The entirety of 2016 was spent searching for a new face to run OCW. Several interesting names were considered. Each name having one thing in common – zero experience in the world of pro wrestling. It was clear OCW ownership wanted a fresh approach on an aging industry.
As 2016 neared an end, it was announced that businessman Marcus Welsh would lead OCW into its new ‘era’. Out of the dark ages and into a more respectable, modern business model.
Welsh was renowned for his business acumen. The wrestling world was eager to see how that would translate into Pro Wrestling and, especially, the volatile OCW landscape.
It didn’t take long for Welsh’s first decision to rock the company.
January 2nd, 2017
The backdrop of OCW’s future literally behind Welsh. A massive arena nearing completion. Marcus stands at a podium in the temporarily empty parking lot. A wide range of reporters eager to hear what he has to say.
“So, since this is a new era. New building. New management. We are going to have a new OCW Champion. I am hereby stripping Bob Grenier of the OCW Title and announcing an 8 person tournament. The winner will carry this promotion into a new era as its OCW Champion.”
Gasps from the reporters in attendance. Hands go up. But Welsh refuses to call on anyone.
“That’s all I got. We’ll see you right here in two weeks for the first Massacre inside the OCW Arena. The first Massacre of the Marcus Welsh era.”
Welsh descends from the podium and heads for his trailer near the construction site.
“What did you call me?”
“Uhh...Mr. Welsh?”
“That’s better.”
Smith silently curses. These fedheads, man. Such egos. “Do you really think its wise to strip Bob of the OCW Title. His crowning achievement at Hood Rich was beloved by fans. It’s one of the most watched OCW moments on Youtube. He’d be a great face to…”
Welsh places his hand in Smith’s chest, “I’m gonna stop you right there, Jones.”
“It’s Smith.”
“Fine. Bob Grenier looks like shit. He couldn’t pass a drug test if said test was comprised of one question that simply asked him to write his name down on a sheet of paper. And, worst of all, he’s Canadian.”
Smith eyes Welsh as though the new leader of OCW doesn’t ‘get it’. “Aren’t you worried acts like this might deter others from returning?”
“Not at all. New coat of paint. Send out the message that we aren’t dealing with societal castoffs anymore and they will come, Smith. Oh yes, Smith. The talent will come.”
Welsh walks off as though what he’s said is the most inspirational, thought provoking statement of all time. Meanwhile, Smith has a sudden urgency to watch a Kevin Costner flick.
The confidence of Marcus Welsh was misplaced. Stripping Bob Grenier of the OCW Title did not endear him to the wrestling world. Instead, it showed those interested in OCW that they would be subject to the whims and fancies of a man willing to do whatever it took to enhance OCW’s image and, by proxy, his own.
On February 20th, Alice Knight became the next OCW Champion. A month later MJ Bell won the title from Knight. Three weeks later PerZag took the title from MJ Bell.
In 18 years of existence, OCW’s premiere championship had never bounced around as much. It’s value was deteriorating. The ‘big free agents’ weren’t signing. The company seemed shaky.
April 24th, 2017
“Mr. Welsh!” Smith enters into Welsh’s office. He finds Marcus with his head in his hands.
“I guess you heard…”
“Heard that PerZag is leaving and vacating the title? Yea, I heard,” Welsh looks up, his eyes blood shot. “This is the fourth time since we reopened that the damn title has been in flux.”
Smith did try to warn Welsh. But he keeps that to himself.
“I know, sir. How about we look to Treat Cassidy’s clients. Mack O’Connor. Chad Vargas. Bob Grenier. They’re hard working. They’re popular. We can build around those three. 2015 was a great year, after all.”
“Oh yes because the OCW veterans have been so great to us this year,” Welsh’s sarcasm is turned up to 11, “you can’t rely on these OCW veterans for anything. Nah. We need to bring in a true star. One from the outside. Something I should’ve been more aggressive in doing from the outset.”
“But who?”
Welsh picks up his phone, “Is this Ian Bishop? Great. Listen, tell Meyhu he can have whatever he wants. Let’s get him signed.” Welsh listens and nods. “Yea, CJ can come, too.”
“Matt Meyhu? The Marvel?”
“Wow...but he’s gonna work his way up, right?”
“It’s Smith.”
“Whatever your name is, when you’re paying the amount of money we are to sign someone the stature of Meyhu...he’s already earned his spot.”
Smith’s eyes bug out. He whispers, “Oh dear.” The man has seen some shit during his tenure in OCW.
“Alright, I’m gonna go hit the course. Drink some Gin and Tonic...maybe hook up with this new friend of mine named Greg.”
“One last thing, sir.”
Welsh does an melodramatic roll of the eyes accompanied by a heavily exaggerated sigh, “Whhhhhhattttt?”
“About the old office in Little Rock. And, well…” Smith narrows his voice, “the basement.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, guy. I don’t have time to talk about shitty Arkansas real estate. We can discuss this later. I have a tee time to get to!”
Welsh exits leaving a conflicted Smith behind.
We cut away.
And we’re back at the Haunted House. The location for Cursed Countdown.
“Even if you place ‘no offense’ in front of an insult it’s still an insult,” Puffer speaks, walking into view as though he’s the most clever man who ever lived.
"OCW veterans, no offense, but we're looking outside for the next OCW Champion. You guys have been great, though," Puffer tilts his head, staring into the camera, “Pretty much the message Welsh sent to the promotion when he gave Meyhu a deal that surpassed all others. If it wasn't clear already, there was no denying that Marcus Welsh was determined to make his own history while erasing Dean's. He had a new arena built. He relocated the company to Key West. He stripped a legend of his greatest achievement.”
Footage in one of the windows begins to air of Bob Grenier being hoisted into the air by OCW fans after his OCW Title win at Hood Rich in 2015.
“Welsh stripped Grenier of the OCW Title. He money whipped the biggest free agent in wrestling, Matt Meyhu, and brought him into the promotion, slotting him above all the wrestlers who had worked tirelessly over the past few years to keep the promotion afloat.”
The footage shifts to Grenier, Vargas, and Mack watching as Meyhu hoists the OCW Title in the air after defeating his stablemate, TIO at Stainless Steel Ride.
“Meyhu was practically gifted the OCW Title. His stable, The Aptitude, was allowed to run all over the roster. It became clear to everyone outside Welsh’s inner circle that if you weren’t with Welsh, you were constantly fighting against him.”
The footage ends with a shot of the OCW Title. The newer version. It glitches. It starts to transition into the old OCW Title. The title is stained. It’s cracked. It’s in near disrepair.
“Sin staining the very heart of this company. Corruption, once again, seeking the very soul of OCW. Marcus Welsh needed a new face to step in and rally the troops, as Dean once had in SiLVeRFReaK. And, he would get that man on the very night Meyhu won the OCW Title.”
OCW Title footage cuts away. We get the silhouette of a man throwing a superkick.
“On that night OCW would witness the debut of Mike Zybala.”
Puffer strolls away as the front door to the house kicks violently open and the words “SUPERKICK” scroll across the screen.
We cut away.
OCW Headquarters
Key West, FL
OCW Arena
Key West, FL