OCW Presents: Massacre
LIVE! Monday, July 10th 2017
From The OCW Arena in Key West, Florida
Smith: Hello again everyone and welcome to another edition of Monday Night Massacre! I’m your host Smith and alongside me…as always is HOOD
Hood: YEA!
Smith: You’ll have to excuse my overzealous colleague…he’s on about his fourth Red Bull
Hood: Yep and I just fired off an email complaint. I’ve yet to grow any wings. WEAK ASS ADVERTISING
Smith: Haha! Well we’ve got one of the bigger lineups in recent memory slated for this evening…unfortunately two matches will not air on tonight’s broadcast. Rebel and Tyr Muertos was announced earlier this evening as a CANCELLED MATCH
Hood: I love Cancelled Matches…I heard the other day some fed called ICWF was doing an iron man cancelled match
Smith: ICWF has been closed for nearly a decade!
Hood: Well, that explains what an Iron Man Cancelled Match is, then
Smith: Anyway…also, 8 Legged Freaks got into an altercation with the Saviors backstage…an impromptu battle took place and I’m told the people in attendance are of the opinion that 8 Legged Freaks got the better of the brawl…so they will be announced as victors
Hood: That seems kind of convenient and/or lame
Smith: It’s the tag division, Hood. We’ve got to build up contenders somehow! I’ve been told 8 Legged Freaks will face The Lockwood Party next week in a #1 Contenders Match!
Hood: Oh wow…Tony the Spider and Timmy Webb getting the undeserved push.
Smith: But that’s next week…tonight Tommy Crimson makes his LONG awaited OCW return…and Wulf Erikson will make his much talked about OCW debut
Hood: Two big time players, Smith. I predict they both win
Smith: I hope you are correct. We’ll also see Robbie Rayder back in action for the first time since Stainless Steel Ride when he takes on the laconic Tyler Michelson. AND…Julliet Brooks will continue to build on her OCW resume when she meets the struggling Liam Zua
Hood: Zua needs a win but fuck me if Brooks isn’t the wrong person to face in such a dire situation
Smith: She is ruthless…and…everyone’s favorite!
Smith: ALICE KNIGHT makes her in ring return against Talia Areano! HOOT!
Hood: Ugh…her matches last too long…her sabbaticals…well, they fly by way too quickly
Smith: I disagree…Week 2 of the Margarita Mix will commence after that…Lukas Emery and Josie Barnes join the fold this week facing…in a cruel twist of fate…EACH OTHER in their Mix debut
Hood: Fuck off…they knew what they were getting into…I hope it’s a match to the death…TO THE DEATH I SAY
Smith: I heard you the first time…and, in our Main Event…Damian K’ will face Jacqui Monroe…he will defend his OCW Ascension Title and his pristine 9-1 record…it’s a match that could propel Damian to the OCW Title picture OR promote Jacqui Monroe as a future star in OCW
Hood: Sounds rad…so can we, ya know, get fucking started?
Smith: Absolutely…first up is the debut of Wulf Erikson! Let’s head down to ringside!
Wulf Erikson (0-0) vs. John E. Depth (0-2)
Smith: Now it's time for our second match of the night.
Hood: Not yet.
Smith: What? Why?
Hood: Depth isn't in the ring yet.
Smith: Neither is Erikson.
Hood: But unlike our actual performers, Depth doesn't rate an entrance. Did he get jumped backstage?
~The lights dim as "I Touch Myself" by The Devinyls hits the speakers. John E. Depth emerges from the back and makes his way down the ramp trying to high five fans, who don't want to touch the skivy porn director~
Belvedere: Introducing first…from Hollywood, California…he is the self proclaimed King of Porn…John E. Depth!!!
Smith: Looks like you were wrong Hood.
Hood: I don't want, anybody else. When I think about..
Smith: HOOD!
Hood: My bad. This was my guilty jam back in the 90s.
~The crowd goes BERSERK as both the ramp and stage flicker neon green strobe as the opening bars of 'Invincible' kick out through the PA.. The crowd gets even louder as Wulf comes bursting out through the curtains, yelling at each side of the stage to get louder and then letting out a howl at the top of the ramp, before Wulf leaps up onto the barricade wall and starts making his way down to ringside along the guard rail! As Wulf makes his way along the barricade wall, he leaps from one barricade to another, performing an impressive parkour display before finally reaching ringside, where he 'skins the cat' to another ovation, hits a standing moonsault back to his feet and then starts running the ropes in anticipation of the bell~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Roswell, New Mexico…standing six feet tall and weighing in at 181lbs…Wulf Erickson!!!
~Both men are in separate corners as Scruff checks Erikson for hidden weapons. He gives a thumbs up indicating that Erik is clean and moves over to Depth. He barely touches the C-list porn director before pulling out a big dildo. He throws it out of the ring with discuss before continuing his search. Scruff checks the knee pads, sighs and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles~
Hood: Depth is obviously looking for his first win by any means necessary.
Smith: The knuckles I understand. But the adult toy?
Hood: Any means.
~Scruff finally gets done searching after finding another set of brass knuckles, a baggie of pills, a baggie of baby powder, a shiv, a blackjack and a can of mace. He calls a ring crew member to gather all the stuff and finally rings the bell. Depth is leaning against the turnbuckle yelling at the crew member not to lose his stuff and doesn't see Erikson charging in. Erikson leaps and delivers a devastating splash to Depth. Depth staggers backwards as Erikson leaps up onto Depths shoulders and nails a beautiful Reverse-rana and goes for the pin.~
~Depth manages to kick out, but Wulf doesn't seem to be worried. He panders to the fans as Depth gathers his wits~
Smith: Almost had a quick one there. Wulf hit that reverse hurricarana and that was almost it.
Hood: The idiot should stay aggressive instead of showboating to the fans.
~With Erikson's back still turned, Depth gets to his feet and puts Erikson in a Full Nelson!~
Smith: What?!?
Hood: Nn...nothing. Repressing memories...
~Depth thinks he has the Nelson locked in buy it's easily broken by Erikson. Depth tries again, but Wulf throws an elbow that connects with Depth's chest. John stags back and Erikson backflips with a Pele kick that connects with the top of Depth's head! Depth is wobbly on his feet as Erikson grabs his wrist and whips the "director" into the corner. As Depth sags against the corner, Erikson lines him up and charges. He leaps forward with a somersault senton but Depth dives out of the way at the last second and Erikson gets hung up in the tree of woe position~
Smith: Depth showing some gumption out there.
Hood: Gumption nothing. He probably just collapsed from exhaustion. That idiot just got lucky.
~Depth gets to his feet and sees Wulf hanging upside down. He lays in a few kicks before he goes to the opposite corner. He charges in and copies what Wulf did. However he copied too well as Wulf frees himself and the porno schlub gets tied up in the turnbuckle. Wulf stands up and lays into Depth with some stiff kicks of his own. With Depth at his mercy, Wulf heads to the opposite corner one more time and charges~
Hood: Again???
Smith: It might work?
~Erikson somersaults and connects! He collides into Depth with his full force, but unfortunately his feet get tangled up in the ropes with Depth's. Both men are stuck as the fans laugh. The laughing turns to cheers as we see Scruff standing in the opposite corner~
Smith: And it looks like Scruff wants to get into the mix!
Hood: Fly you big, beautiful, bastard!!
~Scruff charges in and tries the somersault but trips over his feet and tumbles forward. At the same time, Wulf shows off his core strength and sits up on the turnbuckle. Scruff crashes into Depth as the fans start chanting "Scruffy!" Wulf untangled Depth, who then falls in a heap. Erikson, standing on the turnbuckle now, leaps backwards and hits a moonsault on Depth. In stead of going for pin, Erikson picks Depth up for a suplex, but grabs his leg~
Smith: This could be the end.
Hood: It should have been the end fifteen minutes ago.
Smith: They were in the back then.
Hood: I know. Weak ass booking!
Smith: I'm ignoring you. And Erikson has just dropped Depth with the Wits End!
~Erikson spins Depth to the mat slamming Depth’s head and neck into the canvas with a Lightning Spiral (Wit’s End)!!! He goes for the cover as the crowd is on their feet~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….WULF ERIKSON!!!!!
Smith: What a debut!
Hood: Guy is good…I’ll give him that
Smith: He calls that Wit’s End…Wulf Erikson did what he was supposed to do…but I have to say, he did it with a certain panache we rarely see
Hood: People have been jizzing all week about this signing…I mean, my pants are clean but he’s definitely talented
Smith: Not sure why you had to go there…but I will concur that it was an excitable signing. It will be interesting to see where Wulf goes from here…the fans are obviously into him
Hood: Fuck the fans
Smith: Don't listen to him, fans. He knows not what he says! And, before your behavior gets us into any further trouble...let's head backstage!
~The cameras cut to the back where Josie Barnes is standing. She wasn’t too happy as she was getting ready to face Lukas Emery later in the night. She hated how the Margarita Mix was set up, but didn’t have anyone she could really vent to about it. She lets out a low growl, as she was trying to get her mind off of it, as she goes to punch at the wall, not realizing someone was close by~
Mario Maurako: Whoa, easy there tiger!
~Mario notices that Josie clearly is upset, and in need of a friend in deed~
Mario Maurako: So, what’s got you all worked up this Marvelous Monday Night?
Josie Barnes: Anything, and everything. Mostly the Mix. Mack playing games with people by putting them in the same bracket. Think this is worse than you turning on me in Survivor.
Mario Maurako: Turning on you in Survivor? Josie my dear, that was ages ago. You need to focus on the here and now. You need to go out there tonight and pick up this ‘W’ and show this Margarita Mixer who is boss! Starting tonight with…. With… what’s his name again?
Josie Barnes: Lukas Emery… my boyfriend.
Mario Maurako: Right! That guy! Do you have a minute for a story?
Josie Barnes: Sure, if you make it quick...
Mario Maurako: Picture this… it’s February 2010. Are you picturing it?
Josie Barnes: I… yeah I am.
Mario Maurako: My then wife had won the HOW Heavyweight Championship the week prior. Now it was my time to rise to the top. So, one week after she had won her title she defended it against me, in a first blood match. Do you see where I am going with this?
Josie Barnes: Yeah, you had to face the woman you loved. Kind of like me having to face Lukas.
Mario Maurako: ….. Yeah that’s a better way of remembering the story. Let’s go with that one!
Josie Barnes: What was the ending?
Mario Maurako: Well… I squashed her like a bug and took what was rightfully mine and my most desired possession… the HOW Heavyweight Championship. After I had that… I kicked her to the curb. This isn’t really helping is it?
Josie Barnes: No it’s not. I do like what you did, I’ll get the win, but be kicking Lukas to the curb, and in the next match I have to face him in thanks to Mack, he may come back, and beat my ass even worse.
Mario Maurako: Now that you mention it… she did come back and bury me alive. So there was that.
Josie Barnes: We’ll see…. I’m in quite a mess, and why, because Mack O’Conner had to go and put Lukas, and I in the same bracket.
Mario Maurako: Well it is like my old man used to say, “If it doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger.”
Josie Barnes: Makes sense…. Still, between having to face Lukas twice, and CJ twice also. I just might be killed, and add on Vargas. Hate to say it, but it was easier back in the Amazon at times.
Mario Maurako: Nobody wants to go back to the Amazon Josie.
~Mack O’Connor enters the room. He sips a bottle of beer and casually glances at Mario and Josie.~
Mario Maurako: Hey look! Speak of the devil and he shows up. How’s it going Mack? Mack… ick… mind if I call you Mark? How’s it going Mark?
~Mack lifts an eyebrow~
Mack O’Connor: Mark? Really?
Mario Maurako: I guess not.
~Mack glances at Josie, who stares daggers at him.~
Mack O’Connor: May I help you?
Josie Barnes: Yeah you are a jackass who could of got better entertainment by putting others in brackets instead of against each other. I get Vargas vs CJ, but come on really Me vs Lukas. What because you don’t have anyone to love, you want to try wreck someone else’s relationship?
~Mack’s eyes narrow on her, something striking a chord with him.~
Mack O’Connor: You don’t know shit about me, girl.
Josie Barnes: I know you have something for Alice who is into my brother...
~Mack takes a breath, taking a moment to calm down. He takes a swig of his beer.~
Mack O’Connor: But you’re wrong. This is great entertainment. Between you, Lukas, CJ, Vargas… It’s like OCW’s own little reality show. Well… Survivor aside, that is.
~Mack pulls out his pack of cigarettes and slips one between his lips. He holds out the pack, offering one to Josie~
Mack O’Connor: Might help take the edge off.
Josie Barnes: I don’t smoke.
~Mack shrugs and offers one to Mario~
Mario Maurako: Don’t you know what that stuff does to your lungs?
~Mack shrugs, sipping his beer.~
Mario Maurako: I see, you’re one of these young wise-guys. You walk around here and you drink a lot, you smoke a lot, and you probably do a lot of “other” things too. But drinking before your match? That is a pretty new one to me… do you not see a problem with that?
~Mack looks confused, glancing at his beer~
Mack O’Connor: What do you mean?
Mario Maurako: Nevermind.
~Mack stares at Mario for a moment, lighting his cigarette~
Josie Barnes: You can’t smoke in here.
Mack O’Connor: I was just leaving. Good luck tonight, Juliet.
~He turns to Mario and gives a nod~
Mack O’Connor: Mr. Marvelous.
~He takes a long drag, exhaling the smoke into the room~
Mack O’Connor: See ya’ll around.
Mario Maurako: Good luck tonight Mark.
~Mack strolls out the way he came~
Mario Maurako: That dude is something else.
Mario Maurako: Good luck tonight Josie.
~Josie exits the room leaving Mario behind. Mario swats the smoke from Mack O’Connor away.~
Mario Maurako: Kids these days.
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: OCW sure has changed since Mario was a regular
Hood: No kidding...he's used to seeing Syren injecting needles into his arm...Bifford running around with hams...Silverfreak leading a group of midgets backstage...Lurrr doing Lurrr things...now we've got lovers fighting one another in a MARGARITA MIX
Smith: Well Josie does have a right to be upset...I mean this is far from ideal
Hood: Who was Mario's wife? Got any pics? Was she hot?
Smith: It was Bobbinette Carey
Hood: GEEZUS...can we move along, please?!
Smith: Absolutely...next up...speaking of old school...CLASSIC OCW...we've got the RETURN of Tommy Crimson...let's head down to ringside!
Tommy Crimson (0-0) vs. Shootah (0-2)
~We see Shootah in the ring. He’s wearing Tommy Crimson merchandise. He’s trying to get THE WAVE started with the crowd. They just ignore and boo him. He starts a “TOMMY CRIMSON” chant. The fans sorta get behind that until they realize they are following SHOOTAH’S lead. So they stop and boo louder~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, from Hollywood, California…Shootah!!
~”WOO! Crimson is the man!!” Shootah yells. The arena lights go out. The opening guitar lick of Deftones "Engine No. 9" hits throughout. The crowd immediately reacts with boos throughout. Tommy Crimson struts across the stage to the roar. Fire blasts cross the stage in front of Crimson in a straight line. OCW fans react harshly as he begins his descent down the ramp. Crimson riles up the crowd even further with his harsh and obscene hand gestures. The crowd continues to boo as he walks up the steps and slips through the ropes. Crimson points at a little girl in the crowd and gives her the finger before climbing the turnbuckle. "I own this!" he screams~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 170lbs…he is a former OCW Savage Champion…and a former OCW United States Champion…ladies and gentlemen please welcome back…TOMMY CRIMSON!
~Crimson steps down from the buckle. The bell rings. Shootah walks up and says things like “It’s an HONOR.” Crimson just looks at him. Shootah points at his Crimson t-shirt and mentions a few of Crimson’s more historical moments claiming to be a big fan. Crimson doesn’t seem to be thawing…his focus, his tension remains tight~
Smith: The less said the better, Shootah
Hood: Tommy Crimson is like a fucking pitbull…you can’t reason with the guy
Smith: Indeed…he’ll snap and beat you into a pulp
Hood: And then fuck your mom…oh man, I love Crimson!
~Shootah continues saying “And that time with Scott Syren…” Crimson snaps…he snares Shootah by the throat and tosses him into the nearest corner. Shootah slams hard…the fans go wild. Crimson follows that up with a vicious kick to the chest! Shootah stumbles forward, grasping at Tommy’s body, begging for mercy~
Smith: Shootah said the magic word…err…words!
Hood: Tommy Crimson HATES Scott Syren
Smith: And for good reason…those two…well, they didn’t exactly get along
Hood: And now Crimson is going to fuck Shootah up
~Crimson SMASHES Shootah in the face with a knee. He turns him around, hooks his arm and hoists Shootah up, drilling him into the mat with a Pumphandle Slam!! The crowd is firmly behind Crimson…even though he’s an asshole. They are excited to see the former OCW star back in action. He yanks Shootah by his messy hair and tosses him at the nearest corner…Shootah stumbles while running toward the buckles…he falls to his knees and lands into the bottom buckle. He rolls over, seated with his back against the bottom buckle~
Smith: Tommy Crimson in total control
Hood: I hate to say it…but the guy looks better than ever
Smith: Could it be…could we see Tommy Crimson contend…eventually…for the OCW Title?
Hood: Whoa…hold it…I’m not sure my brain can comprehend such a scenario!
~Crimson points at Shootah and sprints forward…he leaps into the air and slams his knees into his opponents face!! He holds onto the top rope and repeatedly slams the knees into his opponent’s face over and over again with some sort of knee first Broncobuster!~
Smith: Ouch!
Hood: Well…if Shootah HAD any looks, they’d be fucked up
Smith: I kind of feel sorry for Shootah…at what point does this become self-immolation?
Hood: Probably when/if Syren escapes and faces him
Smith: I pray that day never comes
~Crimson finishes bashes Shootah’s face with his knees and drags the pummeled porn director toward the middle of the ring. Shootah is in prime position for one of the most infamous moves in OCW history. Crimson ascend to the top buckle…he looks down and leaps off with a high angle senton bomb…he connects!! The crowd pops for the move! Crimson makes the cover…Scruff slides in with the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….TOMMY CRIMSON!!!!!
Smith: Tremendous debut for Tommy Crimson!
Hood: He’s everything I remembered and MORE
Smith: It won’t be long before he’s in some form of title scenario…that is for sure
Hood: He’s back and the rest of OCW has been put on watch…CRIMSON OWNS THIS
Smith: Yea, sure…whatever THAT means…well folks…a flawless debut for the former OCW star…what a night it’s been thus far and we are just getting started! Now let’s head backstage!
~Backstage, the doors from the parking area open quickly as Robbie Rayder and Candice Turner, in street clothes, run through the production area, hand in hand. The two run up to Who'Re, who is leaning against a table~
Candice Turner: Did we make it?
~Who'Re starts to say something then 'Indestructible' by Disturbed plays in the arena. Robbie looks at Candice then looks down the hallway towards the Gorilla Position. He starts to run but Candice pulls him back towards her and kisses him deeply. The kiss breaks and Robbie smiles as Candice lets go of his hand. Robbie runs down the hallway and turns the corner towards the arena floor~
Candice Turner: Go Robbie!!
~Who'Re rolls her eyes and walks off as Candice looks on. We cut back to ringside~
Robbie ‘Aire’ Rayder (6-5) vs. Tyler Michelson (1-1)
~The lights dim as a red siren light circles the arena. 'Indestructible' by Disturbed is playing~
Smith: It looks like Rayder just made it!
Hood: He’s not out here yet
~The crowd is antsy…waiting for Rayder. They go wild! Rayder thrusts the curtain aside and stands atop the ramp. His breathing is somewhat paced…he works to control his oxygen intake before heading down the ramp, toward the ring in street clothes. He slides into the ring, foregoes the theatrics and waits, patiently for his opponent~
Belvedere: Introducing first…from Vancouver, British Columbia…standing 5’9 and weighing in at 195lbs…Robbie ‘Aire’ Rayder!!!
~Money hits the loud speakers and Tyler saunters out from the back and arrogantly shouts at the crowd. He makes his way to the ring taking his time pointing to himself arrogantly.. He climbs into the ring with an air of contempt and arrogance~
Belvedere: And his opponent…from Los Angeles, California…standing 6’4 and weighing in at 236lbs…Tyler Michelson!!!
~The bell rings~
Smith: Our first glimpse at Robbie Rayder post Stainless Steel Ride…he gave Damian K’ a hell of a fight in a very unique setting and almost emerged victorious
Hood: Yea…guy’s had a tough run since joining OCW…but he’s getting better
Smith: Indeed he is…I could see gold in Rayder’s future
Hood: Oh for sure…as long as he hangs in there and doesn’t get all discouraged
~Michelson remains in his corner, stoic. Rayder sprints forward and knees Michelson in the face!! Michelson falls into the buckles, dazed. Rayder continues kneeing Michelson in the chest and face…Michelson falls to his knees. Rayder takes a few steps back and delivers a vicious roundhouse kick that knocks Michelson to the mat. The fans are on their feet chanting “RAYDER!”~
Smith: Rayder didn’t waste any time…he appears ready to bounce back from his tough loss at Stainless Steel Ride
Hood: Guy must have really been anxious to compete…he sprang forward like a virgin’s dick at a strip club
Smith: Thanks, Hood…thanks
Hood: Hey, I’m just saying
~Rayder drags Michelson toward the center of the ring. Michelson fights him off. He knows what lying down in the center of the ring leads to. He shoves Rayder away and gets to his feet, wobbly. Rayder runs into the ropes…Michelson turns, facing Rayder…Rayder flies through the air with a Sick Kick!!! Michelson’s body turns inside out! He lands on his side, roughly. The fans cheer loudly~
Smith: This…well…this isn’t looking good for young Tyler Michelson
Hood: Robbie Rayder is kicking his ass
Smith: Yep…Rayder has struggled for months in OCW…but, despite his struggles he continues to fight hard…continues to improve
Hood: I’d be cool with the purple guy winning a title
Smith: He’s put in the work, that’s for sure
~Rayder kicks Michelson in the shoulder, forcing him onto his back. Rayder leaps into the air and lands on top of Michelson with a Standing Shooting Star Press! It is flawless in its execution…the move shows how athletic Rayder is. The fans clap their hands and chant for the exciting OCW star. Rayder declines a pin attempt and points toward the top rope…the fans yell “AIRE RAYDE!”~
Smith: The fans know what they want to see!
Hood: Parker Posey hazing a bunch of 8th graders?
Smith: What? No! Rayder’s finishing move…the Aire Rayde!
Hood: Dude when someone shouts Aire Rayde during the summer…my mind INSTANTLY jumps to Dazed and Confused
Smith: Never seen it
Hood: Your life truly sucks
~Rayder leaps onto the top buckle with ease. He stands upright, points down at Michelson and leaps off with AIRE RAYDE! He connects! The crowd goes wild…Rayder hooks Michelson’s leg as Scruff makes the count…the fans chant along~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…ROBBIE ‘AIRE’ RAYDER!!!!!
Smith: Wow! Dominating win by Rayder
Hood: He looks as sharp as ever
Smith: Indeed…a great rebound following his tough loss to Damian at Stainless Steel Ride…Rayder is officially back on the track toward success
Hood: Another Ascension Title opportunity?
Smith: I could see that…or another title…but, who knows what the future holds
Hood: Only Jack Puffer
Smith: Right…well, on that note, let’s head backstage!
~The scene cuts to the backstage area, as Josie Barnes is leaning against the wall. She looks nervous about her match tonight, as she is set to face Lukas himself. She pushes off the wall as she starts to pace back and forth. She wasn't used to this, being alone backstage. She was just turning to head back the other way, when she stops. Her eyes land on someone she hadn't seen since he was back in OCW. Josie looks down before looking back up at him, as she tries to smile, even if she is nervous. She knew she could get some help from him, though, as she walks towards him.~
Josie: Hey Paul....
~Our view slowly pans over to find none other than two-time OCW Hall of Famer and current OCW Tag Team Champion, "Perfect" Paul Paras! The Massacre fans lose their minds cheering for Paras, not to mention Barnes and Paras are appearing on-screen together for the first time since their time on OCW Survivor. Paul, dressed in an untucked royal blue dress shirt with a black "3PY" t-shirt underneath, adjusts his championship belt to his opposite shoulder and smirks at Barnes.~
Paras: Do the Perfect One's eyes deceive him? My Amazonian confidant, what has been happening!? It's rather difficult to get news about anyone around here when you're not waking up next to them every morning anymore, I'm sure you can agree. But today...
~He slowly leans in toward Josie's face, taking in every detail of it. He keeps drawing closer as Barnes' expression shows a mix of surprise and nervous excitement. Suddenly, he pulls back to his original stance. Some fans boo.~
Paras: ...you appear beleaguered. Your purple chakra is all out of alignment, the Perfect One sees. What troubles you?
Josie: Wasn't expecting to run into you... that could be one reason. Could be who I'm facing tonight.
~She looks down, as she wasn't sure if Paul even knew about her and Lukas. She looks back at him, as she was still nervous.~
Josie: Could say I'm facing the person I wake up next to every day now. Could say that's what has been happening.
~She bites her bottom lip, as she was looking at Paul. She wasn't sure what he would say, as they did have a fun time while in the Amazon.~
Paras: Ahah. You could say that, couldn't you?
~The Perfect One puts a pensive hand to his chin, seeing the conflict in Josie's eyes. Paras gains a smug grin on his face.~
Paras: Wait, are we talking about that Emery guy? The kid can't afford a pair of wrestling tights; I doubt you have much to worry about in terms of his wrestling ability. And you know what they say about the relationship between wrestling ability and ability in... other intimate areas of life.
~Paul observes Barnes' brow wrinkle and eyes widen, obviously taken aback. Paras chuckles.~
Paras: Easy, easy. Can't a guy have a little fun with a close friend?
Josie: You can have some fun, I’d just rather not speak of some things. Kind of… you know… awkward after everything.
Paras: So it goes and so it is. Well, you know, during my studies of the Renaissance period of Triple P Yoga, I discovered a French philosopher who stated, "The most genuine way to a man's true heart is to engage his earthly flesh in combat inside the squared circle." That's a paraphrase, but you get the idea. Perhaps the match is not the problem, but rather, the way you are preparing for it. Remember how we got ready for challenges in the Amazon?
~She blushes a bit as she nods her head. She remembered some of the ways they prepared and some she wanted to forget.~
Josie: Which ways? The time we were doing yoga and you were trying to say everyone loved women, which I think I proved you wrong on that one…
~She gives him a small smile remembering those times, among others.~
Josie: Or do you mean the times it just was you and myself, and no naked Soul?
Paras: Indeed, you've got nothing more to prove to me, my dear. But please... no amount of meditation or medication can erase the terror of TLS's junk blowing in the Amazonian wind every day.
~The two share a cringe and a laugh.~
Paras: That said, I imagine Mr. Emery won't mind if the Perfect One helps jog those other memories...
~The pair share a long gaze as Paul contemplates his words carefully with a smirk. The Massacre crowd responds with a mix of cheers and catcalls in the background. After a moment, the Perfect One places his Tag Title belt down on a storage crate and slowly maneuvers his way behind Barnes, who continues to stand still with her heart beating harder in her chest. Paras reaches out and places a hand on each of her shoulders.~
Paras: Now... reach your arms out and tighten your muscles. Create resistance between them, as if you are reaching out and wrapping them around the waist of the woman you love...
~Barnes shoots a glare back at Paul with her eyes rolling, but she follows his guidance and performs the moves as he instructs her.~
Paras: Fine, fine. The man you love. Or both at the same time. Triple P Yoga doesn't discriminate. All right, now take a deep breath in. Picture the air you are taking in as the adulation of the fans who are cheering your name. Jo-sie, Jo-sie. Now count your breath as you exhale with the referee's three-count signifying your spiritual victory... 1... 2... 3.
~Josie counts along with Paul, an air of calm washing over her face. Paras slowly moves his hands down to her hips, guiding her legs.~
Paras: Now, move your arms up to the sky to salute the wrestlers who have come before us, and bring your right leg back while putting your weight on your left knee and shin. This is the Warrior pose, one that will prepare you for any sort of battle. Using your own resistance, bring your arms down and out to your sides. Now what I'm about to teach you will secure victory if you can fully embrace it. Are you ready?
~Barnes holds her pose and nods as the Perfect One whispers the question into her ear. He runs his hand across her right arm and cups his hands around hers to make a fist.~
Paras: Perfect. Now, picture your opponent tonight standing right in front of you. See the fire in his eyes as he prepares to crush your skull against the canvas. See his smarmy grin as he wants to take the victory that is rightfully yours. See everything that you've worked for being taken away from you. And now, see how you can overcome it all and punch it square in the face. Using your resistance, bring that fist forward and release every bit of negative energy right at your opponent. Make him regret ever crossing you. Make him pay.
~Josie could feel his hands and body so close on her skin, as the heat was coming off of him. She was blocking it out though, as she was going through the motions, listening to each word he was saying, doing the moves step by step. She hears his last words and smirks. Paul releases her fist and lets her take control, eagerly observing her next move. She knew exactly what she would do, as she was in that mind set. She thrusts her fist out with a scream of energy, like she was punching Lukas directly in the face with a haymaker right hand! In her mind though, it wasn't Lukas the guy she was dating… but Lukas who was just another guy.~
Josie: Just like that, only don't break his nose, right?
~Josie looks back at Paul, as she was still smirking. She was actually even more ready. Paul returns the smirk with a sense of pride.~
Paras: Exactly like that. You were listening on Survivor, the Perfect One sees. I believe you're prepared. Here.
~Barnes turns around just in time to see Paras throwing off his dress shirt and then peeling his Triple P Yoga logo t-shirt from his statuesque frame. Josie watches and smiles before Paul hands her the literal shirt off his back.~
Paras: Now that you've had an official training session, you have to have the honorary official gear. Keep that for good luck. And remember, boyfriends are just friends that happen to be boys. But no one can kill a survivor. See you around, I sincerely hope.
~The shirtless Perfect One slings his dress shirt over one shoulder and his Tag Team Title belt over the other, glancing back at Josie as he walks back down the hall. Josie smiles as she watches him walking away. She puts the shirt on as the fans cheer. She knew he was right, she was ready. After putting it on, she starts heading down the opposite hallway. We cut back to ringside~
Smith: We seem to be watching the evolution of a young fighter facing a situation no amount of training could have prepared them for
Hood: The Squirrels Academy fails her again
Hood: Sorry...geez, no need to yell
Smith: We'll see Josie and Lukas...WHAT?
Hood: I just have to comment on Paul's boyfriend definition. True...technically they are friends who are merely boys...however boys and dicks and dicks get really impatient in the presence of women.
Smith: Okay, fine...SO glad you expounded on that. Personally, I'd take Paul's advice over yours any day of the week...regardless...we've got more matches to get to INCLUDING the return of ALICE KNIGHT
Hood: Bad to worse...I mean seriously...it's like this company knows exactly where to place her match...right after this Josie drama...I can't take it, man
Smith: Well, then quit
Hood: Nah, I'm cool
Smith: Let's head down to ringside!
Alice Knight (8-1) vs. Talia Areano (2-2)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following match is scheduled for one fall!
~ ”Electrified" by Dressy Bessy begins to play as the fans turn and cheer one of their all-time favorites, Alice Knight. She makes her way to the ring with a bubbly demeanor. She enters into the ring and kind of skips around for no apparent reason. She rushes the ropes and heads to the middle turnbuckle and waves to the fans as her music fades out~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Bethel, New York…standing 5’8 and weighing in at 125lbs…she is a former OCW Champion…Alice Knight!!!
~”Taking Over Me” by Evanescence hits. The fans watch as Talia Areano makes her way down the ramp and toward the ring. She rushes up the steps and enters in through the ropes. She finds her corner and awaits the ringing of the bell~
Belvedere: And her opponent…from Buenos Aires, Argentina…standing 5’6 and weighing in at 125lbs…Talia Areano!!
~The bell rings. The crowd gives a strong ovation. An “OWL IS NIGHT” chant is already underway~
Smith: Well there she is, Hood!
Hood: I know…I was wondering when we’d see Talia again!
Smith: I was referring to Alice Knight…but it is great to see Talia back in action…she, along with several others, had a rough night a few weeks back in Louisiana
Hood: Yep…her Oh Shit moment took place a lot earlier than she expected
Smith: Haha…indeed!
~Talia steps forward, ready to lock up. Alice appears ready to engage. Talia lunges forward…Alice backs away…the crowd HOOTS! Alice struts around like a bird with a very raped “HOOT!HOOT!HOOT!” chant filling the arena. Areano places her hands on her hips and shakes her head. Alice continues strutting. Talia reaches out, while Alice is walking by…she grabs Alice by the hair and yanks down!! Alice slams, back of the head first, into the mat! The crowd goes…”HOO….BOOOOOOO!!!” Talia rolls her eyes and begins stomping on Alice~
Smith: Well that was a bit uncalled for
Hood: I know, acting like a damn bird in the middle of a match
Smith: I was talking about Talia pulling Alice down by the hair while she was entertaining our fans
Hood: Oh please…Talia is here to wrestle not play some fucked up version of Charades.
~Talia ceases stomping Alice in the midsection. A thought springs to mind…she takes her leg and kicks Alice in the head!! The crowd boos even louder. Talia drops to her knees…she grabs Alice by the ears and slams the back of her head repeatedly into the mat!! The crowd chants “BITCH!” Talia finally stops, remaining on her knees. Alice rolls around, holding her head in pain~
Smith: Oh come on!
Hood: Hey, Talia is trying to win the match, Smith. If Alice doesn’t want her head bashed in she shouldn’t wrestle
Smith: What about sportsmanship? Where’s that at?
Hood: Well considering she’s a woman I don’t think sportsMANship applies
Smith: Whatever
~Talia pulls Alice to her feet…she sprints for the nearest corner and SLAMS Alice’s forehead into the top buckle!! Alice staggers backward. Talia hops onto the middle buckle…she leaps off with a dropkick into Alice’s face!! Knight hits the mat. Talia crawls forward, for a pin…Alice rolls out of the ring, under the bottom rope. She falls to the floor, holding her head. The fans at ringside show concern yelling words of encouragement. The rest of the crowd continues to boo and harass Talia~
Smith: These fans do not appreciate the antics of Talia Areano
Hood: Antics…my goodness…the words you use to describe Alice’s opponents
Smith: Are you saying it’s inaccurate?
Hood: I’m just saying Gandhi could shake Alice’s hand and you’d mention something about ulterior motives on his end
Smith: I would not
Hood: Although if Gandhi DID wrestle Alice and shook her hand with a hand buzzer on…that’d be the greatest moment in OCW history
~Talia hops through the ropes, landing near Alice. She picks Alice up and spears her back into the barricade!! The top of the barricade rams right underneath her shoulder blades. Talia lifts a knee into Alice’s midsection. Alice doubles over…Talia hooks Alice’s head. She spins around and steps up onto the barricade looking for a Tornado DDT. She spins in the air…Alice holds on, however and tosses Talia off…high into the air…Areano crashes down chest, shoulders and face first onto the top of the barricade!!! The crowd goes wild!! Areano falls to the floor, rolling around in pain~
Smith: What a move!
Hood: Calm down…it wasn’t THAT great
Smith: What are you talking about? That changed the entire projection of this match
Hood: I’m just saying…it wasn’t like she did a moonsault through a table or something
~Alice rubs the sides of her head a bit…asking the pain nicely to go away. She steps up on the barricade and flaps her arms for the fans. Several mask wearing OWL HEADS jumps around…one of them rips a pillow down the middle and throws a bunch of feathers into the air!! The crowd goes cheers with approval. Alice leaps off the guardrail and lands on top of Talia with a Senton!! Her back smashes right into Areano’s gut. Alice pops back to her feet…she grabs a handful of feathers and throws them in Talia’s face~
Smith: Take that Talia!
Hood: You’re unbelievable
Smith: Sorry, I may have gotten a little carried away there
Hood: Fucking feathers, seriously?
Smith: I would have thought the appearance of a pillow in a match between two women might have excited you
Hood: Nothing about Alice Knight excites me
~The fan hands Alice the pillow…she runs around the ring throwing feathers into the crowd. The fans reach for the feathers as if they were made of gold. It’s pretty damn weird. She is about to round the corner, returning to the spot where Talia’s body lies. She empties out the final load of feathers…she’s holding an empty pillow case. Slowly she rounds the corner with a look of mischief in her eyes. Talia is standing, her back to Alice~
Smith: What does Alice have on her mind, I wonder
Hood: She’s going to choke Talia out!
Smith: I doubt she’d do that
Hood: Hey, if she chokes Talia out then I’d have a bit of respect for her
Smith: I think she has something else on her mind
Hood: What else could it be? This is the perfect ‘choke out’ scenario!
~Alice sneaks up behind Talia…she tightens her grip on the pillow case. It looks like she’s going to strangle her. Suddenly, she stops and she WHIPS Talia in the ass with the pillow case. It’s the ole locker room towel whip! Talia jumps into the air, grabbing her ass in pain. She turns around, annoyed. Alice twirls the case and whips her in the leg!! Talia lifts her leg in pain. Alice laughs, pointing at Talia~
Smith: Hahaha…what a great moment!
Hood: Does anybody have a cyanide tablet?
Smith: Oh don’t be so dramatic
Hood: This is just awful, Smith. I seriously hate this woman.
~Talia springs forward while Alice is laughing. She cuts Alice in half with a spear right through the midsection!! Alice hits hard…Talia crawls up Alice’s body and pummels her with forearms! The fun comes to a halt…the fans boo…a few throw feathers…they don’t go very far because, well, they are feathers. Talia finishes pummeling Alice and rips the empty pillow case from her weakened hands~
Smith: Hey! Put that down!
Hood: Now we are going to see how a wrestler PROPERLY uses an empty pillow case
Smith: She’d better not!
~Talia wraps the cloth around Alice’s neck and cranks back! Alice kicks her feet and tries to fight off the hold…but it’s impossible. The sheet is secured way too tight. The fans yell for Scruff to do something…they are traumatized watching their favorite star turning purple in front of their eyes. Scruff hops through the ropes…he orders Talia to stop. Alice’s motions slow down. He mentions the word ‘EQ’. Talia stops, puzzled~
Smith: DQ, Scruff…DQ!
Hood: Yea, like Dairy Queen!
Smith: I could really go for an M&M Blizzard
Hood: Hey, their tacos are no slouch either
Smith: Indeed!
~Scruff slaps his forehead…he yells “DQ”. Talia drops the sheet and throws her arms in the air in an act of innocence. Scruff motions for her to get Alice back in the ring or he’ll really DQ her. Talia removes the case from Alice’s neck and rolls her in under the bottom rope. She crawls in, quickly…Scruff is right behind…she covers Alice…Scruff makes the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Alice kicked out! That a girl!
Hood: The hell did Scruff think an EQ was?
Smith: I couldn’t begin to guess
Hood: Enforced Quitting?
Smith: I doubt it
Hood: True…probably something more along the lines of Electric Quaaludes
~Talia is frustrated…she pulls Alice to her feet by the hair. She kicks Alice in the gut and hooks her for what appears to be a powerbomb. Alice drops to her knees and crawls through Talia’s legs! Talia looks around, bewildered. Alice pops to her feet behind Talia. Talia turns around and eats a kick in the gut…Alice then drops her to the mat with The Apache!!! The crowd goes wild!!! Alice turns Talia over and makes the cover…Scruff makes the count with the fans chanting along~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…ALICE KNIGHT!!!!!
Smith: What a counter! What a victory! What a competitor!
Hood: What a joke!
Smith: Alice Knight continues to show why she’s one of the greatest wrestlers in OCW history
Smith: Ah, I could really use a candy cigarette after that
Hood: Weirdo
Smith: Alice rolls on in her return match after Stainless Steel Ride…where does she go from here? I think we’re all eager to find out.
Hood: Hopefully the morgue
Smith: Stop saying such vile things! Let’s head backstage…
~ The camera fades backstage and you see OCW legend, Curt Canon walking the hallways with his head down. Curt bumps into someone and doesn’t even bother to lift up his head even tho he hears a voice that just irks him. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "Hey you can atleast say you're sorry, Curt.”
~ CJ has a smirk on his face as Canon doesn’t even respond to him. He just continues walking down the hallway which only gets CJ’s attention more. O’Donnell grabs Canon by his left shoulder and swings him around. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "I was talking to you. I expected better from an OCW Legend who is loved by the fans. Don’t you guys have a code to live by. I tried to tell you, Curt. Your friends. The ones who turned their backs on you in the Amazon were just using you as a pawn. They never really cared about you.”
~ O’Donnell clears his throat before continuing. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "They saw you as someone they could manipulate easily and used that to their advantage. You know guys like Mario, Paul and Chad are all hypocrites. Giving you gifts after you lost custody of Checkers. Making it seem like I was the bad guy. I tried to warn you. I tried to tell you not to trust them but no you thought just because you had a history with them everything was A-Okay.”
~ Curt finally looks up at CJ. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "I told you what I was. I told you I was an asshole. I told you that I would crush you if you crossed my path and I did just that. So what would make you feel better, Curt?”
Curt Canon: “Just leave me be Caleb, you already proved to everyone that I can't hack it in OCW anymore. You took my pride, but worst of all you took my monkey…..there is no need to pour salt on the wound.”
CJ O’Donnell: "You have it all wrong here Curt. I am not here to gloat. I am here to actually be a friend. Let me help you. You see in our match at Stainless Steel Ride I saw something that I didn’t think you had. You had a fire and passion but you held back because you were afraid of what people who think. Let me ask you something. What have these fans ever done for you?”
Curt Canon: “Do you not hear the cheers? These fans are my heart...they keep me going during the rough times. In all my years even in defeat, they have always been there, clapping and chanting. I need the fans, they are the only thing I have left.”
~ CJ just shakes his head in disagreement with that last statement made by Canon. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "I call BULLSHIT. You need no one but yourself. The only reason you are doubting yourself is because you don’t believe in yourself. Listen you were away from this business for a while and it has changed so you must adapt. Stop worrying about what others think about you and do what makes you happy. These fans will turn on you at the drop of a hat. They don’t give a flying fuck about anything or anybody. They pay a decent amount of money to watch grown men, women and whatever the fuck Iggy Hardy is to beat the ever living shit out of each other. So once again I will ask what will make Curt happy?”
Curt Canon: “Ya know CJ, I have been asking myself that same question ever since Stainless Steel Ride. I appreciate what the legends did for me, but a half dead dog, a donkey named after you and few yoga DVDs just haven't been doing the trick. I don’t even know if having Checkers back would help. How is he anyway?”
CJ O’Donnell: "Fuck the rest of the legends. They are mocking you. You deserve to be on the same level of them. They don’t respect you. They think you are a joke but I think you have more. I think you have a side that not many people have seen and I want to see the _REAL_ Curt Canon in OCW!”
~ CJ puts his right arm around Curt trying to build up his confidence in himself. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "He has a bad biting habit and I had to put him on a few timeouts but it’s just like raising a kid you have to show them who's boss. Anyway to show you that I am sincere and a man of my word. I will bring Checkers to Massacre and give him back to you. All I wanted to do was show that I was not the weakest link of The Aptitude as so many have said before. Curt, I do not say this much but you have my respect. You were the only OCW Legend to step up to face me. No one else would answer the call and that right there says something about you. You have something to fight for. You want to show the world that size doesn’t matter. You want to make a legacy in OCW!”
Curt Canon: “I don't get you CJ, I can't help but to think that you have some kind of ulterior motive. You say you I have your respect, but does that truly count for anything? Didn't Matt have your respect? Look what you did to him. You are right though, I do have something prove. I am not done building my legacy yet, so I will play ball. I saw some sense of humanity in you during our time in the Amazon, so bring Checkers to Massacre for me.”
~ O’Donnell runs his hands through his beard as he is paying close attention to what Canon is saying. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "You have yourself a deal. Next week Checkers will be back in your arms. I will keep up my end of the bargain.”
~ CJ shakes Curt’s hand to show that it is a deal he will not break. ~
CJ O’Donnell: "As far as Meyhu goes he did not respect me. He went behind my back to Marcus and picked TIO for his tag team partner. And do you know why he did that? He wanted to weaken TIO before their match for the OCW Title. So I figured I would show him who really ran shit in The Aptitude. He never saw it coming and look what has happened to TIO and Meyhu since Stainless Steel Ride. TIO has become the father of the year while Matt has barely even shown his face. Some OCW Champion he is. Isn’t he suppose to lead by example. I guess he wants special treatment just because he holds the main strap here but don’t worry shit is going to change within the next few weeks.”
Curt Canon: “Well shit Caleb, tell us how you really feel. And I don't want you to get the wrong idea here, I never said I respected you. You can call me old fashioned but I still believe that respect is earned not just given. You are a twisted individual who has no regard for anyone else and I don't really think you have earned it…...yet.”
CJ O’Donnell: "Everything in due time Curt. There is a time and a place for everything. Not true. Yes, I may be a ruthless individual and in your face but when it comes to Alice Knight I have shown that I can be trusted. If given the opportunity Canon you will see it is better to have me as an ally than an enemy. I am sure when the opportunity is right then I will earn it but I want to see the real you. No more of this bullshit of feeling sorry for yourself. Make a statement. Show that you have a purpose in this new breed of OCW or you will just blend in with the rest of them. Think about this would you rather be respected or feared? When you have the answer to that question then you will know why you came back to the ring. I know you have unfinished business and it wasn’t to be in Pryde’s shadow. It wasn’t to be someone’s puppet. You have two fists Curt and I think it is time you start getting them dirty.”
Curt Canon: “Everything in due time CJ. Just bring me my damn monkey.”
~ CJ nods his head as he begins to walk away from Canon with a smile on his face. Canon looks like his mood has changed as you can see that he has a more assertive tone in his voice. You go back to Smith and Hood at ringside. ~
Smith: Ugh, he's like a virus
Hood: Which one?
Smith: CJ! Curt is likable...his enthusiasm and charm is infectious
Hood: I don't know, man, that sounds pretty viral to me
Smith: Never mind...I just hope Curt doesn't make ANY deals with CJ...it could be the ruination of what has been a Hall of Fame career
Hood: What could it hurt, seriously? The guy has lost every meaningful match since returning
Smith: CJ will bleed him dry, Hood. And, once Curt is of no further use he'll move on to his next host.
Hood: Wait a minute...are you saying CJ is...ROBERT MORBIDUS?
Smith: Let's move on to our next match. You're impossible to have a conversation with, you realize that?
Hood: I don't know, seems like we're talking with each other just fine
Liam Lee Zua (2-1) vs. Julliet Brooks (1-1)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following match is scheduled for one fall!!
~"Down" by Otep hits and out walks Julliet Brooks onto the stage to a chorus of cheers from the audience, simply smiling from ear to ear. She is draped in a gorgeous gold robe. She shows it off for a moment before heading down to ringside. Once there she claps some fans hands, then runs and slides underneath the ropes, soaking up the positive reaction. After she leans against the ropes and looks toward the entrance way, showing no intimidation to her upcoming opponent~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Albuquerque, New Mexico…standing 5’4 and weighing in at 108lbs…Julliet Brooks!!
~”Back from the Dead” by Skillet starts playing through the speakers as the lights dim down and a dark green spot light shines on the entrance. Liam walks out with the hood of his jacket up and as the lyrics for the song start he turns his back to the crowd and raises his left fist in the air throwing up devil horns just as the first verse of the song starts~
Cold and black inside this coffin
~He spins around a wicked smile on his face as he walks down to the ring focused like a laser~
Belvedere: And his opponent, weighing in at a 160 pounds, hailing from Miami, Florida…The man known as Death from Above Liam Zua!!!
~There is a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd as Liam slides under the bottom rope and throwing back his hood he climbs the turnbuckle and raises his left fist in the air once more before he backflips into the ring and then removes his jacket while he waits for the match to start. The bell rings. Brooks slowly removes her robe to reveal her heavenly body. She folds the robe and hands it to Belvedere who might be blushing. It’s hard to tell…the guy is such a damn professional. Brooks has a gold ring attire on underneath. She’s now ready for competition~
Smith: Interesting match up here…Julliet Brooks suffered a tough debut loss against Vargas but bounced back nicely two weeks ago in her Massacre debut
Hood: Okay
Smith: MEANWHILE…Zua ran off two straight wins to open his career before suffering a tough setback last week against Ed Houston…the effort he put forth was really disappointing
Hood: So…what do you make of all that?
Smith: Well…OCW has a lot invested in Brooks…so it would obviously benefit the company if she won this match…I’d think, anyway. HOWEVER…if Zua can upset Brooks then that would give him instant credibility as a rising star
Hood: Sweet…let’s see what happens!
~Brooks goes right after Zua…stalking him back into a corner. Zua appears a bit tentative to start things off….the loss might have impacted his confidence a bit. Brooks has him trapped…she throws a knife edged chop…it slaps against Zua’s chest! She delivers another and another! Zua shakes his head and drops to the mat…he rolls out of the ring and takes a walk. The fans boo his actions…Brooks looks down and shakes her head at Zua~
Smith: I think Liam wants a restart
Hood: No kidding…Brooks went right after his ass and he didn’t really know how to react
Smith: A tale of two career trajectories…Brooks is on the rise while Zua is, at best, stagnant
Hood: Yep, Julliet’s got that confidence!
~We focus in on Zua. He stands near the barricade, looking down at his red chest. He shakes his head in frustration. The fans yell at him to get back into the ring. He ignores their implorations. The crowd grows eerily silent. Liam wonders why. They begin to rise with excitement. He turns around…Julliet’s body comes tumbling through the air, landing right on top of Liam!!! They crash land into the ground, up against the barricade!! The crowd screams with glee as a “JULLIET!” chant breaks out~
Smith: A somersault plancha…my goodness, this woman is insane!
Hood: Again…HOW are you just now figuring this out?
Smith: Excuse me if I don’t jump to hyperbolic conclusions as quickly as you do
Hood: I don’t think calling a person who devised that match we saw at Stainless Steel Ride insane is jumping to any sort of conclusion.
~Brooks is back to her feet quicker than most. She leans Zua up against the barricade and kicks him in the chest repeatedly. The fans try to keep up by counting but her kicks are too rapid…so, they give up and just cheer. She delivers a final kick to Zua’s chest…he slumps over, falling to the ground. The crowd continues to show their tremendous support for Julliet Brooks~
Smith: Given the two options…I might have settled for the knife edged chops
Hood: Ya think?
Smith: Unfortunately for Liam Zua…he can’t predict the future
Hood: You don’t have to be Nostrafuckingdamus to realize a deranged, sociopath like Brooks is more dangerous OUTSIDE the ring than INSIDE
Smith: True
~Brooks grabs Zua by the head and pulls him to his feet…she throws a few well placed forearms right underneath his jaw. She then drags him toward one of the four edges of the ring and tosses him, head first into the steel steps!! Scruff hops through the ropes and asks Julliet what she’s doing. She fails to respond…instead she plays to the fans as they continue to cheer her on~
Smith: Julliet fortunate that Scruff didn’t DQ her right there
Hood: No shit…I mean who does she think she is?
Smith: Julliet Brooks…one of the most accomplished female wrestlers in history
Hood: Whatever man…I say DQ the bitch!
~Scruff continues to admonish Julliet’s behavior. She finally gives him her attention…she leans in and hugs Scruff!! Scruff blushes…he instantly forgets why he was angered in the first place. He backs away and smiles. Julliet nods and turns toward Zua. She charges forward…Zua is seated up against the steps. Brooks throws a knee at Zua’s head…Zua ducks!! Brooks drives her knee into the steps!! It CLANGS loudly! She flips over the steps and lands hard on the other side, out of view. Scruff rushes over…he starts to yell at Zua~
Smith: Ouch…the hardcore nature that has become a trademark of Julliet Brooks backfired
Hood: Yea and Scruff is mad at Zua, apparently. Guy really needs to get out more.
Smith: You think…I mean, isn’t he homeless…doesn’t that indicate that he’s already out a lot?
Hood: True…perhaps I meant he needs to seek female companionship on a more frequent basis. If a HUG is all that it takes to compromise his integrity well, then…the guy seriously needs to get laid.
~Zua ignores Scruff’s infatuation charged outburst. He gets to his feet and climbs onto the top step. He looks down at Brooks. She’s on her back, holding her knee. Liam leaps into the air, off the step…he brings his knees to his chest and comes down driving both feet into Julliet’s abdomen with a double foot stomp!! Liam tucks and rolls forward, after impact! The fans at ringside wince…Julliet curls up and rolls around in pain~
Smith: Ouch…I hope Julliet came out here on an empty stomach
Hood: Otherwise she’d be spewing blood
Smith: Huh?
Hood: She has a thirst for blood, Smith
Smith: NOT LITERALLY you dimwit
~Zua is back on his feet…he yanks Brooks up…she lunges forward and bites his neck!! Zua, at first, is shocked…he then responds by kicking her in the knee! Brooks stops biting and staggers back, reaching for her knee. Zua runs for the apron…he jumps, flatfooted from the ground onto the apron and turns around, facing Brooks. Brooks looks up and spots Liam…she goes after his legs…Liam JUMPS from the apron to the barricade…with his back facing Brooks. Julliet turns around…Liam leaps off the barricade and lands on top of Brooks with a moonsault!!! The crowd gives Zua a strong ovation, impressed by the move! Zua lands on his feet and falls back against the apron, reaching for his neck~
Smith: What athleticism by Liam Zua!
Hood: She fucking BIT him
Smith: Are we sure her teeth made actual contact with flesh?
Hood: She either bit him or tried to fuck him
Smith: Okay, we’ll go with bite
~The skin appears to be fine…no breach is found. He snares Brooks by the hair and whips her under the rope, back into the ring. She rolls toward the center, coming to rest on her back. Zua hops onto the apron…he jumps onto the top rope and springboards off with a Guillotine Leg Drop!! It connects! He goes for a quick cover~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Brooks with the kickout…she’s showing some fight
Hood: Hey, I never said she wasn’t a fighter
Smith: No, you did not
Hood: I just didn’t know she was a biter
Smith: Alright, we get it
~Zua shakes his head and pops back to his feet. He looks toward the corner. Brooks rises…Zua waits for her to get to her feet…she finally does. Zua sprints for the corner and steps up onto the middle buckle…he flips backward going for a Pele Kick. Brooks catches him!! She drops him with a fluid and devastating Tombstone!!! Zua’s head slams into the mat! The fans jump to their feet~
Smith: Wow! What a counter by Julliet Brooks…Zua was looking to end it with the Zombie Killer
Hood: Can you imagine dating this woman? She’s crazy!
Smith: Some guys are into that kind of stuff…from what I hear
Hood: You mean from what you’ve seen
Smith: How dare you make such false, loose allegations on national television!
~Brooks returns to her feet…she rushes for the same corner Liam ricocheted out of. She climbs to the top…she’s going as fast as her weakened knee will allow. The crowd is urging her on before Liam can get up. Julliet reaches the top…she gathers her breath and jumps off with Amaterasu!!! She hits just before Liam can sit up!!! She remains on top for the covers…Scruff slides in with the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…JULLIET BROOKS!!!!!
Smith: She did it! What a win!
Hood: Alright…so she’s got some talent
Smith: SOME talent? She’s one of the most decorated…
Hood: Yes…YES…you’ve already said that about a million times
Smith: Tremendous win for Julliet as she continues to work her way up the rankings. As for Zua…well it’s back to the drawing board.
Hood: Yep…started 2-0…now he’s 2-2…still looks solid, though
Smith: Indeed, he just needs to work on a few things and he’ll be fine…the key is to not get discouraged. Well everyone…the Mix is up next…so before we get to that portion of our programming we’re gonna head…you guessed it…BACKSTAGE
'Cause you all try to keep me down
How it feels to be forgotten
But you'll never forget me now
TIO: Treat! Calm down man… I’m not here to cause you anymore harm.
Treat Cassidy: …What are you here for?
TIO: Two weeks ago I tried to apologize to Mack about my treatment to you and he told me I should apologize to you too. I decided to take his advice and come to you, man-to-man.
~There is an awkward pause as Treat goes back to a more relaxed stance~
TIO: I am sorry, Treat. When I returned in January, I wanted to get right back to where I left off in OCW and that was being the best. When Vargas interrupted me and ruined my chance at just being handed the Paradigm Title, it infuriated me. I took that anger out on you because I knew it would get to Vargas. You were used in a war and it never should’ve happened. Again, I’m very sorry.
Treat Cassidy: While I appreciate the apology – it still doesn’t erase what you’ve done.
TIO: I get that, and I’m not asking for forgiveness when I say sorry to you – I’m trying to show not just you, but the world that I am owning my mistakes and trying to move forward as a new person. In doing so, I came here not just to apologize, but to do two other things. The first…
~TIO puts the Paradigm Championship down for a moment to fish around in his pockets before pulling out a small envelope. He extends his arm as Treat slowly accepts the envelope~
Treat Cassidy: What’s inside?
TIO: That there is a cheque for fifty thousand dollars, in your name, written out to the Action Against Abduction charity organization. This is my way of, literally, putting my money where my mouth is. It’s for children but I think you can grasp the idea of what I’m trying to say with this gesture.
Treat Cassidy: ...Well, I’m sure they’ll enjoy this donation. And the second thing?
TIO: The second thing involves Mack and his shot at the Paradigm Championship. He earned it by winning at Stainless Steel Ride and I’m going to allow him to decide when he wants me to defend it and how, if he wants to add a stipulation to the match. The ball is in his court.
~With a nod and a smile, TIO picks back up his title and heads to the door. Just as he is about to walk out, Mack steps in. Mack looks down at TIO's belt, and back up at him. They stare at each other for a moment. TIO gives him a nod~
TIO: Mack.
Mack: Tartare.
~TIO rolls his eyes and leaves the locker room. Mack turns to Treat~
Mack: What was that about?
~Treat, surprised by the events, starts to open the envelope. He motions for Mack to sit~
Treat: Sit down. We should talk.
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: TIO is working on righting the many...MANY wrongs of his OCW past
Hood: Ugh, I feel so bad for the guy
Smith: I know, it's tough admitting you were wrong
Hood: Not that...he's soft...that means his career is trending downward. He's got no shot at winning the OCW Title now
Smith: I disagree. This could be JUST the shot in the arm he needs to get over that final hurdle.
Hood: This is the real world...people pay taxes, we all die and good never defeats evil
Smith: So bleak...well everyone it's time to begin Week 2 of the Margarita Mix! Let's head down to ringside!
Margarita Mix
Levi Russow (3-2) vs. Mark Storm (3-5)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following is a Margarita Mix match and it is scheduled for one fall!
~We hear low violins hum and the beat swirling around it as we hear a stern Stan Lee DEMAND...~
~As the music grows a fog wafts through the arena until the drums hit and we see weak blue and white lights in syncopation until two spotlights shine throughout the arena...~
The full power of "Miseria Cantare" by AFI hits as through the darkness like some great ravenous beast slinks Levi Russow up from the floor. Dark circles under his eyes gave way as he looks up into the ceiling and almost...beautifully waltzes with himself with his actions getting more vivid and more jagged with the growing intensity of the song when there...at the end...he kneels in the middle of the ring, glaring into the camera~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Manhattan, New York…standing 6’2 and weighing in at 210lbs…Levi Russow!!!
~Short Change Hero by The Heavy begins to play through the speakers and the lights in the arena simultaneously dim down. Smoke begins to rise from the top of the stage and appearing on the screen above are the following words~
~A massive pop ensues as emerging from the back is the self-proclaimed "Prince of CHAOS", Mark Storm; who keeps himself composed as he stands at the top of the entrance ramp. He can't help but allow his sadistic signature smirk to appear upon his lips as he closes his eyes and spreads his arms out wide, soaking in the energy that the audience are giving him as they applaud and cheer~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York.. weighing in a two hundred and twenty pounds - Your Hero, and Mine.. MARRKKKK STORMMMMMM
~He begins his walk down the entrance ramp, with a leather coat completing his attire as he comes down the entrance ramp~
This ain't no place for no better man.
This ain't no place for no hero
To call "home."
~At this point, Storm is by the edge of the ring; allowing a smile to embed on his face before he jumps onto the apron and holds onto the ropes, using them to help himself up onto the turnbuckle. He's grinning from ear to ear, soaking in the rest of the cheers coming from the audience, shaking his head sideways as he lowers it, before jumping into the ring. Taking off his leather coat, he hands it to the ring announcer before walking over to his designated corner and hoisting himself up onto the second ropes, a smirk upon his lips as he holds his arms up; his theme song slowly diminishing. The bell rings~
Smith: Here we go, Hood…Mark Storm taking on Levi Russow
Hood: Seems like this match should have more hype
Smith: Indeed…two of the most talented wrestlers we’ve got…however, they are also two of the most unpredictable…not a lot of consistency with these two
Hood: That fucking sucks…hard to push a guy who isn’t consistent
Smith: Just can’t trust the wrestler enough
Hood: Ah, fuck it…maybe this match will wake the winner up
Smith: It can’t hurt!
~Levi goes right after Storm, showing the new aggressive side he’s been flaunting. Don’t believe me? Just ask SEX. He throws a knee at Storm…Storm ducks the flying knee attempt. Levi lands in the corner, safely. He turns around and charges, blindly, at Storm…Storm lifts a leg and kicks Levi in the face with a big boot! The crowd is intense due to the rapid beginning~
Smith: These two aren’t wasting any time…I don’t think this match is going to last very long
Hood: Storms usually don’t…especially SUMMER storms…they appear out of nowhere and vanish just as quickly
Smith: Why don’t you just quit this job and become a darn meteorologist?
Hood: And live like Vortex and Debris? No fucking way, man
~Storm pulls Levi from the mat and whips him into the ropes. Levi bounces off and Storm performs a ROARING elbow right into Levi’s face!! Levi hits the mat, his body shakes…he doesn’t look too good~
Smith: That might have done it right there…Storm is so talented, so strong…an elbow like that could be all she wrote
Hood: All who wrote?
Smith: It’s a saying, Hood
Hood: I don’t have time for parlance when we’re dealing with storm clouds…it’s getting dark outside, Smith. The sun is blocked out from the overcast skies!
~Storm stands over Levi, poised to attack. Levi crawls to his feet, stunned from the elbow. Storm runs toward the ropes. Levi reaches his feet…Storm jumps onto the middle rope and springboards off looking for a Springboard Cutter…Levi CATCHES Storm and drops him with a Blue Thunder Bomb!! He holds on for the pin~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Wow! Out of nowhere….Levi nearly pulled the upset!
Hood: Upset?
Smith: Mark Storm is one of the best wrestlers on the planet…Levi is, well, he’s extremely talented but doesn’t have the resume of a Mark Storm
Hood: Fuck people’s laundry list of accomplishments outside of OCW. That doesn’t mean shit
~Levi returns to his feet and stumbles toward a corner…that elbow really scattered his cerebrum. He steps up onto the middle buckle…he looks over his shoulder…Storm is on his feet. Levi propels off the buckle and tries a shining wizard…Storm ducks the kick!!! Storm catches Levi and positions him in a wheel barrow situation. He lifts Levi onto his shoulders and falls back with an Electric Chair!! Levi hits hard, arching his back in pain~
Smith: Ouch…Levi gets caught…this match is a lot like these guys careers…up and down…unpredictable
Hood: Thunder is roaring…might have a bit of lightning.
Smith: Well you let me know if I need to roll up the windows to my Honda Civic
Hood: What? You’d better go do that right now! What kind of a man keeps his windows down on the night of a Mark Storm match? You’re a lunatic!
~Storm runs into the ropes. Levi reaches his feet…Storm grabs Levi around the neck and drops him with Slingblade!! Storm pops back to his feet…the fans are firmly behind the charismatic, talented star. He pulls Levi up and hoists him into a fireman’s carry! The crowd rises to their feet~
Smith: Dystopia! Mark Storm is looking to end the match with Dystopia!
Hood: Winds are picking up! My goodness this might be a record breaking storm!
Smith: Pay attention!
Hood: How can I with these winds?!
~Levi throws some elbows into Storm’s neck! Storm loses his grip. Levi lands behind Storm and hooks his arms around Storm’s waist. He tosses Storm over with a Release German…but Storm lands on his feet. Levi turns around and is grabbed by Storm…Storm throws Levi into the corner with an Exploder Suplex!! Levi hits hard and falls, landing on his head. The fans are stomping their feet, clamoring for Storm to end the match~
Smith: Mark Storm is a move or two away from evening up his Mix record to 1-1
Hood: Lightning just struck a tree! Did you see that? How do we still have power?!
Smith: Because there aren’t any REAL storms in the area
Hood: Try telling Levi this isn’t a real storm
~Storm drags Levi into the center of the ring…he pulls Russow to his feet and prepares for Storm Strike!! He yanks Levi forward and lunges at him with the short arm clothesline…LEVI DUCKS. Levi uses the momentum to hit the ropes. Storm falls to one knee, having expected to hit the move. Levi bounces off the ropes. Storm tries to get up…he turns around…just in time to get hit in the face with The Fallen Angel Flight (Kinshasa)!!!! Storm falls over, unconscious. Levi crawls on top with the pin~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….LEVI RUSSOW!!!!!
Smith: Out of nowhere! Levi with a GREAT…HUGE win tonight
Hood: So much for record damages…that fucking storm is already gone. Oh well, I guess your car’s interior is safe
Smith: I’m going to just ignore your inane ramblings and mention that Storm drops to 0-2 while Levi vaults up to 1-1…a much needed win for Russow
Hood: Storm…man…I don’t even know
Smith: I love Storm as much as the next guy…but he’s got to get his focus. He’s always distracted…the man has the talent to win this entire thing…but performances like this, well, they just won’t get it done. It’s too tough in OCW to half pay attention
Hood: You’re right about that
Smith: Anyway, let’s head backstage as the evening rolls on
~The backstage is alive with wrestlers, agents, referees, and of course security. “Who’re” stands by herself in front of a huge “OCW” logo. The area is designated for interviews. She waits for the word from Hood or Smith after the match~
Hood: That match was wild as hell man. Where do we go from here?
Smith: Backstage to Who’re! She is standing by right now! Who’re can you hear me?
Who’re: Yes Smith! I have got you loud and clear!
~The camera turns from the announce team and backstage. Who’re fluffs her hair just before the camera cuts to her. She stands directly in front of the camera~
Who’re: Thank you Smith and Hood! I am joined now by The Fury himself, Tommy Crimson!
~Crimson walks into frame as Who’re makes room for him. He uses a rubber band to tie back his red and black mop. He slowly strokes his facial hair as he looks Who’re over~
Crimson: I bet you are one of those backstage whores. I bet I could drop my levi’s and your mouth would pop open like some sort of reflex. Beat it!
Who’re: Excuse me?
Crimson: You heard me, bitch. Move!
~Crimson pushes her out of the shot and takes center stage. He looks directly into the camera~
Crimson: Who’re? Get the fuck out of here. I am here for serious business and we can’t get to that with those big fake tits bouncing around.
~Tommy wipes the sweat from his brow then continues~
Crimson: I won tonight and I will win next monday. I don’t care if it’s against “one of the best wrestlers in the world”, Wolfenfuckboystein or whatever his name is. The site actually said that about him. What a joke. He couldn’t even beat that loser journeyman Drew Stevenson in another promotion. Pathetic. We’ve all seen you before. Only repackaged slightly different and better. Way better. Wolfenfuckboysteiner couldn’t wrestle my dick out of my pants using both hands. He looks like a juggalo that couldn’t make it. He’s got no place in my “business”.
~Crimson laughs out loud at the young wrestler, Wulf Erikson. He mocks him briefly then continues~
Crimson: I’m not here to talk about that “closeted” young I.C.P. fan or beating shootah with ease. I am here to be a contender right now. Tommy Crimson wants to fight till there’s no one fucking left. I’ll break every pussy in this place to get where I want...
~Suddenly Who’re screams as two masked men invade the small set. They push her down and bust out both the spotlights focused on Tommy. The two large men are both wearing black ski masks. Crimson jumps up and pele kicks one directly in the head! The other man grabs the spotlight base and begins to hit Crimson when he attempts to get up after the kick. The base smacks Tommy in the face knocking him senseless. The two men each grab a leg and begin to drag Crimson away. Who’re waits to get security after what Tommy said to and about her~
Ski Masked Kidnapper 1: We have to get the hell out of here.
Ski Masked Kidnapper 2: No shit! He nearly took my head off with that kick. This mean bastard has to go.
~They continue to drag Crimson toward the parking lot. They drag him until they reach a cadillac with the trunk already open. Tommy begins to come to when they pick him up. Both men dump him in the trunk. They shut the lid down with force locking him inside. The two masked men then jump in the car and speed off into the night. They laugh due to the huge success~
Ski Masked Kidnapper 2: We did it! Now we can get rid of this son of a bitch before he ruins wrestling.
Ski Masked Kidnapper 1(Driver): We sure did. I’ll be goddamned if he’s going to ruin what we have built here. I think we got away clean! How about a song to celebrate?
~The large masked driver shows a cd to the masked passenger. They both nod in agreement as the driver slides it into the cd player. Britney Spears voice booms over the car’s stereo~
Britney: Oh Baby, Baby… Oh Baby, Baby… Oh Baby, Baby... how was I supposed to know… That something wasn’t right here?
~The two masked men sing the song right along with her. When a short pause in the song leaves the car silent for a moment they can hear Crimson’s muffled voice in the trunk~
Crimson: Fa**ots.
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Tommy Crimson has been abducted!
Hood: They mentioned something about him RUINING OCW...what they built? Who could it be?
Smith: I honestly couldn't tell you...there are so many OCW veterans who hate Tommy Crimson...it'd be like finding a needle in a haystack
Hood: So glad he's back...just hope he gets out of that trunk quicker than Maurako did!
Smith: We'll see...well folks, when we have more news on the apparent abduction of Crimson, we will bring those to you...in the meantime the Mix must go on...next up, a battle between lovers
Hood: The ULTIMATE Lover's Quarrel
Smith: Something like that...Josie and Lukas do battle...let's head down to ringside
Margarita Mix
Josie Barnes (7-3) vs. Lukas Emery (5-0)
~The lights in the arena go out, leaving it in total darkness as “Bartholomew” by The Silent Comedy begins to play over the sound system~
“Oh my God, please help me.
Knee deep in the river trying to get clean.
He says wash your hands, get out the stains.
But ya best believe boy there’s hell to pay.
Yeah ya best believe boy there’s hell to payyy!”
~The guitar comes in, as a spotlight illuminates an area of the stage, and Lukas Emery slowly makes his way out onto the stage, wearing his black tank top and blue jeans~
Belvedere: Now making his way to the ring, from Cardiff, Wales, now residing in London, England, Lukas Emery!
Hood: Here comes EMERY!
Smith: You know the winner of this match is going to cause a stir back at home later.
~The spotlight follows as Emery continues to make his way to the ring, bouncing and singing to the music a little bit. He makes his way to ringside and takes the steps up to the ring before stepping in. Once in the ring, he slowly turns around, looking at his surroundings, before he awaits his opponent~
Smith: Here comes Josie! These two know each other very well inside and outside of the ring.
Hood: No shit, they are a couple!
~”The Fighter” by In This Moment begins to play. The fans get on their feet and offer a very likable, cheery response for Josie Barnes. She steps out from behind the curtain wearing the Triple P Yoga (3PY) shirt Paras gave her. She’s got a HUGE task in front of her. She sets off down the ramp and doesn’t exert any wasted energy. She rolls in under the bottom rope and pops to her feet in the center of the ring~
Belvedere: And his opponent…. She hails from Lilly, Georgia but resides in Key West… JoooooSssssssiiiieeee Barnes!
Smith: Both competitors are now in the ring. The referee comes in to explain the rules of the inter-gender match up.
Hood: How in the hell is this all going to play out? I mean can he hit her? It is his old lady.
~The referee confirms the rules with both Josie and Emery. Emery points at Josie’s shirt. She shrugs asking what the problem is. He asks if she’d remove it. She doesn’t seem to understand his issue~
Smith: I don’t think Lukas Emery is a fan of Josie wearing the shirt Paul Paras gave her earlier in the evening
Hood: No shit…that’s his girl and Paras is, in a way, marking her as his territory
Smith: He’s not doing that! He was just being friendly
Hood: That’s how it starts, Smith. A friendly gift…next thing you know, you’re walking in on them doing some bedroom ‘yoga’
~Josie rolls her eyes, capitulates and removes the shirt. She hands it to Belvedere asking that he fold it up and take care of it during her match. Emery doesn’t know why she didn’t just toss it over the rope or, preferably, into the crowd. But he’s not going to LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH. So, he puts the shirt issue behind him and prepares for the match. The bell rings and they begin to circle each other~
Hood: FIGHT! FIGHT! This sanctioned domestic violence matchup is beautiful.
Smith: It’s beautiful for the moment. These two are very violent and that could come out here tonight!
~Lukas and Josie lock up. Emery quickly gets the upperhand and positions himself behind Barnes for a big german suplex. He immediately goes for a pin~
~Josie kicks out at 1. She gets up with real anger painted across her face. Lukas rolls out of the ring then smacks the apron with both hands in frustration. Emery has no interest in fighting his significant other here tonight. The suplex and quick pin has left Barnes in the ring stewing. She takes off toward Emery and clears the top rope. The suicide dive is picture perfect and gets a nice pop from the crowd. Emery and Barnes both hit the floor on the outside in a pile of pain~
Crowd: Holy-Shit! Holy-Shit!
Hood: The crowd loves it! These two are finally fighting!
Smith: Emery is slow to get back to his feet while Barnes is already back up!
~Barnes climbs on top of the announce table completely consumed by rage. Emery shakes his head to catch his bearings. He gets to one knee then turns around just in time to catch a running knee from Josie! Lukas turns from the shot so she leaps off the table nailing Emery with a bulldog from behind!~
Smith: Josie is taking the fight to Emery! I did not see this coming at all.
Hood: I did. Women rule the world, Smith. They just allow us to live here.
Smith: What?
~Barnes gets back to her feet then climbs back up on the apron. Lukas is laid out as she looks back at him. She bites her bottom lip deciding on what to do now. Rather than get in the ring and allow a count to begin she decides to help Emery back up. Josie walks over to Lukas and helps him back to his feet. He has not forgotten what Barnes just did and irish whips her towards the ringpost~
Hood: WHAM! Not the popular band for sissies in the 80s either. She smacked that ring post with authority!
Smith: The referee has began his count with both competitors outside the ring now.
~Emery realizes what he’s done after it's too late. Josie raises up off the floor and now has a gash across her forehead. She realizes immediately that she is bleeding and Lukas is the cause. Emery quickly rushes over to check on her. She responds with a huge shot! The smack can be heard throughout and causes the front row to wince. She rolls back in the ring as blood runs down the side of her face. She taunts her boyfriend to get back in the ring with both hands~
Smith: Barnes is one of the toughest wrestlers in OCW.
Hood: I believe it after seeing that. She’s bleeding now.
~Emery rolls in the ring in order to halt the referee’s count. Josie quickly climbs the ropes while he is enroute. She dives off at Lukas as soon as he gets back in the ring. He catches her in mid air for a twirling backbreaker that lights up the crowd! Josie is now in the center of the ring laid out. Lukas decides against a pin and rather hooks her for a sharpshooter! Josie reaches out in both directions for the bottom rope. “Tap Sass!” Emery continues to scream while sitting on his girlfriend's back~
Hood: Emery wants to win this match without hurting his woman here tonight.
Smith: She’s already hurt, Hood! She is bleeding and reaching with both arms now to get ahold of the ropes.
Hood: She’s in the center of the ring with nowhere to go!
~Lukas continues to apply pressure but Josie begins to focus all her attention on the bottom rope. She slowly begins to pull herself towards it still reaching out. The blood runs down her face and drips on the mat as she reaches and reaches. Emery winces from each her screams but continues to further his career at his girlfriend's expense~
Smith: Barnes continues to fight and pull herself towards those ropes.
Hood: Emery looks heartbroken. I hate when couples fight.
Smith: Ha.
~Barnes finally nabs the bottom rope! The referee rushes in to break the hold. Lukas looks shocked that she broke the hold. Emery looks angrily at the ref in response to the break. He turns back toward Josie, who gets back to her feet quickly while his back was turned. Lukas turns right into a Barnes Experience! The codebreaker causes Emery to hit the mat in a pile~
Hood: That it is.
Smith: Josie goes for the pin!
~The crowd pops from the near pinfall. Josie gets back to her feet but slow this time. The sharpshooter obviously took its toll but she is now back up. Emery now sits on his hands and knees shaking his head to clear the cobwebs. Josie wipes the blood from her face so she can see clearly. Barnes gets her bearings and eyesight back simultaneously. Josie now has Emery back in her sights. She walks over to him. Emery shoots up suddenly and wraps both of his arms around here. He lifts her high into the air and turns slightly for a ring bouncing spinebuster! He swoops in to her right leg~
Kickout by Barnes!
Smith: These two have this crowd in a frenzy!
~Josie kicks out then immediately rolls out of the ring. Emery argues the count for a split second then turns his attention back to Barnes. He rolls out of the ring and the two face off. They begin to swap fists back and forth with Lukas gaining the upperhand with his extra weight and height~
Hood: These two will need couple counseling after this match is over.
Smith: I guarantee that.
~Emery irish whips Josie toward the ring steps. She falls face first into the top one leading her open forehead wound to bleed even more. The referee begins his count as Lukas continues the assault on his loved one. Barnes wipes the blood from her nose that has dripped down from her wound. The referee slides out of the ring to check the cut~
Smith: The referee could stop this one if that cut doesn’t heal up pretty quick.
Hood: Josie appears to assure him she can continue so this one will go on!
~The referee slides back in the ring just as Emery gets to Barnes again on the opposite side of the steps, just out of the referee’s view. She uppercuts him in the private leading him to hit one knee in a heap of man pain~
Hood: OH NO! She got him in the jewels! That shit had to hurt, Smith.
Smith: Josie catches the referee not looking and quickly turns the table here.
~Lukas uses the top ring step now to balance himself while still on one knee. Josie gets up and walks away to catch her breath. The referee begins his count finally. Barnes suddenly turns back around then flies back towards Emery full speed. She catches him with a nasty shining wizard! The pop off Emery’s jaw can be heard throughout~
Smith: Josie is now in control of this matchup. She continues to answer with her own brand of offense!
Hood: Emery is now dazed but he is on the outside of the ring.
~Josie rolls in the ring to break to the count then back out to get Lukas. She helps him up to one knee then on up on his feet. She points him toward the apron and he rolls in underneath the bottom rope. Barnes follows close behind. She goes for a pin but he kicks out before a count of one~
Hood: These two have beat the shit out of each other.
Smith: I bet it will be a rough week at home for these two.
Hood: That is the understatement of the year, Smith!
~Lukas gets up slowly as Josie continues her assault. She bounces off the ropes then whips toward Emery at full speed. He catches her with a huge knee smash halting her momentum completely. Lukas reaches down and lifts her up off the mat. He wipes the blood from her brow and gives her a deep kiss. This shocks everyone watching because he flips her around afterwards. Emery then wraps both arms around her and drops back while lifting Josie over his head. The huge german suplex gets a loud pop from the crowd! The entire ring shakes from the impact yet Lukas holds on to her. He stands back up bringing her along for the ride. Barnes reaches out but is german suplexed a second time! She has less fight this time when Lukas stands her back up still holding her around the waist. The third german suplex in a row leaves Josie lifeless in the center of the ring~
Hood: Emery continues his assault on his woman. In any other case the police would have already been called but no such luck for Barnes here tonight.
Smith: What was that kiss about?
Hood: True love.
Smith: If that is true love I would hate to see these two argue.
Hood: Touche’.
~Lukas admires his work with a bit of heartbreak. He reluctantly picks Barnes back up to a standing position. Her legs wobble but she keeps her balance to stand somehow. Emery whips her into the corner and follows up with a brutal enziguri!~
Smith: Wickedness! Wickedness!
Hood: It’s all around! Wicked!
~Emery gets hold of Barnes again. He grapples her up then places her carefully across this left extended knee. He reaches in for a kiss before finishing her off. Barnes headbutts him with all she has got left. The blood from her forehead gets in both of Emery’s eyes! He is now blind causing him to release his hold on Josie. Lukas stumbles around the ring as she tries for another hurricanrana. Still blind, Emery somehow counters by holding onto Josie. She shuffles around and ends up sitting on his shoulders facing him. Barnes begins hitting him with a left then a right! Josie continues her assault until Emery falls back. She rides him all the way to the mat! She hooks both his legs from behind her as soon as the couple hit the mat. The unorthodox pin leaves Lukas with little options to counter~
~Emery quickly gets back to his feet as does Josie. They charge at each other with the same idea in mind. They clothesline each other knocking each senseless in the center of the ring. The referee begins his count as both lay lifeless.~
Smith: You can tell these two have spent a lot of time together…they are on the same page
Hood: Well, right there they were…but I mean what the fuck…like why did they both enter this thing?
Smith: Competition…opportunity…you know, the reasons people enter into this sport to begin with
Hood: I think it’s so Emery could have a legal excuse to slap his bitch around
Smith: That is NOT the reason
~Josie manages to rise first. Lukas is moving slower…he gets to his knees and faces Josie, who is on her feet. She knees him in the face! She pulls Lukas to his feet and hooks him for…~
Smith: No way!
Hood: Haha, yes…fucking women, man…I’m telling you, can’t trust them as far as you can throw them
Smith: She’s going to drop Lukas with her version of Light of Emery!
Hood: Fuckin do it!
~Josie pauses, for just a moment…but, realizing the opportunity in front of her, snaps back into the moment and spins Lukas to the mat with Light of Emery!!! He hits hard and flips onto his back!! Barnes pops back to her feet and heads for the nearest corner…the fans are firmly behind her chanting “JO-SIE!” She reaches the top and looks down at her significant other~
Smith: Fighter’s End! If she hits this she will defeat Lukas Emery…the first person in OCW to do so, I might add
Hood: And she’ll also be single…for all you lonely perverts out there watching at home
Smith: Let’s not jump to conclusions
Hood: He’d better drop her ass if she beats him via his own move…otherwise we might as well put him in our women’s division
Smith: We don’t have a women’s division
Hood: Lukas the eunuch can be the pioneer
~Josie leaps off with Fighter’s End! Lukas lifts his leg in the air…his foot greets Josie’s chin!! Josie stands upright from impact and staggers into the ropes! Lukas gets to his feet…Josie ricochets off the ropes and stumbles toward Emery. Emery embraces his girlfriend for a moment before hooking her head and dropping her with HIS version of Light of Emery!! She hits the mat with tremendous force! Lukas pins both legs as Scruff slides in for the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….LUKAS EMERY!!!!!
Smith: Emery with the win!! I thought Josie had it there at the end
Hood: She was close but Lukas showed why man will always be the dominant sex
Smith: I don’t know about that…but I do know Lukas will start this Mix off with a 1-0 record while Josie will have to climb out of an 0-1 hole
Hood: Yep…long way to go as we say, I think every fucking match…but you really don’t want to get behind this early
Smith: Indeed…you do not…I just hope this match didn’t place too much of a strain on their relationship
Hood: Oh who the fuck cares, seriously. This is OCW…not One Life to fucking Live
Smith: True enough but…
Hood: And what’s with that name…One Life to Live…seriously, how many characters on that show do you think have come BACK to life? I’d place a wager that say…ALL OF THEM. WEAK ASS NAME
Smith: I wouldn't know...more of an All My Children kind of guy...anyway, before you expound on that, let's head backstage
Hood: I...
~We cut to some street in Detroit. It’s mired in filth. Drugs are being sold a few corners away. A coke can rattles along the cement – it looks like it’s from the 90s. A few homeless individuals struggle along, wasting away their lives while searching for meaning in the bottom of dumpsters. A depressingly familiar song plays in the background~
~We zoom in on a bum, cleaner than most. He’s humming along to the song as it reaches it’s refrain. He begins to croon out~
Take time with a wounded hand 'cause it likes to heal
I'm half the man I used to be (this feeling as the dawn it fades to gray)
~His upper body shivers…is he crying? A limo pulls up. It comes to an abrupt halt before slowly reversing. The back window rolls down. A voice yells out~
Voice: Is that THE Jack Puffer?
~The depressed bum looks up at the mention of the infamous OCW wrestler~
Voice: Well I’ll be…what are you doing out here? Haha…come on in, have a drink!
~The popular STP song screeches to a halt. Puffer’s eyes widen, they begin to fill with water. He springs to his feet and hustles for the door. He hops into the limo and they drive away. As they do…a lyric from a very popular song plays~
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Hood…was that…could it have been?
Hood: It was…Jack Puffer made it back to the states…good for him
Smith: No, the man who picked him up…I think that might have been OCW owner Jimmy Buffet!
Hood: No way…really? The fuck would he be doing in Detroit?
Smith: A concert?
Hood: Yikes, I hope not…
Smith: Someone in the back look into that for us…let us know where Buffet is touring currently. In the meantime…let’s head down to ringside for our next match!
Take time with a wounded hand 'cause I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand 'cause it likes to heal,
I like to steal
Well, I'm half the man I used to be (this feeling as the dawn it fades to gray)
Well, I'm half the man I used to be (this feeling as the dawn it fades to gray)
Well, I'm half the man I used to be
Half the man I used to be
Margarita Mix
“The Confederate Icon” Chad Vargas (9-4) vs. Madyson Carter (2-1)
~The opening chords of Lynyrd Skynyd’s “Needle and the Spoon” controls the sound system as a voice over shouts ‘King Kong ain’t got shit on me!” as “The Confederate Icon” Chad Vargas emerges onto the ramp, his arms raised in the air. He takes a few steps forward as orange, blue, and white pyros blast from behind him. Vargas turns, eyes wide as he smirks reveling in his entrance. He slowly struts down the aisle, mouthing obscenities to the crowd on his way by as they boo him. Once he reaches the ring, he slowly climbs up the steel steps and into the ring. Going to the furthest turnbuckle, he climbs up to the second rung, raises his arms in the air, still mouthing obscenities as he jumps down onto the mat, getting ready to lay down his opponent with his infamous country fried ass whoopin’~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Everclear County, Tennessee…standing 6’4 and weighing in at 235lbs…”The Confederate Icon” Chad Vargas!!!
Hood: How is this matchup even fair?
Smith: There will be a size advantage for Chad Vargas for sure. He outweighs Mady by 130 pounds.
~”At My Best “ by Machine Gun Kelly ft. Hailee Steinfeld hits. Madyson Carter steps out from the curtain. She looks focused and ready for the challenge ahead of her.
Hood: It’s not too late to run. That’s an awful pretty face to just let Chad Vargas smash it in. Chad comes from a place where beating women isn’t just accepted but applauded.
Smith: She’s not going anywhere. Look at that determination. She came for a fight here tonight.
Belvedere: Now making her way to the ring, from Miami, Florida…standing five feet tall and weighing in at 105lbs…Madyson Carter!!!
~Vargas licks his chops as Madyson Carter makes her way up the ring steps. She slides through the ropes quickly then stands in the corner opposite to Vargas~
Smith: Carter looks ready to go.
Hood: The referee comes in to explain the rules of the intergender matchup.
~Vargas snarls at Madyson just before the bell rings. They both rush to the center of the ring. They then lock up and Vargas immediately overpowers Madyson. He pushes her to the corner then positions himself between Carter and the referee in order to drag his fingers across both her eyes. She screams in pain as Chad holds up both hands to proclaim his innocence to the referee~
Hood: She is now blind in the corner!
Smith: Carter needs to get out of that corner right now!
~Chad reaches way back then comes across the chest of Madyson with a backhand chop! The crowd winces from the stinging shot. A red mark immediately appears across her chest. Vargas laughs and reaches back to come in with another one. Just before he can nail her again, Carter drops to her knees then crawls between Chad’s legs to safety~
Smith: Madyson escapes the corner but she is still rubbing both of her eyes.
Hood: He already messed up her makeup.
~Madyson is grappled up quickly by Vargas. He then irish whips her into the ropes. Chad goes for a clothesline but Carter ducks it! Vargas stops dead in his tracks while Madyson uses the ropes to bounce back towards Vargas. Aiming straight for him she leaps and hits a crowd pleasing hurricanrana~
Hood: OH MY GOD! Did you see the airtime on that!?! Vargas is in complete shock!
Smith: He better snap out of it because this little lady means business!
~Chad rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. Carter pumps up the crowd and calls Vargas back into the ring. Madyson hangs over the ropes to taunt Chad to get back in the ring. Vargas jumps up on the apron in a single bound. He then pulls Madyson’s hair down bringing her throat down across the top rope! She bounces back clutching her throat. While she stumbles around desperately trying to catch her breath, Chad slips through the ropes. He whistles causing her to turn towards him. Chad nails Madyson directly in the face with a huge running big boot! The heavy blow causes her to do a complete flip in the air! Vargas hooks her left leg~
Smith: I can’t believe it! Vargas is speechless!
~Chad immediately stands up after the last second kick out. He begins to argue the count with the referee turning his back to Madyson. Carter shakes her head then breathes in heavy. She slowly gets back to her feet then makes her way toward the corner turnbuckle. Vargas continues to argue with the referee while Madyson climbs the turnbuckle and positions herself just right. She whistles back at Vargas leading him to turn around suddenly. She nails him directly in the face with a huge missile drop kick from the top turnbuckle! Chad hits both knees and Madyson continues her momentum by whipping herself into the ropes and back at Vargas!
Smith: Shining Wizard by Madyson Carter!
Hood: She hooks The Confederate Icon’s leg! NO WAY!
~Vargas rolls out of the ring but Carter has other plans. She bounces off the ropes again and heads straight towards Chad. She leaps over the ropes! Chad counters by snatching her out of the air on his shoulders! She straddles his head with both legs wrapped around his neck. Chad twist his body slightly as Madyson realizes what danger she’s in. She begins to punch down on Vargas but he uses her own momentum to power bomb her across the spanish announce table! The hundred and five pound female doesn’t even break the table but does put a crack in it. The crowd is wowed by how flawless Vargas counter was~
Hood: Vargas may have just killed her! She is not moving now.
Smith: Madyson Carter is in a bad way out here.
~Chad rolls back in the ring leaving Madyson lifeless across the table. The referee begins his count while Vargas grins like a possum.~
~The referee continues to count when Madyson Carter finally comes to. She realizes she is about to lose this matchup. She shakes her head then falls off the announce table only to spill into the floor.~
~Chad raises his arms to indicate victory. Madyson can see this and it causes her to fight even harder to get back to her feet. She stands up and wobbles over to the apron.~
Hood: She made it! HOW DID SHE DO THAT?!
Smith: She has nothing but heart and a love for this business. That’s how.
~Vargas charges at her as soon as she rolls back in the ring. He begins trying to stomp on her but she rolls out of the way each time. Chad begins to get frustrated and reaches for her neck. He nabs hold of her. Chad chokes her with all he’s got while bringing her up off the mat into a standing position. The referee rushes in to count~
~Chad releases his hold before he can be disqualified. The referee warns him drawing Vargas attention away from Carter for just a brief second. Madyson uses the second to get back to her feet. She holds her throat and tries in vain to catch her breath. The referee finishes with Chad so he turns back around toward Madyson. She is now climbing the turnbuckle again but this time Vargas runs her down. He lifts her up off the top turnbuckle with ease. She fights to position herself with both arms around his neck. Chad lifts her on up into a sitting position in the air. She holds on for dear life to his neck. Vargas attempts to throw her out from him but she holds on for a crowd pleasing “Heaven’s Faith!”. The elevation of the jawbreaker leaves Chad laid out in the center of the ring~
Crowd: Mad-Y-SON! Mad-Y-SON!
Smith: This crowd is absolutely loving this young lady.
Hood: Vargas is down but she is just standing there!?
Smith: Carter has a plan. Watch what she’s doing.
~Madyson creeps up on Vargas then applies a crossface chickenwing! The crowd begins a “TAP!” chant. Madyson locks the hold in! She pulls with all her might leading Vargas to flail his free arm and both legs about~
Hood: Chad rolls completely over putting all his weight on Madyson Carter! He continues to roll back and forth until she releases her hold.
Smith: Vargas now begins to stomp her repeatedly! Chad has had enough.
~Chad stomps on Madyson! He kicks her around the ring until she stops fighting to get away. Vargas reaches down and picks her up in his arms. He drops her on the mat and grins wide. Chad slowly grapples Madyson’s lifeless body into a figure four! Carter snaps out of it when the pain hits her. Vargas continues to apply pressure to both her legs in a wad of pain. Madyson rolls to one side and considers tapping but then refuses to do so. She twists and flails both arms about~
Smith: The referee rushes in to watch for a tap. Carter continues to fight off her urge to tap here. Vargas wants to break her.
Hood: He will break her if she doesn’t do it. He will break both her legs if she refuses to tap!
~Madyson kicks and pulls herself toward the bottom rope. She reaches out fully extending her left arm. She continues to wiggle and gets her right leg free finally. Chad tries to get ahold of it again but she kicks him in the face! Vargas is shaken from the shot. Madyson gets back to her feet quickly. She almost immediately begins to favor her left leg. Chad shakes it off and gets back to his feet. Madyson darts directly at Vargas. He leaps straight up leading her to run right underneath him. She hits the ropes and whips back towards Chad. He quickly hooks her for a huge modified evenflow DDT~
Hood: Snakeskin DDT! That’s it! Show her who’s moving on now, CHAD!
Smith: Vargas chooses not to pin Carter right away. I believe he wants to toy with her.
Hood: He doesn’t toy around. He hurts people for a living and business is booming right now.
~Madyson is laid out now in the center of the ring. Vargas attempts to get on top of her but Carter pushes him off! Vargas falls into the referee knocking him down to one knee and facing away from the action in the corner. Chad notices immediately the referee is down. Madyson gets to her feet and faces off with Chad. Vargas charges up and kicks her as hard as he can in the crotch~
Smith: OUCH!
Hood: Vargas with the gratuitous pussy shot while the ref catches his breath.
~Carter flinches slightly but alright otherwise. A confused look crosses Chad’s face as he watches Madyson wind up. She responds with a huge kick in the crotch of her own leading Chad to hit his knees in major pain. The referee stands back up just as the crowd pops for Madyson. Carter hits her feet running but still obviously favoring her right leg. She catches Vargas with a knee to the face sending him flat to the mat. The crowd pops again as she hits the corner and begins to pull herself up. She climbs high and aims for the stars as she leaps off. The 450 frog splash is a picture of perfection until Chad lifts both knees up! Carter crashes and burns. She rolls around the ring in pain after the last second counter~
Hood: The Confederate Cowboy nearly broke her in two with that counter! He’s in it to win it, Smith!
Smith: Carter attempts to roll out of the ring but Vargas catches her!
~Chad drags Madyson back to her feet. She continues to hold her ribs as he lifts her up. Vargas lifts her small frame high and over his head. She wiggles but he holds her tight. Chad then throws her using both hands towards the crowd. Madyson flies through the air and lands in the front row in a heap. A few of the fans attempt to wake her up. Vargas holds both arms high into the air after the feat of strength~
Smith: He just threw her into the crowd! Ladies and Gentlemen what a fight we have on our hands here tonight!
Hood: She looks like she is done, Smith. Those fans should not interfere!
Smith: Give me a break.
~The referee begins to count. The fans shake her awake suddenly. She shakes her head to catch her bearings. Vargas believes he has won and continues to taunt the crowd holding up both arms. The referee stops his count and that catches Chad’s attention. He turns to see a pissed off Madyson Carter breathing heavy and facing him down~
Smith: She’s back in the ring! Wow…Vargas has to wonder what he has do to keep her down
Hood: Fucking little people, I swear.
Smith: What about them?
Hood: They hear a few stories about David and Goliath…see a few movies about fucking Rudy or some shit and next thing you know they think they can do whatever they put their mind to
Smith: Well, they can
Hood: No they can’t! They are too fucking small!
~Vargas throws a lariat at Carter…she does the ‘matrix’ move, bending backward with the top of her head nearly grazing the mat. Vargas runs into the ropes…he stops, gripping the top rope with both hands. Carter returns to her feet…she turns around and hops on Chad’s shoulders. She goes for a Reverse Hurricanrana…but Vargas holds on! Carter sits up, stuck on Chad’s shoulders~
Smith: Electric Chair…he can drop her with an electric chair
Hood: I think we should rename that move the Dirty Devin
Smith: I’d appreciate it if his name was stricken from OCW history
Hood: RIP Dirty Devin…hashtag NEVER FORGET
~Carter punches Chad in the head, preventing him from tossing her back into an Electric Chair. She squirms around, trying to figure something out. Chad, finally beyond frustrated, places his hands under her legs and he lifts her off her shoulders. She shoots into the air and comes down to the mat, landing on her feet next to Chad…Vargas promptly grabs hold of her and drops her to the mat, face first with The Stroke!!! Carter is out…Vargas rolls her over and goes for the pin~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner… “THE CONFEDERATE ICON” CHAD VARGAS!!!!!
Smith: Chad Vargas with the Stroke practically out of nowhere!
Hood: Well, that’s how Strokes normally occur. You don’t get any kind of warning in the mail saying “Hey, you, guess what, stroke is gonna happen in, like, 3 days”
Smith: You know what I mean…Carter was on his shoulders, attempting to find a way to win this match and he tossed her off with a fluid transition into The Stroke…the move he used to win the OCW Title back in 2015.
Hood: Well, good for Chad Vargas
Smith: He moves to 2-0 while Madyson drops to 0-2…it’s been a rough start for Carter…but, as we keep saying, it’s still very early
Hood: Yes, yes...but it won't be early for long
Smith: Indeed...I've just been told that Jimmy Buffet is performing in Clarkston, Michigan TOMORROW night...that's a short drive from Detroit, Hood. I think...well, I don't need to think...we're about to get clarification right now!
~Puffer is sipping on a hot KAHLUA and coffee while a man hums to himself in the bathroom. A thick stream of MANLY piss hits the toilet water. “IT’S MY OWN DAMN FAULT!” he sings out, before flushing. JIMMY BUFFET steps out of the restroom inside his lavish suite. He’s got a drink in one hand and a remote in the other. Shades are over his eyes…a smile on his face~
Jimmy Buffet: So Puffer…what brings you to Detroit?
Jack Puffer: Marcus Welsh
Jimmy Buffet: Ah, good old Welsh, how is the OCW GM these days…hope you all aren’t driving him too crazy. That prison deal was kind of wild but, hell, we made a killing off it…business has never been better!
Jack Puffer: He’s actually been kidnapped
Jimmy Buffet: Kidnapped?! But he’s a man for crying out loud!
Jack Puffer: I’m not sure on the terminology…I just know he’s missing.
Jimmy Buffet: Missing you say? Well, what’s being done about it…have you found him yet? Surely a man of your skills wouldn’t need much.
Jack Puffer: I traveled all over Europe looking for him until I was called back…due to excessive spending.
Jimmy Buffet: That’s nonsense! I’m going to get that European fellow on the phone this instant. We’ll get to the bottom of this. BARTENDER, GIVE PUFFER ANOTHER DRINK!
~An in-suite bartender walks up and drops more Kahlua into Puffer’s already light colored coffee. Puffer doesn’t seem to mind…the prospect of returning to Europe has him feeling like this…~
~Buffet dials EE. He listens to a few rings…finally, someone answers~
Jimmy Buffet: EUROPEAN! HOW THE HELL ARE YA!? Listen, we gotta talk about this Welsh situation…
~We fade back to the announce table~
Smith: Something tells me we might FINALLY get to the bottom of Welsh’s disappearance
Hood: Alcohol is a known problem solver
Smith: Nope, nothing to do with any sort of libation…I’m referring to the fact that FINALLY a person with competence is getting involved
Hood: Ah, yea, that makes sense as well. Buffet is the man!
Smith: He’s proven to be a great owner…anyway…Massacre rolls on. Two more matches left in the Mix along with a heck of a main event. So, let’s not waste any more time…to the ring!
Margarita Mix
“The Distinguished” CJ O’Donnell (17-2) vs. Bob Grenier (7-5)
~“Smart Went Crazy” begins to echo throughout the arena and Bob Grenier makes his way out to some boos and some cheers from the crowd. He ignores the fans while he mouths the words of the song to himself, about half way down the aisle he stops and looks up and throws both hands in the air in tribute to his deceased relatives. He looks directly into the OCW camera and then shoves the camera man before he slides under the bottom rope. The fans continue to boo as he sits on the top turnbuckle silently awaiting his opponent~
Belvedere: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is part of the Margarita Mix tournament! Making his way to the ring, from Timmins, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 222lbs… BOB GRENIER!
Smith: Big opportunity for Bob tonight. I know it’s early in the tournament but a win over CJ could really give him some momentum since he’s had such an up and down year.
Hood: Fun fact about Bob, he’s over a thousand years old, that’s right, you’ve heard it here.
Smith: You don’t actually believe that you do?
Hood: I do – it must be something in the poutine they got up there.
~“King’s Never Die” blasts out of the sound system as the boo’s for Grenier are overpowered by the deafening jeers towards “The Distinguished” CJ O’Donnell, who makes his way out onto the ramp. He as well ignores the fans as he stares down the ramp towards Grenier, slowly going down the ramp and into the ring. He gets right into Grenier’s face with a smirk before going by him and mocking the fans with his fists raised in the air~
Belvedere: And making his way to the ring, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 178lbs… OCW’s Iron Man… “THE DISTINGUISHED” CJ O’DONNELL!!
Smith: Once again, CJ looks more confident than ever.
Hood: Of course, he’s OCW’s iron man!
Smith: Either way we are in for a classic with veteran Grenier taking on the self proclaimed Iron Man of OCW, O’Donnell!
~Scruff singles for the bell as O’Donnell comes off the turnbuckle and turns around to a discus back elbow from Grenier, bringing the fight to him right away. Not appreciating the face encounter from moments ago, Bob corners CJ and starts with some hard punches before dragon whipping him into the middle of the ring. Wasting no time, he goes onto the second rope and dives as CJ gets up, hitting him with a flying neck breaker! Some fans starting chanting for Bob, which confuses the Timmin’s native as he holds his arms up and waves his arms away, not caring for their random appreciation of him. Bob goes to pick CJ up but is met with a stiff kick to the head. Bob stumbles back as CJ quickly brings himself up, kicks Bob in the gut and fires off a snap suplex before getting back up placing a knee drop right across Bob’s throat~
Hood: Is this crowd drunk? Why were they cheering for Bob?!
Smith: The crowd may not love Bob, but he is the lesser of two evils with CJ on the other side of him.
~Bob coughs and grasps for air as CJ keeps the pressure going down to Bob’s level and while he’s on the ground, pots a few forearm shots right in his face. Scruff comes in and starts counting for CJ to give Bob a breather, reaching four before CJ stops, screaming at Scruff that he knows the rules. CJ picks Bob up and hip tosses him before doing an impressive cartwheel into a dropkick that sends Bob over the rope and onto the outside. CJ surveys the situation as he bounces off the ropes and flies through the ropes, hitting Bob with a suicide dive. CJ gets up and takes a bow, to the crowds disdain. Bob shakes his head, trying to get the cobwebs out as CJ just smiles and laughs at Bob. Scruff starts his ten count as CJ picks Bob up and goes to slam his head onto the apron but Bob blocks and instead smashes CJ’s head onto the apron. He then hugs himself around CJ and lifts him up for a belly-to-back suplex right into the steel post! CJ falls to the ground, and Bob quickly stands over CJ’s body and hits him with a standing shooting star press!~
Smith: These two are evenly matched so far. I thought CJ was about to go on a roll but Bob recovering nicely on the outside.
Hood: Man, this sucks, I love both these guys, and someone has to lose this match.
Smith: Such is the life of wrestling.
Hood: I call it WEAK ASS BOOKING!
~Bob rolls CJ into the ring, and follows while CJ starts to get up. Bob hits CJ in the back with a bicycle kick, with the momentum causing CJ to bounce off the ropes back to Bob as he then hits another discus back elbow. CJ replies with a forearm shot, as the two begin trading back blows before CJ wins with a knee to the gut. He goes behind Bob and locks in a rear naked choke. Bob starts using his hands to try and pry open the hold as CJ looks to take Bob to the ground and apply a leg scissors as well. Being able to alleviate some pressure, Bob slips out under CJ’s arms and kicks his leg out, as CJ falls to the ground. He bounces off the ropes going for a clothesline but CJ catches him with an European uppercut before planting him to the ground with a DDT. CJ sees Bob in the middle of the ring but instead of going for the pin he starts to climb the turnbuckle. He makes sure he’s stable and gets ready to fly but all of a sudden the crowd starts to cheer. CJ looks up the ramp as we see Chimpo in a suit coming out from the back that reads “Chimpo vs. Checkers!”~
Smith: Hey look its Chimpo!
Hood: I fucking hate monkeys.
Smith: Don’t you think a Checkers vs. Chimpo match would be cute?
Hood: Cute?! They’d probably fight for a minute then start masturbating and flinging their shit everyone. Are you going to clean that mess up?
Smith: Uh, good point.
~CJ stares in disbelieve as Chimp comes down the ramp, screaming like a money does, which the crowd loves. A “Chimpo” chant starts as he circles the ring, carrying around the sign, as CJ becomes angry at the chant for the beloved monkey. CJ gets down as Chimp starts to circle back around to the ramp. CJ begins chase of the monkey as Chimpo retreats up the ramp and into the back as the crowd boos heavily. CJ goes back to the top turnbuckle and goes for a missile dropkick but is caught by Bob, who had plenty of time to rest during the distraction, and holds CJ for a moment before throwing him over his shoulders into a fallaway slam. The throw causes CJ to land on his knees as Bob comes over and locks in his “O’Gorman’s Neuce” dragon sleeper! CJ struggles to get out of the hold as Bob has applied it hard and well, squeezing his arm around CJ’s throat. Inching towards to the ropes with his knees, CJ extends his arm to try and grab it to break the hold but Bob brings him back before re-applying the hold. CJ, frustrated, begins to hit Bob in the head with fists before Bob finally breaks the hold. CJ coughs for breath as he gets up as Bob charges at CJ. CJ steps aside and drop toe holds Bob into the turnbuckle. Bob rests there for a second but that’s enough time for CJ to strut over with a wide grin on his face before kicking the second rope into Bob’s throat. The momentum causes Bob to fly back, coughing for air as the crowd boos the dirty move~
Smith: What a cheap trick by CJ.
Hood: You’re joking right? Bob just chocked him out, he was returning the favor.
Smith: Either way, this contest has been close. Who do you have winning?
Hood: Don’t make me choose – it’s like choosing between ribs or steak – you can’t!
~CJ continues to stare at Bob, the smirk disappearing as a more focused look enters. He waits, stalking Bob as he gets up holding his throat. The moment Bob is up on his feet, CJ locks his arms around his waist and lifts him up for a “Distinguished Plex” german suplex. CJ doesn’t release the hold as he brings Bob up and lifts him again for another one. CJ attempts for a third but Bob blocks it by hooking his leg to CJ’s. Bob elbows CJ hard in the nose as CJ stumbles back a bit. Bob wraps his arm around CJ’s head and applies a front chancery before lifting him, trying to connect his “Hollinger Park Hangman” muscle buster. CJ’s able to bend his body down to land on his feet as he starts to kick Bob’s body multiple times, performing “That’s Distinguished” before grabbing Bob’s ankle and making him fall belly first to the mat and CJ locks in an ankle lock, going into a grapevine to make it even worse. Bob cries out, pulling at his hair and reaching for the ropes but he is close to the center of the ring. Using his strength, Bob starts to slowly edge his way towards the ropes. Just before Bob gets to the rope, CJ unlocks the grapevine, gets up and starts to drag Bob back, but Bob flips onto his back and kicks CJ away. Bob gets up but is met by a massive discus clothesline that makes Bob spin in the air. He lands on his back as CJ goes for the first pin attempt of the match~
Smith: Finally a pinfall! CJ was close to getting the win but Bob able to get out.
Hood: Refreshing for a change. I hate “pinfests” and love it when two men just beat the shit out of each other.
~CJ slaps the mat, thinking he had it, as he gets up and stands in the corner, waiting for Bob to get up. Bob starts to stir and climb to his feet and when he does, CJ charges and smashes him with the “Irish Knowledge” high knee! Bob crumbles to the ground, as CJ signals the end, going for the pin, hooking Bob’s leg and pointing to the air, going with the count.~
Smith: I thought CJ had it there! Look at Bob his eyes are all glazed from that knee.
Hood: Are you sure he didn’t take drugs before coming to the ring?
Smith: He’s been perfectly sober throughout the entire match!
Hood: I’m pretty sure it’s a Canadian thing.
~CJ argues with the ref, pleading it was a three but Scruff insists it was two. CJ yells in frustration as he starts slapping Bob in the face, calling him stupid. CJ smacks him a couple times more before going to the rope to attempt another missile dropkick. He gets to the top but the smacks angered Bob to the point that he gets up and hits the ropes so CJ drops, sitting on the top turnbuckle. Bob elbows him a few times before turning him around and laying CJ back first over his shoulders before bringing him down with a devastating “Chula Vista Dirtbomb” argentine powerbomb! CJ’s body becomes stiff as Bob goes for the pin~
~At the last second CJ forces his shoulder up as Bob can’t believe he didn’t get CJ there. Bob pounds his chest as he gets up; looking to go for his signature “Hollinger Park Hangman” as CJ slowly gets up, in pain from the powerbomb. Once he gets to his feet, Bob locks in the front chancery but CJ does some quick stiff punches to the gut of Bob. CJ cuts his throat as he turns Bob around and connects with an inverted suplex but doesn’t release the hold as he flips back onto his feet and brings Bob back, showing his spectacular strength and smashes Bob’s body onto the mat with a sitout wheelbarrow facebuster! CJ flips Bob’s lifeless body onto his back and hooks his leg for the pin~
Hood: Holy shit what a move by CJ!
Smith: I’m being told right now that is a new move he likes to call the “Iron Man Ending!”
Hood: What an ending, damn man, tough loss for Bob but I’m sure he’ll bounce back.
Smith: Absolutely, Bob stood in the ring with the iron man of OCW and almost beat him there. I’d be happy with that performance.
Belvedere: And here is your winner…. “THE DISTINGUISHED” CJ O’DONNELL!!!
~Scruff raises CJ’s hand as he smirks, holding his body in pain still from the powerbomb as Scruff then goes to check up on Bob. CJ just shakes his head, laughing, as he exits the ring and heads to the back~
Smith: CJ moves to 2-0 in the mix...great win. Bob drops to 1-1 but I feel like he's going to be in it up until the final week
Hood: I fucking hope so...a successful Bob Grenier is good for OCW
Smith: Indeed...well, let's head backstage!
~We cut backstage where EE is in his office with Barry Man is Low. Barry seems perturbed…EE doesn’t appear to be happy~
EE: Putter on private jet as we are speaking. He be here shortly…now Buffet know about Welsh…this no good, Barry…this no good!
Barry Man is Low: Yea, I know. What are the odds Puffer would wind up in the very location Buffet is performing?
EE: I tell you…they was none to slim and slim just leave town! We have the zero choice in this matter.
Barry Man is Low: So, you’re saying I should give him the address
EE: Yes. Give it to him. He find Welsh. We figure something else out later.
Barry Man is Low: Will do, boss.
~We cut back to ringside~
Smith: Well that was interesting
Hood: I’m surprised we were allowed to see that
Smith: Yea, I wouldn’t go around mentioning it…if I were you. We’re not really even sure what they were talking about.
Hood: I have a pretty good idea but, yea, I don’t want to have those faceless fuckers come after me so my mouth is shut
Smith: Indeed…well, let’s move along…the final Margarita Mix match is on tap as two former OCW Champions do battle…PerZag takes on Mack O’Connor…a rematch from 2014!
Margarita Mix
Mack O’Connor (14-2) vs. PerZag (8-4)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following is a Margarita Mix match! It is scheduled for one fall!
~The lights of the arena go out. All that is seen is a small glow of light from the entrance ramp. ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ by Survivor starts to play over the PA system. A hooded figure walks on to the entrance ramp. The lights come back on as the hooded figure stands still on the stage. The hooded figure walks down to the ring slowly. He gets into the ring and stands in the centre of it. He slowly removes the hood and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to him. 'Eye Of The Tiger' by Survivor stops playing as PerZag walks over to a corner in the ring and crouches down near it~
Belveder: And his opponent…standing 6’5 and weighing in at 216lbs…he is from Benalla, Victoria, Australia…he is a former OCW Champion…PerZag!!!
~"Vagabond” by the Greenskeepers hits, Mack O’Connor walks out on the stage. He’s got a couple of beers in his right hand. He walks directly to the ring, dressed in jeans and a black tank top. He slides into the ring.~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York…standing 6’3 and weighing in at 230lbs…he is a former OCW Champion…Mack O’Connor!!
~Mack hands one of his craft beers to PerZag. Zag looks down. Mack cracks his open…Zag turns around, gazing into the crowd. They chant for him to drink. ‘DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!’ Zag shrugs and cracks his beer open! Mack hoists his beer up and Zag bashes cans with O’Connor! Suds fly into the air as the two men begin to chug. Mack’s chugging is going at its usual clip…his eye widens as he sees Zag out-chugging the professional alcoholic. So, Mack speeds up…they finish at the same time. The crowd goes wild. Mack throws his empty can out of the ring. Zag does the same~
Smith: In Mack O’Connor land…that’s a show of respect
Hood: Mack O’Connor land…I’d like to visit there one day
Smith: Enter with hopes and dreams, leave with cirrhosis
~The two men begin to brawl!! Clouds of mist containing beer and saliva are produced with each impact. Neither man gains an initial advantage until PerZag pie faces Mack!! Mack responds with a right haymakers…Zag ducks, expecting the response…he lifts Mack up and drops him across his knee with an Atomic Drop! Mack stumbles into the ropes…he ricochets off…Zag catches him and drops him on his head with a Snap German Suplex!!! The crowd roars with approval as Zag nips up, continuing to display his freakish altheticism~
Smith: Wow…what a start by PerZag…he suffered a tough defeat at the hands of Grenier last week and doesn’t want to dip to 0-2
Hood: Yep…plus Mack…a betting favorite to win the division would jump to 2-0 if Zag loses tonight
Smith: It’s a two match swing
Hood: So the fucker from Australia had better win
~Mack rolls over his head, landing front first onto the mat. Zag steps on O’Connor’s back and walks over his body, placing all his weight on the right foot…an act of arrogance more than anything else. He then drops an elbow across the lower back of O’Connor. The fans don’t seem to particularly like this combination of moves. After the elbow, while seated on the mat, Zag attempts to lock in a crossface…Mack, though, fights his attempt off, rolling to his left side, away from Zag~
Smith: Smart escape by O’Connor…a crossface, this early in the match might have been crippling
Hood: Hmm
Smith: What?
Hood: Nothing
~Zag returns to his feet…Mack is seated in a corner. He pulls up to a standing position with the aid of the top rope. Zag sprints in, upon seeing Mack returning to a vertical base…Mack ducks and lifts Zag into the air!! Zag lands on the apron…he reaches over the ropes and tries to fishhook Mack. Mack responds by biting Zag’s hand!! Zag lets go…Mack then delivers a haymaker over the top rope to the side of PerZag’s face!! Zag flies off the apron and crashes, ribs first across the top of the barricade!! The fans give a strong, positive response for Mack and his defensive maneuver~
Smith: Mack wasn’t having any of that fishhook
Hood: Ask some Australian guy to shove his fingers into your mouth…see how much you like it
Smith: Well, I…
Hood: Nevermind, I forgot who I’m talking to…you would probably like it
~Mack steps through the ropes, on the apron. Zag looks up, leaning against the barricade. He’s wincing…his ribs absorbed a pretty rough impact. Mack leaps off…Zag tries to move, but is unable to fast enough. Mack drives a fist, from the apron, into Zag’s forehead!! PerZag falls to both knees with his right arm hanging over the top of the barricade. Mack punches down into Zag’s right shoulder…this releases his arm off the barricade, sending Zag to the outside floor with nothing left to prop his body up~
Smith: Mack is the greatest puncher in OCW history
Hood: Yea, I’d buy that
Smith: You see all these wrestlers with twenty different moves…but, I mean, look at Mack. He punches, he brawls…but he’s really good at it. Just goes to show
Hood: Everybody should punch?
Smith: No! A jack of all trades is a master of nothing
~Mack throws some kicks at Zag’s midsection…the impact rolls Zag onto his side, protecting the vulnerable, right rib cage. Mack increases the force behind his kicks…they go from jab steps to full on soccer style. Each one has a crisp SMACK against Zag’s chest, abs, arms…whatever portion of his 6’5 frame they can find~
Smith: Don’t ever show Mack a weakness…he will relentlessly attack it
Hood: Kind of hard to hide an injury that takes place by falling off an apron into the guardrail.
Smith: Yea, I guess you have a point there
Hood: Just call me the Sharpened Pencil!
~Zag catches one of Mack’s kicks…tired of acting as a living target. Mack staggers back, trying to pull his right leg away. Zag is able to get to his feet, holding onto Mack’s leg. It appears as though Mack considers an enziguri for a moment…but decides against it. Zag takes him down with a Dragon Leg Screw!! Mack hits the ground, clutching his right knee~
Smith: That’s such a dangerous move…you just never know how much it will impact the knee of your opponent
Hood: Yea and if you fuck up your opponent’s knee…then you’re probably going to win the match
Smith: Probably?
Hood: Well, I mean some people can’t win a match if they have a TWO leg advantage…let alone one
Smith: Scoot Time has retired, Hood…as has Richard
Hood: OCW just ain’t what it used to be
~Zag crawls forward and punches Mack in the knee. Mack tries to cover the knee cap up, but Zag fights his hands away. He starts to rip at the knee with his hands. Mack uses his left leg to kick Zag in the face…a flush kick finally lands, getting Zag away. Mack gets to his feet and limps away, working his knee back and forth. Zag returns to his feet…he starts to walk but reaches for his right rib cage…it’s still bruised~
Smith: This isn’t good
Hood: I know, these pink lights are driving me insane.
Smith: I’m talking about the injuries…not so much for the match…but for the future. If both men sustain injuries…just imagine what lunatics like CJ, Levi, and Vargas will do to them
Hood: Vargas and Mack are boys…I’m sure Vargas would leave his knee alone
Smith: Ha…I don’t think so, Hood
~Mack spots Zag tending to his ribs. He kicks his leg and yells in anger…probably telling the leg to ‘man up’. He turns around and heads right back after Zag. Zag sucks down a deep breath and heads for Mack…they collide with lefts and rights…the two men brawl on the outside. Scruff stands in the ring, watching…Scruff is not doing a great job tonight. The fans are on their feet, cheering the two former OCW Champions~
Smith: That’s what this Mix is all about…fighting through the pain…gutting through the grind…iron sharpens iron kinda thing
Hood: There are easier ways to win
Smith: Oh? Lay it on us, Mr. Expert Wrestler
Hood: Well if you’re facing Mack…hand him a beer loaded with rohypnols…if you’re facing PerZag…umm…uhh
Smith: Not so easy, is it
Hood: Ah man, I don’t know…show him a picture of Alice Knight?
Smith: Yea, right
~Mack, as always, gains the upper hand in the brawl. He starts to throw an overreaching right hand…but stops. Zag reaches to block it, leaving his ride side open. Mack throws a left punch right into Zag’s body…the rib area. Zag yells in pain and reaches for his ribs. Mack throws several punches at the same area…while they don’t have the same impact as the first, they do additional damage. Zag finally rolls into the ring, to get away…but Mack is in quick pursuit~
Smith: Vicious, vicious body blows
Hood: It’s too bad PerZag isn’t a worm
Smith: And why is that?
Hood: They don’t have bones, right?
Smith: They are invertebrate…if that’s what you mean
Hood: Spineless bastards
~Mack snares Zag, who is still trying to get away…they are near the center of the ring. Zag tries to fight Mack off but O’Connor responds with a sharp elbow into his ribs! Zag yells out in pain once more. Mack gets to his feet…he pulls Zag up and applies an Abdominal Stretch!! The right ribs are, of course, the targeted area. Zag’s face grimaces…his teeth grind…he tries to fight through the pain. Mack takes his right hand and slaps it onto Zag’s ribs…he squeezes, grinding his grip into Zag’s afflicted ribcage. Fans ringside shudder with pain…it’s a very uncomfortable looking and sounding situation~
Smith: OUCH
Hood: You can say that again…
Smith: Ou…
Smith: Regardless…that is how you apply an abdominal stretch and, well, I wouldn’t be surprised to see PerZag give it up
~PerZag seems to disagree with Smith. He’s fighting…Scruff keeps asking him if he wants to quit…but quitting doesn’t seem to be some new, fashionable trend PerZag is interested in adopting. He gives Scruff a ‘get the fuck away from me’ look. Scruff backs up, happy to just let whatever happens happen. Mack takes his left forearm…he grinds it into the side of PerZag’s face~
Smith: That is quite the uncomfortable situation
Hood: PerZag’s discomfort level is turned up to an ELEVEN Smith
Smith: Yikes
Hood: Yikes isn’t the word, pal. More like YOWSAS
~Zag starts to shake…he moves around a bit. Mack continues to dig into Zag’s ribs…finally, Zag musters up the energy and strength…he hip tosses Mack over and to the mat!! The crowd applauds. Zag falls to his knees, grasping at his injured right side. Mack returns to his feet. He charges at Zag…Zag dodges Mack’s attempted boot to the face. Mack stumbles forward…Zag turns around and dives at Mack’s legs…he clips the back of Mack’s right leg!! Mack falls to the mat holding his knee in pain~
Smith: The tables have turned!
Hood: What’s worse…a fucked up knee or fucked up ribs?
Smith: Well it’s hard to walk on a bad knee…but hard to breathe with bad ribs
Hood: Yea, I think air is more important than balance
Smith: As a human, I’d agree
~Mack gets to his feet, stumbling on his right leg. Zag, holding onto his ribs, charges forward…Mack ducks…Zag hops over Mack with a sunset flip…however, instead of pulling Mack down, he grabs onto Mack’s right leg! Mack tries to kick him off…Zag takes out Mack’s left leg…Mack falls face first to the mat…Zag then stands, positions himself, positions Mack’s right leg and locks in a Canadian Maple Leaf!! Mack pounds the mat with his fist…Scruff rushes in…Mack’s eyes widen…he yells at Scruff that was NOT A TAP. Scruff nods, understanding~
Smith: Technically you could have called that a tap…but I think we all know he was just expressing the pain he was feeling
Hood: No shit…Mack wasn’t fucking tapping…I hate to say it, but a good move by Scruff
Smith: Scruff is a survivalist…most homeless people are...ringing the bell in Zag’s favor at that juncture would have put Scruff’s life in jeopardy
Hood: What is death by punching
Smith: Huh?
Hood: You said Jeopardy…I was just…eh, whatever, joke is obsolete now
~Mack raises up using his hands…it’s a push up of sorts. Zag can’t get all of his strength and leverage behind the lock due to his wounded right ribcage. We can tell Zag is having trouble breathing. Mack starts to crawl…looking like a weird ass Scorpion – no NOT the Hall of Famer. He reaches the ropes!! Scruff orders a break…PerZag releases the hold at the count of five and shoves Scruff aside. He leans his body in a way that takes as much pressure off his ride side as possible~
Smith: Both men are injured…both men are hurting…but only one man can win
Hood: We could have a draw
Smith: A draw? I hope not!
Hood: Not a fan of draws?
Smith: What does a draw accomplish?
Hood: Hmm…yea, I don’t know, you got me there. FUCK DRAWS
~PerZag steps forward…the grabs Mack’s right leg…he drags Mack into the center of the ring…Mack’s face down on the mat…Zag lifts Mack’s right leg up and he slams it, knee first into the mat!! Mack reaches for his knee in pain. Zag flips Mack over and maintains control of his right leg…looking to perhaps end it with some kind of knee-centric submission~
Smith: I’ve just…Hood! Listen to this…I’ve just received news that PerZag and Mack have agreed to put Mack’s Paradigm Title Shot on the line in this match!
Hood: The fuck?
Smith: Yea, I know…apparently it was decided during the week
Hood: Is that legal? I mean…wasn’t Mack drunk all week…can he really make those types of decisions under the influence
Smith: Hmm, good question…let me find out
~Zag bends over, looking to apply a Figure Four, perhaps…Mack snares his long, golden hair and rolls him up in a Small Package!!! Scruff slides in to make the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: PerZag kicked out! Great pin attempt by Mack
Hood: He really surprised PerZag with that Small Package…I wonder if that’s why Mack is having so many girl problems
Smith: I wouldn’t dare speculate…but I did just receive word that Mack’s title shot is NOT on the line
Hood: Ahh, okay
Smith: Turns out he WAS under the influence and therefore could not legally make that decision
Hood: So much for PerZag trying to weasel his way into a title scene
~PerZag pops to his feet, angry…his ribs send a sharp pain through his body as evidenced by Zag falling to one knee and reaching for his right side. He fights through it, standing before Mack can notice his pain. Mack stumbles to his feet, his knee extremely weakened and vulnerable. PerZag reaches for it while also hooking Mack’s head…the crowd rises~
Smith: PerZag Perfection!
Hood: No way Mack can kick out with that knee
Smith: I’d have to agree with you on that one
~PerZag attempts to lift Mack over…Mack, out of desperation, reaches out and grips Zag’s right ribcage! Zag lets go, staggering back…Mack falls to his hands and knees…he springs forward and SPEARS PerZag right through the midsection!!! PerZag hits the mat, yelling in pain…his hands reach for his right ribcage, which is throbbing with pain~
Smith: Spear! Spear right through PerZag’s injured ribs!
Hood: Fuckin hell…that hurt just watching it
Smith: I don’t see how PerZag can continue
Hood: Fucker doesn’t have a choice
~Mack returns to his feet, limping on his right knee…he pulls Zag up…Zag tries to fight away, but Mack drills Zag in the injured ribs with a left jab. Zag’s body nearly paralyzes from pain. Mack keeps Zag from falling…he hooks both of Zag’s arms, lifts him up and SLAMS him into the mat with Claymore!! The crowd jumps to their feet…Mack makes the cover, Scruff slides in for the count~
~The bell rings~
Belvedere: Here is your winner….MACK O’CONNOR!!!!!
Smith: What a match! These two former champions gave it all they had…fighting through fatigue and injury
Hood: Man, that sucks for PerZag…goes from potentially tying Mack in the division to suddenly being two matches down
Smith: Yep…that’s the nature of this type of competition. But…we’ve got a long way to go…nobody is out of this yet
Hood: A LONG way to go
Smith: Indeed…well I’m told Puffer has LANDED. Let’s get an update on the situation!
~Puffer is standing outside a small, MARGARITAVILLE jet plane. He’s looking somewhat buzzed. He might even be a little drowsy. Barry Man is Low is waiting for him. He’s got a sheet of paper in his hand. He approaches Puffer…we zoom in~
Jack Puffer: Barry! So when do I leave for Europe?
Barry Man is Low: I’ve just stumbled upon some news that could be a break in the case
Jack Puffer: Really? What part of Europe is he in?
Barry Man is Low: HE’S NOT IN EUROPE
Jack Puffer: Aww…
~Puffer lowers his head~
Barry Man is Low: Listen, take this sheet of paper. On it is an address to a Key West location…I think you might find Welsh there.
Jack Puffer: Key West? All this time? How did you come upon this information?
Barry Man is Low: An anonymous tip. If you find him, I’m sure Buffet will compensate you with more than enough money to return to Europe
Jack Puffer: Say no more. Detective Jack Puffer is on the case!
~Puffer reaches for the paper. Barry lets go, transferring ownership. A gust of wind picks up and blows the paper away, toward the ocean. Barry shakes his head, staring at the runway pavement~
Jack Puffer: What?! That could have happened to anyone…we’re right on the coast, it’s VERY windy
Barry Man is Low: Look, just head to Annie’s old house…the one we provided for her. Okay?
~Puffer lingers, unsure~
Barry Man is Low: What?
Jack Puffer: Well, an address would be nice…I’m not sure how else I’m supposed to find that kind of information.
Barry Man is Low: Ever heard of a tax office?
Jack Puffer: Yea but, umm, I’m kind of behind on…
Barry Man is Low: Oh for fuck’s sake!
~Barry grabs Puffer by the neck and hurls him into his car. He then drives away. We flash forward…Barry is driving by Annie’s old residence. He slows, opens the passengers door and kicks Puffer out. We fade back to the announcers table~
Smith: That’s one way to get things done, I suppose
Hood: So ANNIE abducted Welsh…makes sense. Hell hath no fury like an Alvarez scorned
Smith: Some single white female stuff if you ask me…or, wait, no…Kathy Bates from Misery.
Hood: Let’s hope Welsh emerges with BOTH ankles
Smith: I’m told we won’t get a conclusion to this until NEXT WEEK
Hood: Welsh is fucked again
Smith: We’re just too short on time, Hood. The Ascension Championship match is next…let’s head down to ringside!
OCW Ascension Championship
Damian K’ © (9-1) vs. Jacqui Monroe (6-0)
Belvedere: It is now time for our MAIN EVENT of the evening!! This match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the OCW Ascension Championship!!
~Arch Enemy's 'We Will Rise' blares through the speakers, as Jacqui M appears on the platform, devil horns already in the air. As she begins to walk down the entrance way, the blonde allows herself a moment to head bang to her entrance tune, before making her way down to the ring. She enters without much of a fuss, sheds her leather jacket, and waits for her opponent…the Ascension Champion…Damian K’~
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan…standing 5’9 and weighing in at 130lbs…Jacqui Monroe!!!
~ The screech of a guitar’s feedback over an amazing amp shakes the arena. The lights that brightly illuminate everything fade to nothing, submerging the whole crowd in total darkness. Smoke begins to pollute the stage as finally Gary Clark Jr.’s “Numb” begins to play. The heavy guitar instrumentals with the blaring drum is a clear onset to the large cloud of smoke. A single spotlight creates the shadow of Damian K'~
~He steps out of the smoke with a cigarette on his mouth and a pair of shades on. Loosely upon his shoulders is the infamous black and red trench coat that he commonly wears. He takes a long drag of the cigarette before jetting out a line of smoke. It merges in with the congregation behind him. Within the smoke, hands reach out for Damian, trying to grab onto his form. The shadowy appendages associate themselves with the cultist mindset that the First Son has. The man ignores their attempts and begins his way down the ramp~
Belvedere: And her opponent, weighing in at a two hundred and forty pounds. Hailing from Silent Hill, he is the First Son, the Godslaying Beast, he is the OCW Ascension Champion…this is DAMIAN K’!!!!
~Damian makes it halfway down the ramp, allowing the smoke to completely blanket him. The hands that stalked him have reached him, wrapping themselves around his form. He soon comes from the smoke, jacket off. He only stands there in his wrestling attire at the edge of the ramp. He takes a look towards both sides before ditching his cigarette and stomping it out. He enters the ring, sliding under the rope. He sits there for a moment, before getting to his feet~
~He stands center stage, allowing the smoke to circle around him. The spotlight blasts upon him, casting a shadow. Damon simply stands there, foreboding. Eventually, the smoke dissipates and the lights comes back to normal. The First Son takes off his shades, glaring at nothingness. He heads to his corner and begins to stretch. With his back turned to everything, he awaits for the match to begin~
Smith: Here we go, Hood…our first title defense POST Stainless Steel Ride
Hood: Damian K’ is a future OCW Champion…that’s what I’ve heard anyway…yet all Jacqui Monroe does is win
Smith: Yep…she joined as Kenshin’s partner and now look…she’s in the main event with an opportunity to not only claim an OCW Championship but take down one of the company’s top stars in the process
Hood: This could be the night that makes Jacqui Monroe a star in OCW
Smith: Indeed
~Damian hands his Ascension Title over to Scruff. Scruff shows it off to the crowd…they roar with approval. He hands the title to Belvedere who exits the ring. The bell sounds. The crowd cheers. Damian heads toward Monroe who remains light on her feet, attempting to discern his movements…understand his impending method~
Smith: Damian’s got the size and strength advantage…to be quite honest, there isn’t much in this match he doesn’t have the advantage in
Hood: He’s a heavy favorite…I was online looking at one of those offshore betting sites and noticed his odds
Smith: You weren’t, you know, betting on there, were you?
Hood: Of course not! LET’S GO DAMIAN
Smith: Hmm
~Damian lunges forward, trying to trap Monroe in a corner. Jacqui sneaks out from under his grasp. She stands behind Damian and throws a forearm into his back. Damian stands upright…the impact seems to have annoyed him more than anything. In a flash he turns around and grabs Monroe by the neck. She tries to fight him off but can’t…he tosses her in the corner and unleashes a flurry of lefts and rights into Monroe’s head! The fans are still frenzied…always excited for a championship match~
Smith: Damian K’ didn’t take too kindly to the initial offensive maneuver from Jacqui Monroe
Hood: No shit…he’s unleashing a trailer park beat down!
Smith: Damian K’ defeated Annie Alvarez in May for the OCW Ascension Championship after she was gifted the title from Marcus Welsh…he did so by cashing in his contract.
Hood: His OH SHIT contract
Smith: Yea, that…then he successfully defended the title against Robbie Rayder at Stainless Steel Ride
~Damian lifts Monroe up, placing her on the top buckle. He then delivers a thrust punch to her throat, chin area. It SMACKS with force. She falls off the buckle, tumbling down…her back slams into the apron…she ricochets and hits front first onto the floor outside the ring. The fans cheer the turbulent fall…a light Damian chant fills the arena~
Smith: Damian doesn’t do much, if anything, to placate toward these fans…but they still are enamored with him
Hood: Well he is undefeated, right?
Smith: Negative…he lost to Mark Storm
Hood: Ah, I remember now…the skies were angry that day, my friend. Thunder shook the…
Smith: That’s enough!
~Damian steps through the ropes and hops down next to Monroe’s struggling frame. He places his foot onto the back of her neck and forces her back, face down on the floor. He applies a bit of pressure, increasing her discomfort. She reaches around, grabbing the apron cloth….she pulls on it, trying to get out from under Damian’s foot. He notices her action and uses his impressive reach to snake his arm in between the cloth and the apron…the snares Monroe’s blonde hair…he removes his foot and yanks her in between the apron and cloth…she’s kind of trapped in between. Damian lifts some knees into her stomach…she leans forward with the tiny rope holding the cloth up pressing against her abdomen~
Smith: She’s trapped!
Hood: Not much of a trap…
Smith: It certainly is when you’ve got a man the size of Damian attacking you
Hood: Yea, I guess…I honestly hope to never find out
~Damian lifts a knee into Monroe’s face…her body springs back…she then melts to the ground, disappearing behind the apron cloth. Damian paces for a few seconds. He then turns his attention back toward the apron cloth…he lifts it up to grab Monroe but she’s gone~
Smith: Where…where is she?
Hood: Don’t tell me we’ve finally got a wrestler with a magician gimmick!
Smith: Ugh, please, no
Hood: Yet you’re all in on Owl is Night
~Damian drops to one knee, looking under the ring. As he does, the crowd rises with excitement…Monore appears on top of the steps, behind K’. She jumps off, landing on Damian’s back. He stands up, trying to shake her off. She locks in a sleeper, attempting to subdue the larger opponent. Damian reaches for her hair…Monroe responds by shaking her arms viciously, taking a huge toll on his neck and throat~
Smith: There she is! That’s tremendous ring awareness…she crawled under the ring, popped out the other side and surprised Damian
Hood: Are we sure she didn’t teleport
Smith: Pretty sure
Hood: How sure is pretty sure
Smith: A thousand percent sure
Hood: I’d say that’s more than pretty sure
Smith: Whatever you say, Hood
~Damian is about to fall to his knee…but he fights submission. He backs up, right into the post!! Monroe is wedged between Damian and the unyielding metal. She maintains her grip, although her face displays pain. Damian steps forward and jumps back once more…again Monroe’s face contorts with pain…but she holds onto the sleeper. Damian takes several steps forward, looking to really drive her into the post~
Smith: Uh oh…this could injure Jacqui’s back!
Hood: Just what we need…a woman with a bad back…as if they don’t have enough to complain about
Smith: Oh please…stop being so chauvinistic
Hood: I don’t know what that word means…so all I’ll say is…THIS IS A MAN’S WORLD
~Damian sprints backward and leaps toward the post…Monroe releases her hold and jumps out of the way! Damian SLAMS into the post…the back of his head whiplashes against the metal!! He falls to the ground…onto both knees…he collapses further, using his hands to keep from falling all the way…the Ascension Champion is on all fours, reeling. Monroe leans against the barricade, regaining her wits. She spots K’ and sprints in…she dives forward with a flying knee to the side of his head!!! The crowd explodes! K’ flips over, half under the apron cloth, half exposed…Monroe’s legs are under the ring as well…she crawls back out and pops to her feet~
Smith: Damian K’ is out!
Hood: Fucking HELL…is there any way to take back an offshore bet?
Smith: Hood…don’t tell me
Hood: FOR A FRIEND, Smith…for a friend
Smith: I highly doubt there is
~Monroe pulls Damian all the way out from under the ring and gets him on his knees…she struggles but is able to get his body onto the apron…she rolls him into the ring. The crowd is urging her on. She slides into the ring, under the bottom rope…she grabs Damian’s right arm and drags him away from the ropes. She finally covers the champion…Scruff drops to his knees, making the count~
Smith: He kicked out!!
Hood: Yes! Yes…my bet…err...MY FRIEND’S BET is still safe
Smith: Who is this friend?
Hood: He’d like to remain nameless, thank you very much
~Monroe pummels Damian in the head, not wasting any time in arguing the count. Damian tries to cover up, but is having difficulty doing so. Monroe finally stops and returns to her feet. K’ is stirring, trying to get to his. Jacqui backs into a corner, keeping a focused watch on her opponent. Damian finally reaches his feet…he staggers around, like a drunk. Monroe lunges forward and nearly takes his head off with the Jacqui Kick!! Damian’s hair flails around wildly…his body slams into the mat…Monroe falls on top for the pin…Scruff slides in, for the count~
Smith: Damian won’t stay down…the OCW Ascension Champion has a near unrivaled winning percentage in OCW and we’re seeing why
Hood: No shit…he might be the best wrestler in OCW…if given the chance to move up, of course
Smith: Indeed…Monroe is going to have to give him everything she’s got if she wants to not only defeat this man…but take his title
Hood: Not gonna happen…I’ve got…err…MY FRIEND’S got a grand saying she can’t do it
Smith: The less said about that the better at this point, Hood
Hood: True…this may not be HBO but some people do watch this network
~Monroe drags Damian into the nearest corner. He remains on the mat…it doesn’t appear like there’s any threat of K’ rising. Monroe faces the corner…she hops onto the middle rope and then leaps off with the Awesome Splash!!! Damian’s legs kick into the air from the impact…Monroe snares them both and tries her third consecutive pin attempt. Scruff makes the count~
Smith: What the heck does Jacqui Monroe have to do?!
Hood: Hit her finisher?
Smith: Perhaps…that’s got to be next, right?
Hood: I don’t know, you’re the whiz kid
Smith: Well she’s exhausted most of her other ‘trademark’ options
~Jacqui hits the mat in frustration. He returns to her feet, ripping the carcass of Damian off the mat. She kicks him in the gut…the fans rise as she looks for Drop Dead Gorgeous…Damian, though, realizes what’s about to come and he bull rushes Monroe into the nearest corner. Before Monroe can hit, she flips over Damian, looking to bring him to the mat with a Sunset Flip. Damian grabs onto the top ropes for leverage…he then drops to the mat with his knees, trying to subdue Monroe. Jacqui rolls out of the way...Damian’s knees hit the mat, he remains on them, wincing in pain~
Smith: Fast sequence there…Damian sensed Jacqui was looking to end it with Drop Dead Gorgeous and he fought for survival
Hood: Fucking hell…get your shit together, K DASH
Smith: He’s trying but…I don’t know, Hood…Jacqui might be better
Hood: No way…no fucking way
~Monroe pops to her feet…she jumps into the air and dropkicks Damian in the back of the head!! He stumbles forward…but…he doesn’t go down…he grabs the ropes, climbing to his feet. Everyone in the arena is stunned by his resurgence. Monroe throws kick after kick into the back of his head, trying to knock him out~
Smith: Look at this…look at our Ascension Champion…he’s not going down without a fight
Hood: He’s a fucking zombie cyborg…yes! I knew it was a smart wager!
Smith: It’s not over yet…but given what he’s endured you’d have to think Monroe might be feeling a little uneasy at this point
Hood: Oh for sure…if she can’t win it after all of this then it’s safe to say she just isn’t championship material in OCW
~K’ reaches his feet…Monroe takes a few steps back, stunned by his reaction. Damian turns around…he’s intense…he’s making a last stand. He yells at Monroe. She throws a roundhouse kick into his head!! He falls into the ropes…he ricochets off and grabs Monroe by the throat! Monroe’s eyes widen…she leans forward with a headbutt into his chest! He lets go and bends over…she headbutts Damian in the BACK OF THE HEAD!! He’s about to fall…but Monroe catches him and drops him with DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!! The crowd goes wild!! Monroe rolls Damian over and makes the pin…Scruff slides in for the count~
~The crowd goes wild over the title change~
Belvedere: Here is your winner…AND NEW OCW ASCENSION CHAMPION…JACQUI MONROE!!!!!
Smith: She did it!! New champion!! Jacqui Monroe is the new OCW Ascension Champion!
Hood: Son of a BITCH…this…uhh…my friend is going to be SO pissed
Smith: Never underestimate an underdog, Hood. She upset CJ O’Donnell and now she’s taken down one of the best wrestlers of 2017…Damian K’
Hood: Yea, yea…she did well. Shit, I did not see this coming…so much for that Damian K’ OCW Title push
Smith: Yep, that appears to be out the window.
Hood: Along with a thousand bucks…easy come…easy go
Smith: What a night for Monroe…I don’t think anyone expected her to win singles gold when she debuted and here she is…the brand new OCW Ascension Champion
Hood: Scott Syren, PerZag, Lurrr, Silverfreak, Scorpion, Shadow Stalker, Jason Stone, Jin Royale, Top Dog, Bob Grenier…all former Ascension Champions who would go on to win the OCW Championship
Smith: Heck of a list…well that’s it for tonight, everybody. Tune in next week as the Margarita Mix rolls on and Iggy Hardy returns to action defending his Savage Championship against Bradley Carrington
Smith: For Hood I’m Smith saying so long…see you next week!