LIVE! Monday, October 28th, 2024
From the OCW Arena in Key West, Florida!
~We open up to the OCW Arena. Sold out crowd of very lonely men ready and rowdy for some pro wrestling action!! "OCW" signs are prevalent as, ya know, they should be given the fuckin venue. We see a few relevant signs like "Zombie Marcus was robbed!" and "LCP is the REAL Champ!" and, of course, "Dadbod lives." Not sure what that last one means. Oh yea and there's like a million pro Vhodka signs. But we're here for CRAZE. So, we cut to the announce team of Smith and Hood~
Smith: Hello again, everyone and welcome to Monday Night Craze! The first episode of Craze! An impromptu pro wrestling show with no planned segments or matches! The wrestlers just show up and fight!
Hood: What if nobody shows up?
Smith: Then we get to leave early.
Hood: Sweet. That's what I'm hoping for.
Smith: This will be a weekly show where pro wrestlers will show up, unannounced, fight until, eventually two emerge to square off for the OCW Craze Title!
Hood: Rad
Smith: Bod. So let's head backstage where Who'Re is standing by.
~We cut backstage to Who'Re~
Who'Re: Sup guys!
Smith: You tell us, Who'Re. You got any wrestlers back there ready to fight?
Who'Re: Let me see
Smith: Any luck, Who'Re?
Who'Re: Nobody yet. Oh, wait...I think I see someone!
~It's just The Knife Man~
Who'Re: It's just The Knife Man
Smith: False alarm, everyone. It was just the Knife Man
~There’s a rumbling behind Who’Re. They turn around to see Lewis Chad Pinkston talking on his phone.~
LCP: What do you mean he was an actual Zombie!?! We were in Key West, I thought it was just a dude high on Bath Salts.
~Lewis looks around confused.~
LCP: Wait? Where the fuck am I?
~Who'Re freaks out~
Who'Re: OMG! OMG! We have someone! A legit wrestler is here!
Hood: Legit?
Who'Re: Oh you know what I mean!
~Who'Re scurries over~
Who'Re: LCP! Cursed Countdown runner up! Welcome to Craze! How are you feeling after last week's epic finale?
~Lewis holds up a hand~
LCP: Hold on apparently I walked onto a show. I guess I’ll call you back.
~Lewis hangs up the call, and looks towards Who’Re~
LCP: How am I feeling? Seriously that’s all you can come up with? You do realize you’re talking to the fastest rising STAR in all of professional wrestling, right? So how do you think I’m feeling?
~Who’Re starts to talk but Lewis cuts them off.~
LCP: Calm down there, it was rhetorical. I’m pissed off. It was mine and that jezebel ruined everything!
Crash Rodriguez: cough cough The Craze title is in the legal possession of one Louis Pohl
~Who'Re is about to answer LCP when Crash walks up carrying an odd variation of the Craze Title. She suddenly finds herself in between Crash and LCP...(make the jokes at your own peril, guys)~
Who'Re: It seems we have a situation back here!
Smith: It looks like we've got Crash and LCP confronting each other backstage!
Hood: Yes and Zybala is out here changing shirts on live TV...nobody wants to see this!
~Zybala hears Hood and looks down at a slightly bigger belly than he was used to in his younger years. Being a dad is a great joy, but doesn't leave much gym time. He has an upset look and runs over to Hood and launches a superkick right at the color commentator! Luckily for Hood, Zybala pulls back at the last second~
Zybala: You have a baby that you actually take care of and see how much gym time you have.
~Hood nearly falls out of his announcer's chair flinching. He instantly regains his composure~
Hood: I just want everyone to know I was not flinching at Mike. There was one of those murder hornets coming at me and I ducked. But think I don't have to take care of kids? I'm dealing with this moron to my right during every OCW show!
Smith: you're looking good, Mike. Superkick is as dangerous as ever
~Zybala nods at Smith before handing him a couple Ben Franklins. ~
Zybala: I repay kindness with kindness, thank you MISTER Smith. Hood, piss off.
~Zybala walks to the ring, waving to fans before sliding in and checking the integrity of the ropes and turnbuckles. It doesn't look like any shenanigans will happen under his watch~
Hood: The fuck is this shit. He just paid you off on LIVE tv
Smith: Oh relax. Not that many people are watching, anyway.
Hood: Isn't this fucker supposed to be in Frost Hollow right now?
Smith: Folks! Zybala is in the ring and he's got a special ref shirt and he's looking extra special tonight! our opening match is set as LCP will face Crash Rodriguez. We'll hear from these two OCW stars shortly!
~While waiting, Zybala walks around to the fans and starts signing autographs while reminding them to watch Outsiders. Zybala owns that, you know.~
LCP: Wait so what’s going on? I’ve got to fight this Crash guy all of a sudden? The pay better be way more than anything Outsiders was offering.
~A PA whispers into Lewis’ ear. Lewis looks at him with shock.~
LCP: Seriously?
~The PA Nods~
LCP: Well when a basement almost swallows you up I guess a window opens or something.
Who'Re: Mr. CP. While we wait on Crash to return...what are your thoughts on Zybala refereeing this match between you and Crash?
~LCP stares blankly at Who’Re.~
LCP: You’re just full of the hard hitting questions today aren’t you? What are you going to ask next, what do I think of Vhodka?
~Lewis pauses to compose himself~
LCP: But since you asked… I don’t give a single fuck. As long as his pea sized brain can count to three, it doesn’t matter. What you’re all witnessing right now is the elevation Of L. C. P., I’m embarking on new quest. It’s no longer a question of if, it’s now a question of when. And that journey starts tonight, apparently.
~Zybala looks mocked shocked at L.C.P. and his statement.~
Zybala: I have to count to THREE?!?!
LCP: Or ten. Or just wait for the towel to be thrown in. As long as the right hand is raised, cough cough mine. We are all good in the Hood
~Who'Re stares up at LCP~
Who'Re: I thought you were supposed to be nice. The house has changed you.
~She hands the mic to LCP~
Who'Re: Good luck with Crash Rodriguez
~Who'Re walks off~
Smith: It seems Who'Re has been offended by LCP.
Hood: Good. LCP is showing us all he has the makings of being the next OCW Champion. Now if we can just get Crash back here we can watch him dismantle a former Craze Champion
LCP: Oh I am nice, to people that aren’t five crayons short of full box.
~Lewis looks around~
LCP; So where is this guy? Is he already pulling a Henri and going radio silent l? That would be new. Leaving before I beat them.
~Zybala hands L.C.P. a Halls Cough Drop~
Zybala: for the cough
Smith: Mike Zybala magically teleporting from the ring to backstage, everyone
Hood: Explains how he got here from Frost Hollow so fast
~Lewis looks at the cough drop and drops it to the ground~
LCP: Honestly I expected store brand from you but Two things. One I know where your hands have been. And two…. It’s not cherry.
Smith: Luden's cough drops were the best, right?
Hood: I don't talk about drugs on TV
Smtih: Fans, I'm receiving word that if Crash doesn't reappear soon we may have to reopen the challenger for LCP
Hood: Crash always with the head games
~ a hot cheetah rolls down the ramp as a spotlight follows it down. "The itsy bitsy spider " plays as the crowd erupts. (Mainly the middle aged white women) ."~
Hood: is it? Could it be?
~ Tony the Spider appears and all the women and some men remove their underwear and throws it in Tony's direction. A panty with skid marks lands directly on Tony's head. He is temporarily blinded. Tony stumbles and appears to injured his ankle pretty bad. The medics come out and stretchers him away. ~
Hood: LCP has a new challenger!
LCP: Oh shit……
~Lewis holds up his arms~
LCP: It not often you get a bitch to bitch out before the bitching, but I guess a bitch is as a bitch does.
~Lewis Pulls out a note pad, scribbles in it and then looks up to see Tony The Spider~
LCP: HOLY SHIT….. it’s cctv Spider-Man! With unusually sticky hands without any webs!
~Derek Mobley steps on stage to stop the stretcher~
Derek Mobley: Sorry.'re in, pal.
Smith: It's set! Tony vs. LCP!
~LCP sees the stretcher~
LCP: I remember my first match too. Except I won that too
~Tony reaches into his funny pack and pulls out an ankle brace. He straps it on.~
~LCP looks up. ~
LCP: You got it ghost voice.
~LCP throws a thumbs up~
Zybala: Tony the Spider gets one free headlock due to being an Outsiders Original! L.C.P. gets one free counter!
~Tony does a yoga noogie~
~Lewis patiently waits for Tony to say anything. Literally anything at all~
LCP: Seriously? How long it is going to take to get those knee braces on? I’ve seen more limber people at a quadriplegic 100 meter dash.
~We cut to Derek Mobley backstage, staring at the monitor~
Derek Mobley: Tony's almost as bad at this as TLS was
~Lewis shudders at the mention of TLS and pulls out his phone and holds it up to the camera showing a gif~
~Zybala waits in the ring, playing his Nintendo Switch~
LCP: Is it an Oled?
Smith: Zybala flaunting his Switch in front of LCP
Hood: What is Tony doing?
Smith: Not sure.
Tony: LCP's momma is so ugly, when she went to legoland. They offered her a job
~The OCW crowd lets out an 'oooohhhhh'. It's clear they are big tony fans~
~LCP shakes his head.~
LCP: Gotta focus.