Rolling Thunder: The Sequel
LIVE! April 27th, 2003
~"Sad But True" by Metallica fills your television monitors as OCW's Rolling Thunder, The Sequel official logo fades onto your screen. Inside the Orlando arena thousands upon thousands of packed fans line the seats!~
Sam: Ladies and gentlemen we welcome you once again to a night upon nights to remember. Grab your history books, prepare to take notes, because tonight, Rolling Thunder presents the Sequel, and this is one sequel guaranteed to out-rank the first!!!
Hood: I unwillingly have to admit that you are dead serious! Tonight, so much will go down. Who will be the last ever CWF jobber champion? How bad will Kylo beat the shit out of Jin Royale? All of that and much more lays straight ahead!!!
~A limo pulls up outside the arena, and out steps OCW Ex Champion, Top Dog. However, he stops dead in his tracks.~
Top Dog : What the hell.
~From a side door, out steps Redeemer, dressed in a baseball uniform. He has a ball in his hand, as Top Dog gets into a fighting stance.~
Top Dog : I got no beef with you, Redeemer – get the hell outta here!
~Redeemer spits something out of his mouth, and contorts his face. It must have tasted bad.~
Redeemer : Brother, I am not out here to judge you. But, the lord has told me that you have sinned. By hurting one of my brothers, you have hurt me. And for this, you need to repent. Repent now, Top Dog, and you shall be forgiven.
~Top Dog approaches Redeemer slowly, but from behind, come the three Luchadors.~
Top Dog : MOVE, Redeemer, or you’ll feel some pain yourself!
Redeemer : Very well, I shall PITCH to you.
~Redeemer weakly throws the ball down to the pavement, and it rolls right beneath Top Dog’s legs. Top Dog starts laughing out loud, believing the weak throw was accidental.~
Top Dog : Oh, Redeemer… You suck!
Redeemer : My throwing may suck, but that doesn’t mean my batters won’t try and hit the ball!
~Suddenly, the three Luchadors begin swinging wooden baseball bats into the sides of Top Dog. T.D. crumples to the ground, as the 3 Luchadors swing and swing away mercilessly. Redeemer VERY slowly walks over, and picks up the baseball. He gives Top Dog one more kick, before he waives the Luchadors off. Top Dog is a heap on the ground, moaning in pain. The Redeemer throws the ball yet again, this time with lots of force, causing T.D. to groan once again in pain.~
Redeemer : I offered you your chance – the worst is yet to come. Also, starting pitcher of my college's baseball team you insolent hound.
~Redeemer and the Luchadors leave him there as they head back inside the arena.~
Tiger Sid vs. Sabre
~"Real American" plays and the fans cheer for Tiger Sid as he walks down the ring.~
Hood: Sid sucks! Word!
Sam: The kid has A LOT of talent, and I mean A LOT of talent. He just hasn't appropriately used it much.
Hood: Pfft!.
~Sid comes out to quite the ovation as he walks up into the ring and throws his arms out to the crowd. As his theme dies down, El Tigre Grabs the microphone.~
Sid: Alright, cut the music. Ya' know, I've been in this buisness a long, long time. I've seen the best come and go, and I've seen guys who COULD have been the best come and go. When a star begins to fade, granted, it's unfortunate... but the real trajedy is when the rising star, the man who has the brightest future ahead of him, begins to disrespect People. And that's why I'm here, folks. That's why you see El Tigre in Omega championship Wrestling - to prevent that from happening again. I walk up and down the halls at each arena, I see a lot of guys who have more potential than most People can. I see some natural born stars around here... but I also see a lot of punks. A lot of hopefuls, who only have that hope... who have the idea in their heads that they're SREW With anybodys Girl Friend. And that's exactly what I see in you... SABRE!
~Sid points towards the stage, seemingly calling out Sabre~
Sid: Oh yeah, Sabre... you've got the skills. You've got the attitude. But you don't have the right balance, and to be honest, you keep Screwing With Sandra, and you're career is O-V-E-R!You're not playing Mind Games here Sabre, I AM THE MAIN MAN In Ocw, and You should consider your ass lucky you're even HERE, Ya' know, back During my TV Title Run, the boys of the company had respect for Me...
~Suddenly, interupting El Tigre is the sound of Have You Forgotten by Darryl Worley , Sabre comes out from the curtains down the aisle, microphone's in hand. ~
Sabre: Yo, Sid, cut the crap and bow down ... Yo' old ass is lucky I don't crack down on you, like Metallica on an MP3!
Sid: Oh is that so? Why don't you bring it up a little closer, and prove it!
~Sabre slides into the ring. The Patriotic Sabre steps right up in El Tigre's face and puts up the microphone. ~
Sabre: Is it close enough for ya' Sid, I own you now! If you need some convincing, how's about a little sales pitch... Just grab a hold of my belt buckle Sid, 'cause you're about to be my BITCH!
~Both men lock up, and The Sabre gets the immediate advantage putting Tiger Sid in a headlock. The Sabre yanks on Sid's head, but Tiger Sid throws him off of him, and into the ropes, before running into him . The Sabre gets back to his feet, and stares at Tiger Sid.~
Sam: You know, that wasn't bad... I think this match will...
Hood: Shut up and watch the damn match!
Sam: OK
~The Sabre now walks over to Tiger Sid and pulls him to his feet. Sabre gives Tiger Sid a couple of forearm shots and backs him into a nearby corner then gives a few vicious chops and watches Tigre Sid as he screams in pain. The Sabre now whips Tiger Sid out of the corner and Sid rushes across the ring and slams hard into the opposing corner. He now runs towards Tiger Sid and attempts a big splash, but Sid moves out of the way and The Sabre jumps right into the turnbuckle.~
Sam: What a getaway that was! He saw him coming and got right out the way!
Hood: What a fag you are!
~Tiger Sid now gets to his feet and The Sabre, still stirring from what just happened, slowly tries to make it to his feet as well. Tiger Sid locks up with Sabre and gives him a knee into the gut. Sabre bends over in pain as Tiger Sid grabs his head, lifts him up in the air and holds him there for awhile and finally drops him with a perfectly executed suplex... before going for a pin cover...~
Kick Out!
Sam: Almost had it won already!
Hood: No chance!
Sam: Well, it was close...
Hood: Who cares!?
~Tiger Sid now gets to his feet and pulls The Sabre to his. He picks him up for a slam, but he slips out, turns Sid around, grabs his head and drops him with a DDT in the middle of the ring.~
Sam: The Sabre's back on the offense now!
Hood: That was a devasting DDT!
Sam: Wow, your actually doing your job for once.
Hood: Shut up, I like this Demon guy...he's cool~!
~The Sabre now gets to his feet, but so does Tiger Sid. They begin to brawl in the middle of the ring. Sid gains an advantage as The Patrotic Sabre begins to fall back. Sid then reaches back and delivers a devastating clothesline that sends The Sabre to the ground. Tiger Sid now begins to climb to the top rope of a nearby turnbuckle. He gets to the top and stands up there and watches The Sabre. He makes it to his feet and turns around. Sid then leaps off the top turnbuckle, nailing The Patrotic Sabre with a double axe-handle. Tiger Sid then hooks The Sabre's leg for a pin...~
Kick Out!!!
Hood: Thank goodness!
~Tiger Sid now gets to his feet and begins to yell and scream at the ref, complaining of a slow count. The ref just shrugs and Sid shakes his head and turns his attention back to The Sabre. The Sabre is on one knee and Sid grabs his head, but The Sabre, playing possom, delivers a couple of punches into the gut of Sid and watches as he bends over in pain before falling to his feet. The Sabre makes it to his feet and continues to punch away at the head of Tiger Sid. Sid is wobbling back on his heels and The Sabre goes for a huge punch to knock Curtis towards the turnbuckle, but Tiger Sid blocks it and drops The Sabre with a lunging clothesline.~
Hood: Why isn't Sabre like.....winning!?
Sam: I don't know!
Hood: Bah!
~Sabre is pulled up by Sid, Sabre kicks Sid in the gut, lifts him up and attempts the Full Force, but Sid slides down, takes Sabren's neck, chokeslam! THE DEADLY IMPACT!~
Hood: It's over?!
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner, TIGER SIIIIIDDDDDD!!!
Sam: Just a little more badluck for Sabre, but he's catching on. He'll be there, just needs a little more work.
~El Probador and El Linchador are seen bickering over something as they exit their locker room.~
El Linchador: Fine, I’LL ask TGO what’s going on, ya happy? Geez, man, what happened to you in Spain? You’re all jumpy and crap! Take a chill!
El Probador : Take a chill? What are you, Bart Simpson? Look, Linchy, I don’t like just blindly following orders from TGO – he should TELL us what’s happening –
~They round a corner, and El Linchador bumps right into – Jake Navaja. El Probador’s face turns white, as Jake smiles at El Linchador. El Linchador gives the Hispanic Causin Panic a glare.~
El Linchador : Oh, well, well, if it isn’t MR. Jake-ass Nirvana! Whuddup, ESE? How do you feel ‘bout losin’ t’night, homes?
El Probador : Linchy, let’s scram.
~Jake continues smiling, as he and Linchy remain almost nose-to-nose – neither person backing down.~
HCP: You got cojones, El Linchador, but you better watch out how you treat me – you never know who I might know.
~El Linchador laughs out loud, as El Probador folds his arms.~
El Probador : Linchy, we should –
~El Linchador turns to his older brother.~
El Linchador : Listen, Probbie, I’m just chattin’ with the guy Redeemer is gonna beat up tonight – it’s all INNOCENT… and FUN…
~He turns back to face Navaja.~
El Linchador : Right, ESE?
HCP: Wrong.. Listen "Linchy" The Redeemer better change his name to The "Dreamer" because that is the only place he will be able to defeat me.. In his dreams.. Oh by the way, El Probador, thanks for the help, bro, I appreciate it. And, you’re right – we’re even… for now!
~Navaja starts to walk away, and Linchy puts his hand on Jake’s chest. Navaja stops, and looks almost insulted.~
El Linchador : Look, Navaja, I don’t know who you are, or what you’re tryin’ to do, but you’ve been sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong. My ADVICE would be for you to simply LAY down on the mat tonight – it’ll save you MUCH pain. Then, once you lose your little belt, get out our way.
HCP: What… the “ANSWERS”? Bro, you better stop tryin’ to find the ANSWERS, and start askin’ your BROTHER over there some questions.
~Navaja smiles, and slowly removes Linchy’s hand, away from his chest. Navaja walks off, as Linchy turns to El Probador.~
Adam Davis vs. The Jackal
Hood: This pay per view has been nothing but jobber-filled, so far! Hopefully this match will resurrect some kind of interest, but I doubt it.
Sam: This pay per view has kicked ASS so far Hood, what are you talking about!! And with The Jackal and Adam Davis squaring off in this contest, it's sure to get even better! Let's go to the ring for the wrestler's entrances.
Hood: Eh, I don't care if you disagree with me. Let's just get through this match, quickly!
~'Till I Collapse" by Eminem begins to play loudly through the Rolling Thunder: The Sequel speakers as Adam Davis appears from behind the curtain. The fans give him mostly cheers, but boos can easily be heard from his "heelish" antics in this last two promos. Davis just shrugs the response off, walking down to the ring with a very serious look on his face. Adam slides into the ring, awaiting The Jackal patiently.~
Hood: This guy is friends with that idiot Big UGLAY so we know he isn't going to get anywhere here in OCW.
Sam: Big Sexay's 7 and 1, Hood, the only person who ever beat him was our World Champion!
Hood: But it's taken him over a year quitting and coming back to get anywhere! And those 7 wins were against jobbers, like Brad Payne and Gambler Greg!!
Sam: Well that's a different story, here comes The Jackal!
~"My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit cuts through the airwaves and another mixed reaction comes from the crowd as The Jackal runs out from behind the curtain, making his way down to the ring quickly. The Jackal slides into the ring, keeping Davis in eyesight as the bell rings and the match begins.~
Sam: What a match this is going to be, possibly the show-stealer of the night!
Hood: Are you serious!?
Sam: Yeah...
Hood: I don't care!
~Neither man turning their back to the other, they both begin to circle each other to start off the match. Adam Davis goes in for a lock-up attempt, but The Jackal side-steps it, and drop toe hold's Davis. Adam Davis immediately climbs back to his feet, but once again he is taken down, this time by an arm drag from Jackal. The Jackal pulls Adam Davis up to his feet, and goes to irish whip him into the ropes, but it is reversed. Jackal bounces off the ropes, and Davis lifts him up, hitting a fallaway slam.~
Hood: What a move!
Sam: Yes it was!!!
Hood: I was being sarcastic...that was the worst fallaway slam ever!
Sam: You're stupid, Hood.
~The Jackal pulls himself back up to his feet, hitting a quick left jab against the face of Adam Davis. Davis falls back into the turnbuckles, but immediately climbs to the top and hits Jackal with a cross body. Both men climbs back to their feet, each hitting a rising clothesline on the other at the exact same time. As the crowd begins to cheer loudly, the referee begins to count both men down.~
Sam: They could be both out of it already, Hood!
Hood: An on another note: She only wants me for my pimp juice, I'm talkin' my pimp juice. I think I gotta let her loose, let her loose.
Sam: ...What the hell!?
Hood: I'm stompin in my air force ones...w00t~!
Sam: Nelly, go back to St. Louis because we're trying to have a WRESTLING pay per view here!
~Both men get back up to their feet after just a few seconds being down. Adam Davis grabs The Jackal and whips him in hard against the turnbuckle. Davis then runs towards him, but gets a boot rammed into his face as he approaches. The Jackal grabs the dazed Adam Davis and lifts him up into suplex position, walking towards the top rope. As the fans stand up in anticipation, The Jackal suplexes Adam Davis over the top rope and to the outside several feet onto the concrete floor. Davis lands hard, and looks to only be half conscious. The Jackal quickly jumps to the top rope and goes for the Jackal-Knife, a backflip into elbowdrop, but Adam Davis rolls out of the way as The Jackal lands completely awkwardly on the back of his neck. By this time the OCW fans have begun a very loud "HOLY SH*T" chant.~
Hood: Woah, this match certainly HAS turned into a great contest!
Sam: Sarcasm, again?
Hood:'s surprised me, but it's actually a good match!
Sam: Wow, you seem to have changed.
Sam: *Sigh* Idiot.
~Adam Davis grabs onto the guardrail, slowly pulling himself back up to his feet. Davis stomps on The Jackal numerous times, before pulling him up to his feet and irish whipping him should-first into the steel steps. A loud bang can be heard as the steps collapse, and The Jackal shrieks. Adam walks over to grab him, but The Jackal russian leg sweeps Adam's face against the remaining step. Adam Davis's face is now bleeding, as The Jackal lifts himself and Adam up and slides Davis back into the ring. The Jackal then climbs to the top rope, and hits a moonsault on Adam Davis, staying on for the cover.~
Sam: That was a BEAUTIFUL moonsault, I have no clue how Adam Davis kicked out!!
Hood: Well...he kicked his legs into the air, moving his body away from The Jackal. That, is how you kick out.
Sam: ...God I hate you.
Hood: I am getting too hot, I'mma take my clothes off. It's getting hot in herre. Oh yeah.
Hood: Missing- Hood's ear drums. If you can find them, dead or alive...please give them back.
~The Jackal rolls off Adam Davis, hurt from impact also as he tries to get a few breaths. After a couple of seconds Jackal climbs back to his feet, but Adam Davis is already there, hitting him with a low blow. Adam Davis then takes advantage of the moment, DDTing The Jackal, bouncing his head harshly against the mat. Adam Davis then stands triumphantly as half the fans are booing, and half are cheering. The Jackal turns Davis around, landing a huge chop across "Ice"'s chest. The Jackal goes for a second chop on Davis, but Adam ducks under his arm, giving him a neckbreaker from behind.~
Hood: Davis! Davis! Davis!
Sam: I thought you didn't like either of these guys.
Hood: I don't.
Sam: ...Then why are you chanting for Adam Davis!?
Hood: Cuz he's winning right now, duh!
~Jackal pulls himself back up to his feet, ducks an attempt at a clothesline by Adam Davis, and sidekicks Adam in the face. The Jackal then takes his now prefusely bleeding face, and slams it hard against the top turnbuckle. The Jackal then lifts Adam Davis up onto the turnbuckle, the fans cheering loudly at this moment. The Jackal leaps into the air, wrapping his legs around Adam Davis' neck, setting up for the Jackal-canrana. As Adam Davis goes into the air though, The Jackal is the one who comes crashing down as Davis powerbombs him stiffly and sadistically against the mat. Adam Davis then quickly goes for the cover, sensing he could have a three count from that huge move.~
Sam: I thought it was over...AGAIN! What a match this is turning out to be, these guys are really showing their skills!
Hood: They suck.
Sam: One minute you say they suck, the next you are chanting for Adam Davis...your a confusing person, Hood.
Hood: Confusing to stupid losers like you, Tam.
Sam: ...SAM!
~Adam Davis slides off The Jackal, both men laying on the ring devastated from the action so far. Davis is the first one to his feet, pulling himself up with help from the rope. He grabs The Jackal by the hair, lifting him up with him. Adam goes to Irish Whip Jackal, but it's reversed and Davis flies not only against, but over the turnbuckle. A loud "OOH" comes from the fans as Davis snaps his back against the concrete floor. The Jackal waits a few seconds as the crowd cheer louder and louder, and then he runs towards the turnbuckle, jumps over it and hits a Wheel Kick against the rising Adam Davis.~
Sam: What a move! WHAT A MATCH!
Hood: WHAT A FAG~!
Sam: I wish you were the next person to be fired.
Hood: They wouldn't fire me, I have too much skill.
Sam: ...Yeah, right.
~Both men are down once again, but it's long before The Jackal is up and sliding Adam Davis back into the ring. Jackal climbs onto the apron as Davis gets to his feet. The Jackal jumps onto the top rope and grabs Davis' head with his legs, bringing him down to the mat with a spinning head-scissors takedown. The Jackal immediately jumps on top of Adam Davis for the pin.~
Sam: Near falls galore in this match Hood, this could possibly be a match of the year candidate.
Hood: With these losers? Get real.
Sam: I am real, I'm not a fake human...I'm not an alien...I SWEAR~!
Hood: Whatever you say, ALIEN.
~The Jackal sighs, climbing back up to his feet. Placing his foot against the neck of Adam Davis, Jackal begins to choke him wildly, doing anything to let out his aggression. The Jackal pulls Adam Davis back up to his feet, throwing him against the ropes. When Davis comes back, Jackal lifts him up and hits a samoan drop. The Jackal then once again has the determined look on his face, as he climbs to the top rope. The Jackal backflips off the turnbuckle, but Adam Davis places his right foot up, and Jackal's face smashes into Davis' boot. The Jackal falls to the mat, unconscious, with a crimson-mask for a face now.~
Sam: BOTH men are now bleeding!!!
Hood: Blood rules~!
Sam: So you like this match now?
Hood: NO...there isn't ENOUGH blood!
Sam: What are you talking about!? The ring is COVERED in blood!
Hood: BAH~!
~Adam Davis crawls out of the ring slowly, regaining his composure as The Jackal still lays inside the ring. Adam pulls up the ring apron, searching down underneath the ring for any weapon he can possible find. Since this match can only be won by pinfall, there are no disqualifications, which Adam knows as he pulls out a barbed-wire covered wooden table. Adam Davis has a sick smile on his face as he slides the table into the ring. The Jackal slowly begins to gain consciousness, but Adam Davis has already set up the table firmly in the corner before he even starts to move. Davis pulls The Jackal to his feet, leaning him up against the table as the barbed wire ripped and digs into his back. Adam Davis then backs up a few feet and runs at The Jackal, spearing him through the barbed wire table and unlatching the middle rope from the turnbuckle. The fans are on their feet in surprise and excitement, as Adam Davis jumps on The Jackal for the cover.~
Sam: The Jackal SOMEHOW pulled a kickout with the very LAST of his strength! Amazing!
Hood: Stop getting so excited, you'll have a heart attack.
Sam: I can't help but to be excited, this match is FANTASTIC!
Hood: And you are a RETARD.
~Blood has spilt across the whole ring, as both men lay broken down on the ring, completely exhausted. Adam Davis rolls over, coughing loudly from the pain within his body. He climbs to his feet, pieces of barbed wire wrapped table attached to his body. Davis screams, pulling them off violently, before lifting up The Jackal. The Jackal hits an uppercut on him though, and then lifts him through the air with a belly to belly suplex. Jackal looks to the cheering crowd with a smile, finally getting the offense again. The Jackal then runs against the ropes, bouncing off the middle rope, and hitting a lionsault on Adam Davis. The Jackal doesn't go for the cover though, instead he begins to punch with rights and lefts wildly against the face of Adam.~
Sam: The Jackal has snapped, Hood!
Hood: He's probably just tired, baby need a nap?
Sam: Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
Hood: Me neither.
~Jackal rises and brings Adam to his feet, tosses Adam into the ropes, Adam returns, kicks Jackal in the gut, flips over him, amazingly, hooks him, THE END GAME!!!~
Hood: Bah!!
Sam: Wow, Adam Davis pulls through once again here in OCW! This former CWFer is making his mark, that's for damn sure! He'll now have a chance to face the TV Champion, whoever that is, later this month. Smith: Ladies and gentlemen your winner, ADAAMMMM DAAAAAAAAAVIIIIISSSSSS!
~Jake enters his locker room, still snickering about his run-in with El Linchador. Just then, a knock is heard on the door.~
Jake Navaja : Yo, Linchy, I don’t have time to –
~The door flies open, and a big screen T.V. is pushed in. Drake Hazzard is pushing the T.V., and it smashes Navaja back, against his locker. Drake uses the T.V. to keep Navaja pinned, as TGO enters in behind Drake. Navaja struggles to push the T.V. away, but TGO quickly moves in and takes Navaja in a headlock.~
TGO : So, the BIG T.V. Champion – everyone LOVES Jake Navaja, huh? Talkin’ trash about Redeemer, like he’s some scrub or something? Don’t you have any respect?
~Drake moves the T.V. away, and TGO runs Navaja’s head into the locker on the far side of the room.~
TGO : LISTEN, Navaja, you’re messin’ with the WRONG crowd. I’ve heard enough out of you for a LIFETIME.
~TGO takes his head and rams into the opposite side locker again.~
TGO : You’re PATHETIC, you know that? You make me SICK, with your smug attitude, and your utter lack of respect for anything or anyone besides yourself. Drake! Come ‘ere!
~Drake takes the power cord from the T.V. and comes around, and uses it to choke Navaja. TGO lets go of his hold, but Drake continues choking Jake, as Jake struggles to get free. Finally, Drake lets go, and Navaja falls to the ground. TGO rolls his shoulders, and cracks his neck.~
TGO : Enjoy the new T.V. It’s the only T.V. you’ll have left after tonight.
~TGO and Drake Hazzard leave Jake lying on the floor.~
Sam: ... Uh ... Ouch?!
Hood: Haha... I dunno who to cheer for most here!
Killa Kali (c) vs. Unleaded vs. Mr. Millionaire
~As Smith climbs into the ring with a microphone, “I’m a Soldier” by Eminem hits the speakers as Unleaded’s OmegaTron video begins to play and the crowd gives a little recognition to the star coming out from behind the curtain, looking intense and ready to hit the ring.~
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is scheduled for one fall and is a three-way match for the OCW Destiny Championship! Introducing first, from Kona Coast, Hawaii, standing six feet four inches and weighing 270 lbs…UNLEADED!!!
Sam: Unleaded is a damn fine member of the Lower Division, and he won’t be staying there long.
Hood: Not to mention the fact that he’s the only type of fuel most cars will take!
~Unleaded climbs into the ring and faces the entrance to wait for the next man to be announced, and yet another Eminem song, “Lose Yourself,” hits the air and Mr. Millionaire comes out to little crowd response.~
Smith: And making his way to the ring from St. Louis, Missouri, standing six foot four and weighing 274 lbs…he is MR. MILLIONAIRE!!!
Sam: Mr. Millionaire is considered the underdog in this match, Hood! It’ll be interesting to see if he’ll be able to pull the win out of his hat…it would be a huge step in the right direction for this rising star!
Hood: You mean, “pull the win out of his ass?” That’s more likely, Sam, seeing as how this guy doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in Satan’s pizza oven of finding a win in ANYBODY’s hat. And what’s with this Eminem craze? What’s Killa Kali’s entrance theme, will he complete the white-boy-rappa hat trick?
~As Mr. Millionaire climbs into the ring and takes a position next to a turnbuckle far away from Unleaded, “Pain” by Tupac hits the PA.~
Hood: BAH! Well, he completed a rap hat trick, anyway.
Smith: And from South Central Los Angeles, standing six-five and weighing 255 lbs, he is the OCW Destiny Champion…KILLA….KALIIIII!!!
Sam: And here he is, the man many feel will retain his title…
Hood: He will, I say! He’s the tallest and lightest!
Sam: What does that have to do with anything?
Hood: He’s also from South Central LA! You don’t mess with those brothas.
Sam: Ugh…
~Kali gets to the ring and hands his Destiny Title to the referee, who makes sure the other two wrestlers get a good look at the belt before he makes his way to the apron to hand it off to a ringside OCW staff member. Before the ref can even call for the bell, though, Unleaded and Mr. Millionaire both lunge from their corners and hit Kali with a double clothesline, instantly sending him over the top rope and to the outside. Mr. Millionaire is pumped and turns his back to Unleaded to yell “That’s how it’s done!” to the crowd, but Unleaded spins him around quickly and nails him with a DDT, which the crowd thoroughly enjoys. Millionaire, stunned by the sudden attack, rolls out of the ring, leaving Unleaded and the ref as the only people inside.~
Sam: Mr. Millionaire making a bit of a mistake trying to get the fans on their feet, and Unleaded cleans out the ring!
Hood: That’s wrestling, Sam, your friend one moment is your enemy the next!
~The ref tries to persuade the two men on the outside to get themselves back in, and Kali, who is the first to his feet, picks the stunned Mr. Millionaire up and rolls him inside rather roughly, glaring at Unleaded the whole while, who just glares back and starts talking trash to the Destiny Champ. Unleaded lets both men back in, and he and Kali continue to glare at each other as Millionaire just starts to get himself up off the mat…when suddenly, Kali and Unleaded both start stomping away on him out of the blue.~
Hood: That’s wrestling, Sam, your enemy one moment is your friend the next!
Sam: Thank you, oh wise one.
Hood: You’re welcome, oh horse’s ass.
~Unleaded picks Millionaire up and sends him into the ropes, and he comes back into a big boot by Kali, knocking his opponent down hard to the mat. Unleaded gives Millionaire a kick to the ribs and picks him up again, then bounces off the ropes and charges in, clotheslining Millionaire down, only to be clotheslined himself by Kali, who had bounced off the opposite ropes. Kali signals to the fans, who boo him, then reaches down and picks both men up, whipping Unleaded into the corner, followed by Millionaire, who crashes into him, knocking Unleaded down and causing Millionaire to stagger backwards into a backdrop by Kali.~
Sam: Some excellent offense here by the champion, taking it to both his opponents at the same time!
Hood: That’s 150% efficiency or something!
Sam: No, that’s smart ring sense.
~As Unleaded clutches his stomach and ribs in pain from being crushed into the turnbuckle, Kali turns his attention to Mr. Millionaire, picking him up from the mat and grabbing him for a suplex, only to have Mr. Millionaire flip out of it at the top and nail Kali with a German suplex, leaving all three men down on the mat as the ref begins to count. At three, Mr. Millionaire gets to his knees and slowly to his feet, then picks up Killa Kali as Unleaded slowly uses the ropes to regain his balance. Millionaire lands a few stiff right hands to Kali’s face and blocks a few rights thrown at him before whipping him towards Unleaded’s corner. Unleaded, seeing Kali flying in his direction, ducks down and lifts the champ up, sending him back-first onto the top of the turnbuckle. Kali shouts out in pain and does a human slinky routine onto the ring apron and to the outside of the ring. Unleaded’s, still groggy from being smashed into the turnbuckle earlier, groggily watches Kali fall to the outside and doesn’t notice Mr. Millionaire coming up from behind, grabbing him by the neck and nailing him with a reverse DDT, then goes for the cover.~
~The ref sees Unleaded’s foot on the ropes and forces him to break the pin.~
Hood: Mr. Millionaire is making a bit of a comeback, taking away any momentum Unleaded or Killa Kali might have had…although he’s still a worthless jobber and will lose.
Sam: I wouldn’t count him out yet, Hood, but you are right on his sudden surge of energy.
~Seeing as how Kali is on the outside, Mr. Millionaire drags Unleaded a little further from the ropes and sits him up, putting him in a chokehold. Unleaded struggles a little at first as the referee finishes checking on Killa Kali and moves in to take a look at Unleaded, who tries desperately to escape the hold without wearing himself out. Slowly, though, Kali gets up, holding his back, and turns to see Unleaded in a bit of trouble in the ring. He slides in and clubs Millionaire with a double axehandle, forcing him to break the hold as Unleaded’s eyes roll back and he slumps to the mat.~
Sam: Kali forgot all about that back pain once he saw the match in danger of ending!
Hood: I would, too, if MR. MILLIONAIRE was going to win! JOBBER!
Sam: I dare you to get in the ring with them, Hood.
Hood: Can’t.
Sam: And why not?
Hood: I don’t have a rap entrance theme.
~Kali is the first back to his feet, although he’s treating his back very gently. He notices that Unleaded is more or less out of it and decides to go to work on Mr. Millionaire, grabbing him by the head and starting to lift him up, but getting a low blow for his efforts while the ref checks on Unleaded. Kali’s eyes go wide and he drops to his knees in pain as Mr. Millionaire gets to his feet to try and pick him up, only to receive a low blow of his own! Both men crumple to the mat in obvious pain.~
Hood: Good gawd awlmightay! Nobody in that ring is going to be able to have children by the end of this match!
~Unleaded slowly waves the ref away from him and gets to his feet, then turns to see Killa Kali and Mr. Millionaire both curled into the fetal position on the mat like a giant Yin Yang. He shrugs and rolls Kali over to go for the pin.~
~Instantly, Unleaded goes to the fallen Mr. Millionaire for the pin.~
Broken by Kali!
~Unleaded grabs Kali by the ankles and pulls his feet out from under him, then flips over him for yet another pin attempt.~
3! NO! Kickout!
Hood: WOW that was close!
Sam: Unleaded is just going for cheap wins, here, not even working for a victory and taking advantage of other peoples’ work!
Hood: What a genius!
~Unleaded sits up and throws his arms in the air in disgust at his three failed pins, but Kali and Millionaire have gotten to their feet again and look at each other. Millionaire motions to Unleaded, whose back is turned, and Kali nods. The two of them set up as Unleaded gets up and turns around, only to be charged into by both men and hit with a double spinebuster that shakes the entire ring! The crowd pops for the move as Kali and Millionaire pick Unleaded back up and whip him into the ropes, then hit him with a double knee to the gut, flipping Unleaded end over end. Killa Kali says something to Millionaire, who nods, and Kali puts Unleaded into a sharpshooter in the middle of the ring as Millionaire puts Unleaded into a crossface hold! The ref bends down to check on Unleaded, rather perplexed.~
Sam: This is crazy! What is the ref going to do if Unleaded taps out to both of these submission holds?!
Hood: Kali and Millionaire don’t care right now, they’re just mad at Unleaded for trying to pin them after their synchronized low blows!
~Eventually, the confused ref finally orders Mr. Millionaire to break the crossface because there would be no way to make a decision if Unleaded tapped out. Millionaire instantly clubs Kali over the head with a forearm to break the sharpshooter so the Destiny Champ doesn’t get the win, only to be put into an ankle lock by Unleaded! Millionaire screams in pain, but just as he lifts his hand to tap out, Kali bowls over the ref in order to get to Unleaded, clotheslining him down to the mat. The ref springs to his feet and barks a few angry words at Kali, who just waves a hand at him and bends down to pick Unleaded back up as Mr. Millionaire clutches his ankle in pain. Unleaded shoves Kali, but Kali just shoves back harder. Unleaded stumbles backwards from the shove and bounces off the ropes, coming back into a torture rack by Killa Kali…who turns the move into an F5!~
Sam: The Riot! That’s the setup for the South Central Effect!
Hood: I TOLD you Kali would win!
~Kali gets ready to take Unleaded to the top turnbuckle for the South Central Effect, but is ambushed from behind by Mr. Millionaire. Unleaded slumps to the mat, still feeling the effect of The Riot as Mr. Millionaire sends Killa Kali into the ropes and tries to catch him with The Money Shot superkick, but Killa Kali ducks away from it and bounces off the opposite ropes…but Mr. Millionaire recovers quickly and hits The Money Shot anyway, sending Kali out of the ring!~
Sam: MONEY SHOT!!! Mr. Millionaire can win this!!!
Hood: Kickout.
~Mr. Millionaire goes over to the downed Unleaded and covers him.~
Hood: Toldja.
~Mr. Millionaire throws his arms into the air in disgust, but Unleaded is slowly making his way to his feet. He clubs Millionaire in the face with a forearm to knock him a bit senseless and then picks him up and sets him up for the Lethal Injection piledriver…but Kali, done from recovering outside the ring, quickly slides back in and takes out the backs of Unleaded’s knees, causing him to release Mr. Millionaire with no harm done. Quickly, all three men are back up, and it’s a three-way slugfest between them as they just throw lefts and rights at each other, alternating from one opponent to the other.~
Sam: It’s a full-scale brou-ha-ha in that ring!
Hood: …What the hell is a brou-ha-ha?
~Unleaded shoves Killa Kali away, and Kali slides across the ring, just long enough for Unleaded to hit the Lethal Injection!!! Unleaded covers Millionaire...~
~Unleaded stands, punches Kali, Kali blocks, tosses Unleaded into turnbuckle, places him on top, climbs up, SOUTH CENTRAL EFFECT OFF THE TOP! Kalli steps down, drops down, pins Unleaded and Millionaire at the same time!~
~The bell sounds...~
Sam: Game over! What a power house match this was! WOW! And Killa Kali walks out the Destiny Champion, STILL!
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner and STILL OCW DESTINY CHAMPION - KILLA KALI!!!
~'Pain' by Tupac brings the Destiny Champion up. He takes his title and charges up the aisle away from the ring, the fans booing his win.~
~The cameras cut back to the backstage area, where El Linchador and El Probador are seen leaving TGO’s empty locker room.~
El Probador : Ya see? YA SEE?
El Linchador : MAN – you’re such a crybaby, Probbie. Ya know, maybe if you were AROUND for “The Answers” staff meetings, you would have already known what was goin’ down tonight!
El Probador : SHUT UP! I told you, I went to Spain on -
El Linchador : - on bull-fighting business, I know. You should be THANKING me I covered for you with Uncle Carl in town! It turns my lie was the truth.
~He grins, reminding himself of “El Dragador.” ~
El Probador : Hold that thought – I gotta take a poo.
~Linchy nods, as his older brother steps into the nearby public restroom. Linchy wanders ahead down the hallway a bit and peeks around the corner of the next intersection. His eyes bug out! ~
El Linchador : GO! GO AWAY! SHOO!
~Headed right towards El Linchador is his former trainer, Pedro Esquille, who is being pushed in his wheelchair by Mr. Edwards. Pedro’s still wearing his head cast, which has holes poked out for the mouth, eyes, nose and ears. Pedro waves for Mr. Edwards to stop pushing him forward. Linchy is frantic~
El Linchador : Pedro, what the HELL are you doin’ HERE? You’re still INJURED!
Pedro : Linchy, I’m still under contract with OCW, remember? The doctors said I’m healed enough to fulfill my contract that states that I have to be at all OCW Pay-Per-Views.
~Mr. Edwards glares at Linchy, who looks back to check for El Probador. ~
El Linchador : Pedro, leave the arena NOW! It’s not safe for you here – and El Probador is in the bathroom.
Pedro : Safe for who – or from whom? YOU did this to me, Linchy. You have no one else to blame this time.
~Linchy’s face turns flush. ~
El Linchador : WHAT? How many times do I have to TELL you, Pedro? I didn’t do this to you. It was my damn brother! I didn’t even know about it ‘til I saw it on T.V.! Pedro, you GOTTA BELIEVE ME!
Pedro : No matter how you ‘spin it’, Linchy, you’re still responsible. I’m just here to forewarn you – in 2 weeks, the stitching will be set, and I’ll be able to have my cast removed. I won’t look pretty, but I think anyone who still cheers for you should see what you’re capable of – and what you’ve become.
El Linchador : No -
Pedro : In 2 weeks, on Oblivion, I’m going to get my cast taken off – in front of the WORLD!
~Linchy’s mouth drops. ~
~Linchy turns around, but too late to block the clothesline from Rafael Sabotage. ~
Pedro : RAFFY! NO!
~Sabotage ignores his trainer’s plea, as he pounds repeatedly into Linchy’s back. He then picks up Linchy, and tosses him down the hall into some steel equipment cases. Linchy flass down amongst the cases as Sabotage continues his assault. El Probador finally comes out of the bathroom, and spots the scuffle. Pedro and Mr. Edwards being moving towards the brawl, but El Probador holds out his hands, blocking their way. ~
El Probador : Let them fight it out.
~They all watch as Sabotage powerslams Linchy onto the hard floor! Linchy grabs his back ni pain, but Sabotage continues his attack by kicking Linchy in the head. A swarm of refs and security swoop in, trying to break it up. Linchy clutches his head as security pushes Sabotage out of the hall entirely. ~
Jake Navaja (c) vs. The Redeemer
~"HCP" by Kid Frost played over the pa system as the fans let out their cries of cheers. Navaja stepped out from the back, and raised his hands to the crowd, to receive an even louder reaction.~
Hood: VATO!
Sam: Yeah, here comes the champion!
Sam: Stop trying to be Spanish, it just DOESN’T work …
Hood: What do you mean “trying”!?! I AM Spanish, dammit!
Sam: No, you’re just a very, very sad little man.
Smith: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following is a … Errr … Bitch-Slap Of Death contest, wearby the title will change hands if, and ONLY IF, Jake Navaja does not win with the Bitch Slap of Death! Introducing first, he is the OCW Television Champion … Please make welcome, JAKE NAVAJA!
~He slowly made his way down to the ring, almost entering when suddenly, Redeemer came from behind, catching Navaja square in the back with a sledgehammer blow. The fans booed, as Redeemer raised his hand to backhand a small child in the front row. He stopped, and simply grabbed Navaja by the tights and tossed him in the ring.~
Sam: What a dirty, dirty tactic!
Hood: WEIRDO.COM! Man, I don’t know who to cheer for … My Vato, Jake, or my number one Weirdo!
Sam: How about you cheer for them both?
Hood: Sounds like a plan.
~Sliding in himself, the bell was rung.~
Sam: NOW it’s on!
~Navaja stood to his feet slowly, clutching at his back as Redeemer immediately took advantage. Redeemer caught Navaja with an elbow shot to the back, and locked in a front face lock. He then grabbed Navaja by the neck, which the referee tried to play as a choke, but Redeemer was attempting some sort of power move. Redeemer leapt up in the air, but Navaja used his upper body strength to toss Redeemer away from him. Redeemer landed on his feet, and Navaja charged forward with a wild clothesline. Redeemer ducked underneath, locking a waist lock and lifting Navaja for a vicious release german suplex.~
Hood: El Puto just went El Flying-o!
Sam: … What?
~Redeemer got to his feet quick and played to the fans, screaming "Whoo!" and raising his hands in devil horns, garnering MASSIVE heat. He saw the down Navaja, who was clutching his back, and Redeemer dove over for the cover.~ 1 2 NO!
Sam: That was a close one!
~Navaja got his foot on the bottom rope. Redeemer groaned and hooked the inside leg.~ 1 2 NO!
Sam: And again, he gets the foot on the rope!
Hood: Blah blah blah … We don’t want to end the BEST match on the card so early, now do we?
Sam: How is this the best on the card?
Hood: Because Redeemer and Jake RULE!
~Navaja got his outside leg onto the bottom rope, and Redeemer slammed his hands against the mat. Redeemer then hooked both legs, sitting overtop of Navaja in the process.~ 1 2 NO!
Sam: And AGAIN!
~Navaja squiggled out underneath, flipping his upper body as Redeemer held a firm hold on his lower body. Redeemer shifted his weight and jumped forward, catching Navaja in a side headlock. Navaja got to his feet, and tried to lift Redeemer for a belly to back suplex, but Navaja's back gave out. Still in the hold, Redeemer ran to the turnbuckles to use them as a spring, but Navaja shoved Redeemer out of the move and Redeemer landed sternum first, his legs caught between the middle ropes. He fell backwards, caught in a tree of woe position, but with his feet between the second ropes, his shoulders were more on the mat then off.~
Sam: Redeemer doesn’t look so good now …
Hood: Tree of woe!
Sam: … Err, commentators NEVER call a tree of woe … Cover it up! Quickly! Nobody’ll notice …
Sam: **Sigh**
~Navaja charged, and baseball slid to the outside. On his way, Navaja caught Redeemer with a hard right hand to the temple, which caused Redeemer to crunch up and fall out of the tree of woe. Redeemer clutched his face as if he had been shot in the eye, but Navaja, on the outside, was getting the referee's attention.~
Sam: Uh-oh, the referee has spotted him …
Hood: So what? Referees are GAY!
Sam: Okay then … Next week on Oblivion, Hood vs ALL the OCW referees! HANDICAP MATCH!
Hood: Dude, there’s like, 50 of them …
Sam: Scared?
Hood: Eh, no … I can take any motherf*cker I want!
~He had grabbed Redeemer's two legs, and was proposing to the crowd for what had to be a pleaser. The referee yelled at Navaja to stop, but he couldn't get through to him. Before Redeemer knew it, Navaja had pulled him out of the ring, his legs wrapped around the ringpost.~
~Redeemer's crotch? Meet Mr. Metal Ring Post.~
Sam: That’s GOTTA smart!
~Redeemer screamed in agony as he crawled backwards in the ring, holding his never regions in his own hands. Navaja slid into the ring as the fans cheered him on, and Redeemer continued backing away, raising his hands in a timeout fashion. Navaja raised his fist in violence, because, you don't raise your fist in peace, and charged forward.~
Hood: Here we go …
~But Redeemer pulled the referee in front of him, and Navaja collided head to fist with him.~
Hood: oh, what a shame – HA!
Sam: What an error that was! Good thinking from Redeemer!
Hood: Word.
~The referee tumbled over onto the ground, as Navaja stood there with wide eyes to what he had just done.~
~And then wider when Redeemer got his revenge on Navaja's niblets.~
Hood: HA! Redeemer just KICKED Navaja in the BALLS!
Sam: Do you HAVE to be so damn blunt?
Hood: Of course, for I am Hood! SUPERIOR commentator, and all-round nice guy …
Sam: Yeah, and WHO told you that?
Hood: Why, all the ladies, of course …
~Navaja fell to his knees, as Redeemer lifted him up and drove in him to the mat with a falling chokeslam. Navaja landed hard, twisting his body to a lying up position as Redeemer used this as his opportunity to fly. And he did, landing hard onto of Navaja with a big splash. He stayed on for the pin as the referee revived.~ 1 2 NO! KICKOUT!
~The referee’s grogginess had made it a sloooooooooooow count.~
Hood: Bah! El Wierdador had it won!
~Redeemer stood up in a frustration, before wandering off into a nearby corner, to consolidate with himself. However, this allowed Navaja ample time to recover, and get to his feet. As Redeemer turned, the two wrestlers met in the centre of the ring. The two men locked up, with Navaja getting the advantage over his larger opponent. Jake Navaja grabbed a headlock on Redeemer and takes him down, getting Redeemer on his back onto the mat.~
Sam: And now Jake’s getting in the offence!
Hood: Yeah! VATO!
~Navaja kept the headlock on, but Redeemer was able to sneak out of it and stomp Navaja in the back. He stomped him again. And again. And again. Redeemer picked up Navaja and shot him into the ropes. Redeemer then hit a massive Yakuza Kick on Navaja, sending him outside the ring.~
Hood: What a kick!
Sam: That had some AWESOME power in it!
Hood: Indeed!
~Navaja composed himself on the outside and got back into the ring. Redeemer, again, tried to whip Navaja into the ropes, but Navaja reversed it and hit a big back body drop. Navaja picked up the prone Redeemer and hit a vertical suplex, floating over for the cover.~ 1 2 KICKOUT!
Sam: ANOTHER kickout!
~Redeemer kicked out at two. Both men got up at the same time. Redeemer, using his superior speed, hit a bug boot on Navaja, knocking him down. He got up to follow up on the move but got levelled with a brutal rising clothesline by Navaja.~
Hood: Whoa! HCP! HCP! HCP!
Sam: Wait a minute, a moment ago you were cheering for Redeemer …
Hood: Just the way the tide guys, m’boy!
~Navaja picked up Redeemer and whipped him into the corner, sternum first. Navaja grabbed Redeemer and hit a German suplex with a bridge!~ 1 2 NO! KICKOUT!
Hood: That was close …
~Redeemer kicked out again. Both men got up at the same time. Navaja kicked Redeemer in the gut. He went for a powerbomb, but Redeemer turned it to a hurricanarana. Navaja got up and turned around to face Redeemer and walked right into the bitch slap of death! Redeemer went for the cover!~
Sam: Ha! Jake would never kickout to his own Bitch Slap …
~Navaja kicked out at two from the slap. Navaja got up and was met with a flurry of kicks by Redeemer, stunning Navaja enough for Redeemer to hit a huge DDT. Redeemer went to the top rope and hit another MASSIVE splash.~ 1 2
~Almost there …~ NO! KICKOUT!
~Navaja kicked out again! Redeemer picked up Navaja and tried to whip him into the corner, but Navaja reversed it. Navaja charged into the corner, but Redeemer raised his boot, knocking HCP straight in the jaw!~ 1 2 SHOULDER UP!
Sam: What a series of action!
Hood: What a match!
Sam: Yes! GREAT contest!
~Navaja, again was out just before the ref's hand dropped for the third time. Redeemer bounced off the ropes and jumped at Navaja for another high impact move, but Navaja turned it into an inverted X-Factor! Both men are down!~
Sam: That move knocked the air out of BOTH men! 1 2
Hood: Get up! 3 4
~The two men started to stir~
Hood: WOOO YEAH! 5
Sam: Now all they gotta do is get to their feet … 6 7
~Navaja was up by now. He picked up Redeemer and shot him into the ropes and hit a huge belly to belly suplex. He picked up Redeemer and a brainbuster!~
Hood: CRUSHING blow!
Sam: It’s over!
~But Navaja shook his head – he wasn’t done just yet. He climbed up to the top rope, staring down at his opponent, before leaping off …~
Hood: HE GOT IT!
~And into the pin …~ 1 2
Hood: VATO! 3!!!
Sam: Wait a minute … Wait a minute …
Hood: What?
Sam: Rules state that Navaja can ONLY win with the Puta Slap … That means that Redeemer is our NEW Television champion!
Hood: Oh, that’s cool too …
~It took a while for Jake to realise, as he stood in the centre of the ring celebrating – but the fans’ sour reactions told him that he had lost his title. He clutched his head in despair.~
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen the winner of this match, JAKE NAAAVAAAAJAAAAAA!
~Smith begins to climb out of the ring but is told something by an official at ringside. Smith takes it in, shrugs, and raises the microphone.~
Smith: Uh, however, ladies and gentlemen, your NEW OCW TELEVISION CHAMPION - REDEEEEEEEMERRRRRRR!!!
~The ref goes to hand the title to the Redeemer but Jake isn't having it.. He tells the ref to give it to him but the ref objects.. Jake then decks the ref right on the head, dropping him to the mat.. Jake grabs the title.. and as the Redeemer is getting up, Jake nails him with it!! The Redeemer goes down and then Jake leaves to the back with the Television Title.. ~
Sam: I, uh, wow, that almost sucks. Not that I like Navaja, but uh, what a jiff!
Hood: And Redeemer walks out the New Television Champion, and LOST the match! HA! I've never heard of such an outcome!!!
~The camera is focused intently on Josh Allen who is busily shuffling through various papers at his desk in his private office. The glow of the computer illuminates Josh’s face. His concentration is broken by a knock on the door. He mumbles a response to the knock…~
Josh Allen: Uh, come in.
~The door gently swings open, and Miss Barbie Dahl coasts into the room. Her long blonde hair is wavy and frames her face. Hugging her curves is a black pin-stripe suit, complete with a mini skirt, which shows off her knockout dancer legs. The blazer has a plunging neckline, in which her lacy pink bra enhances her other assets. She flashes a brilliant white smile towards Mr. Allen.~
Barbie: I’m sorry to barge in on you when you are all alone in your office Mr. Allen, but I really need you. That is, I really need to speak to you. As you are aware, I really do want to become one of the best women wrestlers in the biz. However, I am realistic and realize that in order to get on top…you have to start on the bottom.
~The audience cheers and is clearly amused with Miss Dahl’s innuendos. Josh Allen is equally amused, but is all business. He cracks a smile at Miss Dahl and places his papers on the desk in order to give Barbie his full attention.~
Josh Allen: Well, I’m glad you have a basic understanding of the business already Miss Dahl. But, could you enlighten me and tell me why you came into my office?
~Barbie closes the door to Mr. Allen’s office and struts over to his desk. Her black heels clicking softly as she makes her way. She places her hands on Mr. Allen’s large oak desk and leans herself towards Josh. Her face beams as she wrinkles up her nose into a sly grin. With a determined look, and a raised eyebrow she proceeds.~
Barbie: Well, since you want me to get to the point, I want to service you. (The audience is clearly into this, as they show their approval with hoots and hollers) I mean, come on! Your two personal assistants, Silver Cyanide and Caelan Tyler, are both men. You clearly need a woman’s touch.
Josh Allen: Honestly, I have enough help around here right now. I surely do not need your assistance at this time Barbie.
~Miss Dahl nods and resumes a normal stance in front of his desk. She takes a deep breath and formulates another plan in her mind.~
Barbie: I still really do want to prove myself Mr. Allen, not just to you but to the millions of adoring OCW fans. I am willing to do anything to get exposure in your federation. Therefore, as of this moment, I am making a declaration – If anyone in the OCW community is interested, I am open for any position. If someone is looking for a valet, tag team partner, personal assistant or opponent in the ring, I am the girl for you.
Josh Allen: Best of luck to you Miss Dahl.
Barbie: Thank you Mr. Allen. Please keep me in mind when you need servicing.
~And with that Miss Dahl flashes her contagious smile and promptly exits Mr. Allen’s office, Allen's jaw is dropped wide open. He shakes his head, clearing the images, and continues working, preparing some special stipulations for the Main Event!!!~
Hood: Oh ... My ...
Sam: Stand up Hood ...
~Hood looks down quickly then back up, scooting under his table.~
Hood: Uh, no ...
Sam: ... *Sigh* You perv...
Sam: We still haven't seen Jin Royale anywhere near the you think he's going to make it here in time?!
Hood: No.
Sam: ...
Hood: He's going to JOB and NEVER SHOW UP IN OCW AGAIN! WHOO!
Sam: Fans, I haven't seen a letdown of this magnitude since the last time Trevor Kent was booked for a match.
Sam: Wait a minute, we're getting a feed from the parking lot...
~ Sure enough, the quiet OCW parking lot is shown, and Kylo's limousine is highlighted in particular - you can tell it's his for the big KYLO license plate. ~
Sam: Does EVERYONE have their name on their license plate?
Hood: I dunno. I put HOOD on mine, and my mechanic said I labeled the wrong side of the car.
~ Suddenly, a loud grinding sound off-camera stops everyone in their tracks. ~
Sam: ...The hell is that?
Hood: ...Oh, no!
~ From the right side of the screen, a f'n HUGE Sherman Tank comes into the picture, steadily climbing over Kylo's limo and at once crushing it into a pulp, before coming to a stop directly on the mangled piece of metal! ~
Hood: AAAAH!
~ The camera scrolls up to the top of the tank, and a hatch swings open, befor ethe unmistakable figure of Jin Royale pops up from it. The crowd EXPLODES. ~
Hood: Dammit all to hell!
~ Jin slings his World Title over his shoulder and hops out of the tank, laughing to himself as he goes off camera. Scene switches back to Sam and Hood. ~
Sam: Super, he's here, and we know Kylo's here, his limo just got crushed!!
El Linchador (Hardcore) vs. Angelica (Paramount) vs. Top Dog (Ex)
Sam: What a very unique match this is going to be. We have three wrestlers, two men, one lady, three champions, to walk out with ONE title, the all new OCW Universal Championship! Let's just quit talking and get right to this stellar match up!
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen the following match is scheduled for a triple threat elimination rules match! Introducing first the CWF Paramount Champion from York, England ... ANGELICAAAAAA!!
~The audience has had a very small preview of a once super talent in CWF. She walks out to "In Bloom" wearing the CWF Paramount Championship and walks down the aisle, sliding into the ring.~
Smith: And her first opponent from Detroit, Michigan, he is the current OCW Ex Champion, he is TOP DOGGGGGGG!!!
~An extreme set of boos as "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack plays. Top Dog walks out onto the stage wearing the very old and battered OCW Intercontinental title, now dubbed the Ex-title.~
Hood: What a waste ...
Sam: Obviously you never got the whole point of this title. Why? You suck.
~TD prances down the ring cockily and climbs in, taking a corner opposite Angelica and throwing his title sarcastically at the ref, who puts it outside the ring.~
Smith: And finally the OCW Hall of Famer and legend, the current OCW Hardcore Champion from La Coruna, Spain, he is EL LINCHHHHHHADOOOOORRRRRR!!!
~"Hey Ladies" by the Beastie Boys causes the fans to go madly insane. El Linchador walks out onto the stage followed by ... TGO?! Linchy grins and hi-fives TGO as he straightens his Hardcore championship on his shoulder. He walks down to the ring and slides in, TGO standing around at ringside, smiling innocently, the look he always has when he's up to something.~
Sam: This is a set up, I smell it very clearly! TGO should NOT be at the ringside, I wish Allen would ban him!
Hood: Allen is SCARED of TGO. TGO kicked his ass almost two years ago, he's not going to confront him ever again.
~The bell sounds as the ref places the Hardcore championship outside, stacking it up, the last time we will see either of the three titles. The new Universal Championship sets in a glass case between Hood and Sam. Linchy pulls the ropes and tries to scare his opponents. It's obvious that Top Dog is not scared of him, but Angelica is a bit nervous as she wrestles only her second match ever in OCW. ~
Hood: I hear this is a spiff-a-licious match, in that, there are no rules, no disqualifications!? Would my dear colleuge like to correct me?
Sam: For once you're right! The rules for this title vary by defense, but tonight, it's the first ever Universal match, and the staff wants to make a point of the division!
~Angelica watches her two opponents as they circle her, not knowing who will strike first. Suddenly El Linchador runs for her, and she sidesteps him, but she is taken from behind by Top Dog, who hits a reverse suplex on the lady. Top Dog stands and composes himself as El Linchador comes FLYING off of the top turnbuckle bulldogging Top Dog face-first into the mat! Linchy stands and drops and elbow across the back of Top Dog's head, stands, leaps up and drops his calf across Top Dog's neck! Linchy stands and Angelica drop toe-holds him, stands, runs into the ropes and does a spinning cartwheel backwards towards Linchy, leaps into the air and sends her elbow towards Linchy's face, but Linchy ducks the elbow, turns and hits a spin-wheel kick on Angelica! Outside, TGO applauds his lucha-amigo.~
Sam: They better watch that man. He's up to no good.
Hood: He's just out to make sure El Linchador isn't cheated out of a victory like he was back in February and March. Remember, they could still have some conspiracy on him!
~El Linchador takes Top Dog up and throws him into the ropes, but Top Dog grabs on as Linchy charges with a clothesline, Top Dog ducks and pulls the top rope down, sending El Linchador flying to the outside! TGO runs over towards him and bends over to help him up but the fan reaction says it all as Top Dog's body comes from off-scene in the camera flying through the air and cross body-blocking TGO from behind, TGO crushing his own friend El Linchador!~
Sam: WHOA! Linchy will NOT be happy with EGO .. Er, TGO.
Hood: Slacker!
~Suddenly as Top Dog stands the body of Angelica flies through the ropes head-first, taking Top Dog by surprise as Angelica's body collides with him, sending him back into the guardrails. Angelica rolls TGO off of El Linchador and plays him as invisible, lifting El Linchador. She takes Linchy and whips him into the guardrails, runs at him and clotheslines Linchy over the railing into the fans!~
Sam: Angelica isn't your average "female" stereotype! She's kickin-
~Spoke too soon as Top Dog lifts Angelica from behind, she kicks and screams as Top Dog, like tossing a toy, throws her body into a pile of fans, knocking several of them to their feet. She slowly tries to pick herself up, while outside Top Dog sets a chair up, steps back and runs at it, bounding off of the chair and over the guardrail SMACKING into El Linchador with a twisting corkscrew! Linchy's body is crushed by the bigger Top Dog, but somehow he begins to stand. Top Dog shoves a couple of fans out of the way and lifts El Linchador to his feet, drop toe-holding Linchy's face banging into a steel chair! Top Dog turns to grab something but is splashed in the face by a cup of beer. He quickly tries to whipe it free but not in time to avoid a chair shot to the ribs by Angelica. Top Dog's eyes finally clear and Angelica throws the chair at him, Top Dog swings it at her, she ducks, Top Dog turns, Angelica runs at him, slides under his legs, stands behind him, Top Dog taking too long to turn around as he grabs his face and sends him forwards with a reverse russian legsweep, causing his face to be rammed into the steel chair as it hit the ground!~
Hood: By god, this match is never going to end, such measures!
~Angelica backs up to the guardrail and climbs over, then pulls herself back onto the top of the guardrail, perched, waiting for El Linchador or Top Dog to stand. She holds her balance and prepares to jump but from behind she is shoved to the ground by TGO! The fans boo as TGO laughs and points at Angelica! El Linchador stands and looks over as Angelica stands up, he bolts towards her, leaps into the air, superkick!!! TO TGO!!! ANGELICA DUCKED! El Linchador, indeed, flew right over the guardrail and nailed TGO in the face with his flying superkick! Linchy's leg hung on the guardrail and his upper body crushed into the unforgiving concrete floor on the other side of the fans. Meanwhile, Top Dog stood and drug Angelica up the aisle, moving closer to the nearest balcony!~
Hood: Oh geez, the dreaded balcony! Throw her off Top Dog!
Sam: Meanwhile, TGO is over here picking his broken ass up after a SWEET flying superkick from El Linchador! I guess Linchy got his un-targeted payback! HA!
~Angelica lifts her head from the grip of Top Dog and slaps him, sending a bit of spit flying from Top Dog's mouth. His hand flies up and holds the spot as he turns back to her, she kicks him in the gut, pushes his head down to bend him over, and flips over his back, pulling his head up and back with a powerful neckbreaker!~
Hood: Uh, what the hell kind of move was THAT?!
Sam: I dunno but I don't think Top Dog can survive something like THAT!?!
~The fans all around boo as El Linchador smiles, walking up the aisle between the fans, examining the carnage of broken bodies. He leans forward and hits a double elbow drow, sending one elbow into each competitor's face! He stands and begins to act as if he's randomly choosing his next victim, and pulls Top Dog to his feet. He throws him onto the black balcony and shoves the big speaker off, climbing on top with TD. He stands and pulls Top Dog up, they begin to exchange right handed blows, Top Dog kicks Linchy in the gut, Linchy doubles over, Top Dog takes him and begins to hit a ddt, but Linchy shoves him off, Top Dog loses his balance and begins to fall over the balcony but Linchy runs as him just as he does and in mid air nails a hurricanrana! The two men fall to the ground, CRUSHING BOTH OF THEM over Angelica's body! Top Dog rolls away into the fans, feeling extreme pain in his back - but Linchy remains across Angelica ... Suddenly the ref leaps out from the nearby fans and onto the ground.~
~The fans boo as El Linchador stands and yells "Bitch" at Angelica, after eliminating her from the match. Linchy grins and kicks Angelica, then again! El Linchador turns and pushes the fans out of his path, searching for the downed body of Top Dog.~
Hood: Uh, the old CWF cliche is true. They just don't make 'em like they used to!
Sam: Bad luck is all, she'll rebound, she has a bright future in this company, trust me!
~El Linchador comes upon a group of people gathered around something, and he shoves his way through to the center. He steps where two men from the audience are fighting each other. He laughs them off and turns, as Top Dog crushes Linchy over the head with a chair from the circle of bystanders. The two men stop fighting and grin, walking off, and Top Dog thanks them. The rest of the fans boo him as he pulls Linchy to his feet and applies a gutwrench powerbomb on the small man. He hesitates momentarily before dropping and hooking Linchy's leg.~
~Top Dog pulls El Linchador up to his feet again and begins hauling him down the aisle back towards the ring. Top Dog throws El Linchador over the barrier and onto the concrete floor below, leaping over and landing on both feet.~
Hood: Oh hey! Top Dog is coming to our table!!
Sam: Oh ... Joyous times ...
Hood: Quit being a bitch about it, there's a superstar in your presence!
~Top Dog walks up to the table and slings everything off of it, papers, monitors, microphones, everything! He turns and takes a spear from El Linchador, shocking Top Dog and sending him head first back into the commentator's table! Sam and Hood scoot back as the table moves back a little. El Linchador pulls Top Dog up, but Top Dog nails him in the stomach then slams his hand right into El Linchador's throat, lifts him up and chokeslams him onto the table with the Dog Bite! But it doesn't break!?~
Sam: My GOD! El Linchador is laying inches from us, and the table did NOT break after that damned chokeslam!
Hood: Well then we know it wasn't made in America...
~Top Dog looks around as Linchy lays on the table. He grabs onto the ring turnbuckle and pulls himself onto the ring apron, climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and looks back, aligning himself, then flying off with a HUGE moonsault, landing very nicely over El Linchador, crashing the table in half!~
~Top Dog remains on Linchy and covers!~
Sam: Who are you going for here Hood?
Hood: I don't care, both men are awesome, I just wanna see carnage candy.
~Top Dog stands and kicks his foot loose from the wires wrapped around by cameras and television monitors. He drops a small tv into Linchador's stomach, and Linchy retracts in pain. Top Dog takes a steel chair set up at ringside and throws it into the ring. TGO begins to walk towards Top Dog from the other side of the ring, but Top Dog quickly pulls El Linchador up and rolls him into the ring, following him in. TGO scowls as Top Dog sets the chair up next to El Linchador, pulls Linchy up, throws him into the ropes, Linchy ducks, DRAGON SUPLEX ON TOP DOG!!~
~Top Dog lies next to the open steel chair. Linchy suddenly runs at Top Dog, jumps over him, leaps off of the chair, plants his feet on the top rope in the center, and bounds off with a 360 degree flip, unraveling and crushing into a pin on Top Dog - STAMPEDE!~
Hood: YES!
~The bell sounds and El Linchador stands. He points down to the ground where the glass box holding the Universal Championship lays, strung off from Top Dog from the commentators table.~
Hood: Top Dog may have dodged ONE bullet this week, but the steel chair actually took him down instead of saving his life in this match!
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner and FIRST EVER OCW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, EL LINCHAAADOOOOORRRRRRR!!!!
~"Hey Ladies" by the Beastie Boys starts up as TGO slides into the ring and celebrates with El Linchador, the referee gives him the brand new OCW Universal Championship. ~
Hood: I guess this means Top Dog can go back to his piss-stained sofa after this loss.
Sam: Piss-stained sofa? What the hell have you been smoking?
Hood: Uh, nothing! Haven't you been keeping up this week? Ah never mind, look, here comes our new commentators table!
Sam: Good thing they have a backup!
~Linchy and TGO lift Top Dog up and hit a double powerbomb on the man, before kicking him and walking off, El Linchador holding his brand new title over his shoulder.~
~The scene cuts to the back and there we see Jake Navaja, already wearing his regular street clothes.. He is talking with someone, and looks very sad, we do not see who he is talking to though.~
HCP: Listen, I've been thinking.. and well.. I don't know how to say this.. screw it.. I'll just come out and say it.. I don't think we should be together anymore! Aw, come on esa.. don't cry.. it's for the best..
Hood: Jake Navaja is breaking up with Trinity!! The HELL IS WROING WITH HIM!?!
Sam: That's just not right.. Poor Trinity..
HCP: Look sweety, we had a good run.. We had a lot of great times together.. Now it's just time to move on to bigger and better thinks ok?
Hood: TRINITY IS FINE!! I think Jake turn gay or something.
Sam: The poor girl must be heart broken..
HCP: Look enough girl, enough.. You gonna make me cry too.. Just say you understand..? You do? That's my baby.. Well, let's go do what we got to do..
~The camera swings around to see who Jake was talking to.. and to the surprise of many, you don't see Trinity but the Television Title!!
Hood: The hell?!
Sam: Ok Jake is weird-o.
~Jake kisses the belt and then walks down a hall way..~
Hood: Do you know what this means Sam!?
Sam: I think so.. Jake is going to return the Television Title to the Redeemer!
Hood: No you moron! He was screwing the TV title, which means that he was cheating on Trinity! The bastard!
Sam: and you say I'm the moron?
~Jake stops in front of the locker room belonging to the Redeemer. He knocks on the door and then it swings open, it's TGO..~
TGO: What the hell do you---
~Jake pushes TGO out of the way and then enters.. The Redeemer is there and he quickly stands up and steps up to Jake.. Jake looks up to him, and speaks..~
HCP: Ese.. That was a hell of a match we had back there.. Now you might not have won the match, but you got one over me with the little stipulation.. That's cool.. I can deal with that.. I'm ready to move on anyway.. But before I move on ese, I wanted to give you this.. cuz it belongs to you now..
~Jake hands him the TV title.. THe Redeemer looks at it and grabs it.. but Jake doesn't let go.. The Redeemer looks at Jake again..~
HCP: Now you listen and listen good.. I'm not giving it to you becuase of that little stip.. I'm giving it to you because you earned it.. out there.. tonight.. Wear it with pride ese.. make it mean even more than when it was with me.. Simon Que Si..~Jake lets go of it and then heads out of the locker room. The Great One gives him the evil eye but Jake pays him no mind.. The Redeemer looks at the title and then throws it over his shoulder.. Scene fades to black.~
Angel (c) vs. Big Sexay
Sam: Well folks, we are having one kickass show tonight and it's just going to get even better!
Hood: Uhh, no it's not... Sexay's up next.
Sam: Whatever, it's now time for our CWF World Cham-- wait, did I just say CWF
Hood: Yeah idiot you did.
Sam: Well anyways, CWF World Heavyweight Championship! The winner will face the OCW world champion sometims it?
Hood: Not really. At least, neither of these two really do.
~'Masters Apprentices' By Opeth hits and the crowd starts a mixed reaction of Boo's and cheers. Angel walks out and looks at the ladder set up on the entranceway. He looks up at his Championship belt hanging from the rafters as it slowly begins to be lowered and he walks down to the ring. He steps through the ropes and walks to a turnbuckle. He sits down.~
Hood: Well, hopefully this will be the end of CWF 1 billion.
Sam: Or at least until CWF 1 Billion and 1 opens. Now that Rishel doesn't have a job.
Hood: Wow, something clever.
Sam: F*ck You!
~'Click Click Boom' by: Saliva hits as the lights dim a little and Big Sexay walks out of the curtins. He sees the ladder and walks straight under it. Sexay walks down to the ring and walks onto the steel steps. He then looks at the World Heavyweight championship as he goes through the ropes and gives a signal to the crowd as a pop begins to be heard.~
Hood: Well let’s get this B*tch started!
~Sexay and Angel circle around each other for a second. They lock up as Angel gets the advantage. Angel throws Sexay to the ropes and ducks the clothesline, Sexay comes back for a clothesline of his own which Angel ducks and gives him a hiptoss. Sexay gets back up onto his knees and looks at Angel who’s standing up looking prepared for this match up. Sexay gets up and Angel socks Sexay right in the jaw with a right fist. Sexay gets rocked and moves into the corner. Angel starts to give rights and lefts and goes for a big punch but Sexay gives Angel a low Blow and stops his momentum.~
Hood: That’s Cheating!
Sam: It’s a ladder match, There are no rules.
Hood: God, all gimmick matches... no rules no rules... it’s pathetic how someone can get away with this!
~Angel is down on the ground in pain and Sexay gets to his feet. He picks up angel and throws him to the turnbuckle. Sexay nails a big splash and As Angel is stumbling out of the buckle Sexay nails a bulldog. Sexay picks up Angel and gives him a few gut breakers. Angel slowly gets up as Sexay gives a little taunt to the crowd and goes for a clothesline which is ducked. A few shots to the head and Sexay gives Angel a stunner. ~
Hood: Nice Move Stone Cold.
Sam: Hey, anything can happen in the WW-I mean OCW.
~Angel falls down as Sexay starts to stomp with agression on Angel. He picks him up and throws him to the turnbuckle. Joe falls down with the momentum and as Sexay picks him up Angel gives Sexay a low blow of his own. ~
Sam: I thought you said it was cheating?
Hood: That was only because, yeah.. ummm..
Sam: Just shut up.
~Angel picks up Big Sexay and throws him to the ropes, Sexay ducks and comes back with a flying forearm smash. Sexay gets up and picks up Angel and with a few shots with the knees he picks him up for a flapjack. Sexay picks Angel up and throws him outside the ring. Angel starts to get up and Sexay springboards off to the outside of the ring and falls directly onto Angel. Sexay gets up and throws Angel to the steel steps. Angel grabs his back in pain. He gets up and Sexay starts to clobber onto his back. Sexay throws Angel to the steel post and connects. Sexay walks past a fallen angel and walks to get a ladder. He throws it into the middle of the ring and slides in. Sexay sets it up and Angel starts to roll into the ring. As Sexay climbs Angel grabs his legs and throws him down onto the ground. Angel starts to stomp on Sexay.~
Hood: This is gettin’ fun.
Sam: I bet it is. You like pain on other people don’t you.
Hood: Yes I do!
~Angel picks up Sexay and gives him a few right crosses and throws him into the ladder. Sexay gets rocks a little bit and Angel capitalizes with a full nelson slam. Angel gets onto the turnbuckle and as Sexay gets up he gives him an axe handle smash. Sexay falls down onto the mat and Angel steps through the ropes. Angel looks down below the ring and see’s a fire extinguisher, a table and a trash can and takes them all out. He throws the fire extinguisher in the ring and the trash can. Angel sets the table on the outside of the ring. Angel walks into the ring once again and throws Sexay outside the ring and onto the floor. Angel rolls up and gives Sexay a choke slam onto the mat. As Sexay is getting up Angel is looking around. Sexay’s on his feet and Angel jumps onto the guard rail and does a high flying dropkick onto Sexay.~
Sam: Nice Cat-like maneuver by Angel!
Hood: I guess.
Sam: give them some credit.
~ Angel picks up Big Sexay and throws him onto the table. Angel looks around and walks to one of the ring announcers and grabs his chair. He gives Big Sexay a few shots in the ribs with the chair, throws the chair into the ring and climbs onto the ring apron. Angel climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off and nails a splash onto Sexay on the table! Both men are down on the ground as Angel starts to stir.~
Sam: This is going to be a knock down drag out fight!
Hood: Yeah, hopefully it is... both men need to get hurt.
~Angel rolls into the ring and starts to climb the ladder. Sexay rolls into the ring and starts to push the ladder down and does so. Angel falls down onto the ground and rolls outside onto the mat. The ladder closes up and lands right down near the apron. As Angel gets up Sexay runs to the ropes and does a baseball slide onto the ladder and onto Angel as Angel falls back. Sexay rolls out and picks Angel up and does a suplex on angel onto the ladder. Sexay picks up the ladder and throws it back into the ring. As Sexay sets it up Angel gets onto the apron. Sexay starts to climb as Angel climbs the turnbuckle. Sexay gets halfway as Angel jumps off and does a dropkick onto Sexay’s head as he falls off the ladder and onto the ground. Angel picks closes the ladder and starts to beat Sexay with it four times. Angel sets the ladder onto the turnbuckle and picks Sexay up. Angel grabs him by the head and throws him onto the turnbuckle with the ladder on it. Angel picks Sexay up and does it again but it’s reversed and Angel hits the ladder. Sexay tries to capitalize with a clothesline but Angel ducks and picks him up for a back body drop but sets him on the ladder. Angel climbs up a little bit and gives him a Russian leg sweep while on the ladder as they both fall down onto the ground.~
Sam: Nice move by Angel. That must have taken a lot out of both people.
Hood: It’s all well though. Both men get hurt, makes me happy.
Sam: You like pain don’t you?
Hood: Yes I do.
~Angel starts to get up and props the ladder up in the middle of the ring and starts to climb. He gets almost all the way up as Sexay gets up and pushes the ladder over and Jarrett on the top rope in a choking like manner. Sexay picks up Angel and puts him on the turnbuckle in the tree of woe. Sexay grabs the ladder and charges full steam into Angel’s mid-section. Angel doesn’t fall off and Sexay is looking around. Sexay runs full steam again and spears Angel onto the ground.~
Sam: THAT had to hurt.
Hood: Yeah, but the match will be done, CWF will be done, and I will get to relax at home when this damn ppv is done.
~Sexay grabs the ladder and starts to climb. Angel crawls over to where the ladder is as Sexay gets up a few rungs. Angel is up on his knees and uses the ladder to get onto his feet. He grabs the fire extinguisher and sprays Sexay with it as Sexay is blinded and Angel pushes the ladder over. Sexay falls with his legs falling in-between the ropes!~
Sam: Let me take that back…. THAT had to hurt.
Hood: How? He doesn’t have anything there so why?
Sam: that’s not nice.
Hood: but it’s true.
Sam: You’re an ass.
Hood: Shut up or I’ll whip you with a Singapore cane.
Sam: You don’t have one
Hood: Or Do I?
~Angel hits Sexay a few times with the fire extinguisher and picks him up. Angel sets Big Sexay up for a power bomb and hits it. Angel sets the ladder and climbs up to the top. He touches the world Title belt but just jumps off the ladder and goes for the Diving head butt but misses! Both men are on the ground trying to get what energy they can muster to get back up. ~
Sam: That move could cost him down the road.
Hood: Yes it could Sam, yes it could.
Sam: Are you mocking me?
Hood: Yes I am Sam, yes I am.
~Both men start to get up and as they do, Angel grabs the chair and swings it at the head of Sexay, but he misses and kicks him in the mid-section. Angel drops the chair and Sexay gives angel a DDT onto the chair. Sexay grabs Angel up and throws him into the turnbuckle. He gives angel a few chops. He picks him up and sets him on the top turnbuckle. Sexay starts to climb and go for a hurricanranna but Angel fights him off and throws him down onto the mat. Angel jumps off the top rope and nails a splash onto Big Sexay. ~
Sam: these moves are uncharacteristic of both men!
Hood: Yeah, but you know they will do everything they can to get out of my jobber pool.
Sam: all about you?
Hood: ‘bout time you realize it Foo!
~Angel gets up and looks at the ladder. he starts to climb but Sexay starts to move, as Angel gets higher Sexay climbs to his feet. he gives Angel a few shots in the back as Angel falls down a few rungs. Sexay grabs his body and picks him up and gives angel a Sexay bomb off the ladder! ~
Sam: What a desperation move.
Hood: I hate that move, I wish it was outlawed.
Sam: Because you're too damn fat to know how to use it.
Hood: No uh... Shut up!
~Both men are down on the ground and they are very tired. Both men start to stir and crawl to the other sides of the ladder. They are both climbing and finally reach to the top and start to fight their ways with rights and lefts. Blood starts to flow out of Angel's nose, but manages to get one big shot in which knocks Sexay down. Sexay quickly gets up as he picks up the ladder on his side and throws Angel off. Angel hits the ground but quickly gets up as well as the ladder falls on the ropes. Angel kicks Sexay, picks him up and nails the Structure Devine. Angel walks over to the ladder and drags it over and sets it on top of Sexay. He climbs onto the top rope and does a 450 splash on both! Angel holds his back as he tries getting up using the ropes. Angel takes the ladder off Sexay and sets are up. He slowly starts to climb the ladder and go for the belt. Sexay gets up and picks up the steel chair. As Angel is close to touching the belt Sexay gives Angel 3 shots in the back and Angel starts to rock. Sexay pushes the ladder over as Angel falls off the ladder again. ~
Hood: God Damn I was about to get me a Hot dog.
Sam: Shut up Fatty.
Hood: I'm not fat, I’m pleasantly plump you gay ass.
Sam: ...
Hood: Yes, I am king of the Insults All bow down to me!
Sam: You're an idiot.
~Sexay picks up Angel and goes for the Sexay drop but it is countered as Angel nails a German suplex. Angel and Sexay are both down on the ground in pain. ~
Sam: This match has gone on for awhile and I just have to say that I thought this was going to be a squash match!
Hood: it is CWF is Lame.
Sam: This isn't CWF, this is OCW!
Hood: It's still lame because I say it is.
~As Angel gets up he picks up Sexay. He picks Sexay up and goes for the Structure Devine yet again, but Sexay reverses it and gives Angel a kick to the midsection. Sexay picks up Angel and nails the Sexay Drop! Sexay starts to climb the ladder. As Angel is lying on the ground, Sexay is near the top. Angel gets to his feet as Sexay is almost at the belt. Angle is climbing the turnbuckle and As Sexay grabs the belt, Angel jumps off for a spear and nails Sexay in mid-air as they both fall down to the mat hard. The ladder falls and lays on the turnbuckle. ~
Sam: This match is going to continue.
Hood: Well, At least I saw 1 good move.
Sam: the spear?
Hood: The flying Fore-arm smash Sexay did earlier.. of course the spear you idiot!
Sam: ....
Hood: YOU got nothing!
~Angel picks up Sexay and looks to be going for a belly-to-belly suplex but Sexay reverses and nails it on the ladder! Sexay picks up Angel and throws him to the ropes, he comes back and Angel ducks the clothesline and nails a a belly to back suplex of his own to Sexay. ~
Sam: Powerhouse move.
~Angel bends over and lifts the ladder to its legs and pulls them apart, staring up and trying to coordinate the ladder with the CWF title hanging above the ring. One step up, two steps, three. Big Sexay opens his eyes and sets up as Angel gets halfway up. Sexay takes to the opposite side and begins to catch up to Angel!~
Hood: Someone grab it! Anyone?!
Sam: They're very close!
~Angel stretches his arms into the air and grabs the title! He gives it a jerk, NO, Big Sexay shoves Angel off of the ladder! Angel falls as Big Sexay reaches for the title ... Angel hits the mat, kicking the ladder with all his might, the ladder slowly begins to topple, Sexay struggles, holding on, trying to keep it balanced, pushing his body weight the opposite direction, but it's too late, the ladder topples into the ropes! Big Sexay falls next to Angel as Angel begins to pull up, lifting BS up with him and tossing him into the ropes, Sexay ducks, turns, Sexay Drop!!!!~
~Angel's eyes roll back into his head as Big Sexay sets up the ladder once again. He steps up and continues to ascend towards the belt. He reaches the top and stretches forth his hand, coming up just a little short. Suddenly, as Angel stands, Big Sexay leaps upwards and wraps both hands around the title as the ladder is kicked out from under him! The belt doesn't budge, and Sexay holds on in midair!!!~
Hood: The fuck? The belt is supposed to come loose! We have a wrestler dangling above the ring!!
~Below, Angel hurridly grabs the ladder and begins to set it up, rushing up towards Big Sexay. Out of nowhere, "Bring Me To Live" by Evanescense hits over the airwaves, immediately causing the fans in the arena to give a mixed reaction as J. Rish appears from behind the curtain. Wearing a black CWF T-Shirt, and baggy black jeans...he takes in the boos and cheers, running to the ring as Angel turns to look. Angel turns to J. Rish, who has a silver steel baseball bat in hand. Rish slides into the ring, as Big Sexay comes crashing down to the mat, without the title. Angel grabs Sexay by his two arms, holding him in place. J. Rish stands in the ring with a smile on his face, brings back the baseball bat, and swings.~ Hood: OH NO...HE HIT ANGEL!!!
Sam: Holy sh*t!
~Indeed, Big Sexay ducked and J. Rish accidentally cracked Angel across the skull with the steel baseball bat. The face of Rish is one of complete shock, as he just stares at Angel's crimson-mask for a face in sheer horror. But suddenly, a sadistic smile crosses the face of Rishel. Big Sexay, strangely, has the same smile. Rish then looks over to the crowd, as he rips off his CWF T-Shirt where a Outcasts T-shirt can be seen. The fans continue to boo and cheer Rish, as the reaction is still pretty much an even one. Rish stomps sadistically at Angel though, making more boos heard then cheers. Finally pulling Angel to his feet after about 15 boots to the bloody face, Big Sexay lands a humungous big boot to Angel, knocking him back into the ladder. J. Rish then lifts the downed Angel to his feet one more time, as Big Sexay slides the downed ladder to the middle of the ring. Rish then hits The Destroying on Angel, cracking his body against the ladder as the sick sound echos throughout the arena.~
Hood: J. Rish is now a member of the Outcasts, Angel has no chance at winning this match now!
Sam: Angel seems to have lost his only friend in OCW, as Rish just turned his back on him AGAIN!
~Rish kicks Angel and slides out, walking up the aisle after setting the ladder up for Big Sexay. Sexay rushes up the ladder and unsnaps the title. Angel hears the crowd's reaction and sets up, confused and pissed at the same time, as Sexay is claimed victorious.~
Hood: My god ... Angel's bad luck continues! What the hell, this is almost unheard of!!!
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner and the last ever CWF World Heavyweight Champion ... BIGGGGG SEXAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!
~'Click Click Boom" by Saliva takes Big Sexay up the aisle with a sadistic look across his face, holding the CWF World Title, the last time it will be seen on Television. Angel stands moments later, shocked that his true friend J. Rish could do such a thing. The fans almost feel sorry for the victim of the beating, cheated out of his title, as he walks up the aisle and disappears to the back.~
~Suddenly, for perhaps the final time in the evening, the camera cuts backstage once again. Before we are given a chance to focus on the office door of OCW president-gone-bad Andy Murray, it is burst open abruptly. Andy Murray himself slams the door shut abruptly, dressed in a bright yellow suit, clutching a set of documents on his hand, with a grin planted firmly across his face. Andy goes to walk away, but is quickly stopped by TGO.~
TGO: Andy … Have you made “the call”?
Andy Murray: Trevor you douche, I did that at the start of the day!
TGO: You’ve got confirmation though?
Andy Murray: Of course! Superior Scots ALWAYS have confirmation!
~TGO grinned sinisterly.~
TGO: Good … All the pieces are falling into place.
Andy Murray: Damn right, Motherf*cker!
TGO: C’mon, we haven’t got much time …
~And with that, the scene fades out, as Andy and Trevor disappear down the corridor.~
Jin Royale (World) vs. Kylo (International)
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a Psychopathic Hell in a Cell match for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship! If you would please direct your attention to the ring...
~Suddenly the large Hell in a Cell cage slowly begins to lower around the ring. It stops, hanging above the ring as men begin to carry large tables down to the ring very carefully. Explosives line the tables, as the men set them up all around the ring. Two tables are placed on each side of the ring, making sure to cause any slippage from the ropes to end in a painful explosion.~
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen introducing first the OCW Inter-
"Whoa Whoa whoa there Smithster!"
~Josh Allen walks out onto the stage with a microphone.~
"This time, OCW wanted to add a few things to this OCW-Copyrighted match! So boys, bring out the buckets!"
~Three men walk out carrying large buckets. They walk down to the ring and enter, pulling the tables back to crawl in. They begin to throw the bucket's ingredients all over the ring - shiny shards of glass! The fans erupt.~
"You know, those hazardous ladder matches sure did kick ass! So, yes! How about we incorporate THAT into this match as well? Boys!
~Four men walk out, each carrying a ladder and put them outside the ring, one on each side.~
"Oh yes, remember boys that only ONE of these ladders is the real deal ... Why are they there? Hell I dunno, I just wanna see you guys beat the living shit out of each other! Lower the cage and secure it!
~The cage slowly lowers into complete position. The referee walks down the aisle past Allen and opens the cage door.~
"Oh, and finally, once that cage goes down, the entire parimeter of the bottom of the cage will be lit on fire! Boys, I hope one of you survives, because I need an active world champion come Oblivion!
~Allen walks off of the stage and Smith takes the microphone again.~
Smith: Ladies and gentlemen the following match is a Psychopathic Hell in a Cell for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first the challenger from Detroit, Michigan standing 6'6 and weighing 260 pounds, he is the OCW International Champion, KYYYYYLOOOOOOOO!!!
~"All My Life" by the Foo Fighters caused the fans to boo the loudest they had all night. They knew the pain this man could inflict on their hero, World Champion Jin Royale. Kylo stepped out with the OCW International Championship draped over his shoulders. On the video screens around him, scenes of his FrostBite IV Pay Per View match play, as well as scenes of Kylo attacking Jin Royale with a vehicle. Kylo slowly marches down the ring aisle, making sure to piss the fans off as best as possible. He walks through the cage door and maneuvers around the exploding tables, sliding under the ropes and he climbed onto the turnbuckle. He slung his International Championship into the air and pointed to it, spit flying from his mouth as he cursed the fans who booed him. Suddenly, "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot takes ahold of Kylo's attention as he turns towards the stage.~
Smith: Now introducing his opponent from Houston, Texas, standing 6'2 and weighing in at a mere 192 pounds, he is the OCW World Heavyweight Champion, he is JIN ROOOOYAALLLLEEEEEEE!!!
~What boos? The boos in the arena immediately flashed into cheer mode as their true hero, Jin Royale walked out with a huge grin on his face. He wrapped his hands around the metal plate on the center of his World Heavyweight Championship title, strapped around his waist as per usual. Several of the fans in the front row reach to touch the superstar as he breezed by them, but his attention was focused on the one man, the one pain he had focused on for an entire month, "The Psycho" ... his opponent, the International Champion ... Kylo!~
Hood: Who could possibly like Jin Royale? He's got to be the worst OCW World Champion of history! Kreller Masters was better than Jin Royale!
Sam: The hell are you talking about? Jin Royale has proved himself over and over as a worthy OCW World Heavyweight Champion. He earned what he has!
Hood: Yes, but then people think Kylo will lose to Royale in no time ... Kylo is a former World Champion himself, and I'm sorry but he beat someone much better than Jin Royale in Titan 3 over in-
Sam: We know where! All three of those mentioned are worthy. Many men are "worthy" Hood, but it's who has the balls to come and do it, to take it.
Hood: And that, my friend, is why Kylo is here. Kylo walks out the new World Champion tonight. Guaranteed.
Sam: Wow, you sound very confident. Should be interested to see what happens.
~Inside the ring, Kylo watched as Jin walked through the door. The crunching of glass was heard as Kylo walked across the glass and over to the ropes, following Jin very intently with his eyes. Jin walked around the tables, feeling them, getting a sense of what they were. He breezed past one the ladders and began to step on the bottom rung, but remembered that only one was a real ladder. He looked up at Kylo in the ring and unstrapped his OCW World Heavyweight Championship. The ref took both belts and placed them outside the cage, closing the door and locking it. Suddenly flames filled the parimeter of the cage, the entire bottom of the steel ablaze. Kylo inside felt the heat, and was damn ready to get the show started. Jin however, wanted to play mind games with Kylo. The showstoppingest walked around the ring, slowly, running his hand around the side of the ring. Kylo circled around with him inside the ring.~
Hood: Jin is getting butterflies! He doesn't wanna mess with Kylo, he fills the loss getting closer and closer. HEY JIN! The month was good, but it's OVER pal!
Sam: You breaking your engagement off Hood?
Hood: Bah! I should be the one to say things like that! Damn this new generation, has you thinking you can just ...
Sam: SHH! Match!
~Jin looks up above Kylo, staring at the cage, as if inspecting it, the ceiling, the sides .. suddenly he gets an odd look on his face, as if he sees something of interest. Kylo's attention went up at this thing, and Jin took clear advantage, bounding through the tables and onto the ring apron! He took Kylo's head and wrapped it around, twisted Kylo's head and flew over the top rope! Kylo's head was crushed down into the mat with this very impactful neckbreaker. The crunching of glass causes everyone in earshot to cringe, their imaginations running wild about having shards of glass puncture both Jin and Kylo's skin! Jin stood and pulled Kylo to his feet, turned him, and whipped him into the ropes. Jin leaped into the air and slung his feet into Kylo's chest with a targeted dropkick, Kylo flew through the ropes of the ring towards one of the exploding tables, the fans stood in awe waiting for the explosion, but Kylo held onto the ropes, pulling his feet back onto the apron and standing.~
Sam: Talk about close!!!
~Kylo turned and looked at the table, then turned his attention back to Jin, who was running full speed ahead towards Kylo! Kylo jammed a knee through the ropes, catching Jin in the stomach, and causing him to double over! Kylo took Jin's throat with one hand and his pants with the other, quickly and powerfully lifting Jin over the ring ropes and crashing him down into the nearest table on the floor! The ring is rocked with a large explosion as Jin hits the ground, broken between the two table pieces, a cloud of smoke filling the air!~
Sam: I don't see how men can take this! Both of them are bleeding down their backs just from the broken glass they have been exposed to!
Hood: Ha, if only they had known they could have wrestled in astronaut suits so they wouldn't get all cut up!
Sam: Oh yes, THAT is a world title match we'd like to see. Kssht, "Houston, this is Royale, we have a problem." "Roger that Royale, sending missiles towards Kylo, over?"
Hood: You suck as a "kssht" sound maker. I, on the other hand, rule the world at kssht-ing!
Sam: By GOD Jin is broken! Look at him, he's motionless less than five minutes after the bell sounded!
Hood: I have a feeling there will be lots of that in this match!!! Blood and pain are the foundations of OCW!
~Kylo peered over to the floor from the ring apron. He hesitated, looked around, then instincly lept from the ring apron onto the broken table, crushing his elbow straight down into Jin's chest! Jin's body shook from the blow and Kylo wasted no time in taking back to his feet. Kylo slammed his foot onto a corner of the broken table, pulling the corner with his hands and breaking a section of the steel leg from the table base. Straightening the leg with both of his hands, he jabbed the sharp end straight down into Jin's ribs...~
Sam: My GOD!
Hood: Rip him open Kylo!!!
~Three times, a short incision in Jin's skin showing signs of bleeding.~
Sam: Damn!
Hood: Kylo knows how to win this match, and he's not gonna waste time playing around.~
~Kylo chunked the steel broken leg into the steel cage side, the leg bounced off and rolled away on the floor. Jin was rolling the opposite way but had hit a wall in the second exploding table from that side of the ring. He turned to be jolted to his feet by Kylo. "The Psycho" crammed Jin's face into the steel cage seperating them from the fans, and Jin's leg steps into the fire around the base of the cage! He jerks back, shaking his leg and extenguishing the small flame on his shoe. Kylo hits a right handed slam into Jin's face, goes for a second but Jin blocks, the fans stand and erupt as Jin fires his own shot in, then a second, the fans going crazy at the ressurgence, a third, Kylo is rocken backwards, Jin leaps foreward topples Kylo's body with a flying forearm shot, Jin feeling his re-energizing set.~
Sam: Heeeeeee's baaaaaaaaaaaccckkk!!!
Hood: Not for long bitch!
~The camera follows Jin as he pulls Kylo to the adjacent side of the ring, whipping him straight into the steel turnbuckle. Kylo screams nanoseconds after the impact of his shoulder with the steel, and you can almost feel and hear the collision of his muscles and ligaments into the steel. He steps backwards and sidesteps a superkick attempt from Jin, taking Jin's leg and spinning Jin in a complete circle, taking Jin on the return and locking him into a samoan drop that takes the fans from cheering to booing once again.~
Hood: Told you, Kylo may be one pyschotic biznitch but he's very skilled in the art of wrestling.
Sam: Kylo is skilled in the art of pain and torture, NOT wrestling.
Hood: You don't call a samoan drop "wrestling?" Sam, you're a bit biased.
Sam: The majority of Kylo's skill, if not the entirety, is based around cheating, and using weapons! The man has no cl-
Hood: That's why they are IN this match! This isn't a one-hundred percent wrestling match, it's a hardcorist style meeting!
~Kylo took both of the tables on this side of the ring and slid them into the ring. Jin was on his right knee, about to stand as Kylo took him from behind and shoved him straight into the cage side again! Jin pushed himself off of the cage side and turned to take a very hard slap from Kylo's right hand, and as Jin turned his face back towards Kylo, Kylo jammed his knee into Jin's stomach, Jin doubled over, Kylo hooked him...~
~The fans around ringside were in awe as Kylo stood and pulled the lifeless body of Jin to his feet, sliding him into the ring. Kylo followed suit and set up one table, opening the second and stacking it on top. He pushed the tables across the ring. Jin began to move again, but Kylo was busy stacking the tables as Jin stood and snuck up behind Kylo, wrapped his arms around Kylo's waisted and pulled him over, snapping the lower neck of Kylo straight into the mat with a belly-to-back suplex!~
Hood: F*cking impossible!!!!!????
Sam: Jin IS a lot smaller!!! That's almost unbelievable!
Hood: No, it IS unbelievable! Impossible! Conspiracy!!!
~Jin stretched his arms over the top rope and took the rung of the nearest ladder outside the ring, pulling it over the tables and into the ring. Jin set the ladder up several feet away from the corner turnbuckle and turned back to Kylo, Kylo slung his fist foreward, Jin caught it, struck back, took Kylo in a suplex position, turned his body around, which also pulled Kylo's body around, turned again, then dropped him with a neckbreaker!~
Sam: What the HELL was THAT? A double neckbreaker? The hell?! Nice move, talk about innovation!
~The fans stood as Jin placed Kylo on top of the bottom table, sandwiching him. He walked around the ladder and jumped onto the turnbuckle top. The camera outside the ring panned around, showing the stacked tables on the left, the ladder in the middle, and Jin on the turnbuckle on the right. Several angle shots as Jin stood straight atop the turnbuckle ... the flashes of cameras lit the arena as Jin's body was suddenly launched into the air. He flew towards the ladder and slammed his hands on top, pushing off, but as he did, the ladder beneath broke into hundreds of metal pieces, and Jin's body was slung lopsided onto the top table, crashing through, exploding, crushing into Kylo's body, sending him through the second table, causing that table to explode as well!~
~The fans mumble and murmur as the cloud of smoke slowly begins to drift away. The camera on the cage ceiling zooms down where Jin is face down among broken wood, Kylo's arm underneath his body. A sliver of broken ladder is emerged into Jin's leg, and a stream of blood leaks out from under the metal, lodged in deeply. Kylo's body suddenly jerks, and he pulls his arm out from under Jin. He rolls onto his side and pulls a piece of glass out of his arm. Glass, metal, wood, and blood are the common scene now as Jin and Kylo both breath their hardest. The images of the past month race through Jin's head - Kylo attacking him at Hellbound, Kylo attacking Jason Stone, taking him out of OCW action for a long time, Kylo running him down with a car. The coward. What about Kylo? What he always wanted - hell not fame, not power, just the world title. OCW's world title. HIS world title. The International championship wasn't enough, not once, not twice.~
Sam: No one is getting up! The ref is baffled, the smoke is clearing, and my god it looks like a blood bath inside that ring!!!
Hood: Mark this on your calendar! April 27th, 2003, the day OCW went psychotic!!!
Sam: Our damn pay per views get better each month! But this?!?! We might lose BOTH of these men to hospital beds if they ever wake up!
~Jin's eyes slid open and he looked over at Kylo, seeing his backside. Jin pulled his head up and looked around, squinted his eyes and then exhausted, threw his head back into the mat again. He suddenly threw his upper body forward, sat up and began to himself up with his hands, but quickly withdrew from the pain of glass and metal objects pushing into his hand. He whiped the surface of the mat clear and placed his hand there, pushed himself up and hobbled towards Kylo. He took a handful of Kylo's short hair and yanked it up, suddenly feeling the pain of the metal object in the calf of his leg. He bent over and took the metal slice, yanking it out and moaning in pain as it toar through his skin on the way out. He dropped the blood-covered metal and began to stand straight, but Kylo shoved him backwards into the ropes, wrapped his arms around Jin and slung him over with a belly-to-belly release suplex, sending Jin's back sliding across the glass, wood and metal to the opposite side of the ring.~
Hood: THAT my friend is a show of STRENGTH from the NEXT OCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP!
~Jin reaches for the ropes and began to use them to pull himself up. He slumped over the top rope, but suddenly was sent backwards as Kylo snuck up with a rollup pin attempt!~
~Jin rolled under the ropes, slid down the side of the ring and knocked the nearest table onto its side. The table's corner landed in the fire at the base of the cage. Kylo looked around and climbed out through the ropes following Jin. He kicked Jin's side as he bent over to lift the table to its feet. Suddenly the explosives ignited in Kylo's face, and he flew backwards with his hands covering his face.~
Sam: Oh dang!!
Hood: DAMN! That could have blinded Kylo, and it's all Jin's fault!!!
Sam: Jin's fault???? HOW? Kylo was-
Hood: SILENCE! Jin's to be faulted, Jin Jin and only Jin!
~He lay against the side of the mat breathing heavily, his face red, burning. Jin looked over, slid over and cradled Kylo.~
~Royale stood, slung the Psycho up to his feet, Kylo's eyes were bloodshot, his face red, darker in certain areas from the up close explosion. Jin pushed the ladder back and cautiously stepped onto the bottom rung; it held together! He began climbing furiously for the top, but suddenly a hand grabbed his leg. He kicked Kylo in the face, moved up a bit more, turned, and flew off to the enjoyment of the crowd, wrapped his legs around Kylo's face and went for the hurricanrana, Kylo held, stalled and powerbombed Jin to the concrete floor below!!!~
Sam: Very nice power move by the bigger man in this match!
~Kylo held on to Jin's legs as Jin hit the concrete, stuck them under his arms and tried to push Jin over for the Last Call elevated boston crab!~
Hood: That's his new move! Finally, behold, he is using it!
Sam: TRYING...
~Jin's left side of his face is pressed into the floor as Kylo furiously tries to push Jin over onto his side, but Jin's legs push Kylo into the turnbuckle post behind him. Kylo's grip loosens and Jin kicks free, sliding off quickly. Kylo grows angry and chases Jin across the floor, around the ring. Jin trips over a broken piece of table, turns to stand and is speared into the side of the cage by Kylo! The cage side gives, and the men spill to the outside of the cage in the small area that is between the cage and the guardrails!!~
~Kylo stands and takes a steel chair, pulling his arm back and threw it to the top of the hell in a cell cage. Jin began to stand, and Kylo felt his trap was set. He began to prowl up the side of the cage, the fans unable to set at their excitement! Jin looked up at Kylo and began climbing on the adjacent cell cage side. As he climbed upwards, he failed to realize that Kylo had hesitated, pausing on the side. Jin grabbed the top cage support and yanked himself over. He looked up and stood, walking over towards the steel chair. Kylo reaches the top support, and suddenly, he pulls something from the support, and the entire cage top came apart, Jin's body falling more than two dozen feet from the supportless-top of the cage into the ring, crushing right into the center of the mat, the mat even collapsing beneath his fall, and now, a big hole in the ring, Jin's body motionless, Kylo grinning at the broken cage he has caused.~
Hood: Looks like Kylo did a little RING WORK for overtime this week! HA!
Sam: How could the staff allow him to do something like this?! Surely they watch their staff carefully! Kylo has sabotaged the Hell in a Cell cage!?!
Hood: "Psychopathic" ..
Sam: I know he is!!!
Hood: No, that's the name of this match Sam. Anything goes. Rules? What rules? What ethics? What morale? Who are WE to judge him, this human creature?
Sam: ... My god it's Hood in a Shakespearian Kylo play...
Hood: Hey, at least the chair didn't knock his teeth out in the fall!
Sam: I'm not sure the fall saved anything! Jin isn't moving!?!?
Hood: I guess that army or marine or whatever the hell it was, camp, didn't give him any more power and ability than he had. He's OUT!
Sam: Ladies and gentlemen, three, is it four? exploding tables have been destroyed ... one ladder has been destroyed, the side of the cage has been destroyed by a spear, the top of the cage was broken and sabotaged by Kylo, and now the ring below has collapsed from the small weight of a falling body of our World Champ Jin Royale!
Hood: It's like an episode of junkyard wars or something. Where's that army tank when you need it?
~Kylo hung on the side of the cage and though the fans feared what was next, they stood on their feet in attention as the International champion climbed to the top of the cage. He lifted his left leg over and sat on the top, slowly pulled himself into a crouched position on the steel bars, and peered over, closing his eyes. Moments later, after what seemed like minutes, Kylo's body extended its limbs over the side and soared, outstretched, dowards the mat canvas ... SLAM!~
~Kylo is met in the throat by an extended heel from Jin! Kylo's face is snapped back visciously, and his body misses Jin's body. Kylo flew a few feet away on the in-tact canvas, as Jin cautiously climbed out of his little hole created from the fall, in the ring. He limped up to the ropes.~
Sam: Very Ignorant Pussy ...
Hood: I can't believe you just said that! You BASTARD! He's an injured human being and you are dissing him!
Sam: ... The hell? YOU 'diss' every god damned good wrestler out there if they are seconds from DEATH by I can't NOT feel bad for one injured jackass?
Hood: ... No ... Uh ... No.
~Jin stumbled over towards Kylo, his back bleeding from the glass shards now scarce around the ring from the action. Kylo's eyes were closed as Jin lept into the air and pushed his body down across Kylo, hooking his leg.~
~Jin stood back to his feet, out of breath, breathing heavily, pain-stricken, bleeding, sweating. He took Kylo's head and pulled him to his feet, Kylo elbowed Jin to the abs, Jin clinched his grasp and maneuvered around Kylo, set him up in reverse suplex position, grabbed his trunks, and slammed him straight down into the mat with a reverse ddt! Jin flipped Kylo over hooked his arms in all the right spots for a "rings of saturn" submission hold, causing Kylo to lurch out and scream in agony! The ref checked Kylo, but through his red, blood-shot watering eyes Kylo refused to give up the hold. "FUCK YOU JIN" screamed Kylo in a burst of sudden breath, and Jin just grinned and evil grin, nodded his head and released the hold, JERKED Kylo to his feet, whipped him into the ropes and hit a springboard dropkick on Kylo! Kylo flew back but it wasn't one second later that Jin pulled him up once more, tossed him into the turnbuckle and threw him on top, leaping up and pulling him off with a crushing hurricanrana from the top.~
Sam: What amazing comeback by Jin, he's had offense, but not THIS much, and not right after falling some thirty feet through a ring mat!
Hood: Kylo's just playing skunk.
Sam: I think you mean possum.
Hood: Whatever.
~Jin pulled Kylo up very quickly once again, threw him into the ropes, Kylo rushed back but ducked the clothesline attempt from Jin, kick tot he gut by Kylo, Jin bends over, Kylo locks the Downer on, but NO, Jin slid out, stood, turned, SHOWSTOPPER SUPERKICK!~
~Kylo's chin and Jin's foot collide in a cliff-hanger of the match! Jin pushes the part of the top of the cage that is in his way away and lifts Kylo to his feet again. He walked to the edge of the ring and gently rolled Kylo onto the table right against the ring! Up onto the turnbuckle went Jin. He perched, he dreamed, he sighed ... he flew off, twisting in the air with a shooting star press, turning his body on the return another 90 degrees to drop his leg straight across Kylo's throat with the Revolution 9, breaking the table in half, making a loud and painful explosion!~
Sam: YES! YES IT'S OVER!!! ~The fans fill the arena with their excitement as the smoke begins to clear, the ref using his hands to waft away the smoke. Suddenly he hits the ground!~
~Jin's body rises from the smoke and he slides slowly into the ring. His face turns to a grin as a stream of blood trickles down between his eye and nose. He drops to his knees as he is handed the World title by the ref and throws it into the air, leaning back and smiling, closing his eyes and clinching his world title!~
Sam: A marvelous showing tonight, what a match to end this month win, by GOD the excitement, this has GOT to have been one of the most EXTREME matches I can remember! Jin has survived SO much here tonight, he walks out the TRUE survivor! Domination of this match went back and forth, and Kylo's veteran ways pushed him through, but Jin Royale simply outlasted and outbettered this veteran!
Josh Allen: Come in! It’s open!
~The doorknob turns, as into the room, walk free uniformed police officers, one of them carrying and ominous blue sheet of paper. The aforementioned officer glances Allen suspiciously.~
Josh Allen: Officers, what appears to be the problem?
~The lead officer hands the piece of paper to Josh, who reads it curiously.~
Josh Allen: What’s this?
Officer: It’s a warrant, Mr. Allen …
Josh Allen: For what?
Officer: … For your arrest.
~A look of confusion comes across Josh’s face.~
Josh Allen: What the hell are you talking about?
Officer: Tax avoidance … According to the IRS, you haven’t paid them a cent for 6 years?
Josh Allen: 6 years!?! That’s absurd!
~The officer shakes his head.~
Officer: I’m sorry, just carrying out orders …
~From his back pocket, he pulls out a pair of handcuffs. Josh sighs.~
Officer: You have the right to remain si-
Josh Allen: I know, I know …
~Being a gentlemen, despite the fact that he knows fine and well that he is innocent, Allen turns, allowing the officer to ‘cuff him up. The officer and his colleagues lead Josh out of the room, and along a long, white corridor. Needless to say, the crowd inside the arena are absolutely shocked. Out of the corner, Josh’s eye catches sight of a couple of bright yellow suits - Andy Murray and The Great One stand, mocking Allen with faux sadness.~
Andy Murray: Boohoo! They’re taking Allen away!
TGO: Oh no! What will we do!
Andy Murray: Oh, woe is me!
~Allen turns towards Andy and Trevor in a fit of rage, but he is quickly pulled back by the restraining officers.~
Andy Murray: Yeah, right … Oh, I guess that means you are no longer President Mr. Allen! Have a nice time in the slammer, little boy!
TGO: Yeah! What he said! Oh, silly me, I wonder who gets to take Allen's place?
~Andy looks into the camera, staring into the large arena from the Omegatron.~
Andy Murray: What you have just witnessed, is the last time you will see Mr. Allen as my co-president. Better days lie ahead, peons ...
~Andy and TGO share a goofy high five, before grinning with satisfaction, as Josh is lead past them, towards the arena’s exit.~
Sam: ... I ... I'm speechless!
~Outside the arena, Allen is put into a police car, swarmed by several federal cars that are unmarked. The federal agents in suits all follow as the cop car drives off. Allen defeated by Andy Murray, now an OCW dictatorship. Fade to black.~