“Dragon Rider” By TSFH hits as the CWF president makes his way out from the back, waving around at the crowd in Fenway park. They great him with the usual chorus of boos and jeers, but this seems not to faze Danny as he waits for two men in suits to comes up behind him, both carrying a steel briefcase. The three men make their way down to ringside, where Danny slides in under the bottom, and his two cohorts use the stairs. Ripper collects a microphone from Belvedere, who gives it over begrudgingly and turns to the fans ready to speak.
Danny: Well, here we are here in Boston, MA! What a night we have here for you, a huge tournament to decide a new world champion, so to speak. Of course, a wonderfully original idea, twenty years ago. What matters here tonight of course, is the strong CWF showing we have here, enough to pretty much guarantee that OCW championships will be making their way to our brand when this is all said and done, after thanks to Amber, the Hardcore and Tag Team championships are already coming home. I am in the full belief that someone will be winning the TransAtlantic and World Championships tonight and bringing them back to me.
With that said, I don’t want those tainted pieces of crap coming to my brand, don’t even want them in the building. So, when a CWF star wins those belts tonight, I have a little present for the new champion. Boys…
The two men open their cases to reveal two never before seen on TV gold belts. One embezzled with huge CWF letters in turquoise and the other struck across the front in flowing chrome lettering. The two belts are handed to Ripper before the two men leave the ring.
See, what I have here on my left shoulder is the prize that will help you become a name In this company, the way to start yourself on the ladder to greatness, this belt has been held by some of the best, Amber Ryan, Elijah and Abigail Starr are just some of the greats to have held the last cheap piece of plastic that used to represent this belt. Now it’s a solid gold introduction to the upper tiers of the CWF pyramid. Here’s the deal, if a CWF guy walks out as TransAtlantic Champion tonight, they will instantly be rewarded with this belt.
As for this other beautiful piece of craftsmanship, this turquoise, sapphire and diamond embezzled beaut over on my right shoulder, this is the top prize in the world, the most prestigious championship in professional wrestling’s history. Replaced and made gorgeous, no matter what fucking vampire says, just because he will never have the chance to own it.
This is the Championship Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Championship. Think the name is too long? I don’t give a fuck, the people holding it won’t either, in the past you have seen legends such as Angelica, Cain, Jarvis King, Dan Highlander and even of course, myself be known as champion. But, with the new belts comes a new era, a new chance for those who want to make a make to prove themselves. So, if you are to win the OCW championship tonight, as much as it is worth half of this belt, you will still be rewarded greatly with this championship, and can call yourself the true best in the world. Enjoy the show ladies and gentlemen, I get the feeling it is going to be rather…. Enlightening.
Danny’s music hits again as he goes to the leave the ring, the gold still draped over his shoulder like a grand prize.
Hood: He is such a pompous twat, coming out here with those things like they mean something, just because he has the money to throw into making something look shiny and expensive, cocky twat that he is.
Smith: I seem to be getting the feeling that you do not like Ripper? Although I do agree, for this one last time this is and OCW PPV, he’ll get his chance to flaunt on his turf. Let’s just hope someone from OCW walks away with both championships.

Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a first round match in the last man standing tournament, and, due to rules of the tournament is for the TransAtlantic Championship! Introducing first, from Bethel, New York, she is the TransAtlantic Champion, ALICE KNIGHT!
”Electrified" by Dressy Bessy begins to play as the fans turn and cheer the rapidly rising fan favorite in OCW, Alice Knight. She makes her way to the ring with a bubbly demeanor. She enters into the ring and kind of skips around for no apparent reason. She rushes the ropes and heads to the middle turnbuckle and waves to the fans as her music fades out.
As "Dreadnaught" starts to play strobe lights start up on the entrance platform and the entrance ramp, Ashe walks out slowly as the screens above the platform display his name, small videos of him and random pictures of tattoo shops. He stops in front of the ramp, puts his bare fists together so people can see the STAY DOWN words tattooed to the knuckles of both hands. He slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, looking around at the crowd, as he walks over to the ring steps he lazily walks up each step and looking still at more people in the crowd. He glides in between the ropes with his arms outstretched, then as he enters the ring he puts his fists together again and raises them so everyone can see the words tattooed on his knuckles. He walks towards the ring ropes and as he stares at the hard camera with one eyebrow raised he grabs the top ring rope with both hands, so you can see the tattooed knuckles one more time and he also stretches out on the ropes. Then he lets go of the ring ropes and walks around the ring waiting for his opponent.
Belvedere: And the challenger, from Pittsburgh, Pensylvania, weighing in at two hundred and eight pounds, ASHE DAWSON!
Dawson wastes no time in going after the champion, catching her by surprise with a single leg takedown. Alice jabs out at Dawson, stopping him from capitalising on the sudden move, and giving herself a chance to wriggle free. The champion hops to her feet, a little warier of the speed of the challenger. He tries to go low again, but this time she blocks it, kicking out and catching Ashe under the chin. He recoils, allowing her to go for a couple of jabs to the stomach before dropping him with a DDT. Rather than going for a quick cover, she backs up, planning her next move.
Smith: The champion knew she wasn’t going to be able to end this off that, smart move to cover herself and stay protected.
Hood: Or she just knows that putting down the up and comer Dawson is going to be impossible.
Smith: Even if that were true, I wouldn’t want Knight to give up easily, Dawson is CWF, and the less chance of one of them walking away with a championship after tonight the better.
Dawson is quick to his feet, but after spotting Alice waiting, places himself into a defensive position, looking for an opening to take her down. The two start to circle one another, each looking for that gap to strike. Alice seems to spot one first, and lunges forwards, aiming a left jab at an open spot on Dawson’s ribs. It seems this was left deliberately though, as Dawson catches the arm, and throws the much lighter champion across the ring with an arm drag. Before she can do anything about it, he puts on a burst of speed, putting her back down with a clothesline with force the moment she makes it back to her feet. Dawson stalks, waiting for his patented dragon suplex.
As she rises he manages to lock the arms into the nelson position, but Alice grabs the back of his head and drops down, pulling Dawson into a sloppy but effective jawbreaker. Ashe is forced backwards, landing in the ropes, Alice goes to whip Dawson across the ring, but the technical mastermind counters again, turning the whip around and throwing Alice over the top rope. She lands hard on the floor, not moving. Scruff moves in to make the count.
Smith: Outsmarting Dawson is not easy, but this isn’t over yet.
Dawson dives out the ring, picking up Alice and rolling her back into the ring.
Hood: What did he do that for? He had this thing won!
Smith: Not surprised you missed it you idiot, yes he may have advanced in the tournament, but Alice would have stayed champion, Dawson wants to win this one good and proper, become champion and gain the respect he’s been seeking for so long.
Dawson goes for a cover, but Knight kicks out before the count can begin. Ashe wastes no time in putting the pressure back on her by Irish whipping her into the corner, following up with a clothesline. Dawson quickly picks up the weakened champion, placing her on the top rope and dropping her into a tree of woe. He dashes into the opposite corner, and comes flying back at her with a low dropkick, which finds its mark right in the beautiful face of Knight. She slumps down onto her head, trying to recover from the onslaught. Ashe pulls her from the corner and goes for another cover.
Smith: Even with that bashing then Alice was able to comfortably kick out. Dawson is going to have to work harder than that.
Ashe seems unfazed by the kickout, almost as if he pre-empted it would happen. He turns his attention to her legs, dropping a boot on the right knee of his opponent. Alice writhes in pain, and is left open to another stomp, this time on the left knee.
Hood: Now the game plan comes through, he was just trying to wear her down so she wouldn’t be able to protect herself when he went to set up for the 13th Step.
Smith: Yes it seems he has been playing it smart all along. The game is not over yet though, she is still going to be tough to beat.
Ashe drives another stomp down, this time connecting with the small right ankle of Alice. She screams in pain, forcing Scruff to check in on her, he checks the ankle, looking for signs of a break. Dawson shoves Scruff out of the way, ready to finish the job. Knight has other ideas though, rolling up Dawson for the victory.
Dawson springs up, a slight smirk on his face. Alice pulls herself up too, looking a little unstable on the right leg, but able to fight all the same. Dawson swings in low, trying to trip up the champion, however, whether it was intentional or not, she collapses to the side, seemingly unable to keep her weight on the bad ankle. This suits Dawson’s purposes fine, he gabs the bad leg, setting up for the 13th Step. She kicks out with the good leg, managing to accidentally on purpose shove her boot where the sun doesn’t shine. Ashe falls backwards, holding his crotch, giving Alice enough time to get to her feet, and summoning all her strength, she pulls in Ashe, locking in the double underhook, and snaps backwards, sending Ashe over the top with “The Apache”, she rolls it through to complete the move and holds the cover.
Dawson kicks out dead on three, but it’s too late, he watches as she falls into the corner, holding her ankle.
Belvedere: Here is your winner, still TransAtlantic champion and moving onto the semi-finals, ALICE KNIGHT!
Alice waves off medical attention and is able to make her own way to the back after being handed her championship. Dawson shows frustration in the ring, knowing just how close he was.
Smith: Great opening match there, the wily veteran Alice Knight going over the newcomer in quick and determined fashion. She was lucky to hit the Apache when she did though, that quick move saved her.
Hood: Yeah, you’re right there, and that means one less CWF guy that is in contention.
Smith: Good point, the chances of the gold staying with us just increased that little bit!

Smith: Well ladies and gentleman it’s time for our next match, “The Confederate Icon” Chad Vargas returns to action to take on Mack O’Connor!
Hood: C’mon Vargas! Kick this motherfucker’s ass!
Smith: So, I guess you’re taking Vargas to win this match and move on in the LMS tourney, huh?
Hood: Duh.
Belvedere: Introducing first, hailing from Brooklyn, New York weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds, he is… MACK O’CONNOR!!!
”Vagabond” by the Greenskeepers hits Mack O’Connor walks out on the stage and walks directly to the ring, dressed in black jeans and a black tank top. He occasionally raises an arm to acknowledge and get a rise out of the fans. He slides into the ring and starts pacing in his corner.
Belvedere: And his opponent, hailing from Nashville, Tennessee weighing in at two hundred and forty five pounds, he is... CHAD VARGAS!!!
”Needle and the Spoon” by Lynyrd Skynyrd blasts across the P.A. system, the crowd cheers and boos, giving him a mixed reaction as Chad Vargas emerges from the back, walking down the aisle with a purpose as he mouths obscenities to the crowd as he makes his way to the ring, he climbs up the steel steps and into the ring. Before Vargas’ music stops, or the bell rings he shoves O’Connor into the ropes, O’Connor bounces back with a punch to Vargas’ face. Vargas fires back with a series of punches of his own. The two continue to swap fisticuffs as Scruff signals for the bell.
Smith: These two men are wasting no time!
Hood: Apparently there’s a lot of history between these two, Vargas is reportedly 2-0 against O’Connor, look for him to make it 3-0 tonight!
Scruff manages to get between the two, separating them briefly. The two talk trash toward each other, and finally Vargas shoves Scruff out of the way, throwing yet another punch, landing it on the cheek of O’Connor. O’Connor grins, answering back with one of his own. The two throw fists back, and forth both not really phasing either wrestler. O’Connor takes a big swing, but Vargas is able to duck it, and he tries to use this as an advantage, O’Connor, showing his frustration is quick to the punch throwing another fist, but Vargas is able to duck that one too, Vargas runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and he hits a flying clothesline that knocks down O’Connor. O’Connor gets up stunned. Vargas tries to pick up O’Connor, but O’Connor slides out of the back of Vargas. Vargas turns around right into headlock take down, and O’Connor puts the pressure, and Vargas is slow to get up, but finally does get up to his feet, and he backs up O’Connor to the ropes, and he whips him off of the ropes, releasing O’Connor’s headlock hold. O’Connor bounces off of the ropes, he comes off of the ropes, and O’Connor hits a hard shoulder block that knocks down Vargas. Vargas stumbles up to his feet, O’Connor lurks, waiting as Vargas stumbles towards him. O’Connor grabs Vargas and picks him up lifting him over his head, O’Connor holds him up in a military press, and finally drops him for a military press slam. Vargas holds his lower back in pain, squirming around on the mat on his back.
Smith: What power shown by Mack O’Connor! Chad Vargas is no little man!
Hood: Get up Chad!
O’Connor backs off as Vargas gets up to his feet, Vargas, a little dazed stumbles into the corner, O’Connor charges at Vargas, but Vargas is able to counter with a boot to the face, O’Connor stumbles backwards, Vargas comes out of the corner, O’Connor counters with a belly to belly over head throw that sends Vargas crashing down on the mat, slowly he gets up to his feet. O’Connor hits a few fists to the face of Vargas, and he tries to whip him to the ropes, but it’s reversed. O’Connor bounces off of the ropes, Vargas lowers his head, O’Connor counters with a kick to the face, Vargas stumbles around, O’Connor kicks Vargas into the gut that doubles him over, he sets him up in a power bomb position, and he lifts up Vargas, and drives him down with a power bomb. O’Connor looks to make a quick pin.
Smith: Near fall for Mack O’Connor! Looking to put this match away early!
Hood: I gotta say, Mack is definitely no fluke. Both men are trading moves thus far.
O’Connor looks at Scruff, as he didn’t think that Vargas would get out of that move, O’Connor gets up to his feet, waiting for Vargas to get up. O’Connor picks up Vargas and he hits a body slam, and he runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and he leaps in the air, and comes down with a splash on Vargas. O’Connor, kneeling flexes to the crowd, and taunts the downed Vargas, then suddenly out of nowhere, Vargas gets up, shoves O’Connor to the mat and locks in The Lethal Strike! (Anacoda Vice) O’Connor struggles, out of desperation, and good position, O’Connor is able to rake the eyes of Vargas which breaks the hold, O’Connor rolls out of the ring, and he falls to his knees, clearly effected by Vargas’ submission hold, O’Connor tries to recover, getting up to his feet, he tries to get back into the ring trying to keep the match back into his favor, but before he can even get up on the apron. Vargas hits a baseball slide which knocks O’Connor back down on the arena mat, Vargas leans on the top rope, catching his breath and trash talking O’Connor, looking down at him O’Connor on the outside, is slowly getting up to his feet, and once he does, he runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Vargas leaps through the ropes, and hits O’Connor with a suicide dive both wrestlers are down on the mat, and slowly both O’Connor and Vargas get up to their feet, O’Connor and Vargas exchange fists yet again for a few seconds until O’Connor pushes Vargas backwards. He stumbles backwards, and trying to get him off balance. O’Connor charges at Vargas, but it’s countered with a drop toe hold that sends O’Connor hard into the ring steps. Vargas grabs O’Connor by the back of the neck, picking him up to his feet, he throws O’Connor into the ring, and he climbs up to the apron, and he climbs up to the top rope. O’Connor is slow to get up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. He is met with a few fists to the face. Vargas whips O’Connor off of the ropes, he bounces off of the ropes, Vargas goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by O’Connor and he continues to the other side of the ring. He bounces off of the other side of the ring. He comes right into a spinning double A spine buster! Vargas goes into the cover Scruff makes the count.
Smith: Another near fall in this match! It could go either way from here!
Hood: I still can’t believe Mack O’Connor was able to muscle himself out of the Lethal Strike!
Vargas gets up to his feet, slashing a finger across his throat signaling it’s time for The Stroke. O’Connor stumbles up to his feet, Vargas grabs O’Connor, about to hit the stroke, but O’Connor is able to feed a stiff elbow into Vargas’ gut, turns him around and drops him with the Claymore! O’Connor hooks the leg of Vargas.
Smith: I don’t believe it! What an upset by Mack O’Connor! Moving on in the Last Man Standing tournament for the World Heavyweight championship is indeed, Mack O’Connor!
Hood: Vargas was so close!
Mack O’Connor celebrates in the ring as he looks down at the downed Vargas, who is in shock that he just lost to his long time nemesis. O’Connor smirks as he exits the ring, to relax and get ready for his next match later this evening.
Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match… MACK O’CONNOR!!!

“Smart went crazy” by Atmosphere hits, causing the crowd to erupt in a series of boos and jeers for OCW’s least favourite turncoat. The former internet champion makes his way out from the back, smiling and waving at his legions of ‘adoring’ fans. He makes his way towards the ring, giving the camera man a playful…ish push to the side along the way.
Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final first round match in the Last Man Standing tournament. Introducing first, from Timmins, Canada, weighing in at two hundred and twenty-two pounds, representing Power & Worth, BOB GRENIER!
Bob waves again from inside the ring, smirking as he waits for his opponent.
Smith: Interesting night here for Grenier, he obviously wants to win this thing, but if he does, he will have to face PerZag, his Power & Worth comrade later on tonight.
Hood: No matter, these two are fuckin’ awesome, they’ll just have a great match and continue on as the best tag team in the company today.
Smith: They’ll need tag team championships to chase first.
“Don’t stop” by Foster the people hits and the unusual mixed reaction comes across as the former Hardcore Champion steps out from the back. Dan stares down at the CWF t-shirt he wears to the ring before looking down the ramp and seeing Grenier waiting for him.
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Smithville, Tennessee, weighing in at two hundred and twenty-five pounds, DANGEROUS DAN!
Hood: What the fuck is that idiot doing now? Does he think that if he doesn’t enter the ring he isn’t going to get the ass kicking of a lifetime?
Smith: Dan is a smart man, he has a plan, he is by far one of the most dangerous men in the world when he wants to be!
Hood: He’s a fucking coward…what the fuck?!
Danny B has just appeared through the crowd, stepping on Hood’s head on his way to stand on the announce table.
Danny: Eh Canada…where the wankers are all born… eh Canada…where the rejects come to roost…
The stunt catches the attention of Grenier.
Danny: I’m sorry ladies and gentlemen, but with Bob Grenier in the ring I figured we could use some entertainment. Hey there Bobby Gizzle, how’s life not being important anymore? Must be fun right? ‘We are power and worth and we will dominate!’ How’s that all going for you, seems these folks here in Fenway Park may not give a fuck any more. How’s Bishop doing these days? I heard the fucker got stuck trying to suck his own dick. Tragic business. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and tell you to turn around.
Anticipating a trap, Bob instead ducks, rightfully so, as Dangerous Dan had entered the ring behind him and was setting up his patented superkick. The bell finally officially rings as Danny B sits himself down besides Smith, he opts not to place on a headset and just watch the action instead. Grenier turns Dan’s missed attack into an opportunity, grabbing him round the waist and throwing him through the air with a German Suplex instead. Dan rolls out of the ring to collect himself, but Grenier decides he isn’t going to let him off that easy and takes a run up, diving through the ropes and knocking Dan to the ground with a shoulder tackle.
Smith: Uncharacteristic of Bob there, looks like he’s pulling out all the stops.
Hood: Of course he is, Bob is the best wrestler never to be world champion here in OCW…OI YOU FUCKER!
A slap round the back of the head from Ripper shuts up Hood as Bob slides Dan back into the ring. Grenier climbs through the ropes to follow up the attack, but Dan is ready, he catches Bob, rolling him up and into a cover.
The former internet champion kicks out with force, managing to create some space between him and his opponent. Dan comes charging in, using his newfound aggressive attitude to catch Bob off guard. Dan hits a single leg takedown, and comes raining down on Grenier with a flurry of strikes. Dan jumps off, coming down on Bob with a leg drop. Dan goes for another cover.
Smith: It isn’t going to be easy to put down Grenier, but Dan is on the right path now!
Hood: Dan isn’t powerful or worthy enough to win this one, I’m surprised he bothered showing up at all to be honest…. WILL YOU FUCK OFF!?
Another slap round the back of Hood’s head triggers a snigger from Smith as Dan hops onto the second rope, coming down on the chest of Bob with an elbow drop. After a second leg drop, Dan goes for the cover again, but while the referee couldn’t see, Bob poked Dan in the eye, causing him to lay off while he tried to regain his vision. Bob wastes no time in punching Dan square in the jaw. The duo of underhanded moves gives Grenier some time to recover from Dan’s onslaught and make his way back to his feet.
Bob watches with caution as Dan makes his way to his feet, still holding his eye. The two men seem to have the same idea at once, both going in for a running cross body block. They crack heads and find themselves laid out in the middle of the ring. Scruff has no choice but to start the count.
Bob starts to show some signs off life.
Dan now pushes himself up to his knees as Bob crawls towards the ropes to help himself up.
At the last second both men make it to their feet, Dan goes in with a leaping leg lariat, but finds himself flying over the top rope after Bob pulls it down. Dan crashes on the outside, landing awkwardly and holding his left leg in pain. This time Grenier decides that he would be happy with a count out victory, and allows the count to start again.
Smith: It looks like Dan is struggling to get to back in, even though he knows that he’s in trouble.
Hood: Typical Dan taking the easy way out, he knows he can’t beat Bob here! OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE WHERE IS HOLLYWOOD WHEN YOU NEED HIM?
Dan manages to pull himself to his feet using the apron.
8…9… HE’S IN!
Smith: How close was that call?
Grenier goes in to make sure he gets the advantage as Dan rolls in, but Dan sees it coming, sweeping out the legs from under Bob. Dan punches out from the ground, smacking Bob in the face. Dan kips up, waiting for his chance. Bob makes his way to his feet and turns into THE ENDD IS NEAR! The superkick flattens the former internet champion, and Dan goes in for a quick cover.
“Don’t stop” hits as pops up to his feet, celebrating in the ring. Ripper stands up too, providing a standing ovation on the outside. For good measure, he slaps Hood round the back of the head one last time, before joining Dan in leaving for the back.
Smith: Great showing there from the former Hardcore champion, he advances to face Mack O’Connor later on this evening. Now, we were supposed to go to our first semi-final next, but I am receiving word that due to the situation earlier tonight, Alice Knight is to receive a bye into the final. So, our next match will be the second semi-final!
Hood: Just as long as that lunatic doesn’t come back out here. I gotta be able to sue him for that right?
Smith: Wouldn’t bother trying, even lawyers think you’re a pest.

Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is a semi final match in the Last Man Standing tournament.
“Don’t Stop” by Foster The People hits as Dangerous Dan makes his way out from the back, taking a second to compose himself, Dan makes his way down to the ring, sliding in under the bottom and waits for the match to start.
Belvedere: Introducing first, from Smithville, Tennessee, weighing in at two hundred and twenty-five pounds, DANGEROUS DAN!
”Vagabonds” By The Greenskeepers now strikes a cord through the arena as O’Connor makes his way straight to the ring. O’Connor slides under the bottom, springing up and pacing in his corner as he waits for his introduction.
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds, MACK O’CONNOR!
The bell rings and the two men waste no time in locking up in the centre of the ring. O’Connor gets the better of the first exchange, managing to push Dan onto his back as a show of power. Dan rolls through and lands on his feet quite comfortably, warily staring down his opponent as both men wait for the other to make the next move. Dan goes in, ducking to the left as Mack strikes out with a right jab, avoiding it and managing to sweep the legs, sending O’Connor onto his back this time. The dangerous one is quick to follow up with a stomp to the gut before Mack can recover. Dan attempts to drop another boot in the face of the newcomer, however Mack is quick to block it, catching the foot and using it to push Dan backwards, and for the second time in this match sends Dan onto his back.
Smith: Action starting out hard and fast here, neither man is getting the advantage though.
Hood: Surprising really, I thought O’Connor would have had this one won by now.
Smith: Unbiased as always Hood, these two men have already been through a match each, and they have two more to go if there if they want to win the World Championship at the end of the night.
Dangerous Dan rolls out of the ring, giving himself a chance to recover, O’Connor doesn’t want to wait though, chasing Dan onto the floor, forcing the Dangerous one onto the defensive. Dan backs up, and waits as Mack comes in with a right hook. Dan ducks, causing Mack to drive his fist into the steel turnbuckle. Mack comes off in obvious pain, forgetting about Dan completely as he checks his hand for a break. He doesn’t find one, but instead is blindsided by CWF’s highest flyer coming off the apron with a hurricarana. Mack is sent crashing into the barricade, and Dan slides back into the ring, seemingly happy to take a count out victory. Scruff is forced to start making the count.
Mack recovers quickly on the outside.
O’Connor slides into the ring, breaking the count, but gets a stomp on the back of the head for his trouble.
Smith: Dan really is relentless here tonight, as always I think he’s just desperate to prove himself as the best that this company has to offer, and tonight could really be his night.
Hood: Any night could be his night, as long as no one else shows up.
Smith: One of these days Hood, someone is going to smack you in that silly mouth of yours, that’ll be better than any ice bucket challenge.
As Mack is recovering from the stomp, Dan takes a run, bouncing off the ropes and coming back, jumping through the air and landing a beautifully timed low dropkick to the face of Mack, who is pushed into the ropes again. Dan repeats his run, this time the kick causes Mack to whiplash off the ropes and slam face first into the mat. Dan drags him into the middle of the ring, stands to the side and jumps up, rotating majestically through the air and lands a standing shooting star press on Mack’s back. Dan shoots the half and makes the cover.
Smith: It doesn’t get much closer than that, Scruff’s hand was grazing the canvas as Mack got the shoulder up then. That was almost all she wrote.
Hood: Well… yeah.
Smith: Wow, that’s the least smart quip you’ve ever come up with.
Hood: Well, even I can’t deny that shooting star was pretty good. Still got lucky to hit it though.
Smith: And he’s back to normal.
After that little sequence doesn’t quite work out, Dan decided to go back to what he does best, and waits in the corner, waiting for his chance to strike with his signature super kick. Mack slowly pulls himself to his feet, and groggily turns in Dan’s direction. Dan locks, loads and fires, striking out for the chin of O’Connor, but is shocked when Mack blocks the kick with a forearm smash. Both men are sent backwards, both of them caught off balance. Dan recovers from quicker, and dives in with a low cross body block, but Mack ducks out of the way, allowing Dan to soar over him and crash onto the mat behind him. O’Connor takes a second to catch his breath as Dan slides across the mat and crashes on the outside.
Smith: Excellent counter by Mack O’Connor then, going after the face of someone that is used to having it targeted is probably not the best move.
Hood: ‘Course not, but Dan wouldn’t think of that would he?
Dan uses the commentary table to pull himself up after the awkward landing, coming face to face with Hood.
Hood: Well, get in there and get your ass kicked would ya? I can’t get another beer before this one’s over.
Without warning, Dan lunges over the table, cracking Hood around the face, taking him down to the ground and reiging down on him with lefts and rights. The crowd explode in cheers for Dan as he takes out everyone’s least favourite asshole. After taking out his fustratoions on the fat fuck, Dan turns back to the ring, climbs up onto the apron, and calls for O’Connor’s attention, which he gets. Dan pulls himself over the top, flying through the air towards Mack. O’Connor responds quickly with a powerful uppercut, knocking Dan out of mid-air. Quick as a flash, Mack picks up Dan, kicks him in the gut and drops him with the “Hollow Point”. Wasting no time at all, Mack goes for the cover.
Belvedere: Here is your winner and advancing to the finals of the Last Man Standing Tournament, MACK O’CONNOR!
Vagabond hits, but O’Connor wastes no time is celebrating, he heads straight to the back, ready to prepare for the final which would be taking place next.
Smith: You really are a piece of work Hood, if Dan wasn’t so wound up by you being cruel all the time he may not have been so distracted as to lose this match. I wonder if CWF is still taking applications, sheesh. Well, all said and done now, the finals are next, Mack O’Connor will be back in moment, to face the women who was lucky enough to receive a bye into this match, the TransAtlantic Champion.
Smith: We’ve got a situation backstage, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s take you there.
The self proclaimed “Greatest Man Alive” Bob Grenier stands atop of The Green Monster. He’s been on a downward spiral since losing his Internet championship to Legion, and more recently, losing to Dangerous Dan this evening. He’s pondering his thoughts when he’s interrupted by a “hey Motherfucker!” Grenier turns around to his surprise, it’s none other than Chad Vargas, a man he’s been on both sides of the fence with.
Chad Vargas: I owe you big time, Bobby!
Vargas extends his hand for a handshake, Grenier doesn’t know what to think, he hesitates a bit before shaking Vargas hands. Vargas mid handshake, pulls Grenier close to him and then shoves him, Grenier loses his footing and falls off the top of the Green Monster, several hundred feet below he lands hard.
Vargas laughs evilly, as The scene quickly cuts back to the announce table.
Smith: HOLY SMOKES!!! Chad Vargas may have just ended the career of Bob Grenier!
Hood: Ended the career!?!?! He damn near fucking killed him! The Green Monster is like 300 or more feet high! And Bobby G just fell off the side of the fuckin’ thing!
Smith: We will certainly keep you updated as this unfolds! Our thoughts and prayers are with Bob Grenier and his family.

Belvedere: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final in the Last Man Standing tournament, and it is for the TransAtlantic Championship!
”Electrified” by Dressy Bessy hits as the current champion makes her way out from the back. She still looks a little weak on her ankle still, but still smiles at the fans as she makes her way to the ring, ready to defend her honour. Before she can make her way down the ramp, O’Connor comes bursting out from the curtain and smashes her in the back of the head. Alice goes tumbling down the ramp, hard. Belvedere decides to just high tail it out of the ring, O’Connor picks up the weakened champion, and throws her into the ring, before following her in himself. Scruff has no choice but to ring the bell and start the match, he still checks on Alice to make sure she’s OK, the champion waves him off and pulls herself to her feet.
Smith: She already managed to get a bye through the second round here, imagine in what shape she would have been in if she would have had to go through another match.
Hood: Would have been nice if O’Connor didn’t have to waste his time here, let him go on and face the worthy one!
Smith: Well, this looks bad for Knight, but don’t count her out just yet!
Mack wastes no time in trying to end this one early, charging into Knight’s corner, trying to flatten her against the turnbuckle. Alice is waiting though, moves slightly to the side and pulls down the rope as Mack comes running in, allowing him to crash over the top and land in a heap on the floor. He gets up quickly but frustrated, and slides back into the ring a little too hastily, allowing himself to get an elbow to the back of the head by Alice, who obviously looks to be keeping the game on the ground as much as possible. The brawling chic applies an unusual headlock, trying to wear down the stronger O’Connor.
Smith: Obviously looking to take advantage of the fact that Mack has had another match here tonight, and was only out here a few minutes ago, Alice has had plenty time to recover, but that ankle is still bothering her.
Hood: Frankly she should just hand over the title now and get out while she can still walk!
Mack decides that exerting energy is not the most sensible solution, and instead simply places his foot on the bottom rope. Scruff is forced to make Alice break the hold, which she does. Mack scrambles away, gaining his composure after the attack from the gutsy champion. She too pulls herself up, readying herself for what might come next. Mack goes in a little more carefully, trying to back Alice up with nothing more than intimidation. She tries not to show fear as he comes in, but finds herself backed into the corner again pretty quickly. Quite suddenly, she bursts forwards, taking Mack by surprise as he is taken down with a Lou Thesz press. She rains down as hard as she can, smacking him in the face with lefts and rights as much as she can. O’Connor tries to block, but can’t quite get his hands up.
It comes to Scruff having to pull Alice off of him, which gives him enough time for a cheap swipe at the ankle, she crumbles following the attack, which gives O’Connor enough time to get himself to his feet, and pick up Alice, locking her in and snapping her over with a suplex. He quickly gets to his feet, and again picks Alice up by the hair, this time pulling her in for a powerbomb, he pulls her up, and slams her down hard into the mat. The champion looks to be out cold, and Mack goes in for the cover, ready to end it.
Smith: That goes to show the guts of the champion here. She doesn’t look to stand a chance here, but she still kicks out.
Hood: It’s just wasting time here though, she doesn’t stand a chance, here tonight, just let him have the match before he ends your career girl!
The look on Mack’s face changes, now he looks to be getting angry, he goes to pick up Alice one more time, but this time she is ready, and reaches out, raking Mack in the eye. She gets a telling off from the official, but doesn’t pay the blindest bit of attention as she punches Mack in the stomach, he bends over in pain, and she throws everything she has into hitting the X-Factor, smashing Mack’s face into the mat hard. She shoots the half and goes for the cover.
O’Connor kicks out hard and fast, and before Alice can get back to her feet, O’Connor punches upwards, landing a right fist squarely in the pretty face of the champion. She falls backwards and O’Connor takes the chance, jumping up, pulling Alice up and locking both arms, Mack picks her up and slams Knight into the mat with the ‘Claymore’. O’Connor jumps right into the cover, giving the champion no chance to make to catch her breath.
Belvedere: Here is your winner of the Last Man Standing tournament, and the new TransAtlantic Champion, MACK O’CONNOR!
Smith: The newcomer has done it! Mack has won the last man standing tournament and taken the championship with him.
Hood: It isn’t over yet though, Alice is being walked away from the match, but O’Connor isn’t moving, he is calling out PerZag now! He wants this match straight away!

“Eye of the Tiger” hits around the arena and The Worthy One steps out from behind the curtain, he crosses his arms staring down at O’Connor who is begging him to get into the ring.
Belvedere: This match is for the world heavyweight championship, introducing first, MACK O’CONNOR! And his opponent, The Worthy One, PerZag!
PerZag walks calmly down the ramp, taking his time getting down to the ring. With his adrenaline pumping, O’Connor can wait no longer, and jumps through the ropes, taking the fight to Zag, Caught off guard, The Worthy One is caught by surprise as Mack drills him with a spear, ramming him into the steel ramp hard. PerZag’s head bounces off the metal, and as he comes back up, his wonderfully blonde hair is now tainted with a speck of red. O’Connor grabs PerZag by said hair, and throws him towards the ring with an Irish whip. PerZag manages to turn it to his advantage, sliding in under the bottom rope, springing up to his feet, continuing the momentum, bouncing off the opposite ropes and coming back towards Mack, PerZag flies through the ropes and smashes into the new TransAtlantic champion.
Smith: O’Connor obviously wants to wrap this one up early, after all, he has been through the entire tournament tonight, and PerZag was fresh as he came out.
Hood: Doesn’t matter how badly he’s hurt, the worthy one is not going down here tonight, he has been so close for too long to let this one slip through his fingers.
PerZag picks up O’Connor, and this time he is the one sending his opponent back into the ring. The worthiest of all carefully makes his way back in, watching every breath that O’Connor makes. Zag stomps one into the gut of Mack, causing the reaction of Mack sitting up and getting kicked in the face and places back into the mat. PerZag goes in for the cover.
Smith: Wow, quick kick out there from the newcomer, this guy is hungry, he isn’t going to lay down for PerZag.
Hood: Doesn’t matter really though does it, I mean the OCW is winning, and whichever man wins will be the new face of OCW, either way it’s looking good.
PerZag recovers quickly, dropping a knee into the throat of Mack, holding the pressure on and forcing a count from Scruff. PerZag is forced to break it, and turns to argue with the referee, which gives O’Connor his opening. He grabs the legs of PerZag and rolls him up into a quick cover.
Smith: Wow, in what has to be one of the shortest OCW main events in history, Mack O’Connor has done it!
Belvedere: Here is your winner, and the NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, MACK O’CONNOR!
Smith: O’Connor has been with this company five minutes and has risen to the top, what an epic effort for this man, now holding two championships. He controls half the show!
Hood: Yeah, man what an epic night for him!
Smith: PerZag lost the match though... he's been waiting forever and still didn't get it.
Hood: Unbelievable. Who would think that he would lose?
Smith: I did.
Hood: This sucks.
Smith: We have a new champion too.
PerZag gets off of the mat as the new champion walks backstage. He walks over to the ropes, and gets a microphone off of Belvedere. PerZag walks back into the middle of the ring, and starts to speak.
PerZag: That match was rigged. You all saw it...I deserved to come out of that match the winner. It was all rigged.
The crowd boos him and chants ‘loser’.
PerZag: Yes. Call me a loser all you like, but you both know that the true loser is...
The lights suddenly flash off, and ‘The Demon’ Lance Savage appears on the big screen smiling. He starts to speak.
‘The Demon’ Lance Savage: PerZag, you are such a loser. You lost your opportunity...your chance for the title. Two chances that you lost as easy as anything. You suck.
PerZag moves the microphone to his lips to speak, but Lance Savage cuts him off.
‘The Demon’ Lance Savage: This will be the last time that I will be within the walls of OCW. Next week, I will be in CWF. So, this is my last chance to do what I have wanted to do. And that is to destroy you, PerZag. Destroy Power and Worth.
The big screen flashes off, and the lights flash back on. ‘The Demon’ Lance Savage stands behind PerZag. PerZag turns around, and Savage attacks him beating him to the ground. Cheers erupt from the crowd until Richard runs down to the ring and blindside Lance Savage. Richard kicks him to the ground, and PerZag gets back up.
PerZag: Lance Savage. You should not of even tried. You are pathetic, and next week at CWF you will take on Richard. He is still a member of Power and Worth even if he is not with us, and he will still be able to kick your ass.
By this point, Richard has exited the ring, and brought in a chair. He lays the chair on the ground, and lifts Lance Savage off of the ground. He signals to the crowd for Bob Grenier’s signature Hollinger Park Hangman as they boo him. He lifts Savage up, turns around, and is struck by PerZag. The crowd gasps.
Smith: What just happened?
Hood: PerZag just hit Richard! Bob Grenier is still nowhere to be seen after that nasty fall earlier at the hands of Chad Vargas.
Smith: I know, this is awesome.
Hood: It is not. I believed in PerZag.
Richard drops to the ground, and the crowd starts to cheer. Savage lands on his feet, and grabs Richard. He lifts Richard up, and gives him a powerbomb over the top rope onto the hard concrete on the outside. The crowd cheers for PerZag as he picks the microphone off of the ground.
PerZag: That’s right. The first time I have been cheered since joining Online Championship Wrestling, but that is not going to last long.
Smith: What does he mean by that?
Hood: This is bullshit. Power and Worth are over.
PerZag: I have to announce something to all of you out there. This is hard for me to say, but I will have to say it. I will be leaving OCW.
Smith: PerZag is leaving.
Hood: Good riddance...I hate him.
Smith: You liked him ten minutes ago.
Hood: But, now he has turned on the fans.
PerZag: This is something that I have to do, and I am sorry about that. It is not only me though. My comrade Lance Savage here is leaving to. He will have his last match for CWF next week, and then that will be it. We will be leaving. This is not a retirement though, this is just a see you later. We may be back in the future. Until then, Good luck you Worthy Bastards.
‘Eye of the Tiger’ by Survivor plays over the PA system as Savage and PerZag wave to the crowd. They cheer for both of them as they exit the ring, and walk down the aisle. They reach the top of the ramp, and wave one more time to the crowd before leaving.