OCW Presents: Massacre
LIVE! Monday, July 24th 2017
From The OCW Arena in Key West, Florida
~The screen is black. A quiet image flashes onto the screen of Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington. The dates March 20 1976 – June 20 2017 appears under his name. We cut to a quiet OCW Arena. Fans are standing, paying their respects. We spot TIO's daughter and ex-wife in the front row, paying their respects along with the rest of the fans. A ten bell salute sounds off in honor of the heavily influential musician. Smith and Hood are standing, quiet and respectful. The salute comes to an end and the crowd goes wild. A “CHESTER” chant fills the arena. We fade out~
~A few moments elapse and the OCW Massacre intro begins to play. We cut to the OCW Arena…the crowd is cheering but still subdued from the somber opening. We don’t look at any signs…we don’t go to Smith and Hood. We, instead, cut straight to the ring where BELVEDERE is standing with a mic in his hand~
Mack O’Connor (16-2) vs. “The Confederate Icon” Chad Vargas (11-4)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen...welcome to MONDAY NIGHT MASSACRE! The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL.
~”One Step Closer” by Linkin Park hits. The crowd goes wild! Chad Vargas emerges from behind the curtain. He points up to the ceiling before heading to the ring, singing along with the song~
Smith: It looks like we’re getting things started right away…before we get too deep into tonight’s event I’d like to offer my condolences, thoughts, and prayers to Chester Bennington’s friends and family.
Hood: I’m right there with ya, Smith. No band has had a bigger impact on this generation of professional wrestling than Linkin Park. This is a tragedy which has touched every person involved with our great sport…from the ring crew to the main event talent…we will all miss Chester Bennington
~Vargas gets into the ring, ready for action~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Everclear County, Tennessee…standing 6’4 and weighing in at 245lbs…. he is a former OCW Champion…“The Confederate Icon” Chad Vargas!!!
~”Numb” by Linkin Park hits, Mack O’Connor walks out on the stage then walks directly to the ring, dressed in jeans and a black tank top. He looks void of emotion. Mack wears the face of a man who has had the roughest of weeks. He slides into the ring and starts pacing in his corner~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York…standing 6’3 and weighing in at 230lbs…he is a former OCW Champion…Mack O’Connor!
~The bell rings~
Smith: Interesting placement…but, when you think about it…makes sense…Mack’s got a huge match in the main event
Hood: Sounds like favoritism to me!
Smith: Oh please, after everything Mack has had to get through to get to this point, I’d hardly call it that. Not to mention having to face a former OCW Champion the same night of his Paradigm Title shot
Hood: Yea, yea, alright…fucking hate facts…they always get in the way of gossip and rumor
~Mack stares across the ring at Vargas. Vargas returns to look. The two nod at each other...it’s a show of respect. They begin to circle one another. The excitement in the arena is ripe…it thickens with each additional second in between the bell and a lock up~
Smith: Have these two ever faced off one on one?
Hood: What are you asking me for?
Smith: Good point…why is Harold the Historian on our payroll if he isn’t here to answer these questions?
Hood: Why are HALF the people in this damn company on the payroll?
~Vargas and Mack approach. They finally lock up! The crowd goes wild…might be the loudest any group of people have ever roared for a damn lock up. Mack has the advantage early on….Vargas yells and he powers Mack into a corner. Scruff comes in and issues a break. Both men release their arms, but remain guarded. Vargas slowly backs away, allowing Mack to step forward without harm. The fans clap. Mack seems somewhat surprised but quickly locks back up with Chad~
Smith: A lot of respect between those two…both are Treat Cassidy men
Hood: Don’t call them that…you make them sound like they are his gay young boys or something
Smith: Sorry! That was not my intention
Hood: Treat will sue your ass if it was…I mean, he seems to sue people all the time…has he ever actually won one of those lawsuits?
Smith: I have no idea
~This time Mack gains the upper hand, bullying Chad into the nearest corner. Scruff, once more, rushes in and wedges his arms in between the two OCW stars, forcing a break. Chad leans back, arms up. He’s far less suspicious than the first time, expecting a mutual showing of respect from Mack. Mack releases and takes half a step back…he then lunges forward with a forearm into Chad’s face!! The crowd boos loudly. Chad grabs the side of his face which absorbed the impact. His eyes widen…he shouts “So that’s how it’s going to fucking be, huh? Alright, mother fucker!”~
Smith: Mack has drawn first blood…NOT LITERALLY
Hood: Dude’s a fighter…he couldn’t care less about sportsmanship or camaraderie…he’s in there to win
Smith: Yea, but he’s got a huge match….not to take anything away from the Mix…but a HUGE match later this evening…by angering Chad, I don’t know, just seems like that could open Mack up to some additional harm
Hood: The fuck you think this shit is, badminton? Fuck out of here…these men earn money by fighting and getting beat up.
~Vargas responds with a right hand. Mack punches back…the two men are suddenly engaged in an all out brawl!! The bloodthirsty fans cheer the violence. Neither man attains an advantage at first…however, after several punch/counterpunch combinations we notice Mack emerging as the leader. Vargas staggers into the ropes after a particularly vicious right hand. Mack reaches back and throws a right haymaker. Vargas ducks and sprints across the ring. Mack turns around…Vargas bounces off the ropes…Mack throws another right hand. Vargas ducks, leaps onto the ropes, springboards off the middle rope and drives and elbow into Mack’s face! Mack hits the mat and rolls out of the ring, under the bottom rope~
Smith: Nice back and forth…Vargas emerged with a springboard back elbow
Hood: Mack can really throws those hands…you think he should challenge a professional boxer to a boxing match?
Smith: Are you kidding me? He’d get killed!
Hood: Yea, obviously…but I bet enough people would buy into the hype that he’d walk away with a hefty amount of cash.
Smith: People aren’t that stupid, Hood
Hood: Hell I am…I’d buy that shit!
~Vargas returns to his feet. He approaches the ropes and looks down at Mack. He yells, “Get back in the ring! What are you, a pussy?” Mack grits his teeth. He shakes his head and…against his better judgement, rolls into the ring. Before he can get to his feet, Vargas kicks him in the face! Mack falls to his side. Vargas kicks him again and again…Mack flattens out, on his back. Vargas continues kicking, stomping the proverbial mud hole in Mack’s muscular frame~
Smith: I’m not sure how smart that was…but Mack will never back down
Hood: The gloves are off, Smith. These two are going to beat the shit out of one another
Smith: That’s just fine if you’re Vargas…for Mack, well, not so much
Hood: Tough shit
~Vargas finishes stomping and taunts the crowd a bit. They seem to be more FOR Vargas…or is it AGAINST Mack? We aren’t sure. Regardless, they are enjoying his post onslaught behavior. Mack leans against the corner, sitting up, shaking off the kicks. Vargas turns around and charges in…he dives at Mack, slamming both knees into Mack’s face!!!~
Smith: Mack continues to endure tremendous punishment in this match
Hood: Vargas busting out some new moves
Smith: First time I’ve seen him use both knees!
Hood: And we’re all thankful for that
~Vargas pulls Mack out of the corner and hooks him for The Stroke!! Mack throws his head, violently to the side, smashing it into Chad’s temple. Chad’s equilibrium is thrown off…he lets Mack go…Mack hooks Chad’s head and drops him with Hollow Point!!! The fans jump with shock! Mack goes for the pin~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Vargas kicked out of Hollow Point…Mack nearly escaped this match unscathed
Hood: The quicker this match ends, the better…honestly, why doesn’t Mack just lay the fuck down
Smith: Excuse me?
Hood: Dude, it’s not like Vargas is even IN HIS DIVISION. Just take the loss…head into the main event healthy and win that fucking Paradigm Championship.
Smith: No competitor would entertain that scenario
Hood: I think you’re confusing competitor with hero. A hero wouldn’t, sure. But heroes are fucking retarded.
~Mack sits up, frustrated. Vargas rolls away, holding the side of his head. He sits against the bottom rope, rubbing his head, blinking his eyes…ironing out his vision. Mack returns to his feet and locates Vargas. He charges in, throwing a knee at Chad’s head. Chad moves!! Mack’s right knee rams into the middle rope, jarring it. He reaches down, grabbing his knee. Vargas, now behind Mack, shoots forward, clipping the back of Mack’s right knee! Mack falls to the ground, holding his knee in pain~
Smith: That’s the knee PerZag worked over a few weeks ago
Hood: It seemed to be fine a week ago, right? Or am I getting matches mixed up…ya know, there’s so many of these Margarita matches it’s bound to happen
Smith: No, I believe you’re correct…he showed no linger effects last week…but it’s evident the pain remains
Hood: Vargas is a real prick…then again, I guess that’s what Mack gets for trying to kill him
~Vargas grabs hold of Mack’s leg. Mack tries to kick Chad away, but is unable. Chad drops an elbow into Mack’s knee!! Mack yells, reaching for his knee but unable to grasp it. Chad takes his elbow and grinds it into Mack’s kneecap. Mack snares Chad’s hair and pulls back, trying to get Vargas to stop. Vargas continues grinding his elbow into Mack’s knee. O’Connor releases Chad’s hair and goes for the eyes, ripping at Chad’s right eye. Vargas finally lets go, displaying a fondness in keeping both eyes intact~
Smith: Chad is obviously a man who enjoys 20/20 vision
Hood: That or he doesn’t want to be Lance Savage 2.0
Smith: Indeed…but Mack, well, that knee appears to be in terrible shape…what a horrific turn of events
Hood: Fucker should have laid down, I’m telling you
~Chad returns to his feet. He stomps on Mack’s knee…O’Connor continues to wince with pain while trying, in vain, to protect his leg. Vargas pulls Mack to his feet…he whips him into a corner. Mack falls halfway across the ring, his knee giving out. Vargas hurries forward and stabs Mack in the back of the knee with his right foot. The fans are displeased…disgruntled…they tell Vargas to ‘FUCK OFF’~
Smith: These fans hate seeing a warrior like Mack reduced to, well, this
Hood: Not to mention it’s ruining our main event
Smith: Indeed…Mack can’t even run
Hood: I know the Knife Man is amazing…but he’s no miracle worker
~Vargas removes his foot…the grabs Mack’s right leg…he lifts it off the mat and slams it, knee first, into the canvas! It bangs into the uncomfortable surface. Mack reaches for his knee, continuing to show facial discomfort. Vargas grabs hold of Mack’s right leg and begins to apply a Figure Four. He rotates around the leg…Mack, in desperation, kicks Vargas in the ass with his left leg. Vargas stumbles forward. Mack slides back against the bottom buckle of a corner behind him. Vargas turns around, angry…his temper is rising. He charges in, looking for double knees again. Mack moves! Chad’s knees slam into the buckle!! He falls backward…his legs swinging in the air…Mack grabs hold, rolling Chad up~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Mack nearly scored a surprising pinfall on Chad Vargas
Hood: Vargas doesn’t have many weaknesses…shit, he may only have one weakness, now that I think about it…and that’s his temper
Smith: Yep, it lured him into a reckless maneuver which nearly cost him a very winnable match
Hood: Two legs usually beat one in athletic competition
~Mack instantly reaches for his right knee...he placed the pain aside for a pin attempt. Chad gets to his feet, angrily. He finds Mack…Mack hustles for the ropes, he throws his right leg underneath the bottom. He slides his left leg under…he’s about to fit his upper body out from under but Chad grabs Mack by the chin, eventually wrapping both hands around Mack’s throat. He yanks Mack back into the ring, near the center~
Smith: This isn’t good…Vargas is relatively healthy…all things considered…meanwhile Mack has that knee
Hood: What knee? All I see is a broken stump in between his thigh and shin
Smith: Let’s hope it isn’t that far gone
Hood: It’s alright, if he loses that knee he can go wrestle for that Outsider…
Smith: Quiet!
Hood: Yea yea, my bad…forgot the rules around here
~Vargas snares the right leg. He stomps Mack in the chest a few times, keeping him subdued. He then rotates around, grabs the left leg and locks the Figure Four in, deep! Mack reaches for his right knee…the veins in his neck bulge…he’s in tremendous pain. Vargas leans back…he moves around, finding different ways to focus the pressure on Mack’s knee. Scruff leans in, asking Mack if he wants to quit. Mack tells Scruff to ‘fuck off’. Scruff shrugs and backs away, watching Mack writhe~
Smith: Mack’s worst fears bubbling to realization. Vargas has that figure four locked in…the focal point of pressure being Mack’s right knee
Hood: It was bound to happen…Vargas is a winner…winners do what they must to, ya know, win
Smith: It’s just a shame…not only could this jeopardize Mack’s future in the Mix…but it could create a potential forfeiture of tonight’s main event
Hood: Shit happens, man
~The crowd reacts. We turn toward the ramp to see a concerned Treat Cassidy heading to the ring. He’s got a white towel in his hand. He reaches the bottom of the ramp and takes a left, reaching the steps. He places his foot on the second step and reaches back with the towel in his hand. Mack yells at him from inside the ring~
Smith: Treat is here to throw in the towel!
Hood: Treat understands business…he knows the main event is where the money’s at. If that’s even an option at this point.
Smith: Yea, but Mack does NOT appear okay with Treat throwing in the towel
Hood: Does he have a choice? If Treat does it, then the match is over…right?
Smith: Treat IS his manager so…I’d think so…kind of like power of attorney
~Behind Treat, we spot TIO’s family at ringside. Jenna is watching with sponge-like intrigue. She turns to her mother, wondering what’s going on. Leslie leans in, informing young Jenna~
Smith: Jenna receiving a crash course in pro wrestling…Leslie informing her daughter that the white towel is a signature of forfeiture to prevent further injury
Hood: Jenna’s probably hoping he doesn’t throw in the towel…look at her, sitting there…scheming for a way to debilitate Mack before the main event
Smith: Yea, I don’t think that’s the case at all…she’s merely here to innocently support her father
Hood: No way, man…I bet she finds a way to accidently clip Mack’s knee if he walks past her
Smith: She’d never do something like that!
~Treat hesitates…he knows Mack will be furious if he throws in the towel. However, he also understands his client is in no position, emotionally, to make that kind of decision. He starts to throw the towel forward. Vargas notices what’s going on…he turns his head and yells at Treat. “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE! I AIN’T WINNING THIS MATCH LIKE A FUCKIN PUSSY!” Chad yells. Treat pulls up, the towel flies out of his hand…he manages to hold onto the very edge, keeping it from hitting the ring~
Smith: Chad isn’t having it either…these two warriors want to settle this the right way
Hood: Treat really needs a new stable of clients
Smith: These are two of the best wrestlers in the world, Hood
Hood: For how long? At this rate they’ll both be crippled by 40!
~Vargas continues yelling at Treat. He’s cutting a promo, mid match on his on-again, off-again manager. Mack takes advantage…he leans forward and thumbs Chad in the eye! Chad reaches for his face…Mack is able to get his leg free. Treat covers his mouth and steps down…he looks fearful that he may have adversely impacted the match in an unexpected manner~
Smith: Mack taking advantage of an opportune situation
Hood: Treat just fucked Vargas
Smith: It’s not over yet…Mack is still deeply wounded
Hood: So is Chad…Treat just shot him in the heart!
~Treat leans against the barricade, catching his breath. He’s feeling a cavalcade of stress and emotion. Mack reaches his feet, on one leg. Vargas staggers around, holding his eye. His back is to Mack…he turns around, Mack hooks Vargas…he lifts him up and drills him into the mat with Claymore!!! The crowd pops! Cassidy’s hands go up, running through his hair with wide eyes. Mack falls to the mat, grasping at his right knee~
Smith: Claymore! He hit Claymore!
Hood: His fuckin knee just went out
Smith: If he can cover Chad he should win
Hood: Man, Vargas losing to a one legged man…WEAK ASS BOOKING
~Mack crawls, slowly. His right leg drags behind him like added weight. He throws his arm over Chad’s chest. Scruff drops down, making the count~
Smith: Vargas shouldered out!
Hood: Son of a bitch…the Confederate Icon lives!
Smith: He’s in king kong mode tonight, apparently
~Mack doesn’t have time to be shocked. He goes right for his knee, holding it. He tries to stand…but the knee won’t support any weight. Mack stumbles into a corner, using the ropes for support. Chad, meanwhile, reaches all fours. He gets to his knees. Mack sucks up the pain and trudges forward, limping terribly on his right leg. He punches Vargas in the back of the head…Chad falls back to all fours…Mack snares hold of Chad’s blonde hair and pulls him up~
Smith: Mack going for another Claymore
Hood: One is usually good enough…no way Vargas kicks out of two
Smith: I’d agree with that
~Mack hooks Chad for a second Claymore. Chad kicks Mack in the right knee! Mack’s leg buckles…he falls to both knees. Chad slugs Mack in the face…Mack falls to the mat. Chad grabs the right leg of Mack…he turns to Treat and yells “DON’T YOU FUCKIN THINK ABOUT IT!” Treat stands back, hands up with the towel hanging over his shoulder. Chad twists around and locks in the Figure Four!! Mack yells in pain, reaching for his knee…they are in the middle of the ring…there is nowhere for Mack to go~
Smith: He’s going to tear that knee to shreds…call the match…call the match!
Hood: Yikes…that knee’s swollen…it’s loose…it’s like Jenna Jameson’s pussy!
Smith: Holy Maloney!
Hood: Sorry about that…mental filter kinda went on sabbatical…temporarily
~Mack refuses to tap. He refuses to give in. He tries to drag Vargas near the ropes, but can’t. There just isn’t enough power left in his body to move the determined Confederate Icon. His knee bends…Chad begins to beat on it with the strongest right fists he can muster. Treat nears ringside…it takes everything he has to keep from throwing in the towel. He makes eye contact with Scruff~
Smith: Mack is too stubborn…he’s going to risk his dang leg before tapping out. He NEEDS someone to step in for him
Hood: Well it won’t be Treat…Chad made damn sure of that
Smith: Someone has to…please! Spare this man any further injury!
~Scruff keeps a close eye on Mack. It’s obvious…Chad won’t release the hold…Mack can’t get to the ropes. Mack won’t submit. Every time his shoulders hit the mat, he pulls one off, to prevent a pin. His knee is on the verge of tearing. Mack yells, reaching at his knee cap…it looks to be shifting…a few more inches and it might tear every ligament he has. Scruff looks back at Treat…Treat leans forward, pleading through his eyes. Scruff finally signals for the bell~
Smith: Scruff is calling for the bell!
Hood: The fuck? Who does Scruff think he is?
Smith: He’s the ref, Hood! We have rules in place meant to protect those inside the ring…if you don’t like it, then compete in a match WITHOUT rules.
Hood: What a fucking rip off!
~The crowd boos. Chad looks up, confused. Treat slides into the ring and tries to untangle Mack and Chad’s legs. Chad reaches over, breaking the hold…he grabs Treat by the neck. Treat points at Scruff. Scruff gives Belvedere an explanation~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…I have been informed that Scruff McDougle…OCW’s chief referee has ordered a stoppage to this contest. In his opinion, Mack O’Connor is unable to continue…therefore…the winner of this bout…”THE CONFEDERATE ICON” CHAD VARGAS!!!!!
~The crowd continues to boo. Chad tries to go after Scruff, but Treat stops him. Chad curses and leaves the ring. Mack remains on the mat, curled up, holding his knee. Treat kneels next to him and motions toward the back. The Knife Man comes running down waving his knife around…other personnel follow~
Smith: Folks, I have no idea what this means for tonight’s main event…I can only assume it will be postponed
Hood: Looks that way…fucking sucks.
Smith: Indeed…regardless of the fallout…Vargas picks up the win and moves to 4-0 in the Mix.
Hood: Yea…Chad and CJ appear on course for a massive collision
Smith: Yep and if Grenier wins tonight…then he’ll be tied with Mack
Hood: Shit’s getting interesting
Smith: That it is…well, we’ll keep you updated on the status of Mack and tonight’s main event…but I’d advise those watching at home to not get their hopes up. In the meantime, let’s head backstage for something, hopefully, more pleasant.
~ As we go backstage we see CJ O’Donnell walking the hallway with Checkers who is on a leash. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "Listen here you little fuck the only reason you are going back to Curt is because I want to show him that I am a man of my word. Plus you are a fucking handful all you do is make noise, eat, sleep and shit.”
~ Checkers sticks his tongue out at CJ who tugs on the leash harder which causes Checkers to make a noise. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "You have no one to blame for the way I treat you but yourself. You haven’t exactly been a loyal pet. I am finally going to have a good night sleep also and none of your silent but deadly farts.”
~ O’Donnell reaches the locker room door and knocks on it three times. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "I would say I would miss you but honestly I am just glad that my life will get back to normal.”
~ As the door swings open Checkers gets a smile on his face as Curt just stares at CJ. After a long few moments of silence he looks down and sees Checkers looking up at him with a smile, Curt quickly looks away and back up at CJ.~
Curt Canon: “ Well this is a surprise, who would have thought that Caleb James O’Donnell was a man of his word? I definitely pegged you for a selfish inconsiderate Irish Bastard who only cared for himself. How cruel were you to my monkey?”
~As he waits for CJ to answer, Curt gets down on one knee and gets face to face with Checkers. The monkey wants to reach out to his best friend but he is hesitant. He sees something in Curts eyes that he has never seen before, something that makes him feel uneasy about being reunited with him.~
CJ O’Donnell: "Me … Cruel … Never …. Curt. I did have to discipline him a few times. He did try to kill me with a butter knife. And then he tried to smother me with a wet paper towel. He doesn’t like the word no.”
~ CJ hands over the leash to Curt who takes it in his hand and slowly starts to stand up. He gets to his feet and tells Checkers to come up on his shoulder. Checkers doesn’t budge and Curt gives a little tug on the leash, Checkers gets the hint and reluctantly climbs onto Curt’s Shoulder.~
Curt Canon: “He tried to use a butter knife and a wet paper towel? What a dumb ape. I can see he isn’t too good at listening anymore and maybe some discipline would be good for him. I can’t have my monkey walking all over me, like the rest of this roster thinks they can. I got something for you Checkers.”
~ Curt reaches up with one hand to pet Checkers and with the other hand he sneakily reaches into his back pocket and quickly pulls out a low voltage taser. As he continues petting Checkers with one hand the other comes up and gives the monkey a shock. Checkers falls backwards off of Curt’s shoulder. Curt yanks hard on the leash before Checkers hits the ground and slowly pulls him back up to his shoulder. He looks at a dazed and confused Checkers with rage in his eyes and scolds him. CJ looks shocked that Curt just zapped Checkers and did not even blink an eye. ~
Curt Canon: “Now Checkers, next time I tell you to come here you come here without hesitation.”
~ CJ smirks at Curt. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "I knew there was a reason why I liked you from day one in the amazon. How did it feel to have some power Curt? How did it feel to be in control of the situation?”
~ Curt turns his head looks at CJ and smirks back. ~
Curt Canon: “Oh great, The Distinguished CJ O’Donnell likes me, my world is finally complete, but to answer your question it felt good. I have never been the power, have never really been in control. I was always hanging around with Scott Syren who pointed and expected us to run. This is probably going to be my last run here in OCW, and it is time for a change. It is time for people to see a side of Curt Canon they have never seen before. Today I took control from a monkey, next week I slowly start to take control of my fate in this company…..”
CJ O’Donnell: "Last run I have a feeling it is going to be a memorable one. People are not only going to respect you more Curt but they are going to fear you. You are going to show them that size does not matter. You are going to be dynamite inside of that ring and prove the doubters wrong. So since I am a man of my word and you have your monkey back I think it is time to put you to a test next Massacre. You up for the challenge?”
Curt Canon: “ Ha, another Challenge from you? How could I ever pass up the opportunity? I mean you already beat me Caleb, what more is there, what else can OCWs Iron Man have in store for has been like me?”
CJ O’Donnell: "You are far from a has been Curt. You have a fire burning inside of you and you showed that you have a few tricks up your sleeve. How about we team up? How about I show you the proper way to make a statement and put fear into your opponent’s minds before the bell even rings.”
Curt Canon: “ Team up with you? Why? Because you think you can unleash my fire? You think you can let my inner demons out? You think I don’t know how to make a statement? Let me tell you something boy, I was making statements in OCW before you were even a blip on the professional wrestling radar, but sure I will accept your “challenge”. I mean we are both former tag team champions, and our time in the amazon showed that we can work together if need be….I mean I would like to say I have teamed with worse, but I am not so sure that is the case. So teach me oh mighty teacher, show me how to be all that I can be.”
CJ O’Donnell: "Such a sarcastic prick and you know what it fits. It is the first step to getting what you deserve Curt. We may both be former champs but I never lost the title. Don’t worry I will get my rematch for those belts when the time is right. Anyway ..”
Curt Canon: “ I’m sure you will, and I hope you find a partner that can tolerate your selfishness because this thing right here…..this is a one time deal. You may think I need you Caleb, but the reality of the situation is that you need me, just as much as OCW needs me. So when we go out there and win next week try not to take all the credit like you did with the Aptitude. Now if you don’t mind getting the hell out of my face I have a monkey to spank…….tas.”
CJ O’Donnell: "HAHA … Okay catch you later Shadow Crusher! Sure it’s a one time thing …”
~ CJ winks at Canon. Curt flips O’Donnell off. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "... I only took the credit when it was necessary. Don’t worry maybe I’ll just hang out on the apron and let you have all the fun kicking our opponents asses. You might want to feed that monkey of yours he looks hungry.”
~ CJ turns around and begins to walk down the long corridor as a sadistic smirk comes across his face. ~
Curt Canon: “That asshole always has to have the last word, now where did Checkers go?”
~ Curt hits the button on the taser a few times, before turning into the room and slamming the door behind him. We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Curt’s got Checkers back but…I’m not so sure that’s a good thing
Hood: It’s called discipline, Smith. Curt is simply keeping Checkers in line
Smith: I’m worried about Curt…he’s hanging around CJ too much…and now they are apparently going to team together
Hood: Curt is finally playing the game! The new Curt Canon is evolving before our very eyes…we could be talking about a TWO time OCW Champion in a few months, Smith
Smith: I’m not sure how I feel about all of that…but I do know I’m excited for the debut of Kip Young. This man has potential written all over him
Hood: That’s not very nice…I hope it isn’t permanent ink
Smith: NOT LITERALLY. Kip Young’s debut is next!
Kip Young (0-0) vs. Shootah (0-2)
~Shootah is in the ring looking rather well rested. He leans into the corner, ready for action~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following match is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, from Hollywood, California…Shootah!!!
~”Whispers in the Dark” by Skillet hits…the fans stand and watch as the OCW newcomers Kip Young makes his way to the ring. There’s no fanfare…no theatrics…Young simply heads from the curtain, down the ramp, to the ring and through the ropes~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Quebec, Canada…standing 5’9 and weighing in at 175lbs…Kip Young!!!
~The bell rings~
Smith: Shootah looking more relaxed than we’ve seen him in…well, possibly ever
Hood: Not a surprise…he did nap throughout most of his match last week
Smith: I don’t know if I’d call it napping…but he was on the mat for a long time
~Young puts his hands up and approaches Shootah in a ready for combat stance. Shootah throws his hands up, asking Young to wait a minute. Young hesitates, for just a second~
Smith: Shootah constantly confounds his opponents
Hood: I’m not sure Shootah understands himself, to be honest. Like, why the fuck is he wrestling? Existential crisis, man
Smith: Could be…and here’s Kip Young…a talented newcomer looking for some competition and, well, he’s got Shootah standing in front of him
Hood: Just kick his ass, Kip. Better competition awaits!
~Shootah attempts something that resembles negotiating…or, it could be begging…yea, it’s probably begging. We’ll never know for sure because Kip grows tired of the shenanigans and throws a wicked superkick, nailing Shootah right under the chin. Shootah’s body stiffens…he leans into the corner like a wooden plank~
Smith: Kip just knocked Shootah out…cold!
Smith: Not literally
Hood: Kinda literally…aside from the frozen part
~Kip drags Shootah out of the corner…Shootah’s body relaxes a bit. Kip hooks Shootah’s head…he drops Shootah to the mat with a Twist of Fate!! The crowd tentatively gets behind Kip. They don’t know much about him…but they are enjoying his in-ring performance~
Smith: This is how it starts in OCW…you have a chance to showcase your skills in a positive debut…then, you ascend
Hood: Yea…it only gets tougher from here
Smith: Indeed…Kip’s looking great so far
~Kip heads toward the nearest corner. He climbs to the top…he looks down at Shootah and leaps off, connecting with a somersault top rope leg drop…OR The Houston Hangover, if you prefer. OR…the Soaring Canadian…as Kip calls it. Regardless, it’s devastating and has left Shootah immobile and incapacitated. Kip covers Shootah for the pin~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…KIP YOUNG!!!!!
Smith: Impressive debut for Kip Young!
Hood: Fuck yea it was…guy is athletic…he’s eager…he might smile a bit too much…but, hey, nobody is perfect
Smith: He’s got all the ingredients to be a future star in OCW…now it’s about developing and handling the obstacles which remain ahead
Hood: Easier said than done
Smith: Indeed…well, let’s head backstage as the night rolls on!
~Bradley Carrington is standing backstage with Who’re holding a mic for him. He has a neck brace on his neck due to the ending of his match last week and the superkick that followed it.~
Who’re: Bradley Carrington has just informed me that he would like to voice some concerns of his.
Bradley Carrington: People boo me and think I'm a jerk. But he's the one that has been attacking me. And he always does it after a match. Look at this neck brace, it's at least partly his fault.
~Autumn and Cher nod sympathetically behind him.~
Bradley Carrington: You see I tried to be an adult, I tried to ignore it. They say that if you ignore a bully, they'll go away. Well to any kids watching, I am living proof that that isn't true. I tried ignoring Mike Zybala, thinking that he was attacking me to get a rise out of me, well I guess it worked! Because I'm nice and pissed off now!
~Bradley takes a deep breath before continuing.~
Bradley Carrington: But don't worry my fellow scholars. Mike Zybala will get his comeuppance soon enough. Kids, you get rid of a bully by standing up to them. And I would know, I bullied lots of kids in school. It's easy when you're the smartest and the best athlete. But that's beside the point, the point is Zybala has some pay back coming his way.
~Bradley holds his neck as he walks out of the shot. We cut back to ringside…but not before the camera zooms in on Who’Re’s boobs~
Smith: That was unnecessary
Hood: Always talking smack about Carrington
Smith: I was referencing the LEWD cameraman
Hood: Oh, that? That was glorious
Smith: More like gratuitous! Regardless, let’s not gloss over the purpose of that interview…Carrington is fuming over his loss to Iggy and he’s directing that anger at Mike Zybala
Hood: Well Zybala has been fucking with him…you can only poke a Cornell man so many times before he throws the book at you
Smith: Uhh, sure…Carrington has vowed payback…Zybala has a huge match this evening…you don’t think…
Hood: Nah, that’d be a total dick move to fuck with Zybala in that battle royal. I bet Carrington is formulating some type of equation involving a challenge that Zybala will be unable to refuse
Smith: Right…regardless…it should be interesting. In the meantime, we’ve got our next match…the returning Lost Soul steps inside an OCW ring for the first time in over two years! Let’s head down to ringside for this match!
The Lost Soul (0-0) vs. John E Depth (0-2)
~Depth is currently in the ring with a camera in his hands. He’s nodding his head, excitedly~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following contest is scheduled for one fall…introducing first, already in the ring, from Hollywood, California…John E Depth!!!
~The ‘Friday the 13th’ Theme echoes throughout the arena. The OCW fans leap to their feet! A “TLS” chant breaks out. The enigmatic star emerges from behind the curtain. He makes his way to the ring, eyeing Depth~
Belvedere: And his opponent...from Parts Unknown…he stands 6’3 and weighs in at 235lbs…he is a former OCW Ascension Champion….The Lost Soul!!!
~TLS enters through the ropes. With the camera pressed against his face, Depth stands…poised. After a few moments, he drops his arms. The camera remains in his right hand. Depth points at TLS in frustration. The bell rings~
Smith: I think John E Depth assumed TLS might come down here naked
Hood: That was Survivor…this is, well, not Survivor
Smith: Indeed…but you know Depth, he’s not going to pass up a potential photo shoot opportunity
Hood: I guess he’s into clown porn
~Depth finally yells “TAKE IF OFF” TLS shakes his head ‘no’. Depth extends his arms, frustrated. He gesticulates…he points at TLS and berates~
Smith: TLS is one of the most dangerous competitors we’ve seen in OCW history. If I were Depth…I’d tread lightly
Hood: How old is that fucking camera? Thing looks like it’s from the 90s
Smith: Well this is John E Depth we’re talking about…he isn’t exactly Michael Bay
Hood: Michael fucking Bay?
Smith: Hey, say what you want about the quality of his movies and plot…but you can’t deny the production value
Hood: I guess
~Depth gets dangerously close to TLS…he continues to demand lewd things. TLS reaches out and snatches the camera. Depth staggers back, looking around, nervously. After a few moments, his composure and confidence return. He steps forward and pokes TLS in the chest with his index finger complaining about how TLS is unable to perform. He suggest TLS is too old to be in the spotlight~
Smith: And now he’s mocking the former Ascension Champion!
Hood: This isn’t going to end well for Depth
Smith: Nope, it will not
~TLS calmly points outside the ring and tells Scruff to ‘look over there’. Scruff does as instructed. TLS then lambasts Depth in the side of the head with the camera!! The equipment shatters all over the mat!! Depth falls down, blood oozes out of the left side of his head, where the device made contact. TLS kicks all the noticeable pieces out of the ring before Scruff can turn around~
Smith: Normally I’d be angry at Scruff…but I’m actually okay with his short attention span…at least in that instance
Hood: TLS just set Depth’s company back years!
Smith: You think?
Hood: Hell, he may have bankrupted them. How can Depth make any money as a porn director if he doesn’t have a camera?!
~TLS heads to the nearest corner. He reaches the top…he looks down at Depth and leaps off with a Somersault Leg Drop (Souled Out)! He hits it!! TLS covers Depth as Scruff makes the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…THE LOST SOUL
Smith: Interestingly dominating performance by TLS. He barely broke a sweat
Hood: Guy is in tip top form!
Smith: That remains to be seen…but he did do what he was supposed to do…he took care of John E Depth. It will be interesting to see where he goes from here
Hood: To the top, Smith. TO THE TOP
Smith: It has been rumored that OCW is prepared to push him, heavily, if he puts in the work. So I guess we’ll see. Anyway, let's head backstage
~We cut backstage where Treat Cassidy is standing outside THE KNIFE MAN’S office. We assume Mack O’Connor to be inside. Treat spots AKB and the OCW cameras. He gets in their way~
AKB: Treat, my man! You know I’m not much for reporting…but I do have this bottle of whiskey for Mack. I thought a little quid pro quo, ya know? I give him this bottle…he lets me know how that leg of his is doing.
Treat Cassidy: We are not revealing any injury updates to the media. Nothing against you guys, but this is for Mack’s protection.
AKB: So he’s competing later tonight?
Treat Cassidy: If it were up to me, no. If it were up to me Mack would postpone the match for another week.
AKB: So…he’s competing tonight?
Treat Cassidy: The Knife Man is doing everything he can to ensure Mack goes into the match later this evening as close to 100% as medically possible.
AKB: Sooooo…..he’s competing tonight?
Treat Cassidy: Unless something drastic happens…yes, Mack will be competing later tonight…against everyone’s wishes…for the OCW Paradigm Championship
AKB: What about the towel…will you be down there in case it needs to be stopped?
Treat Cassidy: It’s my job to do what’s best for my clients…even if that decision isn’t necessarily one they’d agree with.
~Treat holds the towel up and places it in his pocket. He snares the bottle of whiskey and enters into The Knife Man’s office. We see Mack wincing as The Knife Man presses on his knee. Treat slams the door shut. We cut back to ringside~
Smith: I’m sure we can postpone this match another week or two…let Mack’s knee heal up
Hood: Nah man, that shit needs to happen tonight. Fuck this postponing bullshit
Smith: Well, we could see Treat throw in the towel. He’s got the proverbial white flag ready.
Hood: Mack will whip his ass if he does that
Smith: Unlike the match with Vargas earlier this evening Scruff CANNOT stop the fight unless someone taps out. The only way a match can be ended, prematurely, is if someone in a fighter’s corner…a trainer, a manager, a family members…someone throws in the towel. Treat is that someone.
Hood: Well I hope it doesn’t come down to that
Smith: That makes two of us. Anyway…it’s time for some more in ring action. The ever evolving Curt Canon is set to take on the returning Jack Puffer. Let’s head down to ringside for the action!
Curt Canon (6-3) vs. Jack Puffer (0-2)
~Puffer is in the ring wearing a UK RULES T-shirt. He looks somewhat excited…definitely fresh…it’s the first time he’s been inside an OCW ring in awhile~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following match is scheduled for one fall! Currently in the ring, from Aurora, Illinois… “Detective” Jack Puffer!!!
~”Bleed it Out" by Linkin Park hits…the crowd goes wild! The OCW Arena leaps to their feet for former OCW Champion and Hall of Famer Curt Canon pops out from behind the curtain and sprints down the ramp…he slides into the ring, ready for action~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…standing 5’4 and weighing in at 155lbs…he is a former OCW Champion…he is an OCW Hall of Famer…he is…Curt Canon!!!
~The bell rings~
Smith: Canon looking to bounce back this evening and, well, I can’t think of a better opponent
Hood: Yea, he hasn’t won many matches…then again he hasn’t exactly had the easiest schedule.
Smith: Nope, thrown straight to the wolves…this is what some people are calling the resurrection of Curt Canon
Hood: I’m down like a clown Charlie Brown
~Puffer tries to get a “UK!” chant going. The Key West fans boo the shit out of his attempt. Canon just watches, laughing. He’s laid back, taking Puffer’s ridiculous antics in stride. Puffer grows angry. He yells “UNCULTURED SWINE!” as he points at the UK logo on his shirt~
Smith: It appears as though Jack Puffer ‘found himself’ during his European vacation
Hood: Why? I mean didn’t they basically kick him out when they heard Cap Slock bitching at him over the phone?
Smith: Perhaps…although he seemed to enjoy a level of acceptance in Europe that he’s never experienced in the states
Hood: Just gives more weight to the argument that Europeans are stupid
~Canon’s had enough of Puffer’s tomfoolery. He sprints forward and delivers a running, high knee into Puffer’s face! The impact makes a loud ‘crack’ sound. The crowd goes wild!! Puffer flies into his corner, reaching for his chin. Canon runs in and delivers another high knee to Puffer’s face, this time slowing the good detective’s motor skills considerably~
Smith: Two vicious knees to the face…that might ruin Puffer’s weekend
Hood: I think Canon is trying to help Puffer out
Smith: Oh yea?
Hood: Yea, man. Fuck his teeth all up so the next time he heads to Europe he can fit in easier
Smith: Rude
~Canon jumps up and places his feet into Puffer’s gut. He falls back and tosses Puffer into the center of the ring with a Monkey Flip!! The crowd chants “Checkers!” Canon nods, with a smile. He heads toward the ropes, stepping through them, standing on the apron~
Smith: A monkey flip! Is that an ode to Checkers?
Hood: That or he saw Kong Skull Island
Smith: Highly entertaining!
Hood: Seriously? That movie sucked ass…ASS
~Canon hops onto the top rope and leaps off with a springboard swanton bomb onto Puffer!! He rotates off and winds up on one knee, appearing very spry. The crowd goes wild with a ‘CANON’ chant. Curt nods along, reaching his feet and pointing down at Puffer…they fans yell ‘FUCK THE UK!’ Curt doesn’t seem to be TOTALLY on board with that chant…but why ruin a good thing? He smiles and grabs Puffer by the hair~
Smith: I think the end is near for Jack Puffer
Hood: Just like the Revolutionary War…the Pennsylvania bread Canon is going to send this limey back where he belongs
Smith: Puffer is from Aurora!
Hood: Not anymore…he’s ONE OF THEM now
~Canon gets Puffer into position and drops him fluidly to the mat with the Canon Cutter! Curt makes the cover, Scruff slides in with the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….CURT CANON!!!!!
Smith: Dominating win for Canon…a much needed bit of in-ring therapy
Hood: Yea…guy has taken some lumps in 2017…but that was impressive. The resurgence of Curt Canon begins!
Smith: Haha indeed! Let’s head backstage!
~ The camera fades backstage and you see “The Distinguished” CJ O’Donnell already dressed in his ring gear for his battle later against Josie Barnes. As he walks backstage he shouts down the hallway. ~
CJ O’Donnell: “Hey Crimson …”
~ Crimson turns around and gives CJ a look as O’Donnell approaches him. ~
CJ O’Donnell: “I am glad I actually bumped into you backstage. I see you are wreaking havoc and kicking ass but you seem to have pissed off a former legend in The Big Bifford. I know a thing or two about getting under the skin of people and just want to let you know if you need some help with that fat ass then just say the word.”
Crimson: “Yeah. I’ll have your back too. You see... Bifford is a fake legend. I’ve never respected his game because he doesn’t have any. Bifford was propped up by Ace and Deano because of his large size with zero in ring ability. He couldn’t outdraw me now if he had a etch-a-sketch and head start.”
CJ O’Donnell: “I may take you up on that down the road but I figured I say it's nice to see someone like you in the back. OCW has a bunch of people who are afraid to get burnt by fire. Anyway I have an idea to make his life hell here. You know how that fat bastard likes to eat so why don't we put eye drops or those dissolvable laxative pills in his drinks he will be sitting on the throne so long his asshole would be on fire.”
~ CJ can't help but chuckle at his idea. ~
Crimson: “Let’s do it. Maybe he will shit himself while refereeing the match. I have Alice covered but he is the wild card in that match. Let’s ruin his butthole with some eye drops.”
~ Tommy turns toward his gym bag and searches through it. He retrieves eye drops and hands them to CJ. ~
Crimson: “Let’s do this.”
~ CJ grabs the eyes drops from Tommy as he examines them. ~
CJ O’Donnell: “I would say it would be hard to spot Bifford but he is too big to miss. I just hope he has showered because that stench makes me want to vomit.”
Crimson: “I don’t think he believes in helping younger stars or showering. Such things can’t be eaten. So they have zero value to someone like The Big Bifford. We should start a #BiffordPleaseShower hashtag on twitter. Shame may lead him to do things he otherwise wouldn’t do.”
CJ O’Donnell: “Too damn bad. I don't care if I have to hose him off in the ring tonight while he is referring the guy who has bigger tits than Annie Alvarez is going to get cleaned tonight.”
~ Crimson laughs at the joke as O’Donnell smirks. ~
Crimson: “You just gave me an excellent idea.”
~Tommy looks around for anyone listening in. He then leans in close to O’Donnell. ~
Crimson: “See.. After I get him down in our match. He will be breathing heavy and wishing he hadn’t fucked with me. I will hold that fat bastard flat on his back. Then I am going to titty fuck The Big Bifford in front of everyone on live television. Then after I shoot my wad across his fat neck, Biff will run off back to obscurity.”
~ CJ bursts out with laughter with that makes him bends over. After a few moments he regains his composure. ~
CJ O’Donnell: “That is why I think we are going to get along just fine Tommy. You say what is on your mind and don't give a fuck about what others think about it. However, Bifford isn't running anywhere but I'm sure can roll somewhere. I bet he has to sit down to piss as I'm sure he can't find that microscopic dick of his.”
~ Crimson laughs out loud. ~
Crimson: “He’s probably never even seen his dick. I know you are going to be World Champion soon though. You ever need some backup... Just let me know.”
CJ O’Donnell: Very true. Poor guy probably doesn't know what it feels like to receive a blowjob. But hey then again that's why prostitution is still in business right for fat bastards like him.”
~ O’Donnell pauses for a moment as he looks around backstage to see who is in the area. ~
CJ O’Donnell: “You have to be careful nowadays as you have a lot of snitches who are looking for that one big break. In two weeks I’ll be the OCW Champion. People will claim it was favoritism and shit but in reality it was just meant to happen. OCW needs a champion that will here on a weekly basis and not a monthly one like Matt Meyhu.”
Crimson: “You are that champion. Meyhu fears a real challenge. I’ve seen his type many times before. He wants that champions check but doesn’t want to put the week in week out work in. Matt does not work a real wrestlers schedule. We need to get rid of him.”
CJ O’Donnell: “I like the way you think. I think we need to get rid of all the part time wrestlers and people who live in the past about how great they were. You want to be someone then do something worth remembering.”
~ Crimson points at CJ as O’Donnell puts his arms up kidding around. ~
Crimson: “You are worth remembering already. We need to wipe them all out then use the bodies of the dead to construct a throne worthy of kings. I bet even Meyhu’s bones are brittle. He’s soft and after tonight he will know the real fuckin’ trouble he is in. The Incredible One is another concern but if we smack his little “wrestling family” around he will fold. When that skanky wife or fuckin’ brat of his turn up hurt or missing, he will leave. He can’t handle turmoil and any little thing will throw him off his game. He’s weak. It will be you and Meyhu if you ask me. Your focus is right where it needs to be. Yeah I just wrote TIO completely off but who hasn’t at this point? I already have a russian friend of mine looking into where his family stays while he’s on the road. I know just what to do.”
CJ O’Donnell: “TIO is a whole another story. I have a plan for him as I expected better for him of all people. I know how to get to him and he knows exactly what I am going to do to get under his skin. I'm not to worried as just like I am taking care of this Margarita Mix with ease the OCW Title will be in my possession very soon. May God have mercy on everyone as I sure as hell won’t.”
Crimson: “The sick, perverse and twisted shit I am about to unload on this company will cause the very foundation to rock. I will kidnap his entire family if it means we get a single step ahead. The rules can change. We have to rewrite what’s acceptable now ourselves. TIO’s family means dick to Tommy Crimson. Easy target. I hate all children. Soccer moms don’t even do it for me on pornhub anymore. “Chubby Milf” can mean many things but not what they define it as on there. I’ll follow your lead just remember you got an ace in your pocket now. Ace of Spades.”
CJ O’Donnell: “I think you are more than just an Ace of Spades. Don't sell yourself short Tommy. You are going to be remember as the man who killed The Big Bifford in the center of the ring. Your legacy is just going to continue to grow.”
Crimson: “I don’t know how to thank someone. I was raised by the state and not many manners are taught there. I do appreciate the kind words. It’s time you become OCW World Champion.”
~ CJ nods in agreement to Tommy’s last statement. ~
CJ O’Donnell: “The Distinguished Era has only just begun. I hope the locker room buckles up because shit is about to get fucking crazy in OCW!”
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: The idea of those two working together makes me queasy
Hood: I know...Crimson titty fucking Bifford is horrid imagery
Smith: Well, yea, that too...but those two minds, in unison...that could spell disastrous consequences for OCW
Hood: Fuck it...if nobody can stop them then they deserve the top. Crimson has looked awesome since returning and CJ could be the OCW Champion two weeks from tonight...if that's where we're headed then I say let it ride
Smith: OR...Alice could pin Crimson tonight followed by Bifford beating him in a few weeks...CJ could lose the OCW Title and the Mix and all of this potential will be a faded memory
Hood: I don't see that happening
Smith: Yea...unfortunately neither do I...anyway...let's move on before things get too grim. It's time to continue the MIX...let's head down to ringside
Margarita Mix
Bob Grenier (8-6) vs. Levi Russow (4-3)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following is a Margarita Mix match…it is scheduled for one fall!!
~We hear low violins hum and the beat swirling around it as we hear a stern Stan Lee DEMAND...~
~As the music grows a fog wafts through the arena until the drums hit and we see weak blue and white lights in syncopation until two spotlights shine throughout the arena...~
~The full power of "Miseria Cantare" by AFI hits as through the darkness like some great ravenous beast slinks Levi Russow up from the floor. Dark circles under his eyes gave way as he looks up into the ceiling and almost...beautifully waltzes with himself with his actions getting more vivid and more jagged with the growing intensity of the song when there...at the end...he kneels in the middle of the ring, glaring into the camera~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Manhattan, New York…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 210lbs…Levi Russow!!!
~ “Smart Went Crazy” begins echoes throughout the arena and Bob Grenier makes his way out to a nice ovation. He mouths the words of the song to himself, about half way down the aisle he stops and looks up and throws both hands in the air in tribute to his deceased relatives. He looks directly into the OCW camera and then playfully turns it towards the audience before he slides under the bottom rope. The fans continue to cheer as he sits on the top turnbuckle silently awaiting the match to begin~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Timmins, Ontario, Canada…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 222lbs…he is a former OCW Champion…Bob Grenier!!!
~The bell rings~
Smith: Levi Russow could really use a win tonight…last week Grenier dominated Storm to bounce back from a tough loss against CJ
Hood: Yea, Bob’s hanging in there…but this damn Mix is so top heavy he’s got to keep winning if he wants to keep up
Smith: Indeed…Mack, CJ and Chad are running through everyone
Hood: Even themselves!
~Russow charges Grenier. He jumps through the air with a flying forearm! An unexpected Grenier eats the forearm and flies back into the corner, as a result of the impact. Russow charges in and spears Grenier into the corner! He climbs onto the second buckle and starts to smash Grenier in the head with a flurry of fists~
Smith: Fast start for Levi…that’s what you have to do when you need a win
Hood: Yep, set the tone…which he’s done
Smith: He’ll have to keep up the pace…Bob Grenier is one of the best wrestlers in OCW history
Hood: Fuck yea he is…guy won’t go down without a fight
~The crowd counts along…as crowds tend to do…they reach “Nine!” Russow reaches back…holds up and drops down to the mat. The crowd boos, angry he didn’t give them their full ten. Russow smirks, enjoying the one he put over on the crowd. He has his back to Grenier, who stumbles forward. Russow spins around, charges and takes Grenier down with a running lariat!! Grenier hits the mat, hard~
Smith: Levi Russow playing head games with this crowd…it won’t exactly aid him in winning the match but, I guess whatever
Hood: Keeps him in his comfort zone, Smith. It’s who he is
Smith: So it’s a psychological thing?
Hood: Sure…if the fans are pissed, he’s feeling confident.
~Levi drops an elbow into Grenier’s chest. He remains seated on the mat and hooks Grenier’s head under his arm…he manipulates Grenier’s position until he’s got a firm, side headlock applied. He pulls Grenier to his feet and cranks the headlock back and forth, forcing a ton of tension on Bob’s head and neck. Bob tries to shoot Levi off, but Levi maintains his hold~
Smith: Not the most exciting move in the world…but it is effective in wearing your opponent’s neck down
Hood: Ever wake up with a stiff neck?
Smith: Unfortunately
Hood: Imagine wrestling with that
Smith: Ouch!
~Bob tries lifting Levi over his head for a side suplex. Levi is able to block each attempt, violently thrusting his weight toward his feet, pulling Grenier back toward the mat. Grenier lifts him up a third time…Levi fights off the suplex…Grenier, however, has a different idea. He lifts Russow up and drops him across his knee with an Atomic Drop!!! Levi jumps forward, hits the ropes and turns around, facing Bob. Bob lifts him up and drops him with an Inverted Atomic Drop!! Levi bends over, holding his crotch…he falls over, to the side. Grenier staggers back, leaning against the ropes, rubbing his neck~
Smith: Great counter by Grenier…that not only shifted the momentum buy preserved his neck
Hood: He kneed him right in the dick!
Smith: Well, yea, that’s sort of how an Inverted Atomic Drop goes…although not officially
Hood: AFTER he kneed him in the ass. That Bob Grenier…he’s a real jerk!
Smith: Normally I’d agree with you…however Levi has been less than savory in recent weeks
Hood: SAVORY…the fuck?
Smith: Never mind
~Levi sits up…Grenier charges forward and throws a kick. Levi leans back, dodging the kick. Grenier’s momentum takes him into the ropes…his leg gets hung up on the middle rope. Levi returns to his feet…he sneaks up behind Grenier and hooks him around the waist. Scruff is standing near the ropes, looking at Grenier’s leg. Levi pulls Grenier away from the ropes. Grenier reaches back with his right leg and he kicks Levi in the groin!! Levi grimaces, releases Grenier. Bob runs into the ropes, he bounces off and he kicks Levi in the face with a big boot!!! Levi flips backward, over his head, landing front first onto the mat~
Smith: Great resiliency by Bob…he stayed focused until he was able to get Levi onto the mat
Hood: Thanks to another DICK kick
Smith: That’s the first of this match
Hood: Whatever…knee to the dick…kick to the dick…it’s the same fucking thing
~Grenier pulls Levi up…Levi tries to fight free but Grenier cracks a headbutt into Levi’s skull! It makes a sickening thud. Levi’s legs go limp…he nearly falls over. Grenier hooks Levi…he hoists him up and drops him to the mat with Hollinger Park Hangman!!! Levis’ body flattens out…Grenier goes for the pin, Scruff slides in with the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…BOB GRENIER!!!!!
Smith: Grenier with a quick ending to what looked like it might be a competitive match
Hood: Guy’s smart…he saw what happened to Mack earlier…why the hell would you want that? If you can finish a guy, fucking finish him
Smith: If you are capable that is the best way to go about things. Levi continues to struggle…I’m afraid Russow’s career is on thin ice in OCW
Hood: Yea, Grenier may have PUT him on ice with that head butt…thing was nasty
Smith: It was loud and far from smart…but Grenier has never been much of a planner
Hood: Nope, guy just does shit…and, well, who can argue with his success?
Smith: Indeed…anyway, Grenier evens his record up with Mack’s…they are tied at the top of their division while Levi continues to plummet…it’s looking highly unlikely Levi will have any shot at winning the Mix.
Hood: I guess he can adopt that lame ‘role of spoiler’ tag or whatever
Smith: Perhaps…anyway, let’s head backstage as the night rolls on!
~The scene opens backstage where Iggy Hardy is seen lounging on a sofa with Hobo Steve on his right. The Savage championship belt to his left, draped on the back of the couch. As we get closer, we see Iggy is on the receiving end of a BJ from a local ring rat, and Hobo Steve has a kitchen spoon loaded with crack rock, he heats up the spoon, readying a blast.~
Iggy: Hurry up with that stuff, Steve!
Hobo Steve: Going as fast as I can, nigga!
~Iggy doesn’t appear to be enjoying the oral pleasure from the semi attractive ring rat, but eases back into the sofa, trying to loosen up. Out of nowhere, the door flies open and in walks Treat Cassidy~
Cassidy: What the!!!!!
~You’d think Iggy would push the girl away and Hobo Steve would stash the narcotics, but they both continue what it is they are up too.~
Iggy: Yo Treat!
~Hobo Steve gives Treat a friendly nod, not looking up from his cook.~
Cassidy: I can’t believe you, Iggy. You are starting to spiral out of control! Have you not been paying attention? Tonight is NOT the night I need to be dealing with this stuff.
Iggy: You my mamma or my agent? What it is you need, Treat!?
~Cassidy shakes his head in disgust, despair, and maybe a little agony~
Cassidy: Just coming to say hello, I guess. When I heard you we’re at the show I thought I’d come touch base.
Hobo Steve: Fuck you nigga!
Iggy: Steven… We are nice to Treat, remember?
Hobo Steve: TRU.
~Cassidy shakes his head again, and looks down at the woman working Iggy over.~
Cassidy: Hello there. My name is Treat, do you have a name?
Iggy: Can’t you see she’s a little busy?
Hobo Steve: Her name Precious, nigga!
Cassidy: Wonderful…
~Iggy laughs~
Cassidy: Anyway, erm… I wanted to discuss business, shall we do it in private?
Iggy: Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of Steven. He’s family.
Cassidy: Ohhh. Right. Family. OK, whatever.
Iggy: What it do?
Cassidy: Well, since you don’t return my calls or texts, I have to hunt you down. You aren’t slated to defend the Savage championship for a couple more weeks, but I didn’t know if you wanted me to set you up with a match, to keep yourself loose going into the next couple weeks.
~Iggy appears to be deep in thought, it feels like minutes pass by before he responds.~
Iggy: I think I’m gonna pass, Treat. Nobody else that has a title works every week, or even bi-weekly for that matter. So why should I? I want to be on their schedule. Look at Meyphew, he hasn’t wrestled since he won the title. If he can be lazy, so can’t I. Besides, I got bamboozled by Brad Carrington once, he knows dang well it won’t ever happen again. I FUCKED that ass last week!
Cassidy: Hmm… OK… OK then, so you don’t want a match?
Iggy: Nopers! Not unless you can get me booked against Puffer or some low tier feller like that. Instead, I’d rather take blasts and get pussy!
Cassidy: Hmm… Well, I guess I’ll put a call into Welsh’s office and see about getting you booked against Shootah or something.
Iggy: Thanks Treat! You’re a real pal!
~Cassidy turns to leave.~
Iggy: Hold up, one other thing…
~Cassidy rolls his eyes, forcing himself to turn around.~
Cassidy: Uh huh?
Iggy: See if you can’t get Steven a roster spot in Outsiders. I think he would be a great fit. Really break him into the industry by becoming a fixture in Emilio’s Backyard. And what better trainer than he could have then Flex?
Cassidy: Flex?
Cassidy: Ahhhh… I’m not sure … “Steven” would be ready for a spot in Outsiders Championship Wrestling? I mean, Dean is building himself quite a roster I don’t kn---
Iggy: Treat! Just fucking get him signed!
Hobo Steve: Yeah, nigga!
~Treat forces a smile.~
Cassidy: Sure. Yup. I’ll see what I can do. Have a great evening, gentleman.
Iggy: You too Treat!
~Iggy flashes Treat a real dorky toothy smile, this whole time the hoe blowing Iggy hasn’t lost track of her task. Treat shakes his head thinking to himself ‘What have I got myself into’ as he turns to leave as the scene fades back to ringside~
Smith: The less said the better
Smith: I guess...that's our Savage Champion. Anyway...let's move on! The Mix continues as Lukas Emery takes on Madyson Carter
Lukas Emery (6-1) vs. Madyson Carter (2-3)
~”What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park begins to play. The fans turn and watch Lukas Emery…the Oh Shit Contract Holder, emerge from behind the curtain. He makes his way to the ring, enters and prepares for the match~
Hood: Emery has looked strong recently. He even fought his significant other leaving marks on her.
Smith: She left marks too.
Belvedere: Now making his way to the ring, from Cardiff, Wales, now residing in London, England, Lukas Emery!
~“At My Best” by MGK fet. Hailee Steinfeld begins to play. Madyson Carter walks through the curtain and out onto the ramp. The crowd cheers as she makes her way to the ring. Emery stands in the corner and waits for Carter to get in the ring. She walks up the ring steps slowly while working the crowd. Madyson then slips through the ropes and stretches slightly before facing Lukas in the center of the ring. The referee comes in to explain the rules of the matchup~
Smith: Madyson lost her match last week but she looks to bounce back here tonight against Lukas Emery.
Hood: Women and Men fighting each other. There’s something a little white trash about it all.
~The referee calls for the bell! Lukas and Madyson just start swinging on each other! Emery hits her with a right and she counters with a quick left jab. Emery leans in for a headbutt but Madyson shuffles her feet around and hooks him around the neck over her right shoulder. Sit Out Jawbreaker! Emery bounces back from the impact and gets tangled up in the ropes~
Hood: Emery is in a compromising situation now.
Smith: That jawbreaker left him dazed and tangled up in the ropes.
~Emery falls out of the ropes then hits one knee. Carter watches from the opposite side of the ring. She works the crowd then takes off running at Lukas! She hits a brutal shining wizard that sends Emery through the ropes and out of the ring.~
Smith: Madyson Carter is in complete control of this match up.
Hood: That bitch is mean, man.
~Carter continues the pace by running into the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. She then propels herself toward Emery full speed. Lukas is still on the outside of the ring but now standing up holding onto the side of the ring apron. Carter slides just before she reaches the ropes where Lukas is. He counters quickly by moving slightly then catching her as she slides by. Emery then drags her on out of the ring~
Hood: Caught! He’s got her now. Margarita Mix Action!
~Lukas takes Madyson by the hair of the head. The referee begins his count. Carter elbows Emery in the groin causing him to bend over slightly and release his hold on her golden locks. Madyson stumbles out from Emery then charges back at him! Lukas is still bending over when he counters by spinning out of the way. He grapples Carter after she misses. He twirls her around in the air for a violent backbreaker! The move causes the crowd to react~
Smith; OUCH! He nearly broke her in two!
Hood: She’s five feet tall. He twirled her around like she was some kind of rag doll.
~Lukas rolls back into the ring breaking the count. Carter is right behind him now holding her lower back. Madyson gets in the ring and Emery immediately strikes! He wraps his right arm around her neck then takes her down with a headlock. Carter uses her sharp elbows to break the hold but Emery grapples her up quickly again. He then whips her toward the ropes! On the return, Emery charges at her for a running lariat! Lukas sends Madyson to the mat. She hits her head hard backwards on the canvas. Lukas quickly hooks a leg for a pin~
Hood: ONE!
~Madyson kicks out then rolls over to hold the back of her head. Emery argues with the referee about a slow count. The ref dismisses the argument completely further enraging Lukas~
Smith: Carter kicks out at one!
Hood: Did you see how her head bounced off the mat? She’s looking tough here tonight.
~Emery picks her up the head of her hair once again. The referee comes in to warn him but he doesn’t listen. Lukas situates himself behind Madyson then begins to push her toward the corner. Just as the two reach the corner, Madyson reaches back and snatches Emery around the neck. She then uses the middle rope to spin the two around with both her feet! Emery holds on for the ride that ends in a twist a fate! The counter wows the crowd~
Hood: Twist of Fate!
Smith: That was a brilliant counter! She uses the middle turnbuckle and forward momentum to spin the two for a nasty counter!
Hood: I saw.
~Carter realizes Emery is now laid out. She quickly gets to the corner and begins to climb. Madyson uses the middle rope again but this time to bounce on up to the top turnbuckle. She faces away from Emery and towards the crowd. Flashes fill the air as she leaps off backwards. The double rotation moonsault hits its mark, Lukas Emery~
Smith: She hooks a leg!
Hood: ONE!
Smith: TWO!
~Emery kicks out at the last possible moment. The crowd pops at the close near fall. Madyson is now visibly frustrated. She gets back to her feet in a fit of anger. Carter reaches down and pulls up Lukas by both his shoulders. He wobbles to his feet while Madyson comes in close to grapple. Emery kicks her in the gut out of nowhere! Madyson bends over slightly and Lukas nearly DDT’s Carter out of her boots! They end up in the middle of the ring. Emery leaps to his feet in a single bound. He taunts the crowd with his athleticism. He hovers above Madyson, who is now laid on her stomach. Lukas drops to the mat beside her and applies a crossface! He pulls her head back with violent force~
Smith: Crippler crossface! Crippler crossface!
Hood: You can’t call it that anymore, Smith. Goddamn.
Smith: Why not?
Hood: I dunno… maybe because murdering a whole family then yourself is reason enough to be forgotten?
Smith: Touchy.
~Carter lashes both her arms around attempting to break the hold. Emery pulls back even harder with her fighting him. Madyson begins to dig her nails into the mat. She slowly pulls herself toward the bottom rope. Things go dark for her. The referee notices and comes in to check on Carter. She comes back to life then begins to pull herself and Emery toward the bottom rope. The small framed wrestler uses all that she has to pull and scratch~
Hood: She’s going to tap! Pretty soon the back of her head is going to meet her back.
Smith: She continues to work towards the ropes. She has no quit in her!
~At Last! She nabs the bottom rope with her right index finger. She leans in with all she has left to grab a handful of bottom rope. The referee rushes in to break the hold but Lukas refuses to release Madyson. The referee counts all the way to four before Emery turns Carter loose~
Smith: Emery is in a nasty mood tonight. He continues to skid the rules in order to punish his opponent further.
~Madyson rolls out of the ring and begins rubbing the back of her neck. Carter walks over to the announce table then props herself up against it. Emery slides out of the ring on the opposite side, just out of Madyson’s line of sight. He slowly sneaks around the side of the ring. Lukas then takes off and bursts around the side of the ring directly at Madyson. When he turns the corner he is surprised to find that she is not there~
Hood: Where did she go?
Smith: I don’t know!
~A puzzled look consumes Emery’s face. He slowly looks around. Careful because she could jump out at him at any time. The referee begins his count as Lukas carefully searches around the ring for Madyson. He stops next to the steel ring steps for a brief moment. Suddenly he falls face first as if he was tripped! Carter was hiding under the ring and when he wasn’t looking she pulled both feet out from under Emery~
Hood: Haha! She hid then struck when he least expected it.
Smith: She definitely caught him off guard.
~Carter crawls up Emery’s back on the floor. She then situates herself just right to lock in a bridging grounded double chicken wing~
Smith: Heaven’s Pain! Heaven’s Pain!
Hood: She has him out the outside of the ring though!
Smith: He might tap anyway.
~Emery is in real trouble now. He kicks his legs out attempting to pull himself out of the maneuver. The referee’s count in the ring reaches three as Madyson continues to punish Lukas with her finisher. The bright lights begin to fade for Emery at the count of four. Madyson looks over at the referee counting. She realizes she is going to have to break the hold in order to get back in the ring before she’s counted out~
Hood: Madyson has to make a tough decision here. On one hand he could tap if he’s not out right now. On the other hand she could let go and slip back in the ring to break the referee’s count.
Smith: She’s thinking about it right now.
~”6” The referee calls out. Madyson let’s Lukas go reluctantly. She quickly hops to her feet and slides underneath the bottom rope to halt the count. Emery’s head bounced off the floor leading him to come to. Madyson gets to her feet in the ring when Lukas suddenly pops up! She is completely shocked to see him now standing. Emery rolls in the ring and Carter immediately covers him~
Hood: ONE!
Hood: KICKOUT! Carter can’t believe it!
~Lukas kicked out with every bit of energy he had left. Madyson argues the count with the referee. She uses her right hand to pat her left hand three times. Carter uses her hands to indicate it was a three count. The referee dismisses her claim as resumes the action. Emery uses the time to his advantage. He recovers slowly but now he is on his feet. Lukas leans against the ropes to keep his balance. Carter finally turns to face Emery. She walks over to him with a stern look across her face. Emery still stands but barely. He shifts his feet as Madyson reaches him. She ends up laid out across his knee. The swinging reverse STO shakes the entire ring. After Emery hits his finisher he falls to the mat alongside Madyson breathing heavy. The lingering effects of Heaven’s Pain still evident~
Hood: Both wrestlers are down in the center of the ring now! The referee has begun his count and neither competitor has yet to move.
Smith: This could be a double countout! What if they both are unable to continue???
Hood: Then they both lose. Emery just moved slightly as did Madyson. Both are totally spent but gave it all here tonight. This Margarita Mix is the hottest thing in wrestling right now.
~Lukas manages to make the cover…Scruff slides in with the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….LUKAS EMERY!!!!!
Smith: Big win for Lukas…he suffered his first singles loss against CJ last week and needed to bounce back
Hood: Man, Carter‘s record sucks
Smith: It’s not the greatest…but she is trying
Hood: Yea, I guess
Smith: She falls to 0-4 and is clearly out of this competition…I’d think
Hood: Oh yea, for sure
Smith: Meanwhile Lukas rolls on with only one less…very much alive…unfortunately, he’s in a division with two undefeated competitors
Hood: He gets Vargas twice and CJ once more…he’s got his opportunities
Smith: That he does! Well, let’s head backstage
~Mack O’Connor paces backstage, somewhat still fresh off his match with Vargas. His knee is swollen...it's without bandaging. He carries AKB's bottle of Jameson in one hand, occasionally taking a sizable swig. He stops for a moment to stretch his knee~
Mack: Fuck…
~He stretches his knee a little harder, biting his lip at the pain. He chugs the whiskey for several moments for stretching his knee even harder. The Incredible One calmly walks up behind him. He gently taps Mack’s arm~
TIO: Mack.
~Mack sharply turns and raises his fists~
TIO: Whoa! Easy, man!
~Mack takes a breath and calms down~
Mack: What the fuck do you want?
TIO: That was a good display out there, Mack. Tough loss to Vargas... But I know you'll bounce back in the Mix for sure... How's the leg holding up?
~Mack takes another swig before sizing TIO up~
Mack: What do you care?
TIO: Just relax, okay? We’ve had our problems, and I want to win but I also don't want to injure you or threaten your career, so we can change the stipulation if you want.
~Mack stares at him for a second, slowly starting to nod~
Mack: Yeah? You’d be okay with that?
TIO: Absolutely. No one would think any lesser of you. I give full permission.
Mack: Deal.
~Mack smirks deviously, extending his hand. TIO smiles, having finally reach some sort of accord with Mack, and shakes his hand. Mack takes one last swig of whiskey with his other hand. He suddenly pulls TIO forward and swings the bottle, smashing it over TIO’s head. TIO drops to the ground, his head immediately gushing with blood~
Mack: How ‘bout no rules, motherfucker?!
~Mack kicks TIO in the ribs a couple times~
Mack: How ‘bout no submissions?! No pinfalls?! None of that shit!
~Mack kicks him a few more times. Somewhere down the hall, we hear people quickly approaching~
Mack: How ‘bout the last man standing?! How ‘bout the last fuckin’ man breathing, bitch?!
~Mack kicks him one more time before a group of security guard rushes him. Mack hits the first guard with a hard right hook, then the second with a vicious left jab. Both guards drop, but the rest overwhelm him and push him away. Mack eventually gives up and walks away voluntarily, spitting on the ground as he does~
Mack: Fuckin' pussy...
~Mack disappears down the hall. The guards turn to TIO, who slowly stands up and wipes the blood off his face. They moved to check if he's okay, but he pushes them off him. He stares intensely down the hallway after Mack, clearly not happy about what just happened. We cut to the announce table~
Smith: Last Man Standing?
Hood: Is that shit official?
Smith: I’m being told that it is! This helps Mack…I mean, slightly. His knee is, apparently, still in dire condition
Hood: Yea but now TIO is all busted open. That’s a pretty nasty wound on his forehead
Smith: I blame AKB
Hood: You would! So how does this impact the Treat Towel watch?
Smith: A little…but not much. Treat can still throw in the towel for Mack. That would be the only way the match could stop outside of Mack remaining down for ten seconds.
Hood: Really? Why is that some ubiquitous law – the white towel thing?
Smith: To keep hard headed people like Mack from dying in the ring
Hood: Ah, okay…fair enough
Smith: Well we’ve got one more Mix match remaining…so let’s get to it…CJ O’Donnell puts his undefeated Mix record on the line against Josie Barnes…his ‘adopted’ sister
Hood: That’s still a thing?
Smith: Yep!
Margarita Mix
CJ O’Donnell (19-2) vs. Josie Barnes (8-4)
Smith: These two have been going back and forth on twitter.
Hood: Twitter is stupid.
~”Breaking the Habit” by Linkin Park begins to play. The fans get on their feet and offer a very likable, cheery response for Josie Barnes. She steps out from behind the curtain with anxiety in her face. She’s got a HUGE task in front of her. She sets down the ramp and doesn’t exert any wasted energy. She rolls in under the bottom rope and pops to her feet in the center of the ring~
Belvedere: Introducing first…. She hails from Lilly, Georgia but resides in Key West… JoooooSssssssiiiieeee Barnes!
Smith: Barnes needs a win here tonight.
Hood: No shit, Smith. They both need a win here tonight.
~”Crawling” by Linkin Park hits. CJ O’Donnell appears from behind the curtain…he doesn’t waste any time. He’s got his eyes on directly on Josie. CJ walks down the ramp never taking his gaze from Barnes. The two lock eyes as he walks up the steel ring steps~
Belvedere: And her opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts…standing 5’11 and weighing in at 178lbs… “The Distinguished” CJ O’Donnell!!!!
Hood: CJ has been on a roll. He is doing very well in the Margarita Mix and also looks forward to an OCW title shot down the line.
Smith: Josie looks like she is unimpressed right now.
Hood: Just wait.
~The referee calls both competitors to the center of the ring. Josie walks up and faces CJ. O’Donnell rolls his eyes at her as the referee runs down the rules with each of them. The referee then turns away from them to call for the bell~
Hood: CJ has already started the mind games.
Smith: He started them on twitter.
Hood: Fuck Twitter.
~The bell rings as both wrestlers lock up in the center of the ring. Josie shuffles her feet but CJ overpowers her quickly. He spins her around and pushes her towards the ropes. She hits stomach first then bounces back directly to O’Donnell. CJ follows up by catching her for a rear naked choke! Both Barnes eyes bulge as CJ squeezes with all his might~
Smith: Josie is already in trouble!
Hood: CJ has the rear naked choke hold locked in! Shit look at her eyes!
~O’Donnell continues to squeeze while Barnes flings her free limbs about attempting in vain to escape. CJ and Josie both fall flat to the mat. O’Donnell continues to hold on with the rear naked choke hold. Barnes finally stops moving so the referee rushes in to check her status. He lifts her right arm once then drops it. The ref then picks up the same arm and drops it again. The crowd is going crazy when he snatches it up a third and final time. He drops it again…~
Hood: She’s back!
~Josie comes back to life just before her hand hits the mat a third and final time. She slowly gets to one foot then both. CJ still has the hold locked as she begins to elbow him backwards with everything she’s got. Barnes hammers O’Donnell’s rib cage with elbow after elbow until he releases the hold. Josie attempts to catch her breath while holding her throat. CJ has none of this and charges at her. She counters with a big dropkick knocking O’Donnell swiftly off his feet! Barnes catches him right on the chin with her right heel, sending him through the ropes and off the apron to the outside of the ring~
Smith: The referee begins his count on CJ while Josie continues to clear her airway.
~Barnes rubs her tight throat once more before she hurries to the top turnbuckle. CJ is catching his bearings with his back to her now. She dives off the turnbuckle but CJ gets out of the way at the last possible moment! Barnes lands on her feet in a total vulnerable position. CJ hops up on the apron and runs toward Josie, who is now standing next to the ring. O’Donnell catches her in the side of the head with a running knee! CJ smiles after hearing a crack from the devastating shot. He slides through the ropes as the referee begins his count on Josie~
Hood: CJ is controlling this match so far.
Smith: Don’t ever count Barnes out.
Hood: Tell the ref that!
~Barnes shakes her head to catch her bearings. CJ just stands in the ring waiting for the countout. Josie continues to pull on the ring skirt to pull herself up on the apron. The crowd boos at CJ for waiting for the countout. He turns to taunt the crowd just as Barnes gets up on the apron. She finally slides under the bottom rope to break the count. CJ turns around and notices immediately that she beat the count. O’Donnell walks over slowly taunting her with each step he takes toward her~
Smith: CJ continues to taunt Josie.
Hood: He’s lining her up right now!
~O’Donnell snatches Barnes up by the hair of her head. She wobbles around as he grapples her up to her feet. He situates her head between his legs, setting Barnes up for a powerbomb. CJ lifts her high into the air! She begins kicking and fighting as he lifts her as high as he possibly can. She continues to fight and nails him across the forehead with a sharp elbow! The shot stuns O’Donnell! Barnes shifts her feet around and props her knees against CJ’s face. Josie then wraps her arms around his neck then drops back~
Hood: Barnes Experience! Barnes Experience!
Smith: Wow!
~CJ bounces off Josie’s knobby kneecaps then falls alongside her on the mat. The crowd is shocked by the turn of events. Josie hooks O’Donnell’s left leg for a pin~
Smith: ONE!
Hood: TWO!
Smith: KICKOUT! Wow that was close.
~O’Donnell kicks out at the last possible second. The crowd erupts from the near fall while Josie breathes heavy completely consumed now with rage. Barnes hits both her open palms against the mat with pure anger~
Hood: Well that pissy fit sure isn’t going to help her.
Smith: So Close.
~Josie gets back to her feet before CJ. He is still a tad dazed and staggers to his feet. O’Donnell bounces against the ropes then clutches tight to the top one to catch his balance. Barnes watches his every move. She begins to stalk him. Josie rushes at CJ full speed but he counters with a drop toe hold! Barnes falls throat first across the middle rope. Before she can get up off the rope, CJ kicks it from underneath! The shot sends Barnes flying back gasping for air. O’Donnell circles her and continues to taunt her. The Distinguished One continues to taunt Barnes as she rolls around on the mat failing to catch her breath~
Hood: Haha, this appears to be personal. These two fuckin’ hate each other.
Smith: I believe he just sent a message with that shot. Everyone in the front row including the two of us winced after that shot.
~Josie rolls out of the ring suddenly catching CJ off guard. She gets to her feet on the outside of the ring but continues to hold her throat. O’Donnell shakes his head to clear it before he takes off. CJ runs full speed across the entire ring at Josie. He leaps and completely clears the top rope! O’Donnell hits Barnes on the outside with all his feet as they crash into the side of the security barrier. As they both hit the side of the barrier, it gives and both wrestlers end up laying on a different section of the fallen barrier~
Smith: OH MAH GAWD! CJ just took Josie out but himself as well! O’Donnell came here tonight to hurt Barnes and it's becoming more evident by the second.
Hood: Watch this replay.
~Hood signals the trucks in the back to show a replay. The slow motion shows the force in which both wrestlers crashed through the barrier. The referee’s count has reached four when the replay turns to real time action. O’Donnell moves slightly. The crowd reaction to CJ’s movement wakes Josie up. Both wrestlers sit up slowly. They look around and realize they broke the security barrier. Josie begins to crawl towards the ring slowly. CJ gives chase. They both crawl along toward the ring. The referee’s count reaches seven when O’Donnell catches Josie and latches onto her right foot. She turns slowly then kicks CJ in the face with a big right foot! She then scrambles to her feet and hops up on the apron. She then rolls in the ring, breaking the count on herself. The referee counts eight on CJ as he stumbles to his feet. He wobbles toward the ring and collapses on the apron. Josie reaches over and begins to pull him on into the ring. Barnes gets him in the center of the ring then hooks a leg~
Hood: ONE!
~O’Donnell kicks out at one then rolls over away from Barnes. Josie lays on her back looking up at the bright lights in complete disbelief. She pouts a bit when CJ comes into her view overhead. She begins to roll but it’s too late. He begins stomping Josie over and over. Barnes gets stomped in the chest with malice intent~
Hood: Damn… I bet that hurts the ole’ tits.
Smith: Yikes.
~”Twitter trolls die in my ring!” CJ screams at Josie as he stomps her again. She catches his foot on the next stomp. Barnes twists the ankle with all she has got. She twists it until CJ turns along with the twist and falls to the mat. Josie uses the ropes to pull herself back up to her feet. O’Donnell gets back to his feet but now protects that right ankle. CJ limps a bit as he comes at Josie. Barnes hits the ropes then sails at CJ full speed. She drop kicks the right leg sending O’Donnell for a complete spin in the air. The crowd pops at the shot~
Smith: Barnes sends CJ for a complete flip.
~Josie watches as CJ gets back to his feet now obviously favoring the right leg. He is rattled from the shot but tries in vain to shake it off. Barnes taunts him by extending her hands out and telling him to bring it. O’Donnell charges at Josie suddenly and grapples her up. She tries to counter but he continues to maneuver himself until he ends up behind her. CJ then shuffles his feet in order to drag her to the center of the ring. The ensuing german suplex shakes the entire ring. Josie doesn’t even move when CJ hooks a leg~
Hood: ONE!
Smith: TWO!
Hood: KICKOUT! That was close!
~Barnes kicks out at the last possible second~
Crowd: This is Awesome! This is Awesome!
~Both wrestlers lay flat on the mat. O’Donnell is now himself a bit frustrated. Josie slowly staggers to her feet. She grabs the top rope to gain her balance. CJ suddenly charges Barnes who falls down pulling the top rope with her weight. O’Donnell flies through the ropes and bounces off the apron. He lands on the outside in a pile. Josie quickly gets to the corner closest to CJ. She climbs up on the middle rope then hops up on the top. Flashes throughout indicate the camera’s won’t miss this moment. O’Donnell gets to one knee then stands up. He turns toward Barnes just as she leaps off! CJ counters quickly by catching her at the knees! O’Donnell uses her own momentum against her and just falls back. Barnes face slaps the middle steel ring step then she rolls onto her back lifeless. O’Donnell stands up and realizes where she hit~
Smith: The violent shots in this match are insane. Josie could be dead.
Hood: She’s not dead I see her breathing but her left eye is black now.
~CJ grabs Josie by the hair, hurling her into the ring under the ropes. He climbs onto the apron and is about to enter when an idea hits. He pauses. Josie sits up, surprisingly. She manages to get to her feet…the crowd goes wild~
Smith: My gosh…look at the heart of this woman!
Hood: I guess…you realize she doesn’t have a fucking clue where she’s at
Smith: You don’t know that, it could all be a ploy
Hood: I’ve seen female wrestlers act…trust me, this is no ploy
~Josie turns around, facing CJ. It’s evident by the look in her eyes that she’s out on her feet. CJ leaps onto the top rope…he springboards off and drills Josie in the face with Irish Knowledge!!! Josie flips backwards, over her head, landing front first onto the mat. CJ rolls Josie over and goes for the pin…Scruff slides in, making the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….“THE DISTINGUISHED” CJ O’DONNELL!!!!!
Smith: CJ wins! I guess I’d call that SUPER Irish Knowledge
Hood: An Ingenious Irish Knowledge
Smith: Sure, yea, something like that…CJ remains unbeaten…he is arguably the clear front runner to win this thing after Mack’s loss earlier this evening
Hood: Don’t forget about Chad Vargas…WEAK ASS COMMENTATING
Smith: Sorry! Yes, Chad’s win against Mack shows that the Confederate Icon is a definite threat to win the Mix as well…it’s going to get interesting
Hood: No shit
Smith: As for Josie…well she gave it a great effort but she’s still just a cut beneath the main event level players here in OCW…I do see the gap closing, however…so that’s a plus
Hood: At least she’s still the Purple VIP, right Smith?
Smith: There is always that…
~The lights suddenly go out~
Smith: What…what’s going on?
Hood: Not another sneak attack!
~Scuffling can be heard…CJ cursing and fighting reaches out through the darkness. Finally, the lights come back on and CJ is standing, in the center of the ring with a black hoodie half on. A question mark mask covers his face. The crowd cheers and laughs. CJ reaches up…he RIPS the mask off his face and tosses it to the ground. He rips the hoodie off, tossing IT to the ground. He stomps on both…an item falls from the ceiling, hitting him in the head. It doesn’t do any damage…more an annoyance. He looks down…it’s another question mark mask. He looks up and flinches~
Smith: It’s about to rain on CJ
Hood: A curious storm!
Smith: Indeed!
~Hundreds of question mark masks fall from the ceiling, landing on CJ and the ring. The fans cheer, very much enjoying themselves at CJ’s expense. CJ kicks the masks away…he exits the ring…Josie has already been taken to the back. He heads up the ramp with anger etched all over his face~
Smith: So much for enjoying his twentieth win…that impromptu plastic shower has CJ almost as mad as if he would have lost
Hood: No, he’s not THAT mad
Smith: You don’t think?
Hood: He’d be MURDEROUS if he had lost to Josie
Smith: Yea, perhaps…well, I’m not here to argue a man’s level of fury…all I know is CJ is angry and he’ll definitely do something about it. In the meantime, let’s head backstage!
~We cut backstage. We get a view of THE KNIFE MAN’S door. It opens…TIO emerges with a bandaged forehead. AKB pounces like a reporter actually doing his job~
AKB: TIO! How’s the head? You gonna be okay for tonight’s match?
~TIO breathes in deep. He works to control his frustration~
TIO: Yea, I’ll be fine. We don’t take nights off in OCW with pussy foot injuries.
AKB: And you’re good with the Last Man Standing stipulation? No rules..with that giant gash in your head?
TIO: I’ve faced worse men than Mack O’Connor under more dangerous conditions. I’ll be fine.
AKB: And what about your family at ringside? Do you think they will be okay watching you compete with that injury in this type of match against a man like Mack O’Connor?
~Anger swells within TIO. His eyes flutter with emotion. Knux steps into view and gets between TIO and AKB~
Knux: This interview is over.
~Knux and TIO exit leaving AKB outside The Knife Man’s station. The Knife Man quietly approaches~
AKB: Well, there you have it…TIO and his fucked up skull will go up against Mack O’Connor and his retarded knee. It should be one heck of a match!
~A glimmer of light reflecting off metal catches AKB’s eye sight. He turns and sees a giant knife near his shoulder~
AKB: GEEZUS…watch where you’re pointing that thing!
~The Knife Man profusely apologizes as we cut back to the announce table~
Smith: The odds have evened out…somewhat
Hood: Gotta hand it to Mack…guy knows how to fix a situation
Smith: Yep…he’d probably make a good ‘heavy’
Hood: What, like a fat porn star?
Smith: NO! A mean guy who collects money for criminal organizations
Hood: Ya think? I doubt Mack would do that…he’s too busy drinking, limping, and avoiding Peaches
Smith: Indeed! Well…it’s time for perhaps our most unique match of the evening…Tommy Crimson faces Alice Knight with
Hood: BIFF!!!
Smith: Yea, him…BIFF as the special ref…let’s head down to ringside
Special Referee – The Big Bifford
Alice Knight (9-1) vs. Tommy Crimson (3-0)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following match is scheduled for one fall!
~The arena lights go out. The opening guitar lick of Deftones "Engine No. 9" hits throughout. The crowd immediately reacts with boos throughout. Tommy Crimson struts across the stage to the roar. Fire blasts cross the stage in front of Crimson in a straight line. OCW fans react harshly as he begins his descent down the ramp. Crimson riles up the crowd even further with his harsh and obscene hand gestures. The crowd continues to boo as he walks up the steps and slips through the ropes. Crimson points at a little girl in the crowd and gives her the finger before climbing the turnbuckle. "I own this!" he screams~
Belvedere: Introducing first…from Detroit, Michigan…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 170lbs…Tommy Crimson!!!
~ ”Electrified" by Dressy Bessy begins to play as the fans turn and cheer one of their all-time favorites, Alice Knight. She makes her way to the ring with a bubbly demeanor. She enters into the ring and kind of skips around for no apparent reason. She rushes the ropes and heads to the middle turnbuckle and waves to the fans as her music fades out~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Bethel, New York…standing 5’8 and weighing in at 125lbs…she is a former OCW Champion…Alice Knight!!!
~Alice’s music ends. The arena is consumed with BIFFORD! Chants. Suddenly “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio hits! The crowd goes wild. BIFFORD emerges with a black and white striped magical FLEECE adorning his massive frame. He struts to the ring looking very official~
Belvedere: And the special referee for this contest…he is a former OCW Champion…he is an OCW Hall of Famer…please welcome back…The Big Bifford!!!
~Bifford ascends the steps and wedges his gigantic frame through the ropes. He looks at Alice and shakes his head, waving her off as though she’s inconsequential. He then turns to Crimson and extends his arms. Crimson backs away, warning Biff to keep his distance~
Smith: I think Biff wants a hug
Hood: I know he’s recently adopted the sleeper…did he also add BEAR HUG into her repertoire?
Smith: With Biff…you just never know
Hood: That Bifford/Crimson match promises to be a real HAM AND EGGER
Smith: What???
Hood: Sorry, I was just trying to fit Ham in the commentary
~Bifford lunges in for a welcome back embrace. Crimson dodges the large, slow moving man. Bifford winds up hugging the corner. Crimson screams an obscenely laced tirade at Biff. Biff spins around and says, “Tommy…c’mon!” The fans at ringside begin hooting. Crimson displays a ‘wtf’ look. He turns around and gets superkicked right underneath the jaw!! Crimson hits the mat and rolls out of the ring. The fans in the arena break into an “OWL! IS! NIGHT!” chant~
Smith: Highly entertaining sequence
Hood: I honestly don’t know how much of this match I can stomach
Smith: What do you mean? Alice, Bifford AND Crimson…what’s not to like?
Hood: Alice, for starters…but…the entire combination, I don’t know man…it just screams over the top bullshit
Smith: I guess we’ll find out!
~Bifford looks around the arena. The chants are foreign to him. He doesn’t get it. Alice walks up and tries to get Biff to play along. She pumps her arm in the air in correspondence with the ‘OWL! IS! NIGHT!” chant. Biff doesn’t move. She flaps her arms around and hoots like an owl. Biff shakes his head and points at the former OCW Champion. He asks, “What is this madness?!”~
Smith: It doesn’t appear as though Biff has watched much OCW programming recently
Hood: Nice to see the man still has quality taste
Smith: Yea, sure…the man who put the OCW Title on GOLDIE
Hood: The fuck you have against Goldie?
Smith: Don’t tell me you were in FAVOR of Goldie winning the OCW Championship
Hood: Do I look fucking retarded? Of course it was stupid…but, man, to bury him on air fifteen years later…that’s some next level hate
Smith: It’s topical because…you know what, never mind
~Biff twirls Alice around and points at Crimson, who is outside the ring. He says, “Get away from me.” Alice shrugs and goes after Crimson. Suddenly, Biff shows the quickness that helped win him all those matches in previous years. He sneaks up behind Alice and applies…The Bifford Sleeper!!! The fans boo loudly. Biff rag dolls Alice around the ring, trying to choke her out. Several owl heads at ringside try to jump the barricade. Crimson, on the outside, takes care of them with fists and kicks. Any other misguided attempts at chivalry are halted due to the fear of being humbled by a Crimson appendage~
Smith: Let her go!!
Hood: Crimson and Biff working…together?
Smith: For now…Bifford is, evidently, not impressed with Alice Knight
Hood: And who can blame him
Smith: Millions of fans and wrestling historians
~Biff tosses Alice to the ground, releasing the hold. She appears to be out. The fans chant ‘GO AWAY BIFF!’ Bifford leans over the top rope, he’s sweating pretty heavily for a man who hasn’t moved much. An OCW employee steps forward, nervously. Biff pulls a dollar out of his pants. He says something to the employee. The employee gives a negative shake of the head. Biff curses and grabs a few more ones, handing them over. The employee rushes up the ramp. Crimson slides into the ring, while this is going on, he covers Alice. Biff turns around~
Smith: This is a joke. Bifford has been back for one week and he’s already ruining this great product!
Hood: He’s purging us of our sickness, Smith. He’s running Alice Knight the FUCK out of Key West
Smith: Biff isn’t half the wrestler Alice Knight is
Hood: No shit, he’s like ten TIMES the wrestler
~Bifford doesn’t count. Crimson, on top of Alice, looks up and yells, “COUNT FAT MAN!” Bifford snares Crimson by the hair…he pulls the former Savage Champion to his feet and locks in the Bifford Sleeper!!!! Crimson kicks his legs and throws his arms around, trying to break free…but Biff’s tree trunk like arms are too much. Crimson tires…his motions slow…he’s falling asleep~
Smith: Great…wonderful…TREMENDOUS…a much anticipated match between two of OCW’s most popular characters RUINED by a four hundred pound referee
Hood: With all due respect to Alice and Tommy…they aren’t Bifford. Bifford is MR OCW
Smith: Wrong
Hood: Whatever…Bifford is on OCW’s MOUNT RUSHMORE
~Crimson finally stops moving. Biff tosses him to the ground. Both Crimson and Alice are OUT. Bifford grabs Crimson’s arm and starts dragging him toward Alice. Something catches his attention. It’s the OCW employee from earlier. He sprints down with a HOT DOG. Bifford licks his lips and lets go of Tommy’s arm. He hustles toward the ropes and retrieves the hot dog. The employee is about to run off when Biff yells “HOLD ON! My change, please.” The employee grumbles and digs several coins out of his pocket, dropping them into Bifford’s sweaty palm. Biff stuffs the change into his pants and begins devouring the hot dog~
Smith: Not ONLY has he ruined this match…but now he’s eating a hot dog. Welcome back, Bifford
Hood: How is this any worse than that Owl is Night shit?
Smith: Because she’s actually COMPETING while entertaining the fans. Bifford is just making a mockery of this match
Hood: Dude’s hungry…it’s not his fault we were out of hot dogs last week
~Biff finishes the hot dog. He has some mustard on his hands, so he drops down and wipes them clean on the mat. He stands and makes his way toward Crimson. He continues dragging Crimson’s lifeless body on top of Alice. He drops to his knees and makes the count~
Smith: Thank goodness! Perhaps justice will prevail! Alice Knight kicks out!
Hood: Ugh…typical Alice Knight, trying to make Biff’s new move look worthless
Smith: Don’t even go there!
~Bifford flips Tommy onto his back and yells at him for not keeping Alice down for the three count. Biff storms across the ring in frustration. He spots a golden flash. It’s a POCKET WATCH. Biff looks inside his pocket and decides the timekeeper has stolen his pocket watch~
Smith: NOW what is he doing?
Hood: That man stole his pocket watch!
Smith: Since when did Bifford start carrying a pocket watch?
Hood: Since about five seconds ago!
~Alice gets to her feet. She starts to recover from being choked out. She sees Crimson beginning to stir. She sees Bifford applying the Bifford Sleeper to the timekeeper outside, demanding he gets his pocket watch back. She shrugs…this is all normality for a woman of Alice’s experience. She pulls Crimson to his feet and twirls her arms around before smashing him over the head with a Bionic Elbow!! Crimson falls to the mat…the crowd goes wild. Biff, on the outside, thinks they are cheering for him. He drops the unconscious time keeper and holds his pocket watch high. He soon realizes they aren’t cheering for him…they are cheering for ALICE KNIGHT. His eyes become full of rage~
Smith: I don’t think Bifford cares much for Alice…which is no surprise, the man has always lacked a certain quality in taste
Hood: Whatever…Bifford remembers Syren…Silverfreak…Cyanide…EL LINCHADOR…he sees ALICE FUCKING KNIGHT and is instantly offended
Smith: She’s every bit as talented as those individuals you just mentioned
Hood: You’re so lucky I don’t have a gun and/or semi-sharp knife right now
~Bifford rolls into the ring. He lumbers toward Alice. Alice spots him coming immediately because, well, he’s the size of a tractor. She boots him in the gut and drops him with THE APACHE! The crowd goes wild! ‘OWL IS NIGHT!’ chants echo throughout the arena! Biff is face down, on the mat. Alice pops to her feet…the crowd’s chanting turns into HOOTING~
Smith: And the fans are OWLING OUT
Hood: She just desecrated a national treasure!
Smith: Hey, he laid his hands on her first!
Hood: That fucking bitch! NOBODY HARMS BIFF IN OCW
~Alice yanks Crimson up…the fans suddenly react. KIRA PHOENIX is rushing to the ring. Alice’s back is to the ramp. Kira reaches the ring and slides and object in. It slides between Alice’s feet. She continues to be uanaware. She boots Crimson in the gut and hooks him for The Apache! Crimson’s face is turned directly at the object…he reaches down before Alice can hook both arms…he grabs the object and squeezes it!! Alice lets Crimson go! She falls against the rings holding her stomach in agony. Phoenix smiles…she hurries back up the ramp and through the curtain. The fans at ringside are taken back by what’s going on~
Smith: What’s in his hand…what is that?
Hood: It’s that fucking voodoo doll!
Smith: What? Huh? No way!
~Alice looks at Crimson with concern. She sees the doll. Crimson eyes the doll in an almost ‘holy shit this fucking works’ way. Alice starts to feel better. She steps toward Crimson. He pulls both legs back…Alice falls face first onto the mat! The fans shriek…a few look emotional…many begin to boo~
Smith: I don’t know what’s going on…all I know is that we need to get that doll away from Tommy
Hood: Would you want YOUR life in the hands of Tommy Crimson?
Smith: Not at all
Hood: I need to play back that Crimson promo after the show…figure out where this voodoo queen or witch or whatever lives…I need dolls of all my enemies
Smith: Even me?
~Crimson places the doll in his corner. He heads toward Alice, who is in extreme discomfort. He pulls Alice up and shoves her into another corner. He charges in and knees Alice in the face!! Alice staggers out…Crimson walks backward, giving her space. She walks right into his arms…he hooks his arms around her and slams Knight into the mat with a Belly to Belly suplex. The crowd is crestfallen…they are shocked and dismayed~
Smith: Bifford is down…Crimson is currently handling OCW’s most popular star, Alice Knight…this is a terrible situation for OCW fans
Hood: For the illiterate retards in attendance, maybe. For the Bradley Carrington’s at home this is TREMENDOUS
Smith: I think even Carrington would take umbrage with what’s going on
Hood: Seriously? The guy who plays with an Iggy doll would be offended by a voodoo doll?
Smith: Okay, you might have a point
~Bifford begins to rise. He shakes his bearded, wooly head like a damn mammoth. He stands and looks around for what he calls, “That vile woman.” He spots Alice on her back in the center of the ring. He heads for her. Tommy gets in his way…the two men exchange words~
Smith: I don’t think Tommy wants Biff taking any of the credit…he wants to beat Alice all on his own
Hood: Can you blame him? Biff is a Hall of Famer…a former OCW champion. Alice is a soon to be Hall of Famer and a former OCW Champion…Tommy is a couple notches below…this is HIS TIME
Smith: It might truly be…he’s a much improved competitor, from what I’ve seen
Hood: I can’t believe I’m going to say this…but Tommy Crimson could be a future OCW Champion
Smith: Not too loud, Syren might hear you
~During the bickering, Alice is able to recover and get to her feet. She runs toward the ropes. Crimson hears the pounding of her feet…he turns around…Alice springboards off the middle rope, twists through the air, grabs Crimson’s head and plants him with a Tornado DDT! Bifford leans back and shakes his head yelling, “Fucking Crimson!” Alice pops to her feet…the crowd is re-energized…they hoot and chant~
Smith: She might win this yet!
Hood: Woe is me!
Smith: Look at her fight against the odds…against Bifford…against a voodoo doll…she might be the greatest wrestler in OCW history
Hood: We should just fucking mute your mic during her matches
~Alice backs into a corner. It’s the corner with the doll. She drags Tommy along with her. She hops onto the top buckle with her feet propped on the middle ropes. She pulls Tommy to his feet looking for a DDT of some kind. She’s in a DDT mood, apparently. Tommy snares the doll on his way up. Alice hooks one arm…the crowd rises~
Smith: The Apache! She’s looking for a top rope…Tornado Apache…I think
Hood: She’s so evil…she’s trying to cripple Tommy Crimson!
Smith: He’s the one with the darn Voodoo Doll
Hood: And yet Alice is still worse...her evil knows NO BOUNDS
~Tommy flicks the head of the doll with his middle finger! Alice’s head snaps back, she lets go of Tommy and leans backward like she’s been punched in the face. Tommy puts the doll back down. He climbs to the middle rope. Bifford narrows his eyes, looking at the doll and then at Alice, putting two and two together. Tommy reaches the middle rope…he hooks Alice and lifts her up…he falls to the mat, drilling Alice head first with a top rope Jackhammer!! He doesn’t hold on for the pin…instead, he pops back to his feet and heads back toward the corner~
Smith: This is a new low for OCW
Hood: You kidding me? A new dawn! Crimson is purging OCW of its sickness…he’s got control over Alice Knight!
Smith: Somebody get that doll away from him!
Hood: Only issue now…will Biff count to three?
Smith: I hope not…I hope Biff sides with Alice on this issue
~Crimson reaches the top. He looks down at Alice…he gives her two middle finger and leaps off with his patented High Angle Senton Bomb (GodBooked)!!! He hits it!! The ring shakes! Bifford drops to his knees and, much to Crimson’s surprise, he counts~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….TOMMY CRIMSON!!!!!
Smith: No!
Hood: Haha, yes…finally, the bitch has been pinned
Smith: Through extremely shady…shady dealings
Hood: Hey, you gotta hustle if you wanna make a dollar and Crimson certainly hustled this week
~Biff pulls Crimson up and raises his hand. Crimson, going through the motions, forgets for a moment who the ref is and what his machinations are. Biff suddenly applies the BIFFORD SLEEPER! The crowd goes wild! Biff rag dolls Crimson for a while~
Smith: Why couldn’t he have done this earlier in the match
Hood: Uhh, he did
Smith: Or well, AFTER the doll was brought to the ring…sparing Alice of this pain
Hood: Because he doesn’t give a shit about Alice. He doesn’t give a shit about Crimson. He only cares about Biff. That’s why he’s a Hall of Famer.
~Biff tosses Crimson to the mat. Crimson is OUT. Alice is OUT. Bifford heads to the corner. He grabs the Alice doll. The crowd gasps…he acts like he’s going to eat it~
Smith: NO!
Hood: Surely he wouldn’t…
~Bifford laughs and pulls the doll from his mouth. He exits the ring with the doll in his possession. “Gangsta’s Paradise” fills the arena as OCW medics tend to both Crimson and Alice~
Smith: I’m no fan of what we’ve just witnessed. All I’ll say is that was a huge win for Tommy Crimson and management has taken notice
Hood: Yea…look for that guy to be in the main event soon
Smith: Indeed…as for the other ‘stuff’…I just hope Bifford is more responsible with that doll than Tommy was…for Alice’s sake
Hood: What a weird fucking sentence
Smith: Indeed…let’s head backstage so we can cleanse this show of its weirdness!
~Mack O’Connor sits on the couch in his dressing room. He sips on a beer, staring blankly at a TV across the room from him. The TV is off, so Mack appears to be staring off into nothing as if he is lost in some sort of thoughts. The door bursts open and Treat Cassidy storms in~
Treat: What the fuck?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!
~Mack sips his beer, paying no attention~
Treat: What have we talked about? What have we been working towards? You said it yourself! We’re trying to clean up your image!
~Mack continues to stare off into nothing, taking another sip of his beer~
Treat: The fans already like you for whatever reason, but you keep giving them reasons to hate you! Really?! Taking a cheap shot at TIO? Knocking out those security guards? That’s assault and battery, Mack! You already have a rap sheet longer than anyone else on the roster, and you just keep wanting to add to it! Any other felonies I should be aware of?!
~Mack pauses in the middle of a sip, as if Treat just struck a chord with him. He stands up, stepping towards Treat with intensity in his eyes. Treat takes a step back, wary of his client. Mack stares him down for a moment, while Treat clearly is in fear. Mack suddenly throws his bottle at the TV, shattering both the bottle and the TV screen. Treat jumps slightly, not expecting such a move. Mack speaks calmly~
Mack: Fuck the fans. Fuck those guards. Fuck Tartare.
~Treat softens his tone~
Treat: Mack, did something happen? Why are you acting like this? Seriously, man… I don’t even recognize you.
~Mack continues staring him down~
Mack: Get out of here.
~Mack turns to walk back to the couch. Treat reaches out to stop him, and Mack immediately turns and shoves him hard. Treat stumbles back and hits the wall. He’s not hurt, but he’s shocked~
Mack: What the fuck did I just say?
~Mack opens up a mini-cooler and grabs another beer, sitting back down on the couch. Treat stares at him for a moment. He appears as if he wants to say something, but he decides to turn and leave the room. Mack begins sipping his next beer, staring off into nothing once again. As Treat exits, we see him conceal the white towel from Mack's vision...if he even cared enough to look. We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Mack is more bellicose than usual. Something dastardly is brewing, Hood...I can feel it
Hood: Mark Storm in the house?
Smith: No...TIO's head wound...Mack's knee...Mack's attitude and that towel!
Hood: For fuck's sake...has a piece of laundry ever received THIS much air time on an OCW show?
Smith: I don't believe so...but we all know Treat is willing to use it if necessary. What we also know...what Treat fears...is Mack's reaction if Treat does go through with the act
Hood: Mack will fuck him up...I get Treat is all about his clientele...but how about some self preservation?
Smith: That's a good point. It could boil down to the fact that Treat cares about his client's well being. Almost like a father figure. He may need to step in and help Mack make a career saving decision
Hood: Shit's gonna be tense...no doubt...but, who knows, maybe a light will fall from the ceiling on TIO or Mack...then this won't even be an issue
Smith: Yea, I hope that doesn't happen. We don't need another Gavin Reed incident. Anyway...it's time for the Battle Royal to determine who will face Jacqui Monroe on August 14th for the OCW Ascension Championship...let's head down to ringside!
Battle Royal for an OCW Ascension Championship Match on August 14th
Assassin (3-5) vs. Ed Houston (3-1) vs. Julliet Brooks (2-1) vs. Kira Phoenix (1-0) vs. Liam Lee Zua (2-2) vs. Mike Zybala (2-0) vs. Wulf Erikson (1-0)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…it is now time for the Battle Royal to determine who will face Jacqui Monroe for the OCW Ascension Championship on Monday, August 14th!!!
~The crowd goes wild!! “HELL YES!” chants fill the arena. “A Place for My Head” by Linkin Park blasts throughout the arena! The crowd remains on their feet. Wulf Erikson emerges from behind the curtain! A ‘WULF’ chant breaks out. He hustles down the ramp and toward the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope~
Belvedere: Introducing first…from Roswell, New Mexico…standing 6’0 and weighing in at 181lbs…Wulf Erikson!!!
Smith: Wulf Erikson looks ready to go!
Hood: Are we getting intros for ALL these entrants?
Smith: We are, as well as the fans in attendance…the audience at home, in the meantime, are going to head backstage while the competitors fill the ring!
Hood: Fuck my life
~We cut to the exterior of the OCW arena. A few high schoolers are handing out pamphlets advertising OUTSIDER CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING~
Kid: Come one, come all! Outsider Championship Wrestling…the federation where YOU…the fan can actually compete inside a wrestling ring!
Kid 2: Yea! We have applications right here…just fill them out and you’re automatically accepted on the roster! Tapings begin August 1st!
~Fans gather, obviously intrigued. Suddenly, OCW security rushes from the arena, yelling at the kids. The teens yell “OH SHIT” and they take off, sprinting away to safety. The security guards cease running, realizing their job is done. They confiscate the distributed pamphlets before heading back inside. We cut back to Smith and Hood~
Smith: No comment
Hood: Saammmme here
Smith: Well six participants are in the ring…we’re waiting on one more…
~We return to the arena as six of the seven competitors stand in the ring and at ringside. Zybala is the only one not IN the ring…he’s leaning against the barricade, joking around with fans. They are waiting for the final participant. “In the End” by Linkin Park hits! Julliet Brooks emerges! The fans go crazy with “BROOKS!” chants!! Brooks makes her way down the ramp and into the ring~
Belvedere: And the seventh and final participant in the battle royal…from Albuquerque, New Mexico…standing 5’4 and weighing in at 108lbs…Julliet Brooks!!!
~Zybala remains outside the ring. Belvedere exits through the ropes. Everyone stands around, waiting for Zybala to enter so the bell can ring~
Smith: Mike is really taking his time here
Hood: Do you think he has Alzheimers and forgot why he’s out there?
Smith: No Hood, I do not
~Zybala finally slides into the ring. The bell sounds! He starts throwing superkicks at everyone! He nails Phoenix! He nails Houston! He nails Erikson! He nails Zua! He nails Assassin! He throws one at Brooks. She ducks! Zybala staggers forward. He turns around and the two veterans have a stare down~
Smith: Zybala just cleaned house…well, aside from Julliet
Hood: Two of OCW’s biggest June signings…I’d say they are the two favorites in this match
Smith: The odds certainly would back that opinion up
~Brooks and Zybala begin to brawl. The OCW arena erupts with cheers. Julliet’s hair flails wildly as Zybala gets the upper hand. Brooks rallies with a knee into Zybala’s gut. She hits the ropes, bounces off and takes Zybala down with a Lou Thesz Press! Brooks mauls Zybala with a flurry of lefts and rights. A “JU-LEE-YET” chant emerges~
Smith: Mike Zybala and Julliet Brooks are far from strangers…these two know each other very well
Hood: They used to fuck?
Smith: NO! A man and a woman can have a history that doesn’t involve sex, you know
Hood: Not any kind of history worth learning
~A hand reaches out, snaring Brooks by the hair. It belongs to Liam Zua!! He hooks Julliet’s head under his arm and drops her with an inverted DDT! The crowd boos. Zybala rolls out of the way, holding his face. Zua gets to his knees, hovering over Julliet…he proceeds to do to her what she did to Zybala…he pummels her with lefts and rights~
Smith: Liam has had a fascination with Brooks all week and now he’s getting the opportunity to express his, well, anger I guess you’d call it
Hood: She defeated him a few weeks ago…guess he’s had trouble living with that
Smith: Nothing wrong with being focused…but in this match, you might want to expand your adversarial purview beyond one person…there are FIVE other competitors to worry about
Hood: Including ASSASSIN. You never know when he’ll sneak up on ya and do work
Smith: Right
~Speaking of Assassin, he’s got Wulf by the hair. He tosses Wulf into a corner and throws some well-placed kicks into Wulf’s midsection. Across the ring we see Ed Houston with a hand full of Kira Phoenix’s hair. He tosses her over the top rope. She lands onto the apron and slides in, between Ed’s legs. Ed, standing at the ropes, turns around…as he does, he’s hit with a clothesline from Kira! He goes over the top rope!! His feet hit the apron…he hangs onto the top rope with both hands. Kira throws kicks and punches at his body, through the ropes, trying to eliminate him~
Smith: Ed Houston is already in trouble…he’s someone OCW has been high on since his signing…but he’s yet to really make a big impression
Hood: Tonight could be the night
Smith: Indeed…all seven of these competitors have a great shot at increasing their stock within OCW
Hood: Wouldn’t it be wild if Assassin won?
Smith: Stranger things have happened…this is a battle royal…these types of matches are known for their unpredictability
~Kira works on Ed’s hands, trying to pry them away from the top rope. She gets the left hand free…Ed leans back with just his right hand clutching the rope. The crowd at ringside yells for Ed to hold on. Kira leans in and tries to bite Ed’s right hand…Ed grimaces, doing what he can to maintain his grip~
Smith: Ed’s nearly eliminated!
Hood: Damn this Kira chick is vicious
Smith: Indeed…she had a great showing last week in her debut and well, tonight she could make a huge statement
~Zybala sneaks up behind Kira, spotting an opportunity. He grabs Kira by the legs, lifts up and dumps her over the top rope! She slams into the apron and ricochets off, hitting the floor. The crowd at ringside cheers. Zybala smiles, taking a few seconds to bask in the moment. Ed runs down the apron, reaching the corner…he climbs to the top and leaps off at Zybala…he’s met with a SUPERKICK!! Houston’s body snaps back, slamming into the mat. The crowd that once supported Houston turns on him, going crazy for one of their favorites…Mike Zybala~
Smith: Kira Phoenix has been eliminated
Hood: Well, so much for shocking the wrestling world
Smith: She’s very new to the business…give her time, she’ll be fine
Hood: True, true…she is talented…just need to get her the hell away from Tommy Crimson
~Assassin hoists Wulf onto the top rope. He delivers a straight right hand into Erikson’s head! Erikson teeters over, nearly falling onto the apron. He holds on, wrapping his legs around the top buckle. Assassin climbs to the second rope, he clubs some forearms into Wulf’s legs, trying to eliminate the popular rookie~
Smith: Wulf Erikson…one of the favorites in this match is in trouble
Hood: Assassin is doing work!
Smith: He probably isn’t a fan of all these new signings coming in and gaining the notoriety he’s struggled to earn
Hood: No shit…but, I mean, he’s an Assassin…so flying under the radar is kind of his gimmick, right?
Smith: It can be, I suppose
~Zua pulls Brooks to her feet. He whips her, blindly into the corner Assassin is using. She slams into the back of his legs, sending Assassin leaning forward, nearly flying off the corner, over the post, to the outside. Assassin grabs onto the post for support. Wulf, underneath Assassin, unwraps his legs and shows tremendous agility in sliding his legs around, underneath Assassin, through the ropes and back into the ring…he stumbles away, getting the hell out of that corner~
Smith: Heavily trafficked corner
Hood: Yea, Zua continues to focus solely on Brooks…which fucked Assassin’s plan of eliminating Wulf
Smith: Indeed…Zua is far too short sighted to win this type of match. He’s got to focus on other opponents
~Zua yanks Brooks out of the corner, away from Assassin. He kicks her in the gut and throws her over the top rope. She resists, grabbing onto the top rope, keeping her body inside the ring. Zua goes after her legs, in frustration. He’s determined to eliminate Julliet. Assassin stands upright, on the middle buckle. He notices Wulf is gone. He hops to the ring, angry. He goes after Zua…he grabs Zua from behind, lifts up and deposits him over the top rope, to the floor!! Zua hits hard! The fans at ringside react. Zua looks up at Assassin, furious~
Smith: Liam Zua is eliminated! Assassin didn’t take too kindly to Zua interrupting his attempted elimination of Wulf Erikson
Hood: Would you? Fucking Zua did this to himself…all he cared about was Julliet and that cost him
Smith: Hard to argue that
~Julliet takes advantage of the situation. Assassin and Zua argue back and forth…she snares Assassin’s legs, lifts up and drops Assassin over the top rope!! He hits the apron and lands at Zua’s feet. Zua stomps on Assassin…Assassin fights to his feet and punches Zua…the two men begin to brawl much to the delight of the fans at ringside~
Smith: Assassin took his focus off the match for one second and Julliet made him pay
Hood: Shit, that was quick…both Assassin and Zua are gone…along with Phoenix so…
Smith: We’re suddenly down to four…Julliet Brooks, Mike Zybala, Ed Houston, and Wulf Erikson
Hood: Shit’s about to get rad
~OCW officials aid Assassin and Zua to the back as they trade punches back and forth. Brooks lingers near the ropes, making the same mistake Assassin made earlier. Wulf sneaks in…he rushes forward with a clothesline. Brooks ducks and pulls down on the top rope! Wulf flips over the top rope…he lands on the apron! Brooks stands…Wulf throws a kick from the apron, into Julliet’s head! She staggers into a corner…Wulf hops off the apron, onto the top rope…he springboards off and dropkicks Brooks against the corner!! Julliet slinks to the ground, holding her chest and midsection in pain…the fans are now behind Wulf with various cheers and chants~
Smith: Wulf Erikson is someone people within the industry have been buzzing about all year…definitely the type of athlete who could make a big impact in OCW
Hood: Or he could be like Mark Storm
Smith: There are two sides to every coin, Hood
Hood: Why is that? Why did the first coin maker decide that both sides had to be different? Was he like a big fan of coin flips or something? Did he have trouble making decisions?
Smith: I have no idea
~Wulf reaches for Julliet, pulling her out of the corner. Like a flash…Ed Houston flies into the screen with a huge splash!! He squashes both Wulf and Julliet! Brooks falls to the mat…Erikson staggers back…Ed hooks him around the waist and drops him with a Snap German! Houston pops to his feet…an ‘ED’ chant tries to break out…but it dies a quick death. Zybala’s SUPERKICK comes out of nowhere, smacking Ed in the face. The crowd…capricious as ever…chants for Zybala~
Smith: It’s pretty chaotic in there…all four competitors are vying for a shot at the OCW Ascension Championship…I’d have to say that right now Mike Zybala is the favorite
Hood: He’s been the favorite all week…I think it’s pretty obvious OCW has huge plans for Zybala
Smith: That theory is difficult to deny
~Brooks rises to her feet, out of the corner. She charges at Zybala, jumping on his back. She locks in a sleeper. Zybala stumbles around, trying to get Brooks off. He runs backward, aiming for a corner. Brooks releases her hold and darts out of the way. Zybala SLAMS his back into the corner. Brooks charges in with a spear!! She follows that up with a knee into Mike’s face! She grabs his legs and hoists them up, over the top rope…she’s got Mike stretched out, over the top buckle…she pushes on his hip, trying to eliminate the pre-match favorite~
Smith: Zybala is in trouble!
Hood: Julliet might eliminate the person we all KNOW was prepped to win this thing
Smith: We don’t know that
Hood: Yes we do, Smith
~Erikson rushes in, trying to surprise Brooks. She feels him coming and throws a mule kick into his gut! Wulf staggers back. Julliet turns around and kicks him in the face! Wulf straightens up, stumbling further back. She kicks and punches Wulf’s body…the fans are going crazy for Brooks. Wulf continues to falter back…he hits the ropes, reeling. Brooks yells and sprints forward…she goes for a spinning heel kick! Wulf catches her!! He tosses Julliet over his head…she flies over the ropes and lands, rough on the outside! The crowd boos! Wulf falls to one knee, attempting to recover. Zybala, meanwhile, drops to his feet back inside the ring. Ed is in a corner~
Smith: We are down to three! The lovely Julliet Brooks was shocked by Wulf Erikson!
Hood: Nice to see we’re still doing what we can to keep the women away from…oh wait, nevermind
Smith: Got lost there, didn’t you?
Hood: Yea, I forgot Jacqui Monroe is the Ascension Champion…fucking women!
~Zybala spots Erikson’s moment of weakness and capitalizes. He flies in and knees Erikson in the face!! Wulf flies through the ropes, landing on the apron. Zybala grabs Wulf by his blonde dreads and yanks him through the ropes…his legs hang on the middle rope. Zybala drops Wulf into the mat with a DDT!! The crowd rallies behind Zybala. Houston rushes into view, jumping into the air and placing both knees into Zybala’s back…he drops Mike with a Backstabber!! Zybala arches his back in pain…the crowd quiets for a moment before rallying behind Houston~
Smith: Three men remaining…all high flyers…very exciting!
Hood: These fucking fans, I swear. They are such whores
Smith: That’s not very nice
Hood: Yea? Well neither are these dumbass sheeple. They cheer for Wulf…then Zybala…then Houston…fucking pick someone already!
~Ed plucks Zybala off the mat and carries him toward the ropes. He’s about to toss him over…but realizes that’s a proven failed strategy late in Battle Royals. So, he backs up with Zybala leaning against the ropes. He charges forward with a clothesline! Zybala ducks! Zybala lifts Ed high into the air…Ed lands on the apron. Zybala steps back…he’s prepping for a SUPERKICK. Ed is dazed…prone to being eliminated. Zybala is about to spring forward when WULF comes out of nowhere with a swinging neck breaker onto Zybala!! Mike hits the mat, holding his neck in pain~
Smith: Zybala had Ed eliminated…but Wulf deterred him from finishing the job
Hood: I don’t think Wulf realized what Zybala was about to accomplish
Smith: Agreed…Wulf was just in the moment, looking to improve his position
~Wulf pops back to his feet. He spots Ed trying to get back into the ring. Wulf shoots forward and knees Ed in the shoulder. Ed falls back through the ropes, landing on the apron. Wulf takes off across the ring…he hits the ropes and charges toward Ed. Ed springs to his feet…he hops onto the top rope, springboards off and catches Wulf with a hurricanrana!! Wulf’s body hits the mat and slides across the ring, into a nearby corner~
Smith: Great, fast paced action…Ed Houston and Wulf Erikson showing why they are two of OCW’s brightest up and coming stars
Hood: What is this world coming to? A battle royal with nothing by high flyers remaining
Smith: The times, they are a changing
Hood: Not to mention they all pander to the fans…man, fuck this match
Smith: I’m rather enjoying it
~Wulf rises in the corner, dazed. Ed sprints toward Erikson. Wulf ducks and lifts Ed high into the air, over his head. Ed lands, feet first, onto the top turnbuckle. His momentum takes him forward…he stands on top of the post, trying to maintain his balance. Wulf turns around, spotting Ed in his precarious position. Wulf climbs to the top rope, looking to shove Ed off the post, to the floor~
Smith: Ed Houston is in serious trouble!
Hood: Wulf is going to give Ed a painful reminder of what it’s like to soar through space
Smith: We need those fans at ringside to clear out…otherwise Ed is going to land right on them
~Zybala rushes into the corner! He steps onto the first buckle and wedges his head between Wulf’s legs. Wulf looks for leverage, so he reaches forward, grabbing Ed from behind. He hooks Ed in a Full Nelson. Zybala lifts Wulf onto his shoulder…Wulf pulls Ed back…together, in one fluid motion, all three men fall back, into the ring!! Zybala drops Wulf with an Electric Chair while Wulf tosses Ed across the ring with a Dragon Suplex!!! Ed lands on his head and rolls over, lying face first on the mat, motionless. Wulf reaches for the back of his head, writhing around in pain. Zybala sits up, looking at the carnage with a smile on his face. The crowd breaks into a “Holy Shit” chant~
Smith: Oh my goodness!
Hood: Well, Ed’s neck is broken
Smith: I hope not
Hood: The good news is you don’t need your legs to fly…or do you?
Smith: I wouldn’t know…I just hope for Ed’s sake that he’s got full use of all four limbs
~Zybala returns to his feet…he looks at Ed, who appears to be deceased. He goes after Wulf. He yanks Wulf to his feet and drags him near the ropes…Wulf elbows Zybala in the gut a few times…Zybala staggers back near the middle of the ring. Wulf sprints toward the ropes…he bounces off and throws a lariat at Zybala…Zybala ducks…Wulf hits the ropes again…Zybala throws a SUPERKICK…Wulf ducks the superkick and hoists Zybala up for a powerbomb…he drills Zybala into the mat!! The ring shakes from impact. Wulf holds onto Zybala’s waist…he’s not finished~
Smith: He’s going for a double powerbomb
Hood: Wulf showing some fucking strength…he’s also tired of all these superkicks
Smith: A very effective maneuver belonging to Zybala
~Wulf pulls Zybala up and carries him toward the ropes. He throws him over the top…Zybala holds on with his legs, yanking Wulf over the top rope with him!! Both men land on the apron…they teeter close to the edge, nearly hitting the floor~
Smith: Ed Houston nearly won this match be default!
Hood: Could still happen…not like they are back in the ring
Smith: Indeed!
~Wulf reaches his feet…Zybala does as well. Wulf throws a boot at Zybala’s face…Zybala blocks it and tosses Wulf’s leg to the side…Wulf’s body turns around, giving his back to Zybala. Mike springs forward with a SUPERKICK into the back of Wulf’s head!! Wulf’s body goes limp…he falls off the apron, to the floor! The fans at ringside are slightly disappointed…as are many in the audience~
Smith: Wulf Erikson has been eliminated
Hood: Fuck…there goes my money!
Smith: What?
Hood: Errr…my friend’s money!
~Zybala turns his attention toward Ed, who is still on the mat. He’s about to step into the ring when a loud SHRIEK pierces his ears. He looks down and sees Checkers running around the ring with a batch of bananas. CHIMPO comes running after him screaming and swearing…demanding he get some bananas of his own. Zybala’s eyes widen…he blinks once or twice…the crowd yells ‘THIS IS BANANAS!’~
Smith: There’s something you don’t see everyday
Hood: True…Checkers is back with Canon for a few hours and he’s already running amuck! Someone give me a taser so I can teach that brat a lesson!
Smith: Calm down
~Checkers makes a full SQUARED CIRCLE around the ring and hustles back up the ramp with Chimpo right behind. Zybala shakes his head and re-enters the ring. He grabs Ed by the hair…Ed reaches his feet and throws an unexpected headbutt into Zybala’s chest! Zybala backs away, clutching his chest in pain. Ed lunges forward and turns Zybala inside out with a huge lariat! The crowd seems stunned, for a moment…before a “HOUSTON” chant breaks out~
Smith: Ed Houston fires back…he could win this!
Hood: No fucking way…not the Rocket Man
Smith: You’d better believe it…Zybala received the right amount of distraction allowing Houston to charge up and even the odds
Hood: Nah…not gonna happen, Zybala’s got this
~Zybala gets to his feet…Houston stands moments later. Houston lunges for another lariat…Zybala ducks this one. Houston staggers forward…he turns around and eats a SUPERKICK from Zybala!! Houston staggers back, against the ropes. Zybala hits him with another SUPERKICK! Houston goes halfway over the top rope before returning to the ring. Zybala fires up for one more when something catches his eye. Ed’s back is pointed toward the ramp. Behind him, standing at the top of the ramp is BRADLEY CARRINGTON~
Smith: What’s HE doing out here?
Hood: What do you think? Zybala’s been fucking with him for weeks…now it’s Carrington’s turn
Smith: Get that guy outta here…we’re trying to determine a #1 contender
~Zybala hesitates before waving his hands in Carrington’s direction. He leans back and goes for a third SUPERKICK…Ed ducks!! Ed lifts Zybala up and over…Zybala tumbles over Ed, over the ropes and to the outside!!! The crowd pops! The bell rings! Ed falls to his knees, exhausted~
Smith: He did it! Ed Houston did it!
Hood: Well fuck me…NOT LITERALLY
Belvedere: Here is your winner and the #1 Contender to the OCW Ascension Championship….ED HOUSTON!!!!!
~Zybala pops to his feet, rubbing the back of his head from impact. He turns, slowly, facing Carrington. Bradley laughs and shakes his head in a condescending manner. Zybala takes off up the ramp, sprinting at Carrington. Bradley turns around and scurries through the curtain with Mike giving chase~
Smith: That feud is far from over…I believe we’ll see some sort of match in the very near future
~Ed reaches his feet…Scruff hoists his arm in the air…the crowd gives him a standing ovation. A “HOUSTON!” chant fills the arena~
Smith: What a great moment for Ed Houston…that was a tough chore, winning that match…but he did it
Hood: Yea, I guess Ed Houston is going to be a player after all
Smith: Indeed...Ed now has his shot at Jacqui Monroe and the OCW Ascension Championship. We’ll see how he does in the main event
Hood: And WITHOUT monkeys and a professor to distract his opponent
Smith: I will NOT minimize this accomplishment. Therefore…let’s head backstage!
~We cut to the exterior of the OCW Arena. Timmy and Tony Webb (aka TONY THE SPIDER) are exiting in hurried fashion. They have the OUTSIDER pamphlets in their hands. Fans turn, wondering what’s going on~
Tony the Spider: HAHAHAHAA!
Timmy Webb: We’re going to be champs! Honest champs!
~Timmy trips, falling down the steps leading to the parking area. Tony helps Timmy up~
Tony the Spider: HAHAHAHA
~Together, they hustle toward an old, nasty car. The doors creak as they are opened…the engine struggles to start…a thick, black cloud shoots out of the back. The car takes off, making all kinds of terrible noises. We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Ah geez
Hood: We’ve had our first official DEFLECTION in the new Monday night war!
Smith: I don’t think that counts, Hood
Hood: You kidding me? Tony is a national ICON…this is HUGE news
Smith: Agree to disagree…what is huge news is our main event. Two of OCW’s top stars are set to do battle in an anything goes Last Man Standing match. Mack’s knee is injured…TIO’s head is gashed open…Treat is prepared to throw in the towel if Mack’s leg sustains any further damage…TIO’s family remains at ringside…what do you see happening?
Hood: I don’t fucking know.
Smith: Well, let’s head down to ringside and find out…our main event is NEXT!
OCW Paradigm Championship
Last Man Standing
The Incredible One © (14-2) vs. Mack O’Connor (16-2)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for our Main Event of the Evening!! It is a Last Man Standing match for the OCW Paradigm Championship!
~”Faint” by the Linkin Park hits, Mack O’Connor walks out on the stage. The fans are stunned when they see nothing around his knee. It’s in the same pre-match condition it always is. He’s just going to say ‘fuck it’ and compete. Mack limps down the ramp way, showing an amalgamation of frustration and pain on his face with every step. He reaches the ring…walks, gingerly up the steps and enters through the ropes~
Belvedere: Introducing first…the challenger…from Brooklyn, New York…standing 6’3 and weighing in at 230lbs…he is a former OCW Champion…Mack O’Connor!
~”Don’t Stay” by Linkin Park hits. The OCW Arena shakes. Mack remains in his corner with the left side of his body pointed toward the entrance ramp. It’s a sneaky way of protecting his right leg. TIO emerges from behind the curtain!! The Paradigm Title is secured around his waist. He looks around with a positive expression despite the heavily bandaged wound on his forehead. He pats the plate belonging to his Paradigm Title and heads down the ramp. Mack keeps an eye on TIO. TIO reaches the ring. He stops near his family. He gives Leslie a look of reassurance. She eyes his cut. Jenna leaps up and wraps her arms around TIO’s neck. He returns the hug…she leans back and reaches for his bandage. TIO says, “It’ll be fine.” She nods, believing the words of her father. He steps back, turns around and walks up the steps. He enters through the ropes~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 235lbs…he is an OCW Hall of Famer…he is the current REIGNING AND DEFENDING OCW PARADIGM CHAMPION…he is…THE INCREDIBLE ONE!!
~TIO releases the strap around his waist and hoists the belt up for everyone to see. The crowd goes wild! “TIO!” chants surround. The camera does a circular pan around the ring, giving us a full view of TIO and his championship. Mack remains in the corner, belligerent as always. We come to a stop with a head on shot of TIO. He hands the belt to Belvedere who exits the ring. The bell sounds~
Smith: Huge match, Hood. This reminds me of Mack and Meyhu several months ago…two of the greatest in OCW history fighting over one of our premiere championships
Hood: All of our championships are premiere
Smith: Indeed!
Hood: It’s just too bad Mack only has one leg
Smith: His knee isn’t THAT bad
~Mack goes right after TIO, unleashing rights and lefts. TIO absorbs most of the unexpected blows before finally covering up. He reaches the ropes and leans out between the middle and top, looking for a break. Scruff steps in. Mack keeps punching. Scruff forces Mack away. Mack extends his arms and yells “What the fuck?” Scruff shrugs. TIO reaches up, feeling for his bandage, it remains intact~
Smith: I think Mack’s issue is that…well…there aren’t any rules in this match…other than keeping your opponent down for ten seconds
Hood: So no rope breaks?
Smith: No rope breaks
Hood: Ah man, fuckin’ Scruff!
~Mack shoves Scruff out of the way and lunges over the top rope at TIO’s head. He tries choking TIO…he gets both hands around TIO’s throat and is about to squeeze…TIO responds with a quick kick into Mack’s right knee! Mack stumbles back, reaching for his leg. He looks at TIO and says, “You prick!” TIO slides back into the ring and charges at Mack with a lariat…Mack blocks TIO’s arm. He slugs TIO with a right hand…TIO spins around…Mack punches him in the back of the head!! TIO falls to both knees. Mack punches TIO in the back of the head a second time. TIO falls to the mat. The fans boo vociferously!~
Smith: Mack’s knee may be injured…but he’s still got two good fists
Hood: Sounds like the beginning of a really nasty porno
Smith: UGH
Hood: Hey, I said it was really nasty…not like I was glorifying it or anything…don’t paint me as THAT guy
~Scruff starts to count, but TIO is already stirring…so there’s no point. Mack grabs TIO by the hair, yanking his face off the mat…he places his boot onto the back of TIO’s head. Fans at ringside yell for TIO to move out of the way…they know what Mack is attempting. Mack’s right leg is positioned…he goes for a Curb Stomp! TIO moves!! He rolls out of the way! Mack’s right foot SLAMS into the mat!! His knee bends! He falls to the mat, holding his right knee in pain. TIO sits up and backslides into a corner, rubbing the back of his head~
Smith: Self-inflicted wounds sometimes cut the deepest
Hood: The fuck is that, some type of deep, philosophical insight? Dude jammed his knee into the mat…it happens
Smith: We all have our own ways of describing the action, Hood
Hood: And my way is superior…just like the GREATEST Great Lake
~TIO pulls himself up with the aid of the ropes. He walks over to Mack who is holding his knee, leaning on his left elbow. Mack looks up, vulnerable~
Smith: The old TIO would decimate that knee
Hood: Yea and the new TIO should do the same…the gold is on the line…show no mercy!
Smith: There are other ways of winning a match, Hood
Hood: You’re unbelievable. I have an idea…how about we outlaw punching. In fact, why not outlaw hand strikes altogether? While we’re at it, we can ban kicks. And, since we’re already heading down that road we can forbid any moves that involve impacting the head, neck, back, legs, feet, nose…basically any part of the human anatomy. Instead of wrestling, we can have chess matches
Smith: I don’t…
Hood: We can call it Millennial Championship Wrestling…would you like that, Smith? Huh? WOULD YOU?
Smith: No!
Hood: Fine…now rip his fucking knee off, TIO!
~TIO lifts his right foot and kicks Mack in the head! Mack rolls onto his front. TIO drops an elbow across O’Connor’s lower back. Mack winces in pain. TIO then applies a crossface!! Mack extends his arms, looking for a reprieve. TIO has the move locked in tight, leaning back, applying tremendous pressure to Mack’s neck and back~
Smith: TIO showing off his submission arsenal
Hood: He does understand this ISN’T a submission match, doesn’t he?
Smith: He’s weakening Mack…it takes a while to knock an OCW competitor out for a full ten seconds, you know
Hood: What are you talking about? Shootah took like a five minute nap in the ring a few weeks ago
Smith: He doesn’t count
Hood: Ouch, Smith…so cold
~Mack positions his body near the ropes…he extends his right leg and the toe catches the bottom rope. Scruff orders a break. TIO’s brow furrows. Scruff counts. TIO, out of habit, releases and stands, arguing with Scruff~
Smith: Another goof by Scruff?
Hood: Fucking probably…it’s hardcore so, of course, no rope breaks!
Smith: Maybe he was making up for the error earlier on when Mack had TIO trapped
Hood: A makeup call? Those only happen in basketball! Unless you’re Gonzaga against UNC…then you get straight fucked.
~Mack gets to his knees, near the ropes. His right knee is elevated, keeping most of the pressure on his left. TIO shakes his head, telling Scruff he’s crazy. In a calm, controlled manner he explains to Scruff the rules…Scruff nods, apparently understanding. TIO turns around to find Mack, on his knees, facing the mat, looking very injured. He reaches out…Mack responds with a sudden punch into TIO’s crotch!! TIO bends over, backing up. Mack gets to his feet, standing on his left leg…he grabs TIO’s head and drops him with a fluid Evenflow DDT! TIO is left face down on the mat while Mack sits up, slapping his knee~
Smith: Mack trying to beat some feeling back into that knee…or maybe put the knee cap back into place…I’m not entirely sure
Hood: I hope it’s the former…if it’s the latter, holy shit
Smith: Knees can be a tricky, capricious joint
Hood: Not really…I mean my knee is pretty reliable. I wake up, it’s in the same place. I take a knee, it’s the first thing that hits the ground. I…
Smith: I get it…you’ve never had knee problems
~Mack stands…he walks around the ring, finding renewed faith in his knee. He snares TIO by the hair, plucking him off the mat. The bandaged portion of TIO’s forehead remains unscathed. He whips TIO into the ropes…he bounces off and Mack drives a shoulder into TIO’s incoming chest! TIO staggers back, falling through the ropes, onto the apron. He stands, wincing and holding his chest in pain. Mack delivers a STRAIGHT right hand. It smacks TIO in the mouth!! TIO leans back…his right hand gripping the top rope is all that prevents him from falling…it releases...he plummets to the ground with a painful thud. The fans at ringside boo. Mack reaches for his knee, massaging it before stepping through the ropes and heading after the Paradigm Champion~
Smith: Effective striking by Mack
Hood: Yea, he’s punched the shit out of TIO so far
Smith: Indeed…but he’s got to keep him down for a ten count…that is easier said than done
Hood: Just like drinking a bottle of whiskey!
Smith: Huh?
Hood: Easier said than done!
~Gingerly, Mack hops off the apron, onto the floor. TIO is on all fours, regaining his footing. Mack boots him in the face with his left leg! TIO flips over, onto his back. Mack stomps on TIO’s face! TIO rolls over, covering up. Mack grabs TIO by the hair, pulling him to his knees, we see the bandage still intact. He gets TIO to his feet and hurls him at the barricade. TIO hits hard and leans half over, into the fans. Mack grabs TIO’s legs, lifts up and deposits TIO over the barricade, into the crowd~
Smith: A methodical deconstruction…Mack is treating TIO like a bar patron who didn’t know when to shut up
Hood: Yea, this does resemble a bar beat down
Smith: I’m not sure Mack wants to be amongst those fans, however. They are firmly behind TIO
Hood: Please, like they’d do anything. One look from Mack’s SERIOUS gaze and these fans would be knocked out. That’s all it would take…ONE LOOK.
~Mack carefully steps over the barricade, into the fans. Scruff hops over, showing the spryness of a bum eluding capture. Mack shoves TIO up against the barricade. He throws a kick with his left leg into TIO’s chest. He delivers another, this one to TIO’s face! The kick almost wakes TIO up…in a weird way. His eyes open as he grabs his nose. Mack throws another kick, TIO dodges it! Mack’s left leg hits the barricade…he pulls his leg back and reaches for it. TIO crawls forward and snares the right, damaged leg of Mack. He stands, holding Mack’s right leg…Mack hops on his left leg with both arms extended. He tries to grab TIO, but is unable to reach far enough. TIO suddenly spins to the ground with a Dragon Leg Screw! Mack yells in pain, reaching for his right knee. The fans surrounding them groan and grimace. TIO sits up…he doesn’t look proud…he simply did what he was forced to do~
Smith: TIO didn’t want to go after Mack’s leg…but Mack’s violent offense left him with no choice
Hood: About time he quit tip toeing around like a pussy
Smith: It’s called being a competitor, Hood
Hood: It’s called strategy, SMITH. If you’re playing football and the opposing team has a weak offensive line…you’re telling me you wouldn’t aggressively rush the quarterback?
Smith: The only FUTBOL I watch is soccer
Hood: Get the hell away from me!
~TIO gets to his feet. He pulls Mack up and hoists him over his shoulder. He carries Mack back toward the barricade, looking to deposit him back over, into the ringside area. Mack reaches down and rakes at TIO’s face! TIO drops Mack. Mack lands on his feet behind TIO…he nearly falls, clutching his knee. TIO leans against the barricade. Mack hobbles forward…TIO turns around, he catches Mack and drops him onto the cement floor with a Spinebuster!! Mack’s back thuds into the ground! The fans around them go wild. Scruff stands over Mack…he starts to count~
Smith: Our first official count of the match…will Mack stay down?
Hood: No fucking way…it was just a spinebuster
Smith: But…what if his spine really is busted?
Hood: Then he’s got bigger problems than making it to his feet before the count of ten
~Scruff hits a four count. He reaches five. Mack sits up, wincing. Scruff pauses…TIO charges forward, throwing a knee at Mack’s head. Mack leans back…TIO’s right leg whiffs. Mack sits up quickly, getting to his feet, hobbling on his left leg. He clubs TIO in the back of the head with a forearm! TIO falls to one knee. Mack reaches for his back, displaying the damage accrued via TIO’s spinebuster. He grabs TIO and pulls him back to his feet. He turns TIO around and hurls him over the barricade. Mack hobbles over, returning to the ringside area~
Smith: Not what I’d call close to a finish…but Scruff did get halfway there!
Hood: So we’re not sure if Scruff knows what comes after five
Smith: He counted Josie Barnes out several months ago…the man can count to ten
Hood: Well thank goodness for that!
~TIO rolls onto his back, catching his breath. Mack looks down, focusing on the bandage. He drops to his knees, painfully. He reaches for the bandage and starts to work on the edges of the squared adhesive. TIO’s arms flail as he realizes what’s going on. He reaches for and rakes Mack in the eyes! Mack falls back, onto his ass, holding his face in pain as TIO gets to his knees and scurries away~
Smith: Mack tried to rip the bandage off
Hood: Turnabout is fair play, Smith. TIO has spent the entire match trying to demolish Mack’s knee
Smith: He has not!
Hood: So it’s only natural that Mack would address that wound a bit…that is one STURDY bandage, though, I must say. The Knife Man did a great job!
~Zooming in, we see the top two corners of the bandage loose and hanging. TIO tries to re-apply them to his skin…but he’s too sweaty…they won’t stick. Mack regains his vision and stands, he hobbles over to TIO. TIO throws a kick at Mack’s right leg…Mack dodges the kick and drives an elbow down into TIO’s trapezius! TIO leans his neck to the side in pain…Mack reaches out, he snares the loose piece of bandage and rips it completely off! TIO yells, reaching for his head as the fans at ringside boo~
Smith: Uh oh…that wound is fully exposed
Hood: Shit’s about to get Real…ER
Smith: Yes, realer…it appears to be a word, ladies and gentlemen!
Hood: No red squiggly line up in here!
~Mack dives in, grasping at TIO’s wound. TIO fights his hands away. TIO gets to his knees and shoves Mack in the chest. This allows TIO to stand. Mack hobbles to his feet, matching TIO’s positioning. Mack throws a right hand. TIO blocks it and delivers a forearm uppercut. Mack stumbles back, against the ring post and steps. TIO spins around and goes for a ROARING ELBOW…Mack dodges the move…he grabs TIO’s aggressive arm and yanks him, head first into the post!! The fans cringe! TIO falls to the ground, holding his head in pain. Mack staggers to the side, leaning against the barricade~
Smith: Oh no! TIO went head first into the steel post!
Hood: He’s about to donate some blood
Smith: That’s one way of looking at it
Hood: I tried donating blood once…I joked around about my sexual history…they wound up turning me away
Smith: Well I can’t say I blame them…that’s nothing to joke about!
~Looking down at the back of TIO’s head, we see his right hand move out from under his face. It’s coated in blood. Mack spots this…it triggers an aggressiveness. He hobbles forward and kicks TIO right in the ribs!! TIO flips onto his back with the apron cloth draped over half his body. His wound is flowing. He tries to cover it with his left hand~
Smith: Like a shark…Mack can smell the blood in the water, he’s going in for the kill
Hood: I wouldn’t want to have a gash like that in my head
Smith: With an angry Mack around?
Hood: No, just in general. I don’t think I’d ever, under any circumstance, want to have a gash in my head
Smith: Fair enough
~Mack pulls TIO’s hand away. He reaches for the wound. TIO fights his hand away. Mack is relentless…he starts pulling at TIO’s wound. TIO responds by kicking at Mack’s right leg…he lands a solid kick against Mack’s knee. Mack leans back, in pain, pulling his hand away from TIO’s head. TIO sits up and rolls back into the ring. Mack limps to his feet and rolls in after TIO~
Smith: Both men are badly wounded…Mack’s sensing he’s got the upper hand
Hood: He better hope he has the upper hand because there’s no way he’s going to get a leg up
Smith: Ha-ha…good one
Hood: Yea, I thought so
~TIO reaches his feet first. Mack struggles, trying to get to his. TIO clobbers Mack with a forearm, keeping him down. He pulls Mack’s head between his legs, looking for a powerbomb…OR, even worse for Mack…This Damn Incredible. He hoists Mack up in a powerbomb position. Mack, realizing the severity of the situation, grabs at the wound in TIO’s forehead. TIO falters backward…the corner catches TIO’s body. He hoists Mack over his head and ducks out from between Mack’s legs. In doing so, Mack’s momentum carries him onto the top buckle where he’s crotched. He reaches for his groin, wincing in pain~
Smith: Ouch
Hood: Well…at least his knee doesn’t hurt so bad at the moment
Smith: Always a silver lining
Hood: But never gold
~Blood slides down TIO’s face, dripping from his chin. The wound is aggressive…it’s aggravated… it needs to be tended. He turns and spots Mack’s back to him, straddling the top buckle. TIO climbs up, along with Mack. He drills Mack in the back a few times, keeping O’Connor from throwing an elbow or something which would knock TIO back to the mat. TIO positions Mack to the side of the buckle…he grabs hold of Mack’s legs. Mack isn’t completely aware of the situation~
Smith: What is he planning?
Hood: Something painful…most likely focused on Mack’s right knee
Smith: Obviously
Hood: It if were so obvious…why the hell did you ask?
~TIO manages to get a Figure Four locked in…he shoves Mack in the chest…Mack tips over, hanging from the top buckle! He hangs on the outside of the ring, with his head pointed down, at the apron, steps, and floor. TIO holds onto the top rope and the bar between the buckle and the post to stay upright. Mack begins to scream, reaching for his knee. Blood pours out of TIO’s cut as he strains ~
Smith: Oh no! This will surely do it…there’s no way Mack can withstand this
Hood: Doesn’t matter…he’s got to…there are no rules
Smith: You’re right…unlike earlier this evening Scruff cannot call for the bell unless Mack is down for ten seconds
Hood: Or Mack quits…right?
Smith: Any match can end if a wrestler quits or their manager, family member…trusted advisor throws in the towel for them
~Mack’s motions slow. He stops yelling. The pain is too much, he’s about to pass out. His leg is really fucked up. The knee is all kinds of warped. TIO looks down at the right leg…he doesn’t look proud or pleased…he has the look of a man doing a job he doesn’t necessarily enjoy at the moment. All the fans are silent, watching Mack fade away. A high pitched scream sounds out…it’s an overly excited female screaming “TIO!”~
Smith: Well, there’s one fan who doesn’t care about Mack’s leg…the rest seem to be distressed by what they are witnessing
Hood: As well they should…Mack’s the best wrestler in OCW, arguably…and we’re watching his career dissolve, prematurely
Smith: Indeed…the hazards of combat sports
~Déjà vu strikes! Treat returns with the towel in his hand. The fans cheer…a few yell “THROW THE TOWEL!” Mack doesn’t respond. Treat reaches the ringside area and approaches Mack’s hanging body. TIO’s face is covered in blood…a trail runs down his chest and abs…he’s losing a dangerous amount from the gash in his head. Treat pleads with TIO. TIO looks down at Mack…Mack appears to be unconscious~
Smith: Treat’s got the towel…he doesn’t want to use it…but he will if he has to
Hood: TIO’s got this thing won…just let go of the lock and win via the ten count…saves Treat and Mack the bullshit drama
Smith: That’s what Treat wants, obviously
Hood: Well what Treat wants is the Paradigm Title…but that shit ain’t happening so…live to fight another day
~TIO looks over, he spots his family. They are emoting…they show concern for the well-being of a human…not a very nice human…but a human nevertheless. Finally, TIO untangles the legs. Mack falls recklessly to the floor, landing on the back of his head and neck. Treat cringes…he looks up at TIO with a ‘what the fuck’ expression. TIO pulls his legs into the ring and hops down, crashing to the mat, exhausted. Treat yells at Scruff to count…Scruff begins the ten count while standing inside the ring~
Smith: TIO is ten seconds away from another successful title defense
Hood: And another beat down of Treat Cassidy’s clientele
Smith: He’s had Chad’s number all year…now he looks to win one over Mack
~Scruff starts to count. Treat backs away, near the barricade…TIO’s family is behind him. Scruff yells “FOUR!” The fans in the arena begin a “TIO!” chant. TIO holds the wound in his head with his hand, attempting to keep any further blood from spilling out. Scruff yells “SIX!”~
Smith: Four seconds away…Mack hasn’t moved, from what I can tell
Hood: Yea, this camera angle sucks ass…I can’t even see Mack…did he get abducted by aliens?
Smith: No, he did not. He’s on the floor…we just can’t see him due to the positioning of our camera man
~Scruff yells “EIGHT!” The fans rise to their feet, anticipating an ending. Scruff yells “NINE!” A neo nazi audience member jumps to attention. Scruff opens his mouth, about to shout…but stops. His eyes widen. Treat shakes his head and yells “STAY DOWN!” TIO turns, looking at the apron. A hand reaches up, grabbing at the bottom rope. Mack’s bald head emerges…the fans at ringside begin a ‘HOLY SHIT!’ chant. A wild, angry female voice screams “NOOO!!”~
Smith: Mack lives!
Hood: Fuck this shit…Treat’s gotta throw that towel in now, doesn’t he?
Smith: You’d think
Hood: And can somebody shut that female up? Holy shit her voice is annoying
~Mack pauses, with his face fully in view. TIO gets to his feet…he runs forward and does a baseball slide, kicking Mack in the face!! Mack falls back down. TIO continues sliding, out of the ring. His feet hit the floor. Mack is on his back, staring at the lights. TIO reaches underneath the ring…he pulls out a chair. TIO opens the chair and shoves it up Mack’s leg, around his knee. Treat has had enough, he reaches back with the towel. TIO sees what Treat is about to do…Mack reaches for Treat to stop him~
Smith: And Treat is throwing in the towel
Hood: Fucking gay…but who can blame him
~TIO rips the towel from Treat! The crowd goes wild. Treat is dumbfounded. TIO tosses the towel to Jenna. He says, “Warriors don’t throw in the towel.” Treat throws his hands at TIO and Mack, fed up with the situation. He takes a few steps back and sighs, resigned to whatever fate befalls his client at this stage. TIO has the chair in place…he looks down, about to step on it, causing the chair to pretty much snap Mack’s leg at the knee. He pauses…he heads toward the steps, climbing to the top~
Smith: A double foot stomp! He’s going to leap off the steps with a double foot stomp onto the chair which is wrapped around Mack’s bad knee
Hood: That is going to suck
Smith: For Mack, yes
Hood: But at least TIO is allowing Mack to go out like a man…and not like some bitch
Smith: It seems weird…but TIO showed Mack some compassion when he ripped that towel away.
~Behind TIO, we see a large woman fall over the barricade. She reaches her feet…she lunges at TIO and tackles him off the steps. She starts to kiss TIO all over his back. TIO struggles, reaching for whatever is on top of him. He rolls over…his eyes widen~
Smith: It’s that crazed fan! What the heck is she doing here?
Hood: She’s raping TIO!
Smith: Let’s hope it doesn’t go that far…especially with young Jenna in the front row
Hood: Maybe she’s really a Mack O’Connor fan…I mean she did just temporarily save him from a potential career ending injury
~TIO shoves her off. OCW personnel rush in and drag the excited woman away. She has blood on her hands from touching TIO’s body…she licks some of it off. Fans at ringside are sickened by her insane lust. TIO watches her being dragged away. As he does, Mack gets the chair off his leg. He stands, on one leg, with the chair in his hands~
Smith: Oh no! TIO! Turn around!
Hood: Don’t tell him to turn around, are you nuts? He’s going to get hit right in the wound
Smith: Oh wow, you’re right…DUCK! DUCK TIO!
Hood: There ya go
~TIO turns around, to finish Mack off. Unfortunately, he’s met with an unexpected thud. Mack SLAMS the chair into TIO’s head!! TIO falls to the ground. Instinctively, he tries to sit up…so, Mack slams the chair in his head again. TIO flattens out. Mack hurls the chair to the side before falling down, holding his right knee. The crowd boos loudly. Treat’s demeanor perks up. TIO’s family, at ringside, becomes emotional. Jenna stands, peering over the barricade with the towel over her shoulder~
Smith: That wound is wide open…my goodness, TIO is going to need a blood transfusion after this match
Hood: These two fuckers are trying to kill each other
Smith: Maim, yes…kill, well, I’d hope not
Hood: This fucking Paradigm Title has seen more blood this year than a Red Cross Blood drive
Smith: It has seen some gory encounters
~Mack crawls over TIO and begins to punch him in the head wound. He pounds away, over and over again. He finally stops. Scruff starts to count…TIO tries to sit up so…Mack punches him again and again in the wound. Blood splatters around ringside…it’s pretty nasty. Fans start to turn away…Mack won’t relent. Jenna’s eyes tear up, she’s starting to cry~
Smith: What a turn of events…TIO just needs to stay down…Mack is not going to quit
Hood: Mack is pissed…looks like he’s had one hell of a week…he’s letting all his frustration out on TIO’s head
Smith: This is not good…
~Mack unleashes with both fists. He pounds them into TIO’s head yelling obscenities. The man has been driven beyond the point of sanity. Scruff tries to get Mack to stop, but he won’t. Treat yells at Mack to let up, but he won’t. He keeps punching and punching. Finally, a white object floats through the air, landing next to TIO’s blood soaked face. Scruff motions for the bell. We see Jenna leaning over the barricade~
Smith: The towel! Someone threw in the towel!
Hood: It’s that weak ass daughter of TIO’s! A little blood and she gets all squeamish
Smith: Seriously?
Hood: Okay, so maybe it was more than a little blood…but, man, what right does she have to make a call like that?
Smith: All the right in the world, Hood. That’s his daughter…nobody cares for TIO more than she does
~Treat wrangles Mack, dragging him away. Mack tries to fight free, wanting to continue the cathartic punching~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…I have been informed that TIO’s corner has thrown in the towel. Therefore…the winner…AND NEW OCW PARADIGM CHAMPION…MACK O’CONNOR!!!!!
~The crowd boos. A ‘BULLSHIT’ chant starts up. Knux rushes into view. He grabs Jenna and Leslie, helping them to the back. The Knife Man appears once more, adjusting his mask to make sure it doesn’t fall off while sprinting to the ring. He hovers over TIO. Mack’s chest heaves up and down…he breathes heavily with a crazed look in his eye. If it weren’t for OCW personnel and Treat holding him back, he might kill TIO. The Paradigm Title is delivered…Mack doesn’t notice. Treat takes it from Scruff~
Smith: There’s something wrong with Mack. I don’t know what it is…but he snapped
Hood: No kidding…I’m all for jokes and shit but it’s a good thing Treat was there to pull him off
Smith: Yep…TIO got distracted…he was wounded and Mack pounced. There was nothing TIO could do
Hood: I mean he did get a little greedy with the double foot stomp, but, yea, I agree. I guess head wounds are worse than knee injuries
Smith: Yea, I’d say that’s a safe assumption
~Mack stands…he tears the title away from Cassidy and shoves him against the barricade. Mack looks close to punching Cassidy…instead, he lowers and heads up the ramp. Cassidy follows far behind. We try to get a view of TIO but are blocked by personnel holding towels to keep the horrific scene from being viewed~
Smith: This is unimaginable. At the beginning of the night we all feared Mack’s career was in jeopardy…now, here we sit…wondering if TIO will be able to bounce back in two weeks to face Meyhu and CJ for the OCW Title
Hood: Shit can turn on a dime
Smith: That it can…what a night folks…I’m spent. I just hope this doesn’t deter the new life TIO has been living. It’s tough, adjusting from one extreme to the other
Hood: Yep, a complete overhaul in personality and perspective
Smith: He’s a good man…he’s trying his best…let’s hope tonight’s incident doesn’t demolish the progress made…for Jenna’s sake
Hood: Whatever
Smith: Well folks…that’s all the time we have tonight. A new champion has been crowned. The former champion remains at ringside suffering from terrible injuries. There will be a lot of news to follow…so be sure to catch us next Monday…for Hood, I’m Smith saying so long!
~We fade to black~