LIVE! Thursday, October 10th, 2024
From the Haunted OCW HQ in Key West
Episode 6 - "21 Minutes"
This week’s intro takes us to an airport. Probably in Florida. Yea, we’ll go with Florida. Lots of people hurrying to get the hell out of the state before Milton does its thing. A tall, menacing figure stands in a VIP security line. It’s clearly Matt Knox. Our view is from behind the pro wrestling legend, at then whips around as we get a look behind him. Several VIP passengers behind him. Then, off to his left, a whole host of regular people standing in that miserable line for normies.
Knox gets through security with VIP ease. As he steps through we see Zybala rounding one of the many corners of patrons standing the normie line. While most of the people in the line wear looks of anxiety or frustration or both Zybala is smiling ear to ear. The man just loves life.
We cut to a shot of Knox approaching a terminal. A flight for Winnipeg is set to begin boarding imminently. Knox calmly takes a seat near the terminal. A kid sporting an OCW shirt walks up with a paper in hand...Knox grabs the paper from the kid, crumples it up and throws it at the kid’s parents. The kid runs away crying.
Our scene shifts back to the security line. Zybala is finally in front, going through the full body scanner. It does it’s thing and he’s given permission to step out. Zybala does a light super kick on his way out and waits for his bag. Security, however, has other ideas...something suspicious is in Zybala’s bag. They hold him up.
“What’s the problem?”
“One minute, sir.”
“I have a plane to catch. They’re boarding now.”
Zybala watches as they dig into his bag.
We cut back to the terminal. They announce that all first class passengers can begin boarding. Knox rises and, to his chagrin, sees an elderly man already in line in front of him. He studies the man. The elderly gentleman is using a cane to help him walk. The man walks very, very slowly toward the gate. It’s clear this might take awhile. Knox’s frustration mounts.
Back at security, the guard digging into Zybala’s bag flashes a revealing look. He pulls his hand out of the bag and displays a metal Dragonzord toy. He looks at Mike. Mike looks back at him and smiles.
We return to the gate. Knox has had it with the old man. The airline employee bends down, behind her desk to grab something. Knox swiftly kicks the cane out from under the old man, sending him to the ground. Knox steps over his groaning body and greets the employee with his ticket. She looks down at the ticket, scans it, and smiles. Knox heads onto the plane.
Zybala gets his bag back...minus one toy. He warns that he’s gonna get it back when he returns. He then takes off, throwing a few superkicks, before sprinting through the airport toward his gate.
“Last Call for Winnipeg”
Mike picks up speed. He gets on a moving walkway to pick up his pace. An elderly woman is in front of him...he could run her over but...that’s not the Zybala way. He comes to a stop and patiently waits behind her as they are pulled by the conveyor belt toward the end of the walkway.
“Final call for Winnipeg.”
They reach the end of the moving walkway and Zybala helps the old woman off.
“Why thank you, son. What a sweet young man.”
“Sure thing!”
Mike starts to take off but pauses.
“Be sure to check Outsiders Championship Wrestling out!”
And now he takes off, sprinting as fast as he can toward the gate.
He rounds the corner and sees his gate. The airline employee is about to shut the gate off.
“Hold on!! Wait!”
She turns and sees Mike heading her way. With a sigh, she returns to her desk. Mike leaps over the old man Knox kicked over and reaches the desk, handing over his beyond wrinkled boarding pass. She tries and tries and tries to scan it.
Mike sweats. She grows frustrated.
It finally clears.
“Thank you!”
Mike takes off toward the gate.
“Be sure to check Outsiders Championship Wrestling out!”
Zybala yells another pitch for his wrestling promotion before leaping into the walkway toward the plane with a very dramatic superkick.
Aboard the plane, Knox rests comfortably in First Class. He’s already got a mixed drink and leans back, plenty of room to stretch out. He finds a spot for his drink and leans over, reaching under the seat in front of him to grab something. Zybala emerges through the door at the front of the plane and stumbles into the aisle.
The flight attendants smile at him before promptly shutting the door behind the final passenger. Mike hurries down the skinny hallway.
“Pardon. Excuse me.”
He reaches Knox and his bag bumps into Knox’s shoulder.
“Sorry about that.”
Knox groans with annoyance, refusing to look the peasant in the eye. Zybala keeps his head up just wanting to get this awkward procession over with. He walks right past Knox and through the curtain revealing the majority of the plane. The coach section.
Knox leans back in his seat, taking a sip of his drink and going over some information regarding Frost Hollow.
“We ask that everyone please stow their luggage in an overhead compartment and take a seat before we can be cleared for takeoff.”
As Knox reads, we dive through the curtain and into coach where Mike is trying to cram his bag into one of the overhead compartments. A flight attendant appears, trying to help him.
“We cannot be cleared for takeoff until all items are stored away and everyone on the plane has taken a seat with a fastened seatbelt.”
Back in first class, Knox throws his head back, frustrated. Slowly, his hand reaches for his seat belt. The big man feels compelled to aid in the process of seating this final passenger or get thrown off the plane trying.
That is...until he hears some passengers clapping.
“Alright. Now that we’re all seated and all luggage is stored we are cleared for takeoff.”
We cut back to coach where Zybala thanks the flight attendant for helping him as he snaps his seatbelt around his waist. She politely smiles. He then whispers.
“And, by the way, be sure to check Outsiders Championship Wrestling out!”
Again, she politely smiles and walks away. Zybala turns to the depressed and angry business man next to him.
“That’s my promotion. I own it.”
The man puts ear buds into his ears as fast as he can.
The flight lands without any sort of incident. First class is the first to exit...Knox gets out of his seat and just barrels through the other First Class passengers before disembarking in front of an incredulous flight attendant.
Upon exiting the plane, Knox spots a bar near the gate and takes a seat for a quick drink.
Aboard the plane, Zybala stands wayyy in the back as a seat of people in front of him all stand, huddled together, some hunched over underneath the overhead baggage area. They all look miserable...except for Mike.
One by one they slowly start to progress. Bags are removed from overhead. Mike reaches for his, snaring it and, in the process, smacking the businessman who ignored him in the head. Zybala cheerily progresses up the aisle and toward the exit.
Mike exits the plane and throws a proud superkick. He pulls out his phone and opens the Uber app while walking. He walks right past Knox who continues to read about Frost Hollow while sipping on his drink.
Zybala heads for the baggage claim so he can get into his Uber. He pauses, grabbing some gum to help alleviate the pressure in his ears. He stands at the check out line, his back to the main hub. Knox strolls right past him.
We follow Knox as he heads toward the rental car area to pick up his car. Knox reaches the front counter and leans in, throwing some manufactured charm at the less than attractive employee. She smiles.
Zybala heads right past Knox before exiting the airport and locating his Uber. He gets inside and sighs, wishing Uber Man were his driver. There’s quite a few cars in front of them so the exit is gonna take awhile.
“I’m looking to get to Frost Hollow.”
“Never heard of it.”
“Really? Because it’s in Canada.”
The driver sighs. As if Canada is the size of a small town.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
After several minutes of awkward silence, Mike slowly slides and Outsiders business card over the front seat arm rest and into view of the driver. The driver’s eyes glance down and he immediately hits the gas, turning the wheel, and weaving his way through the line of cars to get out of the airport as quick as possible.
They reach a cross street where a high powered, luxury automobiles flies in front of them so fast, it’s hard to make out. It cuts them off, forcing the driver to slam on the brakes. Zybala’s forehead smacks into the seat in front of him.
“What a dick!”
Zybala rubs his forehead.
We cut inside the luxury automobile. Knox is behind the wheel. The GPS shows his destination.
Frost Hollow.
Our view dives into dark screen of the GPS before pulling back out and staring at a large, full moon shining brightly as the Cursed Countdown intro starts to play.
~We return to the scene of OCW’s Cursed Countdown. Fans outside go crazy for another night of cursed action! We get a shot of all the fans around the house going wild! Some signs have been put up around the water that read “Stay OUT!” A fan with really thick glasses leans forward to try and make out what the sign says...this guy has really bad vision. As he does, a giant arm extends from the water. The hand grips the nearly blind guy and drags him into the water without anybody else noticing. We cut instantly to Smith and Hood~
Smith: Hello again everyone and welcome to Episode 6 for Cursed Countdown!
Hood: Been a long week, man. Hopefully tonight doesn’t add to it.
Smith: Wow great attitude to open the show!
Hood: Hey some weeks are just longer than others. The sooner we can get through with this, the better.
Smith: Last week we saw the eliminations of Mack O’Connor and Henri Toussaint...two of the heavy favorites remaining in this competition. So now we’re down to just three wrestlers left.
Smith: LC Pinkson, Zombie Marcus, and Vhodka Black are all who remain. One of those three will leave this event with the OCW Title.
Hood: Aye caramba!
Smith: And look who’s’s our host, Jack Puffer!
Jack Puffer: Gentlemen!
Smith: Jack!
Jack Puffer: You guys ready to get started?
Hood: Does a bear drink Twisted Tea?
~No comment~
Jack Puffer: I’ll take that as a yes! I’m going to head inside...let’s get this episode started!
Hood: Now we’re talking.
Smith: Alright folks as Jack heads inside let me remind you all to check out Wrestlemecca which will air on WrestleFlix in the very near future!
Hood: Hard to find islands are hard to find. I can’t wait to see what happens when they find it!
Smith: It should be a tremendous affair.
~Puffer marches up the front porch. He’s about to enter when someone cuts him off. It’s Amby Brooks! She has no idea Puffer is there and just cuts right in front of him heading into the house without running into the doorway~
Smith: Look at her go!
Hood: She’s all grown up, I guess.
Smith: Very nice of Puffer to let her enter first. Ladies first, ya know.
Hood: I don’t think she gave him much of a choice….assuming she even knew he was there.
~Puffer says something about ‘no respect’ before entering into the house~
Smith: Alright fans...let’s head inside as the wrestlers are about to arrive...let’s see what rooms they pick and who competes against who!
Hood: Tonight could be the night, man. Tonight could be the night we find out who the next OCW champion is!
Smith: Indeed!
~We head inside the house. Puffer stands, ready to greet us as Amby feels around the wall behind him~
Jack Puffer: Hello again everyone and welcome to Episode 6 of Cursed Countdown! Let’s get tonight underway as…
Voice: ARGH!
Jack Puffer: Alright. Might as well get the live action started by meeting the dead. Zombie Marcus! You have a one in three shot to claim the OCW do you...I just realized I’m talking to a zombie. Nevermind, I…
~Puffer notices something change in Zombie Marcus’ eyes. It’s as though his former self heard the term OCW Title and fought its way to the forefront of consciousness for a brief moment before being shoved back down~
Jack Puffer: You okay?
Zombie Marcus: Argh.
~Zombie Marcus reaches for Puffer. To be more precise, he reaches for Puffer’s face and neck which now seem to be covered in hair~
Jack Puffer: Whoa! Lay off! Don’t be jealous just because I grow hair like a real, life man!
~Zombie Marcus continues to pursue until he hears a howl from upstairs~
Zombie Marcus: ARGH!
~Zombie Marcus marches past Puffer and up the stairs. He goes straight for the Home Theater and barrels through the door without opening it. Just right through the fuckin thing. Puffer looks up~
Jack Puffer: Well, I guess he’s going to be in the Home Theater tonight.
Smith: Zombie Marcus heard that frightening howl. If you’ll remember a half wolf, half man attacked him last week in the Library.
Hood: Can we just call it a Werewolf?
Smith: I don’t want to speculate. It could be a teenwolf, afterall.
Hood: If we get van surfing then I’ll be cool with that.
Smith: Zombie Marcus appears to want to finish last week’s confrontation. He wants that half man, half wolf.
~Puffer’s eyes move downward where he sees Amby continuing to feel around the wall for a door or an entry into another room. He sighs and moves to help her...but is stopped~
Voice: She can figure it out herself.
~Jack jumps and sees Outsiders Legend Vhodka Black~
Jack Puffer: If it isn’t Outsiders Legend, Vhodka Black!
Vhodka Black: That’s how you do it. Show up for one night, beat up an old bald guy, and become a legend.
Jack Puffer: Can’t wait to see you in Outsiders again!
Vhodka Black: Oh no, sweetie. I’m done. That was a one time only deal.
~A few outsiders fans groan outside the house with one screaming ‘I HATE MY LIFE!’ Vhodka rotates her arm back and forth~
Vhodka Black: He may be old but he’s still got some strong hands.
Jack Puffer: Who? Harvey?
Vhodka Black: No. I’m talking about Mack. Geez you really are paranoid.
Jack Puffer: No, I’m not.
Vhodka Black: And hairy. What the hell is wrong with you?
Jack Puffer: Can you just pick a room?
Vhodka Black: I’ll take the Sauna. I could use a night of heat and relaxation. Rehab my joints before I have to beat up Lew or the dead guy to win the OCW Title.
Jack Puffer: Fair enough. It’s up that way.
~Vhodka heads up the stairs and enters the Sauna~
Smith: Okay so Zombie Marcus is in the Home Theater and Vhodka is in the Sauna.
Hood: LCP is the only one he gonna face Marcus or Vhodka?
Smith: Well he can’t face Vhodka because she’s in the Sauna so Zombie Marcus is the only option.
Hood: Oh man the Mega Powers might be about to collide.
~A voice yells from the backyard. Jack looks over his shoulder and sees LCP in the backyard with a small, cheap grill and some hot dogs~
LC Pinkston: I need a break, too! I’m gonna grill back here and enjoy the full moon.
Jack Puffer: So the backyard?
LC Pinkston: Uh, yea.
~Puffer turns and looks at the camera~
Jack Puffer: Alright...looks like we aren’t having any matches tonight, guys.
Smith: Well that is disappointing.
Hood: Smart move by LCP and Vhodka. Relax. Take the night off.
Smith: I guess. Just seems like a bit of a letdown.
~Puffer takes a seat and crosses one leg over the other. He puts his phone and down and stretches out his arms, releasing a yawn~
Smith: And the night is underway.
Hood: We got a fast forward button? I mean...we gonna watch LCP grill? Vhodka sweat? Zombie Marcus watch whatever it is Zombie’s watch?
Smith: I’m sure the house will think of something.
~The hairy Jack Puffer falls asleep in his chair, as usual. Guy has a really cushy job when you think about it. We head upstairs and into the Home Theater where Zombie Marcus sniffs around, trying to pick up a certain scent~
Voice: Zombie Marcus are you up for another challenge?
Zombie Marcus: Argh?
~We exit the Home Theater and dive into the Sauna. Vhodka bends her knees and feels around the floor where she can only guess Henri made his last stand. She appears saddened their paths never crossed~
Voice: Vhodka Black are you up for another challenge? Do you seek a potential game changing prize?
Vhodka Black: Well it is kinda hot in here. Sure.
~We exit the Sauna and go downstairs and outside. LCP is trying to light the grill with the hot dogs already out and ready to cook. He keeps striking a match but it burns his hand as he tries to reach in between the grill to light some of the coals~
LC Pinkston: Fuck! Ouch! Why is this so hard?!
~He tries dropping a lit match through the grill and onto the coals. Nothing happens. He looks at the hot dogs, considering eating them raw. But LCP is turning a new leaf. He’s becoming self sufficient. He’s close to becoming OCW Champion. The man must learn how to grill~
Smith: You got this, LCP!
Hood: Just get those coals lit, buddy.
~A dead hand pokes him in the arm. LCP looks over and sees a bottle of “Pyromaniac’s Delight” lighter fluid. LCP takes it and thanks the dead hand. The dead hand does the ‘okay’ gesture before flying away. LCP opens the lighter fluid, turns it upside and down and empties pretty much the entire bottle into the grill. He then strikes a match and BOOM!~
Smith: Whoa!!
~LCP falls back, covering his face as the grill is consumed in flames. He kicks the grill over and stomps around, getting the flames under control. He then grabs one of the hot’s shriveled and black. He tries to bite into it but spits it out half a second later. He sighs~
Voice: LCP are you up for another challenge? Do you seek a potential game changing prize? Would you like to atone for your grill fuckery?
LC Pinkston: You had me until that last part but sure. Let’s fuckin go.
~LCP throws the shriveled hot dog away and heads inside, wiping his hands. As he enters he’s met with a wild sight. A wrestling ring rests in the entry way. The fans outside go wild. LCP stands on one side...he sees Vhodka and Zombie Marcus heading down, staring at the ring as well~
Smith: A wrestling ring? Two weeks in a row? What’s going on?
Hood: Madness!
~It’s an old school OCW ring. Red ropes. Gray canvas with the old OCW logo on it. Black ring posts and steps and apron. LCP looks down at the apron and sees sweat stains. Zombie Marcus leans forward and gets sniffs out a hint of old blood. Vhodka stares at a spot in the corner and slowly raises an eyebrow~
Vhodka Black: Is that?
LC Pinkston: Didn’t I see a tweet about a whack off match in this place once?
~Vhodka takes a few steps back~
Voice: Tonight you will do battle against ghosts of OCW’s past. Three matches per competitor. The competitor who is able to defeat all three of their opponents in the quickest amount of time will be given the option to avoid or confront one of their opponents next week.
~All three competitors look at each other. It’s a solid prize...but it does leave some uncertainty in the air as to what the fuck is going to happen the next week~
Voice: I’m also being told that if all three competitors can defeat their three opponents at a combined time of under 21 minutes then the spirits you battle will finally be set free.
Smith: Huh?
Hood: That’s interesting.
Smith: Is the house willing to let go of some of its spectral prisoners?
Voice: However if anybody is pinned by a spirit. Or if anybody fails to accomplish three victories in under a total combined time of 21 minutes...the spirits must remain imprisoned within this house forever.
~The three competitors nod, understanding~
Voice: Now...who will go first?
Zombie Marcus: Argh!!
~Zombie Marcus rolls into the ring and pulls himself up~
Voice: Very well, Zombie Marcus. Prepare to meet your first opponent this evening~
~The fans outside pop as a spirit begins to manifest across the ring from Marcus. Puffer’s phone goes off~
Smith: We’re getting matches!
Hood: And not the type that blew up in LCP’s face!
~The image of Twiztid Z appears in front of Zombie Marcus. The fans outside give a confused reaction...nobody really remembers this guy. Him being murdered by Bifford was probably a good thing...kept him notable~
Smith: Twiztid Z! He was murdered during Bifford’s rampage in the mid 00s!
Hood: Part of the onslaught that brought down Cocco Ricci and The Toothfairy!
Smith: He looks sad.
Hood: Well his claim to fame is being killed off screen on OCW TV so that’s gotta be kinda depressing.
~Twiztid Z’s sad face looks at Zombie Marcus. A loud, church type bell rings. The fans go wild! We hear a loud creature above the action howling at the gives Zombie Marcus a moment to pause as Twiztid Z runs his way~
Smith: Twiztid Z going after a distracted Zombie Marcus!
Hood: I guess he doesn’t want to lose his residency.
~Twiztid Z bumps into Zombie Marcus and he falls to the mat like he’s been shot in the head. Zombie Marcus looks around, confused. LCP slaps the apron and points at the body. Zombie Marcus drops down on top of Twiztid Z. Amby Brooks slides into the ring with such grace and awareness...she slaps the mat~
Smith: Zombie Marcus just pinned Twiztid Z!
Hood: I think Twiztid Z threw the match...that or he’s way worse than we thought.
Smith: No you might be right.
~The fans pop as Twiztid Z smiles at Zombie Marcus before turning back into a spirit and heading upstairs to watch. Zombie Marcus exits the ring confused that he didn’t get a scent or anything off that opponent~
Voice: Zombie Marcus has defeated Twiztid Z in a time of 27 seconds. He has 20 minutes and 33 seconds remaining to defeat his final two competitors.
Smith: Efficient.
Hood: I guess.