Below is the Application to join Outsiders Championship Wrestling! Copy this form and paste it in the Roster bio forum completely filled out.
Wrestler's Name
Theme Music
Wrestling Style
Move list (I don't care how many...1 is fine...100, while a bit much and kinda weird, is fine too)
Finisher Name and Description
Face, Heel or Tweener?
Pic Base
Tag Team Info (if applicable - also, if you're applying as a tag team, I'll need a singles app for BOTH tag members)
Annnnd that's it...I don't really care about sample rps or custom entrances or's a backyard fed. Plus, I'd like to learn about your characters while reading rps rather than some standardized bio. So, yea, if you wanna join this crazy ass fed, then copy and paste the above form along with answers...and, remember...ONLY BACKYARD CALIBER CHARACTERS
Click Here for the Roster Bio forum.
Wrestler's Name
Theme Music
Wrestling Style
Move list (I don't care how many...1 is fine...100, while a bit much and kinda weird, is fine too)
Finisher Name and Description
Face, Heel or Tweener?
Pic Base
Tag Team Info (if applicable - also, if you're applying as a tag team, I'll need a singles app for BOTH tag members)
Annnnd that's it...I don't really care about sample rps or custom entrances or's a backyard fed. Plus, I'd like to learn about your characters while reading rps rather than some standardized bio. So, yea, if you wanna join this crazy ass fed, then copy and paste the above form along with answers...and, remember...ONLY BACKYARD CALIBER CHARACTERS
Click Here for the Roster Bio forum.