LIVE! March 22nd, 2014
From Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida
2 Matches Streamed from Sea World

Smith: Pete Parker and Mark Kelley are back, Hood!
Hood: I hope Pete Parker brought me some of those exxxtra special video tapes!
Smith: Everything is on DVD now, Hood…and, yes, the Pornstar probably did…no doubt, these guys are aiming for the tag titles…
~The date 3/31/04 pops up again…this time we see Terrence Black defeat six other competitors to become the brand new Television champion…he is shown celebrating with the screen pausing before fading out…we are then shown a shot of Kenshin Takamura and Scott Syren staring each other down followed but a dub job featuring Smith and Hood~
Smith: Kenshin Takamura has always dreamed of representing himself and his country with the utmost pride and respect within the squared circle. Everything he touches he hopes to bestow prestige upon…Kenshin Takamura is the quintessential purist of professional wrestling.
Hood: Scott Syren fucks people, does drugs and hangs out with transvestite hookers. Scott Syren always beats the shit out of people without breaking a sweat. Syren’s goal is to fuck people like Kenshin’s shit up…and he’s going to do that tonight, at Black Out 2.
~Kenshin and Syren fade out…3/31/04 pops up again…this time Scorpion is shown defeating Kevin Heat to win coveted gold within OCW. Scorpion, a hall of famer, celebrates his last title victory in his storied OCW career…he fades out, in celebration. Brianna Casablancas and Ian Bishop appear in present day action…it’s the infamous scene a few weeks ago where Ian is harming who he thought was Brianna’s father…the shot pauses as a dubbed voice takes over~
Voice: How far will one man go to prove his worth? One month ago, Ian Bishop fought for nearly an hour to be recognized as the Central Champion of OCW…what he go, was something else entirely. The so called Paper Champion of OCW has had to walk through gymnasium after gymnasium carrying the guilt and shame that comes with a Paper Champion. His exterior tells a lie…it says he isn’t bothered by the Paper says he relishes the title, no matter how it was earned. His actions, however, tell a different story. Brianna Casablancas has effectively burrowed herself within the head of OCW’s Central Champion…her job of finishing Ian Bishop off is nearly complete. Can Brianna Casablancas finish the job she started one month ago, mentally crippling Ian Bishop? Or, will Ian Bishop redeem himself by defeating Brianna Casablancas and establishing himself as the true, unquestioned OCW Central Champion?
~Brianna and Ian vanish in the darkness…3/31/04 appears again…we see Top Dog defeating Jin Royale and Jack Sullivan for the OCW World Title and celebrating his colossal, career changing accomplishment. The scene pauses before fading into Pryde and Mario Maurako. Clips of the duo teaming up to defeating Damian Payne and Drew Stevenson along with their hard fought, questionable factory against Amber Ryan and Danny B are shown…the dub voice steps in once more~
Voice: The south, an area so rich in tradition watches its title placed on the line tonight in the most famous match in OCW history…a Hazardous Ladder Match. Mario Maurako, a two time OCW Hall of Famer…the first of his kind…has walked through OCW with an over the top sense of arrogance and self entitlement since returning. This match isn’t an opportunity for Mario, it’s a rite. Pryde, the mysterios masked wrestler taking OCW by storm, has humbled himself in an effort for career redemption. Mario’s antithesis, Pryde is looking for the opportunity to rid himself of the shame his past carries. Can Pryde climb to the top of the OCW ladder and remove the masks of past failure and shame by becoming OCW’s Southern Champion? Or, will Mario Maurako fulfill his self prophecy and take, what he believes, is his rightful place atop the OCW roster?
~Maurako and Pryde black out as the logo suddenly appears on screen for tonight’s event~
Voice: Tonight, scores will be settled…championships will be secured and, above all else, OCW will erase ten years of darkness, blacking out the past while moving forward to a bright and glorious future…OCW fans, get ready, Black Out 2 is here
~Our shot cuts to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure theme park in Orlando, Florida! Fans are standing around the theme park walk way cheering in their OCW gear…t-shirts range from the generic OCW logo, to Black Out 2 merchandise with a rare Richard=GOAT shirt making a cameo. Hood and Smith are standing in front of one of the theme parks signature rides, The Incredible Hulk as it roars overhead, blowing the announcers hair via a gust of air…Smith tries to fix his hair whereas Hood could care less. Smith is in a suit and tie while Hood is dressed like a tourist enjoying a day of fun. The sun is quickly setting as tall, bright lights have been rolled in to illuminate the event~
Smith: Hello again everyone and welcome to Black Out 2!!!! We are here LIVE, under the lights, at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure Theme park in Orlando, Florida and, Hood…man, it looks like you had a fun day.
Hood: Fuck yea, man, I rode that damn hulk coaster like five times…then I walked through Jurassic Park land and got all wet…after that, I hit that red and blue coaster thing where your feet hang…fucking wild, man…great day!
Smith: Did you, by any chance, do any research on tonight’s show?
Hood: No, but don’t worry, I’m prepared…shit will happen, people will bleed…you will say stupid, inappropriate things that I’ll have to correct on live air and…
Smith: Most would say you have that last part backwards
Hood: Nobody would fucking say that, idiot
Smith: Well…folks…not only are we here in Universal Studios…but we are also set up at SeaWorld where we will be simulcasting the Tag Team Turmoil match along with the Internet Title match…let’s take you to a live shot with Skytz!
~We cut to SeaWorld where Skytz is standing in front of the Shamu killer whale tank…a giant killer whale is behind him glaring menacingly at the camera. Also, a large, some might say obese, man in a Shamu costume is doing a weird dance around Skytz…fans are seated in the aluminum bleachers in front of him~
Skytz: Guys! I’m at SeaWorld!!
~A split screen suddenly forms with Smith and Hood on the left and Skytz on the right~
Smith: Yes, Skytz…we know.
Skytz: This is so cool! So, I’m like gonna feed this giant whale behind me later…and we’ve got a dancing Shamu who randomly showed up…I’m guessing compliments of the park…and chicks are wearing white tops…all I’ve got to do is get the whale behind me to do a few giant flips and I’ll be in paradise.
Hood: Yo, man, get me some High definition pictures, bro
Skytz: You got it!
Smith: Skytz! How about the matches that will be airing from SeaWorld tonight?
Skytz: Oh, yea, totally…
~The large Shamu person slaps Skytz on the ass…Skytz gives it a weird look before moving to the side in obvious fashion…the Shamu dressed man does a couple of pirouettes, showing great balance and tremendous athleticism for being that nimble with such a large frame~
Skytz: Yea, umm…anyway…we’ve got the Tag Team Turmoil match set to take place here in mere minutes! Behind me, in that giant Killer Whale tank, the top is going to be covered up and the ring will be placed over it…yea man, the fucking match is taking place on top of a killer whale tank!!
~The crowd cheers and begins to chant “Turmoil! Tumoil!”~
Skytz: Holy fucking shit, man…I’m so fired up, my dick is about to burst through my pants…we need to get his shit started!
~Skytz is squished from our view as the split screen becomes one again. Hood has a giant beer in his hand and sips on it liberally~
Smith: Did you hear that crowd?
Hood: Yea man, they were chanting Tilamuck!
Smith: No, it was turmoil!
Hood: No man, they were chanting for that giant killer whale…I’m pretty sure he’s the one that kills people.
Smith: Oh, wow…I had no idea
Hood: Yea, who would’ve thought it…a killer whale that kills.
Smith: Skytz failed to also mention that Kenshin Takamura defending his Internet Title against OCW Hall of Famer, Scott Syren will also air from SeaWorld!
Hood: Scott MUTHAFUCKING Syren!
Smith: Well, folks…I’m being told it’s just about time to start our Street Fight..unfortunately, nobody can locate The Lost Soul…
Hood: What? Is he really lost this time, like for real?
Smith: Well, Bobbinette Carey is out searching for him…let’s go to some live footage via Leo!
~Carey, dressed in her ring attire, is walking around the super hero portion of the park…she exits a giant Marvel arcade room, looking for The Lost Soul~
Bobbinette Carey: Where is he? Did he stand ME up? I’m ready for a street fight…has anybody seen him?
~Most of the fans shake their heads no…one fan, though, a kid deathly afraid of clowns, no doubt, speaks up~
Kid: Excuse me, Miss Queen of Epicness? I think I saw him over near the Dr Seuss stuff…
Bobbinette Carey: That makes perfect sense, thanks kid
~Carey takes off, in search of her opponent, The Lost Soul. We cut back to Smith and Hood~
Smith: Rest assured, fans, if Carey is ever able to locate The Lost Soul…we will bring you that match
~“Take Out The Gunman” by Chevelle hits asTrevor “The Great One” Kent appears to a chorus of boos. Mic already in hand he starts to speak~
TGO: Listen fuckers, I’m not here to take in the boos right now. Save that for when I win the tag titles.
~The boos get louder as TGO smiles and motions downwards with his hands to quiet the fans, but they fail to listen to him.~
TGO: Fine, I’ll talk over you. Tonight is a night filled with firsts. The first OCW Southern Champion will be crowned. The first time that you will see me hold a Tag Team Title in the OCW will happen. Not only that but the first time you will see Ian Bishop beat Brianna Casablancas will also happen. Yes, I hate them both but I can’t stand Casablancas anymore than you bastards can’t.
~The mere implication that the fans hate Casablancas is enough to send them into an uproar as Trevor continues on.~
TGO: But another first will happen. Tonight, history will be made in a very unusual form. That I can absolutely guarantee.
~”Take Out The Gunman” blares over the PA system once again as TGO issues a big smile to the audience as he turns around and heads back through the crowd~
Smith: Why does he hate Casablancas? Have those two EVER crossed paths? I don’t think Brianna even knows he exists…she’s too busy dealing with the top portion of our talented roster.
Hood: Maybe once in catering…but, yea, they have no real connection as far as I’m concerned
Smith: So, is it his job to just create these imaginary feuds?
Hood: He’s the great one, he can do whatever he wants…didn’t you get the memo?
Smith: I don’t know about some memo addressed to me…but he’d better get over to Sea World or he’s going to miss his tag title match
Hood: Oh, shit, you’re right!
Smith: Well as we wait for Mr. EGO to get over to Sea World…let’s cut backstage
~We cut backstage where the cameras catch up with Ian Bishop who is walking backstage with Mario Marauko, Sean Fuller, and Roach. He is in lead with his Central title over his shoulder. He busts out in laughter as he spies Brianna Casablancas walk toward him in a rush. His associates take a defensive position but he holds his arms up to motion to step back~
Ian Bishop: It is okay guys, I got this.
~He turns towards her~
Ian Bishop: Are you here to get your ass kicked early than expected? Or are you going to forfeit the match?
~She stops at him with a wide smile on her face~
Brianna Casablancas: Not quite, Love. You blokes watch a lot of mafia films, right?
~He chuckles with the rest of his crew~
Ian Bishop: Of course we do.
Brianna Casablancas: Good, then the context will not be lost on you.
~Casablancas grabs Ian by the shirt and pauses as Bishop just looks VERY confused. She follows up by planting a HUGE kiss on his mouth. This lasts about five seconds before she lets go of the embrace and pushes him into his stable. She smiles at him~
Brianna Casablancas: Ta Ta For Now.
~She walks off as Mario and Fuller hold him up. Ian looks on with great anger towards her. We head back to ringside~
Smith: Tempers are rising backstage, Hood
Hood: I’m so fucking ready for that match…tonight, Ian gets his
Smith: He may very well do just that…regardless, it’s going to be one of the best matches we’ve seen in OCW history
Hood: I can’t wait
Smith: Well, Hood…it’s time we get things started…from SeaWorld no less…it’s time to see who the brand new Tag Team champions will be
Hood: Let’s do this, Brutus!

OCW Tag Turmoil Match for the OCW Tag Team Titles
~The Power Couple's music hits as Jeremy Santos and his beautiful wife, Tiami-Tyler Santos make their way to the ring to a quiet reaction. They are holding hands as the spectators at Sea World have no idea what to make of these two.~
Smith: Apparently, The Power Couple drew unlucky number one for this tag team turmoil match. These two have just had a string of bad luck for the last few weeks. Hopefully they can bring it back here tonight.
Hood: But what are the odds of being able to do it at number one or number two for that matter?
Smith: ANYTHING can happen. We have seen some amazing feets in this profession.
Hood: Okay, what are the odds THESE TWO can make it to the end?
Smith: I really don't know due to there being some very impressive teams in this match. and even better question to ask is who will be entering at number 2.
Hood: An even better question is who is that black guy in the ring?
~In the ring is a bearded black man with striped shirt that it looks like he stole from footlocker ...the biggest give away is that it says Footlocker on it.~
Smith: That is our newest 'on location' referee, Gruff!
Hood: President Dean certainly has a type he likes to employ.
Smith:Dirt poor?
Hood: Yep!
~Before Tiami and Jeremy can make it to the ring, Noah and Trevor run down the walkway with steal chairs immediately the chairs into the backs of Tiami and Jeremy. Miranda and Gavin Reed are in tow right behind them. Noah slams the chair over Tiami's head as TGO irish whips Jeremy into the turnbuckle.~
Hood: And we know who the second entrants are now: the guys who are going to win.
Smith: Well, they certainly have a jump on the Power Couple right now. I don't like the way they are doing it, but it cannot be argued that it is effective. But they seriously need to get this in the ring and end this. The bell hasn't even rung yet.
Hood: That is the point. The longer the bell doesn't ring the more time they have to destroy their opponents.
~Noah whips Tiami into the droptoehold from TGO that plants her jaw right into the steel steps. TGO lays her on the steel steps before they both pull up Jeremy and DOUBLE POWERBOMB him onto Tiami crushing her between her husband and the steel steps. They pull her off the steps before lifting Jeremy up and hitting him with another double powerbomb onto the steps.~
Smith: And this is just a slaughter on the part of TGO and the Messiah of Mayhem.
Hood: But it is an intellegent slaughter on the part of these two.
Smith: I cannot argue THAT.
~TGO tosses Tiami into the ring as Noah slides Jeremy in. Once all four are in the Gruff calls for the bell. TGO pins Tiami while Noah hooks Jeremy's leg ...and Gruff makes the count.
~The bell rings as Noah and TGO slide the Power Couple out of the ring to make room for their next opponents.~
Belvadere: The Power Couple has been eliminated.
~"Lights Out" by Hollywood Undead hits the P.A as Jason Xavier walks out to the walkway looking to his side.~
Smith: It seems that the thrown together time of Jason Xavier and Craig Adams are up next ...but it doesn't seem like Xavier knows where Craig is.
Hood: Perhaps he had better things to do. We are at Sea World ...I hear the Shamu show is a REAL killer!
Smith: Now that wasn't in good taste.
~Jason sprints down to the ring as it seems as if he has accepted that he is going to have to go this alone. He slides in as Gruff makes TGO go into his corner. Jason Xavier ducks a clotheslin attempt and springboards off the ropes with a hurricanrana. Noah is back up and Jason hits him with his X-DDT to a huge pop from the fans.~
Smith: He is going it alone but maybe he is better off that way as Jason Xavier is taking it to Noah Mackenzie. They better get on the same page as it seems as if Xavier might beat both of them tonight.
Hood: I don't think so, Noah and The Great One have a score to settle with Amber Ryan and Danny B.
Smith: They have a LONG way to go before getting to that point. And they are struggling with ONE man right now.
~TGO gets the blind tag on Noah as Xavier reverses an irish whip. Jason X goes for a running elbow but TGO catches him ...BUT Jason X nails him with an STO. He then nails Noah with the elbow he was attempting before hand. He then rocks TGO with an exploder suplex. He hits a crescent kick on a recovering Noah Mackenzie to keep him at bay. But he turns right into a running knee from the Great One ...and Noah delivers a Spear to Xavier from behind.~
Smith: While he started out on fire, the numbers game has caught up with Jason Xavier ...but that isn't any fault of his but instead his tag team partner Craig Adams who has decided not to show up tonight.
Hood: Don't speak so soon. Look who is here.
~Craig Adams comes down the walkway with a stuffed alligator in hand while wearing a t-shirt that reads "I got a free t-shirt from Al's Discount Gator Barn" with a huge smile on his face. But before getting there he stops at the man in the shamu costume and both start dancing Gangnam Style in front of the fans.~
Smith: What the hell is he doing?
Hood: A very dated dance ...with shamu.
Smith: Perhaps he should be helping his tag team partner.
~Xavier flips away from an attack from TGO and in desperation, he then hits him with a superkick that TGO catches before nailing him with a rock bottom. The Great One tags in his partner,Noah. Noah is off the ropes with a leg drop to Xavier's chest ...but Xavier rolls out of the way. By this point, Craig Adams is making his way up the steel steps. Xavier yells for him to get in the corner because he is going to need to tag. Craig gives him the thumbs up. But instead of making the tag, he shows Xavier the cool stuffed alligator he won. Noah hits Xavier with a bulldog.~
Smith: What is this goofball doing?
Hood: Showing his partner what a great time he had at Al's Discount Gator Barn.
Smith: What does that even mean? All we know is that you can get a free t-shirt there and you can win stuffed alligators. Doing what exactly?
Hood: I dunno.
~Noah tags in the Great One.Trevor whips Jason Xavier into his corner as Craig Adams gets the blind tag. Xavier rolls out of the ring as TGO pulls Adams over the ropes and starts hammering him with lefts and rights. He nails him with a belly to back suplex. Outside the ring, Jason Xavier walks away and up the rampway.~
Hood: What is Xavier doing?
Smith: If you were to ask me, I would say that he is fed up with his partner, who he beat last week. If he is going to win the tag titles it is going to be with a partner he chooses AND a partner he trusts.Craig is none of those things. But I see him better suited to going after the Internet title after this. After quite a performance against two men, I would say that he might deserve a shot sometime down the road.
Hood: But he is still walking away from gold.
Smith: He is walking away from a dud of a partner. He is letting the johnny come lately get what he deserves.
~As Jason Xavier walks up the rampway, The Great One NAILS Adams with a Sit-out Underhook Piledriver.~
Smith: And Greatness IS personified as Trevor got all of that one on Craig Adams.
Hood: Looks like he is sending him back to Al's Discount Gator Barn ...where they are giving away free hats to infants, senior citizens, and the obese.
Smith: I think someone should sign up that dancing Shamu over there. He definitely qualifies and could probably use a free hat.
~The Great One makes the cover.
Belvedere: Craig Adams and Jason Xavier have been eliminated!
~TGO tags in Noah as they await their next opponents. "Devour" by Shinedown hits as Drew Stevenson makes his way down to the ring to a pretty good pop for the OCW newcomer. He plays to the crowd as his music dies down and he stops at the edge of teh walkway. "It's Going Down" by X-cutioners plays and "Sadistic Insanity" Damian Payne comes out onto the walkway. The two partners stare each other down.~
Smith: Now here is another team that might have a hard time staying on the same page. After losing the Lethal Lottery they have been making some attacks on each other.
Hood: And now they have to team together again ...AFTER ALL OF THAT?
Smith: That seems to be the case. But we will see how they fare against The Great One and Noah Mackenzie who have been on a tear since this turmoil began.
Hood: Tag team titles are on the line, this one is too important to just let go. Trevor and Noah are in it to win it.
Smith: After the last two eliminations, I believe you could be right.
~Stevenson and Payne get in the ring and Payne lets Stevenson start for their team. Stevenson and Noah Mackenzie lock up with Stevenson winning the test of strength and hitting a beautiful t-bone suplex. Stevenson off the ropes with a fist drop to Noah's chest. Then follows up with a punt to his ribs. He quickly tags in Damian Payne who pulls the smaller Noah up and lays him out with a crucifix powerbomb. He pulls Noah back up and lays him out again with a pumphandle suplex. He makes the cover.
...TGO breaks it up.~
~Damian is quick to get the tag back to Stevenson who immediately whips Noah into the corner and follows up with a splash followed by a bulldog. Stevenson goes for a side russian leg sweep ...but Miranda is on the apron. Stevenson turns his attention to her as does the referee. After all three, Damian, the ref and Drew yell at her, Stevenson turns back to Noah and goes for the lock but Noah rakes the eyes and then performs a DDT. Noah then tags in Trevor again.~
Hood: Word to the wise, never get distracted by a fine piece of ass.
Smith: Or just don't get distracted in general.
~TGO mounts Drew and starts nailing him with lefts and rights. He pulls him back up and lays him back down with a spinebuster. He then lays in stomps to Drew's ribs. He pulls him right back up and locks in that Dragon sleeper ...but before that can even wear him down ...Payne is in with a boot to his head. Noah races in with a dropkick to Payne and TGO begins to yell at Damian. But when he turns back around, he is nailed with a German suplex from Drew Stevenson that garners another pop from the fans that are quickly getting behind him. The hold is locked in as he delivers a second and THEN a third. He goes for the pin.
...TGO kicks out.~
Smith: The crafty Stevenson turns the tables on TGO and almost pulls out the win advancing them to the next opponents which has to be the Wild Boiz at this point.
Hood: Stevenson and Payne have not advanced yet.
Smith: But they could. TGO and Noah have been in this since the beginning.
Hood: But they made short work of the first two teams.
~Steveson tags in Payne who comes in guns ablazing as he hits TGO with a reverse suplex. He pulls the Hall of Famer back up and brings him back down with a sit out power bomb. He hooks the leg.
...Noah breaks the pin with a dropkick to Damian.~
Smith: Another close one from the Payne and Stevenson combination, who have been working together much better than expected. I guess that is what tag gold can do to increase team work.
Hood: Yes, but Noah have team spirit in their bones.
Smith: Yes, because Gavin Reed forced them to have it.
Hood: Speakng of which look!
~Reed is on the apron and yelling at the ref to pay attention RIGHT as Miranda begins holding onto Stevenson's leg. Noah nails a spear on Drew as the ref's back is turned, making him fall to the mat. Payne, who was distracted by Gavin too turns back around ...right into GREATNESS PERSONIFIED! He is planted into the mat as TGO makes the cover.
Belvadere: The team of Damien Payne and Drew Stevenson has been eliminated.
~Payne slides out the ring and starts yelling Stevenson "Where were you?" Drew tries to explain himself as Payne starts to shove him. Stevenson shoves back. Then Payne shoves him again.~
Hood: Trouble in ...well ...hell!
Smith: Yes, these two held it together during the match but they just do NOT like each other.
Hood: I don't like either one of them.
Stevenson nails him with Sweet Chin Music and then locks in the Missouri Cloverleaf. Payne is in ...well ...Pain.
Smith: And Stevenson has finally had enough as he puts Payne in that Cloverleaf submission.
Hood: That is so disrespectful.
Smith: I think Drew wants to move onto bigger things at this point. Perhaps like Jason X, he could compete for the Internet title someday soon.
Hood: OR imagine if THEY teamed together for the tag team titles.
Smith: That could be an excellent team if they decide to do so.
~Stevenson lets go of the Cloverleaf and walks to the back as SeaWorld staff helps Payne out of there. TGO and Noah await their next opponents.~
~"Don't Stop" by Foster the People hits as Dangerous Dan and Crazy Chris are out with Miss Madyson following behind. They slap hands with the fans before slowly circling the ring and trying to piece together how to take apart The Great One and Noah Mackenzie who have been on a roll throughout the whole turmoil contest. They slide into the ring and Dan immediately attacks TGO as Chris attacks Noah and both sides are trading blows back and forth as Gruff is having a hell of time keeping this match kosher.~
Smith: And with the tag titles two pinfalls away, both teams are at each other's throats to be the ones to meet Amber Ryan and The Ripper last in this turmoil match.
Hood: Why can't these Danger Boiz just get back to their corner where they belong?
Smith: Why can't Trevor and Noah do the same?
Hood: Because they are better than everyone else.
Smith: Ah yes, White Goodman logic.
~Dan whips TGO out of the ring and then gets a wild scream from the fans as he performs a plancha moonsault onto The Great One leaving Crazy Chris and Noah Mackenzie in the ring. Mackenzie nails him with a double arm DDT followed by a standing shooting star press ....which gets a good reaction from the fans despite his allegiance with Gavin Reed. He follows up by whipping Chris into the corner and hitting him with a shoulder tackle ...THAT CRAZY CHRIS MOVES OUT OF THE WAY FROM AS NOAH COLLIDES WITH THE POST. Chris lays him out with a swinging neckbreaker and follows up with a shining wizard. He then hits him with a running knee to the head.~
Smith: While we do not usually see Chris outside of tag team action, do not underestimate how adept he is in the ring as he is proving right now.
Hood: But remember his name is crazy ...that is a nice way of unreliable.
Hood: Stop what?
Smith: Stop know ...doing stuff.
~Dan finds his way back onto the apron as Chris tags him in. Chris holds Noah on his knee as Dangerous Dan is off the turnbuckle with a cool looking shooting star leg drop that to head which gets a good reaction from the fans. Dan goes for the quick pin, hoping to eliminate this team early on.
...TGO breaks the pin attempt.~
~Chris is out of his corner and on TGO like white on rice. Dangerous Dan goes to grab Noah by the leg ...but he kicks him off. He goes for the leg again but again Noah kicks him off, Noah rebounds with a spinning neckbreaker. He springboards off the ropes with a moonsault ...but Dangerous Dan rolls of the way and springboards off the boards with a body splash that also misses. Noah goes for a dropkick ...that Dangerous Dan blocks. Dan goes for a spinning heel kick that Noah ducks. Noah goes for a leg sweep, that Dan jumps over. Dan goes a dropkick right as Noah does both negate the other. Noah locks up Dangerous Dan for an irish whip, Dan reverses it and sends Noah into the ropes. Noah goes for a tackle but Dan leapfrogs him. Dangerous Dan goes for a clothesline but Noah bends all the way backwards Matrix style dodging. Noah attempts a capeoria kick that Dan ducks out of the way of. Dan runs towards him but Noah hits him with an armdrag. Noah goes for the leg but Dan gets him with a single leg take down. Dan performs a leg drop but Noah moves out of the way. Noah runs at him with a hurricanrana but Dangerous Dan reverses it into a smallpackage.
...Noah reverses the pin into a pin of his own.
...Dangerous Dan reverses that pin attempt into another of his own.
... Noah reverses it again.
...Dan reverses it ...INTO A BOSTON CRAB!
~Noah struggles into the hold. He fights and wriggles in it as Dan applies the pressure. Noah starts fighting it and SOMEHOW reverses it into an inside craddle pin~
~Dangerous Dan kicks out and both roll away from each other into each other's corners ...ending with a stare down as the fans at Sea World were loving that exchange.~
Smith: DAMN! What a show of athleticism by both men. They were SO equally matched just now ...and the fans loved it.
Hood: They loved it ...I don't know what I just saw.
Smith: But both in their corners and both thinking the same thing, if they are so evenly matched that they need to switch to the other member.
~Noah tags in the Great One as Dangerous Dan tags in Crazy Chris. Trevor goes for a running forearm ...but Chris ducks and bounces off the ropes with a handspring splash that The Great One catches and is about to reverses and goes for powerbomb that Chris turns into a hurricanrana ...BUT TGO blocks it halfway through into a backbreaker position. But before he can nail him with the backbreaker ...Chris Sprays him with some green mist. The Great One drops him and Crazy Chris follows up with a buzzsaw kick.~
Hood: HEY! That is cheating.
Smith: I would call it more being creative with your surroundings. But speaking of cheating.
Hood: What she is doing isn't cheating ...its being hot. If that is considered cheating then that is something no one will ever accuse you of.
Smith: Um ...
~Miranda is on the apron attempting a distraction of crazy Chris ...but Madyson pulls her off the apron and the two girls start fighting and rolling around the ground.~
Hood: YES! I haven't seen one of these in ages.
Smith: I guess you are refering to a ...
Smith: Well, this setting back women's wrestling back a few years.
~Madyson and Miranda scratch and claw at each other as Gavin Reed attempts to break the two up. But then they are suddenly being informed by officials that all three of them need to leave. Gruff is in the ring ejecting all three managers as the fans give him applause for that decision.~
Smith: FINALLY! After several attempts to distract from the match, our newest referee Gruff, kicks Miranda and Gavin, along with miss Madyson, out of the match so this can continue clean.
Hood: You might want to re-think that.
~As Gruff is turned and Chris and Dan are arguing with Gruff over the ejection of THEIR manager as well, Noah rushes to the ring to hand the still blinded TGO something. Crazy Chris goes back to TGO while Gruff is making sure the managers are out of the way. But as Chris pulls him up ...TGO throws white powder in his face ...following up with ANOTHER Greatness Personified. He hooks the leg.
...Broken up by Dangerous Dan. Noah immediately spears Dan to the side.~
Hood: Did Trevor just throw cocaine at Crazy Chris?
Smith: I thought that was white powder?
Hood: On the street we just call it rock.
Smith: Well, if you get caught baby, it ain't nobody else's fault. SO DON'T DO IT
~TGO goes to pin Crazy Chris again, now very much frustrated.
...Crazy Chris kicks out
~TGO tries pulling him back up but Chris nails him with an emergency straight jacket lungblower out of nowhere. Both men are down with their partners now in their corners with their arms outstretched.~
Smith: It is fairly obvious that both need to make the tag to their partners if they even want to last until our last entries of Danny B and Amber Ryan.
Hood: Come on TGO! Make the tag.
~Chris inches close and closer to his corner as The Great One does the same ...but in the end, it is Crazy Chris who makes the tag to Dangerous Dan. Dan pulls TGO backwards and hits him with a spinning heel kick ...that TGO catches. TGO sets him up for Greatness Personified ...BUT something catches his eye AND his ear.~
~Now right by the front is the man in the Shamu costume dancing for the fans with a boom box playing a popular chart topper from 2012. He is doing the running man as The Great One is taken off his guard momentarily. Dangerous Dan gets out of the move ...AND DELIVERS A BRUTAL SUPERKICK TO THE GREAT ONE! Crazy Chris is bursting out of his corner knocks Noah Mackenzie off the apron right as Dangerous Dan goes to the top turnbuckle. Cameras go off as it hits dusk at Sea World and Dan flies off with the turnbuckle with the Swanton bomb that he calls the ENDD!~
Hood: What the hell is Tilamuck doing out here distracting The Great One with the awesome power of Carlie Rae Jespen?
Smith: I don't know but it gave The Wild Boiz the advantage they needed, now can it pay off? And his name is Shamu.
Hood: He is just as troublesome as Tilamuck!
~Dan hooks the leg.
Belvedere: The Great One and Noah Mackenzie have been eliminated!
~Noah Mackenzie and The Great One are screaming at Dangerous Dan and Crazy Chris but then start screaming at that the Sea World Mascot Shamu for costing them the match. Security holds them back from beating up the popular mascot in front of the kiddies while other security moves Shamu away from rinside.~
Smith: Yeah, Shamu had his fun and it is time for him to leave the area.
Hood: I would say so, he just cost Trevor and Noah the tag team titles after one HELL of a showing. Even you have to give them credit.
Smith: Yes, I do. And if shamu didn't accidently cause the distraction, they MIGHT be facing Danny B and Amber Ryan right now.
Hood: Who, by the way, are the last two to enter because they lost.
Smith: Yes, they lost the Lethal Lottery but they made it to the semi-finals ...and came SO CLOSE to beating Pryde and Mario. That earned them the final spot in this turmoil match.
Hood: So that gives them an unfair advantage?
Smith: No, that gives them an advantage ...but not much of one considering that the Wild Boiz are still fairly fresh here and coming off a good win just now, despite the interference. This ought to be a GREAT ending to this turmoil match.
~"Valentine" by Xandira hits the P.A as "The Ripper" Danny B is the first out for his team. He makes his way through the crowd out Sea World as he slaps some fives with the fans and then the Shamu mascot who just created all kinds of trouble. He slides into the ring for a stare down with the two Wild Boiz as he waits his longtime enemy turned partner.
~"Extrme" by Valora hits as "The Distorted Angel" Amber Ryan makes her way down to the ring as the fans give her praise and Danny B looks at his opponents proud of who he chose to be his tag team partner. She slides into the ring as they face off with Dangerous Dan and Crazy Chris. Gruff, who exited the ring when entrances began, slides back in with the OCW tag team titles. He holds them up high as the two teams looks up at them.~
Smith: And that is what it is all about. One of these teams will be the new OCW Tag Team Champions joining a whole new Generation of New Champions that we have crowned since we re-opened!
Hood: I don't know ...I miss The Great One and Noah already ...and Tilamuck.
Smith: That was Shamu dammit.
~Gruff passes the titles out of the ring as he calls for the bell. Both teams huddle in their corners as Amber will start for her crew and Crazy Chris will start for his. The two walk up to each other shake hands before fighting. They shake and then quickly break before circling each other. Crazy Chris holds up his arm signalling a test of strength but Amber gives him a look that says 'sure whatever!' She locks up for his test of strength but, as expected, Chris wins ...but he doesn't predict her changing that into a small package roll up pin.
...Crazy Chris kicks out!~
Smith: WOW! Amber Ryan could have ended this one right there. Chris needs to get his head in the game here.
Hood: That one was almost stolen from the Danger Boiz!
Smith: I agree and Amber didn't need a dancing whale to do it either.
Hood: You know if people just tuned in ...they would think you were crazy by that last statement.
~Both roll to their corners and stare down again. Amber points to her forehead and Chris nods as if she pulled one over on him. The two lock up with Chris attempting a whip into the ropes that Amber reverses. He bounces off the ropes as she nails him with a cross arm neckbreaker. She quickly tags in Danny B who begins stomping on Chris's kneecap. He then hits a leg drop to said said area. He then pulls Chris up and lays him out with a back body drop.~
Smith: The Ripper and Danny B are already taking advantage of their cushy situation by isolating Crazy Chris from his partner.
Hood: But there is no sign of that Silverhaired man anywhere. Who could he be? Where does he come from?
Smith: What kind of cologne does he wear?
~Danny B follows up with a scoop slam to Crazy Chris. He tags in his partner, Amber Ryan, who goes to the top turnbuckle as Danny B lifts Chris onto his shoulders. They nail him with the Doomsday Device.~
Smith: Classic tag team wrestling right there from Amber Ryan and Danny B.
Hood: Thery are in control of the Danger Boiz so far, but you have to wonder if Amber being a woman will hurt this team?
Smith: It hasn't hurt any of the other female competitors.
Hood: Yes, but we haven't seen them when they hit that know ...time of the month.
Smith: That has nothing to do with anything. Plus, you would think that would make them more aggressive and hard to beat during any match up.
~Chris is back up and Amber hits him with a shining wizard ...before making the quick tag to Danny B again. The Ripper pulls him and lands him back down with an electric chair drop. He waits for Chris to get back up and REAMS him with a Knee to the side of the head as the fans pop for that move and Amber races out her corner to intercept Dangerous Dan as The Ripper makes the pin.
...Crazy Chris kicks out.~
~Gruff makes both not legal people go back to their corners. Ripper pulls Chris up but Crazy Chris hits him with a headbutt ...then another ...then another ...then another ...he follows up with an atomic drop before rushing to his corner to tag in Dangerous Dan he explodes into the ring as the fans are on their feet. Dan fights Danny with lefts and rights and follows up with a kick that Danny catches but he turns that into an enziguri. Dangerous Dan runs to the top turnbuckle and is off with a FROGSPLASH ...THAT DANNY B ROLLS OVER INTO A PIN.
...Dangerous Dan reverses.
~...Should up by Danny B as both roll out of the pinning situation.~
Smith: Dangerous Dan has really upped the tempo here but The Ripper is doing a good job of keeping the pace with him.
Hood: Why Danny no roll up tight again?
Smith: Was that your attempt at an internet meme?
Hood: Not Sure if Serious or trolling.
~Dangerous Dan is off the ropes with a flying cross body to Danny B. Dangerous Dan pulls him up and sends him to the ropes as he performs a springboard bulldog. He goes for the cover.
...Broken by Amber Ryan~
Smith: Dan is making sure those pins comes fast and furious. He knows what his strength is and he is playing to it.
Hood: His strength is not getting a three count?
Smith: You know what I mean.
~Dangerous Dan is back up and springboards off the ropes again with a dropkick that again sends Danny backwards. Dangerous follows up with a running Senton on his opponent. Dangerous Dan is again going for that turnbuckle as he is off with an elbow that lands flush on Danny B's chest. Dangerous Dan hooks the leg.
...Amber Ryan breaks the pin as Crazy Chris arrives too late to intercept her.
~Dangerous Dan doesn't let that stop him as he hits The Ripper with what the kids in the 90's called an X-Factor. He tags in his partner as both go to the top turnbuckle. Cameras in Sea World go off again as the two perform a double moonsault onto Danny B that gets a nice reaction from the crowd.~
Smith: Tremedous Teamwork there by those two. That could end Danny B right then and there.
Hood: I got to hand it to these two weirdos, that was very inventive.
~Crazy Chris hooks the leg as Dangerous Dan knocks Amber Ryan off of her apron. Gruff makes the count.
...Ripper kicks out.
~Crazy Chris works on him with lefts and rights but Danny B fights back with his own series of punches. Danny B throws Chris to the ropes and when he comes back hits him with a flying headscissors. He rushes to his corner and tags in Amber Ryan who is in with her own burst of energy. She is in with a sit-out face buster to Crazy Chris. She follows up with a curb stomp, one of her signature moves.~
Smith: Ryan tells Crazy Chris to bite the curb as she takes over this match.
Hood: That isn't a curb that is a mat.
~She awaits for him to get back to his feet and delivers a beautiful Shinarnui to him. She slides him over to the ropes and catapults his neck into the bottom of it. She pulls him forward again for a snap DDT. She dares him to get back up but when she goes for a kick that Crazy Chris ducks. He is back off the ropes and she goes for leg drop, that he ducks. He is off the ropes again and goes for a shoulder block that she side steps. She attacks with a wheel kick but Chris gets out of the way of that. He goes for a clothesline that she spins out of the way and OUT OF NOWHERE GETS HIM IN ORIGINAL SIN POSITION ...but Dangerous Dan out of desperation is in and dropkicks her in the mid-section.~
Smith: She was THAT close from hitting that Original Sin DDT that would have ended this match and awarded Ripper and herself the tag titles.
Hood: That was some quick thinking from Dangerous Dan to save his tag partner like that.
Smith: But all hell is breaking loose now as The Ripper is in.
~Ripper and Dangerous Dan trade lefts and rights Crazy Chris begins to fight with leg strikes that Amber blocks before hitting a spinning backfist ...RIGHT AS DANNY B KICKS DANGEROUS DAN IN THE GUT THAT WINDS HIM. Amber immediately puts Crazy Chris in Original Sin position. SHE NAILS IT RIGHT AS DANNY B HITS THE SKO ON DANGEROUS DAN! Amber Ryan immediately goes for the cover as Danny B covers her to make the make the weight so much that it would be VERY difficult to kick out of it.
~Ding Ding Ding~
~Gruff hands them both the tag titles witha brand new design. They embrace as these two former enemies have become tag team champions. Both go to a turnbuckle to celebrate their victory here at Sea World in Florida.~
Smith: And what a big win from a guy who who get eliminated from a battle royal at Resurrection and a person who wasn't even booked in a match because we assumed she was long gone. This is quite the come back story for these two.
Hood: Its a nice win ...when TGO and Noah did most of the heavy lifting during the turmoil ...they just came in took the spoils.
Smith: Those are tag team turmoil rules. If you don't like it, take it up with the commission of tag team rules.
~The Ripper and Amber celebrate in ring for a few more seconds before leaving the ring and celebrating with their tag team titles high up in the air. They pose one more time before going up the walkway. This leaves Dangerous Dan and Crazy Chris outside the ring to contemplate their loss.~
Smith: It is a tough loss for these two ...they were SO close to winning this one. But Danny and Amber just had the advantage this time around.
Hood: I don't think it was THAT close. Plus, it looks like Tilamuck is consoling them.
Smith: That is Shamu!
Hood: That is what THEY want you to think!
~The shamu mascot is back at ringside and is apparently trying to console Dangerous Dan and Crazy Chris. Both look weirded out by this man in a costume who seems to be way too heavily invested in a wrestling match. But he still consoles them as they both get up to leave ...BUT as their backs are turned, Shamu the whale smashes the the boom box he was using earlier over Crazy Chris's head. As Dangerous Dan turns around, he does the same by smashing it onto his forehead. Dan goes down as Shamu breaks teh whole thing over Dan's head again.~
Smith: WHAT THE HELL IS SHAMU DOING? That isn't how a popular mascot behaves.
~The whale removes his head to reveal a familliar face.~
Smith: That is no Blackfish, it is a FATASS!
So call me Maebe"