LIVE! Sunday, March 29th 2015
From La Scala in Milan, Italy
In other words, we’re glad that shit is over.
The OCW logo emerges from the darkness...starting out as a faint, dream like image, barely visible. There’s a fragility to it that we rarely see. In the background, footage begins to move. It brightens and deepens, drowning out the OCW image. It’s footage of the yearly end awards show from Mid January. The Code of Silence theme begins to play~
August 2014, OCW ended a tremendous run by crowning Mack O’Connor the Last Man Standing and OCW Champion. After all the pomp and circumstance that comes with such an achievement, there was...silence. The unique locations, OCW Headquarters and news wire were eerily vacant. Nothing came in, nothing leaked out. Death seemed to be upon OCW, a death that signaled the end of an era. A death some had long awaited...a death some weren’t ready to accept.
It began with a whisper, a simple, meaningless blip on the OCW airwaves in the form of the company promising something big. What followed was typical, continued silence. It became clear things were truly over.
Then, like a shot fired in the dark, OCW sprang to life with a Year End Awards Show, an event which showcased and honored all the best performances from the previous year. It was well received and absorbed by the fans as a final curtain call to the once proud organization. The event ended with a surprise, a promo for something called ‘Revenge.’
From that point forward, OCW was anything but silent. The Code of Silence had been breached as all the names you’d come to know and revere returned in groves, excited to participate in OCW’s return event which was set to take place in Brazil.
This particular Code of Silence was meant as a period of recuperation, silence to ride out the storm, silence to sharpen one’s skills in an effort to return stronger and smarter. This Code of Silence ended with a lasting image of Chad Vargas kneeling in front of his brand new OCW Title, accepting the challenge of OCW Savage Champion, Danny B. This Code of Silence did, indeed, breed a sharper brand of OCW for 2015.
Code of Silence, a term that can be synonymous with impending doom, the calm before the storm, if you will, an uneasy feeling along the coastline before something terrible rolls in.
In 2014, Ian Bishop, OCW’s heel of the year entered with a bang and exited with a whimper, leaving and taking his talents to various other federations where he’d prove his worth as a hired gun.
After proving to the world he was more than simply an ‘OCW guy’ Ian Bishop suffered terrible injuries and faded into the background of the professional wrestling world. He then entered a period of silence, convincing some observers that his heinous actions and obnoxious behavior had thankfully been permanently placed safely in their rear view mirrors.
Just when he seemed to be done, rumors of Bishop attempting a comeback to OCW emerged, rumors which were quickly squashed by Dean and Dr. Shaidee. Again, silence followed. Then, at Revenge, Ian Bishop hit like a category five hurricane thrashing the levees in New Orleans. He broke into The Cube and destroyed Dean, injuring him for more than a week and preventing him from witnessing the success that Revenge had to offer.
Ian’s Code of Silence proved to be a means of capture, luring his enemies to sleep as he waited for the perfect time to strike. Now, with everyone on the planet fully aware of his potential presence and ulterior motives, what does Ian have in store for OCW tonight?
Code of Silence can also indicate a period of time a person would rather forget than acknowledge. A time period of tumult which renders them uneasy, unwilling to accept the fact they placed themselves in such a precarious position.
Nearly a year ago, Mario Maurako was living the dream. He was in charge of arguably the greatest faction in OCW history and had his sights set on an OCW Southern Championship Match against Pryde. One month later, Maurako was gone. While his abduction was public, his absence was creepily poorly documented. Nothing emanated from his on screen capture. It was as if it never happened. His partners simply moved on with their lives, acting as though he had never existed.
One year later, Maurako shocks the world, returning to aid Lurrr in defeating Bifford for the OCW Hall of Fame Title at Revenge. What came next was an even bigger surprise, as if that were possible. Fans and OCW historians sat back, anxiously awaiting a statement from Maurako, identifying his intentions and, most importantly, explaining who abducted him and why. What they got was...silence.
Like his cohorts, Maurako acted as though his abduction never occurred. In fact, Maurako took it a step further, acting under the influence that 2014 never took place. While his actions have made defining noise, his words have indicated continued silence. Will he finally speak up? Tonight, will the secrets and mystery shrouding Maurako’s current OCW existence finally be explained? Will his silence be broken?
Finally, Code of Silence can refer to timidity, individuals unsure of their place or, rather, their ability to get the job done.
OCW has staked its reputation on the talent within its hallowed walls. Rosters that have featured legends like Scott Syren, Silverfreak, Paul Paras, Silver Cyanide, Andy Murray and Scorpion have carried the company to ever increasing levels of success. In 2014, names like Ian Bishop, Brianna Casablancas, Pryde, MJ Bell, Amber Ryan, Mia Stone and Sean Fuller all combined their efforts to rebrand the image. They proved to be talents worthy of building a company around...they did their jobs and they did them marvelously.
2015 rolls in and the roster is far, far different. It is headlined by names that many OCW fans would have labeled ‘B’ players a year earlier. Many fans stood by, anxiously, wondering if this assembly of talent had what it took to meet and potentially surpass previous incarnations of OCW. The wrestlers themselves stood in silence, holding their talent back, unsure if they could meet the bar that had been set so many years ago.
Then, at Revenge, they showed the world what they were made of. Not only did they speak up, they cried out as loud as they could. Never in OCW’s history has a return been marked by such an impressive event. This roster stood up and demanded people take notice...they delivered a message, a message that was clearly received.
Tonight, can this same roster continue exceeding expectations? Will they make a louder, more emphatic statement? Tonight, at Code of Silence, could this roster do the impossible...could this roster set a mark OCW has yet to reach?
The wait is over...the wrestling world waits with baited breath as OCW gets ready to speak proudly yet again.
~The OCW logo comes crashing through the various images we had been presented, with the Code of Silence logo appearing underneath it. The crescendo of “Heart of Courage” by Two Steps From Hell sound as we are taken to a sold out La Scala Opera House in Milan, Italy as a much different crowd adorns the seats and balconies. Spanning the crowd we see Americans, Italians and people of other nationalities we don’t care to recognize. Our view then points directly up at The Loggione where Jones is standing by with a bunch of hardcore, drunk, crazy opera fans~
Jones: It isn’t every day that I get to lead things off ahead of my cohorts Smith and Hood so, allow me to...mother fucker!
~An overzealous fan spills a beer all over Jones expensive, designer suit. Jones shakes his head and shrugs at the camera~
Jones: Eh, what are you going to do...anyway, I’m up here in The Loggione where the hardcore contingent resides...these tickets were far cheaper than any others and well, it’s pretty obvious...excuse me, sir, who are you pulling for tonight?
~Jones holds the microphone up to some random, crazy looking fan~
Fan: The Lockwoods!
~Suddenly a “Lockwood” chant breaks out in The Loggione as Jones turns back toward the camera~
Jones: Yep, these fans are certifiable...anyway, I fear this might be the last time they ever let me open a show, let’s send it to Smith and Hood.
~We cut to the ‘A’ team as Smith is dressed in his finest opera attire while Hood is wearing jeans and a “Nutsucker” shirt~
Smith: Hello again everyone and welcome to Code of Silence!! I’m Smith and alongside me is my broadcast colleague, Hood and...well, I have to ask...what are you wearing?
Hood: Eh, well ya know how Dean told us to wear opera themed clothing?
Smith: Yes
Hood: I found this really cool shirt based on an opera porno...thought it was fitting.
Smith: Take that off right now, it’s a disgrace!
Hood: First of all, I think my physique without a shirt would be more offensive...second, did you not see the Latrine up there? It is full of Lockwood fans...I think I’m good.
Smith: It’s called the Loggione...but, whatever...anyway, folks we have a stacked card tonight as OCW completes its second super show of 2015...
Hood: Fuck yea, I can’t wait to see Chad Vargas shut The Ripper up.
Smith: That is our Main Event and it will be brutal...we also have a number one contenders match featuring the two men who fell to Vargas last month and the man who came up short against Danny B at Revenge.
Hood: So, we’re going to find out who the best loser is?
Smith: That’s not how I’d prefer to look at it...all three of those competitors are as good as OCW has to offer...and, as we’ve seen throughout OCW history, anyone can defeat anyone on any given night.
Hood: Blah blah...let’s talk about Lurrr.
Smith: Right...well, Lurrr is defending his Hall of Fame Title against D Double D as well as teaming up with fellow Hall of Famer Mario Maurako against Awe.Some and The Lockwoods.
Hood: Yea, maybe Mario will get hit in the head with a rock or something...that way it would bring back the memory of his kidnapping...guy is acting like he has amnesia or some shit.
Smith: That would be nice, to have a bit of clarity...we also will get to see two of OCW’s top up and coming superstars in action once again as Supreme Machine takes on Brandon Gateman and Ricky Rhodes challenges The Lost Soul for the Ascension Title.
Hood: I’m going with Gateman and way does this place need to be ruled by clowns and masked weirdos.
Smith: And, of course, we have the Oh Shit Match and the return of Dangerous Dan as he challenges Alice Knight for the Paradigm Title.
Hood: Fucking, I’m ready to get to it...Spain sucks, the sooner we get this bitch started, the sooner we can get back to the good ole US of A.
Hood: Ugh,’s all the same.
Smith: Folks, before we get started, let’s head backstage where I’m being told D Double D is standing by...
~We cut backstage to find Jones, who managed to escape The Loggione, standing by with OCW Hall of Famer, D Double D~
Jones: Alright, I’m standing by with one of the original Hall of Fame members and one of the first OCW Champions, D Double D who, tonight, will face Hall of Fame Champion Lurrr in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. D Double D, it’s been nearly a decade since we’ve seen you compete in a legitimate OCW event...what are your thoughts as your return is moments away?
D Double D: Jones, it’s great to see you again. Words can’t even begin to describe how I’ve felt all week leading into this event. From the moment I stepped off the airplane and entered the Italian airport, I’ve had constant chills running through my body. This past Wednesday, I toured La Scala, getting a sense of the atmosphere and I was rendered to tears...
~D Double D begins to choke up a bit before composing himself~
D Double D: It’s just been so long and I’ve missed this so much...there is nothing in my life that means more to me than my career in OCW and with the opportunity I’ve been given to challenge Lurrr for the Hall of Fame assured, it’s something I cherish and will not let pass me by.
Jones: That sounds great...what will it take to dethrone Lurrr, tonight?
D Double D: I’ve spent hours on end studying film of Lurrr and preparing for the possibility that Maurako could be involved. Trust me, I’ve left no stone unturned...I am in the best shape of my life and I’m ready to make an impact...Lurrr is going to have to wrestle the match of his life if he...
Voice: Ahem
~D Double D turns around and finds himself staring down at OCW Hall of Fame Champion, Lurrr. Lurrr’s title is draped across his shoulder as he’s already in his wrestling gear. He steps up to DDD and holds his head up high, arrogantly sticking his chin out. Jones slowly disappears from view, not liking what he’s sensing~
Lurrr: Did I hear you correctly? Did you insinuate that you actually have a shot against me tonight? Let’s not play fairy tale games here, D Double were brought in for one reason and one reason make me look good.
~Lurrr pokes his index finger into the massive chest of DDD, who is breathing heavily and frowning, looking like he’s ready to physically express his anger. Lurrr continues poking him until DDD slaps his hand away~
D Double D: Not only do I think I can beat you...I know I will...your end of tyranny in the Hall of Fame ends tonight.
~Lurrr rolls his eyes and spits in DDD’s face! DDD reaches up and grabs Lurrr by the throat. Suddenly, out of nowhere DDD is nailed in the back of the head with something hard. It creates a sick thud as DDD falls, unconscious to the hard, cement floor. Lurrr looks down at DDD as Maurako appears next to him, holding a crowbar. Lurrr runs his fingers along the sharp portion, finding blood hanging on the end~
Lurrr: Shit, Mario...I didn’t tell you to kill the guy, you could’ve used the blunt side.
Mario Maurako: He got what he deserved.
Lurrr: Yea...
~Lurrr looks down at the trail of blood beginning to flow from the puncture wound in the back of DDD’s head~
Lurrr: I guess you’re right...pick him up.
~Mario yanks DDD to his feet...he struggles for a bit as it’s dead weight...he locks a Full Nelson on DDD as Lurrr slowly places his HOF Title safely to the ground next to him. He takes a few steps back before lunging forward with The Wake Up Call into DDD’s face!!! Mario lets go of DDD as he falls to the ground...Lurrr places his foot on DDD’s chest and nods in Mario’s direction. Mario goes to his knees and slaps the concrete floor~
Mario Maurako: ONE! TWO! THREE!!!
~He rises, grabs the title, handing it to Lurrr and raises Lurrr’s arm in victory~
Mario Maurako: Your winner and Still OCW Hall of Fame Champion...LURRR!!
Lurrr: Ahhh, another hard fought victory under my belt. Now, let’s go get ready to beat up those mexican brothers and that white trash family, my other shoulder feels a bit bare.
~Mario nods as the duo walks off. Jones re-emerges as he checks on DDD before scurrying off to find some medical personnel. We then spot someone lurking in the darkness...quickly, we zoom in and see Andy Murray rubbing his chin, shaking his head in disappointment. We then cut back to ringside~
Smith: I...I’m speechless...did they just murder D Double D?
Hood: I don’t know and, frankly, I don’t care...but Andy Murray seems to disapprove
Smith: Yes, Lurkin’ Murray is back, apparently
Hood: So, what does this mean for the Hall of Fame Title match?
Smith: I don’t know...I guess...wait a minute, I’m being told they are talking to Dean right now...quick, let’s get backstage!
~President Dean is inside his office listening to some classical music. His brow furrows as he finally shuts it off, looking over at Brother D~
President Dean: I just don’t get it..I don’t see it...what is so good about opera music, it sucks, sucka!
Brother D: Bad pussy for sure
~Dean finally notices that Brother D is in his office~
President Dean: Wait a minute, what are you doing in here? Didn’t I reassign you to popcorn duty?
~Brother D shrugs as Jones busts in with an OCW medical staff member...Jones is breathing heavily~
President Dean: What the fuck??
Jones: Dean, it’s D Double D...Maurako, Lurrr...they
President Dean: Look, sucka, I’m very busy tonight so I can’t play some name the entire Hall of Fame game...
OCW Medic: Lurrr and Maurako hurt D Double D pretty badly...I’m not sure if we can clear him to compete.
President Dean: Are you fucking kidding me? That’s like a Co-Main Event Match...
Jones: It just aired, sir...did you not see it?
~Dean frantically turns his TV on and sees himself...he slams the remote into the wall, shattering it~
President Dean: NO! I was too busy trying to find out what’s so great about Opera music...MOTHER FUCKER...take me too him, we aren’t cancelling that match unless we absolutely have to!
~Dean rushes out, following Jones and the Medic. Brother D reaches into his pants as we cut back to ringside~
Smith: Dean is NOT happy
Hood: Well no shit, Brother D is about to whack off before he starts selling popcorn.
Smith: As repulsive as that is...I was referring to the fact one of our main draws might be cancelled.
Hood: Hey, if you can’t handle the heat, get out of the pizza oven, said the pepperoni to the onion.
Smith: Whatever that means...folks, we will get you an update on D Double D’s condition just as soon as we receive it...until then, it’s time for our first match of the evening...a Street Fight to determine the #1 Contender for the OCW Savage Championship.
Hood: I love street fights!
Smith: And this one takes place in the streets of Milan...Brandon Gateman, a former OCW Hardcore Champion, is making his long awaited return in an attempt to instantly return to his previous status...his opponent, Supreme Machine.
Hood: Are you piggy backing my pizza analogy?
Smith: No, Supreme just happens to be half of his name. Anyway, Supreme Machine had one of the most impressive debuts in company history outlasting Ricky Rhodes last month to win an Oh Shit Contract...this month, he’s been awarded with another shot at earning a shot at a main OCW Title.
Hood: That’s really fucking confusing
Smith: Stick with me...Supreme Machine has already alluded to the fact he is aiming his Oh Shit opportunity at Danny B and the Savage Title...soooo...if he wins tonight, theoretically, the guy would have two shots at winning the Savage Title.
Hood: Fuck this shit, can we just get to the match?
Smith: Sure...let’s head outside as we will call the match via simulcast!

Streets of Milan Match
Supreme Machine (8 pts) vs. Brandon Gateman (0 pts)
~Our screens shift to a view displaying the streets of Milan. The sun is beginning to set over the Western horizon as Supreme Machine and Brandon Gateman are surrounded by hundred of spectators. Some wearing OCW merchandise, others wondering what in the hell is going on and why a creature like Supreme Machine is walking around dressed in such a manner during the month of May. Predator steps through the crowd with a megaphone in his hand~
Predator: Hello fans of OCW and people of Milano!
~The fans grow angry, chanting “Milan! Milan!” Predator looks down at a sheet in front of him and shrugs with a hint of embarrassment~
Predator: My bad, Spaniards...but I really do love those cookies.
~Chants of “Italy! Italy! Italy!” hit Predator harsher than the Milan chants as Predator, once more, glances down at the sheet in his hand. He rolls his eyes before continuing~
Predator: Whoops, appears Milan is in Italy, not Spain. No wonder those tacos I got earlier were so worries, I’ll just get some pizza as soon as this match ends! Ahem, anyway...people of earth and, well, Milan, is now time for the #1 Contenders Match for the OCW Savage Championship...this match will be a Milan Street Fight where, basically, these two competitors in front of me will brawl through the streets of Milan until one is either pinned, knocked out or submitted. Introducing first...
~Predator turns and points at Brandon Gateman, very much like the Buffer not named Michael would inside an eight sided, fighting apparatus~
Predator: Fighting out of the west end of the street...from Toronto, Ontario, Canada...standing 6’4 and weighing in at 255lbs...he is a former OCW Hardcore Champion...Brandon Gateman!!!
~The fans give a solid ovation to the former Hardcore Champion as Gateman moves his neck back and forth, loosening it up while staring down the monstrous opponent he must face~
Predator: And his opponent, FIGHTING out of the east end of the street...from The Boiler Room, standing 6’9 and weighing in at 315lbs...he is the current holder of the ‘Oh Shit’ Contract...Supreme Machine!!!
~Predator turns around and spots a group of young boys. He skips towards them and starts to rub and feel around their heads as they turn and run away. He gives chase. Gruff steps forward and holds his hands up in the air. Gateman steps forward with SuMa remaining in a fixed position, keeping an ominous glare on Gateman. Gruff slaps his hands together signifying the match has begun as the fans cheer. Gateman holds his fists up and stands, coiled and ready. SuMa tilts his head to the side, watching Gateman’s actions~
Smith: And we’re off in this one as Supreme Machine appears to be confused, maybe?
Hood: He’s probably still reeling over the idiocy presented by Predator. I swear, Dean must have a deal worked out with the parole board, it would be the only rational explanation for how some of these morons get hired.
Smith: Certainly explains how you got the gig.
Hood: Fuck off
~Gateman steps closer to SuMa and he unleashes a roundhouse right, slamming his fist into the side of SuMa’s head. SuMa’s head snaps sharply to the side with his hair flying over his face. He slowly rotates his head forward and reaches out, grasping Gateman by the throat. Gateman gasps for air as he tries to chop SuMa’s arm at the elbow. His efforts are futile, SuMa’s strength is too much. Gateman throws a few desperate kicks at SuMa’s knees. SuMa lifts Gateman up, into the air and holds him there. Saliva begins to seep from the side of Gateman’s mouth as he’s being choked out. Gateman reaches down and does what any person would do when being attacked by a much larger, menacing, out for blood type animal...he gouges at SuMa’s eye! SuMa drops Gateman and backs away, pushing Brandon away. SuMa turns his head and reaches up, feeling around his eye in pain. Gateman staggers back and returns to a standing position, he begins to look around with a panic in his eyes~
Smith: I think Brandon Gateman has finally realized what he’s up against.
Hood: No shit, I mean, he did take Legion to the brink...but this isn’t fucking Legion.
Smith: Nope, Supreme Machine is unlike any force we’ve ever seen in OCW.
Hood: Yea, so if I were Gateman, I’d try to find a tire iron or maybe a hammer or possibly a really large gun.
Smith: A gun?!
Hood: Desperate times, bro...but I do like how you were seemingly cool with the hammer or tire iron, shows how far we’ve come
Smith: Or fallen
~SuMa recovers, finding his vision and eye to be virtually unharmed. He turns his attention back on Gateman. Gateman rushes toward the crowd, they part, not really wanting to be run over by a 6’4 pro wrestler. Gateman finds himself standing at the front door of a local eatery. He quickly enters. Our cameras follow as Gateman rushes up to a table and frantically slides his hands all over it, trying to find something that resembles a weapon. SuMa slowly enters...the patrons inside all scream upon seeing SuMa. They leap up from their tables and run for the nearest corner, huddling together. Predator can be seen inside, enjoying some pizza and seemingly unmoved. SuMa grabs Gateman by the back of the neck... Gateman turns around and he slams a glass jar full of pepper into the head of SuMa!! SuMa staggers back against a wall, releasing Gateman. Gateman rushes toward the back of the eatery and he hops over the counter, inadvertently kicking an employee in the face, taking him out~
Smith: Gateman is like a rat in a trap and the further he climbs into the back of that place, the less room he’s giving himself to navigate.
Hood: That pizza Predator eating looks fucking choice, bro. I mean, was that like, seriously pieces of steak on top?
Smith: Don’t ask me because, I was, ya know, watching the match we’re supposed to be calling.
Hood: Well, next time they catch Predator, make sure to get a good look...I HAVE to know, may hit that place up after we’re done here.
~SuMa heads for the checkout counter. Gateman, with his back to SuMa, searches for something. SuMa grabs the cash register and he rips it away from the outlet it’s currently plugged into. He holds the heavy device over his head and he hurls it at Gateman! Gateman, instinctively, ducks as the register slams into the ground with a huge thud! Cash and coins fly into the air with Gateman looking at the device and then at SuMa with fear in his eyes. He then reaches forward and grabs a cooking pan with each hand. Turning around, he swings wildly with the pans, trying to catch SuMa with a solid blow. They have little-to-no effect. SuMa grabs one and rips it away, flinging it away. The customers huddled up take the opportunity to flee the restaurant. Gateman continues swinging wildly with pizza pan and, in his wild flinging, happens to catch the side of SuMa’s neck with a sharp-ish edge of the pan. It makes a tiny, fairly meaningless slice...but enough of a slice to give SuMa pause as he reaches up, inspecting it~
Smith: Uh Oh...Supreme Machine is not going to like that
Hood: Nice to see the guy bleeds human blood
Smith: Just because it’s red doesn’t mean it’s human blood
Hood: Holy shit, you’re right...mother fucker could still be some kind of leopard man or some shit
~With SuMa distracted, Gateman grabs the beat up register along with another item, which he stores in a pocket located in his pants. He climbs atop the counter and secures the register. SuMa turns around and Gateman leaps off, drilling the register into SuMa’s head!! SuMa staggers back, falling to one knee. Gateman lands hard as well, dropping the register and finding himself unable to maintain his balance. After crashing into a table and a few chairs, Gateman crawls frantically for the register, he picks it up and slings it, with both hands, into the side of SuMa’s head!! SuMa falls to the ground, rolling over onto his back. Gateman, breathing heavily, drops the register as the fans outside peer at him through the glass window of the establishment~
Smith: Well, that’s one way to get the big man down
Hood: It’s like they always say, a wise man lets the money do all the work
Smith: I believe those individuals are referring to investments and stocks and things of a more, well, normal manner.
Hood: Hey, it fucking worked, didn’t it?
Smith: *sigh* Yes, it did
~Gateman walks over the body of SuMa and he spreads his legs with SuMa’s body between them. Gateman then crouches to a kneeling position and he brings his face next to SuMa’s. With his right hand, he digs into his pocket and he pulls out a Pizza Cutter. Gateman brings it to the mask of SuMa and he starts to cut away at the top of the mask~
Smith: Gateman is going to try and slice the mask off of SuMa’s face!
Hood: Interesting, I probably would have tried to slit his wrist or something, but, hey, whatever works.
Smith: While I’m pretty sure Gateman wants to win tonight, I’m positive he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life inside an Italian prison.
Hood: Maybe he does, did you ever see Shawshank Redemption? Brooks was here, Smith...Brooks was here.
~Gateman continues to saw away, finding the mask to be thicker than he imagined. As he does, a trail of blood begins to emerge, oozing down both sides of SuMa’s forehead as it becomes obvious Gateman’s sawing has penetrated the skin of SuMa. This doesn’t seem to appall or concern Gateman at all...instead, he saws harder. Suddenly, out of nowhere, SuMa’s head lunges forward, smacking into the face of Gateman!! Gateman leans back, dropping the Pizza Cutter. SuMa sits up, face to face with Gateman...a full on pour of blood is taking place at the top of his mask where the Cutter dug deep into SuMa’s head as he lunged forward. The top of his mask is split and slice down the middle about an inch or two but, otherwise, remains fully intact. SuMa reaches up with both arms and he grabs Gateman by the throat~
Smith: Supreme Machine is alive and he isn’t happy
Hood: That’s a shit ton of Panther blood pouring out of his head
Smith: That is NOT panther blood
Hood: Leopard blood, sorry, my bad...continuity and such
~Our view shifts to outside the eatery as the fans staring through the window suddenly turn and sprint away. Seconds later, Gateman’s body is hurled through the window!! Glass shatters everywhere as Gateman’s body lands harshly on walk way, rolling to the edge and limply falling off the edge of the walkway and onto the cobble stoned road. A few concerned fans step forward, acting out in a good Samaritan fashion before shrieks fill the atmosphere. SuMa steps through the giant, broken window and stalks the body of Gateman. Everyone clears a wide path, giving SuMa his distance~
Smith: Things have taken a drastic turn for Brandon Gateman
Hood: Yea, when he fought that THING Legion, that was at least in an arena...this is on the streets.
Smith: Indeed, a dangerous scenario
~SuMa grabs Gateman by the hair and yanks him to his feet. He then drills him right underneath the chin with a Short-Arm Clothesline!! Gateman falls to the cobble pavement, hard...the back of his head slamming into the surface. He grabs it with both hands, rolling over onto his stomach. SuMa goes for a curb stomp, but Gateman rolls out of the way as the bottom of SuMa’s foot slams into the ground. Gateman continues to roll away with SuMa stalking him. Gateman manages to scramble to his feet. Once on his feet, Gateman throws his head back, revealing a couple of deep scratches on both cheeks from the impact through the glass windshield. There are also a few cuts in his bare arms. He takes a deep breath before charging at SuMa with as much force as he can generate. He splits SuMa in half with a spear, driving him back. SuMa staggers back with the middle portion of his back ramming into a fire hydrant on the sidewalk!! SuMa visibly arches his back in pain, reaching around to clutch his back. Gateman yanks him back a few feet before driving him into the hydrant once more. He repeats this a few more times until SuMa falls to both knees as the fans around the scene start to get behind Gateman~
Smith: I guess that’s what happens when flesh and bone meet an immovable object
Hood: Do you think he did that on purpose?
Smith: Umm, yes
Hood: I don’t know, maybe he was thirsty and just wanted a drink.
Smith: Doubtful
~With SuMa on his knees, Gateman grabbed the back of his head and delivers a few sharp knees to SuMa’s face and, most notably, the large gash in his forehead. Gateman then yanks SuMa to his feet, knees him in the gut, hooks him and lifts him up and over in fluid motion, dropping him, harshly onto the cobbled ground with a Perfect Plex!! Gruff drops to his knees and makes the count~
Kick Out!
Smith: Gateman showing the kind of guts and determination that won him the Hardcore Title in 2014.
Hood: Yes, but it didn’t work so, I suggest he
Smith: What a cowardly thing to do!
Hood: Self preservation, my friend
~Gateman sits up after SuMa kicks out, holding his back in pain from the impact the suplex caused his own body. He slowly climbs to his feet, appearing to be wearing down from all the high impact collisions the match setting has provided. He reaches down and attempts to rip the top or something hard off of the hydrant, but finds everything locked down tightly. Then, much like a drunk wandering the streets, Gateman staggers around, looking for a weapon. As he does, in the background, we see SuMa sit up and quickly return to his feet, several fans yell and point. Gateman looks over his shoulder and spots SuMa stalking him down once again. He curses under his breath, finding the man harder than most to keep down. A trolly car appears several feet ahead, traveling down the middle of the street. Gateman hobbles for it and hops on, hoping to create some distance between himself and SuMa. SuMa, rather than following Gateman’s actions, stands in front of the car. The driver’s eyes widen as he uses whatever device is used to bring the car to a stop, inches before it hits SuMa. SuMa steps out from in front and he steps into the car, hurling passengers out as Gateman surfs his way through the people, finally reaching the back. One by one, SuMa tosses pedestrians out of his way until he’s got a clear path to Gateman~
Smith: Again, I don’t quite get Gateman’s methodology...why is he looking to run away from Supreme Machine in compact locations?
Hood: Maybe he thought it looked like a fun ride
Smith: I doubt that...but you can’t fault Gateman for trying to get away, Supreme Machine is off the reservation.
Hood: Makes sense, the hotel lost his reservation, no wonder he’s so upset
Smith: That’s not what I meant!
~SuMa reaches Gateman in the back of the car, Gateman takes a kick at SuMa’s groin, again. SuMa reaches down and he grabs Gateman’s leg, preventing the impact. Gateman is hopping on one leg, in the middle of an aisle with two hard, plastic benches on either side. He is keeping his balance with one hand clutches tightly around a metal pole in the middle of the aisle, in between he and SuMa. Gateman jumps into the air and he delivers a modified inziguir, drilling SuMa in the ribs with a hard kick!! SuMa staggers to the left and into the seats. Gateman hops back to his feet and he carefully maneuvers himself behind SuMa...he rushes in, leaps into the air and grabs the back of SuMa’s head, drilling him into the hard, plastic seats with a Bulldog!! The mangled forehead of SuMa slams into the seats hard as he falls to both knees, in the aisle. There is a giant spot of blood in the seats which was produced from the impact, along with a thick straight leaking onto the ground from SuMa’s head~
Smith: Innovative maneuvering by Brandon Gateman
Hood: I would guess, the one factor he’s got going for him in these ‘compact’ situations is the undeniable fact that Supreme Machine can’t really move around all that well.
Smith: Indeed, while Gateman is no cruiserweight, he can certainly traverse the confined area with far more ease.
~Gateman reaches his feet and he grabs SuMa by the hair, pulling him up. He places the pole in between them...he grabs both of SuMa’s arms with his, making sure the pole is in between them. Gateman then pulls back as hard as he can, ramming SuMa’s face and chest into the pole!! Gateman does this again and again and again until the pole starts to bend toward Gateman. Gateman pulls back on SuMa once more, finally releasing his arm, the giant maniac falls to the ground, apparently unconscious. Gateman then turns his attention to the pole as he tries to dislodge it completely, hoping to use it as a weapon~
Smith: Gateman, currently with the upperhand, is looking to tip the scales toward his favor in a huge way.
Hood: He’s really working that pole, Smith
Smith: Will you stop with the innuendo?
Hood: What? Is he not working his hands around a pole
Smith: *grumbles*
~Gateman discovers the pole nearly impossible to tear away, so he stops. He walks over to SuMa and kicks him in the back of the head. SuMa’s body falls to the side, leaning against the seats. Gateman looks toward the front of the trolley, spotting Gruff, making sure he’s ready for a pin attempt. Gateman yanks SuMa back to his feet and grabs his arms again, this time, he pulls forward, lodging the pole into SuMa’s throat. Gateman leans back with all of his strength, attempting to choke SuMa out. Gruff hops over, checking on SuMa, to see if he wants to give it up. SuMa has no response, just sort of staring at Gruff~
Smith: Well, that’s a bit unsettling
Hood: He actually has breathtaking eyes
Smith: What?
Hood: Well, ya know, for a guy in a mask
~SuMa, finally, shows some signs of life, pulling back against Gateman. He yanks his arms back as hard as he can and Gateman’s head slams into the pole!! He staggers back, leaning against the door at the end of the trolley. SuMa wraps his hands around the pole and, with surprising ease, pulls it loose! He then slings it at Gateman! Gateman moves as the pole shoots through a window in the back of the trolley. SuMa leaves it there, preferring to go after Gateman. Gateman, on all fours, tries to crawl away, but SuMa grabs him by the hair as Gateman’s eyes widen with horror~
Smith: Uh oh, Supreme Machine has caught Brandon Gateman
Hood: Dude be fucked
Smith: Indeed!
~SuMa pulls Gateman up with such force ,his entire body is airborne for a split second. SuMa wraps his hand around Gateman’s throat, he lifts him up...the top of Gateman’s head slams into the roof of the trolley! SuMa then sends Gateman crashing down into a set of chairs, dislodging them from the side of the trolley!! Gateman hits the floor hard as he rolls around, moaning in pain amidst several pieces of hard, plastic debris~
Smith: What a vicious chokeslam!
Hood: The owner of that trolley cannot be happy, there goes like 20% of its occupancy.
Smith: He’s probably more concerned with the overall accumulation of damage being done.
Hood: Yea, but if you can’t sell as many tickets then you can’t fix all the broke’s a vicious circle, Smith.
Smith: Indeed it is
~SuMa pulls Gateman back to his feet and he hurls him, head first, into the back door! The back door flies open as Gateman’s body spills out of the trolley, landing harshly onto the cobbled street. The pole calmly slides out of the window and to the ground next to Gateman, after feeling the force of the impact. SuMa steps down and focuses his attention on Gateman. He grabs Gateman by the hair, yet again, as he does, Gateman clutches the pole. SuMa hooks Gateman for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Gateman, with the pole in both hands, leans back and slams the pole into SuMa’s back! SuMa legs go of Gateman as Gateman staggers a bit, revealing the pole...he swings it, like a bat, at SuMa’s head. SuMa, though, catches it with his left hand and stares at Gateman who, again, looks terrified~
Smith: So much for that
Hood: Yea, apparently Brandon Gateman is horrible at batting practice
Smith: That or Supreme Machine is a true gold glover
Hood: He is wearing gloves, although, they appear to be black, not gold
Smith: A representation of oil?
Hood: Black gold, baby! Not just another name for Beyonce and her sexy self
~SuMa rips the pole away from Gateman and holds it like someone would if they were about to do a chin up. He then delivers a quick, jab like movement, smacking Gateman in the face with the pole! He drops the pole to the ground and gives an uppercut thrust to Gateman’s throat! Gateman turns around and staggers away. Fans clear out, as he stumbles all over the place, trying to get away. SuMa, though, keeps back. He grabs Gateman by the hair again and drills him into the Cobble ground with a Russian Leg Sweep! SuMa sits up instantly after delivering the move, showing an inhuman amount of pain tolerance~
Smith: I think Gateman is just about’s too much.
Hood: You think Supreme Machine is going to rip his hair that going to be his new thing? Supreme Machine, the angry hair stylist?? Or maybe jaded hair stylist...
Smith: Doubtful, but, hey, you can always pitch it to him
Hood: Pass
~SuMa, slowly, pulls Gateman to his feet. Gateman, out of instinct, throws a few punches into SuMa’s stomach. SuMa shows no pain or effect at all from the impact. He knees Gateman in the face before placing his head between his legs and lifting him up, in a Crucifix position. The crowd all gasps, fearing what is to come. SuMa then DRILLS Gateman into the hard, unforgiving Cobble stone pavement with a Crucifix Piledriver (Deux Ex Machinae)!! SuMa, instead of going for a pin, returns to his feet as there is an ominous silence surrounding all the fans in the vicinity~
Smith: We may have just witnessed the end of Brandon Gateman’s career!
Hood: Yea, when given the option of Skull vs. The Ground...I have to go with The Ground
Smith: Cobbled ground, at that
Hood: Gobble, like a turkey?
~SuMa, again, plucks Gateman from the ground and positions his near lifeless body for another, more devastating maneuver. Displaying phenomenal arm strength, SuMa lifts Gateman over his head, in the Electric Chair position into an Inverted Packaged Piledriver!! Gateman’s head and neck are squashed into the unyielding surface as SuMa shoves his legs away, leaving Gateman lying, awkwardly, on his back. SuMa places his hand on Gateman’s chest as Gruff makes the count~
Predator: Here is your winner...and the NEW #1 CONTENDER FOR THE SAVAGE CHAMPIONSHIP...SUPREME MACHINE!!!!!
~SuMa slowly returns to his feet as OCW medics rush over, tending to Gateman. Carefully, they check on his neck, obviously worried he may have suffered spinal damage of some kind. SuMa remains in the middle of the road for a second. The fans begin to react as, behind SuMa, the trolley starts to move~
Smith: What is that?!
Hood: Someone is driving that stupid, dumbass looking car/bus thing.
Smith: It’s called a trolley and they are romantically nostalgic
Hood: Well, that sounds kind of gay
~SuMa turns around as the trolley picks up steam. Quickly and without much warning, the trolley SLAMS into SuMa knocking him back a few feet!! The crowd gasps as the trolley comes a stop a few feet from SuMa’s body. Slowly, the image of Danny B steps out from behind the wheel. He saunters in front of the trolley and looks at the giant dent from the impact it felt after hitting SuMa~
Smith: Look at that dent!! Look at it!
Hood: Wow, that was some serious force...that or that car is made of tin foil.
Smith: That trolley is made of strong metal...SuMa has to be concussed or, possibly worse!
Hood: Well, he did threaten The Ripper and, well, ya know Danny B had to be thinking about covering his ass.
~Danny B, with his Savage title secured tightly around his waist, stands over SuMa. Slowly, he removes his belt and positions it, with the hard, steel plate facing down at SuMa. Then, without any warning, he begins to slam the face of the belt into SuMa’s head! Danny hits him over and over and over again, with his blonde hair becoming all kinds of disheveled. It grows obvious to everyone that Danny has lost it and is on the verge of permanently maiming SuMa~
Smith: He’s trying to kill him!
Hood: Well, he’s got a lot on his mind, Smith. OCW Title, masked lunatic threatening can’t really blame his actions.
Smith: There is NEVER an excuse for cold blooded murder, especially in the streets of Milan!
~Finally, a couple of OCW medics who were tending to Gateman rush over and pull Danny B away from SuMa. SuMa’s face is covered in blood as a thick, deep red of liquid surrounds his head. Once Danny B has been pried away from SuMa, he stands back, staring at the damage he has done, smiling. The medics rush back over to SuMa, inspecting his wounds. Danny turns around, with his title and he quickly vanishes through the crowd as people hurry to get out of his way, parting like the red sea. Before too long, the quick, agile and enigmatic Danny B has vanished amongst the sea of people in the streets of Milan~
Smith: Folks, I can’t believe what we’ve just witnessed...I’ve always believed Danny B to be a little crazy but this...this went above and beyond anything I felt he was capable of.
Hood: Man, when you corner an animal, it lashes the fuck out. The biggest match of Danny B’s life is only an hour or two away and Supreme Machine made it very clear Danny needed to be looking over his shoulder. There’s no fucking way he was going to enter into that match with the fear of Supreme Machine hanging over him.
Smith: I get the motive, it’s just...why not a restraining order?
Hood: He’s a wrestler, not a fucking pussy
Smith: Regardless, he better hope he got the job done because if Supreme Machine regains consciousness, he’s going to be more determined than ever to take Danny B out and cash in his Oh Shit Contract for that Savage Championship.
Hood: This is OCW...this is Code of Silence...this isn’t fucking Halloween or Friday the 13th...that bitch ain’t getting up.
Smith: We shall see...folks, let’s head backstage as we’ve got an update on the drama surrounding the Hall of Fame Title.
~We cut to a tunnel in the backstage area of La Scala as D Double D is being hoisted into an ambulance. Dean is putting an end to a phone conversation as Jones stands next to him, shaking his head. Dean places his phone back into his coat pocket and places his hands on his hips, shaking his head~
President Dean: Unbefuckinlievable...a half hour into the show and one match is already cancelled.
Jones: Well, look on the bright side, at least D Double D isn’t going to die, he’s just suffering from a massive concussion.
President Dean: I guess
Jones: Too bad Andy Murray couldn’t, Murray vs. Lurrr 3 or 4...I forget how many times they’ve wrestled, would be badass.
President Dean: Hold on...what do you mean ‘Andy Murray’? Why did you just pull his name out of the air like that?
Jones: He was lurking backstage...he saw the whole D Double D beat down take place.
~Dean’s eyes widen as he grips Jones by his tiny shoulders, shaking him~
President Dean: We’ve got to find him! He can compete, I’m sure of it...Andy Murray vs. Lurrr for the OCW Hall of Fame Title...fucking hell, no disrespect to the man who just escaped death but that beats the fuck out of D Double D vs Lurrr. Find him, RIGHT NOW...I’ll draw up the contract...
~Jones nods and runs off...a second or two after he leaves, Who’Re shows up~
Who’Re: Excuse me, sir
President Dean: What do you want, Whore? Can’t you see I’m busy!
Who’Re: It’s pronounced Hough-Ray and I realize you’re busy, but I wanted to know your thoughts on what Danny B just did to Supreme Machine
President Dean: Umm, what are you talking about? In case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t actually been able to watch a second of my federation’s show because my roster is comprised of a bunch of wild animalistic lunatics.
Who’Re: Well, basically Danny B smashed Supreme Machine’s face in with the Savage Title...speculation persists he did it out of fear that Supreme Machine was planning on cashing in his Oh Shit Contract later this, well, it appears as though Supreme Machine’s ability to do anything outside of resting in a hospital bed is in jeopardy.
~Dean pauses for a moment, creating an eerie silence~
President Dean: SON OF A BITCH
~Dean begins to kick everything in sight, throwing a huge fit. Who’Re sprints away as we cut back to ringside~
Smith: So far, things are not going our President’s way.
Hood: Call me crazy, but I like the unpredictability of tonight’s’s very dramatic, quite fitting for our setting.
Smith: There’s drama and then there’s this...I dream of the day when OCW can escape the asylum type climate that permeates backstage.
Hood: Yea and you probably thought Samuel L Jackson should have let that little white guy live in Pulp fact, you probably would have had SLJ reimburse the guy for the hamburger he bit into.
Smith: Well, I mean, that would’ve been a nice way to end things.
Hood: For the love of entertainment, never, EVER create anything...just call matches.
Smith: Sure thing! Folks, it’s time for our first match INSIDE the Opera House this evening as the Oh Shit Contract is back up for grabs!
Hood: Sweet ass
Smith: Umm, sure...anyway, a few things to point out before we get started...the ground surrounding the ring is a wooden stage...which, yea, could hurt
Hood: Could? More like WILL hurt
Smith: Uh huh...and, in an effort to keep people from falling off the stage and into the crowd, President Dean has overseen the construction of a plexiglass wall measuring about five feet in height, lining the edge of the stage. There’s a door at the top of the steps for the participants to step onto the stage.
Hood: Whoever thought Plexiglass would become such a common term in OCW
Smith: Indeed...everything else, as you can see, is fairly straight forward and standard
Hood: Yep, everything aside from the rock hard wooden floor surrounding the ring and the giant, super thick, five foot plexiglass wall and will, no doubt, cause tons of bodily harm
Smith: Gosh you know how to sell an event...alright folks, let’s get down to ringside for the In and Out Lumberjack Mach where the winner will receive an Oh Shit Contract!

In and Out Lumberjack Match
Tatum Coe (2 pts) vs. Barbaric (1 pt) vs. Angelle Laree (0 pts) vs. Noah Mackenzie (0 pts) vs. RM Srong (0 pts)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the Oh Shit Invitational!!! This is an In and Out Lumberjack Match where two competitors will start in the ring while the other three will remain outside the ring, serving as Lumberjacks. Once a competitor is eliminated via pinfall or submission, they will then become a permanent Lumberjack while an original Lumberjack will enter into the ring, becoming a legal participant. The winner of this match, the last surviving participant, will earn an Oh Shit Contract that they can cash in on any champion at OCW’s April Show! Introducing the FIRST Lumberjack...
~”Tear Away” by Drowning Pool hits as the La Scala crowd boos when they see former OCW Lightweight Champion, Tatum Coe, make his way down the aisle towards the stage. Coe climbs the steps, enters through the partition and makes his way across the stage, standing next to the ring~
Belvedere: From Miami Beach, Florida...standing 6’2 and weighing in at 215lbs...Tatum Coe!!!
~”Wrong Side of Heaven” by Five Finger Death Punch plays as the crowd gives a huge ‘welcome back’ ovation for Noah Mackenzie! Noah rushes down to the ring, climbs the steps and hops over the partition, rather than using the door. He jogs near the ring and looks across it at Tatum Coe, who scoffs upon seeing Noah’s appearance~
Belvedere: Introducing our second Lumberjack, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...standing 6’2 and weighing in at 231lbs...Noah Mackenzie!!!
~”Mama Said Knock You Out” by Five Finger Death Punch (featuring Tech N9ne) hits as the fans give a nice ovation for RM Strong. He heads down the aisle and steps onto the stage, taking a spot on his own side of the ring. Tatum is to his right, Noah to his left~
Belvedere: And, introducing our final, original Lumberjack...from Northside Chicago, Illinois...standing 6’4 and weighing in at 264lbs...RM Strong!!!
~The crowd applauds the three lumberjacks, stoked for the match to begin. “Ode to Viceroy” by Mas Demarco begins to play with the fans watching Barbaric rush to the ring. He has shaved his head, due to SuMa’s savage beat down a few weeks ago...he also still has some red marks around his neck, courtesy of TLS. He slides into the ring and positions himself into a corner, ready to begin~
Belvedere: Introducing our first participant, from Parts Unknown, standing 5’9 and weighing in at 188lbs...Barbaric!!!
~”Livin’ After Midnight” by Disturbed hits as the crowd stands on their feet and gives an extremely generous ovation to Angelle Laree. She rushes to the ring and signals at several members of the crowd, playing up their interest. Sliding into the ring, she leans in a corner opposite of Barbaric, staring him down~
Belvedere: And, the final participant and second initial in ring competitor...from Paris, France...standing 6’1 and weighing in at 155lbs...Angelle Laree!!!
~The bell sounds as Coe, Strong and Noah all find a level of intensity, staring into the ring. Laree and Barbaric size one another up with Scruff in the middle of the ring...the crowd is cheering loudly, ready for this highly anticipated match to begin~
Smith: I’ve been looking forward to this one all month...last month’s Oh Shit produced Ricky Rhodes and Supreme Machine...two future main eventers, as far as I’m concerned.
Hood: Yea, it was a pretty wicked match...this one could be good as well...although, I don’t think it’s very fair putting some French girl in a match being held in Italy.
Smith: You do realize those are two separate countries, right?
Hood: It’s all Europe man...they’re all, ya know, like Europeans and shit
Smith: Shocking how this country has never grown fond of you
~Laree steps into the center of the ring with Barbaric meeting her. She extends her hand, Barbaric stares at it for a moment before shaking it. While shaking her hand with his left hand, he delivers a right cross to her head with his free hand!! Laree staggers to the side as Barbaric holds onto the shake. He pulls her in close, wraps his arms around her and tosses Angelle over his head with a release belly to belly suplex!! Laree lands hard, arching her back in pain~
Smith: Tough lessons are learned every single night in OCW
Hood: For instance, don’t trust someone named Barbaric
Smith: Indeed
~Barbaric rips her to a standing position and whips Laree across the ring, Laree hits the ropes and fires towards Barbaric...Barbaric goes for a clothesline, Laree ducks and hits the ropes a second time. Barbaric turns around as Laree launches in the air with a cross body...Barbaric catches Laree and drops her across his knee! He lifts her back up and drops her across his knee again...he stands upright once more before falling straight down and slamming Laree into the mat! He stands up and arrogantly kicks Laree’s head around as the La Scala crowd boos his actions~
Smith: Barbaric is not endearing himself to this Milan crowd
Hood: Why should he? Are they going to help him win the match? His entire career rests on his shoulders, fuck these people.
Smith: Yea, but he could show a bit of respect...especially towards the veteran in the ring with him, Laree is far from a rookie.
Hood: All I’m hearing is Charlie Brown grown up speak from your mouth, Smith. Shut the hell up
~Barbaric continues kicking Laree around like a pathetic dog until Laree reaches up and grabs Barbaric’s foot. He hops on one leg, as Laree swiftly gets to her knees and takes that one leg out from under him! Barbaric drops to the mat as Laree hops to her feet with both of Barbaric’s legs in her grasp. She quickly locks in a Figure Four before falling onto her back and applying the pressure! Barbaric yells out in pain as Scruff slides in, asking if he wants to give it up...the crowd turns, cheering loudly for Angelle Laree~
Smith: And the tables have turned...that’s why you don’t treat your opponent, especially a veteran like Angelle Laree with such disrespect!
Hood: Ah well, not like I care pick in this match is Tatum Coe
Smith: You’re just going to keep riding that broken down race horse, aren’t you?
Hood: You better hope I don’t tell him you said that!
Smith: Like he’d even show up to physically assault me
Hood: Physically assault? Man, say kick your ass or something...physically assault sounds like he’s going to ram something up your ass.
Smith: Ewww!
~Barbaric, using his weight advantage, is able to pull himself near the ropes, dragging Laree along with him. He reaches back and snares the middle rope as Scruff makes Laree break the hold. Laree does as Scruff leans in, checking on Barbaric’s legs. Laree gets to her feet and she sprints into the ropes, as she hits them, the arm of Tatum Coe sneaks in under the bottom rope, tripping her! Laree falls to the mat, slamming her face into the canvas! The fans boo as Coe throws his arms up with a sly smile. Scruff turns around but doesn’t do anything because, well, he’s Scruff~
Smith: They are there to keep order and enter into the match when it’s their turn...they are NOT out there to interfere!
Hood: Look, man, when you put super cool people outside the ring during matches, super cool shit is going to happen.
Smith: That was NOT ‘super cool’
~Barbaric pulls himself back up with his legs a little weakened, but okay. He heads over for Laree who is on all fours...Barbaric grabs hold of her long, black hair and drags her into the middle of the ring. He places her head between his legs before wrapping his arms around her stomach...he yanks her up and drops her into the mat with a Piledriver!! Laree’s body goes flat as Barbaric makes a pin...Scruff slides in for the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Powerful move by Barbaric, however, Laree managed to kick out
Hood: It’s only a piledriver, Smith...I think Scoot Time kicked out of one once
Smith: I highly doubt that happened
~Barbaric yanks Laree to her feet and sets her up in the middle of the ring. He sprints for the ropes and springboards off of them, going for a kick to the head (Kick of Death)...Laree, however, surprises everyone by springing forward and Superkicking Barbaric right in the face!!! Barbaric’s head snaps back as his body crumbles to the ground...his legs kick up from the momentum of his fall...Laree jumps forward, pinning both legs back as Scruff slides in, making the count~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, Barbaric has been eliminated! He will now become a Lumberjack as a current Lumberjack will enter the ring...
Smith: Barbaric is gone!
Hood: No he’s not, he’s still in the ring, I can see him
Smith: Ugh, I mean, he’s eliminated
Hood: No shit, I heard Belvedere...quit repeating things, man
~Barbaric is rolled out of the ring by Scruff where he lands on the stage, a bit harshly. Suddenly, a spot light flashes on Tatum, Strong and flickers around the three, increasing in speed until it finally stops...on Noah...the crowd goes wild~
Smith: It’s Noah Mackenzie’s turn!
Hood: Not that I picked Angelle Laree...but, if I had, I’d be fucked
Smith: Don’t count her out, she looked very impressive against Barbaric
Hood: Ha!
~Noah slides into the ring...Laree steps back, allowing him to get to his feet. Noah, appreciating the respect, steps up and extends his hand. Angelle shakes it as they both let go and take a few steps back before quickly locking up in the middle of the ring~
Smith: What a show of this is what professional wrestling is all about!
Hood: Holy shit that was embarrassing
~Noah locks in an armbar as Angelle winces with pain...she quickly rolls forward to a crouched position before flipping back and reversing the arm bar!! Noah falls to both knees as Laree is standing behind him with his arm locked. She smiles as the crowd gives her a nice round of applause. Noah slaps at his arm a bit, working his way to a standing position..Angelle pins Noah’s arm against his back. Noah reaches behind with his free hand, obtaining Angelle’s head...he then flips her over his head, slamming her into the mat...she retained a grip on his arm through most of the flip, jerking his arm in an awkward direction. Noah quickly grabs his arm in pain as Angelle rolls near the ropes~
Smith: Noah Mackenzie fought out of that arm lock but, in doing so, may have done more damage than Angelle could have.
Hood: Yea man, it’s like if you’ve got a piece of skin bothering ya...and you just RIP IT OFF...then it hurts even worse and there’s lots of
Smith: That’s disgusting
Hood: I thought I cleaned it up pretty good
~Angelle rolls onto the apron and reaches up, grabbing the ropes...she pulls herself to a standing position and watches Noah. Noah has his back to her, shaking his arm and stretching it out. He gets to his feet and slowly moves to turn around...Angelle leaps onto the top rope and she springboards off with a dropkick!! She connects, sending Noah flying into the corner! Noah’s back hits hard as he comes stumbling out and right into a Codebreaker from Angelle!! Noah falls onto his back as Angelle goes for the pin~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Near fall by Angelle Laree as she’s certainly proving to be more than meets the eye
Hood: She’s a fucking Transformer
Smith: That’s not what I meant!
~Angelle gets back to her feet, quickly and she runs into the ropes as Noah sits up. She flies through the air with a dropkick, nailing Noah in the head. Laree hops back to her feet as the crowd really starts to get behind her. She drags Noah into a nearby corner and sets him atop it. Angelle climbs up there with Noah...her back is to the ring..she knees Noah in the gut and looks to be going for an X-Factor off the top. Noah fights out of it and kicks Angelle’s legs out from under her...she falls to the mat and slams her face into the top turnbuckle!! Her head snaps back as she falls to the mat, lying flat on her back. Noah stands upright and he leaps off the top with a Shooting Star Leg Drop (Wrong Side of Heaven)!!! He quickly goes for the pin as Scruff makes the count~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, Angelle Laree has been eliminated...she will now become a Lumberjack as one of the original two remaining Lumberjacks will enter the contest...
Smith: I forgot how poetic Wrong Side of Heaven looks...what an athlete, that Noah Mackenzie is!
Hood: Eh, he basically beat up a Barbie Doll, so you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t go sucking his dick instantly.
Smith: Please, turn down the vulgarity, man, for goodness sakes
~Again, the spotlight focuses on the remaining eligible entrants...Tatum Coe and RM flickers back and forth, increasing in intensity before settling on Tatum Coe!! The crowd boos as Coe smirks and slowly walks up the steps. Angelle is standing near the ropes, looking a bit out of it. He reaches over, grabs her by the hair and pulls her over the top rope, dumping her to the stage. She hits hard as the crowd boos loudly...Coe, continuing to laugh, enters the he does, Noah rushes him with lefts and rights, backing him into a corner~
Smith: Ya know, Tatum Coe sure is ignorant for a guy who has won NOTHING in 2015.
Hood: He’s resting on his laurels, Smith...he’ll kick it into gear when the opportunity comes
Smith: This is an Oh S-Word match...if not now, WHEN?
Hood: Oh S-word...fuck, man, if you can’t even say the matches this company is providing, maybe you should quit.
~Noah continues unloading on Coe with lefts and rights as Coe slumps to the middle buckle. Noah takes several steps back before sprinting forward with a knee into Coe’s face!! The move sends Coe hanging halfway out of the ring with his midsection propped up by the middle rope. Laree is back on her feet...she sees Coe’s face and smacks him!! The crowd cheers as Noah smiles from inside the ring. Noah then hops up onto the top rope and jumps off with a leg drop across the back of Coe’s head!! Coe slides off the rope and falls, head first onto the stage~
Smith: Haha, that Angelle Laree is such a spark plug!
Hood: Are you fucking serious? She’s fucking can that be funny? Why aren’t you busy writing seven different letters to US Senators right now about this injustice?
Smith: Oh, calm down,’s all in good fun
Hood: Yea, we’ll see if your opinion changes once some real shit goes down
~Noah yanks Coe up and he goes to toss him back into the ring...before he can, Barbaric rushes up with a knee into Noah’s back!! Noah staggers forward, towards the steps...he catches himself before he runs into them. Barbaric sprints forward...Noah slides out of the way and tosses Barbaric face first into the steel ring post!! Barbaric’s head ‘pings’ off the post as he falls to the stage...feeling satisfied while looking at Barbaric, Noah turns around to re-focus on he does, a giant boot kicks him in the face! RM Strong is standing over Noah, looking down at him with his wet hair shielding his face~
Smith: Hey!! Scruff, get out there and do your job!
Hood: What’s wrong, Smith? You mad?
Smith: It’s just...that...that...that’s cheating!
Hood: What? You’re upset because of what that little ‘spark plug’ RM Strong just did to Noah Mackenize?
Smith: I hate you
~Strong yanks Noah to his feet and slams him, face first into the steel ring steps. Strong seamlessly twirls Noah around and hooks him for a suplex...he lifts Noah into the air and drops him to the wooden stage with a Brainbuster!!! Mackenzie is laid out as Strong gets to his feet, enjoying a chorus of boos due to his bad intentions. Laree jumps into view, nailing Strong with lefts and rights...Strong staggers into the ring apron before tossing a short elbow into Laree’s throat. He then drills her with a clothesline! The back of her head slams into the wooden stage. Meanwhile, Coe is in the ring, yelling at Strong to toss Noah in...Strong picks Noah up and rolls him into the ring...Coe quickly goes for the cover, hooking both legs~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Yes! Noah kicked out...justice may prevail after all!
Hood: Nah, the writing is on the wall, Smith...Noah’s done
Smith: Not so fast, Hood...not so fast
~Coe shakes his head while looking at Scruff and uttering the word, “Pathetic.” He climbs back to his feet and waits for Noah to get to his...Noah does, a bit wobbly...Coe kicks Noah in the gut, doubling him over and quickly follows that up with a DDT into the mat. Coe rushes toward the nearest corner and quickly scales it...he then leaps off with a Frog Splash! Coe goes for the cover as, again, Scruff makes the count~
Shoulder Up!
Smith: Noah escapes again...albeit, barely
Hood: Yea, when it’s only a shoulder know they’re close to losing
Smith: Indeed!
~Coe has a few choice words for Scruff as he climbs back to his feet and backs into a corner. He pulls himself to the middle rope and waits, poised for Noah to regain his footing. Noah does and turns his back to Coe...Coe leaps off with a Bulldog attempt, but Noah catches him, runs and tosses him, ass first into the top turnbuckle!! Coe’s legs get hooked around the top ropes as he hangs upside down...Noah backs up and then sprints in, leaping into the air and coming down with a double stomp into Coe’s face!!! Coe’s legs come unhinged as he falls face first onto the mat. Noah leans back into the adjacent corner and takes in a deep breath as the fans start to rally. Strong looks on from the outside, staring up at Noah~
Smith: Here we go! Noah Mackenzie is making a comeback!
Hood: Fucking Teflon Don over here
Smith: Hey, I realize alcohol and drugs have damaged your brain, but you can’t have me believe you don’t remember his resiliency from 2014.
Hood: I’m sorry, but that giant swig of meth laced whiskey drowned out whatever lame ass point you were attempting to make.
Smith: Rude!
~Noah turns to maintain his control over he does, Strong reaches in and grabs his leg. Noah tries pulling it away, but struggles. Coe crawls to his feet and he sees Noah being harnessed by Strong. He rushes in and leaps into the air...Noah breaks free and moves...Coe’s midsection lands across the top rope as he teeters back and forth before landing back inside the ring. Turning around, Coe has his head snared by Noah and is quickly snapped over Noah and into a seated position in the center of the ring. Noah then rushes against the ropes, bounces off and drills a running kick into Coe’s face!! Coe is flattened in the center of the ring as Noah quickly sprints for a nearby corner...Strong moves for that corner as well. Noah hops onto the top turnbuckle as Strong reaches up, trying to push him off. Noah leaps off before Strong can grab him and he nails Coe with Wrong Side of Heaven!!! He goes for the pin as Scruff counts~
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, Tatum Coe has been eliminated and will return to his Lumberjack status. The final original lumberjack, RM Strong, will now enter the ring and compete against Noah Mackenzie...the winner will obtain the Oh Shit Contract.
Smith: Yes! Noah did it...against all the odds!
Hood: Calm the fuck down, he’s still got to beat RM Strong...and Strong was on Survivor, so the guy knows how to survive.
Smith: Whatever...this isn’t some cardboard cutout he’s facing...this is...
Hood: Yes, yes, it’s Noah Mackenzie...WE GET IT
~As soon as Coe is eliminated and rolls out of the ring, Strong slides in. Noah barely has enough time to get to his feet before being rushed by Strong. Strong drills him with forearm uppercuts, sending Noah reeling into the nearest corner. Strong climbs to the middle rope where he reigns down ten straight right fists into Noah’s head. Strong hops off the ropes as he stands back and waves his fingers for Noah to come to him...Noah staggers forward as Strong lifts him up, twirls around and drills Noah into the mat with a Spinebuster! Strong gets to one knee and smiles, enjoying the fact he’s in total control~
Smith: I’m afraid too much damage has been done...RM Strong is too fresh...Noah may be finished.
Hood: But...but...he’s so resilient...he’s NOAH MACKENZIE
Smith: Your sarcasm is not appreciated
~Noah slowly rolls over onto his stomach, wearing a painful expression on his face. Strong reaches his feet and he backs up, leaning into the ropes. Noah’s face is nearly touching the canvas as Strong steps up and delivers a vicious curb stomp to the back of Noah’s head!! Noah goes flat, lying on his belly...Strong kicks him over onto his back and goes for the pin~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Noah continues to amaze with his perseverance!
Hood: Yea, but dude’s probably got the hillbilly look going
Smith: Not everybody with a ton of visible tats is a hillbilly that smokes meth, Hood
Hood: It’s not the tats, I’m talking about the fact he probably lost most of his teeth after that Curb Stomp.
Smith: Oh
~Strong yanks Noah to his feet as he returns to a standing position, he hoists Noah over his shoulder and briskly walks toward a corner...he drops Noah face first over the top turnbuckle with Snake Eyes! Noah staggers out, backwards as Strong hooks him around the stomach, lifts him up and drills him into the mat with a German Suplex!! Strong holds on, bridging for a pin...Scruff makes the count~
Shoulder Up!!
Smith: These are sooo close...we’re talking milliseconds!
Hood: Eh, I think it’s more like centiseconds
Smith: Is that even a thing?
Hood: *types* Word doesn’t seem to think so
~Strong lands on all fours after Noah’s kickout. He slaps the mat in frustration before returning to his feet. He yanks Noah up and drives a couple of kicks into Noah’s thigh, followed by a few gut punches, doubling Noah over. He bullies Noah into a corner and whips him across the ring...Strong charges in after Noah...Noah stops by grabbing the ropes and throwing a mule kick at Strong...Strong catches Noah’s leg and Noah turns around, hopping on one leg...Strong kicks it out from under him and leans back, catapulting Noah. Noah flies towards the ropes, he lands on the middle rope and then spring boards off with a moonsault as Strong returns to his feet...Strong catches Noah! Strong positions him for a tombstone piledriver, but Noah rolls through with a pin attempt...Scruff slides in for the count~
Kick Out!
Smith: He almost pulled it off...Noah nearly pinned Strong!
Hood: Shit, that guy is fucking quick
Smith: Indeed!
~Strong quickly returns to his feet, bothered that he was less than a second away from losing a match he had previously been in total control of. He backs into the ropes and bounces off, Noah gets to his feet and leap frogs Strong...Strong hits the opposite ropes, bouncing off them and Noah jumps up and drills Strong in the head with a Pele Kick!! Strong staggers back, nearly falling down...he lands into the middle rope and bounces back as Noah rushes into the ropes, bounces off and he flies through the air, kicking Strong in the face!! Strong falls flat on his back as Noah kicks to his feet and begins feeding off the crowd’s energy~
Smith: Noah is in control...he’s got Strong subdued...this crowd is behind him...this could be it!
Hood: Son of a bitch, this has come out of nowhere
Smith: Never doubt Noah the Mackenzie!
~Noah reaches the top and looks down at Strong...he stands straight up and holds his arms in the air, signaling for Wrong Side of Heaven. Noah leaps off, flipping in the he does, Strong, emulating Noah, kicks to his feet and he catches Noah over his shoulder!! Noah tries kicking his way out of Strong’s grip, but Strong drops him with Snake Eyes for a second time over the top turnbuckle!! Strong backs away as Noah comes staggering towards him...Strong then lunges forward, turning Noah inside out with a Clothesline from Hell (The Chicago Massacre)!!! Noah winds up on his back as Strong makes the cover, hooking both legs~
~The bell sounds as Strong sits up, running his hands through his hair~
Belvedere: Here is your winner...and the Recipient of the Oh Shit Contract for April...RM STRONG!!!!!
Hood: Ha Ha, in your face, Smith!
Smith: While not my favorite, he did earn it
Hood: Fuck yea he did...shit man, in like 30 days or whatever we could be saying RM Strong: OCW Champion.
Smith: The Oh Shit Contract does wield that kind of power, indeed. Well, folks, it’s been a great night thus, while we get things straightened up out here, let’s head backstage!

~We cut backstage as Jones sneaks through the dark crevices and corners of La Scala~
Jones: Andy? Are you there? Andy??? Are you lurking here somewhere?
~Jones hears a noise as he delves deeper into the darkness~
Jones: Andy, it’s just me, can come on out...
~Suddenly a cat screeches and leaps in front of Jones, running away. Jones screams louder than the cat and stumbles back, falling on his ass. His heart beats rapidly as his phone goes off...Jones answers it upon seeing it’s Dean. We get a split screen of Jones in the dark and Dean in his office, holding a sheet of paper~
President Dean: Did ya find him?
Jones: Not yet, but I did find a cat
President Dean: Damnit, quit fucking around and find him already!
~Dean hangs up and turns to Brother D as the Jones portion of our screen disappears~
President Dean: If we can locate Murray before the Triple Threat Penalty Box Match, then I’ll be able to squeeze Murray/Lurrr into the show, right before the OCW Title Match. Contract is already drawn up...I’ve left it open until the end of April, that way if we run out of time, Murray will still be locked into compete next month against Lurrr. One way or another, I’m finding that mother fucker a badass opponent for April, no more of these shit ass shenanigans.
~Dean suddenly notices Brother D is eating popcorn~
President Dean: Why the hell am I even telling you any of this...get the fuck out of here and sell popcorn...SELL it...don’t EAT it...geez, sucka!
~Brother D is kicked out of the room as Dean takes a seat where D had been relaxing. He finds a small cup of popcorn Brother D left behind, grabs it and eats a few bites. He then places his free hand on the cushion and finds it somewhat damp...he leaps to his feet, frowning~
President Dean: That nasty mother fucker...CLEANING...I NEED CLEANING IN HERE!!
~Dean yells for a cleaning crew as we cut back to ringside~
Smith: I am so glad I’ve never had the ‘privilege’ of calling a match with Brother D.
Hood: Finally, something agree on...thankfully, I doubt we’ll have to worry about that happening, I don’t see him lasting much longer.
Smith: I don’t know, it always seems like the longest tenured people in this place are the least deserving.
Hood: What does that say about us??
Smith: MOVING ON...folks, it’s been a quiet month from our Paradigm Champion, Alice Knight...after she defeated Tatum Coe for the title at Revenge she’s basically remained hidden from all cameras and other OCW media.
Hood: Yea and why is that?
Smith: Why are you asking me?
Hood: Cause you two are BFF roomies
Smith: Pssh, just cause we live together doesn’t make us roomies.
Hood: Yes, Smith...yes it does
Smith: Well, whatever...but, anyway, tonight she makes her first OCW TV appearance since winning the Paradigm Title against Dangerous Dan...who is making his in ring should be a great one.
Hood: Ugh, you’re making it hard on me...I’m no Dangerous Dan fan...but, shit, with your Alice allegiance, I almost have to pull for Dan...decisions, bro
Smith: Right...well, let’s get down to ringside!

Checklist Match
Alice Knight (c) (9 pts) vs. Dangerous Dan (0 pts)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is the Checklist match where, in order for a participant to win, they must complete a self submitted checklist of ten moves before being able to go for a pin or a submission. This match will be contested for the OCW Paradigm Championship!! Introducing first...
~ “Don’t Stop” by Foster the People begins to play as the crowd in La Scala rises to their feet in anticipation of Dangerous Dan. He comes sprinting down the aisle which splits the crowd and he jumps up, grabbing the top of the plexiglass wall, effortlessly pulling himself over and onto the stage. Dan then slides into the ring, rushes to the nearest corner and he motions out for the crowd~
Belvedere: From Smithville, Tennessee...standing 5’11 and weighing in at 225lbs...Dangerous Dan!!!
~”Electrified" by Dressy Bessy begins to play as the fans turn and cheer the fan favorite Hall of Famer in OCW, Alice Knight. She makes her way to the ring with a bubbly demeanor. She enters into the ring and kind of skips around for no apparent reason. She rushes the ropes and heads to the middle turnbuckle and waves to the fans as her music fades out~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Bethel, New York...standing 5’9 and weighing in at 125lbs...she is a OCW Hall of Famer and the current OCW Paradigm Champion...Alice Knight!!!
~Knight hands her Paradigm title over to Scruff as they share a few laughs that only homeless type people would understand. Scruff holds the title up before handing it to Belvedere who exits the ring with it in his possession. The bell rings as Dan and Alice are standing in their respective corners, ready to begin~
Smith: Alright, Hood...this should be a good one...two pure wrestlers going at it for a title which symbolizes wrestling in its truest form.
Hood: I can maybe see Dan...but I don’t get where this Alice “Pure” Knight bull shit is coming from...seriously, she’s just insane.
Smith: I’ll have you know, she has really perfected a ton of submissions and wrist locks since winning that title...a true, future pioneer of mat wrestling.
Hood: Ah fuck, here we go again...
~Knight and Dan slowly approach one another with the crowd seemingly split down the middle. Face to face, Knight lifts her hand up and she runs her index finger along Dan’s face, taking a bit of paint off. She looks at it and giggles, holding it up for all the fans to see. They don’t really know how to react. Alice then takes the same hand and opens it up, reaching to rub her entire palm and five fingers down Dan’s face. Dan grabs her by the wrist and he pushes her away. Alice seems a bit stunned before composing herself...the two then, suddenly, lock up in the middle of the ring~
Smith: Alright, that’s one move down for Alice
Hood: What are you talking about?
Smith: I’ve got her list right here...lockup, irish whip, clothesline, punch, kick, elbow of any kind, knee of any kind, open handed slap, knife edged chop and The Apache.
Hood: Wow, so, aside from her fucking finisher every single one of her moves is basically something any fan in attendance could walk into the ring and perform?
Smith: They might have trouble with the irish whip.
~Just as Smith says that, Alice Irish Whips Dan into the nearest corner, he hits hard. Alice flies in and she delivers a flying knee into Dan’s face!! The crowd starts to really get behind her as she hooks Dan’s head, sprints out of the corner and drills him into the mat with a bulldog. Dan rolls over onto his back as Alice pops back to her feet. She then kicks Dan’s body and looks over at Smith, holding up four fingers~
Hood: Is she a part of the horsemen now?
Smith: The WHO?
Hood: Fuck no she’s not part of that stupid band
Smith: I wasn’t asking that, I the way, the four simply represented the fact she’s 40% through her move list.
Smith: Four moves down
~Alice yanks Dan to his feet and she whips him into the ropes...but Dan reverses. Alice bounces off the ropes and Dan goes for a spinning heel kick, but Alice ducks and hits the ropes again. Dan turns around and Alice drops him with a clothesline!! Alice, standing over Dan’s body, proceeds to drop and elbow across his chest before sitting up and placing her index finger on her chin. Her eyes widen with enlightenment as she punches Dan in the chest. Scruff smiles and holds up seven fingers~
Smith: Alice is breezing right through this!
Hood: I’m going to do something I never thought I’d do...ever
Smith: Perform research that will better equip you for your announcing task?
Hood: No, pull for Dangerous Dan
Smith: *gasp*
~Alice pulls Dan to his feet and she backs him into the nearest corner. Alice then slaps Dan in the chest! She pulls back and drills Dan in the chest with an open handed knife edged chop!! Smiling, Alice turns her back on Dan and she does a bow for the crowd before holding all ten fingers up. Scruff walks over, tapping Alice on the shoulder, holding only nine fingers up. Alice holds ten up, they begin to argue~
Smith: Dangit, Alice, I knew you shouldn’t have skipped out early on our latest math session.
Hood: Are you tutoring her?
Smith: Tutor sounds so juvenile, more like I’m advising her
Hood: Hey, if the condescending verb fits...
~Alice mocks a slap and chop, pleading her case with Scruff. Scruff rolls his eyes and then yells out “The Apache!” Alice’s mouth opens wide as she replies, “Ohhhh, right!” She then laughs and pats Scruff on the shoulder before rubbing his thick, nasty hair. After rubbing it, she flings a few bugs to the mat...the scurry away instantly. Alice, realizing there is more work to be done, turns around to focus on Dan. As she does, she is greeted with a standing drop kick right into the chin!! Alice falls backwards as the crowd erupts for Dan’s first sign of offense~
Smith: Focus Alice, Focus!!!
Hood: Dan’s just doing her a favor, knocking out her teeth, she can pull the homeless look off much more efficiently.
Smith: I don’t want her to lose any teeth, can you imagine the dental costs? And, you know SHE’S not paying for it
Hood: What are you, her bitch?
~Dan returns to his feet and shakes his head a bit...we still see the streak of missing paint on his face, thanks to the enigmatic Alice Knight. He goes back after Alice, who is sitting up, wincing a bit. Dan yanks her to her feet and he whips her into the ropes, Alice bounces off and Dan goes for a superkick, but Alice ducks...Alice hits the ropes again and she leaps forward, with a diving head butt into Dan’s gut!! Dan staggers back into the ropes, falling through them and onto the apron. Alice’s eyes widen, she turns away from Dan and runs into the ropes...she bounces she does, Dan hops onto the top rope and he leaps off with a Springboard DDT, drilling Alice’s head into the mat! The fans continue to swell in support of Dan as he quickly regains his footing and motions out to them~
Smith: Meh...springboard DDT...also known as Danger Ahead...that’s one, for Mr. Dan.
Hood: MEH? FUCKING MEH? Who the hell are you, all of a sudden??
Smith: I’m simply doing my job
Hood: So, you go all ape shit for a slap but some dude does an athletic as hell springboard DDT and you’re like “Meh, it was okay, but DID YOU SEE THAT WICKED IRISH WHIP?”
~Dan, again, pulls Alice up and he drills her with a couple of forearms, keeping her subdued. He whips her into the ropes again...again Alice bounces off and Dan goes for a lariat, but Alice ducks. She bounces off the ropes with Dan’s back to her. She delivers a running knee into Dan’s back...he stumbles for the ropes, falls through the top and middle, but holds on, whips himself back into the ring and he drills Alice with a huge lariat!! Alice is turned inside out, laying on her stomach~
Smith: AW PICKLES...that’s two down for Dan as he hit the Rebound Lariat.
Hood: PICKLES? What the fuck
Smith: Sorry, I didn’t mean to swear
Hood: That wasn’t swearing...that was much, much worse
~Quickly on his feet, Dan grabs hold of Knight’s hair, yanking her up. He hooks her for what looks like a DDT before dropping her to the mat with a Twist of Fate!! Sitting up, Dan doesn’t appear to be done. He climbs back to his feet, yanking Alice to hers...again, he hooks her for what appears to be a DDT before drilling her head into the mat with a Dirty Deeds DDT!! Alice remains face down as Dan sits up, breathing heavily~
Smith: What is going on here?! Four down? FOUR?
Hood: Fuck, I think we should go ahead and give Dan the win considering the degree of difficulty it takes to complete his moves in comparison to Alice Knight’s.
Smith: Well, I guess it’s a good thing you are in charge around here
Hood: I mean, shit, it’s not like a DDT or whatever that was is THAT difficult, but compared to a damn lock up, it might as well by a 1080 splash.
~Dan returns to a standing position, again, he pulls Alice up. He whips her into the nearest corner, she hits hard. Dan charges in for a splash, but Alice lifts her leg up, kicking Dan in the face!! Dan staggers back as Alice hops up onto the second rope, leaping off with a spinning forearm smash into Dan’s face!! Dan falls to the mat, holding his face in pain. Alice rolls onto her stomach, doing a weak looking push up onto her knees. She seems a bit dazed, but far from incapacitated. Back to her feet, she drags Dan into a nearby corner, slamming him face first into the top turnbuckle. She then turns him around, knees him in the gut a few times and lifts him up, where he’s seated on the top turnbuckles~
Smith: That’s my girl! Now, what is she planning on doing here?
Hood: Hopefully combusting...spontaneously
Smith: She’s so cute, so full of life...gosh, isn’t she the best?
Hood: Does anyone around here have a knife...or, perhaps some Cyanide I could take?
~Alice climbs to the top rope with Dan. She pulls him up...both competitors are standing, on the top rope. Alice attempts to hook Dan for a top rope Apache, but Dan knees her in the ribs. Alice winces, loosening her grip. Dan head butts her...Alice leans back, about to fall off, but Dan catches her with a hug around the waist. Dan secures his footing and he looks behind him to find nothing but an unforgiving wooden stage. Dan then bends his knees a few times, gaining some momentum before he leaps off with Alice performing a Cyclorama!! They twist backwards in the air as Dan slams Alice onto the wooden stage, landing on top of her!! The fans in the opera house leap to their feet, screaming and chanting for the insane maneuver. Alice is motionless as Dan rolls off of her holding both knees and shins in pain, as they took a direct hit~
Hood: Fucking yes! Guy is living up to his name, Dangerous
Smith: We need a doctor, somebody find a doctor!
Hood: After the match, Smith, your precious, stupid, dumbass roommate can receive medical attention AFTER the match.
Smith: If this gets any worse, I’m going up there myself.
Hood: Haha...yea, you do that...that’s five moves for Dan, by the way.
~On his feet, Dan limps around the ring, leaving Alice behind. He places his hand on the apron and stretches his knees out, one at a time. Alice stirs as, apparently, it’s hard to keep a bum down. Dan has lost complete focus on the task at hand as Alice reaches up and clutches the apron, pulling herself to a standing position. Turning her head, she spots Dan’s back, as it’s pointed toward her. Slowly, she hobbles for him and reaches out, grabbing the back of his head through the ropes, with the ring post in between them. Dan’s head snaps back as Alice tries to ram him into the post...he fights out of, lunging forward, slamming Alice’s face into the apron!! Alice lets go and staggers back an inch or two...Dan turns around and he jumps between the ropes and the ring post, hooking Alice around the head and drilling her into the wooden stage with a Tornado DDT (Dangerous Path)!! Alice, again, is laid out as Dan returns to his feet...he yanks her up and hurls her back into the ring~
Smith: ...
Hood: Silence is golden and, yep, that’s 6
Smith: This is not going well
Hood: No shit, she may be dead
Smith: She can’t die! I haven’t budgeted enough to afford all the bills next month, I’ve grown used to splitting the costs of everything...including the amount of pet food we’ve had to buy since she moved in.
Hood: Sucks to be you
~Dan stares down at Alice, knowing he can pin her at any second...this frustrates him due to the fact he has to complete four additional moves before having that opportunity. Quickly, he rushes into the nearest corner and instantly scales the top rope. Standing upright and facing Alice, he leaps off with a Shooting Star Press, nailing it perfectly!! Dan hops back to his feet, raising his arms in the air as the fans start to rally behind him~
Smith: Ugh...
Hood: Yep, seven...oh, by the always yell that you’re married whenever I question your preferences...but, how the fuck does that work when you’re living with an attractive, young, sexually aggressive female?
Smith: Why do you ask?
Hood: Because it fucking confuses me
Smith: My family lives in Beirut...there’s an excellent boarding school there for young Smith Jr, he’s learning alot.
Hood: Fucking Beirut? What about your damn wife...if she exists
Smith: Well, somebody has to pack Smith Jr’s lunches
Hood: Yea, totally not buying any of this’re boning Alice
Smith: I AM NOT
~Dan peels Alice off the mat yet again and knees her in the gut. She doubles over as Dan underhooks her arms, lifts her up and drills her into the mat with Angel’s wings. He stands back into a corner, as Alice is lying flat on her face. Dan lifts his leg up and stomps it into the mat as he’s preparing to drill her with The ENDD is Near~
Smith: That just leaves the ENDD and the ENDD is Near
Hood: Probably reverse the order there, hoss...looks like he’s going to kick the shit out of Alice’s face and then put the finishing touches on that homeless slut to become the Paradigm Champion.
Hood: There’s nothing GOOD about her name...Alice is some lame ass name for a creepy nanny on The Brady Bunch and Knight, well, it reminds me of that awful Martin Lawrence movie
Smith: Well, I just...
Hood: OH! And that terrible Heath Ledger movie where he was jousting in medieval times...yet, somehow Queen was blaring in the arena...fucking dumbass shit, gayer than Brokeback Mountain
Smith: Please, stop
~Slowly, Knight gets to her feet, wobbling around, all dazed and slightly confused. Turning around, she faces Dan...he charges out of the corner with The ENDD is near...Alice DUCKS the superkick!! Dan staggers forward before turning around and receiving a kick in the gut...Alice quickly hooks him arms and drops Dan with The Apache!!! The fans jump to their feet as Alice falls on top of Dan, Scruff makes the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Dan kicked out!! She almost had!!
Hood: I think she just ducked out of pure instinct there, Smith...street instinct
Smith: What is street instinct?
Hood: I don’t know, I live in structures called homes.
~Alice rolls over onto her stomach, grabbing her black hair with her hands, frustrated she couldn’t secure the pinfall. Dan slowly gets to his feet, staggering into the ropes. He spots Alice and waits for her to get to a standing position...Alice does, using the ropes for leverage...Dan charges in, Alice ducks and lifts him over the top rope...Dan lands on the apron and he grabs Alice by the hair, yanking her to the mat. Dan grasps the top rope with both hands as he jumps up and kicks Alice with both legs, shoving her into the middle of the ring. He then jumps up, springboards off the top rope and drops a leg across Alice’s chest~
Smith: Dangerous Dan is regaining control of this...but, he still can’t pin Alice Knight
Hood: Yes, yes, we are all aware
Smith: Maybe Alice can utilize that ultimate roll up I taught her a few weeks ago
Hood: Now, what is your Beirutian or whatever wife supposed to think when she hears things like that?
Smith: She’s not a native person of Beirut, simply an American living overseas.
Hood: What’s her name?
Smith: Umm...bei...beiru...BEATRICE
Hood: What-the-fuck-ever
~Dan gets to his feet and he pulls Alice to hers...he steps back and, again, goes for The ENDD is near...Alice, again, ducks...Dan turns around and, just like before, Alice kicks him in the gut, doubling him over. She hooks his arms for The Apache...this time, Dan blocks it and stands up, lifting Alice over his head...she lands on her feet behind him. Dan turns around as Alice throws a roundhouse kick...Dan ducks!! Alice spins around and steps right into The ENDD is Near!!! She falls on her back as Dan staggers forward, into the ropes with the crowd getting behind him~
Smith: NO! NO! Somebody cut the ropes down!
Hood: Really? Dude, we have like five more matches
Smith: They can be put back up, I’ve seen it happen
Hood: Just face it, your roomie is going down, Smith Sr
~Dan scales the ropes, climbing to the top with Alice on her back. He reaches the top, looks down at Alice and motions to the crowd for The ENDD. He leaps off the top rope, flips through the air with a Swanton Bomb, but Alice lifts her knees up!! He crashes into her knees and jumps to his feet, staggering into the ropes...Alice sneaks up behind him, crawling...he trips over her as Alice rolls Dan up, Scruff slides in and counts~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Dan is having trouble nailing that final move...Alice is still in this!
Hood: I’ll give her credit, she doesn’t want to let go of that Paradigm Championship.
Smith: Nope, it’s actually keeping our coffee table centered
Hood: Ya know, one would hope you’d raise her above the bum life style...but it seems as though she’s bringing you down to her level.
Smith: Whatever!
~Alice gets back to her feet...Dan does as well. Alice lunges at Dan with a lariat, he ducks...she runs into the ropes and bounces off, flying at Dan through the air with a forearm...Dan catches her and he lifts her over his shoulders, looking for a DVD. Alice elbows Dan in the side of the head, he eventually drops her to the mat...Knight is standing behind Dan as she, again, runs into the ropes, Dan turns around and Alice drills him in the face with a flying roundhouse kick!! Dan falls back into the turnbuckles, slouched down. Alice crawls towards him, gets to her feet and drives shoulder after shoulder into his abdomen...the fans count along as she lays about twelve into his abs before stopping~
Smith: This is Alice’s last stand, she has to win it here...I don’t think she’ll last much longer.
Hood: Well, if that’s true, I hope like hell she fails.
Smith: That is so rude, man...SO rude
~Alice lifts Dan up onto the top turnbuckle. She climbs atop the turnbuckle with him. Both competitors are now standing at the top as Alice has Dan bent over and is looking to deliver a top rope Apache. Dan, though, jerks up, slamming the back of his head into Alice’s jaw!! Alice sways back, almost falling to the mat. Dan stands upright and he throws a vicious elbow into Alice’s face!! Alice flies off the top rope and lands in the center of the ring with a loud thud~
Smith: NO!
Hood: Yes! This one is fucking over!
Smith: Not yet, maybe he’s got oil on his shoe or something...maybe he’ll slip...maybe an opera light will fall on him!
Hood: Pull yourself together, man!
~Dan leaps off, flying through the air with tremendous grace in performing his patented Swanton Bomb (The ENDD). He lands right on top of Alice!!! Dan then hooks her leg as Scruff slides in, making the count~
~The bell rings as the crowd goes up in cheers, applauding Dan’s efforts in his return match to OCW. Dan gets to his feet as Scruff hands him the Paradigm Championship while raising his hand in victory~
Belvedere: Here is your winner...AND THE NEW OCW PARADIGM CHAMPION...DANGEROUS DAN!!!!!
Smith: Well heck
Hood: Fucking Dangerous Dan...while I’ve never been a fan, I must say he looked great tonight...disposing of a Hall of Famer, no less.
Smith: Disposing is a bit hard, outlasting is what I’d prefer.
Hood: Meh, whatever, the fact is that mother fucker won and your roommate has done nothing but SUCK since you guys moved in together.
Smith: *sniffle*
~Suddenly, “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio hits as the fans all stand and turn, looking at the entrance~
Smith: Wait a minute...that’s The Big Bifford’s theme!!
~Dan rolls his eyes as he stands on the middle turnbuckle with his title draped over his shoulder, staring at the entrance. The look on Dan’s face tells the story, while bored with Bifford’s antics, he is ready to accept any and all challengers. Several moments pass by as nothing happens~
Smith: Is he not coming?
Hood: Maybe he just wanted to blast some Coolio inside a world famous opera house
Smith: That...that would not surprise me
~Suddenly, the music comes to abrupt halt as a Scythe falls from the ceiling, landing in the middle of the ring. A few fans shriek as it almost hits Alice Knight. Dan turns around and looks at the Scythe before his theme, “Don’t Stop” by Foster the People starts to play~
Smith: Bifford is out to get Alice!!
Hood: No, that was an attempt at mind games, I think...who the hell knows when it comes to Bifford, honestly.
Smith: Just as long as he stays away from Alice
Hood: I don’t think that’s going to be a problem
~With his music blaring and the Paradigm Title over his shoulder, Dan exits the ring, confident any Bifford-like attacks are not on the horizon~
Smith: Well, sadness has temporarily encompassed La Scala...rough match
Hood: I know you give me shit for being biased but, man, you’re like ten times worse than I am...and that’s DURING a Lurrr or Bifford match.
Smith: Right...well folks, that’s three matches in the Code of Silence rear view mirror with several more to, let’s head backstage!
~We go backstage to see Jones standing in front of the camera, microphone in hand. Hanging on the wall behind him is a few framed posters of past and present OCW wrestlers ranging from Lurrr to Ricky Rhodes. There's also a Code of Silence banner hung on the wall just above the posters. Next to Jones is a television monitor showing a live feed of the ringside area where ring crews are setting up for the upcoming scaffold tag team match~
Jones: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm still speechless by the action we've already seen tonight! If what we’ve witnessed is any indication, then Code of Silence is only going to get crazier from here because up next we have a scaffold match to determine the new tag team champions in OCW."
~At that moment, the camera slowly pans out and we see Awe.Some enter the shot. The crowd pops wildly for the Valdez'. Rachel smiles joyfully as Ricky and Randy take center stage next to Jones. Ricky happens to be eating a sandwich~
Jones: And speaking of that upcoming match, here's a team that will competing in just a few moments. Ricky and Randy, you guys excited for tonight?
Ricky Valdez: Hey Jones. Sandwich? It's from Kaufmann's Deli -- the only sandwich Awe.Some eats.
Jones: Uhhh it looks like you're already eating it.
Ricky Valdez: Nah, it's cool man. I didn't eat this half.
~Ricky rips off half of the sandwich and offers it to Jones~
Jones: Um, sorry Ricky but I'm not hungry. Thanks anyways.
Ricky Valdez: Suit yourself.
~Ricky puts the sandwich halves in the pockets of his hoodie. The crowd begins to ramp up the noise and breaks into an Awe.Some chant. The brothers take a few seconds to appreciate the chant before Ricky speaks into the microphone~
Ricky Valdez: Finally! The Rick! Has come back! To Italy!
~Cheap pop. Very cheap pop~
Ricky Valdez: Always wanted to do that.
Randy Valdez: Hell yeah we're excited Jones! This is Milan, Italy. The birthplace of the Renaissance. And tonight Awe.Some brings a Renaissance period to tag team wrestling here in OCW. Once we dispose of the trash that is the Lockwoods, we can turn our attention to Lurrr and Mario and show them why tonight is about the new age!
Ricky Valdez: This might be Mario's home court, but this will always be an Awe.Some crowd. By the end of the night, even Mario's strongest supporters will appreciate the fact that we're going to carry the torch of great tag team wrestling that he once paraded around. This is about keeping history in the history books and making history for tomorrow's newspaper editors to publish."
Jones: Fair enough guys. Now about Supreme Machine. Earlier in the week he made a statement on twitter that he had not made up his mind on which belt to go after, insinuating that he could always come after you two if you emerge from the scaffold match victorious. Any thoughts on that?
Ricky Valdez: Whether or not he's qualified to enter the tag team division is for Dean to decide. Not us. But if you want my thoughts on his petty comment, I'll tell you that clearly Supreme Machine can't take a joke. You'd think that someone-
~Randy nudges Ricky with his elbow~
Ricky Valdez: Oh, sorry, two people. You'd think that TWO ALLEDGED people as physically imposing as he is would have thicker skin than that. But does his threat even scare us in the least? Not at all. Look at Randy and myself, Jones. We're usually some of the smallest guys in the ring anyways. We're always going up against guys hovering over us. We didn't get to this point by being scared. So he wants to make vague threats? Don't make a threat, SuMa, make a statement against us and watch what happens in return. Take both, all four, hell put all 27 eyeballs you got on your television and watch what we do to the Lockwoods, the last team that tried to make a statement at our expense. Then I'm sure you'll reconsider your course of action.
~Ricky pauses before continuing~
Ricky Valdez: But the guy may be dead after what we saw earlier so, ya know, I don’t think we’re going to be all that concerned.
Jones: Next item of business. I've been getting hammered by dozens of fans wanting to know about this whole Maple Syrup Championship thing you guys showcase on Common.Tary. What's the deal with that belt?
Randy Valdez: I'm glad you asked about that, Jones! We'd be more than happy to fill you in on the history behind the belt. You see what happened was-
Ricky Rhodes: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
~Ricky Rhodes suddenly steps into the scene and sandwiches himself between Awe.Some and Jones~
Ricky Rhodes: Whoa.
~Rhodes looks at Awe.Some, then to Jones. Rhodes makes like a hitchhiker and points his thumb towards Awe.Some~
Ricky Rhodes: Really Jones? These guys? Don't worry. I'm here to provide the star power this show has been missing up until this point.
~Rhodes turns his attention briefly towards Awe.Some~
Randy Valdez: Hey buddy you mind? We were sort've in the middle of an interview.
Ricky Rhodes: Actually I do mind. You're standing in my light.
~Ricky and Randy look like they want to toss Rhodes off the set when Rachel grabs at their arms. She points to her watch~
Rachel Valdez: Forget him. The match is scheduled to start in just a few minutes. Think big picture guys. Let him and his ego have this interview.
~The Valdez brothers give Rhodes another stern look, only to be meant by Rhodes shoo'ing them away~
Ricky Rhodes: Have fun in your adorable little tag match.
~Reluctantly, Awe.Some steps out of the scene. The shot now focuses solely on Jones and Rhodes on the set. Rhodes scoffs in disgust~
Rhodes: Really? These guys? Those two and that trollup of theirs get their own interview segments but not the FUTURE of OCW, What the hell is wrong with you people?!
~Taking a breath Jones seems to gather his professionalism and prepares to explain some basics in a very calm manner~
Jones: Well you could have asked for some interview time if you wanted Rick--
~Holding up his hand, Rhodes glares at the interviewer~
Rhodes: Mr. Rhodes, and ask for interview time..ASK? Do you have any idea who the hell I am? Do you realize who you are talking to? DO YOU know who I KNOW in this company? I am Ricky Rhodes, I'm friends with D-hizzle himself, my nigga! You may know him as the President of this company and when you got friends like that, when you have as much money, power and charisma as I do..You don't ask for anything, you TAKE what you want. Just like I took over this interview time. Got it monkey boy?
~Baffled look on his face Jones seems taken back~
Jones: Monkey boy? Look Rhodes, if you are as powerful as you claim to be as influential as you believe you are..why didn't you win the Oh Shit Invitational on your debut?
~Now it was Rhodes turn to take a breath, rolling his eyes~
Rhodes: Because I had to carry the WHOLE FUCKING MATCH BY MY OWN, rest of those losers couldn't do a damn thing right, least of all Magus! I am the true star of that match and the only real winner of the bunch.
Jones: Yet it was SuMa who got the contract to--
Rhodes: Contract smontract! He got a piece of paper because he was lucky that I had to do everything in that match. All he got was a piece of paper but I...I earned the respect of Dean, the big cheese himself who believes in me SO MUCH that he gave me this match tonight to beat The Lost Soul for that Ascension championship he is just keeping warm until a real champion comes along and tonight is that night.
Jones: TLS has been pretty vocal about you, referring to you reminding him of Ted Dibiase when you debuted, any thoughts on that or anything else the champ said?
Rhodes: Who? I don't know a Ted Dibiase, Nor do I care. The Lost Soul said a lot of things he wanted to point out again and again that he has never even heard of me during his illustrious career of doing kids parties or what it is clowns do for 15 years, he figures that going through as many opponents as he has and being around is some sort of a testament. Well to him I can say that his career is fading and mine's on the rise. I have never heard of him either and just because he sees himself as somebody doesn't mean he is any better than any other nobody who paints there face, hoping to be different along with dozens of others sharing the same hopes and dreams. He wanted to talk about how lives matter, how black and downtrodden youths matter, how old people matter, how the pope my life matters.. Well "champ" I'm going to let you in on a little secret, your life or what little is left of it it doesn't matter.
Jones: What do you mean?
Rhodes: What do I mean? TLS is nothing, he can take his jokes, all those lives that matter and fuck off him and that Ted guy whoever the hell that is!
Jones: ...
~With a wolf-like smirk. Rhodes reaches to his pocket pulls out a bill and holds it up to Jones~
Rhodes: Shocked? Disgusted? Tell you what, have a five and give someone a call who gives a shit about you think. Dean gave me this opportunity and tonight I am going to prove to him that Ricky Rhodes is a wise investment, The Lost Soul will be my first step towards my rightful stardom in this company I'll be his final brush with greatness on his way down to unemployment..
~He flips the bill at Jones walking off the camera's view~
Jones: Ricky Rhodes ladies and gentlemen, the contender for Ascension Championship..We will see later if he can cash the checks his mouth writes. Let's get back to the ring.
~We cut back to Smith and Hood~
Smith: Rhodes certainly seems confident...
Hood: Well, of course, he’s fighting Bozo the Clown...I’d be fucking confident if I were him
Smith: And that is a match I can’t wait for...however, first up we have
Smith: Or, what 99.9% of everyone else watching likes to call the ‘Tag Team Title Match’.
Hood: Heh, yea, I guess...but we all know why this match was added, star power, baby
Smith: Don’t count the Lockwoods or Awe.Some out...just saying
Hood: Yea and the captain of the Titanic was told to not count out that silly iceberg.
Smith: Hood, that silly iceberg SANK the Titanic...your analogy is broken
Hood: Fuck, well, ya know analogies have never been my thing
Smith: Indeed...well, let’s get down to ringside for a match which could...steal the show

Scaffold Match
The Lockwood Party (4 pts) vs. Awe.Some (3 pts) vs. Lurrr & Maurako (0 pts)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen of La Scala, our next match is a Scaffold Match and it is for the OCW Tag Team Titles!! Introducing first...
~”Family” by The Interrupters begins to play as the La Scala audience universally boos the impending arrival of The Lockwood Party. The camera moves around, attempting to locate the duo. Finally, our view jerks upward toward The Loggione! The ‘low end’ raucous OCW fans are patting Tim and Jack on the back as they raise their arms in the air. Aimee suddenly appears on stage, having made her way down the aisle and she rips the mic away from Belvedere~
Aimee Lockwood: La Scala, allow me to introduce your next Tag Team Champions...the only tag team in OCW history that had to jump through a million stupid hoops to earn a shot at these belts while, say, teams like Awe.Some and those two ancient hall of famers were just given shots like they were gifts inside a bag of cereal...may I introduce Jack and Tim...The Lockwood Party!!
~Jack produces a handle bar as we suddenly notice a zip line. He then slides down the line, coming to a stop at the Scaffold. He steps onto the scaffold and waves Tim over, who does the same. They both reach the scaffold and take a seat, anxiously awaiting their competition~
Smith: Those guys are crazy, they didn’t even have a harness on, just handle bars!
Hood: Eh, if one of them fell they could have just crowd surfed.
Smith: I don’t see any incredible hulks lurking around down there,, they probably would have crushed some innocent Italians.
Hood: Hey! No italian is innocent, Smith
~”Cocky” by Kid Rock begins to blast throughout La Scala for, like, the first time ever. Fans turn and watch the reigning OCW Hall of Fame Champion, Lurrr make his way to the ring. He climbs onto the stage and slides into the ring. Ascending to the top turnbuckle, Lurrr holds his Hall of Fame Title up high as a ‘nostalgia’ pop can be heard, amidst a smattering of boos. Lurrr smirks before he points towards the entrance with his music dying down~
Smith: Here we go, Hood...Maurako time!
Hood: Yes! Been waiting for this all month!
~”Ego” by Element Eighty hits as the crowd erupts in the largest ovation of the night for one of their own. OCW Hall of Famer, Mario Maurako emerges from the back of the arena as he makes his way to the ring with a look of focus in his eyes. Mario marches up onto the stage and enters the ring. He flexes a bit for the crowd as several “Mario!” chants break out~
Belvedere: Introducing next, two men who are OCW Hall of Famers...’Marvelous’ Mario Maurako and OCW Hall of Fame Champion Lurrr!!!
~”Kickstart My Head” by Motley Crue hits as the crowd cheers loudly once more...not quite as loudly as their pop for Maurako, but a rivaling ovation for sure. Awe.Some appears, along with their sister Rachel. Ricky and Randy are carrying an ice chest as Rachel leads the way. She makes her way up to the stage and holds the door open for her two brothers as they walk up to ringside and slide the ice chest inside~
Belvedere: And their opponents, from Reynoso, Mexico by way of Allen, a total combined weight of 412 lbs...Awe.Some!!!
~Ricky opens the ice chest and hands Randy a couple of 12 oz cans. Lurrr’s eyes instantly light up. Randy turns and he tosses them up to the Lockwoods. Out of instinct, Jack and Tim grab the cans, open them and begin chugging. After a few seconds, they quit drinking and stare at each other before pulling the cans down and giving them a look~
Smith: Who in the hell just drinks something without looking at it?
Hood: The Lockwoods
~Tim and Jack realize, in horror, that they were chugging O’Douls! They hurl the cans down at Randy, missing pretty widely. Randy then notices the look in Lurrr’s eyes. Lurrr yells back, “I don’t drink that non alcoholic shit!” Ricky shrugs, darting in before his brother and pulling out a Salmon. He tosses the fish at Lurrr. Lurrr catches it before realizing what’s in his hands and tossing it back to the ground. Mario looks down at the fish and then over at the Valdez brothers, “Is this some kind of message?!”~
Smith: What is Mario so irate about?
Hood: I think the Valdez brothers are saying he’s going to be sleeping with the fishes!
Smith: Oh dear
~Ricky and Randy pause before explaining that it was a joke and not some kind of devious mafia type message. Mario picks up the fish and he walks up to the Valdez brothers. He slaps Ricky in the face with the fish, causing him to stagger into the nearest corner. Randy, with a protective reflex, jumps forward, grabbing Mario around the waist and pushing him into a nearby corner. Mario drops the fish and slams several forearms into the back of Randy. Lurrr hustles over, kicking Randy in the ribs. Randy releases Mario, falling to one knee. Lurrr takes a few steps back as he nods at Mario...Mario lifts Randy up and he whips Randy at Lurrr...Lurrr steps into Randy with the Wake Up Call!! Randy staggers back as Mario catches him, hooks him, lifts him up and drills him into the mat with La Omerta!! The crowd goes wild chanting “La Omerta!” Lurrr slaps Mario in the chest as Mario looks up at The Lockwoods, hearing the bell sound~
Smith: I guess they got that in for free?
Hood: Whatever that means...but the bell just sounded so I guess they need to get up onto that scaffold?
Smith: Indeed!
~Lurrr hops out of the ring and secures to ladders. He slides them in and places them on opposite ends of the Scaffold. Once set up he and Mario begin to climb. The Scaffold is barely smaller than the ring, giving the six competitors enough room to navigate yet enough cushion so that when they fall, they hit the ring, not the stage. Nearly at the top of the ladder, Lurrr and Maurako pause, looking at the Lockwoods who are poised, ready to attack them. Taking in a deep breath, both Lurrr and Maurako reach up, grabbing the sides of the Scaffold, performing a ‘chin up’ type pull to get aboard. While doing so, Tim starts kicking at Lurrr’s hand while Jack kicks at Mario’s hand~
Smith: Precarious position here for the Hall of Fame duo...if they fall, I don’t think that would eliminate them officially...however, realistically I can’t see how they’d be able to come back from such a terrible fall.
Hood: Fucking Lockwoods are crafty, man...I like those guys, even if they drink O’Douls
Smith: An accidental intake of fake alcohol.
Hood: It’s still pretty fucking lame
~Mario grabs the ankle of Jack and, using his phenomenal strength, pushes back, tossing Jack on his back! This allows Mario an opportunity to climb up. Lurrr, meanwhile, is hanging by one hand with Tim digging his heel into Lurrr’s fingers as they cling on for dear life. Maurako reaches the Scaffold surface and he rushes up, kneeing Jack in the back of the head. He then walks up to Tim, grabbing him by the hair and away from Lurrr. He drills Tim to the scaffold surface with a lariat as Lurrr reaches up with his other hand and pulls himself onto the surface. Lurrr walks up and he pats Maurako on the back before removing his Hall of Fame Title which is still around his waist. He then instructs Maurako to pick Jack Lockwood up~
Smith: Here comes a devastating dismantling of The Lockwoods
Hood: Yea and that Hall of Fame Title is heavy as fuck...Dean spared no expense putting gold, diamonds and other really heavy, hard shit into that son of a bitch.
Smith: Only Lurrr would use something as prestigious as the Hall of Fame Title for a weapon.
Hood: I wonder if the Lockwoods will melt or wither when that touches them...ya know, kind of how like shitty things disappear when introduced to a touch of class.
Smith: This isn’t a fairy tale, Hood
Hood: Well excuse me, Smith...we are in a fucking opera house after all, geez
~Maurako locks Jack in a Full Nelson as Lurrr drills him in the forehead with the Hall of Fame Title!! Jack falls back and appears to be unconscious. Maurako then grabs Tim and he looks Tim up into a Full Nelson...again, Lurrr lunges forward and drills Tim in the head with the Hall of Fame Title. Instead of just releasing Tim, Maurako lifts Tim up and slams him into the scaffolding with La Omerta!! Lurrr and Maurako stand atop the Scaffold with the fans cheering loudly for Maurako and, perhaps a few for Lurrr. Beneath the ring, Ricky is helping Randy as they feel a sense of urgency to get up onto the Scaffolding. Meanwhile, Aimee Lockwood is pulling tables out from underneath the ring~
Smith: Awe.Some needs to get up there before Lurrr and Maurako take total control of this match.
Hood: Probably too late...regardless of that, I have to wonder what the actual fuck that psycho gash is doing with those tables.
Smith: WHAT did you just call her?
Hood: Ya heard me
~Randy is finally beginning to come around as Ricky gets to his feet, helping his brother alongside. Ricky checks Randy out and comes to the conclusion Randy is focused and ready to climb the ladder. Both Valdez brothers break away and rush to the ladders Lurrr set up. They start climbing as Lurrr picks Jack up off the Scaffolding. He drills Jack with a right hand as he holds his HOF title in his left hand, it drags against the scaffold. Suddenly, Randy’s head pops up in front of Lurrr. He yells at Maurako who moves for Randy. Behind Lurrr, Ricky’s head pops up. He quickly climbs up, rushes over and yanks the HOF title away from Lurrr. Lurrr turns around and Ricky drills him in the head with the belt!! Lurrr falls back on his ass as Jack’s body falls down as well. Maurako, feeling the vibrations of the fall, turns he does, Ricky throws the HOF title at Maurako. Maurako catches it...Ricky runs in and drop kicks the belt into Maurako’s face, knocking him down!! The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Ricky helps Randy up...Randy reaches the Scaffold as both Awe.Some brothers take a moment to survey the area~
Smith: And now the Valdez Brothers are in control...this match has more twists and turns than a Stephen King novel!
Hood: Or a bag of twizzlers!
Smith: Ugh, Twizzlers
Hood: They are pretty fucking bland
~Ricky picks the HOF Title up off of Mario and he tosses it off the Scaffold. It lands, roughly, on the stage. As it does, we see several tables set up inside the ring and surrounding it...all the product of Aimee Lockwood’s hard work. Ricky and Randy quickly set their sights on the Lockwoods. Randy grabs Tim and he drags him toward the edge of the Scaffold. He’s about to throw Tim off when Tim drills Randy in the abdomen with a sharp elbow. Randy doubles over as Tim pushes him away. Jack, meanwhile, reaches up with his leg and he kicks Ricky in the face as Ricky bends over to grab him by the hair. Ricky staggers back with Jack climbing to his feet. He drills Ricky in the side of the head with a couple of forearm smashes. Ricky fights back with some punches into Jack’s ribs. The punches quickly elevate into a brawl. Meanwhile, Tim has Randy hooked for a suplex...Randy’s back is facing the edge of the Scaffold. Tim lifts Randy up and is apparently trying to push him over the edge, Randy, though. flips over Tim, hooks him around the waist, lifts him up and drills him into the Scaffold with a German Suplex~
Smith: Nice reversal by Randy Valdez as Ricky and Jack Lockwood brawl it out on the other side of the Scaffold.
Hood: Meanwhile, Maurako and Lurrr be chilling
Smith: I guess...they did get hit pretty hard with that giant belt
Hood: They are coy, crafty veterans...they know what they are doing.
~Randy quickly gets back to his feet and he goes after Tim again. Suddenly, behind him a giant hand grabs him by the back of the neck. Randy is temporarily paralyzed with his shoulders rising up to his ears. Maurako appears, grasping the back of Randy’s neck...he lifts Randy up and does a Reverse Chokeslam, slamming Randy face first into the Scaffold. Mario then tends to Lurrr, helping him to his feet. Meanwhile, Ricky and Jack continue brawling, several feet away, neither individual has gained a clear advantage. They are brawling near the zip line that the Lockwood’s sailed down. Lurrr notices the brawl taking place and he rushes up behind the two competitors, giving them a violent shove. Jack flies off the Scaffolding and CRASHES hard into one of the tables in the ring!! Ricky, meanwhile, teeters back and forth before leaping off and grabbing the zip line! He hands, tenuously, high in the air with his hand wrapped tightly around the uncomfortable zip line~
Smith: Jack Lockwood has been eliminated and now Ricky Valdez hangs in the balance.
Hood: That line was terrible, Smith
Smith: Sorry, but I had to latch onto something
Hood: Stop it!
~Lurrr reaches up, shaking the zip line, trying to jolt Ricky free. Meanwhile, Aimee tends to Jack who is lying amidst a pile of rubble. Rachel is seated safely away, watching the match from the stage. Ricky loses his grip with one hand as the crowd gasps. He quickly re-grips the line. Ricky then kicks his legs out, wrapping them around Lurrr’s head. He lets go of the zip line and twirls around, tossing Lurrr across the Scaffolding with a Huricanrana!! Ricky lands safely atop the surface as Lurrr slams his back into the scaffold, arching it in pain~
Smith: Extremely athletic move by Ricky Valdez...something we might have seen Lurrr pull off, back in the day
Hood: WHAT is that supposed to mean?
Smith: Just that Ricky is, well, younger than Lurrr
Hood: To be young is to be stupid, to be old is to be awesome
Smith: What if Ricky was older than Lurrr?
Hood: Then reverse that statement
~Focusing in on Maurako and Tim Lockwood, we see Maurako applying a Full Nelson and shaking Tim around like a rag doll. Tim’s body has gone limp as Maurako is just having fun at this point. Ricky returns to his feet and he spots Maurako...Mario, in turn, notices Ricky. Ricky charges at Maurako, but Mario lifts Tim up and nails Ricky in the face with Tim’s legs!! Ricky falls to one knee, shaking his head. Lurrr returns to his feet, observing the action. He and Maurako make eye contact as Maurako steps near the edge with Tim in place. Lurrr then springs forward with his signature Wake Up Call...Maurako lets go of Tim right as Lurrr kicks him in the face! Tim goes flying off the Scaffold and crashes down below into a table inside the ring! The crowd cheers loudly as Maurako and Lurrr turn their attention towards the Valdez brothers~
Smith: The Lockwoods have been eliminated...slightly disappointing.
Hood: No shit, I thought these guys were badass and hardcore
Smith: Perhaps Europe just isn’t their style
Hood: True, they don’t strike me as least not in the way we view a cultured human being.
Smith: Indeed
~Ricky is aiding Randy to his feet, who has taken quite a bit of abuse thus far. Maurako and Lurrr head towards them, side by side. Randy whispers something to Ricky...Ricky nods before whipping Randy at Maurako and Lurrr. Randy leaps into the air as Lurrr and Maurako catch him. Ricky then jumps and dropkicks Randy in the back, taking down both Lurrr and Maurako. Randy gets on top of Maurako and starts to punch away on his face...Ricky slides into position, pummeling Lurrr’s face as well. The split crowd goes back and forth with cheers and boos as Awe.Some has taken control of the contest~
Smith: Excellent team work by the brothers in an effort to regain control.
Hood: Yea, that’s one way to do it...just toss your brother in the air...toss him in the air like you just don’t care.
Smith: Indeed!
~Randy pulls Maurako to his feet as Ricky stands up, leaving Lurrr alone. Together, they lift Maurako up and slam him into the Scaffold with a double spinebuster!! Maurako grabs his back in pain. Lurrr rises to all fours, looking a bit dazed...Ricky performs a sit out drop kick to the side of Lurrr’s head, taking him back down. Randy then yanks Lurrr by his dirty blonde hair to a standing position. He lifts Lurrr over his shoulders and then drills him into the Scaffold with a Fireman’s Carry Gutbuster!! Ricky and Randy turn their attention back to Maurako before looking over the edge as the crowd starts to turn on them~
Smith: This crowd is not happy at the prospect of Mario being eliminated!
Hood: Nope, kind of shitty booking by Dean...I mean, anywhere else in the world and the fans would be going nuts right now.
Smith: Indeed, but Code of Silence IN Milan...this is a home crowd for Mario Maurako.
~Randy yanks Maurako to his feet and elbows him in the chest. Ricky grabs Mario’s hair as Randy follows suit...they escort Maurako to the edge of the Scaffold and prepare to toss him over. Maurako, though, after noticing what was about to go down jerks his head to the left, head butting Ricky. He then eye rakes Randy, stunning them both. Mario then wraps his arm around both of their necks and snaps back, dropping them with a double russian leg sweep! Mario rolls through, onto his knees as he reaches out and begins choking Randy, the crowd cheers his actions~
Smith: I guess this italian crowd can forgive a russian leg sweep.
Hood: It was a DOUBLE russian leg it kind of cancels each other out, right?
Smith: Maybe...or maybe that makes it a USSR sweep
Hood: I think we’ll have to go to the judges for that one.
~They turn to the judges...but there are none, so they, along with us, focus back on the match. Maurako finishes choking Randy as he rolls over kicking his legs and holding his throat in pain. Maurako turns to Ricky, who is on one knee...Maurako drills Ricky in the back of the neck with a double axe handle. Ricky falls face first onto the Scaffold. Maurako isn’t finished, he yanks Ricky up and lifts him over his shoulder. Maurako then plants Ricky into the scaffold with a powerslam. Once finished, he turns and finds Lurrr who is on his feet, nearly fully recovered, they turn their attention to Randy~
Smith: The Hall of Fame duo is clicking on all cylinders and now Randy Valdez looks to be the focal point of their attention.
Hood: If they eliminate Randy, this one is in the books
Smith: They would have the numbers advantage, however...
Hood: It’s common knowledge that Randy is by far the better wrestler than Ricky...Ricky is a straight dumbass, Smith.
Smith: I wouldn’t go that far!
~Maurako yanks Randy to his feet...Randy fights back with a few punches, staggering Maurako. Mario falters back, near the edge. Randy rears back for a huge blow, attempting to knock Mario off. Before he can follow through, Lurrr grabs his arm, preventing the punch from happening. Randy turns around and is greeted with a spinning heel kick into the face! He falls into Maurako’s waiting arms as Mario locks him in a Full Nelson. Mario shakes him around for a few moments until Lurrr is poised. Lurrr lunges forward with The Wake Up Call! Mario darts out of the way as Lurrr drills Randy in the face, kicking him off the scaffolding! His body flies several feet away, crashing through one of the tables around the ring! Rachel scurries over, checking on her brother as the fans cheer for Maurako. The duo quickly set their sights on the lone opponent remaining, Ricky Valdez~
Smith: The odds are stacked against Ricky Valdez, Hood
Hood: Yea, it’s kind of like a skinny whore attempting to evade an impending Aryan Nation gang bang...not fucking likely.
Smith: Wow, way to rob what innocence remains from our younger fans
~Lurrr grabs Ricky by the hair, yanking him to his feet. Lurrr drills Ricky with a couple of forearm uppercuts, staggering the last remaining obstacle. Lurrr knees Ricky in the gut, doubling him over. He wraps his arms around Ricky’s waist and lifts him up with a Gut Wrench Suplex, slamming him into the scaffolding. Sitting up, Lurrr looks over and sees Ricky reaching for one of the handle bars the Lockwood’s came in on. He crawls over and pulls it away, tossing it off the scaffold. Mario locates the second handle, ridding the scaffold of its presence as well. Lurrr then looks at Mario and nods, Mario motions back~
Smith: Well, they’ve rid the scaffold of any conceivable weapon which might give Ricky an advantage
Hood: Yep and it appears that they are about ready to end this contest so they can grab a couple of beers and bang some big tittied Italian broads...or Rachel Valdez.
Smith: HEY! That’s no way to speak of someone’s sister!
Hood: She’s not MY sister
~Lurrr pulls Ricky up and goes to whip him into Maurako, who is standing dangerously close to the edge. Ricky reverses the irish whip, sending Lurrr crashing into Maurako! Maurako nearly falls off, but Lurrr clutches Mario’s arm, pulling him back into the Scaffold. Ricky reaches his feet and he charges at them with a double clothesline attempt...however, Lurrr and Maurako turn and face him...they block the double clothesline, pick him up and drill him into the Scaffold with a Double Powerbomb!! Ricky lands hard, holding the back of his head in pain as he rolls around. Down below, Rachel has pulled Ricky from the wreckage as they are seated against a wall at the edge of the stage, looking on. Randy winces upon seeing Ricky get thrown around~
Smith: For two thirds of the Valdez siblings, this has turned into a visual nightmare.
Hood: Yea, well at least they aren’t experiencing the fucking nightmare like Ricky is...that can’t be fun.
Smith: Indeed!
~Lurrr stomps on Ricky a few times before yanking him up in a very jerky, frustrated manner. Mario stands near the edge, ready to catch Valdez. Lurrr tosses Ricky into Mario’s waiting arms...he locks in a Full Nelson and tosses Ricky around, clamping down on his neck and shoulders. Lurrr coils and stomps his foot on the scaffolding as the crowd claps along. He then springs forward...before he can get the kick off, Ricky drops to a seated position, crushing the top of his head into Mario’s chin! While Mario is bent over, Lurrr’s leg flies over it...Mario then lunges upward out of reaction from the impact and inadvertently lifts Lurrr’s body up and over the side of the scaffolding!! Lurrr flies to the ground, crashing through a table set up near a corner, narrowly missing landing into the turnbuckles! The crowd gasps in horror as, for the first time, they fear their hero, Maurako, may be vulnerable~
Smith: Lurrr has been eliminated! He has been tossed from the Scaffold!
Hood: More like they fucked that move up...shit, why did they have to do that fucking thing so close to the edge??
Smith: I don’t know, but for the first time in 2015 the OCW Hall of Fame Champion has been knocked off his perch...even if it’s just for a moment!
Hood: I call bullshit! Shenanigans! Somebody get me Jesse Jackson!
Smith: Riiiight
~Randy and Rachel are on their feet cheering for Ricky after seeing Lurrr fall. Lurrr is motionless in a rubble of broken wood with his left leg leaning atop the bottom rope. Back on the scaffolding, Mario is staring down at Lurrr in shock. Ricky is crawling away from Mario, creating some distance. Mario turns around and spots Ricky crawling away. He rushes after him, obtaining a full hand of hair. Ricky’s eyes widen as Mario yanks him up. Mario locks Ricky’s head under his arm, in position for an inverted DDT. He lifts Ricky into the air, for an inverted suplex...Ricky lands on his feet behind Mario..he jumps up, places his knees into Mario’s back and drops him with a backstabber!! Mario arches his back in pain as Ricky gets to a kneeling position wincing in pain from the abuse he has suffered thus far in the match. The crowd boos before cheering “Mario! Mario!”~
Smith: This crowd is thirsty for a Mario Maurako victory...
Hood: They just need to settle down and eat some fermented grapes or’s going to happen, just might take a little longer is all.
Smith: I don’t know, I can feel the momentum shifting
Hood: Dude, explain to me how goofy ass Ricky Valdez is going to throw Marvelous Mario Maurako off of a Scaffold?
Smith: Anything can happen, Hood...especially in La Scala!
~Ricky hops on Mario’s back as Mario is on all fours, he wraps his legs around Mario’s waist while locking a sleeper hold underneath Mario’s chin. Mario crawls around a bit before reaching back with his hands, trying to pull Ricky off of him. Mario struggles but reaches a standing position as Ricky clamps down harder and harder. Mario staggers a bit, beginning to lose consciousness. He wraps his right arm around Ricky’s head and then drops to his knees, delivering a Stunner! Ricky releases the hold and falls back, barely moving. Maurako, meanwhile, stumbles to his knees, gasping for air~
Smith: Great reversal by Mario...a true veteran of the craft.
Hood: Yes and Mario celebrated his twenty-third birthday the other day!
Smith: Forty-First!
Hood: Really? Oh, well I heard the news on some Italian network...guess I need to brush up on my Italian speak.
Smith: Not a bad idea if you’re going to spend a week in Italy.
~Ricky slowly gets to his feet, stumbling around. Maurako reaches one knee...Ricky charges at Maurako and he steps on Maurako’s knee before delivering a step-up Enziguri! Maurako falls over to his side as Ricky stumbles forward, near the edge. He looks over, down at the wreckage. Along with Ricky, we spot Lurrr moving around, seated against the bottom turnbuckle, staring up at the Scaffold. He spots Ricky looking down and mouths the words, “Mother fucker.” Ricky turns back around, remembering to keep his focus on Maurako. He sprints for Maurako who, again, is on all fours...he drops a leg across the back of Maurako’s head. Maurako rolls over onto his back as Ricky stands with his back to Maurako before performing a standing Moonsault, nailing it perfectly!! Mario grabs his abs in pain as Ricky reaches for his arm, dragging him near the edge...the fans reach their feet, displaying physical anxiety~
Smith: Never thought I’d say this, but Ricky Valdez is in total control of Mario Maurako!
Hood: Mother fucker is right...Lurrr, do something!
Smith: What can he do? He’s in the ring!
Hood: Ladders, Smith...ladders!
Smith: He’d better not ruin what has been a great match!
~Reaching the edge, Ricky pulls Mario to his feet. He leaps up onto Mario’s shoulders, attempting to Huricanrana Mario over the edge...Mario, using his superior upper body strength, holds on, preventing Ricky from pulling him over. Ricky is hanging upside down as Mario lifts him up for a powerbomb. Ricky pounds away on Mario’s head with lefts and rights as Mario staggers back..he turns around and Ricky places his knee into Mario’s throat. Mario drills Ricky into the Scaffold with a powerbomb but, by doing so, suffers a direct blow to the throat from Ricky’s knee! Both competitors are down as the fans filling La Scala start to pound their feet into the ground, cheering Mario on~
Smith: Wow, the action continues to seems Ricky Valdez has an answer for everything Mario throws at him!
Hood: Fucking guy is like herpes or some shit...he just won’t go away!
Smith: Faced with two hall of famers and a crowd in full support of their hero, Mario Maurako...that’s a lot of adversity.
Hood: Time for the adversity to overcome that little shit...Maurako and Lurrr to reign supreme!
~Lurrr reaches his feet and slides out of the ring, securing his HOF title. Randy looks on from across the ring as Rachel points at Lurrr, vocalizing what Randy is witnessing. Lurrr slides into the ring and he situates a ladder underneath the scaffold, nearest where Mario is lying. He begins to climb as Randy gets to his feet and rushes into the ring. Lurrr, focused solely on what he’s doing reaches the top of the ladder as he secures the HOF Title and gets ready to toss it onto the Scaffold. Randy grabs the other ladder and he quickly climbs it, facing Lurrr. Lurrr finally erases his tunnel vision and spots Randy in front of him, at the top of his ladder. Randy leaps off with a spear, as he does, Lurrr hurls the ladder, it lands on the Scaffold. Randy drills Lurrr into the midsection, spearing him off the ladder, out of the ring and through a table on the stage!! The table eviscerates as the crowd goes wild with Lurrr and Randy motionless amidst the rubble. Meanwhile, the HOF Title is lying next to a hazy Maurako while Ricky has yet to move~
Smith: Oh My Gosh!! What a move!!
Hood: Too late! Too late! Lurrr got the title up there!
Smith: Dang it! I hope Ricky can avoid being hit with that would be a shame if that’s what decides this great match!
Hood: A shame? I think it’d be MARVELOUS
~Mario sits up, shaking his groggy head, blinking rapidly. The HOF Title is right behind him, but he doesn’t realize it. Slowly, he gets to his feet as the crowd yells at him, trying to alert him to the title. Ricky rolls over and, out of the corner of his eye, spots the HOF Title. He then glances up at Mario, realizing he doesn’t know it’s there. Ricky then plays dead as Mario reaches down, grabbing his hair. He yanks Ricky up...Ricky comes to lift, chopping Mario in the throat!! Ricky pulls Mario away from the HOF Title to the other side of the Scaffold as Mario coughs loudly, holding his throat in pain. Ricky violently shoves Mario near the edge and begins to systematically throw kick after kick into Mario’s legs, chopping him down. Mario falls to his knees as Ricky sizes him up, planning a big kick to the head...he throws it, but Mario ducks! Ricky flies over Mario and nearly goes over the edge!! He teeters, waving his arms around before regaining his balance. He turns around as Mario reaches his feet and throws a punch at Ricky’s head...Ricky ducks it and he slides under Mario’s arm. Mario turns back around as Ricky is a little slower to his feet...Ricky gets to his feet and Mario drills him with a Lariat!! Ricky’s body twists in the air before landing, harshly, on the Scaffold!! Mario then eyes the HOF Title~
Smith: Oh no!! He’s spotted the Title!
Hood: Thank goodness! C’mon, Mario, introduce Ricky to the Hall of Fame!
Smith: C’mon, Ricky! We can’t have it end like this...not this way!
~Mario heads for the title, walking across the Scaffold. Ricky rolls over and sees what Maurako is doing...he crawls after Maurako, latching onto his legs with Mario a couple of steps away from the Title. Mario tries kicking him off...Ricky hangs on...finally, Mario turns around and he stomps on Ricky’s face!! Ricky lets go and grabs his face in pain. Mario then reaches the title, it’s near the edge...he reaches up, grabbing onto the wire the Lockwoods zipped in on for balance. He then reaches down and grabs the title, staring at it for a moment~
Smith: You know, he is eligible for that you think, for maybe a moment he’s wondering what it would look like around his waist?
Hood: Fuck no, he’s Lurrr’s buddy...he wouldn’t think anything like that
Smith: I don’t know...I’m just saying, guys don’t get into the OCW Hall of Fame by NOT caring about championships.
Hood: Stop spreading your vicious Propaganda!
~Mario snaps out of whatever was running through his mind, turning around, ready to hit Ricky with the belt. Ricky jumps to his feet...Maurako reacts quickly, swinging wildly, Ricky ducks the blow and winds up behind Mario. Mario turns around, attempting another swing...Ricky kicks him in the gut! Mario drops the title, doubling over...Ricky slowly picks up the title as Mario is stunned...he looks at it and then at Mario~
Smith: Don’t do it, you’re better than this Ricky!
Hood: Drill him with the title, mother fucker! C’mon, show us you’re the Valdez we need to root for!
Smith: Stop it! Stop trying to warp his mind!
Hood: Oh calm down, I seriously doubt he can hear me anyway
~Randy and Rachel look on from below as Rachel has pulled him away from Lurrr. They watch, anxious to see what Ricky is going to do. Lurrr, meanwhile, is leaning up against the plexiglass barrier, staring up, cursing under his breath. Ricky turns around, facing the edge of the Scaffold...he tosses the title over the edge~
Smith: Yes! Way to go Ricky!
Hood: So stupid, you lose
Smith: Look out!! Ricky, Look out!
~Mario walks up and SHOVES Ricky in the back..he flies off the edge of the Scaffold and reaches up, clutching the wire the Lockwoods slid in on...his legs fling around the air, making a circle and they wrap around Mario’s head and neck...Ricky lets go of the wire and tosses Mario with a Huricanrana!! Mario goes flying off the Scaffold and crashes through a table below as Ricky remains on top of the Scaffold!! The crowd goes silent as the bell rings~
Belvedere: Here are your winners...AND THE NEW OCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...AWE.SOME!!!!!
Smith: He did it!! Ricky Valdez did it! Awe.Some did it!! They are the new Champs!
Hood: Mother fucking Whore Bitch!
~Ricky rolls onto his back, staring up at the ceiling, breathing heavily. The look on his face is one of shock as a smile crosses his face. The silence in La Scala is eerie as nobody expected this upset to take place. Lurrr crawls for Maurako, who hasn’t moved since crashing through the table~
Smith: I don’t think these Italians came here expecting their home town hero to lose in his return.
Hood: No shit
Smith: At least Lurrr is heading over there to console his partner.
~Lurrr crawls OVER Maurako and grabs his Hall of Fame Title, clutching it and making sure it doesn’t have any scratches. The crowd boos Lurrr’s actions, finally showing signs of life~
Smith: Ugh, just when you think Lurrr can’t get any worse.
Hood: Hey, the title did everything it could to win this match for was Maurako who fucked up!
Smith: Excuse me? I think Maurako lasted longer than Lurrr did
Hood: Mario clearly cost Lurrr this match, isn’t it obvious? Dude is rusty as hell, fuck him
Smith: Easy Hood, eeeeassssyyy
Hood: Blahbertygoogle!
Smith: Are you having a seizure?
Hood: I’m just really fucking upset right now
~Lurrr gets to his feet with the title in his arms. He yells at Maurako, who is beginning to stir, “Get up! Let’s get the fuck out of this stupid country!” Maurako nods, slowly pulling himself up from the pile of rubble, with no help from Lurrr. Meanwhile, Randy climbs up a ladder and helps his brother get down from the Scaffold. Ricky descends, safely to the ring as he hugs his brother and sister...Scruff then hands them the Tag Titles as they raise them high in the air. Lurrr and Maurako turn around, at the edge of the stage, after hearing the round of applause for Awe.Some...Lurrr flicks them off as Maurako shakes his head before they make their way up the aisle. Several Italian onlookers pat Mario on the back, appreciating his effort. After a moment of celebrating, Ricky hops out of the ring and grabs Belvedere’s mic. He slides back into the ring and taps the mic, making an audible noise. This grabs everyone’s attention, including Lurrr and Maurako’s~
Ricky Valdez: *pant* Everyone, I just wanted to congratulate *pant* Mario Maurako and his partner *pant* Lurrrigi for their efforts tonight *pant*
~Laughter shoots through the crowd as Ricky smiles along with Randy. Rachel shakes her head, trying not to laugh~
Ricky Valdez: C’mon, La Scala...chant it with me...Lurrrigi! Lurrrigi! Lurrrigi!!!
~The crowd busts out a “Lurrrigi! Lurrrigi! Lurrrigi!” chant as Lurrr becomes irate. He tries storming down to the ring, but Mario stops him. Lurrr yells several ‘fucks’ and ‘pussies’ at Ricky as Mario helps him to the back with the chant increasing in volume~
Smith: Ahahaha, what a moment!
Hood: I need a fucking beer, fuck this shit, man
Smith: While my colleague attempts to regain a semblance of composure, we’ll take you backstage for the latest developments!
~Ricky is on the top turnbuckle, pointing his fingers in the air to the chant of “Lurrr-ee-gee!” as we cut backstage yet again~

~Dean is standing in a training room where OCW medics on hand tend to non-life threatening injuries. Supreme Machine is on top of a table, unresponsive~
President Dean: Is he dead?
Medic: No sir, he’s not dead...he’s just he’s in a coma, but with strong vital signs. It’s positively the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.
~Dean leans over and he knocks his closed fist against SuMa’s mask. Nothing...he then tries talking to SuMa~
Medic: That’s not going to work, sir
President Dean: How do you know?
Medic: We’ve shocked him, we’ve severely pinched him...we even accidentally dropped him from the table...nothing has garnered a response.
President Dean: Well that’s just GREAT
~Dean slaps his hands on the table near SuMa’s body~
President Dean: You know what that means? THAT means he won’t be able to cash in his Oh Shit Contract which means the whole FUCKING match from February was basically pointless.
~Dean’s phone goes off as he sees the name “Jones”...he perks up for a bit before answering, we get the split screen again. Jones is standing in line at a concession stand~
President Dean: Any news?
Jones: Nothing yet, sir...but I’m hot on the trail...I’m currently asking people if they’ve spotted him back here...he’s in the building, I know it.
President Dean: Ugh, fucking Scottish bastard...well, keep looking, we’re running out of...
~Jones is told what the price for his order is~
Jones: Uhm, yes...but it’s not what you think, I was told this vendor SAW Murray...
President Dean: Damnit, Jones...if I find out you’re not doing everything you can to find Andy Murray then, so help me, I’m going to put YOU in a match with Lurrr
Jones: I’m on it boss, don’t sweat!
~Dean hangs up as he vanished, leaving us with Jones, who receives a bag of popcorn. He takes a few bites before furrowing his brow~
Jones: Is it always this soggy?
~The concession counter shrugs as he really doesn’t give a shit. Jones turns around and continues eating, finding the flavor to be decent enough. As he does, we see Brother D handling the popcorn in the back...we cut back to ringside~
Smith: This is turning into a nightmare for our beloved President
Hood: Hold on *whispers to a lowly employee* okay, sorry, but I just cancelled my popcorn order.
Smith: Smart move...well, folks...par for the course, you never know what you’re getting into during an OCW show. It appears as though, barring a miracle, we won’t be getting a Hall of Fame Title Match and, to make matters worse, Supreme Machine is in some weird coma thing
Hood: Yea, that guy is probably too scared to face Danny B, so he’s playing dead.
Smith: I highly doubt that...anyway, if anything changes, we’ll be sure to show it to ya...but, up next it’s the Hangman Horror Match for the Ascension Title.
Hood: Oh Snap!
Smith: Excited, huh?
Hood: No, I’m just hoping someone’s neck breaks
Smith: Disgusting...well, folks, The Lost Soul defeated Ashe Dawson in a classic last month but, some experts are saying he’s going to perform at a higher level if he expects to retain his title this month against Ricky Rhodes.
Hood: Down with the clown, Charlie Brown...Ricky Rhodes will emerge victorious.
Smith: We shall see....let’s head backstage where TLS is standing by with Who’Re
~We cut backstage as TLS is with Who’Re~
Who’Re: TLS or is it Mr. Soul?
TLS: Hough Ray or is it Whore?
Who’Re: Gotcha...what do you have to do, tonight, to defeat Ricky Rhodes?
TLS: Well...
~TLS pauses as Ashe Dawson appears on screen! A few fans cheer as we haven’t seen Ashe Dawson since Revenge. He removes a pair of sunglass and stuffs them into the neck line of his designer shirt~
Ashe Dawson: Surprised to see me?
TLS: Nothing about pro wrestling surprises me
Ashe Dawson: You may have knocked me out for a month with that tiny neck injury I suffered at Revenge, but I’m back now and I just wanted you to know that I always repay my debts.
~Dawson stares at TLS intently before bumping shoulders with TLS as he walks away.~
Who’Re: Umm, appears Ashe Dawson is back and he’s got his sights set on you...
TLS: I don’t have time for this...
~TLS walks off, ready for his match~

Hangman’s Horror Match
The Lost Soul (c) (9 pts) vs. Ricky Rhodes (2 pts)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is a Hangman’s Horror Match for the OCW Ascension Championship!!! In order for a participant to win this match, they must hang their opponents via a dog collar from one of the ropes until that are rendered unconscious...introducing first...
~ As “Public Enemy Number one” starts to play out Ricky Rhodes makes his way to the entrance swagger only money can seem to grant. Pulling out a wad of bills from his pants pocket he starts to make his way down to ringside showing off bills to the fans as if it was a charitable notion waiting to happen, but instead of throwing them out he yanks them back taunting them. Making it clear that the only way for the fans to see such money is if someone like HIM holds it for them since they will never earn or make such sums. Climbing the stairs onto the stage, he steps through the thick, plexi glass door which is part of the 5 foot wall lining the front of the stage, keeping people from falling off and into the crowd. Ricky offers some money to the time keeper, who declines. He hops into the ring and offers some to Belvedere, who declines. Ricky rolls his eyes and looks at Scruff. He walks up and stuffs a wad of cash into one of Scruff’s pockets and nods at him with an unspoken understanding~
Belvedere: From Santa Clara, California...standing 6’1 and weighing in at 217lbs...Ricky Rhodes!!!
~ “Friday the 13th” Theme echoes throughout the giant, sound friendly opera house. TLS enters from the back of the opera, as everyone else does and he slowly makes his way to the ring. Some fans cheer, mostly due to the arrogance of Rhodes while other fans simply watch. TLS enters through the door, after climbing the steps and he rolls into the ring, keeping a close eye on Ricky Rhodes~
Belvedere: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, standing 6’3 and weighing in at 235lbs...he is the OCW Ascension Champion...The Lost Soul!!!
~Rhodes looks at the four ropes as a dog collar hangs from each of them. He then stares at TLS who has his head tilted downward, looking up at Rhodes over his brow. His stringy, green hair hanging in front of his face...shaking his head, Rhodes turns and continues barking orders at Scruff. The bell suddenly sounds as the fans cheer, ready for the match~
Smith: Did he just pay Scruff off?
Hood: I’m sure he THINKS that’s what he did...but I don’t think Scruff understands how money works.
Smith: Ricky Rhodes is absolutely the worst person on earth, why can’t he try to win a match based on his athleticism alone? It’s not like he isn’t talented.
Hood: Yea, well maybe he would if Dean would stop booking him against fucking weirdos.
~Rhodes yells at TLS from across the ring as TLS hasn’t budged an inch. Growing confident, Rhodes walks towards TLS, increasing the volume of his yelling. TLS still doesn’t respond. Inches from TLS, Rhodes rears back and he slaps TLS across the face! The head of TLS snaps to the left from impact as TLS doesn’t react. Rhodes laughs and looks back at Scruff in arrogance, saying “Looks like I didn’t have to pay you any money after all.” Turning around, he is met with a flurry of rights and lefts from TLS, backing Rhodes into a corner! The crowd explodes as TLS is jarring Rhodes with punch after punch as Rhodes slowly slumps down to the mat, leaning up against the bottom turnbuckle. TLS sticks his foot into the throat of Rhodes and starts to apply pressure on his throat, cutting off his oxygen~
Smith: When will Ricky Rhodes learn? You can’t be so arrogant in OCW and expect to be successful!
Hood: I’d say he has been pretty successful so far...I mean, it’s not like his efforts at Revenge weren’t rewarded.
Smith: True, but TLS isn’t some rookie, he’s a legendary veteran in this business and Rhodes was acting like he was some hobo zombie.
Hood: A hobo zombie, eh? Isn’t that sort of implied?
Smith: No, a zombie could have a home.
Hood: Interesting
~TLS removes his foot and reaches down, obtaining a fist full of Rhodes hair. He whips Rhodes across the ring...Rhodes goes airborne, slamming his chest into the top turnbuckle with his head nearly nailing the ring post. Rhodes staggers back towards the middle of the ring, slowly turning around and being drilled into the mat with a vicious clothesline~
Smith: The Lost Soul in control early on
Hood: Yea, he’s working that throat...he’s gonna choke a bitch!
Smith: Well, that’s the point
Hood: Sure beats a pussified pinfall any day
Smith: Debatable
~TLS pulls Rhodes back to his feet and he hurls him over the top rope...but Rhodes holds onto the top rope, hanging on the outside of the ring...he then skins the cat, pulling himself back into the ring. TLS observes Rhodes actions and steps forward, Rhodes places his feet around the head of TLS and he starts to ‘crawl’ with his hands towards a nearby corner. TLS then lifts him up and attempts to deliver snake eyes onto the top turnbuckles, but Rhodes avoids it by grabbing the ropes around the buckle and landing safely on his feet. He does a mule kick, into the gut of TLS. TLS staggers back...Rhodes leaps onto the second rope and he turns around with a shining wizard to the side of TLS’ head! TLS falls to the mat and rolls near the ropes as Rhodes gets to his feet and holds his arms in the air, the fans boo~
Smith: Nice sequence there by Ricky Rhodes, there’s no denying his athleticism
Hood: He’s a prodigy, Smith. And that’s what we want at the top of OCW, prodigies...we don’t want clowns or masked freaks.
Smith: In OCW, you put two or more competitors in the ring and whoever emerges victorious gets pushed, that’s how we do things...doesn’t matter what they look like.
Hood: Yea, well that philosophy blows
~TLS rolls over, onto his back as Rhodes rushes in and stomps on the face of TLS!! TLS grabs his face in pain, jerking his body away, positioning himself where his head and shoulders are hanging off the apron with the bottom rope directly above his chest. Rhodes stands on the bottom rope with both feet, he grabs the middle rope and he leverages all his weight and strength into jamming the bottom rope into the throat of TLS!! TLS wiggles his feet as he tries to squirm away, but can’t~
Smith: You have to give it to both competitors here, they know what it’s going to take to win tonight and they are focusing, heavily on that area.
Hood: This match is taking my breath away
Smith: Okay, that wasn’t your worst
Hood: Wow, that was almost a compliment
~Rhodes finally relents and he leaps over the top rope and comes crashing down with a leg drop over the throat of TLS!!! TLS rolls over, onto his chest with his head and neck still hanging over the apron, facing the floor now. Rhodes, on his feet standing on the wooden stage throws a stiff kick right into the throat of TLS! TLS rolls back into the ring, holding his neck in pain while coughing~
Smith: Strategic wrestling by Ricky Rhodes
Hood: Looks, personality, money and brains...he’s the total package!
Smith: So, why does he need to pay off everyone at ringside...or, at least, attempt to?
Hood: You can never be too careful when dealing with clowns who attempt to rationalize national race wars.
Smith: Indeed
~Rhodes slides into the ring and grabs a handful of green hair. He pulls TLS to his feet and quickly wraps his hand around his opponent’s throat. TLS gasps for air as Rhodes bullies him into a corner, continuing to choke away. TLS lifts his hand up and he jams a thumb into the eye of Rhodes! Rhodes releases his choke hold and staggers back, holding his head in pain, bending over. TLS charges at him and drops him to the mat with a running neck breaker! Rhodes hits hard but pops back to his feet, holding the back of his neck in pain. He leans against the ropes...TLS, holding his throat in pain, is quick to his feet as he charges at Rhodes and he clotheslines him over the top rope and to the wooden flooring on the outside!! The knees of Rhodes buckle as his feet slam hard into the wood! He grabs his knee in pain as TLS grabs the top rope and looks down at Rhodes from inside the ring~
Smith: While not as dastardly as Ricky Rhodes, The Lost Soul will do what he has to in order to retain his title.
Hood: I hope he cut his fingernails before this match because, otherwise, Rhodes may be blind.
Smith: Well, I didn’t see any blood
Hood: Do eyes bleed?
Smith: Yes...every part of the body bleeds, Hood
Hood: Interesting
~Rhodes slowly makes it to his feet, testing out his left knee, which took the brunt of the fall. TLS leverages the top rope and he leaps over the ropes onto Ricky Rhodes with a plancha!! Ricky falls back first onto the wooden surface with TLS landing safely atop him, instead of getting off Rhodes, TLS punches away at the forehead of Rhodes as he kicks wildly, absorbing the pain. TLS finally ends his pummeling of Ricky’s head and gets to his feet, yanking Rhodes to his. He whips Rhodes toward the ring steps...Rhodes leaps onto the top step and he quickly jumps back with a moonsault, connecting!! TLS lands hard on the wood as do the legs of Rhodes, he grabs his left knee again as it seems to be weakening with each impact~
Smith: Once again, the athleticism of Rhodes is on full display, but that knee seems to be bothering him a bit.
Hood: Dean has to be the worst owner ever...I mean, couldn’t he have put SOME padding down around the ring?
Smith: I think he feels they need to wrestle amidst the elements.
Hood: Yea, well that’s only acceptable if someone like Alice Knight is having her head driven into the wood, not poor Ricky Rhodes and his knee cap.
Smith: Whatever
~Rhodes gets to his knees and he grabs TLS by the head. He then starts to repeatedly slam the back of The Lost Soul’s head into the wooden surface as fans near the ring grimace with each wooden ‘thud’. Finally, TLS quits moving as Rhodes ceases. He stands up and wipes his mouth clean, showing a bit of fatigue from what’s gone on thus far...but nothing abnormal. Yanking TLS to his feet he drags him to the ring before reaching up and obtaining one of the dog collars. He yanks it down and tries to hook it around the neck of TLS...he gets it around the neck and goes to secure it, but, before he can, TLS kicks Rhodes in the groin!! Rhodes back away, hunched over in pain, releasing the collar. TLS then quickly grabs the head of Rhodes and drills him, face first into the wooden floor! The crowd cheers loudly at the sound of impact~
Smith: Ouch...a DDT on that floor cannot be good for the pretty face of Ricky Rhodes.
Hood: I hope he didn’t get a splinter in his eye...ya know, like that Biblical story
Smith: Now’s not the time for religion, Hood
Hood: Sorry, my bad, I forgot, we’re in Rome
~TLS yanks Rhodes back to his feet by yanking his hair, once on his feet, we see some blood beneath the nose of Rhodes, most likely from impact. It’s staining his upper lip and teeth. TLS notices it as well...he reaches back and drills Rhodes right in the nose and mouth with a straight right hand! Rhodes staggers back, leaning against the apron. TLS picks Rhodes up for a Spinebuster but, instead of dropping him to the wood floor, the busts the spine of Rhodes against the edge of the apron!! Rhodes drops to his knees, holding his back in pain. TLS then drops an elbow right into the middle of Rhodes forehead...Rhodes falls face first onto the wood floor~
Smith: The Lost Soul is in total control here, dissecting Ricky Rhodes
Hood: Some vicious blows there, he’s really focused tonight
Smith: Indeed, Ashe Dawson was tough, but a lot of people picked TLS to emerge victorious. Tonight, however, TLS entered as an underdog against Ricky Rhodes.
Hood: Says who? Vegas? Was that the spread over at Caesars?
Smith: I’m going by the word on the street.
Hood: Oh man, the people around here don’t even speak I wouldn’t have a clue.
~TLS yanks Rhodes back to his feet and he lifts Rhodes over his head for a Gorilla Press Slam...but, instead of tossing him back to the ground, he tosses him between the ropes and into the ring. Rhodes rolls around toward the center, where he lies on his back. TLS climbs up on the apron and he springboards onto the top rope before leaping off with a splash...Rhodes gets his legs up and knees TLS in the gut!! TLS rolls away, into a corner, curled up in pain. TLS grabs his left knee in pain as he crawls near the ropes, using them as leverage for returning to his feet~
Smith: TLS perhaps taking a page out of Rhodes book there and, well, it failed.
Hood: I think he planned that, obviously focusing on the injured knee.
Smith: You’re saying he planned to have Rhodes knee him in the stomach after an attempted springboard splash?
Hood: Yep
Smith: You’re retarded
~TLS slowly reaches his feet, with his back to Rhodes. Rhodes yanks on the ropes, regaining his stance and he charges in, clipping TLS in the back of the knees! TLS falls to the ground, holding both knees in pain as Rhodes returns to his feet. Rhodes gives TLS a few stomps to the head before turning his focus and, more importantly, his anger at Scruff~
Smith: Why is he yelling at Scruff?
Hood: Because, he paid the man and the man is doing, well, nothing
Smith: I viewed it as charity
Hood: Haha, the charitable Ricky Rhodes? Yea, right
~Rhodes yanks his hand into Scruff’s pocket, pulling his money away, Scruff just kind of looks at him. Along with the money, Rhodes inadvertently pulls out a half eaten sandwich. Disgusted, he throws it to the mat as Scruff, for the first time, acts anxious, bending over, grabbing the sandwich and finishing it off. Rhodes secures the money in his wrestling pants before turning around to re-focus on TLS. As he does, he finds TLS back on his feet and TLS responds with a headbutt into the gut of Rhodes. Rhodes bends over as TLS hooks him around the waist and drops him with a Gut Wrench Suplex!! TLS then, with a ton of momentum on his side, picks Rhodes back up and he drops him in the middle of the ring with a Reverse DDT! The fans begin to rally behind TLS as he walks over to the nearest dog collar~
Smith: Again, Ricky Rhodes allows something to divert his attention which gives The Lost Soul a window of opportunity.
Hood: That’s why you don’t hire inept employees...always comes back to bite you in the ass
Smith: I’ve found Scruff to be surprisingly competent.
Hood: Whatever, all the fucking guy ever really does is count to three. I’ve never seen him count anyone out, which requires counting higher than three and I’ve never seen him DQ anyone either.
~TLS yanks Rhodes by the hair, pulling him up and he moves to secure the dog collar around the neck of Rhodes. Rhodes tries to fight it off, kicking his legs, hoping to nail TLS in the groin or something. TLS, though, reaches up with his free hand and he rakes the eyes of Rhodes, temporarily subduing him. He then secures the collar around Rhodes neck as Rhodes is locked in! TLS takes a few steps back, observing Rhodes who turns around and faces TLS. He tries to go after him, but has his neck yanked violently back when he reaches the length of the collar. He reaches up and works to unfasten the constraint~
Smith: He’s got him in the dog collar, but Rhodes is going to try and release himself.
Hood: Makes sense...that’s what I’d do, being choked out, I’m told, isn’t fun
Smith: I can’t imagine who would enjoy such a thing!
Hood: Eh, well, now that I think about it...some people do like being choked out during, well, certain situations.
Smith: My horrifying...what is wrong with people these days?!
~TLS quickly grabs Rhodes legs, before he can unfasten the collar and he lifts him over the top rope, effectively hanging him on the outside of the ring. Rhodes struggles, with his face turning red. He tries, again, to unfasten the collar. TLS leans forward and reaches through the ropes, grabbing his arms and yanking back, preventing him from being freed. The fans cheer as Rhodes is close to being rendered unconscious. Rhodes, frantically, looks around, trying to find a way out with his face darkening and his movements dwindling~
Smith: Here we go! The Lost Soul has him hanging from the ring...this one could be over!
Hood: Ah shit...the clown wins again
Smith: He’s earned everything he’s received...lay off him!
~Rhodes eyes a suspect fan, perhaps a man on hard financial times. He looks down at the wad of cash sticking out from underneath the waist of his pants and then at the fan. The fan perks up. Rhodes mouths “free me, it’s yours.” The fan looks around, nervously, eyeing OCW security. Luckily for him, OCW never really has much security. So, he jumps up from his chair, grabs the top of the plexiglass wall and pulls himself onto the stage. Fans leap up and try to grab him, but it’s too late. He rushes over to Rhodes and hops onto the apron. TLS stares at him, weirdly. He then finds the latch onto the collar and unfastens it!! Rhodes falls to the stage, on his knees, roughly. He grabs his left knee in pain, yet again. The fan slides off the apron and he reaches for the money. He yanks it out of the pants of Rhodes and thumbs through it, greedily~
Smith: Have these fans no decency? No sense of legitimate competition??
Hood: Money talks, bro
Smith: And where is our security?!
Hood: Seriously? Did you not watch Revenge...we have no security, we’re all vulnerable here, bro.
~TLS slides out of the ring as Rhodes reaches his feet. TLS goes after Rhodes...thinking quickly, Rhodes grabs the fan and throws him at TLS. TLS pushes the fan aside...once the fan is moved, he is drilled in the face by a dropkick from Rhodes!! TLS falls and hits the stage hard. Rhodes reaches his feet, hobbling on his left knee a bit. The fan looks at Rhodes, angry he was tossed at TLS so roughly. Rhodes rolls his eyes, grabs the fan and he hurls him over the plexiglass barrier!! The crowd gasps in horror as Rhodes leans up against the barrier, catching his breath with several fans and a few OCW medics rushing over to tend to the fan. Other fans snare some loose cash that was produced after the fan hit the ground~
Smith: What a despicable human being!
Hood: What? He paid the guy, didn’t he?
Smith: That’s a FAN, Hood...they aren’t suited for combat...he laid his hands on and potentially injured a fan.
Hood: Eh, well the fucking idiot climbed on the stage to begin with so you’ll have to excuse me if I’m not exactly going to set up a memorial fund or some shit for the loser.
~With Rhodes continuing to lean against the barrier, he stares down at the fan, who landed on his head and is unconscious. Rhodes smiles...suddenly, from behind, TLS clips the back of Ricky’s left knee!! Ricky collapses to the ground as TLS grabs his left leg and drags Ricky near the ring steps...TLS positions the steps in between he and Ricky and flips Ricky onto his stomach...he lifts Ricky’s leg high and slams the knee cap down into the steps!! TLS does it again and again until he finally releases Ricky’s leg. Ricky curls up, holding his left leg in pain as TLS reaches up, grabbing one of the dog collars~
Smith: The Lost Soul realizes that if he can eliminate the weakened left leg of Ricky Rhodes, he may have an upper hand.
Hood: I guess, but last time I checked people can breathe with broken legs.
Smith: True, but it would weaken his offensive capabilities a bit
Hood: You’re getting too technical with this shit, he just needs to choke the mother fucker out!
~TLS grabs Rhodes by his hair, pulling him up. He tries placing the collar around the neck of Rhodes, but Ricky fights away, thumbing TLS in the eye. TLS grabs his face as Rhodes rolls into the ring, limping heavily. TLS quickly recovers, rolling into the ring after Rhodes...Rhodes runs into the ropes, but comes off he does, TLS springs to his feet and he jumps onto the front of Rhodes, wrapping his legs around Ricky’s torso while locking Ricky’s head and neck in a headlock!! Ricky quickly falls to both knees as TLS bears down, choking the life out of Ricky~
Smith: Smart! TLS is going to try and choke Rhodes out before, well, choking him out.
Hood: I have to say, dude is one scary ass clown...choking mother fuckers out and shit
Smith: I think you’re finally starting to understand his character.
~TLS rears back, almost as though he were trying to separate Ricky’s head from his body. Ricky’s movements dwindle, he devolves into a corpse. Finally, he senses the lights going out and makes a desperate move...he climbs to his feet, limping on his left knee. Adrenaline is kicking in though, he knows this is his last gasp. Ricky staggers forward, reaching blindly with his hands, it’s as if he were some kind of headless horseman...ya know, without the horse. He reaches a corner and climbs it, reaching the top with TLS holding on, continuing to choke him out. TLS looks behind him, spotting the stage...he clutches down even harder. Ricky, standing up, falls forward from the top rope all the way to the stage, landing on top of TLS!! They hit with a loud THUD as TLS breaks his hold and lies on his back, not moving. Ricky rolls around, holding the top of his head along with his left knee as the Italian crowd chants “Holy Shit” but, like in Italian~
Smith: This crowd is as frenzied as they’ve been all night and that move illustrates why!
Hood: Ricky Rhodes is a fucking badass...dude could have broke his neck
Smith: Well, I think it was the only option, in his mind, aside from getting choked out.
Hood: But man...his knee, his head...he’d better re-find that adrenaline and win this match before any other parts of his body get destroyed.
Smith: Indeed!
~Ricky’s hand reaches up, grasping the ring apron cloth. He gets to his feet and looks around, his eyes indicate he may be concussed. His mouth is wide open as he gasps for air. He looks to the side and sees TLS stirring...Ricky shakes his head and says, “Fuck this shit.” Stumbling around, he heads for Belvedere and snatches the Ascension Title. Ricky then heads for the door and begins to exit the stage~
Smith: Where is he going?!
Hood: Can’t you read lips...he clearly said ‘TLS just quit’, he’s our new champion
Smith: He did not say that! And, even if TLS had quit, I don’t think Ricky Rhodes can win the match that way.
Hood: Well that’s pretty dumb
~Making his way down the steps, Rhodes staggers for the aisle which leads out of the main theater area. Back on stage, TLS is on his knees and he spots Rhodes leaving through the Plexiglass barrier. He struggles to his feet and grabs his back as it’s in extreme pain. TLS then walks, stiffly, to the ring where he unhooks one of the dog collars and snaps it around his wrist...he then follows Ricky. Ricky is halfway up the aisle way when TLS reaches the theater floor...he spots some of Ricky’s money that fell out of the injured fan. TLS bends over and grabs a fist full before stuffing it into a pocket~
Hood: Well, The Lost Soul has officially SOULED out...hahahaa
Smith: Lame joke
Hood: Alright, but seriously, I didn’t think that guy cared about meaningless shit...ya know, like effective currency.
Smith: I’m sure there’s a method, Hood...remember, this match is still going
~Scruff follows TLS as he eyes Ricky, moving faster than his opponent. Ricky reaches the top of the aisle way and disappears through the double doors in the back. TLS quickly hits the doors, bursting through them as well. We follow suit and see a lobby type area...TLS turns around and spots Ricky heading up a narrow flight of stairs. TLS turns and follows him. Scruff and the poor camera man keep up. TLS reaches Ricky in the stairwell and slams him, head first into the one of the narrow walls. Ricky responds by crushing TLS in the face with his Ascension Title! TLS falls and rolls a few steps down, slamming into Scruff’s legs, keeping him from going all the way to the floor. Ricky staggers as his left knee nearly gives out...he then continues climbing~
Smith: Where are they going?
Hood: I don’t know, but Scruff JUST CHEATED
Smith: How so?
Hood: He caught TLS before he fell all the way down!
Smith: That was an accident, obviously...that’s quite the narrow area.
Hood: Yea, Bifford would never fit through there
~We follow Ricky, leaving TLS behind...he reaches the top and finds himself standing in The Loggione!! Ricky rolls his eyes, throwing his hands in the air...obviously thinking he was heading somewhere else...his attention is snared as he turns around and sees the shadow of TLS climbing up the stairs. Ricky quickly begins pleading with the patrons seated in The Loggione to help him out. They motion for ‘money’ with their finger tips...Ricky reaches into his pocket and realizes he has none which causes him to curse loudly~
Smith: And the moment when Ricky absolutely could use some funds...he’s fresh out!
Hood: Well, I’m certain he could promise them some cash, I mean it’s not like the guy put all his money on Iowa State to win the NCAA Tournament...fucking Iowa State
Smith: Sounds like a personal problem to me, Hood
~Ricky suddenly begins talking loud and slow, promising IOU’s to everyone who helped them. He writes in the air, trying to get the point across that he could write them a check after the match. They quit listening as TLS appears...he stands at the entrance of the Loggione with TLS a few steps down. TLS then holds up the first full of cash from his pocket and he tosses it down the stairs. All of the fans rush out, going after the cash, leaving TLS and Rhodes alone in the balcony box. Scruff appears behind TLS...TLS then rushes up and starts to punch Rhodes in the face...Rhodes responds by punching back as the two are in an all out brawl in The Loggione~
Smith: And now they’re all’s just The Lost Soul and Ricky Rhodes brawling in The Loggione!
Hood: Well, we wondered if something was going to take place in one of those balconies and, I guess we got our wish.
Smith: You certainly did, I was never a fan for something as dangerous as this to take place!
~Rhodes gains the upper hand as his fists are flying faster than The Lost Soul’s...with TLS staggering up the steps, Rhodes steps up, eye level and grips TLS around the throat!! TLS tries to pry Ricky’s hands from his throat, but Ricky clutches harder. TLS staggers down the steps as Ricky pushes him towards the edge of the Loggione. We get a good view down as they are really high...the fans below all turn and look upward as Ricky Rhodes is shoving the upper body of TLS over the edge. While being choke, TLS grabs the dog collar and he quickly snaps it around Ricky’s neck...Ricky shakes his head around, while continuing to choke TLS...but the collar has been applied~
Smith: Oh my gosh...what’s going to happen? Is Ricky going to choke TLS over the edge or is TLS going to use the dog collar to choke Ricky out?
Hood: I’m not sure about that...but I do know that if you keep fucking blabbing your mouth we may miss what happens!
Smith: Okay, sorry
~Ricky removes one of his hands as he grabs the slack between the beginning of the dog collar and the actual leash...he wraps it around the throat of TLS, creating his own form of collar around the neck of The Lost Soul. Ricky removes his other hand from The Lost Soul’s throat and places both hands on the slack, yanking it back...this tightens the leather strap around the neck of TLS. The eyes of TLS bulge as he coughs loudly...he responds by grabbing Ricky by the throat...Ricky continues to pull back as we see the skin of The Lost Soul’s throat fleshing out, over the leather strap, hiding it as it’s really digging into his neck~
Smith: Who’s going to pass out first? This is intense!
Hood: TLS is choking the fuck out of Ricky, but, man, his neck may snap before Rhodes goes out!
Smith: It’s too close to call!
~The Lost Soul’s eyes grow heavy as he drops to one knee and loses his grip around Ricky’s neck. Ricky smiles as the eyes of TLS shut. His body wobbles back and forth. Ricky re-grips the leather slack and positions himself to pull back with all his strength. Suddenly, TLS grabs Ricky’s legs and he lifts him up and hurls him OVER the balcony!!! Ricky flies over the balcony as TLS hangs onto the leather slack!! Ricky snaps in mid air, hanging and kicking his legs...he grips the collar around his neck, trying to find some breathing room. TLS holds on with all his strength, giving him enough slack to not be choked from the weight of Ricky bearing down on the collar. He then quickly unwraps the slack from his throat, freeing himself. His neck is extremely red, irritated and there’s a bit of blood from the left side where the leather really dug in. TLS then leans back and he pulls on the strap, choking the life out of Rhodes. Fans below scatter, fearing Rhodes may fall on them~
Smith: This is hideous!! Ricky’s neck could snap!
Hood: Nah, if it were going to snap, it would have when he first flew over
Smith: Still, it’s a despicable way to treat another human being...SOMEBODY GET MACK O’CONNOR OUT HERE.
Hood: Ha, I don’t think so
~The Lost Soul’s back nearly gives out as he almost drops Ricky...he repositions his grip and places his right foot on the edge of the balcony. Ricky’s movements grow still...he hangs like a chime in a breezeless climate. Several seconds pass as someone below screams, “Check him! Check him before he dies!!” Scruff motions for TLS to pull Ricky up...TLS does...Scruff lifts his arm up in the drops. He lifts it drops a second time...he does it once more...and it drops!!! Scruff calls for the bell as the crowd cheers loudly for TLS or against Ricky Rhodes...we’re not really sure~
Belvedere: Here is your winner...AND STILL OCW ASCENSION CHAMPION...THE LOST SOUL!!!!!
Smith: He did it!! The Lost Soul retains his Ascension Championship!
Hood: Fucking brutal, man...I think he may have killed Ricky Rhodes
Smith: Yes, he should probably let him go...or, well, not let him go but...
Hood: Haha, yes, let him go!!
~TLS lets go of the rope...Ricky slides off the balcony as Scruff lunges forward and grabs the slack, keeping Ricky from falling all the way to the ground, but traumatizing his neck to a further degree. Scruff then starts to pull him up as TLS turns around and heads out of The Loggione. A fan is standing by the exit, with the Ascension Title. He hands it to TLS...TLS quietly throws the title over his shoulder as he disappears down the stairs~
Smith: What an effort by both men...and, despite his heinous behavior, I hope Ricky Rhodes is okay.
Hood: Let me guess...we’ll get an update on his status a little later?
Smith: No...we’ll get an update on his status as soon as we receive one! But, until then...let’s head backstage!

~We cut backstage yet again as Dean is staring at the contract lying atop his desk. His fingers rattle against the wood top when, suddenly, Jones buzzes him...he answers as we cut to a split screen~
President Dean: Please give me some good news
Jones: I’ve got a lead!
President Dean: Where?
Jones: In the closet near the locker room
President Dean: Shit, that’s not far...hold on, I’ll be right there!
~Dean hangs up, erasing Jones from our view. We follow him as he sprints out of his office, leaving the contract behind. He runs and runs with our camera giving chase. Finally, after several minutes, he reaches Jones, panting~
President Dean: Alright *gasp* open that bitch up *pant*
Jones: Yessir!
~Jones rips the door open as Dean’s excitement vanishes...inside is longtime OCW backstage interviewer and well known creep, Skytz...alongside him are several sketchy looking women~
President Dean: Damnit...ya know, I’m not even angry at this point, I think all the energy has been sucked out of me.
Skytz: Hey boss...looking kinda down, if ya want, I think I can give ya a two for one deal?
~Dean shakes his head ‘no’ before looking at his watch~
President Dean: Great...the triple threat is about to start...well, Hall of Fame Title match tonight...I swear, I’m going to make Lurrr and Maurako pay for this...just trust me, they are in for the worst month of their lives.
~Dean walks off as Jones stares at Skytz and holds up two fingers, then four and then one. Skytz nods as Jones enters into the closet, shutting the door behind him...we cut back to ringside~
Smith: Poor Dean...he was trying so hard to keep that match together and it’s all fallen apart.
Hood: Yep, if only the coward Andy Murray would quit hiding from Lurrr...maybe then we would’ve had a Hall of Fame title match.
Smith: I doubt that’s the reason for Murray’s refusal to go along with this...sometimes people in wrestling stay retired.
Hood: HA! That’s a laugher
Smith: Anyway, it’s time for our Triple Threat Penalty Box Match between three men who were seconds away from being in the OCW Title picture...the winner will get a shot at the OCW Champion in April.

Penalty Box Match
Mack O’Connor (12 pts) vs. Bob Grenier (7 pts) vs. PerZag (5 pts)
Belvedere: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the Penalty Box Match and it is for a shot at the OCW Championship in April! Introducing first...
~ The lights of La Scala go out. All that is seen is a small glow of light from the entrance. ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ by Survivor starts to play over the PA system. A hooded figure emerges. The lights come back on as the hooded figure stands still. The hooded figure walks down to the stage slowly. He gets into the ring and stands in the centre of it. He slowly removes the hood and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to him. 'Eye Of The Tiger' by Survivor stops playing as PerZag walks over to a corner in the ring and crouches down near it~
Belvedere: From Benalla, Victoria, Australia...standing 6’5 and weighing in at 216lbs...PerZag!!!
~"I don't wanna leave, I'm scared to die. ."
Belvedere: Introducing next, from Timmins, Ontario, Canada...standing 6’2 and weighing in at 222lbs...Bob Grenier!!!
~As “Vagabond” by the Greenskeepers hits, O’Connor emerges and walks directly to the stage and ring, dressed in jeans (black or blue) and a black tank top. He occasionally raises an arm to acknowledge and get a rise out of the fans. He slides into the ring and starts pacing in his corner. He doesn’t talk trash to his opponent but he makes sure to stare them down, letting them know he means business~
Belvedere: And, the third and final contestant, from Brooklyn, New York, standing 6’3 and weighing in at 230lbs...Mack O’Connor!!!
~Belvedere exits the ring as O’Connor, Grenier and PerZag all hang in their respective corners. Outside the ring, situated a few feet away is a wooden penalty box. The door is open as, inside, we see nothing to sit on, just enough room for a wrestler to stand while he waits for his ‘penalty’ to come to an end~
Smith: Alright Hood...basically, if a participant is forcibly placed inside that wooden penalty box, they must remain in there for two minutes. As you can tell, the box is made of thick, sturdy wood.
Hood: Fucking dumbass stip...I can only assume Grenier is behind this.
Smith: I actually find it quite intriguing...think about it, while you’re in that box, a pinfall can take place, costing you the match.
Hood: Match just rubs me the wrong way...I hate it.
Smith: Well, go and cry yourself a river because we’re about to witness it!
Hood: Maybe I will
~PerZag wastes no time, going right after Grenier. Grenier, backed into his corner, braces for impact as PerZag rushes in and starts to punch away on Grenier’s head. Grenier covers up at first before wrapping his arms around Zag’s waist and turning the tables. He slams Zag into the corner and begins to drive his shoulder into the midsection of Zag. Mack, meanwhile, observes the action from his corner, safely. Grenier climbs to the middle rope and he begins to punch away on the head of Zag. Zag shoves back on Grenier’s legs, pushing him off the middle rope. Grenier lands roughly, staggering back. Zag shoots out of the corner and he drills Grenier to the mat with a lariat. Zag then starts to stomp away on Grenier as Mack continues to watch~
Smith: Quick start to the match as PerZag and Grenier are airing some long overdue grievances!
Hood: Man, PerZag’s face still hasn’t healed from Revenge
Smith: Yes it has, that’s what his face always looks like!
Hood: Really? Man, I bet he pays double at the whore house
Smith: Do you think Benalla has whore houses?
Hood: Of course! What else is there to do in a placed called Benalla?
~Zag yanks Grenier to his feet..he whips Grenier into the ropes, Bob boucnes off and Zag drills him into the mat with a shoulder block! Grenier hits hard...suddenly, Mack zooms into view with a fist to the back of Zag’s head! Zag stumbles forward, grabbing the top rope for support. Mack walks up behind him and begins to assault PerZag’s kidneys with several jabs to his lower back. Zag, finally, steps through the ropes and turns around, hoping to avoid Mack’s barrage. Mack then nails Zag with a few jabs to the face as Zag is reeling on the apron. Mack takes a step back and is ready to lunge forward with a uppercut, sending Zag to the stage when Grenier appears behind him. He hooks Mack’s head and drops him to the mat with a neckbreaker!! Mack hits hard and grabs his neck in pain as Zag steps back into the ring, holding his kidneys in pain~
Smith: Great move by Grenier to stop Mack’s assault on PerZag...but, man, how about our former OCW Champion? Guy looks like a golden glove fighter!
Hood: He can throw some fists, that’s for sure. But this isn’t boxing...I think it a boxer applied a neck breaker during a fight, he might get disqualified.
Smith: One would certainly hope!
~Inside the ring, Zag is leaning against the ropes, continuing to grimace from O’Connor’s punches. Grenier, back on his feet, takes the opportunity to charge at Zag with a clothesline. Zag ducks and lifts Grenier over the top rope! Grenier lands on the apron and he grabs Zag by his hair, yanking back. Zag turns around, though and hooks Grenier’s head. He lifts Grenier in the air for a suplex...Grenier lands on his feet behind Zag. He hooks his arms around Zag’s waist for a German Suplex...Zag blocks it with his leg. He then low blows Grenier with the same leg, kicking it up a second time. Grenier stumbles back, tripping over Mack’s body...Zag jumps onto the second rope and twists in the air with a cross body...Grenier catches him, after regaining his balance. He then tosses PerZag over the top rope with a fall away slam!! PerZag lands on the stage hard as the fans give a nice round of applause for Bob Grenier~
Smith: What a flurry of moves, Grenier and PerZag know each other so well, they can’t help but predict what’s coming.
Hood: Meanwhile Mack be chilling
Smith: Yes, he is kind of the odd man out in this match...however, he is the only competitor to have worn the OCW Title.
Hood: Yep, crazy how that shit works, eh?
Smith: Professional wrestling at its finest!
~Grenier leans over the top rope as he yells some Canadian accented obscenities at PerZag. He smiles before turning around...once he turns around, he is greeted with a stiff, direct right hand to the jaw. Grenier’s body goes partially limp as he falls through the ropes, landing on the apron. Mack rushes into the ropes, he bounces off and performs a baseball slide, kicking Grenier off the apron and onto the stage. Grenier lands near PerZag as Mack remains in the ring...Grenier and PerZag both reach their feet at the same time. Quickly, they notice one another as they start to brawl. Feeling left out, Mack rushes into the ropes, he bounces off and then dives over the top rope!! Mack lands on top of Zag and Grenier, slamming their bodies into the wooden stage! The crowd cheers the rare, high risk maneuver performed by the former OCW Champion~
Smith: Tremendous athleticism shown there by our former Champion.
Hood: Pulling out all the stops...fucking guy probably kept replaying the Vargas pin from Revenge in his mind all month long.
Smith:’s one thing to get pinned and lose your’s another thing to watch another competitor get pinned, causing you to lose your title.
Hood: Fucking sucks, man
~Mack reaches his feet quickly as the fall provided a fairly cushy landing. He stomps on Zag and then Grenier, keeping them subdued. He then heads for the Penalty Box and inspects it. Mack opens the door and grabs PerZag...he drags PerZag for the Penalty Box and goes to throw him inside. Zag, though, clutches the side of the entrance with his hand, preventing Mack from hurling him inside. He mule kicks Mack in the knee. Mack staggers back. Zag then goes for a superkick...Mack ducks the superkick as Zag staggers past him. Mack grabs Zag by the hair and he drags him towards the steel steps, tossing him head first into them! The steps separate from the impact. Mack then picks up the upper tier and he holds it over his head...he drives it down into PerZag’s back!! PerZag falls to the ground, arching his back in pain. Mack repeats the process three more times until Zag is flat lined on the ground. O’Connor tosses the steps aside before pulling Zag to his feet and hurling him inside the Penalty Box. Mack slams the door shut as a two minute clock appears on the screen~
Smith: Annnnd PerZag is in the Penalty Box
Hood: *looks at the screen* FOR TWO WHOLE HOURS?
Smith: That reads two minutes, good heavens, man, don’t you know how to tell time?
Hood: Telling time is for weirdos with regular jobs and shit, I just go by how dark it is outside
~With Zag locked up, Mack goes for Grenier. Grenier is hunched over the apron, catching his breath. Mack locks Grenier in a headlock from behind and starts to punch him in the face. Grenier, though, lifts Mack up and drops him over knee with an Atomic Drop!! Mack falls forward into the apron. Grenier grabs the back of Mack’s bald head and slams him, face first into the apron. Mack turns around, holding his face in pain as Bob hooks him around the waist, lifts him up and drills him into the stage with a Belly to Belly Suplex!! Bob goes for a pin as Scruff makes the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Kick out by Mack!
Hood: Shit, now I see why that penalty box is such a bitch...PerZag almost lost his shot at the #1 Contendership.
Smith: Indeed...see? It IS a great concept
Hood: Eh, I’ll give you’s better than I thought it’d be
~Noises emanate from inside the Penalty Box as PerZag is kicking and punching the door, trying to forcibly escape its confines upon hearing a near pinfall. After experiencing a new pin, Grenier stays on top of Mack with a few punches. He returns to his feet, lifting Mack up. Grenier hooks him for a suplex...he then grabs O’Connor’s leg, looking for a Perfect plex. O’Connor responds with a few hard punches into the ribs of Grenier. Grenier releases his hold and staggers back, leaning against the ring post. Mack stands up right and he goes for a superman punch into Grenier’s face...Grenier moves and Mack’s right hand SLAMS into the ring post! He curses out loud and grabs his right hand in pain, bending over. Grenier reaches out, grabbing Mack by his left arm...Mack stands upright and head butts Grenier, knocking him down to the stage. The collision produces a bit of blood at the top of Mack’s forehead. He doesn’t feel it, keeping his full attention on the damaged right hand that he uses so much in his wrestling matches. He hustles away from Grenier around the ring where he takes a seat on the ring steps and inspects his hand. Meanwhile, the buzzer goes off as PerZag emerges from the Penalty Box~
Smith: Uh oh, Mack’s right hand may be broken.
Hood: Damn, that’s like Captain Hook losing his hook or Ron Jeremy losing his penis
Smith: Thanks for that, Hood
Hood: Anytime
~Grenier is leaning against the apron, checking his face for blood. PerZag rushes up from behind him and leaps into the air, he bulldogs the face of Grenier into the apron!! Grenier’s head snaps back as he falls onto the bottom portion of the separated steps. He winds up sitting atop them as PerZag rushes in and delivers a knee into Grenier’s face!! Grenier turns around and is lying stomach down on the steps with his head and chest hanging over the side. PerZag walks up and jumps into the air, he comes down with a Fameasser, crushing Grenier’s face into the stage!! Grenier’s body slowly slides off the steps, crumbling to the ground as PerZag pops back up, breathing heavily. He looks for and locates Mack~
Smith: Hmm, it appears as though PerZag regained his energy and stamina while in the penalty box.
Hood: An unforeseen error of tossing someone in there...
Smith: Indeed...apparently the penalty box is a catch 22.
Hood: I catch 22 all the time, fucking pisses me off...stupid blackjack
~Zag decides against going after Mack for the time being, instead, choosing to focus on Grenier. Grenier is slowly attempting to crawl away, but PerZag kicks him in the lower back. He yanks Grenier up and slams him, back first, into the apron. Grenier falls to his knees as PerZag takes a step back and then kicks Grenier in the side of the head with a Shining Wizard!! Grenier falls over, looking like he’s been knocked out~
Smith: Things aren’t looking good for Grenier
Hood: No shit, PerZag is straight kicking his ass
Smith: Indeed
~PerZag quickly lifts Grenier up and hoists him over his shoulder. Grenier isn’t moving much...PerZag sprints near the penalty box and slams Grenier into the stage with a Running Powerslam!! Grenier hits hard as PerZag remains on top of him for a pin, hooking both legs~
Shoulder Up!
Smith: Grenier kicked out!
Hood: No, he shouldered out...get yo shit straight, Smith
Smith: Excuse me, I do apologize
~Zag reaches his feet, cursing in frustration. He heads for the ring as, across from him we spot Mack flexing his hand back and forth, wincing with each movement. The knuckles are beginning to swell. PerZag suddenly emerges with a steel chair in his hand. He taps it against the stage a few times before focusing on Grenier. Bob looks up and sees the chair in Zag’s hands...his eyes widen as he rolls over and crawls inside the penalty box, slamming the doors hut. PerZag tries opening the door, but Scruff rushes into view, telling him he can’t and that Grenier must remain in there for two minutes. The countdown clock appears at the bottom of our screen. Angry, PerZag begins to repeatedly slam the steel chair into the box out of frustration~
Smith: Well, that’s interesting
Hood: Yea, leave it to fucking Bob Grenier to purposely get locked inside the Penalty Box...fucking Canadian.
Smith: Not sure what being a fan of the Maple Leaf has to do with any of that, but it was a wise move...PerZag had him reeling.
Hood: Chickenbullshit move
~Realizing all this antics are getting him nowhere, Zag turns his focus on Mack. O’Connor remains across the ring looking at his hand. PerZag marches around, turning a corner and finding himself staring at Mack who turns around and spots PerZag...Zag rushes at Mack with the chair and he takes a giant downward swing. Mack ducks and PerZag ends up slamming the chair into the ring steps. He lets go of the chair due to the pain his hands receive from the steel on steel impact. Mack grabs the chair with his left hand and he jams it into PerZag’s gut. It has little effect...Mack realizes he’s going to have to deal with the pain as he grabs the chair with both hands and cracks it over Zag’s back!! PerZag rolls into the ring, holding his back in pain after the impact. Mack rolls in behind him, using his left hand to maintain control of the chair~
Smith: Mack’s got a busted hand, but he’s going to have t fight through it if he wants to win this match
Hood: It’s only a fucking hand man...with, like, phalanges
Smith: do you know that word?
Hood: All credit goes to Trivia Crack
~Zag reaches his feet and he bounces against the ropes as Mack rises to his...Zag sprints at Mack with a clothesline...Mack ducks...Zag bounces off the ropes again, Mack swings wildly and inaccurately with the chair in his left hand, Zag ducks and hits the ropes a third time. As he comes off, Mack tries hitting Zag using only his left hand, but Zag catches the chair. Mack throws a kick into Zag’s midsection, but Zag catches his leg and takes Mack to the ground, grabbing his second lag. Mack retains control of the chair with his left hand...Zag then lifts Mack up for a powerbomb and carries him near the ropes. Mack tries using the chair in his left hand, but finds it beyond difficult. He turns around and sees he’s hanging, tenuously, over the ropes...Mack then wraps his legs around Zag’s head and leans back...he huricanrana’s PerZag over the top rope and to the PerZag lands, his head SLAMS into the steel chair, bending his neck in an awkward position! The crowd grimaces at the visual...his body goes limp. Mack, meanwhile, finds his head tangled in between the middle and top rope as they clamp down on his throat. His legs dangle on the outside of the ring as he tries to free himself, but finds the pressure too much for his strong left and weak right hand to pry away~
Smith: Mack O’Connor is choking to death right before our very eyes
Hood: Shit, talk about some bad fucking luck
Smith: Somebody help him...he’s starting to turn blue!
Hood: What about PerZag? I think his neck, like shattered or something
~The alarm goes off as Scruff releases the lock on the door and Grenier emerges. He rushes into the ring, sliding in...he spots the choking, near motionless O’connor. The fans clamor for him to help Mack. Grenier continues to hesitate while staring at a lifeless PerZag on the outside~
Smith: C’mon, Bob...return the favor!
Hood: Let him hang!
Smith: No!
~Grenier turns his focus onto PerZag and he LEAPS over the top rope, landing on top of PerZag with a splash!! He goes for the cover, yelling at Scruff to make the count. Scruff, though, tends to Mack...he unties the ropes as Mack’s body falls to the outside. He leans up against the steps, barely conscious and coughing. Grenier continues yelling at Scruff...Scruff slides to the outside and into place, making the count~
Shoulder Up!!!
Smith: PerZag kicked out!!
Hood: Well, that sucks for he looks like an even bigger dick
Smith: I can’t believe he wouldn’t save Mack...does the OCW Title mean more to him than human life?
Hood: Probably
~Grenier grabs Scruff by the collar, yelling and screaming at him about the count. Mack begins to regain full consciousness as the look on his face shows the realization of what Bob did seeping through. He gets to his feet and marches at Grenier, who is still hassling Scruff. Bob’s back is to Mack...O’Connor twirls Grenier around and DRILLS him as hard as he can with a right hand to the face. Mack bends over, holding his hand in pain as Bob falls to the mat like a sack of potatoes. Mack quickly covers him as Scruff makes the count~
Shoulder Up!!
Smith: I thought Mack knocked him out!
Hood: Damn close...shit, he may have...that might have been one of those ‘instinctive’ kick outs
Smith: Those tend to happen alot
Hood: Yes, especially in big, high profile matches
~Mack sits up, holding his hand as it’s obviously in a tremendous amount of pain. PerZag, meanwhile is using the apron to get to a standing position. He rotates his neck back and forth, wincing with each rotation. Mack gets to his feet as he rushes at Zag...Zag catches Mack charging through the corner of his eye and hurls an elbow back, it drills Mack in the face. Zag then hops onto the apron and leaps off with a moonsault, landing right on top of Mack!! Mack falls to the stage hard as Zag remains on his knees, pummeling Mack’s head, producing a bit more blood from the cut his head butt created a little earlier~
Smith: PerZag is such a natural athlete...he is capable of doing anything in and out of that ring.
Hood: Yea, well the fucker better start winning...potential only takes you so far.
Smith: Excuse me, but he’s accomplished a lot!
Hood: If you call getting everyone around you shot at and killed then, yea, PerZag is quite the over achiever.
~Zag gets to his feet as he pulls Mack up and quickly hoists him over his shoulders in a Torture Rack!! Zag bounces Mack up and down as Scruff asks Mack if he wants to give up. Mack shoots Scruff the middle finger. Zag continues applying pressure as it’s obviously hurting Mack, but not going to earn a submission. Grenier, meanwhile, is still knocked out from the vicious punch from a few moments ago. Zag hurls Mack over his head and into the wooden stage with a Death Valley Driver!! Mack hits hard and holds his head and neck in pain...Zag then grabs Mack’s right hand and he starts to pull back on it...Mack yells out in extreme pain as Scruff slides in, asking if he wants to submit~
Smith: PerZag founds Mack O’Connor’s ‘achilles heel’ if you will and he’s using it to try and earn a submission.
Hood: If this shit ends on a submission due to someone holding another guy’s hand...fuck Italy, fuck Code of Silence, fuck OCW
Smith: Look, I know Lurrr and Maurako lost, but you’re just going to have to move on
Hood: But it’s so tough...I guess this is how Walter White felt after he was diagnosed with cancer.
Smith: No, Hood...having your favorite wrestler(s) lose is NOTHING compared to that.
~With his left hand, Mack reaches up and puts his fingers in PerZag’s mouth, applying a Mandible Claw. PerZag winces in pain as he lets go of Mack’s right hand and slides away...Mack releases the Mandible Claw as he clutches his wounded hand. PerZag gets to his feet and goes back after Mack...Mack slides backwards and is leaning against the steel steps. PerZag rushes forward and throws a kick at Mack’s head...Mack moves and PerZag’s shin slams into the steps...Mack quickly rolls PerZag up as Scruff makes the count~
Kick Out!!
Smith: Kickout by PerZag after a crafty move by Mack O’Connor!
Hood: No shit, it would suck..after all of this, if someone lost via a roll up...speaking of, I could really go for a fruit roll up.
Smith: I imagine that, if he were conscious, Grenier would agree with you
~After PerZag kicks out, O’Connor gets to his feet and rolls back into the ring. PerZag does the same. Mack reaches his feet and he runs into the ropes...PerZag gets to his feet as Mack leaps through the air and he drills PerZag in the head with a flying left fist! PerZag falls into the ropes and bounces off...Mack kicks him in the gut and drops him with a Stone Cold Stunner to the Temple (Hollow Point)!! PerZag flops onto his back as Mack goes for the pin, Scruff slides in and makes the count~
Kick Out!!!
Smith: PerZag kicked out, he’s still in this!
Hood: Guy is hard as hell to pin, just ask Danny B
Smith: Indeed!
~Mack looks outside the ring at Grenier, who is still unconscious. He then turns and looks at the Penalty Box. He yanks PerZag up and drags him near the ropes, tossing him over the top rope. PerZag lands hard on the wooden surface. Mack steps through the ropes and waits for PerZag to get to his feet. PerZag does and Mack leaps off the apron...PerZag catches him and drops him with a Spinebuster onto the wooden stage. He remains on top of Mack, going for a pin~
Kick Out!
Smith: And now Mack is kicking out!
Hood: Spinebusters are more like SpineBREAKERS on that wooden surface
Smith: You can do better than that
Hood: Yea, I know
~PerZag stands up and looks over at Grenier, who is unconscious. He, too, looks back at the Penalty Box, which is now a few feet away. He pulls Mack up and drags him near the box. PerZag hurls Mack inside, but Mack holds onto PerZag’s arm, dragging him inside as well!! The door is slammed shut as both men are inside the box! The crowd buzzes with confusion and excitement, wondering what this means. Scruff looks around, confused as the clock starts, counting down from two minutes~
Smith: Umm, so I guess they just stay in there?
Hood: Well this is RIVETING...I think I might swipe some chicks on Tinder
~The clock ticks down to 90 seconds...the Penalty Box shakes as Mack and PerZag are obviously fighting inside. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Grenier’s hand appears on the apron as he slowly slides under the rope, rolling into the middle of the ring. Grenier lays there for a second, rubbing his jaw. It’s red and rapidly bruising...potentially broken. Grenier winces as Mack’s punch probably fractured portions of his face. He crawls across the ring and stares at the penalty box as he hangs his chest and arms over the bottom rope. A bit of blood escapes the left rim of his mouth as his face is really fucked up~
Smith: Wow, Mack can really throw a punch
Hood: Yea, well that was more than your standard punch...that was a “You no good, ungrateful mother fucker” punch
Smith: Bob’s a good guy, he just made a, Mack is alive, so it all worked out.
Hood: Nah man, you just don’t fucking get it
~Bob watches the Penalty Box shake and his brow furrows. He looks around and notices he’s all alone, suddenly, he puts two and two together. Carefully, he climbs over the bottom rope and lands on the outside, standing on his two feet. He bends over and pulls a chair out from under the ring. The clock is under a minute. Bob stands up as he spits a bunch of blood out of his mouth, before stepping up to the Penalty Box~
Smith: Bob’s poised! He’s going to try and take them both out as they exit
Hood: Man, this guy is a giant shit...and you think Lurrr is dastardly
Smith: That’s because Lurrr is dastardly
~The clock suddenly expires as the door flies open. Mack and PerZag are immersed in a vicious brawl. Bob swings the chair, drilling PerZag in the forehead!! PerZag falls to the ground, unconscious. Mack turns around after witnessing what happened. Grenier goes to nail Mack with the chair...Mack catches the chair!! They begin to wrestle with Mack’s back inches from the open Penalty Box. Bob swiftly kicks Mack in the groin!! Mack drops the title as he staggers back...Bob flings the door shut, but Mack sticks his wounded hand out, keeping the door from closing!!~
Smith: He’s trying to stuff Mack back in there!
Hood: This guy is something else, man...if he isn’t a bad guy, I don’t know who is
Smith: He’s doing this for his relatives..for his’s a totally legit cause.
Hood: Whatever helps him sleep at night
~Bob pulls back on the door and he slams it into Mack’s hand. We hear Mack scream out in pain...Bob does it again and again and again and again as we see blood coming from Mack’s hand. Finally, Mack can’t take it anymore, he pulls his hand back as Bob slams the door shut!! The two minute clock appears as Bob grabs the chair and finds PerZag...PerZag is on his knees, half conscious...Bob bends the chair in half with a homerun shot into Zag’s head!! He then drops the chair, lifts Zag up, grabs him with a chokehold and then lifts him onto his shoulders before drilling him into the wooden stage with a Musclebuster (Hollinger Park Hangover)!! PerZag goes limp as Grenier makes the pin~
~The bell sounds as Grenier rolls off PerZag and flies to his feet. Out of jubilation, he sprints for the Plexiglass barricade and looks out to the fans who are showing a nice swell of support for his victory~
Belvedere: Here is your winner...AND THE #1 CONTENDER FOR THE OCW TITLE...BOB GRENIER!!!!!
Smith: He did it, Bob Grenier did it!
Hood: In the shadiest way imaginable
Smith: Nothing he did was against the rules
Hood: Sheesh, that guy is filthy
~Grenier continues to celebrate as the Penalty Box door opens. Mack emerges as he is furious. He looks at PerZag who is being checked on by Scruff...he then looks at Bob celebrating. Bob turns around as Mack charges after him. Bob hops up on top of the barrier and he jumps off, sprinting up the aisle and away from the stage. Mack stops at the barrier and grips it with both hands...his red hand leaks blood due to the pressure his grip is producing. Mack’s face is beet red as he stares daggers up the aisle way, watching Grenier run off until he disappears through the two main doors~
Smith: You have to feel for Mack O’Connor...two straight losses without ever being pinned.
Hood: Yea and the fact that he SHOULD be OCW Champion...but he SAVED Bob Grenier and wound up losing because of it last month...then this month, Bob Grenier lets Mack O’Connor HANG and winds up winning the fucking match.
Smith: Yea, it is quite the coincidence
Hood: Haha, it’s a lot of shit, Smith...but it isn’t a fucking coincidence.
Smith: Well, while PerZag gets checked out and Mack tries to fry bacon on his forehead, we’ll head backstage to get an update on Ricky Rhodes...
~We have one last image of Mack slamming his left hand into the barricade, still furious...we then cut backstage to find Bob Grenier hurriedly packing his gym back int he locker room, getting ready to leave the arena. Suddenly, a rope gets wrapped around the neck of Bob Grenier as Chad Vargas appears from the corner of the screen. He starts choking Grenier with the rope as the fans jeer.~
Smith: No, someone stop him.
Hood: Isn’t Vargas just great.
Smith: Hood, he nearly killed Grenier last month. Don’t you remember?
Hood: I don’t remember much these days.
~Vargas yanks Grenier to the ground, still with the rope tied around the throat of Grenier as Grenier starts fading~
Smith: He’s choking him out. He is going to kill him.
Hood: Chad would never do such a thing.
Smith: He nearly did last month.
Hood: I told you, I don’t remember anything anymore.
~Grenier starts fading, but the fans starts cheering as PerZag rushes into view, holding onto a chair. Chad Vargas looks at PerZag, PerZag smiles, and hits him in the face with the chair. Vargas drops down, letting go of the rope, and quickly rolls away. Vargas rushes away exiting the lockeroom and disappears as PerZag throws the chair in his direction~
Smith: Thank God PerZag got there in time.
Hood: Wait. What just happened?
Smith: You cannot have forgotten what happened already.
Hood: Of course not. I am just fucking with you.
Smith: Douche.
Hood: What did you say?
~PerZag turns around, and takes the rope away from the throat of Bob Grenier, and checks on him as Bob Grenier starts sitting up. He stares at PerZag, and then quickly backs into a corner of the room as PerZag puts his hands up to stop him from doing anything~
PerZag: Just stay seated, and listen.
PerZag turns his attention away from Bob, and looks at the camera.
PerZag: Last month, after my brutal match with Danny B, I was watching the match between Mack O’Connor, Chad Vargas and Bob Grenier, in which Mr. Vargas won.
~The crowd starts throwing curse words, and boos Chad Vargas, yelling out ‘Vargas Sucks’ over and over again~
PerZag: Now, just calm down. We know he sucks, but let me get back to my point. I was recovering from my match when I saw Chad Vargas try to take Bob Grenier’s life away. Lucky enough Mack O’Connor made the right decision there, and helped Bob.
~PerZag stops as the crowd sits in silence~
PerZag: I had just fought a match that was far away from the arena, and I nearly saw my former best friend die in the ring. After what has recently happened in Brazil, I knew that something has to be done about it.
~PerZag turns around, facing Bob~
PerZag: Chad Vargas is a pest within OCW, and he needs to be stopped.
~PerZag puts up his hand, pulling Bob Grenier to his feet~
PerZag: Vargas needs to be stopped, and the best way to do that is to reform Power and Worth.
~PerZag puts out his hand as the crowd cheers~
PerZag: What do you say?
~Bob Grenier asks for the mic, and PerZag passes it to him. He looks at the fans as they chant ‘Yes, Yes, Yes’ over and over again. Bob looks down at PerZag’s hand~
Bob Grenier: Yes.
~Bob grabs PerZag’s hand at they shake hands~
Bob Grenier: Power and Worth are back, and now it is time to take down the pests of OCW.
~The fans cheer as Bob Grenier PerZag put up their hands as the fans cheer some more. We take one final moment to soak in the great moment before cutting to anotehr locker room where Killface is seen, sitting behind a desk in the locker room. Several unknown wrestlers are walking around in towels as he shakes his head~
Killface: Far from ideal working conditions...
~Dangerous Dan steps up, with his newly acquired Title draped over his shoulder~
Dangerous Dan: You wanted to see me?
Killface: Yes, it’s about your Paradigm that the Triple Threat is official, how does PerZag sound as an opponent for next month?
~Dan smiles~
Dangerous Dan: Sounds great
Killface: Terrific, here’s the paper, get it notarized and hand it over to Dean...he’s got me in charge of informing you guys about next month’s plans, apparently the D Double D and Andy Murray business has him traumatized. The notary should be right outside the door there.
~Dan nods, taking the sheet. He sees his name along with PerZag’s name on a contract for a Paradigm Title Match. Exiting the locker room, we see The Lost Soul walk past him. Both take a moment to admire each other’s belts before going their separate ways. TLS approaches Killface~
Killface: Ah, The Lost Soul...thanks for stopping by.
~TLS doesn’t respond~
Killface: All business, eh? I admire that...President Dean was evidently impressed enough with Noah Mackenzie tonight that he thought a match between you two would be in order for next month. Any objections?
The Lost Soul: It doesn’t matter
Killface: Great, so it’s scheduled...oh, one more thing, if you win next month, you will be forced to vacate your Ascension Title. Dean said something along the lines of the belt being pointless if a wrestler holds it for more than three months.
The Lost Soul: *sighs* Sounds like typical Dean logic
Killface: Alright then, would you be a good lad and get this contract notarized?
The Last Soul: Look, Deadchin, I just wrestled a half hour against a man who was trying to kill me while you’ve been sitting back here staring at showering men all evening. I think you can walk the ten feet to get this contract notarized.
~TLS turns and exits the locker room without saying anything else. Killface remains seated, a bit put off~
Killface: Spicy fellow, isn’t he.
~He remains seated as we cut outside the locker room. Dangerous Dan is with his brother, Crazy Chris...they are looking over the contract with the notary standing next to them. Suddenly, Awe.Some appears, as they are all dressed in their normal attire, getting ready to head out~
Dangerous Dan: Well, look who it is
Crazy Chris: If it isn’t the Tag Team Champions...
~There’s some tension in the air as Dan and Chris eye the titles over Ricky and Randy’s shoulders. Rachel seems quite nervous as she looks on from behind them. Dan and Chris quickly smile, extending their hands~
Dangerous Dan: Congratulations, guys
Crazy Chris: Yea, you guys really earned those belts
~The Danger Boiz and Awe.Some shake hands, exchanging smiles and pleasantries~
Ricky Valdez: Thanks guys, we’ve read up on some of your work around here...impressive.
Randy Valdez: Yep, any time you two want a crack at our belts, just let us know.
Dangerous Dan: Hey, don’t think we won’t take you guys up on that
~Everyone smiles as Awe.Some steps around the Danger Boiz and head out, probably to catch the main event in a public setting, looking to celebrate their win. Chris looks over at Dan~
Crazy Chris: Good guys
Dangerous Dan: Absolutely...if we get to face them, it would be a great match.
Those Are the opening lines to Smart Went Crazy by Atmosphere, It blasts through La Scala as Bob Grenier makes his way out to cheers from the crowd. He wears a hoody as he slowly walks to the ring, looking incredibly focused. This is not the same man. He stops in the middle of the aisle and pulls his hood down, to the delight of the partisan crowd. A small grin emerges across his once sullen face and he looks directly into the camera letting everyone know "he's back". They continue to shower him with admiration as he slides into the ring and sits on the top rope, awaiting the start of the match. ~