(The screen shows a close up shot of Logan Caine's face as the OCW's opening come's on. With scenes of crowds from past shows cheering and fireworks going off as the letters O, C, and W come on one by one until everything comes to an abrupt end with the letters merging together and underneath saying "Welcome to the Experience." As that scene cuts another opens where Enigma and AJ Cash are brawling from last weeks show. The screen cuts to another shot, of Logan Caine entering a doctor’s office. The screen fades to the Friday Night War banner, then cuts to a shot of the crowd. "Enter the Sandman" begins to blare over the PA System.)
Hood: Welcome OCW TO FRIDAY NIGHT WAR!!!! We are here live in Madison Square Garden in New York City, just 2 weeks away from OCW Frost Bite!
Sam: That's right, and so far we don't have a main event yet! So far the only match signed is between the Intercontinental Champion Silverfreak vs Triple M! Both of these men are here tonight!
Hood: Yes, and you've go to wounder if we will hear from D Double D tonight? Word has it that he will make a statment concurning his actions the last couple of weeks tonight!
Sam: Also, tonight could we see Tommy Flamer get revenge for Arryk Rage's brutal attacks? Or will Tommy's cocky attitude get him in even more trouble?
Hood: Only time will tell...Well lets cut to the back... I have word we have spotted Cheasy M!
(The camera cuts to a shot of Cheasy M leaving President Dean's office. Cheasy M is wearing a lime green suit with an OCW t-shirt underneath. Cheasy puts on his signature backwards baseball cap and begins walking down the hall. Cheasy M knocks on a door labled 'Kabuki Jo' and waits. Suddenly Kaubki Jo opens the door and steps out to the hall. The two men begin to speak.)
Cheasy M: Kabuki Jo, we have some buisness to take care of. First I wanted to thank you for kicking the sh*t out of Tommy Flammer after he attacked me... but I am sorry to say, as the commissioner, I've got to do my job.
(Cheasy M hands Kabuki Jo a peice of paper. Kabuki Jo reads over it, and then looks at Cheasy M with his mouth hanging open.)
Cheasy M: I can't have non-wrestlers and wrestlers running wild around here. Kabuki Jo, you are hereby suspended from the OCW events and shows till further notice.
(The camera shows Kabuki Jo slamming the door, as he does, Cheasy M makes his way down the hall. The camera cuts back to a shot of the garage area where we see Shady arriving with a bat in his hand. He sees The Fish and walks up to him and starts yelling at him. Fish doesn’t appreciate this and pushes Shady, Shady then smiles and begins to beat Fish with the bat. Officials break it up, but too late, the damage has been done.)
("Fist of Rage" by Kid Rock begins to blare over the PA System as Adam Kemp makes his way down to the ring.)
Cobb: First, comming to the ring Adam Kemp!!!!
Hood: Well here we go with the opener match of the night, as Adam Kemp takes on Dex Holland. Your picks Sam?
Sam: Well both of these guys have a bright future ahead of them, but my money is on Dex.
Cobb: ...and his opponent, DEX HOLLAND!!!!
("Totalimmortal" by The Offspring begins to blare over the PA System as Dex Holland makes his way down to the ring. As the bell rings, both men begin to trade blows, left and right. Dex sends Kemp into the ropes, but Kemp reverses it and hits him with a picture perfect DDT.)
Hood: Wow, that's gotta hurt! Dex sends Kemp into the ropes, but Kemp reverses! These two guys are going all out!
Sam: That's true..
(Kemp picks Dex up by his hair and sends him flying into the turnbuckle. Kemp runs in and tries to splash, but Dex throws his foot up and blocks it! Dex then looks around and the crowd and sidekicks Kemp right in the jaw. As Kemp falls, Dex goes for the pin..)
Hood: Dex almost made short work of Kemp, but Adam Kemp is showing he still has life in him!
(Dex grabs Kemp in a front-faced headlock, then raises him up for a vertical suplex, sending Kemp crashing down to the mat. Dex picks Kemp up, and begins to choke him with the bottom rope, but the ref steps in and breaks them up. Kemp makes his way back to his feet, and then executes a facebuster on Dex.)
Hood: Ohh a facebuster! Gee.. As we saw at the top of this match, D Double D has now entered the building! What could he be up to?
Sam: There ain't no telling! I have a feeling big things are gonna happen tonight though.
(Kemp gets Dex into a stunner. After a few moments of Dex almost fading out, Kemp turns him around and hits The Kemper Stunner and goes for the pin.)
Cobbs: ..and here's your winner……ADAM KEMP
(The camera cuts to a shot outside of Perfectly Marvelous's locker room. Mississipi Mud can be seen a few feet away, huddled up whispering between each other. Finally they make a move towards the door.)
Sam: There gonna attack the tag-team champions! Watch out!
Hood: You know they can't really hear you from out here...
(Mississipi Mud make their way into the dressing room, but all the light are out. As they wounder around in total darkness. Suddenly a loud ruckus can be heard, as several sicking thuds are made. The the lights turn on, as we see Perfectly Marvelous both standing with 2x4's in their hands, and Mississipi Mud laid out cold. The camera cuts back to a shot of the backstage area where Scott Syren can be seen standing next to Warrick.)
Warrick: Hello wrestling fans, I'm here with OCW's Hardcore Champion, Scott Syren. Scott, you're going to be in the main event tonight in a hardcore title rematch against former champion, Cash Money. Your thoughts on that?
Scott Syren: Warrick... you know how it feels to rise to the top. You went from an unknown ring announcer to a real reporter. You got promoted by working hard and doing the right thing, and you know what? Me and you have a lot in common, Warrick. When I first got here, the OCW was a lowly indy fed. It was a little bingo-hall wrestling JOKE owned by the ICWF. As I rose to the top, Warrick, so did the OCW. I helped to transform the OCW into what it is today, and what it is today is the best damn wrestling federation in the world. I've always been here for the company, and thats why OCW is the place to be today. Even when I left the OCW for a short time, I didn't do it because things weren't going my way. I did it because I legitimatley thought that the people in OCW didn't want me around. I did it because I thought it would be best for OCW. And just how did I make OCW the greatest federation on earth? Well, it didn't just happen by me coming out here and kicking people's asses. I make the shows worth watching, dammit, I make them exciting. I was the one who first got OCW noticed by lighting Slim Shady's car on fire at the end of Friday Night War one night. I got us noticed by beating the shit out of a man called Y2James in the first-ever "weight room match." I legitimized OCW by creating a stable worth watching when I brought together the best we had to offer in the original BUFF. The Band of Undefeatable Fuckin' Fighters, and dammit, thats exactly what we were. Nobody touched us, and people came in from miles around just to watch Scott Syren, Logan Caine, Slim Shady and Tah Murdah beat the hell out of people. On August 4th, a fateful Friday Night I'll never forget, I showed the world that OCW was the real deal when I put my life on the line and sent myself to the hospital when I won the world title in a steel cell against Johnny Hunter. So what am I getting at? Well, Warrick, I really thought tonight's hardcore battle with Cash Money could be another one of those great moments in OCW history... but Cash Money just doesn't seem to care anymore. Me and Cash have the skills to put on quite possibly the greatest match ever seen on Friday Night War... and he doesn't care. I don't know if he's on drugs or what. Cash, you seemed pretty jacked up a week ago when you started attacking me and talking shit... but now where are you? I know you're here, because a friend of mine told me they saw you in the back, but why aren't you confronting me? I can't wait to get this match on Cash, and its a little dissapointing that you're not as excited as I am. You're making me sick, Cash. Don't you care about the company anymore? When I risked my life in that steel cell, I didn't just do it to win the world title, I didn't just do it because I hate Johnny Hunter, I did it for OCW, man! OCW has always been here for you, Cash, OCW has made you a star... and now you're turning your back on them. So tonight, Cash, I'm going to beat your ass... and the worst part is, I know you probably don't even care. Cash Money, I used to respect you. I used to think you were a damn cool guy, Cash... but tonight, I think I'm going to end your pathetic career before you embarrass this company any more.
Warrick: Well said, Scott. Good luck tonight.
Scott Syren: Thanks, War-Daddy. Oh and one more thing. Cash Money, I hope you brought Joey, Walmart, Dinero and the whole gang, because this is hardcore, that means no DQ, and that means I can call on the rest of JFC to come in and help beat your washed-up ass any time I want... and don't think I won't do it. And to the boys in Heavy Metal, if you sons of bitches even think about interfering in my match tonight... well, lets just say it wouldn't be wise... because there's more to JFC than meets the eye.
Warrick: Big words from our Hardcore Champion. Hood, back to you.
Hood: Thanks Warrick, so Sam, what is up next?
Sam: Tommy Flamer taking on Arryk Rage, lets get down to ringside for this one!!!
Sam: "On paper, this looks like a great match-up, but what some of our fans at home may not know is that Arryk is currently fighting another match... a match with a stomach flu."
Hood: "Yeah, thats sure to be a factor in this match."
Cobbs: "Coming to the ring at this time…….TOMMY FLAMER!!!!!
~ "Mrs. Jackson" by Outkast begins to play and and the fans begin to boo rabidly as Tommy Flamer makes his way down to the ring. ~
Hood: "Oh man! Mrs. Jackson, now thats some intimidating shit! If I was Arryk, I'd be too scared to even leave the lockerroom! Hahaha!"
Sam: "Hahaha!"
Cobbs: "And his opponent…….ARRYK RAGE!!!!!"
~ "King Kill 33" by Marylin Manson begins to play as Arryk Rage makes his way to the ring to a chorus of mixed boos and cheers. Arryk looks even more pale than usual and walks very slowly. Arryk has never been one to look especially Healthy, but today he looks downright shitty. ~
Hood: "Now THERE's some truly intimidating theme music."
Sam: "Maybe so, but theres no doubt that Arryk Rage would rather be home in bed tonight."
~ The two participants climb into the ring. Tommy Flamer cockily slaps Rage across the face. Arryk shows no emotion. Tommy laughs and reaches out to slap him again, but Rage grabs his wrist and throws him into an armbar. Rage twists around, wrenching at Flamer's arm and Flamer goes flying head over heels into an armdrag. Flamer gets up and charges at Rage, but Rage catches him into a powerslam. Rage gets up and wobbles over into a corner and sits down, clutching his stomach. ~
Sam: "Even with his condition, Arryk Rage is having no trouble holding his own against Tommy Flamer!"
Hood: "Its still early Sam."
~ In the ring, Rage has hid head down, still sitting in the corner, clutching his stomach. Flamer runs in and gives Rage a baseball slide drop-kick right in the groin. Arryk writhes in agony on the mat and rolls out of the ring. ~
Sam: "What a cheap move! Kicking a sick man in the junk like that!"
Hood: "Its Rage's own fault... if he was in such bad shape he never should have shown up here tonight."
Sam: "Come on man, he's not Smith! The OCW means something to Arryk Rage! This just goes to show what a great competitor Arryk Rage is!
Hood: "Just goes to show what an idiot he is."
~ Tommy Flamer poses cockily in the ring. The fans boo and throw trash at him. He slides to the outside and begins stomping Arryk Rage on the cold ringside mats. Arryk tries to crawl away but Flamer just laughs at him. Flamer walks over to the steel ring steps. He picks them up and carries them over to where Arryk is laying on the ground. He is about to smash them over Arryk's body, but the ref grabs them and throws them to the floor. He yells at Flamer to get back in the ring. Flamer gives the ref a "i should kill you" look, but he rolls back into the ring anyway. ~
Sam: "Good thing the ref was on top of things, that could have been the end of Arryk Rage."
Hood: "Is this wrestling or shuffleboard?! Let the fuckers fight!"
~ As Flamer poses in the ring again, the ref goes down to where Arryk is laying and asks him if he wants to give up. Arryk shoves the ref in the chest and rolls back into the ring. Arryk charges at Flamer and levels him with a clothesline. Rage gets down on top of Flamer and begins pummeling him in the face with repeated right-handed punches. The crowd goes crazy. Rage gets up and pulls Flamer to his feet. He hooks Flamer over his shoulders and drops him with a Death Valley Driver. ~
Sam: "Arryk Rage isn't done yet!"
Hood: "He would be if the ref wasn't such a pussy."
~ Rage springs off the middle rope and gives Flamer a moonsault. He covers him. ~
Hood: "I don't know where Rage is pulling this from, but he almost beat Flamer with that flurry of moves."
Sam: "That was damn close to a three count... that moonsault was right on target!"
~ Rage kicks the bottom rope in frustration. Suddenly he grabs the top rope and leans over on it. He takes one hand and begins to rub his head. ~
Sam: "There's a fine line between being a good worker and being a maniacal idiot... maybe Arryk should have just called in sick tonight and taken the DQ loss."
~ Tommy Flamer staggers to his feet. He charges at Arryk's back. He lifts a foot up in an attempt to deliver a running Yakuzi Kick to Arryk Rage's head, but at the last minute, Rage falls to the floor and Tommy Flamer ends up landing crotch-first on the top rope. The crowd sounds "OHHHHH" in unison. ~
Hood: "Oh man, Flamer should have put a handle with care label on that package!"
~ Tommy Flamer falls off the ropes and lands in the ring, clutching at his nutz. Both men are laying motionless on the mat. Rage manages to crawl over and drape an arm over Tommy's chest. 1 KICK OUT! ~
Hood: "Flamer's still got a lot left... I don't know what Arryk was thinking even wasting his energy with that cover... in the history of pro wrestling, I don't think "the crotch-rope-strattler" has ever been a good finisher."
Sam: "The man's sick, he wants the match to end, just give him a break!"
~ Both men arise and they tie up. Flamer overpowers Rage and gets him into a side headlock, but Rage pushes him off and he goes flying to the ropes, he comes back and both men go for clotheslines! Both men connect and once again they are both motionless on the mat! ~
Sam: "Pretty even match-up so far, but I think Rage's condition is going to catch up to him."
Hood: "What condition is that? The condition of not being as good of a wrestler as Tommy Flamer? Quit making excueses for him."
Sam: "I'm just saying..."
Hood: "Shut up, pussy!"
~ Tommy Flamer gets up and drags Rage to his feet. He kicks Rage in the stomach. Rage moans loudly. Flamer gets set up to put Rage in a piledriver, but Rage shoves him off and stands, up clutching his stomach. Flamer gives a look that says "i will not be denied!" and kicks Rage in the stomach again. This time Rage throws up all over Flamer. Half the crowd laughs, some of them moan and some of them rush for the bathroom. At the announce booth, Jones leans over and throws up in a ringside garbage can ~
Hood: "haha, Rage just puked all over Flamer, that was funny! Hahaha!"
Hood: "haha, you pussy!"
~ Back in the ring, Flamer looks totally disgusted. He wipes some vomit off the front of his shirt and kicks Rage in the stomach again. Rage dry-heaves. Flamer puts Rage into position for a piledriver, and drops him head first into a puddle of his own vomit. ~
Sam: "Yuck!"
~ Flamer goes up to the top rope. He pulls something out of his pants, it is a book of matches and a bottle of lighter fluid! He douses his shirt in lighter fluid and attempts to light it, but it wont ignite because it's drenched in Arryk Rage's vomit. He looks pissed and tosses the items to ringside before jumping down on Arryk Rage with a Shawnton Bomb. He covers Rage ~
Hood: "And Flamer wins with his infamous Flaming Ball from Hell! Well, it was sort of a flaming ball from hell, I guess that was really more like a vomitty ball from hell, but a win is a win!"
Sam: "Yes it is. As good as he is, Arryk Rage just couldn't overcome the flu and Tommy Flamer at the same time."
Hood: "Well it looks like we need both a janitorial crew and the trainers out here to clean out the ring of Arryk Rage and his bodily fluids, so lets go to a short commercial break before we come back."
~ The scene fades to black. The large green letters J, F, C flash across the screen one at a time then it fades into a black and white picture of Scott Syren in some sort of martial arts training facility. He is wearing a white karate gee with a black belt. He bows to a slender elderly japanese man who is dressed the same. The two begin sparring. The camera goes to slow motion as each man delivers a series of kicks and counters to the other. Suddenly the scene changes to a picture of SiLVeRFReeK standing on the other side of the room, holding a bamboo kendo stick. ~
FReeK: "Scott, catch!"
~ FReeK throws the kendo stick. The scene changes back to Scott. Scott catches the kendo stick in one hand then turns and breaks it over the old japanese mans face. Blood splatters and the man falls instantly. Scott turns to the camera as the color fades back into the picture. ~
Scott: "Hey kids, Scott Syren here! For almost a year now, you've known me as the most skilled martial artist in the OCW, and more recently as the most hardcore man alive. Now here's your chance to be like me!"
~ Scott holds the splintered half-kendo stick up to the camera as the scene changes to a picture of a shoddily-crafeted foam kendo stick toy ~
Deep Voice: "Order your official Scott Syren kendo stick collectible today for only $24.95!"
~ The scene fades to black and back into the ringside area ~
Sam: Damn, I am glad they cleaned that mess up! It is time for our next match, Krayzie takes on Triple P! Lets get this one underway!
(The camera cuts back to a shot of the commentator's booth where Hood and Sam can be seen sitting. Suddenly "Just Another Crazy Click" by Three 6 Mafia/ICP & Twiztid begins to blare over the PA System as Krayzie makes his way down to the ring.)
Cobb: First comming down to the ring, Krayzie!!!
Hood: "Fans, you have to remember, Krayzie hasn't lost yet in the OCW!"
("Defeat You" by Smashmouth begins to blare over the PA System as Triple P makes his way down to the ring, beging escorted by Triple M. Triple P makes his way into the ring, as Triple M begins pacing around the outside.)
Cobb: Being escorted by his tag team partner, Triple M. One half of the Tag Team Champions, Triple P!!!!
(As the bell rings, both men lock up in the center of the ring. Triple M begins to yell instructions out to his tag team partner. Both men lock up in a test of strength, as Triple P tricks Krayzie, and lifts him over for a suplex. Triple P tosses Krayzie into the ropes, and Krayzie runs into the ref, knocking him out cold.)
Hood: Ohh my god! The ref is knocked out cold! Wait, who is this?
(Heavy Metal runs down the ramp, and into the ring. Mississipi Mud goes after Triple P, and begin to beat him with a steel chair while TGO grabs one of the tag team belts and nails Krayzie. As Triple M slides in the ring, TGO meets him with the same fate that Krayzie endured.)
Hood: Heavy Metal is cleaning house! Someone has to come from the back and stop this!
Sam: Yeah, where's the commish when you REALLY need him?!
(TGO wakes up the ref, who sees that Triple P has fallen on top of Krayzie and makes the pin..)
Hood: Looks like Triple P has won this match, thanks to Heavy Metal! Well, kinda... ohh great, what are these guys doing now?
Sam: It looks like they are gonna finish what they started!
(TGO and Mississipi Mud slide back in the ring, and toss the ref out. Then TGO lifts Triple M over his head, and tosses him out, while Krayzie and Triple P are being rolled out of the ring by Mississipi Mud. The ring is cleared, and TGO grabs a mic. The fans begin to boo.)
TGO: Listen up you idiots! We've got a little surprise for all of yall.. something we like to call, Heavy Metal TV!
(The camera cuts to a shot of the OCW-a-tron where a black and white security camera shot is being shown of the JFC locker room. Although no sound can be heard, it looks as if Scott Syren and Silverfreak are arguing, and Max Flash is standing between them, trying to hold them away from each other. Finally after a few moments of arguing, both Scott Syren and Silverfreak walk out of the camera's view, leaving Max with his hands thrown up in the air. The camera cuts back to a shot of TGO and Mississipi Mud in the ring.)
TGO: So..looks like life isn't paridise when your 'just f*cking cool' hu? These idiots try to play off that they are such good of friends, but now, through the world of technology, we have shown the fans... this is not the case. We..
('Everything Sucks' by Dope begins to play as Scott Syren and Silverfreak make their way out, standing right under the OCW-a-tron. Scott Syren pulls a mic from his backpocket and begins to speak.)
Scott Syren: Ohh my god that so totally sucked! Is this really the best you can do? Come up with a much cheeper version of what we did this Monday on Massacre? At least ours was origional... your's lacked creativity, charisma, and just plain coolness.
SiLVeRFReeK: Hell yea, that just plain sucked! Damn TGO, are you that stupid that you can’t come up with your own material?
TGO: Hey, you want a beef with Heavy Metal, then get your asses down here…..
~Suddenly “Fists of Rage” by Kid Rock begins playing and the fans stand and watch as out comes Adam Kemp. He stands next to Syren and Freek. He pulls out a mic and begins speaking~
Adam Kemp: Hey TGO, why don’t you and that cheap rip off of Heavy Metal just shut the hell up! The only force around here worth talking about is JFC, Just Fucking Cool! Hell, these guys are fucking cool, and as for you three, shit, you guys are nothing but copy cat losers!
~Kemp turns around and looks at Syren and then Freek. They are nodding with him and smiling. Kemp smiles for a second and then suddenly nails Syren in the head with the mic and then drops Freek with the Kemper Stunner. Kabuki then tries to attack Kemp, but he fights it off and gives the Kemper stunner to Kabuki. Heavy Metal then rush to the ramp and Mississippi Mud begins stomping on JFC as TGO raises the hand of Adam Kemp. They then get Mississippi Mud off of JFC and head back to the locker room area. Sam and Hood speak~
Sam: Geez Hood! Looks like Heavy Metal just got stronger!
Hood: Sure does! Adam Kemp, a promising rookie has joined the ranks of Heavy Metal! Incredible!
Sam: Uh Huh! Well, next up Hood, we have a match that everyone is talking about. Silverfreek, former World Champion and current Intercontinental Champion, takes on Shadow Stalker. Your thoughts?
Hood: I have no clue, this is going to be a fun one to watch!
Sam: Alrighty! Lets get down to ringside for this one!
~ “Problem Child” by AC/DC begins playing and the fans stand and watch as Shadow Stalker makes his way down to the ring area~
Cobbs: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Fribourg, Switzerland, standing 6’6” and weighing in at 268 lbs…….SHADOW STALKER!!!!!
~ “Everything Sucks” by Dope begins playing and the fans stand and watch as the Intercontinental Champion, Silverfreek, comes down to the ring being accompanied by Kabuki Jo~
Cobbs: And his opponent, from Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, standing 6’4” and weighing in at 260 lbs, he is the OCW Intercontinental Champion……SILVERFREEK!!!!!
~The bell rings and both men begin to brawl in the center of the ring. Freek gains an upper hand as Stalker begins to stagger back. Freek then goes for a big blow, but Stalker ducks, hooks his arms around the waist of Freek and drops him with a German Suplex~
Sam: Wow! Great move there by Shadow Stalker to get this match started!
Hood: Sure was! That almost snapped Silverfreek’s neck in half!
Sam: Uh Huh!!
~Stalker pulls Freek back to his feet and tosses him into a corner. Stalker now charges in on Freek, but Freek gets his boot up and nails Stalker in the face. Stalker staggers around in pain, Freek then climbs to the top rope and leaps off, nailing Stalker with a missile drop kick. He goes for a quick pin~
Kick Out!!!
Sam: That was so close!!!
Hood: Yea, but great job by the rookie to kick out!
Sam: Uh Huh!!
~Freek gets to his feet and pulls Stalker to his, he tries to whip Stalker in the ropes, but Stalker gets a kick into the gut of Freek. Freek bends over, Stalker then grabs Freek’s head and drops him with an inverted DDT, Stalker goes for a pin~
Kick Out!!!
Sam: Wow!! We almost saw Silverfreek get pinned by a rookie!
Hood: I thought Shadow Stalker had him!!!
~Stalker glares at the ref and then pulls Freek to his feet. He whips Freek into the ropes, Freek bounces off and leaps through the air, nailing Stalker with a flying forearm. Both men are now laid out in the middle of the ring~
Sam: Great move there by Silverfreek! But both men seem to be exhausted!!
Hood: Damn straight! I have no idea who is ahead at this point!
Sam: Me neither!
~Both men finally make it to their feet. Freek charges at Stalker with a clothesline, but Stalker ducks. Stalker then turns Freak around and grabs Freek by the throat. He lifts him up and drops him with a devastating chokeslam. Stalker then goes for the pin and the ref makes the count~
Kick Out!!!
Sam: Silverfreek kicked out!!! I can’t believe it!!!
Hood: That just shows the true champion that he is!!
~Stalker gets up and stares at the ref, the ref just shrugs. Stalker then turns around to face Freek, but Freek is ready and nails Stalker with a low blow. Stalker stands in pain. Freek then gets up, rushes into the ropes, bounces off, grabs Stalker’s head and drops him with a neckbreaker. Freek then tosses his arm over the chest of Stalker and the ref makes the count~
~The bell rings and the ref raises the hand of Silverfreek and hands him his title back~
Cobbs: Here is your winner, the OCW Intercontinental Champion…….SILVERFREEK
~Once the match has concluded, the cameras cut to a scene in a nice looking room where we see the back of a man, who is sitting in a chair. We then see Logan Caine laying on the couch across the room. We listen in~
Logan Caine: Gosh Doc, I just can’t handle this stress! D Double D has really gotten to me man! I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, it is horrible! Just horrible! Please help me get back to the way I was!!
Doc: Uh Huh….hmmm….
Logan Caine: I mean, you have no idea. Everywhere I go, I see “DDD”, every time the lights go out I fear that DDD is somewhere in there, trying to get me. The color blue…well, lets just say I can never look at it anymore without an intense fear of the unknown! Help me!!
Doc: hmmm…..
~The cameras then cut out of the office and into the backstage where we see Tommy Flamer walking around backstage, gloating after his victory against Arryk Rage. Suddenly he runs into Triple P, who is joking around with his buddy Triple M after his victory over Krayzie. Flamer speaks~
Tommy Flamer: Hey punk! You better watch where you are going. You just don’t run into the star of this company like that! Prez Dean outta suspend your ass for treating me like that! I am Tommy Flamer damnit!
Triple P: Yea…Tommy Flamer, the man that got his ass handed to him by the former Commissioner! Haha!! Real tough guy right here! Hey, maybe on Monday, you can fight Kabuki Jo’s mother for the World Homemaker Title!
~Flamer goes into a fit of rage. He punches Triple P in the head, knocking him down. He then superkicks Triple M, taking him out as well. Flamer then bends over Triple P and tells him his ass is gonna get it Monday. Flamer then mumbles “Kabuki” and begins to search around backstage. The camera then cuts back to Sam and Hood~
Sam: I can’t believe it! Logan Caine is getting therapy and Tommy Flamer is once again causing backstage problems!!
Hood: Damn…the craziness that is OCW is beginning to set in once again here tonight!
Sam: And speaking of crazy, the crazy, yet quiet Enigma takes on Brian Hanes next….could we see one of these men at Frost Bite for the LightWeight Title?
Hood: Well, I got a feeling, whoever wins this match will have a great shot at the LightWeight Title!
Sam: Agreed! Well, lets get down to the ring for all of the action!
~ “Steve Blackman’s Theme” begins playing and the fans stand and watch as Brian Hanes makes his way down to the ring area~
Cobbs: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Miami, Florida, standing 6’3” and weighing in at 226 lbs……BEEFCAKE BRIAN HANES!!!!!
~ “Illusions” by Cypress Hill begins playing and the fans stand and watch as Enigma makes his way down to the ring area~
Cobbs: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, standing 5’8” and weighing in at 215 lbs…….ENIGMA!!!!!
~The bell rings and both men lock up in the middle of the ring. Enigma pushes Hanes into the ropes, and whips him across the ring. Hanes bounces off and Enigma leaps up in the air and nails Hanes with a beautiful dropkick~
Sam: Wow! What a dropkick by Enigma! He nearly kicked the head right off of Brian Hanes!!
Hood: Damn straight! Hella athletic move by the mysterious Enigma!!
~Enigma now pulls Hanes to his feet and whips him into a nearby corner. Hanes hits hard. Enigma then charges in at Hanes. Hanes darts out of the way and Enigma runs into the corner. Hanes then rolls Enigma up and the ref makes the count~
Kick Out!!!
Sam: Damn! Brian Hanes nearly stole one!!
Hood: Hell yea, that would have been high way robbery!
~Enigma gets to his feet really fast and dodges a forearm thrown by Hanes. Hanes turns around and catches a spinning heel kick from Enigma right into the face. Enigma then pulls Hanes to his feet and drags him into a corner. Enigma climbs to the top rope, hooks the head of Hanes, leaps off and drops Hanes with a tornado DDT~
Sam: Enigma is looking strong in this one!
Hood: Sure is! Hanes better get something going and fast!
~Enigma now gets to his feet and waits for Hanes to get to his feet. Hanes does. Enigma then grabs him and drops him with the Enigma driver. Enigma then climbs to the top rope, leaps off and nails Hanes with a shooting star press. He goes for the pin and the ref makes the count~
~The bell rings and the ref raises the hand of Enigma~
Cobbs: Here is your winner…….ENIGMA!!!!!
Sam: Enigma nailed the Enigmatic and got the win! Great win for Enigma!
Hood: Yes, and he is all business too! This guy could go far in OCW!
Sam: Sure could! Well, I am being told that something is going on backstage!
~The camera cuts to a shot of Prez Dean’s office where he is talking with Cheasy M. Dean speaks~
Prez Dean: I don’t care what it takes, sign D Double D to a contract so we can have him fight Logan Caine at Frost Bite for the World title! This needs to be ended!
Cheasy M: Ok, I will do that right away!
~Cheasy M exits the office, Titan 3 then enters. Prez Dean leaps up to his feet and looks at T3, Dean speaks~
Prez Dean: What do you want?
Titan 3: I gotta say that I am a little upset with your decisions Dean-o!
Prez Dean: First off sucka, nobody calls me Dean-o unless we are cool. Second, what are you talking about? Are you not a rookie in the thick of a TV title hunt?
Titan 3: TV Title..yea, like that is what I came here to win. Listen, I am here to kick ass and some little piece of shit challenged me by the name of Rainman. So, I figure if you want to sell the arena out, then the smart thing would be to sign the match. But guess who was left off? Titan 3, what is the deal!
Prez Dean: Well, I gotta say you are one arrogant punk bitch. But I gotta admit…I like that. You want a match with Rainman? You got it, this Monday! Now don’t ever burst into my office like that again! And please, shut my door on your way out.
~Dean sits back down at his desk and Titan 3 then leaves the office, slamming the door as hard as he can. Dean then gets a pissed off look as the camera cuts back to Sam and Hood~
Sam: Looks Like Titan 3 really wanted to fight tonight!
Hood: Well, Dean should’ve had him on the card! No reason to leave off Titan 3!
Sam: I guess, well it is time for another TV Title tournament match, with Dilon Draven taking on James Vorex. Thoughts on this one Hood?
Hood: Draven will win, plain and simple!
Sam: Ok, lets get down to ringside for this one!!
~ “The Hands of Death” begins playing and the fans stand and watch as James Vorex makes his way to the ring area~
Cobbs: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a first round Television Title tournament match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, standing 6’4” and weighing in at 320 lbs…..JAMES “THE KILLER” VOREX!!!!!
~ “Torn” by Metallica begins to play as Dilon Draven makes his way down to the ring area~
Cobbs: And his opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio, standing 6’5” and weighing in at 265 lbs……DILON DRAVEN!!!!!
~The bell rings and both men lock up. Vorex sends Draven into the ropes. Draven bounces off and Vorex goes for a clothesline, Draven ducks, bounces off again and catches Vorex with a clothesline of his own~
Sam: Great counter there by Dilon Draven!
Hood: Sure was!
~Draven now quickly rushes to the corner, he climbs to the top. Leaps off and nails Vorex with a flying head butt. Draven then goes for the pin and the ref makes the count~
Kick Out!!!
Sam: Great kick out by The Killer, but he is going to have to mount some sort of offense!
Hood: Good point jerky!
~Draven gets to his feet and pulls Vorex to his. Vorex gets a thumb into the eyes of Draven. Draven bends over. Vorex then grabs the head of Draven, and drops him with an implant DDT. Vorex then pulls Draven back to his feet, hooks him for a powerbomb. Lifts him up and drops him with a devastating jacknife powerbomb. Vorex goes for the pin~
Kick Out!!!
Sam: I can’t believe Dilon Draven kicked out after all of that!
Hood: Me either! Great kickout!
~Vorex gets to his feet and begins to argue with the ref. He then turns around, but Draven is already at his feet, he kicks Vorex in the gut, Vorex bends over in pain. Draven then picks him up and powerbombs him, but holds onto his legs and puts him in a walls of jericho type submission. Vorex taps out quickly and the ref calls for the bell and raises the hand of Dilon Draven~
Cobbs: Here is your winner……DILON DRAVEN!!!!!
Sam: Dilon Draven moves on! And Vorex, well he will at least live to fight another day!
Hood: Yea…I guess…no killing tonight..heh!
~ “Zero” by Smashing Pumpkins begins playing as Steve Kudos comes out to the ring. He gets in and sees Draven still celebrating. Kudos then gets up behind Draven, turns him around, lifts him up and drops him with the Kudos Bomb. Kudos then gets a mic and begins speaking~
Steve Kudos: Draven, you think you are special cause you are in some little Television Title tournament? Hah! That is nothing! Now, the reason I am out here is cause, I, the “god” of OCW is not in a match tonight! So, I demand a match, right now! Give me one! I am the man! I deserve a match….
~ Suddenly “Everything Sucks” by Dope begins playing and we see Scott Syren come out from behind the curtain with a chair in his hands. He walks down the ramp and gets to ringside. He walks up the steps and into the ring. Kudos is watching him in confusion. Syren then grabs ahold of the chair with both hand and then cracks it over the head of Kudos. Kudos then falls over in the ring, unconscious. Syren then heads back to the locker room area, leaving the chair in the ring as his theme continues to play. We then see Prez Dean in his office as Cheasy M returns~
Prez Dean: Well….did you sign him?
Cheasy M: I couldn’t find him!!
Prez Dean: Damnit! Well, in your absence I figured out another match for Frost Bite, United States Title on the line, Jessie Fitzgerald taking on Slim Shady!
Cheasy M: Hell yea! Sounds good!
Prez Dean: Of course it does!
~The camera then cuts to a shot of Kabuki Jo laying on the ground, battered and bloody. We then see Tommy Flamer standing over him with a smirk on his face and a chair in hand. Flamer then drops the chair and walks off. The camera’s cut back to Sam and Hood~
Sam: Damnit! Flamer just knocked out Kabuki!!!
Hood: Yea, but did you see Syren destroy Kudos….man that was fucking cool!
Sam: I guess, but what is cool is that Shady will challenge the Fish for his US title at Frost Bite!!!
Hood: True True!
Sam; But, speaking of title matches, Hardcore Title match is next, so lets get down to the ring for the action!!!
Cobbs: Ladies and Gentleman, this is the main event! Tonight, Scott Syren will face Cash Money, for the Hardcore Championship of OCW. Introducing first, Cash Money!
~“Ain’t Nothin’ but a G-Thang” hits the systems in the arena as Cash Money walks out from the under the OCW-a-tron. He looks at the crowd, who give him a mixed reaction. Then, he proceeds to walk down and slide into the ring.~
Cobbs: And his opponent, the current World Hardcore Champion, Scott Syren!
~“Everything Sucks” by Dope hits the PA system. The fans stand, waiting the entrance of Scott Syren. Then, Scott emerges, carrying a metal trash can full of hardcore material. He runs down to the ring, dropping the bucket halfway down the aisle. He slides in, and the two lock up as the bell rings. The fans boo Scott Syren as he hits Cash with some right hooks to the face. They both swing left and right. Finally, Cash knocks Syren to the mat with a drop kick. Syren holds his head as Cash grabs his hair and picks him up. Cash slings Syren to the ropes, yet on the way back Syren stops and kicks Cash in the stomach, doubling him over. Syren raises his head up, kicks him in the gut and suplexes him.~
Hood: This is already an awesome match-and we haven’t gotten to the “Hardcore” part yet.
Sam: Exactly…do we wanna see the hardcore part?
Hood: I know I sure as **** do!
~Syren gets up and goes outside the ring. He walks down the aisle, and grabs the trash can. He starts taking the weapons out and laying them on the concrete floor, until the trash can is empty and kendo sticks, cookie sheets, barbed wire poles and everything else lays there. He turns around to go to the ring, but Cash meets him halfway with a jumping cross body block from inside the ring to the outside floor. Cash slowly gets up and grabs a cookie sheet. He waits for Syren, who slowly gets up. Syren runs towards him, trying to block the sheet, but it strikes him on the side of his left cheek. Cash grins as Syren hits the concrete, mouth bleeding. Cash picks him up and chops him on the chest. Syren withstands it though, and russian leg-sweeps Cash onto the trash can, flattening it~
Sam: Wow, and awesome move, and yet not a smart move! Both men are now injured! What could we see next?
Hood: Well, hopefully Syren can break Cash’s mouth open just like Cash done to him! I love blood!
~Both men get up at the same time. Syren throws Cash into the guardrails. Cash grabs his back in pain, but doesn’t have time to think about it, as Syren throws him across the aisle to the opposite side guardrail. Cash perks up and clotheslines Syren down to the concrete floor. He picks up the kendo stick, and hammers it across Syren’s stomach. He picks Syren up, and swings the kendo stick again, but Syren grabs hit, takes it and smacks Cash across the top of his head. Cash falls backwards, stumbling at first, then head first into the flattened trash can. His head is cut open, and bleeds down his nose, into his mouth. Syren picks Cash up and throws him towards the ring. Cash weakly slides into the ring, followed by Syren, who put a chair on the apron for later use~
Hood: Well, I got the blood didn’t I!??? This is sweet man! What a match for a main event! These two are taking it to the limits!!!
Sam: Yes, but how long can they do this?! Can they absorb the pain for much longer?!
Hood: I hope so!
~Syren picks Cash up and neckbreaks him in the center ring. Cash hits the mat hard, but so does Syren. They bump heads on the way down. Syren holds his head, in pain, and tries to get up. He gets up shortly, but stumbles, catching himself on the turnbuckle.~
Sam: Hey Look! It’s Mississippi Mud and TGO! They’re on their way to the ring! What are they doing?!!
~Percy grabs the chair, as Cash stands up. Cash grabs Syren, picks him up, and holds him from behind, waiting for Percy to nail Syren. Percy swings, but Syren ducks and hits Cash across the head. Cash is out, and Syren lays across him. TGO, Stonewall and Percy start to get in to take Syren off, but from behind Triple P and Triple M grab their legs. The ref counts, 1…2….3… The bell rings, as Triple P and Triple M battle with Mississippi Mud and TGO. Syren ignores them and continues to beat on Cash. As the battle continues, the lights dim, and a blue spotlight hits the stage. There on stage stands Ice Breaker, staring at the battle. Blue Fog surrounds him, and when it clears, Ice Breaker is gone. The lights come back on, as the wrestlers stare in confusement to the stage. They continue to battle…
Hood: What was that about? Wasn’t that the former OCW wrestler Ice Breaker? I dunno fans, but I do know this
Sam: Let me take it from here. We are out of time fans, we will see you Monday Night!
~As the show from arena comes to an end, we get another shot of Logan Caine laying on the couch, he speaks~
Logan Caine: Geez Doc! Aren’t you gonna help me man! I am in a state of desperation! Dude! Talk to me!!!
~Logan Caine get off the couch and turns the doctor around, only to see it is D Double D!!! Logan Caine tries to get away, but DDD grabs ahold of him, lifts him up and powerbombs him through the desk. The show then ends with a shot of Logan Caine laying on a pile of broken wood~