OCW Magazine - June 2002
July 14th, 2002:
Attention Readers!
I come to you today under much pressure. As the editor of this magazine, I have been forced to make some very tough decisions. It will come to you as no secret that the past few months in OCW have been very controversial. Let me assure you, after being pressured from both sides of the fence, I have decided to let it continue.
Inside this magazine are some very harsh articles. There are two particular articles featuring a segment that went down on Tuesday Night Massacre on July 9th. The articles are extremely opinionated, and I would like to remind you that, as a magazine editor, my job is to get out BOTH sides, the good and the bad, in the stories.
I take this time to warn you...the following articles are very harsh to wards some... Please credit ONLY the writers of each article as to his/her opinions.
Once again, enter at your own risk. I feel very committed to this job, as it is fun, exciting and exposes things you never knew...but again, unless my name is signed at the bottom, the opinions are not those of mine, or anyone else not signed.
Josh Allen
Josh Allen: Welcome Jason. Let's begin. So how does it feel to be the new OCW Internet Champion?
Jason Stone: Well, it obviously feels great. The best thing is that I proved all the doubters wrong. TONS of people told me that I'd be stuck down in the bottom of the card forever, because they thought I just didn't have the ability. It's good to know that all those idiots will now have to shut their faces. I'm the Internet Champion, they aren't.
Josh Allen: Do you have any thoughts on Eliminator just "walking out" and proclaiming that he would be competing for the International Championship?
Jason Stone: At first, I thought he was just a complete girl. I thought he was running away from the Internet Division because of the stipulations, and I couldn't believe that he couldn't take the humiliation like a man. Now, I realize that he's just leaving because he's scared of me. Hmm... that means he still is a complete girl. Anyway, I wish him the best of luck in the International Division, House of Pain is a real force to reckon with... *rolls eyes*
Josh Allen: Jason, everyone is wondering - why did you join Blitzkrieg, and what benefits do you have being in this so called "elite" stable?
Jason Stone: I joined because I felt it was the smartest decision at the time. My initial reasoning was that I could've used the exposure, and being in a stable with such legends like The Great One, Andy Murray, and Fenix, it couldn't be a bad thing. Now, I have different reasoning. The stable is such a dominating collection of talent, that it would be complete idiocy to oppose it. Also, there are GREAT benefits in siding with The Great One.
Josh Allen: Right now is probably the most controversial time in OCW history. With the return of Owner and President Dean, can you give your thoughts on what you like and don't like so far with the return of Dean?
Jason Stone: I'm happy that Dean is back. I initially joined OCW when Ace was in charge, but almost immediately after that, Dean took back control. Dean was the one who gave me my first boost of self-confidence when I joined. He said that magic word - potential. Now that I've capitalized on my potential, I have Dean to thank, because without his words of wisdom, I may have never gotten better. Maybe I'd have never gotten recruited into Blitzkrieg. Maybe I wouldn't be Internet Champion. Who knows. However, I don't think beating up gay people is the way to make it know that you're back - just an opinion.
Josh Allen: Jason, on which side of the fence do you stand? Are you an OCW defender, or one of the MoB invaders?
Jason Stone: Well I'm obviously not one of the MoB invaders. If I were I would've been out ther invading with Dean. Did you even watch Dean's return?
Josh Allen: What do you think about The Great One?
Jason Stone: He's my mentor. He molded me into the wrestler that I am today, and he is responsible for my improvements in all aspects of this sport. When he came to me and asked me to join Blitzkrieg, I felt that he saw something in me, some talent that was waiting to burst out. I thank him for that confidence in me.
Josh Allen: What do you think about Fenix?
Jason Stone: An amazing talent. Some of the things he does in the ring just amaze me. He should've had a World Title shot soon, but you had to cheat.
Josh Allen: *Rolling eyes* What are your opinions on Andy Murray?
Jason Stone: Superior, enough said.
Josh Allen: What do you hope to accomplish as the Internet champion and, is there anything you don't want to see as champion? (I.E. Goldfish matches)
Jason Stone: My only interest is to hold onto this title as long as I can. I don't take losing very well, so I will be doing anything I can to ensure that this title stays on my shoulder. Hopefully, with the return of Dean, there will be no more degrading matches for this title, but if there is, then I'll be a man and accept them, not run away like Eliminator.
Josh Allen: Thank you very much Jason.
*This interview was ended with Jason Stone being carried away by the camera men*
MOVIE: Forrest Gump
TV SHOW: Blossom or Growing Pains
SONG: Junkhead by Alice In Chains
FOOD: String Cheese
Freak Speaks :: Tradition is Dead... July 2002 by: Silverfreak
We are living in a near dying sport, you know why? Because politics is ruining it for the people who made it great. No longer is it a contest of who is the better man, now it's become a "I lost so I'm gonna take my ball and go home" kind of game. When I first came into this buisness there were two classes of people. The long timers and the new guys.
The new guys looked up to the long timers because in our eyes, they were the best of the best. We wanted to BE those people, because they had it all, the gold, the fame, the fourtune. These days though, it's not "cool" or "socially acceptable" to look up to people. Now it's more about "I'm better than everyone else, shut up".
When I had to work my ass off, day in and day out to work up the ladder, these "kids" these days are riding on the coat-tails of the trails guys like me blazed and calling them their own. There's no respect now, only little groups of friends that like to stick together, or cause trouble just because they have nothing else better to do.
In the older days when you lost a match, you congradulated the other man and you moved on to fight another day. You didn't cry, bitch and moan and then quit because you didn't get you way, then quit because you think the owner has something against you. This childhood mentality is what's killing the sport I helped create. I hate it, I really do. Is there even a place for the "old school" compeditors like myself and a handful of others these days?
Maybe. Maybe if they can put up with the "children" who want to turn this sport into a popularity contest instead of what it should be, a compitition. Guys these days aren't looked apon as great for accomplishing something, they are only told that they don't have a real life. That they spend too much time in this sport, and that makes them a loser. The truth is, these people who throw these harmful words at people who are flat out better than them is jealousy. Instead of working to becoming better, they'd rather just throw insults and comedy at their problems. It's sad, really sad.
So is there a future? Probably not. If things keep going the way they are then "children" will be running our sport, because the old guys have had enough.
Respect? Dignity? Show me where it is in the OCW. That’s right, you won’t find it, because it simply does not exist. At least not when it comes to “President” Dean. This corrupt, morally bankrupt, bitter old dinosaur who is steadily running the OCW into the ground for his own purposes. This man whom I thought was a friend, but who is nothing more than a treacherous, vengeful backstabber. This man whom after I announced my retirement and left the company, decided to mock me, and slander my name. I don’t even know why I call this person a “man”, for he is the farthest from being a man. A REAL man would have let one of his hardest workers retire with dignity. A REAL man would have said “Thanks for all of the effort you put into making this company one of the greatest there ever was”. President Dean is no man. He is but a mere little boy.
So, to set the record straight, the OCW is still one of the greatest organizations I have ever had the privilege to work for. This one little incident by an immature, classless, geriatric little sleaze will not ruin the great experience I had here. I did what I came to the OCW to do: Winning the World Title. Nobody can ever take that away from me. You think I give a damn if this article keeps me out of the Hall of Fame? Believe me, if you’ve been in one Hall of Fame, you’ve been in them all, and trust when I say that I am in plenty. President Dean would be better off selling popcorn than trying to run a company, because we’ve all seen his previous attempts at doing it. Each and every time, it has been a complete failure, and this time will be no different. He’ll eventually bail on the company once again, leaving everyone hanging as he usually does. Similar to his lackluster wrestling career, it seems that Dean is mediocrity at it’s finest.
Now, stooping to “deano’s” unprofessional level just for a bit and just because I can….
Will..errr…Dean….The OCW was much better without you, plain and simple. You and your lackies can beat up on “fake” Titan 3’s all day, but you prove nothing, other than the fact that your professional jealousy of me has gotten the best of you, just as I have gotten the best of you. So kiss my big white ass, go to Hell and burn nicely, and have a great f*cking day, as*hole! One day down the road after you’ve run off most of your talent, and you’re needing someone, you’ll come crawling back to me. You know what I’ll say to you, “Dean”? I’ll say “You can’t afford me, b*tch”…just like you can’t afford me now. You should be thanking me that you don’t have to strain the company’s funds by paying me my salary, and that now you’ll now you’ll be able to make payday each and every week. You simple old bastard.
As far as you go Lurrr, you little f*ckstick…you want me to thank you, since you keep f*cking repeating yourself over and over like a damn broken record? Well then here goes:
Dear Lurrr, THANK YOU for getting your ass kicked majorly by that weak, jobberiffic, jobberitus Kreller Masters! My God, if you can’t beat Kreller Masters, since you know, your sorry ass lost to him TWICE, then I guess you didn’t deserve to be the World Champion in the first place, right? So go f*ck yourself you over-rated lack-luster Goodwill clothes wearin’ white trash piece of pigeon s*it! Everybody knows you and Dean are “Kissing Cousins”, so don’t play stupid….even though that’s something you don’t have to try very hard at. The only thing I’m going to “thank” you for is for giving me a good laugh, because I’m definitely laughing at you, son. Thank you for providing me with the comic relief, watching as you play second fiddle to that has-been Scott Syren, and sucking on Dean’s pole for dollars. If you were half the billy badass you make yourself out to be, you would have stayed and fought me instead of running off to be Dean’s personal colon cleaner while he was getting plugged by “Big Bubba” behind bars. You’re not fooling anyone Lurrr. Deano and the “Knob Slobbin’” MOB…one big happy incestuous family, right boys? F*ck all of you. I’m happy to be out of OCW, and I’m done with Dean and the OCW. Forever.
Your lucky I don’t sue your punk @ss for slander, Dean-boy. However, I know you don’t have anything worth taking, so it wouldn’t be worth the court fees.
So, have a nice life, and see you around you nickel and dime @ssed f*ckwad!
There, I feel much better. Thank you for listening, and….Goodnight!
Vincent D’Amor
aka Titan 3,Former OCW World Champion.
Unbelievable! If I had to sum up the last month in one word, that's the only one that could "make the cake." At Celtic War on June 23rd, I defeated Fenix...but not in the "norm" per say.
I'm not sure what happened, so don't ask. I just snapped - that's the only explanation I can come up with. And now, I'm different, a changed man. I tormented that poor Fenix dude until he bled to death. Oh wait, no, not murder... though it is funny, isn't it? This month, not only does OCW have a "wrestlers who retired" list, and a "wrestlers who were fired" list..but OCW has a "wrestlers who were murdered" list! WOO! Oratonic, Drifter..geez...I'm glad I'm no longer a rookie...
And what's up with this Eliminator dude? He's just making veterans look like retired men at a nursing home! This guy will stop at nothing. But I have to say, He's been lucky so far. After all, he hasn't faced met yet ...
Can you believe the title matches that have taken place over the last few months? Tiger Sid held the TV title, Jake Navaja held the TV title, Kreller Masters held the World Title, HOP held the International title, and now holds the Oceanic title...Tommy Crimson held the Hardcore title, Triple M held the Hardcore title, Titan 3 held the World Title, Goldie held the World Title, I won the World Title, Jason Stone won the Internet Title, Andy Murray held the Oceanic, Pete Parker won the Lighweight title, Sirus Esteban Del-Norte won the Lightweight title, Eliminator won the International title... Woo, are we out of breath yet? Who'd I miss?
Well following that brutal beating I gave Fenix, who, by the way, is still, I believe, stuck in another world..(as if he was ever living in our world), I went on to do something that still brings a smile to my face...I defeated Goldie for the World Heavyweight Championship.
It's very surprising the men you always hated or who you despised or had bad terms with would now congratulate me, and wish me good luck. And of course there are those who don't believe in me, and that's A-Okay with me. That's why I have to prove my worth. So set back and prepare.
But I can't help but touch on Goldie-Locks. Yes, I'm very sickened by his departure from OCW. This man, this...this child cried "Screw Job" and ran from the fed. Let me set some things straight for Goldie real quick and I'll drop the subject. One, it was two matches in ICWF Goldie, and I won both of them. Ask Dougg yourself smartass. Two, the match was fair. The Ref was fair, the ending was fair, and the truth you can't handle is you were out-wrestled by the best light heavyweight wrestler in OCW history. Three, hardly anyone in the back believes you should have been in the world title match in the first place. Consider yourself Lucky, Goldie, that you can say you were an OCW World Champ. You should, because if you really cared, you would. But you don't. So we don't. Goodbye!
I don't know what's ahead of me as the champion. I hope you support me through each turn, because I hope that everyone realizes this is something I will defend to the best of my ability.
Oh, you're probably wondering about "The One." You've seen his promos weekly, because the man is totally pysched about coming to OCW. He's prepared, he's trained, and he certainly can and will hold his own. You want extreme? Believe me, not Scott Syren, not Tommy Crimson can be THIS extreme. Stick around, OCW is heating up. Thanks for supporting or not supporting me. Either way, you make OCW fun.
-Your new World Champion,
Josh Allen
Another month, another HUGE month has gone by. Since we last talked, former World Champion Titan 3 lost his World Heavyweight Championship to Goldie at Sinful Nature 3. The following week, Goldie dropped the title to Josh Allen! What is next in this weird and always-changing company?
The locker room is "abuzz" over the recent happenings. It seems that one of the big names calling himself an OCW backer is secretly plotting with Dean's MoB. Who could this be? None other than P.P.P.
"He is Coming" has been promoing for several weeks now, and it is painfully obvious that this time, Josh Allen has not lost his mind, and that there is infact a "one" on his way to this wonderful company of ours. So just who is the one? As much as we try to gather information on this person, it just can't happen! We've tried our best, but all we know is that he's backstage weekly but the camera always just barely misses him. Does "The One" have a grudge with Fenix? We all witnessed what we believe was his first attack in OCW, targetting Fenix on Massacre...or was that an attack on Blitzkrieg?
What's the deal with Andy Murray? My sources backstage say that behind the scenes, Andy Murray and The Great One could not put up with each other anymore. Apparently, TGO asked Andy Murray to somehow eliminate himself from their four way world title match so that TGO had a better chance at taking the title home.
Is James Rande seriously pissed at Dean? Let's face it - if Dean truly hated "James Rande," formerly known as Kannon, James Rande would be escorted out of OCW weekly. Sources are telling me that Rande was even given a pay raise after his first deadly Outsider X title match! This is a little fish to me!
Is El Linchador in talks with TGO? We've known for several months that Linchy was off-and-on speaking to Blitzkrieg about joining, but only under specific things. This time, it appears TGO has sucked Linchy into his trap to replace the spot of Andy Murray in Blitzkrieg.
I hear that renegotiations have begun backstage during OCW shows between Team OCW and President Dean. We all know that President Bifford told the world that the World, Hardcore, Light Weight and International Champions would make up Team OCW. Now that Eliminator, member of Blitzkrieg, holds the International Championship, it appears HOP would be his replacement. I hear that Allen, Triple M and Sirus all barged into Dean's office backstage last week asking for a replacement for HOP. But...why would Team OCW be talking to Dean, leader of MoB? Let me tell you, do NOT miss a thing when it comes to these two teams. "Fishy" isn't the word that even begins to describe this...
Who is the mystery man on to wrestle on the MoB side at the July PPV? Who do you think it is? There are several names being thrown out, but the most probable names are Silverfreak, James Rande, Silver Cyanide, or the one mentioned near the top. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Oh, and some things may not be what they appear to be.
That's it for this month's edition! I know I missed many things ... But I just didn't feel like talking about Eliminator and his "other side of the fence" love life rumors this month, so until next time. This is Rumor Man...
Signing off,
Rumor Man
Welcome one and all, OCW. This here's the recap, for all you hillbilly Jims and Jills that are too damn poor to pay $89.99 for our monthly Pay Per View extravaganza. So, let's get right to it, here's what happened at Sinful Nature 3, The Celtic War.
International Title: Scott Masters vs. House of Pain vs. Outcast
Internet Title Match: Tiger Sid vs. Jason Stone vs. Roz Blayze
Flog the Foreigner vs. Kreller Masters
Lightweight Title Match: Pete Parker vs. Sirus Esteban Del-Norte
Oceanic Title: El Linchador vs. Mark Kelley
Investigation into the death of Oratonic
#1 Contendership to the World Title: Josh Allen vs. Fenix
...Yea, apparently there's not enough room in the magazine for me to review my match with Josh Allen, so I regretfully had to skip it.
...Oh I know, I REALLY wanted to do it. NOT!!
...What? Josh Allen says to do it? What happened to TGO? I thought he ran the magazine?
...Vacation, huh? Well, I don't really wanna lose my column. I guess I could do a little recap, and skip the part about who won the match?
...Oh, I'm required to say who won? Fine. Damn Josh Allen.
#1 Contendership to the World Title: Josh Allen vs. Fenix
Hardcore Title Match: Tommy Crimson vs. Triple M.
Jin Royale vs. Gambler Greg
World Title Match: The Great One vs. Andy Murray vs. Goldie vs. Titan 3
Return of MoB
Anyway, only about half of those questions will be answered at No Limits 3. You can sit and stare at this page thinking of the answers to the others, if you'd like, but I'm not waiting for you. I'll be back with a recap of No Limits, and hopefully I won't have to recap another match that I lose. For now, this is Fenix saying...lol.
This match was, uh, well, it was the opening match, so what can I say? Scott Masters pissed his pants, and after that it didn't take much for House of Pain to get the title. After the match future Blitzkrieger Eliminator challenged HOP to a title match, and as is common with anyone in Blitzkrieg, won the title.
I'm just gonna recap the entire match here instead of splitting it up like it was at the PPV. First, they rode the mules to a giant teddy bear, and after Stone's and Tiger Sid's mules bit holes in the bear, they ice skated around and hit each other with fly swatters. Despite the weirdness and stupidity, my man Jason Stone came away with the title. So far, Blitz is 1-0. But don't celebrate yet, Fenix fans, because a tragedy will befall your's truly before the night is through.
Not much to tell here. Flog kicked Masters' ass, much like I did upon my return to OCW.
Well, after the upset at Total Demolition 2, the 'hung bastard' as he was called at TD2 couldn't get it done this time. With some very eye pleasing distractions, SED-N takes home the title and moves up the ranks.
I guess getting beat by ME gave Linchy a kick in the ass and made him step it up a notch. After a hard fought battle Linchy picks up the win and retains his Oceanic Title.
After some very intense investigations and interrogations, Cocco Ricci fingered Scott Masters as the murderer of Oratonic, and Mr. Masters got thrown in prison, righfully so.
Oh, hold on fans, I'm getting a call.
Well, according to the guy that just called me, Josh Allen is in charge of the magazine and I HAVE to recap our match. So anyway, after a tough, hard fought battle, and with a little luck, Josh barely got by me, and went on to win the World Title. Now he's the number one guy in the fed, everyone likes him, the fans all cheer for him, and he lives a happy little life. You know what? I HATE HIM!!! Uh, sorry about that. Let's just get to the next match.
In what was a true hardcore match, Triple M came out on top as the new champion. You see, if I had won my Hardcore title match that Crimson screwed me out of, it would be a different story. I would have beaten Triple M, kept the hardcore title, and NOT LOST TO JOSH ALLEN!!!
This one was for the number one contendership for the TV title. After a hard fought match, Jin Royale came out the winner and number one contender to the TV title.
This one was a doosie. Pin attempt after pin attempt, no one seemed to be getting the job done. With 4 guys, it seemed there would always be someone to break up the count. However, when Bifford came out of the crowd and screwed everyone, he gave Goldie the win in what was one of the most contreversial decisions in OCW. However, it was a total ripoff of something that happened a few years ago in another big named fed, so no one really cared. The only thing that mattered was that Goldie became the World Champion, only to lose it to that damn Josh Allen the next week. However, little did everyone know, the night was far from over.
No, that's not a typo, the stable from OCW's past returned at the end of Celtic War, under the leadership of Dean. Oh, you don't care? Yea, the fans didn't really care either, but good ol' Deano had some very important stuff to say, nonetheless. He basically said how Bifford sucked as president, how original, and said that him, along with Lurrr, Tatum Coe, and Scott 'I had a circle jerk with Scoot f*ckin' Time' Syren were gonna take over our glorious federation. But, don't you worry my young easily influenced followers, a couple weeks later TGO revealed that he had bought 1/3 ownership of the company from former prez Ace, and you'd be dumber than dumb if you believed that at No Limits 3 Bifford or Dean could beat TGO in a match for ownership of this company. Plus, there will be a HUGE 12 man match, as OCW's top 4 take on MoB and Blitzkrieg, in a battle for the top 4 belts in OCW today. Yours truly will be a part of that match, rest assured. Who will represent Team OCW? Will Blitz pull someone out of the preverbial hat that tips the tides in their scale? Or will MoB find some godly fourth member that is less over the hill than the members it already has? How did you hear my phone call when this is a column on paper? Where is Cheasy M? How do the writers of South Park think up all their ideas? I mean, shoving food up your ass and puking out your mouth?
By: Anonymous Fan
Date: 7/13/02
So was it funny? Did you get a kick out of it? I'll tell you right now it was the most disgusting segment in OCW history, and it was morally wrong. On the July 9th episode of OCW Tuesday Night Massacre, the world had to witness the biggest mistake of the OCW's history. It was a disgrace to the wrestling community, and not only did it prove the sickness of the MoB, it proved the sickness of this so called "Owner" of a famous wrestling company - "President" Dean.
The first mistake was using the most obvious look-alike fake in OCW history. To hire a dud is one thing - to hire a non-look alike dud is another. During this Massacre, President Dean, mocking the career and personal life of former employee Titan 3, used a fake Titan 3 and pulled off the most disgusting segment in the show's history.
We all know the frightening and sad truth. While Massacre camera crews were rolling this footage, the real Titan 3 was somewhere mourning the loss of his true love, Chloe. Chloe had passed away due to Leukimia, and President Dean stooped to an all time low.
During this segment, as everyone recalls, this fake Titan 3 came to the ring to announce his retirement. Now, to bring you back on the true happenings, Titan 3 officially retired from OCW in the prior week. By this time, he was gone and out of the OCW locker rooms. Now, back to Massacre -- Fake Titan was inside the ring announcing "retirement" when Scott Syren and Lurrr, both members of the team MoB, led by none other than Dean, came to the ring.
From there the company lost my respect. Nude, computer generated pictures of the one, Chloe Barnes, were showed and mocked on national television. When the segment was said and done, one thing remained clear. President Dean had mocked and mimmicked the loss of a life in Chloe Barnes, and it was simply uncalled for. And the sad part? No one stood up for this former World champion. No one stood up and said "Titan 3 gave so much to this company - and this is how you repay him?" How sick...and demented!
The plain facts are that this shouldn't be allowed to happen. President Dean should know that this was childish, and totally un-human. To think a man, owner of the biggest wrestling company in the world, could pull something out of his ass this lame and dispicable makes me want to start an OCW boycott. Oh, and believe me, it could happen. I know that there are many faces, in and out of OCW, that believe this was wrong and went against all Ethics and Moral the company had left. So what's next? Which wrestler will retire a famous star, but be mocked and gimmicked out of this company wrongly? Trust me, it will happen again and again as long as this man remains in control. OCW? No... OCW is no more. OCW was Silverfreak verses TGO. OCW was El Linchador verses Josh Allen. OCW was a world title match between Silverfreak and Scorpion. OCW is hall of famers like Shadow Stalker, Triple M, Silver Cyanide, Triple P. OCW was Titan 3 loving the company so much, he wanted to marry this love of his life on national OCW PPV...OCW...WAS tradition...
So you thought OCW was safe, right? It seemed almost too surreal. The last four months of OCW have been the most controversial and unexplainable months in OCW. But at Sinful Nature 3, the Celtic War, things came to the edge of the cliff.
During the Pay Per View, former owner and president Dean showed up with a death contract for the OCW federation. He, followed by Hall of Fame members Lurrr and Scott Syren, and the first ever OCW Light Heavyweight Champion Tatum Coe, barged back into OCW with just a few things on their mind - chaos, panic, pain and destruction. This ruthless group took a newly wed couple in the front row and beat them to near death.
What followed is history. The group has terrorized the OCW locker rooms all month long, attacking those who most represent OCW, and even those jobbers who don't.
Tatum Coe is one of the best, if not the best Light Heavyweight Wrestlers in our leagues today. This athlete's tremendous work ethics have allowed him to be the first ever OCW Light Heavyweight Champion. His skill and ability to maneuver around the ring has won him Best Match of the Month for August of 2000 against Scorpion. On July 10th, 2000 during Monday Night Massacre, Tatum Coe defeated Rychel in a super arial match. Tatum took home the OCW Light Heavyweight Championship, but lost the belt on October 3rd, 2000 to El Linchador in a four way match at Titans Collide.
Lurrr has actually been active in the OCW playbooks in these last four months. If everyone will remember, Lurrr defeated Andy Murray at Rolling Thunder in April to become the OCW World Heavyweight Champion. However, with the departure of his best friend and boss Dean from OCW, Lurrr decided to leave OCW and dropped the title to Kreller Masters. BUT, this is a mere blemish in the history of Lurrr. Lurrr's title history includes two World Heavyweight Titles (Lurrr became the first ever OCW World Champion at Frost Bite 1999), one Intercontinental Title, and one Television Title reign. Lurrr has been victorious for several months in attaining his "Most Wins" status at the monthly awards banquet. Other awards picked up by this hall of fame member are Best Heel, Top Feud and Feud of the Year.
Scott Syren...Mr. OCW! This Hall of Fame member has made OCW what it appears as today, say many. Scott Syren's title history is grande, including one World Title reign, one Hardcore Title reign, and two Intercontinental Title reigns. Scott has been involved in "Best Angle" awards throughout his career, and also carries a Best Match award (vs. Everlast), two "Most Wins in a Month" awards (eleven and nine), two back to back "Best Heel" awards, one Top Feud award, and one Wrestler of the Month award (tied with Scorpion). This man knows what fame is.
So this leaves Dean, leader of MoB and feuding President/Owner of OCW. Dean opened the OCW back with dreams of a successful wrestling federation that would beat out the competition. Dean struggled and brought OCW through, and even had a successful reign throughout the XCW Alliance time as the East Coast division. After XCW collapsed, OCW skyrocketed. Dean has controlled OCW since, though he has on numerous occassions left the OCW only to return trying to be the "hero." This time, however, Deano has returned in hopes of destroying the OCW present. It appears, with his following friends, Dean wants the old OCW back. Can it happen? Can MoB defeat the OCW and upset the federation, the wrestlers, and the fans? Is Bifford man enough, willing enough, able enough and experienced enough to defeat Dean and the MoB? Tune in to No Limits 3 this month.