~We cut backstage to find OCW Commissioner Victoria Strader hard at work. It might be the holiday season for some, but not for the tireless maniac running the red and black. Her door opens and it’s a frantic Leo~
Leo: Miss Strader! Victoria! Boss lady! Whatever you like to be called...I have urgent news that can’t wait!
~Victoria looks up. Leo tosses his iPhone at her. The screen is displaying a page from the Wall Street Journal. The headline reads, “Thaddeus Duke announces global promotion OCW available for purchase~
Leo: He’s put the company up for sale, Miss Strader! All of it. All of us! He’s put the PROUD and STRONG on the market for ANYBODY to buy!
~Victoria picks up the phone and looks over the article with a smirk.~
Victoria Strader: I get the company making a steady stream of money again and he wants to sell… wonder why? Hmmm. Leo, find out if any potential buyers have come forward for me.
~Leo nods. He looks down at the floor~
Leo: He says he wasn’t well liked. I liked him. I thought a lot of people liked him. But, I guess not EVERYONE liked him. This makes me sad.
Victoria Strader: Leo!
~Leo snaps out of it~
Leo: Sorry, I’ll make some calls. See who’s looking into buying this place. Don’t you worry, Vee. It’s OCW. We stick together. We’ll survive this.
Victoria Strader: I know we will. Before you go Leo… tell me something.
~Victoria leans back in her hair putting her pen down, crossing her arms.~
Victoria Strader: You two were obviously close, when did public and roster opinions start to bother him? I mean, I didn’t dislike him. Sure he annoyed me at times but at the end of the day I was making him money. This is wrestling. It’s fickle, the fans and locker room can turn on anyone in a second.
~Leo pauses, thinking~
Leo: I never thought any of it bothered him. But, I guess he was able to hide it from me. So, if I had to guess…Day 1? Not sure something like that ever changes, to be honest.
~ The Massacre Intro video starts to play as “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns’N’Roses plays in the background as we get a shot of BOB holding their OCW Tag Team Titles up in the air, Lissandra kissing A-Lister Dylan Thomas, followed by a shot of Victoria Strader present Sahara the Paradigm Championship, Harmon Egan holding his OCW Craze Title above his head, Tearra Skye hitting a Swanton on Dylan Thomas, Sahara yelling at her Reservoir Dogs, Victoria Strader microphone in hand laying down the law, Mike Mason making the women Audibly Ovulate, a battered PIC holding the OCW Title high, and finally a menacing stare from the mask-less Lost Soul. We switch from video to the OCW faithful inside the historic OCW Arena as the camera pans around, catching signs from the Faithful.~
~ The OCW Faithful are buzzing tonight after the RUMBLE IN THE BRONX as the camera pans around the arena, coming to rest on everyone’s favourite announcing team of SMITH and HOOD. Smith waves to the people as Hood doesn’t pay attention, tapping away on the screen of his phone. ~
Smith: Welcome folks, to another edition of MONDAY NIGHT MASSACRE! I am Smith, and with me is Hood.
Hood: ...
Smith: HOOD!
~ Hood is startled and after a second puts his phone away as Smith shakes his head. ~
Smith: Who are you texting while we are going LIVE on air, Hood?
Hood: Just setting up a rendezvous for after the show.
Smith: Meet a pretty lady on Tinder? Or a pretty Ladyboy on Grindr?
Hood: Naw, I matched with your mom on Cougar Date a few weeks back, just setting up another night at the HOOD Sweat-n-Moan Lodge.
Smith: You sonofa---
Hood: You asked! If things go well, you could be calling me “daddy” by New Years, kinda like how she does with me.
Smith: Anyway, the Rumble in the Bronx has come and gone as The Nickleman was the only one to lose their championship last Sunday as we retired the Savage and TransAtlanic titles for the return of the OCW Paradigm Championship!
Hood: That’s right, I told you that Sahara Duke would stake her claim and walk away champion!
Smith: Quite the impressive and thanks to the Commissioner she did it without any outside interference truly cementing her status as a true champion in OCW.
Hood: Only the Soy Boy’s didn’t believe it was gonna happen, Smith.
Smith: Then the main event saw Solomon Cain and The Lost Soul earn a shot at the Brotherhood of Bastards OCW Tag Team titles, the legendary Scott Syren earning a shot at whoever walks out the Craze champion tonight, Shane Donovan earning a shot at the newly minted Paradigm Champion in Sahara Duke and my saviour The Big Bifford winning the whole thing to put himself into the OCW title match between PIC and Mike Zybala at our New Year’s Eve Pay-Per-View titled Hardwired To Self-Destruct!
Hood: I for sure know now that Zybala will finally be ousted out of here. Next is that Hoot-Twit, and all will be well in the world!
~ Before Smith can say anything, “Just A Girl” by No Doubt starts to play throughout the arena and the OCW Faithful are on their feet for their Commissioner. Victoria Strader walks out on stage from Checkers Position, green power suit with a thin cotton black turtleneck as well and OCW microphone in hand. She sneers out into the crowd and they pop for it. She begins her descent to the ring. ~
Smith: Looks like the boss something she wants to say.
Hood: Probably to gloat over the company being put up for sale.
Smith: I doubt it, Hood. Victoria has been clear all she ever wanted to do was turn the promotion around making it profitable and that’s exactly what she has done. Turnover will always be high in this industry, Hood. We have gained more talent in the last two months since she came in as the Commissioner.
~ Victoria walks up the steel steps and wipes her designer high-heeled shoes on the apron before stepping into the squared circle where Belvedere being the classy gentleman he is, holds the middle rope down for her. Victoria nods at the long time OCW Announcer and addresses the audience in attendance and those watching in their underwear at home. ~
Victoria Strader: Welcome to... MONDAY NIGHT MASSACRE!!!!!!!!!!
~ The cheap pop is deafening but there is no fan more loyal than those he in Florida, especially Key West. ~
Victoria Strader: Last Sunday OCW made history with the first ever Rumble in the Bronx that saw wrestlers earn title shots at final show of the year, Hardwired to Self-Destruct. Now, my phone has been blowing with Mike Zybala’s crazy ideas so just to clarify all matches will be taking place in an outdoor setting across multiple “lease sites” in and around Fox Creek Alberta, Canada. It could take place on an old out of operation drilling rig, to house trailers the engineers would spend months at a time in, it could be in the forest areas all around it. Anything is possible!
Victoria Strader: While the title matches are set, there are 12 slots to fill between the Contenders matches and a possible Death March match. So, over this Massacre and next I will be paying particular attention to everyone through tonight and next Monday to see who will battle for a shot at the Craze and Paradigm championships!
And I am sure everyone is wondering what is going on concerning the sale of OCW and all I will say is, when it becomes need to know, you all will know. Until then... let’s get this show started!
~ Victoria’s music hits up again as she heads to the backstage area, leaving the OCW Faithful to enjoy the show ahead of them.
~We cut to the backstage area as the camera zooms in on a dressing room door with the word ‘PIC’ written on it. The crowd inside the arena lets out a huge pop. Cheasy M walks into the scene, runs his fingers through his mustache, then turns toward the camera with a microphone in hand.~
Cheasy M: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m standing here outside of OCW World Champion, PIC’s dressing room. We’ve not heard or seen anything from him since the hellacious beating he took at the hands of Charles Nichols and the Brotherhood of Bastards this past Sunday at Rumble in the Bronx. PIC was immediately rushed to the hospital for his injuries but no updates have been provided to OCW management as of yet.
~As Cheasy is talking, Willie “Mo Mo” Peterson walks into the shot headed toward the dressing room.~
Cheasy M: Willie! Hi there, Cheasy M.
Willie: I know who you are, Cheasy. We hang out all the time.
Cheasy M: *whispering* It’s for the fans, man. They don’t know that.
Willie: Oh, right. Of course. Nice to meet you.
Cheasy M: So Willie, what’s going on with the champ? I was hoping I could get a word with him tonight.
Willie: I don’t think that’s gonna happen Cheasy. PIC’s in a bad way man. After getting beaten repeatedly in the face with that wrench he suffered multiple skull fractures, a broken orbital bone, another significant concussion… not to mention the loss of blood. He’s lucky he didn’t end up in a coma or worse.
Cheasy M: Oh wow, that’s terrible news. How is he holding up. And Sarah… I can give her my number if she needs a shoulder to cry on.
Willie: I don’t think she needs that, but thanks for the offer? As far as PIC goes, I really don’t know. He’s had a really hard time communicating and still hasn’t gotten out of bed to walk on his own.
Cheasy M: What does that mean for his status at Hardwired to Self Destruct, OCW’s December PPV? You know that since The Big Bifford won the Rumble in the Bronx, the match has officially been made a triple threat. PIC will have to defend the title against both Bifford and Mike Zybala.
~The crowd pops at the mention of that epic contest.~
Willie: If I was a betting man, and let’s face it, I am… I don’t think there’s a set of odds you could give me that would cause me to lay down money on PIC being ready for that fight. He darn near lost his life and had significant surgery just to piece part of his skull back together. He’ll be lucky if he ever walks again, let alone wrestles. Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta get in there and give him this water.
~Willie sneaks past Cheasy and opens the door wide enough for him to walk in. The door stays open long enough for the camera to catch a glimpse of PIC lying on a hospital bed with his face wrapped entirely with bandages. As it shuts, Cheasy refocuses on the camera.~
Cheasy M: There you have it, folks. The update all of us wanted, but none wanted to hear. It appears as if the triple threat main event at Hardwired to Self Destruct is up in the air as is PIC’s wrestling career.
~Cypress is already in the ring when the lights drop. "Power" by Kanye West begins to play over the PA and the crowd instantly begins to boo. As the words "I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man" play, a spotlight shines on the entranceway revealing the Marvelous One. His back is to the crowd, and his arms are spread out wide revealing the rhinestones words "Simply Marvelous" on the back of the robe.
The Marvelous One spins around with a huge and cocky smile on his face. The light bounces off of his rhinestone white ring rob, with purple and blue designs on it. The darkness is replaced with a soft purple glow, but the spotlight stays on The Mecca of Manhood.
The Marvelous One struts to the ring, walking slowly, taking his time and allowing everyone to view him. He climbs the ring stairs and instructs the referee to hold the ropes open for him.
The Ref holds the ropes open and the Marvelous One steps through and wins around in a 360 to the middle of the ring. He unties his robe, and removes it slowly, handing it to the referee.
The Marvelous One hits a front double bicep in the center of the spotlight as the music fades out. The lights come up and the bell sounds to start the match. ~
Belvedere: Introducing fir.…
~Mason charges across the ring, blowing past Belvedere and nailing Cypress with The Most Marvelous Dropkick (Standing Dropkick) right to the face. The impact sends Cypress flying into the turnbuckles and he appears to be knocked unconscious. ~
Smith: Mike Mason is wasting no time getting started here, not even waiting on his introduction.
Hood: Mason's pre-workout must have kicked in early.
~ Mason grabs Cypress by the head and pulls Cypress to his feet. Mason grabs Cypress around the waist and delivers a huge overhead belly-to-belly suplex throwing Cypress across the ring. Mason spins up and begins stalking Cypress, waiting for him to stand up. ~
Smith: Mike Mason is looking more vicious every time we see him.
Hood: Oh come on man, we got enough violent jerks around here, this guy is supposed to be a comedic heel.
~As Cypress staggers to his feet Mason grabs him in a full-Nelson and snaps Cypress back with the Marvelous Plex (dragon suplex), holds on, and bridges for the pin. ~
Smith: Mike Mason made short work of Cypress in that match.
Hood: The match was even shorter than Mason’s promo this week.
~Mason snatches the microphone from Belvedere and Mason’s music stops suddenly as Mason takes the middle of the ring. ~
Mike Mason: It seems people around here think I’m some sort of joke. Harmon wants to mock me, Sahara wants to ignore me, and the whole roster wants to say I slept my way to my championship match against PIC, who I came within a frog's hair of defeating.
I’m going to show this whole roster who the alpha male of OCW is, and I’m going to do it at Death March. I am officially declaring myself a team caption for Death March. My team will dominate and make OCW MARVELOUS AGAIN!
~Mason slams the microphone down hard onto the mat as Power hits over the PA. ~
~Backstage in the wonderful OCW Arena, we see the newly crowned Paradigm champion flanked by her personal security as she approaches Victoria’s office. Dressed in her usual black and white casual attire with the absolutely gorgeous Paradigm championship draped over a shoulder, she turns to the leader of the men surrounding her, Mr. Pink.~
Sahara: You guys stay out here, this shouldn’t take long…
~As she turns to enter Victoria’s office, she stops for a second and turns toward Mr. Brown–~
Sahara: Except you. You go get me some shrimp from catering… oh, and a Diet Coke. With ice. Oh, and if they have any of those rice krispy treats, get me a half of one of those. Not a whole one… a half. Got it?
~Mr. Brown nods and scurries off as Sahara turns and just opens the door without knocking, interrupting a conversation in progress between Victoria and a senior member of the television production staff.~
~Victoria pauses mid-sentence and looks up at her Paradigm champion–~
Victoria Strader: Lauren Duke… to what do I owe the pleasure?
Sahara: Gosh, I hope I’m not interrupting anything…
~Victoria smiles.~
Victoria Strader: Not at all, he was just leaving.
~With a mere glance from the boss, the man makes his exit as Sahara eyes her rather skeptically.~
Sahara: Let’s just cut the shit, Victoria. In light of my husband leaving OCW, if you think it’s gonna be open season on me, you got another thing com–
~Victoria cuts in.~
Victoria Strader: –and why would I want it to be open season on my Paradigm champion?
~Sahara pauses a second, unsure how to answer the question–~
Sahara: Oh, come on. I know how people look at me around here. You think I was given this job just because my husband gave it to me. I mean, he did, but that’s not the point–
Victoria Strader: I think you’ve got the wrong impression of me because of my name. You think I’m here to run a day-care to coddle adults with fragile egos?
~Victoria laughs.~
Victoria Strader: I’m here to make money, honey. The better the product, the more money we make. Whether people love you or hate you, I don’t really care… so long as they pick one. And that’s why I absolutely love you, Lauren.
~Looking around as if she were in the process of being punked, Sahara furrows her brow–~
Sahara: What?!
Victoria Strader: A good percentage of that crowd positively hates you, and they’re willing to pay to watch you get your ass kicked. That sells. And then there’s the eighteen to thirty crowd of adolescent “men” that drool over you, and they’re willing to pay because they wanna… well… you know.
~Victoria smiles at the implication.~
Victoria Strader: That’s the best of both worlds, sweetie. So if you’re wondering if I’m gonna continue honoring your favored nation's contract that your husband was so kind to give you… I am.
Sahara: You are?
Victoria Strader: I am. The bonus structure? The automatic pay raises if another female comes in at a higher rate? All of it. Even the limited dates he had you on… Thad and I see eye to eye on that one. Sometimes less is more.
Sahara: It is?
Victoria Strader: It is.
~Standing up, Victoria reaches out a hand, to which Sahara hesitates before reaching out her own.~
~As the two shake hands, Victoria smiles.~
Victoria Strader: So we understand each other?
Sahara: I… think?
Victoria Strader: Lauren… I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
~As their hands finally separate, Sahara backs up and bumps into the door rather clumsily.~
Victoria Strader: I have to say, that Paradigm championship looks wonderful on you.
~Laughing through whatever confusion she was feeling, Sahara nods and opens the door and exits to her awaiting security detail.~
~She has a somewhat bewildered look on her face.~
Mr. Pink: How’d it go?
Sahara: Exceptionally well.
~Sahara looks at her hand, the same hand she shook Victoria’s hand with.~
Sahara: That was weird.
~Shaking off the confusion, Sahara turns and nearly bumps into Mr. Brown who is waiting patiently with a plateful of shrimp, one-half of a rice krispy treat, and a diet coke.~
~With ice.~
~But Sahara looks annoyed.~
Sahara: What are you doing?!
Mr. Brown: Y-you told me to get you this…
Sahara: I did?!
~Taking the half krispy treat, Sahara takes a bite and chews while staring directly at Mr. Brown. Then, she knocks the plate out of Mr. Brown's hand, sending shrimp flying everywhere…~
Sahara: Idiot. C’mon boys… I’m takin’ the night off…
~The scene cuts to the backstage area where we see Thunder Knuckles standing in the hallway on his cell phone. The fans in the arena really let him have it as he stands there with a smirk on his face.~
TK: Yeah Bobby, can you believe it? That fucking idiot actually showed up after the beating the Us No Good Bastards gave him last week… What am I gonna do? I think I’ve got an idea or two.
~TK lifts his other hand into the camera’s view to reveal the wrench that The Nickleman used to bash PIC’s face in at Rumble in the Bronx. It is still caked in blood. He stares at it as the crowd boos loudly.~
TK: I think I’ll go throw one final wrench into his plans.
~TK hangs up the phone and slides it into his pocket. He turns the corner and walks up to PIC’s dressing room that we saw earlier in the show. He barges in to catch Willie “Mo Mo” Peterson sitting in a chair off to the side eating a pudding cup. PIC lies in the hospital bed, motionless. TK raises the wrench above his head as he stands over Willie.~
TK: Get the fuck out!
~Willie throws the pudding on the floor and hurries out the door. He immediately starts yelling for help as he runs down the hallway. TK turns toward PIC and walks over to his bedside.~
TK: You should’ve stayed dead.
~TK lifts the wrench and thrusts it down across PIC’s gauze-wrapped face. A substance splashes back at TK and gets in both his eyes. He drops the wrench as he begins wiping furiously at his face. The camera pans down to PIC to see that it wasn’t him at all, but a large grapefruit.~
TK: Goddamn it! In the eyes? Son of a titty fucking whore!
~With TK temporarily blinded, he has no way to respond to the figure that jumps out from behind him and begins blasting him repeatedly in the back of the head. The figure looks toward the camera briefly enough to reveal… TLS! The live crowd lets out a large roar as one of their favorites jumps on top of TK, blasting him with rights and lefts as TK tries to cover up. TLS picks him up and slams him into the wall. TK tries to rush forward and tackle TLS to the ground, but he spins and slams TK on the ground instead. He looks over to see the wrench. TLS picks it up and hooks TK from behind, pressing the wrench deep into TK’s trachea, trying to choke him out. The life from TK’s body is slowly fading as he passes out. As TLS feels TK’s body go limp, he lets up, allowing TK’s body to crumble to the floor in a heap. TLS hops to his feet and stands over TK’s limp body.~
TLS: This is just the beginning.
~Willie reappears in the doorway over TLS’ shoulder as he backs away.~
Willie: He fell for it.
TLS: These bastards are even dumber than they look.
Belvedere: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and is for a date with MOONLIGHT ROSE! Introducing first, weighing in at 150 lbs and hailing from The Village Hidden in the Ring... ROB UCHIHA!!!!
~ As the arena is filled with the sound of pure Weeb energy that is the song "Deja Vu" by Inital D, the fans in attendance pull out their waifu body pillows and Robert Uchiha hits the stage. He starts weaving handsigns at break neck speed. He then punches in place as he, and the crowd, let out a rush of "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA". The crowd is hyped, and the weeb that is Robert Uchiha walks down the ramp, hand ever ready on his trusty katana that he got from a flea market for a whopping $2,600. As he enters the ring he unsheathes his blade and shows his expertise the ancient arts of the sword via spasmatic spinning motions. The crowd eats it up. He begins to slice the air in front of him in his almighty power stance. He sheathes his blade and bows, as the crowd scream Japanese phrases showing their love for the anime icon, Robert Uchiha. ~
Belvedere: And his opponent...
~ The opening cords of Meteor By SLATYDOG begins to play. the the first lyrics. ~
~ Moonlight Rose is illuminated by spotlight on the ramp. The purple and black cape waving behind her as she walks to ring. she high fives a couple fans on her way down to the ring. she climbs onto the apron and to the top turn buckle. ~
Belvedere: Hailing from Tokyo, Japan now residing in Toronto, Canada. She is Professional wrestling royalty. She is OCW's Super Hero. she is... MOON... LIGHT... ROOOOOOOOSE.
~ She hops off the top and is checked by the ref. She awaits the bell. ~
~ Rob-U and Rose lock horns, and Rose gets the quick advantage putting Rob-U in a hammerlock. Rob-U gets out of it with a big elbow to Rose's face. Rob-U tries for a dropkick, but Rose sidesteps. Rose lands a few stomps on the downed Rob-U, and goes into the ropes. Rose tries for a senton bomb, but Rob-U rolls out of the way. Rose gets to her feet and Rob-U nails her with some painful forearm shots. Rob-U tosses Rose into the corner and immediately follows it up with a knee strike to the face. Rose stumbles forward and Rob-U hops up onto the top turnbuckle and takes Rose down with a missile dropkick. ~
Smith: He must really want this date. Only in OCW would a match like this happen.
Hood: Classic OCW, baby!
~ Rose gets brought up to her feet and Rob-U takes her down with a snap suplex. Rob-U goes into the ropes and hits a high-impact knee-drop on Rose. Rob-U begins to stomp on Rose, and he won't stop! Rob-U mounts Rose and unchambers lefts and rights. Gruff tries to get Rob-U off of her, but Rob-U just ignores him and keeps going to work on Rose, who can only cover up at this point. Rob-U finally stands up. ~
Smith: You ever had to beat up someone to get a date.
Hood: Your mom likes it when I smack her ass.
Smith: Shut up! My mother is a classy woman.
~ Rose gets to her feet and Rob-U turns around. Rob-U charges and tries to take down Rose with an elbow strike, but Rose ducks and gets behind Rob-U. Rose puts Rob-U in a sleeper hold, but Rob-U quickly finds the turnbuckle and runs up the corner! Rob-U tries to leap off and twist out of the sleeper hold, but Rose catches on to the idea and rotates Rob-U 180 degrees in midair and plants him into the mat with a huge DDT! ~
Smith: What a reversal by Rose!
Hood: Okay, I admit that was a good move.
~ Rose tries for a cover. ~
~ Rose gets Rob-U to his feet. Rose nails him with a right hook, and picks him up for a scoop slam. She slams Rob-U down to the mat. Rose springboards off the middle rope with a moonsault, and connects. She holds it for the pin. ~
Smith: Rose building offence like she doesn’t want that date
Hood: Isn’t she like 17? That’s gotta be illegal.
~ Rose gets Rob-U up to his feet, but Rob-U slams his elbow into Rose's stomach. Rose doubles over and Rob-U takes him down with a neckbreaker. Rob-U gets Rose to her feet and irish whips her into the corner. Rob-U charges and connects with a huge clothesline. Rob-U shoves Rose back into the corner and puts her on the top turnbuckle. Rob-U climbs to the middle rope and puts Rose in a front facelock. Rob-U lifts Rose up and behind him, slamming her to the mat with a superplex. Rob-U quickly covers. ~
Hood: Wow! That was TOO close, Smith!
Smith: Yes, it was, I was about to phone the police.
~ Rob-U gets Rose up and throws her out of the ring. Rob-U climbs out and grabs Rose by the head and smashes her face into the barricade because that’s how you get dates in OCW. Gruff begins to start the count. ~
~ Rob-U picks Rose up and drops her throat-first onto the barricade. Rose struggles to breathe and starts to crawl away for safety. Rob-U kicks Rose in the ribs a few times (but like in gentle way, ‘cause he wants to date her, not send her to the hospital), and gets her to her feet. Rob-U slams Rose face-first into the ringpost, as Gruff keeps counting. ~
~ Rose, now on one knee, is bleeding from her nose. Rob-U grabs her by the head again, but Rose has had enough as she slams her elbow into Rob-U's gut. Rose does it again, and again, and then hits a roundhouse connecting with Rob-U's jaw. He goes down and Rose follows up with a legdrop off the barricade! ~
Smith: Rose hit that move perfectly!
Hood: She can't beat Rob-U outside the ring!
Smith: I think she knows that Hood!
~ Rose gets Rob-U up to his feet and slides him into the ring. Rose wipes the blood from his mouth and climbs the top turnbuckle as Rob-U manages to get to a knee. Rose waits patiently on the top rope as Rob-U turns around. Rose jumps off with a flip and lands perfectly on top of Rob-U's shoulders. Rob-U grabs her to prevent falling backwards. ~
Smith: Looks like Rose has other ideas! Hurricanrana!
Hood: Wait! Rob-U isn't giving up that easy!
Smith: No! Rob-U reverses it with a sit-down powerbomb! And holds it for the pin!
Hood: Another close one, Smith. Are we ever going to get a winner here?
Smith: Probably, no set time limit.
~ Rob-U begins to yell at the referee, but he isn't budging about his call. Rose gets to her feet and wraps Rob-U up from behind and hits a back-to-belly suplex on him. Rob-U crashes stomach and chest first to the mat. Rose and Rob-U, a little fatigued, get to their feet at relatively the same time. Rob-U lays into Rose with a right hook, but Rose comes back with her own. Back and forth they go as Rob-U tries to stand toe-to-toe with his hopeful future girlfriend. ~
Smith: He really wants that date.
Hood: Pervert, I tell ya. Pervert. He should just give your mom a call, she’s easy.
~ Rob-U nails Rose with a forearm shot that sends Rose staggering back. Rob-U hits a big-time legsweep DDT on Rose. ~
Hood: Rose looks a little dazed from that.
Smith: Rob-U tries for a cover, we could have a new power couple in OCW!
~ Gruff calls the kick out and Rob-U is furious. He really wants that date. Rob-U gets in Gruff face and continues to argue with him. Gruff stands his ground, not scared of Rob-U. Rob-U takes a step back, and Rose begins to gather herself behind him. Rob-U begins to laugh at Gruff, and insists again that he beat Rose. Rob-U wants Gruff to raise his hand, but Gruff refuses. Rose gets to her feet. Rob-U's laugh turns to annoyance but Rose wraps her arm up with Rob-U's and uses her other arm to tangle up Rob-U's free arm. Rose, having Rob-U in a full-nelson hold, slams Rob-U neck/back first into the mat. ~
Smith: Rose just levelled Rob.
Hood: Don’t blame her, I wouldn’t to date a guy named Rob Chinchilla.
Smith: That’s not his name!
Hood: Whatever.
~ Rose gets Rob-U to his feet. Rose sends him back to the mat with a double arm DDT. Pointing to the top rope, Moonlight Rose climbs and signals one more time before launching off with OTK (Corkscrew Moonsault!)
Smith: OTK!
Smith: Rose has put a few guys away with this move. Let's see if that's all she wrote for Rob!
Belvedere: And your winner via pinfall and not obligated to put out on the first date... MOONLIGHT ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smith: And Rose successfully avoids going on a date with Rob Uchiha!
Hood: What woman is gonna date a guy who has hair like that?
Smith: Someone for everyone, Hood. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Hood: Your mom had my dick in her beholder last night.
Smith: Bastard.
Hood: It would be an honour to be a Bastard with the Brotherhood.
Smith: Stop talking.
~We open backstage to find none other than Louis Pohl standing on the phone, with a child leash in his other hand keeping a young Bash Rodriguez at bay.
Lou: You’re kidding? And they are about to pay how much? That's absurd… I’ll tell you what, I think I got an idea about thaa-
~The lawyer's jaw drops as a familiar face strolls right by him.
Lou: I’ll call you back, keep me updated.
~Lou tucks his phone in his pocket as he follows the man down the hall. As he catches up, we see that its none other than Crash Rodriguez.
Lou: I’ve been looking everywhere for you, where have you been?
Crash: Looking for something to do, this place is boring as hell. As if only a handful of people wanna show up to work.
Lou: coming from the guy who left out of the fucking blue.
Crash: I never wanted to go, I just had to try and find them.
Lou: And how did that work out for you?
Crash: You make me wish I didn't come back. Come on, let’s go see the Strader lady, I’m sure she’d love to see I’m back.
~The three continue down the corridors heading towards the GM office. along the way they pair lass by a kid with crazy multi-colored hair
Crash: I'm gone for a few weeks and now we got whatever the fuck thing this is roaming our halls. When the hell did they hire that guy?
Lou: Uhmmm. Well that's actually Robert.
Crash: Who?
Lou: Uchiha, that weird anime kid.
~ Crash lightly shakes his head in disappointment.
Crash: look how they massacre my boy.
~ Crash wipes away an invisible tear before continuing his journey to the GM office, but a wild TLS pops up from around a corner.
TLS: Well… Well… Well… look what the cat dragged in.
Crash: And who the fuck is this guy?
Lou: That's TLS
Crash: Jesus, he looked better with the mask.
TLS: Look, I'm on a busy schedule, so lets make this fast. Me and you next week.
Crash: Why would I wanna share a ring with you?
TLS: Sounds like somebody is a little scaredy cat.
Crash: I just have better uses for my time.
TLS: Maybe this will change your mind…
~The Lost Soul reaches into his pocket and pulls out a knife, the tip stained red.
Crash: You're gonna stab me if I don't give you a match?
TLS: Oh no, I'm just returning this to you.
~The Lost Soul holds out the blade's handle to the crooked man. Crash hesitantly reaches out for the knife only for TLS to drop it, letting it bounce off the floor.
TLS: CJ sends his regards. You left that in his back.
Crash: You think you're a funny guy, huh? If this is your attempt to rile me up, I suggest you try harder.
TLS: So you only fight when a man's back is turned? Should've known you were all talk. You've wasted enough of my time.
~TLS pushes past Crash and Lou, in a hurry. The Crooked Man's face turns red as he turns towards a leaving TLS
Crash: I'll see you in the ring next week.
~TLS smirks as he rounds and corners. Crash shakes his head in disbelief before continuing his journey.
~ The cameras are taken inside in what appears to be a normal home. We get a 360 view of the kitchen as well as the living room area, where we find vintage television sets stacked up together. Suddenly they all turn on at once and static is shown, then after a couple of minutes went by the static is replaced with three real black cats, and the last static picture is replaced with The “Queen of Trickery” herself Jacki O'Lantern. She smiles and whips back her purple and green colored hair.~
Jacki O’Lantern: Hey buds. In case you have no idea who the heck I am. I'm Jacki O'Lantern. I'm the newest signed talent to the OCW roster. I'm very grateful for the opportunity, but at the same time I'm nervous. You probably can't tell, but I'm sweating so much my face paint might melt off any minute. Anyway, to support me in this new journey are my three cats. Say hi gang.
~ They all meow at once and wag their tails. ~
Jacki O’Lantern: Friendly cats, aren't they? But much like myself, they sense bad energy, so you might want to be careful how you approach us. Now that the ink has dried on my contract, you may be wondering what my plan is. I haven't had my first match, but when that happens, you can bet I'll be ready. I take pride in my fans. They are called my Lantern Army, and they push me to succeed.
~ She nods her head and sticks her tongue out. ~
Jacki O’Lantern: That being said, I want the absolute best names on the roster to come forward and challenge me, which is why I'm officially announcing an open challenge. Cool eh? Anyone could walk behind that curtain and challenge, pumpkin, but just be mindful of my tricks.
~ The tune of Monster Mash plays for a few minutes before the screens return to static. ~
Belvedere: The following contest is a triple-threat and scheduled for one-fall! Introducing first...
~“Out of the Black” kicks in over the arena PA system as the lights dim down to near darkness, with smoke beginning to billow out from the sides of the stage. After a beat a spotlight appears on the stage, where Jack Sullivan stands with her back to the crowd. She has a studded leather vest over her ring gear: white pants and a sports bra, with black flames along the sides of her leggings, with white kick pads over her black boots. ~
Belvedere: Weighing in at two-hundred lbs and hailing from Brookfield, Wisconsin... JACK SULLIVAN!!!!!
~ After a few more moments the young competitor starts to make her way down towards the ring, yelling to the crowd to egg them on to cheer. She then dashes down the ramp, sliding into the ring before moving to climb to the top turnbuckle to pose, only stopping when her music begins to quiet so she can turn her attention to the center of the ring. ~
Belvedere: And the next opponent... weighing in at two-hundred-fifty-five lbs hailing from Lakeland, Florida... THROWBACK STEVE BLACK!!!!
~ A hush comes over the arena as the first notes of "Hip to Be Square" by Huey Lewis and The News begins blasting throughout the arena. The fans stand to their feet and begin to boo loudly as "Throw Back" Steve Black walks out onto the stage, waving and giving thumbs up to the fans in every direction. His manager, Lonnie Smith, follows him but keeps his distance. Steve is all smiles as he walks down the entrance ramp toward the ring. He sees a fan giving him the middle finger and responds by putting his index finger up and shouting, "I'm #1!!". Both Steve and Lonnie walk up the ring steps and enter through the middle rope. They do the Top Gun windmill high five before Lonnie rolls out of the ring and Steve flexes to the dismay of the crowd, though he cluelessly thinks they're in full support of him. ~
Belvedere: And their opponent...
~ "Shattered" starts playing as the lights go out. A spotlight shines on the entrance and after a few minutes, Leviathan slowly comes out into the light. He pauses for a moment and smirks at the crowd before walking down the aisle. ~
Belvedere: Weighing in at two-hundred-sixty-six lbs hailing from Chicago, Illinois...
~ Fans reach out to acknowledge him but he just swats them all away. He does notice one young fan wearing the local sports team baseball cap and walks over to him and takes it off the young fans head. He looks at it and tosses it off to the other side of the aisle. He looks at the fan and laughs in their face. Another fan nearby reaches out for a high five. He looks at them and proceeds to give them a high five but intentionally misses and hit them on the forehead. Leviathan sarcastically puts his hand to his mouth. ~
Belvedere: he is LEVIATHAN!!!!!!
~ He proceeds to the ring and slides in. He circles around the ring and raises his arms for acknowledgement from the crowd. They all boo him and he just laughs at them. He leans up against the ropes and waits for the bell. ~
~ Jack dives at Levi's legs as Throwback goes after the midsection. Jack clips Levi's knees, but Steve Black is shoved backwards as Leviathan falls down to the mat holding at his leg with one hand. Jack drops a knee on Leviathan, quickly trying to incapacitate him. Steve Black is getting back up and Jack charges at his rising form sending him outside of the ring with a spear. She spins around quickly and Leviathan is there with a right hand that staggers Jack into the ropes. Irish whip sends Jack running across the ring; a big boot from Levi sends her down to the canvas. Leviathan makes a quick cover. ~
Smith: Easy kickout from Sullivan!
~ She throws a wild right hand into Levi's temple that sends him rolling off of her to lay on his back. Jack kips up to her feet, but Levi is already on his knees. Jack with a right hand and Levi with a meaty right hand as well, Levi wins the short fist battle as Jack falls back on her ass from the force of the blow. Leviathan stands up tall in the ring and stalks over to where Jack is struggling up to her feet to meet Leviathan head on. Steve Black leaps from the top turnbuckle taking Leviathan down with a flying crossbody. Jack is thankful and shows her appreciation by shoving her knee into Steve Black's jaw rolling him over onto his back. ~
Smith: This match is under way and already shows signs of being the best match here tonight.
Hood: Hard to say, Harmon vs Cain is still to come.
~ Leviathan is getting back up and so is Jack. Steve Black gets up, his cheek red from the contact with Jack's knee. Dropkick to Levi's leg sends him howling in pain, and Steve Black stands tall taking down a newcomer. He rolls up quickly to face Jack and Jack and Steve Black stare at each other. Jack wants to show she belongs in OCW. Right hand from Throwback, right from Jack, and these two are brawling like they are back in high school. Jack with a big haymaker, Throwback ducks under with an arm bar both go down to the canvas. Leviathan lands a big leg drop on the two of them and the hold is broken up. He pulls Jack to her feet, by the hair on her head, and whips her into the ropes; he does the same to Steve Black. Jack leap frogs Steve Black, but Leviathan catches her in the mouth with a big boot. Steve Black rebounds and is scoop slammed to the canvas by Leviathan. Leviathan makes a cover. ~
Smith: Leviathan with another unsuccessful pin attempt.
Hood: Don’t know until you try!
~ Leviathan isn't happy as he pulls Steve Black up to his feet and holds him by the throat. Right hand from Levi sends a glazed look into Steve Black's eyes. A second sends him to Dreamland, but Levi isn't finished as he sends another into the side of Steve Black's face. He heaves Steve Black up over his head in a gorilla press slam position and is near the ropes; but Jack dropkicks him in the back. Steve Black falls over the top rope to the outside and Leviathan is nearly thrown over the top rope as well. Jack with a running knee lift nearly sends him over again, but the big man manages to keep his balance. He spins around, but is caught in the face by a running Enziguri that gets the job done and Leviathan is sent over the top rope. Jack hits the ropes, rebounds, and tosses herself over the top rope to the now kneeling Levi that sends him all of the way down on his back. Jack begins to pound her fists into Levi's temple, doing her best to grab her second win.~
Smith: Jack wanting to prove her early exit was a fluke in the rumble.
Hood: But was it?
~ Steve Black with a boot to the side of Jack's face sends her rolling off of Levi and she looks up at him with disbelief that he would do something like that. She shoots back to her feet though diving at him, her fists flying, but Throwback uses her momentum to nail a DDT on the matting; Jack lays face first on the thin material. Steve Black turns around right into the path of an of a big boot to lays him out on the floor. Leviathan brings his foot down on Jack and once again Steve Black is forgotten about in this match. Levi lifts the nearly unconscious Jack up slamming her face first into the ring apron once, twice, and a lifted third attempt busts her open a bit and blood trickles down her forehead. Levi is spun around by the forgotten Steve Black and a boot to his midsection reminds Levi quickly of the newcomer. Steve Black takes his knee and slams it forcefully into Leviathan's face. Levi is rocked back into a double foot stomp by Jack and Levi is in the middle of two warriors with nowhere to go. Steve Black a vicious right hand, Levi falls on the matting, the fist connects with Jack and she falls flat on her back. Levi with a stomp to the top of the foot and gives him the advantage back as Throwback favours his man left foot. Leviathan with a clothesline sends Steve Black down as well. ~
Smith: Leviathan showing some dominance here while Cuff is foregoing a count-out since they are all out of the ring.
Hood: I kinda like him, but he’s no Throwback. This Cuff guy gets it tho.
~ He pulls Steve Black up by the throat and while squeezing, does the same to Jack Sullivan. He laughs before slamming their heads together and lifting them both up. The sound of their skulls crashing together is sickening, but Leviathan wants this win. He pulls Steve Black up to a gorilla press slam position and drops him throat first across the railing that is there to protect the OCW Faithful. Jack is still lying there motionless and Leviathan pulls her up to her feet as well, but tosses her like a rag doll into the railing's corner where her head slams on top of the corner. Clutching at his throat, the resilient Steve Black Kicks Levi in the back as hard as he can. Levi arches his back a little and turns to face the red-faced Steve Black. A right hand from Leviathan slams into railing as Black ducks the shot. He shakes his hand in pain, but Steve Black slams his fists into his midsection top first and Levi is doubled over. A double arm axe handle brings Leviathan to his knees. DDT onto the floor takes Leviathan out of the match, temporarily. Jack nods at Steve Black, but this time the heel of her foot does the actual talking as it comes across the forehead of Steve Black sending him down to the matting. She pulls him up and rolls him into the ring following up with Irish whip into the ropes sends the time travelling wrestler running and a running high knee to his head sends him falling. Jack hooks the leg and makes a cover. ~
Smith: Steve Black taking a lot of punishment to his head here.
Hood: You sound like you have too.
~ Jack is obviously frustrated but she has enough veteran blood and training to stay calm and focused. As she gets up to her feet, she drags Steve Black with her delivering a forearm into his jaw that rocks his head to the side. Shove back sends Throwback back first into the corner and a running shoulder block sends him doubling over at the waist to catch his breath. Jack with a European uppercut stands Black back up and Jack places a hand on his chest. Chop, chop, chop. Chop, chop, chop. The chest of Steve Black is red and angry looking from the chops. But then again, Leviathan walks like he is mad as he grabs Jack from behind with a hand on her neck. He shoves her head into the head of Steve Black before slamming her face first on the canvas. He pounds a fist into Steve Black's chest before pounding a meaty left and right combo into his face. Levi backs up delivering a big boot into Throwback's face that should have knocked him to the canvas, but Leviathan catches him by his chin. He holds him up pounding away at his face again with big time right hands and appears to be having a good time doing just this. Steve Black is looking the worse for wear here on this exchange. ~
Smith: Come on, this isn't right.
Hood: Might I ask, what is wrong about it?
~ Leviathan pulls Steve Black's head down into his lifted knee and Throwback is out cold on his feet. Leviathan tosses him to the side as well and begins to untie the turnbuckle padding but so that the ref can't see what is going on. He leaves it hanging there loosely and turns around. Jack with a leg sweep sends Levi falling backwards on the loosened turnbuckle padding, but it does not fall off. Jack with a running high knee to Leviathan in the corner, but Leviathan ducks and Jack crotches herself on the top. Leviathan laughs and Jack shoots up to her feet and points to her crotch she mouths "No balls" and leaps with a missile dropkick sending Leviathan backwards into a hook and a pin from Steve Black.~
Smith: Sullivan luckily not coming down harder otherwise, balls or not, she’d be down.
Hood: Look! Steve taking advantage!
Smith: Sullivan with the save!
Hood: Looks like he kicked out to me!
~ Leviathan manages to kick out but he is angry, or maybe it was Sullivan stopping the pin. Either way. Steve Black gets up ready for a fight from Levi, but Jack shoves him forward into the kneeling Leviathan who slams his head forward to meet the oncoming Steve Black. Their heads collide, but only Steve Black falls, Levi merely shakes his head before turning to find Jack diving with a forearm smash. It catches Levi off guard and he is sent on his back with the force. Jack screams out in triumph and slams her boots into the side of his face again and again. She grabs the hair of the hair and peppers him with rights and lefts, mixing in a few forearm shots for good measure. He turns her around slamming his big forearms into her throat and holding one there to cut off her oxygen and cause her face to turn beet red from the lack of oxygen to the brain. Leviathan slams her head backwards into the turnbuckle doing his best to incapacitate her and win his debut. Pulling her up by her throat, he hits an inverted atomic drop on her and shoves her into a seated position in the corner. He backs up to the opposite corner and charges like a train, but Steve Black drop toe holds him and Leviathan's face slams nose first just above Jack’s special area. He is in a standing position now and Steve Black nails another drop toe hold, but Levi manages to avoid his nose landing in the unknown again. He stands up and turns around to face Steve Black. ~
Hood: Oh no! someone get The Knife man out here, Leviathan's nose is going to be eaten away!
Smith: This might be Florida, but I don’t think any of them were snorting bath salts.
~ Jack climbs to the middle turnbuckle behind Leviathan, she leaps just as Steve Black raises a knee. Jack bulldogs Leviathan's face right onto the uplifted knee of Steve Black, but no pin is made here. Steve Black with a right hand to Jack sends her away from Leviathan and possibly a loss; Steve Black is paying Jack back for that punch to his jaw from earlier. Knee to the midsection and he hooks her up for a vertical suplex; Jack is slammed back first on the canvas. Steve Black pulls the newcomer up to her feet whipping her into the corner. He points skyward and charges, but Jack with a back elbow stops Steve Black from whatever move he might have been planning. Steve Black falls backwards and Jack springs backwards with a back fist sending Steve Black on down to the canvas; she makes the cover.~
~ Steve Black able to get a foot on the ropes and stop the pin. Steve Black and Jack stand up and are in a collar and elbow tie up in the middle of the ring. Steve Black with a side headlock, Jack manages a body scissors from the side of Steve Black. Both fall to the mat, neither willing to break their individual hold because both cause pain, but who will give in first. Neither, Leviathan hits the ropes dropping a massive leg across the two of them breaking the predicament and gaining the advantage once more. He pulls them up to their feet, and once again slams their heads together with tremendous force. Both go limp in his grasp and he places his hands around their throats. Lifting them up slightly executing a double chokeslam!
Hood: I like this guy.
Smith: That’s something, you don’t like many people.
Hood: Not true. I LOVE your mom All.Night.Long.
~ Leviathan isn't finished though as he stands there looking down at his opponents.. Bending down, he picks up first Jack then Steve Black by the throat. Double boot to the midsection, Levi grunts from the double blow. Sullivan turns and lays out Black with a double arm DDT. Sullivan turns to Leviathan who starts to come at her but turns with the PHOENIX CRUSHER(360 Spinning back kick) Jack falls back on Leviathan's chest and hooks the leg. ~
Belvedere: And your winner via pinfall... JACK SULLIVAN!!!!!!!
Smith: And big win for Jack Sullivan!
Hood: But is it really? If she didn’t win this one, she wasn’t going to fare all that well here.
Smith: She’s OCW blood legacy. She’ll do just fine. Up next we have SYNN vs The Nickleman!
Hood: Oh hell yes! Let’s Go BASTARD!
~“Champion” by Barns Courtney begins playing and Bifford comes out on stage with Earl the Popcorn Salesman. The people pop huge, as they would for a legendary long-time star. The fans in the front row begin doing the bow as Bifford walks past them. Bifford, being a good babyface, takes his time and stops to slap hands with some of the fans before making his way into the ring.~
Smith: The winner of the Rumble in the Bronx, and the man who saved me from the islanders..
Hood: If Bifford wouldn’t have found you, do you think the islanders would have built a statue of you instead of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Smith: I’m just glad to be back.
~The music comes to an end and Bifford is handed a microphone. The fans cheer him.~
Bifford: I know you like cheering me.. And I know when I win the Championship in the middle of nowhere surrounded only by snow and doom, that you will once again cheer me.. But for now.. I think we all know I gotta kinda be the bad guy.
~The fans pop and laugh, apparently agreeing with Bifford.~
Bifford: You see, in The Bronx, some people had a rumble and I came in and tossed those sons of bitches outta there.
~The fans pop again.~
Bifford: And we know what that means.. That means Bifford vs. PIC at the next big event.. Bifford vs. PIC for the OCW Championship. Two icons of excellence who both conquered the loser Outcast and sent him into obscurity.
~The fans start grumbling and talking about Bifford leaving Zybala out.~
Bifford: Bifford vs. PIC for the title should be the biggest match in OCW history to date.. But it’s not. Because an unworthy contender has been added to the match. A man who couldn’t win the Rumble in the Bronx or even be there with me at the end.. A man who pathetically lost in the Rumble and will pathetically lose in his attempt to become OCW Champion.
~The fans start booing Bifford a bit.~
Bifford: Mike Zybala is a loser and doesn’t belong challenging for the Craze Championship let alone the big belt.
~The booing intensifies.~
Bifford: Mike Zybala is willing to put his career on the line? So that’s the big reason why he’s taking down the caliber of our main event? His career isn’t worth much, if you ask me.
~The fans lose their minds and begin screaming at Bifford. Bifford smiles, obviously kinda enjoying the boos that he had become accustomed to for most of his career.~
Bifford: I think the real reason management agreed to put him in this match was so he could take the pinfall and PIC and I can come back for a rematch the next month. Because there is a literal 0% chance that Mike Zybala wins at Hardwired to Self Destruct. But it won’t be PIC that ends your career and sends you into your future career at the Golden Corral refilling iced teas, Zybala. It’s going to be me. I’m going to Biff End your career, just like I did Derek the Mobley in GCWA, just like I did Toothfairy in OCW.
~Bifford walks to the edge of the ring and looks over to where Hood and Smith are.~
Bifford: Before the last time I challenged for the OCW Championship, though it was the illegitimate one, I made a promise.. I promised after I won the belt, I would murder Smith. I am not making that same promise this time, but I promise I will end your career, Zybala. I will murder it and put it in the grave where it belongs, as all long and pathetic careers do.
~Bifford turns as Andrew W.K.'s "Ready To Die" begins playing, the fans pop, and he watches as Mike Zybala makes his way to the ring. Zybala walks out dragging a trash can behind him with one hand and holding a microphone in the other. ~
Zybala: Bifford, Bifford, Bifford. Let me start off by saying this. There are NO Golden Corals up in Buffalo. I do appreciate you being worried about my future endeavors should I not walk away as World Champion. I'll still be making plenty of money as part owner of OCW. Though, I do have some connections still to Red Robin if you're THAT desperate for free food.
~The audience laughs as Bifford rolls his eyes and says, “you sure you don’t want to challenge for the Craze title?” without lifting the microphone to his face. Zybala continues.~
Zybala: But seriously, let me clear up a few things for you. First, PIC versus Zybala in the career against title match was booked well before you won the Rumble in the Bronx. So if anyone doesn't belong in the match, it's you. Yes, you did win a title shot, but you could have waited while I had my turn first. You're being very rude if you ask me. And after PIC beat the man that defeated the man who defeated you for the world belt. That eager to lose again?
~The crowd pops as the camera pans to a fan in the audience with a ‘did he just say that?’ look on his face.~
Zybala: Secondly, YOU'RE going to end my career? How? You gonna let PIC do all the work then push him out of the way when we tired each other out? Just like you did at Carpe Noctem when TLS and myself beat the hell out of each other and you hit a sneak attack Rock Bottom on both of us for the win? Do you have Shawn Warstein on standby to push me off the top rope so you can get the pin on PIC? Or will I be taken out before the match like I was eliminated from The Bronx Rumble before you even entered? Face it big guy, you have never been able to beat me by yourself. You can't even get a simple pair of shoes out of my grasp…… Speaking of…
~Zybala pockets the microphone as he then leans over into the trash can. He pulls out a bottle of lighter fluid and HIS pair of shoes. Biff looks annoyed, but then curious as Zybala then doses the shoes with the lighter fluid before dumping the shoes back in the can. He then empties the lighter fluid into the can before grabbing the microphone again.~
Zybala: These shoes have served as a slightly amusing back and forth between us these past several months, a running gag if you will. But I think the time for jokes is over. What do you think??
~Bifford laughs and says, “I don’t care about the shoes,” off the microphone and Zybala shrugs. He strikes a match and tosses it in the can, immediately setting the contents ablaze. As the shoes burn, Zybala looks at Bifford in the ring. A twinge of anger in the big man's eye can be seen for a split second, but disappears. ~
Zybala: I DID promise you that you would never get my shoes, and now you never will. Just like you will never beat me on your own, just like you'll never get Silverfreak to come back, and just like you'll never kill my career! See you next week.
~Zybala walks away into the back as ring crew members come running out with fire extinguishers. They put out the fire as the camera pans back to Bifford.~
Bifford: Well that was all very entertaining.. A true midcarder showing off his best. However, he doesn’t belong here in the main event. I pinned you and The Lost Soul at the same time, because the two of you aren’t as good ast he one of me. The Rumble in the Bronx continued to prove that. Zybala couldn’t have eliminated me with 50 men at his side..
~Bifford walks and begins pointing at a fan who has a “I don’t deserve this redemption story” sign, turning his back to the aisle. The fans pop huge as Zybala runs to the ring without music, sliding under the ropes. Bifford leans over the ropes as he engages with the fan with the sign, not realizing the pop and the man dashing up behind him. Zybala shoves Bifford with all his might and the huge man topples over the top rope to the floor, crashing and burning hard. The microphone tumbles along with Bifford and makes a tremendous noise. The arena erupts with applause and screaming for Zybala. Zybala exits through the other side of the ring and makes his way quickly up the aisle.~
Hood: He attacked him from behind!
Smith: Bifford had some harsh words, and Zybala wanted to show him that he could get him over the top rope. And he did that!
Hood: I don’t think I’d want to make Bifford angry if I was him.. You don’t want the last few weeks of your career to be all you being given piledriver after piledriver.
~Bifford gets to his feet and grabs the microphone that also fell to the floor. He looks back at Zybala walking up the aisle and shakes his head.~
Bifford: Shouldn’t have done that, you sonofa.. Now I’m going to have to end your career early. Next week - me vs. you, Zybala. One on one. On Massacre. Rumble winner vs. Rumble loser. Multiple-time world champion vs. soon to be retiree. Bifford vs. Zybala! I will piledrive you until there’s no way you make it to the Pay Per View in Canada. I will END you and END your career!
~Bifford’s face, still red with anger from the fall to the floor, glares at Zybala who waves from the aisle.~
~We cut to a local bar in a small town somewhere in...we’ll go ahead and say TEXAS. Monday Night Massacre is airing LIVE on the television behind the bar. Several locals sit, drinking beer, staring up at the screen. These are hardened individuals. Hardened by years of watching OCW TV. They’ve truly seen it all. During a brief commercial break, Cheasy M’s face flashes on screen~
Cheasy M: And just to reiterate. It is true. OCW has been put up for sale.
~We hear a rack of pool balls shatter apart. A deep, angry voice follows~
Voice: What the fuck? Sandy, turn that shit up. Rewind.
~The bartender named ‘Sandy’ and definitely not Annie Alvarez snags the remote. She struggles a bit with it. These fuckin bartenders act like they’ve never worked a remote in their lives. But, she finally gets the TV to go backwards. She cranks up the volume. Back to Cheasy~
Cheasy M: And just to reiterate. It is true. OCW has been put up for sale.
~She hits pause. A cowboy hat slides into view with Lurrr’s scowl underneath it~
Lurrr: It’s for sale. Did you hear that?
Voice: You damn right I heard it, sucka.
~We cut to Dean, standing next to Lurrr. Lurrr turns away from the TV~
Lurrr: You ready to get back in the saddle? You ready to reclaim what we started?
Dean: Let’s make some calls.
~Excitement spreads throughout the bar. Dean and Lurrr reach for their cell phones as they begin to make calls of a financial nature~
~ The scene cuts away from ringside and into a darkened room, the only light that’s available is a trio of candles, each burning brightly. Standing behind the candles is the number one contender to the Paradigm championship: Shane Donovan. ~
Shane Donovan: Well well well. To start things off, I feel like I owe a bit of an apology to the OCW faithful. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t throw a man of Bifford’s size over the top rope on my own. Rather unfortunate for you, and you’ll be cursed with another major event with him haunting the championship scene, and I promise I’ll do better next time.
~ Shane steps closer to the candles gesturing to them. ~
Shane Donovan: A different opportunity has presented itself though, hasn’t it? The newly reinstated Paradigm Championship. Quite a consolation prize, isn’t it? Gives me the opportunity to still do what I came here to do. Before that, however, I have something else that needs doing. There was some chatter backstage about someone needing a match for Massacre next week, and as a warm-up it strikes me as perfect. Dylan Thomas, I’ll be seeing you in the ring.
~ Shane reaches over, pinching the flame of the first candle in order to snuff it out. ~
Shane Donovan: A former multiple champion in OCW. A guy who considers himself part of the heart and soul of this company. The perfect example for me to make. Then next will be Sahara Duke herself. I hope she cherishes her time with that title, because I am something quite different from the refuse she’s had to pick through in order to keep it around her waist. There won’t be second changes given by her husband or chauvinistic underestimation allowing her an escape. Her luck has run out.
~ Shane puts out the second candle in a similar manner before moving towards the last one. ~
Shane Donovan: Once that is done we’ll need to sit down and have a little chat, OCW. I have plans for you, as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now.
~ The man picks up the candle, turning it slowly onto its side and revealing a second wick, which he produces a lighter and sets aflame. ~
Shane Donovan: You’re burning on both ends, OCW. Have been for a long time. Once I’ve addressed your Duke problem, we’ll address that one. Soon.
~ Shane blows out both flames as the scene cuts back to ringside. ~
Belvedere: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...
~ YEN by Slipknot starts to play as SYNN steps out from Checkers Position onto the entranceway smiling her crazy smile. ~
Belvedere: Weighing in at 150 lbs and hailing from Anchorage, Alaska... she is SYNN!!!!!!
~ Synn makes her way down the ramp smiling out at the fans and ready to face The Nickleman. ~
Belvedere: And her opponent...
~ “Since I’m a Bastard – This Grey City” starts to play and the fans boo loudly as he finger-pistols them like the bastard he is. Get it? Anyway.~
Belvedere: Hailing from Steubenville, Ohio representing THE BROTHERHOOD OF BASTARDS as one-part of the OCW Tag Team Champions and is a former OCW Savage Champion.... THE NICKLEMAN!!!!
~ Nickleman gets in the ring, watching SYNN with a disturbing smile of his own. ~
~ Nickleman with his usual cocky smirk upon his face struts to the center of the ring and uncharacteristically holds out his hand for a display of respect. SYNN looks down at the extended hand of Nickleman then back to his face. Finally, in return SYNN extends his left foot and kicks the hand away. While Nickleman took a second to shake the brief pain in his hand, SYNN gets on the offensive by launching an elbow to the side of Nickleman’s head. Stunned, Nickleman staggers back a step, SYNN once more on the offensive wraps up on Ross and nails him with a bridging Northern Lights Suplex. ~
Hood: She’s crafty one.
Smith: Impressive bridge there with the suplex. But Charlie found enough to kick out.
~ Only a two count, but SYNN smirks with satisfaction getting her point across to The Nickleman. There is going to be no fooling around in this match, well, her definition anyway. The Nickleman pulls himself back to his feet, obviously the offensive from SYNN wiped the smirk right off his face. Both competitors’ promenade to the center of the ring and circle one another before The Nickleman raises a hand up, wanting to initiate a tie up. The Nickleman tries to power SYNN into the corner but fails as SYNN pushes back, using her craziness to push The Nickleman' shoulders to the mat, after all Sahara but Nickleman through hell. But, before Juff could even check on the man's shoulders, The Nickleman shows off his neck strength by arching his back to avoid the pinning predicament. The Nickleman begins to push himself back to a vertical base, but not fully, he drops back and pushes his feet into SYNN’s gut sending her up and over with a monkey flip. ~
Hood: The Bastard showing why he is a premier talent in OCW.
Smith: If that was true he would be Paradigm Champion.
~ SYNN quickly scrambles back to her feet, before The Nickleman could even attempt to use some grounded maneuver. The Nickleman rebounds off the eastern ropes, extending his right arm charging forth and attempting a LARIAT-No! SYNN hooks The Nickleman' extended arm with her own and takes The Nickleman off his feet with a hip toss. As soon as The Nickleman hits the mat, SYNN instantly transitions the hold into a quick arm bar. Not really expecting this move, The Nickleman was unable to counter it, but begins to scoot over toward the ropes and places his foot on the bottom rope. Juff approaches SYNN and commands her to drop the hold, but SYNN does not comply and Juff begins to count. Once the count got to three, Juff tells SYNN to release the hold, and this time she did, but glares to Juff. “I got till five!” SYNN says while The Nickleman pulls himself to his feet and takes advantage of the fact that SYNN was distracted by Juff and slaps on a quick side head lock on the weirdo. ~
Hood: The Nickleman is going about this all wrong. SYNN is a world class grappler, as crazy as she is. He is going to need some strategy to outwrestle her.
Smith: And The Nickleman is going to feel a lot weaker with that arm. I must agree, when SYNN finds a target, she sticks to it.
~ With a quick and skilled reaction, SYNN grabs the arm that is cutting off her air supply by the wrist and slips out of the hold. SYNN wrenches The Nickleman' arm behind his back, locking in a hammerlock. Keeping the lock applied, SYNN transitions to the front and hooks in a front face lock as well. SYNN drops to the mat back first, making The Nickleman land head first, planting him with a hammerlock DDT. SYNN, seeing the end quickly goes for a cover. Juff drops to the mat to examine The Nickleman' shoulders before counting the pin. ~
Hood: Nickleman is gonna pull this off. I know. Just like I knew Bifford was gonna win the Rumble.
Smith: Getting driven on his head is not going to improve his odds of winning.
~ SYNN grumbles something about Juff counting too slow and pulls The Nickleman by the hair to a seated position. SYNN squats down behind him and positions herself for a hold similar to a grounded abdominal stretch but instead of torqueing the hold, SYNN decides to work on the neck and head area again by driving an elbow straight into his jaw. SYNN continues to rain a flurry of elbows to the area, Juff unable to do anything about it, seeing as it was perfectly legal. As SYNN continued the assault, the crowd soon began to build up a chant of. “You're gonna get your jaw broke” directed toward The Nickleman. Finally, The Nickleman managed to gain his composure enough to try and fight his way out of the move. The Nickleman fires back an elbow right into the ribs of SYNN. SYNN strikes right back by firing an elbow back to the jaw of The Nickleman. Nickleman begins to realize that it would take more than one elbow to make the relentless attack to stop. The Nickleman began to fire back more elbows, this time in rapid succession until SYNN finally let go and her attack ceased. ~
Hood: Hard ass elbow to the jaw and SYNN let’s go.
Smith: SYNN is quite the talent.
~ SYNN pulls herself back to her feet, favoring her ribs slightly. The Nickleman had a bit of trouble with balance, from all the strikes to the face, but managed to recover rather quickly. The ribs of SYNN were now a target to The Nickleman, and he made that known by landing a hard toe kick in that area. SYNN doubled over and The Nickleman quickly slapped on a front face lock his free arm went to the near leg of SYNN and slamming him back first with a snap suplex. The Nickleman floats over and goes for a cover, hoping that the move just might be enough. ~
Hood: I don’t think that’s gonna be enough.
Smith: If The Nickleman continues to hit moves like that, it will be.
~ It seems The Nickleman made it clear what area he was targeting in the match. Once SYNN gets to her feet, The Nickleman begins to charge. But SYNN side steps the attack and decided to work on the arm once more, with an arm wrench to The Nickleman. SYNN made sure the torque the hold a bit longer, further weakening the arm she had been working on. The Nickleman counters the arm wrench into one of his own. SYNN rolls forward and back to his feet. Her foot pushes the back of The Nickleman' knee and pushed him to the ground. SYNN shifts The Nickleman' arm wrench into an overhead wrist lock. The Nickleman, grabs the hand applying the hold and powers his way back up. The Nickleman decides to end the exchange by kicking SYNN in the ribs. SYNN doubles over once more, favoring his ribs once again.
Hood: SYNN deters The Nickleman from his attacks. The Bastard needs to show why he was two belt Charlie a week ago!
Smith: Nickleman showing he’s human like everyone else.
~ The Nickleman backs up and nails SYNN with a short arm lariat. SYNN backs up into the northern ropes, holding on to them for support. The Nickleman backs up once more, hoping to send SYNN over the ropes with a LARIT-NO! SYNN ducks under and pulls the top rope down. The Nickleman flies right over the ropes and Crashes to the outside. Juff goes up to the end of the ring and begins to count.
Hood: Dumbasses can’t win a match like this.
Smith: Well, that’s technically not true.
~ SYNN backs up, waiting for The Nickleman to get back into the ring. ~
~ The Nickleman finally got back into the ring before 7. He sees SYNN placating to the crowd, coming up behind her he taps her on the shoulder and she turns around to be met with a kick to the stomach as The Bastard hooks her arms and drops her on her skull with the DEVIL HOOK DROP(Double arm DDT) and The Nickleman goes for the pin. ~
Hood: See I told you!
Smith: I rather work with Jones.
Belvedere: And your winner via pinfall... THE NICKLEMAN!!!!!
Smith: And the former Savage champion beats out the woman who weirded the boss out a couple weeks ago.
Hood: She weirded me out, too.
Smith: Yeah, I won’t lie, scared me too. Although even with a loss, she’ll be able to turn around. She certainly has the talent for it.
Hood: Maybe, we’ll see.
Smith: And we’ll be back after these messages!
~The camera cuts to a somber looking Smith and Hood at the announce table.~
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, last Sunday evening at Rumble in the Bronx the OCW World Champion, PIC was involved in a tag title match that saw him carted out on a stretcher after several repeated shots to the head with a wrench. We take you now to the disturbing footage and warn you now, this may not be suitable for young viewers.
~The feed shifts to footage from Rumble in the Bronx.~
~Puff is on his knees before TLS and Thunder Knuckles, as TLS continues to shake his head. On the outside, PIC is beginning to pass out. It's at this point he reaches slowly as far as he can underneath the ring next to him to find something while Bourbon looks around at the crowd mocking them. TLS is slipping too, his hand beginning to shake as it slowly raises. Thunder Knuckles nods furiously, applying more and more pressure screaming for TLS to tap. Suddenly PIC pulls out a wrench from beneath the ring, and with his last ounce of strength smashes it across Bobby Bourbon' face as Puff is too busy with Knuckles and Soul. Bourbon falls back, holding his face as PIC's chest caves in and out heavily while he catches his breath. TLS in the ring suddenly breaks free and screams deafeningly to hush the entire crowd. He jumps to his feet and charges forward to Thunder Knuckles and spears him into the corner. TLS begins to pummel him heavily and carefully kneeing Thunder Knuckles in the groin sending him to the canvas in pain. Bourbon is first to recover outside as TLS climbs up to the top rope. Bourbon grabs the wrench and begins repeatedly bashing it into PIC's face as TLS raises his arms in the air and takes a deep breath, flying off the top rope with a stunning corkscrew shooting star press, hitting Thunder Knuckles dead on in the ring. TLS is still hurt though, and notices what Bourbon is doing. Bourbon drops the wrench, which is now covered in PIC's blood with PIC not moving at ringside.~
~We cut back to ringside as the fans in the arena begin to boo.~
Smith: Earlier tonight we saw Willie Peterson, PIC’s manager, give Cheasy M an update to his condition, but we just received some additional hospital footage from earlier this week that could provide further insight.
~We cut to footage from some point in time before the show. We see the world champion PIC sleeping in a hospital bed, the majority of his face bandaged and bruised. There are many get well cards and balloons and the like. His daughter, Sarah Abrams, sits by his side watching something on the TV that is hanging from the opposite wall. A knock at the door startles her. She opens the door to see the BETTER number one contender, Mike Zybala, in the hospital hallway with a box in his hands. Sarah embraces him with a big hug.~
Sarah: Mike! Thank you so much for coming!
Zybala: Of course. What those bastards did to your dad was sick. I’d say I can’t believe it, but knowing them that’s exactly the kind of thing they’d do.
Sarah: Mike, this is so hard. I haven’t slept in days. Dad’s been in and out of consciousness, and… I just don’t know how much more I can take right now.
Zybala: It’s ok. Listen, why don’t you take a break and go for a walk or something. Clear your head. I’ll stick around here and make sure Steve’s taken care of.
Sarah: You sure? That would really help. I haven’t seen the sky in days.
~Zybala nods. She hugs him again before walking off down the hallway. Mike enters the room and places the box in his lap as he pulls a chair up to PIC’s bed.
Zybala: Hey there, champ. You up for a visit from an old friend?
~PIC’s eyes open. He blinks a few times trying to bring his eyes into focus. When he sees Zybala, a sly grin comes across his lips.~
PIC: Sure. Where is he?
~Zybala laughs, PIC chuckles but immediately regrets it as pain shoots everywhere.~
Zybala: Well at least you haven’t lost your sense of humor.
PIC: I almost lost more than that.
~An awkward silence fills the room. Mike waits a few seconds before jumping in again.~
Zybala: I'd say it could have been worse, but from the looks off it, that may not be true.
~Both men chuckle and PIC grimaces in pain.~
PIC: Oww. Don't make me laugh, man.
Zybala: Sorry, sorry. No jokes. Shit, that bastard really did a number on you.
PIC: He sure did, but it’ll take a hell of a lot more than that to keep me down. I’ll make sure Bourbon, TK, and the rest of those clowns pay for what they did soon enough. I just gotta get out of here first.
Zybala: I don't even wanna ask if you'll be ready for our match. Take as much time as you need to recover. I'm sure Vicky can postpone the match. If I beat ya, I don't want anyone saying that you weren't at your best.
~Before PIC can respond, he starts smelling something. He sniffs carefully, not wanting to hurt himself further.~
PIC: What is that smell?
~Zybala smiles as he lifts up the small box.~
Zybala: Chicken wings from Buffalo! I thought you'd be sick of the bland hospital food. So I grabbed you something tasty. I got you an order of medium and one of mild cuz I don't know how your stomach handles stuff. I wouldn't want to add the runs to your list of woes. And I got you bleu cheese and… ugh.. ranch. I won't judge you if you like the inferior product….. this time.
~Zybala goes to put the box on PIC’s lap but he stops Mike and points to the table.~
PIC: Just leave them there, man. I love wings, but I’m probably gonna have to wait a bit before I eat them. And Mike…
Zybala: Yeah?
PIC: I’ve never missed a match I’ve been scheduled for in my entire career and I’m not about to start now. I don’t know how or even what condition I’ll be in, but I will be there on December 31 and I’ll defend that title with every ounce of life I have left. May the best man win.
Zybala: Don’t worry, Steve. I will.
STATIC---And now something I know you'll really enjoy! May we present to yoooou the wonderful Khloe Kartoooooo---STATIC
STATIC---Should NOT be cleared to compete anywhere sh---STATIC
STATIC---e is the best wrestler ever and on top of that she looooooves h---STATIC
STATIC---ighly unstable and prone to fits of delusions after things don't go her w---STATIC
STATIC---anna get to know Khloe? Well just be tuned in at the next Monday Night---STATIC
STATIC---Massacre. If you’re a member of this OCW Or a fan I implore you to watch yourself around The Lunatic Khloe Cox! Sh---STATIC
STATIC---e has battled Supreme Machines and worked for a immortal Thunder warrior and now she's going to be on your TV EVERY MONDAY. ‘Cept when she has Kartoon stuff to do!---STATIC
Hood: What the fuck was that? Who the hell is that?
Smith: No idea, Hood. No idea.
Hood: Acid flashbacks.
~ The commentators shrug. ~
Welcome to the main event of the evening and it is for the OCW Craze Championship! Introducing first, the challenger!
~The Lights go out and the arena is completely dark. Flames form a circle at the top of the entrance ramp and All Consuming Fire begins to play.~
A figure for the closing of time, the antagonist divine
Belvedere: Weighing in at two-hundred-ninety-five lbs and coming up from the depths of HELL... SOLOMON CAIN!!!!!!
~From the circle and from the ground rises a hooded figured, covered by a black robe, with hood pulled over his head. The figure steps through the flames as they dance around him. The Figure marches to the ring with their head down and covered by the hood. They slide under the bottom rope and slither to the middle of the ring where they rises to their knees and throw their head back to look to the sky as the hood of the robe falls back. The figure slowly rises to their feet and lets the robe fall off of them. Solomon Cain snaps his head forward and flames burst from all four corners of the ring. As the flames die down, the music fades and the lights come up.~
Belvedere: And his opponent... weighing in at 175 lbs and he is the current OCW Craze Champion... accompanied to the ring by Corey Smith... HARMON “HARMONY” EGAN!!
~ A pair of black rimmed eyes open up on the OCWtron as the OCW Arena is bathed in white from effects above in the rafters and the song starts its opening beats. When the song comes to its crescendo the white light is intermixed with violet whirling lights as the OCWtron shows shots of Harmony in action intermixed with flowing Rorschach inkblots. Harmony appears at the top of the entranceway with Corey beside him and books it to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope and crawling to the camera at mat level. He shoots the camera a confident smirk and kips up to his feet, ready for action. ~
~ Cain backs up a few steps, lowering his center of gravity as he shot his arms up, looking like he wanted to go for the standard collar-elbow tie-up, but Harmon isn’t going to have any of this as he promptly snapps his arm up and flicks his hand across Solomon’s cheek with a slap full of disrespect. The bigger man blinks as he takes another step back, dropping one arm as the other withdrew, rubbing a hand slowly across his cheek not because it hurt but because he was in shock Egan did it. Egan stands there with his hands on his hips, his cocky grin still on his face, even as Solomon started to slowly shake his head in response to the disrespect, stepping forward and going for a right hook. Harmon ducks under it, just barely managing to roll off to the side to avoid a muay thai-style kick that had been aimed his way in retaliation to the duck, but he wasn’t quite fast enough to avoid the lariat that drives him back down to the canvas again as Cain finally caught up to Harmony. Rolling out his muscular arm, Solomon reaches down and grabs Harmon by his short hair, starting to pull him up to his feet...only to have his arms batted away and get knocked back by a dropkick! The man formerly known as All Consuming Fire snarls a bit as Egan kips back up to his feet after the dropkick, a grin still on the face of the Craze Champion, even as he lowers his own center of gravity to mimic the wrestling stance that Cain had shown at the beginning of the match. Rather than matching the wrestling stance this time, though, Solomon instead brings his forearms in front of his face, his hands curled up into loose fists, making it obvious that he was fully intending on pounding the snot out of the Craze Champion, but Egan continues to stare at the bigger man, not wavering. ~
Smith: Harmon would be wise not to piss off the big man in Solomon Cain.
Hood: While I would normally agree, this is a Bastard and Craze Champion. He’ll be fine.
~ Rolling out his shoulders, Egan finally scoots in closer, his hands still up in offering of a collar-elbow tie-up, but he ducks and went for a single leg takedown as Solomon went for a left hook. The single leg proved fruitless, however, as Cain sprawls his legs out underneath himself, placing his hands flat on Harmon’s back and then spinning around to assume what looked like a typical opening of an Olympic match. Applying his full weight to Egan’s back, Cain tries to force his opponent down, only to eat canvas by applying a leg lock and shoving forward. Despite the loss of a leg, the bigger man props himself up on his elbows, then shifting a bit to get the leg that wasn’t locked lifted up, using that to start shoving himself upward by scooting backwards on his elbows. Not about to allow the bigger man to gain his base, though, Harmon Egan releases the leg lock and spins around, grabbing the heel of Solomon and attempting to cinch in a single leg Boston Crab. This proves to be a mistake, however, as Cain hooks his heels together and kicks outward, forcing the BOB member to fly forward. Not about to let himself be grounded again, Solomon is up to his feet at the same moment that Harmon is, rolling out his shoulders again before charging forward, going for an uppercut when he is close enough. Egan is able to avoid it, wrapping his legs around Cain’s head and launches him to the ropes with a side spinning head scissors. ~
Smith: Craze Champion is doing a very good job pushing Cain around!
Hood: Hey Smith. What’s the difference between jelly and jam?
Smith:... what?
Hood: I can’t jelly my dick up your mom’s - - -
Smith: SHUT UP!
~ Rolling up to his feet again after the takedown, Solomon is forced between the ropes by a dropkick to his chest, just barely managing to grab a hold of the middle rope on the way out of the ring to keep himself from falling to the floor. Pulling himself up to his feet, the bigger man is barely able to sidestep another dropkick attempt, reaching over the ropes as Egan pops up to his feet and grabbing him by the back of his head. The big man tries to fight out of the group, but isn’t quite quick enough so Cain drops off the edge of the ring, bouncing the mute’s head off of the top rope, the ricochet causing him to smack his feet directly into the canvas. Not about to waste time, Solomon rolled back into the ring and immediately pounced on Egan’s back, his hands slithering around the smaller man’s chin and cranking back with the old school chin lock, his legs flattening out to weigh down on each of his opponent’s arms to make it harder to fight out of the hold. ~
Smith: Cain has him locked in!
Hood: Scruff needs sensitivity training!
~ Scruff starts to ask him if he wants to give up, which is highly insensitive of the veteran referee as Harmon props his knees up to try and get some leverage to get out of the hold, his arms shifting a bit and starting to wrap around Solomon’s shins, trying to force him off. As his hands formed a S lock together, he finally pops up onto the balls of his feet, shoving forward and pulling his arms underneath him at the same moment. As the inverted double leg Boston Crab was locked onto him, Solomon let out a grunt, his eyes darting about the ring as Scruff gets up close and started asking him if he wanted to tap out, though he was shaking his head from side to side. Finally, Solomon Cain pushes up with his arms, lessening the tension of the submission hold as Harmon is forced up onto his feet, reversing it as he kicks, he suddenly launches himself forward, grabbing a hold of the mute’s ankle and attempting to torque him over for the ankle lock.~
Smith: Cain with a great move to go for a submission.
~ Scouting the move, however, Egan drops down to his free knee, driving it into Cain’s chest and then staying there as Scruff drops for a count. ~
Smith: Excellent ring awareness from Egan to turn a submission on him into a pinning attempt FOR him!
Hood: That’s why he is a champion, Smith.
~ Solomon kicks out and at the same time adding the last bit of extra torque needed to make Harmon fall face first to the mat. ~
Smith: Kickout by the challenger and adds insult to injury bouncing Harmon’s face off the canvas!
Hood: Man, I wouldn’t want to wrestle either of these guys. But I would LOVE wrestling your mom again. All. Night. Long.
Smith: I hate you.
~ Keeping the leg scissor’d as a way to keep him held in place, Cain grips his forearm with his other hand, applying extra pressure to the ankle lock. As Scruff starts with his insensitive question, to ask Egan if he wants to give up, the mute shakes his head vigorously from side to side, even as he grips the canvas of the mat. Finally, he glances behind himself and, despite the situation, he grins as he realized their positioning in the ring. Placing his palms flat against the mat, the Brotherhood of Bastards member pushes up and then backward, Scruff staying beside Harmon for a moment longer before looking back and, upon seeing that Cain is under the ropes, dove over and told him to break the hold. As Solomon held onto the hold, Scruff finally begins the five count that could get Cain disqualified, but Cain breaks the hold at four, grunting as he got up to his feet. Favoring his ankle, Egan gets up to his feet considerably slower, not able to fend off Solomon as the bigger man went for another collar-elbow tie-up. Jockeying back and forth for position, the bigger man finally shoots Harmon off to the ropes, only to have to hop over as the Craze champion dove at his feet in an attempt at an ankle lock takedown. Not about to lose his momentum, though, Egan front flips up to his feet, stumbling a bit due to the torque that had been added to his ankle, but he nonetheless runs for the opposing ropes. As he comes back, the mute leaped up, looking for the Lou Thesz Pre--NO! ~
Smith: Quick thinking on Solomon right there!
~ As Solomon’s back hits the canvas, he stuck his hands between their respective bodies, one of his legs scissoring around the leg of Harmon’s that hadn’t been previously hurt in the process of the math. Rolling through, Cain grabs the other leg of the Bastard with his hands, his own forearm being gripped by his hand as he rolls flat to his stomach, torqueing on a Jiu Jitsu type maneuver. Egan feels his ankle again being torqued on as Scruff keeps being an insensitive son of a bitch asking him if he wants t quit. Shaking his head, the Bastard again places his palms flat against the canvas to lever himself upward, rolling his knees a bit before he launches himself backward, reversing the hold into a pin attempt, his palms resting against the mat on the other side of Cain as he bridges to keep his own shoulders from being placed against the mat. ~
~ Solomon breaks the hold to avoid being pinned, though the big man rolls right back up to his feet and stalks over to Egan, who drops his back after the submission had been broken to give his ankles a rest. Bending down, the bigger man goes to grab the mute by his hair...only to have his arm get scissor’d by his opponent, the cross-arm submission being cinched in as he had ankles placed against his face. With his free hand, he started pummeling Harmon’s side with right hands to try and break the hold, obviously annoyed Harmon still has tremendous amount of fight left. After a few more hits, the hold is finally broken. Solomon standing up to his full height as he shakes out his arm, his annoyance more than obvious before he bends down, attempting to grab at Egan’s ankle this time...only to get thrown over with a kip-up hurracarana! ~
Smith: Wow! Never thought I would see Cain get thrown around like that!
Hood: Reminds me of your mom!
~ Cain’s shoulders eat canvas as he was thrown over, Harmon hopping up to his feet with ease since the hurracarana had placed him belly down in place of being on his back as he had been. Taking quick advantage of the situation, managing to get up to one knee with his back to Egan. Falling forward with a bit of a stunned expression on his face, Cain isn’t able to fight back as the Bastard begins to lay into him with stomps to his back and side, topping it all off with an elbow drop to the shoulder of his downed opponent. Rolling Cain over to his back, Harmon reached down, rolling the bigger man’s ankles together, looking like he was setting up for a STF of sorts! Solomon kicks his legs out to get out of the hold, rolling to his back at the same time to strike out with a kick as Egan is sent to his back, the foot just happening to catch the ankle he had been working on so much as the match had progressed. A yelp of pain would escape a speaking man but the mute can’t as he crawls away from the bigger man to avoid the pain, but this proved to be a bad idea as Solomon pulled himself up to his feet by using the ropes and turnbuckles, eyeing the smaller man for a few moments before stalking across the ring. Flipping over onto his back, Harmon scoots back until Cain was basically right atop him, at which point he starts lashing out with his uninjured ankle, trying to keep the bigger man back by assuming the guard position. Snorting in obvious disrespect about the attempt, he kicks away the foot that was keeping him back, then dives in, starting to lay into the smaller man with lefts and rights, Scruff again beginning the five count as Harmon had scooted into the ropes. ~
Smith: He needs to let go or this match is over!
Hood: He will, he wants that the title. At least I think that’s what he wants!
Scruff: 1!
Smith: I don’t think he’s gonna let go, Hood!
Hood: You might be right!
~ Scruff is yelling in Solomon’s ear he’s gonna call for the bell and Cain ignores him refusing to let go. Scruff yells for the bell! ~
Belvedere: And your winner and still OCW CRAZE CHAMPION... HARMON “HARMONY” EGAN!!!!!!
~ The Knife Man, Machete Phil and Eddy Bueger run down to ringside as Solomon Cain finally lets go of Harmon as the three men check on Harmon who pushes them away and tackles Cain from behind, feeding forearm shots into the back of Cain’s head. If he could yell, he would as he looks enraged. Corey Smith enters the ring to check on his client and help the three men keep the two apart from one another.. ~
Smith: I guess his goal was to hurt Harmon instead of becoming the Craze Champion but Harmon has something to say about that.
Hood: That’s really insensitive, Smith. You should know better. I don’t know about you, but I think the only goal Cain has is to hurt anyone who steps into the ring with him.
Smith: I meant he was speaking with his fists, you ass. Anyway, it looks like he succeeded. I doubt the Commissioner will be giving any more shots in the future.
Hood: He still has a shot at the OCW Tag Team titles with The Lost Soul.
Smith: Very true. While these two continue to try and get at one another, we have to say goodnight! We’ll see you all again next week for another edition of Monday Night Massacre! See you soon!
~ The scene slowly fades out with Harmon Egan holding his Craze title high, being helped by his manager to the back. ~
LIVE! December 5th 2022
Void of vacant word, one final answer to be heard
I will carry my decree into a storm of lead
This is total war, my want for tolerance is dead
To my last breath
I am someone to hate