LIVE! November 7th 2022
Key West, Florida
~ The Massacre Intro video starts to play as “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns’N’Roses plays in the background as we get a shot of BOB holding their OCW Tag Team Titles up in the air, Lissandra kissing A-Lister Dylan Thomas, followed by a shot of Mike Zybala stealing his shoes back out of The Big Bifford’s locker room, Harmon Egan holding his OCW Craze Title above his head, Tearra Skye hitting a Swanton on Dylan Thomas, Sahara with the TransAtlantic title around her waist yelling at her Reservoir Dogs, Victoria Strader microphone in hand laying down the law, Mike Mason making the women Audibly Ovulate, and finally settling on a battered PIC holding the OCW Title high. We switch from video to the OCW faithful inside the historic OCW Arena as the camera pans around, catching signs from the Faithful.~
~ The OCWtron lights up and we are backstage with THE COMMISSIONER and KNUX the head of security. Victoria doesn’t look very pleased but if Tamika was the nice one that probably means she is bitchy one. ~
Victoria Strader: So you mean Veronica almost go in here earlier?
KNUX: Ma’am, we made sure she didn’t but you should know she was yelling about Outcast and saying you did it.
~ Victoria scoffs and shakes her head. ~
Victoria Strader: Main thing is she didn’t. We will be at Nassau Coliseum next Monday anyway as we approach Rumble in the Bronx, and that won’t be too much of a worry as she doesn’t know that arena like here at the OCW Arena. Let me know if she tries again.
~ KNUX nods as Victoria walks off the screen of the OCWtron. ~
~ The OCWtron lights up and it’s backstage in the locker room area. The faithful give a pop as they see Tearra Skye lacing up her boots and Nikki Walker standing by. ~
Nikki Walker: Nerveux?
Tearra Skye: No, not at all. More concerned that I am rusty.
Nikki Walker: You’ve trained hard.
~ Nikki flexes and imitates a grunt with a wink and Tearra laughs. ~
Tearra Skye: I know, Froggy really worked me over the last couple weeks. I just don’t want to end up on one of those social media accounts showing all the bad botches!
~ Nikki nods while taking a seat beside Skye. ~
Nikki Walker: Vous n'êtes pas un hors-la-loi de la boue.
Tearra Skye: No, you are right. I’m not some outlaw mud show wrestler. Merci, Nikki.
~ The young friends embrace for a moment. Tearra pulls back with a smile. ~
Nikki Walker: What’s with the…
~ Nikki gestures to her smile. ~
Tearra Skye: With you by my side, it’s only up from here!
Nikki Walker: God, you are so sentimental!
~ The Skye-Walkers head out of their locker room door. ~
~ ‘Give It Away’ starts to play throughout the arena with the lights flashing in a range of neon colours. ~
Belvedere: Introducing next…
Belvedere: hailing from Pierrefonds, Québec weighing in at 135lbs... accompanied by her tag team partner and manager Nikki Walker… she is… TEARRA SKYE!!!!
~ Tearra sprints to the ring, jumps to the apron and flips over the top rope, thrusting her fists in the air as she rises up while Nikki takes position in the far corner on the floor. ~
Smith: Heya Folks! I’m Smith and always I have this assshole beside me, Hood! We are starting off tonight HOT heading right into our first match!
Hood: Oh yeah!!!!! We get to see some Tearra Skye in action!
Smith: I watched her match against Dylan Thomas on the OCW network, and she was quite impressive. It’s great I get to be here for the return!
~ As the vocals of Queens Of The Stone Age blast through the crackling arena speakers, the OCW Faithful stands to their feet when a dark blue spotlight beams down at the entryway. The camera descends to gradually reveal Cass Baumer. The old-school brawler struts down the aisle in a dark blue leather jacket over her ring gear until she nears the center of the clearing. She spins and steps backward, spreading her arms to show off the gold splatter target symbol embroidered patch at the back of her distressed coat. ~
Belvedere: Hailing from Karori, Wellington, New Zealand weighing in at 141lbs... CASS... BAUMER!!!!!!!!!
~ "Smooth Sailing" continues while Baumer's lips form a triumphant smirk, her head turned to the side 'til she leisurely twirls back when she nears the apron. She stops at the steel steps to survey the OCW Faithful with a smile. She follows it up by sliding into the ring. The cheers grow as she bounces back to her feet and mounts the ropes, raising her fist with pride as she answers the OCW Faithful's visceral reaction with a guttural shout of her own! Then, she dismounts. ~
Smith: Another return in Cass Baumer who was fired after The Margarita Mix where she floundered.
Hood: Yeah, well, it was Dane Preston.
Smith: Be that as it may, The Commissioner has decided to give her a shot. What we have seen from Victoria Strader already, Baumer best not let the boss down. Not talking wins and losses but promoting the company, which is what the Boss Lady expects from everyone on the roster.
Hood: She wants them to be all PROUD and STRONG, Smith. We’ll see it if that happens!
~ Baumer is the first to wander to the center of the ring, keeping her body low. Tearra follows suit, standing up, in a more confidant stance. Both women finally meet in the center and test each other with a collar elbow tie up. Baumer quickly maneuvers herself out of it and grabs a hold of Tearra’s left arm, working it with an arm wrench. Tearra rolls forward to get out of the hold and tries to take Baumer to the canvas with an arm wrench of her own. However, on the way down, Baumer rolls forward, doing a slight head stand before landing on her feet and reapplying her original arm wrench. Baumer slips behind Tearra, turning the arm wrench into a hammerlock. Tearra struggles for a second to get out of the hold, before she finally drops down and hits a drop toe hold on Baumer, taking her to the mat. Tearra hovers over the body of Baumer and attempts to lock in a grounded headlock, but Baumer rolls to the side. She grabs a hold of Tearra’s left arm and rolls yet again, wrenching Tearra’s arm and making her collapse to the mat. Baumer applies another hammerlock on the grounded Tearra, she then raises her left knee high and brings it down upon Tearra’s arm. Quickly, Baumer brings down yet another knee. Baumer leans down, applying more pressure on the hold, but Tearra eases the pressure by raising herself on her knees. Baumer gets to her feet, letting Tearra get to a vertical base, only to bring her back down with a headlock takeover. Tearra quickly applies a head scissors as a counter, Baumer rolls out of it back to her feet, and Tearra soon after. Tearra applies a headlock take down, taking Baumer to the mat. This time Baumer counters by applying a head scissors. Tearra kips up to get out of the hold before both women get back to their feet.
Smith: Baumer and Tearra start out working over the mat and each other’s arms.
Hood: Cass seeming to have the advantage in the technical opening actually but Baumer has been at this longer than Skye.
~ Both women catch their breaths as the OCW Faithful cheers the wrestling clinic. Soon a double chant starts to echo throughout the arena. ~
~ Both women take time to pander to the OCW Faithful to try and get a louder following than the other. The results are dead even as both women begin to orbit each other before meeting once more in a collar elbow tie up. Tearra slips behind Baumer and applies a waist lock. Baumer hands shoot down to the left wrist of Tearra as she tries to loosen the hold. In which she succeeds, taking a hold of Tearra’s arm and slips behind her applying another hammerlock. Tearra raises her free arm and wraps it around Baumer’ neck. Tearra jumps up causes them both to hit the mat rolling. Baumer bounces off the southern ropes and charges toward Tearra, who drops to the mat. Baumer rebounds off the opposite ropes only to have Tearra jump over her. Tearra charges to Baumer, who also jumps right over her. Tearra wheels around and kicks Baumer in the gut and then whips her into the southwest turnbuckle. But before Baumer could collide with the corner, she grabs top rope and floats right over the charging Tearra. Tearra Skye wheels around to try and get back on the offensive, but meets the left knee of Baumer in the gut. Tearra doubles over and gets struck by an elbow to the face. Tearra staggers and uses the ropes to support herself. Baumer whips Tearra into the opposite ropes and on the rebound, lifts her up for a sidewalk slam. Tearra however, uses Baumer arm as a bar to flip out of it landing back upon her feet. Baumer wheels around hitting a DISCUS LARIA-TEARRA DUCKS! Baumer nearly lost balance from missing her target, but catches herself on the ropes. Tearra smirks and nails Baumer with a LARIAT SENDING HER OVER THE ROPES!!!!! ~
Smith: What a nice lariat and it sent Baumer packing over the ropes in a crash.
Hood: Nikki looks to be quite pleased with her buddy!
~ Baumer lays dazed on the floor as Gruff stands at the end of the ring, starts the count. Tearra shuffled across the ring in a cocky fashion, feeling pretty good about herself as she talks to Nikki on the game plan. ~
~ Baumer finally manages to get her bearings back together and pulls herself back to her feet. At the count of Four, Baumer slides in under the bottom rope, only to back out of the ring to avoid a stomp from Tearra. Baumer tapped the side of her temple, telling Tearra she telegraphed that. Tearra backs up to the center of the ring, as Gruff restarts the count. ~
Smith: Tearra misses out of the stomp, as Baumer out smarts Skye here in the early goings. Veteran advantage over the hot rookie!
Hood: I wouldn’t kick her out of bed.
~ Baumer finally slides back into the ring and jumps to her feet. Baumer raises her right arm, trying to initiate a knuckle tie up with Tearra. Skye, however has a different idea! Tearra lands a kick on Baumer’s gut and then whips her into the ropes. Upon the rebound, Tearra catches Baumer in an arm drag, taking her to the mat. Tearra follows through the arm drag, applying an arm bar. Baumer attempts to kip up and roll through, but Tearra managed to shift her weight to make Baumer roll right back into the arm bar. Baumer attempts another roll through, yet meets the same result as last time. Baumer tries for a third time and this time rolls Tearra’s shoulders onto the mat. ~
Hood: These two definitely studied their opponent!
~ Tearra goes into a head stand to break the pin. Baumer cringes at this, the arm bar still applied, Baumer raises her trapped arm. Her free arm clutches the right arm of Tearra and Baumer manages to heave Tearra onto her shoulder. Baumer drops backwards on Tearra. Both women hit the mat with a sickening thud, Baumer rolls onto her stomach, favoring her arm. Baumer returns to her feet. Baumer pulls Tearra back to her feet, then throws her into the northern ropes. Upon the rebound, Baumer strikes with a back elbow, knocking Tearra down. Baumer goes for the cover. ~
Smith: Going to take more than that to put away Skye!
~ Baumer pulls Tearra back to her feet roughly and by her hair, delivering a euro upper cut and pushes Tearra Skye into the turnbuckle. Cass Baumer starts snapping in chops repeatedly reddening the chest of her partner. In form of a receipt Tearra switches up the positions, snapping in her own few chops. Not sticking around with that tactic very long Tearra knees high at Cass’s bewbs, pulling her out and snapping back in suplex. Skye backs off letting her fellow OCW Talent returnee get to her feet, stalking her over a tad as she rises. At a vertical Tearra snaps in with a quickly lock up, not letting Cass respond she whips up and behind. Holding in a waist lock Baumer wakes up a little from her daze and plants a sturdy base. Cass doesn’t think she needs to watch herself as Skye looks to be taking a breath but Tearra makes her pay with a thrust kick followed by ...DIRTY NEEDLE(Exploder Suplex)!!!!! Skye makes a pin. ~
3KICKOUT and a roll through!
Smith: Baumer kick’s out but that was a close call!
Hood: Looks like the hot junkie is getting ready to end it!
~ Tearra pulls Cass back to her feet and in desperation Cass launches back a few elbows until she is able to break the clasp around her waist. In doing so Baumer continues to work the arm, taking it and twirling it in an arm wrench, Skye quickly counters with an arm wringer sending Cass slightly across the ring. Boosting back to their feet they share a look of half impression, and half entertainment. Tearra and Baumer move light on their feet, skillfully moving in and grabbing each other in a collar lock up. Skye attempts a break away, however, is held in by Cass, pushing Skye to the ground upon her attempt. Cass gains the first advantage, dropping down and hooking under Skye’s arm and head. The front face lock like maneuver Is countered as Tearra, with skill, rolls the two women, causing Cass to be on her back. From there Tearra breaks the interlocked fingers, pushing out of the hold, and grabbing Cass in an arm bar. Jacob wastes no time as she moves to her feet, bringing Tearra with her, still in the submission hold. Cass stands behind Skye as they become vertical, because of the way the hold is placed. This positioning also supplies a counter as Cass pulls her arm back, and sweeps Hunters legs. As Skye falls however, she switches up her grip, pulling Cass overhead with an arm wringer. Baumer hits the mat with a roll, returning to her feet with intentions of following up. Skye made it to her feet as well turning in time to counter a clothesline attempt, hooking up behind Cass with a half nelson! Tearra is unable to make the launch as Cass switched up, grabbing Skye in her own reverse waist lock. Skye widens her base attempting to break the hold, but is merely lifted off the ground and dropped back down to the side with a take down. Cass moves around attempting to get a good lock on the arm, but a speedy Tearra rolls and twisted, getting away and back to her feet. Baumer and Tearra stood now back to their feet separated, the Faithful interested in the further exchanges. ~
Smith: It is really hard to call this action, they are too fast to respond to.
Hood: Here I thought heroin slows ya down.
~ Finally both women circle to the middle, Baumer with both of her hands balled up into fist lowered toward her waist while Tearra was in more of a defensive stance. To test the waters a tad, Tearra shot towards Baumer. In which the Cassinator side steps easily. They both close in once more, Baumer slapping the hands of Tearra feigning a lock up. Finally, they lock up again in a collar tie up. Tearra was the first to offensive as she forced the left arm into a wrist lock. Tearra twisted Baumer’s arm to put more torque on the lock. Cass with her free hand tried to poke Tearra in the eyes, however, Tearra Skye managed to glace it off by moving her head with each attempt. Baumer rolled on the mat as a secondary tactic, but seemingly in it goes in vain, Skye had the hold in tight. Tearra twirls bringing back the lock, following up she forces Baumer’s arm back bringing her back to the mat. Tearra Skye goes down to one knee keeping the wrist lock locked in. Gruff went on all fours to see if Baumer’s shoulders were on the ground. Cass suddenly kipped up, now trying to pry Tearra’s hands off her wrist while intertwining her leg with her. Finally, Baumer let’s go and decides to use brute force to get out, elbows soon knocked Skye right in the face. One elbow, two elbows, rocking the former junkie but Tearra slams one of her own right into Baumer’s gut bending her over and ROAD TO METHADONE (Famouser followed by a leg drop). She hooks the leg as Nikki slaps the ring apron. ~
Belvedere: And your winner by pinfall... TEARRA SKYE!!!!!!
Smith: Tearra pulls out the return win! She looks very excited celebrating with Nikki Walker!
Hood: I’ve heard rumblings that people think she is one of the more memorable people to come into OCW, and even though it’s only her second match she looks to have a very bright future.
Smith: As does Cass Baumer! She wrestled a hell of a match and it really could’ve gone either way.
~Back from break, the cameras pan the stands as many fans are returning to their seats before the camera settles on the entrance way. A few seconds later, Leo emerges from backstage.
Hood: We’re back here on Massacre and Smith, it seems we’re about to be joined by Leo, of all people!
Smith: Thaddeus Duke’s gopher has no business out here. He runs the social media now that the book was taken from him.
Leo: What’s up Key West!?
~The OCW faithful raises their decibel level at the Leo cheap pop.
Leo: I could think of about a thousand other places I’d rather be right now than right here in Key West!
~The fans in the deep south cheer loudly before realizing Leo just took a shit on them. They act in kind as their cheers turn to a mix of boos.
Leo: Let’s get this party started… without further adieeeuuuu, chicks and dudes, chickettes and lil dudes, please welcome the majority owner of OCW… THADDEUS DUUUKE!
~As the high pitched guitar riff winds up, the OCW arena is filled with intense gold lighting. As the riff dips, the gold lighting lights up only the ring and the aisle way as the stands remain dark.
Hood: (applauding) Give it up for Leo! Who is now apparently the Lionheart’s personal ring announcer!
Smith: Thaddeus Duke has been teasing some sort of announcement all week, Jones. Maybe it’s time for that very announcement!
~Dressed in a suit with no tie and an open collar, Thaddeus Duke emerges from backstage hand in hand with his wife Sahara. The “IT” power couple is lead out by their son Frankie. He too is dressed in a tailored suit and carries Sahara’s TransAtlantic championship. Cyrus Braddock and Sahara’s security detail brings up the rear and flanks their charge. Some fans cheer for the Duke’s but most do their due diligence and boo the anti-Key West contingent.
Smith: Young Frankie Duke looks well, Jones!
Hood: It’s my understanding that he’s recovered well from his ordeal here a couple months ago.
Smith: No doubt that young man has been the centerpiece for some major happenings here in OCW.
Hood: Listen, I know what people say and think about the Duke’s. What happened to Frankie is just way way way out of bounds and even you, a staunch Duke detractor has got to admit that.
Smith: I agree with you 100%. He’s just a kid hanging out while his mother and father do their job. It never should’ve happened.
~At the ring, Thad steps on the bottom rope and pulls up the middle, allowing Frankie to enter. After, he sits on the middle rope, allowing Sahara to enter before stepping through himself. Cyrus Braddock stays behind the Duke’s scanning the crowd. Sahara’s security detail position themselves outside with their backs to the ring.
Thad: I’d say that it’s great to be here, but I know how you feel about me and believe me when I tell you, that the feeling is more than mutual.
~The pro-Duke contingent remains, but they’re largely drowned out by the haters.
Thad: I’m not sorry I took OCW away from you. I’m not sorry that I sold this shithole arena and I’m not sorry that sooner or later, I’ll take OCW away from you all over again.
Hood: Tell ‘em like it is, Thad!
Smith: Love him or hate him, he’s always been pretty honest. Which, really that says a lot in this business.
Hood: That’s what I always loved about him, Smith! He’s a blunt kind of guy and its refreshing.
~Thad starts to pace the ring slowly.
Thad: For the past week I’ve been teasing an announcement so, I’m just gonna get to it. Since the beginning of this year as I was preparing to beat my legendary father, I started to wonder why I was still in this business.
I’ve done it all.
Every championship I ever chased, I put around my waist.
I’ve had more big match victories than I can count and lost so few that it’s hardly even worth mentioning. I’ve sold out arenas all over the world.
~He stops pacing for a moment to look at the crowd directly.
Thad: Whether you loved me or hated me, you still bought my merchandise. You still paid to see me do what I do better than anyone. Whether you cheered my every move or boo’d my every word, I was nothing without each and every one of you.
~Key West, perhaps surprisingly, pops big for the Thaddeus Duke acknowledgement.
Hood: Smith…
Smith: Jones, what are we hearing right now?
Thad: During all those late nights as I criss crossed around the globe, even if you wanted me to lose and I didn’t give you what you wanted, so many of you would congregate as I walked through the airports and entered hotel lobbies.
Even if you hated me, I never hesitated to give all you my time. I never hesitated to sign autographs and pose for selfies.
It was my job.
And I’ve loved every minute of it.
~He pauses and takes off his jacket before tossing it on Frankie’s head. The boy stands there like “really?” before removing it.
Hood: Smith, this sounds like…
Smith: I know it does.
Hood: How would you feel?
Smith: Like this business lost a crucial piece of the overall puzzle. This business absolutely needs more men and women like Thaddeus Duke.
Hood: He’s a rare breed.
Thad: It’s strange, ya know? As my contract with the XWF was winding down earlier this year, I was entering a stage in my life where I loved being a father and a husband more than anything.
~Thad looks at both Frankie and Sahara.
Thad: It forced me to look deep within to see if I still wanted to do this job when it has and always will come second place to my family. Just as my XWF contract was about to expire, I made some moves that saw me buy up a majority stake in OCW.
And I know that has gained me a lot of enemies within these walls, but look at how far we’ve come since.
You can say whatever you want about me or some of the things I do, but since my purchase of this company, look at the talent that I’ve brought with me. Not the least of which stands right here in this ring.
~Thad and Sahara smile at each other briefly before Thad continues on.
Thad: So I took that long look within myself to see if I really wanted to keep doing this wrestling thing. It’s come down to this… As of this moment, I’m r…..
~He cuts himself off.
Hood: Don’t do it Thad!
Thad: As of this moment, I’m re…..
~Again, he cuts himself off, almost unable to finish the word.
Smith: I can’t believe what I’m hearing!
Thad: I’m reeeeeeee….
~One more time, he cuts himself off.
Hood: C’mon Thad! Don’t do it!
~The fans, realizing what’s coming, begin a “Thank you Thad” chant.
Thad: The fact is, you can say whatever you want about Easton Alexander but when the bell rang and we started our war… it felt like home. I want each and every one of you sitting here in Key West. I want each and every one of you watching at home to get a good look at this face…
Because I am formally announcing my return to the ring!
~Roarous pop.
Smith: That’s good news for professional wrestling and great news for OCW!
Thad: What’s more is, as of this moment, I’m officially throwing my proverbial hat into the ring for the Rumble in the Bronx!
~The theme and tron hit again as the Duke’s start to make their way out of the ring. Most fans are cheering the revelation.
Hood: He fuckin’ got me!