywood and his partner was a bad choice. But! As we have seen lately, I wasn’t wrong about Andrea Hernandez. The only issue with that team was it’s hand picked leader. Bester. Thanks Zybala! Idiot....
~Joe tries to snap his neck side to side, still feeling the effects from Block Party.~
[Joe Jones]: Who knew he would flake out and let the pressure get to him. I didn’t know he would throw his mask away like a piece of trash. I didn’t know he would basically disown the Craze championship. I tried, believe me! I tried to right that ship! And just when I thought I had gotten it back on the path, along comes…..
~Joe scowls.~
[Joe Jones]: Her! Misses Yoko Ono herself! Distracting Bester, being all needy and feely! Oh! Just hug me Bester! I just need to be close to you!
~Joe says in a mocking tone.~
[Joe Jones]: Trust me! I tried to put a stop to all of this bullshit! Shared locker room? Really?! I had just started getting Bester back in that ring, kicking ass, taking that first step towards a title picture, maybe getting his Craze Championship rematch, but no! Along comes Aubrey.
~It’s hard for Joe to hide just how much he dislikes Aubrey.~
[Joe Jones]: That bitch has just reached into my pocket and took cash out of it like she owned it! I’m not having that! Clearly at Block Party, Bester told me who he sides with and that he’s done with me!
~Joe stands up. Favoring his back a tad.~
[Joe Jones]: Know this Aubrey! I will get my pound of flesh and I’m talking to Marcus. At Not Safe for Work, the beating I’m going to put on you most definitely won’t be safe for viewing at work, at home, or at your funeral. You fucked with the wrong guy Aubrey and you’ll learn first hand why you don’t fuck with Joe Jones!
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Joe Jones wants to face Aubrey at Not Safe For Work? That's crazy!
Hood: He's trying to protect his investment, Smith. He knows what's best for Bester. Just needs to sit back and shut up...let Joe handle the business.
Smith: That's so wrong on so many levels. I really hope GM Welsh does not go along with this charade.
Hood: Why not? Big, angry man against super hot girl? That's money.
Smith: Sadly, I believe Welsh will feel the exact same way. Anyway fans...it's Main Event time! You've heard from Duce...you've heard from Trav...now they do battle under the bright spotlight that is the Monday Night Massacre Main Event! Let's head down to ringside and find out who walks away victorious
Trav Morgan (3-1) vs. Duce Jones (1-2)
~The fans seem eager for tonight’s Main Event. Perhaps…PERHAPS they will be treated to something resembling competition. Belvedere, inside the ring, clears his throat to a strong ovation~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…it is now time for our Main Event of the evening! The following contest is scheduled for one fall…introducing first…
~The fans are buzzing, but soon turn to a mixed reaction as a voice begins to speak through the PA system~
“And the whole world loves it when you sing the blues… Da. Da.. Da. Da. Da.. Da….”
~The opening sounds of “Godspeed” by Don Trip begins to play as the lights inside of the arena turn a crimson hue color, soon the stage filling up with smoke. After about a minute of waiting, Duce Jones slowly emerge through the fog, mixed emotions coming from the crowd.~
Belvedere: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at two hundred fifteen pounds! From Memphis, Tennessee… DUCE JONES!
~Slowly making his way towards the ring, Jones ignores the cheers and jeers that the fans are giving, as he soon makes it to ringside. Climbing onto the apron, Duce goes to the corner to his right, climbing onto the second rope and peering out into the crowd. Finally done, he jumps over the top rope, landing inside of the ring and removes his hooded vest as he prepares for action.~
Smith: Duce Jones back in action one week removed from Block Party.
Hood: The man is on a mission…a mission to wind up in a wheelchair.
Smith: His knee is still in rough shape, yes. A weakness I’m sure Trav Morgan will look to exploit.
Belvedere: And, his opponent…
~"Welcome to the Party" By French Montana (Feat. Lil' Pump & Zhavia Ward) begins to blast over the P.A. system. Yellow and red lights begin to flicker on the stage. Trav Morgan comes from behind the curtain as he was dancing a little bit to the beat of his own theme music. He walks on the stage with his shoulder bouncing up and down as he grooves to the music. Walking down the ramp way, he stops in the middle of the ramp as he flexes his biceps and poses while flexing for the camera. Moving towards the ring, he climbs up the ring post and steps into the ring. Climbing up the turnbuckle, he flexes his muscles once again in a pose, he makes his pecs bounce up and down with a grin as he steps down off the turnbuckle~
Belvedere: From Malibu, California…standing 6’3 and weighing in at 255lbs…Trav Morgan!!!
~Belvedere exits. The bell sounds~
Smith: Morgan out here alone…looking to defeat Duce Jones without any help.
Hood: Well he’s certainly got the confidence to do that.
Smith: Trav needs this win to continue his ascent. Duce, who recently signed with OCW, needs this win to level out his record and gain some upward momentum.
~Duce and Morgan lock up in the center of the ring. Morgan looks eager to assert his strength advantage by bullying Duce into a corner. Duce ducks down and spins around Trav, taking him from behind. Morgan looks around, frustrated. He tries to find a way to break free. He grabs Duce by the hands and tries to pull them apart. He’s making progress…Duce looks around, realizing he’s losing control. Morgan spins around, breaking free. He throws a lariat at Duce. Duce ducks and jumps up, grabbing Morgan by the head and taking him down with a neckbreaker!! Trav hits hard, holding his neck in pain~
Smith: Great reversals by Duce to stay one step ahead of Morgan!
Hood: Duce has accomplished a lot in a short amount of time…all outside OCW, of course.
Smith: He’s won world championships, Hood. He’s a great addition to an already stacked roster.
~Duce returns to his feet. He’s moving like more of a mat technician or a big man than his usual high flying self. This definitely speaks to the troubles of his injured knee. Morgan sits up, holding his knee. Duce drops down, locking his hands under Trav’s chin while placing his knee into Morgan’s back. Morgan winces in pain while Duce continues to work the muscular man’s neck over~
Smith: If you’ve got one good leg you must adapt. Duce is applying a mat based style tonight, working over an area of Morgan’s body in the hope of scoring a quick pin.
Hood: Yep, when you’ve got a shitty neck certain pinning situations are much harder to escape.
Smith: Indeed
~Morgan begins to fight to his feet, realizing he’s got to get this shit turned in a different direction. Duce hops onto Morgan’s back, adjusting the hold into more of a conventional sleeper. Morgan grabs Duce and flips him over…Duce lands on his ass. Morgan takes off, hitting the ropes. He dives with a kick to the back of Duce’s head…but Duce moves!! Morgan lands on his back. Duce gets to his feet…he leans into the ropes, using them for leverage, comes off and drops an elbow across Morgan’s throat! Morgan grabs his throat and neck, kicking his legs in pain~
Smith: Morgan just cannot get a step ahead of Duce.
Hood: Nah man, right now Duce is too good. He’s simply out wrestling Trav.
Smith: Yep and that neck continues to weaken thanks to Duce’s offense.
~Duce grabs Morgan in a cravat, forcing the bigger man to his feet. Trav is bent in an awkward position, showing obvious discomfort on his face. Duce cranks and wrenches, further injuring Trav’s neck. Morgan shows anger and frustration on his face, mixed with pain. He finally kicks his leg out, clipping the side of Duce’s injured knee. Duce’s base staggers…he nearly loses his balance. Trav takes advantage of this weakened stance by hoisting Duce up and dropping him with an Olympic Slam!! Duce hits hard!! Trav sits up, holding his neck~
Smith: Hey! He exploited Duce’s knee to gain the upper hand!
Hood: So?
Smith: It’s kinda dirty.
Hood: No, it’s smart. If your knee is that fucked, stay at home.
~Trav tries to look over his shoulder at Duce by finds it hard to maneuver his neck in such a manner. So, he gets to his feet. Duce gets to one knee. Morgan grabs Duce’s bad leg. Duce tries to fight away, but Morgan is too strong. Morgan drops an elbow across Duce’s knee! Duce yells out in pain. Morgan pops back to his feet and does this again and again until he stays down and holds onto Duce’s knee, twisting it unnaturally. Duce yells out, reaching his arms into the air, trying to grab a lifeline. He’s too far away from the ropes, at the moment. The fans stomp and clap, urging Duce on~
Smith: And this match has done a complete 180. Duce is in serious trouble.
Hood: Yea man Trav was already the better man heading into this. Now he’s the better man with TWO functioning legs.
Smith: How do you figure Trav is the better man?
Hood: Well, I mean…just look at him!
~Trav releases the hold. He pops back to his feet with Duce’s leg still in his grasp. He stomps into the knee a few times. Duce yells after every stomp. Morgan twists around and falls back, locking a Figure Four!! Duce grabs at his hand…he waves his hands around…he reaches forward trying desperately to break free. Morgan’s powerful legs intensify the pressure. Duce flails back with his body slamming into the mat. His hands, though, never tap. Scruff is keeping a close watch on Duce. The fans chant “DUCE! DUCE!”~
Smith: Duce is in serious trouble. He may not want to tap but the damage being done might be too much.
Hood: Gotta hand it to Morgan…he’s showing no mercy tonight.
Smith: I just wish he would have wrestled with more honor.
Hood: What, and lose? Honor and bravery are for idiots…haven’t you heard of a man named Ned Stark?
~Duce fights and fights. He reaches for the ropes in desperation, knowing he needs an escape. Morgan continues applying pressure. Duce’s movements slow. He’s refusing to tap, but it looks as though that might not be an issue. Trav raises his right arm in the air, fist pumping…he’s feeling pretty confident. Duce’s shoulders go flat. His body comes to a rest. Scruff drops down for the count~
Smith: Duce remains alive!
Hood: Bran Stark must be his favorite Game of Thrones character.
Smith: You’re full of GoT references tonight.
Hood: What can I say…I’m a fan.
~Duce tries to sit up. He’s got his elbows propped up, keeping his shoulders from falling back to the mat. Trav looks at him, pissed. He wants the man to stay down. Duce starts talking shit to Morgan. Morgan seems offended. Duce continues talking shit, getting under Trav’s skin~
Smith: Duce attempting some head games with Trav.
Hood: Don’t fall for it, Trav!
Smith: I don’t know, he’s getting pretty upset
~Duce finally triggers Trav. Trav releases the Figure Four and dives ahead, mauling Duce. Duce is vulnerable…but his legs are free. Trav tries to mount Duce so he can pummel him in the head. Duce rolls over. Trav takes his back, looking to choke him out. Duce crawls forward and reaches the ropes! The fans cheer! Scruff runs in and taps Trav on the shoulder…he counts to five telling Morgan he’s got to let Duce go. Finally, Trav listens and releases Duce. Duce tumbles over the bottom rope to the apron for perceived safety~
Smith: And Duce is free!
Hood: Yea man but Trav has really fucked him up.
Smith: He’s got basically one leg and, yes, Trav landed some decent punches during his triggered attack.
~Morgan is already on his feet. He reaches through the ropes, yanking Duce to his feet. Duce is standing, one legged, on the apron. Morgan knees him in the gut. Duce leans over the top rope, exhausted and in pain. Morgan hoists Duce onto his shoulders once more. Duce manages to flip off. He lands on his knee and instantly favors it, nearly falling to the mat~
Smith: His knee nearly gave out!
Hood: Yea, no shit
Smith: He’s too wounded to be in there…I think someone should step in and call this thing. He’s got too much at stake.
Hood: Oh he’ll be fine. It’s just a knee.
~Morgan spins Duce around and hooks him for a suplex. It’s his patented Brainbuster. Morgan is ready to lift Duce up. Duce, however, manages to reverse it and take Trav down with a small package!!! Scruff slides in~
~The bell rings!! The fans go crazy~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…DUCE JONES!!!!!!
Smith: He did it!! Duce did it!
Hood: He’d better get out of that ring before Morgan fucks him up.
~Morgan sits up, shocked. Duce does, in fact, roll out of the ring. OCW medics are there to greet him. They help him up the ramp…he can’t put any pressure on his injured knee. Morgan gets to his feet and reaches the ropes…he glares at Duce and the medics realizing it’s too late to get some revenge~
Smith: A tough loss for Morgan after he dominated most of the contest.
Hood: Yea he let his temper and ego get the better of him a few times and that came back to bite him in the ass.
Smith: Indeed…and the earlier neck damage might have helped Duce eek out that three count.
Hood: It didn’t hurt.
~Morgan steps out of the ring and grabs the ring steps, flinging the upper portion to the side. He's frustrated, angry, and destructive. He sees someone holding a 'DUCE' sign. The grabs the sign and rips it up. We cut to Smith and Hood while Trav continues to show his frustration~
Smith: Tough loss for Trav, obviously...but he looked good in defeat.
Hood: Oh yea because that's what these competitors want to hear.
Smith: OCW is changing, Hood. Easy wins are going to be a thing of the past.
Hood: You say that...after tonight?
Smith: From what I hear the safety net...the kid gloves...whatever term you want to use, they are being removed. Everyone is being thrown into the deep end and only the strong will survive.
Hood: Well, yea, I guess you're better to have 15 talented wrestlers than 30 egos that need stroking.
Smith: Indeed...well folks, that's all the time we have tonight! Don't forget that next week Kitty Petrova will be defending her OCW Paradigm Championship against Hayley Robinson. Hayley has agreed to put her career on the line.
Hood: Dumb, dumb, dumb
Smith: I don't know, Hood. She downed Ariel Shadows back at Social Justice...she's been waiting for this shot ever since. I think she knows what she's doing.
Hood: Know what she's doing? She doesn't even know how to properly speak!
Smith: Well, I guess we'll have to wait and find out. The eMpire is back in action next week as the in-ring product will feature more competitive action. The road to Not Safe For Work picks up steam next week on May 13th...we'll see you then!
~We fade to black~